"Birthday of brownie Kuzi" outline of the lesson (preparatory group) on the topic. "Birthday with brownie Kuzey." For children of the middle group Birthday brownie kuzi




Brownie Kuzi »

Prepared and conducted

classroom teacher

Antonenkova N.A.

Target : introduce cultural traditions our country; with the traditions of celebrating a birthday, name day, with the rules for making gifts;

Introducing children to reading, drawing attention to the work of T.I. Alexandrova and the book "Kuzka Brownie"; acquaintance with the cartoon "Kuzya Brownie"; develop memory, attention, thinking, thoughtful reading; vocabulary enrichment, speech development.

Equipment: projector, screen, computer, presentation, cartoon, song about Brownie.

Decor: exhibition of books, toy "Kuzya Brownie"


The course of the classroom.


Good afternoon dear friends! Every family has its own holidays and traditions. And for sure, in any family they celebrate birthdays. And today Kuzka invited us to his birthday party. Everyone who values ​​the presence of a brownie in their home should celebrate his name day, and of course, give gifts. So we appease the brownie. Gifts are made in a variety of ways: someone cooks a special cake and puts it under the stove, someone throws a copper coin under the stove.

Our ancestors believed that a brownie lives in every house. He is the keeper of the hearth, and therefore strictly monitors the cleanliness in the hut. If the hut is not swept out for the night, then the brownie begins to play pranks: throw things, throw the owners out of bed, arrange various pranks. They say that before, when they moved to new house, called the brownie with them: “Grandfather, neighbor, come to us!” The brownie was carried with treats and persuasion in a worn bast shoe or on a shovel, which was used to put bread in the oven. Or they put a bucket of water and said: “Father-owner, accept us with kindness! Eat, drink to your heart's content."

Come on, guys, take a closer look at the keeper of the hearth brownie.

slide 1.

presenter . Do you guys believe in brownies?.. children's writer Tatyana Ivanovna Alexandrova also believed in brownies and wrote one interesting book. And what kind of book it is - you know very well, and therefore you can easily guess whose portrait it is: “The little man turned out to be very funny. In a red shirt with a belt, on his feet - bast shoes, a snub-nosed nose, and his mouth to his ears, especially when he laughs ”(Kuzka Brownie)

Fairy tale Brownie Kuzya (sometimes called Kuzka) by Tatyana Alexandrova about a girl Natasha and a small, funny shaggy brownie. Funny characters, incredible adventures, fabulous Baba Yaga, a little mermaid and a kikimora - all this awaits you in the fairy tale Brownie Kuzya, which children of all ages love to read or listen to. Restless Kuzya during his adventures will utter more than one wonderful catchphrase and teach more than one new word.

Tatyana Ivanovna Aleksanrova loved children very much. She was an artist, designed children's books and performances. And most of all she loved to draw kids. To keep the children quiet while they were being painted, she would tell them stories. Different. Merry and sad. Once Tatyana Ivanovna came up with a fairy tale about a little brownie Kuzka and a girl Natasha, whose brownie lived in the house. The children liked the story, and they asked to come up with a sequel. Thus appeared the adventures of Kuzka in the forest, where he found himself with his magic chest. In the forest, Kuzka made friends with little Leshik, the grandson of the old goblin grandfather Diadokh. Together with Leshik, Kuzka meets Baba Yaga, who has two houses: for good and for bad mood. The book was written in 1975 and published in 1977.

"Kuzka in the forest" - this is the name of the second part of the book. It is here that interesting acquaintances and adventures of brownie Kuzka take place.

Scene "Vasilisa the Wise and Brownie"

Vasilisa . Who is talking to me from behind the stove?

Vasilisa . Rogue resident? Who could it be? And what is your name, baker? Maybe you'll come out from behind the stove and talk to us?

Vasilisa . Heard, heard. How not to hear? They say you like to scare at night with moans and groans. And not only people, but also domestic animals. Is this true, huh?

Vasilisa . No need to be offended - the guys and I really want to look at you. Guys, do you want to see a real brownie? .. Yes? Then let's call him together. Remember what words we will call him!

brownie, brownie,

Come to our house!

A toy brownie Kuzi appears.

There is a song about Domovyonka.

appeared in our house
New family member.
Somehow immediately appeared
Whatever you say.
And though often mischievous,
And make a lot of noise
But any of us yearns
Without his leprosy.

Red Kuzya brownie,
Brownie, brownie.
Brownie already from the cradle
Jokes on me.
Red Kuzya brownie,
Like me, he's a mischievous
He is still a child
Not an old man at all.
He is still a child
Not an old man at all.

