Take the parent-child relationship test pari online. All about the study of parent-child relationships using the pari technique. File: Parental Attitudes and Responses Questionnaire

In order to determine how a child is raised in a family, domestic psychologists in most cases use the three most known methods:

  • Analysis of family relationships (DIA) by E. G. Eidemiller;
  • Test-poser parental relationship(ORO) A. Ya. Varga and V. V. Stolin;
  • transitional questionnaire "Measuring parental attitudes and reactions" (eng. Parental Attitude Research Instrument - PARI) E. Schaefer. Although this questionnaire is used, its psychometric adaptation for the Russian-speaking sample has not been previously carried out.

Each of the listed questionnaires has its specific application. The ORO methodology is more focused on studying the characteristics of the parental position of a mother or father in relation to a particular child. The questionnaire includes statements like "I try to fulfill all the requests of my child" or "I often catch myself in a hostile attitude towards my child", etc. We can say that he studies the individual experience of parents in raising a particular child.

The DIA methodology has been standardized and validated for parents of adolescents aged 14 to 18 who are registered with a psychoneurological dispensary and an inspection for juvenile affairs. This determines the purpose of using the questionnaire: identifying errors in parenting. This questionnaire, like the ORO, examines the individual experience of a parent in raising a teenager.

The PARI questionnaire is aimed at studying the most common features parenting. It is not related to the attitudes towards the upbringing of a particular child. Parents express their opinion regarding the upbringing of children in general. This makes it possible to study the attitudes of parents to raising a child a priori, which is necessary in the practice of adoption and the creation of family orphanages.

All three questionnaires can be used both separately and in combination, since they complement each other.

Test "Measuring Parental Attitudes and Responses" (PARI)

The PARI Questionnaire (Form 4) includes 115 statements regarding family life and upbringing of children. It contains 23 scales, five questions each have scales that are interconnected. The statements in the questionnaire are arranged so that they are repeated on the scale every 23 points. For example, scale 1 "Giving the child the opportunity to speak" includes items 1, 24, 47, 70, 93; scale 2 "Protecting the child from difficulties" - items 2, 25, 48, 71, 94, etc.

The questionnaire combines the following scales (we give their names in the form in which they are given in the questionnaire):

  • 1. Giving the child the opportunity to speak.
  • 2. Protecting the child from difficulties.
  • 3. Restriction of the mother to the role of mistress of the house.
  • 4. Suppression of the will of the child.
  • 5. Sacrifice of parents.
  • 6. Fear of harming the child.
  • 7. Marital conflicts.
  • 8. Severity of parents.
  • 9. Irritability of parents.
  • 10. Dependence of the child on the mother.
  • 11. Encouraging the child's dependence on parents.
  • 12. Suppression of the aggressiveness of the child.
  • 13. Martyrdom of parents.
  • 14. Equality of parents and child.
  • 15. Encourage the activity of the child.
  • 16. Avoiding contact with the child.
  • 17. Husband's inattention to his wife.
  • 18. Suppression of the child's sexuality.
  • 19. The power of the mother.
  • 20. The obsession of parents.
  • 21. Companionship between parents and children.
  • 22. Accelerating the development of the child.
  • 23. The need for outside help in raising a child. PARI is a multivariate questionnaire. As a result of identifying relationships between the scales using factor analysis, three factors were obtained.
Factor 1. Overprotection - lack of parental care

This factor unites the scales characterizing the patronizing way of influence of parents on the child (tab. 2.2). The severity of the factors indicates that parents strive to know everything about the child, to protect him from life's difficulties, from worries that could tire a daughter or son. Children should obey their parents in everything, understand that the wisdom of their parents is the highest wisdom, and parents strive to limit extraneous influence on the child, emphasizing their own role.

It turned out that the suppression of the sexuality and aggressiveness of the child is connected with guardianship as a way of education. According to parents, the child should avoid fights in all situations, in case of conflicts, turn to adults. These features of parental upbringing once again emphasize the need for gentleness, obedience of the child, his lack of maturity, and, consequently, the need for dependence on an adult.

The opposite pole of the factor indicates the refusal of parents to take care of the child, the existence of a large interpersonal distance between parents and the child. Parents deny the importance of their own influence on the child.

Table 2.2. Scales that make up factor 1

Factor 2. Lack of democracy in relations with a child - democracy

One pole of the factor testifies to the parents' refusal of democracy, equality in communication with their son or daughter, and the opposite pole, on the contrary, of the parents' predominant attitudes towards democracy (Table 2.3). Parents provide the child with the opportunity to express their opinion, consider him, communicate with him on an equal footing, try to participate in his affairs, share and encourage his interests.

Table 2.3. Scales that make up factor 2

Factor 3. Dictatorship in education - rejection of authoritarianism

The severity of this factor indicates that parents have an attitude towards authoritarianism in raising a child (Table 2.4). Parents believe that strict upbringing is the most effective for the child, they suggest bad inclinations in the child that need to be reversed. In this case, the performance of parental duties is accompanied by irritability, a sense of their burdensomeness.

Table 2.4. Scales that make up factor 3

Note. The obtained factors partially coincide with the factor structure of the original methodology, which includes four main factors: "authoritarianism", "democratic", "guardianship" and "marital relations". In our case, the factor characterizing marital relations was not singled out, one of the scales of which was included in the factor "dictatorship in education". Apparently, marital conflicts and the implementation of dictate in education, accompanied by a sense of burdensome parental responsibilities, are indicators of the general trouble of the family.


Read all the statements below and rate each of them as follows: "C" - completely agree; "with" - almost agree; "n" - rather disagree; "N" - completely disagree. Some statements may seem the same to you, but they are not: they are similar, but not the same. This is done in order to capture possible, even small, differences in views on the upbringing of children. It will take approximately 20 minutes to complete the questionnaire.


