Love addiction and ways to overcome it. How to quickly get rid of love? How to get rid of feelings of love for a girl

The ability to bring a state of inspiration and magic into a relationship is very useful and can bring a fresh breeze to the calm of everyday life, refilling the sails of your love boat.


Everyone at one point or another in their life has experienced, is experiencing now or will still experience it. wonderful state of love. Being in love changes, it makes you look at the world better, see everything in completely DIFFERENT colors.

Sometimes the feeling of falling in love can grow into an all-consuming PASSION, and even OBSESSION with the object of these feelings. The feeling of being in love is rather not just some kind of feeling, but a whole COMPLEX OF FEELINGS experienced by one person in relation to another.

Psychologists believe that during this period HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS SHRINKS, and the object of his strong feelings is distorted. All shortcomings of the object are erased from memory, all contradictions are forgotten, but any POSITIVE experience resonates in the heart and is stored in memory for a long time.

The feeling of falling in love absorbs a person completely, and also covers the object COMPLETELY. The admirer LIKES not only the body or mind, but everything: how he or she turns her head, how she speaks, how she smiles, how she throws her head back when she laughs, how the timbre of her voice sounds, how she treats other people, in general, literally everything.

The period of falling in love is bright and pure. Usually during this period, the lover feels a huge range of feelings. He is proud that his object is so beautiful, he admires its beauty, he is touched by its grace, and so on and so forth. The period of falling in love can DECAY, and then the feeling can be reborn again with the same strength, if not more.

Falling in love is accompanied by an acute desire to constantly be near your object. To begin with, you just WANT TO SEE him MORE, then catch his eyes on you, then FEEL his skin under your fingers and CATCH touches. Over time, requests and desires only increase and can develop into burning PASSION and PHYSICAL DESIRE.

Often falling in love is purely platonic in nature, that is, feelings at a distance. The object of such love may not even suspect that for someone he is the whole world. Such an UNREQUIRED FEELING of falling in love is accompanied by sadness or longing. However, this is a kind of bright QUIET SADNESS described in famous poems, lyrical longing for something that never happened.

When a person is in love, he feels such enthusiasm and energy. It's as if WINGS GROW in him, and he soars over the whole world looking down on those who are not in love and do not feel this exciting feeling.

The image of a beloved person is infallible, it is as if illuminated by a bright light, unusual and brightly stands out among others, HE IS UNUSUAL. It seems as if the lover is in a fairy tale, and all his dreams come true.

These deepest feelings are not really directed at real person, but on that IDEAL IMAGE that the lover has created in his mind. It was he who endowed his object with those qualities that, most likely, he never had. He GIVED him a kind of HALO, from which it is difficult to get rid of.

During these stormy feelings, a person reveals his best sides. He sees life as beautiful and wants others to see it the same way. He keenly feels all the beauty of the world around him: landscapes, paintings, songs. It seems that the whole world around him is singing some kind of love ballad.

This wonderful feeling of falling in love can end in three ways: either just calm down and forget, or find another object for yourself, or develop into LOVE. In any case, the feeling of falling in love will forever be remembered as the MOST BEAUTIFUL and DELICIOUS FEELING IN THE WORLD, when you want to sing, dance and smile for no reason, and so that the whole world also smiles, sings and dances, as if responding to this magnificent feeling.


A thousand times the man was right when he sang about the sudden onset of love; but "when you don't expect it at all" is not so bad. Sometimes it happens that falling in love arises with the boss, with the spouse of a close friend, or with a colleague!

No matter how falling in love euphoria and feeling of wings behind the back, in the cases described above, she is still not welcome: by all indications it is clear that except for misfortune and grief, destruction of personality, jealousy and resentment such a feeling is unlikely to bring something good. And we have to deal with it somehow!

So how to get rid of love, if it is completely inopportune? This is possible, within the power of almost any person, but success will require a lot of effort and constant control over oneself, over one's actions and thoughts.

The process is really quite difficult and painful for the psyche., but we must firmly realize that it will be much more harmful and difficult if you leave your feelings as they are, and even give them free rein.

And the last "happy thought" sooner or later comes to the mind of any person in love, if he does not try to get rid of his obsession and ceases to control himself. As a result, EVERYONE SUFFERS: the lover himself, the object of his feelings, and all those around him, initiated into the "secret", and watching her from the side.

