Overview of nail growth products. Folk ways. How to strengthen exfoliating and thin nails so as not to break

The beauty of a manicure directly depends on the condition of the nails, unless, of course, we are talking about gel extensions. In recent decades, due to the deteriorating ecology and the lack of the opportunity to eat healthy food, everyone more women suffers from brittleness and slow growth of nails. There are also cases when the nails exfoliate or go in waves, and this problem has nothing to do with fungal diseases. In this article, you will learn about the most effective means for the growth and strengthening of nails at home.

4 main rules for protecting hands and nails

Get rid of excess stress in the following ways:

  • If the condition of the nails leaves much to be desired, do not abuse varnishes and various coatings to strengthen the nails. Most of these procedures are nail salons help not to solve the problem, but only to hide its external manifestations. It makes no sense to grind wavy and ribbed nails, since removing the top layer of the nail plate will only aggravate the situation;
  • Contact with dishwashing detergent and various household chemicals is also undesirable, since it affects not only the condition of the nails, but also leads to premature aging hand skin. You can protect yourself from such troubles with the help of rubber gloves;
  • In winter, it is necessary to protect hands from the cold so as not to slow down the growth of nails and prevent the formation of cracks on chapped palms;
  • An unhealthy appearance of the nails is often associated with a lack of vitamins. To solve this problem, include in your diet fermented milk products (kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc.), as well as vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C (bell peppers, Brussels sprouts, parsley and dill, spinach, kiwi, oranges, strawberries, etc.).

5 best nail masks

Pepper mask

Nail Growth Mask

Mix 0.5 teaspoon of olive oil with the same amount of red pepper, and heat slightly in a water bath. Apply to the nail plate, starting from the cuticle, for 20-25 minutes. Rinse with warm water and soap (preferably baby soap), then lubricate your hands and nails with a nourishing cream.

Do not perform this procedure more than once a month.

Wax mask

Mask for strengthening and growth of nails

Melt the required amount beeswax in a water bath and let it cool slightly. Apply to nails starting at the cuticle. The duration of the procedure has no restrictions and depends on your capabilities. It is best to wax your nails before going to bed, protecting the applied mask with cotton gloves.

It is advisable to do a wax mask once a week.

Mask with lemon and iodine

Firming mask

Mix 1 teaspoon of olive oil with lemon juice and 4 drops of iodine. Lightly heat the resulting mass, and rub it into the nails starting from the cuticle. After 10-15 minutes, you can wash your hands.

Castor mask

Growth & Color Enhancement Mask

Lubricate your nails with castor oil, or dip your hands into a small bowl of this product. To enhance the effect, you can mix castor oil with 2 drops essential oil bergamot.

Apply the mask preferably 1 time in 5-7 days.

Vegetable mask

Firming mask with vegetables

Finely grate, or chop in a blender, 1 medium sized cabbage leaf and 1 small potato. TO vegetable puree add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of natural sour cream. Apply the mask on the nails for 15-20 minutes, then rinse it off and lubricate your hands with a nourishing cream.

Baths for nails

Baths for strengthening and growing nails are good because they take care of the skin of the hands, making it soft and supple.

Sea salt

Sea salt bath

Dissolve in 2 cups of warm water 2 tbsp. spoons sea ​​salt and 3-4 drops of iodine. Dip your hands in the resulting solution for 15-20 minutes, then wash off the remaining salt from them and use a nourishing hand and nail cream.

Repeat the procedure every 5-7 days.


Bath with baking soda

Dissolve in 2 cups of warm water 2 tbsp. spoons baking soda. Optionally, you can add 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes, after which the hands should be lubricated with nourishing or baby cream.

Soda baths for nail growth can be used 3-4 times a month.


Salt bath

In 0.5 liters of water, dissolve 2 tbsp. tablespoons of table salt and 5 drops of iodine. Dip your hands in a container with a solution for 15-20 minutes, then rinse off the remaining salt and use a baby cream.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure once a week.