Everything in the apartment is upside down
things upside down,
He is with us everywhere
Disturbs the house.
That will drop chairs on the floor,
That will bring down the palace,
But any of us yearns
Without his leprosy.

Red Kuzya brownie,
Brownie, brownie.
Brownie already from the cradle
Jokes on me.
Red Kuzya brownie,
Like me, he's a mischievous
He is still a child
Not an old man at all.
He is still a child
Not an old man at all.

If the dishes are broken in the house,
It's immediately clear who
Who sticks his nose everywhere
Pulls the sieve.
Poltergeist and lamb
Obviously nothing.
Guilty, of course, Kuzya.
Guilty of everything.

Red Kuzya brownie,
Brownie, brownie.
Brownie already from the cradle
Jokes on me.
Red Kuzya brownie,
Like me, he's a mischievous
He is still a child
Not an old man at all.

He is still a child
Not an old man at all.

Children, and who knows the poems about our hero. Let's read poetry to him as a gift.

Brownie lives under the stove,
Out on the porch at night,
During the day, he is small, like a bug,
All in all, charming!

Smirnov D.

The brownie house protects
And guards wealth.
Take care of him -
Let the house be cozy!

Brownie, brownie...
Come home to me
Fix my faucet
I'll give you a gingerbread!

Brownie lives behind the stove,
During the day he sleeps with an extinguished candle
In your quiet corner
Dark, warm and smoky.
Only night on soft paws
In velvet and starry folds
Scratches softly at the door
Black cat will enter
The brownie will immediately wake up,
The star cat smiles
Rising, he will light a candle,
Comes out of the oven.
And they both go
Look at the sleeping house.
Who dreams horrible dream -
Drive him out!
If someone gets sick
The brownie will immediately warm
Cat - an asterisk in the palm of your hand
And back off a little!
For night, for business
They get tired. And themselves
Blow out the candle
They hide behind the stove.

Donskaya V.

Domovoy must be honored
Feed him sometimes
And then, as they say,
There will be peace and harmony in the house.

He will help you in everything
The enemy will not be allowed into the house,
Protects from adversity
He lives here too.

Remember Lafanya with Kuzey,
Even if they mess up
Then they will help you later
And the losses will be reimbursed.

And for you, as a gift, Kuzya prepared a cartoon about himself.

Slide 2.

He wishes you a pleasant viewing.

Cartoon display.


presenter . Guys, remember the chest from the book about the brownie. “Everyone joined hands and the singing around the stump went on for a long time. And Grandfather Diadokh was sitting on a stump, looking at the chest he held in his hands while Kuzka was dancing, then at the dancers.

Flowers and stars on the chest sparkled brighter and brighter.

A silver moon floated in the sky, and another silver moon floated in the river. Silver waves splashed merrily. And then the old goblin, although he did not like to get into other people's affairs, asked the brownie what was stored in the magic chest, what was the secret in it.

And what secret was hidden in the chest? (Kuzka told about the magic chest, which has been kept by the brownies for a long time. And it is magical because if you put a drawing, any picture in it, then the chest itself will tell a fairy tale about what is drawn in the picture). It was Natasha who put the brownie's drawing in the chest. And thanks to Natasha, we learned the adventures about Kuzka.

Let's thank our Kuzya, he invites you to take a picture with him as a keepsake.


Tatyana Ivanovna Alexandrova ( , - , ) - Russian Soviet children's writer, artist, author of a fairy tale about .

Tatyana Aleksandrova was born in Kazan, but her childhood was spent in Moscow. Father is a logging engineer, often on business trips. Mother is a doctor, often staying on night duty, and therefore Tanya and her twin sister Natasha stayed at home with their nanny Matryoshenka (Matryona Feodorovna Tsareva). The Volga peasant woman always found time to pamper her wards with a fairy tale or proverb, thanks to her Tatyana developed the talent of a writer. Drawing was another lifelong passion. Becoming an artist, Tatyana Ivanovna painted her portrait.

And it all started with home sketches, then the girls came to one of the Moscow art studios and fell under the wing of Tatyana Alexandrovna Lugovskaya, amazing woman, a talented theater artist and teacher. Under her leadership, the hobby began to develop into a profession. So after graduating from school, both Tanya and Natasha entered the institutes "with an artistic bias." Natasha - in Architectural. Tanya - at the Institute of Cinematography at the Department of Animation. Having successfully completed ”, Then she taught at the Pedagogical Institute, led a studio at the Palace of Pioneers. She drew different pictures, but continued to compose fairy tales.

IN the first book was published about the brownie Kuze, who fell into different stories. The preface to this book was written by Alexandrova's husband - a writer . Then the books “Chest with Toys”, “Toy School” were published, and the fairy tale “Katya in a Toy City” was written in collaboration with Valentin Berestov.

