Synopsis of a tour of the village in golden autumn. Synopsis of the autumn excursion in the senior group of dhow. Didactic game “Which tree leaf?”

Golden autumn

(form of conduct - target walk)

Program content : to form children's interest and love for their native nature, to learn to admire the beauty of autumn trees. To cultivate the ability to observe natural phenomena and establish the simplest connections between them. Enrich the active vocabulary of children with adjectives: mountain ash, birch, linden, maple. To acquaint children with the poetic ideas of the Russian people about autumn.

Lesson progress

caregiver - Look around, what's the weather like today? (Children's answers.)- What season is it?- Why did you decide that autumn has come?What signs of autumn do you know? (Children's answers.)- Listen to a poem about autumn.

Autumn at the edge of the paint bred

On the foliage quietly brushed:

The hazel turned yellow, and the maples blushed,

Even the oak is green in autumn purple.

Autumn consoles: “Do not regret the summer!

Look - the grove is dressed in gold” Z. Fedorovskaya.

What else, besides leaves, changes in autumn in nature? (Children's answers.)

Autumn is different: sad and cheerful, cloudy and sunny.

How do you understand the Russian proverb

"In the autumn bad weather, seven weathers in the yard"

"Autumn-storage - winter-podberikha"

“Father-September is cold, but there is much to feed”? (Children's answers.)- But autumn is beautiful in every moment. Let's remember what trees grow on the site of our kindergarten. (Rowan, birch, poplar, larch, linden.) What happened to the leaves? Listen to how the poet described autumn leaves.

The leaves were flooded with sunshine.

The leaves are soaked in the sun.

They poured, became heavy, Flowed and flew,

Rustled through the bushes

They jumped over the branches.

The wind turns gold

Sounds like golden rain! M. Lesovaya

Educator. What is the name of this golden shower? That's right, it's leaf fall. Very beautiful, right? Look under your feet, everywhere there is a carpet of colorful leaves. Let's find leaves from birch, mountain ash, maple and consider them.

Birch leaves, what kind of leaves? (Birch.) -What color are they? What other leaves are under your feet? (Maple, lime, rowan.) - What color are they?

What is leaf fall?

What autumn months do you know?

What month is it?

November is the last month of autumn.

People call November leafy, semi-winter, because after it comes winter.

There are many proverbs about November.

November is the gate of winter.

November is the twilight of the year.

October is cold, father, and November chilled him too.

In November, the nights are quite dark, because there is no snow yet.

And the signs of the weather also have proverbs.

If the snow falls on the damp ground and does not melt, then in the spring snowdrops will bloom early and together.In November, the snow will inflate - the bread will arrive.

And now let's collect the last leaves together and decorate our group with them.

Project type:

Group, cognitive-research, creative, game.

Implementation timeline:

Mid-term October 2016

Project participants:

children, educators, senior group, parents of pupils.


Autumn is not only slush, piercing cold ... Autumn is the golden crown of trees, crimson and rustling foliage underfoot, Indian summer. And how many interesting things you can learn, thanks to this amazing time. I guess we adults don't see it that way anymore. the world, like our kids - we have lost faith in magic and fairy tales.

We do not try to come up with something interesting and intricate - after all, we barely have enough strength for work and household chores. And for a baby, autumn brings so many wonderful and unusual things. Agree that a trip to the autumn park will be a great adventure for the baby, welcome autumn in kindergarten together. It seems to us, well, what could be so special there? But we are deeply mistaken. For a child, this is an opportunity to look at the world with completely different eyes. He, with the same inquisitive children, will be able to:

Collect herbarium. Say what you like, but collecting a herbarium is an opportunity to give free rein to your imagination. After all, the same leaflet can cause different associations in children. He will remind some of the kids of a gnome, someone of a snail, and someone of a hedgehog. But, the herbarium not only develops imagination, it also allows you to create amazing children's masterpieces. After all, after returning from a walk, the baby will carefully dry his leaves, so that later he can make a gift to his beloved mother.

Relevance project:

A huge role in the environmental education of preschoolers is played by practical, research activities in natural conditions, which in turn contributes to the development of curiosity. One of the definitions of curiosity in the Dictionary of Social Sciences sounds like “active interest in the world around us, in phenomena, in people”, and the task of educators is to develop this “active interest”.

