What do women not forgive men? What you can not forgive a girl if you are a real man

Many women go out married, giving herself headlong to passions and hoping that such love will accompany her until old age. But after several years life together each married couple begins to notice the shortcomings of their halves, and some women are completely disappointed in their husbands. In such families, there is no longer a place for the former love, only the desire to make the offender suffer and repent remains. With the ingenuity and passion characteristic of women, she begins to plan revenge, but she will no longer be able to become happy from this.

Among Russian women there are such who are ready to turn their left cheek if their husband hit her on the right. They forgive their husbands treason, drunkenness, hatred, rudeness and contempt. For many years they expect some changes and decisions from their men, but at the same time in their family relationships nothing changes for the better.

The fact is that awakens and a woman blossoms only next to a real man. An unprotected woman, who has taken all family cares upon herself, never feels like a woman and cannot show her beauty to the fullest. And therefore, her husband's attitude towards her does not improve over the years, but only gets worse. Happy in marriage are those women who do not take responsibility for making decisions on themselves, but only help and support their husband.

According to a survey conducted All-Russian Center of Public Opinion, 72% of Russian women reported that they would immediately divorce their husband if they knew that he was cheating. Most women are ready to forgive their husbands a little, doing nothing, lack of initiative, attention and gifts. They are ready to endure the indifference of their half, but not betrayal. Yes, cheating is cheating. It's painful and hard to get through. She insults a woman, humiliates her and can even "break". But there are things that are much more serious than treason. This is male helplessness and inaction.

Can't forgive a man then, if you have been living with him for quite some time, but still do not feel confident in the future. If he started a family, he is obliged to financially secure his home so that the woman does not ask herself such terrible questions as: "Should I have a baby or not?" or "Can I afford to have a second or third child?". It is not necessary for a man to be a billionaire. He just needs to provide for the material well-being of the family. If nothing is arranged in the family, a woman constantly borrows money, and at the same time a man is inactive, then this cannot be forgiven.

A real man when he sees that his wife is borrowing money, he should jump up and say: "I will solve all the problems myself. Today I will find a way to feed my family." Making decisions in families is the prerogative of men. He must decide what house to live in, what furniture and food to buy for the family. It is very important that a man knows exactly how his family members will live and what he must do to make his wife and children happy.

Man responsible for the welfare of the family. Only next to a determined man does a woman feel happy, and male laziness and lack of initiative cannot be forgiven. A real man is always true to his word, he is responsible for what he said. If he said: "I'll do it!", then he will hurt himself, but he will fulfill his promise. Those who only promise and do nothing themselves cannot be tolerated. A wife should not ask and beg her husband to do something to improve the condition of the family, he himself must take the initiative.

Often we become witnessed this situation. when a woman is insulted in a public place, and the husband stands nearby and makes a helpless gesture. The man eliminates himself with the words: "It's her own fault, there was no need to interfere." It is very difficult for a man to forgive such behavior, and it is impossible to call him a man. It doesn’t matter if a woman is right or not, this needs to be dealt with at home. And in this situation, the honor and pride of the woman he is obliged to protect is under threat. A real man knows how to make others respect his woman, he will not allow anyone to insult and offend her. He has his own "code of honor", he sets "his own rules" and enforces them. When such a man is nearby, it is not scary to walk along a dark street with him, he will not allow to offend his woman in any situation.

That's why, find the strength in yourself forgive male infidelity possible, if it happened by accident and by mistake. We all do a lot of wrong things in life. Who lives, he can not be mistaken. We learn from mistakes and become better. But male helplessness and inaction cannot be forgiven. Living next to such a man, a deep disappointment comes, and a woman can no longer accept him as a man.
Why would you not be able to forgive your man?

25 945 3 It would seem that if two hearts in love are destined to be together, then nothing will interfere with them. They will overcome any difficulty and forgive each other everything. But as reality shows, this is not always the case.

There are things that neither a woman nor a man can ever forgive each other. It may seem that the conflict is settled and its parties have forgotten about it, but doubts and resentment always gnaw at one side. The thing is that she could not forgive the perfect and forget the offense.

It's no secret that men and women are built differently. They have different thinking and reactions to the same event. So, what cannot be forgiven to a man is sometimes forgiven to a woman. It is necessary to understand this in detail in order not to make mistakes for which one would have to ask for forgiveness.

What men do not forgive women

Men are quite patient creatures. They are less emotional, but more categorical. For them, "lisping" and "music" are not characteristic. If something does not suit them, then for the most part, they chop off the shoulder. Of course, everything is individual, and what one man does not forgive, another can forgive. But for the most part, the situation is as follows. So, what men do not forgive their women.

1. Treason

The vast majority of the male population is not inclined to forgive betrayal of their girlfriends and wives. And the point here is not at all jealousy, but self-esteem, which was dealt a crushing blow. He, the best, successful, charming and attractive, was compared with someone else. It just can't be!

Change also has a scale: from emotional betrayal, before physical. For some, one comparison with the EX is enough, and that's it - chips flew. Many women do not let up and call their first child the name of their ex, which also deals an unthinkable blow to a man's pride.

For a man, female infidelity is not easy betrayal, but an insult. He immediately begins to doubt his uniqueness and, in order to protect himself from such a thing in the future, breaks off relations once and for all. Men do not forgive physical betrayal, no matter how much a woman apologizes and no matter how she swears allegiance. Most often, the thought that “changed once, will be and twice” does not leave consciousness. And such a woman ceases to exist forever for a man, even if it is very painful.

