Children's Day is the official name. History of the Children's Day holiday. Children's Day: history, traditions and facts

Today is June 1 - Children's Day, which is celebrated all over the world. It coincides with the beginning of school holidays and is intended to draw public attention to the problems of children and protect them from the dangers of the modern world.

When did Children's Day begin to be celebrated?

Children's Day is one of the oldest international holidays. This holiday was first discussed at the World Geneva Conference dedicated to the well-being of children. This happened in 1925. For unknown reasons, it was decided to celebrate Children's Day on June 1.

More precisely, there is still one version of why Children’s Day fell on this date, although its consistency has not yet been proven. The fact is that in the same year when the Geneva Conference was held, the Duan-wu jie (Dragon Boat Festival) festival, established by the Chinese consul, was held in San Francisco. This holiday was organized specifically for Chinese orphans, and, by luck, fell on June 1st.

But Children’s Day was finally established only after the Second World War, in 1949, when children’s problems became especially urgent. After the war, it was necessary to think about the generation that was to build the future of the world. In this regard, in 1949, at the Paris Women's Congress, an oath was taken, which stated intentions to fight for world peace and the happiness of children as the basis of this fight. And for the first time, International Children's Day was celebrated on June 1, 1950 and affected 51 countries of the world. Having secured the support of the UN, since then the holiday on June 1 began to be celebrated annually.

How is Children's Day celebrated around the world?

Children's Day has its own flag, recognized in more than 30 countries around the world. It represents a green background on which a globe and 5 multi-colored human figures are schematically depicted. Green color– the color of harmony, freshness and fertility. The green background makes us think that everything around us has been created to develop normally and safely. All we need to do is give ourselves and others the opportunity to benefit from these benefits.

The globe symbolizes our common home, and its Blue colour speaks of the peace and unity that we can achieve if we treat each other with understanding and love.

The colorful human figurines symbolize tolerance of different races and diversity. The star that the children's feet form symbolizes the light that we will begin to emit when we unite and forget about strife for the sake of the children's happiness. And five multi-colored dots are a symbol of the fact that we all come from the same race - the human race.

The blue figure on top of the flag is a symbol of God, who loves everyone equally. Therefore, we, as his image and likeness, must love and respect all people, regardless of their race, skin color, religion, material security and other factors.

The celebration of Children's Day began with various types of discussions, speeches and conferences, the theme of which was the welfare of children around the world. The television program specifically includes films and programs about children and for children, and competitions and sports competitions are held on the streets in which all children can participate and even receive a gift.

Children's Day is usually accompanied by concert programs, exhibitions and educational events, the main characters of which are children. The June 1st holiday is a time for holding various charitable events for mothers and children with gifts and surprises aimed at improving the living conditions of children and protecting their interests.

Children's Day aims to protect the interests of those little inhabitants of our planet who are exposed to various kinds of dangers and suffer hardships due to the mistakes of adults. Moreover, this happens in absolutely all countries of the world: in America and other developed countries, children suffer due to television programs that are inappropriate for their age and needs and moral decay, in Africa and other countries of the “third world” - due to hunger, lack of education and exposure to enormous number of diseases. The purpose of Children's Day is to draw public attention to these problems and protect children from the mistakes of adults, as well as promote spiritual and physical development the younger generation around the world.

As for our country, we celebrate Children's Day under the patronage of the Russian Children's Fund, and the main participants in this holiday are orphans, disabled children, as well as children from large and low-income families.

Children are the most valuable thing we have, so it is necessary to take care of them and make their life the best possible. After all, a child’s smile and happy eyes are probably the greatest wealth in the world. And the holiday of June 1 - Children's Day - once again reminds us that fun and happy childhood every child should have!

On March 9, 2020, the deadline for submitting compositions for participation in the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 expired. Russian TV viewers waited all day in vain - on the official website of the competition in the “Participants” section, the song from the group “Little Big” representing our country did not appear. Instead of the title it says “No song yet” and “To be announced later”.