Environmental education will be more effective if you study nature not only from pictures and photographs, but also through the emotional perception of trees, herbs, through direct contact of the child with nature.

In any city, village there are natural objects interesting for observation: trees, grasses, insects, birds. It is better to study them in the process of design and research activities - this is one of the promising and effective methods education and upbringing of children preschool age. Based on a student-centered approach to training and education, it develops cognitive interest, curiosity in various fields of knowledge, forms cooperation skills, practical skills, in this case in the field environmental education.


expand and systematize children's knowledge about autumn, as about the season, its signs and phenomena.


  • deepen. ideas about changes in nature in autumn;
  • develop the ability to observe living objects and phenomena of inanimate nature;
  • draw attention to the surrounding natural objects;
  • develop the ability to see the beauty of the environment natural world, the variety of its colors and forms;
  • replenish and enrich children's knowledge of lexical topics: "Autumn", "Vegetables", "Fruits";
  • to expand the idea of ​​​​the variety and benefits of vegetables and fruits ripening in the autumn;
  • to educate the moral and spiritual qualities of the child during his communication with nature.

Expected results:

  • deepens and expands knowledge about autumn, its signs and gifts;
  • Replenishes vocabulary;
  • develops communication skills and speech, spatial orientation;
  • stimulates cognitive interests and broadens horizons;
  • diversify the ways of cooperation;
  • develops artistic and creative skills.

Activities used:

  • gaming;
  • Reading fiction;
  • Fine;
  • Work;
  • Construction from natural materials.

Project product.

Stage 1.Organizational and preparatory stage.


Selection of material and equipment for classes, conversations, games with children.

Cooperation with parents:

Design of the exhibition on the theme "Colorful autumn", a selection of photographs, literature.

  1. stage. Practical.

Educational areas.

Types of children's activities.


Role-playing games: "Vegetable shop", "Flower shop".

Didactic games: "Life in seeds", "Mushroom clearing", "Winter stocks", "Seasons", "Find out by description", " Miraculous Pouch"," What grows in the garden? ",


Joint decoration of the group for the autumn holiday.

Collection of natural material on a walk.

Feasible assistance in cleaning the leaves from the site.

Herbarium collection.


sensory development: examining and examining dummies and stencils of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, leaves.

Acquaintance with nature:

Conversations " Golden autumn”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Flowers in Autumn”, “Berries”, “Mushrooms”, Autumn Forest”, “Late Autumn”, “Animal and Plant World of the Autumn Forest”;

“The life of nature in autumn”, “How to fill in the calendar of nature?”, “Vegetables and fruits on our table”, “Golden autumn is leaving”;

Excursion to the autumn park.

A cycle of observations: “What blooms on our site in early September?”, “What are flowering plants?”, “Who helped the flowers grow?”, “What happened first, what will happen next?”, “Let's collect the seeds of garden flowers”, "Let's decorate the group, autumn leaves”, “How is spruce different from other trees in autumn?”, “Why do birds fly to people’s homes in autumn?”, “Why have insects disappeared?”


Creative storytelling of children on the topics “We walked on the site”, “What did I see in the park?”

Examining illustrations about autumn, compiling descriptive stories.

Write descriptive stories about fruits and vegetables.

Reading fiction

Proverbs, sayings, riddles about autumn.

Reading and memorizing poems about autumn: Yu. Tuvim "Vegetables", A. Pushkin "Already the sky was breathing in autumn ...", A. K. Tolstoy "Autumn, our entire poor garden is sprinkled ...".

Reading to children: I. Sokolov-Mikitov "Leaf Fall".

Artistic creativity

Painting:“Golden Autumn”, “Apples Ripe in the Garden”, “Rowan Branch”, “It's Raining”, Still Life of Fruit.

Modeling:“Fruits”, For mushrooms in the autumn forest”, “Autumn Carpet”, “Vegetables”.

Application: " Vase with fruit”, “Cucumbers and tomatoes lie on a plate”, “Autumn carpet”, “Mushrooms”, “Bouquet of flowers”, Making postcards, invitations to the autumn holiday.

Construction:"Fungus" (from paper), "Autumn Carpet" (natural material).

Independent artistic activity of children: making volumetric figures vegetables from salt dough, decorating them with watercolors.


Hearing: P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons".

Learning songs about autumn.

