How much does the pregnant belly grow. Additional factors for abdominal growth during pregnancy. Why is it necessary to measure the circumference of the abdomen during pregnancy

Upon learning of the pregnancy future mom she certainly wants to know when her tummy will start to grow. This issue is of particular concern to primiparous women. After all, this is a completely new state for them, sensations, and you need to determine exactly when you should update your wardrobe.

So, let's find out what affects the increase in the parameters of the abdomen, how it grows week by week, how its growth differs with multiple pregnancy And why does the stomach need a bandage.

Growing belly or uterus?

Various women's forums are full of revelations that in some women the belly begins to grow from the fifth weeks of pregnancy, for others - from the tenth, and for others, roundness becomes visible to others at thirty weeks. But the key word in these revelations is precisely “stomach”. And it grows and not in pregnant women from overeating,. Therefore, future mothers who claim that their tummy grows already in the first weeks of pregnancy confuse the “belly” with the uterus. It is growing at an accelerated pace from the 16th week of pregnancy, but already from the 20th, those around you can really visually determine the interesting position of the lady by the rounded belly. By the way, the angle of protrusion of the uterus largely depends on how the baby is located inside, on the structural features of the pelvis and the elasticity of its abdominal wall.

What determines the size of the abdomen during pregnancy?

For each woman, the beginning of the growth of the tummy, or rather the size of the uterus, is purely individual. It depends on many factors. The first of them is what kind of pregnancy a woman has. If it is the first, then the rounding of the tummy becomes visible for a period of four to five months. During the second pregnancy, the abdominal muscles are already stretched, so the tummy appears earlier. The roundness of the abdomen also depends on the structure of the pelvis. So, in ladies with a narrow pelvis, it is visible much earlier, with a wide one - later.

Another parameter that affects the beginning of the appearance of the tummy is the activity of a woman. If she plays sports or is a professional athlete, then the roundness of the tummy is drawn by the third trimester. And then when dressed in tight, tight clothes. The opinion that the roundness of the abdomen depends on the size and weight of the fetus is erroneous. In fact, little depends on these factors. After all, all babies in the womb of mom until the third trimester grow and develop in approximately the same way.

How do doctors record the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy?

The gynecologist observing the woman after registration regularly measures the size of her uterus. From this period, he monitors the intrauterine development of the unborn child. In this case, the size of the uterus is measured using a centimeter tape. To do this, a pregnant woman simply lies down on a couch in the office, and the doctor measures the length of the female reproductive organ. You should know that in the physiological (normal) course of pregnancy, the length of the uterus corresponds to the number of weeks. For example, at 12 weeks, the height of the uterus is 12 centimeters. And at this time, it is too early to talk about a noticeable rounding of the tummy of the expectant mother. By the way, the observing doctor also measures the circumference of the abdomen. He enters these indicators into the woman's medical record.

It should be borne in mind that the circumference of the abdomen is a variable indicator. It depends on the location of the fetus in the uterus, the number amniotic fluid, and largely from the fat layer of the abdomen.

Growth parameters of the uterus and abdomen during pregnancy

The expectant mother should know that the uterus is constantly growing, only visually its rounding begins to be noticeable at certain times. How does the uterus increase by week of pregnancy? At what pace?

It goes something like this. At 4 weeks pregnant, it resembles the size of a chicken egg. At week 8, its size increases to the size of a goose egg. From a man's fist, the uterus "looks" at 12 weeks. Then its bottom reaches the upper point of the pubic articulation. By the time of 16 weeks of pregnancy, the bottom of the uterus is determined in the middle between the navel and the pubis. At 24 weeks, the bottom of the uterus is at the level of the navel, already 4 cm above it at 28 weeks, and at 32 weeks, the bottom is between the navel and the xiphoid process. The uterus reaches this process at 36 weeks, and at 40 it falls.

As for the growth of the abdomen itself in an interesting position, there are almost no changes with it until the period of 12 weeks. In the first trimester, a small embryo is well protected by the bones of the small pelvis from outside influences. Further, from 12 to 16 weeks, the growth of the tummy of a pregnant woman can be determined by a friend, mother, colleague, in a word, those people who constantly communicate with a woman and know her usual parameters. If a woman is thin, then, of course, roundness will be more noticeable. Starting from the 17th to the 20th week of the term, the tummy is already visible to everyone around. Especially if the woman's clothes are tight. As a rule, at this time, expectant mothers visit stores or departments for pregnant women in order to update their wardrobe.

After 20 weeks of bearing a child, pregnancy can no longer be hidden from others. The exception is very plump women or those who wear very loose clothing.

Usually, after the 28th week of the term, the expectant mother again updates her wardrobe, since the clothes are already becoming too tight for her. A rounded tummy urgently requires spacious, special, comfortable clothing.

When does the belly start growing in pregnant twins?

What if the mother is carrying twins? When in this case does her tummy begin to round?

Yes, the question is relevant, since the terms differ significantly from a singleton pregnancy. So, when carrying twins, the rounding of the tummy becomes visible already in the first trimester. The uterus with multiple pregnancy begins to increase 4 weeks earlier. The general weight gain of such a mother also makes itself felt. But worry about big belly and thinking that you will have twins or triplets is not worth it if this was not determined by ultrasound. The reason for the significant increase in your tummy may simply be a large amount of amniotic fluid. Or perhaps the date of birth is simply incorrectly calculated, that is, an error in the gestational age.

