The best birthday for a child 10 years old. How to have a fun birthday party at home. Creative and intellectual competitions

Birthday is a holiday that every girl is looking forward to with special trepidation. The birthday of a 10-year-old girl deserves special attention. This is a special date for a child - the beginning of a new stage in the life and development of a girl, her first anniversary, which you want to remember as a unique, unusual and unforgettable day.

To make the holiday memorable for the birthday girl and her guests, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on renting a cafe or entertainment center -. The thematic anniversary of 10 years can be considered the most competent and interesting option for celebrating.

To decide how to spend a girl’s 10-year-old birthday, you need to choose a topic that is interesting for her and her guests.

A lot will depend on the choice of theme: the decoration and decor of the room, the menu of the festive table, games, contests, quizzes, images of guests, etc. However, we note that the presence of a theme greatly facilitates the preparation of the holiday.

We offer 5 amazing ideas for celebrating a birthday. The birthday girl and her guests will not remain indifferent!

Children's birthday girl 10 years old in the style of "Princess"

What could be a good idea children's day the birth of a 10 year old girl? Of course, one of the first things that comes to mind is the theme of fairy tales about princesses. Every girl dreamed of becoming the heroine of such a story, wearing a chic fluffy dress and a shimmering crown.

Therefore, you can give the little birthday girl and her friends the opportunity to play the role of princesses at the royal tea party.

Make invitations for guests in the style of Disney cartoons with paraphernalia Pink colour, rhinestones, beads.

For decoration use paper garlands, air balloons white, pink, lilac flowers, light fabrics, themed tablecloths, plates, mugs.

As a treat, prepare light fruit snacks, beautifully decorated cupcakes, a bright cake.

Do not forget about contests and quizzes related to princesses, cartoons, Disney characters.

For example, you can offer competitions with a comparison of the dress of the princess and the heroine herself, try to compose your own stories based on fairy tales, and arrange a talent contest.

For the birthday of a 10-year-old girl, young princesses can make hairstyles in the style of cartoon characters. Particular attention should be paid to fabulous music, which will set the tone and atmosphere of the holiday.

Video: birthday design ideas for a girl

A lot of interesting ideas for registration theme day birth in video:

How to spend a 10-year-old girl's birthday in the style of "Alice in Wonderland"

If a girl likes the book or movie "Alice in Wonderland", then you can style the holiday according to the plot of this story and spend it in the form of a tea party.

Organizing a birthday in the style of a fairy tale is a little more difficult - you will have to involve adults who will play the roles of the Red Queen and the Mad Hatter, but the result will please you and the birthday girl.

The revived heroes of the fairy tale will set the tone for the whole holiday, organizing funny contests and acting out situations.

Holiday invitations can be made from printouts based on the film.

Pay special attention to the decor: make sure that among the decorations there is a place for a hat, a watch, a service, a candlestick.

Attributes that can be printed in large format (characters from the film, forest scenery, flowers, maps) will not be superfluous. You will also need bright paper and balloons, lanterns, paths on festive table, bows for chairs.

The aesthetics of a fairy tale can be conveyed by black-white-red colors, a checkerboard pattern on the decorations, and large maps.

You can use various signs, posters with famous quotes from the fairy tale: “Eat me!”, “Drink me!”, “Open me!” etc.

Don't forget about fairy tale competitions and appropriate fairy tale music. A photo zone with fairy-tale characters will surprise and delight the birthday girl and her guests.

Video: decor and entertainment ideas

Let's go on a fabulous journey - ideas for a holiday in the style of "Alice in Wonderland" in the video:

Congratulations on the anniversary of 10 years to the girl in the style of "Superheroes"

A girl who is interested in superheroes may be interested in a birthday in this style.

The young birthday girl and her guests need to prepare superhero masks and capes in advance, preferably bright and varied.

Give each girl the opportunity to show her imagination and think over her image, character, abilities.

So the girls will be transported to their own universe of superheroes.

Offer to create your own superhero story as entertainment, creative competition for a superhero ability.

It can be a reading of a poem, a song, and a dance. Make sure that each contestant receives a small nice prize.

Decorations for such a theme party should be bright, colorful and voluminous: paper and Balloons, posters, drawings, garlands, flags.

Music will be appropriate energetic, groovy, suitable for active dancing.

As a treat, bright fruit snacks, cakes, colorful sweets and lemonades are suitable.

Video: superhero style jewelry

We make decor for a birthday in the style of superheroes - in detail in the video:

Cool birthday theme for a girl of 10 years old - "Art Party"

An interesting idea for a 10-year-old girl's birthday party can be a rainbow art party.

The most important thing here will be the observance of the rainbow color scheme. Take care of a multi-colored photo zone and bright decorations to match.

Multi-colored lollipops will not be superfluous (an interesting solution would be the distribution of lollipops, fruits or sweets in a container by color), bright balls, garlands, canopies made of iridescent fabrics, arches.

As an entertainment, it would be logical to offer guests and the birthday girl creative tasks related, for example, to drawing with bright colors, creating large bright collages, drawing on fabric, etc.

Offer children maximum scope for creativity and self-expression. Prepare bright pleasant prizes for guests.

Energetic dance music and joyful children's laughter will serve as a good accompaniment to the holiday.

Adult idea for a 10-year-old girl's birthday - a pajama party

One of the popular themes for a birthday party is a pajama party.

Its organization involves some difficulties.

Firstly, at such parties, guests usually stay overnight.

Secondly, parents of children who are invited to the celebration should not be against this idea.

If there is an opportunity to hold such a party, then your child will be delighted!

A pajama party involves wearing pajamas, so of course you can arrange a fashion show of outfits that will make the girls very happy.

Traditional entertainment at such a party can be considered pillow fights (do not forget about safety!), painting on fabric, telling stories and fairy tales, watching movies and cartoons, storytelling contests, etc.

For prizes for participating in competitions, make small bags of sweets.

Music at such a party should be calm, pleasant, conducive to a cozy holiday.

As a treat, serve homemade cakes (pie, cookies), light hot sandwiches, hot cocoa.

Decorate the room in which the holiday will be held with flowers, one-color garlands, unobtrusive decorations.

Such a birthday will be remembered for its atmosphere of warmth, comfort and children's smiles.

Ideas for decor and attributes for a pajama party in the video:

These are just some of the options for a birthday party for a girl of 10 years old. Trust the wishes of your child - then the holiday will be unforgettable for the girl and her guests.

