How to apply essential oils on the face. Cosmetic oils: the power of nature against wrinkles

IN last years a fashionable trend was the replacement of face creams with base and essential oils. Women believe that natural ingredients contain the maximum amount of nutrients that will give the skin a healthy glow. Whether it is worth using cosmetic oils for the face instead of a cream, we will find out in the article.

What oils can do

Oils contain many nutrients, which in the right combination have a beneficial effect on the skin. It is worth understanding - even the most successful masks based on oils not a substitute for proper skin care. This is due to the fact that the pomace does not contain trace elements necessary for the skin, and, most importantly, water. This puts the use of base and essential oils instead of a cream into question: what will happen to the skin if it is deprived of additional moisture? The answer is simple: the constant effect of the fatty composition on the upper layer of the epidermis over time suppresses the work of the sebaceous glands. They will no longer cope with moisture, and the skin on the face will take on a flabby appearance, wrinkles will begin to appear. A permanent oil film will prevent the natural evaporation of liquid from the surface of the epidermis - the skin will dry out. To prevent this from happening, oil products are a must. apply in combination with lotions and industrial creams, which contain chemical elements necessary for the regeneration of dermis cells.

What happens when you constantly use oil instead of cream

Oils can be used! However, you need to know the measure in everything, since a lot does not always mean good. Problems that you may encounter if you completely abandon other cosmetics and switch to oil protection:

  • inflammation
    Acne, abscesses and boils occur due to excessive use of oil. It is not in vain that the skin is riddled with pores: they leave life-giving moisture for the cover, toxins evaporate. That is why in case of illness it is advised to sweat properly. So it is here: the toxins locked in the cells destroy the dermis from the inside, creating an inflammatory zone around itself.
  • Withering of the skin
    The second natural problem that arises after the first. Due to the impossibility of evaporation from the surface of the skin, there is a violation of the water balance: the skin dries out, wrinkles appear.
  • Difficulty cleaning face
    The oil film sticks together dead skin particles, preventing them from leaving the surface naturally or with the help of peeling.

Base and essential preparation

Oils are traditionally divided into base and essential oils. You can't confuse them- the use of essential oil, not diluted with base oil, leads to adverse effects on the skin: allergies, redness, burns. Below you will get the answer to what is the difference between the two types of oil:

  • Basic
    It forms the basis of any mask or cream. The production of the drug occurs by cold pressing. The raw materials are the fruits and seeds of well-known plants: sunflower, olive, flax and others. The products are safe to use and can be used separately from essential oils.
  • Essential
    a volatile substance that can evaporate in a matter of days if the lid is not tightly closed. In production, it is obtained by steam distillation of natural substances: orange, lavender, jasmine. Sometimes an essential drug is obtained by pressing: this method is not economically feasible, therefore it is used extremely rarely. Essential oil is not recommended to be used separately from the base oil on the entire surface of the skin: spot application within reason is acceptable.

In tandem, the base and essential products form an excellent composition: the essential oil, unlike the base oil, penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis. This gives a positive trend for improving facial skin health.

Any oil should be tested for an allergic reaction before use. This statement applies to every new bottle of even a proven product. An allergy test should be carried out two days before the time of the intended use. Remember - oils tend to accumulate on the skin, so allergies can occur after a few weeks.

Rules for applying oils and mixtures thereof

If you decide to seriously engage in beauty with the help of oils, then observe the following rules:

  • Do not apply pure essential oil on the face: either dotted or mixed with the base.
  • Do not distribute the mixture directly on the face: put a few drops in the palm of your hand and grind. Oil heated in this way has a more pronounced effect than cold oil. Apply the mixture by patting your palms on your face., decollete and neck. Rub the remaining mixture on your hands and wrists.
  • If you have oily skin, do not exceed the dose of 1 drop- this will negatively affect the face.
  • It is advisable to distribute the drug for wet skin: pre-moisturizing is achieved with micellar water, tonic.
  • Keep on course oil therapy no more than 10 days. Break between courses 10-15 days.

How to clear skin

This procedure should be carried out twice per course. It helps to cleanse the pores of sebum, draws out blackheads. Follow the instructions below to clean:

  1. Wash your face, steam over a decoction with chamomile for 10 minutes.
  2. Apply 3 drops of base oil patting movements on the skin.
  3. Take a horizontal position and cover your face with wet and hot cotton paper napkin. Lie down for 5 minutes.
  4. Wipe your face regular paper towel.
  5. Repeat the procedure again 2 times in one session.