2. Men never forgive insults against them.

A famous proverb says "my tongue is my enemy". And this applies a lot to women. In a fit of quarrel or resentment, she tends to express everything that she thinks. Very often she will regret it and apologize, but, unfortunately, "the word is not a sparrow ...".

Men rarely pay attention to offensive words addressed to them. Well, they called them a scoundrel or a scoundrel. Think about it. In a few hours, this quarrel will be forgotten, and offensive words will be erased from memory.

But another thing is when pride is hurt, when, in a fit of anger, a friend called him a loser in life, an unmanly and incapable man.

Men are especially offended by remarks addressed to them as an unsatisfactory sexual partner. Here she will never ask for forgiveness. These words will not be forgotten, and even if a man pretends to forgive, but in fact, he will remember them all his life.

3. Men never forgive sexual neglect.

Any man gives joy and pleasure when his partner considers him the best in sex. But when it turns into an ordinary marital debt, then trouble is possible.

If a woman avoids intimacy, citing busyness, fatigue or a migraine, this is a reason for a man to think. Firstly, he is visited by the thought that he no longer satisfies his partner, as before, and secondly, that she may have taken a lover.

These thoughts haunt him, he can even seek self-affirmation with another woman. Well, this is a betrayal that women do not forgive, a break in relationships and a divorce.

4. It’s hard for men to forgive the superiority of a woman.

A man is used to being the head of the family, the breadwinner, the conqueror. This has been the case for many centuries. He believes in it and considers it right. But then a woman appears in his life who takes on the role of head. Only some representatives of the stronger sex will come to terms with this.

Absolutely indifferent to this state of affairs will be treated by those who are unsure of themselves, or as they are also called “sissy”. For them, the supremacy of women will even be a joy. They will shift to her the solution of all problems and worries. But be prepared that in all failures, they will also blame their partner.

But in most cases, the supremacy of a woman is an unacceptable situation in the family for a man. He will never come to terms with it and never forgive. He simply will not allow a woman to start commanding and leading him. You don't even have to try here.

5. The physical superiority of a woman

It is difficult for a man to accept and forgive not only the moral, but also the physical superiority of a woman. If she is stronger, more physically developed, then he is unlikely to like it. And this again hurts his male pride.

Here, many will object that nothing prevents a man from developing physically, and not from growing a beer belly. It really is. But if a girl always emphasizes his physical shortcomings and constantly “pounds” him that he needs to sign up for a gym, this will bring its consequences.

A wise woman will always be able to find an approach to this and make sure that the man himself understands and decides to take care of his physical form.

6. Great love of money and prudence

The biggest mistake of the chosen one of a man is to tell him that without a car and an apartment, he would not have imagined anything and she would not have paid attention to him. Hearing that the woman he loved was attracted only by his well-being, and not by spiritual qualities, is very painful.

The reaction to such words can be both a strong offense and leaving for another woman who is not so interested in his money.

7. A man does not forgive insults to his relatives.

Relatives, as you know, are not chosen. Even if they are not impeccable, they are relatives, they are family. He can think anything about them and say too, but he will perceive critical remarks from a woman as a personal insult.

During a quarrel, a woman should not remember the relatives of her chosen one. Whatever they are, he will certainly defend their good name. Especially it is not necessary to speak insultingly or mockingly about loved ones. He will never forget these words.

Yes, sometimes those still shots get into relatives, and, most likely, your man understands this, but in the heat of your anger and the peak of his patience, he simply can choose them, not you. Yes, perhaps you are more fortunate and your relatives are more cultured and reserved, or even better - they live far away. But imagine if they lived nearby, maybe they also pissed off your man. Therefore, every time you want to criticize the uncle of your chosen one again, think for a second: do you need it ?! After all, you have your own relationship and you love each other not for relatives, but for those qualities that are in your chosen one.

8. Men do not forgive barbs

If a man once showed weakness or his physical incompetence, and a woman cannot calm down and constantly reminds him of this, and even tells everyone in a row. That is a punch in the gut!

Ridicule in his address from, it would seem, loving woman the man can't bear it.

9. Jealousy

Excessive and / or unreasonable jealousy can bring any man to a boiling point. If a woman does not give him a pass, controls him every second, calling every half an hour when he is with friends in the bath or at work, and if he does not pick up the phone, then they call your friends - this can be two hundred of any man. Remember the measure, no need to overdo it.

What else men do not forgive women

The list of "terrible sins" that under no circumstances will be forgiven by men include the following:

  • female stupidity . The statement that men love silly beauties has long lost its relevance. They love smart beauties. Remember this;
  • addiction to strong alcoholic beverages . Few people will like a woman who can hardly stand on her feet and has a terrible smell of drunk alcohol, especially if this is a fairly common occurrence;
  • woman's demand to stop communicating with friends . Male friendship is something that no woman, even the most beloved, can influence. The prohibition to communicate with friends is regarded as an infringement on personal freedom;
  • constant reproaches regarding any area of ​​life , whether it be salary, position, skills and abilities;
  • demanding an apology for any reason ;
  • hobby for serials . Every man wants to be paid attention to. He will not be able to forgive if a woman exchanges precious minutes with him for watching her series;

It is believed that a woman is able to forgive an insult, but she will never forget it. A man, on the contrary, will not forgive her. After all, to forgive, according to many men, is to show their weakness. For them it is unnatural.

