Working calendar in Belarus.  Calendar.BY Production calendar in the Republic of Belarus in the year Calendar.BY. Holidays are celebrated

Main dates, holidays and events in Belarus in 2017. Working and non-working days, Catholic and Orthodox calendars for 2017. Posts, great days.


In accordance with paragraph 3 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated March 26, 1998 No. 157 “On public holidays, holidays and memorable dates in the Republic of Belarus”.

In the first quarter of 2017 holidays:

Both for the five-day and for the six-day working week January 6 and March 7 are the working days immediately preceding the public holiday. The duration of work on the working day immediately preceding the holiday is reduced by 1 hour (Article 116 of the Labor Code).

For part-time workers, including those working part-time, the day immediately preceding the holiday is also reduced by 1 hour. It is advisable to fix this rule in the local regulatory legal act of the organization.

Work is not performed on holidays established and declared by the President of the Republic of Belarus as non-working days (Article 147 of the Labor Code).

However, on public holidays:

Works, the suspension of which is impossible due to production and technological conditions (continuously operating organizations);

Works caused by the need for continuous service to the population, organizations;

Urgent repair and loading and unloading operations.

At the same time, such work is planned in advance in the work (shift) schedule at the expense of the monthly norm of working time.

If work on public holidays and holidays (part one of article 147 of the Labor Code) was performed in excess of the monthly norm of working time, the employee, at his request, is provided with another unpaid day of rest in addition to the additional payment (part four of article 69 of the Labor Code).

Transfer of working days in 2017 in Belarus

(Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 912 dated November 9, 2016)

  • from January 2, 2017 (Monday) to January 21, 2017 (Saturday)
  • from April 24, 2017 (Monday) to April 29, 2017 (Saturday)
  • from May 8, 2017 (Monday) to May 6, 2017 (Saturday)
  • from November 6, 2017 (Monday) to November 4, 2017 (Saturday).

On the basis of subparagraph 7.1.1 of paragraph 7 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated October 31, 2001 No. 1589 "Issues of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus", the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Set the settlement working hours for 2017 at the full rate of its duration no more than:

for a five-day working week with days off on Saturday and Sunday - 2019 hours;

for a six-day working week with a day off on Sunday - 2021 hours.

Holidays in Belarus in 2017

Public holidays in 2017:
March 15th- Constitution day
April 2— Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia
9th May— Victory Day (non-working day)
May 14(second Sunday in May) - Day of the State Emblem and the State Flag of the Republic of Belarus
3 July— Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus (Republic Day) (non-working day)

Public holidays in 2017:
1st of JanuaryNew Year(non-working day)
February 23
March 8- Women's Day (non-working day)
1st of May- Labor Day (non-working day)
November 7— Day of the October Revolution (non-working day)

Religious holidays in 2017:
Jan. 7— Nativity of Christ (Orthodox Christmas) (non-working day)
April 16, 2017Catholic Easter
April 16, 2017- Orthodox Easter
April 25, 2017— Radunitsa (according to the calendar of the Orthodox denomination) (non-working day)
November 2- Day of Remembrance
December 25- Nativity ( Catholic Christmas) (non-working day)

Memorable dates in 2017:
February, 15- Day of Remembrance of Warriors - Internationalists
26 April
22nd of June

Holiday calendar of Belarus for each month of 2017

January 2017:

January 1, 2017- New Year
January 7, 2017- Nativity of Christ (Orthodox Christmas)
January 1, 2017— Day of banking and financial workers (first Sunday of January)
January 5, 2017– Day of Social Protection Workers – January 5
January 19, 2017- Day of the Rescuer
January 21, 2017— Engineering Troops Day
January 29, 2017— Belarusian Science Day (last Sunday of January)

February 2017:

February 15, 2017— Day of Remembrance of Soldiers-Internationalists
February 21, 2017- Day of workers of land management and cartographic and geodetic service
February 23, 2017— Day of Defenders of the Fatherland and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus

March 2017:

March 4, 2017— Police Day
March 8, 2017- Women's Day
March 15, 2017— Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus (public holiday)
March 15, 2017— Consumer Day
March 18, 2017— Day of Internal Troops
March 23, 2017— Day of workers of the hydrometeorological service
March 26, 2017— Day of workers of consumer services of the population and housing and communal services
(fourth Sunday in March)

April 2017:

April 2, 2017— Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia (public holiday)
April 2, 2017— Geologist's Day (first Sunday in April)
April 9, 2017- Air Defense Troops Day (second Sunday in April)
April 16, 2017- Catholic Easter
April 16, 2017- Orthodox Easter
April 26, 2017- Day of the Chernobyl tragedy
April 25, 2017- Radunitsa (according to the calendar of the Orthodox denomination)

May 2017:

May 1, 2017— Labor Day
May 5, 2017- Print Day
May 7, 2017— Day of workers of radio, television and communications
May 9, 2017- Victory Day
May 14, 2017— Day of the State Emblem and State Flag of the Republic of Belarus (second Sunday in May)
May 15, 2017- Family day
May 19, 2017— Day of workers physical education and sports (third Saturday in May)
May 28, 2017— Day of the border guard
May 28, 2017— Chemist's Day (last Sunday in May)

June 2017:

June 4, 2017— Meliorator's Day (first Sunday in June)
June 11, 2017- Day of Light Industry Workers (second Sunday of June)
June 18, 2017- Day medical workers(third Sunday in June)
June 22, 2017 Day of National Remembrance of the Victims of the Great Patriotic War
June 24, 2017— Day of the Inventor and Innovator (last Saturday of June)
June 26, 2017- Day of prosecutors
June 30, 2017— Economist's Day

July 2017:

July 1, 2017- Cooperation Day (first Saturday in July)
July 2, 2017— Day of water transport workers (first Sunday of July)
July 3, 2017– Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus (Republic Day)
July 9, 2017— Day of Tax Authorities (second Sunday of July)
July 16, 2017— Metallurgist's Day (third Sunday in July)
July 25, 2017— Fire service day
July 30, 2017- Trade Workers Day (last Sunday in July)

August 2017:

August 2, 2017- Day of paratroopers and special operations forces
August 6, 2017— Railway Troops Day
August 6, 2017- Railwayman's Day (first Sunday in August)
August 13, 2017- Builder's Day (second Sunday in August)
August 20, 2017- Day air force(third Sunday in August)
August 23, 2017— Day of State Statistics Workers
August 27, 2017— Miner's Day (last Sunday in August)

September 2017:

September 1, 2017— Knowledge Day
September 3, 2017— Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers (first Sunday in September)
September 3, 2017— Belarusian Written Language Day (first Sunday of September)
September 10, 2017- Day of the tankers (second Sunday of September)
September 15, 2017— Libraries Day
September 17, 2017- Day of forest workers (third Sunday of September)
September 19, 2017- Peace Day (third Tuesday in September)
September 20, 2017— Day of the customs officer
September 24, 2017— Engineer's Day (last Sunday in September)

October 2017:

October 1, 2017- Senior Citizens Day
October 1, 2017- Teacher's Day (first Sunday in October)
October 6, 2017- Archivist's Day
October 8, 2017— Cultural Workers Day (second Sunday in October)
October 14, 2017- Mothers Day
October 14, 2017— Standardization Day
October 15, 2017— Day of Pharmaceutical and Microbiological Industry Workers
October 29, 2017- Day of the motorist and road builder (last Sunday in October)

November 2017:

November 5, 2017- Civil Aviation Workers Day (first Sunday in November)
November 7, 2017- Day of the October Revolution
November 19, 2017— Day of workers of agriculture and processing industry
agro-industrial complex (third Sunday of November)
November 19, 2017- Day of rocket troops and artillery

December 2017:

December 2, 2017— Day of Insurance Workers (first Saturday of December)
December 3, 2017– Day of the disabled of the Republic of Belarus
December 3, 2017- Lawyer's Day (first Sunday in December)
December 20, 2017- Day of the employee of state security bodies
December 22, 2017- An energy worker's day
December 25, 2017- Christmas (Catholic Christmas)

Catholic calendar for 2017

catholic celebrations

Non-transferable celebrations with a fixed date:

