Psychology by handwriting with examples. Character according to the handwriting of a person - is it possible to determine its types. The force of pressure when writing letters

Handwriting is very different: compact, neat, small, large, ornate, beautiful, careless, and so on. Each person has a special, individual handwriting. As a rule, handwriting is formed from 10-11 years. But finally it develops by about 20 years. However, in some cases, handwriting changes throughout life.

The handwriting of a person is able to tell about his own owner. Scientists were able to prove that the character of a person and his handwriting are somehow connected. This will be discussed in our material.

How to determine the character of a person by handwriting: the influence of character on handwriting, the science of graphology

Graphology- a science that studies the dependence of handwriting on a person's character. Graphological analysis is carried out due to some parameters. An important role is played by the direction of each line, the peculiarity of writing a particular letter, the slope of the letters, being on the sheet, and so on.

Due to the combination of such parameters, the characteristics of an individual person are formed. If the analysis was carried out correctly, you can easily find out the growth of personality, the ability to have sexual preferences, and the tendency to drug addiction.

Currently, many companies use the services of professional graphologists. Thanks to them, the characteristics of people who are hired are compiled, plus an assessment is made of the features of competitors.

Don't be alarmed if during a job application you are offered a blank piece of paper, a simple pencil, and told to write a few arbitrary sentences. You cannot deceive a graphologist, but you can artificially distort your own handwriting. In return, you will receive a personal characteristic that may not be suitable for the position you have chosen.

What does the slope of the handwriting say about the character of a person: a description with examples

Handwriting characteristics can tell about the level of emotional reaction and about the degree of understanding of other people. It is very hard to find people who have perfect calligraphy.

But before you consider your own handwriting ugly, deal with its slope and the location of each letter:

  • If your letters are located strictly vertical, then you are considered a calm and calm person. You are often indifferent to other people.
  • If your letters are slight tilt to the right, then you gently react to the world. You are not particularly restrained, because before you show certain emotions, you first carefully consider everything.
  • Strong slant to the right says that you are constantly emotionally tense and impulsive.
  • Ate your letters while writing look left, then you are considered a cold person. You protect yourself from external stimuli as much as possible and often act selfishly towards other people.

How to find out the character of a person by letters and combination of letters: description with examples

  • If every letter in a document connected with each other, then you have a consistent, logical character. You are conservative in some views, have a difficult perception of everything that is new to you.
  • If in your handwriting moderate number of gaps between letters, then your thinking is considered sufficiently deep, plus adaptive. This indicates that you know how to bring the desired and the actual into harmony.
  • If in your handwriting too many gaps between letters, then you have a figurative-concrete thinking. Your actions are unpredictable, you are a dreamy person, strive to draw more attention to yourself and make the best impression on people.

  • If letter spacing is too large, then you are afraid to contact other people. Getting to know a certain person is difficult for you, but after you get close to him, he seems to be an interesting person.
  • Slight spacing between letters says that you are an open person. You like to let people get very close to you and love it when you have a lot of interlocutors with you.

What does handwriting say about a person's character?

Particular attention should be paid to the pressure of the letters in the handwriting. Remember that it is pressure that characterizes the real emotions of each person.

  • If you press hard when you write, then your emotions are constant and stable in any sensation.
  • If you write without putting too much pressure on your pen or pencil, then you are someone who can be easily influenced by people. You, as a rule, choose for yourself the area in which the manifestation of intelligence is required. You are a person receptive to people, and do not have deep feelings. They just don't know you.

What does sharp handwriting say about character?

If you have sharp letters, then you are an aggressive person. But at the same time, you are very observant, cunning and intellectually developed. But what you definitely lack is a good attitude towards the people who surround you. You are wary and distrustful of others.

You are also considered to be quite an educated person, intelligent and insightful. Remember that people whose letters are sharp are not at all interested in the point of view of other people.

If you belong to this category, you probably focus solely on your own needs. You do not like being taught and think that you are always right in everything.

What does sweeping handwriting say about character?

  • Sweeping handwriting, as a rule, belongs to those people in whom there are small notes of masculinity. If you have just such a handwriting, it means that you are a proud person, like to strive for self-government.
  • In addition, the sweeping letters indicate that you dream of being constantly in the lead roles, regardless of the industry.

IMPORTANT: Sweeping handwriting is typical of a romantic person who never notices the shortcomings of other people and constantly looks at the world through pink glasses.

In a word, you are a real strategist, you are prone to the global, you love to think systematically and are enterprising individuals. You cannot be angry with people for a long time and remember grievances, and also treat eccentrics, you have a tender heart and a vulnerable soul.

What does large handwriting say about character?

Handwriting with large letters, as a rule, occurs exclusively in sociable individuals who have inflated self-esteem.

  • you are considered leader and do not differ from other people by special modesty
  • You are an open, warm and confident person
  • Are you enough smart, but you have absolutely no tricks

  • You are not without responsiveness, generosity and kindness. Your main character traits are carelessness and kindness. In some situations, you are very gullible and do not always understand people.
  • You are sensitive, impractical and soft nature
  • Do you like people to pay attention to you?

What does small handwriting say about character?

Small as beads, handwriting will tell about the following character traits:

  • You are prudent, observant
  • You may have visual impairment
  • You have an analytical mindset, pedantic
  • You have a fairly high attention span, so you pay attention to all the details
  • You do not like hype and big companies, as you experience some difficulty when communicating with strangers
  • You do not often show your own character, only in exceptional situations.

Very often people with such handwriting shy natures. As a rule, small letters are characteristic of individuals who value their own inner world. The behavior of such people is interesting and at the same time familiar: modesty and restraint are their main character traits.

You can also say about such people that they are petty, cold-blooded, reserved and secretive. At the same time, such people are beautiful, smart and interesting during the conversation. In extreme and difficult situations, these individuals become even cruel and authoritarian leaders.

What does round handwriting say about character?

Now let's talk a little about those people who write round letters:

  • Most often, such handwriting is found in kind and cheerful people. Does it concern you? Then you are cunning and do not like intrigues. You treat the people around you almost like a mother, with kindness and special understanding.
  • Round handwriting indicates that you love to constantly go through life with an open mind.
  • Round handwriting with straight and clear lines, located vertically or slightly inclined to the right, indicate that you are a thorough and strong person.

  • You do not like conflicts, constantly giving in during disputes. You easily meet people, make contact and communicate without problems.
  • Round pot-bellied handwriting refers to those individuals who fit perfectly into any work team. You are even somewhat considered a "vest" for those who want to cry.

What does handwriting say about character?