What will a man forgive his beloved woman

It seems that there are no situations that a man is ready to forgive. In fact loving man I am ready to close my eyes and forgive a lot. Why do men forgive women? Certainly, main reason, this is Love. Loving people are ready to forgive each other a lot.

  • A wise and loving man will never leave his chosen one because of minor flaws, for example, if she does not know how to cook. Although, if there are a lot of these shortcomings, then ...
  • A man will turn a blind eye to excessive awareness of the personal lives of your girlfriends. He will understand that changing a woman is simply unrealistic. At the genetic level, they have a need to share information and experiences. But still, a woman should remember that not all the details family life should be made public. There must be some secret between the two.
  • And most importantly, that a man is ready to forgive his beloved woman, her passion for shopping and shopping. Let her make purchases that are not always necessary and spend large sums on it, but the man will endure it. Here it is important for her not to cross the line herself and not to spend the entire family budget.

What can not be forgiven a man

There is an opinion that a woman is ready to make any sacrifices for the sake of preserving her family and is ready to forgive a man all the time. What a lot of guys use. So it was before. But times are changing. Gone are the days when a man was held in a stranglehold. Now, more and more often we meet self-sufficient women who feel quite confident in professional terms and stand confidently on their feet. For whom the main thing in life is to find an honest man who will love only her and her children all his life.

But there is that line, the violation of which a woman still cannot forgive a man, even if she loves him very much.

1. Treason

This is number one in any case. Like a man, it is also difficult for a woman to get used to the idea that a man easily admitted the fact of a partner substitution. Love, intimately, for many women is a sacrament between her and her lover, it is complete trust and openness. And when a third one invades this fabulous world, it already ceases to be so valuable and unshakable. So it can no longer satisfy as well as before on an emotional level.

Few women around the world forgive this sin to their men. Most often because of the preservation of the family.

Treason is a “point of no return” for both women and men. You can try to forgive, for your own sake, for the sake of your children, to step on the throat of your pride, but... It will be the same as collecting a broken vase. Beautiful? It seems to be whole, but something is not right. And the cracks remind of what happened.

Advice does not help in this situation. Some say that you need to quit, forget and move on. And most likely, this is the right decision, but which is very difficult.

Why do women forgive infidelity? First of all, they are afraid of being alone without support. There is also some uncertainty about the future and one's own strengths.

2. Dangerous addictions

The woman believes that the bad habits of his beloved are in the past. But, sadly, there are no former drug addicts, alcoholics and gamers. Pernicious passion replaces them with love. The big delusion of the chosen one is to think that her man will change his habits for her sake. Such cases are rare.

A man will not give up a dangerous addiction, even if he is persuaded and asked. All addictions are deep in the subconscious and in order to eradicate them, cardinal measures (psychologists or doctors) or new deep meanings of life are needed. He will promise hundreds of times that he will stop it, but at the same time he will return home drunk again. The next morning he will ask for forgiveness and make promises, but is it worth believing this for the hundredth time. As a rule, women answer - no! But there are others, "terpils". Most often, these are women who are not self-confident, who believe that they will not find anyone better anyway, “and who needs me at 35 years old.”

3. Women do not forgive emotional dullness.

For every woman, support in difficult times is very important, it is important that there is loving person. For women, in principle, it is common to experience a huge amount of emotions. And when you keep everything in yourself for a long time, peaks come that splash out. At such moments, I want to cry, speak out and hear words of support and sympathy in response. It is not always possible to call a friend or mother, and of course, all hope is for a beloved man. But, as luck would have it, he is not around or he does not react in any way, considering your emotions unreasonable and “twisted”.

Ardent and emotional women are simply not able to take such a callous attitude to their emotions now and therefore prefer to part with a man. In this situation, we are talking about a mismatch of temperaments.

4. Women do not forgive constant complaints about life.

Lamentation is the lot of women, but not men. A man must be strong and resistant to all blows of fate. Every woman wants to feel secure and confident that she can always rely on her man. Is normal woman will be able to live with an eternally complaining about everyone and everything type? Everyone is to blame for him, including the chosen one, that something did not work out for him, that the position was not given to him and that the salary is not high enough.

Not every woman can endure constant complaints. Yes, and it is impossible to understand and forgive when you are accused of all mortal sins.

5. Constant Promises

Women like it when men keep their promises. There is a significant difference between reminders of a certain action, for example, hang a lamp in the hallway, and empty promises. Reminding a man a few times about something is normal, but when promises take on the proportions of a disaster and are not kept, then this is an occasion to reflect.

The man promised to re-tile the bathroom and did not do it, he promised that he would change his behavior and not be so callous to her emotions and did not do it, he promised to stop drinking or not to return again so late and did not do it, he promised to take care of raising children - and did not do it again promised. When the sum of these terms reaches the limit point, the woman simply cannot stand it and takes drastic measures.

Living with a partner who only "feeds" promises is living in constant dissonance: you seem to believe that he will improve, but this does not happen. All this leads to the development of personal and interpersonal conflicts.

6. Unfulfilled ambitions

It is very difficult for women whose man considers himself an unrecognized genius. By this he constantly justifies his laziness, inactivity. A woman can work three jobs to feed her family, while he will lie on the couch and wait for the muse to visit him.

Here, of course, it is a purely individual matter, to forgive and live on, or to let the artist go on free bread. But, as a rule, a genius does not consider it necessary to change anything and continues to wait for his inspiration.

