Christmas crafts snowman knitting. Crochet snowman: diagram and description with photos and videos. Step-by-step instructions for knitting a snowman with knitting needles

Crochet snowman. Master class with step by step photos and description

Snowman crochet. Master Class

Crocheted "Snowman". Paper construction (snowman hat). Paper plastic: napkins ("carrot", "smile", "buttons").
I am a caregiver kindergarten I love to crochet. And by the New Year, I decided to please my children with a new friend, the Snowman.

Materials: hook, acrylic threads: white, red and black; paper napkins: red, orange color; cotton wool; colored holographic cardboard; scissors, pencil, glue, thread with a needle.

Manufacturing process

For knitting "Snowman", it is very important to choose the right hook so that the product has good view. When knitting with acrylic threads, we take a thicker hook, knit freely, without tightening the loops, so that the “Snowman” turns out to be soft and fluffy.
The snowman is crocheted of white acrylic threads with single crochets. Consists of four circles - balls of different sizes. Each circle we start knitting with a set of four loops and closing them in a circle with a single crochet. In the circle formed, we knit eight columns without a crochet.

Next, expand the circle. To do this, we knit: in the first row - 1 single crochet in the first loop, 2 single crochet (increase) - in the second loop; in the second row, we increase through two loops, and in the third - through three loops, etc. So we expand the bottom of the circle to the tenth row (this will be a large ball - the base of the "Snowman").

Then we begin to round our hemisphere by cutting the loops.

We take cotton wool (you can take a synthetic winterizer) and stuff it inward, we continue to gradually reduce the loops until we get a ball.

Similarly, we knit a circle - a smaller ball - the "head" of the Snowman. We only expand the bottom of the circle to the sixth row by adding loops: in the first row, 1 single crochet in the first loop, 2 single crochet (increase) - in the second loop; in the second row, we increase through two loops, and in the third - through three loops, and so on until the sixth row, and then we begin to round off by reducing the loops.
Similarly, we knit two identical in size, small balls. We stuff them with cotton.

Next, we connect the connected balls of different sizes, stitching them with threads. First we connect the big and small ball sewing them together with threads.

Then we sew on small balls - these are the handles of the snowman

Next, we proceed to decorate the "Snowman". We take a red napkin and cut it into four parts with scissors. You get small squares. We roll them with our fingers until we get balls (“buttons”). We glue them.

To get smaller details - very small balls - (smile of the "Snowman") cut the red napkin into four parts, and then again into four parts. Roll them into very small balls. We glue them to the "Snowman". The snowman smiled at us.

We knit two circles of the same size and shape from black threads (small, round eyes). We sew them on.

We take an orange napkin, cut it into two parts. Take a rectangle and twist it until you get an oval shape. It turned out to be a carrot. We glue it to the "Snowman".

We knit a scarf from red threads. Column 10 loops, and 10 single crochet.

Let's start making a hat for our "Snowman". We need red holographic cardboard. We cut out a circle from cardboard - the bottom of the hat, diameter -; a rectangle with a length of 16 cm, a width of 6 cm, - a hat cylinder; two large circles of the same diameter, having previously cut out a small circle in the middle - the “fields” of the hat.

In order for the cardboard to take a cylindrical shape, it must be twisted onto a pencil and bent well between the palms. Then unfold the cardboard and bend strips 1 cm wide on both sides of the long edge, make cuts on it to the fold. Glue the side plane and glue a circle to the upper teeth - the bottom of the hat.

Glue first one large circle to the lower teeth, and to this circle, the second circle, with a circle cut out in the middle - hat brim.

And now our snowman is ready

Manufacturing soft toys and figurines opens up endless possibilities for knitting lovers to express themselves. Due to the small size and simple patterns this job is very quick and easy to do. In addition, this is a great opportunity to dispose of accumulated yarn residues. different colors and invoices.

They are no more difficult to make than crochet) can serve as decoration for the interior, Christmas tree or table. They are also often used as small gifts or in addition to a gift.

What materials will be required

You can literally use any yarn. That is, it can be a fluffy or smooth thread, thin or thicker (maximum 200 m / 100 grams). Of course, the warp thread should be white or very light, such as bluish, pinkish or peachy.