Factors affecting the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy

So, what factors influence the beginning of the rounding of your tummy?

First of all, it is heredity. Ask your mother how she bore you when her stomach became noticeable. In most cases, women repeat the scenario of their mothers' pregnancy.

The constitution of a woman also affects the beginning of rounding: height, physique, weight. In miniature ladies, the rounding of the tummy is more noticeable, in curvy ones it is much less.

Significantly affects the growth of the abdomen and the overall weight gain, or rather the advice of grandmothers is for two. Essentially, this malnutrition becomes the reason that a woman "sorts out" the rate of weight gain during the period of bearing an unborn child.

It happens that the size of the fetus is large, and this is stated by ultrasound. Then, of course, the roundness of the abdomen will be visible earlier than usual. By the way, in our time, cases of the birth of large children have become more frequent.

The type of presentation is also a factor affecting the visibility of the growth of the abdomen. If the baby is in the area closer to the spine, the tummy will not be so noticeable, and when it lies closer to the front wall of the uterus, then the tummy will visually grow earlier.

Bandage and growing belly

Expectant mothers should not worry about the beginning of the growth of their tummy. It grows for itself and let it grow, round. Much more important is how you feel about it. So, a solid belly is always considered a risk factor due to the possible occurrence of uterine tone. And because of the stretching of the skin on the abdominal wall, scars begin to appear, that is, stretch marks. That is why doctors advise, and sometimes strongly recommend, pregnant women not to overdo it with food for two and wear a bandage. It should be bought at the beginning of the growth of the tummy. prenatal bandage it will protect the skin from stretch marks, slightly reduce the load on the spinal column, and fix the child in the correct position.

Bandages come in the form of panties with a high waist or a belt with a clasp. When buying a bandage, first try it on, choose the most convenient model.

It should also be taken into account that the appearance of stretch marks with the growth of the abdomen must be prevented. For this purpose, special gels, creams should be used that moisturize the skin and improve blood circulation. good remedy prevention of stretch marks when rounding the tummy is a contrast shower.

So, the rounding and growth of the abdomen during pregnancy is, first of all, an increase in the uterus and its “pet”. It does not matter when your tummy will be visible to those around you, the main thing is that you feel comfortable and healthy at the same time!

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

Why does one pregnant woman have a belly very early, and the second may well hide her pregnancy almost until maternity leave? What causes the belly to enlarge during pregnancy? Mainly due to the growth of the fetus, uterus and an increase in the amount of amniotic fluid.

More often belly starts to grow from the 12th week of pregnancy, and others will be able to clearly notice your interesting position only from the 20th week. However, everything is strictly individual, there is absolutely no exact definition of the timing of the appearance of the abdomen, it is simply impossible to predict.

The size of the uterus during pregnancy

The increase in the size of the uterus occurs throughout pregnancy.

Before 12 weeks pregnant the uterus is completely in the small pelvis, although its dimensions already correspond to the size of the head of the newborn. After 12 weeks, the enlarged uterus is clearly palpable through the anterior abdominal wall in the lower abdomen, just above the pubis. As time goes on, it rises higher and higher.

IN 16 weeks pregnant the bottom of the uterus (upper convex part of the uterus) is located in the middle of the distance between the pubis and the navel.

IN 20 weeks pregnant the bottom of the uterus is 2 transverse fingers below the navel. At this time, the tummy is already noticeably enlarged; it can be seen with the naked eye, even if the expectant mother is dressed.

IN 24 weeks pregnant the bottom of the uterus is at the level of the navel.

At 28 weeks fundus of uterus determined 2-3 fingers above the navel.

IN 32 weeks pregnant the bottom of the uterus is located in the middle between the navel and the xiphoid process of the sternum (the part of the sternum that forms its lower, free end), the navel begins to smooth out.

IN 38 weeks pregnant uterine fundus rises to the xiphoid process and costal arches - this is the highest level of standing of the bottom of the uterus, the navel protrudes.

By the end of pregnancy, the reverse process begins: when the child prepares for childbirth and rushes into the pelvic area, the uterus descends.

At 40 weeks fundus of uterus descends to the middle of the distance between the umbilicus and the xiphoid process. With the same level of standing of the fundus of the uterus, at the 32nd and 40th weeks of pregnancy, its dimensions differ in the circumference of the abdomen by 8–10 cm.

How does the fetus grow?

The growth of the uterus is primarily determined by the growth of the fetus inside it. Currently, thanks to ultrasound, doctors are able to directly monitor the growth of the fetus in the uterus.

So, at the 12th week of pregnancy, the length of the fetus is 6-7 cm, body weight is 20-25 g.
IN 20 weeks pregnant the length of the fetus already reaches 25-26 cm, weight - 280-300 g.
IN 28 weeks pregnant the length of the fetus is 35 cm, body weight - 1000-1200 g.
IN 32 weeks pregnant the length of the fetus reaches 40-42 cm, body weight - 1500-1700 g.
IN 36 weeks pregnant these figures are 45–48 cm and 2400–2500 g, respectively.

Body mass full-term fetus by the time of birth is 2600-5000 g, length - 48-54 cm.