After the death of Alexandrova in 1983, the first cartoon about a brownie " ».

Holiday script
Nafanya, dressed in a Russian costume, appears to cheerful music.

Nafanya: Hello guys! I am Nafanya best friend brownie Kuzi. He invited me to his birthday. And you?

Children: Invited!

Nafanya: I want to warn you that Baba Yaga will appear here any minute. She was also invited. (A whistle and noise are heard behind the stage.) Yes, here she is - easy in sight!

Takes off on stage.

Baba Yaga: Hello everyone! It's me, Baba Yaga. Am I late for the holiday?

Nafanya: You, Yaga, just in time.

Baba Yaga: Aren't the children surprised that I'm here? Kuzenka once lived in my hut, and since then we have been friends.

Nafanya: Guys, how old are you? (Children's answers.) And our brownie went into the eighth century (or the eighth year, in your opinion). For brownies, after all, a hundred years goes by in a year!

Baba Yaga: I must tell you that the brownie, according to popular belief, is a supernatural being and lives in every house. He rejoices, has fun, is sad and sad with you, and if necessary, he protects his household.

Nafanya and Baba Yaga:

When you hear squeaks
Steps over your head
Rustle, hoarse cough,
Know - this is a brownie.

Baba Yaga: Nafanya, where is the brownie? Let's tell him that all the guests have gathered. (Rings on the phone.) Hello, Kuzenka, my golden darling, come out and show yourself to the guests.

Nafanya: And how?

Baba Yaga: How, how: We are modern evil spirits. You, Nafanya, have a cell phone: Let me call!

Nafanya reluctantly pulls out a cell phone from her pants pocket or knapsack and hands it to Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga tells Kuza to get out from where he is hiding: the guests have already gathered.

Kuzya appears and hides behind Nafanya.

Nafanya: This is our brownie Kuzya. He is still a little afraid of you, but I think you will make friends with him soon.

Baba Yaga: Don't be afraid, my diamond chadushka! Look, you've got guests for your birthday.

Kuzya: Aren't they going to chew me?

Baba Yaga: Child, what are you saying? Guys don't know these words. Guys, do you know? (Children answer.)

Kuzya: Well, yes, it's like hitting, thrashing, thrashing, tearing - it all hurts.

Nafanya: Well, what are you, Kuzya! Nobody will touch you. The guys came to visit you.

Kuzya: Aren't they going to come to terms with me?

Baba Yaga: Well, what's wrong with you, my sugar pretzel! Whatever the word is a mystery to the guys.

Kuzya: Oh, trouble, trouble, chagrin! Whatever you say - not according to reason, whatever you say - all in vain. Ooh me, fathers, ooh me, mothers! How hard it is for me to talk to you.

Baba Yaga: Guys, maybe you know what it is to `get together`?

(Children answer: `college` means `swear, quarrel, tease`.)

Nafanya: Guys, you won't offend the brownie, will you?

Children: No!

Nafanya: Do you hear, Kuzya? Nobody will offend you. On the contrary: everyone wants to be friends with you.

Baba Yaga: Kuzenka, my precious one, today is your birthday. What do you want on this day?

Kuzya: I want my guests to sing songs today. I love listening to songs: I pull myself up, sing along, and if the song is sad, sometimes I even cry.

Nafanya: I think, Kuzya, the guys are able to fulfill your desire. Will you sing a song for the brownie?

Children: Yes!

Baba Yaga: Kuzenka, what song should you sing - sad or cheerful?

Kuzya: For starters, sad.

Children together with Nafanya sing a sad folk song. At the end of the song, Kuzya begins to sob, and Baba Yaga begins to howl.

Kuzya: Oh, how they disturbed, oh, they disturbed the soul! Well, now I want a fun song.

Children sing a cheerful song, accompanied by a dance. Nafanya, Baba Yaga and Brownie also start dancing.

Kuzya: Oh, how respected! They sing well, they dance even better! If they know fairy tales, then they have no price!

Baba Yaga: Kuzenka, my child! Let's have a Guessing contest with the guys. Then it will immediately become clear what fairy tales they know.

Nafanya: We are not just brownies with Baba Yaga. We - literary heroes. Therefore, our life is not simple, but bookish. We also have friends who live in different books. And if you guess who they are, they will come to visit us. To begin with, let's go to a fairy-tale forest full of wonders. There book heroes - apparently invisible.

"Preschool education"

folklore festive


"Birthday of brownie Kuzi"

(for children of senior preschool and school age)

Scene one: (the hall is decorated like a hut, the hostess spins, sings

The song "Spinner" r.n.m., the owner plays the harmonica)

Hostess: Oh, and the evening is painfully long

I'll count forty trees

I'll look out the window

I'll sit on the bench

I'll call the guys for a get-together.