Knitted snowmen (many craftswomen own knitting needles and will be able to do such a craft) cannot do without carrot spouts and a peephole, so you need to stock up on orange thread and sew-on decor. You will also need stuffing material (synthetic winterizer or cotton wool). The rest of the elements that adorn the figures in the photograph can have absolutely any color, shape and pattern. Their appearance depends solely on the desire of the knitter.

Knitting needles for work should be selected taking into account the thickness of the yarn. It is better to give preference to thinner tools, as they will allow you to create a dense canvas. In order for all the details of the snowman to have correct form, did not stretch and did not shine through, they should be performed rather tight.

Knitted snowmen (knitting needles): master class

All indications regarding the number of loops refer to a thread with a thickness of about 400 m / 100 grams. If the selected yarn is thinner, then the dimensions finished product will be less. To correct them, you should apply the method of proportionally increasing the number of loops and rows. For example, multiply by 30%. For a thick thread, the same approach is used to reduce the size of the snowman.

First of all, you need to make the body and head. They are knitted in one long piece. You should dial 18 loops, close them in a ring and start knitting in a circle. To do this, you can use as many knitting needles as it is convenient for the craftswoman, from two to four. To give the part the correct shape, it must be successively expanded by uniformly adding six loops in a row. Each row should be expanded from the first to the eighth.

An important point is the preservation of the density of the canvas. Additions should not be done by forming yarns, but by knitting new loops from broaches between existing loops.

Thus, in the eighth row you will get 42 loops. Further up to the 39th row inclusive, you need to knit evenly.

In the 40th row, the canvas should be slightly reduced, since the head is slightly smaller than the snowman's body. To do this, six loops are evenly removed (two knit loops with one).

Until the 60th row, knit without changes. Then, for four rows, you need to cut six loops in each row. The basis for making a snowman figurine is ready.

Filling the main part with synthetic winterizer

This procedure should be performed carefully so as not to stretch the edges of the holes too much. The synthetic winterizer is pushed into the base in small portions and two lumps are formed on both sides of it, and the holes are pulled together with a thread and carefully sewn up. Not enough padding material should be allowed, as this will lead to a sloppy look of the whole figure.

At the next stage, the knitted snowman will receive a formed silhouette. To separate the head from the body and create the impression of two balls stacked on top of each other, you need to flash the base fabric around the entire perimeter with a needle with a strong thread. This work should be done along one row, as in the photo.

After tightening and fixing the thread, the figure shown in the photo below is obtained.

Snowman, with description: making hands

The handles are knitted very simply, you need to dial six loops on the knitting needles and complete 26 rows. Then close all the loops or pull them into a bundle.

Another way to make parts is to knit a fabric of six loops. It is performed as follows: one front loop(LP) is knitted, the second is removed untied. In this case, you need to make sure that the thread broach is on the front side of the canvas (before work). Thus, all 26 rows are knitted. The resulting part is flat, neat, and does not need to be stitched.

Snowman mittens

This decorative element is knitted in the round. Gain 12 loops and divide them into such a number of knitting needles that is convenient for the craftswoman. The first two rows should be knitted in toe stitch, the next 3 in garter stitch. Further, all rows up to the 13th inclusive are performed with toe knitting.

In the 14th row, the canvas needs to be cut into three loops. Decrease should be performed evenly, through the same number of loops. Actions are repeated when knitting the 15th and 16th rows. The loops remaining on the knitting needle are carefully pulled together with a thread. Ready-made mittens need to be provided with thumbs, while knitted snowmen (as you can see, all stages of work are performed with knitting needles) will get a more believable and detailed appearance. They are knitted from two loops in stocking knitting to a height of 3-4 rows. Then sew on front side. The fingers are sewn to the mittens in the appropriate places.

It will be possible to sew hands with mittens after placing a small amount of synthetic winterizer inside the parts.

carrot nose

It is difficult to imagine such a toy as a knitted snowman (it is not difficult to make it with knitting needles with your own hands), without a characteristic orange nose. To complete it, you need to link the part circular method(on two or three spokes). The initial row includes six loops. The fabric is knitted exactly to the height of five rows, then, in the 6th, three loops are reduced, and the rest are pulled together.

At this stage, you can already collect the related parts and see what happens.

If desired, a wire can be inserted inside the parts of the hands. The eyes are bought at the hardware store and put on glue, the line of the mouth is formed using embroidery.

Foot making

Flat wide shoes are necessary to give the figure proportionality and stability. knitted snowman(knitting needles step by step perform each stage of work) is equipped with legs connected as the only difference is the small scale.

Begin work on two knitting needles from the bottom edge of the part. It is required to dial six loops and knit two rows of garter stitch. Next, you need to add four loops in each row. However, the expansion is not done evenly, but only in the central part. To maintain symmetry, you need to mark the center of the canvas and add two loops on each side of the mark (with an interval of one loop). Thus knit 15 rows.

From the 16th to the 28th row, the fabric should be knitted in stocking stitch. Top part the feet are knitted the other way around: the canvas will contract in the same way as it expanded before. In each row, the part is reduced by four loops (only in front).

In the process of knitting the last two rows, six loops should be cut evenly, and the rest should be closed.

Ready-made boots-feet need to be sewn at the back and filled with padding polyester. Now they can be sewn to the snowman.

Figurine decoration

Knitted snowmen are decorated with any accessories at the discretion and desire of the craftswoman. These are berets, scarves, hats, knitted buckets or something else. Figures with sewn snowflakes, sequins, beads and other accessories also look good.

The beret worn by the snowmen in the photo is connected as follows:

  1. Cast on 40 stitches.
  2. From the 1st to the 4th row, knit with an elastic band.
  3. In the 5th row, double the number of loops. To do this, one regular and one crossed loop is knitted from each (so that there are no openwork holes).
  4. Until the 30th row, they knit exactly with the front stitch.
  5. All loops are strung on a strong thread and the fabric is pulled together.
  6. Sew a side seam and sew on a pompom.

A beret can be made not with a simple satin stitch, but with some kind of pattern, such as braids or lace.

A self-made knitted snowman can be an independent piece of decor or an element of a composition. As a rule, scenes with the participation of such figures are very popular with children.

Good afternoon friends!

Today, I will tell you how to tie a snowman - a funny New Year's toy.

New Year is a bright, magical and almost everyone's favorite holiday. Children especially like this holiday. You can please your child not only with delicious sweets, but also with a knitted toy.

The snowman turns out to be very interesting and even fabulous. The height of the toy is 25 cm, and I use synthetic winterizer as a filler. The toy is not too heavy, and if you attach a small thread to it, then the snowman can be taken to the Christmas tree.

To knit a snowman we need:

  • White yarn (acrylic) - 40 g.
  • Blue yarn (acrylic) - 10 g.
  • Burgundy yarn (acrylic) - 15 g.
  • Red yarn.
  • Red yarn.
  • Red yarn.
  • Eyes - 2 pcs.
  • Hook number 3.
  • Glue gun.
  • Sintepon.

We knit the torso

We will knit a snowman in parts. First we knit the torso, for which we need blue and white yarn. The body is knitted from below and using blue yarn.

1 row: make a chain of five loops, which you need to then join.

2 row: knit without adding loops.

3-6 row: in each 3rd loop of the row, add new loops.

7-9 row: knit without adding loops.

We knit the torso

10 row: switch to a white thread, and thread it into the inner loops.

We knit the torso

11-16 row: knit without adding loops.

17 row: in every third loop of the row, cut the loops.

18 row: knit without adding loops.

19-21 row: in every second loop of the row, cut loops. Fill the body with sintepon.

We knit the torso

22-23 row: cut the loops in each loop. Fix the thread and cut. The body is ready.

We knit the torso

We knit the head

1 row: make a chain of 5 loops with white yarn and join.

3 row: in every third loop, add one loop.

Knit your head

5 row: in every third loop, add one new loop.

6-10 row: knit without adding loops.

11 row: in every third loop, cut the loops.

12 row: in every second loop, cut the loops. Fill the body with sintepon.

13 row: in each loop, make a reduction. Fix the thread and cut. The head for the snowman is ready.

Knit your head

We knit legs

1 row: for the legs you need white yarn. Crochet a chain of 4 loops to connect into a ring.

2 row: knit without adding loops.

We knit legs

5-7 row: knit without adding loops.

8 row: in every fifth loop, cut by one loop.