  • 1. Children can disagree with the opinion of their parents if they feel that their judgments are more correct.
  • 2. A good mother should protect her child from even minor life difficulties.
  • 3. For a good mother, the home is the most important thing.
  • 4. Some children are so bad that fear of adults can only serve their good.
  • 5. Children should know that parents have to give up a lot for their sake.
  • 6. You need to hold the baby firmly while bathing, because at some point he may slip out.
  • 7. People who think they can live in marriage without quarreling do not know life.
  • 8. In time, children will be grateful for a strict upbringing.
  • 9. Children annoy any woman if she has to be with them all day.
  • 10. It is much better for a child if he never doubts that his mother is right.
  • 11. Most parents should educate their children to listen to and accept the opinion of their parents.
  • 12. The child must be brought up in such a way as to avoid fights in all situations.
  • 13. The worst thing for a woman in housekeeping is the feeling that she will not have time to do everything.
  • 14. Parents should adjust to their children instead of waiting for their children to adapt to them.
  • 15. Since a child has a lot to learn in life, it is unforgivable that he just wastes time.
  • 16. If you let your children complain, they will complain more and more.
  • 17. Mothers would do better with children if fathers were kinder.
  • 18. To a small child should not hear talk about sex.
  • 19. If the mother fails to create good home traditions at home, then both the children and the husband will have unnecessary difficulties.
  • 20. A mother should make it a rule to know everything her child thinks.
  • 21. Children would be happier and better behaved if their parents were interested in their affairs.
  • 22. Most babies should be toilet trained by 15 months.
  • 23. There is nothing worse for a young mother than raising her first child without help.
  • 24. Children should be encouraged to speak out if they think that some rules in the family are unreasonable.
  • 25. A mother should do everything to protect her child from disappointment.
  • 26. A woman who is fond of parties rarely becomes a good mother.
  • 27. It is often possible to prevent a bad deed of a child by eliminating possible cause such an act.
  • 28. A mother should be ready to give up her happiness for the sake of the child's happiness.
  • 29. All new mothers are afraid of being awkward when caring for a child.
  • 30. There are situations when a woman needs to speak directly and sharply with her husband in order to strengthen her position.
  • 31. Strict discipline develops a strong character.
  • 32. Mothers often have the feeling that they cannot bear their child for another minute.
  • 33. Parents should never look in the eyes of a child in a bad light.
  • 34. Children need to be taught to reckon with their parents more than with all other adults.
  • 35. A child should be brought up in such a way that in case of conflicts he turns to parents and teachers, and does not fight.
  • 36. A woman who gives all her time to a child feels that her wings have been clipped.
  • 37. Parents should earn the respect of their children by their actions.
  • 38. Children who don't put in the effort to succeed will later realize how much they've missed.
  • 39. Parents who encourage a child to talk about his problems do not understand that sometimes it is better to leave him alone.
  • 40. Husbands could do their share of the housework more actively if they were less selfish.
  • 41. It is very important not to allow little boys and girls to see each other completely naked.
  • 42. It is better for the children and for the husband when the mother is able to cope with most of the difficulties herself.
  • 43. A child should never have secrets from parents.
  • 44. If you laugh at children's jokes and joke with children, it makes a lot of things easier in the family.
  • 45. Than faster baby learns to walk, the easier it will be to teach.
  • 46. ​​It is unfair if a woman is forced to bear the entire burden of raising a child alone.
  • 47. The child has the right to his own point of view, and he should be allowed to express it.
  • 48. A child must be protected from work that would be too tiring and hard for him.
  • 49. A woman must choose: either she will be a good housewife, or she will communicate with neighbors and friends.
  • 50. smart parents early will make it clear to the child who makes decisions in the family.
  • 51. Few women get the credit they deserve for what they have done for their children.
  • 52. A mother will reproach herself all her life if an accident happens to her child.
  • 53. Even if a husband and wife love each other, they can still irritate each other and quarrel.
  • 54. Children who are brought up in strict rules grow up to be very good people.
  • 55. A rare mother can be affectionate with a child all day.
  • 56. Children should not learn anything outside the home that would call into question the views of their parents.
  • 57. A child early begins to understand that there is no greater wisdom than the wisdom of his parents.
  • 58. You cannot justify a child who beats another.
  • 59. Most young mothers are most burdened by the fact that they are tied to the house.
  • 60. It is unfair that children are too often forced to compromise.
  • 61. Parents should educate their children in such a way that they understand that in order to achieve something, you need to do business, and not waste time in vain.
  • 62. Parents should immediately make sure that their children do not bother them with their problems.
  • 63. If a mother cannot cope with a child, it is because her father does not help her around the house.
  • 64. Children who are interested in sexual issues commit sexual crimes as adults.
  • 65. The mother should plan the household, because she alone knows what is done in the house.
  • 66. Anxious parents try to find out everything their child is thinking.
  • 67. Parents who listen with interest to children's stories about their parties, loves, jokes, make it easier for them to grow up.
  • 68. The sooner parents weaken their emotional ties with the child, the easier it will be for him to solve his own problems.
  • 69. A smart woman will do everything possible to have someone by her side before and after the birth of a child.
  • 70. When making any decision, parents should seriously consider the opinion of their children.
  • 71. Parents should do everything possible so that their child does not get into a difficult situation.
  • 72. Many mothers forget that a mother's place is at home.
  • 73. Children need help to get rid of their natural evil inclinations.
  • 74. Children should be more attentive to their mothers, because mothers endure a lot for their sake.
  • 75. Most mothers are afraid that they may harm the baby while caring for him.
  • 76. There may be conflicts in the family that cannot be settled peacefully.
  • 77. Most children should be required to be more disciplined than is usually done.
  • 78. Raising children is a destructive job for the nerves.
  • 79. A child should not be asked what his parents think.
  • 80. Parents deserve the highest appreciation and respect for their children.
  • 81. Children should not be encouraged to fight and wrestle, as this often leads to trouble and injury.
  • 82. One of the unpleasant aspects of raising a child is that you do not have enough free time to do what you like.
  • 83. Within certain limits, parents should treat the child as an equal.
  • 84. A child with whom parents have established informal relationships is most often happy.
  • 85. If a child is upset about something, then it is better not to attach serious importance to this, but to leave him alone.
  • 86. If mothers could fulfill their most cherished desire, then most likely they would ask their husbands to be more sensitive.
  • 87. Sex is one of the most difficult problems of education.
  • 88. It will be better for the whole family if the mother takes all the responsibility and care for her.
  • 89. A mother has the right to know everything that happens in her child's life, because the child is part of her.
  • 90. If parents sometimes joke with their children, then the children will more readily accept their advice.
  • 91. A mother needs to make a lot of effort to teach her child to use the toilet as early as possible.
  • 92. Most women need more time than they are given now to stay at home after having a baby.
  • 93. If a child is in trouble, it is better that he knows that he will not be punished if he tells his parents about it.
  • 94. Children should be protected from overwork so as not to deprive them of self-confidence.
  • 95. Communication within the family is enough for a good mother.
  • 96. Sometimes it is necessary that parents break the will of the child.
  • 97. Mothers sacrifice almost all their pleasures for the sake of children.
  • 98. A mother is most afraid that something might happen to her child through her fault.
  • 99. Quarrels are natural if two people are married, each of whom has his own opinion.
  • 100. With a strict upbringing, children are happier.
  • 101. If a child is selfish and demanding, this, of course, infuriates the mother.
  • 102. There is nothing worse than criticizing a mother in front of a child.
  • 103. The most important thing in children is to educate the ability to listen and accept the opinion of their parents.
  • 104. Most parents prefer calm children.
  • 105. For a young mother, the duties of raising a child are a burden, as they do not allow her to realize herself in other areas of life.
  • 106. There is no reason for parents to live the way they want, and for children to be forbidden to do so.
  • 107. The sooner a child realizes that wasted time is wasted time, the better for him.
  • 108. If you show interest in children's problems, then children usually compose a bunch of stories to support this interest.
  • 109. Few men understand that their wives, who are raising children, also want to have fun.
  • 110. Something is wrong with a child if he asks a lot of questions about sex.
  • 111. A married woman knows that she must take the lead in family affairs.
  • 112. A mother must be sure that she knows all the innermost thoughts of her child.
  • 113. If you do something with children, then they will feel closer to you and it will be easier for them to communicate with you.
  • 114. The baby should be weaned and bottled as early as possible.
  • 115. Caring for a small child is so much trouble that a woman cannot be expected to cope with it alone.

Table 2.5. Test norms of the PARI questionnaire (mothers) Sample - 169 people

Scale No.


Table 2.6. Test norms of the PARI questionnaire (fathers) Sample - 94 people

Scale No.