Psychologists know how to overcome falling in love. This is a hard job, but a rewarding one. The main thing is to perceive your state of love not as happiness given from above., but as inappropriate and inappropriate, but still a training of one's human qualities, strength of character and his endurance.

So the first stage is recognition of one's love unsuitable, painful, unpromising DEPENDENCE, which in the future will only burden and bring no joy which is best to get rid of. Having defined your feeling in such categories, it will be much easier to set an internal task to eradicate it in your life.

The second action is to identify those LIFE OBJECTS that somehow provoke thoughts about inopportunely loved one - and careful avoidance of such objects.

Certainly, the hardest thing to do is favorite - IMMEDIATE BOARD or COLLEAGUES. But having clearly set a goal, it can be achieved - let this thought give strength and strengthen the mind when it gives slack.

An excellent, well-established method - to go headlong into work or scientific (creative) activity. In scientific language, sublimate your feeling (that is, use this energy to direct it in a more productive direction), set deliberately EXCELLENT creative and scientific (or professional) TASKS and complete them in the SHORTEST possible.

The PRINCIPLE OF SUBSTITUTION operates here, the displacement of thoughts about one thing from the head by other thoughts. Indeed, when the intellect is working to its fullest on solving some difficult but doable task, it is very difficult for the mind to soar in the clouds, glancing at the world through rose-colored glasses. If possible, it would be nice to ask for a business trip.

Getting rid of feelings is a long process, it will require several months of continuous self-control.

Necessary put the object of love in an intentional area of ​​​​ignorance and act according to the principle "from the contrary": you want to LOOK WITHOUT LOOKING OFF - that means you don't have to look in that direction at all; if you want to SPEAK pleasant, affectionate words - you will have to be silent, communicating in a strictly dosed manner, and exclusively on business topics. It's hard, but it will work!


Without close and warm relationships with a person of the opposite sex, life becomes gray, monotonous and bleak. Paradoxically, all those conflicts and troubles that fate arranges for a person fill his existence with different colors.
not without reason psychologists say that WITHOUT CONFLICT THERE IS NO DEVELOPMENT. It's about how people treat it.

After parting, there inevitably comes a period of analysis of the situation: why this happened. Thinking usually occurs in one of two possible ways: a person blames himself for everything or blames his partner for the breakup.

The analysis of causes is always leaning in one direction or another to varying degrees, which hinders the ability to find the true cause and understand the essence of the situation that has occurred, the MEANING OF THE LESSON that life brings to a person. And, as you know, if the LESSON IS NOT LEARNED, fate arranges for it to be REPEATED, but with a different partner and in different scenery of life.

Any person is at a certain stage of his development, and as a condition for this process, he is GIVED CERTAIN TASKS. For example, learning to FORGIVE and UNDERSTAND a LOVED PERSON is one of the most important.

Thinking about forgiveness, you need to take one thought for yourself: forgiveness does not exclude harsh measures to educate a person. This is exactly how it does loving parent when he punishes his child for misconduct. And the measure of punishment is chosen by him corresponding to the scale of violation by the offspring of any rules. It is the feeling of love that prompts you to find the right way of punishment, often on an intuitive level.

Since all people are children to some extent, understanding this will help remove the blame for the collapse of relations with yourself and your partner. This will be the first step towards overcoming love addiction, and the correct passage of a conflict situation.

Here it is important to understand that stage of absolute inner forgiveness can change the situation so much that the question of HOW TO FALL LOVE A PERSON QUICKLY simply does not arise. Relationships can change dramatically and feelings flare up with new force , thereby moving to a higher level of its development.

However, if this did not happen, and RECOVERY OF THE PAIR IS IMPOSSIBLE , this should be taken as a lesson and a sign that the attachment to this person was unreasonably strong. Thus, life teaches not to dwell on someone to the detriment of one's own inner development.

It is known that many girls "cling" to the chosen one so much, constantly soliciting in one way or another his attention and manifestation of a feeling of love, that the latter is increasingly there is a desire to run away from such importunity.

