How to cut thick bangs. How to cut bangs correctly. Varieties of beautiful bangs in the photo

Bangs are one of the most important elements of a woman's hairstyle. She is able to radically change her appearance. In addition, a properly selected shape masks minor flaws in appearance and emphasizes beautiful facial features. In order for the hairstyle to always look beautiful and spectacular, it is very important to follow the bangs. However, if you do not have the opportunity to regularly visit a hairdresser, then you can adjust its shape at home. So, today we will tell you about how to cut bangs yourself.


Shape selection

Bangs are a very finicky haircut element. She paints some girls, while in others, on the contrary, she emphasizes all the flaws. That is why it is very important to choose correct form. To do this, carefully look at your face and determine what type it belongs to.

  • Girls with oval face fit graduated bang. It will add expressiveness to the eyes. Also in this case, a direct model would be an excellent choice. However, you should not cut the strands too short, as you risk emphasizing a high forehead and massive cheekbones.
  • Suitable for women with square or round face asymmetrical options that visually balance the proportions of the face and mask minor imperfections. In addition, haircuts with oblique bangs will help visually lengthen the face.
  • Girls with a heart-shaped face should avoid straight lines and shapes, otherwise you risk visually making the chin even sharper. In this case, the ideal choice would be elongated strands laid on its side.

Haircut tools

In order to properly cut bangs at home, you need to stock up on a certain set of hairdressing tools. For a haircut, first of all, you will need special hairdressing scissors.

Under no circumstances should stationery or manicure tools. Scissors must be well sharpened, otherwise you risk ruining the hair structure.

You will also need the following auxiliary tools: a comb with fine teeth, a regular comb, hairpins and clips to fix the strands.

General haircut rules

  1. It is possible to create straight lines and clear contours only on dry hair. Wet strands after drying become shorter by 0.5-1 cm and this should be taken into account if you decide to cut wet hair.
  2. In order to cut the strands correctly, measure the length 1 finger more desired result. This margin ensures that the haircut is not too short.
  3. Before cutting, you should definitely decide on the shape of the bangs and select the necessary strands from the entire mass of hair.
  4. The texture shape can be made using ordinary hairdressing scissors. To do this, they need to be turned vertically and cut off the tips. This will make your hair look more natural. Also, to form "torn" tips, you can use special thinning scissors.
  5. For owners thick hair it is recommended to thin out the bangs.

Strict straight lines and clear contours are an ideal choice for girls with a round and oval face. In the first case, such a model will emphasize the correct facial features, and in the second case, it will hide a high forehead and add expressiveness to the eyes.

The straight, even shape is designed to emphasize the proportionality of the face, so it does not suit the owners of a too massive chin.

So, how to cut straight bangs yourself?

  • Comb your hair thoroughly.
  • Select the front strands, and secure the rest of the mass of hair with a clip.
  • Using a comb, highlight a triangle in the forehead area. The top of the triangle should be located in the middle of the frontal zone. The base of the triangle is a straight line from the tip of one eyebrow to the tip of the other.
  • In order for the cut to be perfectly straight, the hair should be cut in stages. First, cut the strands to the tip of the nose. Then cut another 2 cm. Leave the bangs 1 cm longer than you want to end up with.
  • Align the cut. To do this, divide the hair into several strands and cut them, holding the scissors vertically.

Haircuts with oblique bangs fit almost to any type faces. Such a model, laid on its side, will help to correct the proportions of the face: it will lengthen the round one, and make the square one softer.

So, how to cut oblique bangs at home?

  • Comb your hair thoroughly. Select strands for future bangs from the rest of the mass of hair.
  • Define parting lines. It can be triangular, oval or square. As a rule, a triangle is distinguished from the strands, but you can experiment by choosing the original parting.
  • Determine the line of inclination of the ends of the hair. Start cutting your hair in stages of 2-3 cm under the chosen slope. As a rule, the short angle of the bangs is located just above the tip of the eyebrow, and the long one is at the level of the middle of the eye.
  • Trim the cut. Trim the ends with thinning shears if necessary.