9 row: in every third loop, cut by one loop.

10 row: knit without adding loops.

11-12 row: in each loop cut by one loop. Fix the thread and cut. One leg for the snowman is ready. Similarly, tie the second leg.

We knit legs

We knit handles

1 row: we will knit a handle, starting with mittens. Therefore, for work you will need burgundy yarn. Make a chain of 3 loops and join them together.

2 row: knit without adding loops.

3 row: make the addition of one loop in the first loop, then knit a row without additions.

4 row: knit without adding loops.

5 row: knit in a circle, but in the place where the thumb will be, you need to do this: cast on a chain of 5 loops and thread the thread into the next loop, then knit as usual in a circle.

We knit handles

6-7 row: knit without adding loops.

8-13 row: knit a row in a circle without adding white yarn. Fill with synthetic winterizer.

14 row: in every third loop, cut one loop.

15-16 row: cut one loop in each loop. Fix and cut the thread.

Similarly, the second handle for the snowman is knitted.

We knit handles

We knit clothes for a toy


1 row: we start knitting from above, so with burgundy yarn we collect a chain of 4 loops and combine.

2 row: knit without adding loops.

3-4 row: in every third loop, add one new loop.

5 row: take for work white yarn. Knitted without adding loops.

Knit a hat for a snowman

6th row: we introduce a burgundy-colored thread into work, it is knitted without adding loops.

7 row: in every third loop, add one new loop.

8 row: switch to a white thread, knit without adding loops.

9 row: again go to the burgundy thread, knit a row in a circle, making the addition of new loops in every third loop.

10 row: knit without adding loops. Fill the hat with synthetic winterizer and cut the thread.

Make a pompom for a hat like this: cut a small circle out of cardboard with a hole in the middle. Wind white yarn through this hole. Cut the wound threads, and fix the threads from the middle with a thread and remove the cardboard. You can do it differently, wind the thread around your finger and cut the threads on one side, and fix the other side with a thread. Glue the pom pom to the hat.

Knit a hat for a snowman


For a scarf, you need burgundy yarn, cast on a chain of 4 loops and knit a strip, 20 cm long. Make a fringe for a scarf from white yarn, that is, thread white threads into the edges of the scarf.

We knit a scarf for a snowman


Everyone knows that the nose of a snowman is a carrot, so you need reddish yarn. The nose is knitted like this: pick up a chain of 3 loops and knit in a circle, at the end, cut the loops so that the nose looks like a carrot. The nose does not need to be filled with padding polyester, it keeps its shape perfectly.

Knit a nose for a snowman

Pants straps

Since we have a snowman in our pants, we need to make straps. To do this, you need to dial a chain of 15 loops and tie it in one row. Fix and cut the thread. Also tie the second strap.

We knit straps for pants


You need to knit 2 buttons. To do this, dial a chain of 4 loops and connect into a ring, fasten and cut the thread. One button is ready, also make the second button.

This moment was not photographed. But, everything is simple here.


When all the details for the snowman are ready, you can start assembling, for this we need a glue gun.

Assembling a snowman

Glue the straps to the body, then glue the straps and buttons.

Assembling a snowman

Glue a hat to the head, glue pens, scarf, nose and eyes. From red yarn make a mouth for a snowman.

The glue dries quickly enough and fixes the parts well. If there is no glue, then the details can be sewn on.

Our snowman is ready!

In that step by step master class you will find a photo, diagram and description of amigurumi crochet snowman.

Symbolic toy suitable for interior decoration, Christmas tree, holiday table. After all, this is one of the brightest symbols of the New Year after Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. A knitted snowman is a welcome gift not only for a child, but also for an adult. Prepare a lot of presents for friends, colleagues, relatives in advance, pack them beautifully and set aside until important point. The lesson is designed for beginners.

Knitting materials

If suddenly you don’t know how to knit at all, then sew or. And be sure to do it under the Christmas tree. It's the little things that make a holiday!

By the way, you don't have to buy yarn. Take a closer look at things that are out of fashion, if they are in good condition, then dissolve and put them into action.