Human values ​​are instilled in childhood. The child naturally copies the behavior patterns learned in the family. In addition, the atmosphere in the house is decisive for the normal mental health of a person. Many modern mothers and fathers strive to approach parenting issues consciously so that their children grow up emotionally balanced and able to interact normally with society. A proven way to identify parental attitudes is testing using the PARI method (PARI), which allows you to understand the motives that adults are guided by in relationships with a child.

Characteristics of the methodology for measuring parental settings PARI (PARI)

The PARI questionnaire was developed by American researchers E.S. Schaefer and R.K. Bell, who dealt with issues of education ( original name methods - Parental Attitude Research Instrument - PARI). For Russian psychologists and teachers, the test was revised and adapted by the candidate of psychological sciences T.V. Neshcheret.

The technique is designed to reveal the style interpersonal relationships and parents' ideas about various areas of family life. Adults often do not notice that they are guided in raising a child by unconscious motives rooted in their own youth. The purpose of testing is to detect mistakes or excesses that parents make in the process of interacting with children, and then correct them, including with the help of a professional psychologist.

PARI is considered a reliable research method parent-child relationship, the degree of validity of diagnostic results is quite high.

The test is a questionnaire of 115 statements relating to various aspects family interactions and suggesting one of four possible answers.

Analysis of test results using the PARI method will help you understand what mistakes adults make in relationships with each other and children

Questionnaire text

  1. If children believe their views are correct, they may not agree with the opinion of their parents.
  2. A good mother should protect her children even from small difficulties and insults.
  3. For a good mother, home and family are the most important things in life.
  4. Some kids are so bad that for their own good, they need to be taught to be afraid of adults.
  5. Children should be aware that their parents do a lot for them.
  6. A small child should always be held firmly while washing so that he does not fall.
  7. People who think that there can be no misunderstandings in a good family do not know life.
  8. A child, when he grows up, will thank his parents for a strict upbringing.
  9. Staying with a child all day can lead to nervous exhaustion.
  10. It is better if the child does not think about whether the views of his parents are correct or not.
  11. Parents should instill in their children complete confidence in themselves.
  12. The child should be taught to avoid fights, no matter the circumstances.
  13. The worst thing for a housewife mother is to feel that it is not easy for her to free herself from her duties.
  14. It is easier for parents to adapt to children than vice versa.
  15. A child must learn a lot in life the right things so he should not be allowed to waste valuable time.
  16. If you agree once that the child was lying, he will do it all the time.
  17. If fathers did not interfere in the upbringing of children, mothers would cope better with children.
  18. In the presence of the child, it is not necessary to talk about gender issues.
  19. If the mother did not lead the house, husband and children, everything would be less organized.
  20. A mother should do everything to know what the children are thinking.
  21. If parents were more interested in the affairs of children, children would be better and happier.
  22. Most babies should be able to manage their physiological needs on their own from as early as 15 months.
  23. The most difficult thing for a young mother is to remain alone in the early years of raising a child.
  24. It is necessary to encourage children to express their opinion about family life, even if they think that family life is wrong.
  25. The mother must do everything to protect the child from the disappointments that life brings.
  26. Women who lead a carefree life are not very good mothers.
  27. It is imperative to eradicate in children the manifestations of emerging malice.
  28. A mother must sacrifice her happiness for the happiness of her child.
  29. All new mothers are afraid of inexperience in dealing with a child.
  30. Spouses must swear from time to time to prove their rights.
  31. Strict discipline in relation to the child develops a strong character in him.
  32. Mothers are often so tormented by the presence of their children that it seems to them that they cannot be with them for a minute longer.
  33. Parents should not appear in front of their children in a bad light.
  34. A child should respect his parents more than others.
  35. The child should always seek help from parents or teachers instead of resolving their misunderstandings in a fight.
  36. Constant stay with children convinces the mother that her educational opportunities are less than her skills and abilities (she could, but ...).
  37. Parents must win the favor of their children by their actions.
  38. Children who do not try their hand at success need to know that they may experience failure later in life.
  39. Parents who talk to their child about their problems should be aware that better than a child leave alone and do not delve into his affairs.
  40. Husbands, if they do not want to be selfish, should take part in family life.
  41. Girls and boys should not be allowed to see each other naked.
  42. If the wife is sufficiently prepared to solve problems on her own, then this is better for both the children and the husband.
  43. A child should not have secrets from his parents.
  44. If it is customary for you that children tell you jokes, and you tell them, then many issues can be resolved calmly and without conflict.
  45. If you teach your child to walk early, it will have a beneficial effect on his development.
  46. It is not good when a mother alone overcomes all the difficulties associated with caring for a child and raising him.
  47. The child should have their own views and the opportunity to express them freely.
  48. It is necessary to protect the child from hard work.
  49. A woman must choose between housework and entertainment.
  50. A smart father should teach the child to respect the authorities.
  51. Very few women receive gratitude from their children for the labor expended on their upbringing.
  52. If the child is in trouble, in any case, the mother always feels guilty.
  53. Young spouses, despite the strength of feelings, always have disagreements that cause irritation.
  54. Children who have been instilled with respect for the norms of behavior become good, stable and respected people.
  55. It rarely happens that a mother who spends the whole day with her child manages to be affectionate and calm.
  56. Children should not learn outside the home what is contrary to the views of their parents.
  57. Children should know that there are no people wiser than their parents.
  58. There is no excuse for a child who hits another child.
  59. Young mothers suffer more from their confinement at home than from any other cause.
  60. Forcing children to refuse and adapt is a bad parenting method.
  61. Parents should teach their children to find something to do and not to waste free time.
  62. Children torment their parents with petty problems if they get used to it from the very beginning.
  63. When a mother does not fulfill her duties towards her children well, this probably means that the father does not fulfill his duties of supporting the family.
  64. Children's games with sexual content can lead children to sexual crimes.
  65. Only the mother should plan, because only she knows how to manage the household.
  66. An attentive mother must know what her child is thinking.
  67. Parents who listen with approval to children's candid statements about their experiences at dates, friendly meetings, dances, and so on, help them in faster social development.
  68. The faster the connection between children and the family weakens, the faster children will learn to solve their problems.
  69. A smart mother does everything possible to ensure that the child is in good conditions before and after birth.
  70. Children should be involved in important family matters.
  71. Parents need to know how to act so that their children do not get into difficult situations.
  72. Too many women forget that the right place for them is home.
  73. Children need maternal care, which they sometimes lack.
  74. Children should be more caring and grateful to their mother for the work invested in them.
  75. Most mothers are afraid to torture the child by giving him small assignments.
  76. There are many issues in family life that cannot be resolved through calm discussion.
  77. Most children need to be brought up more strictly than is actually the case.
  78. Raising children is hard and stressful work.
  79. Children should not question the way their parents think.
  80. More than anyone else, children should respect their parents.
  81. It is not necessary to encourage children to take up boxing and wrestling, as this can lead to serious bodily disorders and other problems.
  82. One of the bad things is that the mother, as a rule, does not have free time for her favorite activities.
  83. Parents should consider their children equal in relation to themselves in all matters of life.
  84. When a child does what he must, he is on the right track and will be happy.
  85. It is necessary to leave a child who is sad, alone and not to deal with him.
  86. The greatest desire of any mother is to be understood by her husband.
  87. One of the most difficult moments in raising children is sexual problems.
  88. If the mother runs the house and takes care of everything, the whole family feels good.
  89. Since the child is part of the mother, she has the right to know everything about his life.
  90. Children who are allowed to joke and laugh with their parents are more likely to take their advice.
  91. Parents should make every effort to teach the child to cope with physiological needs as early as possible.
  92. Most women need more rest time after having a baby than they actually get.
  93. The child must be sure that he will not be punished if he entrusts his parents with his problems.
  94. The child does not need to be accustomed to hard work at home, so that he does not lose his desire for any work.
  95. For a good mother, communication with her own family is enough.
  96. Sometimes parents are forced to act against the will of the child.
  97. Mothers sacrifice everything for the good of their own children.
  98. The mother's primary concern is the well-being and safety of the child.
  99. Naturally, two people with opposing views in a marriage quarrel.
  100. Raising children in strict discipline makes them happier.
  101. Naturally, a mother goes crazy if her children are selfish and very demanding.
  102. A child should never listen to critical remarks about his parents.
  103. The first duty of children is to trust their parents.
  104. Parents, as a rule, prefer calm children to fighters.
  105. The young mother feels unhappy because she knows that many things that she would like to have are not available to her.
  106. There is no reason for parents to have more rights and privileges than children.
  107. How earlier child will understand that there is no point in wasting time, the better for him.
  108. Children do everything possible to interest their parents in their problems.
  109. Few men understand that the mother of their child also needs joy in life.
  110. There is something wrong with a child if he asks a lot about sexual matters.
  111. When marrying, a woman should be aware that she will be forced to manage family affairs.
  112. It is the duty of the mother to know the secret thoughts of the child.
  113. If you include a child in household chores, he becomes more connected with his parents and more easily trusts them with his problems.
  114. It is necessary to stop breast-feeding and bottle-feeding as early as possible (teach them to feed on their own).
  115. You can not demand from the mother too great a sense of responsibility in relation to children.