Fetal growth in the uterus and an increase in the amount of amniotic fluid, the doctor controls at each appointment of a pregnant woman using external obstetric examination techniques. The woman lies on her back, her legs are straight, bladder must be emptied before testing. The doctor measures with a centimeter tape the distance from the upper edge of the pubic joint to the most prominent part of the fundus of the uterus, determining the height of the fundus of the uterus (VDM), as well as the circumference of the abdomen at the level of the navel (OC). Measurements help to navigate the rate of growth of the abdomen. Approximately the height of the uterine fundus in centimeters corresponds to the gestational age in weeks. The circumference of the abdomen depends on many factors, primarily on the constitution of a woman and her weight. An increase in the circumference of the abdomen and weight gain are in direct proportion. On average, the circumference of the abdomen changes by 1 cm every week, starting from 20 weeks pregnant.

The average height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen in women with normal body weight before pregnancy

The size of the abdomen and its "visibility" to others is determined not only by the size of the fetus, the weight of the pregnant woman and the amount of amniotic fluid. There are a number of additional factors that affect the size and timing of the appearance of the abdomen:

  1. The physique of a woman: thin and short belly is much more noticeable than tall and full.
  2. Number of pregnancies: in multiparous, the belly appears earlier and grows faster in the first half of pregnancy, in the future, the growth rate of the belly is compared with primiparous.
  3. Number of fetuses: with multiple pregnancy, the size of the abdomen is significantly ahead of the norm.

The shape of the abdomen late pregnancy has some features. In a normal pregnancy and the correct position of the fetus before childbirth, the abdomen is ovoid; with polyhydramnios, it becomes spherical, and with the transverse position of the fetus, it takes the form of a transverse oval. In nulliparous women with a narrow pelvis, the belly is pointed, pointed upwards, in multiparous women it is pendulous.

Enlargement of the uterus

Normally, the rate of increase in the uterus, and hence the growth of the abdomen, usually strictly corresponds to the gestational age. A change in the rate of uterine enlargement can serve as an indicator of various complications of pregnancy, maternal and fetal pathology. If at the next appointment the doctor finds that the height of the uterine fundus does not correspond to the gestational age, he prescribes additional studies, primarily ultrasound, to clarify the causes of this condition.
If the size of the abdomen is less than the expected gestational age, then this may indicate an incorrect determination of the gestational age and the following pathologies:

  1. Fetal growth retardation due to placental insufficiency. With this pathology, the baby is born even with timely delivery weighing less than 2500 g, he is weakened, more susceptible to various diseases, and in the future may lag behind in mental and physical development.
  2. oligohydramnios. His possible reasons- malformations of the fetus, arterial hypertension(persistent increase in blood pressure), placental insufficiency (impaired function of the placenta, leading to developmental delay and oxygen starvation of the fetus).
  3. genetically determined fetal growth retardation often combined with other congenital malformations and oligohydramnios.
  4. transverse fetal position and low location of the fetus (one of the signs of a threatened abortion).

The size of the uterus more than the expected gestational age occurs under the following conditions:

  1. Multiple pregnancy. Polyhydramnios, which can be caused by infection, diabetes mellitus, Rh conflict (when antibodies against Rh-positive erythrocytes of the fetus are produced in the body of an Rh-negative mother), abnormalities in the development of the fetus.
  2. Large fruit. May be a consequence of both genetic characteristics and gestational diabetes.
  3. chorionepithelioma or hydatidiform mole . This is a tumor of the placental tissue, which is a large number of small vesicles. With such a tumor, the fetus dies, and the mother needs mandatory treatment.
  4. breech presentation fetus- a variant of the location of the fetus in the uterus, in which its pelvic end is at the bottom, it is presented to the entrance to the woman's small pelvis.

Whatever the size and shape of your belly, it deserves maximum care and attention. In no case should you tighten the emerging tummy with tight clothing. Any pressure on the abdomen increases the load on the uterine muscle, increasing the risk of a threat of interruption, and prolonged vasospasm slows down blood circulation, reducing the supply of oxygen to the fetus, which can cause insufficient weight gain and developmental delay. Try not to wear clothes with a belt, choose trousers and skirts with straps or suspenders, give preference to special tights with an allowance for the stomach, refuse tight elastic details.

Skin on the abdomen during pregnancy expands as it grows gestational age. If the belly enlarges quickly, it can lead to stretch marks or pregnancy scarring. Hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman lead to a violation of the synthesis of two of the most important components of the skin: collagen and elastin polymer proteins. These substances give the skin the qualities of rubber - extensibility, contractility and elasticity. With their lack, the skin begins to thin, especially in places subject to the greatest stretching, which in turn leads to the appearance of intradermal tears.

The body quickly restores the lost integrity by “smearing the cracks” with connective tissue, as a result, striae of pregnant women appear on the surface of the skin (or stretch marks during pregnancy). They look like reddish stripes, sometimes slightly rising above the surface of the skin, localized on the mammary glands, lateral surfaces of the abdomen and thighs. A pregnant woman may experience itching sensations and pressure, which indicates stretching of the skin. During pregnancy and immediately after childbirth, stretch marks are red, as they contain blood vessels, and then turn white, thinner, but rarely disappear completely.