7. Excessive pride

When a man sees no one but himself, it repels a woman. Next to such a man, a woman feels in secondary roles.

Excessive narcissism of a man with his personality, his qualities and achievements makes a woman think about the quality of relations with such a male.

8. Greed

Everyone knows the fact that a woman has more things than men. This is also related to physiological characteristics and with the roles performed by a woman in the family: mother, mistress, wife, girlfriend, etc.

Many women relax when they go shopping. But there are men who are not ready to shell out for women's whims. To make a useless gift to your beloved, and even more so to buy her an extra handbag, is not about them. They will count every ruble spent by a woman and ask her to account for all purchases. Which, undoubtedly, at a certain time will make the girl think about whether she needs such an accountant in a relationship at all.

An interesting video that will complement the above points. Mistakes of men in relationships.

Relationships are the foundation of a family. How you learn to build relationships before marriage will directly determine the style of your married couple. God created us all equal, we are all born the same, which means we define and create ourselves by working on ourselves, our complexes, fears, etc. We create our own personality. It's easier for someone to be in the role. And someone prefers to be a director and take an active part in building himself, his environment, his life.

We enter into relationships with already established life positions. Someone is ready to forgive all the “deeds” of his partner, and someone will never put up with what does not correspond to his life positions.

In the first case, the relationship is doomed: eternal torment, eternal problems, conflicts, etc.

In the second case, a person knows exactly what kind of partner he is looking for, with what qualities and attitudes. And such a person will definitely find it. And this couple will be happier.

So, what can not be forgiven in a relationship, so as not to be in the role of a victim.

1. Aggression cannot be forgiven

Aggression both towards your partner and towards children. Whatever happens in a man's life, he has no right to take his anger out on a woman, and even more so to raise a hand against her or her children. Sometimes it is not only about physical violence, but also moral. Sometimes harsh words can hurt more. Such behavior destroys even the best relationships that have existed for a long time. But can you really call them good? Aggression should not be forgiven, under any pretext.

You can not forbid your partner to communicate with friends or do what you love in your free time. Often, in this way, he splashes out the negative that has accumulated in him. Otherwise, everything may reflect on you.

2. Dark past

Everyone, without exception, has some secrets connected with their past. For some, this is a long-passed stage to which they do not return and it is better not to stir them up. But there are some things that a partner should know about before starting a relationship. After all, sooner or later some facts of the dark past will become known. It is impossible to hide a criminal past or five illegitimate children.

If you honestly admit what you have done in the past, then a truly loving person can understand and forgive small, in his opinion, sins. And it’s better to tell him about it on the shore in order to understand how small they are for him, can he live with this information about you? But if you try to hide the dark past, then the partner will regard it as a lie and betrayal. After all, to find out that the husband has several more children and the common child will be 5th in line for the inheritance. This is sometimes hard to accept and forgive.

3. Lack of communication with children from previous relationships

Before starting a new relationship, it is important to find out what kind of relationship your partner had before you. After all, on the basis of previous experience, you can build harmonious relationship.

The fact that a man already in adulthood did not have a relationship or children is alarming. Usually, before the age of 40, men have time to get married and have at least one child.

And if a woman, who broke off all contact with her children from her first marriage, left them to be raised by her father, then this is a clear reason to think about what kind of relationship you will have.

It is important to find out all the circumstances of the current situation with children from the first marriage. If a man regularly sees his firstborn, helps financially and morally, then these are signs of a good father. But if he is not at all interested in the life of his own child and saw him for the last time several years ago, and in the VKontakte photo, then you need to think about it.

Every woman, first of all, has developed a mother's instinct. She will not forgive a man such an attitude towards his own child. She is able to love her husband's child from a previous relationship, but she cannot forgive his dislike.

What can be forgiven for a man is small errors. They are forgotten in just a few hours. But a woman's patience is not infinite, just like men. You need to be able to hear each other, respect and share experiences. This is the key to a strong and lasting relationship.

The ability to forgive is a manifestation of a strong spirit. Better think again before you say something. After all, relationships are built brick by brick, and how you lick the next brick will depend on how the whole structure will turn out.

And finally, the reasoning of psychologists about male and female infidelity. Myths and reality.

women men

As a unit of reference, let's try to take a woman who, first of all, respects herself, and secondly, does not lack male attention and will never enter into a relationship with a man on the principle of "let it be inferior, but mine." That is, a woman who has clear requirements, certain principles, good upbringing, self-sufficiency and, of course, the presence of a brain.

Communication with such a lady requires compliance with the code of honor, and if minor offenses are forgiven and forgotten (God bless them, socks thrown under the bed and the toilet seat not lowered), but there are things that cannot be forgiven under any circumstances. What is this?

Emotional dullness

Everyone has long known that ladies have such qualities as sentimentality, deep introspection and reflection. Therefore, crying, suffering and killing yourself are normal types of leisure activities, especially if there is a man who stimulates such a pastime. For example, a man does not call or come with oranges at the moment when you are sick or you are very sad and lonely. That is, when you laughed merrily at a party and incendiary danced with him in a club - everything was fine. But everything changes when you become helpless and you need support. Or you have a misfortune, a nuisance, and the man pretends that he has nothing to do with it, or, even worse, instead of support, he makes claims to you or provokes a conflict. This is emotional stupidity that cannot be forgiven. And it doesn't have to be - it's only going to get worse. You can make a mistake at such a moment only once, usually a man no longer gets a second chance to “cleanse karma”.


