Fashion professions in the beauty industry. Career in the beauty industry Work in the field of beauty and health

Working in the beauty industry is the dream of many girls. Photo:

If you want to work in the beauty industry and get a high salary, doing what you love every day, feel free to turn it into a profession. ForumDaily found 5 such professions that allow you to have a stable income.

Master of permanent make-up (Permanentmakeupartist)

Salary per year:$55,000 - $80,000 (data from

A permanent makeup artist can earn up to $1,500 a day. Photo: from the archive of Anna Ishutina

The results of a study conducted by the community of permanent makeup masters (SPCP) suggest that specialists in this field receive from $55,000 per year, and the cost of procedures ranges from $300 to $800. There are no limits to earnings.

“The salary of the master depends only on the master himself. You can take only 1 client per day and earn $300-500 per procedure, or you can take 5 people and have a daily income of $1500. Everyone chooses for himself,” says Anna Ishutina, founder of the TIAN Permanent Makeup Studio.

A permanent makeup master is an ideal profession for those who dream of working in the beauty industry, developing creatively and having a good income.

Product Developer (productdeveloper)

Salary per year:$46 413 — $127 164

The delicious smell of a popular lipstick, the eye-catching packaging of eyeshadows, the exciting color scheme of a blush set - just think, someone came up with all this. And we are not talking about complex formulas, but about the sensations that cosmetics give. Every beauty brand in the state has product developers who decide which new eyeshadow palette to release to make them want to buy, which stores to partner with, and which online marketplaces to promote products.

The only routine that specialists may encounter is associated with a large abundance of cosmetics, which must be lived and "breathed".

According to PayScale, the average developer salary is $80,000 per year.

Among the desired professional skills are knowledge of the basics of marketing, creativity, stress resistance, communication skills. To get a job in a good cosmetics company, you will need a bachelor's degree from an accredited university and 2-3 years of experience as a product developer in the cosmetics field.

Directorsalonthe beauty(hair and beauty salon owner)

Salary per year: from $75 000

Inna Tsalkovich's team in her salon in Manhattan. Inna is in the center. Photo: from the personal archive of Inna Tsalkovich

Owning your own beauty salon is a childhood dream of many girls. In the US, this business can make good money if you're really willing to work hard. After all, almost every resident of America from 9 to 99 years old “brings beauty” at least a couple of times a month.

There are 3 options for starting this business: open a salon from scratch by coming up with a unique concept, buy a franchise business with a complete guide to action from its owners, or purchase an existing salon. Of course, the first option is the most difficult, but at the same time interesting. It took Inna Tsalkovich more than 20 years to go from assistant hairdresser to top-level hairdresser and open her own salon, which in 2015 was named the best in Manhattan.

Inna moved to New York in 1996 with her husband and small child. She immediately took out an educational loan and went to study at a beauty school. The course cost $10,000 and included hairdressing, cosmetology and manicure. During her studies, the girl worked part-time in the salon as an assistant to the master, but very quickly began to move forward on the career ladder. She constantly improved her skills.

“I graduated from the world-famous Wella brand school and the Bumble and Bumble school, countless trainings and master classes. A self-respecting master cannot do otherwise, because self-education comes first in our work. You need to be aware of the latest trends and beauty products, fashion trends. Of course, I invested a lot in my training, but I have always had many satisfied clients. And to make a person beautiful - isn’t that happiness? ”Inna shares.

Having changed only 3 jobs in New York, after 20 years as an ambassador, Inna and her husband opened a salon in Manhattan in the popular Soho area. The girl's husband was engaged in marketing and advertising, and Inna took up work with clients and practiced as a hairdresser. The girl recalls that from the moment the salon opened, she began to sleep 2 hours a day, because their business, as if Small child, constantly demanded attention and complete immersion.

“Your salon is a big responsibility and work 24/7. I didn't get a chance to rest or relax. During the day I cut and colored clients, and at night I figured out how to promote the salon, with whom to cooperate, how to become better and better. We worked with the Bloomingdale chain clothing store, with well-known modeling agencies. There were many artists and famous artists among our clients. We constantly held interesting "events". I remember that they even took part in the action and collected financial assistance for women from Africa. In other words, we lived a full New York life. I had a goal - to become the No. 1 salon, and in 2015 we succeeded, ”recalls Inna Tsalkovich.

Business justified itself financially. According to the girl, the turnover of the salon reached $ 250-300 thousand per year.

“Since I spent a lot of time with clients, the question “why is it so expensive?” blew me away. Clients constantly asked me why they should pay $200-300 for 2-3 hours of work. I agree, this is a rather big amount, but no one thinks that hairdressers and other salon employees work on commissions, salons do not pay them for medical insurance, vacations, and so on. Masters constantly spend their hard-earned money on training, "invest" in their knowledge. Moreover, a hairdresser is a physically demanding job, and after a working day, my back and legs hurt terribly, ”Inna shares.

As the girl clarified, the owner of the salon works with his masters on a commission basis - the specialist receives 30-60% of the proceeds that he brought. The salon takes the rest. In some cases, the master simply rents a chair in the salon, but this format is less common. At the same time, the director of the salon pays all household expenses, buys cosmetics and is engaged in marketing.

Inna and her husband sold the salon after she developed health problems and moved to Florida. Today, Inna practices in one of the Boca Raton salons.

Beauty copywriter or beauty editor (beautycopywriter/beautyeditor)

Salary per year:$30 265 — $72 536

A beauty copywriter can work from home and earn $30,000 or more. Photo:

If you are one of those people who, every time you buy cosmetics, admire the name of a color or product every time, you clearly understand what exactly beauty copywriters do. They create names, come up with slogans, descriptions on packaging and annotations for the product. For “dust-free” work, a copywriter is paid $ 30-70 thousand a year, according to PayScale. In New York, you can find a job with a salary of more than $100,000 a year. Beauty editors write articles about beauty and fashion. Salaries start at $50,000 per year.

In order to become a copywriter, you need to be fluent in English, be creative, “be your own” in the world of fashion and cosmetics.

A specific education is not required, but many colleges and private schools offer various programs of study. A clear advantage of the profession is a free schedule.

Personal stylist (personal fashion stylist

Salary per year:$20 418 — $177 986

Many people do not understand the combination of colors, clothing and accessories, but really want to dress beautifully. Among them are both present and future artists, famous athletes and politicians, as well as representatives of other professions. In this case, personal stylists come to their aid, who go shopping with them, select clothes, create looks for every day and for going out, and advise on the appropriate hairstyle and makeup.

The Payscale website claims that salaries in this area start at $20,000 per year and can go up to $177,000 per year.

To get a job as a stylist, you need to have exceptional taste, understand the types of figures and faces, be aware of the latest fashion trends, be able to look for rare things and combine them.

Special education in order to work as a stylist is not required, but a certificate of completion of courses, experience in clothing stores and a portfolio will only be a plus.

The beauty business is an inexhaustible source of income. There will always be demand for beauty products and services. In the article, we have collected 20 business ideas that will allow you to make money even without serious experience in the field.

The beauty industry is actively developing due to the fact that women strive to take care of themselves. Any business related to beauty products and services finds a consumer and becomes in demand. This is a great option for beginners. Firstly, the beauty industry is always in demand: women are ready to sacrifice their budget for beauty. Secondly, in this area you will feel comfortable finding a job of interest and for the soul. As practice shows, the beauty business is a great opportunity to realize yourself, while earning decent money.

How profitable is the beauty business

The beauty business is a promising area that is not afraid of crises. Its advantage is stability and resilience during crises. For a business to be successful, you need to develop a client base. Everything is complicated by the fact that there is fierce competition in the field: only those companies that offer quality service and make a profitable offer for their target audience will be able to survive.

You can start a beauty business with little capital and grow over time. Now mini-formats of establishments are popular, which are located next to residential areas and operate in a separate area. Such establishments require a minimum of space and money. From this, you might think that opening a beauty business is quite simple. But here, as in any business, there are pitfalls. First, you need to understand the specifics of the activity - otherwise there is a risk of failure. Secondly, many beauty services require specialized craftsmen, on whom the success of the business depends. Unfortunately to find a good specialist not so easy. Thirdly, the specifics of the activity require the owner to be constantly involved and involved: he must control the quality of service, the consumption of materials, follow trends in the beauty industry, take care of improving the skills of his employees, etc. Fourth, there are many competitors in the market - so you have to compete for a client. And for this you need to take into account all of the above.

But if you establish a business, then it will bring a decent profit. The average profitability of enterprises operating in the beauty industry is 25-30%. Therefore, many people want to work here. In recent years, there has been a decline in the segment of classic beauty salons, so entrepreneurs are forced to look for new formats and services.

Nail bar

Investments: from 200 thousand rubles

Manicure service continues to develop actively in the Russian market. In the structure of demand for services of beauty salons, manicure services occupy almost 40%. In recent years, more and more highly specialized salons have appeared that provide only manicure services.

Nail salons are presented in different formats: islands in a shopping center, salons in the city center, sleeping areas, and even services from private masters at home. One of the simplest and most budgetary options is nail bars. In fact, they are small establishments with one or two masters.

Despite the high level of competition, the niche of specialized nail salons is not completely filled. Demand still exceeds supply. You can verify this if you call the nearest salons and try to sign up for a manicure. In most cases, everything will be busy (especially on weekends).

To open your own nail bar, you will need: find a room of 10 sq. m., purchase basic equipment, hire an employee or independently undergo training as a manicure master. Even a beginner can cope with this business algorithm. To start, 200 thousand rubles will be enough - the amount of investments may increase depending on the number seats. For example, opening a full-fledged nail salon will cost about 400 thousand rubles. But you can start from an island in a shopping center, earning from 50 thousand rubles a month. Detailed calculations for this business are provided in our business plan.

Beauty School

Investments: from 400 thousand rubles

Despite the abundance of various beauty salons and hairdressers, most women cannot afford to visit them daily. Make-up, styling, skin care procedures - all this costs a lot of money. Therefore, women perform everyday beauty procedures themselves. But not everyone knows how to professionally style their hair and make up. This problem is solved by the beauty school, in which women are taught all the subtleties and nuances in the beauty industry.

To open such a school, it is desirable to have an education in the field of cosmetology, hairdressing or makeup. Otherwise, you can organize the work of specialists.

On average, a visit to a beauty salon costs a woman 2-4 thousand rubles. Education at the beauty school, which lasts one month, costs about 12 thousand rubles. This is a good savings for your clients. To open your own beauty school, you will need to invest at least 300 thousand rubles. This amount will be spent on renting the premises, its equipment, advertising and search for employees. The payback period of the project will be 6-10 months.

Cosmetics store

Investments: from 600 thousand rubles

Cosmetics is a sought-after product that you can always earn money on. The beauty industry is developing, every year new cosmetic products appear. Therefore, the demand for cosmetics and perfumery is only growing.

To open a cosmetics store from scratch, you will first need to choose a direction. The volume of investments, location, etc. depend on this. Some stores offer a wide range of products, while others work with specific products. Keep in mind that in a small town it is better to open a store with a wide range, and in a metropolis, narrowly focused stores will take root perfectly.

When you decide what you will sell, you can move on to active actions: register a business, look for premises with a favorable location, purchase commercial equipment and assortment, hire employees, etc. A small cosmetics store can bring the owner a net income of 100 thousand rubles. The payback period is about 10 months. You can find out how to organize a cosmetics store and how much income it can bring. You can read about the opening of an online cosmetics store.

Beauty blog

Investments: from 30 thousand rubles

beauty blogging is a good option women's business that can be run without leaving home. The topic of beauty excites any girl, so they actively discuss it on the Internet. This is the basis for the popularity of beauty bloggers. They talk about cosmetics, fashion, style, acting as opinion leaders and experts in their field.

Today, there are a lot of beauty bloggers on the net - some of them have a multi-million audience. It is pointless to compete with them, but this does not mean that it is pointless to try to break into a niche. The main thing is to find your niche, to offer the audience something that has not yet been. So this type of business is suitable for creative, confident, sociable and creative people.

The most popular and promising platforms for beauty blogging are: Instagram and Youtube. Starting a blog with Instagram is easier - all you need from technology is a phone. But for shooting videos on Youtube, you can’t do without a good SLR camera, proper lighting, mastering a video editor, etc.

Your earnings will consist of advertising income, and in the case of earnings on Youtube, monetization for video views is still possible. But to get a decent profit, you need an impressive audience. At least 20 thousand subscribers. To recruit them, you will have to invest in promotion and content creation. When the critical point is passed and you have your own audience, you can count on cooperation with cosmetic stores or companies, create author's "beauty boxes" with a selection of cosmetics, and so on. It is rather difficult to determine the scope of profit in this case. It all depends on your activity and enterprise.

Showroom of women's clothing

Investments: from 400 thousand rubles

Showrooms are a modern format of clothing stores. These establishments usually sell clothes. famous brands or designers, but at a lower price. The standard showroom is a small salon room. The choice there is limited, but buyers can find exclusive, original things.

When opening your showroom, you need to solve two main problems: find a place and select suppliers to form an assortment.

Often on the Internet you can find showrooms that are purchased from Chinese suppliers, and then sell clothes at exorbitant prices. The scheme is simple, but not the most successful. Many customers are also friends with the Internet and can find your product on a Chinese site, saving at the same time. So it is desirable to think over a better scheme. Opening a good showroom is quite difficult, but if you understand the topic and want to do it, then everything is in your hands!

The experience of entrepreneurs shows that for a month of successful trading, a showroom can bring from 200-800 thousand rubles. The whole business pays off in an average of 5-10 months. Please note that this format will be the most profitable in a city with a population of 500,000 or more.

Depilation and epilation room

Investments: from 300 thousand rubles

Depilation and epilation services are a sought-after niche in the beauty industry. It is beneficial in that such services are required regularly, which guarantees a constant flow of customers. Today there are several types of services. This requires different equipment and, accordingly, a different budget. For example, for shugaring, the costs will be minimal; and for equipment for photoepilation you will have to pay from 600 thousand rubles. But the prices for services will vary. So in all cases, the payback period will be approximately 6-12 months. You can find out more about opening an epilation and depilation cabinet.


Investments: from 2 million rubles

A spa is a more costly and serious business. Such an institution brings a lot of income, but creates some difficulties for the entrepreneur. Only those who already have accumulated capital and experience in entrepreneurship can realize this idea.

The services of spa salons are quite in demand, because in addition to the services of a cosmetologist or a hairdresser, any woman will receive here what she lacks in everyday life - relaxation and rest. A spa salon is a fairly promising business that, in capable hands, will be profitable even in times of crisis. The spa salon will begin to pay for itself in 2-3 years, this should be taken into account when calculating the amount of expenses.


Investments: from 1 million rubles

In the modern beauty industry, procedures that allow you to preserve youth are popular. One of them is cryotherapy. The procedure consists in the stay of a person in a cabin with a dense vapor of an air-nitrogen mixture at a temperature of approximately -160⁰С. The session lasts 3 minutes - during this time the body mobilizes internal reserves. As a result, immunity increases, the condition of hair and skin improves markedly.

To open a cryosauna, you do not need a large room - 10 square meters is enough. m. The equipment itself will cost about 600 thousand rubles. Cryosauna is an idea that can bring hundreds of thousands of rubles a month. The initial investment can pay off in six months.

Mobile beauty salon

Investments: from 500 thousand rubles

Mobile beauty salon - relatively new idea for the Russian market. This format is of interest not only to customers, but also to entrepreneurs.

With the development of the Internet, residents of large cities are accustomed to delivery services. With one call, the client can bring home not only goods, but also a certain service. For example, manicure or haircut. All this is possible thanks to the format of a mobile beauty salon. The service is in demand among office workers, young mothers and just busy people who value time. The mobile salon can also work at weddings, corporate parties and other events.

Usually, a mobile beauty salon refers to the departure of the master to the house. But there is another, more creative idea- a beauty salon on wheels. To implement this idea, a bus or other capacious transport is purchased, which can be converted into a mini-salon.

What is good about this option: the salon itself is owned by the owner; this is how the transport problem is solved; the bus itself is an advertisement while it is traveling to the customer. The profit from such a business depends on the number of customers. With constant orders, the profitability of the salon can be more than 30%.

Makeup courses

Investments: 30-100 thousand rubles

Makeup artists can earn not only on makeup, but also on training. Recently, various makeup schools and courses are very popular. Someone wants to master a profession, and someone wants to master skills for personal use. If you are into makeup, you can open your own school.

The implementation of the idea is based on three elements. You need:

    select premises, purchase equipment and consumables;

    determine which employees will be required;

There are two directions of development: personal consultations or professional courses. The direction of your work will depend on what you yourself know as part of your professional activity. If you have a sufficient level of skill and are ready to teach others, you can open a makeup artist training school. More information about organizing makeup courses can be found.

Dress rental

Investments: from 150 thousand rubles

Dress rental is a rather profitable service that is gaining popularity in times of crisis. Thanks to her, women can save on buying expensive outfits, and an entrepreneur can earn 60-150 thousand rubles a month.

For rent, you can provide evening and cocktail dresses, themed outfits for photo shoots, carnival costumes and even branded clothing. Every person who understands fashion, follows trends and is looking for creative work can open such a business.

The idea does not require a lot of money and effort. The main thing here is entrepreneurial acumen and a sense of taste: so you can choose the right assortment that will be in demand. Invested funds pay off in 2-4 months. You can read more about starting a dress rental business.

Jewelry boutique

Investments: from 800 thousand rubles

There is always a need for jewelry. A high margin on goods provides a good income, which averages 300 thousand rubles. per month. Demand Jewelry there is always, therefore, with the right organization, the business will be profitable. It is important to understand the specifics of goods and paperwork. So this business is more suitable for those who already have entrepreneurial experience.

The amount of initial investment depends on the scale of trade: a jewelry store and a jewelry salon will cost differently. A jewelry store is an interesting but rather complicated business. Detailed information about opening a jewelry store can be found.

Stylist services

Investments: from 30 thousand rubles

Now every girl tries to follow fashion and look stylish. If earlier the services of stylists were available to a few, today everyone can find a specialist for wardrobe analysis, shopping support, etc.

The services of a stylist have recently become more and more in demand. This type of business can be mastered modern women, with an active lifestyle and good taste. To earn decent money from this, you need professional education and advertising of your services, which will ensure an influx of customers. In this case, the personal qualities of the stylist, his professionalism and vision are decisive.

With all this, you can open your own business with minimal investment and earn a lot of money. A good prospect to provide services not only in your city, but also online.

Ready-made ideas for your business


Investments: from 150 thousand rubles

Lithotherapy is a relatively new business, so it can be considered a niche niche. This procedure is one of the types of alternative medicine, namely the treatment with the use of stones. The specifics of the business is that it requires the involvement of specialists. Not everyone can understand the intricacies of lithotherapy, and business success is built precisely on the quality of services.

You need a small amount of space to work. You can rent an office in beauty salons, spa centers, clinics, etc. Opening a lithotherapy room will cost about 150 thousand rubles. This amount includes the purchase of furniture, equipment and all necessary materials, rent of premises, as well as advertising. If you plan to provide services yourself, you will also have to spend money on training. Monthly earnings in this business are approximately 50 thousand rubles.

Brow bar

Investments: from 150 thousand rubles

Brow bar is a newfangled name for a mini eyebrow salon. Customer service takes place behind a specialized bar by one bartender. To do this, you need to purchase a minimum set of equipment: general cosmetic tools for eyebrow correction and makeup. The bulk of the cost falls on special furniture for the brow bar: mirrors, comfortable chairs and tables, storage cabinets, etc.

To open a brow bar, you will need an area of ​​​​about 15 sq.m. Such salons are best located in places with passage, for example, in large shopping centers. If you choose a profitable place, you can earn up to 100 thousand rubles of net profit per month.

Women's clothing store

Investments: from 400 thousand rubles

Sale women's clothing This is a business that will always be relevant. Even in the face of fierce competition, the new store has the opportunity to find its audience thanks to its unique assortment. Womenswear is the largest segment in the apparel industry, accounting for about 60% of the market. 400 thousand rubles may be enough to open a small store. A guide to opening a women's clothing store can be found.

Draft perfumery

Investments: 100 thousand rubles

Many people want to use luxury perfumes, but not everyone is ready to overpay for advertising and branded packaging. So, in the realities of the Russian market, draft perfumery is a great idea.

The cost of opening one outlet is approximately 100 thousand rubles. Monthly profit - 30 thousand rubles. To make the point more profitable, find a place with high traffic, where people make spontaneous purchases. Shopping malls or a gallery exiting a supermarket are ideal. For a point of sale, 2-4 sq.m. will be required to install a showcase with a counter.

Instant tan

Investments: 70 thousand rubles

One of the most fashionable trends in the beauty industry is instant tanning or glaming. This direction allows salons and home craftsmen to make good money. Today a light shade of tan - fashion trend. And the harm of the solarium scared away a considerable number of people from the service. Replaced by an instant tanning procedure. The services of such studios are very popular among young people leading an active lifestyle.

The principle of operation is simple: a tinted bronzer lotion is applied to the body using a special apparatus. So for starters, you will have to purchase a set of equipment with all consumables - this will cost about 50 thousand rubles.

The technology is quite simple, so opening an instant tanning studio is quite simple. Investments will be minimal, and the monthly profit is about 60 thousand rubles.

Shop for beauty salons

Investments: 200 thousand rubles

If beauty salons are needed, then those who will supply them with consumables will also be required. In the work of any salon, a lot of cosmetics are used. So if you do not want to be in the service industry, then start a business by opening a store. professional cosmetics. Your clients will be hairdressers, cosmetologists or makeup artists. Since the main buyers will be beauty salons, you must immediately choose the specialization of the store: will you be limited to one type of product or cover the entire beauty industry, offering the widest possible range.

It is best to locate such a store next to a beauty salon in order to ensure the percentage of spontaneous purchases. For example, the master has run out of the product and he came to you to buy it. And yet, the specifics of the work of salons forces them to plan in advance the purchase of consumables. So you will have to look for clients and negotiate cooperation on your own. The supply of cosmetic products for salons will be a profitable business if it is possible to establish permanent cooperation.

Shop Korean cosmetics online

Investments: from 100 thousand rubles

Cosmetics is one of the most sought after products. The Russian market of cosmetic products is growing every year, while the Internet trade sector is actively developing. Marketers estimate that about 50% of online shoppers have made an online purchase of cosmetics. Therefore, it would be a good idea to open an online cosmetics store.

Korean products are especially popular at the moment. The online trading format allows you to reduce the cost of opening, work from home and simplifies the entire process of opening a store. You can create your own website or start an online store for Korean cosmetics on Instagram. Now trading through this social network is very popular. An online store can bring 100-200 thousand rubles of profit.

Questions and answers

💡 What is the secret of the popularity of the beauty industry?

beauty industry is actively developing due to the fact that women tend to take care of themselves. Any business related to beauty industry and services, finds a consumer and becomes in demand. This is a great option for beginners.

  • Firstly, the beauty industry is always in demand: women are ready to sacrifice their budget for beauty.
  • Secondly, in this area you will feel comfortable finding a job of interest and for the soul. As practice shows, the beauty business is a great opportunity to realize yourself, while earning decent money.

💡 Is the business in the beauty industry profitable?

beauty business is a promising direction, which is not afraid of crises. Its advantage is stability and resilience during crises. For a business to be successful, you need to develop a client base. Everything is complicated by the fact that there is fierce competition in the field: only those companies that offer quality service and make a profitable offer for their target audience will be able to survive.

2491 people are studying this business today.

For 30 days this business was interested in 603137 times.

The beauty and health industry is one of the most developing in Belarus. Currently, she has become so popular and her services are so in demand that hairdressers and beauty salons are opening actively and everywhere. At the same time, the number of educational centers that train professionals in hairdressing, manicure and pedicure, makeup, massage, and cosmetology is growing. Such professions do not require many years of study at the university, and you can master the basics in institutions of secondary specialized and vocational education, as well as in specialized courses. Such courses are an opportunity to quickly acquire a profession in demand and plunge into the fabulous, magical and alluring world of the beauty industry with its secrets.

Hairdresser-fashion designer

The external attractiveness of a person plays a positive role both in building personal relationships and in developing and strengthening professional contacts, which is why it is so important for us to look good.

A hairdresser-fashion designer is a specialist who, in accordance with the direction of fashion and the features of the client's face, cuts, colors and performs other types of hairdressing work. The master can change the appearance of the client with the help of hairstyles and hair color, visually eliminate facial imperfections, and emphasize advantages. The task of the hairdresser is to create just such a hairstyle that will suit the client as much as possible. In this case, it is important to take into account the type and structure of the hair, the shape and features of the client's face, and fashion trends. With the help of simple tools - scissors and combs - the master makes unusually beautiful haircuts and hairstyles. But his main and main "tools" are fantasy, sense of style and skillful hands.

Hairdresser-modeler performs different kinds haircuts (men's, women's, children's; simple, basic, model), various types of wraps, hair styling using power tools (hair dryers, curling irons, irons, tongs) and cosmetics (gels, mousses, foams, varnishes, etc.). He also owns the technique of dyeing hair in various colors and shades (highlighting, coloring, etc.) using modern technical means. In addition, he designs hairstyles (wedding, evening, classic).

The hairdresser is a kind of artist. He must have good taste and strive to instill it in his customers. This, first of all, refers to hairdressers, fashion designers, because they are the creators of samples (models) of new hairstyles. Fashion hairdressers not only develop, but also perform complex hairstyles. The best of them are demonstrated at the annual city, republican and even international competitions. Fashion designers advise other hairdressers on model hairstyles, haircuts, hair coloring with overlay shades, styling of wigs, hairpieces, etc.


A well-made make-up, emphasizing individual strengths and skillfully hiding flaws, is a real art and an indispensable attribute of important events in our lives ( prom, wedding, etc.). We all saw how expressive the faces of models from the covers of glossy magazines are, how skillfully all the advantages of their appearance are emphasized. This is the work of professional makeup artists on the usual and most often ordinary appearance.

A makeup artist performs various types of make-up using the techniques of applying decorative cosmetics. Working with clients, the make-up artist sets himself the task of revealing the uniqueness and originality of each face, showing its beauty - not average, but peculiar to it. this person. The specialist corrects the proportions of the face, cosmetic defects using decorative cosmetics, highlights, emphasizes individual facial features with the help of cosmetics. It creates a unique image, an aesthetically attractive appearance of a person. At the same time, the master does not forget that decorative cosmetics must necessarily correspond to the time of the day, the event for which makeup is applied.

The make-up artist profession is creative and allows you to constantly improve your knowledge of fashion and beauty, create new individual images. Visage is a capacious concept that includes not only various makeup techniques, but also deeper concepts, such as working with color, the ability to feel style. Makeup artists provide consultations, recommend how to properly apply makeup, use decorative cosmetics, correct skin imperfections and other facial features.

Beautician, beautician

To understand the division of functional responsibilities of cosmetologists and cosmetologists, it is necessary to clearly understand where the line lies between medical and household services.

Cosmetologist is a specialist with a higher medical education and specialization in the courses of BelMAPO (Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education), providing medical care patients for the purpose of correction or prevention cosmetic defects and age-related changes skin. He carries out the prevention of cosmetic and age-related skin defects, diagnoses skin defects using clinical and laboratory-instrumental research methods, and also provides general and local treatment of cosmetic skin defects and their complications. Such a specialist is engaged in medical cosmetology. This area includes invasive procedures: injections, median chemical peeling and so on.

Beautician(esthetician) - a specialist who does not have a medical education, but has received professional training in his specialty in training centers or courses. The main purpose of cosmetics is cosmetic or preventive care. healthy skin neck, face and head. Cosmetics are allowed to perform procedures that do not violate the integrity of the skin cover: masks, massages, cosmetic complexes using cosmetics. He conducts beauty massages, body wraps, cleansing and superficial peels, various SPA-procedures, that is, all possible types of care for healthy skin of the face and body.

Cosmetologists and cosmeticians are specialists who work on the beauty and health of a person with the help of special preparations, cosmetics or professional equipment. With or without a diploma of higher medical education, but the duty of any specialist is to be honest with the patient, not to harm human life and health. The task of any cosmetologist is to achieve a healthy and well-groomed appearance of the patient.

Modern cosmetology does not stand still, covering an ever wider range of services to turn any girl into a real beauty. But nevertheless, the skills of the specialist himself, his experience, skills and knowledge are always in the first place. It is important for cosmetologists to be able to work with a client: to understand his request, desires, preferences, to find out problems. After all, often many people come to beauty salons to relax, get away from household chores, feel well-groomed and beautiful woman. Therefore, if you are a non-communicative, shy and withdrawn person, this area is unlikely for you.

Master of manicure, nail design

The main factor in female perfect image were, are and will be well-groomed hands. Modern trendy manicure will not only give the nails a special charm, but also help to hide even the smallest flaws.

Manicurist performs cosmetic procedures on the treatment of nails on the fingers and the fingers themselves. The main goal of the master is to provide the client's hands with a beautiful and well-groomed appearance. Specialist attaches correct form nails, removes or pushes back the cuticle, polishes the surface of the nail, treats with protective agents. Offers clients a variety of hand baths, massage, then determines what type of manicure by the shape of the nails. more suitable in one case or another.

The specialist must know all the main types of manicure and procedures for caring for hands and nails, master modern techniques for covering and building nails, as well as nail-art. Must know the basic rules and techniques of customer service to create their unique image, be able to guess desires and moods. Almost everyone can master this knowledge and skills, but persistent people with a well-developed imagination and a sense of beauty are more likely to become a successful and sought-after specialist in this profession. Creativity is valued in the profession. Having mastered the necessary techniques for designing and modeling nails, you can create real masterpieces on your nails.

Permanent makeup master

Permanent makeup is a popular cosmetic service, the essence of which is the introduction of special dyes into the upper layers of the skin of the face, which ensures the resistance of the applied pattern to external influences and the duration of its existence.

With the help of permanent makeup, you can give a certain shape to the lips, emphasize the lines of the eyebrows and eyes. A well-made perm looks natural. With the help of permanent makeup, you can not only emphasize the dignity, make facial features more expressive, but also hide some of the flaws in appearance. Not surprisingly, most often women apply for such a service.

Master of tattooing (contour make-up) - a specialist in applying persistent, permanent make-up. He thoroughly studies the image of the client, selects the color of the dyes and the optimal application technique. Then draws a sketch of the future makeup. If the client is satisfied with the proposed option, then the master starts work.

Permanent make-up is a medical procedure that can only be carried out by a specialist with a medical education. It is associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin, and it must be treated accordingly. The master is obliged not only to know, but also to carefully observe all the norms of asepsis and antisepsis, to be fluent in various methods of anesthesia. In the work of a tattoo artist, such qualities as accuracy, responsibility, a good eye, a sense of shape and proportions, good taste and color perception are important.

A great responsibility lies on the shoulders of a specialist. Firstly, the master is responsible not only for the aesthetic result, but also for the health of the client. Secondly, the work must be done with the highest quality and accuracy, since permanent makeup is much more difficult to remove than to apply.


A masseur is a specialist who knows the methods of mechanical action on the human body for preventive or therapeutic purposes.

The main task of the massage therapist is to dose, carefully and professionally affect the skin and soft tissues without affecting the joints and spine. The purpose of this effect is to improve the condition of tissues and muscles, blood supply, and general well-being. After a course of massage, the muscles come in tone, the body acquires a more slender, athletic silhouette.

There are an incredible number of types of massage, but conditionally they are divided into cosmetic, sports and therapeutic. In addition, massage can be contact, non-contact and acupressure. Most often, massage therapists specialize in specific types of massage.

The masseur can work with his hands or use additional tools: stones, jars, brushes - it all depends on the goals. In the process of massage, a specialist uses various techniques and techniques - stroking, kneading, sawing, rubbing, tapping, etc., which are carried out according to certain rules.

A good massage specialist is the best assistant to physiotherapists, neurologists, orthopedists, rehabilitation therapists, and trainers. Massage specialists are in demand in healthcare institutions, private medical centers, beauty salons and beauty parlors, sanatoriums and dispensaries, clinics specializing in wellness procedures and body shaping.

Experience as a massage therapist certainly comes with months and years of practice. Each massage therapist must have a good knowledge of anatomy and physiology, the main signs of the clinical course of diseases, indications and contraindications for massage. Massage is carried out only according to the method, which is compiled on the basis of the diagnosis. It is necessary to know everything about the physiological effect of individual techniques and techniques, to have a clear idea of ​​the effect of the same technique, which is performed with different strength or pace. The massage therapist must be able to choose a massage technique suitable for a particular client, answer all questions to the patient in an accessible form, and convince him of the possibility of recovery.

The profession of a massage therapist implies the presence of such qualities as a high level of responsibility, attentiveness, goodwill, sociability, physical endurance, good motor skills and strong sensitive hands, confidence, poise and tact.

If you want to gain knowledge and experience in the field of beauty, think about which direction suits you.

The choice of a profession in the beauty industry depends on several parameters. So, for example, if you are organized enough and at the same time able to coordinate the work of other people, know how to work in a team and clearly follow the work schedule, then you can easily cope with the task beauty salon manager. The task of the administrator is to organize high-quality customer service. This is not only the coordinator of the work of salon specialists - cosmetologists, hairdressers, massage therapists, but, above all, the "face of the company." It is with the administrator that the visit to the beauty center begins. He meets visitors, helps to choose suitable procedures, presents additional services, and makes cash payments. A professional, organized, responsible, punctual administrator of good appearance is worth its weight in gold. Administrators are highly appreciated with the following personal qualities: patience, non-conflict, sociability, stress resistance. If you have all the listed qualities and abilities, consider the option of educational courses where you can master this profession.

If you seek to emphasize the dignity of a person with a beautiful haircut or styling, give advice to your friends on this issue, like to experiment with hair coloring - all this indicates a penchant for the profession. hairdresser. This is a job for creative people which implies freedom of creativity and responsibility for the expectations of customers. Profession training is carried out in institutions that provide vocational education.

If you have an artistic taste, subtly feel colors and shades, the play of light and shadows, like to experiment, have developed spatial and figurative thinking, are neat and friendly, then maybe you should think about a profession. makeup artist. To become a successful makeup artist, you need to know more than just makeup techniques. Appearance is especially important. The make-up artist must be well-groomed and neat. Communication skills and knowledge of psychology will be an additional plus. To obtain the profession of a make-up artist, it is enough to complete special courses for make-up artists or a make-up school (studio).

For people who already have a basic medical education, the direction related to health is ideal - this is cosmetologists, masseurs, masters of permanent make-up, manicure and pedicure.

If you are interested in healthy skin care, preventive hair and nail care, aesthetic face and body massage, then you should definitely consider the profession. cosmetics. In addition to the above, cosmetics can perform eyebrow correction and coloring, depilation and other care procedures. In addition to broad professional knowledge and diligence, in order to succeed in this profession, you must be a friendly and sociable person, be able to win over a client. If your goal is to be cosmetologist you need to get a higher medical education.

If you decide to master massage, you must remember: only persons with a secondary specialized medical education and who have completed special courses in massage have the right to professionally engage in massage. It is important for a massage therapist to be physically prepared, enduring and able to understand a person, feel his needs. The massage therapist must not only have the necessary knowledge and skills, but also be attentive, patient, friendly, calm and objective in relation to the patient. In addition, the masseur is required to possess significant physical strength, because massage is not an easy procedure and requires great physical effort from the massager. Therefore, the masseur must be in good physical shape.

The choice of a profession, even in such a dynamic industry as beauty, depends on abilities and inclinations. However, it should be remembered that choosing a profession of this kind, each young specialist will have a long learning process throughout their career.


by agreement

Work experience: 1 year

Good afternoon! I am a certified permanent makeup artist. I constantly develop my skills through continuous practice, attending seminars and master classes. In my work I use high-quality materials and equipment. In addition to permanent makeup, I do lamination, tattoo removal with a remover, as well as eyebrow coloring and architecture. Ready to become part of a strong team to grow as a professional and benefit your company! I will consider various conditions of employment. Open to communication and cooperation! Instagram portfolio:

Updated 02/14/2020

Work experience: without experience

My name is Rima. I am the master of instant tan. She studied at the ZAGAR school and the KLEOSUN academy. Friendly, responsible, active. Without bad habbits. A great desire to develop in the beauty-sphere.

Updated 02/13/2020

by agreement

Work experience: 2 years

My name is Nina, I am 25 years old. Since December 2018 I have been working in the beauty industry. As a master, I stand for natural beauty, minimalism and naturalness. I believe in loving yourself and accepting who you are. And my work should only emphasize our individuality. But it is important to take care not only of each other, but also of nature, which gives us life. Therefore, I work according to the principles of ethical and reasonable consumption. Being an individual master is a serious work that disciplines and motivates me to constantly develop. My main criteria are professionalism and honesty. I go through the entire life path of my work and am ready to take responsibility for the result. You can always write to me to ask for advice and find support, for this I offer you a free consultation. I also keep healthy lifestyle life and do not smoke - I think that this is a big plus for the master, since many are very sensitive to smoke. ⠀ My professional qualities can be described as: responsibility, stress resistance, attentiveness, focus on the process, activity, enthusiasm, focus on results. Politeness, decency and non-conflict help me create a pleasant atmosphere for the client. I have experience in working with social networks: my Instagram account is actively developing, I have developed an individual style, and now it brings me new clients. I have a complete set of materials for the production procedure France and South Korea. Brands: 1. Lalami is a company created by a team of professionals with vast experience in training and production of materials for the beauty industry. The company is working on the introduction and development of the latest technologies. The unique 4-stage lamination system for eyelashes and eyebrows has captivated many masters and clients. 2. The Novel brand was born in 2007 - a convenient online store for Lash stylists. Suppliers - manufacturers of materials from Germany, USA, Great Britain, South Korea, Austria. Novel eye design materials are presented in more than 124 cities of Russia. Education 2018, Lalami Company, Master of eyelash lamination, Moscow, certificate. I also regularly attend webinars for practicing masters a couple of times a month.

Updated 02/10/2020

Work experience: 1 year

Hello Yarova Alina Yuryevna, 17 years old Master of manicure and pedicure. I perform all types of manicure and pedicure (hardware, combined, classic). Alignment of the field plate. Also simple, but at the moment relevant designs. I perform my work with high quality and accuracy, which is very important. Hardworking, I will find an approach to any client, I will be interested in whatever I can. I will tell you what shape, color and design will suit him, after listening to all his preferences and wishes. Hardworking, sociable, stress-resistant. Preferably m. Kurskaya

Updated 01/11/2020

Work experience: 1 year

I have a secondary special medical education. There is also a certificate and a diploma in cosmetology. I did manicures as an amateur. Now I want to do it professionally :) because I really like this business.

Updated 12/16/2019

by agreement

Work experience: 2 years

I perform work of any complexity: classic, hardware, combined manicure. I like to draw. Hardworking and punctual. I do the work quickly and efficiently. Cuticle coverage, even highlights, arched manicure, salon extensions, whatever you want.

Updated 09.11.2019

Work experience: 5 years

I have a medical education, experience more than 5 years. Medical massage services, posture correction. Honey massage (anti-cellulite) rejuvenating. Home visit! 30 minutes 850 rub. 60 minutes 1600. Tel 89186017607 tel (whatsapp)

Updated 10/18/2019

by agreement

Work experience: 15 years

Updated 10/17/2019

by agreement

Work experience: 15 years

Experience in business and premium class salons. Various staining techniques. Haircuts from classic to creative. Knowledge of the geometry of haircut shapes, hair texture. Design long hair. Long-term styling hair. Knowledge of color, chemical formulas, composition of many professional hair line products: ALFAPARF, Wella, Goldwell, Paul Mitchell, etc. Additional information: Sense of humor and style. Ability and desire to work with people. Selling hair care products to clients. Customer focus, courtesy, punctuality, responsibility. Competent Russian speech, presentable appearance.

Updated 10/17/2019

by agreement

Work experience: 10 years

Secondary school, education (nursing in therapy, -/- in cosmetology) cosmetologist-esthetician, epilation (diode laser) - high-quality procedures: sugaring (all techniques) waxing + (polymer) facials (peeling prx-t33 ,facial massage neck decollete,cleaning ..,) coloring of eyebrows eyelashes

Updated 09/06/2019

by agreement

Work experience: without experience

Good afternoon! My name is Tatyana, I am a certified permanent makeup artist. And also I am engaged in the removal of permanents and tattoos with a remover (manual technique). Graduated from the Moscow Center for Training Innovative Techniques in Permanent Makeup MockVa-pm. I work on the following areas: eyebrows: ombre spraying and 3D eyelids: interciliary space of the lips: lips spraying and 3D Important aspects: - disposable materials for the procedure - complete sterility - high-quality pigments that do not migrate to other unwanted colors I work with my own materials, my own machine. Ready for recording.

Updated 08/01/2019

Work experience: without experience

The designer network of fashionable beauty studios @mankimanik business class requires positive, sociable, talented manicure and pedicure masters who own various manicure and pedicure techniques - classic, combi, hardware, the ability to design, if you draw and build up this is a huge +, as well as providing customers with excellent quality of work and having a good speed!! Additional work results the best masters periodically go to training and also held competitions and bonuses for employees! A very serious studio focused on quality customer service and striving to give financial well-being to its employees! Requirements for the applicant: Education: not lower than secondary. Detailed requirements: Additionally: a diploma and certificates, decency, attentiveness, sociability, punctuality, cleanliness and just a good mood Responsibilities: Compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological regime for the preparation and processing of tools. Knowledge of standards of conduct and service. Conditions: shift work schedule (from 10 to 22)! Payment 40% of the check, a huge customer base, a guarantee of 2000 rubles! The average salary per week is from 20,000 to 25,000 rubles (depending on the number of shifts, speed, quality and return of clients to the master). All materials are provided by the salon! I only consider resumes with photos and links to work! A studio with a very high client flow, an already established team, no turnover!

If you are fond of the beauty industry and want to turn your hobby into a highly paid prestigious profession, feel free to sign up for beauty courses and start your way to high earnings doing what you love. However, the beauty industry is very multifaceted - there are many professions that are worthy of your attention. To choose which beauty industry is the most profitable and interesting for you, consider the features of each industry.

What profession to learn?

Today, each person can choose courses in the beauty industry to his liking, but first you need to decide on the direction that he wants to master.


A specialist in the field of cosmetology solves problems related to human skin. This is a fairly young profession, but it already has several branches:

  • Cosmetologist-aesthetics t eliminates external defects of human skin.
  • Cosmetologist-dermatologist treats diseases that provoke the appearance of defects.

Cosmetology is a difficult and very responsible area. It requires a medical education and an appropriate level of training.

Salon procedures

Specialist in salon procedures does not have to have a higher education, but beauty courses are required.


Eyelash master or lash maker is engaged in professional eyelash extensions, as well as their lamination and various care procedures. This profession requires the following qualities from the master:

  • Sense of taste, style and measure;
  • Good vision;
  • perseverance;
  • Tact and courtesy.

You can enter the specialty at beauty courses and different cities Russia, having received both theoretical and practical experience in owning instruments.


A master browist is a specialist who is engaged in modeling and shaping eyebrows, as well as understands how to care for them. good master Eyebrow shaping can change the perception of a client's face. You can acquire work skills in courses in a beauty salon, which usually last several days.

This profession requires minimal initial investment and very little time for preparation and practice - and this is its main advantage.

hairdressing services

The hairdresser specializes in hairstyles. This profession has several branches:

  • Female master. This is a specialist who deals with haircuts, simple weaving and dyeing, styling and many other tasks.
  • Male master. This is a barber specializing in men's hairstyles and haircuts.
  • Hairdresser-colorist. This is a specialist who is a professional in hair coloring.
  • Generalist hairdresser. This is a specialist who combines several of the above skills.

It is the universal hairdressers that are in the greatest demand in the modern market. Specialists in lamination and hair restoration also offer their services on the market. This is a very competitive segment.

Permanent makeup

Permanent makeup is permanent makeup. It lasts 2-3 years. It is applied with a special machine. The process is somewhat similar to the creation of a tattoo, but requires much more delicacy. Main areas of application: eyebrows, lips, eyes. Experienced masters offer permanent make-up of the nipple halo, masking of scars and age spots and even bald patches. Women are very reverent and responsible in choosing a tattoo master, because a small mistake can spoil the appearance for several years.

That is why we recommend that girls who want to master this profession think carefully about how to choose beauty courses so that as a result they become a highly qualified specialist and “recapture” their investments already at the initial stages of work. Training of specialists lasts about 5-10 days, taking into account the development of practical skills on models.

But with appropriate efforts, you can quickly become a popular permanent makeup master with a substantial income.

Fashion industry and makeup

A master makeup artist is proficient in various makeup techniques. He can pick up an image for a gala event, shooting or for everyday application. It is not a problem for a skilled makeup artist to consult and give recommendations on the correct application of makeup, the use of decorative cosmetics and the correction of facial proportions with its help.

Make-up artist courses usually last several days, but after that the master must independently develop practical skills, improving his skills.

Threshold to enter the profession

Before choosing beauty courses, you need to evaluate how much you will invest in getting a specialty and how quickly you will pay for it. In general, the situation looks like this:

  • Cosmetology training costs about 65,000-100,000 rubles. On average, a beginner will earn 30,000 per month, and an experienced famous master- up to 100,000 per month. To enter the profession, you must have a medical education.
  • Eyelash extension training costs from 5000 to 10000 rubles. The initial investment in consumables costs about 5,000 rubles. A beginner in this field receives about 15,000-20,000 rubles a month, and the salary of an experienced master reaches 50,000 rubles a month. But there should be a lot of customers! If you are not ready to actively look for them, earnings may be zero.
  • Eyebrow master training costs about 15,000 rubles, and about 5,000-10,000 more will have to be invested in consumables. A beginner with average employment can earn about 20,000 per month, and experienced craftsmen receive 50,000-70,000 rubles. This area also requires a large number of customers. If the master does not have a large client base, it will be difficult for him to recoup the training even in the salon.
  • Hairdresser training costs about 25,000-30,000 rubles. You will have to invest about 10,000 rubles in the purchase of tools, paints and consumables. The salary of a beginner per month is 20,000-25,000 rubles, and experienced and talented craftsmen have unlimited pay, on average, they have a salary in the region of 50,000. In rare cases, more. There is a lot of demand in this area. And there are few talented artists.
  • Permanent makeup training costs about 45,000 rubles, and for starter kit you have to pay 50,000 rubles. A beginner can earn about 50,000 rubles a month in this industry, and wage an experienced master can reach 100,000-150,000 rubles with average employment. This area has a rather high entry threshold, but the competition is lower than in others. Fewer clients are required to recoup training and start earning. If you get a job in a salon, you can quickly fill your hand and get a decent income.
  • Makeup courses cost from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles. Novice craftsmen receive about 20,000 per month, while experienced professionals earn up to 50,000 - 70,000 per month. It is quite difficult for make-up artists to unwind. Basically, it's self-employment. The client base is fickle, unlike other masters of the beauty industry. The competition in the field is high.

How much masters in the beauty industry earn largely determines the desire to develop and improve.

Market trends

Unfortunately, at the moment, the beauty industry market is getting cheaper, and the work of masters depreciates over time. However, there are areas in which this is not so pronounced. This is cosmetology and permanent makeup - areas with a high threshold for entry. However, there is one difference: cosmetology requires a medical education, and you can become a specialist in the field of permanent makeup even without an appropriate education.

Each person must independently choose what is most interesting for him, weigh all the pros and cons, and only after that choose his profession.