But there is no need to worry - the organizers reported that the song was received on time. And the delay can be explained simply - the Russian “sponsors” decided to “stir up” the public’s interest in the event and make a show out of the song’s premiere.

We tell you when, what time and on what channel will the presentation of the song “Little Big” for the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 take place?.

Very soon - on Thursday March 12, 2020, we will find out with which song the group "Little Big" will represent Russia at the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest.

It was announced that the presentation of the song "Little Big" will take place on Channel One live broadcast "Evening Urgant". The program is scheduled to start on 23:30 Moscow time March 12, 2020.

Previously, the broadcast with the group "Little Big" in the program "Evening Urgant" was planned by Channel One on Friday, March 13, 2020 (starting at 23:20 Moscow time).

That is, the presentation of the song “Little Big” for the Eurovision Song Contest 2020:
* When will it take place - March 12, 2020 (Thursday).
* On Channel One, in the program “Evening Urgant”.
* What time - at 23:30 Moscow time.

The band's frontman Ilya Pruskin announced that the song would be fun and with a "Brazilian touch." Perhaps the composition for the European song competition will be the song "Uno", a 15-second segment of which has already appeared on YouTube.

Updated 03/12/2020 at 23:45: The composition with which the band will perform at Eurovision was (as we expected) song "Uno". You can watch the clip on the Channel One website in the Music section.

Extracurricular activities

Children's Day: history, traditions and facts

More than 60 countries around the world begin the summer season by celebrating one of the oldest international dates- Children's Day. We talk about the origin of the holiday, traditions and symbol that unites children from all over the globe.

Children's Day began to be celebrated after the congress held in 1949, at which the International Democratic Federation of Women decided to ensure the well-being of the younger generation. Since then, the UN has considered the protection of the rights, life and health of children to be one of the main directions of its activities.

Entertainment events dedicated to this day are held in many countries. Children's drawing competitions are held in city parks. The children paint the asphalt with multi-colored chalk: portraits of mom and dad, clear sun and flowering meadows - everything that lives in a child’s imagination, and that is understandable without words to every little citizen of any country.

Satya Das is an experienced family psychologist and philosopher, author and presenter of popular seminars “Neskuchnaya family psychology", will tell you about how you really need to interact, communicate and treat children, how to bring out what is inherent in them. Your children are wonderful, creative and harmonious individuals! You just need to help them develop this beginning!

The first International Children's Day was held on June 1, 1950.. Subsequently, the holiday began to be celebrated annually throughout the world. And the main legal document that considers the rights of children at the international level is the Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the UN on November 20, 1989. The convention was signed by 61 countries, and in July 1990 it was approved by the USSR.

In Russia, children's rights are regulated the federal law“On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in Russian Federation" dated July 24, 1998. The law establishes the basic guarantees of the rights and interests of the child as prescribed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Many schools and preschool institutions conduct sports competitions, creative competitions, quizzes and others entertainment programs dedicated to the celebration of Children's Day. But making the kids happy is not the main goal of the holiday. All creative and cultural events on this day are designed to draw the attention of adults to pressing children's problems. The purpose of the holiday is to remind the state of respect for children’s rights to life, education and recreation; on protection from violence and exploitation of child labor. It is no coincidence that in most countries childhood is considered one of the most important stages in a person’s life: it is during this happy period that the future citizen prepares for full interaction with society and lays the foundation for unlocking his creative and intellectual potential.

New book by famous family psychologist, winner of the Russian Presidential Prize in the field of education, author of the bestsellers “What to do if ...” and “What to do if ... 2” is addressed to parents of children and adolescents with behavioral characteristics. The publication will help you find it with your child mutual language, navigate difficult situations and conflicts, get out of them with dignity, maintain patience, restore understanding and peace in the family.

In our country Children's Day has traditionally been celebrated for many years under the auspices of the Russian Children's Fund. The main guests of the holiday are usually orphans, disabled people and children from large families.

U International Day children have their own flag. On a bright green background, which symbolizes harmony, growth and fertility, figures of children - white, yellow, red, blue and black - circle around the icon of the planet Earth. The boys' figures symbolize diversity and tolerance. And the emblem of the Earth, placed in the center, is our common home.