No matter how upset, drunk, tired or fair a man is (the most common excuses for bodily harm), he has no moral right to show his power in dealing with a woman. It is not necessary to immediately fight with stools, sometimes rude words and insults in an aggressive form can destroy even the best relationship. Although, how good are they if a man allows himself such antics? This cannot be forgiven. Having crossed this border once, there is always a possibility that the situation will repeat itself, and in a much worse form.


What could be more disgusting than a whining man who constantly blames others, including you, for his failures and mistakes? “Wow, the boss is a goat, Vasya is a freak, and you are also a fool.” Horror. It is clear that there are situations when a man cannot force things and there are really guilty ones. But more often than not, we ourselves are the creators of our happiness, and shifting all the blame on others, while constantly and loudly reporting it, is a humiliating occupation for a man. I do not like? Take it and make it different. Otherwise, armor is sold for scrap in that window over there. Bye!

More specifically, the total unwillingness to improve something, to strive for something, that is, the lack of personal, career and creative ambitions, also belongs to loserism. How can you afford to walk around in dirty shirts, with dandruff in your head and earn 10 thousand rubles at 40, being a healthy person? No, no, ladies do not forgive this.

empty promises

No matter how trite it may sound, but the golden rule - "the kid said - the kid did" - works. Or you don't have to say anything at all. If a man tells you every day that you will go on a romantic trip to Paris for the New Year holidays, and he still hasn’t even bothered to make himself a passport and it’s deep December in the yard, the noodles from the ears begin to slowly and sadly slide into a saucepan with undersalted borscht.

And this applies to everything. Okay, we don’t mind reminding you 5 times that you need to nail a shelf in the bathroom, but if the number of “shelves” is already astronomical, then there is clearly nothing to catch here - let him “dream” alone.

Moreover, it is one thing if some force majeure happened, but, as a rule, this is the rarest case. Most often, a man simply feeds with promises and pulls, pulls, pulls, until the woman’s patience bursts and ricochets the man to hell.

dark past

Very often, men keep a lot of secrets about their past: dashing 90s, ex-wives, illegitimate children, violations of the law, strange sexual experiments, addictions, and so on. Over the years, of course, many improve or, rather, leave everything in the past. But the only difference is that someday, sooner or later, secrets begin to be revealed, especially with close and regular communication, not to mention living together. The past can strongly influence the present, and not even for the reason that it was hidden, but because if a man "was like that" - this does not mean that he "became different." Five children, whether you know about them or not, will not disappear, a thief's tattoo ring cannot be erased with an eraser, and a bullet wound in the side cannot be hidden.

And here there are two options: either the man immediately confesses everything, convincing that this is really in the past, or not, and takes two uncomfortable chairs at once - lies and concealment. It's pretty hard to forgive. Because such a concealment does not lead to good. And it’s better to find out right away what’s what, so that at the 8th month of pregnancy you don’t face the fact that your son will be the 15th, and not the first heir.

abandoned children

Actually, what we talked about above, only in the context.
In general, if a man is 35-50 years old, and he has no children, you will agree that this fact is already somewhat suspicious. And, let's just say, this is a fairly rare occurrence. Usually, by the age of 40, a man is divorced (we are now talking about free ones), has a “past” family and is trying to build a new one, this time with you. And here the moment is very important - what is his relationship with children from previous marriages and past women? If he fulfills his father's duties with dignity, even being at a distance - he regularly calls, sends money, gifts, spends time with children as much as possible, brings them to your common home, then you don’t have to worry. But if the situation is different, and he does not care what happens to his son, whom he saw for the last time in two months, the situation is critical.

Due to the fact that a woman's maternal instinct is so strongly developed, she is more ready to love someone else's child than to accept a man who does not love his own child. As a mother, this is hard for her to forgive.


Everything should be in moderation, otherwise - a disaster. For example, a man can be extremely religious and make terrible scandals about the fact that you eat meat during fasting. It's over, if your views on this issue are similar - it's one thing, you found each other, but when one of the couple looks like a religious fanatic - you urgently need to run, sparkling with your heels, until your lover sharpens an aspen stake and sticks it in you during the theological conflict.

And it's not just about religious fanaticism. Football, slot machines, casinos, shopping, gluttony, drunkenness, endless parties, sports, work in the end - any kind of activity can turn a person into a fanatic. When he is ready to devote all his free time, his thoughts, activities to one thing, and does it with unhealthy enthusiasm, increased emotionality and excitement, such a prince is unlikely to bring you happiness. In addition, it is somewhat dangerous - what if you become his mania?

personal genius

The unfulfilled ambitions of a creative person is the main flaw that is very difficult to forgive. If a man is constantly yelling “I am a genius, I am a genius” on every corner, but no one knows about it except him, run. Maybe not immediately, but a little later you will be accused of the fact that you, an uneducated, stupid, insensitive brute, do not see an artist in him and do not protect his spark of God, with which he justifies his idleness and lack of money (“I am a genius, and these stupid brutes just don't understand the depth of my creativity"). Although, if you contacted a creative person, you can already sympathize, this is a difficult type of man.

You probably ask, but where is the list of treason, drunkenness, partying, beatings, and so on? The thing is, these are the results. Treason - from emotional stupidity, drunkenness - from unfulfillment, fights and scandals - from everything at once.