I especially want to celebrate the birthday of a child of 10 years old: on a grand scale or not in the same way as always. But what to do if you don’t want to stop at a banal children’s sweet table, and there are not enough funds for fashionable entertainment. Take matters into your own hands. After all, for sure, the mother or grandmother of the hero of the day already has experience in organizing significant dates: or , birthday 5 years. Therefore, we will celebrate the birthday of a child of 10 years at home. The opinion that home children's holidays are boring and monotonous is wrong. If you follow our instructions and recommendations, you will get an unforgettable children's birthday for 10 years.

To decide how to celebrate the birthday of a child of 10 years old, you need to choose a theme for the celebration. And not because themed holidays are fashionable and interesting, but to make it easier to come up with ideas and play out situations.

It is around the topic that we will spin the plot and play skits, select scenery, costumes and treats, add entertainment and games, select musical accompaniment, etc.

What can be the theme of the children's anniversary of 10 years? You can choose a classic theme for children of this age: a pirate party or a sea holiday, a gathering of princesses or a trip around the world.

Or move away from the standards and choose a topic that is interesting to your child.

The boy is fond of football - feel free to choose a football quest.

The daughter loves the cartoon about Masha and the Bear - this is also a good theme for a children's holiday.

Even more themes for the children's birthday of a child of 10 years old in this material.

I do not like the idea of ​​dedicating an anniversary to a certain fairy-tale or cartoon character, take a historical, fantastic or space story as a basis.

You can focus on a particular profession or field of science. The holidays of young cosmonauts, firefighters, as well as parties of chemists, circus performers, and biologists are very interesting.

Do not like themed celebrations - choose the main color of the holiday. A sunny or striped birthday is cool too.

Organization of the birthday of a child 10 years old: choose a place for the holiday

The choice of where to celebrate a birthday largely depends on the season. In the summer, there are much more opportunities even for a home holiday. After all, you can have a picnic in the garden or get-togethers with games, quests in the yard of your own or country house.

It is more difficult with the choice of a place for those living in apartments.

But even in this case, you can organize a birthday in the gazebo or transfer part of the program to the playground.

If you are forced to spend a holiday in an apartment or house, immediately determine the zones for the "banquet" and games.

The room should not have heaps of furniture and sharp corners. It is better to completely separate the place for active games and the table with treats in different rooms.

The first anniversary of 10 years: we invite guests

Inviting guests to a 10-year-old birthday is an important stage in organizing a successful holiday.

On the one hand, I want to invite as many friends, classmates, relatives as possible so that everyone can please the hero of the day.

But remember that the number of invitees is limited not only by the financial capabilities of the parents, but, first of all, by the place to accommodate the children.

If you gather 10 classmates, 4 brothers, 6 sisters, and even housemates in a one-room apartment at the same time, it will be a disaster.

Also keep in mind that one adult will not be able to organize the leisure of a large number of children.

If more than 20 people will be present at the celebration, then the presence of 3 adults is required.

If the children's company is of different ages, or the holiday is planned to be held on the street, the number of adults present may have to be increased.

Invitations for a birthday of 10 years are best sent out or handed over 7-10 days before the planned date of the holiday.

It is not enough to beautifully issue an invitation, be sure to indicate the time, date, venue, duration of the holiday. If necessary, the invitation is subject to a dress code.

Birthday decoration 10 years

It is very convenient to buy ready-made sets for decorating a room.

Typically, such kits include not only decorations, but also printing, candles, accessories for a fun holiday, postcards, balloons, etc.

But if you buy all this separately or decide to make some of the jewelry with your own hands, use our cheat sheet so as not to forget anything.

To serve the table you will need:

  • tablecloth;
  • disposable tableware;
  • napkins;
  • straws;
  • chocolate labels;
  • cups for sweets;
  • toppers;
  • boxes for bonbonnieres;
  • popcorn baskets;
  • juice labels;
  • cupcake stands;
  • cake candles.

For a children's birthday party for a child of 10 years old, you will need:

  • holiday caps;
  • garland "Happy Birthday";
  • invitations;
  • confetti;
  • crackers;
  • serpentine;
  • pipes;
  • postcards;
  • gift bags;
  • balloons;
  • volumetric numbers and letters;
  • gifts for guests.

Decor to choose from:

  • big flowers;
  • flags;
  • Garlands;
  • house;
  • cardboard figures;
  • inflatable toys;
  • honeycomb balls;
  • fans for decoration;
  • paper pompoms;
  • volumetric stars;
  • pompoms-brushes;
  • thematic pictures.

You will buy decor or decide to do it yourself, print out a cheat sheet so that you are guaranteed not to miss the necessary items in preparation for the holiday.

If you wish, you can order decorations from the decorator - in this case, you will receive an individual unique design. By the way, it is not as expensive as it seems at first glance.

Today, the services of decorators for children's parties are offered not only by online stores and firms, but also by freelancers.

The main thing is to get acquainted with the portfolio of such designers before ordering.

Preparing a photo shoot

Photographing a children's holiday is also an important moment. Here it is necessary to take into account several important points if you decide to deal with this issue yourself.

First, the photo zone. Of course, pictures at the table, during games, entertainment are lively and funny.

But the children will definitely pose, shoot in groups, in pairs, one at a time. If this is done against the backdrop of cabinets or just a wall with floral wallpaper, the idea of ​​a photo shoot will be simply ruined.

Create a photo zone on the same wall. To do this, just print cool thematic pictures or purchase a special wall sticker.

Secondly, who will shoot. Here the principle often works: either everyone or no one.

Therefore, after the holiday, often there are no memorable photos at all, or they are all with different people.

It is best to appoint one person responsible for photography.

Let the older brother or uncle, aunt take pictures of the guys during the photo shoot, and at the table, during the games.

If, nevertheless, the invited parents will take photos on their own, ask everyone to send pictures via social networks in order to make a high-quality selection and send them to guests.

Preparing a children's table

If you are planning a long holiday, you definitely need to feed the children - in this case, you won’t be able to get by with just a sweet table.

You should not expect that children eat poorly, are shy at a party, and so on.

After outdoor games, and even in cheerful company everyone eats. The main thing is to prepare the right dishes, decorate them in a fun way and serve them on time.

What exactly to cook? The choice is huge: pizza, chicken skewers, tartlets with various fillings, sandwiches, salads.

The full menu and recipes can be found in the article: Menu for a 10 year birthday.

Guests are gathering

A rather crucial moment is the gathering of guests. Even if the invitations indicate the exact start time of the holiday, children can gather up to 40 minutes. And someone will arrive earlier than the appointed time, and someone will be late.

By the way, it is not customary to wait more than 15–20 minutes from the indicated time in invitation cards.