  • 1st of JanuaryBlessed Virgin Mary. Feast of the Holy Mother of God. World Peace Day (Day of World Prayers for Peace). In the 19th century, in Catholic countries, on New Year's Eve, large bonfires were lit and torchlight processions were organized. World Peace Day is a holiday of the Roman Catholic Church, celebrated annually on January 1 on the Day of the Triumph of the Mother of God Mary.
  • 5 JanuaryChristmas Eve- the eve (eve) of the feast of the Epiphany. Christmas Eve occurs on the eve of the feasts of Theophany and the Nativity of Christ, respectively. Sometimes Christmas Eve on the Annunciation and Saturday of the first week of Great Lent are also mentioned - in memory of the miracle of Theodore Tyrone.
  • 6th JanuaryEpiphany(Day of the Three Kings). Epiphany, Theophany (Epiphany, Theophany) In the Western Church, the holiday was called Theophany (Greek Epiphany, Theophany), because during the Baptism of Jesus Christ a special appearance of all three persons of the Godhead took place: God the Father from heaven testified of the baptized Son and the Holy Spirit in the form dove descended on Jesus, thus confirming the Word of the Father. Three events in the life of Jesus are celebrated simultaneously: the adoration of the Magi, the baptism and the miracle in Cana of Galilee. The feast of the Baptism of the Lord, or Theophany, along with the feast of Easter, is the oldest Christian holiday. It is dedicated to the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. Also, the content of the holiday is the gospel legend about the worship of the baby Jesus by the kings (in a different tradition - the Magi) - Caspar, Melchior and Belshazzar, who came with gifts to Bethlehem. In memory of the appearance of Christ to the pagans and the veneration of the three kings, holy masses are performed in churches. According to the gospel tradition, the offerings of the Magi are interpreted as offerings to Christ the King - gold, to Christ the God - incense, to Christ the man - myrrh.
  • March 19Saint Joseph's Day, betrothed of the Virgin Mary.
  • March 25Annunciation of the Virgin Mary.
  • June 24Nativity of Saint John the Baptist. The holiday is set to commemorate the events associated with the birth of John the Baptist, which are described in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 1:24-25, 57-68, 76, 80). According to the teachings of Judaism, before the coming of the Messiah, his predecessor must appear - the forerunner, who, in accordance with the prophecy of Malachi (Mal. 4:5), is considered the prophet Elijah. In Christianity, the doctrine of the forerunner of the Messiah - Jesus Christ - is associated with the image of the prophet John the Baptist, who resumed and continued the ministry of Elijah. According to the Gospel, Jesus himself called John "Elijah, who is to come" (Matt. 11:14). Distinctive feature St. John's Day - fires, bonfires, fireworks, lit not only in villages, but also in the squares of large cities. Believers walk with torches and go to common prayers in the nearest chapels. The celebration of St. John's Day continues for several days until St. Peter and Paul's Day (June 29). In France, the cult of St. John is especially widespread: more than a thousand parishes consider him their patron.
  • June 29Day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. Apostles Peter and Paul are especially revered as disciples of Jesus Christ, who, after the death and resurrection of Christ, began to preach and spread the teaching of the Gospel throughout the world.
  • August 15Assumption and Ascension of the Virgin Mary. The holiday is based on the truth that Mary, who died of natural causes and was buried in Gethsemane, ascended to heaven: after opening her coffin, instead of the remains, a bouquet of roses was found. In 1950, Pope Pius XII by a special decree adopted the Dogma on the bodily ascension of the Mother of God to heaven. There is a tradition on this day to bring the first fruits of the new harvest as a gift to Mary. The holiday is accompanied by a solemn divine service and a church procession.
  • Nov. 1All Saints' Day. Parents day. All Souls' Day. The first two days of November in the Catholic Church are dedicated to the memory of the dead: November 1 All Saints' Day and November 2 All Souls' Day follow one after another. All Saints' Feast was introduced at the beginning of VII by Pope Boniface IV, and later, at the beginning of the XI century The Day of Remembrance of the Dead was established, over time they merged into one day - the Day of Remembrance of the Saints and the Dead. The Catholic Church considers the observance of the rites of remembrance an important duty of all believers. People should remember those who have passed away, but can, are in Purgatory, where God cleanses them, saved, from the consequences of sin. Good deeds and prayers, repentance of the living can shorten the period of stay in Purgatory. Catholics spend the first day in churches, participating in Holy Masses, and on the second day they go to the cemetery in the morning, often with prayers and chants in a common procession. There they pray, tidy up the graves and leave burning candles. The Feast of Christ the King ends the liturgical year of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • December 8Day of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. According to Catholic doctrine, the chosen one of the Heavenly Father was pure from the consequences of original sin from birth.
  • December 25Nativity. The Church teaches that the birth of Christ opened up the possibility of soul salvation and eternal life for every believer. In all Catholic countries, the custom of making original mangers-nativity scenes is widespread. This custom is of ecclesiastical origin, attributed to Saint Francis of Assisi. Since the 13th century, small niches have been arranged in Catholic churches in which scenes from the legend of the birth of Christ are depicted using figurines made of wood, porcelain, and painted clay. Christmas - family celebration. On the eve of the holiday, on Christmas Eve, the traditional family meal consists of Lenten dishes. These are fish, vegetables and fruits, sweets. After the appearance of the first star, solemn services begin in the temples, the presence of which is mandatory for Catholics. On the first day of Christmas, festive fodder food is served - meat dishes: pork, turkey, goose, ham. Abundance on holiday table is considered the key to prosperity in the new year. Everywhere accept to give each other gifts

Rolling Celebrations (every year with a new, movable date):

  • April 16 (Sunday)– Catholic Easter In the evening on Holy Saturday, the celebration of the great Solemnity begins in all churches. After sunset, the first Easter Liturgy (Mass) of Easter is served - Easter candles are lit. The center of the Easter celebration is the resurrected Christ. In the morning at Easter Sunday after the solemn morning Mass, children and young people go around the houses with songs and congratulations, similar to Christmas carols. Among Easter entertainments, games with colored eggs are the most popular: they are thrown at each other, rolled on an inclined plane, broken, scattering the shell. Colored eggs are exchanged by relatives and friends, godparents give them to their godchildren, girls give them to their lovers in exchange for palm branches. At dawn they hastened to the tomb of Jesus the Myrrh-Bearing Woman. In front of them, an angel descends to the tomb and rolls off a stone from it, an earthquake occurs, and the guards are plunged into fear. The angel tells the women that Christ is risen and will lead them to Galilee. The day on whose early morning Christ was resurrected was approaching evening. His disciples were in sad bewilderment and hesitation, despite the story of the myrrh-bearing women. Then the Lord did not hesitate in the evening of the same day to appear Himself first to two of them, who “went to a village, sixty stades from Jerusalem, called Emmaus; and talked among themselves about all these events. The word "Easter" came to us from the Greek language and means "transition", "deliverance". On this day, we celebrate the deliverance through Christ the Savior of all mankind from slavery to the devil and the granting of life and eternal bliss to us. Just as our redemption was accomplished by Christ's death on the cross, so eternal life is granted to us by His Resurrection.
  • May 25 (Thursday)Ascension of the Lord(40th day after Easter). After Christ was Risen, the disciples of Christ felt the feast. All 40 days He sometimes appeared to them, sometimes to one person, sometimes all at once. The disciples saw how Christ rose above the earth, which was a symbol of the fact that when the end of the world comes, He will return to earth in the same way as he departed to the Father. During his Ascension, Christ promised his disciples that on the tenth day he would descend to them as the Comforter from God the Father in the form of the Holy Spirit. There will be a single manifestation of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit).
  • June 4 (Sunday)Pentecost(Descent of the Holy Spirit), (7th Sunday after Easter - 50th day after Easter). Ten days after the Ascension of the Lord, the promise of the Lord Jesus Christ came true, and the Holy Spirit descended from God the Father in the form of fiery tongues to his disciples-apostles. Thus, the students were able to master all the languages ​​of the world and were able to teach Christianity throughout the Earth.
  • June 11 (Sunday)Day of the Holy Trinity(Sunday, 7th day after Pentecost). Since the 14th century, the feast of the Trinity in the Catholic Church has been called the first Sunday after Pentecost. The Trinity in Christian ideas is God, whose essence is one, but His being is the personal relationship of three hypostases: the Father - the beginning without beginning, the Son - the absolute Meaning, embodied in Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit - the life-giving Beginning. According to Catholic doctrine, the Third hypostasis comes from the First and Second (according to the Orthodox - from the first).
  • June 15 (Thursday)Holy Body and Blood of Christ(Thursday, 11th day after Pentecost). This is a relatively new Catholic holiday, officially established in memory of the establishment by Jesus Christ of the sacrament of communion (Eucharist). The Catholic Church regards the Eucharist as a sacred gift left by Christ to His Church.
  • June 23 (Friday)Sacred Heart of Jesus(Friday, 19th day after Pentecost). The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is celebrated on Friday, on the 19th day after Pentecost and, accordingly, on the eighth day after the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. The theme of the holiday is the love of God revealed to us in His heart, gratitude for it and the granted salvation. It is Jesus who is the source of redeemed and redeeming merciful and healing love, which helps us to grow in love for Christ, and through him in love for all our neighbors.
  • April 17 (Monday)Easter Monday. celebrated in memory of the first day after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Bible tells that, having risen, Christ appeared unrecognized to two of his saddened disciples. He shared with them the journey to the village of Emmaus, near Jerusalem, and supper. “... Taking the bread, he blessed it, broke it and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized Him. But He became invisible to them. And they said to one another, Did not our hearts burn within us as He spoke to us on the road, and as He opened the Scriptures to us? And rising up that same hour, they returned to Jerusalem and found together the eleven apostles and those who were with them, who said that the Lord had truly risen and had appeared to Simon. And they told about what happened on the way, and how He was known to them in the breaking of bread. While they were talking about this, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them and said to them: Peace be with you.”