The content of the article:

The original bangs can radically transform your image: by choosing the right look and shape, you can give your hairstyle a new, interesting sound. For example, if you are tired of a laconic straight bob, you can very well “revive” it with the help of an elegant rounded bang, or even a mischievous torn one. The first option will give the haircut an updated elegant shape, and the second one will enliven and muffle the strict conciseness. To choose the right bang shape, you need to take into account the natural proportions of the face, and then decide on its optimal length. By length, all bangs can be divided into two types: above or below the eyebrows.

Long bangs allow you to visually lengthen the oval of the face, which is perfect for owners of charming plump cheeks and a soft chin line. But a short bang in this case is categorically contraindicated: it draws attention to the shape of the face, visually expanding it.

If you have never worn bangs before, then for the first time it is ideal to seek help from a professional stylist in the salon. He will not only select for you suitable shape, but will also tell you how to properly lay it. But, of course, every time you run to the salon when you just need to trim your regrown bangs, or you won’t be able to cut your daughter’s bangs.

And it's not necessary at all! With quite a bit of experience, patience and skill, you can easily become your own hairdresser. How much does it cost to cut bangs in the salon, you could see from your own experience. Sometimes 50% of the cost of a regular haircut is requested for such a procedure. If you are not ready to overpay, then learn to cut your own hair.

Remember that an unsuccessful bang can radically ruin the most successful haircut. But even in this case, the situation is quickly fixable: the hair will grow back pretty quickly, after which you can cut it again, this time more successfully.

The nuances of self-haircut bangs. What to do if the bangs are cut short?

After you have decided on the type of bangs, it's time to move on to the cutting technique itself. To begin with, it is worth remembering a few fundamental rules:

  1. It is worth cutting bangs exclusively on wet hair, since a dry haircut will always be uneven. However, it is worth remembering that the dried strands will be shortened by about a centimeter.
  2. Make a haircut only in bright daylight, and for the first time - always in front of a mirror.
  3. Before you cut the bangs for a girl (daughter, sister, girlfriend), relax, be calm. If you are nervous or afraid to do something wrong, the chances of getting an unsuccessful haircut are quite high.
  4. Be sure to separate the future bangs before cutting from the bulk of the hair.
  5. When determining the length of the bangs, be sure to leave a finger-length margin. This will allow you not to make a mistake with the length, and even after leveling the bangs will not become too short.

In order to cut bangs yourself, you will definitely need:

  • Scissors: regular and thinning.
  • Thin comb-comb with frequent teeth.
  • Various hairpins or clips, thin elastic bands to fix hair.

What to do if you still made a mistake with the length, and the bangs came out too short? Of course, in just 1-2 weeks, the hair will grow back by itself, but you want to look perfect right now! To remedy the situation, you can "mix" the bangs with the bulk of the hair., or use salon procedure hair extensions.

You can also beautifully stab the bangs back, turning an unsuccessful haircut into a stylish styling!

Varieties of beautiful bangs in the photo

The technology for cutting bangs is quite simple. Let's start with the simplest form, consider how to cut bangs straight:

  1. Separate the part of the hair intended for bangs. Collect all other hair in a ponytail so that it does not interfere.
  2. Pinch the entire mass of hair between your fingers, and start cutting. The cutting angle must be strictly 45 degrees, otherwise the bangs will be uneven.
  3. After that, comb the bangs, and evaluate its length. Trim the broken sections of hair.
  4. Wash and dry your hair, then evaluate the result and adjust if necessary.
You can make the texture of the bangs lighter and more airy by trimming the ends of the hair while holding the scissors vertically. This will make the shape of the bangs much more natural and interesting.

long bangs

Long bangs that cover the eyebrows emphasize the cheekbones and eyes. It goes well with coloring. The universal option is oblique elongated bangs. It perfectly suits any type of face, making its features more elegant. Important point: straight long bangs cannot be milled.

oblique bangs

Ideal for anyone with a square, rectangle or round face. It will visually lighten and balance the proportions of the face. The only problem - is not the best option for those with curly hair, since such a bang will need constant straightening. Owners of curls should think before cutting their bangs obliquely.

torn bangs

Torn bangs are easiest to make on the basis of a classic straight or beveled. After the main part of the haircut is ready, profile it with scissors so that you get original small or large teeth. Such a bang looks most impressive on short and medium hair: it will emphasize the laconic shape of the haircut, and at the same time give it naturalness and negligence.