The procedure for studying the style of parenting with children

To organize a test using the PARI methodology, it is necessary to prepare:

  • stimulus material (list of questions) in sufficient quantity;
  • answer sheets;
  • pens;
  • clock or stopwatch.

Diagnosis can be done individually or in small groups. The standard test time is 20 minutes. Parents are given questionnaires and forms on which they write down their first name, last name, gender, age, place of work, number of children and how old they are.

It is not forbidden to test parents in a group form

It is recommended to accompany the preparation of adults for testing with a similar instruction: “Here is a list of 115 statements regarding various aspects of family life. On a separate form, you need to express your agreement or disagreement with each of them by putting a mark next to the number of a particular statement corresponding to your opinion: A - absolutely agree; a - rather agree than disagree; b - rather disagree than agree; B - totally disagree. One should not spend too much time thinking - the first spontaneous reaction will be the most valuable for the researcher. Try to answer honestly, because only in this case it will be possible to draw up a believable portrait of you (as a parent) and give the necessary recommendations.

Subjects should be drawn to the fact that there are similar statements in the questionnaire. Anticipating bewilderment, it is necessary to clarify: they are formulated in such a way as to reveal the smallest nuances of parent-child relationships, so you should read the text carefully.

After the allotted time has elapsed, the experimenter should ask the parents to turn in the forms so that the answers can be analyzed.

Processing and interpretation of diagnostic results

The answers of one or another subject are evaluated according to the following scale:

  • A - 4 points;
  • a - 3 points;
  • b - 2 points;
  • B - 1 point.

The PARI methodology describes 23 different aspects of family relationships:

  1. Verbalization.
  2. Too much concern.
  3. Family dependency.
  4. Will suppression.
  5. Feeling of self-sacrifice.
  6. Fear of offending.
  7. Family conflicts.
  8. Irritability.
  9. Too strict.
  10. Exclusion of family influences.
  11. Parental authority.
  12. Suppression of aggressiveness.
  13. Dissatisfaction with the role of hostess.
  14. Partnerships.
  15. The development of the activity of the child.
  16. Avoidance of conflict.
  17. Husband's indifference.
  18. Repression of sexuality.
  19. Mother dominance.
  20. Extraordinary intervention in the child's world.
  21. Balanced relationships.
  22. The desire to accelerate the development of the child.
  23. Mother's incompetence.

These signs, in turn, are combined into groups. For example, the category “Attitude to the family role” describes the parent’s vision of himself as a father or mother, and “Attitude of parents to the child” allows you to identify various aspects of interpersonal interactions in the family.

The questionnaire touches upon the signs of a variety of problems in the relationship between parents and children.

Table: Signs and their corresponding statements

feature numbersignnumber of questions
Relationship to family role
3 Family dependency3 26 49 72 95
5 Feeling of self-sacrifice5 28 51 74 97
7 Family conflicts7 30 53 76 99
11 Superpower of parents11 34 57 80 103
13 Dissatisfaction with the role of hostess13 36 59 82 105
17 Husband's indifference17 40 63 86 109
19 mother domination19 42 65 88 111
23 Mother's lack of independence23 46 69 92 115
The attitude of parents to the child
Optimal emotional contact
1 Verbalization1 24 47 70 93
14 Partnerships14 37 60 83 106
15 Development of the child's activity15 38 61 84 107
21 Equalized relations21 44 67 90 113
Excessive emotional distance with the child
8 Irritability8 31 54 77 100
9 Excessive severity9 32 55 78 101
16 Conflict Avoidance16 39 62 85 108
Too much focus on the child
2 over-concern2 25 48 71 94
4 Suppression of the will4 27 50 73 96
6 Fear of offending6 29 52 75 98
10 Exclusion of intra-family influences10 33 56 79 102
12 Suppression of aggressiveness12 35 58 81 104
18 Suppression of sexuality18 41 64 87 110
20 Extraordinary intervention in the child's world20 43 66 89 112
22 The desire to accelerate the development of the child22 45 68 91 114

The points scored on various scales help to form a psychological portrait of the family. The higher the resulting sum of points for any feature, the stronger this or that feature is manifested in family relationships:

  • 20 - maximum score;
  • 18, 19, 20 - high;
  • 8, 7, 6 - low;
  • 5 is the minimum score.

High scores on one or another scale indicate the hypertrophy of the aspect of interaction between the parent and the child. In this case, individual recommendations of a psychologist are required to resolve the tension in the problem area. For example, a large number of points scored on the “Family Conflicts” scale gives an idea of ​​how conflicts are resolved within the cell of society. controversial situations; the sign "Excessive care" helps to identify the tendency of parents to overprotect; criterion "Suppression of sexuality" allows you to predict possible problems child in the field of intersexual relations.

Processing the results involves a large number of calculations, so the organizer needs to be very careful

When interpreting the results, the experimenter should be guided by different keys to evaluate the responses of mothers and fathers. Below are tables with average statistical norms for parents of both sexes for all tested traits.

Psychologists and educators conducting diagnostics need to pay special attention to those cases when the points scored by the test subjects are significantly beyond the limits of the standards.