Therefore, you need not forgive a man before the situation reaches a dead end, and you have to run away from him in the truest sense of the word.

Can a man forgive? Psychologists with thick packs of tests answer positively, folk wisdom says the opposite. But there are also romantics, according to whom a man full of love is ready to endure any trials offered by an inventive lady of the heart. And how are things really? Is there something that men never forgive women, or with a certain approach, you can experience the patience of the stronger sex endlessly?

Why is it harder for men to forgive?

The answer lies in the paradoxical structure of the male memory. A man evaluates all the misdeeds of those around him according to his internal scale of acceptability and enters into an imaginary diary, while pretending that nothing terrible has happened. When others are already almost sure that he has reconciled or forgiven, the place for records suddenly ends and the man puts an end to the relationship. At such a moment, it may seem that some mere trifle, like an out of place word or a sideways glance, led to the break - but who can know for sure how many records of misconduct have already been made before that?

How does a man react to being offended?

  1. He forgives the culprit, draws certain conclusions and forgets about the offense - provided that it will not be repeated. This is possible only if the troublemaker sincerely repents and asks for forgiveness.
  2. He doesn't forgive, but under the pressure of circumstances makes a good face on a bad game. This option is the most difficult: for fear of losing family, children, work or respect for others, resentment hides deep inside for a certain time - and the longer negative feelings are suppressed, the more negative energy accumulates.
  3. He seems to forgive but the relationship does not intend to continue. Such forgiveness without forgiveness is generally not characteristic of men, since it represents a pronounced cognitive dissonance: if the guilty person is forgiven, why leave?
  4. He cannot forgive and leaves for this reason. This happens when that very last point is reached, but the victim will remember the unavenged insult and the unspoken last word for a long time.

Fortunately, for women in a relationship, there are not many critical mistakes that lead to an immediate breakup. For example, a man in love, if he expresses dissatisfaction, is not too offended by:

  • minor flaws such as a lack of culinary talents and a passion for order, a peculiar taste in clothes or manner of communication;
  • excessive communication of the lady of the heart with her friends, their awareness of some of the intimate details of life together;
  • a woman's passion for communication, constant conversations on the phone or correspondence;
  • shopping and spontaneous purchases - provided that they do not cause irreparable damage to the family budget.

Test of strength

Everything would be fine if it were not for the subconscious desire inherent in the weaker sex to constantly test feelings for strength, look for the boundaries of what is permissible and test the patience of a man. Science considers this a kind of test for dominance: a woman is well aware of what provokes her partner’s discontent, but in such a simple way she checks whether the chosen one has lost the status of a leader, has she lost interest in her, is it time to look for a replacement for him?
The danger lies in the fact that each man has his own, individual border. A woman, having become a little accustomed to relationships with the stronger sex, can draw erroneous conclusions and assume that she already knows what men do not forgive, that all partners have an equal strength limit and are ready to endure approximately the same psychological pressure. Therefore, at some point, the boundary of the permissible is crossed easily and imperceptibly, and the reaction that follows does not give pleasure to anyone.

16 main female mistakes

So, men are ready to turn a blind eye to a lot. However, will forgiveness follow this, or will the dust be shaken off the imaginary diary and another entry will be made into it, thereby bringing the natural end closer? Below we list the main women's mistakes and mistakes, for which the chances of remaining unforgiven are very high.

1. Public criticism

The item is extremely fragile. Public criticism, ridicule or discussion of shortcomings in front of outsiders deal a tangible blow to him, especially when it comes to masculinity or intellectual abilities. Men react no less painfully when, in a dispute or conflict with others, a woman openly takes the opposite side. For the stronger sex, which is in eternal confrontation with the outside world, this is akin to a betrayal that men forget, but do not forgive.

2. Reproaches and allegations of insolvency

Daily claims, constant dissatisfaction or accusations of incompetence do not have an instant effect, but they destroy the foundation of a relationship one stone at a time. Unfortunately, women regularly try to educate their partner to change his actions and correct his behavior. In such an environment, the representatives of the stronger sex lose their self-confidence, become passive and give up any ambitions. It is logical that at the same time, the sincerity of the feelings of a woman who allows herself such behavior is also questioned: men run away from such relationships at the first opportunity.

Any man deep down wants to believe that he is the best sexual partner in the world, and a woman chose him for this reason as well. However, this faith is even more fragile than male pride - a carelessly spoken word or deliberate criticism of his male power not only instantly and completely repels a man, but can also lead to serious psychological dysfunction. The humiliation of manhood is something that a man will never forgive a woman, because the blow is so deep and painful that even asking for indulgence is useless.

4. Denial of intimacy

There are thousands of reasons why women refuse partners: upbringing, differences in temperaments, blackmail and even banal household fatigue play a role here. In addition, a woman sometimes declares her attitude to intimacy as a marital duty, for the fulfillment of which it is absolutely not necessary to feel any desire. However, the conclusions are always unambiguous: a man is convinced that he is not able to give a woman pleasure, that he no longer suits her as a lover. Unfortunately for relationships, replacements are sometimes found very quickly.

5. Comparison with others

An unfavorable comparison with other people is much more difficult for men than women, especially when it comes to former partners. A man subconsciously wants to be for his lady not only the only one, but also the smartest, strongest and most successful. Of course, at the same time, he understands that he is very far from ideal, but he prefers not to hear about it, especially from the lips of his beloved woman. If the intimate side of the relationship is compared, the reaction intensifies many times, and the consequences become unpredictable.

