Decoration of the hall for the autumn ball in kindergarten. Ideas for the autumn design of kindergarten and school. Props and decorations

Autumn, like a woman, is magnificent in all its manifestations, attracts with a riot of colors and excites with variability of mood. An autumn party is a wonderful idea for a holiday at home, in a restaurant or in nature. Noisy fun in a friendly company? Lush autumn ball? Gatherings in a close circle? This is the case when any format is appropriate within the theme.


Remember school years- another September, another exhibition of talents. And again you need to carry a craft on the topic “ Golden autumn". Creative ideas for an autumn party are born on their own, it remains to implement them, taking into account the scope of the holiday.

Decorating the space in the open air is only the necessary minimum, because Nature herself has set up bright decorations for you. Creating an autumn atmosphere at home or in a restaurant is more difficult. But the more interesting!

A big plus of this theme party is a modest budget. It is not difficult to borrow a lot from friends, to buy something in addition, to make something from improvised materials. But there is a danger of sliding down to the kindergarten level - those very cute crafts made from cones and plasticine.

Consider the format of the holiday. It's perfectly acceptable for a child's birthday. But if this is a party for adults or an autumn ball, the decorations should be stylish, at the level of design, and not just a blunder and you're done. We offer associative design ideas:

  • cereals, dried flowers, twigs with berries, physalis, natural flowers in glasses, vases, decorated jars and other containers. Dahlias, chrysanthemums, asters, rudbeckia, gladioli;

  • maple, oak and other picturesque leaves in bouquets, compositions, wreaths, garlands. If autumn is late, a stencil and fabric or paper will help out. Bright carved decorate the skirt of the tablecloth, curtains, furniture drapery. Maple leaves make chic roses and topiaries;
  • rain of paper drops or transparent beads - vertical garlands on the ceiling, walls;
  • cotton or paper clouds. Irregularly shaped corrugated pompoms, paper lanterns will do. With the help of a glue gun, cotton wool and a battery-powered garland, you can make very beautiful thunderclouds;

  • umbrellas opened upside down as a decoration of the ceiling, closed as an original container for flowers, miniature as part of the compositions. Umbrellas at a party in autumn style it can be as much as you like, just choose beautiful ones, without clumsy drawings that are not in the subject;
  • rubber boots instead of vases. Bright multi-colored ones can simply be placed side by side along the wall. Of course, it should be clean, unworn shoes;
  • autumn vegetables, berries and fruits in wicker baskets, on trays, in boxes sprinkled with straw, in "grandmother's" vases. Plastic ones can be used in compositions, pot-bellied pumpkins can be left on the windowsills, high transparent containers can be filled with berries;

If you are planning to get together in nature, prepare some warm blankets for guests. Take care of the illumination, because it gets dark early in autumn - garlands, garden lanterns.

  • hazelnuts or hazelnuts, mushrooms, cones, acorns - only with the help of the gifts of the autumn forest you can come up with hundreds of ideas for a party! Compositions that complement elements in bouquets and wreaths, garlands;

  • garden tools will emphasize the autumn atmosphere if the party takes place in the country. Bouquets in watering cans, potted plants in a wheelbarrow, a bucket of apples (top layer, paper below);
  • paintings / picturesque photos of golden autumn will emphasize the solemn format for a birthday in a restaurant or at an autumn ball. Print suitable images. Make fake cardboard frames, decorate with leaves, sprigs of berries, flowers. Do not get carried away - autumn-style decorations should emphasize, and not block, the beauty of the image;
  • n don't forget to set up a photo zone. For young people - an autumn background with leaves, funny accessories on sticks (hats, glasses, etc.). For adults - a table, a couple of armchairs, an openwork tablecloth and blankets, cups and a coffee pot, a bouquet of maple leaves, a volume of Pushkin (cozy things that create a romantic atmosphere of an autumn evening).

For picturesque photos, multi-colored umbrellas, bright rubber boots, transparent raincoats (they need to hang down in advance), wreaths and bouquets of leaves will come in handy.


Soft shades, elegance, romance - the autumn theme party evokes a special, sublime and sensual mood. Having received an invitation, the guest should feel the atmosphere that awaits him at the party. That's why perfect option- a concise postcard decorated with a single leaf, a miniature branch with berries or a themed print. Simple and stylish.

If this fun party for young people, the invitation conveys a completely different character of the party - bright colors, light friendly text, an abundance of decorations.

You can make a postcard in the form of a leaf or put the card in a small basket with decorative fruits. Or wire a card with text to a branch, an apple (in the form of a leaf), a miniature bouquet of dried flowers and leaves.


A lot depends on the location of the party. For example, in a restaurant and at an autumn ball, cocktail / evening dresses of an autumn palette, men in suits are appropriate. In the country, loose clothing is more convenient - simple, homely comfortable. In the open air, even in a warm September, it can be cold in a dress, so a strict dress code is unlikely to please guests.

It is better to focus on the color presentation of the image. For example, choose a few shades and, along with an invitation, send out an autumn palette to your friends (all or part that is more suitable for a party decor).

Appropriate makeup and jewelry is desirable: leaf earrings, a berry pendant or a miniature composition in the hair (glue to the hairpin - done!).

For young people, animators and the most daring guests - costumes in the style of "Queen of Autumn". Of course, this option is suitable for a holiday at home, in a restaurant. Although if it is still relatively warm in nature, you can change clothes after a few photos as a keepsake.

Menu, serving

Any format is suitable for an autumn party - a buffet table, a feast, a buffet. The menu is seasonal to highlight the theme. The dishes are mostly simple, almost homemade. Many berries, vegetables and fruits, mushrooms, lean meat. Any pickles and marinades will fit in. It is desirable that the eyes run up from the variety of choices (not a bucket of salad, but a little bit of everything).

Desserts are any, but “grandma's” are better - pancakes, jams, pastries, berry pies. If the party is for young people, let there be the usual pops and cupcakes, but decorated in autumn (cards, skirts).

Salad in the shape of a wedge, acorns from olives and black olives, scraped gourds instead of vases for fruit, umbrellas from the "lids" of sweet peppers. On request, autumn decoration of dishes - a lot of interesting and simple serving options.

Drinks to taste of guests. To enhance the atmosphere - freshly squeezed juices and fruit cocktails, punches in deep bowls, warm drinks (cocoa, teas, mulled wine).

There are no problems with registration. Just arrange candles, miniature bouquets and compositions from any gifts of autumn on the tables. Decorate some dishes with food mushrooms, berries, leaves from thin slices of anything.


Thinking through the scenario of the autumn party, many organizers hit the creativity. And when it comes to a solemn event - a ball or an anniversary - the guard. To sit and listen, listen, listen... Few people are interested in this, especially if it's a party for young people.

We offer to combine business with ... pleasure. It's a holiday! I want fun, lively emotions! And we read poems at home over a cup of cocoa.

You can start with a short introductory poem about the beauty, romance and diversity of autumn. Or choose an autumn-style congratulatory rhyme if it's a birthday. There are many examples of whole poetic plots and just poems on the net. autumn theme. The finale of the script is another, no doubt, touching and wonderful poem. And perhaps that's enough.

Of course, this is your holiday. And if you really want, then everything is possible. But we offer an entertaining scenario, the purpose of which is to bring smiles to the faces of the guests and leave positive memories of a fun evening in their memory. Competitions are suitable for any environment (outdoors, indoors).

Competition "Autumn Signs"

Divide the guests into teams or each for himself, in a race. The network will accept a lot, the list is easy to continue to the desired volume. Examples:

  • if the first snow fell in early autumn (spring will be early);
  • leaf fall began late (winter will be cold);
  • a good rowan harvest for (harsh winter);
  • September thunder to (warm autumn);
  • snowy autumn to (rainy spring).

IN: I see now everyone is familiar with Autumn. And for acquaintance it is supposed to drink. Invite guests to the table, announce the reason for the party, congratulate the hero of the occasion.

IN: My dears, we are sitting well! But here a bird on the tail brought me that soon Nature will change her golden outfit for a snow-white fur coat. So it doesn't take long to freeze! We should get ready.

Competition "Feet warm"

The goal is to put on as many socks as possible on the foot (on one) to cheerful music in a limited time (it is better to buy men's sizeless ones). You can compete in threes if there are not enough socks. Or hold a pair competition - men put on socks for their companions.

Typical autumn rhythms are jazz and blues. There are many of our songs about autumn, retro and modern. Download some thematic compositions to keep the surroundings going.

IN: Warmed up? Now and on fresh air you can walk. Oh, there are puddles in the same place ... Is everyone here trained in acrobatic tricks? Jumping through puddles is not defiling along a summer path.

Competition-raffle "Through the storm and the fog"

The goal is to overcome the obstacle course blindfolded. First, the host offers to go through it usually, seeing obstacles: along a dry path (rope on the floor), step over the box, bend down and go under the stretched tape, go around the chair.

You need to make three "tracks" and choose three inoffensive guests. They quickly pass the obstacles, then they are blindfolded and told that the others will help them. While the leader is distracting with conversations, the assistants remove all equipment from the path (the daredevils are already blindfolded.)

IN: What are we? It's all deceptive Autumn! It seems like the sun, but for now it’s going to rain like a wall. It seems dry, but if you step on it - ankle-deep in a puddle! Let's drink to this - to unpredictability, against which clear autumn days are even more beautiful and brighter! (drinking pause).

IN: We are sitting here, and Autumn is trying - it has thrown leaves at us, it will not pass soon. Can you help me clean up the beauty?

Contest "Rounded, but not swept away"

Ribbon on the floor dividing the space into two zones. 20 leaves (can be paper) for each team, scatter on the floor. The goal is to throw leaves on half of the opponents. For a while (three minutes to cheerful music, the more “clean” side wins).

IN: At an autumn party, how can it be without creativity? After all, autumn is more picturesque than any time of the year, and our talented people are just awful. Or complete horror ... Well, how lucky anyone is! Let's amuse the "name of the hero of the occasion" with our talents?!

Options for creative competitions :


Without words, depict a mini-sketch on an autumn theme (cards, random choice). The rest must guess what the participant is showing.

  • the bear settles down to sleep in the den;
  • Birds fly south;
  • the hamster prepares stocks for the winter;
  • hedgehog collects mushrooms on needles;
  • chickens are counted in the fall, etc.

I'll sing right now

Women VS men. Choose any autumn song that is better known and not mournful (for example, the hit DDT). Print the text (a verse and a chorus are enough). Ladies should sing it in chorus in a gypsy style (ah na ne), and men should rap. Give 5 minutes to prepare - from the outside it is very funny, but not so easy.


Decorate a hat, make an autumn hairstyle or costume, draw a wedge leaf with your eyes closed. At speed, each for himself or in teams.

IN: I see that there are no people deprived of talent in our company. Maybe you can compose autumn toasts? Feast break, congratulations in the autumn style from the guests.

IN: And the harvest is something! They forgot to harvest! What holiday if the beds are not cleaned? Help, friends!

migratory harvest

Two teams, 5 small cabbages per team. Stand in two chains and, throwing heads of cabbage to one another, "harvest your harvest" in the basket at the finish line. Race. The condition is not to let anyone in the queue (otherwise there will be basketball players).

IN: Now you can relax - drink, eat, have fun, dear friends! Only first, the last test - the autumn waltz!

Couples dance to any slow song with one umbrella for two in their hands. After - the solemn rewarding of the King and Queen of Autumn. Choice of winners:

  • give this honor to the hero of the occasion;
  • distribute to everyone Maple leaves and offer to give your sheet to the one who, in the opinion of the guest, deserved to be the king or queen of the evening;
  • persuade friends and vote for the birthday boy and his / her soul mate.

For a birthday, you can decorate the tree of wishes together. A beautiful panel in a frame: fallen leaves on the ground, cumulus clouds in the sky, a branched bare trunk. And paper leaves, on which each guest will write a warm wish and stick it to the common tree.

Autumn fairy tale in kindergarten

I bring to your attention some ideas for decorating the hall for autumn holidays. The material will be useful to teachers and music directors in kindergarten.
Target: creating a festive atmosphere.
Tasks: prepare a room for the autumn holidays, evoke an emotional response in children and their parents.

Our kindergarten does not have a large music hall, and we spend morning performances in a group. We hang curtains in accordance with the theme of the holiday and decorate them. Thus, the central wall is obtained.

Bright autumn
Quietly the rain is knocking on the room.
Autumn again looked into my house,
Like a bright wondrous bird
Waving me with its motley wing.

There, outside the windows, a miracle palette,
Yellow-red colors burn.
Autumn did a tricky trick,
Throwing an outfit on the trees.

Maples in dresses incredibly bright,
On aspens, a golden outfit,
And the birches are dressed royally,
Poplars - in sundresses with a border.

The rain cleans clothes diligently,
Cleaning up the whole world.
Everything sparkles in generous autumn,
And the soul finds a dream.
Tatyana Lavrova

So that autumn comes to our impromptu hall, we hang maple leaves, the sun and clouds with raindrops on the curtains. In one corner we put a birch with yellow leaves from corrugated paper and a green Christmas tree with cones. Near the Christmas tree, under a scarf, a large mushroom is hidden, in which there are treats for the children. In the other corner is a rowan bush with red foam rubber berries. In the center - mushrooms and a bed with carrots for outdoor games. We add animals: on the birch - a squirrel, under the tree - a hedgehog, in the garden - a hare. Here is the autumn decor. We can start the holiday!

Autumn festival in the garden
Light and fun!
Here are the decorations
Autumn is here!

For kids, you can use a small screen and show a puppet show.

And the guys will find a treat in a big raspberry.

Well, if it rains, then all together under an umbrella we will wait out the bad weather.

At the festival, children dance with maple leaves.

Participate in scenes.
"How Animals Gathered Mushrooms"

Bunny, don't feed the bunnies, all the guys say:
Bunnies don't eat mushrooms!


Look at the edge
Dancing merrily girlfriends.
Who are they? The name of?
Can they sing to us?

"Once upon a time with my grandmother..."

That's a carrot, that's a carrot!
You handled it well!
And carrots are not easy!
There is something inside her...
Treats for the kids!
See how many of them!

"Fly agaric guys"

In the meadow near the stump
Two funny boys
In red hats on one side
Sing all day long:
"We are not angry guys,
Although poisonous.
On the hat - peas,
And the skirt on the leg.
So there were two mushrooms
At the rotten stump.
And under this under the stump
The flies had a cozy home.
The flies settled there
Cheerful girlfriends.
And each with one eye
Watching fungus.

Well, and, of course, they meet with fairy-tale heroes.
Grandpa Vinograd

garden scarecrow


Kikimora marsh

Baba Yaga, Goblin and the sorceress Autumn herself

The holiday ends, leaving wonderful memories and great mood.

Autumn, autumn, we beg you:
Come visit us in a year.
Bring your gifts
The harvest is waiting for the people.
So that we have berries and fruits on the table,
So that people on earth are full and happy!

I carefully looked at the pictures on the Internet with examples of the design of the hall and the group for the autumn holiday. What talented people we have in our country!

There is a lot in common: leaflets pinned to the curtains, a portrait of the “Queen of Autumn” (a painted face of a lady in a dress made of draped fabric), dry branches, to which they are glued with adhesive tape autumn leaves, mushrooms, birds flying south in the upper right corner. In some cases, all this looks very nice.

I want to add a few ideas for preparing for the fall festival to remind you of simple and effective hall decorating techniques. You can do some of this yourself, complex elements from balloons can only be made by balloon decorating professionals.

Volume on the ceiling

Ceiling decoration almost always looks impressive. Of course, it is convenient to decorate it if you have a suspended ceiling with squares and a lattice. It is to this design that it is easy to tie decorative elements.

Drop balls

It makes no sense to describe the standard placement of helium balloons under the ceiling with twisted ribbons. You have seen this many times. There are absolutely charming decoration options with ordinary air balloons that hang from the ceiling on a fishing line at different heights. Agree, they look like droplets and are very suitable for our autumn holiday (in the photo, the drops hang on very long threads, since this is a huge hall with columns, in our version everything will be more modest, but the essence is clear).

In a bright room, it is better to choose the blue color of the balls, white looks better on a contrasting background.

In the picture on the right - chains of balls in autumn colors. Looks completely different!

Clouds of balls with droplets

Clouds of 8-10 balls tied together with paper drops (or drops from small balls) will immediately create a mood. Clouds can be blue or white.

Droplets can also be paper. Such garlands are made on a sewing machine: you just need to stitch cardboard fragments at a certain distance from each other, temporarily placing a strip of paper.

Umbrellas are a great idea too. They can be hung under the ceiling at different heights, and at the end of each spoke - a garland with drops. Umbrellas are better to take plain, without a pattern.

Leaves hanging on threads at different heights

If you have time, cut out autumn leaves and attach them to a false ceiling at different heights. It will turn out a kind of leaf fall, which will move with the slightest movement of air. The leaves rotate around their axis, creating the effect of flight. Very good! I remind you that in this case you need to use colored double-sided paper. If you add large beads, it will be just fabulous!

paper pom poms

Pompoms are fluffy little clouds of different sizes that will decorate any holiday. If you decide to decorate the ceiling with them, just choose yellow, orange and burgundy. This is how the autumn forest looks from afar, all viewers will immediately have the right mood. Real autumn in kindergarten!

Another very original element for autumn design is rubber boots. They can be used as vases for autumn bouquets, for artificial flowers and as a stand for children's umbrellas (there is often an autumn dance with umbrellas in the garden, so keep your boots on until the right moment).

In the picture, all the same pompoms in the color of the boots just lie on top. Well, it's pretty! On the Internet you will find a bunch of other examples of decorating holidays with rubber boots. You can come up with a lot of interesting things!

paper garlands

These garlands are also for sale. In principle, you can also find leaves, but if you pick up garlands with circles in the autumn colors, it won't get any worse! Multi-colored threads can decorate the curtain, windows, ceiling and mirrors. Bright and joyful! We often use them to decorate the hall in kindergarten and school.

Honeycomb balls, accordions, etc. in autumn colors

The biggest plus of these finished jewelry- the possibility of their reusable use. In a couple of seconds, a flat billet turns into a large ball perfect shape. I propose to simply support the autumn holiday with a color scheme, although sometimes these balls are decorated with a few leaves.

Autumn festival backdrop

The ceiling in the hall is not always decorated, but the stage backdrop is a must. There may again be garlands, bright ribbons of autumn colors, yellow and orange tassels (they are also sold ready-made).

Can be supplemented with figures from balls. Most often weave "dry grass", trees with ripe apples and pears, clouds with droplets. A giant carrot and a ripe branch of grapes with human growth look incomparable.

The autumn ball is a bright and memorable event for every child; among the competitions, songs and dances, a specially prepared exhibition awaits the children, where they can present their handmade crafts for the autumn ball. Of course, the main theme for such creativity is autumn, so all crafts will be bright, picturesque. The imagination of children is not limited by anything: they can creative project use both natural materials, and paper, and plasticine, the main thing is that their crafts fit into the theme of the holiday. Since the autumn ball is organized for children not only in kindergarten, but also in elementary school, then you will need ideas for varying complexity.

Crafts for the autumn ball

The most popular remain crafts for the autumn ball from natural material which children do with special pleasure. The implementation of such crafts begins long before the moment the child comes home and sits down at the desk. First, he has to collect the materials necessary for crafts - cones and acorns with hats, chestnuts and nuts, thin twigs with berries and yellowed leaves of various sizes and shapes.

It is these materials that children will use in their creative works, they will all turn out to be bright, saturated colors of autumn. You can perform not just individual crafts, but entire compositions, combining various techniques. For example, using acorns, a child can make a composition with his own hands, which we called "Tea drinking in the forest."

For such a composition, you will need acorns with hats and hats separately, multi-colored leaves, plasticine and paints, thick cardboard. The basis for the composition can be cut out of thick cardboard, choosing a bright color on which the yellowed leaves will look harmonious. The base can be oval or round, and small yellowed overlapping leaves should be glued along its contour to recreate a forest clearing strewn with fallen leaves.

The main highlight of the composition - a tea set, which consists of a teapot, sugar bowl and cups with saucers, which are made of acorns, hats and plasticine. The cup is a cap of an acorn, it is fixed on a circle of plasticine, and the handle is made of a thin plasticine sausage. For a teapot, you need a whole acorn with a hat, it will have a plasticine spout and a handle, and you can draw flowers on the surface with paints.

It remains only to decide who will be the guests in the forest at the festive tea party, such do-it-yourself crafts for the autumn ball can be made with the help of acorns and cones, make funny little men and forest animals. Acorns can be turned into forest gnomes by decorating them with paints. also fits perfectly into the forest composition.

DIY crafts for the autumn ball

Crafts from vegetables for the autumn ball will be the decoration of the exhibition prepared by the children. Among the various vegetables and fruits that children can use to realize their creative idea, a bright autumn fruit should be highlighted - an appetizing orange pumpkin. It is the pumpkin that will become the central decoration of the children's composition "Pumpkin Autumn" or "Pumpkin House". The center of the composition will be a house, which will be made using a medium-sized pumpkin and additional elements.

Crafts for the autumn ball at school it will turn out very unusual if instead of a classic-shaped pumpkin you use bottle-shaped lagenaria. To decorate the composition, it is better to take a wide dish or tray, decorating the base with yellow leaves, small pebbles, green moss.

First, you need to make a roof for the pumpkin house, for this you will need thin dry twigs and grass, a bunch of which must be tied to the "neck" of the pumpkin with a jute rope. Doors and windows can be cut with a sharp knife if the pumpkin is fresh, but if you took a dried pumpkin, then both doors and windows can be made decorative. The door can be glued together using wooden sticks - two ice cream sticks and one coffee stick. The sticks must be cut in half and glued together; a decorative button or bead will serve as a handle, as shown in the picture.

The window will be round, it can be laid out with a jute rope and fixed with PVA glue, and when it dries, glued to the surface of the fruit. Under the window, you can attach a rope ladder created from a rope and thin dry twigs. As you can see, they can be varied, where, in addition to the gifts of nature, additional materials are used to decorate individual elements.

Next to the pumpkin house, you can put a table with our acorn service, place a birdhouse with a small bird, as in the picture. The clearing can be decorated with chestnut mushrooms, which are created on a plasticine leg. The path from the house can be laid out on a plasticine base with small pebbles collected on the banks of a river or sea. Such crafts for the autumn ball in the kindergarten turn out bright and unique, children will perform them with great interest, and mothers will be able to help and suggest them.

The smallest pupils kindergarten they will also prepare for the holiday: they can make postcards and applications using fallen leaves and cereals.

One of the most mysterious and unpredictable seasons is autumn. So much has been written about her by famous poets and writers ... But not only they love and idolize this time.

All schools and preschool institutions there are various events dedicated to the golden time, the last reflection of the warmth and joy of summer.

Our scenario is to conduct Autumn ball at the school for high school students, but, it perfectly adapts to holding an event in the middle classes of a comprehensive school.
The script contains an interesting literary scene, contests, games and amateur performances.

The children participating in the performance will be able to show their talents, discover and demonstrate their artistic abilities to their peers and teachers.

Ball decoration

Musical accompaniment of the holiday

1. Screensavers for contests: children's laughter (club), Chuck Berry - Roll Over Beethoven, Paul Pritchard - Amazing Butterflies.

2. Music dance screensaver: Interface - Chi Mai (Remix Original Version)

3. Recording of "Viennese Waltz".

You need to prepare several dance numbers in advance. The very first - the opening Autumn Ball - is a composition from the "Viennese Waltz", passing into Interface - Chi Mai (Remix Original Version).

Prepare several numbers of amateur performances. These can be songs about autumn, magic tricks, sports numbers, acrobatic sketches and so on. The guys themselves should think over a mini-concert for the "Autumn Ball".

For queens And Autumn King signed ribbons and crowns will be needed.

Props and decorations

The autumn ball is traditionally held either in the assembly hall of the school or in the sports hall. The room must be decorated in the colors and motifs of the theme of autumn.

Garlands of flowers and multi-colored leaves are hung on the walls and back of the stage. In a whirlwind of yellow maple leaves, the poster "Autumn mood!".

On the sides are candelabra, the legs of which are also entwined with multi-colored garlands of flowers, interspersed with clusters of mountain ash.


1. presenter. The girl is dressed in a light top, a dark bottom.

2. Leading. The boy is wearing dark pants, a light shirt.

3. A.S. Pushkin. Dressed in a tailcoat. On the head is a cylinder. Whiskers.

4. A. Tolstoy. Dressed in traditional costume with a butterfly. Smoking pipe in hand.

5. S.Ya. Marshak. Round glasses on the nose. Hairstyle with a straight parting.

6. A. Tvardovsky. Dressed in military uniform times of the Great Patriotic War and a harness.

7. N. Nekrasov. Long jacket. Butterfly with pointed ends. Characteristic elongated beard.

8. M.Yu. Lermontov. Dressed in the uniform of an officer of the tsarist army.

9. F. Tyutchev. Dressed in a tailcoat. Instead of a tie - a dark bow. On the nose are glasses.

10. S. Yesenin. Dressed in a gray suit. The shirt is open with a couple of buttons. On the head is a plaid cap or hat.

Note: If it is difficult to find clothes for poets, you can simply make either badges or attach inscriptions to the costumes, explaining who is who.

Scene #1

Dance and musical composition "Autumn Waltz". Sounds recording of "Viennese Waltz" and Interface - Chi Mai (Remix Original Version).

presenter: Dear Guys! Today we are at the real Autumn Ball of the last century, where, believe me, you will be very interested!

Leading: And as you know, it was in those very times that all our great poets lived. Well, not all, of course, but many!

presenter: And so, we decided to gather at our ball everyone who gave us, their descendants, the most beautiful poems dedicated to this amazing time of the year - Golden Autumn!

Leading: Let's imagine guys while our teachers are in different classes select poems for us to learn, what a dispute can be between the great poets who wrote them!

Scene "Poetic battles of great poets about autumn!"

Appear on the stage in turn: A.S. Pushkin, A. Tolstoy, S. Ya. Marshak, A. Tvardovsky, N. Nekrasov, M.Yu. Lermontov, F. Tyutchev, S. Yesenin.

Poets prove to each other who is the best of them to compose about autumn.

A.S. Pushkin:

"Already the sky was breathing in the autumn..."

I'm here alone! One right!

I have never seen competition!

In Russian literature, I am a Star!

A. Tolstoy:

"Autumn. The whole poor garden is sprinkled ... "

I'm sorry, my friend, but it's not my fault!

What about this something about the time,

I will give odds to all poets!

It’s better not to write about autumn!

I am a Star - no need to compose!

S.Ya. Marshak:

"In October, in October!"

I wrote on the table!

And about leaf fall,

I am always happy to write!

So fellow writers

You are not leaders at all!

I wrote about the rain -

I have become a star!

A. Tvardovsky:

“A blue appeared between the thinning tops!”

These are all my poems! Come to your senses, brother!

N. Nekrasov:

My syllable will stop you

I'll say the opposite.

"A mournful wind drives

I flock clouds to the edge of heaven!

F. Tyutchev:

Stop, immediately, arguing, friends!

About golden autumn I write better!

And you should all together, in unison,

To say short: BYE!

“There is in the original autumn,

A short but marvelous time!”

A. Tvardovsky:

"Spider webs are floating

Above the sleepy stubble ... "

Get out guys

For now we are alive!

M.Yu. Lermontov:

“The leaves in the field turned yellow!

And spin and fly!

Children at school from all poems,

Only mine want to teach!

S. Yesenin:

“Golden foliage spun,

In the pinkish water on the pond ... "

Well, why fight like that? Don't know…

I can't find better lines anyway!

Outrageous screams can be heard offstage. Knock on the door.

Pushkin: And this, in fact, who else wants to get into our already very “friendly” and not numerous company?

Lermontov: So these are other poets who also wrote about autumn! Oh, how many there are!

(The musical screensaver “Amazing Butterflies” sounds. The poets are all frightened, clutching their heads, someone becomes in a boxing stance. They freeze in such poses, then bow and leave.
This is followed by numbers of amateur performances).

Scene #3

presenter: Our Autumn Ball is in full swing! It's time to play!

Leading: Are you ready to show your ingenuity, speed and sense of humor, if necessary?

All in unison: Yes!

presenter: Well, let's start then! Our first contest is called...

Competition No. 1 "Mixed Leaves"

For the competition, real or cut out of multi-colored paper forms of leaves are required: oak, birch, poplar, apple and willow. These leaves are randomly scattered on the floor of the hall.

1. 10 people are divided into teams of 2 participants.

2. Each team is given the name of the tree whose leaves they need to collect.

3. The team that collects all their leaves correctly and quickly wins.

Prizes in all competitions can be autumn items and things: umbrellas, raincoats, hats, scarves.

Competition No. 2 "Autumn Gifts"

1. 3 desks are placed in a row, 6 chairs for them.

2. 6 participants sit on chairs at their desks. The boys are blindfolded.

3. An autumn gift (vegetables, fruits, nuts, cones, etc.) is placed on the table in front of each player.

(For example: distribute to the participants (each in 1 subject) a potato, onion, cone, mushroom, pear, apple. In the next round, swap them or replace them with other autumn gifts).

4. The task of each player: to determine by touch what he got.

5. Who correctly guessed the object from time to time - wins.

Competition No. 3 "Ballroom autumn outfits"

This is a massive competition. It will fit perfectly into the scenario if the holiday is celebrated together in all classes at once. You will need a lot of colorful leaves, threads, cones, twigs and other autumn attributes.

Each class chooses its own Queen and its own Autumn King.. The task of each class is to create outfits for them from prepared autumn materials. For example, the boys dress up the king, and the girls dress up the queen. Preparation time is given: 15-20 minutes.

At the end of time, a competition is held between all pairs of kings and queens. best outfits.
The winner is chosen by audience applause and comments.
The winners are awarded ribbons and crowns.

Competition-game No. 4 "Autumn associations"

The host calls the words, and the guys should name the autumn association for this word.

Examples of words that the host sets in turn:

1. Tree.

4. Garden.

Possible answers of the guys to the words of the presenter:

1. Leaves.

2. Rain or puddles.

3. Day of knowledge or study.

4. Harvest.

5. Rye, wheat.

7. Red, yellow.

8. Wet.

9. Leaf fall.

10. Halloween.

Scene #4

Favorites The King and Queen of Autumn are opening the Autumn Disco!

Students dance, communicate in a free style.

Disco should not exceed 2 hours in time.

At the discretion of the school administration, you can arrange and " sweet table» with tea.

A few words about costumes

The kids are delighted with costumed events, it can be both balls and masquerades, as this is a great opportunity to show their new look. In addition, at the time of such festivities, various competitions are held in a friendly and cheerful atmosphere.

In the form of a masquerade, autumn holidays are also organized, which requires the creation of an appropriate costume: elegant, bright, unusual and memorable.

For the simplest outfit of Autumn, it is permissible to take an ordinary dress, and then supplement it with voluminous applications, a suitable headdress, and an apron.
To decorate the accessories accompanying the costume, you will need bright autumn leaves, images of autumn flowers - chrysanthemums and asters, and, of course, rhinestones and sparkles.

But you can not take a ready-made base, but start making a costume for the Autumn Ball with your own hands.

1. The fabric for the outfit must be chosen correctly; the main shades are “autumn” (yellow, sand, lemon, orange, red). The result should be a suit that has a warm, sunny color.

2. Autumn's outfit may take the form of a dress or a loose cape. It's simple, especially since then it will serve as the basis for another costume, for example, if you want to transform into a fox, a squirrel, bright butterfly or fire. It is important that the fabric is light and airy.

3. For a dress, you will definitely need a headdress - a hat or a crown, in which there should be autumn motifs, that is, images of yellowed leaves and various gifts of autumn. The material for creating jewelry will be fabric or cardboard, and a thin wire will be needed in order to make the base.
Instead of a crown, you can use a hat decorated with beads, bright organza, ribbons and lace.

4. Of course, real autumn leaves will look quite original, but it is better to do without them: such decorations will not last long because of their fragility! It is better to use cardboard, from which the sheet layout is cut, and then with the help of a starched fabric bright colors autumn leaves are created. Look for ready-made autumn leaves in stores that sell everything for needlework.

5. We complement the ballroom autumn outfit with a wide belt of red or orange color, on which beads, sequins, ribbons, sparkles are sewn. Elements will also look great openwork embroidery and applications.