Often, the beginning of the performance of animators, the holding of show programs or the serving of hot dishes is associated with time.

And yet, what to do with the first guests, while latecomers are being pulled up.

Of course, you can just turn on the cartoons. But children will quickly get tired of this activity.

Therefore, we are thinking about how to organize children's leisure time before the start of the main entertainment program for a 10-year-old birthday.

It is better to come up with collective activities, for example, ask the children to design a congratulatory poster for the hero of the day.

More interesting option- coloring houses. This design is large enough, so there is access to it for several children at the same time. Distribute pencils and crayons to the guests - let them draw before the start of the main part of the holiday.

Important! You should not experiment with paints, or you will have to additionally wash the kids and their holiday outfits from drawings.

The easiest way is to invite animators to the birthday of a child of 10 years old at home. With them, you can pre-specify the theme of the holiday, get acquainted with the script and, if desired, make your own adjustments.

Amendments in the finished programs of animators are not always allowed.

Yes, the service is limited. Usually, animators at a birthday party for 10 years entertain children for about 1.5–2 hours.

If you decide to write a script yourself or choose a suitable program, consider a number of nuances. Suitable for this age group:

  • energetic sports relay games;
  • quest programs;
  • thematic team competitions;
  • solving riddles, puzzles, charades;
  • solving logical problems;
  • bubble show;
  • theatrical performances;
  • interactive programs;
  • holding tricks;
  • production of figures from balloons;
  • face painting;
  • creative master classes;
  • Board games.

The main thing is to beat any entertainment in accordance with the chosen theme.

Princesses will look ridiculous, boarding a ship, or primitive hunters who will receive tasks on a mobile phone.

Competitions and other entertainment should be designed not only for the birthday person, but for all guests. This is especially difficult to achieve when children gather different ages.

In this case, you can alternate games for older and younger children, involve older guests in holding contests for kids.

To keep the attention of children, build the program in such a way that each subsequent competition is more interesting than the previous one.

Need to alternate active games with calm competitions. It is the change of activities that helps to keep the interest of children.

The main principle when choosing quizzes and games is that all children should participate. If the program is compiled correctly, children almost never refuse to participate in competitions.

Correctly calculate the necessary props for games. Attributes should be enough for all children.

For example, if you invite children to make funny dogs out of balloons, then prepare at least 20 balloons for 10 participants in case someone ruins their balloon.

Inevitably, children will get tired of outdoor games and fun.

It would be logical to arrange a small snack at this stage. But children, unlike adults, will not make small talk at the table.

Therefore, it is necessary to think over this part of the program, when guests become not participants, but spectators.

Alternatively, you can hold a science show with guest animators. But if you take all the stages of the holiday on yourself, plan to show interesting videos, for example, from previous holidays.

Why did we leave the topic of gifts for guests for last? Because it is better not to give children prizes during the holiday.

Inevitably, guests will open, unfold, drop, examine, break, exchange presents. Conflicts or unreasonable grievances may even begin.

Therefore, consider other awards for contests - let them be “golden doubloons” on or shells on. Give incentive prizes to children at the end of the holiday.

Holiday finale

The culmination of the holiday should be an expressive ending.

Usually this is a 10-year-old themed birthday cake with numbers or the name of the hero of the day, holiday candles.

It is effectively brought in in complete darkness, after which the birthday boy or birthday girl blows out the candles.

But besides the cake, you can choose a chocolate fountain or sweet fondue.

Exit in the dark can be accompanied by home special effects in the form of sparklers, cold fountains, crackers.

Looks effective on children's anniversary surprise ball.

Usually such a huge ball is filled soft toys, small balloons and confetti that fly out after the balloon explodes.

Or a piñata. This is a new kind of entertainment.

Hanging from the ceiling big toy made from papier-mâché.

It is filled with small gifts, tinsel, sweets, and other little things that children can ask for on their 10th birthday.

The birthday boy breaks the toy, and cool gifts for everyone fall out of it.

This is both a beautiful finale and an opportunity to coolly distribute gifts to guests.

Video: writing a script for a children's birthday

Tips and recommendations from the video will help in writing a script for a children's holiday:

Entertainment center LaserLand
From 6 years old

LaserLand is a network of entertainment centers in Moscow. The main entertainment in the centers is laser tag, the total area of ​​arenas for the game is 1900 sq.m. All arenas have a different design, mostly in a space style.
All centers host children's parties with any theme: from Disney Princesses to Star Wars. In addition to the holiday, guests can order cakes and desserts (there is their own confectionery), show programs and master classes. The pricing policy for children's holidays is different, each guest will find what he likes and can afford.

Amusement park "Immersion"
From 4 years old

Immersion is a new format of entertainment for the whole family, the park is located in the main family vacation aggregator in Moscow - in the Riviera shopping center. The park has playgrounds, a variety of sports and mind action games.

The total area of ​​the park is 3,500m2. On the territory there are 5 themed banquet halls, 12 performances with actors, special programs for children (game + banquet hall + show programs + food).
For adults - programs for stag and hen parties.
The park has games for all ages - from the Kids zone to an erotic performance (18+).

European Gymnastics Center
From 3 years

A child's birthday at the European Gymnastics Center is an interesting holiday format for children of all ages.
During the celebration in the large gymnasium, 2 coaches organize exciting relay races for children, fun starts, trampoline training, games in the pool with cubes, entertainment activities and a lot of other interesting things. Not only children, but also their parents will be invited to participate in competitions and activities.
The duration and time of the event is discussed with the administrator of the European Gymnastics Center. As a rule, holidays take from 2 to 4 hours.
During the celebration, guests will have free time to play, chat with friends and treats.
Information and registration for the birthday -

Legion laser tag club
From 6 years old

Celebrating a child's birthday at a laser tag club is always a great idea. The brand new Legion club has 2 playgrounds, 3 banquet halls. It is conveniently located 2 minutes walk from the subway.
Children are entertained by professional instructors-animators who have dozens of game scenarios in stock. The club has a variety of gaming equipment: machine guns, submachine guns, pistols, grenades, tactical shields, control points, combat bases, first aid kits, command posts combination locks, bombs, etc.
And a very affordable price for the holidays - the average bill for a three-hour birthday is up to 15,000 rubles.


From 0 years

In Motor city Grand, you can organize a holiday, the program of which includes a set of exciting tasks and tests. Animation programs for different ages have been developed for the birthday boy and his guests, and there is a whole City of Racers with real attributes of the highway: Gas station, Wash, DPS, Ministry of Emergency Situations and a fleet of children's electric vehicles.
Among the programs: Police quest, Transformers and dances of the missing crystal, School of spies or spy stuff, Fire alarm (program - Initiation into Firefighters). And also - Mafia or a robbery in Italian based on the movie "Robbery in Italian" and the game "Crane Kranych or Bob the Builder".