As a rule, when filling out some forms and documents, people write block letters. But there are individuals who write in such handwriting all the time. Any printed letter looks neat, in some cases perfect. But what does this method of writing say?

So, if you prefer to write in printed handwriting, your letters tend to be neat and aesthetically pleasing. Most likely, you write letters with an inclination and separately. Many people may even think that you write like a computer font. Often, with the help of such handwriting, documents and postcards are filled out.

  • But if in your handwriting there are only printed letters, this indicates that you have notes of productivity in your character.
  • Of course, your psychological character depends on some factors, for example, how you form your own handwriting, press while writing, distribute text on paper, and so on.

  • In general, you have well-developed self-control. You like to carefully monitor your own behavior, how you talk and show emotions. Therefore, you are considered a sincere person.
  • Sometimes you even lack spontaneity, as you think over and calculate your every step.
  • Perhaps you are constantly accompanied by a “mask” with which you want to draw attention to yourself. You are dependent on the assessments of other people, you do not like being criticized and take it painfully.

In some situations, there are people who have low self-esteem, with a bunch of complexes, anxiety, and the need for protection. Note that such people have perfectionism, that is, what prevents them from being a truly happy person.

What does incomprehensible, illegible, bad handwriting say about character?

Incomprehensible, illegible and bad handwriting, which resembles a scribble, says a lot. You have exactly this handwriting, so you:

  • Unbalanced, irascible person
  • As a rule, you like to stick to one or another daily routine.
  • You can get up very early in the morning and go to bed late, for example, at 12 o'clock at night
  • Difficulty pushing yourself into certain limits

  • At work, you often conflict with other employees, quarrel and scandal
  • Are you the type of person that is difficult to get along with?
  • There is truth in such handwriting, a big plus - you are considered a genius. Know that many famous geniuses had just such a handwriting

What does different, diverse handwriting say about character?

For many people, this feature indicates that they have temporary, minor changes that were triggered by certain factors. Remember that variability in handwriting is different. Consider what kind of character traits you have, having such a handwriting:

  • You often feel uncomfortable in certain situations. Sometimes you use a different style of writing letters, which automatically fits into the whole process. Perhaps you have too high self-esteem, or maybe you, on the contrary, are not confident in yourself. You are a hidden person, even unreliable.
  • If you have a different, heterogeneous handwriting spontaneously, then you are an open person, free and never feel the need. You just live, do not bother over trifles. In a severe stressful situation, your handwriting changes, but such distinctive features will be insignificant. It will be immediately clear that this handwriting is yours.

What does beautiful handwriting say about your character?

As a rule, beautiful handwriting is very similar to fancy drawings. If your handwriting is written very carefully, letter by letter, as if written by a professional, with curls and precise lines, then you are exactly the person for whom family comes first.

  • You are the perfect family man.
  • You are a sensitive nature, distinguished by accuracy.
  • You are characterized by willpower and calmness.
  • With all the positive qualities of your own character, you are not considered strong man. You lack independence and purpose.

  • You constantly need good support, a person who can listen to you and understand you at any moment.
  • You have a calm and even life, you never experience ups and downs.
  • At work, you are respected and loved by other employees because you are submissive and efficient.

What does curly handwriting say about character?

Curls are present during writing in many letters. Consider the most common options for their use.

  • Curls at the bottom of the letters are small. You have independent thinking. You like to look for something simpler for yourself. Do not like lies and falsehood, appreciate other people for what they were able to achieve. You are resourceful in new things, you can adapt to a situation that has suddenly changed.
  • A narrow curl at the bottom of the letter. This sign indicates that you have a sharp mind, you strive for spiritual values. Love the family and the hearth, try to keep only the circle of your friends and relatives.

  • A wide curl at the bottom of the letter. You are an aspiring nature, you are focused on satisfying your own material needs and emotions. You also love being noticed by others.
  • Disproportionate curl at the bottom of the letter. Never get attached to the case, do not like it at all.
  • A disproportionate curl of a small size at the bottom and top of the letter. You are independent, limiting yourself to very few whenever possible.

What does angular handwriting say about character?

Angular handwriting indicates the following traits of a person's character:

  • If you have angular handwriting, then you like to compete, strive for independence and have a critical mind.

IMPORTANT: If your handwriting combines angular and round letters, then you know how to charm the people around you, you are a hospitable person and have good taste. If you still press hard on the pen while writing, then you like to be subordinate both at home and at work.

  • You adore independence, always fulfill your own desires.
  • One single minus of the character of a person with an angular handwriting is selfishness. You are independent, therefore, do not tolerate if someone tells you what to do.

What does handwriting say about character?

If you decide to define your own character, be sure to pay attention to the fusion of letters:

  • If you write all the letters connected, then you are a straightforward person. You predominate in logical thinking. Perhaps you are adventurous and can easily criticize people.
  • Your intuition is perfectly developed.
  • If you write all the letters together and at the same time like to underline them, then you are a dutiful person.
  • You always carefully carry out the work that you are assigned. In your personal life, you are lucky, however, if you decide to break off a relationship, you never change your mind.
  • You have a well developed mindset.
  • If you like to write cohesively and compactly at the same time, then you are exactly the kind of person who does not like it when strangers try to enter her life. Finding the key to your heart is very difficult.

What does clumsy handwriting say about character?

Nowadays, exquisite and beautiful handwriting is a rarity. But clumsy handwriting is quite common. Do you belong to this group of people? Then study your own character.

  • If you have a disorganized, clumsy and very small handwriting, you are an indecisive and timid person. You immediately retreat if certain difficulties arise in front of you.
  • If you have very sloppy handwriting that is difficult to decipher, then you are indecisive, unbalanced, while you are neat and can think well logically.

  • You are a very talented person, you have some abilities.
  • Is your handwriting difficult to read? Then you like to hide something from people.
  • You also do not care about your own speech and how you behave in a circle of friends and acquaintances.

What does crooked handwriting say about character?

Crooked handwriting is mostly present in thinkers who have a pronounced emotional load. If you write in crooked letters, then you are emotionally unstable, sloppy.

You have low self-esteem, and for some reason you are often unbalanced. Not infrequently, such handwriting evokes associations with creativity, and may even be a sign of great eccentricity. Many people claim that such handwriting is inherent in very smart people.

What does ugly handwriting say about your character?

Ugly handwriting is found, as a rule, in men. But it is not always the case.

  • Do you have bad handwriting? Then you are a generous person, but at the same time short-sighted. You are constantly in a hurry somewhere, often making mistakes or getting into ridiculous, difficult situations.
  • You are a great friend and comrade. You love laughter, fun. Come to the aid of those who ask you for help.
  • You are an active person, inquisitive, have a cheerful character.
  • Ugly handwriting also indicates that you are energetic, carefree and nervous at the same time.
  • You prefer independence.