Musical fairy tale "Turnip"

Cultural and leisure activities: "Autumn Festival". Competition of readers for the best poem about autumn. Autumn quiz, design of an exhibition of family crafts: “Colorful autumn”.

Stage 3 is the final one.

  • Rewarding participants in the competition of readers for the best poem about autumn. .
  • Encouragement of the participants of the exhibition "Colorful Autumn"
  • Summing up the project.

Appendix No. 1.

  1. A conversation about autumn

expand and systematize children's knowledge about autumn; to teach children to feel the sadness of autumn nature, to answer questions in full sentences; activate the speech of children; develop coherent speech, the ability to use complex and complex sentences; cultivate an aesthetic attitude to the world around

  1. Retelling of the work of V. Chaplina "Forest in Autumn"

exercise children in retelling, conveying the text accurately, consistently; develop memory, thinking; cultivate the ability to listen

  1. Examination and comparison of paintings about autumn by I. Levitan "Golden Autumn", V. Volkov "Autumn"

continue to teach children to carefully examine the paintings of great artists, compare them, and draw their own conclusions; develop observation, interest in landscape painting; to cultivate a sense of beauty in the process of perceiving pictures

  1. Memorizing the poem by N. Egorova "Falling Leaves"

to teach children to expressively read the poem by heart, to convey the calm sadness of autumn nature with intonation, to feel, understand and reproduce the figurative language of the poem; develop an aesthetic perception of literary works; cultivate love for the environment

  1. Reading the work of V. Suteev "Under the mushroom"

continue to teach children to listen carefully and with interest to a fairy tale; develop interest in fiction; cultivate friendliness, caring attitude towards each other riddles about mushrooms

  1. Retelling of the work of Y. Thaits "Picking Mushrooms"

continue to teach children to coherently, consistently and expressively retell a literary work using the author's words and expressions; develop coherent speech; nurture interest in fiction

  1. Conversation on the results of the excursion "Golden Autumn has come to visit us"

continue to teach children meaningful, emotional talk about interesting facts and events; develop speech as a means of communication; to cultivate an aesthetic vision of nature, the desire to protect and love it

  1. Memorizing a poem by A. S. Pushkin “Already the sky was breathing in autumn ...”

to teach children to expressively read a poem by heart, conveying admiration of autumn nature with intonation, to feel, understand and reproduce the figurative language of the poem

  1. Compilation of stories based on poems about autumn

to teach children to compose stories about autumn based on poems by different authors, to use figurative words and expressions in speech; develop creative imagination, monologue speech; cultivate a love of poetry

  1. Examination and comparison of paintings by I. Levitan "Golden Autumn" and "Late Autumn"

continue to teach children to consider the landscapes of great artists consistently and carefully, leading children to an understanding of the content and means of expression; develop emotional responsiveness to the image of the landscape; cultivate an aesthetic taste for art

  1. Drawing up a descriptive story according to the scheme: "Autumn"

continue to teach children to compose descriptive stories according to the reference scheme; develop the ability to clearly, consistently express their thoughts; foster a positive attitude towards children's stories

  1. Memorizing A. Tolstoy's poem "Autumn"

continue to teach children to memorize a poem, read it expressively, with natural intonations, listen to the rhythm and melody of a poetic text; develop figurative speech, memory; cultivate a love of poetry

Our dear mothers and fathers!
We ask you:

- Read to us works about autumn by E. Trutneva “Leaf fall”, I. Bunin “Forest, like a painted tower”, K. Balmont “Merry Autumn”; poems by A. Pleshcheev “Summer has passed” M. Ivensen “Leaves are falling, falling”;
- learn a poem by I. Bunin or A. Tolstoy about autumn
- to consider paintings by Russian and foreign artists about autumn;
- take a walk in the autumn forest, see the fall of the leaves;
- make a bouquet of autumn leaves (for home)
- visit a museum of fine arts or an art gallery;
- go to the forest for mushrooms;
- memorize signs and riddles about autumn;
- read and review the encyclopedia about mushrooms;
- collect seeds of different plants;
- listen to works by Russian and foreign composers about autumn;
- take a photo with your child on the theme: "Autumn Days";
- make crafts from natural materials;

Application №3

E. Trutneva "Autumn";

It suddenly became twice as bright,
Yard in the sun
This dress is golden
At the birch on the shoulders.