Table: Test norms (fathers)

Scale numberBreakdown of scores by grades
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 5–11 12–13 14 15–16 17 18 19 20 20 20
2 5–7 8 9 4 11–12 13–14 15–16 17–18 19–20 20
3 5–8 9–10 11–12 13 14–15 16 17–18 19 20 20
4 5–9 10 11–12 13 14 15–16 17 18 19 20
5 5–11 12 13 14 15–16 17 18–19 18–19 20 20
6 5–10 11–12 13 14 15–16 17 18 19 20 20
7 5–9 10 11–12 13 14–15 16 17 18–19 20 20
8 5–6 7–8 9–10 11 12–13 14–16 17 18–19 20 20
9 5–7 8 9–10 11 12–13 14–15 16 17 19 20
10 5–10 11–12 13 14 15 16 17 18–19 20 20
11 5–8 9 10 11–12 13–14 15–16 17 18–19 20 20
12 5–8 9 10 11 12–14 15–16 17 18 19–20 20
13 5–7 8 9 10–11 12 13–14 14–16 17–18 19 20
14 5–11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18–19 18–19 20
15 5–12 13 14 15–16 17 18 19 20 20 20
16 5–9 10 11 12 13–14 15 16 17 18–19 20
17 5–10 11 12 13–14 15 16–17 18–19 20 20 20
18 5–8 9–10 11–12 13 14–15 16–17 18 19 20 20
19 5–7 8 9–10 11 12–13 14–15 16–17 18 19 20
20 5–9 10 11–12 13–14 15 16–17 18 19 20 20
21 5–14 15 16 17–18 19 19 20 20 20 20 20
22 5–8 9–12 13 13 14–15 16 17–18 19 20 20
23 5–12 13–14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20

The PARI methodology is designed to study the attitude of parents to different aspects of family life (family role), as well as the study of parent-child relationships.

The questionnaire includes 115 statements, which are combined into 23 scales (five statements each). Of these, 8 scales relate to the relationship to the family role, and 15 - parent-child relationships.

Family role scale

It is described using 8 signs, their numbers in the questionnaire are 3, 5, 7, 11.13, 17, 19, 23:

Limitation of a woman's interests within the framework of the family, concerns only about the family (3);

Feeling of self-sacrifice as a mother (5);

Dissatisfaction with the role of the mistress of the house (13);

- “indifference” to the husband, his non-involvement in family affairs (17);

Mother dominance (19);

Dependence and lack of independence of the mother (23).

Parent-Child Relationship Scale

    Optimal emotional contact (consists of 4 signs, their numbers according to the questionnaire are 1, 14, 15, 21);

Inducement of verbal manifestations, verbalizations (1);

Partnerships (14);

Development of the child's activity (15);

Equalizing relationship between parents and child (21).

    Excessive emotional distance with the child (consists of 3 signs, their numbers according to the questionnaire are 8, 9, 16):

Irritability, irascibility (8);

Severity, excessive severity (9);

Avoiding contact with a child (16).

    Excessive concentration on the child (8 signs are described, their numbers according to the questionnaire are 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 18, 20.22):

Over-caring, establishing dependency relationships (2);

Overcoming resistance, suppression of will (4);

Creation of security, fear of offending (6);

Exclusion of extra-family influences (10);

Suppression of aggressiveness (12);

Suppression of sexuality (18);

Excessive intervention in the child's world (20);

The desire to accelerate the development of the child (22).

Each attribute is measured using 5 judgments, balanced in terms of measuring ability and semantic content. The entire methodology consists of 115 judgments. The judgments are arranged in a certain sequence, and the respondent must express their attitude towards them in the form of active or partial agreement or disagreement. The scheme for recalculating the answers points is contained in the "key" of the methodology. The sum of digital significance determines the severity of the feature 20, the minimum 5.18, 19.20 - high scores, respectively - low. Questionnaire and answer sheet are attached.

It makes sense to analyze high and low scores first.

Instruction: Here are some questions that will help you find out what parents think about raising children. There are no right or wrong answers here. everyone is right in relation to their own views. Try to answer accurately and truthfully.

Some of the questions may seem the same to you. However, it is not tech. The questions are similar, but not the same. This was done in order to catch possible, even small differences in views on the upbringing of children.

It will take approximately 20 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Do not think about the answer for a long time, answer quickly, trying to give the correct answer that comes to your mind.

Next to each position are the letters A a b B, you need to choose them depending on your belief in the correctness of this sentence:

A - if you fully agree with this provision;

a - if you agree with this provision rather than disagree;

b - if you rather disagree with this provision than agree;

B - if you fully agree with this provision.

Tell about yourself:

Age ____________________________ Gender _______________________

Education ________________________ Profession __________________

Number and age of children _______________________________________

1. If children believe their views are correct, they may not agree with the views of their parents.

2. A good mother should protect her children from even small difficulties and insults.

3. For a good mother, home and family are the most important things in life.

4. Some children are so bad that for their own good, they need to be taught to be afraid of adults.

5. Children should be aware that their parents do a lot for them.

6. A small child should always be held firmly in the hands while washing, so that he does not fall.

7. People who think that there can be no misunderstandings in a good family do not know life.

8. When a child grows up, he will thank his parents for his strict upbringing.

9. Staying with a child all day can lead to nervous exhaustion.

10. It is better if the child does not think about whether the views of his parents are correct.

11. Parents should instill in their children complete confidence in themselves.

12. The child should be taught to avoid fights, no matter the circumstances.

13. The worst thing for a housewife mother is the feeling that it is not easy for her to free herself from her duties.

14. It is easier for parents to adapt to children than vice versa.

15. The child must learn many necessary things in life, and therefore he must not be allowed to waste valuable time.

16. If you agree once that the child was lying, he will do it all the time.

17. If fathers did not interfere in the upbringing of children, mothers would be better able to cope with children.

18. Do not talk about gender issues in the presence of a child.

19. If the mother did not lead the house, husband and children, everything would be less organized.

20. A mother should do everything to know what the children are thinking.

21. If parents were more interested in the affairs of their children, the children would be better and happier.

22. Most children should be able to manage their physiological needs on their own from as early as 15 months.

23. The most difficult thing for a young mother is to remain alone in the early years of raising a child.

24. It is necessary to encourage children to express their opinion about life and about the family, even if they believe that life in the family is wrong.

25. A mother should do everything to protect her child from the disappointments that life brings.

26. Women who lead a carefree life are not very good mothers.

27. It is imperative to eradicate in children manifestations of emerging malice.

28. A mother must sacrifice her own happiness for the sake of the child's happiness.

29. All new mothers are afraid of their inexperience in dealing with a child.

30. Spouses must swear from time to time to prove their rights.

31. Strict discipline towards a child develops a strong character in him.

32. Mothers are often so tormented by the presence of their children that it seems to them that they cannot be with them for a minute longer.

33. Parents should not appear before their children in a bad light.

34. A child should respect his parents more than others.

35. A child should always seek help from parents or teachers instead of resolving their misunderstandings in a fight.

36. Constant stay with children convinces the mother that her educational opportunities are less than her skills and abilities (she could, but ...)

37. Parents must win the favor of their children by their actions.

38. Children who do not try their hand at achieving success should know that later in life they may meet with failures.

39. Parents who talk to a child about his problems should know that it is better to leave the child alone and not delve into his affairs.

40. Husbands, if they do not want to be selfish, should take part in family life.

41. Girls and boys should not be allowed to see each other naked.

42. If the wife is sufficiently prepared to solve problems on her own, then this is better for both the children and the husband.

43. A child should not have any secrets from his parents.

44. If it is customary for you that children tell you jokes, and you tell them, then many issues can be resolved calmly and without conflicts.