What does sloppy handwriting say about your character?

Sloppy handwriting, almost like the previous version. Basically, those people who write quickly write inaccurately. If you also write quickly and sloppy, then it is worth highlighting the following character traits:

  • You are a serene person, trying to be guided only by real events.
  • You love random luck, work purely on inspiration.
  • You have an emotional foreboding, and you are also skeptical about the future.
  • You are a sharp, and sometimes even very hot-tempered person.

What does straight, non-sloping handwriting say about character?

Vertical handwriting to some extent even looks unnatural. Do you write with absolutely no slant? Then learn a little about your own temper.

  • You are rational and emotional. You calmly analyze every situation and weigh everything before making a decision.
  • You are a thoughtful person, keep complete control over yourself, restrained
  • You are a narcissistic person, you are not at all interested in people's opinions

  • There is a balance in your character between your heart and your mind.
  • Also, direct handwriting indicates that you are soberly looking at all things, in a word, you are a realist

What does left-sloping handwriting say about character?

Most people write with an inclination to the right when writing, but there are those who write the other way around - to the left. If this is about you, then you have the following type of character:

  • You are outwardly hiding behind a "mask" of impregnability. You are cold emotionally.
  • If you have a slight slope in left side, then you are a courageous nature. During the adoption of important issues, you are guided only by your own mind.
  • Your letters are tilted strongly to the left, then you are a touchy person, vindictive, constantly dissatisfied with yourself and people. You are a melancholic, you often have a bad mood.
  • You are proud, you have almost no inclination for art.

Determination of character by handwriting: test

We suggest you take a short test and determine what kind of handwriting you have.

  • Quickly write a sentence in 8 words
  • Write the same sentence again, but very slowly
  • draw a small animal
  • Without hesitation, draw a geometric figure on a piece of paper
  • Draw a road with a direction arrow

First, compare the first and second text. If they are very similar, then you easily react to a change in circumstances. If they are different, then your mood often changes.

  • round letters they say that you easily compromise. Angular letters- they say that you are rude and have strength of character.
  • On the image of the animal, pay special attention to the details: bows, mustaches. They tend to talk about infantilism.
  • If in geometric figure There is corners then you are not satisfied with your own fulfillment of desires. Round figures characterized by developed willpower and the ability to bring things to the end.

Video: Determining the character of a person by handwriting

Graphologists argue that handwriting contributes to the disclosure of individual characteristics of a person.

It has long been noticed that handwriting is as markedly different from each other as the individual nature of people, like their fingerprints. Recall how we easily recognize some handwriting: when we see the boss's visa on an incoming document, or when we receive a letter from a friend. By one painting or a few words, we already unmistakably determine the author.

Of course, there is a temptation to learn from the handwriting the whole inner nature of a person ...

It is immediately necessary to make a reservation that:

firstly, graphology allows you to get probabilistic conclusions, and not one hundred percent statements;
secondly, handwriting analysis provides a general assessment of a person's mental make-up, and not the exact characteristics of its individual properties;
thirdly, it is believed that a graphologist should have at least one page of text and, even better, if there is an opportunity to study several texts written in different situations and at different times.

So what is handwriting analysis for? Most often, a personnel worker is required to determine by handwriting the main traits of character and temperament, as well as the abilities and characteristics of the employee's mental states. This allows you to more accurately assess its compliance with the position or type of activity. Sometimes knowledge of graphology helps in professional self-determination of a person, choosing a profession or changing it. But the analysis of the handwriting of a superior leader makes it possible to determine it psychological features and build a good relationship with him. Finally, if you carefully analyze your writing style and constructively assess your mental makeup, it will certainly help you to develop more productively. interpersonal relationships with the immediate environment.

It is important to remember that no sign in handwriting should be regarded as an absolute dogma. It must be compared with other signs in order to find confirmation of a particular character trait or the presence of signs of personality inconsistency.

So, let's move on to assessing the personality by the elements of handwriting.

General characteristics of handwriting

Smooth handwriting speaks of willpower, composure and calmness.

Emotionally unstable subjects or alcohol abusers have trembling handwriting.

Manic patients write in a sweeping manner, and the size of the letters increases as they write.

In mentally abnormal patients, written speech, as well as oral speech, is fragmentary and incoherent. They have special turns, an abundance of diminutive words, verbosity, the absence or a peculiar arrangement of punctuation marks.

Introverts have compact, neat handwriting, while extroverts write in large, sweeping letters.

It has been noticed who writes letters either rudely or beautifully, perhaps in life he behaves differently.


About 20-30 degrees to the right. This is the most common handwriting slope. Such a person can be described as openly expressing feelings. At the same time, he cannot be called an impulsive person. He still has the ability to control his emotions in stressful situations. Such a person usually has well-developed communication needs and loneliness usually weighs on him.

About 50-60 degrees to the right. A strong tilt to the right indicates a loving nature and a strong desire for communication. Such a person is more likely to seek to flaunt their feelings than to suppress them within themselves. A person with such a handwriting is more receptive to new ideas and undertakings and is distinguished by great vitality.

At the same time, such people have more developed possessive moods, they are more fond of flattery and admiration for their nature.

Slight tilt to the left. About such a person, with a high degree of probability, it can be argued that he is characterized by the predominance of control of the mind over emotions. This person is more secretive and tries to rationally evaluate his actions.

Significant tilt to the left. Such handwriting is often characteristic of left-handers. This is where you have more control over your emotions. The secrecy characteristic of this person can be combined with great sensuality, which can only be revealed to the closest people. In stressful situations, such a person can, unexpectedly for others, explode with a storm of emotional manifestations.

If the handwriting is vertical, then this means that the personality is characterized by a balance of rationality and emotionality. Such a person is characterized by an analysis of the situation and balanced decision-making.

If during the analysis of handwriting you find periodic or unsystematic changes in the slope of the handwriting, then this may indicate a person's low psychological stability, a sharp change in his mood. Probably inconstancy and pickiness to trifles.

Sometimes a periodic change in the slope of the handwriting may indicate some indecision of this person.

Handwriting without an inclination of letters indicates that a person has fundamental considerations that are fundamentally different from the opinions of others.
The slope of the letters to the right indicates diligence, to the left - about negativism, a tendency to resist.