Celebrated in Europe, Asia and other parts of the world. This is a large-scale international holiday with a long history. Its main “mission” is to solve children’s problems, protect against psychological and physical violence, get rid of labor conscription, antisocial behavior of loved ones and abuse from adults. As well as helping sick children, orphans with living parents, the disadvantaged and the hungry.

History of Childhood Day

In 1925, the Chinese Consul General in San Francisco organized a colorful Dragon Boat Festival for children who were left without parents. The children were given memorable gifts. A year before significant event The Assembly of the League of Nations took place in Geneva, where the welfare of children was discussed. The Declaration of the Rights of the Child was published with 5 main “protective postulates” - food, shelter, freedom from exploitation, medical care, means for intellectual and physical development.

This was a real breakthrough in the field of child protection. After all, for many years, exclusive rights belonged only to parents, who disposed of their children as a personal asset, property. They decided whether the child should study, where to get an education, who to become, when and who to marry. Children were subject to parental will, remaining timid and submissive executors of imposed attitudes.

Until the 19th century, children who broke the law were sent to prisons where adults were kept and received exactly the same punishment. The death penalty was no exception. It was only at the turn of the century that separate courts for minors and “lighter” sentences with correctional practice began to appear. The state has taken upon itself the function of replacing parents in special cases.
The holiday of June 1 was first celebrated in 1950. The initiators of the celebration were women who were concerned about the issue of disadvantaged children and orphans left homeless. The main message of the holiday was to protect children from the horrors of war and hunger.

Holiday attributes

The Convention on the Rights of the Child was published in 1959, but in Russia it was ratified 31 years later. Basic " children's document“prescribes complete equality in the sphere of upbringing, education, social security and development, regardless of skin color, nationality, or origin of the child.

Defense Day has its own flag; it depicts small multi-colored figures holding hands and “circling” the globe in a friendly round dance. This symbolizes diversity and tolerance towards each other, and our common home - the Earth.

What do they do on this day

Traditionally, competitions, concerts, sporting events, master classes, exhibitions of children's drawings, film shows, etc. are held. Particular attention is paid to children from orphanages, children from large and dysfunctional families, as well as disabled children, refugees and displaced persons. Volunteers organize holiday events and give gifts to young patients of rehabilitation centers. A common occurrence on June 1 are protests and rallies against abortion.

The key task of Children's Day is to clearly demonstrate that every child has the right to a happy childhood. Adults must protect and protect the touching space called Childhood from negative influence gadgets, early sexual activity, violence, hunger, disease. The motto of the holiday is “There are no other people’s children!”

June 1 - International Children's Day
From the history of the holiday

Children's Day is one of the oldest international holidays. This holiday was first discussed at the World Geneva Conference dedicated to the well-being of children. This happened in 1925. For unknown reasons, it was decided to celebrate Children's Day on June 1.
More precisely, there is still one version of why Children’s Day fell on this particular date - however, its consistency has not yet been proven. The fact is that in the same year when the Geneva Conference was held, the Duan-wu jie (Dragon Boat Festival) festival, established by the Chinese consul, was held in San Francisco. This holiday was organized specifically for Chinese orphans, and, by luck, fell on June 1st.
But Children’s Day was finally established only after the Second World War, in 1949, when children’s problems became especially urgent. After the war, it was necessary to think about the generation that was to build the future of the world. In this regard, in 1949, at the Paris Women's Congress, an oath was taken, which stated intentions to fight for world peace and the happiness of children as the basis of this fight. And for the first time, International Children's Day was celebrated on June 1, 1950 and affected 51 countries of the world. Having secured the support of the UN, since then the holiday on June 1 began to be celebrated annually.

Symbolism of the holiday

Children's Day has its own flag, recognized in more than 30 countries around the world. It represents a green background on which a globe and 5 multi-colored human figures are schematically depicted. Green is the color of harmony, freshness and fertility. The green background makes us think that everything around us has been created to develop normally and safely. All we need to do is give ourselves and others the opportunity to benefit from these benefits.
The globe symbolizes our common home, and its blue color speaks of the peace and unity that we can achieve if we treat each other with understanding and love.
The colorful human figurines symbolize tolerance of different races and diversity. The star that the children's feet form symbolizes the light that we will begin to emit when we unite and forget about strife for the sake of the children's happiness. And five multi-colored dots are a symbol of the fact that we all come from the same race - the human race.
The blue figure on top of the flag is a symbol of God, who loves everyone equally. Therefore, we, as his image and likeness, must love and respect all people, regardless of their race, skin color, religion, material security and other factors.
Children's Day aims topurposeto protect the interests of those small inhabitants of our planet who are exposed to various kinds of dangers and suffer hardships due to the mistakes of adults.

How International Day of Protection is celebrated in different countries

Countries of the world different ways They celebrate International Children's Day and not necessarily on June 1, as in Russia.

In Russia
As for our country, we celebrate Children's Day under the patronage of the Russian Children's Fund, and the main participants in this holiday are orphans, disabled children, as well as children from large and low-income families.
Children's Day celebrations begin with various types of discussions, speeches and conferences, the theme of which is the welfare of children around the world.
The television program specifically includes films and programs about children and for children, and competitions and sports competitions are held on the streets in which all children can participate and even receive a gift.
Children's Day is usually accompanied by concert programs, exhibitions and educational events, the main characters of which are children. The June 1st holiday is a time for holding various charitable events for mothers and children with gifts and surprises aimed at improving the living conditions of children and protecting their interests.

Japan celebrates 3 holidays

On the day of the holiday, a flag with the image of a carp is hung in front of the entrance to the house of a family that has a boy, which means the possibility of obtaining an academic degree. If there are several boys in a family, then green and blue flags are hung on the front doors of the house. A huge number of such flags means that there are many boys in the family. In the Japanese mind, carp symbolizes strength and courage.

According to Japanese customs, it is believed that three, five and seven years old are the happiest ages of children, so every year on November 15, children of these ages celebrate their holiday joyfully.

Republic of Korea: Dress in Korean National Costume- you will receive a gift.

Children's Day in the Republic of Korea dates back to 1923, which was originally a boys' day. Children's Day in the Republic of Korea is considered a public holiday and is celebrated annually on May 5th. On this day, all children are joyful and happy, parents give them the gifts that they most wanted. A huge number of children also dress up in Korean national costume and come into contact with the traditional culture of the country.

Sweden celebrates separately "Boys' Day" and "Girls' Day"

In Sweden, the Children's Day is divided into "Girls' Day" (December 13), which is also called the Goddess Lucia Day, and "Boys' Day" (August 7). Every year girls turn into little Goddesses, and boys dress up as Lobsters on their day. It is believed that the lobster costume will help them become bolder and more resilient, like this animal.

Spain celebrates its most celebrated Children's Day

The holiday is celebrated on January 5, in addition, it is also religious holiday, it is called "the holiday of the King of Magic." Columns with parade cars drive around the city, eventually stopping at the city administration building. any child And any child who sits on the king's lap on this day can receive a special gift, but he must promise good behavior for the whole of next year.

Colombia: Masked Clowns

Children's Day is celebrated on July 4th. On this day, festive events and concerts are held in all educational institutions of the country. Children dress up in costumes like clowns, put on masks and walk through the streets of the city in this form.

Most Islamic countries celebrate the so-called “candy holiday” on the fourteenth day of fasting; this is certainly the most fun party for all children.

African countries hold month-long children's carnival

In West African countries, a special “children's carnival” is held, which lasts for a whole month. Africans love to sing and dance, which is possible precisely during children's carnival. Even if not everyone has good conditions life in African countries, but on this day all the children are happy and joyful.

Children are the most valuable thing we have, so it is necessary to take care of them and make their life the best possible. After all, a child’s smile and happy eyes are probably the greatest wealth in the world. And the holiday of June 1 - Children's Day - once again reminds us that every child should have a fun and happy childhood!