Such bangs can be laid very beautifully by highlighting individual strands with wax, or with the help of fantasy coloring. Combing it every time in a different way, you will emphasize its natural negligence.

Bangs on the side

Long bangs, laid on its side, are original - it is suitable for any shape, unobtrusively emphasizing the advantages, and most importantly, it will correct the shortcomings. Choose the shape of the bangs that suits your face and style them on the side in different ways. In the everyday version, you can simply comb the bangs to the side, and fix with styling gel. And in the evening, pin it up with a bright hairpin, or braid it in a pigtail - and you are ready to go to the theater or to a fun party!

Bangs in a semicircle

A real find for anyone who wants to focus on the face and give it a fresh and very feminine look. It is worth noting that such a bang makes the facial features slightly heavier, therefore it is categorically not suitable for owners of a square or triangular face shape with massive cheekbones or an overly heavy chin line

Straight bangs

Most simple option, perfectly emphasizes the natural thickness of the hair, and allowing to emphasize the beautiful oval of the face. But such a bang is able to "weight" his features, so it is better for owners of a square or round face to abandon this idea.

How to evenly and beautifully cut bangs for yourself or your child at home? Tricks of hairdressers

To make the bangs look natural, the edging should become the final element of the haircut, or, in the simplest way, giving the cut of the hair the desired shape. After you have completed the main stage and washed your hair, align its contour and give it the desired shape.. The edging can be:

  • torn;
  • wavy;
  • straight;
  • stepped;
  • oblique.
Having no experience, it is best to limit yourself to direct or torn piping. More difficult ways trust a professional hairdresser.

To trim your little fashionista's hair yourself, use our tips. It is best to cut a girl's bangs along with the bulk of her hair. It is best to cut a very small girl by putting her not on a chair, but on a table.- in this case, you will have a better viewing angle, and not so quickly get tired of standing in an uncomfortable position. When the technology of a children's haircut is somewhat different from an adult:

  • Comb the bangs in the direction from the roots of the hair, after wetting it with water.
  • Divide it all into parts. Pinch between your fingers the strand that you are going to cut first.
  • Place your fingers along the cut line, and quickly cut the highlighted strand. Repeat this procedure with all strands.
  • Once again comb the entire bangs from top to bottom, and you're done!

Learning how to cut bangs at home using video

As you can see, it is quite possible to trim the regrown bangs at home on your own. Quite a bit of experience and skill - and you can "revive" the shape of the haircut. Giving it a fresh and original look on its own. And yet - you will not need to take your daughter to the hairdresser every time because the regrown bangs began to climb into her eyes and interfere with her. Our master class will help you with this:

Being constantly in the same image is not about us. Something you want to change in your appearance; dye your hair or get a new haircut. These elementary changes lift our spirits and change our image. Short bangs requires special attention and financial investments, since it needs to be trimmed at the hairdresser once a month. Visiting hairdressers, not everyone is satisfied with the end result, so they begin to wonder "how to cut bangs yourself." Why not learn how to do it yourself, giving it the desired length and shape.

How to cut straight bangs

How to cut oblique bangs

Oblique bangs require a more careful attitude. It is advisable to cut on medium dry or dry hair. This method will help to immediately identify all the shortcomings. Do not cut immediately short, make it one centimeter longer so that you can correct it. First of all, decide on which side the bangs will be, what length and density.

Any bangs require volume

Comb it and highlight the middle strand. Trim to desired length at an angle. Then, focusing on the middle strand, take the one that will be short, give it the desired length. Lastly, cut the longest strand. Now dry the oblique bangs with a hair dryer and remove all the bumps with the tips of the scissors. Any bangs require volume, if there are no thinning scissors, you can thin out the oblique bangs with ordinary scissors. Pinch the strand with your fingers, and holding the scissors parallel to the hair, file each strand.


One of the most simple ways quickly and drastically change the image - cutting bangs in accordance with the features of the face and figure. Properly chosen bangs will favorably emphasize the dignity and character traits.