To knit a plush amigurumi snowman, prepare:

  • baby elise softy yarn in blue and light blue;
  • yarn "jeans" red;
  • hook number 2;
  • two black beads for the eye;
  • a needle and thread;
  • a red bead on a leg (it is possible without a leg);
  • synthetic winterizer or cotton wool for stuffing toys;
  • scissors.

How to crochet a snowman

For reference: - this is the Japanese art of crocheting small soft toys. Most often these are animals and humanoid creatures. But recently, everything that is possible is knitted in this technique: food, dishes and much more.

From blue yarn, type on a hook four air loops and lock them in a ring.

  • 1 row - additions in each loop;
  • 2 - additions every 2 loops;
  • 3 - additions every 4 loops and so on.

It will turn out like this, slightly curved around the edges of the circle.

Continue to knit single crochets, but already without additions or perks. So knit three rows.

Continue knitting until it is completely closed.

Crochet the second ball of the snowman (head) up to half in the same way as the body, only a little smaller.

Stuff with padding polyester, but do not completely close.

Sew the snowman's head to the body with light blue or blue thread so that the seams are invisible.

Now you need to prepare the small details. To knit a hat, from red yarn, dial four air loops, lock them into a ring.

Single crochet the first two rows with increases in each row, in the third row increase every three loops, and starting from the row, add only two times.

This will fold the knit around the edges, giving it the shape of a hat.

To tie scarf, dial from red yarn a chain of 40 air loops.

Knit one row of single crochet stitches. Amigurumi snowman scarf is ready.

To tie felt boots, from the same yarn, dial five air loops. Knit st. single crochet on both sides of the chain, making three additions at the ends. Finish the row with a connecting post.

Make an air loop for lifting. Insert the hook into the back loop of the loop closest to it. Knit a single crochet. The next loop also. And so on to the end of the row.

As soon as there is a small hole left, work single crochet in the round without adding or decreasing. And so 3-4 rows. Knit a second felt boot.

Pompom on a hat crochet, according to the description of the snowman's body, but much smaller.

Mitten knit as follows: dial four air loops, lock them into a ring, knit two rows of single crochets, in each making additions in each loop.

Sew all the details to the body crocheted snowman. When sewing on the eyes, try to tighten the thread tightly so that the beads are “drowned” in the plush, and not on its surface. Don't forget to tie the thread into a knot.


Want to tell your friends how to crochet a beautiful snowman? Share the link in in social networks or mail it directly.

It's already the end of November. In this gray, cold and dreary time, you really want to plunge into the world of fairy tales and magic! Today we will help you with this: check out our MK and you will learn how to knit one of the main symbols of the New Year, a favorite holiday for both adults and children - a crochet snowman! Stock up on leftover yarn, with which in just a couple of hours you can make original gift friends, relatives, children and just festively decorate the house.

Do-it-yourself mini snowman for a keychain: master class

For MK we need:

  • remnants of white, black, green, red and orange yarn;
  • cr. No. 2, No. 3;
  • filler of your choice.

Master class and description

Main part

1 p. (white thread, cr. No. 3): 6 s. without n. in the amigurumi ring = 6 p..

2 p. 2 s. without n. in 1 p. x 6 = 12 p.

3-5 rr.: 12 s. without n..

6 p.: 2 s. without n. vm. x 6 = 6 p..

7 p.: 2 s. without n. in 1 p. x 6 = 12 p.

8 p.: *2 s. without n. in 1 p., 1 s. without n *, from * to * x 6 \u003d 18 p ..

9-12 rr.: 18 s. without n..

13 p.: *2 s. without n. vm., 1 s. without n *, from * to * follow the scheme 6 times = 12 p..

We fill the part with filler.

14 p.: 2 s. without n. vm. x 6 = 6 p..

Cut the thread, hide the tip.

carrot nose

Orange thread and kr. No. 2 dial 3 in. p., 1 ss. in the 2nd and 1st centuries. p., cut the thread, leaving the tail.


We use red and green color, cr. No. 3.

1 p.: 6 s. without n. in the amigurumi ring = 6 p.

2-3 rr.: 6 s. without n..

4 p.: *2 s. without n. in 1 p., 2 s. without n. * x 2 \u003d 8 p ..

5 p.: * 3 s. without n. in 1 p., 2 s. without n. * x 2 \u003d 10 p ..