At viburnum and rowan
Thrushes are flying in flocks...
Under the dahlia window
Be proud of your beauty.

A. S. Pushkin

Sad time! Oh charm!
I like your farewell beauty
I love the magnificent nature of wilting,
Forests clad in crimson and gold,
In their canopy of the wind noise and fresh breath,
And the heavens are covered with mist,
And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.

A. Fet

The sheets trembled, flying around,
The clouds of the sky covered the beauty
From the field a storm bursting evil
Vomits and mosques and howls in the forest.

Only you, my dear bird,
Svetlogruda, light, small,
Not afraid of the storm alone.

And the roll call thunders,
And the noisy haze is so black...
Only you, my dear bird,
Barely visible in a warm nest.

E. Trutneva "Leaf fall"

Ice crunches underfoot
I can not see anything. Darkness.
And the leaves rustle - invisible,
Flying from every bush.
Autumn walks the roads of summer
Everything is quiet, it's easy to rest.
Only in the sky is festive from the light -
The sky lit up all the constellations! ..
Similar to golden leaves
Stars are falling from the sky... flying...
As if in a dark, starry sky too
Has come autumn leaf fall

I. Bunina "Forest, like a painted tower"

Forest, like a painted tower,
Purple, gold, crimson,
Cheerful, colorful wall
It stands over a bright meadow.
Birches with yellow carving
Shine in blue azure,
Like towers, Christmas trees darken,
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there in the foliage through
Clearances in the sky, that windows.
The forest smells of oak and pine,
During the summer it dried up from the sun,
And Autumn is a quiet widow
He enters his motley tower ...

K. Balmont "Merry Autumn"

the chirping of sparrows,
A thin whistle of tits.
Behind the clouds
No more lightning.
Thunders died at the bottom
Blue skies.
All in purple fire
Golden forest.
The wind ran fast
He shook the brocade.
The color of the mountain ash has turned scarlet,
The song sings to the beam.
In a colorful dream I am for
Ringing string.
Autumn, I love you
Just like Spring.

A. Pleshcheev "Autumn Song"

The summer has passed
Autumn has come.
In fields and groves
Empty and dull.
The birds have flown
The days got shorter
The sun is not visible
Dark, dark nights .

M. Ivensen "Falling, falling leaves"

Falling, falling leaves.
Leaf fall in our garden...
yellow, red leaves
They curl in the wind, they fly.
Birds fly south
Geese, rooks, cranes.
Here is the last flock
Wings flapping in the distance.
Let's take a basket in our hands,
Let's go to the forest for mushrooms
Stumps and paths smell
Delicious autumn mushroom

"Sleepy red cat"

couch potato red cat
lay down his stomach.
I want to eat
but too lazy to turn around.
Here he lies and waits -
maybe the bowl will crawl? ..

S. Pushkin “Already the sky was breathing in autumn ...”

Already the sky was breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less
The day was getting shorter
Forests mysterious canopy
With a sad noise she was naked,
Fog fell on the fields
Geese noisy caravan
Stretched to the south: approaching
Pretty boring time;
November was already at the yard.

A. Pleshcheev "A boring picture"

Boring picture!
Clouds without end
The rain is pouring down
Puddles on the porch...
stunted rowan
Wet under the window
Looks village
Gray spot.
What are you visiting early
Autumn, come to us?
Still asks the heart
Light and warmth!

K. Balmont "Autumn"

Cowberry ripens
The days got colder
And from the bird's cry
My heart became sadder.

Flocks of birds fly away
Away, beyond the blue sea.
All the trees are shining
In multi-colored attire.

The sun laughs less
There is no incense in flowers.
Autumn will wake up soon
And cry awake.

A. Tolstoy "Autumn"

Autumn. All our poor garden is sprinkled,
Yellowed leaves fly in the wind;
Only in the distance they flaunt, there at the bottom of the valleys,
Brushes are bright red withering mountain ash.
Joyful and sorrowful to my heart,
Silently I warm your little hands and press,
Looking into your eyes, silently pouring tears,
I can't express how much I love you.

V. Suteev "Under the mushroom"

Somehow the Ant caught a heavy rain.

Where to hide?

The Ant saw a small fungus in the clearing, ran to it and hid under its hat. Sitting under a mushroom - waiting for the rain.

And the rain keeps getting stronger and stronger...

