How to cut bangs with. Any bangs require volume. Ripped with piping

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Bangs are a fashion trend in haircuts, because with them the image becomes more attractive. It also allows you to change the image. It is not necessary to visit the salon, because you can cut your bangs yourself at home. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with some features of the work in order to do this correctly. You can cut bangs not only to another person, but also to yourself. There are many types of bangs that are chosen according to the type of face. It will turn out to make a beautifully oblique bang or a semicircle.

How to cut bangs at home

If you do not want to visit the hairdresser, then you can cut your bangs at home. It is only necessary to familiarize yourself with the main types and features of the work. Owners of curls can make bangs for themselves, just remember that it will require daily styling and alignment. From developing hair, you can also make bangs at home, you just need to follow some tips. This applies to work, as a result of which it will be possible to make an oblique bang or a semicircle.

At home, you need to collect moistened hair in a ponytail. To do this, you can apply water to them with a spray bottle or use styling foam. It is necessary to mark the border of the eyebrows. Then you should go down a little lower and calculate the line of passage of the bangs. The remaining strands should be collected. Hair should be cut in small strands, heading from the edges to the central part. Bangs are obtained around the face.

While working, the scissors should be held at a 45-degree angle, which is what barbers do. As a result, the growth of curls can be taken into account, and the processed strands will be natural.

When the turn of the central part comes up, it is necessary to go through the opposite side again in the same way. Then you need to comb the bangs with a comb with small teeth. The result is some volume. If there are shortcomings, then they should be immediately eliminated.

Process Features

It must be remembered that a dry bang will be shorter by about 1 cm. At home, you can make a bang yourself. To make it look beautiful, you need to make the edge even, and the difference should be about 3 mm. If it turned out that way, then you get a beautiful bang.

It is best to work with dry hair in the process of standard styling. The bangs will perfectly match the shape of the face with a daily hairstyle. It is advisable to choose professional tools, since with them there is a small chance of ruining your hair. It is best to cut the strands a little until you get the desired result.

Types of bangs

At home, you can make any bangs: oblique, straight, semicircle. They are divided into 2 groups:

  • Structural detail. It is created during the design of the entire haircut, when the hair is completely cut. At the end of the work, combing and creating a edging line will be required. After it grows back, shortening will be required, and this work is easy to do. It should be combed as it was before the haircut process. At the end, you will need to create a border.
  • Independent item. You can create bangs at home separately from hairstyles. It is performed separately from the rest of the curls, which come in various lengths.

Bang options

Before you make a bang at home, you will need to familiarize yourself with its parameters. Width is the span from right to left. It should not affect whiskey. But there are exceptions when certain types of haircuts are created.

First you need to separate the curls using a triangular, p-shaped parting. The thickness can be chosen as desired. It must be remembered that the density of the bangs affects the reduction in the mass of the rest of the strands. Therefore, the haircut should be performed taking into account the density of the curls.

Work principles

For work you will need:

  • scissors for hairdressing;
  • thinning scissors;
  • comb with small teeth;
  • clamps.

With these tools, it will be possible to create a beautiful bang at home: oblique, straight, semicircle. To make the work process easier, you must first comb your hair well, pinch it with your fingers, pull it to the bridge of your nose and carefully cut it off. To do the job neatly at home, a detailed review of the process will be required.

If the hair is the same length, then the following tips should be used. You do not need a bright selection of the contour of the bangs. It goes well with curly and thin curls.

  • You need to moisturize your hair.
  • Then you should separate the bangs with a parting, and use clips to fasten the rest of the hair.
  • It is necessary to comb the first strand and cut it in the desired place.
  • With the help of a horizontal parting, a strand is separated after 1 cm.
  • After capturing the control strand, it is necessary to cut both at the distance of the first cut.
  • Then the curls are combed and cut in the form of a control strand.
  • To create a cut, cloves are used.
  • In conclusion, the curls need to be combed and a border created.
  • Filtering is done on request.

In order to competently do the work yourself, you will need to use the following recommendations:

  • Since wet curls look longer than dry ones, it is best to cut your hair after the hair is completely dry. And wet ones should be made longer.
  • During operation, do not pull the strands strongly, as this may cause the cut to be uneven.
  • Before work, it is necessary to stab the rest of the hair so as not to spoil it.
  • If there are no professional tools, then ordinary sharp ones will do. It is advisable to cut only hair with them, and then they will not become dull for a long time.

Bang care

The rules of care are very simple, as with all hair. Hair needs to be clean and healthy. If there are problems with the section, then this is immediately visible from the bangs. It is better to immediately eliminate this problem so that the hair is beautiful and well-groomed.

It is useful to use care products: shampoos, sprays and masks. It is best to cook them yourself from natural ingredients. For styling, mousses and foams are used. Required daily care so that the view is always neat. To straighten curls, you need to use special cosmetics. You need to use tools and styling products infrequently, because they spoil the structure of the strands.

Why is the bang dreaming

Each fashionista decides for herself whether to make her bangs or not. However, she often appears in the subconscious, that is, in a dream. Why does she dream, each author gives his own interpretation. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of its phenomenon in a dream.

  • Why dream of growing bangs? - To diseases of relatives.
  • Lush bangs - to great happiness.
  • Why dream of disheveled bangs? - To the difficulties in family affairs as well as in business.
  • Gray-haired - to trouble.
  • Why dream of shearing? - Bad news.
  • Winding - fatigue from a love relationship.
  • Why dream of drying bangs? - To joyful events.

If you dream of a bang in any form, then it does not bode well. Each dream book can have different interpretations.

The bangs are the decoration of the image. To do it or not, everyone decides for himself. When choosing a hairstyle with this element, everything must be done correctly so that the hair is neatly styled.

Bangs - How to cut bangs yourself

Tired of hair? Want to change your style? Learn how to cut bangs yourself, and feel free to add perky notes to boring styling.

Which bang suits you?

When choosing bangs, you can not rely only on fashion or taste. The main thing is to find the right form. To do this, you need to take into account the shape of the face and the structure of the hair:

  • Round face - You won't have any problems with bangs, as almost all shapes suit a round face. A short one will add enthusiasm, a bang to the middle of the forehead will make you more feminine, while an oblique one will visually narrow your face. Yes, and you should not refuse a long thick bang!
  • Oval face - cannot boast the same versatility as previous version. A face of this type requires an elongated straight or graduated bangs;
  • Square face - stop at a light asymmetrical shape, it will correct a heavy chin;
  • Triangular face - perfect for you thick bangs to the eyebrows;
  • Narrow small face with small features - give preference to short bangs with milled or torn edges;
  • Wide-cheeked face - a rare bang of medium length will help soften its features;
  • Curly hair - you can trim your bangs, but be prepared for daily styling with a flat iron and varnish;
  • Thin and sparse hair - choose an option that starts at the crown and covers the eyebrow line. Such bangs will make styling more voluminous.

Haircut tools

To cut your own bangs, you will need a few special tools:

  • Ordinary scissors - their quality affects the result. Ideally, scissors should be professional. As a last resort, arm yourself with the sharpest ones;
  • Thinning scissors - necessary to create interesting effects;
  • Comb with fine teeth or comb. It will be just fine if you can get a double comb. On one side there are rare teeth, on the other - frequent;
  • Crabs, clips, elastic bands - needed to fix hair.

Straight bangs cutting technique

How to cut bangs at home so that it stays even?

  1. Separate the future bangs from the rest of the hair. Stab her with a crab.
  2. It is advisable to collect the remaining hair in a ponytail so as not to interfere.
  3. Take one strand in your hand, hold it between your fingers and pull it down.
  4. Trim just below the brow line. Hold the scissors at a 45⁰ angle, otherwise the blades will slide off the hair.
  5. We repeat the procedure with the rest of the strands, focusing on the cut length. Make sure that the bangs line is strictly horizontal.
  6. Carefully comb the bangs with a comb.
  7. Remove the kinks by holding the scissors at a 90⁰ angle.
  8. Press the bangs to the forehead and check its evenness.
  9. Dry the strands with a hair dryer and style with a round brush.

Watch the video for important points:

Oblique bangs cutting technique

How to cut oblique bangs yourself? With our tips, it's very easy to do!

Step 1. Separate the future bangs from the bulk of the hair. Stab her with a crab.

Step 2 Gather the rest of your hair into a ponytail.

Step 3. Comb your hair thoroughly and cut it on the bias. Cut from the bottom up, holding the scissors at a 45⁰ angle.

Step 4. Dry your bangs with a hair dryer.

Do you know the biggest haircut mistake? Look at the video:

How to make thinning?

With the help of thinning, you can achieve interesting effects, make bangs airy and make it easier to style. To perform thinning, you will need special scissors. Their blade consists of small teeth, thanks to which not all hair is cut out of the strand, but only a small part.

  1. Remove excess hair from your face.
  2. Divide the bangs into separate strands.
  3. Twist the strand into a light bundle.
  4. With thinning scissors, make an incision approximately in the middle of the strand and at a distance of 2-3 cm from the tips.
  5. Work the remaining strands in the same way.

This is how the masters advise to perform thinning:

There are several other ways to filter. You can go through the ends of the hair, holding the scissors strictly horizontally, or you can turn them upside down and make a few cuts diagonally. In the latter case, the bangs will turn out to be torn.

Important to remember!

Deciding to trim beautiful bangs, listen to our helpful tips:

  • When cutting for the first time, do not trim too much. It is better to give preference to elongated options - if you don’t like the bangs, you can stab it and it will grow faster;
  • The width of the future bangs is equal to the size of the forehead and is limited to the temporal cavities - it should not go beyond them;
  • Should I moisturize my hair before cutting? There is no clear answer here. When cutting bangs “dry”, it will not turn out perfectly even, especially on curly or wavy hair. If the bangs are wetted, then the final length will jump by about 1 cm.

Do not be afraid of stylish changes, try to be different, and bangs will help you with this!

Every woman from time to time wants to change something in her appearance, but not too drastically. This can be done by modeling the edging of the face. So you can easily change the classic look to a light and playful one, add flirtatiousness, mystery.

Any image ends with a face edging. But when there is no time to visit a hairdresser, you can try to cut your bangs and make new look. To do this, you should learn how to cut bangs yourself. The shape of the bangs is selected individually, while taking into account the hairstyle, shape and facial features.

Preparing for a haircut

From proper preparation success in a haircut depends. Beginners in this business should not do complicated hairstyles, they can start with the formation of oblique or even bangs. Before cutting bangs at home, you should purchase sharp large scissors.

Bangs should be clearly separated from the rest of the hair. Moisturize your hair to make it more manageable. If you cut dry, then you run the risk of getting an uneven hairstyle, especially if the curls are curly.

If the curls are too thick, it is better to mill them, then the hairstyle will look light. It is advisable to carry out a haircut in a bright place where everything is clearly visible. Tools must be prepared in advance.

Required tools:

  • The scissors are sharp. It is good if you manage to purchase special hairdressing salons. But if this is not possible, then the tool that you will use should only be designed for cutting hair;
  • Special scissors for milling. They can help you achieve more interesting effect. Such scissors have special teeth that cut only part of the hair and make the hairstyle more interesting and attractive;
  • Comb with frequent fine teeth;
  • Water spray to make hair slightly wet during cutting;
  • Means that fix individual strands - hairpins, invisible, elastic bands, etc.

Various techniques for cutting bangs


First you need to collect the hair on the forehead, which you will subsequently cut. Bangs should be divided into three parts. Using a spray bottle, it will need to be slightly moistened with water. The haircut begins with the middle strands, which need to be pulled back a little, and then cut.

Then cut the strands on the sides, trying to make them all the same length. After that, you will need to divide the bangs into several parts (6-9) to make thinning. You can do this with the help of flagella, securing the strands with them. Each strand should be flared at the ends.


Bangs to the side make the face more attractive, gives it depth and some zest. Therefore, you should learn how to cut bangs to the side. The scheme for cutting oblique bangs consists of three stages:

  1. Choose the side where the bangs will lie, choose the optimal length.
  2. The haircut takes place along oblique lines, the movements go from top to bottom. It is necessary to ensure that the tip of the scissors is directed to the floor, they must be held at a 45-degree angle. You should not rush and cut the bangs in one fell swoop. It is better to do this in several movements. The result of such manipulations will be better.

To evaluate the result, the hair must be dry. If the length does not suit you, then cut the hair a little more.


The main rule with this technique is to try to cut symmetrically, to ensure that the bangs lie in a semicircle. To do this, first, you need to select the strands for cutting, clamp them with a special tool. Wet your bangs with water using a spray bottle.

Start the haircut with the middle strand, after selecting it among all. Then you need to cut on the sides, while the length should be reduced to form a semicircle. When the hair is dry, you need to check the result and comb the bangs. Hair should evenly frame the forehead, without any protruding strands. If something does not suit you, then take the scissors again and fix it.

Smooth bangs

This edging will look perfect with many haircuts, both classic and modern. Therefore, you should learn how to cut your bangs evenly. To achieve the perfect result, you need to free the bangs from all extra hair. The hair on the bangs should be divided into three parts.

You can start on the right, moving towards the middle part. Hair must be pre-combed. Using your fingers, pull the strands to the maximum length. Scissors must be held at right angles. All strands must be pulled back before being cut.

After that, the bangs are combed and the result is evaluated. If you see sticking hairs, then trim them so that the length is the same everywhere. To check if you cut your bangs evenly, you need to wet it and pull your hair back.

long bangs

This edging is most suitable for wide-faced girls, and they choose it to look charming. Long bangs can be shaped in different ways: with torn, straight or wavy edges. The main thing is to focus on the hairstyle and long bangs will add attractiveness to the face.

It is necessary to start a haircut by separating the bangs from the rest of the hair. Then this part is divided into two identical halves. Bangs can reach the tip of the nose and be a little lower. Before cutting, the hair must be thoroughly combed with a comb. Scissors should be held across and gradually cut strand by strand.

After that, you should not immediately move away from the mirror without checking the evenness of the haircut. The bottom edge may be uneven, it needs to be aligned.

Double sided bangs

It is easiest to give such a border to the face, since mistakes will be unnoticed by other people. Consider how to form a double-sided bang.

  1. Separate the bangs from the rest of the strands. Create a center parting starting from the back of the head to the forehead.
  2. Separate the bangs by placing a comb from the middle of the parting. Hair should be divided into two parts and located on both sides of the head.
  3. Cut to the length you need, achieve absolute symmetry.
  4. Give bangs naturalness by sharpening the strands. To do this, make the tips like brushes with sharpened edges. Some strands can not be touched at all and left as is.

How to choose the shape of the bangs

If the shape of the face is oval, then a classic even bang will do, it makes the face pretty and attractive.

For chubby girls, torn bangs are most suitable, as it makes the face visually narrower. All the charms of the face with such a bang will be visible.

When a hairstyle with curly hair, you need to know how to cut your own bangs. It should not be made smooth and even, it should be a little disheveled. Such a bang will need to be constantly styled, as it can stick out in different directions.

But for petite women, a smooth edging is just right.

Brunettes should not make bangs too lush, let them be less frequent.

For those with a square or round form the face should be cut with oblique bangs, as it smoothes out these imperfections. Although chubby any option is suitable.

For a triangular face, a lush edging is suitable, it is better to make the length of the bangs up to the very eyebrows.

For a face with wide cheekbones, it is better to form a rare edging.

Short bangs will perfectly emphasize a round face.

Tall girls should avoid too long bangs if they don't want to look too lanky.

If the hair is not thick, then you should not make this part of the hairstyle too lush, otherwise you risk drawing more attention to your problem. Bangs with such hair should start at the crown and hang down to the eyebrows. The hairstyle will look more voluminous and the hair will appear lush.

Tips for shaping the perfect bangs yourself

Knowing how to cut bangs correctly, you can always make your look great. The following tips will help you achieve the perfect result.

  1. Although bangs should be cut on slightly damp hair, it can only be adjusted when it is completely dry. This helps to form the most even edging.
  2. The bangs are separated from all other strands with a comb with fine teeth. Unnecessary hair is removed at the back of the head with hairpins, rubber bands, etc.
  3. Choose the length of the bangs and cut it off a finger below. In this way, you will be able to avoid getting too short a haircut.
  4. After the main work has been done, the tips can be cut a little more with vertical movements. This will make the edging look more natural.
  5. At the very end, use a hair dryer to dry your hair completely and style your bangs with a round brush in the form of a brush.

It is quite easy to master the skills of cutting bangs, you just need to take some time. You must calm down and relax before this process. After that, you can easily cut your own bangs for yourself or your child.

Bangs are the most important detail of the hairstyle and the image as a whole. By changing it or growing it, you can change the appearance of a person beyond recognition. Unlike the rest of the hairstyle, you can cut the bangs yourself. It is important to adhere to some rules. If you do not comply with them, you can greatly ruin your hair and aggravate some of the flaws in appearance.

What are bangs

Two main groups of bangs can be distinguished:

Thickness and width

The width of the bangs is the distance between the right and left bulges of the forehead. According to the rules, she cannot marry whiskey, although, of course, there are exceptions. Before cutting the bangs, we separate the hair with a triangular, U-shaped or parting parallel to the hairline. The thickness of the bangs depends entirely on your preferences. But we should not forget that the thicker the bangs, the less hair will remain in the main part of the hairstyle. It depends on how thick your hair is.

Bang cutting technology

Tools needed for cutting bangs:

  1. Hairdressing scissors with a straight blade;
  2. Thinning scissors;
  3. Comb with small teeth (comb);
  4. Clamps.

To facilitate further process bangs haircuts, carefully comb the hair, pinch it with two fingers, pull it to the level of the bridge of the nose (or to the level of the nose - depending on the future length) and cut it off.

Before you cut the bangs correctly and beautifully, you need to choose the shape, length and density of the future bangs.

Owners of a rounded face with soft features are well suited for graduated bangs. By doing, you can cut short bangs, but you need to keep in mind that she is able to emphasize wide cheekbones and a high forehead. A beautiful oval and regular facial features will decorate the classic version of a straight bang. And lush, naturally curly curls will be well complemented by disheveled and airy.

Do not cut too thick and symmetrical bangs, because. this will complicate its installation. On thin hair, it is advisable to separate the strand from the crown - this will give the hairstyle the desired volume, and the haircut should be as short as possible, and the bang itself should be straight.

With bangs, you can create a huge number of hairstyles. We advise you to learn about evening hairstyles for medium hair with bangs.

Smooth bangs

How to cut bangs evenly:

  1. Making a straight straight bang is not difficult at all. To do this, you need scissors, preferably professional ones, a comb and a mirror;
  2. Separate the strand of hair intended for bangs;
  3. The width of the bangs is limited by the width of the forehead, without going beyond the left and right frontal bulges. Determine the thickness yourself, taking into account your own preferences and hair density;
  4. Remove the rest of the mass of hair back and pull it into a ponytail;
  5. Comb the strand intended for the bangs on the face and divide into 3 equal parts;
  6. Hold one of them between your index and middle fingers and pull down;
  7. Try to hold the scissors at a 45-degree angle and cut the hair into small teeth. Do not try to hold the tools at a right angle, the blades will slide through the hairs and, as a result, the bangs will turn out to be uneven;
  8. Repeat the procedure with the rest of the bangs, removing unnecessary length;
  9. Comb the bangs well with a sparse comb and correct the remaining long strands;
  10. Next, take the scissors at a right angle to the hair and slowly grind off the small teeth resulting from the haircut from right to left;
  11. Wet bangs, comb thoroughly. Pull the curls, pressing them to the frontal part, and remove all the imperfections with small incisions;
  12. Dry your bangs, loosen your hair and evaluate the result. Correct if necessary.

And now let's look at how to cut oblique and torn bangs on your own.

How to cut oblique bangs

To create an oblique bang, the same method is used as when creating a straight and even one. The only difference is that the excess length is not removed parallel to the floor surface, but in an oblique line.

The angle of inclination and direction of the bangs is chosen arbitrarily. The most important thing is the beginning of the haircut, you need to cut the strands from above, gradually moving down, i.e. should move from the shorter edge to the long one.

Quite often they cut oblique bangs when they do. Although in such cases usually turn to a specialist.

torn bangs

The basic principle of cutting the so-called torn bangs is to cut the hairs with cloves. Scissors should, as it were, go deep into the bangs, and the teeth should be located on different levels. Their length and depth is arbitrary and depends on your wishes. But it should be borne in mind that large teeth look better on thick and deep bangs.

Video on how to cut bangs at home

The process of cutting your own bangs. All the nuances of the haircut are described in detail, as well as the impressions of the haircut after some time.

One of the options for cutting bangs. Before you cut your own bangs, think carefully!

How to cut bangs, one of the most original elements of a hairstyle, the decision is yours, but do not forget that you need to choose its shape in accordance with external data. If you make the right choice, you can bring the outlines of the face closer to the ideal. Haircuts with bangs have the unique ability to hide forehead wrinkles, making them the most affordable anti-aging treatment.

When choosing shoulder-length haircuts with bangs, the master diagnoses the hair structure, takes into account the type of appearance (summer, winter, spring and autumn) and skin type, since the presence of excess subcutaneous fat on the forehead will cause a quick “stale” hairstyle. How to cut bangs is a matter of individual choice, but you need to focus on the shape of the face, the main criterion when choosing a hairstyle.

Bangs: choice according to the shape of the face

It is known that the ideal shape of the face is an oval. Girls-owners of such a gift of nature will suit a hairstyle of any shape, density and length.

Women's haircuts with eyebrow length will make your look gentle and mysterious.

Thus, you emphasize the beauty of the eyes.

A slanting bang with an arc will demonstrate your sophisticated business taste, and for girls whose choice fell on a bright defiant style, options with the shortest and most beautifully “plucked” bangs are suitable.

How to choose the right hairstyle for girls with a round face? In this case, you should choose a long and oblique bang, it will visually stretch the rounded shape of the face and make it more refined. Graduated strands are also acceptable, due to the effect of torn ends, they will lighten the image and soften rough features.

Girls with a square face shape are recommended to do asymmetric haircuts, they will help create more harmonious proportions and visually narrow the face. Bangs will be the main trump card in your style. It can be asymmetrical and long, below the chin. It can be stabbed, let out forward or even braided into pigtails.

Girls with a triangular face should choose a cascading haircut to round off a sharp chin with the help of hair and different types of bangs.

We manage ourselves

So, how to cut bangs evenly? Straight bangs are the most popular and favorite form of many girls. It seems boring only at first glance. Types vary depending on the desired length. It can be eyebrow-deep for a mysterious look, and super-short, daring. The width is selected in accordance with the width of the forehead.

You can cut your own bangs. Before starting work, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • straight scissors;
  • thinning scissors:
  • negligee or cape;
  • hair clips;
  • sprinkler with water;
  • scallops.

The quality of the haircut depends on the choice of scissors. Scissors that are not designed for hair are not only inconvenient to work with, but it is also almost impossible to make an even cut.

It is quite simple to cut bangs evenly at home, the main thing is to follow the recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to choose a room with good lighting, in front of a mirror, lay out the tools for your own convenience.
  2. It is recommended to cut only clean hair.
  3. First you need to separate the bulk of the hair from those that will be sheared. We fix the hair with clips so as not to inadvertently cut off the extra strand .;
  4. Wet your hair with water.
  5. Divide into several parallel parts with a horizontal parting.
  6. Comb through thoroughly with a wide-toothed comb so as not to miss a single hair.
  7. Select a small strand of one of the layers, hold it between your middle and index fingers and, pulling forward, cut it to the required length. This strand will be the control.
  8. Cut off the rest of the hair, holding the scissors at a 45 degree angle.
  9. Then again comb through with a comb in different directions to determine the broken hairs and cut them off.
  10. To see possible flaws, wet your hair with a spray bottle and comb it well with a comb with frequent teeth, pressing the bangs to the forehead. This will correct the inconsistencies.
  11. The final step will be the thinning of already dried hair - you need to lightly walk along the tips, thereby making the volume less massive.
  12. Dry with a hair dryer and comb.

Haircuts with bangs will always remain in fashion, and you can make bangs for yourself at home, which will save you from unnecessary waste of money.

torn bangs

Of particular difficulty is the question of how to cut a torn bang. In fact, everything is quite simple: first, you can evenly cut your hair at the required level, and then carefully thin out a couple of strands and make a deep thinning. So the bangs will be easier to style, it will become obedient in your hands. Haircuts with bangs are chosen mainly by girls who strive for practicality, such an asymmetrical shape will go well with their requirements.

The bangs for a child are usually cut quite short, then it reaches the length to the eyebrows. You should not let go longer: optometrists warn that this can harm the baby's vision. Classic option children's bangs are considered straight.

The most fashionable haircuts with bangs in the outgoing 2015 are, undoubtedly, a haircut to the shoulders “cascade” and a bob-car, textured or just a short length.

You choose how to cut your bangs correctly: straight or oblique. Every girl at least once in her life decided to decorate her face with this simple and elegant hairstyle element. Remember: if you decide to cut it yourself, stick to the general rules and hone your skills to perfection over time.

How to cut oblique bangs? This question interests many girls. Well-groomed hair is one of the main components of an attractive and harmonious image. Different hairstyles, haircuts and styling can determine the social status and sometimes even the professional affiliation of a woman, so hair can be called a calling card in the women's community. By the way, sometimes a woman's position in society was determined by the length of her hair.

Stylish clothes are not complete without a properly tailored fabric, otherwise the dress will sit askew and awkward. It is the same with haircuts - how can you make a good hairstyle and styling if the hair is cut unsuccessfully. Many haircuts involve bangs - straight oblique or milled. But it often happens that there is no way to visit, but you want to change a little image right now. It's not scary, then a little about how to properly cut oblique bangs at home.

But in order to cut bangs, first of all, it is worth deciding on its shape. It is necessary that the hairstyle goes and is an ornament.

How to choose the shape of the bangs

The easiest and most correct way is to choose the shape of the haircut in accordance with the shape of your face.
A vertically elongated face, that is, an oval or rectangular shape, allows you to choose almost any hairstyle. Girls with this face shape are in the most advantageous position, both smooth and milled bangs will suit them, a soft transition from the main mass of hair and a sharply defined edge, torn strands and cropped patterns along the edge will look good.
For owners of a triangular-shaped face, the choice narrows a little. For them, the classic oblique bangs are more suitable, which descend in a smooth oval from the crown of the head and, lying on one cheekbone, slightly smoothes the proportions of the face.
For a round or square face, short oblique bangs are a good option. It starts a couple of centimeters from the hairline, but it can end in different ways, either at the level of the eyebrow, or smoothly go to the cheekbones. It is advisable not to mill such a bang, it is better that its edge is clear and even.

Correctly determining the type of oblique bangs will help not only the shape of the face, but also the type of hair, lifestyle, in general, a number of factors.

Romantic natures who cannot imagine their lives without all sorts of ruffles, hats and blouses, lovers of flying dresses and feminine style, will suit a smooth oblique bang, which will fall in an even semicircle on the face and end in large smooth and shiny curls. Such a fabulous princess.
If the hair naturally curls into curls, then the hairstyle can only benefit from this, you do not need to spend time every morning styling and curling. But in this case, you still have to stretch the bangs with an iron so that it does not curl along with the whole hairstyle.

For active business women or for girls who do not have time for long styling, an easy-to-care short milled oblique bangs will do. It does not require special devices and methods, just comb it and lightly straighten it with a hair dryer or iron - and the hairstyle looks amazing.
Bright and creative natures will suit a short haircut with an elongated bang. It does not have to have a clear and even contour; it will not be difficult to cut such an oblique bang on your own. A ragged uneven edge, broken strands will create a kind of creative chaos in the hairstyle.
Bob-car with smooth oblique bangs, going straight in length, has been a favorite for many seasons. This hairstyle looks good and is appropriate for any event. But cascading haircuts are good for everyday wear, with them you can come up with a lot of beautiful styling.

How to cut oblique bangs

The rules to properly cut oblique bangs at home, which you should follow in order to do without the help of a stylist and get a new stylish look:

  1. In your arsenal, be sure to have sharp hairdressing scissors. It’s better to spend money on them already, because ordinary stationery can ruin the result so much that no master will save you later.
  2. A haircut, as a rule, with a clear understanding of the shape and line of the haircut. And in order to make it better visible, the hair needs to be slightly moistened and combed.
  3. Wet hair is tricky, you need to leave a little longer hair, because after drying they will be shortened.
  4. We cut only after the shape of the future bangs is clearly defined in the head. And it is better to have a photo or drawing.
  5. To make the edge even, the hair is combed with a comb and pinched between the middle and index fingers, so they definitely will not move out when cutting.
  6. If you want a smooth edge, then, in principle, everything is over with a haircut.
  7. For thinning, the hair is also clamped between the fingers and lightly cut with scissors directed along the length of the hair.
  8. If there are thinning scissors, then the task will be simplified.
  9. Now you can dry your hair and touch up the final look. Oblique bangs are ready.


New knowledge on how to cut bangs yourself can be consolidated in practice and please yourself and others in a new way. To achieve the best effect, you can create a beautiful styling. And for this it is better to have foams, varnishes or mousses until the hair gets used to the new shape.

Bangs largely determine appearance girls. It looks best on girls with thick straight hair. Someone at one moment decides to make a bang for himself, getting rid of a certain part of his hair, someone grows his hair for a long and painful time, and then suddenly realizes that it was better before. One way or another, almost every girl wore a hairstyle with bangs. This is very convenient, and also many of the fair sex believe that hair pulled into a bun or ponytail looks much better with bangs.

To carry out such an undertaking - to make a bang - it is better to contact a beauty salon, where professional hairdressers will take care of your hair. But many of the fair sex decide to cope with this task themselves and boldly pick up scissors. This option is much cheaper, and if you also do everything right, it will turn out just great. We will tell you about how to cut bangs on your own, so that you end up with a beautiful hairstyle, and not the symbolism of a cardiogram on your forehead.

Basic rules for self-cutting

Before proceeding directly to the haircut process, it is worth familiarizing yourself with some rules and nuances.

  • In order for the haircut to turn out to be of high quality, professional scissors are indispensable. You will also need hair clips, a regular comb and a comb-comb.
  • You need to cut your hair yourself only in good lighting, it's great if this lighting is daylight. Otherwise, when you come out into the light, you will see how many mistakes were made and how many strands were missed.
  • When preparing for a haircut, place a small container of water nearby to wet your hair. Better yet, use a special sprayer for this purpose, on which you just need to press a button in order to moisten the strand. Thanks to this, the haircut will turn out even.
  • Since you wet your hair during the cutting process, it will become a little longer than usual, but this is only for a while. Therefore, cut, for example, an even bang with a margin of 1 cm, so that when the bang dries, you won’t be surprised at how short it turned out.

These rules are simple, easy to follow, but there will be a lot of benefits. As a result, you can get a haircut that is no worse than in a professional salon.

How to cut bangs yourself

First, we separate the hair in front. To separate the hair from the crown itself or closer to the forehead - it's up to you, this should be guided by the density of the hair. If your hair is not very lush, take as much hair as possible to create volume. As for the width of the section of selected hair, it should be forehead width. Now we remove all the rest of the hair and fix it with clips. Let's get started!

Comb your soon-to-be bangs over your face and lightly dampen it with water to smooth it out. Need to cut by strands- divide this hair into several parts. Take one of them and cut so that the length of the remaining strand is just below the eyebrows. At the same time, the scissors should be held at an angle of 45 degrees, so it will be most convenient for you to cut.

Now work the next strands in the same way. The result should be a straight line, but from the very first time this same line may be slightly curved. This can be completely corrected by cutting off the excess, then the scissors should be kept at a right angle. When you see that the bangs are completely even, dry them and, if desired, profile- pointing the scissors parallel to the forehead, cut off unwanted hairs.

Many, before cutting bangs, ask themselves, In our article, everyone will find the answer for themselves

Sunday is the most unfavorable day for cutting hair. Why, read

Oblique bangs - it's easy

Thinking about how to cut oblique bangs yourself? You need to do it according to the same principle as the straight line. First, we prepare the hair for a haircut, that is, we separate the strands for the bangs, remove other hair, and spray the future bangs with water. Now let's move on to cutting. You need to cut oblique bangs down up, scissors in the process must be kept at an angle of 45 degrees. First, make an oblique bang with a large margin. After that, do the so-called wet thinning. Divide the bangs into about 10 strands and cut each at a different angle. This will look better and more effective. In stock, you need to leave about 5 mm. Now we dry the bangs and admire the result of the work.

How beautiful to cut torn bangs

Torn bangs need to be cut with some aggressiveness and negligence. The process of creating such a bang combines straight haircut and thinning oblique bangs, this distinguishes the torn type from the rest. As a rule, girls with such bangs have wavy or simply very naughty and lush hair, it is for such cases that ragged bangs are ideal.

The undeniable advantage of such a bang is the many styling options. In whatever direction such bangs are laid, it will look impressive and unusual.

Technique for creating semicircular bangs at home

Semi-circular bangs are the hardest to cut, but you can handle it. First, we do the standard procedure - we separate the main shock of hair, lightly wet the hair in front. Now we start cutting: take a section from the side and cut off the hair, leaving the length 5 mm lower than you need. We do the same procedure with a strand on the opposite side. Then we slowly move towards the middle, evenly shortening the strands. Such a haircut should be done in front of a mirror in strong light, because any blunders and curvature will be visible. When the bangs are ready, once again check whether you cut them straight, dry and profile if desired.

The content of the article:

The original bangs can radically transform your image: by choosing the right look and shape, you can give your hairstyle a new, interesting sound. For example, if you are tired of a laconic straight bob, you can very well “revive” it with the help of an elegant rounded bang, or even a mischievous torn one. The first option will give the haircut an updated elegant shape, and the second one will enliven and muffle the strict conciseness. To choose the right bang shape, you need to take into account the natural proportions of the face, and then decide on its optimal length. By length, all bangs can be divided into two types: above or below the eyebrows.

Long bangs allow you to visually lengthen the oval of the face, which is perfect for owners of charming plump cheeks and a soft chin line. And here short bangs in this case, it is categorically contraindicated: it draws attention to the shape of the face, visually expanding it.

If you have never worn bangs before, then for the first time it is ideal to seek help from a professional stylist in the salon. He will not only select for you suitable shape, but will also tell you how to properly lay it. But, of course, every time you run to the salon when you just need to trim your regrown bangs, or you won’t be able to cut your daughter’s bangs.

And it's not necessary at all! With quite a bit of experience, patience and skill, you can easily become your own hairdresser. How much does it cost to cut bangs in the salon, you could see from your own experience. Sometimes 50% of the cost of a regular haircut is requested for such a procedure. If you are not ready to overpay, then learn to cut your own hair.

Remember that an unsuccessful bang can radically ruin the most successful haircut. But even in this case, the situation is quickly fixable: the hair will grow back pretty quickly, after which you can cut it again, this time more successfully.

The nuances of self-haircut bangs. What to do if the bangs are cut short?

After you have decided on the type of bangs, it's time to move on to the cutting technique itself. To begin with, it is worth remembering a few fundamental rules:

  1. It is worth cutting bangs exclusively on wet hair, since a dry haircut will always be uneven. However, it is worth remembering that the dried strands will be shortened by about a centimeter.
  2. Make a haircut only in bright daylight, and for the first time - always in front of a mirror.
  3. Before you cut the bangs for a girl (daughter, sister, girlfriend), relax, be calm. If you are nervous or afraid to do something wrong, the chances of getting an unsuccessful haircut are quite high.
  4. Be sure to separate the future bangs before cutting from the bulk of the hair.
  5. When determining the length of the bangs, be sure to leave a finger-length margin. This will allow you not to make a mistake with the length, and even after leveling the bangs will not become too short.

In order to cut bangs yourself, you will definitely need:

  • Scissors: regular and thinning.
  • Thin comb-comb with frequent teeth.
  • Various hairpins or clips, thin elastic bands to fix hair.

What to do if you still made a mistake with the length, and the bangs came out too short? Of course, in just 1-2 weeks, the hair will grow back by itself, but you want to look perfect right now! To remedy the situation, you can "mix" the bangs with the bulk of the hair., or use salon procedure hair extensions.

You can also beautifully stab the bangs back, turning an unsuccessful haircut into a stylish styling!

Varieties of beautiful bangs in the photo

The technology for cutting bangs is quite simple. Let's start with the simplest form, consider how to cut bangs straight:

  1. Separate the part of the hair intended for bangs. Collect all other hair in a ponytail so that it does not interfere.
  2. Pinch the entire mass of hair between your fingers, and start cutting. The cutting angle must be strictly 45 degrees, otherwise the bangs will be uneven.
  3. After that, comb the bangs, and evaluate its length. Trim the broken sections of hair.
  4. Wash and dry your hair, then evaluate the result and adjust if necessary.
You can make the texture of the bangs lighter and more airy by trimming the ends of the hair while holding the scissors vertically. This will make the shape of the bangs much more natural and interesting.

long bangs

Long bangs that cover the eyebrows emphasize the cheekbones and eyes. It goes well with coloring. The universal option is oblique elongated bangs. It perfectly suits any type of face, making its features more elegant. Important point: straight long bangs cannot be milled.

oblique bangs

Ideal for anyone with a square, rectangle or round face. It will visually lighten and balance the proportions of the face. The only problem - is not the best option for those with curly hair, since such a bang will need constant straightening. Owners of curls should think before cutting their bangs obliquely.

torn bangs

Torn bangs are easiest to make on the basis of a classic straight or beveled. After the main part of the haircut is ready, profile it with scissors so that you get original small or large teeth. Such a bang looks most impressive on short and medium hair: it will emphasize the laconic shape of the haircut, and at the same time give it naturalness and negligence.

Such bangs can be laid very beautifully by highlighting individual strands with wax, or with the help of fantasy coloring. Combing it every time in a different way, you will emphasize its natural negligence.

Bangs on the side

Long bangs, laid on its side, are original - it is suitable for any shape, unobtrusively emphasizing the advantages, and most importantly, it will correct the shortcomings. Choose the shape of the bangs that suits your face and style them on the side in different ways. In the everyday version, you can simply comb the bangs to the side, and fix with styling gel. And in the evening, pin it up with a bright hairpin, or braid it in a pigtail - and you are ready to go to the theater or to a fun party!

Bangs in a semicircle

A real find for anyone who wants to focus on the face and give it a fresh and very feminine look. It is worth noting that such a bang makes the facial features slightly heavier, therefore it is categorically not suitable for owners of a square or triangular face shape with massive cheekbones or an overly heavy chin line

Straight bangs

Most simple option, perfectly emphasizes the natural thickness of the hair, and allowing to emphasize the beautiful oval of the face. But such a bang is able to "weight" his features, so it is better for owners of a square or round face to abandon this idea.

How to evenly and beautifully cut bangs for yourself or your child at home? Tricks of hairdressers

To make the bangs look natural, the edging should become the final element of the haircut, or, in the simplest way, giving the cut of the hair the desired shape. After you have completed the main stage and washed your hair, align its contour and give it the desired shape.. The edging can be:

  • torn;
  • wavy;
  • straight;
  • stepped;
  • oblique.
Having no experience, it is best to limit yourself to a straight or torn edging. More difficult ways trust a professional hairdresser.

To trim your little fashionista's hair yourself, use our tips. It is best to cut a girl's bangs along with the bulk of her hair. It is best to cut a very small girl by putting her not on a chair, but on a table.- in this case, you will have a better viewing angle, and not so quickly get tired of standing in an uncomfortable position. When the technology of a children's haircut is somewhat different from an adult:

  • Comb the bangs in the direction from the roots of the hair, after wetting it with water.
  • Divide it all into parts. Pinch between your fingers the strand that you are going to cut first.
  • Place your fingers along the cut line, and quickly cut the highlighted strand. Repeat this procedure with all strands.
  • Once again comb the entire bangs from top to bottom, and you're done!

Learning how to cut bangs at home using video

As you can see, it is quite possible to trim the regrown bangs at home on your own. Quite a bit of experience and skill - and you can "revive" the shape of the haircut. Giving it a fresh and original look on its own. And yet - you will not need to take your daughter to the hairdresser every time because the regrown bangs began to climb into her eyes and interfere with her. Our master class will help you with this: