Magical and healing properties of tourmaline. Tourmaline stone - properties and meaning What does a tourmaline stone look like

Tourmaline improves the state of the endocrine and nervous system, helps with cancer, improves sleep.
Depending on its color, tourmaline can affect various organs.
Green tourmaline helps with diseases of the liver, kidneys, blood circulation and skin, strengthens the nervous system, strengthens the immune system. Of all the green stones, it has the strongest anti-aging properties.
blue tourmaline has a positive effect on the hormonal, lymphatic and immune systems.
Black tourmaline creates a protective aura around him, being in which a person protects himself from harmful effects environment. It is used to remove negative energy from the physical body and resolve energy blockages in the aura. To do this, a black tourmaline stick is held over a sore spot, rotated counterclockwise. To enhance the effect on sore spot three crystals of rock crystal are placed, the tops of which are directed to the sore spot.
To balance the projective (YANG) and receptive (YIN) energies inside the body, polychrome tourmaline products are worn. For the same purpose, you can keep a piece of this mineral with you.
In Indian lithotherapy, mainly pink, green, black and blue tourmaline are used for medicinal purposes.

It is difficult for jewelry lovers to understand the names of this precious gem. Having a huge color palette, it also has many names. In the old days, because of the red tones, it was called lal. Nowadays, similar stones are sometimes found rubellite, siberite, verdelite, etc. But most often it is called tourmaline. However, in all cases we are talking about the same mineral with a beautiful name - elbaite.


Gemstones have very few interesting and beautiful names. One of them is elbaite (from the English elbaite). This name was given to a gem found on the Italian island of Elba by the scientist of Tsarist Russia V.I. Vernadsky. It happened in 1913, when the crystal was first identified and described.

Today, in the world of jewelry, the name "elbaite" is very rare. This is due to a very complex hierarchy of minerals of this class. The gem itself is included in the supergroup of crystals, united by a common name - tourmaline. There are also dravite, deer, schorl, uvit and other gems.

At the same time, the name "elbaite" does not belong to a specific mineral. It combines a group of gems, different in composition, as well as crystals, similar in content of chemical elements, but different in color.

The composition distinguishes:

  • tsilaisite- tsilaisite, named after the place of extraction. Found and described by Prendel in 1892. It occurs in yellow with different color saturation, blue, green, brown and black;
  • zinc tourmaline. The name is due to the content of 2.85% zinc. The color is blue, turning into colorless;
  • liddicoatite- liddicoatite. The name was given in honor of the scientist D. T. Liddicoat. It has green, pink, red and brown colors, of different saturation.

Variety by color:

  • polychrome tourmaline, which has up to 5 colored zones. Moreover, the colored stripes can be located both vertically (such gems are called "Turk's head", with a red top, and "Moor's head", with a black top), and horizontally to the base of the prism ("watermelon tourmaline");
  • rubellite- rubellite (red). In Russia it is known as sibirite, Siberian ruby ​​or red schorl. Color range from crimson to red. Rubellite is very beautiful, so it is widely used in the manufacture of jewelry. Often mistaken for a ruby ​​or red spinel;
  • verdelite- verdelite, or "Brazilian emerald". The name is used to distinguish noble green tourmalines into an independent subgroup. According to the composition of chemical elements, they can be both elbites and dravites. The color scheme is due to the presence of impurities of iron and chromium and varies from pale green to rich green. Bright emerald crystals are highly valued;
  • indicolite- indigolite. Because of the beautiful of blue color, indigo, and the name is formed. It is often confused with blue corundum, which is why this mineral can be found on sale under the names: Brazilian or Siberian sapphire, aqualite. The color scheme is due to the presence, in the form of impurities, of two- and three-valent iron;
  • africite- aphrizite. A variety of indicolite. Dark blue, almost black. The name received from the Greek word "afriso" - to foam;
  • achroite- achroite. The name combines colorless tourmalines of various composition into a group: elbaites, dravites and schorls. The name comes from the Greek - akhros - colorless;
  • paraiba tourmaline- the standard of a mineral with a bright, saturated color. Homeland - Brazil, state of Paraiba. Hence the name. First found in 1987. Amazing beauty is caused by a very complex chemical composition. Here, in the form of impurities, one can meet representatives of vanadium, iron, chromium, magnesium, zinc, antimony, as well as copper, which is extremely rare in this supergroup of minerals.

Physicochemical characteristics

The mineral elbaite belongs to the class of aluminosilicates of the tourmaline family. Due to the presence of lithium and aluminum in the composition, it stands out as a separate group of gems.

The chemical formula is Na(Li1.5Al1.5)Al6(BO3)3(OH)3OH. Together with impurities, it can contain more than 25 elements of the periodic table.

Physical characteristics: hardness on the Mohs scale - 7.5 units, density - 3.02-3.09 g / cm3.

They have an easily recognizable cross section in the form of a spherical triangle and vertical shading on the edges. Resistant to acids. When heated to 450 - 650 degrees, it changes color. Red-brown minerals turn pink, while dark green (africite) minerals turn emerald.

Elbaite deposits are found on all continents. In North America, the USA. In South America, Brazil. In Africa, Namibia. In Asia, Pakistan and Burma. In Europe - Russia, Germany and Great Britain. It is also mined in Australia.

Medicinal properties

The healing and magical properties of this group of gems have been little studied. There are several reasons:

  • young age, in connection with which, neither astrologers nor lithotherapists have accumulated an array of knowledge in order to draw final conclusions;
  • The variety of colors of one and the same crystal does not allow one to unambiguously determine its energy. The power and length of light waves are determined by color. Therefore, the energy of stones with the same chemical composition, but different colors, manifests itself in different ways;
  • a large number of types of minerals also does not contribute to the determination of all useful properties.

From the accumulated experience, it is still possible to single out the healing and magical power of some representatives of this group.

Indicolite. The crystal is believed to have unique therapeutic properties. Lithotherapists believe that this stone can strengthen the human immune and endocrine systems. It is also used to eliminate headaches and restore vision. Well, the stone struggles with stressful situations and nervous breakdowns. Placed under the pillow, eliminates insomnia, leads to sound, healthy sleep.

Among magical properties indicolite stands out for its ability to absorb the owner's anger, calm and balance it. In this state, the owner of the crystal is able to think clearly and make the right decisions. Preventing quarrels, it becomes the guardian of family marriage and the hearth. Ideal for Libra and Aries, which helps to achieve their goal. Contraindicated in Capricorn.

Verdelite. It absorbs excess energy well, so it is recommended to wear it to people with an unbalanced character, as well as young and energetic people. According to lithotherapists, it has a positive effect on the liver and circulatory organs. A talisman made of verdelite in Libra and Sagittarius strengthens faith in one's own strength, creates a feeling of peace and security.

rubellite. The therapeutic properties of this stone are manifested in the ability to improve complexion, strengthen memory, and prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Strengthening the magical properties occurs when these crystals are placed in a frame made of precious metals. Rubellite is the stone of Libra. A good talisman for creative people: it multiplies their talent, brings fame and success.

Video on the topic: Tourmaline-elbaite stone


Elbaite includes precious and ornamental stones in its group. Some of them are very expensive, not inferior in price per carat to diamonds, sapphires and rubies. However, there were no mass attempts to falsify this stone. Occasionally there are fakes made of glass, but falsification is easy to identify. Glass jewelry is significantly inferior in hardness to the original, so it is enough to run a sharp object over the product to determine their authenticity. There will be a scratch mark on the glass.

Being well versed in the stones of this group, you can have a beautiful piece of jewelry and reliable protection family hearth.

Stones » Stones » Secrets of the mysterious mineral Tourmaline

Tourmaline is a stone related to precious, semi-precious or ornamental minerals, depending on the transparency and color. The name "turmali" in translation means a multi-colored gem with magic. The properties and value of the mineral is described by the ability to attract dust.


Of particular value are transparent stones of crimson, blue and green. In nature, there are rare polychrome types of tourmalines, in which several colors are present at once. How to wear tourmaline, what does it look like and who is this amazing crystal suitable for? We understand.

Variety of unusual crystals

Where is this breed mined, which has an effect on the human body? The variety of tourmaline that can be seen in the photo is unusually wide and includes the main types:

  1. Rubellite is a red tourmaline that resembles rubies in appearance. This category includes stones from soft pink to deep red. The championship of demand was won by stones High Quality crimson shades, which are mined in Russia, Sri Lanka, California, Madagascar, Brazil. In some sources, the dense cherry shade of gems mined in Siberia and the Urals is distinguished by a separate variety called siberite. Pink Burmese tourmaline gets its name from its origin, which is mined in Upper Burma.
  2. Verdelite green tourmaline, characterized by an exquisite calm olive green tone, is similar to Colombian emeralds and has an energetic masculine power Ying.
  3. Indicolite. Occasionally, deep blue tourmaline is found in nature, found in Ceylon and South America.
  4. Tourmaline dravite is a mineral of pale yellow, brown, brown color. Sometimes there is also purple, known for its magical properties.
  5. Schorl is a decorative variety of a mineral characterized by an impenetrable black color.
  6. Achroite is a colorless tourmaline stone, devoid of color. Possesses Ying energy. Its deposits are found only on the island of Elba, as a result of which it is considered the most rare and precious.
  7. Polychrome tourmaline is characterized by a complex color range, a smooth subtle transition of shades or the presence of several brightly separated zones. In jewelry, such inserts can resemble a piece of watermelon, a rainbow.

The color and transparency of gems depends on the unique chemical composition, the presence and amount of active metals in it, such as: Fe, K, C, Na, Li, Ma, Mg, Hr, Al, Vn. The description of the composition, formula and structure of each of them is different, respectively, and the effect on health and personal life, too.

Seeing these beautiful gems, I want to ask: how much does such beauty cost. And there is no difference in the deposit and the method of extraction. They are expensive, especially precious - it is white and transparent.

Tourmaline Authenticity

Scientists have developed a unique technology for obtaining synthetic gems by artificial means, however, it is not in demand due to the complexity, high cost and the presence of a sufficient amount of minerals in nature. Deposits are numerous and widespread.

Tourmaline is mined in various parts of the globe in Thailand, India, Russia, Brazil, the United States of America, Africa, and Madagascar. Tourmaline crystals have a long prismatic shape with an asymmetrical cut. The edges of the crystals are acicular, the break is uneven, the cross section has the shape of a triangle with distinct shading. Tourmaline crystals are characterized by a unique unique phenomenon of light polarization.

In order to distinguish a fake, you need to remember its hardness. It is difficult to scratch it, while ordinary painted glass can even be broken. Also, to identify a genuine stone, rub it with your finger. Natural tourmaline is electrified, and you can easily feel it.

Applications of the mineral

The breed of tourmaline in medicine is very ambiguous: contraindications for wearing it must be taken into account. Its benefits and harms to the human body have been scientifically proven. We will talk about them a little below.

Unique physical characteristics mineral, you can use it for air ionization, the creation of medical devices, in radio engineering. Silver is very well combined with it, especially wearing such jewelry in the neck area. Pillows made of stone of this breed help people suffering from insomnia. And the bandages produced by a well-known network company have helped many people with osteochondrosis of the back and hernia on the cervical vertebrae.

This breed also has a serious healing effect on the treatment of prostatitis. Today there are special men's briefs with stones that cure the disease favorably and naturally. Jewelry, of course, also affects health.

tourmaline stone medicinal properties, which also depends on its chemical composition. The type of stone and its color also matter here:

  • green tourmaline stone has a rejuvenating effect on all systems, positively affects the liver, kidneys, nervous system, improves skin condition, blood circulation, strengthens the human body as a whole;
  • semi-precious blue sapphire and indicolite have a positive effect on the hormonal background and the lymphatic system, eliminate headaches, improve visual acuity: this useful property tourmaline is important for those who often work at the computer;
  • black people can relieve pain different kind, in folk medicine are used to treat colds, cleanse the aura from negative energy. Malkhan stone protects from the evil eye and inducing damage;
  • blue is actively used in psychotherapy and neuropathology to relieve stress, nervous tension, get rid of nightmares, insomnia, and also have a positive effect on the body as a whole.

It has been scientifically proven that the positive effects of the special electromagnetic field of tourmaline contain stones. But almost all types of tourmaline have such healing properties, however, this stone may also have contraindications for wearing. They can be thyroid diseases, the use of pacemakers, allergic reactions, bleeding, fever, pregnancy and breastfeeding, and wearing stone jewelry for too long can have a negative impact on the psyche, moral resistance to psychological disorders of a person, because he has too strong properties.

magical properties

Now let's talk about what else tourmaline can be and its magical properties. In ancient times, magical properties of tourmaline were noticed by sorcerers and sorcerers. One black crystal, framed in high-grade gold, is a real witch's amulet that can awaken the owner's gift of foresight and establish contact with the world dark forces. This variety carried great power. However, stones of other colors are also actively used by yogis, astrologers, healers, and white magicians.

The general magical properties include a beneficial effect on the mind, often it is formally called the healer of human souls. They awaken Creative skills, soothe, improve mood. They are used for meditation, concentration.

  1. Red, like pomegranates, attract success in love, family happiness, allow you to establish a sexual life, strengthen potency.
  2. Greens, especially those inserted into the belt, are the protectors of creative personalities, allow you to find inspiration, speed up thought processes.
  3. Colorless cleanse the mind, help to find balance and peace of mind.
  4. Pink elbaite helps people who are lonely or suffering from unrequited or unrequited love.
  5. Blue - the stones of the Cosmos, for communication with which only one gram will be enough.
  6. Other types of minerals also exist.

IN modern world many resort to the help of talismans from mysterious crystals. Amulets are able to feed the owner with cosmic energy. We can assume that the tourmaline stone has the ability to exert a significant influence on the fate, mental state and health of the owner. To constantly maintain the magical properties and energy of the stone, it is necessary to feed it with the energy of sunlight, and in order to wash off excess or negative energy from the stone, it is necessary to hold it under cold running water.

Who and how to wear products?

The manufacture of jewelery from gems dates back to the 7th century, when skilled Byzantine craftsmen first created jewelry from a rare stone, framing it with gold. The mineral is characterized by high hardness, good machinability. In pendants and rings made of gold, its healing and magical properties are most pronounced.

To create jewelry from transparent tourmalines, diamond, emerald and step cutting technologies are used. Using unique technology high temperatures from 450 to 650 degrees it is possible to artificially improve and change the color of natural minerals. Any other shades of pink and red stones are advised to be worn by women in rings on ring finger, such decoration is able to attract good luck in the love affairs of a woman.

The tourmaline mineral is not capricious and does not require special care, but you should avoid cleaning with ultrasound, steam, coarse brushes, and abrasive products. Also, it can be damaged by heating or washing. Over time, such jewelry requires gentle care. You can provide an ordinary soapy solution and a soft sponge, and the faded jewelry will become like new.

Which zodiac signs are suitable for this gem?

The question of how the signs of the zodiac and tourmaline and its derivatives are worn is very important, because its location on the body plays a very important role, acting as a protection against various life problems. What does the horoscope tell us?

A unique natural crystal is best combined with other stones, especially alexandrite and ruby. Tourmaline is considered the patron saint of people born under the signs of the zodiac: Leo (fire element), Sagittarius (fire element), Capricorn (earth element). Also, it is good to wear a red crystal for Aries and Gemini. Aquarius and Scorpio astrologers do not recommend tourmaline stones. Jewelry with tourmalines enhances the eccentricity and irascibility of their unstable character. Transparent minerals in bright colors are ideal for people under 35 years old.

Choice by color type

Women should choose tourmaline jewelry, given their color type. As you know, there are the following types of types of women:

  1. Summer. Cold, light and delicate stones of cool shades of turquoise, blue, delicate pink will suit these representatives of the fair sex.
  2. For a girl - winter tourmaline of green and raspberry color is suitable, bright blue, red, emerald green helps to achieve a feeling of comfort.
  3. The warm yellow color of any shades from greenish to brown is perfect for the representative of spring.
  4. Autumn will characteristically choose greens, yellows, reds, browns, and any other warm stone tones.

It is very important to remember that the choice of stone should be made not only according to your mood, but also take into account your state of health.


In conclusion, I would like to note Interesting Facts about the unusual crystal:

  • the crown of the kings of the Czech Republic was encrusted with the famous large ruby, which was later recognized as tourmaline;
  • the mineral "Jolly Green Giant" is recognized as the best stone of these types of tourmaline and is the property of the New York Museum of Natural History;
  • The bunch of grapes presented by the Swedish king to Catherine II was made of red tourmaline;
  • panagia of John the Baptist, kept in the Armory of the Kremlin, is decorated with high quality tourmalines;
  • a stone helps in almost all areas of life, but it has the greatest power if it is mined with one's own hands;
  • the Brazilian Paraiba tourmaline price reaches 6 thousand dollars per carat;
  • the cost of a gem mined in Russia reached 10 thousand dollars per carat;
  • the value of crystals is constantly growing, recently it has increased 70 times.

If you correctly direct the energy of the mineral in a creative direction, it can become a reliable friend and assistant to the owner. We hope that such reviews about this mineral have helped you in choosing the right crystal.

The name "tourmaline" refers to a whole family of stones that have the same crystal structure, but different colors, and therefore different names, magical properties and metaphysical meanings.


Red or pink - rubellite. The most expensive version of minerals of this type.

Blue - indicolite. Naturally dark in color. However, it is often heated to make the stone lighter in color. This makes him attractive.

Brown - dravit. They also lighten up a lot.

Colorless - archroite. It is extremely rare in nature. Obtained artificially by heating the pink mineral.

Watermelon tourmaline is pink in the center and green around the edges. Sometimes there is an inverse distribution of colors. The photo of the unprocessed version of this mineral is not impressive, but in the processed form, the pebble looks very appetizing.

Black - schorl. The most common option.

Yellow and yellow-green. It does not have a separate name.

Green - verdelite. It is very similar to, with which it is often confused.

As in the case with, the influence of stones different color quite different. Pink, red, green, blue and black tourmalines have the most pronounced metaphysical significance.

general characteristics

Pink tourmaline carries sensual energy and the element water. It is a stone of love and friendship that teaches a person to empathize with others. It is considered a children's and female mineral. Normalizes the work of the heart chakra - Anahata. Red rubellite- also a stone of love and friendship. But unlike pink, which pacifies a person and makes him more of a calm contemplator, the red version of the mineral teaches communication. Helps develop extrovert features in a person. Green (verdelite)- a crystal of creativity, monetary luck and business success. Helps turn hobbies and increases into a source of stable income. Increases physical endurance, strengthens a person's connection with the Earth. Indicolite is a mineral of calmness. Relieves stress, gives good sleep, helps not to take trouble to heart. Carries the energy of water, which removes everything from life excessive fears and anxiety. The black version is associated with the Earth. This is the most powerful type of amulet against negative energy of all types of tourmaline.

The magical properties of all tourmalines, without exception, are so great that they are considered shamanic stones that are suitable for protection from the forces of Darkness at the time of occult rituals.

Healing properties

  1. All variants of tourmaline have properties that can positively affect the functioning of the heart. Stones are useful for angina pectoris and arrhythmias. Helps recover from a heart attack.
  2. All variants of the mineral improve the appearance of the skin, make it possible to prevent the occurrence of early wrinkles.
  3. Normalize the connections between the right and left hemispheres of the brain and thus reduce groundless fears. Helps relieve symptoms of paranoia. By improving the coordination of eye and hand movements, they can cope with dyslexia.
  4. Tourmalines are useful for relieving headaches of various etiologies, neuralgia.

In addition to the general healing properties, each version of the stone has its own healing value.

So pink, red and black minerals help to recover from various injuries faster. Remove neuralgia and migraine. Schorl is especially effective in this respect. It promotes alignment of the spine, helps strengthen leg muscles and prevent the development of degenerative joint diseases.

Rubellite (both red and pink) improves the functioning of the female reproductive system. It has a positive effect on the menstrual cycle and conception.

Verdelite is a stone of physical endurance, sporting achievements. Eliminates chronic fatigue, mental and physical exhaustion. Accelerates tissue regeneration.

All variants of tourmaline, to one degree or another, have a positive effect on the immune system and the functioning of the respiratory system, but the blue crystal copes with this task better than others. Indicolite helps to cure diseases of the lungs, upper respiratory tract, thymus, thyroid gland, esophagus. That is, it is useful for all organs controlled by the Vishuddha chakra. It is used to treat sinusitis and other bacterial infections.

Also, blue tourmaline normalizes water balance and the process of excretion through the kidneys.

And, of course, indicolite is a stone of calmness. It improves sleep, eliminates chronic anxiety, helps to remove panic and phobias. Useful for claustrophobia and fear of dentists.

The work of the intestines is best affected by black and red minerals. They fight chronic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and pancreatic pathologies.

Attention! Do not forget that all the listed healing effects of tourmaline on the human body do not have strict scientific evidence. Therefore, this type of treatment should in no case be made the main one in the event of a truly serious problems with health.

Emotional recovery

  1. Pink, red and blue tourmalines are stones of liberation from old wounds and resentments. They give strength to come to terms with the past, relieve guilt. Helps to cope with depression, chronic anxiety and indecision.
  2. Rubellite opens the heart to love. As love for oneself when a person has an unreasonable feeling of guilt, a tendency to self-abasement. So is love for other people in those cases when a person is afraid to fall in love, is afraid to really get close to someone, cannot force himself to trust people.
  3. For those who are "numb" emotionally, pink tourmaline brings back the joy of life. This mineral is considered a source of happiness, joy and peace of mind.
  4. The red version of the mineral is more effective than the pink one, it makes it possible to get rid of constant fears and anxieties: fears for one's physical existence, financial situation, social status.
  5. Schorl saves even more effectively from fears, phobias, panic attacks. The magical properties of black tourmaline are such that they make it possible to drive away thoughts of suicide and help to part with various kinds of addictions, including the use of psychoactive drugs.
  6. Verdelite turns negative energy into positive. Helps a person to "see with the heart", to notice the wonders of life. Develops the ability to be grateful and empathize with others. Eliminates fear of change. Teaches patience and tenderness.
  7. Indicolite is considered the most effective for the treatment of mental trauma received in childhood.

Influence on the chakras

All variants of tourmaline are associated with the heart chakra. The mineral cleanses the aura, removing all clots of negative energy from it. It works especially effectively in the area of ​​Anahata.

Some varieties of stone have an effect on other chakras.

This is how red and black crystals work with both Anahata and the root chakra Maladhara. This allows them to directly energize the physical body of a person, root it, make it possible to stand on one's feet more firmly, both literally and figuratively.

The meaning of indicolite is associated with the throat chakra - Vishuddha, and the third eye chakra - Anjna. Connection with Vishuddha allows you to teach a person to openly express his feelings, good speech. Facilitates the flow of energy throughout the body. Communication with Ajna blue tourmaline makes its owner more open to new ideas. Improves intuition and inner vision.

magical properties

  1. pink tourmaline cleanses the emotional subtle body of a person, improving its connection with the ethereal shell. Stimulates the development of sensual energy and makes its owner softer. Normalizes the flow of energy through the channels of the physical body (acupuncture channels in Chinese folk medicine).
  2. Red tourmaline has stronger protective properties. It neutralizes the flows of negative energy, which can come from people and be inanimate, for example, represent the radiation of a computer monitor or a microwave oven.
  3. green crystal closes holes in the aura, which were formed due to alien negative impact, for example, exposure. Verdelite energizes the physical body, helping a person to reach new level consciousness. At the same time, it strengthens the bonds between the etheric and physical bodies.
  4. blue tourmaline considered a stone of spiritual practitioners and healers. It enhances the ability to receive and transform the vibrations of the higher world. Establishes a connection with beings from other dimensions. Just like green, it cleanses the aura and patches holes in it. It is used for.
  5. Schorl is endowed with the magical properties of the Earth, its power. It removes negative energies from the human body through the legs, transferring them to the Earth. Protects the ethereal subtle body. Helps to improve the flow of energies along the meridians of the physical shell. Of all the types of tourmaline, it is considered the most powerful amulet.

Who suits?

  1. Any tourmaline is suitable for anyone born under the sign of the Zodiac Libra.
  2. Children, especially hyperactive ones. And also to those who are commonly called "indigo".
  3. Patients with cardiovascular and pulmonary ailments. Those who often suffer from pain in the back and head, neuralgia.
  4. Patients with certain mental illnesses, such as dyslexia.
  5. Suitable for those who have hardened grievances in their souls or gnaw at themselves for what they once did. It helps very well those who were embittered in action. Heals the inner sick child.
  6. Good for those who do not know how to love themselves, or others, or the world around them.
  7. It is shown to representatives of professions working with people: doctors, teachers, psychologists. The stone helps to more clearly feel the other person, but at the same time not to take on his energy, which can be negative.
Pink rubellite suitable for teenagers in puberty. And pregnant women who do not want to give birth. First of all, accidentally flown teenage girls. Gives them strength and courage to come to terms with their situation. Indicolite is necessary for people who want to develop paranormal and healing abilities in themselves, to open the Third Eye. Schorl is useful for people who are in dire need of protecting their aura from alien influence. It can be an office stay surrounded by unfriendly colleagues, conscious work with people who transmit their negative energy. For example, healing activities.

Features of Verdelite green crystal

Green tourmaline is a masculine stone. Women with this mineral need to be careful.

Suitable for the following representatives of the strong half of humanity.

  1. Necessary for all those who want to start something new in life: open a business, change jobs, write a book, etc.
  2. Helps people with financial problems who do not want to sit back and wait for a bag of money to fall on their heads, but want to succeed in life on their own.
  3. It is the stone of gardeners and herbalists.
  4. It is effective for athletes and all those who are engaged in hard physical labor, because it is considered a mineral of endurance and strength.
  5. Green tourmaline is useful for people who experience constant fears and phobias. And also for those who suffer from insomnia and increased nervous excitability. Including hyperactive children and adolescents.
  6. Shown indecisive and timid people, those who can not learn to make independent decisions.

How does it affect women?

It is not recommended for the weaker sex to constantly wear green tourmaline. Since under the influence of this mineral they can become masculine.

However, occasionally at certain moments in life, when a lady must show all her strength and determination, verdelite is useful. It's good for athletes.

It is good to use it for those women who chronically suffer from a lack of male energy. And therefore, he allows himself to be pushed around, being a completely dependent person who does not know how to say “no”.

Green tourmaline is indicated for women who:

  • cannot assert themselves;
  • are constantly exposed to violence, for example, sexual, including from their husband;
  • easily fall under the influence of manipulators;
  • experience sexual attraction to members of the same sex and want to get rid of it.

How to use correctly?

In order for tourmaline to reveal all its magical properties and healing features, it is worn as ordinary decoration, near the heart chakra. The most successful jewelry is beads, necklaces, pendants and brooches. But the rings and earrings popular among jewelers are not the best option use of this type of crystal.

Beads made from one rubellite cannot be worn every day. Their influence may be too strong. The correct jewelry option is beads made of pink or red tourmaline with the addition of other minerals. Stones such as morganite, kunzite, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, malachite, dioptase are excellent.

For the application of the green crystal, there are rules.

  1. Men should wear daily. But not all the time. Best either during the day or at night.
  2. Initially, the stone can cause an overreaction of the body, leading to headaches and irritability. In this case, wearing it should begin with a few hours a day, gradually increasing the time to 12 or more hours.
  3. Women can wear green tourmaline jewelry only for a short period of time. For example, fitness training. And not every day. And from case to case. Daily wear is suitable only for those ladies who suffer severely from a lack of male energy. But even they can wear a stone only for a few hours a day.

If a woman felt signs of an “overdose” of a green stone, for example, she noticed that she became aggressive, overly irritable, harsh, you can neutralize the excess effect of verdelite with pink tourmaline jewelry.

But you should never wear rubellite and verdelite at the same time.

Other application methods


Take the stone in your hands or place it on the area of ​​the heart chakra. Imagine soft light emanating from the mineral and enveloping your entire body.

  1. Most often, meditation is practiced with schorl. This makes it possible to quickly and safely cleanse the aura.
  2. Meditation with pink tourmaline is used to restore a sense of integrity and significance of one's being, to enhance the feeling of universal love.
  3. With green - for the growth of spirituality.
  4. With blue - to enhance paranormal abilities and intuition.

Feng Shui application

The magical properties of tourmalines of different colors are associated with different primary elements and elements, therefore, according to Feng Shui, their meaning is different. And they are used in different ways.

  1. Rubellite is placed in the southern part of the house, apartment, room. The stone is designed to improve the reputation of the family in society and promote the advancement of its members on the career ladder.
  2. Verdelite is associated with the primary element Wood. And therefore endowed with the energy of growth, fertility, physical development. The mineral is well placed in the children's room, as well as in the dining area. It is best placed in the east or southeast of the room.
  3. Indicolite and schorl are stones of peace, good sleep and tranquility. They are usually located in the bedroom, in relaxation and meditation areas. Often placed on a bedside table, preferably on the north side of the room.

How to clean and charge?

Place under running water 2-3 times a week to wash away negative energy from the mineral.

It is best to wash the crystal in natural running water. But if this is not possible, tap water can also be used.

After the tourmaline is washed, it must be charged. Usually, for this, they pick it up and try to transfer their energy to the stone.

Can also be charged in moonlight.

Solar radiation works great too. However, it is not shown to all stones.

Pink, blue, green and red crystal should not be charged in direct sunlight. Although this procedure is beneficial for the energy health of the mineral, it is detrimental to it. appearance- it fades. But dark indicolite and schorl can be charged in sunlight

In principle, tourmaline can be cleansed and charged, like most other crystals used for magical purposes.

A little about the watermelon mineral

This variety of tourmaline simultaneously carries the energy of green male verdelite and pink female rubellite. And it is this mix that determines the properties of the crystal.

Like pink tourmaline, watermelon is a stone of love. It softens the heart and makes it more tender. But not as strong as rubellite.

At the same time, it gives physical strength, endurance and the ability to move forward in life. But he also does it not as persistently as he does it.

Watermelon crystal is a stone of balance. It helps to avoid outbursts of anger and tantrums. It fights against any excesses, saving the body from chronic stress and burnout.

The magical properties of the watermelon variety of tourmaline are not as pronounced as those of single-color stones. But such a multi-colored crystal is suitable for most people and cannot be "overdosed."

Tourmaline is one of the most unusual, rare and little-studied minerals. The exact nature of its occurrence is still not clear. Most of its deposits are associated with high temperature environmental conditions. Therefore, there is an assumption that tourmaline is of volcanic origin.

The name of the stone comes from the Sinhalese word "Tumuli", which means "attracting ashes". This indicates the outstanding electromagnetic properties of the mineral. Tourmaline is the only natural crystal that has a constant electric field and is capable of emitting infrared rays.

It is these unusual characteristics that explain the great importance of tourmaline in esoteric practices and magical rites. People believed that the nugget had a great influence on the bioenergetic forces of a person, had a powerful effect on the biofield, could charge with positive energy and cure many diseases.

Even in ancient times, it was noticed that the magical properties of a stone depend on the shade of the crystal and help in a variety of situations:

  • Red varieties have a beneficial effect on men - they make them more confident in their abilities and bring good luck in love affairs.
  • The amulet of a blue tint will help protect its owner from false slander and the envy of others. Such a stone is a conductor of cosmic energy that protects from earthly troubles.
  • If you wear a bracelet or necklace made of stones of different colors, life will open up on the positive side, problems will be bypassed, depression and self-doubt will go away.
  • Green tourmaline awakens the creative abilities of its owner. Such a gem is considered the talisman of artists.
  • Transparent stones help to concentrate during meditation and clear the mind of bad thoughts.
  • The black crystal is used in the rite of divination for the future. It can be used to predict fate.

But tourmaline is of great interest not only among admirers of non-traditional teachings. Numerous experiments are carried out in scientific laboratories aimed at studying the mineral as a source of negatively charged ions and electromagnetic oscillations.

Thanks to these properties, tourmaline has found its application in radio engineering, and is also widely used in the manufacture of medical equipment and instrumentation.

Who suits the zodiac sign: compatibility in astrology

To answer the question of who suits the horoscope, it is necessary to start from the color of the mineral, since it is in the interaction of a certain shade and the sign of the zodiac that all the power of tourmaline is revealed to the maximum.

Note! A colored necklace made of crystals of different shades has all the properties of individual stones and suits each astrological sign, enhancing its positive effect on a person.

What color and how it looks: varieties of stone

Tourmaline is perhaps one of the few gems that has so many varieties. Depending on its chemical composition, it is presented in nature in the widest range of colors - from colorless to opaque black specimens.

From how the mineral looks, there are several types of it:

  • Achroite- a stone without a certain color, transparent, similar to a piece of pure rock crystal. This tourmaline is the rarest and belongs to the precious breeds.
  • Dravite- has a range of shades from golden to brown. It was first discovered in the suburbs of the Austrian town of Drave, from where it got its name.
  • Sibirite- also named after the place of its discovery. The extraction of gems of bright red, raspberry and purple colors is carried out in Russia - in Siberia and the Urals.
  • Verdelite- the most common type of tourmaline. Has a rich green tint. For its resemblance to emerald and low cost, it is very popular in the jewelry industry.
  • Indicolite- A rare variety of blue crystal. Also in the earth's crust there are blue indicolites with a green or black tint.
  • Schorl- black stone. Received such a color due to the predominance of Fe in the composition. Schorl is not a decorative stone. But, due to its high piezoelectric properties, it is often used for industrial purposes.
  • watermelon tourmaline- a polychrome variety of stone. Due to the unusual combination of green and red colors, it resembles a slice of watermelon, which is reflected in the name. A very spectacular stone, highly sought after by collectors.

This is not all types of tourmaline. There is also chamelionite, which changes its color depending on the lighting, tsilaizite - yellow color, consisting of potassium, sodium and aluminum, as well as many other polychrome specimens.

Tourmaline is very versatile. This is an amazing stone that has found its application in various areas of our lives.

How much: price

Determining how much tourmaline costs is possible only for each individual instance of this stone. The price for it directly depends on the type of mineral. It can be a run-up from several tens to several thousand dollars for a raw stone.

For example, Madagascar pink tourmaline cut and weighing about 1 carat can be found on sale at a price of $40, and for one of the most expensive varieties, Paraiba blue tourmaline, they are already asking for about $5,000 per carat. The cost of the rarest specimens can reach $10,000 per carat.

Tourmaline has gained the greatest popularity among jewelers in recent decades. For example, over the past 30 years, the price of diamonds has doubled, and of tourmaline - more than 50 times!

Note! Transparent specimens are considered the most expensive. They have a visual resemblance to diamonds, and this is what attracts connoisseurs of jewelry art.

Products and decorations made of stone and its application

For the manufacture of jewelry, nuggets of a transparent structure, with blue, green, red-crimson and polychrome hues, are highly valued.

Various jewelry for women is made from them, they are used as a precious decoration for Orthodox icons, crosses and other religious items. Very effectively tourmaline is combined with a gold frame.

Rare polychrome specimens are of great interest as a collection material, and jewelry, figurines and other crafts are made from relatively inexpensive rocks.

Note! Tourmaline bracelet is not only spectacular and unusual decoration but also a great healer. Interacting with the human biofield, its beads will help cleanse the aura, restore the nervous system and have a general strengthening effect on the body.

As mentioned earlier, tourmaline is a high-energy material. Due to its physical and chemical properties, it is used in medical production (for example, in air ionization devices or for the manufacture of medical mattresses), radio engineering and other industries.

Medicinal properties: are they?

The healing properties of the gem have long attracted the attention of fans of alternative medicine.

Eastern gurus ascribe to tourmaline properties to purify and restore internal energy flows, positively influence the ability to meditate, and promote the disclosure of one's own spiritual potential.

  • Green- in diseases of the kidneys, liver, circulatory system and skin ailments. Such a mineral has a strong anti-aging effect, enhances the functioning of the immune and nervous systems.
  • Blue- helps in solving problems in the hormonal and lymphatic spheres. Reduces headache, restores vision.
  • Blue- soothes, removes depression, normalizes sleep.
  • Black- reduces the harmful effects of the environment, removes the effects of radiation. Also, a mineral of this color relieves frequent colds and ENT diseases.
  • Red, crimson- improve complexion, normalize blood circulation in the body, cure impotence.

Important! Undoubtedly, tourmaline, due to its natural radiation, has a strong effect on humans. Before you start lithotherapy, conduct a complete examination of your body and do not refuse traditional treatment.

How to distinguish a fake: authenticity check

In order to determine the authenticity of a gemstone, you need to know several criteria, according to which there is a risk of receiving a fake product:

  • Purchase of stones with shipment from another country.
  • Purchase in places not equipped for this - on layouts, in transitions, in kiosks.
  • Purchase from intermediaries and individuals.

Failure to comply with these conditions can lead to the fact that, instead of an expensive product with tourmaline, for the same price you will receive:

  • synthetic stone. It is possible to determine imitation only in laboratory conditions.
  • Glass. A fake can be recognized by a high degree of transparency, which is characteristic only of the most expensive stone specimens, and increased fragility.
  • plastic. It has many inclusions and a high degree of turbidity.
  • Other natural stone. Due to the variety of colors, tourmaline can easily be confused with sapphire, topaz, ruby. The physical characteristics of the crystal will help determine the discrepancy. If the sample does not have permanent electromagnetic radiation, this is not tourmaline.

Mineral deposits

Tourmaline deposits can be found all over the globe. The largest supplier of this mineral today are: Brazil, Mozambique, Sri Lanka, USA, Canada, Russia.

The rarest transparent achroite was found in Madagascar. And now the purest crystals of deep blue and blue are brought from the island. brown.

Not so long ago, deposits of a beautiful pink mineral were discovered in Afghanistan. And in Zimbabwe and Tanzania, small crystals of an emerald hue are regularly mined.

Care and storage

Tourmaline products should not be steam or ultrasonic cleaned. Only gentle washing in a mild soapy solution is allowed. Do not use sponges or washcloths - just wipe the stone with a soft cloth.

Note! Wet tourmaline leave to bask in the sun. So you will not only dry the stone, but also feed it with the necessary energy.

Tourmaline is equally effective both as a decorative gem and as a powerful energy object. The variety of species, originality and unusual properties of the mineral attract more and more popularity to it.

Tourmaline is a gemstone known to man since ancient times. It has an extraordinary coloration. According to ancient Egyptian legend, the stone, traveling from the Sun to the Earth, absorbed all the colorful splendor of the rainbow. The beauty of the stone was admired even in the ancient world. At that time, red tourmalines were especially valued.

In the eastern jewelry tourmaline has also been used. It was mined in India, Sri Lanka, Burma. In Europe, the first mention of tourmaline dates back to 1703, when Dutch sailors brought many unusual and colorful stones from Ceylon.

In 1707, the mineralogist Harmann described the properties of the crystal, and the stone got its name from the Sinhalese word - "turemali", which means "precious stone" or "multicolor".

However, it turned out that the Europeans were first interested not in the beauty of the unusual stone, but in its beauty. interesting property. When the mineral crystals, which were shaped like long sticks, were heated, they began to attract tobacco ash from the smoking pipe. Now this property has a name - the pyroelectric effect (the appearance of electric charges on the surface of crystals when exposed to temperature). Ancient philosophers wrote about this phenomenon in their writings, and at the beginning of the 18th century, tourmaline was called the “Ceylon magnet”.

There are beautiful gems on Earth, of which jewelers, of course, are aware, but for them there was no one who would promote them on the world jewelry market. Tourmaline had a different fate, it turned out to be a popular stone, and it was promoted by none other than the most famous master -. He loved beautiful stone called tourmaline, and was often used in jewelry.

Sometimes amazing and interesting stories happen in our life, there are, of course, sad and even tragic ones. So it is in the life of stones. So, there are also interesting pages in the history of tourmaline.

The Diamond Fund of Russia holds such a famous tourmaline stone, which during its long life was called the “Caesar ruby”, it is also the “Red Stone”, it is also the “Big Ruby”. This unique pinkish crimson grape-shaped stone weighs 255.75 carats and measures 4 x 2.7 x 2.3 cm. In 1777, it was presented by the Swedish king Gustav III to Empress Catherine II as a token of the forthcoming friendship between Sweden and Russia.

An amazing story is told about this stone. According to legend, the beautiful gem had the gift of seeing through walls and penetrating the essence of things. The stone was given to Caesar by Cleopatra. However, the gem could not save Caesar, he died from the betrayal of a friend. Then the red stone fell into the hands of Charlemagne and "helped" him in creating a huge empire in Western Europe.

Time passed, and passed into the hands of the Templars, and then to the Jesuits, who presented it to the French king Charles IX. After the death of the king, his widow gave the stone to her brother, King Rudolf II of Bohemia. And finally, in 1648, the stone ended up in the hands of the Swedes as a war trophy.