Hey funny girls

naughty laughter

Hey guys well done

Naughty daredevils

Come dance

Long evening to pass

A clear month is on their way

Sanctify the entire path.

The song is a Russian folk song"We have a Saturday"(children run into the hall, form a circle and sing a song with the hostess).


My guests are dear

Hello my relatives


Guest in the yard - joy to the owner

Whom they revere - they magnify

Red guest - red place

Be at home sit down

(children pass, sit on benches)


Thank you hostess for inviting me

We came to your hot hut with gifts.

(two boys bring in a chest with gifts)

The hostess is given a handkerchief, and the owner is given felt boots. The hosts are grateful for the gifts.

1 - child:

Gathered, we will have fun, but have fun,

Play jokes, sing songs and dance.

2 - child:

I knock with heels, I want a Russian dance,

My Russian dance is wonderful.


Laughter, yes fun!

(Dance "Kalinka" is performed)

Hostess: Guys, what month are we now?

Children: February!

Hostess: There is no move without signs. The people have composed proverbs and sayings, literally about every season, about every month.

presenter : Ah, the guys and I know a lot about February!

1. February horn knocks down winter

2. February will add three hours.

3 Blizzards and blizzards flew in February.

4. February fierce asks - how shod?

5. February is rich in snow, April in water.

6. February is strong with a blizzard, March is a drop.

hostess : Well, guys, well done! And what is the name of February in the people, you know?

Children : Snezhen, Luten, Bokogrey, Vyugovey.


Blizzards sweep here and there

They sing loud songs,

Trinity frisky run,

February is called wedding.

Presenter: And in our Olkhovka there was a case, have you heard?

Children: Heard, heard!!

(The song "In the village it was in Olkhovka" is staged).

The hostess turns to Andreyashka with Parashka: -" But you stay in our upper room, we’ll drink tea here, then we’ll dance.”

(The lights go out in the hall, the stage is consecrated. Fairy-tale music sounds).

scene two . "Baba Yaga's Lair"

Baba Yaga: Oh, you are my dear, oh, you are my yacht. Day, what today! After all, you have Amenina. Oh, you are my smart one. I will arrange such a holiday for you, a feast for the whole world. We will invite guests from all volosts. Oh, sweetie, go to people for tea and they forgot that today is the Day of Kudesa, the day of your amenin, and I will cook it on the table.

Kuzya: Good granny, good yagusenka. I will jump on your broom, I will quickly fly to people.

(Lights come on in the hall, the curtain closes.)

Scene three.


What, why are you quiet

Why aren't you happy

Can't hear your songs

Cheerful heads.

Nesting dolls come out, the song "Matryoshka" is performed, music by Yu. Slonov.

Hostess: Oh yes nesting dolls, oh yes well done, how can I please you?

Oh, I'll take the iron

Let me put it on six

Pechka Russian topi

Cook jelly in a cast-iron.

While the jelly is cooking

Let the song flow in the upper room.

(The Russian folk song "In the Upper Room" is performed)


What a miracle it is

Kissel, I definitely started

I put it on six

Where did my pot go?

(The cast-iron disappears from the place, while the cast-iron turns to the children again. And so twice).

Children, have you seen

Children : Seen, seen, here it is!

Hostess: And really, here he is. It can be seen that I lost my mind, oh, oh, oh, disappeared again.

Presenter: What's the matter with you, here he is, standing as he stood.

Hostess: Oh, and I'm tired

Sound my song.

(The song "I went up the hill" is performed)

Scene four.

(The lights go out in the hall, the stage is consecrated).

Baba Yaga: Oh, you're smart, my praise, praise. I saw, I saw. And where did you learn such wisdom. And who are you so smart about. Only something you are not cheerful, something hung your head.

Kuzya: Oh, and they have fun. And they dance and sing, they prepare treats.

Baba Yaga: And this is not a treat for you??

On the first soup intercourse, on cold water.

Grain after grain, chasing with a club.

For the second pie - stuffing from frog legs.

With onions, with peppers, and with a dog's heart.

The third means sweet,

To tell the truth, it's so nasty:

Not like jelly, not like a cake,

They just sent me to hell for it!

Kuzya: I don't want your food. You sing like they can't!!

Baba Yaga:

Something I can't

With my mind and with my mind

I don’t sip tea with bast shoes,

I figure out what's what.

Let's sing ditties with you, yes-ah-ah! -

Of course I will sing

You can't, like me!

(Baba-Yaga ditties are performed.)


Listen, grandma, stop singing

I can't take it anymore.

From your ditties ears

They rolled up like pears.