Any haircut requires regular adjustment and care, you must contact the hairdresser at least once a month. There is not always time and money for these mandatory trips, it would be nice to learn how to cut bangs yourself.

Which shape to choose

To choose the perfect hairstyle, you need special knowledge, in the absence of such, use the universal recommendations.

  • A round face with soft features will suit a romantic graduated bang. It is also allowed to be short, but in some cases it emphasizes a high forehead or wide cheekbones.
  • With a beautiful oval and regular features, a straight classic bang looks great, and on curly hair - a lush tousled one.
  • Too thick and symmetrical is difficult to stack.
  • With thin hair, a bang from the top is recommended, it gives volume. The bangs are made straight, and the haircut is short.
  • Dark and curly hair a sparse bangs of medium length will add piquancy.
  • Lush and disheveled bangs are suitable for tall ones, while smooth and even ones are recommended for low ones.
  • With a square or round face, you can make an asymmetrical bang and lay it on its side.
  • Short bangs accentuate a round face, while long bangs emphasize a narrow and elongated face.
  • Fashionable triangular bangs go to an elongated rectangular face.

The most universal is considered to be an oblique bang on the side. She goes to everyone and very rarely spoils the appearance. Straight bangs to about the eyebrows belong to the same category.

Basic Rules

If there is no bangs or its length is almost equal to the rest of the hair, then it will be difficult to cut it yourself. Try to make the task easier by contacting a special computer program for hair styling, or for the first haircut, go to the hairdresser. Correction of growing hair is much easier.

For haircuts, get professional scissors. For one use, ordinary ones are also suitable, provided that they are large enough and sharp. On a regular basis, professional scissors are indispensable.

Most masters wet their hair before cutting, but it is not recommended to do this at home, especially for the first time. Cut your hair clean and dry, otherwise you risk being unpleasantly surprised by the resulting length. When you adapt to wet hair, you will leave the necessary margin in length. The same applies to curly ones: you need to make bangs on them a little lower than the expected length.


Even on dry hair, at the first attempt, leave a margin for length. This will provide an opportunity to correct errors and correct the form.

  1. 1. Start cutting in a calm state with good lighting, better during the day armed with a mirror and scissors.
  2. 2. Separate the hair for the bangs from the rest of the mass. Put the rest back so as not to accidentally cut off the excess. Gather long hair in a bun or ponytail, and secure short hair with a hoop or hairpins.
  3. 3. Lightly spray the hair selected for the bangs with water from a spray bottle so that they do not crumble.
  4. 4. Divide the hair into several equal parts and comb them well with a comb with rare teeth in different directions. This procedure will not miss a single hair.
  5. 5. Select a small strand and, pinching it between your index and middle fingers, pull it forward. Cut off part of the hair, leaving the desired length. At the same time, hold the scissors at an angle of about 45 degrees, slowly cutting the hair in small parts. If you hold it at a right angle to the strands, you get an arc: the hair slides along the blade, and it is impossible to achieve a perfectly even bang.
  6. 6. Do the same with the rest of the hair. This cuts off the excess length.
  7. 7. Carefully comb the bangs in different directions and shorten the knocked-out hairs. You can correct the shape by repeating the whole process, but cut only sloppy strands or strands of different lengths.
  8. 8. For the final adjustment of the hairline, cut the broken hairs, moving from right to left, holding the scissors at a right angle.
  9. 9. Wet the bangs and comb it well with a fine-tooth comb, then press your hand to your forehead and evaluate the result. When adjusting a haircut in a wet state, do not get too carried away, imperceptibly make it too short.
  10. 10. Style bangs with a hair dryer and a comb.
  11. 11. If you have special scissors, slightly profile. To do this, go through thinning scissors along the edge, this will give the hair lightness and simplify further styling.

On long hair it is more difficult to work, but after cutting the main length, the bangs are almost ready. More experienced are invited to divide the cut strands into two horizontal parts, upper part make a millimeter longer than the bottom. The effect will be almost the same as with thinning.

Other options

Having mastered the classic haircut and stuffed your hand, you can try other options.

For a straight long bang, the hair is separated from the crown, then divided into two parts, one of which starts at the crown. She is cut first, the length is slightly below the upper eyelid, the rest is leveled along it from one edge to the other.