6 p.: * 4 s. without n. in 1 p., 2 s. without n. * x 2 \u003d 12 p ..

7 p.: * 5 s. without n. in 1 p., 2 s. without n. * x 2 \u003d 14 p ..


Black thread and kr. No. 3.

3 p.: 12 s. without n. behind the back wall p. \u003d 12 p..

4-6 rr.: 12 s. without n..

7 p.: *2 s. without n. in 1 p., 1 s. without n.* we adhere to the scheme 6 times = 18 p..


Green thread and kr. No. 3.

1 p.: 6 s. without n. in the amigurumi ring = 6 p..

We connect 2 headphones with the help of c. P..


We knit a chain of 30 c. etc., we make one knot on each of the edges.


We embroider with a brown thread of the handle, in the 3rd p. - eyes, sew on a nose-carrot, make buttons from beads. The snowman is ready to crochet with your own hands!

Snowman for beginners: video MK

Do-it-yourself snowman under the Christmas tree: master class

For MK we need:

  • yarn (100% cotton, 50 grams per 180 meters) 40 grams;
  • remnants of orange, green, red yarn;
  • black beads;
  • cr. No. 3;
  • knitting needles number 3;
  • filler.

Master class and description

Main part

We knit with. without n. in a spiral.

1 p .: we collect 2 in. p., we knit in the 1st 6 s. without n..

2 p.: add 6 s. without n. (from each s. without n. pr. we knit 2 each) = 12 s. without n..

3 p.: add after another 6 s. without n. after one = 18 s. without n..

We knit in a circle, evenly adding 6 s. without n., 12 p. = 72 s. without n..
Last addition mark with a marker, then 12 p. no extras.

Now we begin to evenly subtract p .: in each p. 6 s. without n., in the end we get 30 s. without n..

We do another 3-4 circles (neck), then again increase by 6 s. without n. in each row until we get 66 s. without n..

Now another 4-5 circles and again evenly decrease by 6 s. without n. for the head, a few r. leave open for stuffing.

After the snowman is filled, we proceed to decrease in each row, after the remaining 2-3 s. without n. we stretch the thread, tighten it, hide the tail.


We collect 2 in. p., 6 p. without n., in sl. R. add 6 s. without n. = 12 s. without n..

We knit 4-5 p., In the next. 2 p. subtract 1 s. without n. = 10 s. without n..

Again 4-5 p .. In the same way, we make the second handle, fill in the details.


We collect a few s along the edge of the handle with a red thread. without n., capturing both the front and back walls of the handle at once = 6 s. without n..

In the opposite direction - 6 s. without n., turn, 5 s. without n., then 4 s. without n., we fix the thread, hide the tail and repeat the same with the second handle.


We mark the area where we will make the spout, we collect a few s in a circle. without n. orange thread, then in a circle with. without n. with a gradual decrease, closed. hide the thread.

DIY embroidery

We work with a needle with black thread. We introduce it into the top of the head and bring it out in the place where the right eye will be, pull and hide the knot inside the head, put on the bead, thread the thread with the needle into the head and “emerge” in the place of the second eye, sew on the bead. We embroider the eyebrows and mouth (4-5 stitches are enough).

We fix the thread and cut it off.


We make two circles from s. without n., we hide the ponytails inward.


Here we are already using knitting needles, alternating 2 liters. n., 2 i. p., scarf width - 14 p., length - at your discretion. The ends can be decorated with tassels from a contrasting thread.


We also use knitting needles.

We collect 42 p., rubber band 2 x 2 several p.. In persons. R. enter contrast. thread and further - persons. smooth surface (persons. r. - l. p., out. r. - i. p.), in each person. R. decrease on both sides. 1 p. after chrome. p. and before chrome. p .. We continue to work until there are 8 p ..

We close them, do not cut the thread. We turn the hat inside out, fasten it chain stitch with the help of cr. from the crown down, enter kr. under the chrome n. on both sides, we fix the thread and cut it off.


We sew the buttons crosswise, then the handles.

We put on a scarf and attach it with a needle and thread at the back between l. p. scarf so that the thread is invisible.

Now we sew on the hat, after filling it with a small amount of holofiber, we make a knot and hide the tail of the thread. The master class is over - the crocheted snowman is ready!