Base oils for the face

Use these oils as your base oils to keep your skin bright and radiant.


An excellent base product with a smoothing effect. Recommended for use by women over 30 years old, as it is considered one of the best helpers in the fight against early wrinkles.


Able to remove dark spots from acne. It is recommended to be used along with orange or jasmine essential oil to treat uneven skin.

An excellent product that softens the dermis, making it supple and silky. Recommended for use in the frosty season. A good effect is seen when applied on the lips.


Oil extracts of plants are used for cosmetic procedures and daily skin care different types. They are included in the compositions of masks and creams or used independently. You need to know how to properly apply oil on your face so as not to clog pores.

Selection and storage of oil extracts

In order for oil-based formulations to bring only benefits, they must be used taking into account the following recommendations:

You need to know how to apply oil on the face so as not to provoke inflammation

The maximum amount of useful substances is in cold-pressed oils.

It is better to purchase drugs in specialized stores or pharmacies.

It is better if such products are bottled in dark bottles or vials. Sunlight has a detrimental effect on the valuable elements of oils.

Store cosmetic extracts in the dark and cool. Vials must be tightly stoppered to avoid oxidation of the contents.

After choosing an oil that is suitable for your skin type, check if you are allergic to this product. Dab some of the compound on the inside of your wrist. If irritation does not appear, you can use a face cleanser.

How to apply oil on the face?

Oil treatments are best done before bed. Before applying the product, the face is cleaned of makeup and moisturized with lotion or tonic.

The amount of oil extract depends on the skin type:

For oily and combination skin, two drops are enough;

For normal - three;

For dry, you can take five drops of oil.

Apply the oil on the skin of the face with light massaging movements for 5-7 minutes. After that, you should blot the remnants of the composition with a napkin.

If you laugh more often, you can delay the appearance of wrinkles. Studies show that fewer facial muscles “turn on” when smiling than when a woman frowns. So, the folds appear not so intense. But in practice, even in cheerful girls, the first grooves are noticeable after 25 years. Often on the forehead, bridge of the nose and near the eyelids. And here natural cosmetic oils for the face from wrinkles are ready to come to the rescue.

When talking about natural remedies for skin wrinkles, we primarily mean herbal and essential oils for face. They are obtained by cold pressing "juice" from grains, seeds, sprouts. They have a set of natural components that are able to solve age-related problems of the epidermis. They contain vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, macro- and microelements, vegetable carbohydrates.

Together, these substances stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, protect the skin from harmful factors and microorganisms, saturate with moisture and oxygen. Moreover, the range of oils is so wide that there is a suitable option for any wallet and for any skin type. Of course, you can shrug it off. Like, why waste time looking for a suitable natural anti-wrinkle face oil, and then also make special mixtures from it? It's easier to go to the store and buy a ready-made product. In appearance, everything is logical. But in fact, what is better for your face - a purchased cream or oil - is a moot point.

About whether it is possible to choose the right one in a pharmacy natural remedy to moisturize the skin at home, consider in this article.

Factory anti-wrinkle cream: pros and cons

Cream is the most common cosmetic form that girls use for wrinkles, including as a base for make-up. Today, literally every manufacturer offers a choice of several anti-aging series, some of which belong to pharmacy products. In the fight against the signs of aging, girls usually spare no expense, and marketers understand this. So products with extracts of gold, pearls, stem cells appear on the shelves ... But what are the advantages and disadvantages of such products?

  1. Convenient to use. Buying an anti-aging cream, you take off the extra hassle. Nothing needs to be mixed, combined, enriched and then washed off. Opened the tube, and hold on to wrinkles.
  2. It costs expensive. A truly effective, good tool will cost a pretty penny. At the same time, such products are usually packaged in small containers, so you will need to renew the tube about once a month.
  3. Addictive. According to reviews, products for aging skin are quickly addictive, so after 3-5 months you will need to take a break and pick up a new anti-aging series.
  4. Works on the surface. The cream does not solve the stated problems at a deep level, but only masks the problems. Long-term use of such cosmetics will hide small folds, but you won’t be able to get rid of deep grooves.
  5. Contains chemical additives. When cosmetics are produced on an industrial scale, synthetic components are simply indispensable. They are needed for the "correct" color, smell, consistency, and also to ensure a long shelf life.

Store cream does not give the skin immunity. The tool "works" exactly as long as you do not stop using it. The cream does not prevent the appearance of new grooves and does not "charge" the skin with strength and anti-aging potential.

