Modified questionnaire for identifying types of character accentuations in adolescents. Accentuation of character by personal test Test character accentuation labile type

Adolescence is a period of character formation - at this time most characterological types are formed. It is at this age that various typological variants of the norm (“accentuations of character”) appear most clearly, since character traits have not yet been smoothed out and compensated for by life experience.

In adolescents, much depends on the type of character accentuation - the features of transient behavioral disorders ("pubertal crises"), acute affective reactions and neuroses (both in their picture and in relation to the causes that cause them). The type of accentuation also largely determines the attitude of a teenager to his somatic diseases, especially long-term ones. Character accentuation acts as important factor premorbid background in endogenous mental illness and as a predisposing factor in reactive neuropsychiatric disorders. The type of character accentuation must be taken into account when developing rehabilitation programs for adolescents. This type serves as one of the main guidelines for medical and psychological recommendations, for advice on the future profession and employment, and the latter is very essential for sustainable social adaptation. Knowledge of the type of character accentuation is important in the preparation of psychotherapeutic programs in order to most effectively use different types of psychotherapy (individual or group, discussion, directive, etc.).

The type of accentuation indicates the weaknesses of the character and thus makes it possible to foresee factors that can cause psychogenic reactions leading to maladjustment - thereby opening up prospects for psychoprophylaxis.

In pedagogy, this method can be used for educational work. The study can be carried out immediately with a group of teenagers, provided that they cannot peep the election numbers from each other and consult with each other. Teenagers are explained that the proposed method allows you to determine the type of character. After processing the results, a special lesson is held. On it, each teenager receives a card with the designation of the number of the type installed in him (it is better not to report the names of types in order to avoid misunderstandings). Further, the psychologist or teacher who conducted the study tells a group of adolescents the features of all types in a form accessible to them, specifically pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of each type - such activities have a certain corrective effect on adolescents.

Finally, without knowing the nature of an adolescent, it is difficult to solve family problems, the role of which in the development of disorders in adolescents is extremely large. With psychopathy and character accentuations in adolescents, their parents often have a very inaccurate idea of ​​​​the character traits of their son or daughter, which results in an incorrect attitude towards them, inadequate requirements, and hence mutual misunderstanding and conflicts.

Determining the type of character in a teenager can therefore contribute to the success of family therapy, the psychological correction of intra-family relations.

In addition, the survey allows us to assess some other personality traits of a teenager - a psychological tendency to alcoholism, to delinquent behavior, to dissimulate traits of one's character and the system of one's personal relationships, to increased frankness, and also to assess the ratio of masculinity-femininity traits in the system of personal relationships.


1 Accentuation among adolescents and the main approaches to its classification

Accentuation of character is a very common phenomenon among adolescents, and naturally, it cannot but be reflected in the pedagogical consciousness. This reflection is manifested primarily in the concept of "difficult age". Adolescents are generally characterized by a certain disharmony, accentuation of character, this is one of the key features of this age. So, according to A.E. Lichko, the sharpness of individual character traits, their accentuation among students different types schools varies from 32 to 88 percent of the total population (2; 21).

Of course, the degree of such disharmony in different adolescents can be different, and most importantly, the accentuation of character can have different qualitative features - it can correspond differently to ethical standards accepted in society. When there are especially sharp discrepancies between these norms and the actual behavior of a teenager, his stable immunity to the influence of adults, to certain educational influences, in such cases it is customary in the pedagogical environment to talk about a difficult "teenager, about a "difficult" character, etc. .

It follows from the foregoing that not all accentuated adolescents are "difficult", this concept is applicable only to certain types of accentuated characters, which will become clear from the further presentation. In the meantime, consider the question of existing typologies in this area as such.

Two main approaches are used in their construction; conditionally they can be called clinical (psychiatric) psychological. The first of these approaches is represented by the typology developed by A.E. Lichko, the second is implemented in the typology of K. Leonhard. In fact, both of these typologies single out the same objects in reality (in human society), but they interpret them somewhat differently. This is evident in part from the titles themselves:

Typologies of character accentuations

By Cleongard

Hyperthymic type (G)

Hyperthymic type (G)

Cycloid type (C)

Cycloid type (C)

Labile type (L)

Labile type (L)

Astheno-neurotic type (A)

Astheno-neurotic type (A)

Sensitive type (C)

Sensitive type (C)

Psychasthenic type (P)

Anxious-pedantic type (T)

Schizoid type (SH)

Introverted type (I)

epileptoid type O)

Excitable type (B)

Hysteroid type (I)

Demonstrative type (D)

Unsteady type (N)

Unsteady type (N)

From the above lists it can be seen that the approach to the selection and classification of types proposed by K. Leonhard is closer to school practice. In view of this, it is this approach that underlies the modification of the PDO by A.E. Lichko.

2. Brief descriptions of the types of accentuation in adolescent schoolchildren

1.2.1. Hyperthymic type

The main feature of this type is a constant stay in a good mood, only occasionally overshadowed by outbursts of aggression in response to the opposition of others, and even more so when they strive to abruptly suppress the desires and intentions of a teenager, to subordinate him to their will.

Characterized by high contact, talkativeness, lively gestures. Hyperthyms are driven by a thirst for activity, communication, impressions and entertainment. They often show tendencies towards leadership, which is usually reinforced by the presence of organizational skills. In addition, hyperthyms are very proactive and optimistic.

They enter into conflict relations only in conditions of strict discipline, monotonous activity, forced loneliness. Therefore, hyperthymes are often “uncomfortable” in lessons that are not saturated with a variety of activities accessible to them. As a rule, the lower the general motivation for educational activity in a hyperthymic teenager, the more difficult it is for him to “endure” the lesson without deviations in behavior.

Most The best way neutralization of hyperthym in the classroom - including it in an interesting and accessible activity for him. It is even better if this activity has a touch of leadership: a physical organizer, a foreman, a projectionist laboratory assistant, etc. This activity must be built for a specific hyperthymic teenager, taking into account his intellect, abilities, inclinations, etc.

For a favorable development of character in hyperthyms, both the conditions of neglect (their inherent thirst for adventure and impressions under these conditions can lead to sad consequences) and strict control, against which hyperthyms usually give a violent reaction of protest, are equally undesirable.

At the same time, they can be active assistants to the teacher, leaders in teenage groups, organizers of necessary, useful deeds. Very responsive to the friendly, respectful attitude of the teacher.

At an older age, the area of ​​​​interest of hyperthym is usually work associated with constant communication - household service, organizational activities. They tend to change professions and places of work.

1.2.2. Cycloid type

This type of behavior is most often observed in older adolescence and early adulthood. Its feature is periodic (with a phase from several weeks to several months) fluctuations in mood and vitality. During the period of rise, cycloid adolescents are characterized by features of the hyperthymic type. Then comes a period of mood decline, contact drops sharply, the teenager becomes laconic, pessimistic. He begins to be burdened by a noisy society, although he rarely enters into conflicts. Former hobbies are abandoned, interest in adventure search is lost. Previously lively teenagers become dull homebodies. Appetite decreases, manifestations of insomnia are possible, and during the day, on the contrary, drowsiness. Minor troubles and failures, which become more frequent due to a drop in efficiency, are experienced extremely hard. Cycloid adolescents can respond to remarks and reproaches with irritation, even rudeness and anger, but at the same time, deep down, they become even more discouraged.

Cycloid adolescents are very vulnerable to a radical break in the life stereotype (change of residence and study, loss of friends and relatives). Serious failures and complaints from others can deepen the subdepressive state or cause an acute affective reaction with possible suicide attempts.

The optimal position of relatives and teachers in relation to a teenager who is in a subdepressive phase is unobtrusive care and attention (at the same time, questions like: “Why are you in such a bad mood?” are categorically contraindicated). In general, it is necessary to reduce, if possible, during this period, various requirements for a teenager. For him, at such a moment, the possibility of warm contact with a significant person for him is very important: parents, friend, loved one.

great benefit in similar situation can be provided by a competent school psychologist, to whom a teenager, on his own initiative, will “open his soul”, ease his emotional experiences in the process of a psychotherapeutic conversation. Therefore, the school psychologist must know "their" cycloids well, observe them in order to come to their aid in time.

1.2.3. labile type

The main feature of this type is the extreme variability of the mood of its representatives. To one degree or another, this phenomenon is inherent in all adolescents, therefore, the presence of this type of accentuation can be said only when the mood changes too abruptly, and the reasons for these changes are insignificant. Someone accidentally said an unflattering word, an unfriendly look from a casual interlocutor, a button that came off - such events can plunge a teenager - a representative of a labile type - into a dull and gloomy mood, bring to tears. And, on the contrary, insignificant, but pleasant things (say, an ordinary compliment) significantly improve the mood of such a teenager.

Frequent mood swings are combined with a significant depth of their experience. The state of health, and appetite, and ability to work, and the desire to be alone or rush into a noisy company depend on the mood of a given moment. The attitude towards the future is also changing - it is either optimistic or, on the contrary, dull or even gloomy.

Against the background of mood swings, fleeting conflicts with peers and adults, short-term affective outbursts are possible, but then quick repentance and a search for ways of reconciliation follow.

Although sometimes labile teenagers seem frivolous, in fact, in most cases they are capable of deep and sincere affection for relatives, friends, loved ones. At the same time, they are extremely responsive to kindness, one might even say that they respond to understanding, support and kindness, and are drawn to their source, like a sunflower to sunlight. Sometimes a short, but trusting, encouraging, affectionate conversation is enough to breathe new strength into a labile teenager who has “dropped his hands”. He will respond to taking care of himself with gratitude and diligence.

Such teenagers are very acutely, painfully experiencing rejection by emotionally significant persons, the loss of loved ones, forced separation from them.

If a teacher wants to make his influence on a labile teenager more effective, he must forget about reproaches and punishments, act exclusively with kindness and affection.

1.2.4. Astheno-neurotic type

The main features of the astheno-neurotic type are increased mental and physical fatigue - irritability / tendency to hypochondria. Fatigue is especially evident during mental activities. Moderate physical exercise are better tolerated, but physical stress, for example, the atmosphere of sports competitions, is unbearable. Irritability is most similar to affective outbursts with labile accentuation, but unlike it, affective outbursts are not associated here with mood swings, but with clearly traced increases in irritability during moments of fatigue.

The accumulated irritation on an insignificant occasion easily pours out on those around them, sometimes accidentally falling “under a hot hand”, and is just as easily replaced by repentance and even tears. In contrast to the excitable type (see below), the affect of the astheno-neurotic type does not have signs of gradual boiling, strength, or duration. In this case, affect is always a manifestation of weakness. This weakness of the body is also manifested in the appearance of the astheno-neurotic - he is pale, he has blue under his eyes. It is his weakness that gives rise to increased excitability, however, having flared up, the astheno-neurotic quickly loses strength. He “starts up from a half turn”, not being guided by the situation: the neighbor on the desk, having pushed him, sits with an innocent look, in response he With with a cry of resentment, she hits him with a book and, finding herself guilty of everything, cries outside the door. The teacher should know that, having discovered these “features” of an asgeno-neurotic, other students can often provoke him to such reactions in order to disrupt the course of the lesson. Punishing in this situation "guilty without guilt" means playing along with provocateurs.

The tendency to hypochondriasis is also a typical feature of asthenic neurotics. They carefully listen to their bodily sensations, “catch” the slightest ailment, are willingly treated, go to bed and undergo examinations and examinations. Most often they are concerned about pain (of course, psychogenic) in the region of the heart and head.

In astheno-neurotic patients, as a rule, diurnal "cycles of vigor and exhaustion" are noticeable. For intensive educational work with asthenic neurotics, the teacher should, if possible, use their best periods - this is the second, third lesson, the beginning and middle of the week, the first half of the quarter (the third quarter is especially painful for such teenagers).

The main thing in the position of the teacher in relation to the astheno-neurotic is patience and sincere sympathy. It is necessary to carefully cover up most of the teenager's mistakes and failures, if they clearly arise against the background of exhaustion. And, on the contrary, skillfully focus on his successes. It will not be superfluous to remember that asthenic neurotics react extremely painfully to a joke addressed to them, no matter who it comes from. And, of course, first of all, it is necessary to find out if there are any physical causes of asthenia in this case (prolonged overwork, chronic illness, etc.).

1.2.5. sensitive type

This type develops quite late, as a rule, by the age of 16-19. But most of its elements, including the leading features, begin to be laid already in adolescence. First of all, this is an extremely high impressionability, which is later joined by a pronounced sense of one's own inferiority.

The school scares such children with a crowd of peers, noise, fuss and fights at breaks, but, getting used to one class, and even suffering from some classmates, they are extremely reluctant to move to another team! They usually study diligently, but very much, they are afraid of all kinds of checks, tests, exams. Often they are embarrassed to answer in front of the class, afraid to stumble, cause laughter, or, conversely, they answer less than they know, so as not to be considered an upstart or an overly diligent student among their peers.

Contact is below average, they prefer a narrow circle of friends "They rarely conflict, because they usually take a passive position; they keep grudges in themselves, they are altruistic, compassionate, they know how to rejoice in other people's successes. A sense of duty is complemented by diligence. However, extreme sensitivity borders on tearfulness, which can provoke attacks in their address from ill-mannered or irritable people.

Children's attachment to relatives remains. The guardianship of the elders is tolerated and even willingly obeys it. Therefore, they are often referred to as "house children".

