New Year's entertainment in the garden carnival. Entertainment in kindergarten "carnival of fairy tales" methodical development on the topic. Mother Goat song

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The scenario of the holiday - the carnival "In Search of Santa Claus" can be used by the musical directors of the preschool educational institution to organize New Year's holidays. Methodological development is designed for older children preschool age. A captivating plot, informative theatrical scenes, bright characters and musical and dance decorations can help create a festive New Year's mood in children and make an unforgettable impression on preschoolers and their parents.

Target. Creating a festive New Year's mood in children through an exciting journey through countries and continents in search of Santa Claus.


  • to introduce children to the culture of the peoples of different continents, to expand knowledge about the traditions of celebrating the New Year in Russia and other countries;
  • to teach expressively to perform dances of the peoples of the world;
  • develop artistry in recitation, vocals and performing arts;
  • to cultivate a sense of joy and a sense of empathy, a desire to help a hero in trouble;
  • cultivate respect and goodwill towards people of different nationalities;
  • enrich preschoolers with bright New Year's impressions.

Forms of organization of children's activities:

  • frontal (general songs, dances and round dances, an orchestra of children's musical instruments, mass games with children and parents):
    - round dance - waltz " New Year»;
    - the song "Christmas Tree";
    - Orchestra "Song of the old cabman";
    - musical game "Africa";
    interactive game with children and parents "Gypsy";
    - "New Year's round dance";
    - a game with Santa Claus "I will freeze";
    - "Dance marathon" for children and parents.
  • group (dances of the peoples of the world):
    – “Chinese dance with fans”;
    - "Cowboy dance with chairs";
    - "Dance of the Papuans with African drums";
    - "Gypsy with tambourines";
    - "Travushka - ant with spoons."
  • individual (poetry reading, individual games and attractions):
    - attraction "Transfer tangerines to the basket";
    - a game with dads "Let's ride a horse";
    - reading individual poems;
    - the game "Shift the snowballs with a spoon from your bowl to another."

Event progress

The song “New Year at the Gates” sounds, the children enter the hall in pairs, stand around the Christmas tree.

The Snow Maiden enters the hall with the children. The tree sparkles with festive lights.

1 child:

Hello dear tree
Lush, in needles.
Hello slim big
Holiday tree!

2 child:

Do not yearn for the winter forest,
About your sisters.
We will sing songs together
Let's have fun.

3 child:

On you, beauty is a girl,
glittering gold,
Like a fairytale queen
Lace dress.

4 child:

All lit up with lights
Tinsel, balls,
You dressed up today
Twisted with us. (Marina Novikova)

Round dance - waltz "New Year"

(Children go to their places in pairs.)

Snow Maiden: What a colorful carnival today! Everyone is ready to celebrate the New Year - both we and our Christmas tree - all dressed up! Only Grandfather Frost is late! Let's call Santa Claus! ( name is). Heard the clatter of hooves! It seems that his trio is on the way!

Orchestra "Song of the old cabman"

Performed by children senior group on rattles, preparatory - on spoons, bells, tone block, maracas.

The Snow Queen appears in the hall to the music.

The Snow Queen: What, were you waiting for Santa Claus? I know, I know, I heard! You call the Christmas tree a queen, you call it a queen! And, of course, they forgot about me? Do not be that! I, the Snow Queen - the most beautiful, the most slender, the most majestic. Not your tree. Look, flashed here! Freeze, freeze! (He blows on the Christmas tree, waves his arms. The lights on the Christmas tree go out, then light up. At the end they go out). That's better! Now your Christmas tree will oversleep with a frozen sleep all the New Year's fun. I whispered in your ear to your old man - Santa Claus that there are other trees in the world with which they celebrate the New Year's holiday, and they will be even more beautiful. Ha ha ha! So he went in search of a new tree around the world. Yes, I didn't get to you. However, he won’t have time, because traveling is so great! I know myself! In the meantime, he is traveling around the world on his troika, I will take power into my own hands and there will be no New Year for you, and Christmas trees, and forget about gifts too !!! I'm telling you - the Snow Queen! (Exits.)

Snow Maiden: Guys, what to do? You and I know that it is better than our beauty - Christmas trees cannot be found in the whole wide world! Christmas tree - a sorceress, tell us where is Santa Claus? Where did he go?

Christmas tree (phonogram recording): The country is famous for the great wall. Palaces of unearthly beauty stand there. And every quarter is inhabited. The country is called China! (Flashing lights.)

Snow Maiden: Guys, let's go in search of Santa Claus? (Yes!) Well then, have a magical way!

Children "move", bypassing in a free direction one at a time around the Christmas tree.

The light turns on and off.

Snow Maiden: Well, friends, our journey began, and we found ourselves in the East, in the very country where people are among the first in the world to celebrate the New Year. This is China.

Chinese fan dance

(Performed by girls of the preparatory group and three adult Chinese women.)

Chinese 1: Nihao! (Hello!)

Snow Maiden: Guys, Chinese women greet us. Say hello to you too!

Children: Hello.

Chinese 2: Huanying! (Welcome!)

Snow Maiden:"Welcome!" let's say "thank you"!

Chinese 3: Xing nian hao!... (Everyone is confused). With new cats!

Snow Maiden: A! Thank you, happy New Year too!

Chinese 1: In New cat to spawn!

Snow Maiden: Play? We love to participate in New Year's attractions. What game will we play?

Chinese 2: Chinese stick! (points to the sticks in her hair).

Snow Maiden: And, it seems, I understood. The Chinese use chopsticks everywhere - both for eating and for decorating their hair. And, apparently, they even play with them.

Chinese 3: Verna, kyasavitsa!

Snow Maiden (speaking to the Chinese): Well, then, share your chopsticks!

Chinese women bow politely, run behind the Christmas tree and bring 4 gymnastic sticks and 2 baskets with orange balloons round shape.

Snow Maiden: Wow, what Chinese sticks! I wonder what we should do with them?.. And balloons are like tangerines! You know, guys, a Christmas tree does not grow in China, and “Fire Trees” are put on the streets on New Year's Eve, that is, the tree is decorated with many garlands. And in the houses there they decorate tangerine trees different colors- peonies, daffodils . (At this time, Chinese women decorate the Christmas tree with flowers). And here, in Russia, tangerines become an ornament holiday table. Let's transfer the balls - tangerines to the holiday baskets.

Attraction "Transfer tangerines to the basket"

(2 participants carry balls from one basket to another with gymnastic sticks.)

Snow Maiden: Well done, guys, how many tangerines have scored! But, my friends, let's remember why we are here! (Tells the Chinese women.) We got in trouble: our Russian Grandfather Frost travels the world to find a new Christmas tree for the New Year holiday. Did you have him?

1 Chinese woman: Baby Drizzle?... Ah, Dong Che Lao Ren? (Depicts stroking his beard).

Snow Maiden ("stroking the beard"): yes, yes….dun.. mmm…ren…

2 Chinese: True, kyasavitsa, true!

Snow Maiden: Where is he now?

3 Chinese: Go away. Totally gone! (offended): I saw a tangerine tree and ushol!

All: And we're gone! Zaijien! (Goodbye!)(They leave.)

Snow Maiden (sad): Goodbye! Well, guys, we didn’t have time for Santa Claus. Shall we go further? We have visited the East, but where are we now? Elka is an enchantress, show us the way!

Christmas tree (phonogram recording):

The sun slows down the run and leaves for the night.
Sandman waving his paw quietly... Go - ka to the west!

(Flashing lights.)

Snow Maiden: Guys, I guessed, because I know from books. In the west - America - a huge mainland! A huge month is shining, the water is swaying ... Are we going for Santa Claus? There, there, there!

Country music sounds, a Cowboy appears (in the role of a Cowboy - a parent).


In the pouring rain, in the scorching heat in the saddle, I day and night.
My friends are always with me - we drive a pack of wolves.
My faithful horse is my friend and brother, my Colt is not made of paper.
Anyone would be happy to become a cowboy! Is there enough courage?
(Galina Bezdenezhnykh)

"Cowboy Dance" (with chairs)

(Performed by prep boys and Cowboy.)

Cowboy: Hello, my friends!

Snow Maiden: Hello brave cowboy! Have you met the Russian Santa Claus?

Cowboy: Oh rushn Santa? Ez. I stopped by ... mmm .. How would you say it in Russian? ... On a troika! Ding-ding-ding! (Sings to the tune “Jingle Bells”, shows flashlights with his hands. Communicating with the Snow Maiden, Cowboy hangs sweets and oranges on the Christmas tree.)

Snow Maiden: What is he doing? And, I remembered: in America, people decorate the Christmas tree with different goodies: sweets, oranges, cakes and even popcorn! (To Cowboy) so, and what is Santa Claus?

Cowboy: What? Santa Claus? Ah, gone. He looked at the tree and sped away. Will we play? Well, game? E?

Snow Maiden: Well, it's still too late. Let's play. And our brave dads will help us in the game! (Two dads are invited.)

Cowboy: Oh, the horses are ready! What is the New Year for a cowboy without a horse? So you will be a horse .... You are the head! And you - sorry, ... tail! (They dress up dads in the New Year's horse.)

Snow Maiden: Here, it seems, the horse is ready! Ride our kids around the Christmas tree!

Game with dads "Let's ride a horse"

Snow Maiden: Well, did you have a great ride? Thank you, brave Cowboy, for the game, for the fun. Happy New Year!

Cowboy: Happy New Eeyore! (Cowboy leaves.)

Snow Maiden: It's fun here, it's interesting, but we need to look for Grandfather. Where is he now? … (Looks back at the Christmas tree, she is silent). How far are we from our Christmas tree, she does not hear us, she is sad! (African drums are heard.)

Snow Maiden: Do you hear the beat of the drums? Where can these sounds come from? These are African drums! Does that mean we're in Africa?! Oh, how hot! And... a little creepy...

"Dance of the Papuans with African drums"

(Performed by boys of the senior group and three adult Papuans (teachers).)

Papuans: Tumba - yumba! ( They fall to their knees, they hit the floor with their hands - they drum.)

Snow Maiden: Hello…

Papuans: Gelukig nave yayaya! (Happy New Year! (Language "Afrikanas").

Snow Maiden: Thank you, happy New Year too. Are you getting ready for the holidays too?

Papuans (together): Baobab! Baobab! Baobab! (They dance, taking out pieces of fabric, ribbons from under the Christmas tree, decorate the Christmas tree with them).

Snow Maiden: Guys, on the New Year in Africa, instead of Christmas trees, baobabs are decorated with bright rags, ribbons and bunches of herbs.

Papuans: Tumba - Yumba! ( Hands perform invitation swings).

Snow Maiden: Well, guys, let's play with the Papuans?

Music game "Africa"

Children stand in pairs around the Christmas tree. To African music, they move with a springy step, holding hands. According to a certain phrase of the Papuans, the children stop and perform one or another movement: “Santa Claus!” - shake hands with each other "Baobab!" - rock and roll movement "Happy New Year!" - hug each other “Africa!” - raise their hands up and shout “Tumba-yumba!”.

Snow Maiden: What you good fellows, were attentive! (referring to the Papuans): Dear Papuans! We also dressed up our Christmas tree for the New Year, and she stands and misses in our hall. And all because our Santa Claus disappeared. Did you have it?

Papuans (look at each other, fall to their knees): Oh Maulana Karenga! (drum hands on the floor). Maulana Karenga! (drum hands on the floor, get up and run away with the words"Maulana Karenga", which in African means "Santa Claus").

Snow Maiden: Where are you?.. Eh, the Papuans have their own Santa Claus - ... Maula .. Karga .. Oh, you will break your tongue! Where are we going next? It is not in the east, nor is it in the west. So the south did not please us. Where will the magical New Year's wind take us?

(Romanian folk melody sounds.)

Snow Maiden: And we ended up in Europe. To the country of Romania. Here people decorate their houses with mistletoe branches, and small surprises are baked into New Year's pies - porcelain figurines, rings, hot pepper pods. The ring found in the cake means that the New Year will bring a lot of happiness. A coin is wealth!

Gypsy music sounds, a Gypsy appears.

Gypsy: Oh, hello, hello, romale! It's me - Tsaganka Aza. What are you talking about coins? (To someone's mom) Give me a coin, my gold, I'll tell you the whole truth, I won't hide anything!

Snow Maiden: Gypsy Aza? What are you doing here?

Gypsy: We, gypsies, roam all over the world, we guess people, we make good. And here - in Romania there are sooo many of ours, more than anywhere else. They are strong because they are rich, my dear. (referring to dad): Oh, give me a pen, my diamond one, I'll tell a fortune. Don't forget to gild my pen!...

Snow Maiden: Gypsy Aza! You better tell me if you have seen our Santa Claus.

Gypsy: Father Frost? Ah, Ivandar! (With dejection): It’s clear… it means you don’t want to pay! Anyway. Then at least dance with me. Dance well, I'll tell you the whole truth!

Interactive game with children and parents "Gypsy"

Gypsy (referring to gypsy girls): And now you go out and dance "Gypsy Girl"!

Dance "Gypsy with tambourines"

(Performed by girls of the senior group and Gypsy Aza.)

Snow Maiden: Oh yes, gypsies! Have fun dancing! What do you decorate the Christmas tree with?

Gypsy: Than-than - wealth, my snow! (He hangs banknotes on the Christmas tree).

Snow Maiden: What can you say about Santa Claus?

Gypsy: Ah, I promised you! So here's the truth for you: Santa Claus, romale, will give you a lot (shows hand gesture "money"), will not be enough! ... (To the Snow Maiden): Snow Maiden, gild the pen!

Snow Maiden: I can give you some sparkly confetti!

Gypsy: Oh, my ice! .... Meet your grandfather at home!

Snow Maiden: Is Santa Claus waiting for us at our beautiful Christmas tree in Russia? In your native Solikamsk? Let's go to Return trip! Don't forget about our trip, my friend!

Gypsy: Yshdy Bayram Mubarak! (“Happy New Year!” in Gypsy)

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year!

Moving - the lights go out, the hall is illuminated with New Year's illumination, the Snow Maiden walks around the Christmas tree with one child, then with another. Light is full.

Snow Maiden: Hello our tree! How are you here without us? Are you all sleeping?

The Snow Queen comes out from behind the tree.

The Snow Queen: Ha ha ha! Well, didn't you find Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden: No, we raced after him, but did not have time. How can we compete with his horses! But now we know that our Christmas tree is the closest, dear, beautiful. Yes, now, with a new outfit, she has become even more beautiful ... And Santa Claus ...

The Snow Queen (mimicking): Father Frost! He doesn't need you, and your tree doesn't need you. Only I am your queen, your mistress, I will freeze all hearts with ice, and you will sleep like your Christmas tree with an ice dream!

Snow Maiden: Guys, what is it? Have we traveled half the world in vain? Where are your warm hearts and good songs? Let's melt the ice cover in which our Christmas tree is shackled!

The song "Christmas Tree"

(Children sing sitting on the carpet near the Christmas tree, at the end of the song the lights on it light up. Everyone clap.)

Christmas tree (recording in phonogram): Thank you my friends! You have awakened me from an icy sleep! It was not in vain that you traveled the whole world, with your goodness you won the witching spell!

The Snow Queen: What, did they melt my icy curse with their warm hearts?... Hot, ... bright, ... stuffy, ... boring! …..I melt! ... I melt ... I'm flying away!

Fanfares sound, Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost: Happy New Year, kids: both girls and boys! I am very glad to come to kindergarten, guys.

Snow Maiden: And we are so glad to meet you! After all, we, Grandfather Frost, wandered around the world for you, but we never found it. We met, here, at our Christmas tree!

Father Frost: Yes, I have been looking for a way to you for a long time, the Snow Queen confused me, apparently, she has become old, could not resist her charms. How many wandered around the white world - there is no such beautiful Christmas tree as ours! Happened christmas magic, which I usually do - you lit the lights on the Christmas tree without my help!

Snow Maiden: The main thing, grandfather, is to be kind, friendly and believe in a miracle!

Father Frost: Well, tell me where you've been!

Snow Maiden: Where were we guys, tell Santa Claus! (Children talk).

Snow Maiden: The strong friendship of peoples and the warmth of your hearts, children, were able to make a real miracle - you defeated witchcraft snow queen and unfrozen the beauty - the Christmas tree!

Father Frost:

Happy New Year and good health to all!
I love the one who is cheerful, I'm Grandfather Frost!
If someone hangs his nose, let him raise his nose higher!
I invite all the people to a merry round dance!

"New Year's round dance"

Father Frost: And what, guys, are you not afraid of me, Frost at all?

Children: No!

Father Frost: What if I freeze you?

Game with Santa Claus "I'll Freeze"

Father Frost: Ooh, they're dead! How clever! Hot!

Snow Maiden: Sit down, Santa Claus, have a rest!

Father Frost: Who will respect Grandfather, and will tell poetry now?

Children read poems to Santa Claus

Father Frost: Oh, something I missed the Russian song .... (Singing while dancing) Valenki, valenki... Oh, but not hemmed, old ones! Valenki yes valenki... Khekhe … (Embarrassed.)

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, may you have a Russian song and funny spoons!

Russian dance with spoons "Grass-Ant"

(Performed by 4 girls and 4 boys of the preparatory group.)

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, would come up with a game to amuse the kids!

Father Frost: There are many games in the world. Do you want to play, kids? Where did we have Russian spoons here? Here, let's play with them!

The game "Shift the snowballs with a spoon from your bowl to another"

Snow Maiden: Oh yes, children, dexterous and skillful!

Father Frost: You are great, dear guys! Bearded Frost wishes you happiness. And now it's time to go. Goodbye, kids. Something here is very hot for me ...

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, where are the presents?

Father Frost:

I carried them, I remember.
A blizzard howled, snow circled ...
Where did you drop the gifts?
Well, now I'm going to look
You will have to wait.

Santa Claus is about to leave, but then the voice of Santa Claus Bag is heard from behind the scenes.

Bag: Father Frost!

Father Frost:

Who's calling grandpa?
Let's get in here soon.

(The Sack appears in the hall.)

Father Frost: Oh, you, fathers, the Bag itself comes here! Where are you, dear, lost?

Bag: Travel remained!

Father Frost: You should always be with me!

Bag: Will we continue the journey?

Father Frost: To you, Sack, everything is small - not enough! What was missing?

Bag: I have not been to Georgia, I have not seen Turkey. I wanted to see India! .. And with Brazil - a failure!

"Dance Marathon"

(Children and parents dance at the Christmas tree.)

Father Frost: Let's go to sunny Georgia. We straightened our backs, we dance "Lezginka"!

Snow Maiden: Ah, Türkiye is a beautiful country! Let's do the belly dance together!

Father Frost: Oh, India - the fans are countless! There are songs and there are dances!

Snow Maiden: Brazil is the country of carnival! Get up next to each other! Let's dance Lambada!

Snow Maiden: Thank you all my friends. Well, Bag?

Bag: I am satisfied! (Applause sounds, children and parents take their seats.)

Father Frost: Well, now let's untie the bag and see what's inside!

Bag: Oh no! Oh no! I'm running away! One two Three! (Wants to run away, Santa Claus catches.)

Father Frost: You must stand still, or walk with me!

Bag: And today, in the New Year, it will be the other way around!

(The bag runs away.)

Father Frost: What kind of jokes are you kidding? Stop, stop, wait-and-and!

(Santa Claus runs away for a bag, returns with a bag of gifts.)

Father Frost: Now let's untie you and see what's inside ...

Snow Maiden: Oh, yes, there are gifts here, how many of them, look!

Father Frost: Where are the guests from China? Take away, the gifts are melting!

Snow Maiden: Where are the brave cowboys? Your gift is ready!

Father Frost: Africans are funny people! Come out, a gift awaits everyone!

Snow Maiden: And there were gypsies. Did you forget about gifts?

Father Frost: Russian Well done and beauties! My gift and you will love it!

Snow Maiden: Thank you, Santa Claus, for the games, for the gifts! We will remember this wonderful trip for a long time!

Father Frost: Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden and Santa Claus: With new happiness!

Ved.: IN kindergarten Today

Noise and bustle.

All the guys dressed up -

Simply beauty!

Where are you going,

If it `s not a secret?

Children's answers.

Ved.: Fairy tale carnival today!

Hi all!

Game Hello!

Ved.: To the carnival! To the carnival!

We invite everyone to the ball

We invite you to a holiday

To a fabulous carnival!

That's how many fairy-tale heroes gathered in our hall today! (lists attendees)

Carlson runs in.

Carlson : Hello boys and girls! Oh, these are not girls and boys - these are my colleagues, fairy-tale heroes! Shaking hands: Hello, dear Puss in Boots!, Hello, beautiful Scheherizade, I kiss your hand. Etc.

Allow me to introduce myself: the most handsome and moderately well-fed man in the prime of life, the best flyer in the world - Carlson, who lives ... where?

Children: On the roof!

Carlson: Right! And who is the best inventor in the world?

Children: Carlson!

Carlson: Of course, I'm the best inventor in the world! And you know what I came up with? Never guess! I came up with the idea to play my favorite game "Boogie Woogie" with you! Shall we play?

Children: Yes!

Boogie Woogie Game

Carlson: Oh, something I got sick!... Oh-oh, I'm dying...

Ved.: But what to do, how to help you, Carlson?

Does anyone have any medication?

Carlson: The best medicine is jam!

Only it will help me!

Ved.: Poor Carlson! But where do we get jam? Can we try candy?

Carlson: Can we try some candy?

Well… it's better… oh no, it's bad! I'm dying!... Jam!..

Music is heard. Singing Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood enters, singing.

Little Red Riding Hood : Hello! How good it is in the forest! Beautiful! Birds are singing! Today I am a little late to my grandmother. I so wanted to bake the most delicious pies, with jam, as my grandmother loves. I have each pie with a different jam: with apple, strawberry, raspberry, cherry ...

Vedas. : Little Red Riding Hood, do you have at least a small jar of jam in your basket? Our Carlson fell ill and only jam will help him.

Little Red Riding Hood:Of course, Carlson, help yourself and get well!

Carlson eats jam and gets better.

Carlson: What a miracle, this magical taste of strawberries! Now I'm in full shape and I can continue to celebrate! Little Red Riding Hood, you also stay at the carnival, look how many fairy-tale characters are in the hall, maybe your grandmother is here too!

Vedas: And we will arrange carnival procession of fairy-tale heroes. (Children line up one after another and walk in a circle to the music)

Little Red Riding Hood: Grandma, where are you?

Baba Yaga enters: Sings. "Song of Baba Yaga from the movie" New Year's adventures Masha and Viti»

Baba Yaga: I'm here my granddaughter!

Little Red Riding Hood:But, grandma!? What's wrong with you, I don't recognize you again, like in that story with the Wolf.

Why do you have such a big nose?

Baba Yaga: Why, why! ... - swayed!

Ved.: Yes, Little Red Riding Hood, it's not your grandmother. This is the real Baba Yaga. She is cunning and evil, she decided to deceive you!

Little Red Riding Hood : How is it, grandmother ... I ..ha ..?

Baba Yaga: (guilty) Well, forgive me granddaughter, it’s my fault, I don’t have grandchildren and no one treats me with pies with jam. Willows all forgive me, do not drive away from the holiday. I haven't been to the party for a long time.

Little Red Riding Hood : Sorry grandma...

Ved.: Guys, shall we forgive Baba Yaga? Little Red Riding Hood, Carlson?

All Yes!

Carlson: Then let's play!

Ved.: Baba Yaga, play with us!

Game with Baba Yaga.

Little Red Riding Hood : And yet I have to go. My grandmother is waiting for me. Goodbye!

Little Red Riding Hood leaves.

Vedas. : Let's take a break and start playing again.

Children sit on chairs.

Baba Yaga draws attention to the tree of riddles.

Baba Yaga: What kind of tree is this?

It is immediately clear that it is not easy!

Ved.: This is a tree of mysteries. And the riddles are not simple, these are riddles about fairy-tale heroes known to you.

Baba Yaga : I wonder if the guys know all the heroes of fairy tales?


  • She lies for a hundred years

Young princess, in the arms of sleep

And waiting - but there is no prince and no

Tell me, friends, who is she? (Sleeping Beauty)

  • There lived a strange boy in the world,

Unusual, wooden,

But the father loved his son,

Shalunishka ... (Pinocchio)

  • And she washed it for her stepmother, and sorted through the peas

At night by candlelight. And slept by the stove.

Good as the sun

Who is this? (Cinderella)

  • For him, a walk is a holiday,

And honey has a special scent.

This is a plush prankster -

Bear cub ... (Winnie the Pooh)

  • A girl appeared in a cup of a flower,

And there was that girl a little more than a fingernail.

In a nutshell, that girl slept

And saved a little swallow from the cold. (Thumbelina)

  • Little girl running happily

On the path to the house

What is in the forest.

This girl needs to go to her grandmother soon

Take the basket sent to her. (Little Red Riding Hood)

  • Fruit and garden country -

She is in one of the books

And in it the hero is a vegetable boy -

He is brave, fair, mischievous. (Cipollino)

  • He's a bloodlust champion

He is the record holder for ruthlessness.

He instills fear in children

He is an evil robber ... (Barmaley)

Scary music sounds. Rude laughter is heard. Barmaley enters.

Barmaley: I am the most bloodthirsty

I'm the most ruthless

I am the most evil and terrible -


I scare the kids

Girls and boys

Tremble, fear, cry

And hide quickly!

Ved.: Guys, what to do?

Let's show Barmaley that we are not afraid of him.

Get in a circle. Let's start the dance "Bim - bam - ba"

Dance "Bim-bam-ba"

Barmaley gets angry at first, then starts dancing with the children.

Baba Yaga: Quickly, you, Barmaley, have become wiser, but aren’t you cunning?

Barmaley: Never danced with me like this(gestures)

I get angry at the children, they play with each other, but they don’t invite me.

Carlson: Are you angry about this only? And for this you keep everyone in fear? In vain!

Make friends and don't get mad. Here is my friend - Baby ... he ... so ... Oh, the Baby is waiting for me!

I need to fly to him. (looks at his watch, hurries.)I'm leaving, bye everyone!

Barmaley, Baba Yaga, presenter: Bye bye!

Ved.: And we'll play again.

Barmaley brings in a chest.

Vedas:. What is it, Barmaley?

Barmaley: I don’t know myself ... I think maybe the children will find out. They are so smart.

In the chest are things of fairy-tale heroes.

Game "Who Lost?"at the end of the game, the host takes out a bag of sweets.

Vedas: What is this?

Barmaley: And this is mine (shyly) I would like to give this to the guys in honor of our friendship, that's how many friends I have now!Distributes candy.

Baba Yaga: And I consider them my friends and I blow a kiss to everyone.

Children blow a kiss to Baba Yaga.

Everyone dances, and Baba Yaga and Barmaley say goodbye and leave.

Ved.: Well, what a carnival

If the hall did not dance!

Goodbye dance

Say goodbye to everyone!

All: Goodbye!

The Christmas tree is on fire, children enter the hall to the music (Minuet).They sit down in their seats.

Astrologer: Listen! And don't say

What have you not heard!

Look! And don't say

What you haven't seen!

Only today and only for you

New Year's ball in the palace of the King.

Hurry, hurry, hurry!

Exit of the King and Princess. Duet "I don't want anything"(sit down in their seats)

Astrologer: Listen to honest people, decree!

The king issued the following order:

I announce the ball today!

The ball is cheerful, New Year's.

fairy land people

You must be at the ball.

King: Ball today, ball! (rejoices, claps his hands)

Astrologer: Your Highness! Some strange guest asks you.

King: Tell me to let go!

Astrologer: Puss in Boots!

Cat's exit to the music.

Puss in Boots: Oh Great King!

The Marquis da Carabas ordered to present you with a gift in honor of the new year, these modest gifts.

Hares exit

1st hare: We are three brothers removed

We are three mischievous hares.

Jump - jump, jump - jump,

You catch - ka, us, my friend!

2nd hare: I am a hare,

I am a mischievous hare

With friends I jump

I'm in a hurry to the ball.

3rd hare: King Marquis sent me

Yes, he also gave with him,

me a magic snowflake

To quickly without a hitch

She brought us all together in a dance.

Rabbit dance.

Princess: Oh, what a charm - talking hares!

King: That's what, my dear bunnies, go to the royal kitchen and they will cook a great dish out of you. ( licks fingers)

Princess: Daddy! It's not fair!

King: I am a king! We can do everything!

We are all fair!

Princess:(crying) But daddy! I don't want them to be fried.

King: OK OK! And why should I be punished? Let them stay! Are you satisfied?

Princess: I will be the first princess to have talking bunnies!

King: (refers to the cat)

And you tell your master that I am very pleased with his gift and thank him.

Cat: I obey and obey my King (leaves).

Princess: Well, the New Year is coming soon, and the guests have not yet gathered.

Astrologer: Your Majesty, ambassadors from Africa have arrived. Ask to be accepted.

King: Call!

The output is low. General dance.

Princess: Hot!

King: Come outside, it will get cold. Here's how the blizzard played.

Princess: I don't want winter, I want summer!

King: Ugh, what a stupid, and also a princess! Yes, you know, if there were no winter, then there would be no snow!

Princess: That's it - I want summer!

King: Here it is! And about winter fun. Have you forgotten? So ask the guests, they will remind you.

Dance Russian winters.

Astrologer: O my King! You are our Majesty!

I don't know how to tell you

But we have strange guests:

Should I let them in?

Or drive them away?

King: No, no, I'm interested, let them in!

General dance "Pinocchio".

(children sit in their seats)

Exit Fox and Cat Basilio.

Fox: Our beloved Pinocchio,

We love you like a son!

Cat: You are so dear to us!

What are you hiding behind your back?

Pinocchio: I'm really weird

The little man is wooden.

If you're so interested

I carry the key from the forest

This is just my secret!

Cat: We won't tell anyone, no!

Pinocchio: I need this key!

Cat: We are very happy for you

But let's give you some advice:

There is only one key, there is no sense in it.

Fox: And hang it on the tree

And in the morning on all needles

You can easily see

One hundred keys - wow!

Pinocchio: One hundred keys? Wow!

I'll hang the key here.

(Hangs the key on the tree)

Fox: Until then until the morning

It's time for you to rest!

(Pinocchio is taken away, they go back without him)

(Exit of the Red Hat).

Little Red Riding Hood: I am a little girl,

I'm walking through the forest.

In a basket for grandma

I'm bringing pies.

smart hat

Know here and there.

Cat and Fox say

What is my name?

Cat: Thumbelina?

Little Red Riding Hood: No.

Fox: And who are you girl

Little Red Riding Hood: I am Little Red Riding Hood! (Hides)

Cat: Who else is this?

(Exit Wolf)

Wolf: Where is she? Somewhere there should be.

My lunch will be delicious.

I'll deceive - I'm a girl,

Quietly I sit on the sidelines.

Astrologer: (Looks through a spyglass)

What a snowy ground

Is the snake flying through the fields?

This is our trio rushing

Snow pours from under the hooves.

Song: Oh Winter(They take their seats)

Astrologer: Your Majesty! Three horses brought a beautiful gypsy.

Princess: Oh, how interesting!

The gypsy addresses the king.

Gypsy: Give me your hand King

Yes, listen dear.

I will tell the whole truth

I will save you from trouble

I see, I see, oh-oh-oh.

The queen is not simple.

Dark and evil

I see the key is not simple

I see a golden key.

And the key will save, your guest.

Astrologer: And she will perform a gypsy dance in your honor.

gypsy dance

King: Oh, what an incendiary dance. And I want to dance and my courtiers.

Astrologer: There is nothing easier. Maestro, music!

General dance.

Astrologer: Your Majesty! An unknown queen is asking you!

King: Oh, how beautiful is she?

Astrologer: Her face is covered!

King: Call! (rejoices).

Princess: Here's more, not enough! We are fine without the queen!

King: Shut up! Shut up!

Astrologer: Queen of the castle of Darkness and Gloom!

Queen of the darkness: Oh, where did I go?!

What is this wonderful room?

And people sit around

Yes, he looks at the tree.

King: What is this miracle?

And where did she come from?

Queen: You yourself are a miracle! I'm a beauty.

Why don't you like my look?

You, grandfather, dear,

You better dance with me.

King: Am I a grandpa?! Well, the audacity!

Am I a grandpa?! Ugh, what an abomination.

Queen: Ha-ha-ha!

Queen of darkness and gloom

They wanted to win.

I am the mistress of the evil castle

In the century I can not be defeated!

(approaches the castle to the house - knocks):

Hey horse wake up

Get on the road!

(A foal runs into the hall)

Horse: Hear, hear, gentlemen!

Everything must be done slowly.

I will drive everyone in the world,

I never joke!

King: Get out of the hall

Kohl Tsar you did not recognize!

Queen: Fi, think, Tsarishka!

I know you from books.

I myself want to leave.

(takes the key and run away together, the tree is turned off)

Queen: Here is the golden key!

Well chest, now you're mine!

Eat all the gifts to the crumbs

And I'll give you some.

(runs behind the tree)

Puss in Boots: In debt to the owner

I can't stay.

I will help the king. I'll take the key.

(Puss in Boots fights the Queen of Darkness)

cat in sap: I conquered darkness and gloom

And the vile enemy is defeated!

Never again queen

Can't do evil.

The Christmas tree will light up again

And cheerful Santa Claus

He will distribute his gifts to everyone,

What will he bring with him.


Princess: Here you go! Remembered for a long time

Festive tree.

It's New Year's Eve and still no gifts!

King: Calm down, daughter. It’s bad for you to worry, it spoils your complexion.

(referring to stargazer)

What's the matter? Where are the gifts? I order you to be executed!

Astrologer: Have mercy, my king!

(New Year's Eve)

New Year: Hello Hello,

I am new year!

Everyone is looking forward to me!

Nothing is more interesting

What a wonderful day like this

Winter holiday time!

I didn't just come here

I didn't come here in vain

Happy new year to congratulate you

I really want friends!

Happy New Year everyone!

What are you guys up to?

Wonderful people!

Only quietly… what do I hear?


Someone else is coming to us!

(music sounds, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden enter the hall)

Father Frost: Happy New Year! Here I am!

Hello my friends!

Early morning dawns

I went on a hike.

After all, Santa Claus

Lots of holiday stuff!

I rubbed the month to shine!

The stars shine brighter!

All forests, fields and rivers

I covered with ice and snow!

Icicles shine with silver

The bell is ringing...

And they shone with a blush

Faces of adults and children!

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year!

With new happiness, you, friends!

Child: Hello Santa Claus and Snow Maiden!

And we're in trouble...

The Christmas tree does not burn ...

Father Frost: It's not scary

Now we'll fix everything.

Come on, tree 1, 2, 3

Burn with the light of joy.

(together with children and parents, the Christmas tree is lit)

Father Frost: We have a happy holiday

Winter brought.

Green tree to us

Came to visit.

strewn with branches

Fluffy snow.

Around in a round dance we will go with a song.

Round dance "Snowflakes"

Children stay where they are

Father Frost: Ay, what good fellows!

Oh oh oh! Forgotten again:

We dance and sing with you

But I didn't get to know you.

Need to fix urgently

With my gauntlet.

Santa Claus takes off his mitten, throws it to the guys in turn. Children throw a mitten to D. Moroz and give their names

Father Frost: No guys

So we'll say hello

The whole week.

I'd rather throw up my mitten now,

And you will say your names out loud.

(throws mitt)

Freeze game

Father Frost: Oh, how nimble! Didn't freeze anyone.

Snow Maiden: Probably tired from the road, sit down, rest.

Santa Claus sits on a chair.

The song "Spoon Interfering with Snow"

Santa Claus falls asleep

Educator: Guys, Santa Claus fell asleep. How can we wake him up?

Snow Maiden: And let's play snowballs, maybe Father Frost will wake up from sonorous laughter.

Game "Snowballs"

Santa Claus is waking up.

Snow Maiden: Sit down, grandpa, take a rest,
Look at the kids.
And the kids will rest
Poems will be read for you.

poetry reading

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, and Santa Claus!

Father Frost: What else is wrong with you?

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, come here!

Father Frost: I'm just in trouble with you!

Snow Maiden: Brought you a package
And stuck at the gate
Don't move it back or forward!
And the package, you know,
Here is such a height!

Father Frost: Well, come on, I'll go and help move the box!
And you guys, go help Santa Claus.

Santa Claus and children move the box with gifts.

Father Frost:

Come on, let's go - one, two, three!

Our package is moving - look.

Well, more ... One more time!

And in the package - a bag!

Ah, thank you, dear ones.

You are so strong!

Get in place

I will give gifts to everyone.

Santa Claus takes out a bag with gifts, distributes gifts to children.

Father Frost: It's time to say goodbye.
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart!
Let the New Year be celebrated together
Both adults and kids!

music director of MADOU "Kindergarten No. 297",

Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan.

The scenario of the New Year's carnival for the preparatory group of the kindergarten. All scenarios Christmas tree see the link

Target:Create a festive atmosphere, bring joy to children. Unleash the creativity of children through different kinds activities.


To teach children to expressively perform musical, dance, poetic numbers on stage.

Develop creativity and communication skills.

Improve the ability to play roles, confidently keep yourself on stage.

Cultivate a desire to do good.

Create an atmosphere of magic, mystery, mystery for children.

Characters: Host, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden.

Children: Cinderella, Fairy, Prince, Month, Mirror, Old Man, Little Red Riding Hood, Wolf, three Vasilises, Snow White, Malvina, Karabas-Barabas, Emelya.

Girls-Goldfish, dolls.


Decoration: Well, bucket, pike, gold fish, magic book.

(Children run into the hall to the music and stop around the Christmas tree.)


Our dear guests,

We hasten to congratulate everyone!

May they come in the coming year

And luck and success

May all good people

Not afraid of worries

It won't be easy new.

And happy new year!

1st child: A merry holiday has come to us,

Dreamer, joker, prankster!

He calls us to a round dance,

This holiday is the New Year!

2nd child: He will give songs, fairy tales,

Everyone will be swirled in a noisy dance,

Smile, wink,

This holiday is the New Year!

3rd child: Happy New Year

All who come to this hall!

Begin! Begin...

New Year's Carnival!!!

4th child: It happens in the world

That only once a year

The tree is lit

red star,

She burns, sparkles

Ice glitters on the rivers

And that means it's coming

Children together Happy New Year!

SONG "New Year's round dance" music. Mr Struve.

5-child: The Christmas tree came to visit us

And glowing with lights

Let our guests New Year

Meet with us!

6-child Oh, how beautiful our tree is,

The toys sparkle!

And there are so many lights on the Christmas tree! ...

Probably more than guys!

7 Child:

We have a very beautiful tree

How many colorful embellishments are on it!

Come on, let's say one, two, three!

Our tree is on fire!

(the tree lights up, the children look at it)

8-child: Golden rain sparkles

Our cozy, bright room

The Christmas tree invites us to the circle

It's time for the holiday!

SONG "New Year's" music by A. Filippenko.


Hello winter winter

Long awaited winter!

You do not feel sorry for us snow -

Have fun!

Get into a round dance. Let's celebrate the new year together.

Children perform the dance "Metelitsa" music by A. Varlamov.

Children sit on chairs, the phonogram of fabulous music sounds.

Leading: Today we have a New Year's holiday. And it is on New Year's Eve that miracles happen. (sound of falling object)

Oh what is it? It looks like something has fallen. Yes, it's a mirror!

(picks up, looks up)

What a strange mirror. It's probably magical.

Now let's check:

My light, mirror, tell me, tell the whole truth -

Where is Santa Claus now, has he forgotten about us?

Mirror: There was a snowstorm in the forest, all the roads were swept up.

There was a problem with Santa Claus.

He will not come here for the holiday.

The evil spirit lured him into his kingdom,

Sleep-grass grandfather drunk.

And he sleeps in a deep sleep and he does not even know that

That the tree will not burst into flames while he is not with us.

Leading: Guys, what should we do? (children's statements)

Let's call the Snow Maiden, maybe she will help us?

The children's name is Snegurochka.

The Snow Maiden enters the hall to the music.

Snow Maiden: How beautiful in your hall,

A glorious holiday will be here

So they told me the truth

That the guys are waiting for me.

Just Santa Claus

Isn't he coming to our party?


There was a problem with Santa Claus

The evil spirit lured him

Sleep-grass grandfather drunk.

Snow Maiden:(takes the magic book under the tree)

I have a magic book. She will help us look into wonderful fairy tales and find Grandfather Frost.

“The elegant Christmas tree shines brightly for us, and we are waiting for miracles to visit.

We open the magic book and call the fairy tale to us!

The presenter opens the "Book of Fairy Tales"

The phonogram of the start of the magic clock sounds, the Snow Maiden leaves, and Cinderella appears in the center of the hall in an old dress and cap (dressed over festive dress), she sits on a chair, in her hands is a pot of grains, she sorts them out.

Cinderella: Bored in the house - everywhere is quiet,

Only a mouse scratches in the corner,

Everyone went to the ball, I'm alone,

Such is the fate of Cinderella!

I can only dream about the ball, beautiful dresses and music

Oh, how everyone is having fun and dancing there! The music flows, the Christmas tree lights up, shimmers with mischievous lights.

Sounds music exit Fairies.

Fairy: Hello my girl! Why are you sad on such a wonderful evening?

Cinderella: How can I not be sad, dear aunt: I so want to go to the New Year's ball,

And the evil stepmother made instead to clean the house, cook food, and wait for their return.

Fairy: That's all? Is it grief? You know what, let's close your eyes now and say the words: “I want to go to the ball, to the New Year's carnival!”.

Cinderella closes her eyes, says magic words, the lights turn off, the music of "transformation" sounds,

Fairy takes off Cinderella's cape, cap,

The light turns on, Cinderella is in a festive dress.

The Prince appears to the music.

Prince: Hello dear stranger, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

You are beautiful like a lily

Like a ray of sunshine,

Cinderella: Thank you, my dear Prince, I am very glad to be at your New Year's ball!

Prince: Allow me, Cinderella, to invite you to dance!

We will all stand together in a circle and dance the dance "Kind Beetle"

(All children perform the dance "Kind Bug" K / f "Cinderella"

, after the dance, the children go to their places)

Presenter: Wait, please, Prince with Cinderella. Have you met Santa Claus in your fairy tale?

Prince with Cinderella No. There is no Santa Claus in our fairy tale.


The noise of the wind sounds appears Month)

Leading: Month, Month, our friend, a gilded horn,

You walk under the skies, over fields and forests,

Have you seen Grandfather Frost from above?


I have been walking in the sky for a long time, I see a lot, I know a lot,

In the circle of stars I sit, from a height I look into the distance,

I see an old man hurrying towards you, across the field, straight ahead.

He is overgrown with a beard, it can be seen - Santa Claus.

A poorly dressed old man enters.

Leading: Grandpa, aren't you Santa Claus?

Old man: No, I'm looking for the sea here, I need to talk to the Goldfish.

I hear the sound of the surf (fits and sees the sea) Here it is, the sea.

To the music, the girls perform "Dance of the Fish" music by K. Sens-Saens.

(At the end of the dance, the Old Man catches a goldfish.)

Gold fish: What do you want old man?

Old man: Don't be angry, goldfish.

The old woman scolds even more,

Does not give me, the old man, peace.

She doesn't need your kingdom

She wants a color Panasonic TV for the new year.

Rybka: Do not be sad, old man, go with God. There will be a TV for your old woman.

The fish "swim away"

Leading: Wait, grandfather, have you met Santa Claus in your fairy tale?

Old man: No, there was no Santa Claus in my fairy tale. Thank you, fish, it's time for me to go home to my old woman.

Leading: Stay with us on our holiday.

Leading: We open a magic book, we find ourselves in another fairy tale.

(Little Red Riding Hood runs out to the music and dances, and a wolf in a cap is already sitting under the tree.)

Little Red Riding Hood What fluffy snow fell!

How fabulous in the forest!

For the holiday of my grandmother

I bring pies.

I walk boldly along the path,

I'm not afraid of the wolf, yes.

And a song to myself

I sing everywhere all the time.

(Little Red Riding Hood approaches the wolf)

Little Red Riding Hood- Grandmother, grandmother, why do you have such big eyes. (Looks at the wolf)

Grandmother, grandmother, why do you have such big teeth?

Wolf- What kind of teeth, what kind of eyes

It's all from an old fairy tale

I'm completely different now

Make friends with me. (Takes off his bonnet)

Little Red Riding Hood We wish you success in the new year

More cheerful, ringing laughter.

Wolf - More cheerful friends and girlfriends,

So that everyone laughs around with you!

(Holding hands go to the chairs)

Leading- Wait, please, Little Red Riding Hood with the Wolf, have you met Santa Claus in your fairy tale?

Little Red Riding Hood and Wolf- No. There is no Santa Claus in our fairy tale.


Leading: We open the magic book, and again we find ourselves in a fairy tale.

(3 girls come out from behind the tree)

VASILISSA: Hello, good people.

Leading: Hello girls. Ah, who are you?

VASILISSA: We are the wise Vasilisa.

Leading: What are you good at?

3 VASILISSA: We know how to conjure, show magic.

1 VASILISSA: From the cold water become green water. (from clear water to green)

2 VASILISSA: From the water to the taste of the beautiful become water - red.

3 VASILISSA: From the water as cold as hoarfrost - become blue water! (Vasilises conjure, with a wave of a handkerchief they cover the water, and shake the bottle of water)

Leading: Oh, how great. We would love to learn too!

1 Vasilisa- And you look more often into our fairy tale and we will teach you. (They leave)

Leading: Dear Vasilisa, wait, have you by any chance seen Santa Claus in your fairy tale?

2 Vasilisa: No. In our fairy tale, we did not meet Santa Claus.

Leading: Stay with us on our holiday.

The book opens, the fairy tale appears!

Snow White comes out from behind the tree and decorates the tree.

Snow White:

I made toys, made a Christmas tree for the holiday.

There are beads, and balls, and colored lanterns.

The dwarf brothers are on the hunt, they are at work day and night.

I hear the dwarfs go, they sing a song loudly.

The gnome boys come out one after another, stand in front of the Christmas tree and perform the Dance of the Gnomes from the movie "Mustache Nanny"

Snow White:

Gnomes, you must be tired.

Go, rest, and I'll go clean up the house.

The gnomes are leaving


Snow White, wait! You don't leave us

And answer us the question: have you seen where Santa Claus is?

Snow White:

There is no grandfather in our fairy tale!

Goodbye, I have to go, I still have things to do!

Leading: That's the trouble, and in this fairy tale we did not find Frost!

Leading: Stay with us on our holiday.

Leading: Reading the book again...

What is it, let's guess

(Doll girls and Malvina come out)

Malvina: We are all puppets - difficult, we are all puppets - clockwork.

We can clap our eyes and stomp our feet loudly!

(They perform the dance “I don’t want to walk on a thread” song by O. Zarubina.)

Karabas-Barabas enters to the music.

Leading: Hello Dedushka Moroz. Did you bring us gifts?

Oh, well, what kind of Santa Claus is this guys?

Karabas: But I have a beard...

And he brought a bag with him.


Santa Claus is kind, smiling like that! (shows).

The beard is completely gray, and above it is a red nose.

Such a red fur coat. ... No, this is not Santa Claus!


I'm ugly, so terrible

I am bloodthirsty and very greedy.

I am familiar to each of you:

I am Karabas! I am Barabas!

I train in the puppet theater

I must obey.

And if not, I'll throw them in the closet -

And without water, and without food.

And so I can pick up the dolls!?


Well, try to find it.

(Dolls play with Karabas in "Blind Man's Buff")

Karabas is looking for dolls, at the end he falls exhausted to the floor.


Dead! Oh oh oh!

I can't move my foot!

It's so hot, stuffy, cramped here,

I'm not interested in you!

You didn't give me the dolls

And my performance was cancelled.

I'm very offended by you

And when I leave, I don't say goodbye.

(Karabas leaves)


Well, we will open the next page of the book of fairy tales ...

(turns the page).

I open the page

I'm reading a new story.

Strange, the stove is here,

The guy is upstairs

Who is this?

(Children answer “Emelya.” Emelya comes out of the book with a pike in her hands.)

Emelya: Hello, hello! What are you all doing here?

Presenter: We have a holiday - New Year, we have fun, dance, sing.

Emelya: Yes, I love to dance! And let's go and I will celebrate with you, we will dance together! Come out all the kids for a fun dance!

Boys invite girls to "Minuet" music by W. A. ​​Mozart.

Emelya: Oh, you made me happy, you made me happy!

Now whatever you want

Tell me quickly -

We are with our pike

We will do everything quickly.

Leading: Guys, what would you like us to do? Someone is missing from our party! Whom?

Children: Santa Claus!

Emelya: At the pike command, at my will, Santa Claus come to us for the holiday! And it's time for us with the pike.

Leading: Stay with us on our holiday.

Presenter: Maybe we have him kindergarten lost and can't find us? Let's call him together!

Children shout "Santa Claus", Santa Claus speaks from behind the door

Father Frost: AU-AU! I'm coming!

Leading: We open the magic book and invite Santa Claus!

Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden (heard from afar) Aw-ow! I'm coming!

Leading: Do you guys hear the screams? This is Santa Claus coming.

Father Frost: Hello my friends! I am very glad to see everyone!

Thank you, your songs and dances helped me get rid of witchcraft spells!

It has been going on like this for a long time - not a single Christmas tree can do without me.

Happy New Year, I wish you happiness and good!

My beard is gray and my eyelashes are in the snow.

If I came here - let's have fun.

I took a bag with me, put gifts in it.

But the gifts can wait, I'll put them here!

Snow Maiden:

He has cunning eyes, laughs, smiles.

And he is going to distribute gifts to all the children.

And there is a fur coat and a red nose ... Hello Grandfather Frost!

Father Frost:

Oh, and you have fun, I want to start dancing!

You do not sit still and help me dance.

They perform a round dance "Hot Time" music by A. Zhurbin.

Father Frost: Oh, how I liked the song, Snow Maiden, and you?

Leading: Santa Claus, we won't let you out!

(D, Frost is trying to get out of the circle)

Leading: D, Frost, and you dance to us!

(D. Frost dances and accidentally loses his mitten. Game "Mitten")

Father Frost: What fun you were playing!

And not at all tired?

I'm an expert at games!

Now let's play like this...

We will now go to the right: one-two-three,

We will now go to the left, one-two-three,

We will all go to the Christmas tree now: one-two-three,

And now let's go from the Christmas tree: one-two-three,

Now let's clap our hands: one, two, three,

And now we stomp our feet: one, two, three,

We will circle in place: one-two-three,

Let's laugh together: one, two, three,

And now we got hot: one-two-three,

Now let's start over: one, two, three.

(The game is repeated three or four times.

The last line changes at the end of the game.)

It's time to sit: one, two, three.

Father Frost: Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit. I'll look at the guys and listen to poetry.

Now, in front of your eyes, I will make all children poets. I'm a magician!

(Santa Claus takes out a snowflake from the bag and calls the name and surname of the child.)

(Children read poetry)

Father Frost:

Good poetry read, I am very pleased with you!

And now, my friends, it's time for me to hit the road!

And then something hot to me became with you!

Do you have cold water to drink?

Presenter:We have everything! (Gives a glass of water.)

Father Frost:Thank you, but I'm big, one mug is not enough for me. Do you have a bucket?

Presenter:We have a bucket and a well. Draw water from the well!

Santa Claus lowers the bucket into the "well", "pulls out" it with the Goldfish.

Father Frost: Oh, yes, here is a golden fish! The phonogram of the "voice" of the Golden Fish sounds

.gold fish: Let me go. Father Frost! I am not a simple fish, but a golden one. I will fulfill your every wish.

Father Frost: Children, let's release Rybka?

Children- Yes.

Gold fish- And for this, I will fulfill your desire!

Father Frost -Guys, what is your wish?

The kids are in charge: "Present!"

Gold fish:Lower, Santa Claus, a bucket into the well, say: “One-two-three, Rybka, do a miracle!” - and pull out the bucket.

Santa Claus repeats, "pulls out" a bucket and distributes gifts to children.

FATHER FROST: I handed out gifts to everyone, didn’t I forget anyone? Now it's time for me to hit the road.

Father Frost- My friends, thank you for the laughter, poems and dances!

I forgot to count my years - I ended up not in a garden, but in a fairy tale!

And now it's time for me to leave, but in a year - I vouch!

I promise to be again. On this I say goodbye!

Snow Maiden:

The holiday has a beginning, the holiday has an end,

Whoever played with us and laughed all evening, he was well done.

Father Frost:

Goodbye, adults and children,

Now it's time for us to go to the forest.

And a year later at our Christmas tree

You meet us kids!

(Father Frost and the Snow Maiden leave).

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Lilia Lyga
Scenario New Year's party"New Year's Carnival" for children of the senior group of kindergarten

Scenario New Year's Eve

« New Year's carnival»

For children of the senior group of kindergarten.

Lyga Lilia Sergeevna

With. Gracious DNR


Creating a joyful holiday mood children;

Create conditions for development creativity in pupils, through vigorous activity in preparation for New Year's holiday .


Development of creative potential children;

Rallying children's team;

Joining the culture of celebration New Year;

Promote the development of positive emotions.


adults: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Evil Witch.

Children: Princes, princesses, dolls, superheroes, Fairy.

(Under New Year's crystal music, the teacher enters the hall, addresses the parents and guests, shows them the movements).

caregiver: Good morning our dear parents and guests!

I welcome all friends, in our warm hall

Applaud yourself (parents and guests clapping)

Dispel all sorrows (spread arms out to the sides)

No time to be bored today

We will celebrate the New Year (waving at the top

right hand).

Hurry to visit us New Year

And what will he give us?

Of course, health, happiness again

Hope, faith and love

Smiles, laughter, beautiful moments

Success, luck and fortune

But somewhere deep down

We are waiting for one simple miracle

May peace reign throughout the earth

And let the warrior not be ....

And here again the fanfares sound

This hall is filled with a fairy tale

Children we meet with applause

We begin new year carnival!

(Children enter in pairs to the fanfare and stand all over the hall)

Child. We are at the tree New Year's,

Let's celebrate today

Finally, that time has come!

And we came to new year carnival!

Child. Fairy tales suddenly come to life

And they invite you to the feast

Well, fabulous people

Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Dance (paired) « New Year's carnival»

(After the dance, the children sit on the chairs).

Educator. The New Year is coming to us! Hooray!

It's time to welcome 2019!

Let the magic flow everywhere

All dreams and wishes come true

May he bring happiness and goodness to every home

Today we meet (children) New Year!

(Children Prince and Fairy come out to fabulous music).

Prince. I am a prince, do you recognize me?

On carnival I came to kindergarten

Yes, not alone, but with true friends

And guess who they are.

Everyone knows them from cartoons and fairy tales.

There are princes here from different countries

And masked superheroes!

(Princes and Superheroes become a semicircle near the Prince)

Fairy. I am a Fairy! Also not alone your carnival has arrived,

With me came a retinue of princesses and mischievous dolls,

And each: beautiful, smart and businesslike and they have a lot of talents!

(The princesses come out and the dolls stand near the Fairy in a semicircle)

Educator. Well, all the fairy tales have gathered?

In our elegant hall

Let the song flow in the New Year

On New Year's carnival!

Song "Snow carnival»

Educator. The New Year is coming, the snow is spinning, the blizzard is sweeping,

Just something for us guys

Santa Claus and his granddaughter are not coming.

I don’t understand what happened, they promised to be in the morning

And I called from my mobile, SMS said

She invited as best she could, that's how things are...

(Funny music sounds, the Snow Maiden enters the hall with a phone and starts taking selfies near the Christmas tree, then with parents and children).

Educator. (at a loss) Guys, this is the Snow Maiden (answer children)

Where is Santa Claus then? Sneguuroochka! Relax please! Stop taking pictures, at least you greeted the guys and our guests.

Snow Maiden. Oh, please excuse me, I was so carried away by selfies that I didn’t notice how I came to you. Good afternoon to you guys, good afternoon dear guests! Happy New Year everyone! Grandfather Frost and I were in a hurry to see you new year carnival and prepared many, many gifts! (looks around) Oh, where is my grandfather (shakes head).What have I done? I played so much with my phone that I didn’t notice how my grandfather and I parted on different paths ... Yes .... Grandpa gave me a phone on his head, now she has become completely inattentive and absent-minded.

Educator. Nothing Snow Maiden, don't be upset. Our children are also sometimes not attentive when they play on a tablet or phone, right guys? See what this leads to? You need to know the measure in everything! We are now left without Santa Claus and gifts at the holiday.

Snow Maiden. Wait, I remembered, my grandfather has already become modern, keeps up with the times and he has a phone with a navigator, he will quickly find us, unless, of course, our forest Evil Witch does not interfere, she loves to spoil people's holidays. Well, so that Grandfather Frost finds us faster, let's together, loudly sing a cheerful New Year's song. Grandpa will hear children's voices and will soon come to our holiday.

Educator. Guys let's let's try. And we have a song. We will gladly fulfill it.

round dance song "Hello New Year"

(Frightening, mysterious music sounds, the Witch comes out with a magic wand in her hands and thinks aloud).

Witch. Oh, and lucky me this year, how long I have been waiting for this moment! Finally, all my plans came true and now all the children in the country will be left without Santa Claus. Ha-ha-ha! (The Snow Maiden approaches her)

Snow Maiden. Hello evil Witch, what have you done to my Grandfather? Now tell me, where is he?

Witch. Oh no no no! Caught up, flustered! Before, you had to be so worried. It was not I who left Santa Claus alone in the forest, and it was not I who turned on the wrong side of the road. And I needed this so that you lost each other! And your Santa Claus is far away from here!

I waved my magic wand

And brought him back home

Will not come to your holiday

And miss the new year.

All the kids and girls and boys will be left without gifts!

Snow Maiden. Guys, what have I done, spoiled all the children New Year's celebration. (covers face with hands and cries).

Educator. Do not cry the Snow Maiden, we will definitely come up with something. (Approaches the Witch and smiles at her). Our dear sorceress, I know that in fact you are not so evil. And your outfit is beautiful, mysterious, for real carnival. And today we have kindergarten a real New Year's carnival, look how many fairy-tale heroes have gathered here. Stand in our round dance and have fun with the children.

Witch. You say not so bad? And is my outfit nice? Well…. Okay, they persuaded me, but only one round dance and that's it, it's time to hurry, I still have to do a lot of dirty tricks before the New Year. Yes, where can I put my magic wand, for children she is dangerous.

(puts down stick) Just don't touch my wand or I'll cast a spell on everyone forever!

Educator. Yes, we don’t need her Sorceress, it’s better to join our circle with children, take hands.

Song - round dance "Near the tree"

(At the end of the round dance, the Snow Maiden runs up to the place where the wand lies and takes it away).

Snow Maiden. Well, that's all harmful Sorceress, the end of your charms (waves wand up)

I wave my magic wand and I will return Santa Claus

Santa Claus hurry up and find the way to us!

Witch. Oh you cheaters! Well, I'll show you now. I'll bewitch everyone!

Give me back my magic wand!

Snow Maiden. I won't give up for anything! (takes and breaks it in half). This wand won't hurt anyone again!

Witch. Oh oh oh! What have you done Snow Maiden? Now I am completely without magical powers left!

Snow Maiden. You hear the sorceress, get out!

Don't get in my eyes!

When you learn to do good

Then you can come to our party!

(To fast music, the Witch leaves and shakes her fist after).

Educator. Guys, I hear, I hear. Snow crunches, a frosty breeze blows, a blizzard sings a song - this is Santa Claus coming to us! Guys, let's call him together, all together? (name is Frost)

(Under the cheerful New Year's music includes Santa Claus).

Father Frost. How long have I been looking for you

Here passes carnival?

(answer children and adults)

Hello kids, girls and boys!

Happy New Year, I wish you happiness and joy!

Educator. Hello Dedushka Moroz! We have been waiting for you, and our Christmas tree is also waiting for you, it does not want to burn without your help.

Father Frost. We'll fix this right now! Guys, listen to me carefully and repeat these magic words after me.:

Let the Christmas tree light up the lights for us

Let's say together we are now:

"One, two, three, one, two, three

Christmas tree, light the fires! (on the Christmas tree include garlands)

Father Frost. How many fairy-tale heroes, I see in the hall I have

New Year miracle holiday continue I'm happy now!

(Hugging back)

Oh! Tired, something from the road, my back hurts, my legs hurt too ...

Educator. Santa Claus sit down, sit down. Relax, while we and the guys will tell poems about new year holiday. And you listen, gain strength, because the guys have been waiting for you for a whole year and want to play with you, have fun and show off their talents!

(Children recite poems)

Child. Coming new year, he brings us surprises!

Tangerines, a Christmas tree, and a miracle box.

A lot of fairy tales, noise, laughter and of course a lot of snow!

Child. Santa Claus rides on a sleigh

So soon everything will happen

The chimes will strike again

And the New Year will come!

Child. Frost creaks, snowflakes fly,

The house is cozy and warm.

And they smell like tangerines in a vase

And we are so happy, light!

We're waiting, right now

A glorious New Year is coming!

Child. We celebrate the New Year, decorate the Christmas tree

Dressed up with lights every needle!

Let Santa Claus bring us sweets, toys,

New Year for all the guys, the holiday is the best!

Child. Snow is falling from the sky

Spinning in the air.

Santa Claus takes a bag

He sits on the sled.

He's got a lot of trouble

He is in a hurry with a gift,

To celebrate the New Year

Became magical, bright!

Child. What is New Year?

This is a friendly dance

This is a tree and gifts,

Bright garland lights

And cheerful Santa Claus,

What makes you laugh children to tears!

Child. Hand in hand with Santa Claus

Let's dance together

The lights are burning on the tree

Hello, hello New Year!

Educator. Well, did Santa Claus rest a little? Did you listen to our guys? Are you ready to play with them, sing and dance nicely?

Father Frost. Ready of course, kids, it's time for us to continue the holiday! Heard that princes, fairies and princesses came to New Year's carnival in your kindergarten.

I ask you to give us a dance,

And Santa Claus will find something to thank!

Educator. Let's applaud our charming princes and princesses!

(children come out, immediately start dancing around the hall)


1. We are princesses, we are from a book, all the girls and boys know:

There are many joyful miracles in fairy tales about princesses!

2. I must warn you, the princess is so fragile and so tender.

That through a thousand featherbeds, one pea

I will feel all night and never sleep!

3. We are beautiful princesses, we live in castles near the forest

They came to you in a carriage, we are the most beautiful in the world!

1. The prince is the heir to the king, he has a palace, land

Arable land, forest and river, there is a fireplace and a stove.

There are horses and a carriage, it’s a pity there is no princess ...

2. We went to look for princesses, through the mountains, through the forest,

IN kindergarten met them, on New Year's carnival

Hearts beat… Here it is! My princess! My destiny!

3. Let's be polite, diligent with them,

And we will ask all the princesses

Invite them to a gentle dance!

Dance of princes and princesses.

Father Frost. Oh, you surprised me, and touched all the guests.

They danced from the heart, all the guys are good!

Educator. Thanks Santa Claus. We have been waiting for you for a long time making preparations for New Year's Eve. We hope that at the end of our holiday you will give them well-deserved gifts.

Father Frost. Of course, of course, I will definitely give gifts to our princes and princesses.

Snow Maiden. Grandfather Frost, look, and after all, not only princes, fairies are on the holiday. princesses are present, but also cartoon characters and heroes of fairy tales known to us. Look at what fashion dolls are here, and the boys are real superheroes!

Father Frost. Yes, granddaughter, it really is. Well, my dolls and superheroes, you will surprise your grandfather, show your talents!

(Children puppets and superheroes come out).

1) I am a beautiful doll, you know me

I teach Pinocchio, write from A to Z.

My name is Malvina, Pierrot is in love with me

And my faithful dog is near, poodle Artemon!

2) We are perky dolls, our bow is in polka dots

Elegant dresses, shoes on legs!

3) We are groovy and beautiful dolls

We love to sing and dance, to play mother and daughter!


1. People can be calm, let songs sound and laughter.

We are determined and we know we will defeat the villains of all!

2. The superhero is not evil at all, the costume he wears is not simple.

You can't see the face behind the mask, and it's hard for you to recognize him.

3) He is ready to protect people and become a villain on the way

He is day and night without days off, hope for his friends!

Dance of Dolls and Superheroes.

Father Frost. What good fellows and clever! How many talented people are in this room children! I am very glad that I came to your holiday. Guys, you showed me your talents and you are a little tired. Let's play with you?

Games are being played: "Collect the Snowman"

Game progress:Children are encouraged to help snowmen: snowmen got naughty; dabbled, naughty, and it so happened that they fell apart. We need to help them collect them. To be specified how to build a snowman: on whatman paper, a smaller circle is glued to a large circle, then the smallest one. After that, we attach the hands. Next, a bucket on the head and the final touch: carrot nose. We got some amazing snowmen. There are two teams of 5 people. Each participant must glue their snowman detail. Whose team can do it faster is the winner.

"Collect snowballs and snowflakes".

Father Frost. We have basket friends in my snowballs

Snow Maiden. In my snowflake!

Father Frost. Collect snowballs boys

Snow Maiden. Help me girls!

Both. One, two, three, quickly collect!

Father Frost. And now, honest people, get into a round dance

I will sing with you, dance and give you gifts!

Song "The stars just burn on the Christmas tree"

Father Frost. Well, dear kids, it's time for us to get ready for the road

Other children are waiting for us with the Snow Maiden

And we need to be in time here and there!

Snow Maiden. We congratulate you again on the New Year

We wish good and peace to all!

Santa Claus take your bag

And give gifts to all the guys!

Father Frost. Snow Maiden, help me too and give gifts to everyone!

(Hand out gifts to children).

Educator. Well, it's time to say goodbye

Our new year carnival!

"Happy New Year! With new happiness!" -

The bells are ringing.

Good luck to you parents

Wish they want!

New Year is a magical holiday,

He will open the door to the fairy tale.

Live it in happiness

No damage or loss.

Happy New Year!

Let dreams come true.

It will be a wonderful year

A fairy tale, full of kindness!