Asymmetrical bangs are a little more difficult to cut. First, so much hair is cut so that the remaining length corresponds to the lower edge of the future bangs, usually to the tip of the nose, but can be longer or shorter. Then the hair is divided into 3 parts: two side narrow and the bulk in the middle. Next shear middle part from bottom to top, leaving the bottom edge unchanged, and the top length approximately at the level of the eyebrows. Asymmetrical bangs are recommended to be milled, otherwise it will look sloppy.

The semicircular is cut like a straight one, it needs to be made thick, otherwise it will be ugly. Divide the hair into two parts, one starts from the crown. Cut this part to the desired length and divide the entire bang in half. Then shorten the rest of the length in a semicircle, directing the scissors from the center to the edges, periodically checking for symmetry.

Repeated repetition will allow you to achieve the perfect result over time and refuse to go to the hairdresser.

Hair is a symbol of beauty. What women don’t do with them to look stunning. Coloring, curling, styling, weaving - these are just the basics of working on a hairstyle. The full arsenal is much richer. Today we will focus on how to cut bangs on your own.

To whom what suits

Many hairstyles look unfinished without bangs. Different styling harmoniously coexist only with certain forms that differ from each other in length, density, angle of inclination. Girls who love to experiment can try to create the desired version at home. Lucky women who have already been to the stylist and do not want to adjust the length of the bangs every month, all the more worth learning how to do it right in their own bathroom.

Before picking up scissors, you should understand what is beautiful for you and what is not acceptable:

Basic rules for working with bangs

Let's open important nuances in dealing with facial hair. You will need a number of hairdressing supplies:

In addition to preparing everything you need, it is worth deciding on the desired end result, deciding what the hair cut line, length and shape will be. Use the scissors carefully so as not to scratch your face. If you are not sure that you will be in right size, then you can cut dry hair (wet hair will be shortened after drying).

Cutting techniques

To get started, let's take a step-by-step look at how to cut a slanting bang:

To give the image of naturalness, you can make a thinning or textural version. In the first case, you will need special scissors with cutting on the blade. They must be wielded at a distance of no more than one and a half centimeters from the edge.

If you don't have scissors, take a razor blade. Divide the bangs into five sections. Twist each into a tight bundle, process the edges of the workpiece at a distance of about a centimeter with a blade, guiding it correctly (angle of about 30 degrees) and very carefully so as not to remove excess hairs. Remove only the top layer of the tourniquet, thinning it towards the edge in the form of a nail or needle.

Textured or torn edges can be achieved by guiding the blade towards the edges of the bangs in an almost vertical position. To do this, gradually pull the bangs over the crown, removing the excess length at a small angle in the form of a Christmas tree in centimeter increments. After finishing the haircut, go through thinning scissors.

If everything is clear with this technology, then we will figure out how to cut the bangs to the side.

Several options are possible here. The simplest is done like this:

  1. Make an exactly straight cut one centimeter more than the desired length, since when combing the curls to the sides, the strands will become shorter.
  2. Divide the bangs into two parts by making a side parting.
  3. Cut strands a centimeter wide from the parting at an angle of forty-five degrees to a height of one and a half to two centimeters so that the bangs look beautiful.

You can also do the same as in the pictures. To do this, immediately separate the bangs with a side parting and cut each half separately.

You can make a very original laying on the side as follows:

  1. Divide the front section of your hair into three sections (the middle section should be slightly larger).
  2. Cut the central one, moving from the bottom up, making a side bevel.
  3. Profile the middle at a distance of about two centimeters from the tips.

A few important secrets

It is advisable to mill the oblique bangs, especially if your hair has a thick structure. This is the only way to achieve a natural look.

The final check of your work can be done after washing your hair and styling curls. Then visible defects will come out. Correct them with scissors.

In no case do not cut off a straight bang with the idea of ​​​​making it oblique, as it will be difficult to change a straight line and it is possible not to guess with the length.

For aces who cut their hair for the first time, we offer a little secret. Divide the bangs in two horizontally. Make the top one - two millimeters longer so that the hairs curl beautifully under the bottom.