They early form high moral and ethical requirements for themselves and others. Peers often horrify them with rudeness, cruelty, cynicism. They also find many shortcomings in themselves, but these are shortcomings of a completely different kind - mainly related to weakness of the will.

The feeling of inferiority in sensitive adolescents makes the reaction of hypercompensation especially pronounced: they seek self-affirmation exactly where they feel their inferiority. Girls tend to show their cheerfulness and sociability. Timid and shy boys pull on the guise of swagger and arrogance, trying to demonstrate their energy and will.

However, if the teacher manages to establish a trusting contact with such a teenager (which, unlike labile ones, does not succeed immediately), then behind the mask of “nothing at all” a life full of self-reproaches and self-flagellation is revealed. The most vulnerable adolescents are sensitive in the sphere of relationships with others. Unbearable for them is the situation where they become the object of ridicule or suspicion of unseemly deeds, when they are subjected to unfair accusations, etc. This can push such a teenager to an acute affective reaction, conflict, provoke depression or even a suicide attempt.

1.2.6. Anxious-pedantic type

The main features of this type in adolescence are indecisiveness and a tendency to reason, anxious suspiciousness and love of introspection, and, finally, the ease of occurrence of obsessions - obsessive fears, fears, actions, thoughts, ideas.

The fears and apprehensions of an anxiously pedantic teenager are entirely addressed to a possible, albeit unlikely, in his future: no matter how something terrible and irreparable happens, no matter how unforeseen misfortune happens to him, and even worse - with those close to him. to which he reveals a passionate, almost pathological affection.

Anxiety for the mother is especially pronounced - no matter how she gets sick or dies (although her health does not inspire fear in anyone), no matter how an accident happens to her. Even a slight delay in the return of the mother from work is hard for the teenager to endure.

Specially invented signs and rituals become psychological protection against constant anxiety about the future: gestures, spells, whole behavioral complexes (for example, when going to school, go around all the hatches so as not to “fail when answering”, etc.).

Another form of “defense is a specially developed formalism and pedantry (“If everything is foreseen and double-checked many times, then nothing bad will happen”),

Indecisiveness in actions and reasoning in an anxious and pedantic teenager are clearly combined. Any independent choice, no matter how insignificant it may be (for example, which movie to go to see), can become the subject of long and painful hesitation. However, anxious and pedantic adolescents must immediately fulfill the decision already made; they do not know how to wait, showing amazing impatience.

Indecisiveness often leads to overcompensation in the form of unexpected self-confidence, peremptory judgments, exaggerated decisiveness and hasty action just in situations where discretion and caution are required. The failures that occur after that further increase indecision and doubt.

A frequently made pedagogical mistake in relation to adolescents of the anxious-pedantic type is to entrust them with tasks that require communication and initiative. The tendency to give such instructions is provoked by the fact that if these teenagers do not resort to overcompensation, they are usually perceived as very obedient and diligent students. Therefore, the teacher, in principle, should avoid delegating responsibility to an accurate, anxious and pedantic teenager, since this can cause him a neuropsychic breakdown, an increase in subdepressive symptoms. Although in conditions of calm, measured work, clearly regulated, not requiring initiative and numerous contacts, such a teenager, as a rule, feels good.

Anxious-pedantic type is not characterized (with the exception of rare cases of hypercompensation) a tendency to violate rules, laws, norms of behavior, smoking, drinking alcohol, sexual excesses, running away from home, suicide. Such tendencies, apparently, are completely supplanted by obsession, philosophizing, and soul-searching.

To smooth out the accentuated features of this type, teachers and parents can be recommended, first of all, to constantly grow an optimistic style of communication with a teenager, avoid methods of punishment and intimidation, and encourage and support manifestations of activity and independence more widely. Particularly desirable are frequent manifestations of goodwill from relatives and teachers. If certain misunderstandings arise (disciplinary, educational, etc.) with anxious and pedantic adolescents, it is necessary to immediately resolve them, resolve them constructively, with positive prospects.

1.2.7. introverted type

The most significant features of this type are isolation, isolation from the outside world, inability or unwillingness to establish contact, reduced need for communication; a combination of contradictory traits in personality and behavior is also characteristic - coldness and refined miraculousness, stubbornness and pliability, alertness and gullibility, apathetic inactivity and assertive determination, isolation and sudden, unexpected importunity, shyness, tactlessness, excessive attachments and unmotivated antipathies, rational reasoning and illogical deeds, the wealth of the inner world and the colorlessness of its external manifestations. All this makes us speak about the absence in the structure of the personality of an introverted teenager of “internal unity.” An essential feature is also the lack of subtle intuition, empathy in interpersonal relationships.

With the onset of puberty, these features appear with particular brightness. Closeness, isolation from peers are especially striking. Sometimes spiritual loneliness does not even burden an introverted accentuate who lives in his own world with his interests and inclinations unusual for others, treating with condescension, disdain or obvious hostility to everything that fills the life of other teenagers. Nevertheless, more often such teenagers themselves suffer from their loneliness, inability to communicate, and the inability to find a friend.

A lack of intuition and an inability to empathize probably determine what is called? coldness of introverted accentuates. Their actions may seem cruel, but they are associated with the inability to "feel into" the suffering of others. It is no coincidence that they often seem alien, incomprehensible not only to peers, but also to teachers, and even to their own parents.

The inaccessibility of the inner world and restraint in manifestation make many actions of introverted adolescents incomprehensible and unexpected for others, because everything that preceded them - the whole course of experiences and motives - remained hidden. Some of their antics really bear the stamp of eccentricity, but they are committed without the purpose of attracting attention to themselves (unlike the demonstrative type, which will be discussed below).

The threat for introverted accentuates is alcohol, to which they sometimes resort in small doses in order to “overcome shyness” and facilitate contacts. No less dangerous for adolescents of this type are other intoxicating substances that can cause a "high", fantastic dreams that replace real communication and activity.

A significant place in the life of introverted accentuates is occupied by hobbies, which are often distinguished by constancy and unusualness. Most often these are intellectual and aesthetic hobbies (reading, modeling, designing, collecting).

If such a teenager finds himself in a situation that is contrary to their internal principles, then he can defend his position with enviable consistency and stamina (for example, leave the exam without agreeing with the topic of the proposed essay).

Introverted accentuates react especially violently to the inept, rude attempts of adults to penetrate into their inner world, "to get into the soul." In this regard, it is much preferable to try to demonstrate a sincere, competent interest in the pupil's hobby. And penetration into the inner world of an introverted accentuate is necessary for teachers. The isolation of an introverted teenager from the world makes it difficult for him to socialize, in particular, the correction of moral, moral and other attitudes (including sexual ones), which can be very peculiar and far from meeting generally accepted standards. In addition, the traits of introversion only increase if such a teenager is brought up on the basis of dominant hyperprotection (excessive control and guardianship, the severity of punishments when disobedient).

1.2.8. excitable type

The main features of this type are a tendency to dysphoria (low mood with irritability, anger, gloominess, a tendency to aggression) and affective explosiveness, closely related to it. The intensity of the instinctive sphere is also characteristic, reaching in some cases an anomaly of drives. In the intellectual sphere, viscosity, stiffness, heaviness, inertia are usually observed, leaving an imprint on the entire psyche.

Affective discharges can be the result of dysphoria - adolescents in these states themselves can look for a reason for scandal. But the affect can also be caused by those conflicts that easily arise in excitable adolescents due to their dominance, desire to suppress peers, intransigence, cruelty and selfishness.

The reason for anger may be insignificant, but it is always associated with at least a slight infringement of the rights and interests of an excitable teenager. With the unimpeded development of affect, unbridled rage is striking - threats, cynical abuse, severe beatings, indifference to the weakness and helplessness of the enemy and the inability to take into account superior strength. face, increased salivation, etc.

Sexual attraction in excitable teenagers is manifested with great force. Relationships with the object of love or sexual partner are almost always colored by gloomy tones of jealousy, with frequent conflicts and fights with real or imaginary rivals. In a state of passion, prompted by a powerful sexual desire, in conditions of complete or even partial neglect (at an evening, on a hike, etc.), they can attempt a crime on sexual grounds.

As a rule, to adolescence in excitable children, there is a drop in motivation for learning activities, which, nevertheless, is often combined with rather high “claims” for their grades. In general, they most often treat everything “their own” with pedantic accuracy (including their health, which keeps them from using “harmful” toxic and intoxicating substances, although they resort to alcohol quite often, “to cheer up”) .

An excitable teenager begins to fight for "favorable grades" with the most different ways; from fawning over the teacher to violent, difficult conflicts with him.

Under these conditions, the teacher must, on the one hand, try to enable the excitable teenager to really “earn” a good mark (skillfully implementing the principle of differentiation in teaching), and on the other hand, to kindly and convincingly argue for giving the teenager this or that mark.

It is also very important not to provoke conflicts at all, given, in particular, the "slight emotional contagion of excitable adolescents - neither at school nor at home they are not able to maintain indifference or show restraint, not only in a conflict, but also in a pre-conflict situation. At the lesson, an affective outburst in an excitable teenager can be provoked, for example, by the irritable, unrestrained demeanor of the teacher, the rudeness of his speech (and it is not at all necessary that this be addressed specifically to the excitable teenager). It is all the more dangerous if there is a gross infringement of his interests and personal dignity.

However, while maintaining an emphatically benevolent (but by no means ingratiating) tone in communicating with an excitable teenager, it is necessary to constantly monitor his behavior in the classroom, breaks and extracurricular activities. In this case, the task of the teacher is to protect the excitable teenager from the tyranny (aspiring to power in the team by direct suppression of classmates), timely prevention and repayment of the excitable despotism.

One of the ways to correct the behavior of excitable adolescents is to appeal to their consciousness, to analyze and evaluate their behavior in the process of an individual conversation. This, of course, is not about the banal “Well, is it really possible!”. Such a conversation should be an oral "and sometimes written" compromise agreement.

First, the emphasis should be on the harm that a teenager brings to himself or to his loved ones (if he has really significant relatives for him). Then, showing a sincere interest in the problems of a teenager, try in a joint search to choose from all compromise (that is, satisfactory and other) ways to solve the problem, one that would be most acceptable to him. Given the pragmatism of the excitable, such agreements (with strict adherence to them by both parties) are quite real and quite effective.

Naturally, it is necessary to conduct such conversations at a time when, according to external manifestations and behavior, we do not detect either severe dysphoria or “boiling” of affect.

It is very important that in the process of conversation the student plays an active role, learns to talk about his feelings, experiences, problems, since the poverty of speech, the inability to express his thoughts clearly and arguing can provoke affective outbursts of excitable in conflict situations.

During the conversation, the teacher should use all means of preventing an aggressive reaction: confidential, intimate intonation, affectionate touch, light humor (but such, of course, that would not in the least affect the vanity of a teenager).

1.2.9. Demonstrative type

The main features of this type: boundless egocentrism, an insatiable thirst for attention to one's person, admiration, surprise, reverence, sympathy. And even the indignation or hatred of those around you in your address is preferred, but not indifference and indifference, but not the prospect of going unnoticed.

It is believed that the essence of the demonstrative type lies in the abnormal ability to repress, in the selective selection of information and impressions about oneself and the world. Everything that is pleasant, that is aimed at embellishing one's person, the demonstrative type carefully preserves and hypertrophies; everything that has a neutral, and even more so the opposite meaning, is forced out of memory and consciousness. Therefore, suggestibility, which is often brought to the fore as a characteristic feature of this type, is distinguished by selectivity - nothing remains of it if the atmosphere of suggestion and self-hypnosis do not “pour water on the mill” of egocentrism.

Invariably striving to achieve for themselves all sorts of benefits and indulgences at the expense of others (family, classmates, colleagues, etc.). Attempts to implement it go in two directions: first, steps are being taken to arouse as much sympathy, respect, admiration, etc. in relation to one's person; secondly, if the first method does not work, feelings of compassion and sympathy are stimulated on the part of others.

In case of failure, a third way is also reserved - frond, shocking, clowning, violations of discipline, in short - attracting attention to oneself through negativity.

The described manifestations of demonstrativeness are often accompanied by high mimicry in behavior (depending on the specifics of the environment - school, street, house - a teenager acts in very different guises, including pathological, aimed at embellishing his person, deceit).

Attitude towards learning in demonstrative adolescents depends on how educational activity contributes to the satisfaction of the leading installation of the demonstrative (to achieve the effect of recognition, "shine", in one way or another). So, with a developed intellect, the performance of such adolescents is most often good, but selective: better in those subjects taught by teachers who have managed to establish good relations with a teenager (paying special attention to him), and vice versa, a lot of problems, up to complete failure in subjects, with teachers with whom the demonstrative teenager did not develop the desired relationship for him (at the same time, he almost always explains his educational failures by external circumstances).

If a demonstrative teenager fails to stand out in school for one reason or another, then he chooses a different way of drawing attention to himself: bravado, clowning, deviations in behavior. Progress in such cases falls, complete indifference to learning sets in.

Very often, demonstrative teenagers annoy teachers in the classroom with their talkativeness, constant distractions, jokes, etc. In this situation, the following technique has proven itself well:

At first, the teacher meets the need of a demonstrative teenager for increased attention: he often praises him, makes all sorts of neutral remarks about him, turns his gaze to him, approaches him, looks at his notebook, etc. As a result, the teenager immediately begins to behave better, the productivity of his educational work increases,

At the second stage, when the positive results of the first stage are fixed, the teacher pays attention to the demonstrative teenager only when his behavior and activities meet the expectations of the teacher, thereby reinforcing positive changes in his behavior.