To prevent the formation of stretch marks, the correct skin care during pregnancy. Regularly use special lotions or creams designed for pregnant women, especially after bathing and showering. Such products contain vitamins A and E, substances that improve blood circulation and moisturize the skin, as well as increase the formation of substances such as collagen and elastin in the skin. For prevention, they need to be applied to places that are especially prone to stretch marks, at least twice a day from the third month of pregnancy. This will not protect against stretch marks at all, but will reduce the risk of their formation and relieve skin irritation. Remember that firmness and elasticity of the skin does not increase immediately. The desired effect will appear only after a couple of months.

Massage during pregnancy

The use of cosmetics for elastic skin is well combined with a simple massage: you should stroke your stomach in a circular motion and pinch the skin of problem areas, i.e. along the periphery of the abdomen and on the thighs. You can use a small brush or a massage glove. Massage during pregnancy improves blood circulation and stimulates blood flow to the skin, which helps to strengthen it. However, with the threat of abortion, such a massage is contraindicated, as it can increase the tone of the uterus.

Nutrition during pregnancy

Switch to a balanced diet and take prenatal vitamins. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, you need to eat more protein-rich foods. First of all, it is meat, milk, butter, eggs. Protein is the main source of collagen and elastin formation in the skin.

Bandage for pregnant women

From the 5-6th month of pregnancy, when the active growth of the abdomen begins, doctors recommend wearing bandage. This is a special belt for holding the anterior abdominal wall and internal organs in a normal position. The bandage helps a pregnant woman feel better and recover faster after childbirth.

The bandage is needed not only to preserve beauty and health, it helps to maintain the quality of life to which you are accustomed. With each month of pregnancy, the load on the spine, back muscles and anterior abdominal wall pregnant woman is growing. This leads to frequent back pain, fatigue. A properly selected bandage provides support for the abdominal muscles without squeezing it, evenly distributes the load on the spine and back muscles, relieving constant back pain. In addition, it protects the skin of the abdomen and thighs from overstretching, preventing the appearance of stretch marks. It also reduces the burden on internal organs, including the bladder, relieving a woman from the constant urge to urinate.

Bandage It is recommended to wear from the moment of pregnancy, when there is an active growth of the fetus and, accordingly, the abdomen. For most women this happens around 20th week of pregnancy, some later. For example, in women expecting twins, indications for wearing a bandage may occur before 20 weeks. The use of a bandage is recommended regardless of the size of the abdomen - as soon as it begins to grow.

Usually, when recommending a bandage, the doctor will help you choose the right size. If you select the size yourself, ask a consultant at the point of sale for help. The bandage-belt is selected as follows: you need to measure the circumference of the hips under the stomach with a centimeter tape - this figure will be bandage size.

With a hip circumference of 85–95 cm, bandage size it will be 90 (or 1st), with a circumference of 95–105 cm, respectively, 100 (or 2nd), more than 105–115 cm - 110 (or 3rd). Some manufacturers recommend choosing a bandage based on the circumference of both hips and waist. The number of sizes in the line can then reach 6. Sometimes the size of the bandages-belts is indicated by Latin letters or the usual numbers of clothing sizes, in this case the size of the bandage corresponds to the size of the clothes before pregnancy: S (42-44), M (46-48), L ( 50-52), XL (52-54), XXL (56 and above). To find out the size of the bandage-panties, you should add one more size to the "pre-pregnant" size of the underwear.
The doctor should show how to put on the bandage correctly, since the illustrations on the packages are not always correct. Often, underwear is worn too high on the model (in this case, it can squeeze the fetus).

How to wear a bandage

It is necessary to put on a bandage lying on your back, slightly raising your hips - in this position, the fetus does not press on the anterior abdominal wall, it is higher. When a woman is standing, the uterus descends under its own weight, and fixing it in this position will only exacerbate the problems that the bandage is designed to deal with. It is also more convenient to remove the bandage while lying down. It’s quite difficult to follow the “take off and put on lying down” rule outside the home. In case there is nowhere to lie down, lean back, slightly raise your stomach with your hand and press it, then immediately fix this position with a bandage. It is better to wear a bandage on underwear, it allows you to feel more comfortable and prolong its service life.

A properly worn brace should not exert excessive pressure. The bandage-belt is put on obliquely: at the top along the lower back, the upper part of the buttocks, then goes down under the stomach, resting on the hips, and in front captures the pubic bone. If the bandage is put on correctly, then after a while the woman stops noticing it, feeling it on herself. The forward valve of a bandage belt is clasped lying. The tension of the bandage is adjusted while standing, with side valves. In the future, the side valves do not need to be unfastened and fastened daily, only as the abdomen grows, the degree of tension of the bandage should also be adjusted.

The feeling of discomfort will tell you that the bandage is sitting somehow wrong. However, often during the first 2-3 days it is necessary to get used to the new sensations, only after that the stay in the bandage will become more comfortable. When wearing a bandage, every 3-4 hours you need to take a break of 40 minutes. The bandage must be removed when the expectant mother goes to bed at night or relax during the day.

Belly growth during pregnancy is very individual. Unlike weight gain, most often the woman herself cannot regulate the rate of growth of the abdomen in any way, only observe. However, uniform correct height abdomen is one of the indicators of the normal course of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, quite significant changes in the body occur, but one of the most noticeable is the growth of the abdomen. And according to what laws does it grow, because the doctor always evaluates its size at appointments and writes them down on a card? Why do you need to know the size of the abdomen and monitor its growth? It would seem that the growth of the abdomen occurs because a child grows inside it, and in theory, everything should happen in exactly the same way, since pregnancy lasts for everyone the same period - nine months. However, everything is not so simple and during pregnancy there are certain features in the increase in the size of the belly, the knowledge of which can help both the doctor and the patients.

Why is the belly growing?

Of course, several factors are involved in its growth at once - this is the growth of the fetus, and the growth of the uterus itself, an increase in the volume of amniotic fluid and even the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, therefore it is necessary to talk about the features of the change over time of each of the parameters and approximately find out what size the belly is you should have.

Fetal growth.

The fetus in the uterine cavity is actively growing and developing week by week, this is determined by probing the uterus and its size, as well as using modern methods diagnostics - ultrasound scanning of the fetus. In the early stages, the dimensions of the fetus are determined using a transvaginal sensor inserted into the woman's vagina, and the fetal egg, depending on the resolution of the apparatus, can be determined in terms of two to three weeks of its development, that is, counting from the beginning last menstrual period terms will be 5-6 weeks. At this time, your little one is still very tiny, about 2-4 mm, and it is too early to look for signs of your belly getting fatter. By the tenth week of pregnancy, your little one will grow five times and reach a size of about 22-25 mm, which so far will also not affect your figure in any way. Now he will begin to grow simply at cosmic speed, by 12 weeks reaching a size of 6-7 cm, and already weighs about 25 grams. But while the uterus is still located in the pelvic area and the circumference of the abdomen does not change, the uterus can be felt near the pubis as a small and dense bulge.

By the time of 16 weeks, the tummy will slowly increase in size, as the baby will reach a height of about 12 centimeters, and will already weigh about 100 grams. In the middle of pregnancy, at week 20, the growth of the fetus is already about 25 cm, your tummy is already contoured, the baby weighs about 300 g. At week 24, the baby reaches a height of 30-32 cm, and already weighs about 700 g, at week 28 he will grow another five centimeters and gain weight up to a kilogram or a little more. By the time of 32 weeks of pregnancy, the growth of the fetus is about 40 cm, the weight of the child can be about one and a half kilograms, your tummy is already clearly visible to everyone around. By week 36, your belly will reach its maximum size, at which time the fetus will grow to 47-48 cm, and weigh up to 2500 kg or more. At the time of birth at forty weeks, the baby will still grow up - on average, full-term babies are born with a height of about 50-54 cm and a weight of 2.8 kg to 4 kg or more.

Uterine growth.

The uterus gradually grows throughout pregnancy and reaches, by the end of pregnancy, sizes that are more than ten times larger than its original size. In the first weeks, the size of the uterus is no more than the size of an average pear, by the end of the 10th week it triples and acquires rounded shapes. In a rounded state, it stays up to about 20 weeks, then gradually takes on the shape of an oval, with a pointed end at the bottom, in the vaginal area, where the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200blocated. By the end of pregnancy, the uterus weighs about a kilogram due to the growth of muscle fibers, an increase in wall thickness and an increase in size. The internal volume of the uterus increases more than a hundred times. The pregnant uterus consumes oxygen along with the vital organs - the heart and brain.

During pregnancy, the doctor determines the important dimensions of the uterus - the height of its bottom and the correspondence to the terms of pregnancy. At the very beginning of the gestation period, the fundus of the uterus does not go beyond the boundaries of the pelvis and pubis, at which time a two-handed vaginal examination and ultrasound help to determine the size. As pregnancy progresses, the height of the uterine fundus gradually increases, reaching a maximum by 36 weeks. This height is measured by the distance from the pubis to the top of the uterus. It is approximately the same number of centimeters as the gestational age in weeks. That is, at 26 weeks, the height is about 26 cm.

Approximate dimensions of the uterus and the height of the bottom.

At 4 weeks, the size of the uterus is about the size of a chicken testicle. By eight weeks, it is the size of a goose egg, at the end of the first trimester, the size reaches the average grapefruit. The bottom of the uterus is palpated at the level of the pubic bone.
In the period of 16 weeks, the bottom of the uterus should be approximately in the middle between the pubic bone and the navel area, by 20 weeks the bottom of the uterus lies a couple of centimeters below the navel, and the stomach is already significantly visible to the naked eye, even in clothes. By the time of 24 weeks, the uterus is located at the level of the navel, and gradually, as the period increases, it rises higher and higher. At a period of 28 weeks, the bottom of the uterus is located 4-5 cm above the navel, at 32 weeks it will be the median distance between the bottom of the sternum and the navel, while the navel begins to stretch and even bulge. In the period of 36-38 weeks, the uterus rises to the maximum value - almost to the area of ​​​​the xiphoid process of the sternum and lower ribs, the navel protrudes, by the period of 40 weeks, the bottom of the uterus descends due to the formation of the head in the small pelvis and preparation for childbirth.

The amount of amniotic fluid.

Amniotic fluid during pregnancy is synthesized unevenly. In the early stages of pregnancy, there are very few of them, at a period of 15 weeks the volume is about 100 ml, while by the middle of the term they are already half a liter, and by a period of 38 weeks their volume is 1.0-1.5 liters. When overdose, the volume of amniotic fluid decreases. With the formation of oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios, the volume of the abdomen will change.

If the size of the abdomen is different from the norm.