From 1 year

In the children's CITY OF BUILDERS on the territory of the shopping center "Riviera" there are three themes: construction, pirate and marine. Children operate a tower crane, a conveyor or a conveyor belt, load and deliver soft bricks and huge Lego blocks to a construction site, build houses and erect skyscrapers from soft bricks, and also frolic in the water play area, play sea battle and set ships sailing . And waterproof vests will help you stay afloat even in the midst of fun.

At the disposal of children - complete construction equipment (helmets, vests, trowels and hammers) and a whole arsenal of construction equipment. Here the work of a whole brigade is going on, led by young foremen. In addition to soft bricks, there are large Lego blocks with which the guys build buildings and lay the wall of a glass house.

A construction or pirate themed birthday program will appeal to both boys and girls.

Game entertainment center ExitGames

From 6 years old

Active and Mind games:
6 children's quests with various subjects For children from 6 years old: escape from prison, find a way out of the ship, become students of Hogwarts, investigate the mysterious disappearance of a scientist. In quests, children are accompanied by a costumed animator.
Hide and seek in the dark: an active adventure based on a favorite children's game. In dark labyrinths, accompanied by sound and light special effects, children will need to hide and search, explore labyrinths and find hiding places and loopholes on teams. The host accompanies the children throughout the game.
Laser tag for children from 10 years old: laser combat with safe pistols for active players. Children need to develop a strategy, hide in labyrinths and capture the enemy base.
Ball pool: a fun space with tasks for the little ones - from 3 years old.

Also, the game center has 4 halls for holidays, where children can have a snack, dance under the X-box, play in virtual reality and solve mini-quests. And for adults, the ExitGames team can offer a separate menu, mafia and poker.

Darwin Museum
6 to 12 years old

A birthday party at the Darwin Museum consists of a 1.5 hour interactive tour and tea in a private tea room. You can bring the cake and all the treats with you, one hour is allocated for the meal. There are 5 different themes to choose from. After the end of the program, you can walk around the museum and see the interactive exposition "Walk the path of evolution." Pay children's holiday you need it in the museum, where you can also buy nice invitation cards for guests.

Museum "Experimentanium"
4 to 15 years old

Children's birthdays at Esperimentanium are celebrated on a scientific scale, and birthdays are congratulated free of charge on the museum radio. There are several different scenarios to choose from, designed for children 4-6, 7-11 years old and teenagers from 13 years old. All programs last exactly 1 hour and are interactive games with a variety of puzzles and tasks that involve active interaction with the museum exhibits.
Additionally, you can order a festive banquet in the museum cafe (menu options - 370 or 430 rubles per person), and bring a birthday cake with you (bringing drinks is prohibited).

Moscow Planetarium
6 to 14 years old

There are several scenarios for birthdays in the Planetarium: "Save the Planet of Knowledge" (6-9 years old), "Expedition to Distant Planets", "Star Team" (8-11 years old), "Intergalactic Intelligence" (9-12 years old). You can take the course of a young cosmonaut and learn how real space pilots are trained in just an hour. Each program includes an excursion and competitions lasting 1 hour, as well as a session in the Big Star Hall (30-50 minutes) or a 4D cinema (15 minutes).
All participants will receive memorable prizes and souvenirs. Additional services: face painting and photography services. A festive feast can be arranged in the Telescope cafe (optional - sweet table with desserts and ice cream and a full lunch with hot, appetizers and salads).

Museum of Adventure living history»

From 7 years old

The Living History Museum offers to celebrate a child's birthday by going on a journey through time. There are 7 historical eras and 7 extraordinary programs to choose from. Any program consists of an interactive part (1.5 hours) and tea drinking (1 hour). Tea and utensils are provided by the museum, you can bring everything else with you. It is not necessary to come to the museum to book a holiday. The order is made by phone.
Programs: "Adventures in the knight's castle" (9-12 years old), "Treasure hunt" (7-11 years old) - children themselves will be able to try how it was: carry buckets on the yokes, handle the grip, spin on a spinning wheel, shoot from a real Luke; “The secret behind the seven locks. Medieval Japan” (8-12 years old), “Expedition to Ancient Egypt” (8-12 years old), “Treasure of Agra. Ancient India "(8-12 years old)," A great trip to Stone Age"(7-11 years old), "Time code. Ancient Rome” (9-12 years old) – it will be possible to try on the armor of a centurion and a legionnaire, dress up as beautiful Roman women.

Museum of Animation
From 5 years

As part of the holiday, children will take a tour of the museum, shoot their own cartoon and watch it on the big screen along with other animation novelties, take part in a master class and learn how to create cartoons in computer program"My own cartoonist." The birthday boy will receive a museum diploma and a DVD with his own cartoon as a gift, and all participants will get a disk with a program for creating cartoons as a keepsake.
You can choose an economical or full version of the program. In addition to the activities already listed, the full version of the holiday includes congratulations from the museum mascot - Grandfather Cartoonych, a solemn removal of the cake, a children's disco and tea drinking.

Museum of Soviet slot machines
Any age

There are no special programs for children's birthdays in the museum, but you can rent the entire room after hours or have a picnic on the museum balcony. In the first case, the museum will be entirely at the disposal of the birthday boy and his guests, who will be able to play on the slot machines as much as they like. The second option involves gatherings on the balcony, designed for 10 people, and the birthday boy and his friends will receive 15 game tokens. During the festival, a museum employee will be present in the room, who can tell about the exhibits, explain the rules of the game or help in controlling the machines.
Parents can bring all the treats with them, and you can also order tea, coffee, milkshakes or drink soda from a Soviet machine in a local cafe.

Museum of fairy tales "Once upon a time"
5 to 11 years old

During the celebration of the birthday, the birthday boy and guests will be invited to the hallway of the magical house, where many miracles will await them. In the company of fairy-tale characters, children will complete tasks and pass tests, lie on the stove, try on heroic armor, try rejuvenating apples and find a guiding star. The program is designed for 1.5 hours, after which the holiday can be continued in the courtyard with the parents. The birthday boy will receive a gift from the museum, and you can take a picture with fairy-tale heroes.
Treats for the festive table are brought by parents, half an hour is allotted for the feast.