Letter push

In modern conditions, when a huge variety of writing media has appeared (fountain pens (ink, ballpoint, drip, gel), pencils, felt-tip pens, etc.), it can be difficult to diagnose the pressure of the analyzed letter. At the same time, if such an opportunity does exist, it should not be missed. What can handwriting pressure say?

Strong pressure with a high probability speaks of energy, perseverance and good performance, the desire to always occupy oneself with something, including physical exercises.

This is a predominantly sociable person, he loves work related to human contacts. He seeks to satisfy the material side of his life. He tries to overcome failures, but does not “fixate” on them.

Light, superficial pressure. A person with such a handwriting is a subtle and sensitive nature.

This is more of an introvert (a person focused on the phenomena of the inner world). A critical mind and high self-control allow him to cope with tasks of great importance. However, this requires redoubled energy and effort from him.

Medium pressure. Such handwriting is most common, and ambiverts usually have it (people who are focused on knowing the outside world, but at the same time attaching great importance to internal, personal values). They are easier to understand and more predictable.

Combination of pressure with other characteristics of handwriting

Light pressure with even letters also testifies to the logical mind and rational thinking, the high development of moral qualities, the commitment and discipline of a person.

Light pressure and large rounded letters indicate a certain weakness of the person, his non-aggression, altruism and a tendency to cooperate.

Strong pressure when writing capital letters or abbreviations in the text can speak of a person’s energy, his creative or leadership abilities.

Horizontal lines

The line to the end of the page remains horizontal. This is a balanced person who is not upset by minor troubles, whether at work or at home. He carefully considers his actions and controls the manifestations of his emotions.

The line goes up. It is believed that this is evidence of optimism. In career terms, such a person is purposeful. Adaptability is above average, both to the physical and social environment. When the line runs up strongly, this may indicate unjustified optimism and the unreality of claims.

The line goes down. A skeptical person. Perhaps he is simply characterized by a real assessment of current events.

The line is uneven, going up and down. This is a person with a changeable mood, with low adaptability, who cannot fully cope with work that requires careful adherence to established rules and sustained attention.

Roundness of letters

The pronounced roundness of the letters may indicate that a person with this type of handwriting is disposed to cooperation. He is not inclined to be persistent in asserting his plans and positions. He is more open to understanding.

At the same time, such people cope worse with activities that require aggressive manifestations and perseverance.

The angular letters of the text are signs that their author is predisposed to competition and rivalry. Such people are more active, independent, have a critical mind and ambitious claims.

Spacing between words and lines

Most often, the dense arrangement of words indicates a person's frugality.
As the distance between words increases, the tendency to waste increases.

The value of the left fields

It is believed that the size of the margins in the handwritten text is an additional indicator that allows you to determine the degree of extravagance of a person.
Wide margins on all sides of the sheet speak of good taste and an instinctive craving for fine things.

If the margins rationally surround the text, then this is evidence in favor of prudence.
Even narrow fields on the left and right may indicate that a person is prone to frugality and reasonable prudence.

If the entire sheet is occupied by text, and there are no or almost no margins, then this is an indicator of a person’s desire to squeeze the maximum out of the available opportunities.

Graphologists also see hidden meaning in the topography of the text. For example, good performers organize the text clearly and very rarely transpose words. Such people are unlikely to show a creative approach to work, but they will never deviate from instructions and regulations.

Handwriting can betray a person's weaknesses, such as addiction to alcohol and mental illness.

People with abnormalities tend to write in "leaping letters" of varying sizes. Their handwriting is difficult to read and often replete with curls.

Letter size

Small letters. Such letters testify to a person's ability to concentrate in one direction in deeds, thoughts, affections. This is a reserved, non-aggressive person.

If in small handwriting capital letters are disproportionately large compared to capital letters, this indicates a person’s personal pride and courage, that is, that a person has some character traits that are unlike his usual nature.
If in such a handwriting the capital letters are too small (relative to capital letters), then the person does not have sufficient courage, confidence, one can often speak of excessive modesty, which turns into a disadvantage.

“Close” small handwriting, difficult to read, says that we have an exceptionally secretive person who loves to spend time alone.

Large letters. Such a person is characterized by expansiveness, in some cases aggressiveness. Usually such handwriting indicates aversion to a subordinate role (both in personal and business life), shows that a person likes to insist on his own. This person strives for sociability, so work that is associated with interpersonal contacts is suitable for him.

If capital letters with large handwriting are graceful, not like others, this means that the person is able to command and attract other people to himself. These people tend to be romantic.

Medium size letters. Letters of medium size are characteristic of many handwritings, therefore the average size letters cannot serve as an independent indicator for a graphologist, and it must be compared with other signs.

Too large capital letters indicate leadership inclinations of the individual.

Using printed letters instead of written ones

This means moving towards new perspectives.

If a person changes his handwriting style, begins to write in block letters, he is in a state of transition from traditional to modern ideas.

The presence of loops

"Loops" are available in the letters "c", "d", "h", "y", "c", "u".

The bottom hinges have been removed. Such a person has independent thinking, he prefers to look for a simple explanation for everything, does not tolerate falsehood, appreciates people for their achievements. Such a person shows ingenuity in a new business and knows how to adapt to a changed situation.

Bottom narrow loop. This is a sign of careful thinking, striving for spiritual goals. A sign of love for the family hearth, the desire to stick to your narrow circle of relatives.

Lower long wide loop. Aspirations aimed at satisfying material needs and emotions. Man loves to be noticed.
Disproportionately large bottom loop. Doesn't like to be tied down to business. The longer and wider the loop, the more sociable a person is, the more he strives for variety and pleasure.

Disproportionately small top and bottom loop. A person does not dare to embark on the path of independence; if necessary, he can limit himself to the smallest.

Breaks between letters

There are gaps between letters in almost every word. Such a person tends to rely on intuition; he has a well-developed "flair". This sign must be correlated with others.

Letters are connected without tearing off the handle in the process of writing words. sign of the logical mind. Such a person does not take anything for granted and tries to avoid surprises.

Letter size throughout the letter

The word begins with capital letters, which turn into small ones. This reduction of letters is found in people who occupy a position that requires special attention to keeping tact and keeping secrets.

The word begins with small letters that turn into large letters (or the end of the word turns into a straight or wavy line). That's what people who don't know how to keep secrets write.

"Open" (as if unfinished) letters "a", "c", "d", "o", "f", "i". The more open the letters, the more sociable the person. "Closed" letters indicate a person's restraint.

Man's signature

Is a signature a mirror of a person's soul or an illusion for others?
It is often said that all the strengths or weaknesses of human nature crystallize in a signature. Is it true?

Of course, to a large extent, the image that a person creates for others is expressed in his signature.