Better to people, I'll go

And I'll have fun with the guys.

Baba Yaga: Kuzenka, don't scare me! Do not leave my yacht. What do strangers do to you? So be baking pretzels, I’ll make jelly!

Kuzya: I don't want your dried grass pretzels, I want wheat flour sprinkled with sugar. And I really want to play!

(Kuzya leaves).

Baba Yaga: I won't let you! Come back home! Anyway! I'll take revenge once, I'll take revenge twice!

The sufferings of Baba Yaga are fulfilled. The hall lights up, the stage closes.

Scene five. The hostess comes in, brings boots.


Oh, it's cold outside

Frozen cheeks, nose

Gotta wear boots

Warm up your feet.

The girls come out.

We are little girls

We have beautiful boots

Let's put them on our feet

And we'll sleep on the track.

The dance "Valenki" is performed"

Hostess: It immediately became warmer, so I’ll throw some firewood in now, it will become even warmer.

(Puts the logs in the oven, and the logs fly back)

What kind of miracles are happening today! THAT the cast iron disappears, then the logs themselves jump out of the oven.

Presenter: This is probably a brownie flirting with us!?

Hostess: How could I forget! What a special day today1 Day of Kudesa! Birthdays for all brownies!

(The hostess knocks on the stove with a poker)

Kuzya: Oh, oh!

Hostess: And, indeed, brownie. Well, why are you sitting there, come out!

Kuzya: I'm afraid.

Hostess: Don't worry, we won't hurt you.

(Kuzya crawls out of the oven, all grimy.)

Hostess: What a chumazenky, slavnenky you are. You should be washed and put on a bench.

Kuzya: Don't you know that I have an amenny today?

Hostess: Oh, they forgot Kuzenka, oh, they forgot sweetie, but don't be offended by us. The guys brought a whole chest of gifts, there will be something for you, but for now, take a bun with milk.

Kuzya : I love gifts, well, let's give them soon!

(The presenter opens the chest and takes out a shirt and shows Kuze).

Presenter: look at what kind of shirt the guys and I have prepared for you.

Kuzya: What a beautiful, well, dress up soon.

(Puts on a shirt, flaunts in front of a mirror).


naughty baluns,

Run out of the yard

Get to play

Dawn - Zarnitsa to choose.

The Dawn-Zarnitsa game is being played.

Presenter: On long winter evenings, they not only sang and danced, but also worked very hard. And the guys and I know a lot of proverbs and sayings about work.

(Children tell proverbs and sayings about work)

Hostess: The beauty of nature and all the beauty of our Rus' people embodied in folk arts and crafts. This is how painted spinning wheels, dishes, samovars, trays appeared, and bright colorful toys were made for the little ones. And do you know anything about it?


Hey girls chuckles,

Sing ditties,

Let it sound in them

Golden Khokhloma.

(Children perform Chastushki)

So that everything around rang

Cracked, squeaked

To make it dark in the village.

Hostess: What's happened? Are the miracles over yet? Why is it so dark outside?

Kuzya: These are all the tricks of Baba Yaga, she was angry with me because I ran away to you. So she stole a month.


Well, nothing, I'm burning, I can help

Take the spoons in your hands

Ring the bells

We will release the month

The month will shine again.

(Children perform the orchestra "Shine the Moon" r.n.m. in instrumental arrangement)

The moon appears from behind the screen.


You guys are great

So they played bells

That I appeared again

Light your way

Baba Yaga appears, Kuzya hides.

Baba Yaga: Well, what are you happy about, have fun, my tricks have not passed. And Grandma hasn't had a crumb in her mouth since Christmas.

Have you seen my Kuzenka?

Children: No, haven't you seen it?

Baba Yaga: Oh, my yacht disappeared, trouble, trouble, me. What am I going to do without him now? Oh. The wolves probably ate it.

Cries. The hostess and host calm her down.

Presenter: Well, well, I’m burning, we will help yours. Just promise that you won't offend him. Yes, you will feed tastier, otherwise he is so skinny.

Kuzya appears.

Baba Yaga: Oh, you are my yacht, but what an elegant one.

Kuzya: These guys gave me.

Baba Yaga: Okay, let's go, we have a lot to do.

Kuzya: Do not want, do not want me here very well, fun.

Baba Yaga: It’s good, of course, but they completely forgot about the old me, there you all are, how smart, but I’ve already, I guess, how I’ve done the last update for a hundred years. I see no one has been offended.

Presenter: And you will find a gift, look here.

They give a handkerchief to Baba Yaga.

And how our girls know how to dance with headscarves, do you want to see?

Baba Yaga: Of course I want!

Hostess: Then stay with us!

Kuzya : Granny let's stay?