Finally, at the third stage, when the positive tendencies in the behavior of the demonstrative adolescent are finally fixed, the teacher switches to an intermittent reinforcement scheme, paying attention to it only in response to manifestations of positive behavior, while gradually increasing the intervals between individual reinforcements. Gradually, as a result of constant reinforcement of non-demonstrative behavior and inhibition of manifestations of demonstrative behavior, the latter fades away, the teenager outlives his accentuation.

Another method of modifying the behavior of a demonstrative teenager is systematic individual conversations with him, forming his understanding that the most reliable, sustainable way to attract the attention of others, respect and care from them is a socially valuable activity that is useful to others. The teacher must organize such activities and include the teenager in it. These can be various classroom and school events, a drama club, exhibitions, competitions and other things where demonstrative teenagers will have the opportunity to really “shine”, using their often outstanding inclinations for acting and acting. literary creativity.

It is necessary to realize: a demonstrative teenager who has not developed any of the interesting, useful, prestigious skills in himself, most often becomes a hysteroid, a whiner, a simulator, a misanthrope, difficult to communicate in the future. The alternative to this is much more attractive - everyone's favorite actor or just a smart storyteller, the soul of the company.

1.2.10. Unstable type

The main feature of representatives of this type is a pathological weakness of the will. Their lack of will first of all manifests itself when it comes to study, work, performance of duties, duty, achievement of the goals that relatives, elders, and society set for them. However, even in entertainment, unstable adolescents do not show much assertiveness, they rather go with the flow, adjoining more active, enterprising peers.

Associated with this is the absence of a complex motivation for actions, the lack of ability to slow down one's inclinations, to refrain from satisfying a sudden desire (if its implementation is not associated with any difficulties).

In addition to lack of will, there is an increased suggestibility of unstable personalities, their purposeless criminality.

It is noted that the social behavior of the unstable depends more on the influence of the environment than on themselves. This means, on the one hand, their increased suggestibility and impulsiveness, on the other hand, the immaturity of higher forms of volitional activity, the inability to develop a stable socially approved life stereotype, and, as a result, disorganization, lack of desire to overcome difficulties, a tendency to follow the path of least resistance, undeveloped own prohibitions, susceptibility to negative influences. Mental instability (primarily volitional) is the ground on which various options neurotic disorders, alcoholism, drug addiction.

Unstable accentuation often manifests itself in the first grades of school. The child has no desire to learn. Only with constant control, reluctantly, obeying the pressure of adults, do they complete the tasks they have received, but constantly try to shirk their studies. The first behavioral disorders in childhood associated with emotional and volitional immaturity intensify in adolescence.

Everything bad begins to seem to be attracted to these teenagers. Only those behaviors that promise immediate pleasure, a change of light impressions, and entertainment serve as a role model.

To correct the behavior of such children, it is extremely important to have full control over their behavior and activities (primarily educational), a system of reasonably organized requirements. This should be a whole system of control measures in school activities, in the family (checking the effectiveness of studies, joint work with adults), filling the leisure of an unstable teenager with circle classes, etc.).

It is very important that the tightening of regime moments be combined with the sincere interest of adults (teachers, parents) in the success of the student, taking place against the backdrop of positive emotional contacts. It is important (although in this case it is difficult) to arouse interest in a teenager, respect for his personality, his own positive qualities, his future. In such conditions (with which, by the way, unstable people easily put up) a teenager can long time not to allow violations in behavior, it is very good to study. But as soon as control weakens, the unstable teenager begins to seek "the right company." Especially dangerous for unstable teenagers such a change life situation, which leads to neglect, an atmosphere of connivance, opening up scope for idleness and idleness.

* * *

These are the main types of character accentuations in adolescents. By itself, acquaintance with their description allows the teacher to more or less successfully identify their representatives among his pupils. However, such an identification requires relatively long-term observations and, at the same time, may not be accurate enough. Special survey methods come to the rescue. One of these methods is the Pathocharacterological Diagnostic Questionnaire (PDO) modified by the author of the brochure, developed by A. Elichko. In a modified form, we will designate this methodology with the abbreviation MPDO. The next chapter of the brochure is dedicated to its description.


2.1. Modification content

It should be noted that for all its merits, the A.E. Lichko questionnaire is used very rarely by school psychologists, mainly because of the complexity and the need for large time costs (from 1 to 1.5 hours per person). In addition, PDO is very difficult to apply in a group version.

The school psychologist needs a more portable test that can be easily used in group diagnostics. For this purpose, an attempt was made to modify the PDO.

Firstly, only diagnostic questions are included in the text of the questionnaire, which made it possible to drastically reduce its volume (from 351 to 143 questions), and, having retained the typology of accentuations common among school psychologists developed by A.E. Lichko, to make the procedure for using the questionnaire close to such convenient methods as questionnaires of Leonhard, Lichten-Schmishek, etc.

Secondly, only “Yes” answers are considered diagnostically significant, which makes it possible to conduct a survey in one session (and not in two, as in PDO, where after choosing “Yes”, the subject must, having selected statements atypical for him, designate them with the index “No” ").

Thirdly, an important advantage of MPDO is that a significant proportion of the processing of test results is carried out by the test subjects themselves: The examination procedure has been simplified so much that students in grades 9-11, relying on the test manual, can carry out self-testing during an individual consultation in the psychologist's office. It is clear that on duty to the test, they can carry out self-testing during an individual consultation in the psychologist's office. It is clear that the duties of the psychologist will remain the explanation of the results obtained, the conversation on these results, that is, the actual psychological counseling. The average examination time for one person is 30-35 minutes. The test is also convenient in a group version.

Fourth, the modification also affected the content of the questionnaire. Thus, some questions were obtained by analyzing a large number of projections of accentuated adolescents using the technique of unfinished sentences. For example, a very common projection among introverted teenagers is, "I often fear that I will be alone in the future." This and a number of other statements are not included in the questionnaires mentioned above.

Secondly, the correlation of the diagnoses received according to the MPDO with the expert assessments of the class teachers was checked. Teachers were selected who had at least three years of experience working with this class and were responsible for their duties. Experts were trained accordingly, in particular, they received theoretical training in the phenomenology of character accentuations at lectures and seminars conducted by the author.

The experts received a diagnostic sheet for students in their class, on which the names of types and short description their leading features, and horizontally at the top was a list of class students. The task of the expert was as follows - it was necessary to evaluate the manifestation of one or another symptom complex in each student of the class on a ten-point scale.

The coincidence of the diagnoses received according to the MPDO with the diagnoses made by the experts on the basis of the “school clinic” was 87%.

Considering that, according to A. Elichko (5; 7), the coincidence of PDO diagnoses with expert assessments for some types (schizoid, excitable, psychasthenic) is a little more than 70%, then this indicator can be considered satisfactory.

It should be noted that identification is particularly difficult (both by questionnaires and with the help of expert assessments) cycloid, astheno-neurotic and sensitive types. With the help of additional

of whole data obtained by observing the behavior of students, individual conversations with adolescents and their parents, using such methods as the diagnosis of generalized attitudes, the Eysenck questionnaire, TCT, etc., quite frequent cases of "masking" of these types were revealed. For example, cycloid and astheno-neurotic types are often disguised as labile. The sensitive type is generally rare in adolescence, although sometimes it manifests itself almost in its pure form already in the 5th grade.

The reliability of the questionnaire was tested by retesting after two weeks. 94% of diagnoses were confirmed.

MPDO was tested on 316 accentuated teenagers in grades 8-11.

2. Device MPDO

The questionnaire includes 143 statements that make up 10 diagnostic and one control scale (lie scale). Each scale has 13 statements. The statements in the text of the questionnaire are presented in random order. Hyperthymic, cycloid, labile, astheno-neurotic, sensitive, anxious-pedantic, introverted, excitable, demonstrative and unstable types are diagnosed.

The procedure for filling out the questionnaire and scoring is set out in the Instructions for Subjects.

Based on the collected material, separately for each type of accentuation, the minimum diagnostic number (MDN) was determined, which is the lower limit of the confidence interval (6; 24), which is calculated by the formula

M- average score for this type of accentuations;

Rn- tabular coefficient;

W- range of data.

Minimum diagnostic numbers (MDN):

Hyperthymic type - 10;

Cycloid type - 8;

Labile type - 9;

Astheno-neurotic type - 8;

Sensitive type - 8;

Anxious-pedantic hip - 9;

Introverted type - 9;

Excitable type - 9;

Demonstrative type - 9;

Unstable type - 10;

Control scale - 4.

The control scale is interpreted similarly to the same scale in children's version the Eysenck questionnaire. An indicator of 4 points is already considered critical. A high score on this scale indicates a tendency for subjects to give "good" answers. High scores on the lie scale can also serve as additional evidence of demonstrativeness in the behavior of the subject. Therefore, when receiving more than 4 points on the control scale, 1 point should be added to the demonstrativeness scale. If the indicator on the scale of deceit exceeds 7 points, then 2 points are added to the scale of demonstrativeness. However, if despite this, the demonstrative type is not diagnosed, then the test results should be recognized as unreliable.

Type identification rules:

1. If MPM is achieved or exceeded by only one type, then this type is diagnosed.

2 If the MPM is exceeded for several types, then the following is diagnosed:

a) in in the case of the following combinations - mixed type:

Other combinations obtained according to MTDO should be recognized as incompatible (which is proven by clinical observations). For example, hyperthymic and introverted type, sensitive and excitable, etc.

b) If one type scores 4 more than other types, then the latter are not diagnosed, even if the combination is compatible.

V) In the case of incompatible combinations, the type with the highest score is diagnosed.

G) If two incompatible types have the same number of points, then to exclude one of them, you must be guided by the following dominance rules (the type indicated after the equal sign is retained):

C + A = A

A + B = B

C + C = C

C + D = D

A + H = H

C + T = T

C + H = H

C + I = I

T + B = B

C + V = V

L + T = T

T+D = D

C + D = D

L + I = I

T + H = H

C + H = H

L + V = V

3. If the MDM is reached or exceeded for more than one type and rule 2 fails to reduce them to two, then the two highest scoring types are selected and then rule 2 is followed.

4. If more than 4 points are received on the control scale, then, as already noted, 1 point is added to the demonstrativeness scale, if more than 7, 2 points are added accordingly. However, if after that the demonstrative type is not diagnosed, the results of the examination are recognized as unreliable and in relation to this teenager it must be repeated.

Achieving or exceeding the MDM for one type or another, plus the above rules for identifying types, guarantees a diagnostic accuracy of at least P > 0.95.

An example of a diagnostic procedure for the MPDO test

Petrov V., 9-B class.


In this case, the MDM is exceeded in two types:

Hyperthymic type - 10;

Anxious-pedantic type - 10. According to the rule 2a, hyperthymic and anxious-pedantic types are incompatible. According to the rule 2c and 2d, an anxious-pedantic type is diagnosed, and attributing to oneself the traits of a hyperthymic type should be considered as a manifestation of either hypercompensation (the desire to become strong exactly where one is weak), or psychological defense, or both.

3. Work with students based on test results

Both the procedure, and especially the results of the examination of character traits, arouse the keenest interest among the subjects, and, naturally, the examiner (school psychologist, teacher) must meet the desire of the subjects to familiarize themselves with the results of the study, to receive individual advice.

1. Telling each subject of his diagnosis. In group testing, it is advisable to do this using a small card, for example:

"Petrov I.D., 8-B class:

Hyperthymic-demonstrative type.

A card with a diagnosis (this may also be an indication of the lack of accentuation) is issued to each student personally.

2. Group and individual counseling.

Of course, the diagnosis itself will not say much to a teenager, so the experimenter in a certain form (a conversation with the class, an optional, circle lesson, etc.) must bring to the attention of students a phenomenological description of each type, form a concept in schoolchildren about character accentuation.

Such informing is very useful for students, because the more qualities a person singles out when analyzing his Self, the more complex and generalized these qualities, the higher the level of his self-awareness.

After group counseling, many teenagers are likely to want to see a psychologist for an individual appointment. During the conversation, the student usually expresses a desire to talk about himself, about his character, to get recommendations on it. improvement.

At the same time, quite often adolescents come with psychological problems that require painstaking work: additional research, lengthy corrective work.

3. Based on the results obtained, the psychologist in a thoughtful, delicate form (caring primarily for the interests of the child) gives recommendations regarding this teenager class teacher parents, teachers, school administrators.

Instructions for those examined according to the MPDO

Guys, each of you wants to know the features of his character, at least his most striking, convex features. Knowing your character allows you to manage yourself: better interact with people, focus on a certain range of professions, etc. After all, character is the basis of personality.

This test will help you determine the type of your character, its features.

You are offered Question sheet And Answer sheet. After reading each question-statement in the Answer Sheet, decide whether it is typical for you or not. If yes, then circle the number of that question on the Answer Sheet, if not, just skip that number.

The more accurate and sincere your choices are, the better you will know your character.

After the Answer Sheet is completed, calculate the sum of your points for each line (one number in a circle is one point). Put these amounts at the end of each line.

Question sheet

    As a child, I was cheerful and restless.

    In elementary school, I loved school, and then it began to weigh me down.

    As a child, I was the same as now: it was easy to upset me, but also easy to calm down, cheer me up.

    I often feel unwell.

    As a child, I was touchy and sensitive.

    I often fear that something might happen to my mother.

    My mood improves when I am left alone.

    As a child, I was moody and irritable.

    As a child, I loved to talk and play with adults.

    I think that the most important thing is, no matter what, how best to spend today.