The degree of uterine enlargement and the growth of your belly should correspond with the timing with slight fluctuations, since these dimensions indicate the normal course of pregnancy. In the early term, when probing the size of the uterus on the chair, if the uterus does not correspond to the expected pregnancy, this may indicate ectopic pregnancy. If the size is exceeded by the gestational age, it is necessary to exclude a serious tumor - chorioepithelioma, which is produced by the tissue of the placenta, giving small bubbles. This tumor kills the fetus and is life-threatening for the mother.

In late pregnancy, if the size of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen are seriously behind normal sizes, there may be fetal growth retardation (hypotrophy). With such a pathological condition, the baby will be born with a small weight even at full term and it will be difficult to adapt to extrauterine life.

The size of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen can be reduced with oligohydramnios, this can be with maternal diseases - high blood pressure, infections, fetal defects or preeclampsia, placental insufficiency. At the same time, the mother and her baby will need serious treatment in the conditions of the pregnancy pathology department. The height of the bottom of the uterus can be reduced if the fetus is located transversely in it, in this position it will be impossible to give birth to a baby naturally.

If the size of the uterus is larger than it should be, there may be a multiple pregnancy, this condition is considered highly dangerous, since it is more difficult for a mother to bear two babies at once. Also, an increase in the uterus can be with polyhydramnios - when the amount of amniotic fluid increases to two or more liters. This may be a sign of diabetes mellitus, Rh conflict, acute fetal infections or fetal malformations. These conditions will require targeted examination and treatment. The uterus can be larger than normal with a large fetus, and the development of a large baby can occur with diabetes, metabolic disorders, and some other problems. This increases the risk of complications in childbirth.

It is for the timely exclusion and prevention of various pathologies that doctors carefully measure both the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen - this is a very clear indicator that is easy to assess and, in case of pathologies, make the necessary decision. Do not refuse additional examinations if the doctor is worried about something.

The shape of your belly.

By the shape of the abdomen, many try to determine the sex of the unborn child, although it does not depend on gender in any way. From the second half of pregnancy, the belly is egg-shaped with a narrow part down. If polyhydramnios is noted, the abdomen can become spherical, if the position of the fetus in the uterus is disturbed, it can become asymmetric. If a woman has a narrow pelvis, in the third trimester the abdomen can take on a special shape - pointed, with a point upwards. At repeated births the abdomen is lower than in the first, as if sagging. Therefore, the shape of the abdomen for an experienced doctor can say a lot about the condition and position of the fetus and the size of the mother's pelvis. But it is impossible to determine exactly who you are - a girl or a boy only by the shape of the abdomen, although there are only two options - you can guess or not guess. An ultrasound will help you determine the sex of your baby.

When a woman can confidently say not only to herself, but also to her loved ones “!”, She has a very important question when examining her mirror image “when does the belly start to grow during pregnancy?” But do not reassure yourself that this will happen very soon.

Expecting a baby, the expectant mother examines herself with special care, she quickly wants to see such long-awaited changes in her figure. But with complete certainty it is impossible to establish the exact timing of the appearance of roundness in the waist area. For some ladies, it fades, it is noticeable already at the end of the first trimester, while others remain slender until 5-6 months.

At what time and under what circumstances does the waist volume increase in demolitions?

Very often, doctors hear from girls expecting offspring the question of at what stage of pregnancy the belly begins to grow. In accordance with medical standards, the uterus actively increases at the 13th week, then there are noticeable changes in the female figure.
  1. Previously, roundness may become noticeable due to excessive food abuse, for example, on the advice of mothers or grandmothers, which, they say, is now worth eating for two, or it is impossible to resist the increased appetite;
  2. Also, the expectant mother can be tormented by increased gas exchange, which leads to bloating;
  3. An increase in the layer of subcutaneous fat gives the impression of a blurred waist;
  4. More big role heredity plays, you should ask your mothers and grandmothers how this period happened for them. Most of what you will have it will happen with the same sequence;
  5. If your figure is petite or thin, an interesting position becomes noticeable earlier, and plump, curvaceous ladies can keep their secret until the end of the second trimester;
  6. Women with well-trained abdominal muscles can also remain inconspicuous for a long time;
  7. Not the last role is played by the development of the baby, if it develops at an accelerated pace, then the bosom will round out earlier;
  8. Presentation of the child - if he is located at the back wall, closer to the spine, then an interesting position will not soon become noticeable, and at the front - it will become noticeably earlier;
  9. When the belly begins to grow during pregnancy, if it is the second, an equally important, disturbing question of mothers - with the first, the norm is 13 weeks, then with the second it is already a little earlier;
  10. From the foregoing, it follows that to the question posed, when the belly begins to grow during the third pregnancy, the answer is unambiguous - with each subsequent fertilization, the gestation organ begins to develop for more early dates, because its walls are stretched, and the muscles of the abdominal cavity do not have time to return to normal.

If a woman is carrying twins, when does the womb become voluminous?

“Heavy” women, noticing that the belly began to grow early during pregnancy, are puzzled if they have several embryos? So, when does the belly start to grow during a twin pregnancy? This question is not at all idle, because indeed, during the bearing of several fetuses, the bosom is rounded already at the end of the first trimester, since the height of the uterine fundus is above normal.

The uterus develops in this case 4 or even more weeks earlier than normal. Weight gain is also more than expected. But there is no reason to conclude that you have twins or triplets. The waist circumference may become larger than necessary due to an incorrectly set period or a large volume of amniotic fluid.