Olive oil

Baths with sea salt will accelerate the growth of nails, if they are used 1 time in 5-7 days.


lemon bath

Grate, or chop with a blender, 1 medium-sized lemon. Mix the resulting mass with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil and 100 gr. warm water. Dip your fingertips into the bowl with this mixture for 10-15 minutes. Wash your hands, then use a nourishing cream.

Are you a fan of long, trendy and stylish nails? Many women, like you, dream of growing long nails, - certainly your own, natural, because it is natural beauty that is at the peak of fashion today.

What can I do to grow my nails fast?

Procedures for nail growth should be applied in a complex, then you will achieve amazing results.

1. Make warm baths for hands daily, alternating components (for example, 1 day - salt, 2 days - oil, 3 days - gelatin, 4 days - pepper).

2. Massage your nails and cuticles daily with nourishing oils. It is desirable to add liquid vitamins and 1-2 drops of essential oil to the oil.

3. If possible, apply nourishing masks of oils or paraffin all night, while wearing cotton gloves.

4. Enrich your diet with foods containing calcium and vitamins, eat gelatin-based dishes, take vitamin-mineral complexes for hair and nails.

Homemade bath recipes for fast nail growth

Sea salt recipes

Sea salt - one of the most powerful means for strengthening and growing nails. To prepare a bath, dilute 15-20 g of salt in two glasses of warm water, you can also add a couple of drops of iodine. Soak your hands in the solution for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.

Warm baths with salt and essential oils. Add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sea or table salt in 0.5 liters of warm water, then pour in 2-3 drops of essential oil (lavender, bergamot, rosemary, citrus). Soak your hands in the solution for about 15 minutes. The bath helps to strengthen the nails and accelerate their growth.

Soda baths with salt for nails: add a tablespoon of soda to a glass of warm water, add a spoonful of salt, if desired, you can add a few drops of iodine. Soak your hands in the bath for 10-15 minutes, then lubricate with cream or olive oil. Baths can be done several times a week.

Salt oil bath help to grow nails quickly. Mix a tablespoon of salt with three tablespoons of olive or any cosmetic oil. Slightly heat the mixture in a water bath and apply on the nails with massage movements for half an hour or overnight.

Lemon to speed up nail growth

Lemon juice contains a rich complex of useful substances for nails, has a beneficial effect on their growth, strengthens the structure. Lubricate your nails with lemon juice, and then rub a nourishing cream into the cuticles or cosmetic oil. The procedure can be repeated every other day.

Lemon baths. Very useful for accelerating the growth of nails regularly do baths with lemon. To do this, take 1 lemon and cut it in half. We use one half for the nails on the right hand, the other for the nails on the left hand. Dip clean, well-washed nails into the pulp of a lemon and hold them for 2-3 minutes. Then pat your hands dry with a soft towel and apply the cream.

Lemon + iodine. Take 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and add 5-7 drops of iodine to it. Such a bath should be done daily for 15-20 minutes and your nails will be irresistible.

Lemon + oil. Squeeze the juice from one lemon, add a tablespoon of sea or table salt. Rub the product into the nail plate and cuticles and leave for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week and your nails will become long, strong and beautiful.

Baths with herbs for nail growth

To prepare an herbal bath, you need to add 2 tablespoons of a mixture of chamomile, St. John's wort and burdock root to a glass of boiling water. Mix everything well and let it brew for half an hour. To enhance the beneficial effect, you can add half a glass of milk and a spoonful of honey to the herbal bath. Then dip your fingers into the broth for 15-20 minutes. The frequency of the procedure is 2 times a week.

Medical procedures with wax and paraffin for nails

Paraffin therapy is effective method to accelerate nail growth. In the process of its implementation, molten wax or cosmetic paraffin is applied to the nails and cuticles. Its action is similar to massage - blood circulation improves and oxygen flow to the nail plate is stimulated. Paraffin has a warming and moisturizing property, and also protects nails from the aggressive effects of home chemicals.

Beeswax. You can also use beeswax in its pure form, bought from beekeepers on the market, to accelerate the growth of nails. The procedure should be carried out before going to bed. The wax must be heated to a liquid consistency and lower the nails there for a few seconds. Then let the wax on the nails cool, wrap a film or bags on the resulting masks, put on gloves and leave for 20 minutes or overnight. Remove gloves in the morning. The recommended course of the procedure is 10 sessions.