A woman should not forget that if a man in a relationship with her feels like an OBJECT OF PREY, he will certainly try to break such a connection, because according to nature, the getter, he must be the catcher. Exactly this excessive pressure on him gives rise to dissonance in a couple, and turns everything upside down: the man begins to feel WEAK and HELPless. This is contrary to his nature, so a conflict is brewing inside him with all the consequences. . .

If it is not possible to reanimate the relationship, you need to understand that love addiction is not quickly overcome. The process of getting rid of it is facilitated by SINCERE FORGIVENESS of both the partner and oneself. It is important to draw conclusions about what caused the situation. Often this changing roles in a couple, which was mentioned above. In the event that personal changes have occurred in the process of reflection, then HEART PAIN will certainly recede.

The feeling of complete and unconditional forgiveness of oneself has a very positive effect on both emotional condition person, and his life in general. And its meaning is to change so as not to repeat the mistakes made in the past, otherwise the emergence of a similar situation is inevitable.

Considering the question of how to fall out of love, it is important not to stoop so low as to start STEALING OUT that beautiful FEELING OF HATE for your partner. Undoubtedly, renouncing it will give temporary relief from the pain of the soul. But will not life in the future give even more the worst person, as a sign of the degree of assimilation of the lesson presented by her?

Author of words and music - Konstantin Meladze

Someday this too will pass.
And the snow will cover the tracks.
And it seems to me that somewhere there.
You are no longer in my heart.
But you do not turn off the light in the window.
And I don't know how to live.
Thank you for what.
Taught me to love.
Time is fleeting.
And nothing is forever.
Forgive me my friend.

I was just looking for happiness.
And I found it in you.

But your sorrow is in vain.
Farewell, that was great.
Farewell, that was great.

Someday this will pass.
But no matter how many years have passed.
You are the only one in my world.
And you are not loved.

It is invariable, and therefore probably.
There are no tears in my eyes.

I was just looking for happiness.
And I found it in you.
Let not all, but only partly.
But your sorrow is in vain.
Farewell, that was great.
Farewell, that was great.

Many guys and girls, as well as men and women, are interested in how to get rid of falling in love. There can be many reasons for this: lack of reciprocity, lack of time, emotional imbalance, and so on. Fortunately, psychologists know the means to help cope with this condition.

The difference between infatuation and love

Not everyone manages to determine the line between a fleeting passion and a serious feeling. Moreover, even scientists and psychologists who have been seriously engaged in research this issue, could not come to general conclusion. Nevertheless, a number of characteristics can be distinguished to determine the difference between falling in love and love.

You are attracted to good looks.Apart from physical characteristics, you also appreciate the moral qualities of a person.
Occurs quickly (sometimes this feeling is calledIt is born gradually, as people get to know each other better.
Feelings are vivid, but episodic (they can suddenly flare up and instantly fade away).Emotions are calmer, but have a permanent character.
A man in love does not notice anything but the object of his adoration.The present makes you forget about friends, relatives and work.
Passes if people are separated by distance.Parting tempers the feeling, making it even stronger.
Accompanied by violent quarrels from scratch.Disagreements are constructive.
People in love are often selfish and only care about their own good.Love implies the word "we".
There are a lot of requirements for the object of adoration.Selflessness and desire to please the second half.

Should I get rid of love?

Before you figure out how to get rid of love, you need to understand whether it is worth doing. Unfortunately, this wonderful feeling is not always good for a person. It is worth fighting with him in the following cases:

  • if the object of adoration does not reciprocate your feelings;
  • if falling in love negatively affects your mental and physical state;
  • if you are driven by pathological jealousy;
  • if you experience a manic attachment to a person;
  • if the romantic feeling interferes with your studies or career growth.

Unfortunately, not every girl or young man in love can cope with the problem on their own. Rather, they will deny its existence in every possible way. It is friends and relatives who can notice deviations in time.

Love Treatment Methods

If you are looking for a cure for love, try to take the advice of psychologists. So, the most popular are the following methods:

  • Prevention will help you prevent an unwanted condition. If you think that now is not the time for love, try to fight all its manifestations: do not read novels, do not watch tearful TV shows, do not listen to sad music, and most importantly, limit communication with the opposite sex.
  • Logical comprehension implies that you need to look at the current situation from the outside. Try to evaluate all the pros and cons of your condition.
  • In accordance with the method, it is recommended to critically evaluate the object of your adoration. It is possible that there will be much more negative qualities in it than positive ones.
  • will allow you to look into the future. Imagine how your relationship will develop in a week, a month, a year. If you do not see positive aspects in the future, get rid of love immediately.
  • To put your thoughts on the shelves, lead the right way of life. You must have responsibilities, responsibilities, hobbies. It is possible that in the head there will no longer be room for romantic fantasies.
  • A frank conversation with a friend, relative or psychologist is the best cure for love. Having told your story in detail, you are likely to come to the conclusion yourself that the feeling is harmful to you.

Sigmund Freud became famous for his bold theory that all human actions are driven solely by sexual instinct. it is because of this position that many do not take his recommendations seriously. Still, you should listen to his advice on how to get rid of love.

Freud paid special attention to such a feature of the psyche as sublimation. Love gives a person energy. If this feeling is undesirable for you for one reason or another, try to transform it into another form. Direct this energy, for example, into art, sports, education and other areas. It is possible that you can achieve amazing results.

The best medicine is change

As you know, in order to cope with one or another state of mind, you need to change the external circumstances. So, a girl in love can get rid of an obsessive feeling by resorting to the following measures:

  • cardinal (hairstyles, wardrobe, and so on);
  • finding new hobbies (or you can return to hobbies that occupied you as a child);
  • new interesting acquaintances (possibly with the prospect of a romantic relationship);
  • change of scenery (if you do not have the opportunity to travel, try to explore your city in search of new routes and places to walk);
  • making changes in everyday life (for example, you can rearrange furniture or learn how to cook new dishes).

Can't do without the help of loved ones

If you are looking for ways to get out of love, enlist the support of family and friends. The fact is that it is very difficult to cope with heart experiences alone. Sometimes the problem is so acute that only with the help of those around it becomes possible to solve it. That is why you should not hesitate to ask for help.

Most the best option It's a heartfelt conversation. With a friend, relative, work colleague - it doesn't matter. The main thing is to be honest about all your experiences. You will be surprised, but it will immediately become easier. In addition, it is quite possible that your interlocutor has previously been in similar situation. It is possible that by the end of the conversation you will be laughing together at a problem that seemed unsolvable just a couple of hours ago.


How to get rid of obsessive love? Sometimes you need shock therapy. If your lover is not yet aware of your feelings, then why not talk about them directly? Of course, this is not easy, but certainty will come in your life. There are not so many options for the development of events:

  • he (or she) will reject your feelings, which, of course, will serve as the strongest disappointment, but will help you free yourself;
  • it may well turn out that the object of your affection, just like you, is in love, but is embarrassed to admit it (in this case, you will have a chance to build a strong relationship with the prospect of further development).


How to get rid of the state of love? At first glance, this question may seem silly and frivolous, because everyone goes through romantic experiences. However, individual psychological features every personality. Sometimes falling in love not only interferes with study and work, but can also lead to serious psychological problems and even suicide attempts, which should never be allowed. That is why modern psychology pays such close attention to this issue.

Love is evil... Can you argue with that? You fall in love with a person “to the very ears”, look at his photo with tears in your eyes, but the object of passion will not necessarily reciprocate. One more thing: mutual love for some incomprehensible (or understandable) reason ends, the life paths of partners diverge, the loved one leaves, and you continue to love him. Yes - it's a shame, yes - it hurts terribly, yes - I want to forget about pride and throw myself at the feet of the object of passion or, conversely, come up with the most terrible revenge. The reason for everything is love. It is difficult to recover from this scourge, but it is possible.

Take Preventive Measures

Having examined the feeling of love in more detail, you will be amazed: this is a real mental illness! Weekly depression is replaced by euphoria, complete passivity - by excitement, absent-mindedness - by endless ambitious plans. Naturally, when falling in love, there is also a backlash (in the sense, from an active workaholic to an inert plankton with wet eyes). Describe the symptoms of falling in love with a psychiatrist, and he will delicately diagnose you with psychopathy. Most people begin to treat falling in love at an advanced stage, but it is much easier to accept preventive measures. Try not to allow thoughts of love and destroy all its manifestations in the bud. Replace films and books about love with work, work and more work. In a word, fall in love with work, and then it will be difficult to get infected with the "virus" of love.

Start thinking logically

In a calm environment, evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of love, turn on the logic. Suppose everything goes well, and you create a unit of society, that is, a family. The candy-bouquet period cannot last a lifetime; domestic quarrels and conflicts will surely absorb it. Emotions and passions will slowly fade away or even come to naught. The number of divorces in some countries often exceeds the number of marriages. Love is often associated with separation, loss, emotional stress. Believe me, love is a voluntary slavery that takes away your free time, money, nerves, and strength. How many examples does history give? Think about it, do you need it?

Lope de Vega banishes love

The hero of one of the comedies of this Spanish playwright taught to look for flaws in partners. Try to remember the cons of the object of your former passion more often. He likes creative chaos in the apartment? Yes, in a couple of years your home will begin to resemble a dirty and smelly hut! Does she spend too little time in the kitchen? Be glad that you parted in time, otherwise you would have to howl from hunger and bashfully lower your eyes in front of your friends. In any plus there is always a minus. Careful? Boring pedant! A thrifty hostess who buys everything and everyone only on sales? Miser of the first degree! Experienced lover? I wonder where he got this experience! So, step by step, you will get rid of the pink glasses of love.

Pasteur comes to the rescue

To prevent the disease, Pasteur introduced a weakened infection into the body - this helped to stimulate the production of immunity. A similar method is applicable in the treatment of such an "infection" as falling in love. If you are tired of crushing romantic dreams in yourself, it is better to give them free rein. It is enough to find the object of passion and have an affair with him. You need to throw the object as soon as you feel more serious feelings. Attachment is not allowed here! To get the right “dose” of medicine and develop immunity against falling in love, three or four passionate intrigues will be enough. True, there are also disadvantages: it is difficult to calculate the correct "dosage".

Long live deromanticization!

People with a romantic mindset are the ones who suffer the most from the "virus" of falling in love. Such people tend to idealize love, with or without reason to put on rose-colored glasses. Are you also called an incorrigible romantic? So, it's time to take the path of deromanticization. For example, become an active member of a misogynistic club or attend a meeting at the Bluestocking Club (here, women who do not recognize love will teach you wits). Just hang out with a person who hates lamorous relationships. The Internet deserves special attention - a real storehouse for healing romantic natures. And, of course, work. Stay a month and a half among nurses, seamstresses, builders or loaders - and kaput the love virus!

Turn extrapolation on

You actively struggle with romantic fantasies, but they are stronger. They are like purulent haunt you around the clock. Do not engage in self-deception, but rather turn to extrapolation. Visualize your relationship with your ex day after day, month after month, year after year. The novelty of relationships is replaced by everyday routine, everything interesting topics exhausted for discussion, there remains only the weather, boredom and hated life. Ask yourself the main question: “If we stayed together, would we be able to build a life?” Perhaps it would have been wasted years. Think about it more often, and romantic fantasies will come to naught.

Right lifestyle

The source of many vices is idleness. Nature and emptiness are incompatible. When a person's mind is not occupied with intellectual activity, the head begins to suffer from romantic nonsense. Lawless Heart! How many times have you heard this snotty phrase around you? Only people who are unable to overcome their own weaknesses speak like that. Once you fall in love interesting hobby or work, there will be no room for romantic nonsense in your head.

Sigmund Freud's method

Sublimation is a mechanism of human consciousness, in which aggressive or sexual energy is directed to creative goals, for example, cultural ones. So, you have fallen in love and you are suffering. Have you loved to draw since childhood? So, draw. Draw a lot, passionately, show your imagination! Passionate about music? Imagine yourself as a famous composer and write something brilliant! Those who do not consider themselves a creative person can go to study - draw, play music, speak foreign language dancing flamenco. Invest in your feelings, emotions, and the result will not keep you waiting.