Baba Yaga : Well, okay, so be it!

The girls performRound dance with scarves"to the song "Orenburg Shawl".

Baba Yaga : I see you can do everything, but you can play?

The game is being played"Baba Yaga bone leg

Baba Yaga:

Oh, and I'm tired

Oh, I'll sit next to you on the bench

I will sit with you

I will give you riddles

Who is smarter look.

Makes riddles

Well done guys, smart little ones, for this you have my gift.

Children from another group perform a dance"Gzhel"

Hostess: There is no better joy for the guys than sweets.


Hey guys spoons,

Grab your spoons

Understand, hurry up

Start dancing with spoons.

A dance is being performed"Quadrille"

hostess : You won’t be full of games and dances. The Russian people are famous for their hospitality and food. What will the guests treat you to?

I'll breed the pancakes.

Pulls out the pan

Baba Yaga Q: Is that enough for everyone? Little, little!!

The hostess takes a larger pan.

All: Little, little!!

Kuzya and Baba Yaga take out a very large pot, a child (dough) sits in it, he appears from the pan and says:

Dough: I am fragrant dough, soft fluffy. To bake pancakes, you first catch me! (runs away, Kuzya and Baba Yaga catch him).

A song is being performed"Oh pancakes my pancakes you are my pancakes"

Baba Yaga brings pancakes on a tray and distributes them to all the guests.


The holiday has a beginning

The holiday has an end.

Who played with us and laughed

The whole evening he was well done

Candles are extinguished in the village

The moon is shining again in the sky

And the stars are shining again

And the fairy tale continues for everyone

Make all wishes

To make separation easier.


To happiness and fun

Been in the house all year round

So that guests are overwhelmed.

holiday idea : To cultivate love for the traditions and folklore of the Russian people. To consolidate knowledge of folk signs, sayings, proverbs. To acquaint with folk arts and crafts, through the word of art and song folklore. Introduce children to a sense of fun and joy.

Preliminary work:

Before the holiday, classes and talks about folk crafts and traditions are held. Proverbs, sayings, poems, songs, dances are learned.


The hall is decorated in the style of a Russian hut. The lair of Baba Yaga is decorated on the stage.




owner, adults

baba yaga,



The dough is a child.

galina zimina
"Birthday with brownie Kuzey." For children middle group

Birthday with Domovenko Kuzey.

To the cheerful music, the children enter the hall.

To the music enters the hall Brownie Kuzya.

Kuzya: Hello guys!

IN kindergarten live

From the very opening

Not a single event took place here without me.

How do you live, how do you sing,

What's for breakfast, for lunch

I know everything, I hear everything, because I have been living here for many years.

I know all your secrets

I can tell a lot

I can even give you advice on how best to proceed.

Today! For kids and adults

Skinny and fat,

obedient and disobedient,

Merry and sad

Our coolest

the most beautiful

The show, titled...

Children: Birthday!

Kuzya. Today we have fun partyBIRTHDAY, and at the bottom everything is allowed at birth. So let's have a little fun now, shall we? Do you agree? Then we invite our birthday boy here. Let's welcome him! And today he turns ... years old!

Kuzya. invites Artyom to the center of the hall, draws attention to how smart he is, etc.

And you guys know what the other day births all sorts of chants, congratulations, noisemakers and players are laid ... And today ...., we will congratulate only you, because today you have the most wonderful holiday - YOUR BIRTHDAY.

Kuzya. Guys, what's a holiday without a loaf? Get in a circle!


"Climbing up"

Children stay in a circle

Vedas. All of us. congratulations,

We have fun and play.

Playing with children.

The rattle began to play

Children (clap hands)

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Suddenly Marfushka stomped

Children (stomp)

Top! Top! Top! Top!

And the frog croaked.


Qua! Qua! Qua! Qua!

The chatterbox answered her.


Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

The beater sounded.

Children (cam on cam)

Here! Here! Here! Here!

The cuckoo echoes back to us.


Ku-ku! Ku-ku!

The cannon fired loudly.

Children: (fists on chest)

Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach!

And the old woman gasped.

Children: (put hands on head)

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

The heifer moaned too.

Children: (show horns).

Mu! Mu! Mu! Mu!

The pig squealed with her.

Children: (Put fists on nose)

Oink! Oink! Oink! Oink!

The buzzer rang.

Children: (hitting knees)

Bryak! Bryak! Bryak! Bryak!

The jumper jumped.


Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!

Here is such a parsley!


Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Kuzya. Guess. who is the best game designer! Of course it's me! Put all your hands on your knees I will speak: "Go!" and you should clap your hands on your knees. I I will say: "Nose"- you take by the nose, I will say: "Ear"- hold your ear. It's clear? Then be careful! Go! Go!