    I always keep my promises, even if it is not profitable for me.

    As a rule, I am in a good mood.

    Weeks of good health give way to weeks when both my health and my mood are bad.

    I easily move from joy to sadness and vice versa.

    I often feel lethargic and unwell.

    I have an aversion to alcohol.

    I avoid drinking alcohol due to poor health and headaches.

    My parents do not understand me and sometimes seem like strangers to me.

    I am wary of strangers and involuntarily fear evil on their part.

    I don't see any big flaws.

    All my habits are good and desirable.

    My mood does not change from insignificant reasons.

    I often wake up thinking about what I have to do today.

    I love my parents very much, I am attached to them, but sometimes I get very offended and even quarrel.

    At times I feel energized, at times I feel overwhelmed.

    Often I am embarrassed to eat in front of strangers.

    My attitude to the future often changes: sometimes I make bright plans, sometimes the future seems gloomy to me.

    I like to do something interesting in solitude.

    It almost never happens that a stranger immediately inspires me with sympathy.

    I love fashionable and unusual clothes that attract the eye.

    Most of all I like hearty food and good rest.

    I am very balanced, I never get irritated and do not get angry at anyone.

    I easily get along with people in any environment.

    I do not tolerate hunger well - I quickly weaken.

    I endure loneliness easily if it is not associated with troubles.

    I often have bad, restless sleep.

    My shyness prevents me from making friends with those I would like to.

    I often worry about various troubles that may happen in the future, although there is no reason for this.

    I experience my failures myself and do not ask anyone for help.

    I am very worried about comments and marks that do not satisfy me.

    Most often, I feel at ease with new, unfamiliar peers, in a new class, work and rest camp.

    As a rule, I am not prepared w lessons.

    I always tell adults only the truth.

    Adventure and risk attract me.

    I quickly get used to familiar people, strangers can annoy me.

    My mood directly depends on school and home affairs,

    I often get tired by the end of the day, and so that it seems that there is no strength left at all.

    I am shy of strangers and afraid to speak first.

    I check many times for errors in my work.

    My friends sometimes have the mistaken idea that I don't want to be friends with them.

    There are sometimes days when I get angry at everyone for no reason.

    I can say about myself that I have a good imagination.

    If the teacher does not control me in the classroom, I almost always do something else.

    My parents never annoy me with their behavior.

    I can easily organize guys for work, games, entertainment.

    I can go ahead of the other 9 in reasoning, but not in action.

    It happens that I am very happy, and then very upset.

    Sometimes I become capricious and irritable, and soon regret it.

    I am overly touchy and sensitive.

    I like to be the first where they love me, I don't like to fight for the championship.

    I am almost never completely frank, both with friends and family.

    When I get angry, I may start yelling, waving my arms, and sometimes fighting.

    I often think that if I wanted to, I could become an actor.

    It seems to me that worrying about the future is useless - everything will work out by itself.

    I am always fair in relations with teachers, parents, friends.

    I am convinced that in the future all my plans and desires will come true.

    Sometimes there are days when life seems harder to me than it really is.

    Quite often my mood is reflected in my actions.

    It seems to me that I have many shortcomings and weaknesses.

    It's hard for me when I remember my little mistakes.

    Often all sorts of thoughts prevent me from completing the work I have begun.

    I can listen to criticism and objections, but I still try to do everything my own way.

    Sometimes I can get so angry at the offender that it’s hard for me to resist not to beat him right there.

    I almost never feel ashamed or shy.

    I have no desire for sports or physical education.

    I never speak ill of others.

    I love all sorts of adventures, I willingly take risks.

    Sometimes my formation depends on the weather.

    What is new to me is pleasant if it promises something good for me.

    Life seems very hard to me.

    I often I feel shy in front of teachers and school authorities.

    After finishing the work, I worry for a long time about the fact that I could do something wrong.

    I feel like others don't understand me.

    I often get upset because I said too much when I got angry.

    I can always find a way out of any situation.

    I like to go to the cinema instead of school classes or just skip classes.

    I never took anything from the house without asking.

    When I fail, I can laugh at myself

    I have periods of upsurge, hobbies, enthusiasm, and then there may be a decline, apathy for everything.

    If I fail at something, I may despair and lose hope.

    Objections and criticism upset me very much if they are sharp and rude in form, even if they concern small things.

    Sometimes I cry when I read a sad book or watch a sad movie.

    I often doubt the correctness of my actions and decisions

    Often I have the feeling that I was unnecessary, an outsider.

    Faced with injustice, I am indignant and immediately speak out breaking it.

    I like to be in the center of attention, for example, telling the guys different funny stories

    I think that the best pastime is when you do nothing, just relax.

    I'm never late for school or anything

    I don't like staying in one place for a long time.

    Sometimes I get so upset about a fight with a teacher or peers that I can't go to school.

    I can't control other people.

    Sometimes it seems to me that I am seriously and dangerously ill.

    I do not like all sorts of dangerous and risky adventures,

    I often get the urge to double-check the work I just completed.

    I'm afraid that in the future I may be alone.

    I gladly listen to instructions concerning my health.

    I always give my opinion if something is being discussed in the class.

    I think that you should never break away from the team.

    Questions related to sex and love do not interest me at all.

    I always thought that for an interesting, tempting business, all the rules can be circumvented.

    Holidays are sometimes unpleasant for me.

    Life has taught me not to be too frank, even with friends.

    I don't eat much, sometimes I don't eat at all for a long time.

    I love to enjoy the beauty of nature.

    Leaving the house, going to bed, I always check whether the gas, electrical appliances are turned off, whether the door is locked.

    I was attracted only by something new that corresponds to my principles and interests.

    If someone is to blame for my failures, I do not leave him unpunished.

    If I don't respect someone, I manage to behave in such a way that he doesn't notice it.

    It is best to spend time in a variety of entertainment.

    I like all school subjects.

    I am often the leader in games.

    I can easily endure pain and physical suffering.

    I always try to restrain myself when I am criticized or when I am objected to.

    I am too suspicious, I worry about everything, especially often - about my health.

    I am rarely carefree cheerful.

    I often think of various signs for myself, and I try to strictly follow them so that everything is fine.

    I do not seek to participate in the life of the school and class,

    Sometimes I do quick, thoughtless things that I later regret.

    I don’t like to calculate all expenses in advance, I easily borrow, even if I know that it will be difficult to repay the money by the due date.

    Studying weighs me down, and if they didn’t force me, I wouldn’t study at all.

    I have never had such thoughts that need to be hidden from others.

    I am often in such a good mood that people ask me why I am so cheerful.

    Sometimes my mood is so bad that I start thinking about death.

    The slightest annoyances upset me too much.

    I get tired quickly in class and become distracted.

    Sometimes I am amazed at the rudeness and bad manners of the guys,

    The teachers consider me neat and diligent.

    Often I find it more pleasant to think alone than to spend time in a noisy company.

    I like being obeyed.

    I could study much better, but our teachers and school do not contribute to this.

    I don't like doing things that require effort and patience.

    I never wished bad on anyone.

Answer sheet


Approval number

In addition to the classification of K. Leonhard, in the practice of psychologists and psychiatrists are used accentuation of Lichko's character.

He expanded and supplemented this concept, deduced his own typology of characteristics of pointed personality traits.

Brief background

A. Lichko derived his systematics of character accentuations, based on, G.E. Sukhareva and P. B. Gannushkin.

However, she slightly different.

Classification in the first place for studying adolescence, covers not only accentuations, but also psychopathological deviations of character.

Lichko proposed to replace the term "personality accentuations" with "character accentuations", explaining that personality is a broader concept and cannot be assessed only in terms of accentuations.

Attention in the studies was directed to adolescence, because during this period, various psychopathy begin to manifest itself most clearly.

Types of character accentuation according to Lichko:

Accentuations of character from the point of view of A. E. Lichko

According to Lichko's theory, accentuation is temporary. In the process they may appear and disappear. These changes and personality traits sometimes turn into psychopathy and persist into adulthood.

The direction of development of pointed personality traits is determined by the social environment and the type of accentuation. She happens overt and covert.

According to psychiatrist A. Lichko, accentuations are borderline states between norm and pathology.

Therefore, he built his classification on the basis of the types of psychopathy.

Character accentuations - examples:


The following types of accentuations were distinguished:

  1. Hyperthymic type. Active, restless, poorly controlled by teachers. Flexible, easily adapts to changing situations. Teenagers are prone to conflicts with adults, including teachers. Change is not afraid. The mood is predominantly positive. tend to overestimate their capabilities, so they are able to take risks without hesitation.

    For them, excitement, noisy, active companies and entertainment are acceptable. There are many hobbies, they are superficial.

  2. Cycloid. Characterized by frequent mood swings - from good to bad. They prefer loneliness, being at home, than active entertainment in the company. Adversity is hard to bear. Painfully reacts to criticism and remarks. There is a tendency to, apathy, easily irritated. Change of mood can be tied to the time of year.

    In the process of growing up, the pronounced features of accentuation can be smoothed out, but sometimes it gets stuck at the oppressive-melancholic stage. During the period of recovery, when the mood is good, there is cheerfulness, optimism, high activity, sociability, initiative. In the opposite state - a bad mood - they show increased sensitivity, react sharply to criticism.

  3. sensitive. People of this type are highly sensitive. Adolescents give the impression of being closed, they do not strive for joint games, they are timid. They treat their parents well, behave obediently. Difficulties in adapting in a team are possible. An inferiority complex may develop.

    People of this type have a developed sense of responsibility, make high moral demands on themselves and others.

    Perseverance allows you to successfully engage in painstaking work and complex activities. choose carefully. They prefer to communicate with those who are older.

  4. Schizoid type. There is isolation, the desire to spend time alone, fenced off from the world. They are indifferent to other people and communication with them, which can manifest itself in a defiant avoidance of contact. They lack such a quality as sympathy, they do not show interest in the people around them, there is no empathy and understanding of the feelings of others. do not seek to show people their feelings, so their peers do not understand them, considering them strange.

  5. hysterical. They have a high degree of egocentrism. They need the attention of other people, and they do everything to get it. Demonstrative and artistic. They worry if attention is paid not to them, but to someone else. They should be admired - one of the important needs of the individual. Hysteroids become the initiator of events and events, but they themselves are not able to clearly organize them. It is also problematic for them to earn authority among their peers, despite the fact that they strive for leadership. They need praise in their address, but criticism is perceived painfully. Feelings are shallow.

    Prone to deceit, fantasies, pretense. Often they show a demonstrative type of suicide in an attempt to attract attention and earn the sympathy of others.

  6. Conformal type. Teenagers with a similar accentuation easily obey the will of other people. They do not have their own opinion, they follow the group. The basic principle is to be, to act like everyone else. At the same time, they are conservative. If they need to protect their interests, they will do anything, finding an excuse for them. prone to betrayal. Finds a way to survive in the team, adapting to it and adapting to the leader.
  7. psychasthenic type. Differs in indecision, unwillingness to take responsibility. They are prone to introspection, they are critical in evaluating their personality and actions. Possess high mental faculties ahead of peers. In behavior, impulsiveness and thoughtlessness of actions can be observed. Accurate and prudent, calm enough, but at the same time indecisive and not capable of active actions, where risk and responsibility are required.

    To relieve tension, they tend to use alcohol or drugs. Psychasthenics manifest themselves arbitrarily in personal relationships, which can ultimately lead to their destruction. They are also prone to pettiness.

  8. Unstable. They show little interest in learning, which causes a lot of excitement for parents and teachers. They have a penchant for entertainment. There are no life goals, they live one day, they are not interested in anything. The main features are frivolity, laziness, idleness. They are not interested in work. They do not like to be controlled, they strive for complete freedom. Open to communication, communicative, love to talk. They are prone to different types of addictions. Often fall into dangerous companies.
  9. Emotionally labile type. Abrupt, unpredictable mood swings. Any trifle, up to an incorrectly thrown glance or a spoken word, can serve as a reason for changes in the emotional state.

    The type is sensitive, needs support, especially during periods of bad mood.

    Treats peers well. It has sensitivity, understands the attitude and mood of others. Strongly attached to people.

  10. epileptoid type. One of the pronounced character traits is cruelty, they tend to offend the younger and weaker animals. He prefers to make friends and communicate with adults, the need to establish communication with peers causes discomfort. At an early age, they show traits of capriciousness, tearfulness, and require attention.

    They have self-esteem and a desire for power. If they become the boss, subordinates are kept in fear. Of all the accentuations, it is considered the most dangerous personality type, as it has a high degree of cruelty. If it is necessary to make a career and achieve a high position, they are able to please the top management, adapt to its requirements, while not forgetting their own interests.

  11. Asthenoneurotic type. Show discipline and responsibility. However, they have a high degree of fatigue, this is especially noticeable during monotonous activities or the need to participate in competitive work. Drowsiness, fatigue can occur for no apparent reason. In manifestations of accentuation, irritability, increased suspiciousness, and hypochondria are noticeable.

    There is a possibility of emotional breakdowns, especially if events do not happen the way asthenics want. Irritability is replaced by remorse.

In addition to pronounced types, there can also be observed mixed characters.

Table of character accentuations:

Where is the technique used?

Lichko test expanded to 143 questions. Focused more on children and teenagers.

used to identify obvious problems and accentuations in character, allows you to predict the appearance of psychopathy, start correcting negative states in a timely manner, and identify dangerous personalities.

Lichko believed that it was important to study accentuations already in adolescence, since the majority during this period manifests itself most clearly and is formed. up to adolescence.

The use of methods of diagnosing, testing, conversation allows identify the problem in a timely manner and develop a corrective program.

Obsessions are persistent unwanted ideas, fears, thoughts, images, or urges.

An article on how to distinguish depression from depressive personality accentuation.

Panic attacks - unconscious desires An article about how psychotherapy can help 12% of the total number of people who experience panic attacks to one degree or another.

How is a person different from an animal? The fact that he not only reacts. An article about irritation and irritability, internal demands, evolution and creativity.

The problems of newly married spouses are generally different from those of couples who have been married for 30 years or more.

Get rid of excessive shyness and insecurity in communication!

Character accentuation test (Shmishek questionnaire)

We offer you to take a character accentuation test, or the Shmishek questionnaire, and find out which types of accentuation are most pronounced in you.

As the name of the test implies, the questionnaire was developed by Shmishek on the basis of the dominant character traits identified by Leonhard for one type or another. This accentuation test consists of 97 questions concerning 10 types of accentuations (the questionnaire does not cover extroverted and introverted types).

88 questions relate directly to accentuations, and another 9 determine the honesty (reliability) of the answers you give. This indicator is indicated in the "False" column. If it is high enough, it suggests that you probably were not completely honest with yourself.

Shmishek's questionnaire (online version of the character accentuation test)

In general, accentuation is considered to be the trait (or traits) for which you scored more than 19 points (strong severity). Also pay attention to the addition to the interpretation of the results of the Shmishek questionnaire, presented under the test.

Addition to decoding, or How many accentuations do you express?

Unlike temperament, where one type, as a rule, prevails over the others, a person can have many, several, one accentuations - or there is nothing pronounced at all. Consider different variants in details.

  • One accentuation is expressed - the behavior, character, thinking and / or feelings of such a person, as a rule, are most consistent with those given in the description of this type.
  • Many or most of the accentuations got above 19 points - this indicates a versatile, albeit to a certain extent contradictory personality with a complex character (often such people have communication problems).
  • Not a single accentuation is pronounced (all or most of the accentuations show a result of less than 7) - this may indicate that the person tried to give “correct” answers in his opinion in order to comply with the standards and canons accepted in society. Such results can be for those who strive not to stand out in any way, do not defend their point of view and try to be quieter than water below the grass. Similar results can be observed in those who, on the contrary, are inclined to exalt themselves, to demonstrate their own superiority, putting on a kind of mask of an ideal person.
  • 2-3 accentuations are expressed, and the rest are moderately or weakly presented. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the combination of some accentuations. So, according to the interpretation of the Shmishek questionnaire, if a person has low results on the scales of demonstrativeness, hyperthymism and cyclothymism, this indicates a lack of energy (including for solving problems, vigorous activity, etc.). On the contrary, high scores on these scales indicate an active personality, always full of energy.
  • Another interesting combination is the combination of accentuations associated with the area of ​​feelings: stuck, excitable, anxious-fearful, exalted and emotive types. A subject who scores low on all of these scales tends not to show any vivid feelings in most situations. Accordingly, for the owners of high scores, the situation is reversed - an explosion of various feelings over various, even not very significant events. Interestingly, representatives of both groups may have communication problems: the former seem cold to others, overly immersed in themselves, while the latter are too impulsive and do not always adequately respond to what is happening.



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Experimental Psychic

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Now everything is working for us. Maybe it was a temporary glitch? Now you have a window with a test under the article?


Damn you have stupid testing, answered all the questions, accidentally pressed the next button, and then everything just disappeared, I still didn’t find out the result, why put it further to go back or something

Experimental Psychic

Unfortunately, we are unlikely to be able to fix anything here, since we use a third-party service template, and we cannot change this template. We apologize for the inconvenience


Experimental Psychic

Very strange ... Let's try to deal with the problem.

Tell me, please, is it just this test that doesn't work for you, or do the others too? This one, for example?


Yes, it works. It works if you click on the name of the test. The "next" button does not work.

Experimental Psychic

Thank you! We'll figure out!


Experimental Psychic

Does not work in the sense does not start? And now too? Perhaps these are temporary problems on a third-party server where the test itself is located

Thanks for bringing the problem to your attention!


It doesn’t work for me either. When you click on the “next” button, it throws it to the beginning

Experimental Psychic

Thanks for the info, and sorry for the messy test. We will reload it


some questions are too clear, for example, for alcohol. And if I don't drink at all, how can I tell how it affects me?

Experimental Psychic

It seems that this is a feature of all such tests, which are taken, how to say, “offline-remotely”, without correction of the results by a psychologist and in isolation from other tests. In any case, the questions are designed so that an inaccurate answer to one or more of them does not give a distortion of the picture.

Don't waste your time, the test crashes! The second time I got on the 80th question, he flew out.

Experimental Psychic

We apologize for the inconvenience! We will try to fix the error.

Character accentuation test

Each person is characterized by one of four types of temperament, which is very difficult to accurately determine. Most often, several types of temperament are combined in one personality, so it can be difficult even for specialists to unambiguously determine the psychotype.

Take the test

Why should you take this test?

After answering the questions, you will receive a description of your psychotype. This will allow you to understand yourself. The most interesting thing is that this technique is often used by doctors and psychologists and helps to correct the behavior of patients. According to experts, overly pronounced character traits can cause mental disorders, therefore, when establishing a dominant temperament trait, it will be possible to control it.

It is worth considering that, based on the results of the test, doctors do not make diagnoses, but only understand the patient's behavior. Character accentuation is not a mental illness. This is just a cell in which slack can occur. According to the explanations of the German psychiatrist Leonhard, accentuation is not exactly a character trait, but tendencies that can become prerequisites for the development of mental illness.

Accentuation in children

Reasons for testing children:

Based on the test, teachers are given practical advice how to behave in conflict situations with a particular child. This allows you to quickly calm the student without raising his voice.

Features of the Lichko tests for character accentuation

Tests for the diagnosis of character accentuation in adolescents have become widespread in two main versions - the pathocharacterological questionnaire (PDO) and its modified version (MPDO). Their main difference is in the scope of the study, the availability of scales for self-diagnosis and determining the veracity of answers.

Pathocharacterological questionnaire

It is used for work with teenagers 14 - 18 years old. With the help of this questionnaire, it is possible to determine character accentuations, types of psychopathy and possible variants of deviant behavior.

PDO consists of sets of phrases, collected in 25 tables. Each table characterizes a separate manifestation of character, for example, the prevailing mood or well-being, relationships with parents, the quality of sleep or appetite. The subject passes the test twice:

  1. During the first pass, the subject selects the answers that characterize him most in each table and writes down their numbers. Two or three answers to one table are allowed.
  2. On the second pass, the subject chooses the most inappropriate answers for him. As in the first, up to three answers are allowed in each table.

In both passes of the test, subjects can refuse to answer some of the questions, writing 0 instead of answer numbers. A large number of zeros (more than 7 in two passes) indicates either the subject’s insufficient intelligence or his unwillingness to cooperate with the psychologist.

PDO cannot be used in adolescents with severe intellectual disability, with acute psychotic pathology, and with overt psychiatric illness.

The results are evaluated using special tables. Each answer in them corresponds to a letter code, in which the names of accentuations are encrypted, which are characterized by this behavior. Test results are usually presented in the form of a graph.

This Lichko test for character accentuation is intended for use exclusively by professionals, since the final assessment of the type of accentuation is complex and requires taking into account many factors, such as the sincerity of the subject, the prevailing behavior model, conformity, possible organic pathology and interaction various types accentuations.

Due to the large volume of the study (351 questions), significant time costs (from 1 to 1.5 hours for each child) and the complexity of interpreting the results, its modified version is more often used.

Modified pathocharacterological questionnaire

This version of the questionnaire was completely developed by A.E. Lichko for group work with adolescents. The number of questions in it is reduced to 143, the test is passed only once (only positive answers are taken into account), which significantly reduces the time to pass it. In addition, a significant part of the interpretation of the results is performed by the subjects themselves (calculation of points and their distribution on scales), which minimizes the subsequent work of the psychologist. The time for assessing the accentuation of one child was reduced to half an hour, and even less during a group examination. At the same time, the reliability of the survey results is high enough for its mass use.

The modified Lichko test for character accentuation contains 11 scales (10 diagnostic and one to control the veracity of answers), each of which contains 13 questions. In the questionnaire, tests from different scales are presented in a chaotic manner.

Based on a number of studies, the minimum diagnostic numbers (sum of points) for various accentuations have been determined:

  • 10 - for hyperthymic and unstable types,
  • 9 - for labile, anxious-pedantic, introverted, excitable and demonstrative types,
  • 8 - for cycloid, astheno-neurotic and sensitive types,
  • 4 - on the control scale of lies.

High scores on the truth scale may also indicate demonstrativeness of the subject, his tendency to "correct" answers. Therefore, if there are 4 points on this scale, one point is added to demonstrativeness, if there are 7 - 2 points. If the demonstrative type is not diagnosed even with added points, the answers should be considered unreliable.

Further interpretation of the results is carried out by a psychologist. It determines the predominant type or combination of both, based on the possible options.

It is recommended to report each test subject his result individually. It is convenient to do this with the help of special cards, which indicate the resulting accentuation and its main characteristics. Individual interviews are usually conducted with children who have expressed an interest in detailed results. In the future, it is possible to provide recommendations for teachers, parents or school administration.

How to pass the character accentuation test

The Leonhard and Shmishek test must be passed in order to most effectively determine the character accentuation. Accentuation is a predominant expression of certain traits of a human character and their connection. Accentuation is not considered a pathology, but is expressed as a critical feature of the norm, after which pathology appears. The appearance of defects can lead to a breakdown in the relationship between a person and his environment. The character accentuation test is quite important in order to determine life principles based on your character.

Character accentuation test

If you have an accentuation of character, then you should not think that this is not wealth. Based on statistics, half of the inhabitants of developed countries have identified one of the types of accentuation. Under normal conditions, all accentuated defects of the human character are compensated by positive qualities. That is why a person can work calmly and be unaware of a particular disorder. nervous system. Moreover, accentuation has a number of positive qualities that help a person in ordinary life. The test for types of accentuation reveals character traits that may be hidden at a certain moment, and a person is not even aware of their presence.

The test itself for types of character accentuation according to Leonhard consists of 80 questions, which are divided into groups. Each group is divided into 10 categories, which correspond to a certain accentuation.

Take the test

A dozen categories according to Leonhard

  • increased activity of life;
  • excitement;
  • increased emotionality;
  • pedantry;
  • increased anxiety;
  • mood change;
  • emphasis;
  • irascibility;
  • fatigue;
  • pronounced emotions.

Passing the character accentuation test takes a little time. You just need to clearly answer the questions.

Test questions

The test for character accentuation types according to Leonhard contains some questions, which we will consider below.

  1. If you fail, what will you do? Options: I will tell my relatives about the experiences / I will restrain myself.
  2. How many ropes are in your wardrobe? Answer options: a large number, I can’t even count / only what is really necessary and suitable for me.
  3. Can you always insist on your own? No/definitely.
  4. How many friends do you have? A little, because I don’t find a common language with people / many friends.
  5. Do you like taking pictures? Answer: I love it madly, I do it very often / I don’t like it.
  6. Is it easy for you to adapt to a new team? I can quickly find common topics / no, it will be difficult.
  7. Do loud music and loud conversations annoy you? I love loud music/hate loud noises.
  8. Are you often in a good mood? No, I am often depressed/yes, I am often in a good mood.
  9. Do you find it difficult to accept important decisions? Answers: yes, it is very difficult for me to make decisions or I can easily make one or another decision.
  10. Can you solve difficult problems? Very difficult / easy to decide.

Why should you take this test?

After passing the test, you get a description of your character. This fact allows you to get to know yourself better. It is interesting that the test for types of character accentuation according to Leonhard is often carried out by doctors in order to be able to correct the patient's behavior. They believe that in this way mental disorders can be prevented.

Accentuations of character Sergienko E.A. Doctor of Psychology, prof. F

According to Leonhard, he believed that young people combine several character traits. Moreover, these traits will be characteristic of people of different types of character. Let's take a closer look at the results of the accentuation test.

  1. Accent type. People with an accented type often have a demonstrative character, increased mobility and artistry. They are characterized by a developed fantasy, deceit and hypocrisy. Such individuals can lie with special skill. This fact is due to the fact that they believe in what they are talking about at the moment. There are times when a person realizes that he is lying. But even in this case, he does not feel remorse - such a hidden personal turns out. The second trait is that a person tends to forget that he does not want to remember. This property is called "replacement capacity". People with these traits always want to be the center of attention and receive praise. Such individuals quickly adapt to environment and the people who surround them.
  2. Pedantic type. Such individuals are characterized by the fact that they cannot make decisions quickly. Often they try to think things through. To make a decision, they will consider the situation until they understand that this is the only correct way out. Pedantic people are diligent, so it is easier for them to complete the work. Pedants are not prone to conflict. Quite punctual and conscientious. They have accuracy, but indecision is one of their main properties.
  3. Excited type. In such individuals, the emotional background changes with great speed, and the reaction to the same reason is much stronger in them than in other types. Even if a completely ordinary joyful event happens, they can fall into a state of ecstasy. But, if a negative event happens, then excited individuals can immediately become dull and begin to grieve. Such people are more prone to falling in love. Some become crazy about sports, nature or are completely ready to give themselves to work. This type is considered the most sincere and harmless.
  4. Increased emotionality. This type is characterized by emotional experiences that do not last long. People with such a character remember grievances for a long time, and, basically, they themselves think up something that is not there. Their trait is that they show a propensity for conflict and vindictiveness. They are quite suspicious and prone to jealousy. At a young age, they are characterized by self-confidence, which, in addition to willpower, helps them achieve excellent results in life.
  5. Increased activity. Based on the accentuation test, this trait characterizes people who are dominated by love for life, optimism and cheerfulness. They can easily make contact with others. They have increased gesticulation and self-esteem. People with this type cannot sit still, so they do not like monotonous work. Cheerfulness allows them to achieve life success.
  6. Increased anxiety. People who are characterized by this type always doubt their actions and are rather indecisive. In childhood, they are afraid to be alone, afraid of animals and people around them. As adults, they try to hide their fears. The company cannot defend its point of view, and are quite shy. But, at the same time, they are characterized by responsibility, goodwill and diligence. Such individuals have low stress resistance.
  7. Mood change. People with this character can change their mood very quickly. In the case of a good mood, they become more sociable and have an overestimated self-esteem. But if a bad mood prevails, then they like to be alone with themselves and have low self-esteem.
  8. Short temper. Such people are characterized by the brightness of emotions. They often fall in love and try to increase their social circle. Often, such personalities become famous writers, artists, because they love creativity very much. They tend to help others, sympathy and always help loved ones.
  9. Fatigue. These people are characterized by the fact that they are always in a bad mood. They love when they sympathize, empathize and help. Moreover, such individuals are characterized by damn frequent depression. But, despite all this, they are reliable friends and will always come to the rescue. In everyday life, such people are called pessimists.
  10. Pronounced emotions. A test for types of character accentuation according to Leonhard allows you to determine that such individuals are very much experiencing everything that happens in their life. It often happens that they cannot hide their emotions and start crying. They always help others, empathize and sympathize with them, which is why they often work in animal kennels or nursing homes.

Testing in children and adolescents

Teenagers, as you know, are very complex people, and therefore, in order to protect them themselves from a number of missteps and terrible mistakes, you have to resort to some tricks. There are a dozen reasons to test children and teenagers:

You can personally take a personality accentuation test online on any site that specializes in psychology. It will present a questionnaire, after which you will be presented with the result. Diagnostics will show which character traits prevail in you.

Accentuation test by N. Kozlov

Psychological test. I found a description of it in N. Kozlov's book "The True Truth, or a Textbook for a Psychologist in Life" M., "Ast-Press" 1999. A series of questions are asked, after which the result is shown in the form of a graph of the distribution of your predispositions by 9 accentuations. Their description and recommendations are given for positive and negative manifestations of this or that accentuation.

What it is?

This test was compiled according to the book by N. Kozlov "The True Truth, or a Textbook for a Psychologist in Life" M., "Ast-Press", 1999. In it, he proposed a test Personality accentuations. The test results contain descriptions and recommendations of NCs from the same book. Next, I will give the text with which the IC preceded the instructions for the test.

Born into the world, we are all inherently different. Man is a part of nature, and it is no smarter to deny the innate, natural features of a particular person than to assert that dogs, cats and cockroaches are tamed in the same way.

Yes, we can be changed, and this will happen, but our predispositions, our intonations will always shine through. When you like these features, we talk smartly about individuality, when you don’t like them, about a bad character and list the nasty traits. If these features interfere with the lives of many and strongly, a psychiatrist is called, and the psychiatrist makes a diagnosis.

And now in the opposite direction: when it is still impossible to make a diagnosis, but there are features, psychiatrists talk about “accentuations”. It's not just a random collection of traits, it's a holistic picture of the personality, and when talking about people in these pictures, psychiatrists (unlike many of us) do not assume an evaluative attitude at all. Having such accentuations is neither bad nor good - it's just what a person was born with.

This test will introduce you to the nine main accentuations (pictures) of the personality, and through them - you with yourself.

If you want a scientific justification, I give: it is based on the revised personality complex sociometric test of A. A. Zvorykin, the work of P. B. Gannushkin, K. Leonhard, A. E. Lichko and A. P. Egides. If you want to delve deeper into this topic, I am happy to recommend the book by N. Sugrobova and A. Egides "How to learn to understand people."

And more, about tests in general. Tests are exciting, but dangerous. Man is a suggestible being, and hypnosis of the test (after all scientific development, tested - verified - modified!) imprints the belief in our personality: "I am like that." And if it becomes a barrier (“I can’t, because I am like that!”) - you are a loser. But if this becomes a launching pad, when from "I'm still like this!" a line is drawn to “I want to be so-and-so. I will be him!” - the test helped you.


You will be asked 72 questions. When answering them, note your degree of agreement or disagreement. Try not to put "I don't know". Don't think too long, but be careful.

In the results, the graph will show the degree of manifestation of one or another accentuation in you. The larger the given amount in this column, the more pronounced this personality type is in you. In extreme terms, some types turn out to be unattractive subjects, while in medium or low severity, they are simply individual characteristics of a person that are appropriate in some and inappropriate in other situations. If some type is not attractive to you, but it turned out to be expressed in you, take a closer look, is there any point in working on yourself. If yes, then exercises have been selected for this, which can help compensate for undesirable features of this type [+]. If you have a pronounced antitype, and you don’t like it either, see the recommendations [-].

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MPDO test (according to Lichko)

Instructions: You are presented with a series of statements. After reading each statement carefully, decide if it is typical, typical for you or not. If yes, then mark the number of this statement on the answer sheet, if not, just skip this number. The more accurate and sincere your choices are, the better you will know your character.

1. As a child, I was cheerful and restless.

2. In elementary grades, I loved school, and then she began to weigh me down.

3. As a child, I was the same as now: it was easy to upset me, but it was also easy to calm down, cheer me up

4. I often feel unwell.

5. As a child, I was touchy and sensitive.

6. I often fear that something might happen to my mother.

7. My mood improves when I am left alone.

8. As a child, I was capricious and irritable.

9. As a child, I loved to talk and play with adults.

10. I think that the most important thing is to make the most of today, no matter what.

11. I always keep my promises, even if it is not profitable for me.

12. As a rule, I am in a good mood.

13. Weeks of good health give way to weeks when both my health and my mood are bad.

14. I easily move from joy to sadness and vice versa.

15. I often experience lethargy, malaise.

16. I am disgusted with alcohol.

17. I avoid drinking alcohol because of poor health and headache.

18. My parents do not understand me and sometimes seem like strangers to me.

19. I am wary of strangers and involuntarily fear evil on their part.

20. I don't see any big flaws in myself.

22. All my habits are good and desirable. 1

23. My mood does not change from minor reasons.

24. I often wake up thinking about what I have to do today.

25. I love my parents very much, I am attached to them, but sometimes I get very offended and even quarrel.

26. Periods I feel vigorous, periods - overwhelmed.

27. Often I am embarrassed to eat in front of strangers.

28. My attitude to the future often changes: either I make bright plans, or the future seems gloomy to me.

29. I like doing interesting things on my own.

30. It almost never happens that a stranger immediately inspired me with sympathy.

31. I love fashionable and unusual clothes that attract the eye.

32. Most of all I like hearty food and a good rest.

33. I am very balanced, I never get irritated and do not get angry at anyone.

34. I easily get along with people in any setting.

35. I can't stand hunger - I quickly get weaker.

36. I endure loneliness easily if it is not connected with troubles.

37. I often have bad, restless sleep.

38. My shyness prevents me from making friends with those with whom I would like.

39. I often worry about various troubles that may happen in the future, although there is no reason for this.

40. I experience my own failures and do not ask anyone for help.

41. I am very worried about comments and marks that do not satisfy me.

42. Most often, I feel at ease with new, unfamiliar peers, in a new class, work and rest camp.

43. As a rule, I do not prepare lessons.

44. I always tell adults only the truth.

45. Adventure and risk attract me.

46. ​​I quickly get used to familiar people, strangers can annoy me.

47. My mood directly depends on my school and home affairs.

48. I often get tired by the end of the day, and it seems that I have no strength left at all.

49. I am shy of strangers and afraid to speak first.

50. I check many times for mistakes in my work.

51. My friends have a mistaken opinion that I don't want to be friends with them.

52. There are sometimes days when I get angry at everyone for no reason.

53. I can say about myself that I have a good imagination.

54. If the teacher does not control me in class, I almost always do something else.

55. My parents never annoy me with their behavior.

56. I can easily organize guys for work, games, entertainment.

57. I can go ahead of others in reasoning, but not in actions.

58. It happens that I am very happy, and then very upset.

59. Sometimes I become capricious and irritable, but soon I regret it.

60. I am overly touchy and sensitive.

61. I like to be the first where they love me, I don’t like to fight for the championship.

62. I am almost never completely frank, both with friends and relatives.

63. When I get angry, I can start screaming, waving my arms, and sometimes fighting.

64. It often seems to me that if I wanted to, I could become an actor.

65. It seems to me that it is useless to worry about the future - everything will work out by itself.

66. I am always fair in relations with teachers, parents, friends.

67. I am convinced that in the future all my plans and desires will come true.

68. Sometimes there are days when life seems harder to me than it really is.

69. Quite often my mood is reflected in my actions.

70. It seems to me that I have many shortcomings and weaknesses.

71. It's hard for me when I remember my little mistakes.

72. Often all sorts of thoughts prevent me from completing the work I have begun.

73. I can listen to criticism and objections, but I still try to do everything in my own way.

74. Sometimes I can get so angry at the offender that it’s hard for me to resist not to beat him right there.

75. I almost never feel ashamed or shy.

76. I don’t feel like going in for sports or physical education.

77. I never speak ill of others.

78. I love all sorts of adventures, I willingly take risks.

79. Sometimes my mood depends on the weather.

80. New for me is pleasant if it promises something good for me.

81. Life seems very difficult to me.

82. I often feel shy in front of teachers and school authorities.

83. After finishing work, I worry for a long time about the fact that I could do something wrong

84. It seems to me that others do not understand me.

85. I often get upset because, getting angry, I said too much.

86. I can always find a way out of any situation.

87. I like to go to the movies instead of school or just skip classes.

88. I never took anything in the house without asking.

89. When I fail, I can laugh at myself.

90. I have periods of upsurge, hobbies, enthusiasm, and then there may be a decline, apathy for everything.

91. If something doesn’t work out for me, I can despair and lose hope.

92. Objections and criticism upset me very much if they are harsh and rude in form, even if they concern small things.

93. Sometimes I can cry if I read a sad book or watch a sad movie.

94. I often doubt the correctness of my actions and decisions.

95. Often I have the feeling that I turned out to be unnecessary, an outsider.

96. Faced with injustice, I am indignant and immediately oppose it.

97. I like being the center of attention, like telling the kids funny stories.

98. I think that the best pastime is when you do nothing, just relax.

99. I am never late for school or anything.

100. It is unpleasant for me to stay in one place for a long time.

101.Sometimes I get so upset because of a quarrel with a teacher or peers that I can’t go to school.

102. I don't know how to command others.

103. Sometimes it seems to me that I am seriously and dangerously ill.

104. I don't like all sorts of dangerous and risky adventures.

105. I often have a desire to double-check the work that I have just completed.

106. I am afraid that in the future I may remain lonely.

107. I gladly listen to instructions concerning my health.

108. I always express my opinion if something is discussed in class.

109. I think that you should never break away from the team.

110. Questions related to sex and love do not interest me at all.

111. I always thought that for an interesting, tempting business, all the rules can be circumvented

112. Holidays are sometimes unpleasant for me.

113. Life has taught me not to be too frank even with friends.

114. I eat little, sometimes I don’t eat anything at all for a long time.

115. I love to enjoy the beauty of nature.

116. Leaving home, going to bed, I always check whether the gas, electrical appliances are turned off, whether the door is locked.

117. I am attracted only by something new that corresponds to my principles and interests.

118. If someone is to blame for my failures, I do not leave him unpunished.

119. If I don't respect someone, I manage to behave in such a way that he doesn't notice it.

120. It is best to spend time in a variety of entertainment.

121. I like all school subjects.

122. I am often the leader in games.

123. I easily endure pain and physical suffering.

124. I always try to restrain myself when I am criticized or objected to.

125. I am too suspicious, I worry about everything, especially often - about my health.

126. I am rarely carefree cheerful.

127. I often think of various signs for myself, and I try to strictly follow them so that everything is fine.

128. I do not strive to participate in the life of the school and class.

129. Sometimes I do quick, rash acts, which I later regret.

130. I don’t like to calculate all expenses in advance, I easily borrow, even if I know that it will be difficult to repay the money by the due date.

131. Studying weighs me down, and if they didn’t force me, I wouldn’t study at all.

132. I have never had such thoughts that need to be hidden from others.

133. I often have such a good mood that people ask me why I'm so cheerful.

134. Sometimes my mood is so bad that I start thinking about death.

135. The slightest troubles upset me too much.

136. I quickly get tired in class and become distracted.

137. Sometimes I am amazed at the rudeness and bad manners of the guys.

138. Teachers consider me neat and diligent.

139. It is often more pleasant for me to think alone than to spend time in a noisy company.

140. I like it when they obey me.

141. I could study much better, but our teachers and school do not contribute to this.

142. I don't like doing things that require effort and patience.

143. I never wished bad on anyone.

Stimulus material MPCE Answer sheet 5

The results of psychological examination of adolescents for identification


MPDO test (according to Lichko)

Classroom teacher ______________________________________________________

It should be noted that for all its merits, the A.E. Lichko questionnaire is used very rarely by school psychologists, mainly because of the complexity and the need for large time costs (from 1 to 1.5 hours per person). In addition, PDO is very difficult to apply in a group version.

The school psychologist needs a more portable test that can be easily used in group diagnostics. For this purpose, an attempt was made to modify the PDO.

Firstly, only diagnostic questions are included in the text of the questionnaire, which made it possible to drastically reduce its volume (from 351 to 143 questions), and, having retained the typology of accentuations common among school psychologists developed by A.E. Lichko, to make the procedure for using the questionnaire close to such convenient methods as questionnaires of Leonhard, Lichten-Schmishek, etc.

Secondly, only “Yes” answers are considered diagnostically significant, which makes it possible to conduct a survey in one session (and not in two, as in PDO, where after choosing “Yes”, the subject must, having selected statements that are not typical for him, designate them with the index “No” ").

Thirdly, an important advantage of MPDO is that a significant proportion of the processing of test results is carried out by the test subjects themselves: The examination procedure has been simplified so much that students in grades 9-11, relying on the test manual, can carry out self-testing during an individual consultation in the psychologist's office. It is clear that on duty to the test, they can carry out self-testing during an individual consultation in the psychologist's office. It is clear that the duties of the psychologist will remain the explanation of the results obtained, the conversation on these results, that is, the actual psychological counseling. The average examination time for one person is 30-35 minutes. The test is also convenient in a group version.

Fourth, the modification also affected the content of the questionnaire. Thus, some questions were obtained by analyzing a large number of projections of accentuated adolescents using the technique of unfinished sentences. For example, a very common projection among introverted teenagers is: "I often fear that I will be alone in the future." This and a number of other statements are not included in the questionnaires mentioned above.

Secondly, the correlation of the diagnoses received according to the MPDO with the expert assessments of the class teachers was checked. Teachers were selected who had at least three years of experience working with this class and were responsible for their duties. Experts were trained accordingly, in particular, they received theoretical training in the phenomenology of character accentuations at lectures and seminars conducted by the author.

The experts received a diagnostic sheet for students in their class, on which the names of types and a brief description of their main features were located vertically on the left, and a list of students in the class was located horizontally at the top. The task of the expert was as follows - it was necessary to evaluate the manifestation of one or another symptom complex in each student of the class on a ten-point scale.

The coincidence of the diagnoses received according to the MPDO with the diagnoses made by the experts on the basis of the "school clinic" was 87%.

Considering that, according to A. Elichko (5; 7), the coincidence of PDO diagnoses with expert assessments for some types (schizoid, excitable, psychasthenic) is a little more than 70%, then this indicator can be considered satisfactory.

It should be noted that it is particularly difficult to identify (both by questionnaires and with the help of expert assessments) cycloid, astheno-neurotic and sensitive types. With the help of additional

of whole data obtained by observing the behavior of students, individual conversations with adolescents and their parents, using such methods as the diagnosis of generalized attitudes, the Eysenck questionnaire, TCT, etc., rather frequent cases of "masking" of these types were revealed. For example, cycloid and astheno-neurotic types are often disguised as labile. The sensitive type is generally rare in adolescence, although sometimes it manifests itself almost in its pure form already in the 5th grade.

The reliability of the questionnaire was tested by retesting after two weeks. 94% of diagnoses were confirmed.

MPDO was tested on 316 accentuated teenagers in grades 8-11.

MPDO device

The questionnaire includes 143 statements that make up 10 diagnostic and one control scale (lie scale). Each scale has 13 statements. The statements in the text of the questionnaire are presented in random order. Hyperthymic, cycloid, labile, astheno-neurotic, sensitive, anxious-pedantic, introverted, excitable, demonstrative and unstable types are diagnosed.

The procedure for filling out the questionnaire and scoring is set out in the Instructions for Subjects.

Based on the collected material, separately for each type of accentuation, the minimum diagnostic number (MDN) was determined, which is the lower limit of the confidence interval (6; 24), which is calculated by the formula:


M is the sample average score of this type of accentuation;

Rn-table coefficient;

W is the range of the data.

Minimum diagnostic numbers (MDN):

Hyperthymic type - 10;

Cycloid type - 8;

Labile type - 9;

Astheno-neurotic type - 8;

Sensitive type - 8;

Anxious-pedantic hip - 9;

Introverted type - 9;

Excitable type - 9;

Demonstrative type - 9;

Unstable type - 10;

Control scale - 4.

The control scale is interpreted similarly to the same scale in the children's version of the Eysenck questionnaire. An indicator of 4 points is already considered critical. A high score on this scale indicates a tendency for subjects to give "good" answers. High scores on the lie scale can also serve as additional evidence of demonstrativeness in the behavior of the subject. Therefore, when receiving more than 4 points on the control scale, 1 point should be added to the demonstrativeness scale. If the indicator on the scale of deceit exceeds 7 points, then 2 points are added to the scale of demonstrativeness. However, if despite this, the demonstrative type is not diagnosed, then the test results should be recognized as unreliable.

Type identification rules:

1. If MPM is achieved or exceeded by only one type, then this type is diagnosed.

2 If the MPM is exceeded for several types, then the following is diagnosed:

a) in the case of the following combinations - mixed type:

Other combinations obtained according to MTDO should be recognized as incompatible (which is proven by clinical observations). For example, hyperthymic and introverted type, sensitive and excitable, etc.

b) If one type has 4 more points than other types, then the latter are not diagnosed, even if the combination is compatible.

c) In the case of incompatible combinations, the type with the highest score is diagnosed.

d) If two incompatible types have the same number of points, then to exclude one of them, you must be guided by the following rules of dominance (the type indicated after the equal sign is retained):

3. If the MDM is reached or exceeded for more than one type and rule 2 fails to reduce them to two, then the two highest scoring types are selected and then rule 2 is followed.

4. If more than 4 points are received on the control scale, then, as already noted, 1 point is added to the demonstrativeness scale, if more than 7, 2 points are added accordingly. However, if after that the demonstrative type is not diagnosed, the results of the examination are recognized as unreliable and in relation to this teenager it must be repeated.

Achieving or exceeding the MDM for one type or another, plus the above rules for identifying types, guarantees a diagnostic accuracy of at least P > 0.95.

An example of a diagnostic procedure for the MPDO test

Petrov V., 9-B class.

In this case, the MDM is exceeded in two types:

Hyperthymic type - 10;

Anxious-pedantic type - 10. According to rule 2a, hyperthymic and anxious-pedantic types are incompatible. According to the rule 2c and 2d, an anxious-pedantic type is diagnosed, and attributing to oneself the traits of a hyperthymic type should be considered as a manifestation of either hypercompensation (the desire to become strong exactly where one is weak), or psychological defense, or both.

Working with students based on test results

Both the procedure, and especially the results of the examination of character traits, arouse the keenest interest among the subjects, and, naturally, the examiner (school psychologist, teacher) must meet the desire of the subjects to familiarize themselves with the results of the study, to receive individual advice.

1. Telling each subject of his diagnosis. In group testing, it is advisable to do this using a small card, for example:

"Petrov I.D., 8-B class:

Hyperthymno-demonstrative type".

A card with a diagnosis (this may also be an indication of the lack of accentuation) is issued to each student personally.

2. Group and individual counseling.

Of course, the diagnosis itself will not say much to a teenager, so the experimenter in a certain form (a conversation with the class, an optional, circle lesson, etc.) must bring to the attention of students a phenomenological description of each type, form a concept in schoolchildren about character accentuation.

Such informing is very useful for students, because the more qualities a person singles out when analyzing his Self, the more complex and generalized these qualities, the higher the level of his self-awareness.

After group counseling, many teenagers are likely to want to see a psychologist for an individual appointment. During the conversation, the student usually expresses a desire to talk about himself, about his character, to get recommendations on it. improvement.

At the same time, quite often adolescents come with psychological problems that require painstaking work: additional research, lengthy corrective work.

3. Based on the results obtained, the psychologist in a thoughtful, delicate manner (caring primarily for the interests of the child) gives recommendations regarding this teenager to the class teacher, parents, teachers, school administration.

Instructions for those examined according to the MPDO

Guys, each of you wants to know the features of his character, at least his most striking, convex features. Knowing your character allows you to manage yourself: better interact with people, focus on a certain range of professions, etc. After all, character is the basis of personality.

This test will help you determine the type of your character, its features.

You are presented with a Question Sheet and an Answer Sheet. After reading each question-statement in the Answer Sheet, decide whether it is typical for you or not. If yes, then circle the number of that question on the Answer Sheet, if not, just skip that number.

The more accurate and sincere your choices are, the better you will know your character.

After the Answer Sheet is completed, calculate the sum of your points for each line (one number in a circle is one point). Put these amounts at the end of each line.


Character is a set of stable personality traits that determine the attitude of a person to people, to the work performed. Character is manifested in activity and communication (as well as temperament) and includes what gives a person’s behavior a specific, characteristic shade for him (hence the name "character").

The character of a person is what determines his significant actions, and not random reactions to certain stimuli or circumstances. The act of a person with character is almost always conscious and deliberate, can be explained and justified, at least from the standpoint of the actor.

Attempts to construct a typology of characters have been repeatedly made throughout the history of psychology. One of the most famous and earliest of them was the one that, at the beginning of our century, was proposed by the German psychiatrist and psychologist E. Kretschmer. Somewhat later, a similar attempt was made by an American colleague W. Sheldon, and nowadays - E. Fromm, K. Leonhard, A.E. Lichko and a number of other scientists.

All typologies of human characters proceeded from a number of ideas. The main ones are the following:

1. The character of a person is formed quite early in ontogeny and throughout the rest of his life manifests itself as more or less stable.

2. Those combinations of personality traits that are part of a person's character are not random. They form clearly distinguishable, allowing to identify and build a typology of characters.

3. Most of the people in accordance with this typology can be divided into groups.

There are a number of classifications of characters, which are based mainly on descriptions of character accentuations. With regard to accentuations, there are two classifications of types. The first was proposed by K. Leonhard in 1968, the second was developed by A.E. Lichko in 1977

Type of accentuated personality according to K. Leonhard

Type of character accentuation according to A.E. Lichko











Affectively labile


Affectively exalted







Hyperthymically conformal



Lichko's classification is based on observation of adolescents.

Accentuations of character as an extreme version of the norm

Character accentuation, according to A.E. Lichko is an excessive strengthening of individual character traits, in which deviations that do not go beyond the norm are observed in the psychology and behavior of a person, bordering on pathology. Such accentuations as temporary states of the psyche are most often observed in adolescence and early adolescence.

In adolescents, much depends on the type of character accentuation - the features of transient behavioral disorders ("pubertal crises"), acute affective reactions and neuroses (both in their picture and in relation to the causes that cause them). The type of accentuation also largely determines the attitude of a teenager to somatic diseases, especially long-term ones. Character accentuation acts as an important background factor in endogenous mental illnesses and as a predisposing factor in reactive neuropsychiatric disorders. The type of character accentuation must be taken into account when developing rehabilitation programs for adolescents. This type serves as one of the main guidelines for medical and psychological recommendations, for advice on the future profession and employment, and the latter is very essential for sustainable social adaptation. Knowledge of the type of character accentuation is important in the preparation of psychotherapeutic programs in order to most effectively use different types of psychotherapy (individual or group, discussion, directive, etc.).

Usually accentuations develop during the formation of character and smooth out with the maturation of a person. Character traits with accentuations may not appear constantly, but only in certain situations, in a certain situation, and almost not be detected under normal conditions. Social maladaptation with accentuations is either completely absent or is short-lived.

Depending on the degree of expression, there aretwo degrees character accentuations: explicit and hidden.

obvious accentuation. This degree of accentuation refers to the extreme variants of the norm. It is distinguished by the presence of fairly constant traits of a certain type of character. The severity of traits of a certain type does not prevent the possibility of satisfactory social adaptation. The position occupied usually corresponds to abilities and opportunities. In adolescence, character traits are often sharpened, and under the influence of psychogenic factors that address the "place of least resistance", temporary disturbances in adaptation and behavioral deviations may occur. When growing up, character traits remain quite pronounced, but they are compensated and usually do not interfere with adaptation.

Hidden accent. This degree, apparently, should be attributed not to the extreme, but to the usual variants of the norm. In ordinary, habitual conditions, the features of a certain type of character are weakly expressed or do not appear at all. However, traits of this type can be clearly, sometimes unexpectedly, revealed under the influence of those situations and mental traumas that place increased demands on the "place of least resistance."

Types of accentuations of the character of adolescents according to A.E. Lichko

Despite the rarity of pure types and the predominance of mixed forms, the following are distinguishedmain types of character accentuations:

1) labile - a sharp change in mood depending on the situation;

2) cycloid - a tendency to a sharp change in mood depending on the external situation;

3) asthenic - anxiety, indecision, fatigue, irritability, tendency to depression;

4) fearful (sensitive) type - shyness, shyness, increased impressionability, a tendency to feel a sense of inferiority;

5) psychasthenic- high anxiety, suspiciousness, indecision, a tendency to introspection, constant doubts and reasoning, a tendency to form ritual actions;

6) schizoid - isolation, isolation, difficulties in establishing contacts, emotional coldness, manifested in the absence of compassion, lack of intuition in the process of communication;

7) stuck (paranoid) - increased irritability, persistence of negative affects, painful resentment, suspicion, increased ambition;

8) epileptoid - insufficient controllability, impulsiveness of behavior, intolerance, a tendency to an angry-dreary mood with accumulating aggression, manifested in the form of attacks of rage and anger (sometimes with elements of cruelty), conflict, viscosity of thinking, excessive thoroughness of speech, pedantry;

9) demonstrative(hysterical) - a pronounced tendency to repress facts and events unpleasant for the subject, to deceit, fantasizing and pretense used to attract attention, characterized by the absence of remorse, adventurism, vanity, "escape to illness" with an unsatisfied need for recognition;

10) hyperthymic - constantly high spirits, thirst for activity with a tendency to scatter, not to bring the matter to the end, increased talkativeness (jump of thoughts);

11) dysthymous on the contrary, the predominance of low mood extreme seriousness, responsibility, focus on the gloomy and sad sides of life, a tendency to depression, lack of activity;

12) unstable (extroverted) type - the tendency to be easily influenced by others, the constant search for new experiences, companies, the ability to easily establish contacts, which, however, are superficial;

13) conformal - excessive subordination and dependence on the opinions of others, lack of criticality and initiative, a tendency to conservatism.

Development and transformation of character accentuations

In the development of character accentuations, one can distinguishtwo groups dynamic changes:

First group These are transient changes. They are the same in form as in psychopathy.

1) acute affective reactions :

A) Intrapunitive reactionsrepresent a discharge of affect through auto-aggression - self-inflicted injury, attempted suicide, self-harm in various ways (desperate reckless acts with inevitable unpleasant consequences for oneself, damage to valuable personal items, etc.). Most often, this type of reaction occurs with two seemingly diametrically opposed types of accentuations, sensitive and epileptoid.

b) Extrapunitive reactionsimply the discharge of affect by aggression on the environment - an attack on offenders or "venting anger" on random faces or objects that fell under the arm. Most often, this type of reaction can be seen with hyperthymic, labile and epileptoid accentuations.

V) immune reactionIt manifests itself in the fact that the affect is discharged by reckless flight from the affective situation, although this flight does not correct this situation in any way, and often even aggravates it. This type of reaction is more common with unstable, as well as with schizoid accentuations.

G) Demonstrative reactionswhen the affect is discharged into a "performance", into playing stormy scenes, into the depiction of suicide attempts, etc. This type of reaction is very characteristic of hysteroid accentuation, but can occur in both epiliptoid and labile.

2) transient psychotic disorders behavior ("pubertal behavioral crises").

A) delinquency, i.e., into misdemeanors and minor offenses that reach the punishable in judicial order crime;

b) substance abuse behavior, i.e., in the desire to get a state of intoxication, euphoria or experience other unusual sensations by drinking alcohol or other intoxicating drugs;

c) running away from home , and vagrancy;

G) transient sexual deviations(early sexual activity, transient teenage homosexuality, etc.).

3) development against the background of accentuations of the nature of various psychogenic mental disorders - neuroses, reactive depressions, etc. But in this case, the matter is no longer limited to the "dynamics of accentuations"; there is a transition to a qualitatively different level - the development of the disease.

To the second group dynamic changes with character accentuations belong to its relatively stable changes. They can be of several types:

1. The transition of "explicit" accentuation into a hidden, latent one. Under the influence of growing up and the accumulation of life experience, accentuated character traits are smoothed out, compensated

2. Formation on the basis of character accentuations under the influence of favorable environmental conditions of psychopathic developments reaching the level of the pathology environment ("marginal psychopathy", according to O.V. Kerbikov). This usually requires a combination of several factors:

The presence of an initial accentuation of character,

Unfavorable environmental conditions should be such as to address exactly the "place of least resistance" of this type of accentuation,

Their action should be long enough and, most importantly,

It should fall at a critical age for the formation of this type of accentuation.

3. The transformation of types of character accentuations is one of the cardinal phenomena in their age dynamics. The essence of these transformations usually consists in the addition of traits of a similar, compatible type, and even in the fact that the traits of the latter become dominant. On the contrary, in cases of initially mixed types, the features of one of them can come to the fore so much that they completely obscure the features of the other.

Transformation of types is possible only according to certain laws - only in the direction of joint types. I have never seen the transformation of a hyperthymic type into a schizoid type, a labile type into an epileptoid one, or layers of traits of an unstable type on a psychasthenic or sensitive basis.

A powerful transforming factor is the long-term adverse socio-psychological influences in adolescence, that is, during the formation of most types of character. These primarily include different types wrong upbringing. We can point to the following of them: 1) hypoprotection, reaching an extreme degree of neglect; 2) a special type of hypoprotection, described by A. A. Vdovichenko under the name conniving hypoprotection, when parents leave the teenager to himself, actually not caring about his behavior, but when misconduct and even offenses begin, they shield him in every possible way, rejecting all charges, trying to release him by any means from punishments, etc.; 3) dominant hyperprotection ("hyperprotection"); 4) indulgent hyper-protection, to the extreme degree reaching the upbringing of the "family idol"; 5) emotional rejection, in extreme cases reaching the degree of bullying and humiliation (upbringing like "Cinderella"); 6) upbringing in conditions of cruel relationships; 7) in conditions of increased moral responsibility; 8) in the conditions of the "cult of diseases".

Psychopathies are such anomalies of character that, according to P. B. Gannushkin (1933), “determine the entire mental appearance of the individual, imposing their imperious imprint on his entire mental warehouse”, “during life ... they are not exposed to any drastic changes” and “prevent ... to adapt to the environment.”

These criteria also serve as the main guidelines in the diagnosis of psychopathy in adolescents. The totality of pathological character traits is especially pronounced at this age. A teenager endowed with psychopathy discovers his type of character in the family and at school, with peers and with elders, in school and at leisure, in work and in entertainment, in everyday and familiar conditions and in emergency situations. Everywhere and always, a hyperthymic teenager is seething with energy, a schizoid one is fenced off from the environment by an invisible veil, and a hysterical one is eager to attract attention to himself. Tyrant at home and exemplary student at school, a quiet person under harsh authority and an unbridled bully in an environment of connivance, a fugitive from a house where an oppressive atmosphere reigns or a family is torn apart by contradictions, getting along well in a good boarding school - all of them should not be classified as psychopaths, even if the entire teenage period takes place under their a sign of impaired adaptation.

Adjustment disorders, or, more precisely, social maladaptation, in cases of psychopathy usually go through the entire adolescence ...

since the character accentuations border on the corresponding types of psychopathic disorders, their typology is based on a detailed classification of such disorders in psychiatry, reflecting, nevertheless, the mental property of the character. healthy person, due to the fact that most character accentuations are formed by adolescence and are often most clearly manifested in it, it is advisable to consider the classification by accentuation using the example of adolescents.

Hyperthymic type. Adolescents of this type are distinguished by mobility, sociability, and a tendency to mischief. They always make a lot of noise in the events taking place around them, they love restless companies of their peers, with good general abilities they show restlessness, lack of discipline, and study unevenly. Their mood is always good and upbeat. They often have conflicts with adults, parents, teachers. Such teenagers have many different hobbies, but these hobbies, as a rule, are superficial and pass quickly. Adolescents of the hyperthymic type often overestimate their abilities, are too self-confident, strive to show themselves, show off, and impress others.

Cycloid type. It is characterized by increased irritability and a tendency to apathy. Teenagers of this type prefer to be at home alone instead of being somewhere with their peers. They are hard going through even minor troubles, they react extremely irritably to comments. Their mood periodically changes from elated to depressed (hence the name of this type) with periods of about two to three weeks.

labile type. This type is extremely changeable in mood, and it is often unpredictable. The reasons for an unexpected change in mood can be the most insignificant, for example, someone accidentally dropped an offensive word, someone's unfriendly look. All of them "are capable of sinking into despondency and a gloomy mood in the absence of any serious troubles and failures." A lot in their psychology and behavior depends on the momentary mood of these teenagers. According to this mood, the present and the future for them can be colored either with iridescent or gloomy colors. Such teenagers, when they are in a depressed mood, are in dire need of help and support from those who could improve their mood, who can distract them, cheer them up and entertain them.

Psychastenoid. This type is characterized by increased suspiciousness and capriciousness, fatigue and irritability. In childhood, along with some timidity, there is a tendency to reason and “intellectual interests” beyond age. At the same age, various phobias arise: fear of strangers, new objects, darkness, being alone at home, etc. Especially often fatigue manifests itself when performing a difficult task. Uncertainty and anxious suspiciousness for the future of yourself and your loved ones is a dominant feature. This type is attractive on the one hand for its accuracy, seriousness, conscientiousness, reliability, fidelity to given promises, however, what is repulsive in it is indecisiveness, lack of initiative, a certain formalism, a tendency to endless reasoning, the presence of obsessive ideas, “self-digging”.

sensitive type. He is characterized by increased sensitivity to everything: to what pleases, and to what upsets or frightens. These teenagers do not like big companies, too gambling, mobile, mischievous games. They are usually shy and timid around strangers and therefore often come across as withdrawn. They are open and sociable only with those who are familiar to them; they prefer communication with children and adults to communication with peers. They are distinguished by obedience and show great affection for their parents. In adolescence, such adolescents may have difficulty adapting to the circle of peers, as well as an “inferiority complex”. At the same time, these same adolescents develop a sense of duty quite early, and high moral demands are made on themselves and those around them. What they lack in ability, they often make up for in challenging activities and increased diligence. These teenagers are choosy in finding friends and buddies for themselves, find great affection in friendship, adore friends who are older than them.

Psychasthenic type. These teenagers are characterized by early intellectual development, a tendency to reflection and reasoning, to introspection and evaluation of the behavior of other people. Such teenagers, however, are often stronger in words than in deeds. They combine self-confidence with indecisiveness, and categorical judgments with hasty actions taken just at those moments when caution and prudence are required.

Schizoid type. Its most significant feature is isolation. These teenagers are not very attracted to their peers, they prefer to be alone, to be in the company of adults. “Mental loneliness does not even burden the schizoid teenager who lives in his own world with his unusual interests for children of this age.” Such teenagers often demonstrate outward indifference to other people, lack of interest in them. They poorly understand the state of other people, their experiences, they do not know how to sympathize. Their inner world is often filled with various fantasies, special hobbies. In the outward manifestation of their feelings, they are quite restrained, not always understandable to others, primarily for their peers, who, as a rule, do not like them very much.

epileptoid type. These teenagers often cry, harass others, especially in early childhood. “ Such children love to torture animals, beat and tease the younger and weak, mock the helpless and unable to fight back. In a children's company, they claim not just leadership, but the role of ruler. In the group of children they control, such teenagers establish their rigid, almost terrorist orders, and their personal power in such groups rests mainly on the voluntary obedience of other children or on fear. Under the conditions of a strict disciplinary regime, they often feel at their best, “they know how to please the authorities, achieve certain advantages, seize ... posts that give ... power, establish dictate over others.”

hysteroid type. The main feature of this type is egocentrism, a thirst for constant attention to one's person. Adolescents of this type have a tendency to theatricality, posturing, and panache. Such children can hardly endure when their comrade is praised in their presence, when others are given more attention than themselves. “The desire to attract eyes, listen to admiration and praise becomes an urgent need for them.” Such adolescents are characterized by claims to an exclusive position among their peers, and in order to influence others, to attract attention, they often act in groups as instigators and ringleaders. At the same time, being unable to act as real leaders and organizers of the case, to gain informal authority for themselves, they often and quickly fail.

Unstable type. He is sometimes incorrectly characterized as weak-willed, going with the flow. Adolescents of this type show an increased inclination and craving for entertainment, and indiscriminately, as well as for idleness and idleness. They do not have any serious, including professional interests, they hardly think about their future.

Conformal type. This type demonstrates thoughtless, uncritical, and often opportunistic submission to any authorities, to the majority in the group. Such teenagers are usually prone to moralizing and conservatism, and their main life credo is “to be like everyone else”. This is the type of opportunist who, for the sake of his own interests, is ready to betray a comrade, to leave him for Hard time, but no matter what he does, he will always find an excuse for his act, and often more than one.

Hypothym. Its dominant feature is a constantly depressed mood, a tendency to depressive affects. The mood of a hypothym is also constantly changing like that of a hyperthym, but only these changes are with a minus sign. In childhood, such a child is almost always lethargic, lives without special joys, offended by everyone and, above all, by his parents. Hypothym is endowed with conscientiousness and a critical view of the world, but at the same time he is prone to touchiness, is vulnerable, looks for manifestations of ailments, various diseases, and shows an almost complete lack of interests and hobbies.

Paranoid. The dominant character trait of this type is a high degree of purposefulness. Such a teenager subordinates his life to the achievement of a certain goal (and on a sufficiently large scale), while he is able to neglect the interests of the people around him, including his parents. To achieve his goal, he is able to give up well-being, entertainment, comfort. Along with high energy, independence, independence, he is characterized by aggressiveness, irritability, anger when he encounters an obstacle on the way to achieving his goal.

The accentuation of character under the influence of adverse conditions can lead to pathological disorders and changes in the behavior of the individual, to psychopathy.

Psychopathy (from the Greek psyche - soul and pathos - “disease”) is a pathology of character, in which the subject has an almost irreversible severity of properties that prevent him from adequate adaptation in the social environment. Unlike accentuations, psychopathy is permanent, manifests itself in all situations and impedes the social adaptation of the individual. The reaction of a person with sharpened character traits, in comparison with the reactions of a psychopath, is more closely related to psychotraumatic factors, while maintaining a certain self-control. For a psychopath, there are no limits.