The stone all this time, traveling from one country to another, from one king to another, lived under the name of red ruby, sometimes it was considered spinel. And only in the 20th century Academician A.E. Fersman established that this famous stone is actually tourmaline (rubellite from Burma), moreover, the academician specified that the stone was processed by Indian jewelers.

Another tourmaline story. The stone in the crown of Anna Ioannovna is a large red tourmaline weighing 500 carats. However, at first he was in the crown of Catherine I at a time when, by decree of Tsar Peter I, the coronation ceremony was introduced instead of the wedding ceremony. And in 1724, a crown was made for Catherine I, which was decorated with precisely this tourmaline, it was then called the Chinese ruby, since it was bought by the Russian embassy in Beijing.

And this is not the only tourmaline that ended up in the crown of our kings and emperors. Church regalia were also decorated with tourmalines in Russia, and this can be confirmed by the exhibits of the Armory of the Moscow Kremlin. Many unique masterpieces of Russian jewelers were carried away by hurricanes of revolutions and wars, but still some of them survived.

Since the discovery of the tourmaline deposit in the Urals, they have been used in jewelry as well. Russian masters loved tourmaline, they often cut raspberries, grapes and currants from the gem, decorated boxes and vases with them.

Properties of tourmaline stone

Tourmaline in your own way chemical composition belongs to aluminum, boron, magnesium, sodium, iron silicate with various impurities. The total number of elements in the composition of tourmaline is sometimes over 20. It is this figure that explains such a number of color shades (more than 50). No mineral has a similar composition and properties. Each shade has its own name and is interesting in its own way.

Let's look at some of them…

Achroite- an almost colorless mineral with bluish or pale green hues.

Verdelite- green stone, its shades can be from grassy to dark green.

Dravite- a dark brown stone, found on the Drava River in Austria, little used in jewelry.

Indicolite- blue tourmaline. The shades of this stone are also different - from pale blue to bright blue. In jewelry, it is used as an imitation of sapphire.

Paraiba- amazing bright colors: emerald green, blue-violet, turquoise, sky blue, indigo. The stones were found in Brazil in the state of Paraiba. These gems are considered the standard for brightness and color saturation. They have the highest value of all tourmalines, and sometimes exceed the value of diamonds.

rubellite- pink-raspberry tourmaline with many shades, which depend on the amount of manganese impurities.

Sibirite- dark cherry tourmaline, found in Siberia.

Schorl- an opaque almost black mineral.

Chameleonite- in daylight it is an olive-green tourmaline, and in artificial light it is brownish-red.

There are tourmalines, which are called polychrome (multi-color). Their crystals are colored in two, three or more colors, which pass one into another. Among them is tourmaline, which is called watermelon. This is an amazing stone that resembles a slice of watermelon (skibochka) in the cut. No matter how many types of tourmalines, but each of them is worthy of a separate story.

The crystals are prismatic, sometimes reaching up to 40 cm. The gem has the property of dichroism, especially its green and brown varieties. From a certain angle of view, crystals have different shades. This property is always taken into account by jewelers and is used in such a way that the stone in the frame plays and shimmers with all colors under the rays of light.

Tourmaline deposits

Tourmaline is mined in many places, deposits are known in Burma, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Afghanistan, Greenland, Germany, Norway, the USA, the largest stones in Brazil, and in Russia tourmaline is mined in the Urals and Siberia, moreover, of all shades .

Tourmaline - healing and magical properties

Since ancient times, people have endowed tourmalines with healing and magical properties, and therefore they have always been used as talismans and amulets. Lithotherapists still claim that tourmalines have a positive effect on the endocrine and nervous system, dispel fears, concentrate attention.

And one more unique property that is attributed to tourmaline is that it is strong remedy in oncological diseases. Here you can believe or not believe, but the fact is that each stone in its composition contains certain elements capable of many miracles.

Studies claim that tourmalines can be indicators of radioactivity. As already mentioned, there are more than 20 elements in the mineral, and each of them has its own properties and has a certain effect on the owner of the stone. Therefore, it is believed that tourmaline is a universal healer, it, as it were, surrounds a person with its protective field. The gem has a beneficial effect on human health, creates a feeling of peace and security, helps with diseases of the liver and circulatory system.

As for the magical properties, here the influence of the stone on a person is assumed, depending on the color of the crystal. For example, red tourmalines bestow great erotic energy (astrologers say), green tourmalines awaken creative forces and contribute to a cheerful mood.

In addition to all the named abilities of the stone, it also has rejuvenating qualities, especially green tourmalines. Blue tourmaline promotes good healthy sleep, black tourmaline absorbs negative energy and neutralizes negative emotions. Colorless stones create mental and physical balance, multi-colored stones help to look to the future with optimism.

Tourmalines are good in both gold and silver. Astrologers recommend wearing them in pendants and rings on the index finger of the right hand or on the middle finger of the left hand.

tourmaline stones in jewelry

Tourmalines surpass all other gems in a variety of colors, and therefore are valued by jewelers. Since the crystal is somewhat soft, it is less often used for rings. But as pendants, earrings and brooches, its beauty is perfect.

Tourmalines are cut with a brilliant cut on top and stepped cut on the bottom. For earrings, a teardrop shape is used. If the stones have a fibrous structure, they can reveal the "cat's eye" effect. In any case, the crystal is cut in such a way as to reveal its maximum beauty, play of color, play of light, depth and saturation of shades. Tourmalines can be attributed to ornamental stones and to precious ones, it all depends on color and transparency.

The most valuable are transparent tourmalines of green, blue and raspberry-red colors, as well as polychrome ones. There are very expensive stones - more than 5,000 dollars per carat, there are tens of thousands of dollars, for example, paraiba tourmalines. But there are also those that have a very small price.

There are no artificial tourmalines, there are successful glass imitations. Ennobled tourmalines are sometimes used in products. They are obtained by heating to 400 - 650 ° C, red-brown acquire pink color, and dark green - an emerald shade.

They say that they are suitable for those born under the sign of Scorpio, Cancer, Sagittarius. But the tourmaline stone is so beautiful that it is impossible to refuse it, regardless of the sign of the zodiac.