6. Commercialism

Despite the general cult of money and wealth, the stronger sex is extremely cautious about any manifestations of a woman's material interest in relationships - these are things that men cannot turn a blind eye to. If a woman shows that her interest is caused by the applicant’s wealth, the presence of the attributes of a wealthy person, that the priority for her is to receive different kind good - then not only love, but any sympathy on the part of a man will immediately disappear. In addition, a man who consciously “bought” a woman’s society will have an appropriate attitude towards “purchase”.

7. Jealousy and suspicion

Uncontrolled and unreasonable is a good way to create constant tension in the family. Men generally do not like baseless accusations and encroachments on personal freedom. If these are backed up by round-the-clock monitoring, secret checking of the computer, studying the phone, the contents of pockets and checking the daily schedule with control interrogations by the second, the end of such relationships is near. Some ladies, playing scouts, even engage in deliberate provocations, create fake accounts on social networks and persuade their friends to arrange a “loyalty test” for a man.

8. Manipulation and pressure

According to the point of view imposed by modern media resources, intellectually and spiritually, a woman is a more highly developed being than a man. Some ladies perceive this as a guide to action and try to control their partner with the help of primitive manipulations - they develop a guilt complex in him, put him in front of a difficult choice, make him apologize in any situation, feel like an inferior source of all troubles and misfortunes. Wanting to solely own a man, a woman can force him to give up hobbies, interests, hobbies, and even friendship with old comrades.

9. Insulting his relatives

Men like to identify themselves with different social groups. Approximately the same way they perceive their relatives - as a single family, identifying themselves as a member. Therefore, any attacks and ridicule against a second cousin by a man will be perceived by a man as a personal insult. Of course, relatives are not chosen, and sometimes quite tense situations can arise between them, about which a man speaks unflatteringly. However, if he himself, for example, considers it acceptable to criticize his own parents, then he never grants such a right to a woman.

10. Negligent attitude towards children

It so happened that the upbringing of children in our society is mainly a woman. However, despite the supposedly indifferent attitude of fathers to their own descendants, a man invariably realizes himself as the head and protector of the family, trusting a woman with the most valuable thing that he has. In any really dangerous situation, he will rush to save the child without hesitation - but can a man forgive a woman if she herself becomes the source of this danger? It is not uncommon for a baby to suffer from carelessness, irresponsibility or hindsight of the mother - what man can calmly look at this?

11. Stupidity and narrow-mindedness

The myth that men prefer stupid women has long been debunked. The average self-confident representative of the stronger sex will prefer a wise and far-sighted life partner. They do not like the stupid and narrow-minded, although they do not hesitate to use them - as long as they have the patience to endure the inadequate actions of a narrow-minded person. Things get much worse if a man who has lost his vigilance is associated with a similar lady with a family, children and a mortgage - feeling circled around his finger, he sometimes begins to take revenge, causing trouble for himself and others.

12. Lack of forgiveness

A man prefers to believe that a woman is completely devoted to him and is ready to forgive any mistakes or failures. However, as we know, women do not forget grievances - therefore, a regular reminder to a man of his moments of weakness at every opportunity is used as an argument for discussion. A man disoriented by such behavior, being sure that he was forgiven a long time ago, does not understand what is happening and soon begins to see in a woman not a partner, but an adversary.

13. Neglect and superiority

A normal man will always strive to become the head of the family, regardless of his career success and social status. Questioning his authority, neglecting his opinion, a woman makes a man doubt his own merits and abilities. The situation worsens if a woman's attempt to assume a dominant role is defiantly justified by her higher salary, successful career growth or physical indicators. Only a few, insecure individuals are able to calmly perceive the constant reminder of female superiority.

14. Betrayal

Betrayal should not be identified with betrayal, although this often accompanies it. Accidentally or deliberately discussing with strangers (with the same lover, for example) family secrets By ridiculing the dreams, hopes or hobbies of a man in conversations with other people, a woman thereby shows that she does not value either the trust placed in her or the relationship in general. There is no doubt whether men forgive the betrayal of a woman: any of them instantly moves away, withdraws into themselves or simply leaves, because without trusting communication and mutual understanding, further coexistence does not make sense.

15. Lies and duplicity

Lies, regardless of their scale, also entail a loss of trust: a man naturally assumes that by regularly deceiving him in trifles, a woman is also capable of a big lie associated with infidelity or betrayal. The representative of the stronger sex is just as wary of dual behavior: having found that a lady says one thing to his face, and something completely different behind his back, a man will not even try to establish close relationships, since they involve a trusting exchange of thoughts, dreams and experiences.

16. Treason

It's hard to find a more controversial and relationship-damaging mistake. On the one hand, studies by British scientists have shown that 92% of respondents are ready to forgive adultery, and on the other hand, we are talking about European men with suppressed self-identification and an artificially reduced level of masculinity. Domestic representatives of the stronger sex react much more strongly to betrayal.

It should be noted that the concept of treason for each individually. For some, it is enough, while others are ready to forgive "accidental" physical betrayal, but do not accept spiritual betrayal. In any case, the desire of a man to be the best and the only one in the eyes of his companion suddenly collides with the realization that the woman has found someone better. Realizing that the existing relationship has absolutely no meaning for her, the wounded representative of the stronger sex, if he can come to terms with this fact under the pressure of circumstances, will never return to his former openness and trust.