A wet butterfly crawls to the mushroom:

- Ant, Ant, let me get under the fungus! I got wet - I can't fly!
"Where am I going to take you?" the ant says. “I just sort of fit in here.
- Nothing! In crowded but not mad.

The Ant let the Butterfly under the fungus.

And the rain is getting worse...

The mouse runs past:

- Let me go under the fungus! Water flows from me. "Where are we going to take you?" There is no place here.
- Move a little!

They made room - they let the Mouse under the fungus. And the rain keeps pouring and doesn't stop...

Sparrow jumps past the mushroom and cries:

- Wet feathers, tired wings! Let me dry under the fungus, relax, wait out the rain!
- There is no place.
— Move over, please!
- Okay.

Moved - Sparrow found a place. And then the Hare jumped out into the clearing, saw a mushroom.

- Hide, - shouts, - save! The Fox is chasing me! .. - It's a pity for the Hare, - says the Ant. - Let's push some more.

They just hid the Hare - the Fox came running.

Have you seen a hare? he asks.
- Did not see.

Lisa came closer, sniffed:

Isn't that where he hid?
- Where can he hide?

Lisa waved her tail and left.

By that time the rain had passed and the sun was out. Everyone crawled out from under the mushroom - the Ant thought and said:

- How so? Previously, it was crowded for me alone under the mushroom, but now there was a place for all five!
— Kwa-ha-ha! Qua-ha-ha! someone laughed.

Everyone looked: a Frog sits on a mushroom cap and laughs:

- Oh, you! Mushroom something...

She didn't say it and ran off.

Everyone looked at the mushroom and then guessed why at first it was crowded under the mushroom for one, and then there was a place for five.

Creative research project

"Golden autumn"


AT modern world problems of the ecological environment have become of paramount importance. Therefore, the task of broader environmental education and education of the entire population of the planet Earth has become especially acute.

One of the most important conditions for solving the problems of environmental education is the organization of an environmental development environment, where from an early age we independently learn about the world around us, highlight the connections and dependencies that exist in nature, actively take a position in relation to natural objects - to help, protect, take care.

It is from the point of view of environmental education subject environment should create conditions for: cognitive development, environmental development, health improvement, formation moral qualities, the formation of environmentally competent behavior, the formation of an aesthetic perception of the world; development creativity, fine motor skills in preschoolers, which contributes to the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities.

Project type: creative research, group, short-term.

Children's age: 5 - 6 years

Duration: 1 Week

Project participants: children of the senior group, educators of the group, music director, parents

Objective of the project:

find out children's ideas about seasonal changes in nature;

be interested in the problem;

to observe changes in inanimate nature, in the life of animals, birds, plants in autumn;

to form research abilities in the process of studying;

Project objectives:


to form in children ideas about seasonal changes in nature;

to form generalized methods of mental activity and means of constructing one's own cognitive activity.


develop mental operations of comparison and generalization;

to develop a cognitive interest in all living things, a desire to gain new knowledge from books; curiosity, observation, fantasy;

to acquire experience in research activities by children, to form the ability to realize interests;

develop motivation for healthy lifestyle life.


educate an emotional attitude to nature;

to cultivate love for nature, the desire to protect it, protect it.


Ecological education of preschoolers is not just a tribute to the "fashionable" direction in pedagogy. This is the education in children of the ability to understand and love the world around them and take care of it. It must be remembered that often careless. And sometimes the cruel attitude of children to nature is explained by their lack of necessary knowledge.

Children who feel nature: the breath of plants, the aromas of flowers, the rustle of grass, the singing of birds, will no longer be able to destroy this beauty. On the contrary, they have a need to help these creatures live, to love them, to communicate with them. From birth, a child is a discoverer, an explorer of the world that surrounds him. And especially a preschooler.

A Chinese proverb says: "Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, touch me and I will understand." So the child learns everything firmly and for a long time, when he hears, sees and does it himself. Therefore, design and research activities have taken their place in the system of work in kindergarten, because every child is a little explorer who discovers the world around him with joy and surprise. The child strives for vigorous activity, it is important not to let this desire fade away, to promote its further development. The fuller and more varied children's activities, the more successful the child's development is, the first creative manifestations are realized.

Implementation form:

didactic, communicative;

finger, sedentary games;

directly educational activities;

viewing illustrations, postcards;

using a DVD to watch a presentation about autumn;

work with parents.