45. If you teach a child to walk early, it has a beneficial effect on his development.

46. ​​It is not good when a mother alone overcomes all the difficulties associated with caring for a child and raising him.

47. The child should have his own views and the opportunity to express them freely.

48. It is necessary to protect the child from hard work.

49. A woman must choose between housework and entertainment.

50. A smart father should teach the child to respect the authorities.

51.Very few women receive gratitude from their children for the labor expended on their upbringing.

52. If a child is in trouble, in any case, the mother always feels guilty.

53. Young spouses, despite the strength of feelings, always have disagreements that cause irritation.

54.Children who have been instilled with respect for the norms of behavior become good and respected people.

55. It rarely happens that a mother who takes care of a child all day manages to be affectionate and calm.

56. Children should not learn outside the home what is contrary to the views of their parents.

57. Children should know that there are no people wiser than their parents.

58. There is no excuse for a child who hits another child.

59. Young mothers suffer more because of their confinement at home than for any other reason.

60. Forcing children to refuse and adapt is a bad parenting method.

61. Parents should teach their children to find something to do and not to waste free time.

62. Children torment their parents with petty problems if they get used to it from the very beginning.

63. When a mother does not fulfill her duties towards her children well, this probably means that the father does not fulfill his obligations to support the family.

64. Children's games with sexual content can lead children to sexual crimes.

65. Only the mother should plan, because only she knows how to manage the household.

66. An attentive mother knows what her child is thinking.

67. Parents who listen with approval to children's frank statements about their experiences at dates, friendly meetings, dances, etc., help them in faster social development.

68. The faster the connection between children and the family weakens, the faster children will learn to solve their problems.

69. A smart mother does everything possible to ensure that the child is in good conditions before and after birth.

70. Children should be involved in important family matters.

71. Parents should know how to act so that children do not get into difficult situations.

72. Too many women forget that their proper place is home.

73. Children need maternal care, which they sometimes lack.

74. Children should be more caring and grateful to their mother for the work invested in them.

75. Most mothers are afraid to torment their child by giving him small assignments.

76. There are many issues in family life that cannot be resolved through calm discussion.

77. Most children should be brought up more strictly than is actually the case.

78. Raising children is hard, nervous work.

79. Children should not doubt the wisdom of their parents.

80. More than anyone else, children should respect their parents.

81. Children should not be encouraged to engage in boxing or wrestling, as this can lead to serious problems.

82. One of the bad things is that the mother does not have free time for her favorite activities.

84. When a child does what he must, he is on the right track and will be happy.

85. It is necessary to leave a child who is sad, alone and not to deal with him.

86. The greatest desire of any mother is to be understood by her husband.

87. One of the most difficult moments in the upbringing of children is sexual problems.

88. If the mother runs the house and takes care of everything, the whole family feels good.

89. Since the child is part of the mother, he has the right to know everything about her life.

90. Children who are allowed to joke and laugh with their parents take their advice more easily.

91. Parents should make every effort to cope with physiological needs as early as possible.

92. Most women need more rest time after giving birth than they actually get.

93. A child should be sure that he will not be punished if he confides his problems to his parents.

94. A child does not need to be accustomed to hard work at home, so that he does not lose his desire for any work.

95. For a good mother, communication with the family is enough.

96. Sometimes parents are forced to act against the will of the child.

97. Mothers sacrifice everything for the good of their own children.

99. It is natural that two people with opposite views in marriage quarrel.

100. Raising children in strict discipline makes them happier.

101. Naturally, a mother "goes crazy" if her children are selfish and very demanding.

102. A child should never listen to critical remarks about his parents.

104. Parents, as a rule, prefer calm children to fighters.

105. A young mother is unhappy because many things that she would like to have are not available to her.

106. There is no reason for parents to have more rights and privileges than children.

107. The sooner a child realizes that there is no point in wasting time, the better for him.

108. Children do their best to interest their parents in their problems.

109. Few men understand that the mother of their child also needs joy.

110. Something is wrong with a child if he asks a lot about sexual questions.

111. When getting married, a woman should be aware that she will be forced to manage family affairs.

112. The duty of a mother is to know the secret thoughts of a child.

113. If you include a child in household chores, he will more easily trust them with his problems.

114. It is necessary to stop breast-feeding and bottle-feeding as soon as possible (teach them to feed on their own).

115. You can not demand from the mother too great a sense of responsibility in relation to children.

Human values ​​are instilled in childhood. The child naturally copies the behavior patterns learned in the family. In addition, the atmosphere in the house is decisive for the normal mental health of a person. Many modern mothers and fathers strive to approach parenting issues consciously so that their children grow up emotionally balanced and able to interact normally with society. A proven way to identify parental attitudes is testing using the PARI method (PARI), which allows you to understand the motives that adults are guided by in relationships with a child.

Characteristics of the methodology for measuring parental settings PARI (PARI)

The PARI questionnaire was developed by American researchers E.S. Schaefer and R.K. Bell, who dealt with issues of education (the original name of the technique is Parental Attitude Research Instrument - PARI). For Russian psychologists and teachers, the test was revised and adapted by the candidate of psychological sciences T.V. Neshcheret.

The technique is designed to identify the style of interpersonal relationships and parents' ideas about various areas of family life. Adults often do not notice that they are guided in raising a child by unconscious motives rooted in their own youth. The purpose of testing is to detect mistakes or excesses that parents make in the process of interacting with children, and then correct them, including with the help of a professional psychologist.

PARI is considered a reliable method for studying parent-child relationships, the degree of validity of diagnostic results is quite high.

The test is a questionnaire of 115 statements concerning various aspects of family interactions and suggesting one of four possible answers.

Analysis of test results using the PARI method will help you understand what mistakes adults make in relationships with each other and children