Method B. V. Zeigarnik - complete love

Bluma Zeigarnik (a well-known psychologist from the Soviet era) conducted interesting research: the subject was given several simple tasks, like solving an equation, but he was not allowed to complete some of the tasks. When a person was asked about the most memorable tasks, he named the unfinished ones. Likewise with love. Until romantic relationships are completed, the brain does not let them go. That is, we often remember the former partner and see him in our fantasies, hate or forgive him, but do not let him go. The mind is fixated on it. What to do? It's simple: try to complete your love, put a fat, fat dot in it. Certainly, perfect option- communication with a psychologist, but if this is not possible, contact an understanding friend. To begin with, tell your love story without emotions, imagine that you are defending a diploma. In the next step, have a friend ask you questions. This is followed by the stage of awareness and the stage of communication with an imaginary partner. This approach has helped many.

There is no happier person in the world than the one who is lucky enough to fall in love. But sometimes such a wonderful feeling only interferes with a normal life. How to get rid of it?

When to "treat" for love

Even unrequited love can give a feeling of happiness and become a motivation for self-improvement. But it happens that strong feelings for another person are incompatible with normal life. If they are accompanied by such signs as:

  • feeling of own inferiority;
  • depression, suicidal thoughts;
  • yearning;
  • increased irritability, tearfulness;
  • eating disorder,

then from such love you should run as fast as you can. Feelings should not devastate loving person and cause him so much suffering for nothing. Continuing to continue to admiringly observe your ideal, you can miss the acquaintance with a truly kindred soul.

It is also better to refuse a relationship with a person who is inclined to show aggression, even if a “strong” couple has already been created with him. Blind love in this case should go hand in hand with reason.

How to get rid of love in a short time

take care of yourself

Why not focus on yourself? Refresh your wardrobe, change your hairstyle, take care of your skin, etc. Any care for the body not only improves mood, but also significantly increases self-esteem. And a self-confident person is not inclined to suffer from addictions, one of the varieties of which is falling in love. Unnecessary feeling will pass by itself.

burn out

Fear can be overcome if it is artificially pumped up by an effort of will. When the psyche cannot withstand an overabundance, it is easier for her not to feel fear at all.

Likewise with love. You should cultivate this feeling in yourself until there is nothing left of it. It is advisable to intensify love for no longer than a few days: then the burnout will be replaced by a kind of insight. If you stretch the "pleasure" for a long time, then falling in love can become even more frightening.

Accept your feelings

No need to try to convince yourself that there is no love at all. It is much more useful to recognize the presence of a destructive feeling. To do this, you should sit in silence for a few minutes, observing your inner state. When thoughts calm down a little, you need to admit: “Yes, I love (name). I understand that it's not mutual/unsafe/meaningless."

When meeting the object of love, it is necessary to repeat this phrase to yourself. This will help keep your mind cool and not rush into the abyss of emotions.

survive the pain

Parting with a loved one is always difficult, even if the couple as such never existed. You need to give yourself the right to a juicy tantrum, accompanied by tears, howls and other ways of self-expression of a broken heart.

You should make a scene for yourself, and not in the presence of interested parties: after all, the goal is not to attract attention, but to get rid of love pain. It is necessary to put your whole soul into crying and screaming so that there is no stone left unturned from internal experiences. Then you need to go to sleep. When you wake up it will be much easier.

Make a list against

Everyone has flaws, but not a loved one. The good thing is that it only seems that way.

It is necessary to think over with a fresh mind all the bad things that are in the chosen one or the chosen one. You should turn on a critical look and analyze situations where the “ideal” behaved completely inappropriately.

Having compiled a list of shortcomings, you need to honestly answer yourself, but is this the person with whom you can live your whole life. Especially when you consider that in close relationships people are not inclined to hide their bad character traits, believing: “If you love, endure.”

Load up with work

The brain cannot focus on two things at the same time. This is what needs to be used.

You should load yourself with business to the maximum: do all non-urgent projects, take on additional tasks, help less experienced colleagues. During the day, all attention will be devoted to working moments, and there will simply be no time left for heart yearnings. And when, upon arrival home, there will be enough strength only to crawl to the bed, then thoughts of love will come to naught by themselves. The main thing is not to work out to nervous exhaustion.

Out of sight

Countless photographs, cute trinkets, personal items - you should get rid of everything that can remind you of unnecessary love. Why poison your soul every day with the sight of a teddy bear, out of courtesy, presented on March 8? When there is nothing left in front of the eyes associated with the object of adoration, the feelings will become less intense, and then completely disappear.

The empty places in the room can be filled with new things dear to the heart, acquired only with the aim of pleasing yourself.