For analysis, it is better to use a signature affixed on unlined paper.
Over the years of a person's life, as a rule, several signatures are developed: one of them is his natural signature, which is used in private correspondence, the second is for signing business papers.

In the case when a person uses only one type of signature, we can talk about the natural naturalness of his behavior.

The slope in the signature, which differs from the slope in the rest of the text, indicates the differences between the inner world of a person and his external appearance.

The signature, made with a backward slope, means that the intellect controls emotions.
If a person writes with an inclination to the back, and the signature is inclined to the right, the person is characterized by prudence, the head completely controls his heart, but he is friendly and sensitive.

If in small handwriting with simple letters we have a signature with large letters, then the person is trying to portray the presence of a broad nature, which he does not actually possess.

With too pretentious letters in the signature, one can say that a person strives to create a deceptive impression of himself as a proud man.

The presence of a dot behind the signature is a sign of stubbornness, sometimes - increased alertness. If the dot is bold, then it can be a call sign. Also, a heavy line under the signature testifies to the challenge.

The long straight line under the signature is also important in the analysis. A line made with light pressure indicates a possessive, assertive character, that aspirations are associated with ideal goals. Strong pressure tells us about the desire for material goals and recognition.

If you come across two vertical lines drawn on the line under the signature in the center of the dash, they may be a sign of good business sense.

A graceful line is an indicator of romanticism, such a person loves a refined life, easily amenable to flattery.

The more angularity in the dash, the more decisiveness, strength of character, and ambitiousness of a person are manifested.

The dash, which is a continuation of the last letter, often speaks of a person's perseverance, his ability to stand up for himself.

"Clamped", incomprehensible signature suggests that the person is not a leader.

The signature, gradually rising up, indicates that the person is an optimist and has an energetic character. In insecure people, it goes down. A horizontal signature is typical for balanced people.

The signature, which begins with the letter of the name, is put by thoughtful and responsible people. Curls speak of the lust for power and egocentrism of a person.

Based on the book by Dorothy Sarah "Secrets of Handwriting"

January 23 is World Handwriting Day. After talking with graphologists and doing a little research of her own, Margarita Maslova, a website correspondent, found out what can be said about a person by his handwriting, how graphology differs from handwriting, and why handwriting is good for emotional health.

How handwriting is formed

According to experts, handwriting is formed from early childhood: primary school the child learns writing skills, by the age of 13-14 handwriting acquires individual characteristics and by the age of 18-20 it develops completely.

Expert opinion

Elementary school affects handwriting only in terms of working out the skill of writing - this skill is developed and consolidated in us, but over time the child brings it to automatism and no longer makes sure that the letters are outlined the way they were taught in copybooks.

Usually, from this point on, teachers begin to say that the handwriting has "gone bad." In fact, he simply ceased to be stereotyped and began to reflect individual character traits. Handwriting is influenced by the very nature of a person. At the same time, personal characteristics are reflected in handwriting only after this skill has reached automatism.

Larisa Drygval

As the forensic expert, graphologist Sergey Sergeev told the site, from the age of 18-20, a so-called dynamic stereotype of handwriting is formed in a person. If we analyze the manuscripts made before this period, the data will be characterized by immaturity, since until that time the handwriting had not yet been fully formed. According to the expert, it is possible to learn how to write, but it is impossible to unlearn it, even despite the dictatorship of the computer era.

In the 90s, scientists conducted an experiment: experiments were associated with a change in personality characteristics and handwriting under the influence of hypnosis. By suggestion, the subjects were returned to the age when a person was just learning to write - the handwriting instantly became childish and uncertain. A similar process took place when a person was introduced to a state of more mature age - then the handwriting acquired individual characteristics, became more confident and fluent.

Above - handwriting at the age of 27 in a normal state, below - the handwriting of the same person under hypnosis (self-awareness at the age of 10).

What can be said in handwriting

Everyone writes with what he breathes - this is exactly what graphologists say. Handwriting is a projection of the inner world, temperament and character of a person, his attitude to the external environment and people around him. This is a mirror of our personality, reflecting the stages of its development. As graphologist Sergei Sergeev noted, handwriting can give a full-fledged psychological characteristic and say a lot about intelligence, motivation, type of thinking, self-awareness and self-esteem. You can also identify the presence of fears, complexes or mental disorders.

Expert opinion: handwriting in dynamics

Handwriting is a dynamic process that is directly related to nervous system and brain. The hand is the instrument with which we reflect our thoughts. Each of us consists of contradictions: our mental, nervous and creative components are constantly changing.

Much here depends on the mood, age and state of health of a person, the external environment and the conditions in which this or that text was written. With a competent analysis, it is necessary to take into account all these factors, which is why it is advisable for a specialist to provide several samples of handwriting made at different intervals.

Usually people write text in free mode and submit it for analysis along with other samples - for example, with drafts written several years ago.

Sergey Sergeev

Larisa Drygval, head of the Handwriting Research Center of the Institute of Graph Analysis Inessa Goldberg, noted that the key advantage of graphological analysis over other types of analysis is the following: graphology allows you to give a comprehensive assessment of a person in the shortest possible time. A person does not need to spend time on multiple visits to a psychoanalyst, answer questions and fill out questionnaires - it is enough just to bring two or three sheets of A4 format, written by hand, for examination. This is a fairly simple method of self-knowledge.

What cannot be determined by handwriting

Handwriting can say a lot, but not everything. Three main things that handwriting is unlikely to reflect:

  • Floor. It is impossible to determine whether the text was written by a man or a woman. However, in graphology there are such concepts as gendered male and female types of handwriting. As graphologist Sergei Sergeev noted, female type roundness and arcuateness are characteristic, for men - angularity and arcuate (inverted bowl shape). At the same time, both women and men may have a handwriting opposite to their gender. This may indicate the predominance of the masculine principle in the character of a woman (straightforwardness, assertiveness, rationalism), and the feminine character of a man (emotionality, sociability, intuitiveness).

  • Profession. By handwriting, it is impossible to determine who exactly a person works for, but it is possible to identify personal qualities inherent in a particular field of activity. For example, openness and sociability are characteristic of people of humanitarian professions, restraint and an analytical mindset are characteristic of people of technical specialties. At the same time, both those and other qualities can be successfully used in both options. Usually, creative people fluency of writing is characteristic, and enterprising - the predominance of sharp forms. However, here it is very important to take into account other characteristics of handwriting, otherwise the analysis will be superficial.

  • Actions. Graphological analysis can only determine the properties and inclinations of a person to any actions, but not the actions themselves. Handwriting may indicate a tendency to aggression, but not the ability to kill or rob; about sensuality - but not about the ability to kiss the first comer.

Expert opinion: why handwriting is useful

Hand writing fully activates different parts of the brain: while writing a text by hand, there is a good coordination of the left and right hemispheres. Unlike other ways of transmitting information, it is handwriting that can develop a personality. Why is it important to teach this skill to a child in childhood? Because handwriting is a development that is important at an early stage of personality formation.

A person can also continue self-development through handwriting as an adult. When we write on paper, we live what we write not only analytically, but also emotionally. When we print, there is no such synergy effect. The printed text can quickly disappear from memory, while manuscripts become part of us and remain with us for a long time.

Therefore, creative individuals very often write down some things by hand, so it's easier for them to catch inspiration. Typing text on a computer coarsens our emotional state.

Larisa Drygval

head of the Center for the Study of Handwriting at the Institute of Graph Analysis Inessa Goldberg, graphologist, candidate of psychological sciences

Why graphology is needed

Today, graphology is actively used in judicial and psychotherapeutic practices. Criminologists help to establish the identity of a person, other experts help to better know yourself or decide on the choice of profession. In this context, it is important to understand the difference between graphology, which is aimed at analyzing personal characteristics through the prism of handwriting, and handwriting, which is aimed at examining writing skills directly without any conclusions about the psychological portrait.

Expert opinion: Graphology and handwriting


In forensics, handwriting is more involved than graphology. Handwriting identifies handwriting: on the basis of a comparative analysis, it helps to conclude whether the writing was done by the same person or not.

Handwriting is used to identify an individual. Graphology, on the other hand, allows you to determine a psychological portrait - in forensic science, it can give secondary meanings for detecting a person who is wanted.


In handwriting science, handwriting and signature are considered to be two independent objects, equally informative. In graphology, they are informative only when considered together. A signature is a business card that tells how a person wants to appear.

A signature is an image that may not correspond to the real mental content. Moreover, a person can have multiple signatures. From a graphological point of view, handwriting provides more detailed information than a signature.

Sergey Sergeev

forensic expert, graphologist, handwriting specialist

As the candidate of psychological sciences, graphologist Larisa Drygval noted, graphology is only a method of psychodiagnostics through handwriting, therefore, ideally, a good graphologist should be a professional psychologist who has completed professional retraining courses at specialized institutes, which should take at least one and a half years.

According to her, the main feature of a graphologist is the desire for knowledge. The specialist must be as impartial as possible. He should not have any sympathy or affection for the client. Each person has their pros and cons, and the task of a graphologist is to understand what balance these characteristics are in, so as not to exaggerate some and not level others.

Expert opinion: who and why comes to a graphologist

Most often, people come to a graphologist to understand themselves - in their inner world, in their states. People are trying to know themselves and improve their lives in a qualitative way. Graphological analysis can help to understand the causes of problems with work or personal relationships.

People also often turn to a graphologist for professional guidance. Often, parents of children entering universities come on this occasion so that the choice of an institute is connected with the inclinations of the child and is not forced.

Clients over 30 years old who have already managed to unlearn, work in their specialty and understand that this is not their profession apply to graphology centers with a similar request - graphology consultations help them better understand themselves and find something that would really meet their abilities and desires.

Larisa Drygval

head of the Center for the Study of Handwriting at the Institute of Graph Analysis Inessa Goldberg, graphologist, candidate of psychological sciences

We interpret handwriting correctly: life hacks from graphologists

In order for graphological analysis to be complete, experts recommend adhering to the following conditions when writing text:

  • The manuscript must be written on a clean, unlined sheet of A4 format;
  • Be sure to write with a blue ballpoint pen on a flat surface, you need to put at least three more sheets under the paper - this will make it possible to take into account such a characteristic as pressure;
  • The text must be arbitrary: when rewriting ready-made phrases or quoting the person will have more control over himself. For graphological analysis, freedom of writing is important, reflecting internal and unconscious processes more clearly;
  • For a full analysis of a couple of phrases is not enough. Ideally, at least two or three sheets of A4 should be written;
  • It is desirable that the specialist has handwriting samples for different periods of time. This will allow taking into account the dynamics of personality development and separating permanent factors (mood, poor health) from immutable personal characteristics.

Autograph of a person with a mental disorder.

Photo: illustration from Dmitry Zuev-Insarov's book Handwriting and Personality

After a correctly executed sample has been received, you can proceed directly to the interpretation of what is written. It is possible to distinguish several basic characteristics of handwriting that need to be taken into account when analyzing it:

  • Shape/height/width: can talk about the relationship of the individual with the inner and outer worlds;
  • Pressure: shows the degree of energy of a person;
  • Movement, writing fluency: talks about the speed of mental processes;
  • Continuity: indicates a sequence of actions;
  • Tilt: speaks of the movement of emotions;
  • Homogeneity: constancy / inconstancy of personal qualities;
  • Stroke formation: help in the preparation of a psychological portrait;
  • Use of paper space: attraction to the past/future, conscious/unconscious;
  • Line Shapes: Can tell a lot about a person's temperament.
As examples, graphologist Sergei Sergeev cited rounded handwriting (arc elements of forms - openness, cheerfulness, emotions, feelings), large (extroversion, solidity, self-confidence), small (introversion, fatigue), fast writing speed, which speaks of the flexibility of a person, and slow speed, which may indicate a stubborn nature.

Alexander Pushkin's handwriting.

Photo: illustration from Dmitry Zuev-Insarov's book Handwriting and Personality

An interesting example would be the natural calligraphic handwriting of an adult who writes like this all the time (important: moments when people specifically try to write beautifully, for example, when making postcards or filling out documents, do not count). According to graphologists, the regular desire for stylization may indicate an excessive concentration on form, rather than content. As Sergeev noted, if a person writes in a stylized way all the time, he can be secretive and constantly keep himself within limits, trying to demonstrate to the environment that everything in his life is perfect.

In preparing this publication, Dmitry Zuev-Insarov's book Handwriting and Personality was used.

Margarita Maslova

It has been known since ancient times. The first work on this science was published in 1622, it was called “On how the character and properties of the writer can be known from writing” and belonged to the Italian Camille Bolgio. In the time of Bolgio, the work on graphology went unnoticed: at that time, a small percentage of the population could write at all.

In the seventies of the 20th century, graphology penetrated into various spheres of life: handwriting examination began to be used in forensic science, when applying for a job. Today, official psychology has more accurate ways of diagnosing personality.

However, in many Western countries, graphology has become a tradition: until now, when applying for a job in some firms in the USA and Holland, the applicant writes a resume by hand in order to pass the employer's handwriting examination.