Questionnaire text

  1. If children believe their views are correct, they may not agree with the opinion of their parents.
  2. A good mother should protect her children even from small difficulties and insults.
  3. For a good mother, home and family are the most important things in life.
  4. Some kids are so bad that for their own good, they need to be taught to be afraid of adults.
  5. Children should be aware that their parents do a lot for them.
  6. A small child should always be held firmly while washing so that he does not fall.
  7. People who think that there can be no misunderstandings in a good family do not know life.
  8. A child, when he grows up, will thank his parents for a strict upbringing.
  9. Staying with a child all day can lead to nervous exhaustion.
  10. It is better if the child does not think about whether the views of his parents are correct or not.
  11. Parents should instill in their children complete confidence in themselves.
  12. The child should be taught to avoid fights, no matter the circumstances.
  13. The worst thing for a housewife mother is to feel that it is not easy for her to free herself from her duties.
  14. It is easier for parents to adapt to children than vice versa.
  15. A child has to learn many useful things in life, so he should not be allowed to waste valuable time.
  16. If you agree once that the child was lying, he will do it all the time.
  17. If fathers did not interfere in the upbringing of children, mothers would cope better with children.
  18. In the presence of the child, it is not necessary to talk about gender issues.
  19. If the mother did not lead the house, husband and children, everything would be less organized.
  20. A mother should do everything to know what the children are thinking.
  21. If parents were more interested in the affairs of children, children would be better and happier.
  22. Most babies should be able to manage their physiological needs on their own from as early as 15 months.
  23. The most difficult thing for a young mother is to remain alone in the early years of raising a child.
  24. It is necessary to encourage children to express their opinion about family life, even if they think that family life is wrong.
  25. The mother must do everything to protect the child from the disappointments that life brings.
  26. Women who lead a carefree life are not very good mothers.
  27. It is imperative to eradicate in children the manifestations of emerging malice.
  28. A mother must sacrifice her happiness for the happiness of her child.
  29. All new mothers are afraid of inexperience in dealing with a child.
  30. Spouses must swear from time to time to prove their rights.
  31. Strict discipline in relation to the child develops a strong character in him.
  32. Mothers are often so tormented by the presence of their children that it seems to them that they cannot be with them for a minute longer.
  33. Parents should not appear in front of their children in a bad light.
  34. A child should respect his parents more than others.
  35. The child should always seek help from parents or teachers instead of resolving their misunderstandings in a fight.
  36. Constant stay with children convinces the mother that her educational opportunities are less than her skills and abilities (she could, but ...).
  37. Parents must win the favor of their children by their actions.
  38. Children who do not try their hand at success need to know that they may experience failure later in life.
  39. Parents who talk to a child about his problems should know that it is better to leave the child alone and not delve into his affairs.
  40. Husbands, if they do not want to be selfish, should take part in family life.
  41. Girls and boys should not be allowed to see each other naked.
  42. If the wife is sufficiently prepared to solve problems on her own, then this is better for both the children and the husband.
  43. A child should not have secrets from his parents.
  44. If it is customary for you that children tell you jokes, and you tell them, then many issues can be resolved calmly and without conflict.
  45. If you teach your child to walk early, it will have a beneficial effect on his development.
  46. It is not good when a mother alone overcomes all the difficulties associated with caring for a child and raising him.
  47. The child should have their own views and the opportunity to express them freely.
  48. It is necessary to protect the child from hard work.
  49. A woman must choose between housework and entertainment.
  50. A smart father should teach the child to respect the authorities.
  51. Very few women receive gratitude from their children for the labor expended on their upbringing.
  52. If the child is in trouble, in any case, the mother always feels guilty.
  53. Young spouses, despite the strength of feelings, always have disagreements that cause irritation.
  54. Children who have been instilled with respect for the norms of behavior become good, stable and respected people.
  55. It rarely happens that a mother who spends the whole day with her child manages to be affectionate and calm.
  56. Children should not learn outside the home what is contrary to the views of their parents.
  57. Children should know that there are no people wiser than their parents.
  58. There is no excuse for a child who hits another child.
  59. Young mothers suffer more from their confinement at home than from any other cause.
  60. Forcing children to refuse and adapt is a bad parenting method.
  61. Parents should teach their children to find something to do and not to waste free time.
  62. Children torment their parents with petty problems if they get used to it from the very beginning.
  63. When a mother does not fulfill her duties towards her children well, this probably means that the father does not fulfill his duties of supporting the family.
  64. Children's games with sexual content can lead children to sexual crimes.
  65. Only the mother should plan, because only she knows how to manage the household.
  66. An attentive mother must know what her child is thinking.
  67. Parents who listen with approval to children's candid statements about their experiences at dates, friendly meetings, dances, and so on, help them in faster social development.
  68. The faster the connection between children and the family weakens, the faster children will learn to solve their problems.
  69. A smart mother does everything possible to ensure that the child is in good conditions before and after birth.
  70. Children should be involved in important family matters.
  71. Parents need to know how to act so that their children do not get into difficult situations.
  72. Too many women forget that the right place for them is home.
  73. Children need maternal care, which they sometimes lack.
  74. Children should be more caring and grateful to their mother for the work invested in them.
  75. Most mothers are afraid to torture the child by giving him small assignments.
  76. There are many issues in family life that cannot be resolved through calm discussion.
  77. Most children need to be brought up more strictly than is actually the case.
  78. Raising children is hard and stressful work.
  79. Children should not question the way their parents think.
  80. More than anyone else, children should respect their parents.
  81. It is not necessary to encourage children to take up boxing and wrestling, as this can lead to serious bodily disorders and other problems.
  82. One of the bad things is that the mother, as a rule, does not have free time for her favorite activities.
  83. Parents should consider their children equal in relation to themselves in all matters of life.
  84. When a child does what he must, he is on the right track and will be happy.
  85. It is necessary to leave a child who is sad, alone and not to deal with him.
  86. The greatest desire of any mother is to be understood by her husband.
  87. One of the most difficult moments in raising children is sexual problems.
  88. If the mother runs the house and takes care of everything, the whole family feels good.
  89. Since the child is part of the mother, she has the right to know everything about his life.
  90. Children who are allowed to joke and laugh with their parents are more likely to take their advice.
  91. Parents should make every effort to teach the child to cope with physiological needs as early as possible.
  92. Most women need more rest time after having a baby than they actually get.
  93. The child must be sure that he will not be punished if he entrusts his parents with his problems.
  94. The child does not need to be accustomed to hard work at home, so that he does not lose his desire for any work.
  95. For a good mother, communication with her own family is enough.
  96. Sometimes parents are forced to act against the will of the child.
  97. Mothers sacrifice everything for the good of their own children.
  98. The mother's primary concern is the well-being and safety of the child.
  99. Naturally, two people with opposing views in a marriage quarrel.
  100. Raising children in strict discipline makes them happier.
  101. Naturally, a mother goes crazy if her children are selfish and very demanding.
  102. A child should never listen to critical remarks about his parents.
  103. The first duty of children is to trust their parents.
  104. Parents, as a rule, prefer calm children to fighters.
  105. The young mother feels unhappy because she knows that many things that she would like to have are not available to her.
  106. There is no reason for parents to have more rights and privileges than children.
  107. The sooner the child realizes that there is no point in wasting time, the better for him.
  108. Children do everything possible to interest their parents in their problems.
  109. Few men understand that the mother of their child also needs joy in life.
  110. There is something wrong with a child if he asks a lot about sexual matters.
  111. When marrying, a woman should be aware that she will be forced to manage family affairs.
  112. It is the duty of the mother to know the secret thoughts of the child.
  113. If you include a child in household chores, he becomes more connected with his parents and more easily trusts them with his problems.
  114. It is necessary to stop breast-feeding and bottle-feeding as early as possible (teach them to feed on their own).
  115. You can not demand from the mother too great a sense of responsibility in relation to children.

The procedure for studying the style of parenting with children

To organize a test using the PARI methodology, it is necessary to prepare:

  • stimulus material (list of questions) in sufficient quantity;
  • answer sheets;
  • pens;
  • clock or stopwatch.

Diagnosis can be done individually or in small groups. The standard test time is 20 minutes. Parents are given questionnaires and forms on which they write down their first name, last name, gender, age, place of work, number of children and how old they are.

It is not forbidden to test parents in a group form

It is recommended to accompany the preparation of adults for testing with a similar instruction: “Here is a list of 115 statements regarding various aspects of family life. On a separate form, you need to express your agreement or disagreement with each of them by putting a mark next to the number of a particular statement corresponding to your opinion: A - absolutely agree; a - rather agree than disagree; b - rather disagree than agree; B - totally disagree. One should not spend too much time thinking - the first spontaneous reaction will be the most valuable for the researcher. Try to answer honestly, because only in this case it will be possible to draw up a believable portrait of you (as a parent) and give the necessary recommendations.