Museum "Buratino-Pinocchio"
5 to 11 years old

The birthday boy and his guests will be invited to the magical land of Buratinia, where they will travel in the company of fairy-tale heroes. On the way, the children will complete tasks and pass tests, and then they will find the Golden Key, open the door behind the painted hearth and get into the magic theater "Lightning", where a festive concert will take place, congratulations with games, contests and dances. The program is designed for 1.5, after which the holiday can be continued with the parents in the Tavern of the Three Minnows. The birthday boy will receive a gift from the museum, and you can take a picture with fairy-tale characters as a keepsake.
Treats for the festive table are brought by parents, half an hour is allotted for tea drinking.

Moscow City Museum
4 to 12 years old

The birthday program in the museum is designed depending on the age of the birthday person, his interests and the number of guests. The program is based on entertainment from animators — it can be a master class on costume design or a game quest in the halls of the museum. In case of good weather, a street quest will be held for children, while parents will be able to set the table in the meantime. You can bring all the treats with you, and to create a festive atmosphere, museum staff can decorate the hall with balloons and decorations. You can add any master class from invited instructors to the program. The duration of the holiday is 3 hours.

In the branch of the Museum of Moscow - Museum of Manor Culture— have their own offers for young birthdays. In the Ministry Wing for children from 7 years old, the Angel Day program is held, which includes an interactive tour, a festive tea party and a musical program with ancient music and dances. The program is conducted by a guide in historical costume, and all guests receive invitations in the style of the 19th century. The cost of the program is 13,000 rubles. The number of participants is no more than 15 people.

Birthdays can also be celebrated Equestrian yard of the museum. The program for children aged 7-12 includes a tour of the World of Childhood exhibition, historical games in the children's room, a visit to the stable and acquaintance with horses, outdoor games and entertaining quizzes. Additionally, you can order a ride in the museum carriage (100 rubles for children, 150 rubles for adults). The cost of the program is 13,000 rubles. To arrange a festive feast, you need to order the “Tea Party in the Museum” program (200 rubles per person).

Museum-estate "Kolomenskoye"
From 6 years old

The museum-reserve has several programs addressed to young birthday people. One of them, the "Family Circle", will take guests through the territory of the Sovereign's Court and the House of Peter I. In the process, you can learn a lot of old songs and dances and try on royal outfits. The duration of the program is 1 hour 50 minutes. Also, interesting master classes are held in the museum-estate, which can also become part of the holiday.
A festive feast can be arranged in one of the cafes and restaurants located on the territory of Kolomenskoye. Guests are treated to tea and pancakes with jam.

Theater "Alice's House"
3 to 7 years old
"Alice's House" is a theater of unusual holidays for children and adults. Birthday, bachelorette party or baby shower will be prepared and organized here on any day of the week. The refined interior of "Alice's House" is made in the English style, and hundreds of thoughtful little things and unusual items create the atmosphere of a real looking glass. Holidays here are held in the format of performances, with props, decorations and colorful costumes. The hallmark of "Alice's House" is tea parties: "Traditional English Tea Party" and "Mad Tea Party". In them, the Carroll characters are their own person. There are also programs for kids “Tea Feast with Princess Sofia” and “Peppa Pig: French Picnic”. There are many holiday scenarios, most of which include animation, a mini-performance and a creative workshop.

Space Museum
4 to 12 years old

For birthday people, three interactive programs have been compiled that will interest children 4-8 and 7-12 years old. Depending on the theme, guests can visit different halls: learn how to make tea in zero gravity or find out what astronauts eat. The museum's arsenal includes three gaming excursion programs for birthdays: "Flight to the Moon" (4-8 years old); "Happy birthday, young cosmonaut!" (from 7 years); "Meet Planet Earth!" (from 7 years). Regardless of the option chosen, children will have a bright tour of the museum and a banquet in the company of a cheerful animator. Duration of the holiday: 2 hours 30-45 minutes. Parents take care of food and drinks.

Cafe "Sea inside"
Age: from 3 years

For the birthday boy and his guests on the roof-veranda, they can arrange a quest-adventure, during which the guys will puzzle over riddles, go through difficult and fun tests and complete creative tasks. You can spend a holiday in an animation studio, where, in the company of professional merry fellows, children will transform into their favorite cartoon characters, or in a creative laboratory, where you can master many artistic techniques and create real masterpieces. Another festive scenario - "Day without barriers" - will allow children to do everything that adults usually forbid: splashing with water, running around like mad, or smearing themselves with colorful paint.
You can bring your own cake to the celebration, subject to a deposit.

Chain of restaurants "Uryuk"
Age: from 1 year

The basis of the program can be a puppet show and master classes in soap making, pottery, wood painting, plasticine modeling or jewelry making. You can organize an animation program on a pirate, circus or Indian theme, arrange a show of soap bubbles or scientific experiments, a disco. The duration of the programs is from 60 minutes.
Guests can bring their own treats or order them on site. The room for the holiday will be decorated with balloons at the expense of the institution.
Children's parties are held in all Uryuk restaurants that have children's animation: Uryuk on Prospekt Mira, on Marshal Zhukov, on Smolenskaya, on Pilyugin, on Vavilov.

Cafe network "Khachapuri"
Age: 4 to 14 years old

There are no standard programs in Khachapuri: each event is thought out before the holiday. You can hold a small family feast at a separate table or rent a separate room or a whole restaurant. The components of the program can be educational activities, arts and crafts workshops, outdoor or board games, contests, competitions and quizzes, or a large-scale street quest outside the restaurant.
You can bring your own cake to the party. There are still some restrictions: if the holiday takes place in the common hall, guests are not allowed to invite animators in costumes of fairy-tale characters or superheroes - this violates the concept of the institution.

Chain of family restaurants "Ribambel"
Age: from 1 year

The club's arsenal has already accumulated more than a hundred holiday scenarios, so that every young birthday boy can choose the most interesting for himself: from the mystical "Spies" to the "Kingdom of Princesses". Each program can be supplemented with creative master classes, soap bubble shows, alchemical tricks or performances of robots or trained animals. The Ribambel club area will surely appeal to children: kids can “swim” in the pool with balls, and older children can explore the “magic river” and themed houses.
"Ribambel" holds holidays on a turnkey basis: from organizing an event to a festive table with refreshments. From the outside, you can only invite a photographer or cameraman. Usually a children's party lasts no more than 3 hours, but you can order a 5-hour program.

Family Cafe Lilac in Sokolniki Park
For any age

The basis of the holiday program can be a children's performance, a concert or, for example, a science show. Fascinating master classes are offered to choose from: kids are offered to cook festive dishes, make scented soap, decorate T-shirts, paint gingerbread, create jewelry, seed paintings, crafts from feathers or salt dough, weave beadwork, try your hand at pottery, origami art or macrame. You can invite to the party living statue or cartoonist, magicians or animal trainers, children's DJ, silent mimes or incendiary presenters and animators.
You can’t bring your own treats to Lilac, but there is a confectionery in the cafe, where you can order a birthday cake of any complexity.

Restaurant Bocconcino
Age: from 2 years

There are several programs to choose from, differing in budget, duration and types of entertainment. The main components can be theatrical performances, musical concerts and classes and creative workshops. You can invite a children's DJ, decorate the hall with balloons or flowers, print personalized invitations for guests.
Treats for guests must be ordered at the restaurant - the Bocconcino confectioner will prepare a birthday cake.

Chain of cafes "Shokoladnitsa"
Age: from 5 years

In "Shokoladnitsa" you can celebrate a baby's birthday, graduation in kindergarten, the end of a quarter or school year. An exciting festive program from a real Magician with a disco and competitions, as well as a master class "Academy of Chocolate Art" awaits young guests. There are other animation programs: "Laboratory-Shoko" with exciting experiences and experiments, culinary classes "Chocolate Legend" or "Marmalade Adventure", after which the kids will have sweet figures created by their own hands. You can invite a clown, a fairy-tale character and a photographer to the holiday, and if you wish, you can spend the holiday on the road - at home, in the country, at school or kindergarten.
You cannot bring your own treats to the cafe, you can choose a treat from the children's menu.

Confectionery factory and cafe "Konfael"
Age: 3 to 15 years old

Each holiday program is based on a chocolate master class: guests will draw chocolate pictures or make sweets with their own hands. The duration of the programs is from 60 minutes. A fascinating lecture about chocolate, its history and cooking recipes can be held for the birthday boy and his guests. A celebratory tasting of all three types of chocolate, which are prepared at the Confael factory, will help to consolidate the information received.
Treats for the festive table must be ordered on the spot. Children can bake a cake themselves, which will be decorated with birthday candles and served with tea. If desired, the chocolate program can be held on the road: in this case, the parents set the festive table on their own.

Network of family cafes "AnderSon"
Age: 1 to 14 years old

A holiday can be arranged in any of the cafes of the network, except for the cafe on the ak embankment. Tupolev and on Strastnoy Boulevard. A birthday at Anderson can be celebrated in a variety of ways: watch a puppet show, arrange a pillow fight, throw cakes and much more (only in the café of programs for the birthday boy and his guests). For example, for a birthday, you can order The Puppet Show Anderson, an interactive performance in the best traditions of the Muppets and Sesame Street.
Of the restrictions: you are not allowed to bring your own cake - everything can be ordered in a cafe. It is necessary to book a hall and time in advance, an advance payment of at least 30% is required.

Toy store Hamleys in the shopping center "European"
Age: from 3 years

Which of the kids did not dream of a birthday in a toy store? This dream can come true in the Hamleys store in the European shopping center. Huge selection toys and professional actors and animators will help the birthday boy and his friends to be transported into a wonderful fairy tale. The mascot of the store, a cute Hamley bear, will also bring congratulations in person. There are several exciting programs to choose from: “Pirate Party”, “Princess Ball”, “Transformers Battle” or “Soap Bubble Show”.

Moscow Zoo
Age: from 3 years

You can also celebrate a child's birthday on the territory of the Moscow Zoo. The program includes an interactive theatrical performance, a tour of the zoo, a quest around the zoo, a visit to the petting zoo, an animation program and a birthday cake. Activities are adapted to all ages. The total duration of the program is from 2 to 3 hours

Climbing wall "Rock City"
Age: from 7 years old

With the No Clowns project, you can celebrate your birthday at the Skala City climbing wall. Clowns, groovy animators and fairy-tale characters with plastic noses will not be invited to the holiday. Instead, the birthday boy and his guests are offered a series of competitions with original competitions and games. There are several scenarios to choose from. You can choose a small program: with a relay race, a climbing wall, horse fighting, a game of saboteurs or a coliseum. A large program for children 7-10 years old can be supplemented with jumps, and for children 10-13 years old - jumps and biathlon.
in Lianozovo, in Tsaritsyno or in Fili park .

Equestrian club "Izmailovo"
Age: from 4 years old

Communication with horses in the Izmailovo equestrian club will give children a charge of positive emotions and good mood. The events are hosted by professional hosts, and the horses and ponies are beautifully decorated to match the moment. On the territory of the club there is a cafe where you can arrange a festive feast, a banquet hall for 70 seats and a spacious forest glade for a picnic. Guests are offered a children's menu and many additional treats, such as a chocolate fountain.

Water park "Kva-kva park"
Age: from 3 years

In "Kva-kva Park" you can celebrate a children's birthday surrounded by water splashes and fun rides. Programs differ in duration, age of participants and cost. The shortest - "Impromptu" (2950 rubles) - lasts only 15 minutes and consists in shaking the child from the animator in the costume of a fairy-tale character. As part of the half-hour program "The Secret of the Seven Seas" (3800 rubles), the child and his friends will be initiated into sailors and treated with a birthday cake. Entrance tickets must be paid separately. There are also longer and more intense programs for schoolchildren who already know how to swim. You can also order photo or video shooting, set a festive table for the birthday boy and his guests.

Beauty salon "Victoria's Dreams"
Age: from 7 years old

A birthday party in a beauty salon will make the dreams of little fashionistas come true. The Beauty Birthday program is designed for 5 or more participants aged 7 years and older. The birthday girl and her guests will be able to do festive styling, light make-up and manicure, after which they will take part in interesting master class. For example, you can learn how to create beautiful bracelets. The administration of the salon completely lays the gastronomic chores on the shoulders of the parents, who need to take care of the treat. There are no special restrictions in Victoria's Dreams. You can arrange a holiday in any of the two Victoria's Dreams salons in Moscow: in the flagship salon on Leninsky Prospekt or in branch on Petrovsky Boulevard .

Children's Center for Scientific Discoveries "InnoPark"
5 to 13 years old

In the science park, children are offered several options for a holiday in the format of a quest: "The Riddles of the Green Beard" for children 8-13 years old, "Space Odyssey" (10-13 years old). There is also an option interactive game"Message from Space" the program is suitable children from 5 to 10 years old. Duration of programs: 1 hour. The program includes a visit to the mini planetarium. Additionally, you can rent a children's room, hold a competition, a master class, invite a photographer. There are discounts for holidays on weekdays.

