An essay about a grandmother for schoolchildren. An essay about a grandmother. A guide for students and their parents Essay grandmother has the kindest heart

Family is very important for every person: parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, uncles, aunts and so on, everyone loves and supports each other. But grandmothers and granddaughters have a special relationship. I want to tell you about my beloved grandmother, who had to endure and experience a lot in her life. And although she is no longer with us, we remember her and love her always.
My grandmother, Valentina Fedorovna Kravchenko, was born in 1925 in the village of Ivanovka and has lived here all her life. Her mother died when the girl was ten years old, and therefore all the children had to be raised by their father alone. When did the Great Patriotic War, grandma's grandfather went to the front, and the father stayed with the children. Everyone who could work on the collective farm to supply food to the front, my grandmother worked on a tractor from dawn to dusk. The machine and tractor station was located in the village of Kazanka, and in winter, in rubber boots, since there were no other shoes, my grandmother went with her friends to repair tractors.
When the war ended, my future grandfather, Nikolai Ivanovich Marchenko, returned from the front. Although there were many girls in the village, he chose the cheerful, hard-working Valentina. When they got married (the times were post-war, hungry, they didn’t celebrate weddings as such), they gave them one pot and two spoons to equip. As time went on, they had six children: two sons and four daughters. The whole family lived in a two-room hut, the children had to sleep behind the stove, on a wooden couch, and the youngest were laid on the bed. To feed the family, my grandfather worked several jobs at once, they didn’t pay money, but put sticks - workdays - and at the end of the year they gave out grain or other products for workdays. Children gathered berries and mushrooms in the forests, fed from gardens.
Unexpectedly, a great misfortune fell upon my grandmother - at the forty-ninth year of his life, grandfather died. Then the whole family had a very hard time. The two older children started their own families, and four remained in the arms of my grandmother. She now also had to work several jobs to raise and educate her children. She was often ill and mourned for her husband for a long time. But despite the difficulties, she raised all the children. And then she helped them: she nursed her twelve grandchildren, including me, she was kind and affectionate with everyone. She waited for five great-grandchildren, and only the sixth great-granddaughter, my niece Yanochka, did not have time to see - she died two days before her birth.
Grandmother lived for eighty-two years, her life was full of work, hardships and joys, and she lived it with dignity.
I am proud of my grandmother, I love, and I will always remember and in difficult times say to myself: “I succeeded in my grandmother, I will overcome everything, because our whole land rests on such real Russian women!”

Composition - effective remedy education and self-education. It gives opportunities for a philosophical (wise) attitude towards oneself, towards others, towards all life and ongoing events. Teaches children to comprehend, evaluate what they saw, heard, experienced. A person becomes mentally more receptive, highly moral.

Writing an essay about grandmothers is not an easy task. The students of class 1 "B" of the MBOU - lyceum No. 173 successfully coped with it. At the celebration "Grandmother, dear, I need you so much!", held on March 6, 2013, the grandchildren moved all the grandmothers and great-grandmothers present to tears.We offer you to read excerpts from these works.

Teacher: Nemolochnova Tatyana Vladimirovna.

I have two beloved grandmothers. One is called Nina, and the other is Olya.

My grandmother Olya works as a doctor in a maternity hospital. Grandma Nina is an engineer. She makes programs that are used in production.

I often visit my grandmother Nina. I spend my holidays there. She has a hobby. She knits very nicely.

In winter, I like to go to the Ice Town with my grandmother Nina. Win prizes for her holidays. We also go to the skating rink with her. Grandma watches me skate. I love it when she watches me snowboard and snowmobile. I like to go with her to the Magnit store and help her with shopping. I especially like it when she buys me either toys or chocolates.

In the summer, my grandmother and I rest in the country. We plant vegetables. We grow fruits. I love to water everything with it. We also take a bath. We swim in the pool. There is a house of my great-grandfathers. Grandma loves to decorate and make repairs.

I visit grandma Olya in the summer. With her, we love to ride trains to the sea. Swimming and sunbathing.

My grandmothers cook better than my mother. They cook for me only what I ask. Grandmothers are allowed to do everything and never scold.

When Grandma Nina is too busy, I clean the hall. I listen to her when she says something to me. I don't want her to work too hard. I visit her when I can.

I often talk with Baba Olya on Skype. I'm interested in her health.

I love my grandmothers.

On New Year, in the evening, I gave my grandmother Nina warm, beautiful scarf. It had flowers on it.

When I grow up, I will buy phones and new apartments for my grandmothers. If they ask for something, I will give it to them.

I wish my grandmothers to live long and never get sick. To never be sad. They were always joyful. So that they can succeed at work.

Savely Shashkov

My grandmother's name is grandmother Olya. She is already retired, but still works as an accountant in the prosecutor's office.