At the end: And now let's go to the chairs! (clapping their knees, they go to the chairs. They sit down).

Kuzya. With day birthday congratulations!

Grow up every day!

We wish you good health,

Let's sing a song now!

Song "Let run clumsily"

Kuzya. What the birthday,

If there is no fun?

The music will play

Let's have fun dancing!

Dance at the choice of the music director.

Kuzya. And what is a holiday without gifts? I cooked good gift for all the guys balloon. Here it is, the ball. Admire!

Takes a ball. It bursts, and a note falls out of it.

Kuzya. (roars). Well, my balloon burst, what do I do now? After all, we were left without gifts. (notices the note). Wait, don't be sad, some note. Will we read?

Is reading: To find gifts, go along the path,

the path is not easy, the path is painted.

Do you guys see the color track?

Children point to a path of multi-colored palms on the wall.

1. Game "Wrap the Baby"

Kuzya. Guys, when you were babies, your mothers swaddled you all the time. And you so wanted to play pranks and you all the time escaped from the diapers. Now we are going to play a game...

The host calls three teams of 2 people. One player from the team is given a roll of toilet paper. On a signal, the players begin to wrap their comrade. The task of the other child is to stand still. The winner is the one who swaddled a comrade faster.

Kuzya. Well, how comfortable are you in diapers? Oh no? Then, at my command, quickly undress.

On command "babies" tear "diapers", freeing themselves from them. He won "baby", which quickly got out of diapers.

Kuzya. Now who will pick up the garbage faster!

children pick up torn paper.

2."Whose circle will gather sooner".

The birthday boy and two other children who wish are given handkerchiefs, each has its own color. Children collect circles around one child with the same color of handkerchief and memorize the color of the handkerchief. To cheerful music, everyone dances around the hall, at the end of the music, they gather a circle. Handkerchiefs are changed for the second and third time

3. Playing with a tambourine.

To the music, the driver moves in the center of the circle, stops about two children. They turn their backs to each other and, on command, run each in their own direction. You need to be the first to run and hit the tambourine.

Kuzya. Together we played a tambourine,

And now for our birthday boy performed by the orchestra a song about geese.

Children understand music. tools (rattles, bells, cubes, tambourines, spoons)

Orchestra "Living with Grandma" R. n. P.

4. Riddles.

The sea is warm around, we swam in it, and suddenly all our friends were blown away by the wind, and swam to the beach.

In fairy tales, he is always a villain, attacks people and knows a lot about goats - an insatiable gray.

He often wanders around the gardens, catching various insects, a small prickly one looks like a needle bed.

Twice a year he is in new fur coats, he is terribly afraid of everyone in the forest, a fashionable plush handsome long-eared timid.

A log floats in the river, it really wants to eat it. Mouth toothy opened angry green.

His ears are funny, his legs are thick, big, he is proud of his trunk, good-natured, wise.

Can swim in the ocean, can crawl on the savannah, checkered shell like a shirt. Who is this?

Do not let thieves into the house, bark, drive away, bite. The smart one knows all science by heart.

One can only wonder why they are afraid of her? Everyone is screaming shout: "Shush, shush!" if they happen to see it.

He walks in hot Africa, surprises with his long neck, he himself is tall, like a closet, yellow, spotted.

Kuzya. Riddles unanimously guessed, and now, get into the circle as soon as possible.

We will have fun dancing and portraying a giraffe.

Dance "The giraffe has spots..."

Kuzya. All boys and girls

They love sweets!

Eat a kilo of candy -

No more joy!

I want to give you sweets, you just need to collect them.

5. Competition "Collect Candy"

Kuzya. And what is the most delicious treat at the bottom birth? Of course, cake. Let's

Let's bake a delicious cake.

round dance "Cake".

To the music "Let run clumsily" children move in a circle, twist "snail". When the music ends, raise your hands "candles" up. The birthday boy is invited to make a wish and blow out "candles". Then "help themselves".

Kuzya. Here is the last palm, the most colorful - gift (sixth).

Presentation of gifts.

Honor circle.

Related publications:

"Katya's doll has a birthday." Open lesson on literacy for children of the middle group Goals and objectives. Identification of the level in children of the ability to intonationally distinguish a sound in a word; the ability to determine the first sound in a word, to determine.

Synopsis of GCD for children of the senior group "Baba Yaga's Birthday" (social and communicative development of children) MUNICIPAL PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "OBOLENSKY KINDERGARTEN OF THE COMBINED TYPE" FOREST TALE" Abstract Immediate.

Synopsis of the organized educational activities of children aged 5–6 years of the combined group "Bear's Birthday" Tasks: Educational: - continue to develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, determine the sides, corners and middle of the sheet; - continue.