Catholic holidays

Non-transferable Holidays with a fixed date:

  • February 2Meeting of the Lord. In memory of the words of the righteous Simeon, who called Jesus "a light for the enlightenment of the Gentiles", on the feast of the Presentation from the 11th century. in churches, the rite of consecration of candles is performed, which are then lit during worship. Believers carefully keep Sretensky candles throughout the year and light them when they pray to Christ in difficult moments for themselves: during illness, family troubles and other everyday difficulties. The holiday was established in memory of a significant event for Christians - the meeting (Slavonic meeting) in the Jerusalem Temple of the Infant Jesus with the righteous elder Simeon. Candlemas in the Roman Catholic Church is the feast of the Purification of the Virgin Mary, dedicated to the memory of the bringing of the baby Jesus to the temple and the cleansing ceremony performed by his mother on the fortieth day after the birth of the firstborn. As a rite of purification, candles were sanctified in the churches, and whole processions with burning candles went around the streets and fields.
  • April, 4Saint Isidore's Day. The Catholic Saint Isidore of Seville (c. 560 - April 4, 636), Bishop of Seville, gained fame not only for his piety, but also for his love of science. He is the author of one of the first books on etymology, the first to introduce the works of Aristotle in Spain, was a reformer and a man of broad views. Saint Isidore is considered one of the last ancient Christian philosophers, and also the last of the fathers of the great Latin Church. He is considered to be the patron saint of the Internet.
  • May 30Saint Joan of Arc's Day.
  • May 31Visitation of the Virgin Mary to Elizabeth. The meeting of Mary and Elizabeth, the Visitation of Mary - the meeting of the Virgin Mary and the righteous Elizabeth, which took place a few days after the Annunciation; described in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 1:39-56). According to the Gospel of Luke, having learned during the Annunciation from the Archangel Gabriel that her middle-aged childless cousin Elizabeth was finally pregnant, the Virgin Mary immediately set off from Nazareth to visit her in the "city of Judah". When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby jumped up in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, and exclaimed with a loud voice, and said, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!"
  • June 11Saint Barnabas Day. The holy apostle Barnabas belongs to the ranks of the holy seventy apostles.
  • June 13Saint Anthony's Day. Saint Anthony of Padua is undoubtedly one of the most beloved and widely revered saints of the Catholic Church.
  • August 6Transfiguration. At the end of the path of earthly life, the Lord Jesus Christ revealed to His disciples that he must suffer for people, die on the Cross and rise again. After that, He raised the three apostles - Peter, James and John - to Mount Tabor and was transformed before them: His face shone, and his clothes became dazzling white. Two prophets of the Old Testament - Moses and Elijah - appeared to the Lord on the mountain and talked with Him, and the voice of God the Father from a bright cloud that overshadowed the mountain testified of the Divinity of Christ. By the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor, the Lord Jesus Christ showed His disciples the Glory of His Divinity so that during His coming sufferings and death on the Cross they would not waver in faith in Him - the Only Begotten Son of God.
  • 8 September– . The feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God the Virgin Mary is dedicated to the remembrance of the birth of the Mother of Jesus Christ - the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • September 14Exaltation of the Holy Cross. The holiday is set to commemorate the finding of the Cross of the Lord, which, according to church tradition, took place in 326 in Jerusalem near Golgotha, the place of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Since the 7th century, the memory of the return of the Life-Giving Cross from Persia by the Greek emperor Heraclius began to be connected with this day.
  • December 24Catholic Christmas Eve. Strict fasting on Christmas Eve is optional, but is accepted as a pious tradition in many Catholic countries. The meal is religious in nature and very solemn. Just before the start of the feast, they read an excerpt from the Gospel of St. Luke about the Nativity of Christ and read a common family prayer. The entire ritual of the Christmas Eve meal is led by the father of the family. In Eastern European countries, there is a custom to break the wafers (Christmas bread) at this meal. After the family meal is over, believers go to church for a service on Christmas Eve. Those who fast on Christmas Eve refuse food until the first star, when the fast ends. The very tradition of fasting “until the first star” is associated with the legend of the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem, announcing the birth of Christ, but it is not recorded in the charter of the church. It is customary to break the fast with sochiv (kutya) - grains of soaked wheat with honey and fruits - in accordance with the custom, when those preparing for baptism, intending to perform it on the Nativity of Christ, prepared for the sacrament by fasting, and after baptism they ate honey - a symbol of the sweetness of spiritual gifts.
  • December 28thDay of the Holy Innocents of Bethlehem. The day of remembrance of the destruction by order of King Herod of all babies who, by age, could be Christ.

Rolling Holidays (every year with a new, movable date):

  • March 1 (Wednesday)Ash Wednesday, the day of the start of Catholic Lent. Marked for 45 calendar days before the Easter holiday. A strict fast is prescribed on this day. Corresponds to Orthodox Clean Monday.
  • April 9 (Sunday)Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem(Palm Sunday). Last Sunday before Easter.
  • December 31 (Sunday)holy family. Virgin Mary with baby Jesus Christ and her husband Joseph the Betrothed. Catholic holiday celebrated on the Sunday after Christmas.

Catholic memorial days

Non-passing Memorable Days with a fixed date:

  • 26 JulySaints Joachim and Anna, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • October 7thBlessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary.
  • November 2All Souls' Day.
  • November 21The Entry of the Virgin into the Temple. A Christian holiday based on the Holy Tradition that the parents of the Theotokos, Saint Joachim and Saint Anna, fulfilling a vow to consecrate their child to God, at the age of three brought their daughter Mary to the Jerusalem temple, where she lived until her betrothal to the righteous Joseph.

Moving Memorial Days (every year with a new, movable date):

  • June 24 (Saturday)Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary(20th day after Pentecost)

Fasts and fasting days

  • great postfrom March 1 (Wednesday) to April 15 (Saturday)
    Lent in the Roman Catholic Church begins on Ash Wednesday (in Ambrosian it is on Monday, and Ash Wednesday is not highlighted at all in the calendar), 46 calendar days before Easter, although three last days before Easter in the liturgical calendar stand out in a separate period: the Holy Easter triduum. Prior to the liturgical reform of 1969, there were also three preparatory weeks, the first of which was called Septuagesima, the subsequent, respectively, Sexagesima and Quinquagesima (60 and 50). Fasting consists in spiritual and physical abstinence from excesses (in food and in business). The main element of the fast is the decree that each believer gives himself before it begins. The decree may concern restrictions in food, in entertainment, in trying to do works of mercy, etc. All days except Sundays - fasting is recommended (without abstinence). The last week of Great Lent - "Passion" or "Holy" week - is liturgically connected with Easter. At this time, divine services are performed in memory of the suffering and death of Christ, the theme of which is the earthly life of Jesus Christ, starting from his entry into Jerusalem. Every day of Holy Week is revered as "Great". The first of them is the feast of Palm (Palm) Sunday, which precedes Easter. On this day, it is customary to bless palm, olive, laurel, boxwood, willow branches in the church. Large branches are decorated with sweets, fruits, ribbons and presented to children. Consecrated branches are attached to the head of the bed, at crucifixes, hearths of fireplaces, in stalls. From Maundy Thursday until noon on Saturday, church organs and bells are silent. This is the period of the Easter Triduum (Triduum Paschalis) - Thursday, Friday and Saturday. In the evening on Holy Saturday, the celebration of the great Triumph begins in all churches. After sunset, the first Easter Liturgy (Mass) of Easter is served - Easter candles are lit. Important days during fasting: Forgiveness Sunday is the first Sunday of Great Lent. Clean Monday- First Monday of Great Lent.
  • advent advent - November 26(Sunday) advent- Waiting time for Christmas. 4 Sundays before Christmas: a period of concentration, reflections on the upcoming coming of Christ (both in the feast of the Nativity and in the Second Coming), etc. Believers are preparing for the second coming of Christ, remembering the prediction of the prophets and John the Baptist about the coming of the Savior. The Catholic Church considers Advent a time of universal repentance.
  • December 3 (Sunday)- Second Sunday of Advent.
  • December 10 (Sunday)- Rejoice. The third Sunday of Advent is the third Sunday of Advent in the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church and a number of Protestant churches. This day - a kind of break in Advent - symbolizes the joy of the coming holiday. This is the only day of Advent when priests have the right to serve not in purple vestments, symbolizing repentance, but in pink ones, symbolizing joy. On this day, it is allowed to decorate the temple with flowers and decorations. Pink colour. A similar day exists during the period of Great Lent - this is Laetare, the fourth Sunday of Great Lent.
  • December 17(Sunday)
  • Fridays of the whole year (with some exceptions) are Friday.
  • Abstinence from food before taking Communion - Eucharistic (liturgical) fast.

Orthodox calendar for 2017

  • April 16 (Sunday) - Bright Resurrection of Christ (Easter) Easter - Holy Sunday Feast of Christ Holy Resurrection of Christ, Easter, is the main event of the year for Orthodox Christians and the biggest Orthodox holiday. Festive services continue for 40 days, until the feast of the Ascension of the Lord (June 9). All this time, believers greet each other with the words "Christ is risen!" “Truly Risen!” “At dawn they hastened to the tomb of Jesus the Myrrh-Bearing Woman. In front of them, an angel descends to the tomb and rolls off a stone from it, an earthquake occurs, and the guards are plunged into fear. The angel tells the wives that Christ has risen and will precede them in Galilee... The day in the early morning of which Christ was resurrected was approaching evening. His disciples were in sad bewilderment and hesitation, despite the story of the myrrh-bearing women. Then the Lord did not hesitate in the evening of the same day to appear Himself first to two of them, who “went to a village, sixty stades from Jerusalem, called Emmaus; and talked among themselves about all these events. The word "Easter" came to us from the Greek language and means "transition", "deliverance". On this day, we celebrate the deliverance through Christ the Savior of all mankind from slavery to the devil and the granting of life and eternal bliss to us. Just as our redemption was accomplished by Christ's death on the cross, so eternal life is granted to us by His Resurrection.

Twelfth non-passing holidays

  • January 6 (eve, Christmas Eve) Christmas Eve is also celebrated on January 18 on the eve of the feast of the Epiphany. Sometimes Christmas Eve on the Annunciation and Saturday of the first week of Great Lent are also mentioned - in memory of the miracle of Theodore Tyrone. The name comes from the word "sochivo" (originally - wheat grains soaked in juice from seeds). According to tradition, on Christmas Eve it is customary to refuse food until the first star, when the fast ends. The very tradition of fasting “until the first star” is associated with the legend of the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem, announcing the birth of Christ, but it is not recorded in the charter of the church. It is customary to break the fast with sochiv (kutya) - grains of soaked wheat with honey and fruits - in accordance with the custom, when those preparing for baptism, intending to perform it on the Nativity of Christ, prepared for the sacrament by fasting, and after baptism they ate honey - a symbol of the sweetness of spiritual gifts.
  • Jan. 7Nativity.Based on the gospel testimony, the Church feast of the Nativity of Christ is close to winter solstice, and throughout Europe is celebrated on December 25th. In Russia, the holiday has lost its astronomical correspondence to the solstice. The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the holiday according to the old style on January 7th.
  • January 19Baptism of the Lord (Theophany). A holiday celebrated in honor of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River by John the Baptist. During baptism, according to the Gospels, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove. At the same time, a Voice from Heaven proclaimed, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." There was a manifestation of God (Theophany) in the fullness of the Trinity (God the Son was baptized, God the Father spoke from heaven, God the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove). On the feast of the Epiphany or Epiphany, water is blessed. Sometimes consecration is carried out right on the reservoirs in specially punched holes, which are called "Jordan", in remembrance of the baptism of Christ in the Jordan. There is also a tradition of bathing in these holes. If someone is baptized on this day - be him happiest person for life. It is also considered a good omen if on this day they agree on a future wedding. "Epiphany handshake - to happy family', the people said.
  • The 25th of JanuaryTatyana's Day. Memorial Day of the Great Martyr Tatyana. On January 12, 1755, the day of remembrance of the Great Martyr Tatyana, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree on the founding of Moscow University "for the glory of the Fatherland." Count Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov, the future curator of the university, deliberately submitted this petition to her on the name day of his mother, Tatyana Shuvalova. Thus was born the famous holiday of Moscow, and then the entire Russian student body - Tatiana's Day.
  • February, 15Meeting of the Lord. The Slavic word "candlemas" is translated into modern Russian as "meeting". The Meeting is the meeting of humanity in the person of the elder Simeon with God. The meeting symbolizes the meeting of the Old and New Testaments.
  • April 7Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Annunciation - conveys the main meaning of the event associated with it: the announcement to the Virgin Mary of the good news about the conception and the birth of the Divine Infant Christ by Her.
  • August 19-: the second Spas of August - according to the Church Charter, fish is allowed at the meal. Once, the Gospel says, Jesus ascended the mountain with three disciples - Peter, John and James. This mountain was in Galilee. At the top of it, Jesus began to pray, and while praying, his face suddenly changed, becoming like the sun, while his clothes became white as light. At the same moment, a bright cloud appeared, two great prophets of antiquity, Moses and Elijah, came out of it, and a voice was heard: “Behold, this is My beloved Son; Listen to him."
  • August 28Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • September 21Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • September 27
  • December 4Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary. A Christian holiday based on the Holy Tradition that the parents of the Theotokos, Saint Joachim and Saint Anna, fulfilling a vow to consecrate their child to God, at the age of three brought their daughter Mary to the Jerusalem temple, where she lived until her betrothal to the righteous Joseph. On this day, according to folk legend, Winter herself passes through the earth in a snow-white coat and with her icy breath casts snow patterns on window panes.

Twelfth rolling holidays

  • April 9 (Sunday)Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Palm Sunday- (the arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem on a donkey, when the people greeted him, throwing palm branches onto the road - in Rus' they were replaced by willow) - the last Sunday before Easter. Fish is allowed at the meal.
  • May 25 (Thursday)Ascension of the Lord. (ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven in the presence of disciples - apostles from 12) - 40th day after Easter. After Christ was Risen, the disciples of Christ felt the feast. All 40 days He sometimes appeared to them, sometimes to one person, sometimes all at once. The disciples saw how Christ rose above the earth, which was a symbol of the fact that when the end of the world comes, He will return to earth in the same way as he departed to the Father. During his Ascension, Christ promised his disciples that on the tenth day he would descend to them as the Comforter from God the Father in the form of the Holy Spirit. There will be a single manifestation of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Feast of the Trinity Eastern Slavs had a whole cycle of holidays that begin after the seventh Thursday after Easter. This Thursday falls just before Trinity and is called Semik. This day has long been commemorated by the dead, who did not die by their own death. First of all, drowned people, suicides, as well as children who died unbaptized. Then came the Parents' Saturday, which was also called "Trinity Grandfathers". This day was considered one of the main days for remembrance. Then came the day of the Trinity, which was often called Mermaid, or Green. And then Trinity, or Green Week. There are two special days in Green Week - Spirit Day on Monday, and on Thursday - Nava Trinity or "Rusalkin Great Day". Ukrainians and Belarusians call these days Green Christmastide. All these days were called Green precisely because in these days the cult of vegetation has a special meaning. On Trinity days, Trinity greens were harvested - felled young birch trees, branches of birch, maple, oak, linden, mountain ash, hazel, etc., as well as herbs and flowers; then wreaths were woven from it, worn on the head on the Trinity and on other holidays, decorated with greenery inside and outside the house, plugged into all outbuildings, gates, wells; they put wreaths on the horns of cows, threw branches into the garden. On Spirits Day, part of the Trinity greenery was collected, dried and used as a talisman against evil forces, lightning, fire or for divination, healing magic, etc. At the final stage of the festive cycle, they destroyed all the remaining greenery - they burned it, threw it into remote places and ravines , rafted on the water, thrown into the trees. The obligatory destruction of Trinity greenery at the end of the festive period was motivated by the need to get rid of the mermaids, whose period of permitted stay on earth was ending. Trinity, Green Christmastide - a cycle of interconnected holidays: Semik Trinity Ecumenical Parental Saturday Trinity (Pentecost) - Trinity Sunday of the Spirits day Navskaya Trinity
  • June 3 (Saturday)Trinity Saturday or "Trinity Grandfathers", "Suffocating". Trinity Ecumenical Parental Saturday. Day of Remembrance of the Dead. At present, the wrong custom has developed to consider the feast of the Trinity itself to be the parental day. On parental days, Orthodox Christians visit churches where funeral services are performed. These days, it is customary to make sacrifices on the memorial table (eve) - various products (with the exception of meat).
  • June 4 (Sunday)Day of the Holy Trinity. Pentecost. "Mermaid", or "Green" - the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles in the form of flames on the 50th day after Easter. Ten days after the Ascension of the Lord, the promise of the Lord Jesus Christ came true, and the Holy Spirit descended from God the Father in the form of fiery tongues to his disciples-apostles. Thus, the students were able to master all the languages ​​of the world and were able to teach Christianity throughout the Earth. Holy Trinity is one of the most beautiful Orthodox holidays. On this day, it is customary to decorate the house with branches of birch, linden or maple, as well as wild flowers. Hence the second name of this holy holiday - Green Sunday. Following Trinity Sunday, Trinity week began (or “mermaid”, “wire”).

Great holidays

  • January 14Circumcision of the Lord.New Year according to the old style. Evidence of the celebration of the Circumcision of the Lord in the Eastern Church dates back to the 4th century. On the eighth day after his Nativity, Jesus Christ, according to the Old Testament law, accepted circumcision, which was established for all male babies as a sign of God's Covenant with the forefather Abraham and his descendants. In Russia, the date of the Circumcision of the Lord is widely known in a secular context as the "Old New Year", since until 1918 it coincided with the beginning of the new year (the so-called civil new year).
  • July 7Nativity of John the Baptist. Based on the gospel testimony of the 6 month age difference between John and Christ religious holiday the birth of John was close to summer solstice(and Christmas - to winter). Thus, under the sign of Christ, the sun begins to increase, and under the sign of John, it begins to decrease (according to John himself, “he must increase, but I must decrease” - Latin Illum oportet crescere, me autem minui). The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the holiday according to the old style on July 7th.
  • July 8Day of Peter and Fevronia The Day of Family, Love and Fidelity (the day of marital love and family happiness) is a popular Orthodox holiday, which is often contrasted with the Catholic St. Valentine's Day (February 14 - celebrated in Russia mainly among young people). Peter and Fevronia are Orthodox patrons of the family and marriage, whose marital union is considered a model of Christian marriage. According to legend, a few years before the reign, Peter killed a fiery serpent, but got dirty with his blood and fell ill with leprosy, from which no one could cure him. Tradition says that in a dream it was revealed to the prince that he could be healed by the daughter of a “tree climber” (beekeeper) who mined wild honey, Fevronia, a peasant woman of the village of Laskovaya in the Ryazan land. Fevronia cured Peter, and he married her. In advanced years, having taken monastic vows, they prayed to God that they die on the same day, and bequeathed to put their bodies in one coffin, having prepared in advance a tomb of one stone, with a thin partition. They died on the same day and hour. Considering the burial in one coffin incompatible with the monastic rank, their bodies were laid in different monasteries, but the next day they were together. The day patronized family and love. First mowing. On this day, the last mermaids leave the banks deep into the reservoirs, so it was already safe to swim. After the Kupala games, couples were determined, and this day patronized family and love. In the old days, from this day until Mikhailov's Day (November 21), weddings were played.
  • July, 12Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. The first mention of the holiday dates back to the 4th century. According to Tradition, the holiday was first celebrated in Rome, whose bishops lead their succession from the Apostle Peter. On June 29 (according to the Julian calendar), 258, the transfer of the relics of the apostles Peter and Paul took place in Rome. Over time, the content of this event was lost, and the day of June 29 (July 12) began to be regarded as the day of the common martyrdom of Saints Peter and Paul
  • August 2Ilyin's day. The memory of the prophet Elijah (IX century BC) Among the many names that fill the Christian Monthly books, the name of the prophet Elijah, who lived almost three thousand years ago, occupies a special place. Few saints enjoy such veneration among the Orthodox people. In the biblical tradition, Elijah is one of two Old Testament saints who did not see death on earth, but were awarded paradise even before the coming of Jesus Christ. Therefore, on some icons of the Resurrection, one can see Elijah and Enoch at the gates of paradise, meeting the ancient righteous, led out by Christ through the broken gates of hell. The second appearance on the earth of Elijah takes place before the coming of the Messiah, and Christ himself points to John the Baptist as a prophet who appeared before Him “in the spirit and power of Elijah”, but remained tragically unrecognized (Malachi 4:5; Mt 11:14; 17:10 -13). Together with Moses, he also appears on Mount Tabor during the significant scene of the transfiguration of Jesus Christ. Our ancestors from ancient times revered this saint of God. In semi-pagan Slavic tradition Elijah is a powerful and formidable manager of the most terrible and beneficent forces of nature. He sends lightning to the earth, thunders across the sky, driving around in his chariot, punishes dark hellish forces, brings down rain on the fields and gives them fertility. From Ilyin's day, according to popular belief, bad weather began, and it was also forbidden to swim. Swimming was forbidden due to the fact that from that day on, all evil spirits returned to the water: devils, mermaids, hair - from Ivan's Day (July 7) and until now they were on land, where Ilya the prophet shot them with lightning. Therefore, bathing becomes fraught with the appearance of abscesses and boils on the body, and in some cases even drowning by evil spirits.
  • August 14Honey Savior (Savior on the Water): the first Savior of August This is the first of three August holidays dedicated to the Savior, Jesus Christ. The full church name of the first Savior is 'Origin of the honest trees of the honest and life-giving Cross of the Lord'. The first Savior is popularly called ‘wet Savior’ in honor of the small blessing of water, ‘honey Savior’, ‘poppy Savior’. It was believed that from that day the bees cease to bring honey. From this day on, the tasting of the honey of the first collection is blessed with the consecration of honey. In addition, on August 14, religious processions to the water were made everywhere - after all, this Savior was ‘on the waters’! On August 14, it was customary to distribute honey to all the poor and crippled for free, and also to treat everyone to it. And before the onset Honey Savior it was impossible to eat fresh honey. You could only eat last year's honey. The Honey Savior is also called Maccabeus, named after the great martyrs who laid down their violent heads for their homeland. Therefore, the main symbols of the Honey Savior are not only bee honey, but also poppies, which must be consecrated in the church without fail.
  • August 19Transfiguration. Apple Spas: the second Savior of August - according to the Church Charter, fish is allowed at the meal. Once, the Gospel says, Jesus ascended the mountain with three disciples - Peter, John and James. This mountain was in Galilee. At the top of it, Jesus began to pray, and while praying, his face suddenly changed, becoming like the sun, while his clothes became white as light. At the same moment, a bright cloud appeared, two great prophets of antiquity, Moses and Elijah, came out of it, and a voice was heard: “Behold, this is My beloved Son; Listen to him." By this time the apples are ripe. “On the second Savior, the beggar will eat an apple” - on the Transfiguration, the custom was always observed to give apples to the poor. And before that time, even wealthy peasants did not eat apples. There was a belief that in the next world, the Mother of God distributes ripe fruits to children whose parents do not eat apples until the second Savior, and does not give those whose parents could not resist, they tried earlier. Therefore, eating an apple before August 19 was considered a great sin.
  • August 28Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Holiday of the Orthodox and Catholic Church, dedicated to the remembrance of the death (assumption) of the Mother of God. According to church tradition, on this day the apostles, who preached in various countries, miraculously gathered in Jerusalem to say goodbye and perform the burial of the Virgin Mary.
  • August 29Walnut Spas(canvas Savior): the third Savior of August Walnut - because folk naturalists date the final ripening of nuts to this day. With "canvas" the situation is a little more complicated. On August 29, the Orthodox Church celebrates the transfer in 944 from Edessa to Constantinople of the miraculous image of the Savior - a piece of fabric on which, according to the gospel story, the face of Jesus Christ was imprinted. In rural life, this holiday was celebrated by trading in linens and canvases. “The First Spas - they stand on the water; the second Spas - they eat apples; the third Savior - canvases are sold on the green mountains.
  • September 21Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Birth of the Virgin Mary in the family of the righteous Joachim and Anna. From the point of view of the doctrine of the Church, the birth of the Most Holy Theotokos - the Mother of Jesus Christ - was not an accidental and ordinary event, for She was assigned an important role in the implementation of the Divine plan for the salvation of mankind.
  • October 14Protection of the Holy Mother of God In the Russian Church it is considered one of the great holidays. The holiday is based on the legend of the appearance of the Mother of God in the Blachernae Church in Constantinople in 910. In 910, under Emperor Leo the Wise and Patriarch Macarius, the Byzantine Empire was at war with the Muslim Saracens, and Constantinople was in danger. On Sunday, October 1, during the All-Night Vigil, when the Blachernae Church was overflowing with worshipers, Saint Andrew at four in the morning, raising his eyes to heaven, saw the Most Holy Theotokos walking through the air, illuminated by heavenly light and surrounded by angels and a host of saints. The Mother of God prayed for a long time for the coming people. At the end of the prayer, she removed the veil from Herself and spread it over all the standing people. As long as the Most Holy Theotokos was in the temple, apparently there was also a veil. After Her departure, it also became invisible. But taking it with her, she left grace to those who were there. In Rus', cover day is the first truly autumn holiday. From that day, evening gatherings for girls and the autumn wedding season began. In folk tradition, this day marked the meeting of Autumn with Winter.

Church fasts of many days

  • from November 28 to January 1 inclusive - non-strict and from January 2 to January 6 - strict. On Mondays, food without oil. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, food with butter. Fishing is allowed on Saturdays and Sundays. On Wednesdays and Fridays dry eating: bread, raw vegetables and fruits. Further on January 5 2016 inclusive: on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, dry eating (bread, vegetables, fruits), on Tuesdays and Thursdays, food without butter, on Saturdays and Sundays, food with butter. The Church Charter (Typicon) appoints public holidays when two meals are laid, wine and oil, the following dates: November 29, December 8 and December 13, and December 17, 18, 19, 22, 30 and January 2. Feasts in honor of Russian saints are also added to these days. With the beginning of the Prefeast of Christmas, i.e. from January 3, the fish permit is canceled even for Saturdays and Sundays.
  • great post.
  • June 12 (Monday) - July 11Petrov post. On Wednesdays and Fridays in Petrov Lent, dry eating: bread, raw vegetables and fruits - once a day, in the evening. On Mondays of Petrov Lent, according to information from some Orthodox sources, dry eating: bread, raw vegetables and fruits - once a day, in the evening; according to information from other Orthodox sources - boiled vegetable food without oil. If the memory of the great saint happens on Monday, Wednesday or Friday of Peter's Lent - hot food with butter. On Tuesdays and Thursdays during the Petrov fast, vegetable food with oil and wine (while fish is allowed on the days of the memory of the great saint or on the days of the temple holiday), according to other Orthodox sources, fish is allowed on Tuesdays and Thursdays of the Petrov fast. On Saturdays and Sundays, on Petrov fast, vegetable food with oil, wine and fish are allowed. Twice a day. Regarding wine, Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov explained live on radio "Radonezh": "Wine is allowed for those who fast with dry food." According to other sources, fish is allowed on Saturday and Sunday. Strict fasting (dry eating) on ​​Wednesday and Friday. On Monday you can have hot food without oil. On other days - fish, mushrooms, cereals with vegetable oil.
  • August 14 – 27Dormition fast (strict).
  • November 28, 2015 - January 6, 2016Christmas post.

Church day fasts

    Wednesday and Friday of the whole year, except for continuous weeks and Yuletide
  • January 18Epiphany Christmas Eve (Eve of Theophany).The day before the feast of the Epiphany. On this day, believers prepare themselves for the adoption of Agiasma - baptismal holy water for purification and consecration with it at the upcoming holiday. On Christmas Eve, on the eve of the feast of the Epiphany, it is supposed to fast before drinking holy water, the meal is prescribed once, after the Divine Liturgy. According to the Church Charter, on Epiphany Christmas Eve, Orthodox Christians are ordered to eat juicy. The evening of January 18 is the famous "Epiphany evening". According to popular belief, this is the time of revelry evil spirits. She strives to enter the house as a werewolf - in any guise. To protect the dwelling from the penetration of evil spirits into the house, they put with chalk on all doors and window frames the signs of the cross, which is considered reliable protection from everything demonic. Do not put a cross on the door on Epiphany Christmas Eve - be in trouble, they thought in the old days.
  • 11 SeptemberThe Beheading of John the Baptist. Parents day. The Church commemorates the Orthodox soldiers who were killed on the battlefield for Faith and Fatherland. This commemoration was established in 1769 during the war with the Turks and Poles by decree of Empress Catherine II. Fast day: fasting should consist of "a meal of oil, vegetables, or whatever God provides of them." According to Orthodox tradition, round vegetables are not eaten on this day. On parental days, Orthodox Christians visit churches where funeral services are performed. These days, it is customary to make sacrifices on the memorial table (eve) - various products (with the exception of meat).
  • September 27- Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord. The holiday is set to commemorate the finding of the Cross of the Lord, which, according to church tradition, took place in 326 in Jerusalem near Golgotha, the place of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Since the 7th century, the memory of the return of the Life-Giving Cross from Persia by the Greek emperor Heraclius began to be connected with this day. Lenten day: it is supposed to eat vegetables and vegetable oil.

Solid weeks

  • from February 6(Monday) to February 12(Sunday) - Sunday of the publican and the Pharisee.
  • from February 13(Monday) to February 19(Sunday) - Meat week. week.
  • from February 20(Monday) to February 26(Sunday) - Cheese (Maslenitsa).
  • February 26(Sunday) - Forgiveness Sunday - the last day of the Maslenitsa week and the last day before Great Lent, which begins on Clean Monday and continues until Easter.
  • from April 16(Sunday) to April 22(Saturday) - Continuous Bright Easter week - a week after Easter. no post
  • from June 5(Monday) - June 11(Sunday) - Trinity week- a week after the Trinity (Green week, - "mermaid", "wire" - a week before Peter's post). This week there are two special days: "Spirits Day" ( June 5(Monday)), "Navskaya Trinity" ( June 8(Thursday)) or "Rusalkin Great Day"

Days of Special Remembrance for the Dead

  • February 25 (Saturday) to April 15 (Saturday) great post(strict) - The whole meaning of the penitential feat accomplished during Great Lent, as the holy fathers say, is to purify the heart.
  • February 18 (Saturday)Saturday Meat-Feast (Ecumenical Parental Saturday).
  • March 11 (Saturday)Saturday 2nd week of Great Lent.
  • March 18 (Saturday)Saturday 3rd Week of Lent.
  • March 25 (Saturday)Saturday 4th week of Great Lent.
  • April 15 (Saturday)End of Lent. Holy Saturday.
  • April 25 (Tuesday)Radonitsa. Parents day . All Souls' Day (Tuesday of the 2nd week of Easter). This day is called Radonitsa to commemorate the joy of the living and the dead about the Resurrection of Christ. On parental days, Orthodox Christians visit churches where funeral services are performed. These days, it is customary to make sacrifices on the memorial table (eve) - various products (with the exception of meat). Radonitsa (April 25 (Tuesday)) and Trinity Saturday (June 3 (Saturday)) are the main parental days. These days, it is customary to visit the cemetery after the church: to correct the graves of deceased relatives and pray next to their buried bodies.
  • 9th MayCommemoration of the dead warriors. Commemoration day for all those who died and tragically died during the Great Patriotic War.
  • June 3 (Saturday)Saturday Trinity.
  • Dimitrievskaya Saturday, which was originally the day of commemoration of Orthodox soldiers, was established by Grand Duke Dimitri Ioannovich Donskoy. Having won the famous victory on the Kulikovo field over Mamai, on September 8, 1380, Dimitri Ioannovich, upon returning from the battlefield, visited the Trinity-Sergius monastery.

According to Wikipedia,

If divided into categories, then in addition to the usual two days at the end of each week, there are three more types of weekends or holidays. In 2017 in Belarus, these will be either dates associated with political memorable events in the state; either all-republican, or based on various beliefs and folk traditions.

Countries and cities are developing, culture is also changing. Some holidays appear and others disappear. Annual memories of significant events make the people of the country as if involved in those ancient times and the past of their land. There are solemn or mournful dates that are appointed by the state, but there are also those that are transmitted at the level of rituals, while it practically does not matter what political system is in the country at the moment.

The most official are, of course, holidays established by the state - memorable dates celebrated in honor of events that played a key role in the history, politics or public life of the country.

The list of these dates itself was officially established back in 1998 by a special Decree of the Head of the country. On the occasion of state solemn days, various official events are held, fireworks, processions, and the flag of the country is raised.

Public holidays in Belarus in 2017

Celebration of the adoption of the "Constitution of the Independent Republic of Belarus"

Like all European nations, Belarusians are celebrating the adoption of their own Constitution. This holiday is celebrated every year, on March 15, since the signing of a special Decree in 1998.

unity day

In 1997, on April 2, the signing of a special document between Belarus and Russia, establishing the union of these countries, gave rise to the celebration of the Day of Unity of the Peoples of the two neighboring states.

Victory Day

Following the example of their closest neighbors, Belarusians on May 9 witness festive parades and participate in solemn ceremonies. May 9 is a special date for a country that lost a huge number of soldiers and civilians in that terrible war.

Flag and Emblem Day

In 2017, it will be May 14, since the celebration is established annually on the second Sunday of this month. Residents of the Republic will celebrate the Day of the most important symbols of the independence of the state - their own flag and coat of arms.

Independence Day or Republic Day

In 1944, on July 3, the main city of Belarus - Minsk was liberated from German troops. On this occasion, Belarusians and guests can become spectators or even participants in the solemn parade.

Of the entire list of public holidays, days off in Belarus in 2017 will be May 9 and July 3, Victory over the forces of the Reich and Republic Day, respectively.

National holidays 2017

On January 1, Belarus, like all European countries, celebrates the coming year. In 2017, this date will fall on a Sunday, so the next day in January will also be a holiday.

Day of the Belarusian Army

This date coincides with the Day of the Soviet Army, memorable from the times of the USSR, is celebrated on the same days - February 23, and is dedicated to all the defenders of their Motherland and the Belarusian Army, that is, to all the Armed Forces of the Republic.

Women's Day

The holiday associated with the congratulation of women and the onset of spring is celebrated by the inhabitants of the Republic. According to tradition, this holiday is a holiday for all women who, on this spring day, rejoice in the received gifts and warm congratulations.

Labor Day

The first of May, although called the holiday of labor, is a day off. Since this time is the height of spring, residents willingly celebrate Labor Day in nature, having picnics, or attend various concerts and other outdoor events.

October Revolution Day

Another holiday that Belarusians inherited from Soviet times. On November 7, official events are held in honor of the Bolshevik revolution that took place in 1917.

Republican holidays in Belarus in 2017

  • New Year - January 1-2;
  • Day of Women and Spring - March 8;
  • Workers' Day - May 1;
  • Anniversary of October - November 7th.

Religious holidays and public holidays in 2017

In Belarus, the majority of residents consider themselves to be of the Orthodox Christian denomination, however, folk traditions of pre-Christian times are also alive in the Republic. Accordingly, the Birth of the Savior is celebrated, according to both calendars - Julian (January 7), and Gregorian (December 25) and. After the Orthodox Church celebrated the Resurrection of Christ, after 9 days, Belarusians honor their dead relatives and friends on spring day commemoration of the dead (Radunitsa). The tradition of honoring and commemorating the dead is very pronounced in Belarus: in addition to Radunitsa, November 2 is also celebrated as the autumn Day of all the dead believers and Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday (Dida), which in 2017 falls on October 21.

The ancient folk holiday Kupalle, which begins to be celebrated after dark on July 6 with festivities, round dances, jumping over fire and swimming.

Of all these holidays, the days off in Belarus in 2017 are January 7, April 25 and December 25. These days, the country will celebrate Christmas twice along with the main Christian denominations, and on April 25 - the national Belarusian holiday - Radunitsa (Radonitsa).

If we separate celebrations and dates memorable events according to the seasons, the list will be as follows:


  • December 25 - Belarusian Catholics celebrate Christmas;
  • January 1 - New Year and a national holiday. Everywhere for children, matinees are organized with a special program; for adults - matinees are replaced by parties and corporate parties. At the same time, everyone who wishes can celebrate the World Day of Peace, founded by Paul IV;
  • January 6 - Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve, Holy Evening;
  • January 7 - the coming into the world of the Savior Jesus Christ, the day of His birth in Bethlehem, celebrated by Christians of the Byzantine rite;
  • January 13 - Malanka, generous evening;
  • January 19 - The Baptism of the Lord Savior Christ and at the same time - the Day of Belarusian Rescuers;
  • January 25 is a date that all students are looking forward to, because on the 25th is the student holiday - Tatyana's Day. The holiday was founded in the 18th century by Mikhail Lomonosov in honor of his mother, whose name was Tatyana.
  • February 14 is celebrated in the Republic not so long ago, somewhere since the beginning of the 90s of the last century. The symbols of Valentine's Day are red roses and "valentine hearts";
  • February 15 - the meeting of the Lord Jesus in the Temple (Meeting of the Lord), is celebrated on the 40th day after Christmas, when Mary, the mother of Jesus brought Her Son to the temple;
  • February 20 - 26 - the last seven days before Lent - the holiday of Maslenitsa, the main attribute of which is pancakes, as a symbol of ancient pagan worship of the sun;
  • February 23 is the Day of the Belarusian Armed Forces. Also, according to the established tradition, this day is considered a holiday of the entire male population of Belarus.


  • March 8 is a holiday dedicated to women. Declared a holiday in Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Georgia, Mongolia and several other countries;
  • March 15 is the Day of the Belarusian Constitution, which has become such since 1994;
  • March 25 is not an official date, but, nevertheless, a memorable Freedom Day. On this day in 1918, the people of Belarus proclaimed their own independent people's republic - the BNR;
  • April 1 is an unofficial but very well-known date when it is customary to make fun of others, arrange all kinds of funny pranks;
  • April 7 - Christians celebrate the Annunciation, the news announced to the Virgin Mary by the Archangel Gabriel about the birth of a Miraculous Child;
  • April 12 is a memorable date for the older generation. In 1961, on April 12, the country first heard that a man had flown into outer space, which marked the beginning of the annual celebration of Cosmonautics Day;
  • April 16 - in 2017, Easter falls on this date in Belarus - the feast of the Resurrection of Christ;
  • April 22 is Earth Day, which is increasingly gaining popularity in the world, established so that people can think about environmental problems and understand how we can help in solving them;
  • April 25 - 9 days after Easter, the national day of remembrance of deceased loved ones - Radunitsa;
  • April 26 is the sad anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster. In 2003, at the suggestion of the then President of Ukraine L.D. Kuchma, Belarus, together with other countries, declared this day the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Radiation;
  • May 1 - the day became a special day for all working people after in 1886 workers in America demanded that the working day be reduced to 8 hours. The demonstration ended in clashes with the police, and already in 1889, in memory of her, marches and demonstrations were decided to be held every year. In Belarus, this day has been celebrated since Soviet times, but most citizens use an extra day off for trips to nature and family vacations;
  • May 8 is the International Day of the Red Cross and Crescent Humanitarian Organization. Members of this world movement defend the right of people to life and health in the conditions of hostilities and conflicts;
  • May 9 - celebrated annually, in honor of the Victory and the end of the war with Nazi Germany in 1945;
  • May 15 is Families Day, founded by the UN General Assembly in 1994.


  • June 29 - since 2014, Belarus has been celebrating this date as the Day of partisans and underground fighters who successfully operated in the country during the war.
  • July 3 - Independence Day - the date was chosen in 1996 at the republican referendum and timed to coincide with the liberation of the capital of the Republic from the Nazis in 1944. Until 1996, the Independence Day of Belarus was celebrated on July 27 (the time of the withdrawal of the Belarusian SSR from the Soviet Union and the declaration of sovereignty);
  • July 6 - the celebration of Ivan Kupala begins in the evening, which lasts all night until the morning of July 7;
  • August 27 - In 2017, Belarus will celebrate Miner's Day, dedicated to the famous record of Stakhanov, when one miner mined coal in an amount more than 10 times higher than the norm.


  • September 3 - Belarusian Literature Day;
  • October 1 - since, in 2017, this is the first Sunday of October, it is on this day that they will accept congratulations on their professional holiday education workers;
  • November 2 is a date originating in the pagan traditions of honoring the dead - "Dida", which was called "Parental Saturdays" during Christianization. Belarusians remember their dead ancestors, prepare ritual food and participate in various rituals;
  • November 7 is the day according to the new style, when the October Revolution took place in 1917.

In addition to regular, calendar Saturdays and Sundays, holidays in 2017, residents of Belarus will have: in January - the 1st and 7th; in March - the 8th; in April - on the 16th and 25th; in May - the 1st and 9th; in July - the 3rd; in November - the 7th; December 25th.

The Council of Ministers of Belarus adopted a document that approved the schedule for postponing working days in 2017.

Belarusians will have three days off on New Year's Eve, four days on Radunitsa, and an extra day off will be on Victory Day and the November holidays. The document also notes that organizations have been granted the right, taking into account the specifics of production (work), to carry out the transfer of working days in a different manner in accordance with the law. It is worth adding that Easter for Catholics and Orthodox in 2017 coincides and falls on April 16.

According to the document, working days in 2017 are transferred from Monday, January 2 to Saturday, January 21; from Monday 24 April to Saturday 29 April; from Monday 8 May to Saturday 6 May; from Monday 6 November to Saturday 4 November. Organizations have been granted the right, taking into account the specifics of production (work), to carry out the transfer of working days in a different manner in accordance with the law. The resolution was adopted in accordance with part 6 of article 136 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus.

With a full norm of working hours (40 hours per week), the estimated norm of working hours for 2017 will be 2019 hours for a five-day working week with days off on Saturday and Sunday; for a six-day working week with a day off on Sunday - 2021 hour. The established estimated norm of working time is used by the employer to determine the number of employees, the length of working time during which the employee is obliged to be at the workplace, drawing up work (shift) schedules, as well as in order to monitor compliance with the norms of working hours established by the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus .

In 2017 there are 365 calendar days. Of this number of days, with a five-day working week there will be 253 working days, and with a six-day working week - 304 working days (12 calendar months are taken into account). The average monthly number of working days in 2017 will be 21.1 days with a five-day working week, and 25.3 days with a six-day working week.

When determining the number of working days, the number of calendar days excludes days off according to the calendar of a five-day (Saturday and Sunday) or six-day (Sunday) working week, as well as public holidays and public holidays that are declared non-working days. In 2017, non-working holidays will be January 1 - New Year; January 7 - Christmas (Orthodox Christmas); March 8 - Women's Day; April 25 - Radunitsa (according to the calendar of the Orthodox denomination); May 1 - Labor Day; May 9 - Victory Day; July 3 - Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus (Republic Day); November 7 - Day of the October Revolution; December 25 - Christmas (Catholic Christmas).

Hours of work on the working day immediately preceding public holiday or a holiday (hereinafter referred to as pre-holiday days), declared by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated March 26, 1998 No. 157 “On public holidays, holidays and memorable dates in the Republic of Belarus” as non-working days, is reduced by one hour.

Both with a five-day working week and a six-day working week, the pre-holiday days in 2017 will be: January 6, March 7, April 24, May 8 and November 6.

This rule applies to all employees, regardless of the length of their working hours.

This rule does not contain an exception for any categories of employees, including those working part-time, for employees who have reduced working hours or part-time work. Thus, this rule applies to all employees of the organization.

Taking into account certain features of part-time work, if necessary, the duration of work on the pre-holiday day for the specified category of workers, taking into account the needs of production, can be indicated in the local regulatory legal acts of the employer.

There will be 253 working days, and with a six-day working week - 304 working days (12 calendar months are taken into account).

The average monthly number of working days in 2017 will be 21.1 days with a five-day working week, and 25.3 days with a six-day working week.

When determining the number of working days, the number of calendar days excludes days off according to the calendar of a five-day (Saturday and Sunday) or six-day (Sunday) working week, as well as public holidays and public holidays that are declared non-working days.

Non-working holidays in 2017:

1st of January- New Year (in 2017, a non-working holiday on January 1 falls on Sunday);

The hours of work on the working day immediately preceding a public holiday or public holiday shall be reduced by one hour. In 2017, pre-holiday days will be shortened: January 6, March 7, April 24, May 8 and November 6.

!This rule applies to all employees of the organization, regardless of the length of their working hours. This rule does not contain an exception for any categories of employees, including those who work part-time, for employees who have reduced working hours or part-time work.

However, taking into account the peculiarities of part-time work, if necessary, the duration of work on the pre-holiday day for the specified category of workers, taking into account the needs of production, can be indicated in the local regulatory legal acts of the employer.

In order to provide employers with the opportunity for a more rational use of working time and the early establishment of work schedules (shifts), by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of November 9, 2016 No. 912, shifts of working days in 2017:

  • business day is shifted from January 2(Monday) on Saturday 21 January, with the days of rest being 31 December 2016, 1 January (New Year) and 2 January 2017;
  • business day is shifted from April 24(Monday) on Saturday April 29, while the days of rest will be April 22, 23, 24, 25 (Radunitsa);
  • business day is shifted from May 8(Monday) on Saturday May 6, the days of rest will be three days in a row - 7, 8, 9 (Victory Day) of May;
  • business day is shifted from November 6(Monday) on Saturday November 4, the days of rest will again be three days in a row - 5, 6, 7 (October Revolution Day) of November.

!The transfers apply only to employees of organizations that have a five-day working week with days off on Saturday and Sunday, as well as for whom the transferred day is a working day, and do not apply to employees of organizations that have a summarized accounting of working hours, as well as employees during a six-day work week.

Production calendar for 2017

1. For a five-day work week

Months and other periods of the year

Amount of days

Estimated working time (in hours)


(regular and pre-holiday)

With a 40 hour work week

With a 35 hour work week

I quarter

II quarter

I half year


III quarter

IV quarter

II half year


253 (248+5)

112 (103+9)

2. For a six-day work week

Months and other periods of the year

Amount of days

Estimated working hours


(regular and pre-holiday)

Non-working (weekends and holidays)

With a 40 hour work week

With a 35 hour work week

I quarter

II quarter

I half year


III quarter

IV quarter

II half year


304 (299+5)

61 (52+9)