A premature baby is losing weight. Weight and height: increase in premature babies by months. When the baby gets home

Babies who were born earlier than expected develop a little differently than full-term babies. Their development is proceeding at a faster pace, and by the age of premature baby practically does not differ from the crumbs born at term.

However, in the first months after birth, the differences will be significant - both in appearance, and in the rate of weight gain, and in the development of various skills.

Features of development in prematurity

Premature babies are those born between 21 and 37 weeks of gestation. Their development is characterized by the following features:

  • Babies learn basic skills a few months later than full-term peers. If the baby was born before 32 weeks of gestation, then the lag is 3-4 months, and for children who were born after this period, the lag will be only 1-2 months.
  • Babies weighing less than 1500 g require special conditions immediately after birth, so they are kept in incubators, in which conditions are close to intrauterine. After gaining weight up to 1700 g, the baby will move to the crib, which has heating. When the body weight of the baby reaches 2000, special thermal support is no longer required.
  • Due to the special function nervous system babies at birth ahead of schedule These babies need a lot of attention. It is very important to surround the baby with affection and after discharge to create comfortable conditions at home.

Thermoregulation of a premature baby has its own characteristics. The room should have a temperature in the range of 20-22 ° C, and humidity - 50-70%. See more about this in the program of Dr. Komarovsky.


A premature baby looks like this:

  • The baby's body weight is very low, and the growth is tiny.
  • The skin of the crumbs is thin, with many wrinkles, in the first days it is pronounced red.
  • The auricles are thin and soft, can stick together.
  • On the back and limbs (and sometimes on the face) there is a soft downy hair called lanugo.
  • The head of the baby looks disproportionately large, it corresponds to about 1/3 of the body length.
  • The baby's belly is large, and the navel is lower.
  • The neck and limbs of the little one are short.
  • The plates on the nails are very thin, almost transparent.
  • The external genital organs are not fully formed - in boys, the testicles have not descended into the scrotum, and in girls there is a gaping of the genital slit.
  • A large fontanel has shifted due to an underdeveloped skull.
  • A small fontanel may have areas without skin.
  • The child is lethargic and weak.

Height and weight in the table

Depending on the starting weight There are several degrees of prematurity in a baby:

  • Grade 1 - children weighing from 2 kg to 2.5 kg. They are usually born at 36-37 weeks. By the year, such babies increase their mass by 4-5 times.
  • Grade 2 - babies weighing from 1.5 kg to 2 kg. This weight is typical for babies born at 32-35 weeks of pregnancy. By the year, their body weight increases by 5-7 times.
  • Grade 3 - children weighing 1-1.5 kg. These babies are called low birth weight or very premature babies. They are born at 28-31 weeks of gestation, and by the year their weight increases by 6-7 times.
  • Grade 4 - babies weighing less than 1000 g. This weight is called extreme. They are born for up to 28 weeks and increase their mass by 8-10 times by the year.

The rate of weight gain for premature babies in the first year of life will be something like this:

1 degree of prematurity

2nd degree of prematurity

3 degree of prematurity

4th degree of prematurity

5 months

6 months

7 months

8 months

9 months

10 months

11 months

12 months

The increase in growth is also determined by the degree of prematurity of the baby and will be:

1 degree of prematurity

2nd degree of prematurity

3 degree of prematurity

4th degree of prematurity

5 months

6 months

7 months

8 months

9 months

10 months

11 months

12 months

Caring for a premature newborn has its own characteristics. Be sure to check out our article.

1 month

Premature babies in the first month of life may not be active. They are often inactive, and their muscle tone is reduced. They gain weight very slowly and most often simply compensate for weight loss in the first days of life.

The sucking reflex is often absent, so the baby is fed with a probe. Children who are unable to breathe on their own are artificially ventilated.

Mom in the first month should always be close to the baby, providing him with bodily contact and the opportunity to hear her voice.

2 months

By the beginning of this month, the baby begins to actively gain weight and add more in body length than his full-term peers. However, he, as before, quickly gets tired and is greatly weakened. It is very important to provide the crumbs with enhanced nutrition. If the baby is not breastfeeding, it is advisable to express milk and feed him the required number of times.

By the end of the month, the little one learns to raise his head in a position on his tummy.

3 months

Weight gain at this age is quite active, so many babies double their birth weight. The baby responds well to sounds and light, but the baby still sleeps most of the day.

4 months

A premature baby of this age already knows how to raise and hold his head for some time. The baby learned to fix his gaze on a contrasting object, and also began to make sounds that resemble cooing. In the daily routine of the baby, there must certainly be walks, gymnastics, massage and bathing.

Often at this age, muscle tone increases, which is why the baby often wakes up or hardly fits into the crib.

5 months

At this age, a premature baby gives his mother the first conscious smile. Due to the slightly increased tone of the limbs, the movements of the baby are still a little convulsive, but the baby is already able to hold a small rattle in the handle. mental development proceeds at a high pace. The baby already easily finds the source of the sound by turning his head.

6 months

An infant of this age begins to catch up with the development of peers who were born full-term. His weight triples when compared with the weight with which the baby was born. He recognizes loved ones and distinguishes their voices, babbles a lot, laughs, plays with toys. If the crumbs are supported under the armpits, the crumbs will rest their feet on the surface and push off like a spring.

Some 6-month-old babies learn rollovers on their stomach from the back.

7 months

Babies of this age easily roll over on their stomachs, take toys in their hands, can crawl a little to the toy located in front of them, babble for a long time, learn to eat from a spoon. The "speech" of the little one is so diverse that it is quite comparable to the babble of full-term babies. If the baby was born at a period of 35-37 weeks, his first teeth begin to cut.

8 months

By this age, the baby has already learned quite well to control his own body. He consciously rolls over, stands on all fours and sways, tries to sit down and crawl.

The psychological development of the little one is also progressing. The kid understands the speech addressed to him, looks for the named object, listens with pleasure to songs and rhymes, actively absorbing all the information received.

9 months

At this age, many babies are already able to sit up on their own, and also begin to rise to their feet, holding on to the railing of the crib or playpen, and then sit back down. The first teeth appear in peanuts born at 32-34 weeks.

When the baby is awake, he plays with toys for a long time. The child can already perform simple requests, such as waving goodbye or giving a hand to say hello. Short words or only the first syllables of words appear in the "speech" of the little one. The kid learns to reproduce the intonation of the speech of an adult.

10 months

By this age, most babies learn to stand on their own and, holding on to the fence, move along it. The first teeth appear in babies born before 31 weeks.

The little one is already able to keep his eyes on a toy that moves for a long time. A variety of liners and balls are especially interesting for the baby.

The baby already knows his own name well and listens with interest to the speech of an adult, learning new words.

11 months

Some babies take their first steps at this age. Those children who are not yet ready to walk crawl quickly, get up and sit down easily. Babies 11 months old really like cubes and pyramids, as well as various wheelchairs and cars. The child knows many household activities and performs them at the request. There is a lot in his speech short words denoting animals and objects.

12 months

By the year, premature babies almost do not differ from those born on time peanuts either in physical indicators, or in psycho-emotional development, or in acquired skills. In some babies, movements may still be too sharp and uncoordinated, but in general, children of this age are very mobile and active.

For more information on the development of preterm infants, see the following videos.

About premature babies and their physical characteristics. Parents are primarily interested in the growth and development of the baby, as well as the details of monitoring him and nursing him.

How does he develop physically?

Due to the fact that the child was born in a hurry, his height and weight will be recruited differently, different from full-term babies. Usually a premature baby grows faster than a full-term baby, as if catching up with what he did not have time to sit through in utero. However, if this is a deeply premature baby, the degree of weight gain will be special, the weight will not increase much due to the fact that weight loss at birth will be much more pronounced than under normal conditions.

Premature at birth loses about 15% of body weight, he then needs to restore it to the original and add more weight. In addition, a very premature baby may lack sucking and swallowing reflexes, he poorly absorbs food. He is usually fed in the first days through a dropper - this is called parenteral nutrition, then they gradually switch to food through a gastric tube, and as soon as he begins to digest food, they switch completely to tube, and then breast or artificial nutrition.

The most difficult is the first month and the transition from intravenous to regular nutrition, then the increase can be only 200-300 g, from the second and third months the weight of the child doubles, by six months the baby triples the weight, and in a year from birth the baby weighs 4-10 times more than the original.

Monthly weight gain for preterm infants:

  • the first month - from 180 to 300 g,
  • in the second - from 400 to 800 g,
  • in the third - 600-800 g,
  • fourth - 600-800 g,
  • fifth - 550-700 g,
  • sixth - 700-750 g,
  • seventh - 500-700 g,
  • eighth - 500-600 g,
  • ninth 500-550 g,
  • tenth - 450-500 g,
  • eleventh - 300-400 g,
  • per year total increase from 5900 to 7300 g.

However, it is still not necessary to compare a premature baby with a full-term baby, he will lag behind the usual standards for weight and height: the stronger the prematurity, the more pronounced the developmental delay. Take into account the general trends in weight gain and growth of your particular baby - you do not need to focus on average norms. Under any circumstances, even with deep prematurity, the baby will catch up with peers at the age of three to six years: the smaller he was at birth, the more time it will take to catch up with full-term peers. Global studies reliably show: at 10-18 years old, there are no differences between full-term and premature babies, either in terms of physical or intellectual development.

Growth trends are also natural. The length of the body of a child depends on his birth weight and on the increase in body weight over the months. The first months of life, growth is at the most active pace - 2-6 cm per month, for a year the baby can grow by 30-40 cm. 1-2 cm per month.

The circumference of the head and chest grows faster than in full-term ones, and in the first six months they increase by 2 cm per month, reaching an increase of 12 cm in six months. From the second half of the year, the increase occurs according to the laws of full-term children. The timing of teething will also be different - usually the teeth linger for as long as the baby has not sat in the stomach. So, with a prematurity of two to three weeks, the terms will shift by a month, and with a prematurity of less than 30 weeks, the first teeth will be closer to a year old.

Parents of such a baby

It is important to understand that the birth of a premature baby is not your fault, circumstances are sometimes unpredictable. It’s hard to live with a sense of guilt, it violates the objectivity of the perception of reality, violates your peace - and this is completely useless to your baby. He needs a calm and collected mom and dad. If he feels fine, you will be allowed to take care of the baby on your own, under the supervision of doctors, this is important for children - they react best to their mother's and father's hands.

The most difficult time will be the first couple of weeks - while the baby is weak and requires attention, then everything will be easier, he will gain weight and get stronger. Try to control yourself in order to give the baby the best that can be from food - your milk. You will need the support and help of loved ones, because you still have a home and family, and you need to disconnect from all worries and think about the baby.

Nursing a premature baby

In order for the nursing of the baby to be effective and the child to grow and develop normally, it is necessary to create the necessary treatment regimen and proper care for him. Usually children with profound prematurity are cared for in perinatal centers or departments of premature babies in city hospitals, maternity hospitals. Wherever this happens, a number of conditions are needed to help maintain a stable condition for the baby. A child born at term has mechanisms to help him adapt. In preterm infants, these mechanisms are still undeveloped and immature.

In a hospital, babies are usually separated from their mothers, they are affected by sounds, light, air, pain impulses from procedures, etc., because of which the internal balance of the body can be disturbed - the skin is damaged, fluid exchange and thermoregulation are disturbed, infectious lesions occur. Inside the incubator, the children lie almost motionless and cannot signal discomfort, therefore, today, departments of premature babies are trying to involve mothers and fathers in nursing children as early as possible.

One of effective ways in nursing even severely premature babies is. Parents carry the baby on a naked body, tightly pressing it to themselves, thereby creating conditions close to those in utero. This prevents the kids from losing precious heat, which they still do not know how to produce, and maintain a stable temperature in the body. When carrying babies near the body, they improve their breathing and blood circulation, they feel calmer. For the mother, this is also important, since the tactile contact and the smell of the baby stimulate the release of love hormones in her brain, which give bursts of milk and stable lactation.

Participation in nursing the baby gives the mother self-confidence and a desire to fight for the health of the crumbs, and the child in such conditions gains weight more stable and faster, grows and develops. Mom constantly monitors his well-being and will not miss the slightest of his changes, feeds him on her own or with the help of nurses. Being close to the baby helps to support lactation so that as the baby grows and develops, you can begin to apply it to the breast.

Features of the respiratory system

"And how do they breathe, have you heard that they have problems with their lungs, and are they on the machine?" - expectant parents often ask when there is a threat of premature birth. Yes, if the baby is born prematurely, the pulmonary system is not yet ready to breathe on its own. The most important thing that makes the birth of a baby prematurely dangerous is the lack of surfactant in the lungs, which actively begins to form in the third trimester of pregnancy. Why is it needed and why are we so worried about it?

The fact is that at the first breath of the child, his lungs straighten out, and the alveoli are filled with air. On the inner surface of each alveoli (an air sac, braided on the outside with a network of vessels for gas exchange), there is a lubricant similar to fat - this is the surfactant. Its task is to prevent these very alveoli from sticking together during exhalation. If this happens, they will no longer be able to unstick, and the child's lungs will gradually turn off. Then the baby will have to be transferred to artificial ventilation, in other words, the device will breathe for him until his surfactant matures. This condition is also dangerous because weak lungs with poor ventilation give free rein to microbes - pneumonia, bronchitis can join, and this will make it more difficult for the baby to develop.

Parents may worry that the baby is breathing often, and his ribs and tummy are involved in breathing - but this is normal for a premature baby, he has a very intensive metabolism and an active exchange of gases is required. Among other things, the child has narrow nasal passages, they quickly swell, which makes normal gas exchange difficult. Therefore, the air should always be cool and humid in order to prevent drying and swelling of the mucosa.

The baby has a wide chest, the ribs are almost perpendicular to the sternum, the intercostal spaces are wide - this increases the respiratory volume of the chest. Parents are often frightened by the shortness of breath of babies. They may have periods of so-called apnea - lack of breathing or short-term stops. This is due to the immaturity of the respiratory center and nervous system. When, after 10-20 seconds, the level of oxygen in the blood decreases, a powerful signal arrives, and the baby again begins to breathe even a little more quickly. Over time, this will pass - but if the breath holdings are frequent and long, more than 10-20 seconds, this requires a conversation with a doctor.


Paretskaya Alena
pediatrician, member of the Association of Consultants
By breastfeeding, member of the association IACMAC,
early childhood nutrition specialist
project manager "Children's Doctor"

Premature babies are those born before 37 weeks of gestation, starting from the date last menstrual period, and having a body weight below 2500 grams. There are 4 degrees of prematurity according to gestational age and birth weight of the baby:

I degree- premature babies born at 35-37 weeks with a birth weight of 2000-2500 grams;

II degree- premature babies born at 32-34 weeks weighing 1500-2000 grams;

III degree- very premature babies born at 29-31 weeks with a weight of 1000-1500 grams;

IV degree- extremely premature babies born before 29 weeks weighing less than 1000 grams.

Of course, for such children, weight gain is one of the determining factors in the physical development and health of the child. A good weight gain can only be ensured if the child has a well-balanced nutrition that satisfies his energy costs, when the baby receives all the nutrients, microelements, and protective complexes he needs. Difficulties with feeding may arise due to the immaturity of the child's gastrointestinal tract, low enzymatic activity, frequent regurgitation, non-acceptance of food by the stomach, lack of swallowing and sucking reflex. Depending on the problem, doctors feed the child through a tube, use parenteral nutrition, when nutrient solutions are administered to the child intravenously.

The best food for a premature baby is breast milk mothers. Scientists have proven that milk adapts to the needs of the child, because the milk of a woman who has given birth prematurely has its own unique composition, adapted to a premature baby. While the baby cannot suckle, he is fed with expressed milk, after the baby learns to suck and swallow (usually, when he gains 1.6 kg, these reflexes appear), he is gradually transferred first to partial, and then to full breast-feeding. If it is impossible to breastfeed, the child is transferred to donor milk or a special adapted mixture for premature babies. Indicators of weight gain determine the quality and usefulness of nutrition, the need to introduce or cancel supplementary feeding.

Doctors divide the neonatal period for premature babies into 3 main stages, which differ in the child's need for nutrition and weight gain.

At the 1st stage, the newborn does not gain, but loses weight. This physiological feature of all children, but if a full-term baby usually loses 5-6% of weight, then a premature baby - with a weight of more than 1.5 kg - 10%, and a deeply premature baby with a weight of up to 1.5 kg - 15%. This period usually lasts the first 7 days from birth. Despite the fact that during this period the amount of food is minimal, it should provide the body of the crumbs with all the necessary nutrients.

At the 2nd stage, a constant weight gain is achieved, at least at the level of the intrauterine period. When the child's condition stabilizes, he can independently suckle the breast or bottle, has reached a weight of 2.5 kg, the mother and child are discharged from the department for premature babies. Weight gain per week should be 125-200 grams, depending on the weight of the child at birth. The increase is calculated as follows: + 15 g / kg daily.

At the 3rd stage, the weight of the child is normalized, the period lasts up to a year(for very premature babies longer). The task of parents in this period is to provide the child with good nutrition with enough calories and all the nutrients that are needed for the growth of the child, because a premature baby needs to develop more intensively in order to catch up with their peers. Usually, if the baby was born 1 month ahead of schedule, then he catches up with his peers in development by 1 year, 2 months ahead of schedule - by 2 years, and 3 months - by 3 years, respectively.

Below is a table of weight gain for premature babies, depending on age and degree of prematurity.

The table gives an approximate result for children who are fully breastfed, the numbers may differ, both up and down. Every month the child should be examined by a pediatrician who will give an assessment physical development and the health of the child. Adjustment of nutrition, calculation of the norm of supplementary feeding, recommendations for the introduction of complementary foods, vitamin supplements should be carried out only by a doctor.

Calculate the approximate weight gain of a premature baby up to a year online

Specify the weight of the child at birth (g)

Specify the height of the child at birth (cm)

Children who are born before 37 weeks are classified as premature if their weight does not reach 2500 grams. At the same time, depending on the age of gestation at birth, 4 degrees of prematurity are distinguished. So, how many days does a premature baby gain weight, and how should he be looked after?

How many days does a premature baby gain weight?

So, experts distinguish 4 degrees of prematurity of the child:

Babies born at 35-37 weeks weighing more than 2000 grams;

Babies born at 32-34 weeks weighing more than 1500 grams;

Babies, very premature, who were born at 29-31 weeks with a weight of 1000 grams;

Babies, extremely premature, born from the 29th week weighing less than 1000 grams.

So, how many days does a premature baby gain weight? Parents are certainly concerned about this issue, because it is weight gain at this stage that largely determines his health and physical development. But only with good nutrition, when it satisfies the energy costs of the child's body, it is possible to ensure a good weight gain. But due to the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract of a premature baby, some difficulties may arise with feeding the baby. There may be frequent regurgitation, low enzymatic activity, and the absence of sucking and swallowing reflexes. In some particularly severe cases, it may be necessary to feed the child through a tube, parental nutrition, with intravenous administration of food to the child.

One way or another, you need to understand that for any premature baby the best nutrition there will be breast milk. In the event that the baby is not able to take the breast, then he is fed with expressed milk. Sometimes it may be necessary to introduce a special adapted mixture into baby food. At the same time, it is from the usefulness and quality of nutrition that the indicators of weight gain are determined, along with the need to introduce or cancel supplementary feeding.

So, how and how many days does a premature baby gain weight? The preterm period is divided into three stages. Each of them assumes its own need for nutrition, as well as criteria for weight gain.

So, at the first stage, not a set is noted, but, on the contrary, weight loss by a newborn baby. Normally, it ranges from 5-6%, but for very premature babies it can reach 15%. This period may include the first 7 days from birth. At this time, the baby needs minimal nutrition, which will only provide the child's body with essential nutrients.

At the second stage, there is a constant increase in weight, at least to the level of the intrauterine period. As soon as the condition of the crumbs stabilizes, he will be able to fully suck a bottle or breast, and his weight will be 2.5 kg, he will be discharged from the prematurity department. At this time, babies should gain 125-200 grams per week.

The third period of prematurity will continue up to a year. At this time, the weight of the child is normalized. However, parents must certainly provide him with a complete and high-calorie diet. It is necessary for normal growth and development of the child, intensive weight gain. So, children born a month ahead of schedule catch up with their peers by the year, 2 months earlier - by 2 years, respectively.

If necessary, the pediatrician who observes the child will adjust his diet, calculate supplementary feeding rates, and also recommend vitamin supplements or appropriate complementary foods.

Unfortunately, premature birth Now, it's not uncommon anymore. But modern medicine is able to leave a child even if his body weight does not exceed 900 grams, and if a child weighs from 1 to 2 kilograms, he has every chance to grow up completely healthy.

These babies need special care and supervision. And it is important to know how premature babies should develop, how they gain and add kilograms.

Let's analyze how such a baby should gain weight and height, based on the tables of the rate of weight gain by month.

What newborn is considered as such?

Babies born before 37 weeks of gestation are considered premature., and having very low body weight, that is, their birth weight is less than 2500 grams and their height is up to 45 centimeters.

Reference! There is a chance to save a premature baby only if his birth weight is more than 500 grams.

Indicators in grams by month

How to gain weight premature newborn child? From the table below, you can understand what is the rate of weight gain by months of premature babies and how much a child should weigh up to a year, for example, at 4 or 9 months.

Age, Mon. Birth weight, grams
Up to 1000 from 1001 to 1500 From 1501 to 2000 From 2001 to 2500
Average weight gain, grams
1 180 190 190 300
2 400 650 700-800 800
3 600-700 600-700 700-800 700-800
4 600 600-700 800-900 700-800
5 550 750 800 700
6 750 800 700 700
7 500 950 600 700
8 500 600 700 700
9 500 550 450 700
10 450 500 400 400
11 500 300 500 400
12 450 350 400 350

How much should babies gain per day?

It is impossible to say exactly how much the baby should gain in weight per day, since All children gain a different number of grams per day.. It all depends on the degree of prematurity of the child and on his general condition. On average, this value should be about 50 grams per day. But this should take into account the general condition of the child, as well as the number of feedings, urination, and so on.

If your child is gaining a little less, you should not immediately panic. The main thing is that there is no big weight loss.


Also, to control the weight gain of a premature baby, you can use a special calculator or formula for calculation. And a calculator for weight gain in a premature baby can be used on the site: Or on any other site that you can easily find on the net.

Growth table by months

How do babies grow in their first year of life? From the table below you will learn about the norms of increase in the growth of children by month:

Age, Mon. Height at birth, centimeters
41 to 46 36 to 40 32 to 35 30 to 32
Average increase in height, centimeters
1 3.7 3.8 3.7 3.9
2 3.6 3.9 4 3.5
3 3.6 3.6 4.2 2.5
4 3.3 3.8 3.7 3.5
5 2.3 3.3 3.6 3.7
6 2 2.3 2.8 3.7
7 1.6 2.3 3 2.5
8 1.5 1.8 1.6 2.5
9 1.5 1.8 1.6 1.5
10 1.5 0.8 1.7 2.5
11 1 0.9 0.6 2.2
12 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.7

What determines the increase in centimeters?

Height gain in premature babies depends on the following factors:

  1. degree of prematurity.
  2. Body weight at birth.
  3. Conditions of intrauterine development.

Average, during the first six months, the baby grows by 2.5-5.5 centimeters. And for the first year of life 27-38 centimeters. Growth rates for a year are 70-77 centimeters. All values ​​are given in the average sense and should not be taken literally, but you can focus on them.

Why is the child not gaining height and weight? And of course, any parents are worried about this situation. Let's see what doctors say about this. The reasons why the baby is not gaining weight well:

  • Artificial feeding.

    Most premature babies are on IV and there are many reasons for this. Milk can disappear due to the fact that the child does not eat enough or the woman could not breastfeed, and pumping did not work, and so on. But no, even the best, mixtures can not be compared with mother's milk. Therefore, it is necessary to last moment do not transfer the child completely to IV.

    Reference! If mother's milk is not enough, then supplement the baby with formula. But this should be done only when the baby is sleeping, so that there is no getting used to the bottle.

  • Not the right mix.

    If the child eats a mixture, then you need to choose it correctly. The fact is that the body of a premature baby is very different from full-term babies. For feeding them, you need to choose high-quality, especially light mixtures.

  • Malnutrition.

    These babies are very weak and almost constantly sleep without requiring food. And in such a situation, the mother needs to take control of the amount of food eaten. Doctors advise keeping a feeding list and making a schedule of how children gain weight and height. And the rest of the milk must be expressed, this will increase the period of breastfeeding.

    If the child refuses to eat, do not force feed him. In case of frequent refusal, consult your doctor.

    Also, the child can suck badly and get tired very quickly. Therefore, if the child stopped eating, and you understand that little food was consumed, then take a 15 break and try to supplement.

  • Mother's condition.

    The child and mother remain inextricably close even after birth. Therefore, any of your condition is reflected in the baby. The bad habits of a woman also have a strong bad influence.

  • Baby health problems.

    A weakened body does not resist infections well. In case of appearance the slightest sign illness, go to the hospital immediately.

  • Mother's nutrition.

    If a child is breastfed, then a woman should pay great attention to her own diet, because it really depends on how the baby gains weight.

  • Weight control.

    Doctors advise to conduct detailed monitoring of the child's regimen. Get a notebook in which you write down the number of feedings, urination, and so on. The fact is that for a premature baby, the lack of at least one meal a day can significantly affect weight gain.

  • Kangaroo.

    Doctors also offer a very effective kangaroo technique. It lies in the fact that a premature baby throughout the day is not separated from his mother. For this, they even created special T-shirts. The child feels the warmth and protection of the mother, which is very important because, having been born prematurely, he was not yet ready for existence outside the womb. And also the child has constant access to mother's milk.


Now you know the norms of weight gain in children and why sometimes a small child does not gain vital kilograms well. It is important to understand that a premature baby is the same child, just born at the wrong time. If you follow all the rules for care and provide sufficient, proper nutrition, then there will be no special problems. And such a baby by the age of two will no longer be different from his peers. Modern medicine allows you to nurse such children almost without problems, so do not worry, because your condition affects the child.

Since premature babies are small, the main indicator of their development and health is weight gain. As a rule, premature babies increase their weight faster than full-term babies.

This factor is also affected by the degree of prematurity:

  • 1 - children are born at 35-37 weeks weighing from 2000 to 2500g;
  • 2 - children are born at 32-35 weeks weighing from 1500 to 2000g;
  • 3 - children are born at 29-31 weeks weighing from 1000 to 1500g;
  • 4 - babies are born before 29 weeks weighing less than 1000g.

For example, a full-term baby doubles its body weight by 4-5 months, and a premature baby, weighing from 2000 to 2500g at birth, by 3-3.5 months.

In the first month of life, babies with 1 degree of prematurity gain 300 g in weight, with 2 and 3 degrees - 190 g, and babies with 4 degrees of prematurity - 180 g. In the second month, babies from group 1 add 800g, children from group 2 - 700g, from group 3 - 650g, from group 4 - 400g. Starting from the third month of life, premature babies begin to gain weight from 650 to 800 g.

But these are only approximate figures, weight gain is also affected by:

  • the quality and usefulness of nutrition;
  • frequency and duration of feedings;
  • family situation;
  • hereditary factor;
  • mom's food.

Only a specialist can determine whether a premature baby is gaining weight poorly or well. But if it seems to the mother that the baby is not eating well, she observes the baby’s frequent whims, then an urgent need to contact a pediatrician.

The task of the mother is to provide a full-fledged nutrition to a premature baby, including a sufficient amount of calories and essential nutrients. After all, it is important for such a baby to develop intensively in order to catch up with their peers. For this you need:

  1. Feed the baby, if possible, only breast milk, which contains a lot of amino acids, protein, oligosaccharides, antibodies. Unlike the breast milk of a woman who gave birth at term, milk for a premature baby contains less lactose.
  2. When feeding a baby through a tube, in the case of a poorly formed sucking reflex, it is important for a woman to provide the baby with breast milk, constantly expressing it. To do this, you need to purchase a breast pump, since it is very difficult to manually express milk in the amount necessary for the baby.
  3. Apply to the breast at the request of the child. It is important to apply it correctly.
  4. Be sure to feed your baby at night.
  5. Ensure constant physical contact between the baby and mother.

It is important to record the number of times your baby urinates to help determine how much supplementation he needs. As a supplement, it is better to use expressed mother's milk. But if it is not enough, then supplementary feeding is carried out with a special mixture for children with low weight. In a child of the first month of life, the number of urination should be at least 16 per day.

Weight gain is the main indicator of the health and development of a premature baby. It is important for him to ensure proper breastfeeding.

Every mother looks forward to the birth of her baby and hopes to meet in due time. But sometimes it happens earlier, and causes a lot of anxiety in the parents of a little peanut. To dispel your fears, we have prepared an article about the development of premature babies: how they differ from those born at term, how they look, how they develop during the first year of life.

Which baby is considered premature

Babies born before the 37th week of pregnancy weighing less than 2.5 kg are considered premature. Depending on the age and weight of the baby, there are 4 degrees of the condition:

You need to know that children born before term with a body weight of less than 2.5 kg are called doctors in the documents:

  • low birth weight fetus (LBW)) - if the baby was born weighing 1.5-2.5 kg;
  • very low birth weight (VLBW) fetus- crumbs 1-1.5 kg;
  • extremely low birth weight fetus (ELBW)- children weighing less than 1 kg.

A newborn is considered a premature baby who lived 7 days.

In addition to weight and gestational age, when assessing the degree of prematurity, neonatologists take into account additional factors affecting the development of crumbs:

  • the presence of diseases in the mother;
  • congenital pathologies;
  • correspondence of the degree of maturity of the body to the gestational age.

The degree of maturity of the baby is the general condition of the child at the time of birth and compliance with accepted standards of intrauterine development. Doctors evaluate the baby according to 11 main criteria and determine the degree of maturity, which is important in establishing the necessary care and medical procedures.

Also, in the first minutes of a premature baby's life, doctors check:

  • does the baby have basic reflexes and how pronounced are they;
  • What is the state of muscle tone?
  • level of physical activity;
  • can the baby keep warm on its own.

Considering all these factors, a decision is made on the necessary medical support. Prematurity is assessed in the first minutes of a baby's life. Immediately after birth, doctors aspirate mucus from the baby's mouth, and in some cases from the stomach.

In the following moments, it is estimated how much he can breathe on his own, what kind of medical support will be needed in the next few hours. For children with deep prematurity and weighing less than 1 kg, artificial ventilation of the lungs and the creation of conditions as close as possible to those that were in the mother's stomach are almost always necessary.

Modern medicine allows you to nurse children with the tiniest weight (from 500-600 grams). Using various medications, closed and open incubators, neonatologists create optimal conditions for the baby, recreating the sensations of being in the womb as much as possible.

The appearance of a baby ahead of time is a difficult but solvable issue that requires attention and composure from parents. There is no need to panic and give up, along with quality care and control from doctors, your baby needs to feel the attention, love and care of mom and dad.

With proper medical care, clear and coordinated actions of parents, babies born prematurely during the first year of life catch up with their peers and differ little from them.


A normal pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks. During this time, the baby from a small cell turns into a full-fledged person who can exist independently from his mother.

During this entire period, the processes of formation and improvement of all systems necessary for life are going on. If the birth occurs earlier than the prescribed 38-42 weeks, then the baby does not have time to fully prepare for independent life support outside the mother's body.

Premature babies differ not only from their peers who were born at term, but also among themselves. Different degrees of prematurity are characterized by their own signs.

Premature baby born at 24-28 weeks:

  • Weight less than 1000 g.
  • head significantly more breasts. The skull has an unusual shape: a high forehead, an elongated nape, open large fontanelles, a very thin neck. The auricles are very soft, the cartilages in them are underdeveloped, asymmetry is noticeable, a tendency to deform when lying on the side for a long time.
  • The legs and arms are very thin, the elbows and knees are sharp.
  • The nails do not reach the edge of the fingers, very soft.
  • The navel is located well below the center of the abdomen.
  • The genital organs are underdeveloped: in girls, the large labia do not close the small ones; in boys, the testicles are not lowered into the scrotum.
  • The skin is very thin, wrinkled, flabby. Hyperemia (redness) is strongly expressed.
  • Throughout the body, a network of vessels is clearly visible, the fat layer is practically absent.
  • A white fluff is noticeable on the face, arms, legs, back and abdomen.
  • Muscle tone is weakly expressed.
  • Babies born at 24-26 weeks may not open their eyes for the first few weeks of life.

Premature baby born between 28 and 32 weeks of gestation

  • Outwardly, it is more similar to a normal newborn, the circumference of the head exceeds the circumference of the sternum by 2-3 cm.
  • There are large open seams on the head, springs of considerable size.
  • The auricles are soft and easily deformed.
  • The navel is located low from the center of the abdomen.
  • The reproductive organs are underdeveloped.
  • There is a slight fat layer on the body.
  • The face, body, arms and legs are covered with white fluff.
  • Muscle tone is weak.

Premature baby born at 32-37 weeks

  • The proportions of the body, as in a normal newborn.
  • The skin is pink, there is no fluff on the face.
  • The formed subcutaneous fat layer is noticeable.
  • The first curves on the auricles are visible.
  • Nipples and areolas are visible on the body.
  • The navel is closer to the center of the abdomen.

Premature babies are born without completing milestone prenatal development, so they need special care and monitoring of their condition. In most cases, babies have to stay in the maternity hospital in the neonatal unit from 7 days to 4 months, depending on the degree of prematurity.

Of course, every mother wants to be at home with her baby as soon as possible, but if doctors insist on additional control and being in medical institution well worth listening to them.

Height and weight in the table

Having been born, premature babies differ from their peers born on time in weight and height. The shorter the gestational age at which the baby was born, the lower the rates.

Weight and height of a premature baby at the time of birth depending on the week of pregnancy

For babies born before 34 weeks, a strong immaturity of the alimentary tract is characteristic, so their nutrition and rate of weight gain are very different from those of children who were full-term before this period.

Children born from 27 to 34 weeks have an immature pulmonary system, so in most cases they breathe with the help of an artificial lung ventilator (ALV). Feeding of such babies is carried out through a tube for the next 3-4 months.

The degree of prematurity of a child largely determines the rate of weight gain and growth in subsequent months. The immaturity of the nervous, pulmonary, and food systems does not allow the baby to quickly add cherished grams in the first months of life. But by 3 months, the processes stabilize, by the year the baby is catching up with peers born on time.

Table of weight gain and height of the child for the first year of life, depending on the degree of prematurity
Age 4 degree 3 degree 2 degree 1 degree
Weight gain Increase in height Weight gain Increase in height Weight gain Increase in height Weight gain Increase in height
1 month 180 g 3.9 cm 190 g 3.7 cm 190 g 3.8 cm 300 g 3.7 cm
2 months 400 g 3.5 cm 650 g 4 cm 750 g 3.9 cm 300 g 3.6 cm
3 months 650 g 2.5 cm 650 g 4.2 cm 750 g 3.6 cm 800 g 3.6 cm
4 months 600 g 3.5 cm 650 g 3.7 cm 750 g 3.8 cm 750 g 3.3 cm
5 months 650 g 3.7 cm 750 g 3.6 cm 800 g 3.3 cm 800 g 2.3 cm
6 months 750 g 3.7 cm 800 g 2.8 cm 700 g 2.3 cm 700 g 2 cm
7 months 500 g 2.5 cm 950 g 3 cm 600 g 2.3 cm 700 g 1.6 cm
8 months 500 g 2.5 cm 600 g 1.6 cm 700 g 1.8 cm 700 g 1.5 cm
9 months 500 g 1.5 cm 600 g 1.6 cm 700 g 1.8 cm 700 g 1.5 cm
10 months 450 g 2.5 cm 500 g 1.7 cm 400 g 0.8 cm 400 g 1.5 cm
11 months 500 g 2.2 cm 300 g 0.6 cm 500 g 0.9 cm 400 g 1 cm
12 months 450 g 1.7 cm 350 g 1.2 cm 400 g 1.5 cm 300 g 1.2 cm
Average in 1 year 7.08 kg 68-70 cm 8.45 kg 69-72 cm 8.65 kg 70-73 cm 9.45 kg 71-74 cm

The average weight of children in the first year of life depending on the degree of prematurity

month of life 4 degree 3 degree 2 degree 1 degree
Birth weight 500-1000 g 1000-1500 g 1500-2000 2000-2500
1 month 680-1180 g 1190-1690 1690-2190 2300-2800 g
2 month 1080-1580 g 1840-2340 2440-2940 g 2600-3100 g
3 month 1680-2260 2590-3090 g 3190-3690 g 3400-3900 g
4 month 2300-900 g 3340-3840 g 3940-4440 g 4150-4650 g
5 months 2950-3550 g 4090-590 g 4740-5240 g 4950-5400 g
6 months 3700-4300 g 4890-5390 g 5440-5940 g 5650-6100 g
7 months 4200-4800 g 5840-6340 g 6040-6540 g 6350-6800 g
8 months 4700-5300 g 6440-6940 g 6740-7240 g 7050-7500 g
9 months 5200-5800 g 7040-7540 g 7440-7940 g 7750-8200 g
10 months 5650-6250 g 7540-8040 g 7840-8340 g 8150-8600 g
11 months 6150-6750 g 7840-8340 g 8340-8840 g 8550-9000 g
12 months (1 year) 6600-7200 g 8190-8690 g 8740-240 g 8850-9300 g

The table of average weight gain and height of premature babies during the first year of life shows approximate figures obtained by statistical means. Every child is unique and develops at their own pace. It is recommended to focus more on the recommendations of pediatricians and narrow specialists, taking into account the specific situation, the characteristics of the crumbs.

When a premature baby is discharged from the hospital

Babies born prematurely stay in the hospital much longer than their full-term counterparts. Depending on the condition of the child, the duration of stay under the supervision of doctors can range from 7-10 days to 6 months. The decision to discharge is made by the doctor, assessing the condition of the baby. In order for the baby to go home, he needs:

  • not have developmental difficulties;
  • show stable progress in weight gain (for 3-5 days);
  • be able to retain body heat;
  • breathe independently, eat;
  • weigh more than 2.3 kg.

Another important parameter for the discharge of a premature baby is the ability of parents to care for the baby, the ability to provide him with all the necessary conditions.

Child development

One of the most exciting questions among parents of premature babies is the development of the crumbs in the first year of life. Babies born prematurely in most cases are very weak, moms and dads are worried about whether their child will be able to catch up with their peers in terms of basic indicators.

According to statistics, almost all such children during the first six months of life show results below their peers, but starting from 6 months they quickly catch up and in some cases overtake children born on time. But the development of the nervous system still goes differently: in such babies it is often unstable, so hyperactivity appears.

1 month

In the first month of life, most babies born out of time are under the constant supervision of neonatologists. Babies with deep prematurity will be in the hospital for 3-4 months. Depending on the degree of prematurity, they can be identified in an incubator of a closed or open type.

The primary task of doctors during this period is to stabilize the child's condition and allow all systems of his body to develop to the required parameters.

In a closed incubator, children are placed who do not know how to keep warm, are on a ventilator and need special therapy and medications to accelerate the maturation of body systems. After the condition of the crumbs stabilizes, it is transferred to an open incubator.

Children who can breathe on their own, acquired all the necessary reflexes and learned to eat, are transferred to a special department, where they are observed until discharge.

In the 1st month of life, premature babies do not gain weight well. This is associated primarily with insufficient intrauterine development and an underdeveloped sucking reflex. To increase the amount of food entering the body of the crumbs, in most cases, feeding is carried out through a special probe.

In the first month of life, it is important for a newborn to be in a room with a constant temperature and humidity, to avoid contact with a large number of people. Surrounding people should strive to create conditions for maximum sterility.

During this period, the child is in an unprotected position, his body tries to reach normal levels as quickly as possible and cannot qualitatively resist infections.

Acclimatization, incomplete development of body systems makes a premature baby very weak in the first month of life: he sleeps almost all the time, is not very active, muscle tone is reduced (hypotonicity). All that a baby can do at this age is sleep and swallow food. It is vital at this moment for the child to contact with the mother, the feeling of her care and love.

Prematurity is not a sentence. Modern medicine works wonders by nursing babies born weighing over 500 g. If you find yourself in such a situation, then try to find the strength in yourself to be with the baby, give him your love and attention, he will feel your support.

2 months

In the second month of life, babies with 1-2 degrees of prematurity go home, with 3-4 degrees they remain under the supervision of doctors.

During this period, the sucking reflex is still poorly developed, and it is necessary to feed the baby with expressed milk from a bottle with a nipple, which must first be sterilized.

At the 2nd month of life, children who were sent home, pediatricians recommend introducing the first exercises: laying on the stomach.

During this period, very rapid fatigue of the little one is still observed, but an increase in muscle tone is already noticeable.


At the 2nd month of life, they learn to concentrate their gaze on the subject, begin to study the environment, but are still very weak and quickly get tired. From about 1.5 months, motor activity increases, muscle tone increases.

Characteristic for premature babies is the handle clenched into a fist, the thumb is very difficult to move to the side. During this period, the pediatrician may advise developing the fingers with a special massage to stimulate the grasping reflex.

By the 2nd month, the babies are trying to hold their heads, but so far it is very difficult, and the baby gets tired quickly.

Babies 3-4 degrees of prematurity

They remain under the constant supervision of doctors, they are usually discharged home after complete stabilization of all body systems and with a weight of more than 2.3 kg.

In the second month of life, close contact with the mother is very important for very premature babies. Even if it seems that the baby is not responding to you, then you need to understand that he is just still very weak.

3 months

Children with 1-2 degrees of prematurity

In the third month of life, a premature baby becomes more active, shows interest in food, gains weight and growth faster. Pediatricians do not recommend leaving the baby at this age to sleep on his stomach, it is better to lay him on his back and turn his head to the right or left.

Children learn to focus their eyes on surrounding objects, try to gradually raise and hold their head. By this age, the weight of the baby should double.

A grasping reflex appears, the child can hold a small object in the handle.

The ability to focus on the subject appears. Muscle tone gradually increases, the baby becomes more active.

By 3 months, the first attempts to raise and hold the head appear.

Healthy babies who have reached a weight of 2.3-2.5 kg are discharged from the hospital home.

At this age, the pediatrician may advise visiting a special massage therapist to stimulate muscle development.

4 months

Children with 1-2 degree of prematurity

Neuropsychic processes are gradually activated, the baby tries to communicate, makes new sounds.

Grabbing and shaking the toy is getting better, but there is still a strong tone in the handles. After consulting with a pediatrician, it is worth finding a specially trained massage therapist who would help relieve excess tension and stimulate the development of body muscles.

At the 4th month for a newborn, daily walks on fresh air, but you should carefully monitor the baby's clothes, dress him according to the weather, avoid hypothermia and overheating.

Closer to 5 months, babies of 1-2 degrees of prematurity delight their parents with their first conscious smile.

Children with 3-4 degree of prematurity

The baby is stronger and actively examines the surrounding objects. Now he manages to independently hold his head, rotate it in search of the source of the sound. Almost all healthy premature babies reach a weight of 2300-2900 g at the 4th month, know how to eat on their own, and go home.

5 months

Children with 1-2 degree of prematurity

By 5 months, premature babies with 1-2 degrees practically catch up with their peers. They shake rattles with pleasure, examine the environment with interest, and are happy to make contact with adults.

The perception of sounds increases, the baby quickly turns his head in the direction of the sound, trying to find its source. A pleasant innovation is the reaction of the child to his mother. When she enters the room and starts talking to the little one, he noticeably perks up, begins to smile and babble.

By 5.5 months, babies are trying to roll over from their back to their stomach.

Children with 3-4 degree of prematurity

There are new sounds and a desire to play with rattles. It becomes easier to hold small objects, the baby begins to smile consciously.

6 months

Children with 1-2 degree of prematurity

The weight of a child of 1-2 degrees of prematurity triples by 6 months. Having mastered the technique of flipping from back to stomach, the little one proceeds to study the reverse movement. Differences in physical development with peers born at term are practically erased.

After consulting with a pediatrician, assessing the state of health and physical skills, children with 1-2 degrees of prematurity begin to introduce complementary foods. Products for the first complementary foods must be agreed with the doctor in order to choose the best option.

Neuropsychic development is proceeding at a rapid pace. Toddlers show an increased interest in communicating with adults, games.

Children with 3-4 degree of prematurity

The baby's favorite pastime is to shake the rattle, holding it tightly in the handle. Auditory perception is enhanced, and the little one really wants to understand where the various sounds come from, he quickly turns his head in order to have time to catch where the knock, noise, conversation comes from.

Learn to turn from back to stomach.

7 months

Children with 1-2 degree of prematurity

An active and sociable baby is trying to master the ability to crawl. Outwardly, he does not differ from full-term peers. Increases autonomy in the game, there is a desire to eat on their own. Babies born at 34-38 weeks acquire their first teeth and learn to sit.

Children with 3-4 degree of prematurity

The ability to toss and turn from the back to the stomach is being mastered, there is a desire to learn how to crawl, but motor skills are still not enough.

In the absence of contraindications and sufficient weight, after consultation with a pediatrician, it is possible to introduce complementary foods.

8 months

Children with 1-2 degree of prematurity

The baby learns to sit and play independently in this position. It is still difficult to keep the back, the muscles that support the spine are still weak, so the back arches into an arc.

The number of movements is increasing all the time, the baby is looking for contact with adults. Now you can see that the little one understands the speech addressed to him. If you speak in simple sentences and ask to point to an object familiar to the baby, he will gladly point to it with his finger.

Attempts to master crawling are gradually becoming more and more successful. Most babies can already move themselves across the floor like a bellies. The most active get on all fours and swing in this position in different directions.

Children with 3-4 degree of prematurity

There is an ability to move your body in a plastunsky manner. Muscular strength is still not enough to do this over a long distance, so the baby gets tired quickly, can fall asleep right during the game.

Children with 3 degrees of prematurity try to sit, for babies with 4 degrees this is not yet available.

9 months

Children with 1-2 degree of prematurity

Differences with peers born at term have practically disappeared. Toddlers sit confidently, crawl on all fours, actively show their desire to communicate.

Some children begin to stand up on their own, trying to move along the wall.

Now the baby sleeps less, begins to speak the first syllables, every day increases his knowledge about the world around him.

Children with 3-4 degree of prematurity

The skill of sitting is mastered completely.

Teeth begin to appear.

The amount of sleep is reduced, but still makes up the majority of the day.

10 months

Children with 1-2 degree of prematurity

By 10 months, premature babies stand confidently at the support and crawl. If you call the baby by name, he will turn and smile.
The back muscles have strengthened, now the little one sits straight, keeping his back straight.

Game actions become diverse, the baby is very interested in household items.

Children with 3-4 degree of prematurity

There are attempts to stand at the support, to take the first steps along the railing.

Syllables are active in speech. When talking with the baby, you can see that he understands well what they are talking about. If you ask the baby to show where an object familiar to him is, he will gladly point to it with his finger.

11 months

Children with 1-2 degree of prematurity

At the 11th month of life, children with 1-2 degrees of prematurity do not differ from their peers in physical terms. Actively crawling and trying to take their first steps, they study the surrounding objects with interest. Sound-producing, inertial and clockwork toys are of particular interest. In response to addressed speech, more and more different syllables and simple words can be heard.

Children with 3-4 degree of prematurity

Crumbs with 3-4 degrees of prematurity stand confidently at the wall, trying to move along the support.

There is an interest in adult food.

12 months

By 12 months, all healthy premature babies, with proper care and attention from their parents, are catching up with their peers in physical development. By the age of one, most of them try to walk, talk, and actively study various playing techniques.

Table of the appearance of basic skills depending on the degree of prematurity

Skill 4 degree of prematurity, weight up to 1000 g 3 degree of prematurity, weight from 1000 g to 1.5 kg 2 degree of prematurity, weight 1.5-2 kg 1 degree of prematurity, weight 2-2.5 kg
Fixing eyes on an object 2-3 months 2-2.5 months 1.5-2 months 1-1.5 months
Self holding head 3-4 months 3-4 months 2 months 1.5-2 months
Turn from back to stomach 6.5-7.5 months 6-7 months 5-6 months 5-5.5 months
Turn from belly to back 7.5-8.5 months 7-8 months 6-7 months 6-7 months
Sits on his own 9-12 months 8-10 months 7-8 months 6-7 months
stand alone 11-12 months 11-12 months 9-10 months 9 months
Walks independently 14-15 months 14-15 months 11-13 months 11-12 months
Word pronunciation 12-14 months 12 months 11-12 months 11-12 months

Features of feeding children born prematurely

Depending on the degree of prematurity of the child, that is, the week of pregnancy in which the baby was born, can be used different variants complementary foods:

  • breastfeeding from the first days of life (1 degree of prematurity, the presence of a sucking reflex);
  • bottle feeding (grade 2 prematurity, feeding with expressed breast milk);
  • nutrition through a special probe (3-4 degree of prematurity).

The option of feeding the child is determined by the doctor in the first hours of the baby's life, based on the general condition of the child, his ability to eat on his own, the maturity of the main body systems.

Breast milk is considered the preferred food for premature babies. If possible, breastfeeding should be maintained for as long as possible.

While in the maternity hospital, the feeding of premature babies is controlled by doctors, if necessary, adjustments are made to the amount of food offered. When discharged from the hospital, doctors issue their recommendations on nutrition, and the process passes under the control of parents.

The calculation of the required amount of milk per day is based on the weight of the child and his age.

Offering a baby the exact amount of food for one feeding is quite difficult, especially when breastfeeding.

  • When breastfeeding, it is necessary to focus on the behavior of the child: he will not eat more than expected.
  • At artificial feeding it is recommended to pour the mixture or milk in an amount exceeding the norm by 10-15 ml, taking into account that the baby will not drink everything.

Feeding a premature baby important factor in the development of the baby. It is recommended to develop a nutrition and complementary feeding scheme together with the pediatrician, taking into account the characteristics of a particular baby.


Children born prematurely are not subject to vaccination at the scheduled time. For each specific premature baby, the vaccination schedule is calculated by the pediatrician based on the characteristics of his development, the weight gained.

Before vaccination, without fail, the doctor must take measurements of weight and height, check blood tests and assess the general health of the little one. For the introduction of each individual vaccine, requirements have been developed for the minimum weight of a child to be immunized.

Premature children are born before, starting from the date of the last menstruation, and having a body weight below 2500 grams. There are 4 degrees of prematurity according to gestational age and birth weight of the baby:

I degree- premature babies born at 35-37 weeks with a birth weight of 2000-2500 grams;

II degree- premature babies born at 32-34 weeks weighing 1500-2000 grams;

III degree- very premature babies born at 29-31 weeks with a weight of 1000-1500 grams;

IV degree- extremely premature babies born before 29 weeks weighing less than 1000 grams.

Of course, for such children, weight gain is one of the determining factors in the physical development and health of the child. A good weight gain can only be ensured if the child has a well-balanced nutrition that satisfies his energy costs, when the baby receives all the nutrients, microelements, and protective complexes he needs. Difficulties with feeding may arise due to the immaturity of the child's gastrointestinal tract, low enzymatic activity, refusal of food by the stomach, and the absence of a swallowing and sucking reflex. Depending on the problem, doctors feed the child through a tube, use parenteral nutrition, when nutrient solutions are administered to the child intravenously.

The best is mother's breast milk. Scientists have proven that milk adapts to the needs of the child, because the milk of a woman who has given birth prematurely has its own unique composition, adapted to a premature baby. While the baby cannot suckle, he is fed with expressed milk, after the baby learns to suck and swallow (usually, when he gains 1.6 kg, these reflexes appear), he is gradually transferred first to partial and then to full breastfeeding. If it is impossible to breastfeed, the child is transferred to donor milk or a special adapted mixture for premature babies. Indicators of weight gain determine the quality and usefulness of nutrition, the need to introduce or cancel supplementary feeding.

For premature babies, doctors divide into 3 main stages, which differ in the child's need for nutrition and weight gain.

At the 1st stage, the newborn does not gain, but loses weight. This is a physiological feature of all children, but if a full-term baby usually loses 5-6% of weight, then a premature baby with a weight of more than 1.5 kg - 10%, and a deeply premature baby with a weight of up to 1.5 kg - 15%. This period usually lasts the first 7 days from birth. Despite the fact that during this period the amount of food is minimal, it should provide the body of the crumbs with all the necessary nutrients.

At the 2nd stage, a constant weight gain is achieved, at least at the level of the intrauterine period. When the child's condition stabilizes, he can independently suckle the breast or bottle, has reached a weight of 2.5 kg, the mother and child are discharged from the department for premature babies. Weight gain per week should be 125-200 grams, depending on the weight of the child at birth. The increase is calculated as follows: + 15 g / kg daily.

At the 3rd stage, the weight of the child is normalized, the period lasts up to a year(for very premature babies longer). The task of parents in this period is to provide the child with good nutrition with enough calories and all the nutrients that are needed for the growth of the child, because a premature baby needs to develop more intensively in order to catch up with their peers. Usually, if the baby was born 1 month ahead of schedule, then he catches up with his peers in development by 1 year, 2 months ahead of schedule - by 2 years, and 3 months - by 3 years, respectively.

Below is a table of weight gain for premature babies, depending on age and degree of prematurity.

The table gives an approximate result for children who are at full strength, the numbers may differ, both up and down. Every month the child should be examined by a pediatrician who will assess the physical development and health of the child. Adjustment of nutrition, calculation of the norm of supplementary feeding, recommendations for the introduction of complementary foods, vitamin supplements should be carried out only by a doctor.

Calculate the approximate weight gain of a premature baby up to a year online

Specify the weight of the child at birth (g)

Specify the height of the child at birth (cm)

Premature baby

Age, months Weight gain Your child's weight
1 600
2 800
3 800
4 750
5 700
6 650
7 600
8 550
9 500
10 450
11 400
12 350