Scientific and educational center "Eureka-Park"
Age of children: from 5 to 13 years

In "Eureka-Park" you can celebrate a child's birthday on 4 different exciting programs, depending on age and preferences: Musical Journey (from 5 years old); Homemade animation kitchen (from 5 years old); Academy of Focuses (from 7 years old); The magic of light and color (from 7 years old) (Chemistry program). The holiday lasts 2.5 hours, of which 1.5 hours is an interactive master class in which children are sure to do something themselves, and 1 hour is provided for tea drinking. Products are brought by parents, and refreshments can also be ordered at a restaurant (located in the same building).
Additionally, you can organize a disco and invite the host to play with the children.

Option when you celebrate your child's birthday at home
- one of the most budgetary and unusual !!!
Yes, exactly, “not - about - bull -”, provided that
You will approach its preparation with all your creative soul.

Age: 9-10 years old.
Birthday gender: The scenario is universal suitable for both boys and girls.
Subject: Birthday is a day of fun!

- Specify who your birthday person wants to invite. If new friends have appeared, find out what this little man is remarkable for.
! Recommendation: It is important to consider interesting not only your child, but also his guests. Children who are fond of sports should hold competitions for dexterity and strength, and inquisitive and erudite people will be very faithful to give tasks for logic and attention. Of course, you can risk doing the opposite, but not on your holiday!
- make invitations. Intrigue guests with interesting invitations, and also let their parents easily find your phone and home, if necessary.
- decorate your place of celebration. You will be helped: photographs of the child for last year, a garland with the inscription "Happy Birthday!", christmas garland from lanterns, serpentine hanging from the ceiling, balloons, in general, everything that will create a festive atmosphere and take everyday life beyond the threshold.
- prepare and decorate the table.
! Recommendation: menu for children's table should not be difficult and energy-intensive, concentrate on the program. What should be plenty is water and drinks! Prepare sandwiches and/or pizza, sweets and fruit and, of course, a cake. Everything else will be a waste of time and money.

Here are some easy ideas for fun things to cook for kids on their birthday.

Another important element that creates the holiday atmosphere is music! Make a thematic selection of songs about “Birthday!”, songs about “Friendship!”, also add your favorite songs of the Birthday Man, well, throw in a couple of those that his Mom likes!
Meeting with guests
Instruct the Birthday Man to meet your guests, as well as to ensure that friends that have not been known to this time are introduced to each other.
! Recommendation: Remind your child of the rules of etiquette. Tell us that the guests racked their brains and chose a gift especially for him, so they will be very pleased to hear words of gratitude personally from the Birthday Man. And if suddenly, the guests did not guess with the gift, it would be very polite of him not to talk about it, but to thank him anyway - after all, they also tried.

Children's birthday script - 10 years

A good start to the games will be a friendly solution of funny riddles.

"Deceptive Poems"

Print riddles.
Rules of the game:
Now I will read riddle rhymes, your task is to shout the answer as loudly and quickly as possible. Whoever answers correctly the fastest will win a prize.
Oranges and bananas are very fond of .... MONKEY.
From the palm tree down to the palm tree again deftly jumps ... MONKEY.
Usually everyone shouts: "cow." You say that it will be difficult for her to do this. But nothing is impossible. But, can they solve the following riddles:
1. Birthday on the nose
We will bake ... sausage. (Actually, CAKE).

2. She was already two hundred years old
Beautiful Petya ... bride. (Oh, no, no, TURTLE).

3. All wheezes, Vlad sneezes
I ate a lot ... chocolate. (But she caught a cold from ICE CREAM).

4. Let's pick an armful of flowers
And now we will weave .... hat. (We will knit a hat, but we will still weave a WREATH).

5. For lunch to son Vanya
Mom will cook borscht in ... a glass. (I thought in the PAN).

6. To my little sisters
Let's give by the summer ... felt boots. (Better sandals).

7. Always wear a romper
Sleeping in a crib dear ... grandfather. (BABY).

8. So moody and stubborn
IN kindergarten does not want ... mom. (DAUGHTER).

9. Old women are walking to the market
Buy yourself ... toys / pillows. (Maybe PRODUCTS).

10. We welcome guests
Let's give them sweet ... tea. (Of course, TEA, what did you think?)

"Who is behind the wall?"

Prepare a bedspread or opaque fabric - this is a "wall". Two assistants hold a blanket between the two teams of players so that the children squatting cannot see who is behind the “wall”! This good game for fixing names and reactions. Suitable even for well-known guests.
Rules of the game: to begin with, let's each call his name. Now we divide into two teams and disperse in opposite directions from the "wall". One by one you sit down to the “wall” - one from one team, the other from the second. At my command, the "wall" falls and you must loudly and quickly call the name of the player in front of you. The one who first called correctly - takes the loser to his team. The team with the most friends wins. We play 5 minutes.


Bedspread rolled into a roll. Inflated balloons - 20 pieces (can be taken from the decor). Funny music.
Rules of the game: Divide into two new teams. The room is divided by a veil into two fields. I throw out ten balls on each field. When the music is playing, you need to throw the balls to the opposite field. As soon as the music stops, you all freeze in place. The team with the fewest balls on the field wins.
Repeat 3-5 times. But make sure that the children are not too tired.


On A4 format, print the word “abracadabra” on one side, and the correct version on the other, or make a presentation in PowerPoint.
Rules of the game: Words on the topic "Birthday" are hidden in the "abracadabra". Whoever reads the word correctly the fastest will get a point. The one with the most points wins.
1. Coradop \Gift
2. Dog\Year
3. Sogit\Guests
4. Rashik \ Ball
5. Fetanok \ Candy
6. Kinzdrap\Holiday
7. Nelazhepio\Wish
8. Nininekim\Birthday
9. Duryaz\Friends
10. Rott\Cake
11. Sichev \ Candles
12. Stodar\Joy
13. Sweetness\Sweetness
14. Foolishness \ Wisdom
15. Chasset\Happiness

"Friend's Hand"

Prepare landscape sheets, pencils, markers and pens, scissors. Put children's songs about friendship and friends in the background.
Rules of the game: each circle your hand and cut it out along the outline. Make an attractive face, a little man, a sun, an octopus out of it - whoever you want and let your hero write one quality of the Birthday Man that he likes in him. We have 10 minutes.
As the children give away their work, mount it in a designated, prominent place. For example, around one of the central photographs of the Birthday Man.

"Dance till you drop"

Prepare either your favorite birthday music, or just groovy and fun (for example, like "Music from the Benny Hill show." You can easily find it for download on the Internet). Check columns. Lay out a rug or thick blanket to define and "soften up" the "dance floor" that the kids will need to fall on.
Rules of the game:
Everyone gets on the dance floor. While the music is playing, you must move in the dance. As soon as I stop the music, you should fall so that the fifth point touches the floor. Who sat down last - out of the game. We play up to two remaining (if there are no more than five guests, then you can play up to one remaining). The winners get a prize. Our guests liked this game very much, they played six visits.