How to determine where the growth of the womb originates from during gestation

With regard to physiology, when the abdomen begins to grow during pregnancy, the second third of the term begins, then the corresponding organ rises above the level of the pubic plexus. The uterus gradually protrudes forward over time, this causes an increase in the abdominal cavity.

It follows from this that rising above the pubic bone, from where the belly begins to grow during pregnancy, it noticeably increases due to the actively developing corresponding organ.

Already at 15 - 16 weeks, this body reaches decent volumes, then the roundness melts, is visible to others. So say the doctors, developing from the pubic bone, the uterus is actively increasing for about 16 weeks, and already at 20 its size is noticeable to everyone around.

Carrying a baby by week

The fact that the belly begins to grow during pregnancy is influenced by many factors:
  1. development of the uterus;
  2. Growth of the fetal egg;
  3. Increase in the volume of amniotic fluid;
  4. Physiological features of the structure of the female body.
Usually in the first trimester, all the features of your position in most cases are not noticeable. Gynecologists, in order to track the growth trend of the fetal egg and meet the parameters of the term, measure the bellies of pregnant women by weeks. In order for the expectation of the baby to proceed normally, the height of the fundus of the uterus must meet the norms of the term. For example, at 3 months, the distance from the edge of the pubic bone to the highest point should be about 12 cm.

Doctors pay special attention to an increase in the volume of the waist, because if it is distributed too quickly, any kind of pathology is possible, and with a slow increase, there may be a lack of amniotic fluid or a delay in the development of the baby.

Norms of fetal development

The dimensions of the fetal egg first, and then the child, are determined using ultrasound, thanks to transvaginal examination, the embryo can be seen at 14-21 days of its development, that is, at 1.5 months from the moment of conception.
  1. At first, the size of the embryo is very small. For example, at 1.5 months from the moment of conception, the size of the fetal egg corresponds to 2 - 4 mm;
  2. 2.5 months from the moment of conception, the future baby corresponds to 22 mm;
  3. The end of the first trimester, the dimensions of the conceived baby are 6–7 cm, weight 20–25 g, the volume of amniotic fluid is about 30–40 ml, ultrasound shows that the baby occupies almost the entire space;
  4. The first period of the second trimester is characterized by a sharp increase and weight gain of the fetus, when the abdomen begins to grow during pregnancy, and other organs associated with this process develop accordingly, already at week 16, the size of the baby is 12 cm, it weighs 100 g, the uterus corresponds to the term in its parameters ;
  5. 5 months, the child increases its volume, when the child begins to move, it reaches 25 - 26 cm and weighs 280 - 300 grams;
  6. The first period of the third trimester, and the size of the baby is 28 - 30 cm, the baby weighs 700 - 750 grams, no one will doubt your interesting position;
  7. 28 week of the child corresponds to 35 cm, and weight 1000 - 1200 gr;
  8. At 32 - the baby reaches 40 - 42 cm in development, and its weight corresponds to 1500 - 1700 grams;
  9. 36 weeks the height of the child is 45 - 48 cm, and the weight is about 2500 g;
  10. The last days of bearing a child, as well as all organs are growing very actively, the waist circumference, respectively, is actively increasing. By the time of birth, a full-term baby corresponds to a weight of 2800 to 5000 grams, and its height is from 48 to 54 cm.

Development of the uterus

Since this organ increases throughout the interesting period, it also undergoes changes along with the fetus:
  1. The first time of gestation, it looks like a pear, but by the end of 2 months it increases significantly, about 3 times and rounds off.
  2. During the second half of the term, when it begins to be felt, it retains the shape of a ball.
  3. The beginning of the third trimester, when the belly begins to grow during pregnancy at an accelerated pace, this organ takes on the shape of an egg.
  4. In a normal unfertilized state, the uterus weighs 50-100 grams, but at the end of the expectation of the baby, it already weighs about 1000 grams.
  5. Its volume increases by more than 500 times.
  6. During the period of an interesting position, each muscle fiber lengthens 10 times, thickens about 5 times.
  7. According to its oxygen regime at this time, it becomes one step with such important organs as the heart, liver or brain.
  8. The vascular network is enlarged.
All these parameters can be found out thanks to an external obstetric study, but in the first days of gestation, while the womb is within the pelvic bones, all its parameters can be found out only with a vaginal examination.

Results of the main question

When the belly begins to grow during pregnancy - this is perhaps the main question of all mothers, and especially those who are going to become her for the first time. After all, the feeling that a small life has arisen in you disturbs, excites the imagination. Every time, the expectant mother wonders if this is true? Of course, along with disbelief, such happiness arises another important problem How to understand if everything is fine with the baby.

Naturally, the growth of the womb is an individual matter. On numerous Internet forums, there are a lot of stories, already held parents, that it develops very early or it was not noticeable at all, right up to childbirth. Yes, all such cases exist, but very rarely.

Claims that roundness can be seen already in the first trimester are incorrect. Only for the reason that the uterus is actively growing at week 16, and at 20 it will be noticed not only by the woman herself, but also by those around her.

Doctors, in this regard, rely on their research. About 1.5 - 2 months, a woman becomes registered in the antenatal clinic, from that time, the gynecologist during each appointment measures the waist circumference, monitors the growth and development of the baby. All data is systematically entered into the personal card of the future mother. Of course, the waist circumference is not a constant value, it depends on many factors.