DIY funny amigurumi snowman: master class

For MC you will need:

  • velor yarn (100 grams per 120 meters) white;
  • cotton yarn of red, green, white for a hat and sweater, orange for a nose and a little pink for cheeks;
  • cr. % 5 and no. 15;
  • marker;
  • two beads for the eye;
  • sweater buttons;
  • filler.

Master class and description


1 p.: 6 s. without n. in an amigurumi ring.

2 p.: 2 s. without n. in 1 p. x 6 = 12 p.

3 p.: 1 s. without n., *2 s. without n. in 1 p. *, we adhere to the scheme from * to * x 6 \u003d 18 p..

4 p.: 2 s. without n., *2 s. without n. in 1 p. *, we adhere to the scheme from * to * x 6 \u003d 24 p ..

5-7 rr.: 24 s. without n..

We cut the thread, fill the part.


1 p.: p. without n. in an amigurumi ring.

2 p.: 2 s. without n. in 1 p. x 6 = 12 p.

5 p.: 3 s. without n., 2 p. without n. in 1 p. x 6 = 30 p.

6-10 rr.: 30 s. without n..

11 p.: 3 p. without n., 2 p. without n. vm. x 6 = 24 p..

12 p.: 2 s. without n., 2 p. without n. vm. x 6 = 18 p..

13 p.: 18 p. without n..

14 p.: 1 p. without n., 2 p. without n. vm. x 6 = 12 p..

15 p.: 12 p. without n..


1 p.: 5 s. without n. in an amigurumi ring.

2-7 rr.: 5 s. without n..

Put the edges together, prov. 2 s. without n..


Orange thread and kr. No. 1.5.

1 p.: 6 s. without n. in an amigurumi ring.

2 p.: 1 s. without n., 2 p. without n. in 1 p. x 3 = 9 p.

3-5 rr.: 9 s. without n..

6 p.: 2 s. without n., 2 p. without n. in 1 p. x 3 = 12 p.

7-8 rr.: 12 s. without n..

Leave a long thread for stitching, fill.


We knit in a circle.

1 p.: 3 c. p.p., 60 p. from n., ss..

2 p.: 1 c. p.p., 10 p. without n., 3 p. without n. in 1 p. (hereinafter - raglan), 8 s. without n., raglan, 20 p. without n., raglan, 8 p. without n., raglan, 10 p. without n., raglan.

3 p.: 1 c. p.p., 11 p. without n., raglan, 10 p. without n., raglan, 22 p. without n., raglan, 10 p. without n., raglan (hereinafter - P), 11 p. without n., ss..

4 p.: 1 c. p.p., 12 p. without n., R, 12 p. without n., R, 24 p. without n., R, 12 p. without n., R, 12 p. without n., ss..

5 p.: 1 c. p.p., 13 p. without n., R, 14 p. without n., R, 26 p. without n., R, 14 p. without n., R, 13 p. without n., ss..

6 p.: 1 c. p.p., 16 p. without n., R, 16 p. without n., R, 28 p. without n., R, 14 p. without n., R, 14 p. without n., ss..

7 p.: 1 c. p.p., 15 p. without n., R, 18 p. without n., R, 30 s. without n., R, 18 p. without n., R, 15 p. without n., ss..

8 p.: 1 in. p.p., 20 p. without n., R, 14 p. without n., R, 32 p. without n., R, 14 p. without n., R, 20 p. without n., ss..

We connect the front and back, leaving room for the sleeves.

9-11 pp.: 1 in. p.p., 68 p. without n., ss..


9-13 rr.: 1 in. p.p., 24 p. without n., ss..

14 p.: 1 in. p.p., 2 p. without n., 2 p. without n. vm. x 6, ss.

We put a sweater on the bottom ball of the snowman, sew on the head and make out the face. We sew on the nose, bead-eyes, knit cheeks n. Pink colour(10 elongated s. without n. in an amig ring), embroider the eyebrows and mouth.

We decorate the sweater with an applique (we knitted a Christmas tree from the village without n.), Sew on the buttons.


We work from the bottom up.

We collect a chain of 60 c. p., ss..

1-2 pp.: 2 in. p.p., 60 elongated s. without n., ss..

3-12 rr.: 1 in. p.p., 60 p. without n., ss..

13 p.: 1 in. p.p., 8 p. without n., 2 p. without n. vm. x 6, ss..

14 p.: 1 in. p.p., 54 p. without n., ss..

15 p.: 1 c. p.p., 7 p. without n., 2 p. without n. vm. x 6, ss..

16 p.: 1 in. p.p., 48 p. without n., ss..

17 p.: 1 in. p.p., 6 p. without n., 2 p. without n. vm. x 6, ss..

18 p.: 1 in. p.p., 42 p. without n., ss..

19 p.: 1 in. p.p., 5 p. without n., 2 p. without n. vm. x 6, ss..

20 p.: 1 c. p.p., 36 p. without n., ss..

21 p.: 1 in. p.p., 4 p. without n., 2 p. without n. vm. x 6, ss..

22 p.: 1 in. p.p., 30 p. without n., ss..

23 p.: 1 in. p.p., 3 p. without n., 2 p. without n. vm. x 6, ss..

24 p.: 1 in. p.p., 24 p. without n., ss..

25 p.: 1 in. p.p., 2 p. without n., 2 p. without n. vm. x 6, ss..

26-48 rr.: 1 century. p.p., 18 p. without n., ss..

49 p.: 1 in. p., 1 p. without n., 2 p. without n. vm. x 6, ss..

50-59 rr.: 1 in. p.p., 12 p. without n., ss..

60 rubles: 1 c. p.p., 2 p. without n. vm. x 6, ss..


1 p.: 6 s. without n. in the amig ring..

2 p.: 2 s. without n. in 1 p. x 6 = 12 p.

3 p.: 1 s. without n., 2 p. without n. in 1 p. x 6 = 18 p.

4 p.: 2 s. without n., 2 p. without n. in 1 p. x 6 = 24 p.

5-7 rr.: 24 s. without n..

8 p.: 2 s. without n., 2 p. without n. vm. x 6 = 18 p..

9 p.: 1 p. without n., 2 p. without n. vm. x 6 = 12 p..

10 p.: 2 s. without n. vm. x 6.

Knitted snowman with your own hands is ready!

Snowman amigurumi: detailed video MK

Funny do-it-yourself snowmen-hatters: a master class

For MK we need:

  • yarn Kartoru Kristal # 150; Yarnart Diamond#01; Alize Forever#336; Zumrut Etamin#438;
  • microfiber for a hat;
  • 2 beads for the eyes;
  • Super glue;
  • bead-berry for a hat;
  • cr. No. 3 and No. 1.75;
  • filler;
  • 1 meter of copper wire for hands.

Master class and description


Cr. No. 3, white yarn.

1 p.: 6 s. without n. into the ring.

2 p.: 2 s. without n. in 1 p. x 6 = 12 p.

3 p.: *2 s. without n. in 1 p., 1 s. without n. * x 6 = 18 p..

4 p.: *2 s. without n. in 1 p., 2 s. without n. * x 6 = 24 p..

5 p.: *2 s. without n. in 1 p., 3 s. without n. * x 6 = 30 p..

6 p.: * 2 s. without n. in 1 p., 4 s. without n. * x 6 = 36 p..

7 p.: *2 s. without n. in 1 p., 5 s. without n. * x 6 \u003d 42 p..

8-15 pp.: 42s. without n. = 42 p..

16 p.: (2 s. without n. vm., 5 s. without n.) x 6 \u003d 36 p ..

17 p.: 36 p. without n. = 36 p..

18 p.: (2 s. without n. vm., 4 s. without n.) x 6 \u003d 30 p ..

19-20 rr.: 30 s. without n. = 30 p..

21 p.: (2 s. without n. vm., 3 s. without n.) x 6 \u003d 24 p ..

22 p.: (2 s. without n. in 1 p., 3 s. without n.) x 6 \u003d 30 p ..

23-24 pp.: 30 s. without n. = 30 p..

We prepare a wire frame: we twist a twig 7 cm long, with the help of glue we attach n. and wrap. We mark two points on the body, insert it into the first hand, thread the wire through the workpiece and bring it out, twist it again, making a “twig” for the arm, wrap it around n .. We twist the wire between each other and insert a small piece horizontally between them so that the arms do not scroll .