Find online karaoke on the Internet, but it would be better to download it so that there are no surprises in the form of not accessing the network. Prepare a list of songs.
Rules of the game:
Game in two rounds. In the first round, everyone chooses a song from the list. We unite you into groups of "one song". It may happen that you all choose the same song. No problem. You will sing in turn, one verse and one chorus. Who sang all the words correctly - goes to the second round.
In the second round, the birthday boy chooses the song. There should be as many songs as needed so that each player gets a new verse and chorus. Whoever sang all the words and did not make a melody out of tune will receive a prize.

"Birthday Cake"

It turns out that you all sing so well! Real stars! Let's sing a super-mega popular hit with our star team for our birthday boy: “Happy Birthday to you! And at this time, Mom will bring the cake! And the birthday boy will blow out his candles!
! Recommendation: You can sing in the original language, or in Russian translation. I offer two of my own options, maybe they will become yours:
Happy Birthday to you
Congratulations friends!
And they want you (or And they want you)
Peace, Happiness in the family! (Lucky everywhere!)

Happy Birthday!!!

A universal selection of gift ideas for every occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Hello everyone on my blog! You all already know how much I love the holidays, and how much attention I pay to preparing for them, creating a festive atmosphere, decorating, decorating.

Children's parties are my weakness. I think these are the brightest happy holidays. So much laughter, delight and carelessness you will not find anywhere else. So today I have prepared for you interesting article about how to arrange a holiday for a child of 10 years.

First anniversary!

10 years is the first serious anniversary that a child is already consciously celebrating. This is such a boundary between childhood and transitional age.

The child has already fully formed habits, he is almost an adult.

This means that the celebration must be approached responsibly. And if earlier you relied more on your flair in the design of the holiday, now it’s a good idea to involve the birthday man himself in the preparation of the event.

Firstly, he will also be pleased to take part. Secondly, it will give it its own significance. He will take the preparation very responsibly, which means that he will remember his birthday for the rest of his life. The question is - where to celebrate so that both the guests are comfortable and the children have fun?

Let's celebrate in the cafe!

Most easy way create a festive atmosphere and at the same time save time, nerves and good spirits.

Of course, there is nothing easier than contacting a professional agency for organizing children's parties, ordering a hall in a cafe, inviting many guests. The entertainment part will be taken over by the animators, and the waiters will watch the table.


  • Saving time and effort
  • Parents are fresh and rested
  • Plenty of room for guests


  • Expensive
  • The child and you are suspended from the preparation for the event

We invite guests to nature!

If your child was born in the warm season, you are very lucky! You always have an alternative to gathering guests at home - this is to go on a picnic.

For many, this is a very non-standard holiday format. At the same time, there is a certain charm in it, since it is in nature that people are most liberated. Your guests will feel comfortable and happy. You can arrange real competitions between families and young guests.

What should be considered when preparing the Birthday Picnic format?

Menu. Think in advance what you will treat your guests to in nature. Dishes should not be heavy and greasy. Avoid mayonnaise salads, complex desserts.

Give preference to light snacks, canapes, fruits and vegetables. Well, and, of course, the king of the picnic is barbecue. You can surprise your guests with juicy steaks or grilled ribs. Original and insanely delicious.

Dishes. Do not drag expensive service to nature, crystal glasses and a starched tablecloth. Even if you want to give a certain chic to the holiday, manufacturers now offer a wide range of disposable tableware in all sorts of shapes and colors.

If you are an esthete at heart, and you want to surprise your guests with a beautiful table setting, choose the style and color scheme of the table decoration. Buy all the dishes, napkins, tablecloths in one tone. Inflate balloons of the same colors.

By the way, you can ask one of your friends and relatives to come to the place of celebration for an hour or two. Instruct them to decorate everything beautifully with balls, ribbons and paper flowers, arrange furniture. When the guests arrive, they will simply gasp at the festive splendor) Let this be a surprise for your child too.

Entertaining part. There are many ways to entertain guests in nature. It can be joint team games: football, volleyball, Cossack robbers. You can arrange fun relay races with a prize fund.

A great idea to celebrate the 10th anniversary in nature will be a game of paintball. Contact the paintball club by ordering a game for a specific time.

This sports game blurs the boundaries between age and social status, so it is suitable for both children and parents. You can arrange a battle between children and adults. Just imagine how fun it will be for your guests to plunge into the atmosphere of a gambling strategy!

If some of the guests, for some reason, cannot take part in active hostilities, be sure to take care of their leisure. Take folding furniture, umbrellas, magazines, drinks to nature.

Everyone should be comfortable and easy on the holiday.

Let's celebrate the birthday at home!

If neither the time of year nor the budget allows you to turn to the two previous ways to celebrate a birthday, it doesn’t matter! At home, you can organize a great fun children's party, which your child will definitely remember.

Of course, you will have to work hard to make everything go smoothly. The main thing is to organize everything correctly and strictly follow the plan.

Tip #1. We are having a themed party. Gone are the days when a big cake and lemonade were enough to celebrate a child's birthday.

Now, in addition to bread, children demand circuses! Therefore, to entertain the little guests, you need to create a mood. Choose a theme for the party.

Before inviting guests, warn them about the theme of the party and ask them to prepare costumes. The organization and preparation for the holiday will be interesting for children. It could be:

Tip #2. When inviting guests to a children's party and thinking over the menu for young guests, be sure to check with parents what their favorite dishes are and if anyone is allergic to a certain product. Otherwise, unpleasant surprises may await you, which may jeopardize the disruption of the entire holiday.

The menu should be varied, but at the same time light. Be sure to include sandwiches, snacks, fruits, and sugary drinks.

Children do not need to prepare complex dishes and layered salads. Of all the most expensive and delicious delicacies, they will still choose pizza and french fries. So it’s better to save your strength so that you can be fresh and rested for the holiday.

If you feel that there are a lot of guests and you can’t cope on your own, ask your parents for help. This is usually welcome, as you will repay them in kind on their holiday.

Council number 3. Make a music playlist and holiday script in advance. Don't let the celebration go by itself. After eating, the children will simply get bored, and they will languish from idleness. The treat is not the most important part, so take the entertainment of the guests seriously.

I hope my tips come in handy and you take one of the ideas for celebrating your child's birthday. Subscribe to the blog and do not miss the news.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva