How to choose a gift for your best friend. How to choose a gift to like it one hundred percent? What to choose as a gift

Many people think that giving gifts is just as nice as receiving them. When choosing a gift for a particular occasion, we most often focus on a variety of factors, which include gender, age of a person, his hobbies and hobbies, lifestyle and taste preferences. For most of us, this is a pleasant and exciting activity, during which the mood improves, and the anticipation of the joy of the owner of the present inspires and inspires.

At individual approach By choosing a gift, the probability that your present will please its owner increases significantly. How to choose a gift, what to do if you don’t know what to give, what presents should be treated with caution, we will consider in more detail in this article.

Main criteria


Gender is one of the most important criteria for choosing a gift. Many people think that choosing gifts for women is easier than for men, but this is not at all the case. Thanks to a wide range of products, you can choose the appropriate and the right gift both for representatives of the strong half of humanity, and for beautiful ladies. Men can be given some practical items of clothing if you know the size and its preferences in colors and style in general. Women love beautiful wardrobe and interior items, elegant and stylish, delicate and sophisticated.

Of course, there are also such categories of goods, among which you can easily choose a gift for both men and women. These include cosmetic products, coffee, teas, perfumes, interior items, haberdashery. Another issue is that the design and appearance will be completely different for each gender. Men's goods are usually more concise and calm colors and solid colors, without a bright and flashy pattern, unless, of course, a man is a fan of extravagant taste.

Women's products can be brighter, more glamorous, more delicate, with an abundance of jewelry, rhinestones and appliqués.

There are also such representatives of the fair sex who prefer masculine colors, calm and elegant. In this matter, everything is very individual and depends on the personal characteristics of each person.


Age is also an important criterion when choosing a gift. What a 16-year-old girl will like will not suit a mature woman over 60. It is important to always consider the age category of the gift owner. Young guys and girls can be presented with a variety of modern gadgets as a present, and for the elderly, practical and useful gifts, for example, household appliances or medical devices to improve health and fitness, a variety of massagers, hearing aids.

Representatives of the middle age category can be given a variety of gifts that will rhyme with their lifestyle and hobbies.

Type of person

The type of person and his type of temperament also affect the choice of a gift for him. Outgoing people who love an active lifestyle will love a gift with an athletic focus, such as a membership to yoga, Pilates, or a fitness center. For more reserved and calm people who prefer a quiet home lifestyle, you can give some interesting book or a set for creativity or arts and crafts. Depending on a person's hobbies and hobbies, one can judge the most appropriate gifts for him.

As a gift to an athlete, any sports equipment and accessories that are used in his hobby, for example, a punching bag, gloves, a soccer ball or a tennis racket, will be appropriate. A girl who loves fitness will be delighted with a brand new suit for exercising in the gym.


The profession always leaves an imprint on the way of life of a person. Lawyers, economists, teachers, doctors, military personnel - gifts for representatives of all these professions can be intertwined with their field of activity. It can be a variety of souvenirs and practical gifts that can be used in their careers.

Office employees who spend a lot of time at the computer can give a massager for a computer chair, stationery or small office equipment.

We take into account the event and theme

The choice of a gift largely depends on the holiday for which it is purchased: for a birthday or anniversary, wedding or christening, New Year or Christmas, March 8 or February 23. And also an important aspect is who exactly needs to give a gift: a loved one or a colleague, a close relative or business partner. In all these cases, there are certain rules that should be followed.

For people you work with or are distantly related to, more formal gifts can be given, while for close family and friends, a more personal gift might be appropriate.

For example, you can safely present a set of beautiful underwear as a present to a sister or girlfriend, and a stationery organizer or a pen in a beautiful package to a colleague. You can pick up perfumes for your beloved man or father, and a large plant for decorating your office for your boss.

When choosing a gift, it is extremely important to observe subordination in order to avoid bad manners or funny situations. Among other things, it is customary for women to give flowers. Such a gift can be considered universal, as it will be appropriate for almost any holiday.

There is no such event that would not be decorated with a bunch of beautiful fragrant roses.

What to do if you don't know what to give?

If you didn’t manage to choose a gift, you can use several useful tips. For example, you can ask a person directly what he would like to receive as a gift for a certain holiday. But it happens that not everyone honestly answers the question or says that he does not need anything or he himself does not know what he wants. In this case, he can be presented with a gift certificate for a certain amount as a present.

A certificate can be purchased for a wide variety of goods and services, for example, for visiting a spa salon, a gym, purchasing shoes, clothes, cosmetics, perfumes, haberdashery, jewelry and much, much more.

Such a gift is distinguished by its versatility, as a person will be able to purchase the goods he needs, focusing on his taste preferences. It is also convenient that a certificate can be chosen for any amount, depending on financial capabilities and income level.

If you decide to present money as a gift, then you can somehow present it beautifully and unusually so that the owner of the money gift feels your reverent attitude. In this case, the origami technique comes to the rescue, thanks to which you can fold the bill in an original way, using certain schemes for origami from money - manigami.

What gifts should be treated with care?

There are gifts that a person can perceive with resentment or misunderstanding, namely:

  • do not give scales to measure body weight to a person with extra pounds; he can harbor a grudge by receiving such a present;

  • a gift in the form of a gift certificate for a parachute jump would be inappropriate for a person who is afraid of heights or is not a fan of active and extreme sports; he will simply refuse such an offer or give it to someone else;

  • a membership to a gym or yoga can be a great gift, but some people may take such a gift as a hint of your dissatisfaction with him appearance; such a gift can and should be given to those people who either voiced their desire to go to regular sports, or by prior agreement in a soft and delicate form, so as not to offend a person;

13 chose

The closer the New Year, the more actively we look for gifts for friends and relatives. And what should bring joy often becomes a source of stress. After all, you really want to guess with a gift: choose something that will definitely please a person. And how nice to see sincere joy on the face of the recipient! But, unfortunately, this is not always possible. Perhaps because when choosing gifts, we make one of the most common mistakes.

excuse gift

A gift bought on the way to the holiday, or one that you didn’t think about at all when you grabbed the first thing that came across in the store, is not really a gift. In fact, it's more of an excuse. An empty formality that usually does not bring any joy. And if so, why give it at all?

Thinking over and choosing a gift, we put a piece of our soul into it. And that's what makes it special.

Gift for yourself

"What a cool thing! It will be a great gift!" How nice it is when we are visited by such thoughts in the store. But think for a moment - for whom it will be a great gift? Maybe for you?

Very often we choose gifts that we ourselves like, and do not think about how the recipients will react to them. Lover of cute soft toys gives them to everyone in a row, and the happy recipients then puzzle over what to do with all these "dust collectors". Extreme enthusiast enthusiastically hands a friend a coupon for a parachute jump, plunging him into real horror. And I, for example, would gladly give pets to others. Only with my mind I understand well that such gifts will please few people, but they will cause inconvenience to many.

hint gift

Sometimes we, out of good intentions, try to give a person something that we think he lacks. Is visiting a friend rarely cleaned? We'll give you a miracle mop! The sleepy sister will get an alarm clock from us, the disorganized little brother will get an organizer, and the overweight friend will get a gym membership. Now we can be calm: everyone was made happy!

Do not flatter yourself: it will not be possible to change a person with one gift. So your gifts, most likely, will lie in a distant closet for unnecessary things. In addition, these are hint gifts that point people to their weaknesses. Not only will they not bring joy, but they can offend.

Joke Gift

"A person needs to be given something that he himself will never buy" says folk wisdom. It can be continued: "So here's a roll of barbed wire, fleece pants, and a textbook on punched card programming."

It seems to me that my husband's college friends were seriously guided by this principle for a long time. Year after year they gave each other some utter nonsense. The main thing for them was not a gift, but the humorous effect that it produces. I admit, the first couple of years it was really funny. But then the old joke starts to get boring. Moreover, the closet for unnecessary things is not rubber.

cheap expensive gift

We are generous and generous people. And often we want to give some grandiose gift that does not fit into our budget. And then we find a way out - we give something worthwhile (for example, a smartphone), but we choose the cheapest option available. But this is also not the best idea, especially when it comes to technology. After all, the price often speaks of reliability. So maybe you should think about more a simple gift but quality?

The right gift

You know that a person plans to buy himself, say, a tablet. And, being proactive, give this gadget. Perfect option, is not it?

Unfortunately, not always. When a person plans to buy something for himself, he usually understands very well what exactly he needs, chooses the company, model and even the color of this product. And when he is suddenly given something similar (but not exactly the same), this can cause frustration. The person is in a stupid position. On the one hand, now it makes no sense for him to buy what he dreamed of, because a similar gadget already exists. On the other hand, his dream, strictly speaking, never came true.

When your birthday is approaching, sometimes it can be difficult to decide what kind of gift you want to receive. How, then, to answer the questions of a grandmother who wants to please you? A good way is to prepare a list of your interests and wishes. If it will be difficult for you to decide on the final choice of the desired gift, then in this article you will find how useful recommendations are!


Part 1

Finding Gift Ideas

    Think about your hobbies. Write down a few activities that you enjoy doing for fun. Then write down a few items of materials needed for these types of hobbies. Choose for yourself what you most want to receive from the compiled list. Below are a few starting ideas.

    Try to remember something interesting that you have seen before. Have you watched a musical that you really liked? Of course, it may no longer be shown, but there may be other musicals in the repertoire of theaters that may interest you. Tickets for performances such as theater, opera or music concerts will be a memorable gift for you.

    Decide what you need. Sometimes it's easier to remember what you need than what you want as a gift. Think back to the past few months. Was there anything during this period that you needed but didn't have? Below you will find several possible ideas.

    • If you cook a lot, then some pots, pans and other kitchen utensils may need to be replaced. For example, you can ask for a new set of blender attachments as a gift. If your kitchen equipment is in excellent condition, consider exotic spices. If you have a talent for gardening, a set of seeds for self-growing spices may be suitable for you. All you need is pots, soil, and a few seed bags of popular herbs like basil, thyme, and mint.
    • If you're into sports or music, see if your inventory needs repairs or updates. Both sports and music equipment can be very expensive, and a birthday is a great occasion for a valuable gift.
    • When your birthday falls in the fall, you can check the status of your winter clothes. If it no longer fits you or is worn out, you can ask for a new jacket or scarf, for example.
  1. Browse stores and websites, flip through catalogs for gift ideas. Do you have a favorite store that you enjoy shopping at? Visit the store's website and see if they have anything new for sale since the last time you visited the store. Sometimes shopping, browsing a product catalog or browsing websites can give you some great gift ideas.

    • If you don't have plans for the weekend, try visiting a large mall. Try to mark for yourself everything that you like.

    Part 2

    Choosing a material gift
    1. If you're an artist, consider drawing materials or kits. There is a chance that you enjoy several hobbies at once, for example, drawing with a pencil, drawing with paints And knitting. In such a situation, it is easy to want everything and everything related to needlework, which you are fond of. But it is better to moderate your desires. In order not to seem like a person with too high demands, just ask for a gift set of some kind. The kit usually includes enough materials so that you can complete 1-2 projects. In addition, it will be easier for your friends and relatives to buy a set and not worry about choosing everything you need so as not to forget something important. For example, consider the gift ideas below.

      • If you like to weave beads, a set of beads or beads may be suitable for you. In most cases, this kit contains everything you need to make one necklace, a pair of earrings, and a bracelet. There will be beads, clasps, locks, and beads or seed beads. Also you may be interested polymer clay so you can make your own beads by yourself.
      • If you love DIY crafts, then you might like a soap or candle making kit. You can also ask for materials that you may need to complete the simplest crafts, for example, paints, brushes, cans, burlap, wire.
      • If you like to draw, you can ask for a set of graphite pencils of different hardness or charcoal pencils, a sketchbook and a drawing book as a gift. Drawing tutorials come in a wide variety of subjects, ranging from drawing people to plants and animals. Some books may even be exclusively about drawing specific animals, such as birds, cats, dogs, or horses. If you like fictional animals, there are also books about mermaids, fairies, elves, and dragons. There are even books on how to draw in anime style.
      • If you like painting with paints, then you might want to consider an artist's kit. These kits are available at most art and craft stores and are usually packaged in an attractive wooden or metal box. Inside you will find quality acrylic, oil or watercolor paints. In addition, a drawing booklet, some paper or a canvas may be included in the kit.
      • If you like knitting or crocheting, then you should not be limited simple yarn. You can treat yourself to some more beautiful and expensive yarn of various compositions and textures. In addition, there are always various knitting pattern books on sale that you may also like.
    2. Think about accessories for your electronics. Things like computers, phones and tablets are constantly updated. What was fashionable one year may be outdated another. However, accessories such as headphones and cases do not age as quickly, so they will last you much longer. Below are some gift ideas.

      • If you have a phone or tablet, ask for a protective case for it. Often, the case can be decorated with an inscription indicating your name, a special pattern or image.
      • Headphones, speakers, and other small accessories can enhance the capabilities of the device you already have.
      • You might also like something nostalgic, like a new turntable for your record collection.
    3. If you are into fashion, then you might think about jewelry and fashion accessories. Jewelry can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be expensive. On the Internet, as well as at fairs, you can find a lot of beautiful handmade jewelry. Look through your jewelry collection and see if you need something to complement any outfit, such as a brooch, bracelet, or necklace. If you are not interested in jewelry, then you can always ask for a special hat or handbag. Below you will find some more ideas.

      • When you ask for jewelry as a gift, think about a complete set: a necklace and earrings.
      • If you already have a lot of jewelry, but you have nothing to store it in, you can ask for a jewelry box.
      • A man can always ask for a tie clip, cufflinks or a new watch.
      • A belt or wallet can be a great gift. If these things are made of leather, then they can even be decorated with an individual design or inscription.
    4. If you enjoy pampering yourself, then consider cosmetics, bath products, and other beauty products. Just be sure to list your favorite colors, shades, and scents, as these are all purely personal preferences. Like jewelry, cosmetics take up little space and are used every day. For example, consider a few of the gift ideas below.

      • Many cosmetics manufacturers produce Gift Baskets, which includes a cosmetic bag, eye shadow, lipstick and blush.
      • In beauty supply stores, you can always find bath gift sets that include soap and body lotion. Some sets may contain scented bath bombs, sea ​​salt and bubble bath.
      • If you use expensive cream or perfume, then your birthday is a great occasion to ask for such a valuable gift.
    5. Ask for a memento of a sporting event for your favorite team. Such souvenirs can be easily purchased on the Internet. This is the best place to start your search. If your favorite sports team is about to play a match near where you live, you can try to buy a ticket for the game. Below you will find some more ideas.

      • Ask for a T-shirt, hat or sweater to wear to matches to show your support for your favorite team.
      • If you want to show support for a sports team at your workplace, try looking for appropriate accessories that will not clash with office style, such as a tie, socks, cufflinks or a scarf.
      • If you enjoy hosting a match-watching experience at home, ask for a themed bowl. It will complement your gatherings with friends.
      • You can also ask for some sports equipment, such as a tracksuit, special shoes, rackets or balls.
    6. Expand your horizons as a book reader. If you like the works of some author or a certain genre of works, ask for the latest edition as a gift. Book bestseller lists help you find the most popular books in certain genres. Let the donor get to know your tastes better. Perhaps he or she has recently read something that you are sure to like too. Below are additional gift ideas.

      • Ask for an e-book. This way you can always take all your favorite books with you wherever you go.
      • If you have an e-reader, ask for a special case for it. You can also ask for a gift certificate for the purchase of works in electronic form.
      • If you have a favorite book, you can try looking for a backpack with a picture of the characters in that book, or even a poster for its cover. You can also have your book cover image printed on a T-shirt, mug, or even a mouse pad.
      • If you have a favorite reading quote or quote from a favorite author, search the internet to see if you can purchase a poster, mug, or other item featuring that quote.
    7. If you are a child (or a person who has not yet come out of childhood), ask for toys or games. For example, when you already have a few collectible figurines, ask for additional figurines to complete your collection. If you like to play games, then you can ask to give you such Board games like Citadels, Uno, Scrabble and so on.

      • Adult players may enjoy strategy board games like Train Ticket or Jackal.
      • You may also be interested in modeling kits. Some of them are quite simple and require only fastening parts with snaps without any glue and coloring. Other more advanced kits require parts to be glued together and then painted. You can purchase kits for making models of aircraft, ships, helicopters and motorcycles. There are even models of spaceships from science fiction films, such as "star Wars" And "Star Trek".
    8. If you really like a movie, a series of books or a computer game, then you can ask to give you some item that occurs in the plot. For example, ask for a magic wand from "Harry Potter", character figure, object model from "Lord of the Rings" or a t-shirt with a print of the character of your favorite computer game. You can also add to your collection of DVDs or books. Below you will find a few more similar ideas.

      • A fan of computer games may like a backpack made of Minecraft or pajamas with a breast symbol from a series of video games Legend of Zelda.
      • If you like to dress up as different characters, then you can ask for a wig or some accessory to complement the outfit you recently made. Also, as a gift, a gift card for the purchase of fabric or a purchase in a needlework store may be suitable for you so that you can buy everything you need for self-manufacturing costume of your favorite character.
      • Ask for posters or figurines of your favorite character, a new comic book, a movie, or a computer game.
      • If you like manga style stories, ask for the latest edition. If you prefer anime, ask for a DVD with the latest episodes of your favorite cartoon. In some cases, they even make films based on previously released cartoons.
      • Think of books that focus on concept art or fiction that touches on the plot of your favorite computer game, comic book, manga, or anime.
    9. Ask for a handmade gift. These gifts are often more personal and special than store-bought ones. The person who is about to give you a gift may be flattered that you consider their handicraft skills worthy of making a gift with their own hands. Craft gifts are always unique, special and stand out from all others. For example, you can ask for a gift from the list below.

      • If you know someone who loves to knit, ask if they would like to give you knitted scarf or a hat.
      • If you know someone who knows how to sew, ask if you can get a custom-made bag as a gift.
      • If any of your friends are into soap making or candle making, ask if you could get one as a gift.
    10. Ask for a gift certificate from your favorite store. Sometimes even your favorite stores don't have what you need in stock. A gift certificate allows you to temporarily set aside the donated funds to spend them when something that interests you appears in the store.

      • Some people don't like giving certificates. In this case, ask if they can just visit the store with you when what you need is available.

    Part 3

    Choosing an intangible gift
    1. If you like to travel, ask for a ride. If you have an impressive budget, you can ask for a tourist voucher to a place where you have never been as a gift. If the budget is limited, you can simply ask the person to spend one day with you. You can have lunch in a cafe or visit a museum in your city. You can find more ideas below.

      • Visit another country or that city in Russia that you have always dreamed of visiting. If you don't know where to go, you can always close your eyes and blindly point your finger at the map. Then open your eyes and drive to the place where your finger pointed.
      • Go on a cruise. The cruise will not force you to spend all the time on the deck, you will also have the opportunity to go ashore and see local attractions at the stops.
      • Take a walk in the park. You can just visit the park closest to you, or you can go on an excursion to some national reserve.
      • Go hiking. Remember that hiking alone is a bad idea. So be sure to take a couple of friends with you.
    2. Ask for something active for yourself if you are a thrill seeker. Like travel, this kind of gift requires advance planning. In many cases, you will also need additional equipment. For example, if you go to a tropical island, you might want to go scuba diving. On the hike it will be interesting to visit some caves or just wander around the area. You can also use ideas from the list:

      • bungee jumping;
      • speleotourism;
      • hiking trips;
      • horseback riding;
      • rafting on a kayak;
      • rock climbing;
      • diving.
    3. Treat yourself on your birthday with a visit to the spa. Many spas offer additional services, such as pedicures using salts, oils and extended massages. If you don't feel like getting a pedicure, you can get a facial massage or a mud mask. Don't forget to book your session in advance as the popular spas fill up very quickly.

      See if you can learn something new on your birthday. For example, you can ask for a gift certificate for learning new skills, such as dance, martial arts, painting, or woodworking. You can also spend the day learning a skill from another family member. Grandma will gladly teach you how to bake pies or cook favorite dish. Most importantly, you can eat your masterpiece immediately after cooking. Below you will find some more ideas.

      • If you enjoy making beads, decorating cakes, crocheting, knitting, or painting, you can visit an arts and crafts store. In such stores, they can often hold themed master classes.
      • Some art centers may offer poetry, music or weaving lessons.
    4. Suggest going to the museum. A visit to the museum is a great gift for those who love art and history. Many museums are themed around a particular historical period (such as the Middle Ages or ancient Egypt) or are related to a specific art form (such as Oriental art or French impressionism). Think about what interests you and see if there is a museum near you that matches your interests.

      • If you don't care about history, you might be interested in exhibitions dedicated to sports or the greatest musical achievements. You can also visit a wax museum or an exhibition of science and technology.
    5. If you like nature, visit an aquarium or a zoo. In most cases, you will only need to pay an entrance ticket and spend as much time as you want in the institution. In a number of zoos and aquariums, for an additional fee, you can even get up close with some animals. If you are interested, visit the website of the nearest zoo or aquarium for a list of services they provide.

      If you love music or theater, ask for a ticket to a performance. Sometimes memories of an event can survive any material gifts. Many theaters also sell performance related materials, such as posters, CDs, T-shirts, which you can buy as a keepsake.

      • If there is a concert of your favorite band somewhere nearby, ask for a ticket to the concert. You can even ask for a more specific gift - a VIP pass, so you can go backstage, meet the musicians in person and get their autographs.
      • Lover classical music might like a symphony orchestra concert.
      • If you like to sing and dance, then you will love watching a musical. If you like performances without singing and dancing, try going to a classic theatrical performance.
    6. Ask for a ticket to an anime or comic book event. However, it should be remembered that such an event may take place in another city. If you have to stay there for the night, then you should think about the place of lodging for the night. When a hotel is the organizer of the event, it may offer visitors special rates for accommodation in its rooms.

      • If anime and comics aren't your thing, you might like the idea of ​​taking part in a costumed masquerade. Usually such events are held on weekends and do not require participants to stay somewhere for the night. A themed masquerade is a great way to immerse yourself in history or a fantasy world.
      • If you have a favorite writer or artist, find out if they have fan meetings. By attending such an event, you will not only meet someone you admire, but you will be able to leave with an autograph.
    7. Celebrate your birthday with dinner at your favorite restaurant. Birthday celebrations don't have to be active. It may consist of a simple joint dinner with friends and relatives. Choose the restaurant you like or the one you dreamed of going to.

      Ask friends and family to make a donation on your behalf. Sometimes giving is better than receiving. Think about the things you sincerely support and look for a charitable organization whose activities are in line with your beliefs. For example, an organization might engage in the following activities:

      • rescue of animals and nature;
      • helping the homeless;
      • disaster prevention;
      • education.

    Part 4

    Shortening the wish list
    1. List all the pros and cons of each gift. If you can't decide between several ideas, make a list of the pros and cons. Just list all the pros and cons of receiving each of these gifts. Pick the gift that has the most pros and the fewest cons. For example, getting a jacket as a gift is not so joyful, but it can be combined with your wardrobe in various ways, in addition, it will not let you freeze in winter.

      Think about what matters most to you. It could be school, work, sports, or something completely different. If playing sports is more important to you, then new sports equipment may be more useful than a new computer game that you may not have enough time to play due to the need to practice sports.

    2. Think ahead. Sometimes what you want to get now will not be what you want to get or use later. If you can't choose from several things, try to imagine your life without each of them after a couple of months. Choose the thing that you will need even after a few months, or the one that will still interest you, and not the one whose usefulness will quickly fade.

      • You can also try to imagine what will happen if you do not receive any gift. Pick the one you'll be most upset about if you don't get it.
    3. Try to keep the donor's budget in mind. Not everyone has the opportunity to spend heavily on buying a gift. If you want to get something very expensive, try to find out the financial capabilities of a person before giving him a list of your wishes. If you ask for something that he will not be able to buy, then this will put the person in an uncomfortable position. Below you will find a few more options.

      • If you don't feel comfortable figuring out your budget, list some expensive items and some cheaper items. So a person can buy what will be more in line with his capabilities.
      • Ask for a collective gift. So your relatives or friends will simply be able to contribute to the purchase of an expensive gift.
      • Ask for one gift for two holidays. For example, if your birthday is close to the New Year, then you can ask for a single gift for these two holidays.
        • If a trip to the beach is exactly what will make you happy; explain this to your family. You don't have to choose an expensive gift just because all your friends do.
    • Don't forget to make a wish list. As new gift ideas come up, write them down in a notebook. You can also use the Internet to compile a list. Some online shopping sites allow users to create a wish list and send a link to it to friends and family members.
    • When looking for a gift, try to think in terms of "the best _______" or "the most reliable ________ at a price lower than (___)". You can also read shopping tips on forums dedicated to what you are looking for as a gift.
    • The recommendations of this article are also suitable for choosing a gift for other holidays, for example, for the New Year.
    • Try asking for watercolor pencils, wax paints, or canvas as a gift. Explore various options drawing materials that you would like to receive.
    • When shopping, look for items that you like but can't buy yet. This will be useful if you are completely at a dead end with the choice of a gift!
    • Never make a huge list, if it is shorter, then the chances of getting exactly what you want will increase. Try to limit the length of the list.


    • Don't delay choosing a gift last moment. The longer you wait, the less time friends and family will have to purchase a gift. Sometimes the things you need may already be sold out by the time you make your final choice. Try to make a wish list early. This gives your friends and family more time to plan their purchases and get exactly what you want.
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“Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” is what folk wisdom says. But we know what they're watching. And how they look! And although, of course, no one gives horses anymore (with rare exceptions for those in power), most of us are very reverent about gifts. And not only to those that we receive, but also to those that we choose. In the latter case, it is especially reverent if this gift is not on duty, but is intended for a loved one, dear and respected. How to choose a gift so that you don’t feel excruciatingly ashamed that you didn’t please with a gift, and excruciatingly painful for having to spend money on it?

It turns out that if you understand all the rules for choosing a gift, then you will not be ashamed or hurt. On the contrary, the donor's sense of pride will simply burst, and your gift horse will completely satisfy the new owner with the excellent condition of his teeth. And in order to do just that, it is worth understanding some psychological subtleties and nuances. Shall we start?

What is the function of gifts?

If you approach the choice of a gift according to all the rules, then first you need to decide on its function. This is easy to do, because all gifts can only have two functions, although they are different. Firstly, a gift is a sign of public attention, and giving gifts in this case is a real ritual with its own traditions. It is so customary that gifts are given for birthdays, gifts are given for New Year and Christmas, and gifts are given on March 8 or February 23rd.

To leave a birthday man without a gift, having come to him for a holiday, means to break the tradition and be considered an ill-mannered person. Not to make a gift to a business partner or just someone with whom you are closely connected outside the sphere of personal interests on a holiday means also violating a social norm. In a word, it is impossible not to give gifts when they should be given in accordance with established traditions. Or rather, it is possible, but we live in a society and cannot be free from its laws. That is, in this case, when choosing a gift, we are driven by a sense of duty and a desire to comply with public morality.

Secondly, a gift is a sign of personal attention. Here we are already guided by our own desire and a sincere feeling of love, affection or respect. And we are driven by the desire to bring joy to a dear person. We make such a gift on the occasion of a holiday, and just like that - in order to express our feelings and emphasize an indifferent attitude.

So, gifts on holidays can fulfill a public or personal function, gifts for no reason, rather, only a personal one. Corporate signs of attention are mostly only public. But most often, we choose a gift that combines both of these functions. And that is why choosing a gift often becomes a problem.

What is the point of a gift? It turns out that the need for a gift makes us think about people, regardless of our desire. The need to give a gift does not allow you to forget about those around you, when you don’t really remember yourself in the bustle of life. The need for a gift makes you refresh your memory and feelings. And this is the main meaning of the gift - not to move away from people, to remember them and remind them of yourself. The main thing is that attention should not be formal (even on a formal occasion).

How to choose a gift in order of importance?

When choosing a gift, you need to decide on its hierarchy, which directly depends on the importance of the moment and the significance (for you) of the person to whom the gift is intended. The status of a gift is determined by the importance of the moment and the status of the person to whom the gift is intended. And the status of a gift is expressed by its appearance and its value (unfortunately, no other has been invented yet).

The Importance of the Moment or the Status of the Gift

Each occasion for a gift has its own degree of importance. And if just like that and for no reason you give your friend a disc with an interesting film, and then come again with the disc on the birthday of the same friend, then at best you will simply be misunderstood. At worst, you will be condemned. Because a “just because” gift is lower in status than a birthday present.

In addition, all occasions for a gift have their own "table of ranks." Especially solemn occasions mean special gifts. As a rule, this expensive gifts(what to do, we are accustomed to evaluate everything in monetary terms). By the way, expensive gifts for a minor occasion are also inappropriate. Such a gift can embarrass the person who received it.

As for the type of gift, here you also need to follow the established traditions and the status of the moment. There are generally accepted norms for giving gifts according to different occasions. Some gifts are appropriate for a wedding, others for an anniversary, and still others are good for the New Year. We still have a popular gift "in an envelope". However good tone only the donation of banknotes for the wedding is considered. In all other cases (except for those specifically stipulated), this is already bad manners.

Intimacy of Relationship, or Recipient Status

Here we are talking about the proximity and hierarchy of the relationship of the one who gives and the one who receives the gift. And, of course, the choice of a gift is determined both by its value and its “intimacy”. And all people for each of us are divided into those about whom we think more, and those for whom our attention is not so close.

Oddly enough, but the closer and dearer a person is to us, the more difficult it is to choose a gift for him. An unfamiliar person does not expect special attention from us. Therefore, any gift will be a joy to him. Relatives, on the other hand, count on special attention, and it can be difficult to guess exactly how they understand this attention. And the real difficulty is the choice of a gift for those who live with us in the same house. Common concerns, a common budget and common needs sometimes negate all the joy of a gift. And most often the gifts themselves come down to utilitarian things: clothes or household appliances. But, it should be noted that such gifts can actually bring considerable joy. And if you have the opportunity to really pleasantly surprise a loved one, then use it, and do not spare money and effort for this.

Giving gifts to not very close people is also not easy. The hierarchy of relationships must be observed, but one cannot do without personal participation in choosing a gift. In this case, the gift should be inexpensive, but appropriate. You can not give sweets to someone who does not eat them, alcohol to someone who does not drink it, and a book to someone who does not read. If you don’t know anything about the tastes of a particular person, then you need to choose a neutral gift (soap self made, for example, will not be superfluous for anyone). It is only important to remember what has already been donated by you to this particular person, so as not to be repeated.

