Which is better money or love. What is more important love or money? What is more important in a relationship

love or money

Difficulties in relationships

Dating & Pickup

love or money

When a person begins to think about what he wants to get from this life, then sooner or later he comes to the conclusion that the choice is quite obvious: to create strong family or to achieve unprecedented achievements in some business. And we can honestly say that only the rare lucky ones in life can achieve both. After all, even behind the screen of wealth and success, people are hiding who have not been able to arrange their personal lives. And this is precisely what explains such a large number of divorces and depressions on the part of show business stars and businessmen.

So in a relationship, you choose a girl based on the potential or the call of the heart. Some prefer to choose a girl from a good family with great opportunities, an alliance with which will ensure rapid career advancement and material benefits. Others prefer to choose with their hearts and work their way up from the bottom together. Each of these options has its advantages and disadvantages, and only a man chooses how he can arrange his life.

What is more important in a relationship?

What is most important for a strong relationship? In theory, the correct answer should be love, but in practice this is not always the case. The answer may vary from person to person, according to their perception of life.

However, the reality is that without money and love begins to disappear. Just as a plant cannot grow and develop without sun and heat. Psychologists boil down to the fact that girls are attracted to both love and money. But still, a girl cannot be with one person all her life just because of money, sooner or later she will find a way to open her heart, and often this person is not her wealthy spouse.

But on average, money is a necessity for every girl. That is why, before falling in love, girls check the bank account of their future boyfriend and his prospects for the future. So, if you see how a girl is interested in your work, she is interested in this for selfish purposes.

Security is playing big role in managing relationships now. The reason for this is that it is not possible to provide good image life without adequate funding. Young couples want to enjoy life using only the money they earn. But sometimes the lack of money can lead to disastrous consequences.

The opinion of girls on the issue of money

The opinion of many girls can be reduced to saying one: "The man I marry will have a sufficient supply of money, have a stable job and have his own home."

Most girls these days want a secure life that only comes with a secure income. However, money alone is not a sufficient condition for a happy and successful relationship. The answer to the question: “What is more important love or money?” - is fairly obvious. Both factors go hand in hand. Without money, there will be nowhere to spend time with your beloved, and without your beloved, you do not need money in such quantities.

At the end of the article, we give the answer of one girl from the UK. He's quite blunt and vulgar, but such are the realities: “Girls only care about two things: How much money you have to give them, and how good you are in bed. If you have a lot of money, but you are not up to par, she will cheat. If you have money problems, she will find a rich "daddy" behind your back. To be happy with a girl, you must be both successful in business and in bed.

In the end, you can say

You should choose a girl who will be the love of your life. But when choosing, it is worth considering that the girl should be of your circle and level. A girl should have the same values ​​and lifestyle that you can provide her without titanic efforts and self-destruction. Then she will be happy, considering you successful, and you will not have to spend your life maintaining an image that does not suit you.

You often hear - you are lucky, you have found a rich man! Swimming in money! No, there is no love here, uses! And a number of unprintable things in the direction of a rich lucky woman.

Or another, but often encountered option - such love, such romance, but no money! Couldn't choose better option! And then there are two variations - either they pity the poor fellow or gloat - no luck, so, they say, it’s necessary!

These two life situations met on the life path of every woman. What is better to choose? Love or money - that is the question! Wallet or unearthly love?

Anatomy of love. A little about natural selection

Man is part of the fauna of our planet. We can consider ourselves the crown of creation, the masters of the planet, but in essence we are highly organized animals. And in the same way we obey the laws of biology, like our smaller brothers.

In biological terms, we are males and females of the Homo sapiens species. The purpose of the life of any biological being is the continuation of its kind, the birth of offspring.

In animals, instincts play a dominant role in reproduction. At a certain period of time, the body decides that it is ready and kittens, puppies, lion cubs and other babies are born. Depending on the species, the male can take part in the subsequent care and upbringing of the babies, in others, the father's participation is limited to conception.

The development of the human brain led to the fact that the ancient woman could no longer bear several babies at the same time and often. In a year, a female homo sapiens gives birth to 1 toddler. If parents are lucky, then two, multiple pregnancies are rare.