Nourishing ointment. The use of ointment for nail growth helps tremendously. To prepare it, you need to take 40 ml of calendula oil, 5 g of beeswax and 1 boiled egg yolk. The wax is heated in a water bath and then oil and yolk are added to it. Next, the mixture is heated with constant stirring and brought to the density of sour cream, after which it is carefully applied to the nails and the cuticle area.

Wax + aroma oils Mix wax and bee honey in equal parts, add a few drops of orange essential oil (any other oil of your choice is also suitable). Apply the composition to the nails, put on cotton gloves and leave overnight.

Nail massage to accelerate growth

Massage of the nails in the cuticle area will improve the blood circulation of the nail plate, as a result, the nails will grow faster, stop exfoliating. During the massage, it is recommended to use olive or almond oil, or a nourishing cream. Your nails will receive a full massage with regular typing, playing the piano, and grow faster as a result.

Nail massage with vitamins . To conduct a vitamin massage, you need to buy vitamins A and E in liquid form or in capsules. Mix vitamins in equal proportions (for example, 1 teaspoon or 2-3 capsules), add a teaspoon of almond or olive oil and rub into the nail plate and cuticle. Rinse off the mixture is not required. It will be better if you massage at night and wear cloth gloves.

Pepper mask for fast nail growth

The hot properties of pepper will help to quickly strengthen nails and accelerate their growth. Mix a quarter teaspoon of ground red pepper powder with a spoonful of nourishing cream. Apply the mixture to the cuticle of the nail and massage. Leave the mixture on your hands for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply cream. Be careful not to get pepper in your eyes during the procedure. Mask to do no more than 1 time per week.

Video: gelatin baths for rapid nail growth

Gelatin mask for nail growth

A gelatin mask will help you quickly grow long hair. beautiful nails like the girls on the cover of magazines. Gelatin is a natural source of collagen, so it will help to quickly restore a healthy nail plate. Dissolve 100 ml of gelatin in a glass of warm water and stir until there are no lumps. Hold in the hands for about 20 minutes. Repeat 1-2 times a week until you get the desired result.

By the way, the use of products containing gelatin will help to greatly accelerate the growth of nails.

  • Gelatin baths for rapid nail growth: recipes

Therapeutic nail polish

An excellent tool for strengthening nails is "Smart enamel". This is a healing varnish for strengthening and growing nails, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetics store. This option is suitable for those who never have enough time for cosmetic procedures. Apply it regularly, as a result you will get strong long nails.

Nourishing oils for nail growth and strengthening

Oil baths for nail growth: in heated vegetable oil (olive, almond, castor or any other), add a few drops of iodine and glycerin. Soak your fingertips in the oil solution for 20 minutes, then pat your hands dry with a tissue. Nails will become strong, shiny, their growth will accelerate.

Olive massage. Promotes the growth of nails regular application of olive oil on their surface. Although it is quite expensive, it contains a large amount of vitamins and trace elements that are beneficial for the health of nails. Therefore, 1-2 times a week, apply to the nails and skin of the hands. olive oil wear cotton gloves and leave overnight. Also, for the nutrition and growth of nails, you can use liquid vitamin E, which is sold in pharmacies.

Hot manicure. The hot manicure procedure perfectly nourishes and heals the nails, helps to accelerate their growth. In a small tub hot water add a tablespoon nourishing oil(olive, castor, almond, wheat germ, etc.). Dip your fingers in the resulting solution for 15 minutes. It is useful to do such a manicure once a week, your nails will become strong and shiny, burrs will disappear, the skin of your fingers will smooth out.

  • Nourishing oils for strengthening nails: medicinal properties, recipes for masks and baths

1. If you constantly wear colored polish on your nails, you need to periodically give your nails a rest, at least for 2 weeks several times a year. Your nails need to breathe oxygen too!

Beautiful nails are a sign well-groomed woman. Strange shapes and flashy nail art have become yesterday, a sign of bad taste and bad taste.

Elementary nail care is based on some tools that make it much easier for us to take care of them. appearance. Without a doubt, nail file, colorless varnish and are in every girl's makeup bag. But if you approach this standard set more carefully, you can add some cosmetic products for nail growth.

Top 3 Rating

This top list contains the most effective nail rescuers that have good feedback from buyers of the Russian market. They represent protection, strengthening and nourishment. Means for nail growth and can be purchased at any pharmacy or store at an attractive price. They are convenient to use both in professional salons and at home.

"Smart enamel" is the most popular product in the domestic market. Products of this brand can be purchased at any pharmacy in your city. The main advantage is harmlessness. A wide range allows not only to protect, but also to help solve a number of problems and diseases associated with nails.

Varnish from the company "Eveline" called "8 in 1" costs only 100 rubles, but in terms of efficiency it does not differ at all from similar branded products. Advantages: can be used as a base, quick-drying, super-resistant, prevents delamination of the plate. According to customer reviews, after regular use of this product for nail growth, they really acquire the required length in a short time.

Strengthener from Avon, called " Good results”, - the best solution for owners of thin, exfoliating marigolds. It is advised to use it separately from other means, so you will get the desired result much faster. The course of application will take from 2 to 3 weeks, after which you will notice that the nails have strengthened and grown a little. Before use, it is advisable to cut them.

When there is no time to go to the salon

Home care will never bring a quick result, but using proven folk remedies for nail growth, you will be sure that they do not contain any harmful chemicals.

On natural growth nails can be influenced by the following reasons:

Season (scientists have proven that in winter they grow a little slower than in summer);

The detrimental effect of household chemicals on the health of the nail plate;

Limit yourself to the consumption of foods rich in vitamins, zinc and calcium.

Nail care at home should first of all begin with a daily massage of the fingers. This method enhances blood circulation, thereby giving useful elements.

To make the nail plate more transparent, use eucalyptus or lemon oil.

Vegetable baths also have a beneficial effect, to be more precise, vegetable juice.

Grapefruit pulp is quite effective. The pulp of one fruit is crushed and poured with 50 g of ammonia. Then 1/4 cup of glycerin is added to the composition. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and the marigolds are immersed in this composition. After the procedure, wash your hands with warm water.

The effect of sea salt

Those who have ever swum in the sea have probably noticed how strong their nails have become. But fortunately, for the sake of this you do not need to run headlong for a ticket to the resort. Or you can just go to the nearest pharmacy and buy sea salt for nails. With its useful components, it prevents 2 main problems - delamination and brittleness.

If you plan to take care of your nails at home, and you don’t have sea salt on hand, then you can replace it with table salt. But this is an extreme case, since the first in its composition has more nutrients than the second.

To prepare the bath, you need to dilute 1 tbsp. l. salt in 1 glass of boiled water (40 o C). Pour the resulting solution into a deep bowl and dip your fingers into it so that it completely covers our nails.

In order for the procedure to bring the best effect, it is worth adding a few drops of any citrus oil or pharmacy iodine. The duration of the salt bath is 15-20 minutes, after which the hands are dried with a towel and any nourishing cream is applied.

How often to pamper your nails with salt baths

If your main goal is to strengthen and restore brittle nails, then you need to be patient and go through a whole course, which will take you from 10 to 14 days in duration. But that's not all. Rest for a month and repeat the course to consolidate the result.

As you can see, salt baths help not only restore nails, but also accelerate their growth.

And finally: not a single bath can make your nails beautiful and accelerate their growth if you are in poor health. Want to have the perfect manicure? Then you need to drink plenty of water, give the body extra hours of sleep and walks on fresh air, and also do not forget to take special courses of vitamins to strengthen nails at least 2 times a year.

My nails have one problem - the color of the nails has changed a little from the frequent use of varnishes. I took this tool to use as a base. The price in stores is 80-100 rubles.

Here's what it looks like:

8 problems that this remedy solves: weakened, dull, thin, brittle, exfoliating, soft, matte, uneven nails.

Mode of application: apply the drug once a day on a clean, dry nail plate. Wash off after 4 days and repeat the procedure.

I used it in a completely different way. I applied one or two layers as a base and then painted my nails with varnish. Moreover, she painted her nails on the ends and on the reverse side, as if sealing. The first layer is thin and rough, dries very quickly. The second one already smoothes the first layer a bit. It is this rough surface that is ideal for using the product as a base: the varnish lays down evenly, does not flow anywhere and lasts longer than on other bases (about 3-4 days without chips and scuffs).

For a week of use, the nails grow by about 1-1.5 mm. If used as an independent coating, then the nails acquire beautiful colour and well-groomed look. The tool makes nails stronger, accelerates their growth.

The photo was taken one week apart.

Damaged, exfoliating and thin nails are a cruel reality that should not be put up with. There are a huge number of remedies that can eliminate these unpleasant phenomena, and most of them are available to absolutely everyone.

Beautiful manicured nails it is an important part of the female image. But sometimes it happens that the nails start to break, become fragile and vulnerable. What to do in this case?

Nail - the industry does not stand still, so today there are many various strengthening agents. They not only perfectly cope with their function of strengthening the nail plate, but also nourish and smooth it. Moreover, such tools are very easy to use. So, you will not even notice how your nails become healthy and strong in just a few sessions.

Means for strengthening and growing nails from a pharmacy: home use

To your nails were strong and healthy it is not at all necessary to use expensive special means. You can buy a lot at the pharmacy all familiar means, which will perfectly cope with this task, and will cost you much less.

Sea salt

This wonderful drug can be found not only in a pharmacy, but also in any market. You can buy both pure salt and with various useful additives. Clay additive is considered very useful. She does great with healing of the nail plate. And if you choose salt with lavender, then soothing effect Your skin will be provided.

Surely you have noticed that after sea bathing, the nails become healthier and stronger. It is this effect that sea ​​salt. Plus to this, iodine, contained in salt, also affects the restoration of nails.

To prepare bath with miraculous salt, you will need half a liter of warm water and a couple of tablespoons of sea salt. Literally 10 minutes, and your hands will be unrecognizable. Nails will receive the necessary useful elements, and the skin of the hands will become smooth and elastic.


Affordable and inexpensive tool does an excellent job of strengthening nails. Iodine is vital to the human body, it plays big role in exchange processes.

To strengthen your nails just apply some iodine cotton swab on nails. In a few hours, this solution will be completely absorbed.

Important: Apply to nails and hands nutritious cream, since tincture of iodine is made on an alcohol basis.

Paraffin or wax

These affordable tools are excellent moisturize and nourish the skin. And if your nails do not have enough moisture, and they began to crumble and break, then this is the surest remedy. Nails, especially long ones, should be elastic.

But by no means do not use candle paraffin or wax. These funds must be special, which can only be bought at a pharmacy.

In addition, it is a pleasure to do procedures using paraffin or wax in winter, as they have a warming effect.

For the bath, the paraffin must be gently melted, then add a few drops of any essential oil. Before applying the composition of the hands must be lubricated any nourishing cream. Then the hands must be dressed in polyethylene gloves and dip the brushes in paraffin. Wrap up your hands terry towel and keep it like that for 20 minutes.

Burr oil

Thanks to their moisturizing properties oil perfectly nourishes and restores the water balance of the skin and nail plate. And in combination with other ingredients, burdock oil can work real miracles.

Add to burdock sea ​​buckthorn oil, which is rich in vitamins. Also add vitamins C, E and A, capsules of which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Mixture Apply regularly to hands and nails.

Almond oil

Three times a week, it is necessary to lubricate the cuticle with this oil and gently push it back. After a while, you may notice that cuticle growth stops. Thus it is possible to carry out unedged manicure.


It contains a huge amount beneficial trace elements . However, it has the property dry the skin. Therefore, when using it, be sure to use additional fatty and nourishing creams. Lotions of clay enough to do twice a month.

And do not forget that along with cosmetics to strengthen nails, you must take any vitamin complexes.

Video: Folk remedy for strengthening and whitening nails

Professional products for strengthening nails

The cosmetic market is literally full of various means nail care. Such funds can be divided into preventive and therapeutic. Now practically any problems with nails can be easily solved. Some drugs regenerate tissues, others strengthen nails, others nourish and moisturize.

If you would like to purchase professional tool for treatment your nails, it is better to acquire it in a pharmacy. Be sure to carefully read its composition. If available in the tool calcium, Your nails will be strong. At delamination of nails You will be helped by a tool that contains fruit acids.

Smart enamel gel for thickening nails: how to use, reviews

Due to the fact that this enamel contains provitamin B5, high-quality hydration and nutrition to your nails will be provided. The edge of the nail is fixed thanks to this tool, and accordingly, the nail stops peeling.

Availability calcium leads to strengthening the nail plate, its alignment, as well as to the production of natural keratin.

Enamel should be applied daily. It absorbs and dries very well. Immediately after application, you can feel how the nail plate thickens and acquires firmness and elasticity. In addition, regular use of smart enamel leads to proper growth nails and maintaining their healthy appearance.

Opi - nail strengthener: how to use

Various factors environment, constant stress and poor ecology definitely affect the condition of the nails. Therefore, they can become brittle, soft and flaky. To avoid such consequences and make your nails truly healthy and strong, pay attention to special O.P.I., which is designed to strengthen the nail plate. Its unique formula cares for nails and protects the nail plate from various damages.

Keratin acids and other useful substances cover the nail with a thin layer and give it strength. You can use this amazing tool both in the salon and at home. The full course is about two weeks.

It is necessary to apply the drug every other day. You can even alternate it with a manicure. The surface of the nail plate after the first applications smoothes, smoothes and strengthens. Good view nails can last quite a long time.

Also, O.P.I. protects nails from external influences and mechanical damage. The best part is that it dries almost instantly.

The maximum use time is about two weeks. The surface of the nails must be carefully clean and degrease. Then apply the product. After two weeks of application every other day, you can use it as a base coat.

Mavala - nail strengthener: how to use

Mavala Scientifique- This is a specially designed tool that perfectly strengthens, nourishes and maintains the nail plate in good condition. With the use of this tool, you can forget about the problem for a long time. peeling or brittle nails.

Nutrients and useful substances that are part of this unique drug will make your nails strong, beautiful and healthy.

Here's how to use this miracle remedy:

  1. Need well clean nails, remove varnish and wipe with a fat-dissolving agent
  2. Special brush apply Mavala Scientifique on the edge of the nail plate
  3. Fine dry your nails to fix the tool

Make sure the remedy did not get on the skin or cuticles. It must be used twice a week.

Video: Strengthening nails at home

Evelyn - nail strengthener: how to use

If you have naturally weak nails, or they suffered as a result of building up, then you cannot do without a firming agent from Evelyn. It allows nails accelerate regeneration, nourishes and strengthens them, makes them healthier. As the manufacturers say, their remedy is the solution of whole eight nail problems:

  • prevents delamination
  • makes nails harder
  • relieves brittleness
  • makes the surface of the nail smooth
  • strengthens weakened nails
  • removes dullness
  • makes the nail plate thicker
  • gives nails a matte finish

Evelyn remedy eliminates 8 main problems that the nail plate is prone to

Also, Evelyn's remedy makes the nail grow faster, which means that long and strong nails You will be provided.

Strengthening agent is applied every day. In order to achieve a more effective result, the do not wash the first three days. Those. There should be three coats of product on your nails. On the third day, you can wash it off and act according to the previous scheme again.

Before applying this varnish, you must treat the cuticle either cream or special oil. Thus, you can protect the skin from drying out. If you use varnish as a base, then do not forget that its haze may change base coat color.

Sally Hansen - nail strengthener: how to use

According to the manufacturers, varnish

used to heal brittle, weak and exfoliating nails. This remedy gives hardness to the nail plate, strengthens it and prevents delamination. The special composition of Sally Hansen thickens and "seals" the edges of the nails, as it were. Long-term protection and excellent growth You will be provided.

Before applying the product, the nails must be carefully remove varnish and grease. The product is applied as regular varnish. Pay special attention attention to the edges of the nail. After applying one layer, let the varnish dry, and then repeat the procedure. Used by either Sally Hansen as a standalone or as a base coat for any varnish.

IBX - nail strengthener: how to use

The difference between the IBX complex and similar products is that this varnish penetrates deep into the structure of the nail and heals him from the inside. It nourishes and moisturizes every layer of the nail plate. You can compare the effect of this varnish with professional procedure in the cabin.

Lac so eats into the structure of the nail plate that it cannot be removed by any means. It grows back with just a nail.

Usage procedure:

  1. Prepare your nails, give them shape and length, degrease and let them dry well
  2. Apply the drug on the entire surface of the nail and dry with a lamp or hair dryer
  3. Remove sticky layer special sponge
  4. Dry in a special lamp
  5. Cover the nail with a second coat of IBX and repeat the drying and tack removal procedure
  6. This procedure must be repeated three times and then varnish can be applied

Be sure to make sure the drug did not get on the skin.

Phytocosmetics - nail strengthener and growth activator: how to use

The beauty of this drug is that it is practically made on a natural basis. It contains various oils. His creamy texture allows easy application to the area of ​​the nail plate and cuticles. Means perfectly absorbed, activates the growth of the nail plate and softens the cuticle. Thanks to him we get healthy and strong nails.

Need to apply the remedy massage movements on the entire nail plate and cuticle, hold a little and remove excess with a tissue. This complex is completely compensates for the lack of vitamins and elements therefore its use is recommended by many experts.

Means for strengthening nails Marigold: application

This domestic company is still remembered by our mothers and grandmothers. But the assortment of this company is constantly updated. And firming nail polish has already received a lot of positive feedback.

It strengthens beautifully nail plate, protects it from external influences and mechanical damage. You can even say that this tool completely replaces the varnish, since has several shades, from almost transparent to saturated color.

Very easy to apply like regular varnish. Due to its correct texture does not smudge and dries quickly. Can be used as base coat, or as basic varnish. On the sites you can find a lot of reviews about this tool.

Many are surprised by it low price and sufficient good quality . The vitamins and minerals included in its composition make the nails strong, healthy, accumulate their good growth. With this tool, your marigold will always look well-groomed, and you will spend relatively little effort, time and money.

Strengthening nails with gel polish

If your nails have become brittle and dull, try their procedure. strengthening gel polish. This drug consists mostly of proteins, so it can be called identical to natural nail plates. That's why it does no harm On the contrary, it protects the nails from damage and strengthens their structure.

Mode of application:

  1. Before the procedure for a couple of hours, try refrain from water procedures and hand cream
  2. We disinfect our hands and gently push back the cuticles with a stick
  3. Now you need remove the glossy surface of the nail using a special sanding file
  4. All nails are degreased special tool
  5. Then gel polish applied with a brush on the surface of the nail plate
  6. Drying in progress under ultraviolet lamp

It is very important that in addition to strengthening properties, gel polish has a good breathability, which means that your nails will be able to "breathe".

Strengthening nails with vitamins

It is impossible to imagine our life without vitamins. They play a huge role and in strengthening our nails. So what are we need vitamins to keep your nails healthy and strong? And what are the essential vitamins?

Vitamin A

It's kind of barrier against various fungal diseases. And yet - this is the basis of the strength of the nail plate. You can find it in liver, carrots, various vegetables and herbs.

Vitamin C

Known to all ascorbic protects nails from aging and prevents the plate from turning yellow. If this vitamin is not enough in the body, then the nails can exfoliate and break. IN blackcurrant, onion and citrus fruits You will find this wonderful vitamin.

Vitamin E

Plays an important role in growth stimulation our nails and prevents fungal infections from infecting the nail plate. Lean on nuts, beans and vegetable oils .

B vitamins

Thanks to this group in our body better absorption of calcium. Vitamin B8 or H is very important for marigolds. It synthesizes in our body collagen and keratin, which in turn give hardness to the nail plate. Consume as much as possible greens, eggs and milk.

As you can see, you can improve and strengthen your nails both with special means and changing your daily diet. What to choose from all this is up to you to decide, but in no case should you leave your nails in trouble.

Video: Tools for strengthening thin nails