Equipment: music on the theme "Autumn", poems on the autumn theme, fruits and vegetables, napkins, paints, autumn illustrations, children's crafts on the theme "Autumn", balls, leaves, autumn meadow.

Final product: entertainment " autumn chest”, an exhibition of crafts from vegetables “Funny crafts from vegetables”, an exhibition of crafts from leaves “Magic Leaf”, an exhibition “Gifts of Autumn”, a photo newspaper “Golden Autumn Swirled”

Expected results:

- cognitive development: expansion of knowledge about seasonal changes in nature, about their causes;

- speech development: activation and enrichment of the vocabulary of children on the topic of the project, the formation of the ability to correctly formulate sentences, compose stories based on the proposed material;

- socio-communicative development: the formation in children of a responsible attitude to nature as the basis of environmental conditions of life;

- artistic and aesthetic development: achieving a positive emotional response in children when they get acquainted with works of art and music, reflecting their emotions in their own visual activity;

- physical development: improving the emotional, psychological, physical well-being of children.

Stages of work on the project:

Preparatory stage:

Planning joint work with children, teachers and parents:


Selection of material and equipment for classes, conversations, games with children.

Determination of the content of the activities of all project participants.

Cooperation with parents:

Participation in the exhibition of works on the theme of autumn, literature.

Learning poems about autumn.

Conversations with parents about necessary participation, about serious attitude to the educational process in the preschool educational institution.

Main stage:

Activities for working with children:

Reading fiction, presentations, conversations, direct educational activities, observations, drawing, appliqué, modeling,

didactic games, finger games, physical. minutes, outdoor games.

Reading fiction:

"Brave honey agaric" E. Shim, "Mushroom pharmacy A. Lopatin

"Autumn" T. Skrebitsky

M. Prishvin "Leaf fall", "Autumn leaves"

O. Ivanenko "Good night"

I. Sokolov - Mikitov "Leaf Fall"

K. Balmont "Autumn"

I. A. Bunin “Already the sky was breathing in autumn ...”

I. A. Bunin "Forest, like a painted tower ..."

Didactic games:

“Mushroom clearing”, “Find the most beautiful leaf”, “Recognize a tree by a leaf”, “A word about autumn”, “Yes or no”, “Vegetables”.

Application:"Autumn carpet", "Leaf fall"

Modeling:"Mushroom meadow"

Painting:"Autumn forest"

Observations behind the autumn nature

Interaction with parents

Collection of natural material

excursions with your children to the forest,

participation in the exhibition "Gifts of Autumn", "Magic Leaf", Funny crafts from vegetables"

joint drawing with children on the theme of the project.

Design of an exhibition of children's works;

Design of the exhibition - competition "Magic leaf;

Design of the photo newspaper “Golden Autumn Swirled”;

Design of the exhibition "Gifts of Autumn";

Entertainment "Autumn chest".

Evaluation of project results.

During the implementation of the project, the following results were achieved:

Children have a joyful mood;

An interest has been formed in joint creativity, in the manufacture of crafts from natural materials;

Established partnerships between children and parents through joint activities;

Deepened knowledge of nature, strengthened the idea of ​​the need careful attitude to her, knowledge about autumn and its sign deepened;

Improved the ability to carry out experimental activities,

Software content.

Summarize and concretize children's ideas about the park in early autumn.


  • To teach to perceive the beauty of nature and develop a culture of his feelings.
  • To develop in children the ability to establish connections between changes in inanimate nature and the state of plants and animals to these changes (with a decrease in temperature, there are fewer insects, birds, animals; plants have dried up and no longer grow, trees have thrown off their leaves, etc.)
  • Raise interest in observing the phenomena occurring in environment(nature, people)
  • Vocabulary enrichment (ocher, crimson, motley, drake, etc.)

Baskets, bags, buckets (to collect natural material), bird food.

Preliminary work:

  • Reading fiction (“Four Artists” G. Skrebitsky; “Yellow Light”, “Farewell to Summer”, “What Rains Are” K. G. Paustovsky; “Autumn in the Forest”, “Autumn on the Threshold”, “September”, N. I. Sladkov; Blueberry Jam by G. Ya. Snegirev; Red Leaves by N. M. Gribachev; Ducks and Ice by V. Chirkov, etc.)
  • Examination of paintings and illustrations (I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn", I.E. Grabar "September Snow", works by K.F. Yuon, I.I. Shishkin, A.K. Savrasov and others)
  • Recommendation to parents: visit the park on the day off.