Friends in this respect are beyond competition. We know them well, they forgive our inattention more easily than relatives, they are sympathetic to our material problems (of course, if we are talking about real friends). It is for this category of gift recipients that it is easiest to choose something useful and pleasant.

How to choose a gift and not miscalculate?

The abundance of goods has a downside and an unpleasant side when it comes to choosing a gift. In fact, everything that we can buy for a gift to a specific person, he can buy himself. Therefore, let's try to figure out how to bring joy to a person by choosing a certain type of gift for him.

Sees the eye...

With an abundance of goods, of course, everyone has the opportunity to buy for themselves what they like. However, not everyone can realize this opportunity. Therefore, giving a person what he wants, but he will not buy for some reason, is the most win-win option. For example, lovers of cognac or whiskey will always be happy to receive expensive varieties of these drinks as a gift. A housewife, content with an old vacuum cleaner, will be delighted with his new model. And older parents who like to watch TV shows on a good but outdated TV will be grateful to you for a plasma TV presented for their wedding anniversary.

One birch, two birch...

A collectible gift is a great gift option for someone who collects something. And there are no restrictions on the choice, except for one: you need to have an idea not only of the collectible, but also of the composition of the collection. And if the object of donation collects, for example, porcelain figurines or figurines of cats (elephants, bunnies), vintage cognacs or samovars, feel free to give a new collectible item - you will not be mistaken.

There is another option for collectible gifts: to form a collection yourself. That is, for example, to give your mother a new branded scarf for every New Year, or a friend on February 23rd a new beer mug. As a result, such a “gift offering” will turn into a touching ritual, and the gift will be expected and pleasant.


It was with this phrase that the heroine Natalya Krachkovskaya in Gaidai's famous comedy reacted to Shurik's extraordinary message. Your gift can also cause such a reaction (surprised admiration) if it is actually original. Such a gift, as a rule, does not represent material value, but emotionally, an original gift can bring no less joy than any useful or expensive thing. Among the original gifts include Gift certificates not only to go to the store, but to participate in some pleasant event (dance lessons, massage sessions, a subscription to a beauty salon).

However, original gifts can only be intended for people with a sense of humor or who can appreciate the creativity of the idea. Otherwise, such a gift can be assessed as tactless, or even offended. So stop choosing original gift worth it only if you know the recipient well and can confidently predict his reaction to such a surprise.

Touching to the point of tears...

An intangible gift, or a gift-share, a gift-attention. A gift meant exclusively for one person. Poems or a song written in his honor, “memoirs” of relatives, colleagues or classmates, a real portrait from a photograph, a musical slide show. This gift is probably the best. Because it will cause a flurry of joy and positive emotions. Because it is made from the heart, with sincere feelings and a desire to please. By the way, handmade gifts can also be attributed to this category of gifts. After all, if you do something for a person with my own hands is doubly valuable.

True, dwelling on such a gift, remember that it is very personal, and therefore is intended only for especially close people. Therefore, before choosing a gift for your mom's (or dad's) birthday, for your grandmother's anniversary, or for your sister or brother's graduation from school (college, university), think about this gift option.

And in general, approach the choice of a gift consciously. What will bring joy to the one you want to congratulate? Here is the main question to which you need to look for an answer when choosing a gift. And anything can become a source of such joy: from a funny trifle to a new car. Showing attention and delivering joy is your main task. So do it.

Talk 3

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It's good to have friends, but there are times when friendships can be stressful. For example, if your friend's birthday is approaching, you may be confused about what to give him. Most likely, you want to give something that your friend will like, but you may be worried that your gift will not be to his liking. In addition, you may worry that a friend will perceive your gift as a self-serving gesture on your part. Don't worry about it; by choosing the appropriate gift, you will make it clear that your intentions are sincere. In addition, you can make your relationship stronger.


Part 1

Choice suitable gift

    Choose what will suit your friend's interests. Since this person is probably your best friend, you know how he lives and what he is interested in. If you give something that matches your friend's hobby, you can't go wrong. Such gifts are usually accepted with great pleasure. This gift will show that you remember what your friend likes.

    • If you Not sure what your friend likes, you can look at what is in his house; just look at what's on the shelves or hanging on the walls. For example, if you see a stack of magazines with a certain theme, you can pick up a gift related to that theme. If you see a poster on the wall of a certain group, it most likely indicates that he is a fan of the music of this group, so you can give CDs or tickets to a concert of this group.
  1. Gift something that will cheer up your friend. If you're worried that you won't be able to choose a gift your friend will love, give something that will make them smile; if your friend laughs, it means you have chosen what you need! You can present something that will give positive emotions. However, be careful not to misrepresent your intentions. Below are just a few ideas:

    • Comedy movies.
    • T-shirts with funny slogans, fun trinkets, fun board games and so on.
    • Comic gifts; things you know he hates (like the rival jersey of his favorite sports team), things that are out of fashion (ugly sunglasses from the 70s), fancy gifts (like a sack of potatoes) and so on.
    • Some kind of smart gift that is associated with his name; for example, if his name is Brian, you could give him a movie poster Brian's life.
  2. Give him something functional. If you want to please your friend, give him something useful; it should be a useful thing for him, but not necessarily expressing warm feelings. For example, if your friend spends a lot of time at the gym, pick up a gift that will be related to his hobby, whether it's sports equipment or gear. Such gifts will show that you are attentive to your friend's hobbies. In addition, with such a gift you will not offend him, and you are also unlikely to cross the boundaries of what is permitted.