All charmers, on the eve of important events in their lives, are looking forward to the appearance of a round ball. But gynecologists warn that his large size in the second trimester is not always good. The development of more than the required size, can lead to uterine tone. Due to the accelerated development, stretch marks appear, which are extremely problematic to cope with. So experts advise to maintain the severity of the bandage, and also not to abuse food. That's when after childbirth you can easily restore your past forms.

Having learned about their position, many expectant mothers are interested in the question of when the belly begins to grow during pregnancy. Let us consider in more detail such a parameter as the circumference of the abdomen and find out what affects its size when carrying a baby, how the abdomen changes externally by weeks of pregnancy.

What determines the size of the abdomen during pregnancy?

The belly during pregnancy grows gradually and in each pregnant woman this happens in a slightly different way. There are a number of factors that determine the rate this process. Among them:

  1. Anatomical features of the physique of the mother. It has been established that thin women with narrow hips often have a small belly, while normal weight future baby.
  2. Diet and rate of weight gain. Weight gain during pregnancy is a physiological norm. However, the process itself can proceed at different speeds. In addition, an improvement in appetite in women in position is also reflected in the size of the abdominal circumference - an increasing fat layer makes it visually larger.
  3. Location of the placenta. When children's place attached to the back wall of the uterus, the belly of the expectant mother is small. It looks much larger if it is attached to the anterior uterine wall.
  4. The volume of amniotic fluid. Insufficient or excess volume of amniotic fluid is reflected in the size of the abdomen.
  5. Functional state of the abdominal muscles. In physically prepared expectant mothers, the stomach is smaller, looks taut, which makes it look smaller in appearance.
  6. The number of pregnancies. In nulliparous women, the uterus is smaller, so the belly is small. This is due to the state of the muscular apparatus of the genital organ.

At what stage of pregnancy does the belly start to grow?

No gynecologist can definitely tell the expectant mother at what week of pregnancy the belly begins to grow. These features of the gestation process are strictly individual. For some ladies, it has a small size throughout the entire period. However, there is an average. It is equal - the time when the stomach is already visible to the mother herself and those around her. However, it begins to grow a little earlier. Active Zoom abdominal circumference begins at the end of the first trimester - from 12-13 weeks. By this time, all organs and systems are formed, their growth of the body begins.

When does the belly start to grow during the first pregnancy?

During the first pregnancy, the increase in the abdomen occurs more slowly. This is due to the fact that the uterus and abdominal muscles have not yet experienced strong stresses before and are in their physiological state. The muscle fibers of these organs are not stretched, they have the correct tone. Over time, as the fetus grows, their lengthening is noted - the abdominal muscles stretch under the pressure of the baby's body weight and amniotic fluid. The growth rate of the abdomen depends directly on the values ​​of these parameters - they determine when the abdomen begins to grow during pregnancy.

Answering the question of pregnant women regarding which month of pregnancy the belly begins to grow, gynecologists point to 4 months from conception. However, this does not mean that every expectant mother notices this phenomenon directly at the indicated time. Everything is individual, and some women change outwardly even at the 3rd month of gestation. Particularly visible is the small tummy thin women with low stature. Dense women, with rounded shapes, manage to “hide” their position from others for longer.

When does the belly start to grow during the second pregnancy?

Talking about when the belly begins to grow during pregnancy with a second child, doctors note an earlier start of this process. This is due to the stretching of the uterine ligaments, which change their size after the first pregnancy. In addition, the muscles of the abdominal wall also relax - the stomach becomes sagging, loses its elasticity and flatness. Because of this, even a slight increase in its volume is outwardly noticeable. On average, a change in the circumference of the abdomen associated with pregnancy is noticeable in multiparous as early as 13-14 weeks.

When does the belly start growing in a multiple pregnancy?

Due to the increased growth of the uterus, with multiple pregnancy, the abdomen increases a little earlier. So when the belly begins to grow during the current pregnancy, there is only 12 weeks of gestation. Directly given term gynecologists indicate when answering a question regarding when the belly begins to grow during pregnancy with twins. Even close people can notice the changes taking place. At the same time, the stomach itself is growing at a rapid pace - by the 17th week, some pregnant women experience inconvenience during sleep and rest.

Where does the belly grow during pregnancy?

Wanting to control the changes that occur with the body when carrying a baby, women often ask doctors where the belly begins to grow during pregnancy. Its increase occurs first slightly above the pubis. This is due to the growth of the uterus in the area of ​​​​its bottom. This is where the first changes take place. This area is also palpated during palpation of the anterior abdominal wall, which is carried out for the first time when a pregnant woman is registered for a period of 12 weeks.

Why doesn't my belly grow during pregnancy?

When the belly begins to actively grow during pregnancy, it is noticeable to everyone. But often women complain to doctors - the belly does not grow during pregnancy. This is noted in expectant mothers with a dense physique, curvaceous. In such cases, a small increase in the volume of the abdomen is imperceptible. When the growth of the abdominal circumference does not occur in thin people, short women pathology must be ruled out. The discrepancy between the size of the abdomen and the gestational age may indicate such complications of pregnancy as:

  • malnutrition - a violation of the processes of intrauterine development;
  • - discrepancy between the volume of amniotic fluid to the norm;
  • incorrect, transverse arrangement of the fetus;
  • Attachment occurs outside the uterus, which is why the stomach does not grow.