Natural oils for wrinkles: pros and cons

Natural oil instead of face cream is most often used by supporters of home cosmetics and those girls who could not find a suitable anti-aging product in the store. Herbal "elixirs" are much cheaper than branded products and are often suitable for solving incidental problems. For example, in addition to eliminating wrinkles, they help moisturize or get rid of acne, heal wounds on the hands and lips, and remove circles around the eyes. What are the pros and cons of natural oils worth highlighting?

  • Requires additional time. Not all oils can be used as an independent remedy, for example, instead of a cream. Due to their heavy consistency, many of them can only be applied in combination with other components. In such cases, masks and applications are made. Time is required for the preparation of the mixture and for the adoption of the procedure itself. Plus, you often need to rinse off the product after use as it may not be fully absorbed. Also, most home remedies are not stored, so every time you have to "nail" a fresh mask.
  • They have limitations in use. Although many types of plant "elixirs" have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, women with oily and problematic skin are advised not to abuse oil treatments. In this case, a special approach is needed and a combination with other components is almost always required. In addition, not all types of oils are suitable for daily use.
  • Affordable and multifunctional. Unlike anti-aging industrial products vegetable oils and ethers are cheaper. Plus, they last longer. Plus, the contents of the same bottle can be used for the face, hair, and nails.
  • They are natural and hypoallergenic. There are no synthetic components in oils. Also, almost all of them are safe to use and can cause allergies only if there is an individual intolerance to the product. It is recommended to carry out an allergy test before use: smear a little cream on the wrist and wait a day.
  • Solving age-related problems at a deep level. The composition of oils is similar to human fat secretions. This allows you to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, saturate the cells, stimulate renewal.
  • They have a long lasting effect. Natural oils saturate the skin with health in reserve. Therefore, even with a break in oil care, the anti-aging effect can be maintained: the spontaneous appearance of new grooves will be stopped for a while.

Vegetable oils will not be able to completely rid you of facial wrinkles. Perhaps, only “rejuvenating” injections and operations by a plastic surgeon have such an effect. But these natural products are able to “erase” small depressions and improve the condition of “stubborn” grooves. Moreover, a noticeable result occurs after a maximum of a month of regular procedures. An important point is the effective and long-term prevention of the formation of new folds.

Cannot be unequivocally determined best oil for the face against wrinkles, in this regard, it is not possible to rank such oils in the classical sense. Here is important individual approach. Someone praises the castor "elixir". It does not suit other girls, and they choose frankincense oil.

But based on the experience of supporters of home cosmetology, you can make a “list-advice” of which oils are best to use for wrinkles for the face. By the way, it is the products from our list that are often included in the store anti-aging cosmetics, which the manufacturer proudly says in its advertising.


  • Description. Essential camphor oil is obtained by distilling the bark, roots and branches of the camphor laurel tree. This is an East Asian plant. For beauty, they take only the essential white oil of camphor. It is used as a radical cosmetic technique: when you need to quickly put your skin in order. This oil contains a unique component bisabolol, which is considered an analogue of panthenol. But the product is very concentrated, has a pungent odor and in its pure form can injure the skin. Therefore, camphor oil cannot be used even as a base oil. Its quantity in cosmetic mixtures is clearly limited by the recipe, otherwise burns are possible.
  • Average cost. Up to 300 rubles. for 10 ml.
  • To whom and for what it is suitable. This remedy is recommended for age-related problems and girls with oily, inflamed skin. Whitens, removes scars and scars, prevents the appearance, relieves wrinkles and acne, tightens pores.
  • Who is not recommended. Camphor oil should not be used by pregnant and lactating mothers. The substance is also contraindicated in epilepsy, asthma, dermatitis and eczema.


  • Description. Vegetable linseed oil is the "juice" of the flax seed. One of the most useful herbal products, the use of which in cosmetology is practically unlimited. It can be used in its pure form and even eaten. Heals wounds, cracks, skin diseases. It has a set of vitamins necessary to maintain female beauty. It is distinguished by a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the composition, which are needed by the epidermis and the body as a whole. These substances are indispensable as antioxidants and are important for strengthening immunity.
  • Average cost. 100-200 rub. for 250 ml.
  • To whom and for what it is suitable. Flax oil is prescribed for flaky, aging and inflamed skin. Deeply moisturizes, removes blackheads and smoothes the "cobwebs" on the face. Improves the general condition of the skin and prevents the appearance of inflammation, depressions, spots.
  • Who is not recommended.