    • A potential problem with these kinds of gifts is that they don't show the fullness of your feelings. If your boyfriend is a very sensitive person, then you might want to consider another gift option.
    • Consider also that useful gifts can hint at a problem the person has. For example, if you give a person a subscription to a healthy eating magazine, then by doing so you can show that he should lose weight.
  3. Give him something that he can use with his friends. Another great way to show appreciation to a friend, while avoiding unnecessary feelings, is to gift something that will be interesting to him and his friends (including you, but don't choose a gift that will please only you). For example, if your friend is a member of a band, you can give them a T-shirt with the band's name on it. Alternatively, you can give him a musical computer game that you can all play together.

    • If your friend has a sweetheart, you can give something that will be useful for the two of them. For example, you can give two tickets to a concert so that your friend can spend the evening with his beloved (with or without your presence; it's up to you.)
    • It's also a great way to relieve tension if you've had a recent disagreement with friends. If you give something that will please all his friends, you call for peace, saying: "Let's live together."
  4. Give a "courageous" gift. Give him something that will emphasize his masculinity or the features of a gentleman. This is a great gift option. Items such as a penknife, watches, accessories and so on will be good mementoes that will delight men. different ages. Below are just a few ideas:

    • Ties
    • Tools
    • Belts
    • Shaving accessories
    • Purse; young people tend to buy wallets when they are already worn out, so if you give it to your friend, most likely it will please him.
  5. You can make a gift with your own hands. Your gift does not have to be very expensive to leave a pleasant impression. Try to make a gift with your own hands, this will show that your friend is very dear to you. And although, as a rule, such gifts are much cheaper than their store counterparts, you can convey all the warmth of your feelings to your friend. Below are some great DIY gift ideas you can make. However, you can show your imagination and do something that will please your friend.

    • A work of art created by you (painting, graphics, sculpture).
    • DIY items (piece of furniture, skateboard, portable stand).
    • Handmade item of clothing (knit a hat or mittens)
    • Homemade food (cookies or cakes; non-perishable foods are best).
    • A song written and performed by you (if you're not shy!)
  6. If you still have doubts, present a gift card. If you really concerned about what to give your friend, let him choose it for himself! Gift cards and certificates are good choice when you don't know what to give your friend. Many people even prefer gift cards over regular gifts. So give your friend this card. The advantage of such a gift is that it is very easy to acquire; you can pick it up on your way to the holiday.

    Ask a friend what he wants to get. Of course, not all people will say what they want to receive as a gift. Some are shy, while others do not care what they will be presented with for the holiday. Maybe you don't really like shopping, so ask a friend directly what he wants to get. As a rule, every person dreams of something, so be persistent and ask a friend about his dreams.

    Part 2

    Avoid romantic innuendo
    1. Do not give gifts that lovers give each other. No matter what your intentions are, some gifts can be seen as a romantic gesture. Don't give a friend a Valentine's Day gift if you're just friends. The consequences for breaking this rule can be dire (especially if your friend has a sweetheart), so be careful! Below are a few examples of gifts that could be described as "romantic":

      • Eau de Toilette
      • Flowers
      • Cufflinks or other jewelry
      • Candies or other small sweets (especially in stylish, elegant boxes)
      • Expensive accessories (e.g. Rolex watches, expensive pens)
      • Certain items of clothing (funny T-shirts are great options, but silk boxers, terry robes, stylish jackets and so on are too personal items of clothing for platonic friends)
      • Concert tickets for the two of you
    2. Be careful when signing postcards. The message written in the postcard can cause misunderstanding. It is very easy to confuse friendships with romantic ones, so avoid deep phrases. Of course, some guys may see what you absolutely did not want to say, but be careful. Below are a few ideas:

      • Leave a voice message (for example: "Hope you had a good day. Wish you all the best. Your friend.")
      • Write something fun on the card (for example: "It was not so easy for me to choose this card. I hope you return it to me so that I can give it to Amy's birthday, which will be held on next week. Oh yes, happy birthday. ")
      • Include an acrostic consisting of your friend's name (for example, for a friend whose name is David: D- Kind, A- active, IN- funny and so on)
      • Draw something on the margins of the card.
    3. Give the right gift. Do it impersonally. It's not just what you give that matters, but how you do it. In order not to embarrass your friend, try to give the gift correctly. Avoid pomp. On the other hand, don't act like you don't care, or your friend will feel like you're doing it out of a favor.

      • Of course, it is not so easy to find a middle ground; don't act like you don't care. For example, don't leave a gift bag unmarked, this can show that you have little interest in a friend. This is your best friend, so he should know about it.
    4. If you still have doubts, you can team up with friends and give a group gift. Thanks to this, you can save money; besides, you will not embarrass yourself, and your friend will not think anything bad about you. If you give a joint gift, it is unlikely that a friend will perceive it as romantic. Plus, you don't even have to choose one! You can limit yourself to congratulations on a postcard, avoiding long loud phrases.