It is quite simple to determine the traits of one's own character or the character of loved ones using graphology: it is enough to take a white (not lined) sheet of paper, ballpoint pen(not gel!) and write a few lines about yourself in your usual handwriting. Then we examine what was written according to the following parameters.

The slope of the handwriting

Handwriting is straight, not slanted:
It testifies to prudence, restraint, inner harmony. So writes a very balanced person.

Slight tilt to the right:
The most common type of slope. This is how open, moderately courageous and benevolent people write, who sometimes tend to give in to impulses. Handwriting speaks of emotionality - its owner cannot always control himself.

Strong tilt to the right:
So writes a man of momentarily emerging and rapidly fading enthusiasm.

A strong tilt to the right speaks of energy, originality and amorousness.

Slight tilt to the left:
It testifies to the masculinity of character. Women with such a slope of handwriting are guided by reason more often than others. They are smart, thoughtful.

Strong tilt to the left:
In the owner of such a handwriting, there is a struggle between internal emotionality and external restraint.

A sharp "backward" tilt indicates that the person is hypersensitive, but very rarely shows this in public.

Line direction

Rows go up:
The owner of such a handwriting is an optimist. He can be a little infantile, naive, childlike. Or maybe he's in a particularly good mood today.

The lines go straight and straight:
Smooth lines testify to internal discipline. If even on an unlined sheet the lines look even, it means that its owner is neat, prudent and collected.

The lines go down:
You are in a bad mood. Often the lines go down when we write something boring or sad. If the lines are always directed downwards, chances are that the writer is mildly depressed.

handwriting size

Large handwriting:
Such handwriting is found in open, cordial and self-confident people. Often indicates high self-esteem.

Too large handwriting happens in people fixated on themselves. Simply put, egoists.

Average handwriting:
Calm, self-confident people with adequate self-esteem usually have handwriting of medium size. If the average size increases towards the end of each line or sentence, its owner is open, independent and free. If the handwriting decreases, on the contrary, the subject wants to hide something.

Small handwriting:
Miniature handwriting may be associated with visual impairments. Also, small, neat handwriting speaks of an analytical mindset, some pedantry and increased attention to detail. Many owners of small handwriting are rather shy.

handwriting form

Round handwriting:
Most often found in cheerful and rustic good-natured people. Its owner is not too cunning and does not like intrigue. She treats those around her with almost maternal care, understanding and kindness.

Sharp handwriting:
Sharp corners can tell us two things that often go together: aggressiveness and very high intelligence. The owners of sharp handwriting are often shrewd, cunning, smart people. Along with this, sharp handwriting is found in not too good-natured people.

"Angled" handwriting:
When the handwriting is not too sharp, but there is some sharpness in it, right angles, even "sticks" of letters - we are talking about an observant person who deeply understands what is happening around. Often such people know how to manage others.

If the angular handwriting is quite large, this indicates the propensity of its owner to manipulation.

letter tips

If the "tails" of some letters (for example, the letter "P") go down strongly, this indicates sexual activity, passion and strong sexual desire.

If the upper “tips” predominate, for example, when writing “b”, then the owner of such a handwriting is a spiritual, “exalted” person, often a believer.


Quickly written scribbles indicate that the owner is unbalanced. In many cases, people who write in scribbles do not have a strict daily routine, go to bed late and wake up late, work at a nervous job.

In addition, doodles are the handwriting of geniuses. Most geniuses had absolutely illegible handwriting.

Clear handwriting:
The easier it is to read what is written, the stronger and calmer the person. Clarity of handwriting is found in people with a stable and healthy mind, in excellent physical shape.


Stroke the back of the sheet - can you feel the letters?

Medium pressure:
It occurs in strong-willed, purposeful people. Its owners value themselves highly enough, they know how to keep everything under control.

Weak pressure:
It occurs in timid and compromise-prone people who are easy to manipulate. If there is almost no pressure, this may indicate some complexes, low self-esteem.

It is important for each person to know and understand the other. Unfortunately, in modern world it often happens that it is impossible to communicate directly with a person, and in these cases such a science as graphology is indispensable. A graphologist will be able, using only a person's handwriting, to learn everything about him, from his character to his occupation.

But, knowing a few key points, even a person who is not a specialist can recognize character traits and draw up a psychological portrait of another. That is why in today's article we will talk about this topic. We will study graphology and find out important nuances this area.

Briefly about the main thing or what is graphology

In all areas of life, it is simply necessary to know the person with whom you communicate, work or live. After all, how well you know another person is often directly related to effectiveness. joint work or other kind of activity. And you can understand another only when you have drawn his psychological portrait.

And in those cases when you do not have the opportunity to acquire the information you need through physical contact, such a necessary and subtle science as graphology can help you.

Graphology is the science of handwriting and those methods that allow you to study the personal characteristics and mental state of the individual who wrote a particular text.

To date, there are a lot of books in which everyone can find information of interest to themselves. But here we will consider the most important points of this science so that you can independently study the handwriting of the person you need and understand his character and more.

So, first of all, graphologists assure that for an accurate analysis it is necessary to study more than one sheet written by the person whose handwriting you want to study.

Since the experts came to the conclusion that at the beginning of the letter a person writes unnaturally, and then slowly begins to “open up”, which is why the last pages are the most interesting for researchers.

In such a science as graphology, every little thing matters. For example, when a graphologist takes a sheet with an inscription for study, the first thing he starts to study is the sheet itself on which the person wrote. Since the experts came to the conclusion that the sheet itself will tell a lot of interesting things about the owner.

For example: if you see a white sheet in front of you with torn edges, traces of dirt, coffee, grease, etc., then most likely the person who wrote on it is a slob and a slob. In addition, it is likely that he is greedy, as he was stingy to change the sheet when it went bad.

And when you have a clean, large sheet of paper in front of you, then this is a sign that the owner of this paper is a generous and accurate person. But it may also indicate such a character trait as a tendency to wastefulness.

So as you begin your exploration, don't lose sight of this important little thing like a piece of paper.

Handwriting decoding or what to look for?

Studies have shown that graphology provides the most accurate information about a person in the range of 25-45 years. This is the age where, by studying handwriting, you can find out interesting information about a person.

Starting to study a person's handwriting, in order to identify personality traits, experts first of all take into account some key points. We will talk about them below:

  1. Letter size is the first important point in learning handwriting. The fact has already been proven that the size of letters in a person changes both with age and with a specific physical condition. For example, the older a person is, or if he is tired, tired, then his letters turn out to be larger. More often you can find medium-sized letters. And if you have handwriting with medium letters, then this does not indicate any specific character trait of the person who wrote it. In the case when a person has large letters, this may indicate that the person who wrote them has leadership qualities. Such a person is emotional and sociable. They can easily establish new connections, acquaintances.