Subjects should be drawn to the fact that there are similar statements in the questionnaire. Anticipating bewilderment, it is necessary to clarify: they are formulated in such a way as to reveal the smallest nuances of parent-child relationships, so you should read the text carefully.

After the allotted time has elapsed, the experimenter should ask the parents to turn in the forms so that the answers can be analyzed.

Processing and interpretation of diagnostic results

The answers of one or another subject are evaluated according to the following scale:

  • A - 4 points;
  • a - 3 points;
  • b - 2 points;
  • B - 1 point.

The PARI methodology describes 23 different aspects of family relationships:

  1. Verbalization.
  2. Too much concern.
  3. Family dependency.
  4. Will suppression.
  5. Feeling of self-sacrifice.
  6. Fear of offending.
  7. Family conflicts.
  8. Irritability.
  9. Too strict.
  10. Exclusion of family influences.
  11. Parental authority.
  12. Suppression of aggressiveness.
  13. Dissatisfaction with the role of hostess.
  14. Partnerships.
  15. The development of the activity of the child.
  16. Avoidance of conflict.
  17. Husband's indifference.
  18. Repression of sexuality.
  19. Mother dominance.
  20. Extraordinary intervention in the child's world.
  21. Balanced relationships.
  22. The desire to accelerate the development of the child.
  23. Mother's incompetence.

These signs, in turn, are combined into groups. For example, the category “Attitude to the family role” describes the parent’s vision of himself as a father or mother, and “Attitude of parents to the child” allows you to identify various aspects of interpersonal interactions in the family.

The questionnaire touches upon the signs of a variety of problems in the relationship between parents and children.

Table: Signs and their corresponding statements

feature numbersignnumber of questions
Relationship to family role
3 Family dependency3 26 49 72 95
5 Feeling of self-sacrifice5 28 51 74 97
7 Family conflicts7 30 53 76 99
11 Superpower of parents11 34 57 80 103
13 Dissatisfaction with the role of hostess13 36 59 82 105
17 Husband's indifference17 40 63 86 109
19 mother domination19 42 65 88 111
23 Mother's lack of independence23 46 69 92 115
The attitude of parents to the child
Optimal emotional contact
1 Verbalization1 24 47 70 93
14 Partnerships14 37 60 83 106
15 Development of the child's activity15 38 61 84 107
21 Equalized relations21 44 67 90 113
Excessive emotional distance with the child
8 Irritability8 31 54 77 100
9 Excessive severity9 32 55 78 101
16 Conflict Avoidance16 39 62 85 108
Too much focus on the child
2 over-concern2 25 48 71 94
4 Suppression of the will4 27 50 73 96
6 Fear of offending6 29 52 75 98
10 Exclusion of intra-family influences10 33 56 79 102
12 Suppression of aggressiveness12 35 58 81 104
18 Suppression of sexuality18 41 64 87 110
20 Extraordinary intervention in the child's world20 43 66 89 112
22 The desire to accelerate the development of the child22 45 68 91 114

The points scored on various scales help to form a psychological portrait of the family. The higher the resulting sum of points for any attribute, the stronger this or that trait is manifested in family relationships:

  • 20 - maximum score;
  • 18, 19, 20 - high;
  • 8, 7, 6 - low;
  • 5 is the minimum score.

High scores on one or another scale indicate the hypertrophy of the aspect of interaction between the parent and the child. In this case, individual recommendations of a psychologist are required to resolve the tension in the problem area. For example, a large number of points scored on the “Family Conflicts” scale gives an idea of ​​how disputable situations are resolved within the cell of society; the sign "Excessive care" helps to identify the tendency of parents to overprotect; The criterion "Suppression of sexuality" allows you to predict the possible problems of the child in the field of intersexual relations.

Processing the results involves a large number of calculations, so the organizer needs to be very careful

When interpreting the results, the experimenter should be guided by different keys to evaluate the responses of mothers and fathers. Below are tables with average statistical norms for parents of both sexes for all tested traits.

Psychologists and educators conducting diagnostics need to pay special attention to those cases when the points scored by the test subjects are significantly beyond the limits of the standards.

Table: Test norms (fathers)

Scale numberBreakdown of scores by grades
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 5–11 12–13 14 15–16 17 18 19 20 20 20
2 5–7 8 9 4 11–12 13–14 15–16 17–18 19–20 20
3 5–8 9–10 11–12 13 14–15 16 17–18 19 20 20
4 5–9 10 11–12 13 14 15–16 17 18 19 20
5 5–11 12 13 14 15–16 17 18–19 18–19 20 20
6 5–10 11–12 13 14 15–16 17 18 19 20 20
7 5–9 10 11–12 13 14–15 16 17 18–19 20 20
8 5–6 7–8 9–10 11 12–13 14–16 17 18–19 20 20
9 5–7 8 9–10 11 12–13 14–15 16 17 19 20
10 5–10 11–12 13 14 15 16 17 18–19 20 20
11 5–8 9 10 11–12 13–14 15–16 17 18–19 20 20
12 5–8 9 10 11 12–14 15–16 17 18 19–20 20
13 5–7 8 9 10–11 12 13–14 14–16 17–18 19 20
14 5–11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18–19 18–19 20
15 5–12 13 14 15–16 17 18 19 20 20 20
16 5–9 10 11 12 13–14 15 16 17 18–19 20
17 5–10 11 12 13–14 15 16–17 18–19 20 20 20
18 5–8 9–10 11–12 13 14–15 16–17 18 19 20 20
19 5–7 8 9–10 11 12–13 14–15 16–17 18 19 20
20 5–9 10 11–12 13–14 15 16–17 18 19 20 20
21 5–14 15 16 17–18 19 19 20 20 20 20 20
22 5–8 9–12 13 13 14–15 16 17–18 19 20 20
23 5–12 13–14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20

This technique was developed by American psychologists E. S. Schaefer and R. K. Bell in 1958 and has been used for more than half a century to study the attitude of parents (but primarily mothers) to various aspects and areas of family life, and in particular in relations with children.

About the script "Methodology for studying parental relationship"

The on-line test "Methodology for the study of parental attitudes" (PARI) consists of 115 judgments. After answering all of them, you will be presented with a detailed diagram with 23 aspects-features that you can analyze.

The analysis of diagrams is carried out as follows: the closer the scale of the diagram to the red field, the more pronounced the "negative" manifestation of the trait. And vice versa, the closer the scale is to the green field, the less pronounced is the “negative” manifestation of the trait. The scale is displayed in red if the "negative" degree of the trait is extremely high.

For example, if the sign "7. Family conflicts" is close to the red field, this indicates a "negative" degree of severity of the trait, which indicates the presence of conflict in family relationships. And vice versa, if the sign "7. Family conflicts” is close to the green field, this indicates a moderate or low conflict in the family.

Signs numbered 1, 14, 15, 21 and "I" have opposite scales, but are analyzed in a similar way. The more pronounced the sign and closer to the green field, the more “positive” the result, and the less pronounced the sign and closer to the red field, the less “positive” the result.

At the end of the test, you will have access to a "permalink" to the test result. Please note that the test results are not saved on the server, therefore, if the link is lost, it will be impossible to restore the results. We recommend that you save a link to the test result after the end of testing.

[Attention!] If you find errors while working with the script, please let us know in , the errors will be corrected.