Synopsis of a role-playing game for children of the senior group "Bim-Bom Clown's Birthday" Role-playing games allow you to develop Creative skills children, their imagination and artistry, are taught to get used to the image of a particular character.

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 3 of the city of Tomsk


"Birthday of brownie Kuzi"

(Senior group)


Tomsk, 2015

Objective: To continue to introduce children within the framework of social project"Domovyonok Kuzya" with the traditions of the Russian people, the group "Domovyata"

    To educate children in friendly relations with adults and peers; Develop emotional responsiveness, self-confidence; To form the social activity of preschoolers in preparation for the holidays; Enrich children's ideas about the identity of the Russian people, the brownie Kuze;

Subject-developing environment:

    Festively decorated group; Doll brownie Kuzya; 2 hoops, broom, 2 dice, 2 balls, 2 wooden spoons, 2 bagels. Gifts for children and Kuzi; Folder - folding bed "Brownie's Birthday" Samovar, towel, herbal tea, treats for children. A selection of cartoons based on the fairy tale about the brownie Kuze. Video clip "Birthday" group "Barbariki"

Entertainment progress

Presenter 1:

    In the group "Domovyata" Today there is noise and fuss. All the guys dressed up, Just beautiful!

Host 2:

    What kind of holiday is being prepared here? Maybe guests of honor will come?

Host 2:

    Maybe the generals will come? Maybe the admirals will come? Or maybe a hero who has circled the whole world?

Presenter 1:

    Quit guessing! Here he is our guest. Beloved, most important, Our desired birthday.

The presenter shows the toy brownie Kuzya.

Host 2:

    What a smart little brownie today. Kuzya, the guys learned a song about you for your birthday. Here, listen.

Children sing a song about Kuzka (Words and music)

Presenter 1:

    And now, according to our tradition, we will start a round dance and sing for Kuzenka!

Children, along with adults and a brownie, perform folk round dances "Loaf" and "Watermelon-karapuz"

Host 2:

    Kuzya, the guys have prepared for you new game. Let's play.

Communication game "Hello friend"

    And now, kids, I have a game for you:

The game "Grandma - Yozhka"


    Carry the bagel in a spoon; Roll the snow.
    Well done! And I'll play with you, And for this, my friends, Find your own shoe And start running!

Game: "Find your shoe"

    And now my friends, read me poetry.

(children recite poems if they wish)

    What good fellows! Do you know how to solve riddles?

The birthday is coming

How much joy for all

We are in a great mood

And it sounds funny .... (laughter)

We're going to the birthday

And we bring gifts!

Also for beauty.

We bring him ... (flowers)

The table is set and waiting for guests.

So many delicious things here!

We all love food

And sweets and ... .. (cookies)

How wonderful we play

We don't offend anyone

We can't quarrel

Because we are…..(friends)

    Well done, you made me happy! Will there be gifts?

Presenter 1:

    Of course, Kuzya! Here is a video greeting from Leshik and his grandfather.

Watch the video clip "Happy Birthday!" group "Barbariki."

Host 2:

    But from the guys Domovyat you gifts.

Children give Kuza a beautiful song about a brownie (from the Internet page) and

Khokhloma wooden spoons.

    Thank you, thank you. And I also prepared gifts for you. Here is a Lego constructor for the naughty boys. And for girls - cash desk and dishes for dolls. And also cartoons about me. And please don't leave. Enjoy delicious tea. For fragrant tea A noble treat.

Kuzya treats children with tea on aromatic herbs grown by children, on

Kuzkin's garden.

    Unfortunately, birthday Once a year comes into the house. A year later, at the invitation, we will come to visit again.


Communication game: "Hello friend"

1,2,3 - don't yawn!

Choose your friend! - (marching in a circle)

Hello Friend! - (handshake)

Where have you been? - (threaten with a finger)

I missed you - (hands to heart)

You came! (hands to the side)

Fine! - (hugs)

Mobile game: "Grandma Yozhka"

Grandmother Yozhka, bone leg. - (Children tease Baba Yaga)

She fell off the stove and broke her leg.

And then he says: “My leg hurts!”

She went outside and crushed a chicken.

I went to the market, crushed the samovar.

(Baba Yaga, on one leg, tries to catch up with the children and knock them down with a broom. When the broom is touched, the child freezes. The game continues until all the children are knocked down or Baba Yaga asks for a replacement. Another Baba Yaga is chosen as a counting table. The game continues).


    Newspaper "Sunny Bunny" No. 1, Svetlana Zernes "Birthday in Riddles", May, 2010; Magazine "Preschool education" No. 17, "Funny meetings with Kuzey", September, 2004;