Love forgives everything

The stereotype of the endless generosity and patience of a man in love is quite dangerous, because a woman convinced of its truth may think that everything is allowed in a relationship. Undoubtedly, at the initial stages, a man is ready to endure any trials, but who can say that in a few years in a similar situation he will not take out his diary and reread the entries made long ago?
On the other hand, the situation is not at all so fatal: normal men are characterized by the ability to forgive in response to a sincere and conscious request, and the list of really mortal sins is not so long. It is enough to avoid what men never forgive women - and the rest two lovers can always cope with.

Forgiveness is very important in life. The accumulated small and large grievances poison life, spoil the mood and well-being. Such grievances need to be parted as soon as possible. However, not everything can and should be forgiven. Every woman has her own understanding of prohibitions. If for one betrayal of her husband does not mean anything, then the other will not be able to continue to be with him. Whether this is good or bad, it is impossible to say for sure. But to be happy, stepping on the throat of one's own principles, concepts of honor and conscience, will definitely not work.


The most offensive and serious betrayals occur on the part of close and dear people. After all, they know your weaknesses and those things that can hurt. But still decide to betray. Sometimes it benefits them, sometimes they do it stupidly. The term betrayal can be understood as:

  • physical or emotional betrayal of a beloved man;
  • “setting up” a colleague at work;
  • flirting best friend with your man;
  • disclosure of your personal secrets and secrets.

Of course, you can try to forgive the person who betrayed you, continue to communicate with him, but trust will be lost. The one who betrayed you once can easily do it again. Communicating with him further, you will still remember his betrayal. Many women forgive the betrayal of loved ones because of material, moral benefits. They do not want to know and accept the bitter truth. But whether they will then have peace and tranquility in their souls is difficult to answer.
Sincerely forgive or finally break off the relationship - everyone decides for himself, listening to his inner voice.

Cruelty and assault

If you can offend strongly with words inadvertently, then you can behave cruelly or beat you only consciously. For most women, the cruelty of men towards children is absolutely unacceptable, although many of them will forgive rude treatment of themselves.
But this position is wrong. You can not forgive assault, rudeness, humiliation for many reasons:

Why can't you forgive that your loved one hit you? A woman with the psychology of a victim is ready to endure beatings, but this cannot be called normal.


You can cheat once and. In a relationship with a loved one or friendship, it is important to trust a person, to know that he will always be there. As a rule, everything starts with petty lies. A man keeps silent about his spending, entertainment and other things so as not to “upset you.”
But then it becomes a habit, all communication becomes entangled in a web of lies. You can no longer trust him.

It will not be a problem to deceive you on a large scale. Husbands often take loans, lose all their savings on sweepstakes, sell valuables without the knowledge of their spouses. The property and money that you did not just get are spent on meaningless actions. It is difficult to forgive such deceit. After all, a man demonstrates complete indifference to your needs, interests, desires. If you forgive deceit, you will always be a victim of this attitude towards yourself.


The attitude to adultery depends on the upbringing, sexual emancipation of the woman. For some, it means nothing. The wife avoids information about her husband's infidelities, pretending to be completely ignorant. But for romantic natures, related to sexual intercourse not only from the physiological side, betrayal can be a real tragedy. It is difficult for such women to forgive her, because they will not be able to live with such and treat a man as before.

  • If this is not an isolated case, but a systematic violation of fidelity.
  • Love you or In this case, it makes no sense to continue the relationship.
  • A man does not perceive betrayal as a betrayal, a bad deed. He does not repent, does not regret what he has done, but, on the contrary, seeks to make you feel guilty. Such a man will definitely change again.
  • If a man is loose, obsessed with sex, then he cannot be faithful. Why endure constant betrayal.
  • To be able to resist temptations you need to be strong. Learn to resist. If a man does not want to do this, then he will never change.

Cheating is not only a physical act, but also humiliation, deception, betrayal of a partner. Even if you love your man very much, think many times before forgiving him. Is he worth the sacrifice? After all, life with constant distrust and doubt is unlikely to bring joy.


Indifference and the complete absence of quarrels is a signal that not everything is going smoothly in a relationship. Such situations lead to family crises and. Indifference to a woman often occurs when a man does not respect her.
After all, respect is the key to a healthy relationship. When he is not there, the man is not interested in the opinion of the woman, criticizes her, does not take her words and requests seriously. He may avoid communication altogether, move away from serious conversations, or just listen to you with a blank look. You should not hope that your love will melt the ice, over time, his disrespect and indifference will only increase, criticism will become tougher. As a result, your self-esteem will decrease, complexes and self-doubt will appear.

To build a harmonious relationship, you need to make efforts from both sides. But in fact, it is the woman who makes sacrifices, adapts to the man. At the same time, a man can behave absolutely indifferently, does not try to give you anything in return. A moral, material, housing factor or other benefit can keep him in a relationship. But if a woman appears on the horizon who can give more, then he will immediately leave. Therefore, indifference and indifference cannot be forgiven.

A man suffering from narcissism or a big egoist often becomes indifferent. He will be narcissistic and take your sacrifices for granted. You will not see gratitude or appreciation from him. Like support in difficult situations, because he is indifferent to almost everything that happens to you.

Run from such men. After all, life is given to enjoy it, give birth and raise children, feel happy. And by forgiving everything that disgusts you, you will no longer be yourself and cease to be a person.