  • Description. Vegetable olive oil is the "juice" of the olive fruit. Contains natural antiseptics and antioxidants. It contains a high concentration of vitamin E and fatty acids important for skin health. It is also used to moisturize the skin. It is often used in cosmetology in its pure form, and is also useful in nutrition. The product can be combined with other substances popular in home cosmetology, but it is strictly forbidden to add it to industrial products. Olive oil itself is often used to make homemade face cream.
  • Average cost. 400 rub. for 500 ml.
  • To whom and for what it is suitable. An indispensable remedy for overdried, aging skin. Nourishes well, eliminates grooves, removes rashes.
  • Who is not recommended. Girls with oily and inflamed skin can only apply olive oil in a limited amount, with frequent breaks and never in its pure form.

  • Description. Rosehip oil is obtained from wild rose seeds. The product is valuable in cosmetology because it can be used in its pure form for eye care. The product is rich in ascorbic acid - there is an order of magnitude more of it here than even in lemon. Vitamin C is a key factor in rejuvenation.
  • Average cost. 200 rub. for 100 ml.
  • To whom and for what it is suitable. Ideal remedy for dry skin. Protects from the sun, removes spots, circles and cobwebs, heals, saturates with moisture, relieves swelling.
  • Who is not recommended. Rosehip oil is not suitable for girls with oily skin. Contraindicated in .

Wheat germ oil

  • Description. Wheat germ vegetable oil is obtained by processing cereal spikelets. The product is saturated with vitamin E, which blocks the processes of withering of the epidermis. This oil is used after plastic correction and for the care of delicate baby skin. Can be used as a standalone treatment.
  • Average cost. Up to 200 rub. for 100 ml.
  • To whom and for what it is suitable. Useful for flaky, sensitive, inflamed and wrinkled skin. Can be used for eyelids. It is prescribed for the prevention of rosacea. Removes grooves, nourishes, positively affects the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Who is not recommended. The product is not suitable for individual intolerance. It is also not the best treatment option for overly oily skin.


  • Description. Vegetable sesame oil is also called sesame oil. It is obtained from the processing of African sesame seeds. Recommended for children's skin care, in the treatment of dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema. Suitable for the delicate area around the eyes. Rich in “beauty vitamins”, natural antioxidants. Contains substances that normalize hormonal levels. It can be used as an independent cosmetic product every day.
  • Average cost. 300 rub. for 100 ml.
  • To whom and for what it is suitable. In a competent combination, it is suitable for all skin textures. But most effectively solves the problem of peeling and dryness, fights wrinkles. Relieves swelling, helps with acne. Well protects from the "bad" sun.
  • Who is not recommended. The product is not suitable for individual intolerance.

sea ​​buckthorn

  • Description. Vegetable sea buckthorn oil is pressed from the seed and the fleshy part of the fruits of the medicinal plant of the same name. The product is distinguished by a high content of ascorbic acid, vitamins A and E, as well as other substances important for the health of the skin. This oil is used to treat burns, cuts, acne, and other skin ailments, including ringworm. However, the "juice" of sea buckthorn in cosmetology is rarely used undiluted. The product is ideal for enriching finished cosmetics.
  • Average cost. 150 rub. for 100 ml.
  • To whom and for what it is suitable. An excellent remedy for aging, inflamed and overdried skin. Stops the aggravation of furrows in the early stages. Removes freckles, pimples. Can be applied under the eyes and even on the eyelashes.
  • Who is not recommended. The product is not suitable for individual intolerance.


  • Description. Vegetable apricot oil is “extracted” from the seeds of apricot fruits. In cosmetology, it is used both as an independent product and as a solvent additive in essential oils for the face against wrinkles. The benefit is in the high content of vitamin F. It is a set of unsaturated fatty acids that the female body needs for healthy skin, hair, and nails. Also, this substance helps other useful components to act more actively at the cellular level. Apricot oil contains traditional "beauty vitamins" - groups B, A, C, etc. It can be used even by children. Also useful in the fight against cellulite.
  • Average cost. Up to 300 rubles. for 100 ml.
  • To whom and for what it is suitable. Helps aging, sensitive, flaky and inflamed skin. Suitable for combined type. Has a rejuvenating effect. Antibacterial properties allow you to remove acne and blackheads.
  • Who is not recommended. The product is not suitable for individual intolerance.


