Electronic queue in kindergarten Shumerl. How is the queue for kindergarten formed?

Modern parents are well aware that to arrange a child in kindergarten ik close to home today is not so easy. There are many children, but places in preschool institutions, unfortunately, are limited.

Therefore, soon after the birth of the baby and receiving all required documents, mom and dad put him on the waiting list for kindergarten.

How is the queue for kindergarten formed?

Today this can be done in three ways:

The application is assigned a serial number, which must be written down, because this data will be needed to track the progress of the queue.

How can I track the place in the queue for kindergarten?

This can be done in several ways:

  1. In the appropriate section on the website of the regional administration at the place of residence. Usually on such resources you can find out the queue for kindergarten by the application number.
  2. By the reference number of user support of the State Services website: 8-800-100-70-10 (round the clock). In this case, the request is made by the name of the baby or according to his data on the birth certificate (series and number).
  3. Actually, on the gosuslugi.ru portal. Here you will need to enter the number assigned to your application.

How to find out the queue number for kindergarten through the State Services website?

Before receiving this or any other information on public services, you will need to register on the site. If you left an application for a place in the kindergarten on the State Services portal, you just have to log in using your username and password.

Register on the e-portal

To do this, you will need to enter:

  • a series of personal data that the system will ask for,
  • passport ID,
  • SNILS.

Remember that after registration, it will take some time to confirm the information. After the data is confirmed, it will be necessary to complete the registration by personally visiting the nearest Multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services.

Find out the order in the garden

So, if you have an account on the State Services website, you can find out the queue number by following the sequence of actions:

  1. Log in to your personal account using your login (as a rule, this is the insurance number of an individual personal account) and password.

  1. Go to the "Electronic Services" page.

  1. In the "Services by Departments" section, select "Department of Education of the City Administration ... (your city)".
  2. In the list of services provided by the Department of Education, select the appropriate item - "Acceptance of applications, registration and enrollment of children in educational institutions of the city ... (your city)".

  1. Click on the inscription "Get a service."

  1. Click on the inscription "Go to the application", enter in the window that appears the number assigned to your application for enrollment in the garden.

  1. On the page with the subtitle "Admission to kindergarten" you should select the type of application in the drop-down list - about obtaining information about the status of the queue.

  1. After a short-term processing of the request, the system will provide information about the state of the queue at a given time.

In what order are applications placed in the queue?

Applications are placed in the queue according to the date of their submission, which is also the date of registration of the preschooler. The age of the children is also taken into account. Thus, children of the same age group are located in the order in which the applications were issued by the parents.

It should be borne in mind that this applies to babies entering kindergartens on a general basis, that is, without benefits.

A child's place in the queue indicates how many more children of the same age group are waiting for a place in kindergarten and apply for it before your baby.

How are preschoolers standing in line distributed to kindergartens?

Distribution to preschool educational institutions occurs automatically.

The system sorts applications, placing them in order, taking into account the following data:

  • serial number of the application;
  • the category of the population to which the future pupil of the kindergarten belongs: preferential or on a general basis, in turn, beneficiaries are also arranged in sequence corresponding to the level of benefits and the date of application;
  • age of children: in each group, applications are lined up according to numbers and taking into account applicants with benefits;
  • priority kindergarten (if there is no place in it, the system will consider the nearest ones, and only then the remote ones).

Thus, the system selects children of different age groups for each specific kindergarten, depending on their place in the queue and taking into account benefits.

This usually happens in summer period. However, you can also be in the kindergarten during the year, since once every three months the groups are replenished if there are free places in them.

It should be borne in mind that the distribution of places in any kindergarten may change after a while. This is due to the fact that the parents of the referred children do not plan to send them to kindergarten in the future. academic year or got a place in an unsuitable garden for them.

Taking into account this information, the lists are corrected and kindergartens are being staffed.

Why can the place in the queue for kindergarten shift?

The queue to kindergarten can surprise the parents of the baby and pleasant surprises- in the form of a jump up, and not too joyful facts - a shift down. What are the reasons for these movements?

An application can move up the queue in the following cases:

  • if the child standing higher on the list has dropped out of the queue (the family has changed their place of residence, the parents have completely refused to visit the kindergarten for the child, the child will not go to kindergarten this academic year);
  • if the beneficiary standing above has lost his status and now takes a place in the list in the garden according to the date of enrollment (later than you);
  • if there are “transferrs” (that is, those who do not agree to a place in this garden) or “refuseniks” in the queue.

The queue can go down for the following reasons:

  • if a beneficiary appeared in it;
  • if the list includes “transferrs” (those who transferred from another kindergarten to yours, but submitted an application before yours).

An electronic queue for kindergarten is certainly a useful service. Today, parents do not need to visit the RONO several times a month with a bunch of documents and knock on the thresholds of gardens in search of a place.

It is also convenient that you can look at the queue at any time to find out if it is moving in the right direction. However, it is important to apply as early as possible so that your child can be in kindergarten at the scheduled time.

In each region of the country, for a certain category of citizens, there is a preferential queue for kindergarten. Cheboksary, like any other city of the Chuvash Republic, is no exception. On the page with electronic services provided in the field of education, in the last section there is a detailed list of persons who are eligible for preferential admission to kindergarten. These include the children of prosecutors, as well as judges and employees Investigative Committee, citizens affected by the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. They have an extraordinary right to enrollment. Another group of beneficiaries includes children with disabilities, children from incomplete, poor, large families and others. They have priority in enrollment.

The first method is known to almost all residents of the republic and is nothing new. The second one became available not so long ago. It allows you to get a place in preschool educational institution using the Internet, which is much faster and more convenient.

Electronic queue for kindergarten

Previously, for registration, it was necessary to drive up to the registration service and queue at 4-5 in the morning. The queue consisted not only of parents wishing to put their child on the queue for kindergarten, but also of parents wishing to correct errors made in the application when filling it out or transferring it to a computer. Each one took about half an hour to process. Now it is only necessary to bring documents confirming the authenticity of the information entered by the parents themselves into the system electronic queue, - queues have been significantly reduced, as has the time of work with each applicant.

What do parents need to do in order not to miss the chance of getting into the desired kindergarten? First you need to analyze the enrollment of children in kindergartens that are a priority for you (information is on the websites of district departments of districts or districts of the city), then you should critically assess the chances of a child getting into a particular kindergarten (based on an approximate calculation of 50 percent of beneficiaries / 50 percent of non-beneficiaries) . If as a result of the calculation you are far beyond 50 percent, choose another kindergarten. Recruitment starts on February 1, until this time you can change the list of priority kindergartens for you (sometimes by e-mail), and in any case, you need to confirm the benefits and the list of kindergartens you have chosen. After that, you just have to wait for the acquisition and, just in case, take and save screenshots on certain dates. Starting March 1, you may be called or emailed with information about the possibility of enrolling in a particular kindergarten and with a list of documents that you need to apply to this preschool educational institution. In the status in the electronic queue, instead of “Registered in the register”, it will say “Sent to preschool educational institution No. ...” or “Temporarily sent to preschool educational institution No. ...” (this is if you do not fall into any of the kindergartens you have chosen, as well as when referred to a short-term stay group or to the Child Play Support Center).

How to check the queue for kindergarten through public services

As a result, on the screen we will see information about the priority for obtaining a place in kindergarten. Also, information about the queue number will be duplicated by e-mail specified by you in personal account. As you can see, finding out the queue for kindergarten through the public services portal is not only fast, but also convenient!

  • the service is provided free of charge;
  • terms of rendering services - on the day of application. Moreover, you will be able to find out the queue number and the status of your application automatically, immediately after completing the request for the service;
  • This service is available only to registered users of the State Services Portal with a verified account.

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REFERENCE. The new electronic service is being introduced as part of the implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2009 No. 1993-r and ensuring the openness of the recruitment process for preschool educational organizations. In accordance with the order to the state authorities of the subjects Russian Federation and local governments are recommended to transfer the provision of the service "acceptance of applications, registration and enrollment of children in educational organizations that implement educational program preschool education", in electronic form.

Public services: checking the queue for kindergarten

For any type of service, you will need to register on the public service website. If you already have a username and password to log in, then log in to the site. Check if you have filled in all the data in your personal account so as not to enter them manually each time. Go to the catalog of available services and find the category "Education". There we are interested in the item "Registration in kindergarten."

At the birth of a child, parents rush to take a turn in kindergarten, so that by the age of 2-3 years this line will come up and you can begin to accustom the child to a new routine and place. The first visits to the kindergarten will last 30 minutes, but within a month the baby should learn to stay there full time. Of course, these terms are extremely individual, since they cannot do without sick leave, but we will not get ahead of ourselves. In this article, we will look at how to check the current queue for your kindergarten using the public services portal.

How to check the queue for kindergarten through the website of the State Service

  • the child who was higher in the line got out because the family had moved. Either the parents changed their minds about sending the baby to kindergarten, or they decided to go another year later;
  • if the beneficiary who was in front of you suddenly lost the benefit and got into the queue for a place on the date of his application, and it turned out to be later than the date of your application;
  • if the list includes refuseniks or those who do not want to go to the proposed garden.

Applications of parents are placed in the lists relative to the date of submission, on which the preschooler was placed on the waiting list. This includes the age of the children. That is, kids of the same age are placed in the queue in accordance with the date on which the parents applied for kindergarten. It is important to note that we are talking about children who enter kindergartens without any benefits. Accordingly, the number in the queue also shows the number of babies of the same age who are also waiting for a place and will get it before you.

Since January 1, 2014, acceptance of applications, registration and enrollment of children in kindergarten in Chuvashia through the Internet site

The electronic queue provides a number of advantages. The innovation allows fathers and mothers to independently, without leaving home, from work, put the child in line for kindergarten and track its movement through a single portal of state and municipal services, as well as on-line on the Internet to receive the necessary explanations from specialists of government bodies education.

REFERENCE. The new electronic service is being introduced as part of the implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2009 No. 1993-r and ensuring the openness of the recruitment process for preschool educational organizations. In accordance with the order, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments are recommended to transfer the provision of the service "reception of applications, registration and enrollment of children in educational organizations implementing the educational program of preschool education" to electronic form by January 1, 2014.

How to find out the queue for kindergarten

It should be borne in mind that the distribution of places in any kindergarten may change after a while. This is due to the fact that the parents of the referred children do not plan to send them to a kindergarten in the upcoming academic year or have received a place in a kindergarten that is not suitable for them.

“You can queue up on the Internet from the moment the baby is born, but with an indication of the age at which parents plan to send the child to kindergarten,” the department commented. - After successful registration, fathers and mothers will be able to receive an individual application code through the Internet portal. With it, you can track the movement of the queue. Parents will be informed about the approach of the queue by phone or e-mail.

The republic began to operate an electronic queue for kindergartens. Parents can put their child on the waiting list for kindergarten without leaving home with the help of

The electronic queue provides a number of advantages. The innovation allows fathers and mothers to independently, without leaving home, from work, put the child in line for kindergarten and track its movement through a single portal of state and municipal services, as well as on-line on the Internet to receive the necessary explanations from specialists of government bodies education.

Moreover, leave You can apply not to one kindergarten, but to five at once. Full information on preschool institutions allows parents to more objectively approach the process of choosing a kindergarten, taking into account its location and educational programs.

In electronic queue can become from the moment the child is born taking into account the expected date when the parents plan to send the baby to kindergarten. After registering a child through the Internet portal, parents receive an individual application code, which can be used to track the progress of the queue. The education authorities will inform parents by phone or e-mail that the turn has come.

According to the rules, after filling out an application for a queue in a kindergarten, parents are called back and confirm the appearance of data on the child in the database.

Only one application can be submitted per child, with a choice of up to 5 preschool educational organizations, the first of which is a priority. The priority is determined for each educational organization.

Parents who applied for a place in a kindergarten before the introduction of the electronic queue system do not need to register their child via the Internet.

Parents who do not have access to the Internet can, as before, contact the MFC or the education department.

The queue for kindergarten on the site may change somewhat, depending on the results of registration of other children or the emergence of new data, taking into account preferential categories citizens.

REFERENCE. The new electronic service is being introduced as part of the implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2009 No. 1993-r and ensuring the openness of the recruitment process for preschool educational organizations. In accordance with the order, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments are recommended to transfer the provision of the service "reception of applications, registration and enrollment of children in educational organizations implementing the educational program of preschool education" to electronic form by January 1, 2014.

The service for accepting applications, registering and enrolling children in preschool educational organizations will be carried out on the basis of an additional module to the automated information systems "Netschool" and "Network City" operating in the Chuvash Republic. Education". The software product was developed by CJSC "IRTech" (Samara).

The stroller has a bumper, it can be removed if necessary. In my eyes, this is a big plus, since Yoyo was sorely lacking. The child often rides without leaning on the back of the stroller, but sitting upright and holding on to the bumper. The bumper absolutely does not interfere with me to put and take out the baby.

Another advantage over Yoyo and many analogues is that the rear wheels are wider than the front ones, and their width is pretty decent. Not for all, but for many ramps, the stroller fits (although some fit in width, but the brake pedal gets in the way if the ramp is in the form of a rail).

Dental mouth guard

Attention! The use of caps can eliminate the consequences, as well as prevent the occurrence of complications in bruxism, but not completely cure the disease. Wearing a cap should be carried out in the complex of the main treatment, which, first of all, should be aimed at finding and eliminating main reason diseases.

Dental guards are used to treat and prevent the unpleasant consequences of bruxism - strong clenching of teeth during the day and night, as well as grinding of teeth during sleep. Strong closure of the teeth provokes excessive abrasion of the teeth, the formation of chips and cracks on the teeth.

Dear Guys

On the portal " web 2.0 education» you can not only find out your grades, see the lesson schedule, homework and topics of the lessons passed, but also get to know and make friends with your peers from the Perm Territory and other regions of Russia.

You will be able to communicate directly with your child's teachers, receive advice from highly qualified specialists (on-line or in blogs) of various educational institutions throughout Russia, learn the news of the education of the class, school, your territory, region.

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  • go to a parent meeting and ask class teacher login and password;
  • do not go to school, but ask to transfer the login and password through the student;
  • immediately take the login for the child and the logins for the parent, there is different information;
  • as an option, try to enter the site under your ESIA Gosuslugi account.

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Enter the name of the points in the fields and set the route parameters, i.e. first you need to create a route, and then
click Calculate route,
If a point-to-point route exists, it will appear on the map , you will also see the navigator (route description). the description needs to be scrolled down, you can click in it and the place on the map will be selected. By hovering the cursor and scrolling with the mouse wheel, it will be described in detail how to get from and to, it can also be viewed on the map. When you route from point to point in the top right corner of the browser you will also see the distance in km and travel time from the Origin to the Destination.
At the output you will receive:
- description of the route from and to the text of the navigator,
- measure the distance from point to point by clicking on the ruler,
— the distance between the sections of the path and the full route,
- distance between cities,
- travel time + taking into account Yandex traffic jams,
– consumption and cost of fuel, expenses for hotels, food, conversion of expenses into other currencies,
— weather on the road (place of arrival),
– route from and to by car between cities,
- route from and to public transport,
- print the route on the map,
- on foot distance up to 15 km in large cities of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, etc.,
- detailed road map of Russia with cities 2019
You can also get directions here
Calculates and builds a route from point A to point B. Also by clicking on Multiroutes, you can build, create a route on foot, by car, by public transport. Online Navigator will calculate the fuel consumption of a car in currency. The navigator uses the APIs of Google, Yandex. The navigator will show you the weather at the place of arrival. You can print the map and description.

Create a route by car by points and print. The online navigator will help you create a route, calculate the walking distance on the map, get directions from and to, you will find out how much you need to walk from point A to point B or calculate the distance from point A to point B, you can also get directions through one additional point , through which your route will probably pass. You will be able to plot a route map, calculate the distance and time and see the data of this route directly on the map, it will also show you the weather at the place of arrival, the fuel calculator will calculate the gasoline consumption per 100 km. After clicking on the “Calculate” button, a description of the route will appear on the right, in fact a text navigator: if you chose an additional route point, the navigator will divide its sections and calculate the distance in each section, and also calculate the total distance (mileage) from the point of departure to the point destination, will also display the travel time. The online navigator will show you how to get from and to by car, car in Moscow, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk, Yekaterinburg, Perm from point A to point B. You can get directions several types, depending on the mode of transportation, for example, on foot, by car, by transport (bus, train, metro), by bicycle (this method does not work well in Russia due to the lack of bicycle paths). To do this, you need to select a method from the drop-down list and you can easily get directions and find out how to get to your destination. Here you can find out how to get there by car, pave the way and calculate the distance

Salou, Spain

The closest resorts very similar to it are La Pineda And Cambrils. I have not been to Cabrils, but according to reviews there is nothing special to do there, but I saw La Pineda with my own eyes, and there is also nothing remarkable there except for the beach, the Aquopolis La Pineda water park and the famous Pacha La Pineda disco.

Salou - uh That seaside resort and large, modern, youth, green (all in palm trees), noisy tourist center in Catalonia, which is located on the Costa Dorada. Resting there Very many tourists from different countries and Spaniards from other cities come. Salou is even called the second Sochi. And there is also a train station, thanks to which you can get to Barcelona, ​​Valencia and other cities.

Payment for kindergarten with maternity capital

According to the education law parental fee can be returned to parents in the form of compensation from the local budget. This is done for the purpose of additional social support families in the upbringing and education of children. The amount of compensation is established by the regulations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and cannot be less than the established part, counted from the average parental payment for maintenance and care:

Given the difficult economic situation in the country, in some regions this rule was extended even for large families who suddenly found out that from January they will have to pay for kindergarten services in full on their own.

Accounting for the current and overhaul of a kindergarten

Construction in progress is measured at actual costs. To implement the separation of accounting in the context of individual fixed assets for each estimate for the overhaul, new objects of the nomenclature of the account directory are created.

A complex of structurally articulated items includes one or more items of the same or different purposes, having either common fixtures and accessories, or common control, or mounted on the same foundation, as a result of which each incoming item can perform its functions only as part of the complex, and not independently. .

Swandor Hotels & Resorts Topkapi Palace 5*

We rested at the beginning of June with our family. We arrived at the hotel at 6 in the morning, sat down only after 12 s, even if the child was small, they didn’t look at it. But we didn’t waste time in vain, we went for breakfast, then we swam in the pool. ))) As for food, there is enough food, there is a choice.

I rested in 2019 with my husband and daughter 11 years old in late August and early September. I really liked the hotel, beautiful area, good water park. Our room was on the first floor with two exits, we were very pleased with it. The food is excellent, varied and delicious. On nutrition, I note that.

Where to go with kids in June

Today, 44 tourist "magnets" have already appeared on the fabulous map of Russia: in Rostov - Alyosha Popovich and Tsarevna-Frog, in Moscow and Veliky Ustyug - Santa Claus, in Kostroma - Snegurochka, in the Tver region - Koschei the Immortal, in Pereslavl-Zalessky - Tsar Berendey, in the Lipetsk region - Kudykina Gora. And the Yaroslavl region is a leader in “fairytale tourism”: Vodyanoy and Baba Yaga, Emelya and Kurochka Ryaba, and Toptygin the bear settled here.

Based on early booking results, Bulgaria also shows good results and, as always, offers a lot of options children's recreation: these are children's and youth camps (a feature of holidays with children in Bulgaria is the growing demand for organized holidays in children's camps during the holidays) and resorts on the Black Sea coast.

11 Aug 2018 399