The expectation of a baby affects the life of a woman. She cannot adequately protect herself and feed herself. This is followed by a long and difficult period of childbirth and subsequent recovery. In addition, due to the large volume of the brain, babies are born prematurely. They cannot follow their mother like animals. Before the first steps, you need to wait at least 10 months. And up to puberty more than 10 years.

And during this period, a male male should be next to the woman, who will feed her, protect her and her offspring until the kids become independent.

It is clear that our old great-grandmothers chose the strongest. Get lucky, get unlucky ancient history did not pass! Or a strong man who will fill up a mammoth and protect from a tiger, or there will be neither you nor offspring.

At present, there is no need to run after a mammoth, as well as wave a spear. But the woman is still looking for a worthy father to her children. And money is a mammoth, a spear and a worthy cave!

But to prevent everything from becoming so pragmatic, nature came up with a cunning hormonal mechanism. He had to balance the chances of less fortunate hunters, and make the man take care of his own offspring. Later it was called love!

Love. The entrails of sublime feeling

Love for all ages! Why this biological mechanism is triggered, scientists are still arguing. They say that certain substances are to blame - pheromones.

But they regulate, support love 4 hormones:

  1. Phenylethyleneamine - makes the heart beat, rejoice at the sight of a loved one. Increasing the production of this substance gives lightness, carelessness, joy, a feeling of inspiration. A decrease in the level during separation - melancholy and sadness. This substance works from 2 to 3 years. According to statistics, most divorces occur during this period. And money plays an important role.
  2. Dopamine is the hormone of joy, happiness, pleasure. It is he who is responsible for the pleasure of communicating with the man he likes. After a while, the level of production of this substance decreases and the feeling of falling in love disappears.
  3. Oxytocin is a hormone that provides a mother with love for a child, gives peace and tranquility next to a loved one. It is he who is to blame for the expression "with a sweet paradise in a hut." Under its influence, people commit such acts that they would not do in an unloved state.
  4. Endorphin is a hormone of happiness, a powerful immune stimulant. Remember how you ran in the rain and kissed in the cold and didn't get sick? This is the work of endorphins. Here again comes physiology - the process goes to reproduction, so both participants should be as healthy as possible.

The feeling of falling in love passes quickly, as the necessary substances cease to spur the body.

We can say that love is a sublime, spiritual feeling. But at its core, it is just a physiological reaction of the body and there are no signs of anything sublime!

The dangers of a marriage of convenience

Why does a woman decide to choose money? There may be several reasons:

  1. The decision is not made by her, but by the parents - the so-called dynastic or business marriage. And further, as you're lucky, but such relationships are usually strong.
  2. The decision is made by the girl, focusing on her own family. She is accustomed to prosperity, a certain level of income, the value system of her parents. Therefore, she cannot imagine life without enough money.
  3. Unfortunate childhood. Perhaps her family lived in poverty, her mother pulled her children and her alcoholic husband. And the girl decided that she and her children would not live like that. And a sufficient amount of money is the main advantage of her potential husband.
  4. Bad past experience. The girl has already experienced the concept of "with a sweet paradise." But when the child asked for food, and dad could not or did not want to provide her with a certain amount of money, a stable income, or at least the desire to earn money, the woman had to draw certain conclusions.

The reasons are different and marriage of convenience, because of money, is not a sign of moral depravity or sexual promiscuity. As well as the fact that a girl is lucky in life!

Having chosen this form of relationship, a woman should be aware of the dangers of such a choice:

  • a man can use money as a means of punishment, blackmail;
  • many women note total control over the use of funds;
  • if a man realizes that a woman is with him only because of money, then alienation may occur in a relationship. And then the wife begins to complain that her husband does not pay attention to her. The man believes that he gives her what she wanted - money;
  • jealousy - if a man feels that a girl is insincere with him, then financial jealousy arises. The other will beckon with a tight wallet ... On this basis, conflicts and total control arise;
  • you may be lucky enough to live with a workaholic. These are men who independently earned 1 million and work is more important. But love is not;
  • the worst thing is blackmail by their own children. Money decides a lot, and in case of your disobedience, a man can deprive you of children. Well, if you're lucky to see them once a week. And the old love will not protect you.

If you are considering a marriage of convenience, then approach this issue responsibly. Even at the relationship stage, observe the following aspects:

  1. A man's attitude towards his work. In any case, family should be more important.
  2. Employer-subordinate relationship. Especially if there are servants in the house. Some believe that since subordinates depend on the employer's money, then it is possible to behave incorrectly with him. A man can transfer such an attitude to his dependent spouse.
  3. Attitude towards children. If a man does not have his own little ones, then his friends, at least one, have them. You can’t play love for children, you really need to have certain feelings for them.
  4. relationship between his parents. Men practically copy the behavior of their father, even if unconsciously. How the future father-in-law behaves towards his wife, the future husband will also behave.

Money is more important, questions of love fade into the background - you decide that this is better for you. Consider the following points:

  • If you have a demanded specialty, then do not quit your job. This is your island of financial independence. Lucky for those who combine hobby and work. And let there be little money, but no one can blackmail you.
  • If you are asked to sign marriage contract, you'd better agree. But make sure that the documents indicate what payments you are entitled to in different occasions. Amounts for personal expenses, household, children, divorce payments, child support.
  • Try to have common interests with your husband, circle of friends, educational level and treat a man with at least respect. There is nothing complicated about this, and it is precisely this beginning of marriage that can develop into affection and true love! And the concept of "lucky" will not help here, you need to work on such relationships!

Say yes to love! But wisely

This feeling inspires, makes you see only the good in the other person and not notice the bad. No money, no need! Feelings are more important! This position has a right to exist.

But before jumping into the pool with your head, it is better to stop and ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Relations in his family to money. Remember! A man will transfer the value system to your relationship. And you will be spinning at 2 jobs, and your loved one will lie on the couch, motivating you that there is no prestigious job, and he does not work for another.
  2. Assess the education of a man, his desires and aspirations. Yes, perhaps now he has little or no money, but he strives to earn money, and does his best in this field. In this case, your love for him will give an additional incentive in this matter.

Feeling in love is not a guarantee of a strong relationship. Love is more important! It is this emotion that motivates you to do something for another person. And make money too. And "lucky" or not "lucky" does not pass here!

Money or joy of love? Afterword

There is no call in the article to become a calculating bitch or engage in some kind of veiled prostitution. And the desire for a certain amount of money is a sign of depravity and lack of spirituality.

A good relationship should include a share of the calculation. And the term of love is short, and as a result, small children suffer. Lucky or unlucky in marriage, in love depends on the couple! And from their attitude to the issue of money as well.

Love or money: what to choose? We are all completely different people and each of us will have our own vision of this or that issue in this or that period of time. I will express my personal subjective opinion ...

I stated this so that everyone understands and treats this or that opinion with understanding.

I do not pretend to its absolute correctness and do not impose anything on you in any way.

We live in the material world, where without a dough a person is nobody and there is no way to call him. It is a fact!

A person without money will not be able to feel good and survive in this world. Fact 2!

The reality is that the vast majority of people never have enough money.

It is for this reason (the material world) and this problem (the eternal lack of money) that most people value money so much and attach so much importance to it in life that it (this money) becomes the most important thing in their life. I think you have met more than once and here are such male and female opinions / reasoning:

M: There will be money \u003d there will be a bunch of women and everything will be for me. I choose money!!

It’s not clear, though, how a bunch of women are combined with love = but oh well))

Zh: I will live well, lack nothing, ride around the world, travel, etc. and so on. what about without money? to roam with the poor and live poorly? No, I'd rather choose a rich man than live like this.

I wonder what prevents to be with a worthy man with a bubble for love? Have mutual love?

It’s not clear)) it’s probably better to be with an ATM that gives out loot over and over again and don’t give a fuck what kind of person he is, shit or shit, have feelings or no feelings - the main thing is that the ATM gives money, and don’t give a shit about the rest.

In general, a lot of reasoning moves from one extreme to another. Jokes aside. I focus on this because this is the main problem ...

If you do not take into account what I have already said a little higher, then I think someone that “hurts” is talking about that.

That is, if we consider the questions (this or that) in this way, everyone needs what he does not have ...

Well, a person, for example, has a material component = but he lacks other components (for example, love) = so he dreams about it, wants this love and chooses love. Understand?

Bad for the dough, good for something else = so he is obsessed with the dough = dreams, wants.

In my opinion, all components are intertwined and I will try to explain this in this article a little later.

But! If we consider the question of how we are today “money or love”, then or that = that, personally, without any doubts or hesitation, with all 100% certainty = certainty of all certainty = I choose love.

Because for me personally, love (real feelings) is much more valuable than money.

The money that I have. And / or which I can multiply a hundred times more (and even more so with a decent girl next to me, after all). Understand?

  • Money won't hug and keep me warm at night
  • Do not kiss sweetly tenderly in the morning
  • They will not prepare the desired breakfast, dinner and lunch for me
  • They will not give me the children I want and this is happiness
  • They won't wait and meet me in the evenings
  • I will have no one to spend my free time with, fool around, have fun, make friends, watch movies, talk, share, travel, meet New Year, celebrate a birthday, etc. and so on.
  • I have no one to live with in an empty apartment of 100 or how many square fucking meters
  • I can go on for so long; money has a place to be (they decide, because our world is material) = but at the same time, “by themselves” they do not decide anything, more details here:

Not everything is measured by money. This, as a rule, is already understood by those who have them (when there are no problems in this part). Naturally, when a person is “hungry” in this regard (he has no money) = he will not understand all this because he has not yet closed his basic physiological needs for food, safety and comfort, etc.

You can have all the money in the world = be incredibly rich and powerful and still be miserable. I mean, I don't have love. His native person I have no.

For this simple reason = I am not complete. I am not a full-fledged and incomplete person, I do not feel this in myself, this harmony, this calmness, this satisfaction, this happiness, I have a gap on this point, I have an emptiness in this part, I am not complete. I'm not lying and not cunning = I'm not shy and I'm not afraid / other = I tell it like it is.

Therefore, I would choose love, real feelings, without a moment's hesitation.

This is something that would complete me and in many aspects complete and give a sense of completeness, as a result, make me much stronger and more satisfied and happier as a person.

What about money? What will they give me when I have them and / or will I have time to multiply them a hundred times ...

He meets his own little man and in general this whole “case” called love happens = incredibly rare, this is not fleeting love for you, this is not for you to seduce a girl for an evening or something like that.

Those who have lived their lives will confirm to you that truly “this” can happen in a lifetime 1-2, maybe 3 times if I’m very lucky and I’m on personal experience I've been convinced of this for a long time...

Smoothly leading to the final ...

Try to take responsibility for everything in general, especially when it comes to important decisions, there is something on the little things, of course, you can, discuss, talk, think over, etc. and so on.

You are not a tyrant, don't get me wrong, you don't need to go from one extreme to another, take into account and reckon with the opinions / interests of your woman = you can, no doubt, but, in the end, a man makes decisions.

That's why it's so important to pump your eggs. Pump the man in you. For no one is born a man, they become in the process, but unfortunately or fortunately, not all of them. The choice is yours.

Concluding from the article,

The components themselves (love there or money or whatever) will not make me (any person) truly happy, satisfied with life, hence the conclusion follows that:

  • It is NOT correct to consider such topics as this or that (what to choose)
  • You do NOT need to move from one extreme to another, ala love or money (combine everything together);
  • For all components are important, because only in this way can a person be satisfied in life.

You live with a person not a day, not two, not a month, not a year - but all your life. In order for you to manage to build a cool, harmonious, happy, long-term relationship - this should be your person in everything ...

Relationships without love (but, for example, in the presence of dough) in long term they will not lead to anything good / they will not happen. For relationships, the personality of a person always has a complex meaning.

Regards, administrator.

Hello, dear readers! Love or money - what to choose. Now times have changed and less and less often you will meet people who will give a quick answer to this question, and then burst into shouts on the topic that a bright feeling is most important for a person. It is not necessary to accuse the population of commercialism and a decline in morals. We haven't changed a bit, just become a little more honest with ourselves.

Today we will talk about what is more important - love or money, what to do if you have such a choice, how to make a decision so as not to regret it later, you will also find a lot of interesting things from psychology and everyday life. So get comfortable. We begin.

What is of paramount importance

See how interesting it turns out, when it comes to choosing between a loved one and a partner with money, society rages on the topic that if you give preference to the second, then you are a nonentity. When we talk about a career and life with a loved one, everyone becomes softer and begins to look for compromises so that everyone is comfortable.

Discussions about the paramount importance of love were conducted in those days when a woman could not earn much on her own. She had to, which would provide for her and future offspring. “At least somehow” was enough, and any attempt to get more for yourself and future children in the only way possible for a woman was considered mean.

How are things going with this now? If you want to earn money yourself - well, well done. You dream of a successful man - you are "fed" for money.

If this choice is now before you, please, before making any decision, try to get rid of stereotypes. Of great importance is not only the amount in question, but also, as well as yours. Everything is too vague to use the standard advice of experienced people in this difficult situation.

In my distant youth, I witnessed one story that I will remember for the rest of my life. The young man was telling my friend that . Everything was there: the cries of the soul, suffering and even tears. A friend calmly watched all this, and then also calmly declared: “Kostya, but you don’t have any money.”

Everything, as you can see, is individual. Let's talk about it.

What is closer to you

Some men, especially those who do not have money or, believe that for all girls, the main happiness lies in money. They are not able to win the heart of a woman thanks to their own. They found the easiest way to solve this problem - to accuse the female sex of commercialism.

If you experience canonical love, the one from which, then most likely you are reading this article simply out of idle curiosity. Of course, either a man does not need any benefits of civilization at all - “would be nice nearby, and the rest can be solved.”

If you have one in front of you, then most likely the feelings are not so strong and if the second partner was not financially well-off, you would still think who to give preference to. Sometimes we attach too much importance to insignificant facts.

At one of the receptions, a girl came to me, who was embarrassed by her financial condition. young man. He was too wealthy. For her, this was new. In the end, she still decided to try to start a relationship with him. A few weeks later she reappeared: “I can’t do this. He doesn't respect himself at all. He is stupid, uninteresting, boring. He is constantly trying to buy - makes unthinkable gifts, fulfills any whim. I’m already openly mocking him, but he doesn’t seem to notice it.”

As you can see, not in any case, money is the highest good. Try to move away from the financial issue and look at life from a different angle - which of the people (or what situation) is actually closer to you? How would you behave if a particular person did not have money and what is your real attitude towards the one you think you love.


To some, this question will seem banal, but it is very relevant. Many are of the opinion that love will win anyway, because it is invincible. Naturally, love seems invincible when happy couple in love and everything around - in pink color. But everyday life comes and over time everything changes, you have to overcome many problems, face financial turmoil. Unfortunately, today the financial issue is one of the main weapons that destroys the family and the relationship between a man and a woman.

Sociologists conducted a survey among thousands of men and women aged 25 to 69 years old, and 71% of the respondents answered that financial problems often come first in family squabbles. 34% of women and 27% of men agreed that it was main reason divorce. Most of the respondents believe that acute problems arise in the family if a woman earns more than a man.

material support

Material security is one of the main sources of anxiety and even fear. It can be seen that material well-being and close relationships are often interrelated. If the husband does not try to earn money for the family or does not spend on a woman, the woman may have thoughts that he does not love her. Other options are also possible.

For cave people, the presence of a cave, fire, and food spoke of the possibility of survival. We have money. Therefore, money and survival are connected very tightly, just as caring and survival are connected. This mechanism is very strong.

However, it is necessary to share money and love, to break the connection between how much we are financially provided and how much we love our partner. The quality of the relationship should not depend on the amount of money.

If you unconsciously combine these two concepts, many difficulties, fears, resentments and claims will again arise in the relationship.

love for money

For a woman, relationships can be a kind of deal. The deal is that the woman behaves in a certain way, and the partner must pay for it. Or vice versa, if he gives her money, then she treats him well, or does something for him. It turns out that the husband must pay for the love of his wife, and the wife must work off her husband's money. This is very painful and humiliating for both parties, even if it is not realized. How long can such a deal last?

"Marriage of convenience"

What does it usually mean for a woman when her husband provides for her? Often it is protection, care, love, and this understanding is close to the fact that money is an indicator of love and care. If this is a marriage of convenience, all care is limited to providing a certain amount of money. You will not be able to experience certain feelings: tenderness, care, security. You will not feel that the other person needs you. All this is replaced by money.

So what is more important - money or love? Think about this question and make your decision. Determine what is more important to you, what you would like to get from life. But remember that love is easy to lose, but very difficult to find, especially in our turbulent world... Money does not solve all problems and does not make people happy. Moreover, sometimes they even make people lonely and unhappy. Without money, you can still somehow live, but without love - nothing.

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