  • Description. Vegetable peach oil is made from the seeds of the fruit of the peach tree. Very light in texture and at the same time very nourishing for the skin. It absorbs well and is suitable for independent use. Can be applied even under the eyes and on the eyelashes. It contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids that improve the general condition of the epidermis. Also contains B vitamins ascorbic acid, vitamins A and E. Suitable for girls who are prone to allergic reactions to cosmetics and food. This oil can also be added to foot massage.
  • Average cost. Up to 300 rubles. for 100 ml.
  • To whom and for what it is suitable. Recommended for aging, flaky, sensitive and inflamed skin. Removes "cobwebs", provides a velvety effect, evens out color, fights redness and bumps.
  • Who is not recommended. The product is not suitable for individual intolerance.


  • Description. Vegetable castor oil is pressed from the seed of a poisonous plant - castor bean. Recycled oil no longer contains harmful substances and, if used correctly, is even very useful. But you can not apply it to the skin in its pure form. Its "highlight" is ricinoleic acid in the composition, which differs quick effect softening of the skin. Castor oil is often used to increase the thickness and growth of eyelashes, as well as to get rid of warts. Used as a component of cleansing mixtures for inflamed skin.
  • Average cost. Up to 80 rubles. for 30 ml.
  • To whom and for what it is suitable. Recommended for aging, sensitive, dry and rough skin. Fights wrinkles, peeling, removes pigmentation. In the right combination with other oils, it is an effective remedy for crow's feet under the eyes.
  • Who is not recommended. The product is not suitable for individual intolerance.

Often in home cosmetology, girls are guided by the principle of experiment. For example, they select suitable cosmetic oils for the face that are suitable instead of a cream. To care for the eyelids, several types of vegetable "juices" are combined at once. And for applications, oils are supplemented with dairy products, vegetable and fruit purees.

No matter which anti-wrinkle face oil you like - always remember the safety measures. Test the product in the crook of your elbow beforehand. And girls with oily skin should be especially careful when choosing recipes for cosmetic mixtures that contain esters or vegetable oils.


Those with oily skin should use oils sparingly. First of all, attention should be paid to the ability to cleanse, tighten pores, strengthen skin immunity, and improve metabolism at the cellular level.

So, mint, lemon, rosemary, geranium, juniper and lemon balm are well toned. oily skin. But chamomile, lavender, ylang-ylang oils will soothe and cleanse the pores. Lemon and lavender oils also have a smoothing effect.

Women who are oily and begin to use oils should not be afraid of pustules that appear a day or two after the first application of the oil. So the skin reacts to the removal of plugs from clogged pores.

Oils of fennel, tangerine, thyme, pine, eucalyptus, marjoram will help to narrow the cleaned pores.

For people suffering from acne, chamomile, lavender, clove, cedarwood, bergamot, geranium, and frankincense oils are suitable. They will strengthen cell membranes, improve metabolic processes, relieve inflammation and have a healing effect on inflammation foci.

With dry facial skin, you should choose those oils that improve regeneration, richly nourish cells, stimulate metabolic processes and strengthen facial muscle tone. These are oils of olive, geranium, orange, jasmine, almond. Oils of tea and sandalwood, sunflower, geranium and lavender will noticeably smooth out dry skin. Rose and myrtle oils, as well as jasmine and tangerine, will give the face a healthy color.

For normal facial skin, geranium, juniper and lemon oils are suitable (they will improve skin turgor), mint, lavender and (calm), tea tree, orange and lemon (smooth wrinkles).

At combination skin faces, it is necessary for oneself to clearly divide the face into zones - oily and dry, and, accordingly, apply oils, in accordance with the information presented above.

For the care of thin and sensitive skin and around the eyes, oils of rose, almond, nutmeg, fennel, sandalwood and frankincense are considered optimal for use. The last two are particularly indicated for deep wrinkles.

Be sure to apply on clean skin. When applying and rubbing gently massage into the skin in a circular motion and clap.

If you're applying the oil before bed, don't go to bed right away to avoid staining your pillow. Just hold the oil on your face for 10-15 minutes and remove the residue with a tissue (pat dry).

Avoid getting oils in your eyes to avoid swelling or puffiness.

Oils should not be used daily, 2-3 times a week is enough.

When using oils, visible changes are possible - oily or dry skin has become normal in places. You can change oils (switch to others).

You can add a few drops of this or that oil to your favorite or to a face mask that you prepare and use at home.

The wonderful nutritional and rejuvenating properties of natural oils have been known for a long time. Today, these unique products are widely used in cosmetology for facial skin and hair care. Cosmetic oils are several times more effective than many expensive skin care products.