I often visit my grandmother. I love walking and cleaning with her. I like to play checkers and chess with her.

Grandma loves me very much. She said that my mother, when she was little, drew well and studied at school for one five.

I take care of my grandmother. Wash dishes and floors. I'm cleaning up the house. I carry heavy bags.

I love my grandmother for the treat and for all the good she does for me.

Mom and I give grandma flowers for the holidays. I also give her different crafts.

When I grow up and start earning money, I will give my grandmother a trip to the sea, and also a double boiler.

Grandma, I love you very much!

I wish you good health, not to be nervous at work and a joyful mood.

Matvey Usoltsev

My grandmother's name is Lucy. Now she doesn't work. Watching cucumbers.

With my grandmother, I like to walk, ride a car, play cards.

Grandma allows everything. I love her badges. Because she buys everything for me. I help her with berries, with beetles. I give her glasses.

When I work, I will give her everything.

I wish my grandmother health and strength.

Stanislav Bezmatyorov

I have two grandmothers: grandmother Tanya and grandmother Alla.

My grandmothers are already retired, but they still work. Grandmother Alla is a cook. Grandmother Tanya is a warehouse inspector.

Grandmother Tanya recently moved to be closer to us. Every summer we go to the sea with her.

I often go to visit my grandmothers: for the weekend to visit or congratulate them on the holiday. At Grandma Alla's I like to bake pies, pies and sculpt dumplings. I like talking and consulting with Grandma Tanya. I tell her my secrets. Grandmothers are kind, they allow me to do everything, but my parents - not everything.

I love grandmothers because they are kind and love to pamper me.

Grandmother Tanya said that when my mother was little, she studied well and did her homework herself. Mom wanted to be a trainer because she loved animals.

Grandmother Alla told me that my dad was hardworking. He had all the items on the five. He has always been goal oriented.

I help my grandmothers: I take care of my sister, throw out the garbage, carry heavy bags. I take care of grandmothers and worry about them. When they are sick or sad, I entertain them. I give my love to grandmothers. And when I earn money, I will give them flowers and medicines.

I wish grandmothers health, happiness and long life!

Ivan Maksimov

I have two grandmothers: Lyudmila Andreevna and Galina Ivanovna. The grandmothers live with the grandfathers.

Grandmother Lyuda worked at the plant as the chief economist. Now she is at home. She takes care of her grandchildren and gardening.

Grandmother Galya works as a chief specialist in big company. We visit her every weekend.

I spend most of the summer at Grandma Luda's dacha.

We go to grandmothers for all holidays and their birthdays. I love visiting my grandmothers. We walk together, play, read books, cook pies, take care of flowers, swing on a swing. I love listening to my grandmother's stories.

When I visit Grandma Lyuda in the summer, we go hiking. I help her collect Colorado beetles, berries. Together we go to the river, take a steam bath.

Baba Galya tells me about my mother's childhood. It turns out that mom was like a boy. She climbed fences. Once I fell off the fence into nettles. When my mother was a pioneer, she studied in a class that was a squad of drummers.

Baba Luda tells me about her childhood and the childhood of her father.

My grandmothers are sweet, kind, affectionate, beloved. They help out their parents by teaching me and picking me up from school. My parents love their mothers very much. Give them flowers and useful various things.

I also prepare gifts for them for all the holidays myself. These are clay figurines, drawings, poems and songs. My gifts seem to them the most precious.

When I grow up, I will take care of my grandmothers. I will help with money and medicines. I will buy food for them. I will give them love and affection.

I want my grandmothers to live for a long time - a long time. To not get sick and enjoy life.

I love my grandmothers very much.

Angelica Myltseva

I have two grandmothers. One is called Larisa, and the other is Tatyana.

Grandmother Tatyana worked as a psychologist. Grandmother Larisa is a teacher at the school. Now they are retired.

Grandmother Larisa plays the piano and works in the garden. He grows delicious berries with his grandfather.

Grandmother Tatyana is looking for something on the computer. In the country, he grows small tomatoes for me.

I often visit Grandma Tanya. Not so often with Grandma Larisa. Because she lives far from my house. But I try to visit her as often as possible.

Grandmothers love to feed me. They feed a lot and tasty.

Grandma Tanya is my dad's mom. She told me that my dad at school was very inquisitive.

Grandma Larisa is my mother's mother. She often recalls how she and her mother lived in the summer in the country.

I help both grandmothers in their gardens. On holidays, especially in the country, I help them set the table. Sometimes I wash the dishes and sweep the floor.

I always ask how my grandmothers feel. I call them and ask how they are doing.

I love grandmothers because they cook delicious food. And because they are my grandmothers.

When the holidays come, my parents give grandmothers different gifts, flowers. I give grandmothers my crafts and drawings.

When I grow up and start earning, I will give grandmothers massage tickets. I will buy them pills, new apartments and some interesting books.

I wish my grandmothers good, happiness, health, pleasure, and that everything is fine with them!

Alexander Sadykov

My grandmother's name is Lydia. She works as an accountant.

I visit my grandmother on weekends. I play with her in puzzles, cards and different logic games on the computer. I help my grandmother and take care of her.

I love my grandmother because she buys everything for me. Gives gifts and loves me.

My parents give my grandmother flowers and sweets for the holidays. I give my grandmother my love and affection.

When I grow up, I will give my grandmother an apartment and a new car.

Grandmother, I wish you love, health, affection, success and joy.

Anya Podolnikova

I have only one grandmother. I love her so much. Her name is Lyudmila Ivanovna.

She and her grandfather specially moved from another city to help mom, dad and me.

Grandma is no longer working. She spends a lot of time with me and with my grandfather. Previously, my grandmother worked as a metallurgical engineer at a factory.

My grandmother is smart, beautiful, kind, caring, benevolent, affectionate, talented. She helps me with everything, picks me up from school, feeds me. Buys me gifts.

I love doing lessons with my grandmother, board games to cook something delicious. I also enjoy reading books with her.

I help my grandmother do the cleaning and cooking.

In the summer I live with my grandparents in the garden. I water the plants.

We celebrate all the holidays together with the whole family: grandmother, grandfather, mother, father and me. I like to congratulate my grandmother on the holidays and give her my gifts.

When I grow up, I will buy my grandmother clothes, food, things and everything that she wants.

I wish my grandmother to be healthy and never die. To be just as kind and loving. So that they and grandfather will always be with me and never get upset.

Grandma, I love you very much, I really adore you!

You are the most best grandma in the world!

Dima Fedyakin

My grandmother's name is Elena Ivanovna. She lives with us.

In her youth, her grandmother worked as a baker at a bakery. Then, for 25 years, as a supply manager in kindergarten. Now she works as a housekeeper in the same kindergarten where my mother used to go.

I like to play checkers with my grandmother, make dumplings, and go for walks. I like talking to her about something good, beautiful, funny. In the summer I like to work with her in the garden.

Mom treats me stricter than my grandmother. Requires me not to be lazy. And my grandmother allows me to indulge.

My grandmother told me about my mother's childhood. When she sent her to kindergarten, her mother cried, and her grandmother stood outside the door and also cried. But that time flew by quickly. Mom went to school and grandmother was only happy.

I help my grandmother to wash floors, dishes, dust, clean vegetables. Sometimes I make fruit salad for her. I try very hard to do everything she asks me to do.

I take care of my grandmother like this: I try so that she does not worry. Rested as much as possible. I teach my younger brothers and sister to obey their grandmother. Grandma is very happy with obedient grandchildren.

I love my grandmother because she gave birth to my mother, and my mother gave birth to me. Also for the fact that she puts her soul and love into us.

Dad gives grandma the most pleasant-smelling perfumes and flowers for the holidays. I give my grandmother beautiful drawings, crafts.

When I start working and getting paid, I will give my grandmother a cozy apartment.

Grandma, I want to wish you with all my heart - never get sick.

May you always be loved and respected. So that you live two hundred years.

Your granddaughter Evdokia Molokova

My grandmother's name is Margarita Vasilievna. In her youth, she worked as a welder. Then in kindergarten as a cook.

Now the grandmother is resting. But she rests for the benefit of people. She knits socks for us. Helps with babies. Cooking delicious potatoes. Grandmother goes to church, reads books. She has an African snail Ahia at home, which she loves to watch.

I don't visit my grandmother often. But I'm here for a few days.

My grandmother used to take me down the hill. Showed a frozen pond. Rolled by the rope on the ice.

I like to talk with my grandmother on useful topics. For example, what was her childhood like? I am very interested in listening to my grandmother. I love knitting, walking, watching cartoons with her.

My grandmother is strict. Does not allow me to speak loudly, run around the apartment and make noise.

She raised my dad the same way. And he grew up smart and kind.

I help my grandmother wash the dishes, wipe the dust. I try to upset her as little as possible. When she comes to visit us, I prepare a gift for her.

I try not to argue with my grandmother and obey her in everything.

I love my grandma good dad, for her kindness and rigor, for her ability to knit beautifully.

My parents always give grandma different gifts. And I give her my beautiful drawings and crafts.

When I start working and getting paid, I will give my grandmother an apartment near us so that she does not get bored.

Grandma, I wish you with all my heart to be healthy, to live a long, long time - up to 200 years!