Course progress.

Introductory part.

AT.: “Guys, today we will go to the park to visit the Golden Autumn. We will observe, then what changes have already occurred with nature at this time of the year. Let's remember how to behave on the street?
(to follow the teacher in a group, without overtaking him and not stretching, at the first sign of the teacher, you need to stop and be silent, continue moving with the permission of the teacher, etc.)
AT.: Well done.
They go to the park. Along the way, you can draw the attention of children to the street and passers-by (people are warmly dressed, some have an umbrella in their hands, there are leaves, puddles on the street, etc.)
At the entrance to the park:
AT.: "And now guys tell me how to behave in nature?"
(talk quietly, ask questions to the educator in an undertone, you should not tear the plants unnecessarily, during the task the group diverges within the educator's line of sight, take care of natural objects: anthills, bird nests, animal minks, etc. e)

Main part.

AT.: “Look guys, how beautiful it is around. Tell me, what words can you say about autumn? What is she?
(golden, gloomy, rainy, bright, etc.)
AT.: Good. Now listen to how the poet Ivan Bunin said about autumn in the poem "Falling Leaves"

Forest, like a painted tower,
Purple, gold, crimson,
Cheerful, colorful wall
It stands over a bright meadow.
Birches with yellow carving
Shine in blue azure,
Like towers, Christmas trees darken,
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there in the foliage through
Clearances in the sky, that windows.
The forest smells of oak and pine,
During the summer it dried up from the sun,
And Autumn is a quiet widow
He enters his motley tower ...

And really, look guys, how bright and beautiful our park has become. What colors did autumn turn the leaves of the trees?
(red, yellow, brown, orange, etc.)
AT.: Correctly. And all the leaves are not only different in color, but also in size: they are large, small, medium; and in shape: triangular, oblong, round.

Leaves fall, fly. And rustle and rustle.
They get stuck in the hoods and in the pockets of the guys.

Let's. Guys, let's find the biggest leaf.
(children look for and carry large leaves, choose the largest one)
AT.: What tree leaf is this from?
(either maple or chestnut)
AT.: Correctly. Now let's find the smallest leaf. What tree is it from?
(or birch, linden)
AT.: Good. Well done. And now, let's stop and try not only to watch Autumn, but also to listen. Let's be quiet and listen carefully. What did you hear?
(the rustle of leaves, the sound of the wind, maybe the sound of rain, the cries of birds, etc.)
AT.: Well done! And now let's go to the pond and see what has become of its inhabitants.
Ducks swim in the pond.
AT.: Guys who is swimming?
Let's feed them and watch. What are they doing?
(chasing each other, splashing, eating, quacking, etc.)
And who knows who is the duck and who is the drake?
(the drake has a bright color)
Correctly. The duck has a discreet gray color, and the drake has a brighter color. Look how bright he has a "scarf" on his head.
Listen to how the poet A. Ray wrote about ducks

Ooty-ooty-ducks -
white breasts,
twisted feathers,
The paws are chiseled.
Ducks swim in the pond
I'm going to them with a hotel -
Soft white bread.
Swim boldly!

It's time for us to return to Kindergarten. Let's say goodbye to ducks.
(say goodbye)
Now let's on way back we will collect the most beautiful leaves, acorns, cones, chestnuts, etc. to decorate our Autumn holiday.
Well done, how many gifts of Autumn we have collected. And now let's not freeze, let's play the game "Gnome".

Rain, rain outside the window
(Jumping in place)
Gnome left in the rain
Hurry up stop the rain
(Look up, stretch your arms)
We can't walk
(March in circles)

Final part.
AT.: So our excursion to the park ended. Say goodbye to our good friend the park.
(say goodbye)
We will definitely decorate our music hall beautifully for the holiday and we will definitely draw ducks and drakes.

In the group, the teacher and the children remember what they saw in the park, whom they met and choose who they will decorate with a duck or a drake. From the collected natural material, jewelry is made together with children, while the leaves are used in the Hello, Golden Autumn holiday in a dance with leaves.

Completed: Safonova S. N.

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