Cosmetic oil is obtained by cold pressing of vegetable raw materials (kernels, seeds and fruits) and high-quality filtration without exposure high temperature which contributes to the preservation of unique natural properties inherent in the plants from which it is made, as well as increasing the shelf life. Each oil is unique in its own way and has unsurpassed cosmetic effectiveness, surpassing all known caring serums. They contain phospholipids, vitamins, micro and macro elements, phytosterols and some other biologically active substances. Our body perceives them with ease, because they are part of the metabolism. Oils help accelerate cell metabolism, increase the level of skin hydration, activate the synthesis of collagen and fibrinogen, as well as improve blood circulation, lymph flow and restore skin turgor. In addition, their use regulates the sebaceous glands. The action of natural oils is aimed at moisturizing, nourishing, softening the skin, increasing tone, firmness and elasticity, as well as rejuvenating it and preventing aging. You can use these oils for any type of skin, including oily and problematic, since many of them have an anti-inflammatory effect. However, in this case, oils must be used with caution so as not to clog pores or provoke excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. The use of oils is especially recommended for dry, aging skin, as well as for dehydrated skin around the eyes.

Natural oils can be used to massage the skin, as they increase the effectiveness of the massage, providing a curative and preventive effect (anti-cellulite, tonic, anti-stress and relaxing). In addition, the components included in their composition have a beneficial effect on the skin, improve the structure, help accelerate the recovery process, and also normalize lipid metabolism. Oils are also used in daily care for skin cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing, in hair and nail care, as an integral component in homemade face masks for any skin type, can be added to day and night creams, skin around the eyes and other caring cosmetics, in as base oils in aromatherapy. In addition, most natural oils have a natural sun protection factor, so they can be used before and after sun exposure.

Most often, cosmetic oils are used in the evening as a rejuvenating agent for the skin of the face and body. In cold periods of the year, they can be applied instead of the usual day cream. The oil is applied to previously cleansed skin, left for several hours, after which the residue is removed by blotting with a paper towel. Oils are very quickly absorbed into the skin, reaching its deepest layers within a few minutes.

What's the secret?
The effectiveness of oils is due, first of all, to an absolutely natural composition. In addition, the composition of natural oils is as close as possible to the composition of human sebum, due to which the components are perfectly perceived by the skin. In addition, natural oils in exceptional cases can cause an allergic reaction, so they can be used by owners of even the most sensitive skin.

Natural oils for bath and shower.
Before applying the oil, it is important to thoroughly cleanse the skin of the body from the sebaceous secretions of the skin and the stratum corneum. This will ensure unhindered penetration of the oil components into the skin. When using a shower gel, the foam must be thoroughly rinsed off, otherwise the oil will not be absorbed into the skin.

It should be noted a few more important points. When taking a shower, the water must be warm, because hot water activates sweating and stimulates the removal of accumulated toxins in the skin. Under such conditions, the oil will be ineffective. But warm water leads to the expansion of pores and blood vessels, thereby facilitating the process of oil absorption. The oil should be applied to the entire body, for which you can use a sponge, but you can also just use your hands. Wait a few minutes during which to do a light massage. Then get under the shower and rinse the body with a stream of warm water. If someone does not like the feeling of a film formed on the skin, then the oil can be added to a warm bath and soak in it for half an hour. After you have taken a bath or shower with natural oil, you do not need to dry the skin, just lightly blot the drops of water with a towel, but it is better to let the skin dry naturally. There is no point in using additional skin care products, since skin saturated with oil will not absorb creams and lotions, besides, it is already perfectly moisturized with oil.

In addition to nourishing and moisturizing components, the oil contains essential oils that have a healing effect. In particular, it relieves swelling, coniferous oils have tonic and antiseptic properties, eucalyptus helps to strengthen the immune system, chamomile perfectly soothes the skin and relieves irritation.

Natural hair oils
Many vegetable oils are also used in hair care. They have a beneficial effect on the structure of the hair, the hair follicle, prevent brittleness and cross-section, heal the hair, restoring its natural shine. It is recommended to do oil hair masks no more than twice a week. Daily use of oils in hair care is not recommended.

Natural oils for nails.
Oils perfectly nourish the nail plate and soften the cuticle, greatly facilitating further hand care. Thanks to the valuable nutrients they contain, they strengthen the nails and prevent their delamination. In addition, regular hand massage with the use of oils gives the skin of the hands a well-groomed appearance.

As a means of preventing delamination of nails, it is recommended to rub natural oil (droplet) once or twice a week into the cleaned nail plate and cuticle. The best option there will be a daily application of oil. If the nails are varnished, then oil should be applied only to the base of the nail. Of course, in this case, the efficiency will be somewhat reduced, but the components will still work.

It should be noted that the daily use of oil will reduce the "service life" of the varnish, make the manicure less resistant, since the nail plate saturated with fats will repel the varnish. However, two days after stopping the use of oil, this deficiency will disappear, but the nails will remain well-groomed and healthy look for a very long time.

Below are the most common natural oils for facial skin care, which can be used both in pure form and added to ready-made cosmetics and homemade masks. Any of these oils can be purchased at pharmacies, specialized cosmetics stores, as well as online stores.

Natural oils for the face.

Castor oil.
This oil is widely used in hair and eyelash care. It is rubbed into the hair roots two to three times a week. Regular procedures with castor oil strengthen hair, accelerate their growth, make cilia long and fluffy. It can also be used for facial skin care. Castor oil has a nourishing and softening effect, smoothes shallow wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead. In addition, it is believed that this oil has bleaching properties, eliminating age spots and freckles.

Sea buckthorn oil.
This oil is widely used as an emollient, brightening and rejuvenating agent for facial skin. In addition, it is effective in case of various skin lesions and diseases.

Coconut oil.
Coconut oil is widely used in cosmetology and is recommended for dry, sensitive skin with signs of aging. It instantly nourishes, softens and rejuvenates the skin.

Almond oil.
Gives excellent results in the care of the skin around the eyes: wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin becomes moisturized. The use of facial oil helps to nourish the skin and smooth wrinkles. Suitable for any skin type. It is especially recommended for owners of dry and tired skin.

Avocado oil.
This oil is obtained from pre-dried avocados. It has a positive effect on the skin of any type: moisturizes, heals the skin, fights dryness, flaking, sagging and reduced elasticity. In addition, this oil is an excellent tool that soothes the skin and relieves redness and inflammation, and also activates the process of regeneration of damaged skin cells. Recommended for dry and aging skin.

Peach oil.
This oil perfectly eliminates such a problem as peeling of the skin. Especially effective for dry, aging and overly sensitive facial skin. Peach oil rejuvenates, nourishes the skin, making it supple and elastic, and therefore gives good results in skin care around the eyes, lips, eyelashes and eyebrows. It also accelerates the recovery of damaged skin and mucous membranes. It is often added to ointments, caring creams, shampoos, baby oils, and added to masks for sensitive skin. Peach oil effectively removes makeup. It is recommended to be taken orally in the spring as a vitamin complex, and also applied externally.

Apricot oil.
It is widely used in cosmetics and dermatology and is used as the basis for moisturizing and nourishing compositions. When using this oil, a high positive effect is noted. The condition of the skin, which suffers from a lack of vitamins, dehydration, dryness improves significantly. In addition, apricot oil restores the epidermal barrier, softens rough skin and eliminates signs of aging. It can be used in the care of owners of sensitive and problematic skin, and also as a prophylactic against wrinkles around the eyes. It is recommended to be used for children's skin, it has an anti-inflammatory, tonic effect, restores skin firmness and elasticity and improves complexion. There is also a positive effect on cellulite and rough skin.

Grape seed oil.
This oil is recommended for owners of any type of skin, including oily and problematic. Its use has an anti-inflammatory effect, regulates sebum secretion, tightens pores, moisturizes and mattifies the skin, restores its elasticity and firmness. It contains a natural antioxidant - procyanide. Grape seed oil has a regenerating, antioxidant, vitaminizing and moisturizing effect. It is effective to use it to maintain skin elasticity during weight loss, as well as during pregnancy. Great for use as a lip balm. Good for use as a lip balm.

Jojoba oil.
This oil is recommended to be used in mixture with other lighter oils. Its composition includes a complex of softening and moisturizing properties, it is widely used in the production of cosmetics in the form of a lipid material. It is recommended for skin care around the eyes, as well as for fading, dehydrated, problematic and sensitive facial skin.

Wheat germ oil.
This oil is also recommended to be used in combination with other vegetable oils. Wheat germ oil has a great penetrating power, normalizes blood circulation and helps the process of removing toxins from the body. It perfectly copes with skin irregularities, is highly effective when used as an anti-cellulite agent. It is recommended to use in daily skin care of the face, neck, chest, hands. Beneficial for both dry and oily skin types. In addition, wheat germ oil can be used to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, as well as in the process of losing weight. The oil has regenerating, softening, nourishing and anti-inflammatory properties, improves skin elasticity and firmness. This oil is an excellent means of skin rejuvenation, it smoothes nasolabial folds, wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes. In addition, it is recommended for various injuries and inflammations of the skin.

Linseed oil.
It is the most nutrient. It is widely used, including cosmetology. Flaxseed oil remarkably fights against dryness, flaking of the skin, eliminates lethargy and flabbiness of the skin, smoothes wrinkles and fine lines. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieving skin irritation, helping with various skin diseases.

Rosehip oil.
It is a source of vitamins and nutrients. Perfectly tones and moisturizes tired, aging and dehydrated facial skin, smoothes the first wrinkles around the eyes. It has a restorative effect in case of skin damage, preventing scarring. It is recommended to use as part of aromatic mixtures. Rosehip oil is an excellent protection against sunburn. Not suitable for people with oily skin types, as well as those with acne, as the oil can contribute to the appearance of a "new wave" of acne.

Sesame oil.
This oil not only nourishes and moisturizes the skin, but also helps to rejuvenate it. Like a natural antioxidant, sesame oil prevents the signs of premature skin aging. In addition, this oil protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, so it is often included in the composition. sunscreen, smoothes, relaxes, soothes and relieves irritation and inflammation of the skin. It is allowed to be used in skin care around the eyes. When caring for the skin of the face, sesame oil is recommended to be mixed with essential oils. It normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores and reduces their size, relieves inflammation. Suitable for all skin types, especially useful for dry, aging skin.

Amaranth oil.
This oil has truly valuable properties. It contains an important component for the skin of our body - squalene. It is he who prevents the development of cancer cells, keeps the skin hydrated at an optimal level, preventing premature aging body, due to the presence of vitamin E. It is an excellent care product for normal, dry and aging skin.

Shea butter (shea).
This oil, due to its unique properties, is highly valued in the cosmetic industry. Unsaponifiable fats (squalene, carotene, tocopherols, triterpene alcohols, phytosterols and xanthophyll), which are abundant in shea butter, have regenerative properties and affect the production of collagen. In addition, this oil protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation and the negative effects of factors. environment softens and moisturizes the skin, slowing down the aging process. Shea butter is especially recommended for the care of dry and rough skin areas, as well as for restoring firmness and elasticity to the skin.

Macadamia oil.
This oil is obtained from macadamia nuts. It is recommended as a means for nourishing, softening and rejuvenating the skin. Its constant use normalizes the water-fat balance of the skin, increases its moisture level, tone and elasticity, and also prevents skin aging. Macadamia oil is recommended for facial skin care, including the area around the eyes, neck, and body. It is especially effective to use this oil in winter, when stress, overdrying and frostbite are frequent companions of the skin.

Calendula oil.
Suitable for all skin types, especially recommended for oily, sensitive and problematic skin prone to breakouts. In a short time, the oil will relieve irritation, acne, normalize the function of the sebaceous glands, and also significantly narrow the pores. In addition, it effectively helps with various injuries and skin damage, and also protects the skin from negative ultraviolet radiation. Its use will help get rid of the vascular network on the face (rosacea).

Hazelnut (hazelnut) oil.
This oil is designed to care for the skin of the face and body, including the skin of the lips and around the eyes. Regular use of this oil helps to cleanse the skin, narrow pores, normalize the water-fat barrier, eliminate dryness and acne, relieve inflammation, redness and irritation of the skin. Also, this oil, due to its rejuvenating and regenerating properties, visibly smoothes wrinkles, smoothes wrinkles, tones and tightens the skin, increasing its firmness and elasticity, and evens out complexion. Recommended for owners of oily, combination and problem skin. This oil is ideal as an after-sun treatment that softens and soothes the skin.

Mango butter.
This oil is a unique natural skin moisturizer. Its regular use helps to maintain an optimal balance of skin moisture, protects the skin from dryness and dehydration, as well as the aggressive effects of environmental factors. In addition, this oil perfectly softens and smoothes the skin, restoring its elasticity, lightens age spots.

And finally, I would like to say separately about olive oil. Although it is not classified as cosmetic, it is indispensable, and also no less effective tool for the care of dry, sensitive, mature and aging skin.

Natural vegetable oils can be a worthy alternative to ready-made skin care products. Their efficiency is even higher, and the costs are significantly lower.