Your granddaughter Evdokia Molokova

My first grandmother's name is Grandma Luda. And the second - grandmother Zoya. I also have a great-grandmother Nina.

My grandmothers live far from me, but close to each other.

Grandmother Luda worked as a teacher. Now she is retired. In her spare time, she knits beautiful things. She knitted socks for her younger grandchildren, one pair at a time.

With Grandma Luda we love to do homework and play dominoes. She allows me to play a lot on the computer, does not raise her voice. In the summer I helped her in the garden. He collected medicinal herbs and weeded a bed from weeds. They have a very large garden with their grandfather.

I love my grandmother for her understanding, for her kindness, for her great commitment and for her honesty. I gave her a pebble with a material that looks like gold.

When I grow up and receive a salary, I will give her any gifts that she wishes.

Grandma Zoya works at a poultry farm. There they make different products from chicken meat. I like to communicate with my grandmother, ask questions that interest me. Grandma Zoya is very affectionate. When she comes home from work, she always kisses me.

In the summer I help my grandmother herd the sheep. For this she drinks me goat milk. There are a lot of bees in this field.

I love my grandmother because she is good to me. She does not need gifts, she is enough for me.

I dream of doing a big renovation for my grandmother. So that she has a large farm with various animals.

Great-grandmother Nina worked on the collective farm all her life. She gave birth to 6 children. She was awarded the order "Mother Heroine". Great-grandmother is calm and not grouchy. She gladly receives guests.

We used to visit our grandmothers once a year. But now we live closer to them and visit more often. I try not to offend grandmothers, but to respect them.

I wish my grandparents all the best. To live happily ever after. So that they always have something to do. So that grandmothers always cope with housework.

Fadey Notchenko

My grandmother's name is Tatyana Petrovna. This is my mom's mom.

I often visit my grandmother. She does lessons with me, plays with me. Sometimes I go with her to work at the institute. I do my homework there. I also work out in the gym: I play ball, I make a wheel. Sometimes I roller skate. When I go to work with my grandmother, I draw and drink tea there.

My grandmother and I often go for walks in the forest. There we ride on a snow scooter and on an ice rink. In the summer we go for a walk to the playground.

Grandma has a friend with dogs Jay and Isha. Sometimes we all go for walks together.

I help my grandmother around the house. I really like taking apart the meat grinder.

I take care of my grandmother. I try to help so that she does not get sick.

I love my grandmother because she plays with me and takes me everywhere with her.

For her birthday, we gave grandmother flowers and thermal underwear so that she would not freeze when she walks with me. And I learned a poem for her.

When I grow up and get a good salary, I will give flowers to my grandmother. I will buy delicious products and make various gifts.

I wish my grandmother health and happiness.

So that she always succeeds. For her to live long.

Arina Dronova

My grandmother is now retired and does household chores. Every vacation we go to visit grandma. I love my grandmother for kindness, love, care and affection.

My grandmother makes very tasty pies, pancakes and broth. I love baking bagels with her.

She allows my friends to come to visit us and I go to them for a long time.

When I get paid, I will buy my grandmother a lot of interesting things. For example, a new saucepan that cooks itself. I will cook her food in this saucepan.

Previously, we lived with my grandmother together, but now separately. I really miss her. When my grandmother picked me up from kindergarten, she often bought me candy or something else tasty.

My grandmother is beautiful and loves me very much.

I wish my grandmother happiness, love, care, many new friends.

I love my grandmother and I promise to take care of her.

Veronika Kravtsova

My grandmothers names are Nina and Natasha. I also have great-grandmothers - Valya and Klava.

Grandmother Natasha works, but grandmother Nina does not work - she is retired. I try to visit my grandmothers often, to visit them.

I like to play with them, walk in the park. They treat me very well. They pamper me. They buy me sweets.

When I come to visit Baba Natasha, I help her cut the salad and set the table.

My grandmother Natasha is good, smart, affectionate, kind, beautiful. We went with her New Year's performance to the Governor's residence. There were gifts, a performance, a round dance. I liked everything.

Baba Nina has a big box containing a lot of beads and different decorations. To us, from my younger sister, I like to touch them.

Baba Valya (great-grandmother) is good, cheerful, friendly, joyful. She helps us. Comes to visit. When my mother needs to go away on business, Baba Valya sits with me and my younger sister.

My second great-grandmother, grandmother Klava, is 83 years old. We talk to her on the phone every day. She always asks how my day went, how my progress in school. Baba Klava is very happy with my voice.

I love my grandmothers for the fact that they take care of me, rejoice at my grades.

My parents give grandmothers good gifts.

When I grow up and start working, I will give my grandmothers a new apartment, a Bentley. I will give them money.

I love my grandmothers!

I want to wish all my grandmothers and great-grandmothers to live long (at least 130 years).

Happiness, health, success. Do not be sick!

See another meteorite fly by.

Good life!

Egor Adigamov

My grandmothers' names are Baba Lena and Baba Natasha.

Baba Lena works as an accountant. Baba Natasha is a personnel officer.

I visit my grandmother often.

I like to play hide and seek with Baba Lena.

With grandmother Natasha I like to work on harvesting.

Grandmothers told me that mom and dad were good at school.

I take care of grandmothers and help them. I water the flowers in the garden. I help you heal.

I love grandmothers for loving me.

My parents give sweets to my grandmothers. I make postcards for them.

When I grow up, I will give them flowers.

I wish the grandmothers health and honesty.

Nina Shpilevaya

I have 2 grandmothers. Their names are Baba Anya and Baba Galya.

Grandmother Anya is very old, she is 82 years old. I often visit my grandmother Anya.

I visit my grandmother Gali much less frequently. Grandmother Galya is babysitting my cousin, who is not yet 2 years old.

I help grandmother Anya to go to the pharmacy for medicines, to the grocery store. I really enjoy visiting her. Grandmother Anya treats me exactly the same as my mother. She also loves me very much.

Grandmother Galya shows her feelings more restrainedly.

Grandmother Anya told me that my mother studied at school only for 4 and 5. My mother also went to a music school. Learned to play the piano.

Grandmother Galya said that when dad was at school, he went to the pool and to hockey.

Grandmother Anya, if she asks me, I bring a glass of water. I help her with her cell phone.

I help Grandmother Galya to get along with my cousin younger brother.

Once, when grandmother Anya fell asleep in front of the TV, so that she would not be cold, I brought a blanket and covered her. I love my grandmother Anya because she takes care of me. He constantly treats me with gifts and gives me various gifts.

I love Grandma Galya because she takes care of me and gives me various gifts.

Parents give flowers to both grandmothers for the holidays. For the holidays, I give grandmothers postcards and various crafts made by myself.

When I grow up, I will give my grandmother Anya a car, and my grandmother Galya - money.

I want to wish Grandmother Anya longevity, health, and that she remains as kind and beautiful.

I want to wish grandmother Galya happiness, health, and that she remains the same as she is now.

Alena Paramonova

My grandmothers names are Olga Alexandrovna and Larisa Ivanovna.

Grandma Olya is my dad's mom. She likes to grow different vegetables and berries in her garden. From them cooks compote and jam. I especially love strawberry and sea buckthorn jam. Grandma also loves her little cat Masyanya. Grandma rarely comes to visit us. I also rarely get to visit her.

Grandma Larisa is my mother's mother. She sings in two choirs. How does it all work out?

When I was born, my parents planted a small apple tree in my grandmother's garden. She has grown big and is bearing fruit.

I love my grandmothers. They are good. They pamper me. They serve delicious pies. They buy gifts for birthdays and holidays, and sometimes just like that. My grandmothers also knit mittens, socks, hats and blouses from wool.

I draw pictures for them. I also give crafts made with my own hands from paper, plasticine, plaster and clay. I love talking to my grandparents. But they live so far away that I have to talk to them via the Internet or by phone. I try not to upset them.

Grandmothers always come to my birthday. Give books, beautiful dresses. I specifically teach them new song or a poem.

Grandmothers love to talk about the time when they themselves were young and how they studied at school. Also, how I look like each of them. They talk about my parents, how they studied in the first grade.

When I grow up, I will definitely help my grandmothers.

I want my grandmothers to be healthy, happy and live long, long lives.

Anastasia Urintseva

My grandmothers names are: Olga Nikolaevna and Svetlana Pavlovna. And great-grandmother - Taisiya Akimovna.

Now they don't work. But they don't sit idly by. Each is doing a good job.

Grandmother Olya is engaged in gardening in the summer. When winter comes, she is happy to knit warm and elegant things for all of us.

Grandmother Sveta is also engaged in gardening. Grows vegetables and some fruit. We love to visit her in the summer and help her with the housework.

I try to help my grandmothers with the housework in every way I can.

Grandmothers love me very much and pamper me. Let's get a little lazy. They tell me that my dad and mom were diligent children. In everything they listened and helped. Studied well. Pleased with their assessments.

I try not to upset my grandmothers and make their life a little easier.

I love them for their care and attention.

Parents try to give my beloved grandmothers various household appliances that make housework easier. I give my grandmothers flowers and my drawings.

When I grow up and get my salary, I will help my grandmothers to make their dreams come true.

I wish my beloved grandmothers good health. More happiness and long life.

Vladislav Bevz

My grandmother Tanya used to work at a telephone exchange. Now she doesn't work. Helps grandfather to cook pancakes and pancakes. Still making soup.

I visit my grandmother once a week. She visits our house very often. Almost every day.

I like to play with my grandmother on the X-box, do a little homework and read about the Sandman. I like to visit guests with my grandmother, especially to a friend.

My grandmother is kind, generous, rich. She is tougher than her mother.

Grandmother differs from mother in work. She cleans the cage of Krosha the canary. Collects Lego with me.

My grandmother told me that my mother studied well at school.

I help my grandmother vacuum. I'll take care of her. I take her blood pressure. I remind you when she forgets something.

I love my grandmother because she allows me to play a lot.

On holidays we give her gifts. My mother gave my grandmother a certificate for a massage.

I give my grandmother good behavior and flowers.

When I grow up, I will give money to my grandmother. I will take her to Egypt, England, Australia, Thailand, China and Paris.

I wish my grandmother to live long. May she be happy and in good health. May she always be wise, happy and talented. To have a nice apartment.

Kostya Nejdanov

There are people in the life of every person who have an impact on his development in childhood a huge impact. Of course, the older generation can be attributed to them: the parents of our fathers and mothers. Grandmother in many families, especially in the summer (and not only), performs the main educational role. If he lives in the village, then the kids are brought there to relax and improve their health, drink fresh rural milk, eat natural cottage cheese for breakfast and, of course, grandmother's pies, so lush and very tasty: with fruits or berries. And if the grandmother lives with her family, then she is entrusted with the role of caring for the baby in the absence of her parents, with which she copes with pleasure and with all care. In general, writing a home essay about a grandmother is not so difficult for almost any child in primary and secondary school age, using the help of their moms and dads. For example, on the topic: how good it is that my grandmother exists in the world! Or describe your summer in the village in her small cozy house.

Where to begin?

An essay about a grandmother can begin with a description of her appearance. What a kind face she has, what soft and laboring hands, nose, forehead, hair, and so on. What she usually wears, how she walks and talks. Then we continue the short essay about the grandmother with a description of her habits and what she most likes to do. You can finish with a story about why every child likes to spend the summer in the countryside.

Short essay about grandma. Example 1

My sister and I have a beloved grandmother. Her name is Baba Nastya. Although, of course, strangers call her Anastasia Ivanovna, but in a simple way, that's what we, grandchildren, call her. She is not very tall, slightly hunched over from the years she has lived, but still cheerful and very cheerful. Moderately plump, but not fat. Oddly enough, but she has a rather thin waist, since Baba Nastya was engaged in folk dancing and singing in her youth.

Her face is all in small and large wrinkles, because our grandmother is already many, many years old. The nose is straight and the forehead is high, you can immediately see that she is very smart, and was very charming in her youth. Once she showed us her old photographs, where immediately after the war she was photographed with her friends - well, very beautiful. And now Baba Nastya looks better than many old people in the village, where we came for the summer. But her hair was completely gray and became a gray-white color. She hides them all the time under a handkerchief, so neat and well-groomed.

Grandma is never strict with us. She pampers us, her grandchildren: she buys sweets, brings milk (she also has a cow Duska, which Baba Nastya milks every day). And when mom leaves for the city to work, grandmother puts us to bed and tells fairy tales, each time a new one, from which we sleep so well and soundly: sweet dreams!

Example 2

A short essay on the topic “My grandmother” can be written in a slightly different way.

Our grandmother lives with me, mom and dad in our big city apartment. Her name is Luba. Previously, she had a house in the country, but then it became difficult for her to work on the housework, and she had to sell it. Since then, my grandmother has moved in with us. But she didn’t stop housekeeping, and every day she cooks something tasty.

Our grandmother loves to bake pies. She makes them lush, soft, with various fillings: cottage cheese, meat, potatoes. With apricot jam - my favorite. I think I could eat a whole plate of them! Especially tasty with cocoa in the morning, but also good with tea in the evening. And grandmother Lyuba does not get tired of working all day long so that our whole family is full and healthy.

And my grandmother cleans the apartment every day, and everything shines with cleanliness. Of course, she also teaches me to clean her room, but we are not very good at it yet. There is still something lying around somewhere. But the grandmother is not angry, but only looks attentively and makes a remark.

Example 3. “Letter to Grandma” (composition on a given topic)

If this is the topic for work, then you can start with a description of city life. How we live, go to school, and what grades in which subjects we have received recently. You can congratulate your grandmother on the upcoming holidays, promise in a letter that we will definitely come to visit her during the holidays.

The school curriculum has a wide variety of tasks. Often, children are told to write an essay about their grandmother. It is not surprising, because this person is dear, close, like a second mother. How to write an essay about your grandmother? In general, there are no special features. The most important thing is that the child expresses his thoughts from the heart, so that every word flows from the bottom of his heart.

It is not difficult to write an essay-reasoning about a grandmother, because the feelings of a grandson or granddaughter are sincere, so it will not be difficult to express them.

What can you write in an essay about your grandmother

A creative story can tell a lot. Most often, an essay about a grandmother contains:

  • Stories about interesting situations that are associated with a loved one.
  • Amazing travel experiences with my grandmother.
  • Funny stories told by a close relative.
  • Also in such essays, children talk about what feelings they have for their grandmother, and how she treats them.

These are just some of the options for what you can write about your grandmother. In fact, each student can tell about everything that he wants to tell about a dear person.

How to write an essay plan about grandma

To make it easier for a son or daughter to write, parents should offer their help. An essay about a grandmother should be presented according to a plan that will help convey thoughts in the correct order. The writing sequence may be as follows:

  1. Introduction. This is the part that briefly describes the essence of the task.
  2. Main part. At this point, each child can use their emotions and their own thoughts. It is in this part that the essay-reasoning about the grandmother is gaining momentum and carries the main idea.
  3. Conclusion. The end of a story about a loved one can be short. For example, you can write that the child is proud of his grandmother and in many ways takes an example from her.

These elementary points of the story will help you to write an essay fully and in detail. It is this kind creative work help the child get the highest score for the task.

An essay about a grandmother for the little ones

Of course, primary school children need to write a simple, small task. Even a small essay about a grandmother is perfectly acceptable for boys and girls to write in first or second grade. For example, you can take the following options:

On weekends, my parents often take me to visit Grandma Luda. I really love being with her. There has never been a time where I was bored or had nothing to do.

Grandma Luda always comes up with interesting tasks for me. Sometimes I help her clean out her wardrobe. During the folding of clothes, a whole carnival begins for me. Grandma lets me try on whatever I want. And I arrange a fashion show for her. It's very fun to play with her. Grandma always supports me in all the ideas of games and takes part in them with pleasure.

I am very glad that I have such a grandmother. It's never boring with her.

I often go to visit my grandmother Vika. I love being with her.

Before my arrival, my grandmother prepares delicious pies that smell all over the house. And she always offers me to cook a cake with her. My mom doesn't usually let me interfere with cooking. Also, Vika's grandmother allows me to audit all cabinets. Every time I find something interesting and unusual.

I love my grandmother, she is the best in the world.

During the summer holidays, I often have to be with my grandmother Leroy. My parents send me to the dacha, and since my grandmother does not work, she always goes there with me.

Grandma has a lot interesting ideas and exciting games. She never gets bored. Although my grandmother is no longer very young by age, she is active and nimble, you can even run a race with her. And in the mornings we go to the lake with her and swim. In the evening we burn a fire and tell each other interesting stories.

I love my grandmother very much. I'm glad I have her.

Such compositions are quite suitable for children of elementary grades.

An essay about a grandmother for high school children

Students in the fifth, sixth or seventh grade may well be asked to write an essay about their grandmother. Of course, children of this age can already write more complex stories. For example, an essay about a grandmother for students high school could be as follows:

I have a grandmother Clara. I love her very much and so do my younger cousins. Rest and walks with your grandmother are difficult to compare with something. She has stories for every occasion and Interesting Facts from life.

Most of all I like to walk with my grandmother in the forest. She has a great voice and always starts singing to the sounds of nature. My brothers and I know all her songs by heart. Therefore, while the fire flares up, we sing along with her.

I am grateful to fate that I have such a wonderful grandmother. It is a lot of fun with her both on a hike and at home.

An essay written according to the plan about a grandmother will help the student to receive a high mark for his work.

Over the years of my life, I have learned a lot, learned a lot and felt a lot. From the first minutes of my life, I felt the love of my parents, their care and affection. touching them gentle hands Seeing a face that radiated happiness and warmth regardless of the time of day, I understood how important these people are in my life. I understood that this is the most dear and close that I have ...

The composition of Janisheva Yana, 8A.

No one, perhaps, has such grandparents as I have.

They live in the city of Tobolsk. Whenever I visit them, my grandparents are always busy. Grandmother loves her garden very much, she has perfect order there. And her strawberries are just delicious! She cooks very tasty, and her knitted things are always pleasing to the eye...

The composition of Storz Maria Eduardovna, 1 "G" class.

Hello, I am a first grader Masha. I love my grandmother and my grandfather very much. My grandmother's name is Svetlana Mikhailovna, and my grandfather's name is Otto Oskarovich. My grandma is 68 years old and my grandfather is 72 years old. They are pensioners, so they always have time to play and walk with me.
My grandfather first graduated from a nautical school and for some time sailed on a steamer, and when an oil field was discovered in the north, grandfather moved to Nizhnevartovsk and developed instruments for finding and researching oil ...

The composition of Sharikova Xenia Evgenievna, 3 "D" class

I would like to tell you about my grandmother, or rather great-grandmother, Valentina Fedotovna Tatarkina. My beloved woman Valya lives in the village of Golyshmanovo, so I don’t have the opportunity to see her often, but every summer I definitely come to visit her. Baba Vali has a small dacha, where we rest with her ...

The composition of Chalilov Danila, 5B class.

“My dear grandparents, I adore them!” - this is how I talk to them every time on the phone. And this is true. They are very cheerful and kind - my grandfather and grandmother. Grandfather is a fisherman and an enthusiastic photographer, so they have a lot of photos at home, and there are not only me or mom and dad, but they are with my grandmother when they were still young - both on a hike in the forest, and on the beach by the Black Sea, and at a festive demonstration: so young, beautiful and with smiles...

The composition of Melnikova Tatyana Vladimirovna, 2 "A" class.

I want to tell you about my grandfather.
My grandfather Pavel Ivanovich Melnikov was born in St. Petersburg in 1908. In early childhood, he was left without parents and was brought up from the age of four in the Tsar's shelter in the village of Gatchina near St. Petersburg ...

The composition of Elizabeth Shcherba, 6 A class.

Childhood is like an unassembled mosaic, it has both light colors and dark ones.
Although childhood lasts such a short time, I believe that this is the most important moment in a person's life. Childhood is each person's own fairy tale. In childhood, people believe in magic, in Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, they believe that there is only good and it always defeats evil. Childhood is a small land of happiness. People always remember childhood and will never forget it, and the main role in childhood is played by the family, the love of relatives and close people ...

Composition Nightingale Nastya, 3A class

I have a grandmother, her name is Valentina Dmitrievna.
She is beautiful, hardworking, kind and will not leave anyone in trouble.
I love walking with my grandmother. We were with her in the theater, on the embankment, in the winter - in the ice town, and in the summer - in the city garden on carousels and other attractions.

Composition by Lyudmila Pokazaneva, Grade 6

All of you are familiar with the name of another Yuri Alekseevich - Gagarin. I want to introduce you to his namesake, another outstanding person for me - my grandfather Yuri Alekseevich Niklyaev, an honored oil and gas builder of Russia. You can read about his glorious professional achievements in the book “Tyumengazmechanization. Story. Events. People"...

The composition of Nigmatullin Eldar Halimovich, 5 "B" class.

I classify myself happy people, since from the moment of my birth, grandfather and grandmother are directly involved in my life. Sometimes I look at my photographs of infancy and note the tenderness and love my grandparents treat me with...

Composition of Konstantinova Lisa, 4A.

Once upon a time, when I went to first grade, I heard a story from my grandfather about how the first-graders of 1950, which included my grandfather, Oleg Polikarpovich Konstantinov, were asked by an elderly teacher to tell about their grandfathers and fathers ...

Composition by Ilya Kasko, 4A class.

My grandparents were born in a difficult postwar period. It was difficult for people in our country to live then. Grandfather's childhood passed in the south: in the village of the Zaporozhye region, grandmother's childhood - in the north: in the Berezovsky district of the Tyumen region. Grandfather and grandmother met and got married when grandfather - a young graduate of a flight school - was assigned to work in Berezovo ...

Composition Karabulatov Misha, 5B class.

I had only one grandmother, her name is Karabulatova (Fedun) Vera Feodosyevna.
I love and respect my grandmother very much, because she is a real storehouse of wisdom.
And to understand this, you need to know at least a little about her life. My grandmother was born in Ukraine, in a beautiful village with the romantic name Pribrezhnoye.

Composition by Katya Ilyushchenko, 2 "a" class.

Somewhere under the ear the alarm clock of the phone sounds, but I don’t want to wake up. The sleepy brain slowly remembers that today is Saturday, which means there is no need to go to school. A sleepy eye tells the left hand how to turn off the phone. That's it ... you can continue to sleep, sleep, but you can’t sleep - it wakes me up with such a familiar and delicious aroma of pancakes, which, like a snake, flows from the kitchen into the room. In the kitchen I hear my grandmother's footsteps...

Daniil Drozdov's composition, 2 "A" class

Once, when I was visiting my grandparents in the village, I came across letters from my mother addressed to her grandparents, I became so interested, and I asked my grandmother to read them, when she read these letters to me, then she tears welled up in his eyes. The letters were large and very interesting, as if the grandmother was reading a story. I never wrote letters to my grandparents, because we talk on the phone, and only grandparents live next to us in our own city of Tyumen. And then I decided to write a letter to my other beloved grandparents in the village where I go on vacation, although I often talk to them on the phone, I decided to write how my mother used to do this for her grandmother when she was also little .. .