Live your life

The happiness of a person should not be dependent on someone else. Therefore, it is not necessary to evaluate the degree of success of the day by whether a meeting with a loved one occurred or not. There is no need to adjust collisions with the object of love or call him from unknown numbers: such “games” are very clearly visible to the opposite side and, at best, cause only a benevolent smile.

You should devote your free time to your favorite activities, trips, new acquaintances. When life is filled with impressions, then any troubles on the personal front are experienced much easier. It is difficult for an unhappy love to get along with a person who never loses heart and is always ready to discover new horizons for himself.

Find Support

In order not to completely lose faith in yourself, you need to communicate as much as possible with benevolent people. They will not only be able to provide support, but if necessary, they will give good advice: after all, their eyes are not clouded by the veil of love and they perfectly see what is happening.

Start a new romance

"Fight fire with fire". In personal matters, this rule works 100%. Even if the new passion does not become the love of a lifetime, it is much more pleasant to realize that tonight will be spent on a date, and not in disturbing thoughts about an inaccessible “ideal”. Experienced heartbreakers say that 3 short-term intrigues are enough to get rid of excessive romance forever and stop being tormented by falling in love.

It is possible that all of the above methods will not even have time to be tested. After all, fortunately, love is very fleeting.

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Falling in love can be fully described as a wonderful feeling. But, only in the case when it comes to mutual feelings. If the relationship has already been terminated, or in general, the heart hurts and languishes in every possible way from love for a clearly unattainable or unworthy person, such attachment must be disposed of. And the sooner the better.

Falling in love, flowing, not in accordance with a positive "scenario", prevents a person from living freely and enjoying all sorts of delights of the world around him, as well as developing in every possible way. Then you need to gather your strength and say “no” to such a destructive worm that gnaws at you from the inside, forgetting about your tender feelings.

How do psychologists advise you to get away from the feeling of falling in love?

Troubles should be forgotten. You also need to get rid of everything that accompanies falling in love as soon as possible, forgetting about feelings that will lead nowhere. To get rid of such an obsession with maximum effect will help good psychologist. But it is quite possible to organize a small auto-training, for example, at home.

How to help yourself at home

How to overcome love

Tell friends about love

You need to try to call on your close friend for help, or good friend. It is not only possible, but even necessary, it will be useful to tell the interlocutor the background, that is, about your love. Then you can repeat your story, but with all the relevant emotions. After all, it will be necessary to concentrate on your current feelings for your former or failed soul mate. This also needs to be told to the interlocutor.

Parse the situation

And the final stage of such “therapy” will be a “disassembly” with the object of such suffering love for the final cessation of suffering. Of course, the "second half" will not participate in such auto-training. And it does not depend on whether the person is real or not. But for the effect of presence, it will be possible to allegedly put a chair for him or simply imagine that a person is now sitting on it.

Creativity as a way to get rid of love

Another way that psychologists also strongly recommend using in a similar situation is to get creative. The effect is to sublimate energy. By transferring attention to a creative passion, a person thereby directs all the energy freed from bad love to better goals. And it's not just about poetry or drawing, but also about composing melodies. It is, in fact, about any creativity. Anything that can bring peace.


Focusing on these activities helps you forget about all the recent love trauma, and instead, the love will begin to recede. Your heart will be calm and blissful.

Criticism and its benefits in parting

It is desirable to cross out all the "pluses" that the object of love has. It is better to replace them with flaws. For an even greater and more vivid effect, you can look for flaws even in its merits. Although, when falling in love recedes a little, it becomes clear that we attributed almost all the advantages to the person ourselves. They don't even exist. It is possible to criticize everything, be it appearance and demeanor, even the style of clothing. Remember all, even seemingly insignificant, trifles that do not suit you in your past or imaginary relationship, and then focus all your attention on them. And the more often pictures of such a plan begin to be drawn in thoughts, the faster the veil of love will fall from the eyes, and instead of it, completely new and even tempting horizons will open to the gaze.


Falling in love is not so easy to forget, but the best helpers in this are common sense and sources of getting new, positive impressions. You need to try to drive sad thoughts about yourself and remind yourself more often why you are now trying to forget a person.

Psychological advice for unrequited love