    If you see handwriting where the letters are small, then this is sure sign the fact that the person who wrote them is a purposeful and reserved person. In some cases, this can also speak of such character traits in a person as secrecy and isolation.
  2. Margins - The second important nuance during the study of handwriting is the consideration of margins. If a person leaves narrow fields, then this indicates that he is frugal. In some cases, this is a sign of the pettiness of the writer. Remember, the narrower the margins, the more frugality is expressed in a person, and sometimes it can even reach stinginess. If a person leaves wide margins, then this indicates his generosity. However, do not get carried away, because if the margins are very wide, then this indicates the author's extravagance rather than his generosity. And if in a letter you see excessively wide margins, then the author may turn out to be a braggart and a vain person who strives for luxury.
  3. Pen pressure - this item speaks not only about the character of the author, but also about his emotional state while writing a text or letter. Everything is simple here: the stronger the author’s emotions, the stronger the pressure of the pen. Basically, workaholics and people who are very energetic have strong pressure. They are sociable, easily make new acquaintances, they are open. And when the pressure is light, the author prefers loneliness, calmness. Most of these people are romantics.
  4. Line direction - the next important phenomenon in the study of handwriting is the consideration of lines. Since the very direction of the lines can also tell a lot about the author. So, in people who are characterized by mood swings, adventures, deceit and resourcefulness, we often find “wavy” lines in letters. In the event that a person is reasonable and restrained, then they can observe straight lines, they write like a ruler. Such people have adequate self-esteem, they can soberly and honestly evaluate themselves and their skills. When the author's lines tend to go up, this indicates that he is an optimist.
    When the lines go down, then most likely the person who wrote it is a pessimist or a person with low self-esteem.
  5. Cohesion of letter elements - It is also important to study the coherence of different elements in the text. This also gives important information about the author. The person who writes all the elements in a connected way is a straightforward person who is dominated by logical thinking. They are often enterprising and like to criticize. If you see a text where all the characters are written separately, then this may indicate that the writer has developed imaginative thinking. And in cases where 2-3 letters are connected, this indicates that the author is a balanced person.
  6. The form of the letter - it is also important to study the form of the letter. In the event that you see that the characters of the author are angular and sharp, then this is a sign that the person who wrote this text is an egoist. In the event that the characters are smooth and rounded, then the author is a compliant and pliable person. These are the most loyal individuals who find it very difficult to achieve their intentions.
  7. Writing slope - In graphology, it is also very important to study the writing slope. When the slope in the letter is weak and directed to the left, this indicates that the person who wrote it likes to criticize everyone. For such people, their interests always come first. In the event that the tilt to the left is very pronounced, then this author is stubborn, and has a tendency to consider himself the only correct one. But, most often, there is a slight slope of the letters to the right. However, this does not speak of any particularity of a person. This is just a feature of the school, because we are all taught to write like this. In the event that the slope of the letters is strongly to the right, then this indicates that the author is a strong and purposeful person. Such handwriting indicates that a person is jealous and he can fall in love very much. And in cases where there is no slope in the letter, this indicates that the person is stubborn. A person who writes like this is very good at thinking through his actions, assessing the situation and acting confidently and effectively.

These are the main points that are taken into account during the study of a person's handwriting. As everyone can see, learning handwriting is not that difficult.

It is also important to look at the capital letter. In the event that the author has it too decorated, this means that writing man needs recognition and attention from others. This is a person who so badly wants to seek approval.

And when you see that the capital letter is small, this may indicate that the author is clamped.

Handwriting and personality traits

The science of graphology itself sees a connection between handwriting and personality traits of a person. So, according to the handwriting, you can talk about personal qualities person.

For example, if a person is quick-tempered, then his letters rise above the line, and the hooks of the last characters often fall below the lines.

In the event that a person is sensitive, then in his letter you can often find unfinished characters, uneven pressure, the presence of an inclination and pale letters.

The mind of the writer is evidenced by a slight or lack of inclination, their letters are without decorative elements, of medium size and rounded. The distance between words is the same.

And on the contrary, the saturation of decorative elements in the letter speaks about the stupidity of a person, unusual hooks in characters. Different spacing between words and uneven pressure. For such people, capital letters are of particular importance, which they write with special diligence and in a very original way.

In strong-willed people, symbols are connected with each other. The pressure is even. A small number of strokes and distinct letters. And the letter itself from such people is almost without "decorated".

In cold-blooded people, despite the fact that all the lines are uneven, the last word is always in its exact location. Their characters are always neat, and the distance between words is different.

Handwriting speaks of the cruelty of a person, where letters are often underlined. In cruel people, the letters are carefully written, hooked, flattened, and yet, despite all this, looking at their letter, there is a feeling of rudeness and fatness of the letters.

What can a person's signature say?

Both a letter and a signature can tell a lot about the author. Moreover, experts pay special attention to the signature. Below we consider important points related to the signature and what individual details of the signature can say about the character of a person.

For example, if a person’s signature is ordinary, without unnecessary elements, then this indicates that the person is brave and self-confident.

When the signature has an underline, then such a person is enterprising.
If there are loops in the signature, then most likely the author is an observant person.

In those signatures, when the author crossed out his signature, this indicates his impulsiveness and activity.
When you see the circled caption, you can know that the author is a cowardly person, most likely an introvert.

Temperament and handwriting

Experts assure that there is a connection between handwriting and human temperament. Since each representative of a particular temperament has a characteristic type of writing.

Cholerics write with an inclination to the right. Their letters are wrapped and confusing. The pressure is strong, and the distance between individual words is not even.

Phlegmatic people in a letter can be recognized primarily by different letter spacing. And the symbols themselves for phlegmatic people are bold, but their thickness is variable.

Sanguine people in most cases are the owners of beautiful handwriting, although their letters are running, sweeping, and the lines are uneven.

Uneven fields are characteristic. Their letters dance and have strong strokes and dashes.


In fact, recognizing a person by handwriting is not so difficult. The main thing here is to know the important nuances, which we talked about above.

However, it is important to understand that it is impossible to unequivocally judge a person based on his handwriting. Since a person's handwriting changes under such factors as age, physiological and mental state, experience, and the like.

And when you define a person by handwriting, it is important to remember the fact that a person can have several qualities at the same time. So, do not rush to give up on someone based on what you learn by studying their handwriting.

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