Adaptation of the child to kindergarten - consultation, advice from psychologists to teachers and parents. Recommendations to parents. "Adaptation of children in kindergarten" Adaptation of a child to kindergarten psychologist's advice

Kids grow up fast, that's for sure.. Your yesterday's baby is already a full-fledged member of society, a small person with his own character, needs and habits. And the time has cometo the first duties, a new and very milestone in the life of a child - kindergarten.

  1. Introduction
  1. The subtleties of adaptation to the kindergarten
  1. How to prepare a child
  1. Parenting Mistakes
  1. Conclusion
Certainly, this isstress, new and unfamiliar. Hoh from how the baby will passadaptation to kindergarten, depends on his further stay in it, the attitude to kindergarten in general and even child's mental health.Let's talk about the importance of getting used to the new kindergarten period in life. child , about the features of its course, as well as about possible problems.In general, today is a very interesting topic!

The subtleties of adaptation to the kindergarten

First of all, it is worth understanding the very concept of adaptation.If we describe it in a global sense, then adaptation is a gradual addictive to new environmental conditions. In our case, the kid is forced to adapt to the regime and way of the educational institution, replacing his native home walls and a narrow family circle with a noisy group of children.and caring teacher. This, of course, is difficult for him, so the task of parents is to make sure that getting used to a new stage in life andadaptation to kindergartenIn general, the baby passed as painlessly as possible.

Why is the baby stressed? Remember your early years: you must have been afraid of being left without your mother in the store, fright ali, ko when they lost sight of her, they felt uncomfortable in the presence of unfamiliar adults, in a strange house. Why go far, do you remember your years in the garden? Or maybe you were transferred to a new unfamiliar kindergarten or a new school? Feeling completely insecure, everything is alien: new walls, new children, new adults. Everything is foreign, different, unfamiliar. It's stress. Imagine what it's like for such a little baby now!

Stress factors for a child during the adaptation period:

  • main and main - mom is not around. Many are not yet ready for independence at this age and prefer to be around a loved one all the time;
  • other people's children and adults with whom the child is forced to interact and communicate;
  • a different daily routine and rules that should be followed;
  • Now the baby is not the center of everyone's attention. There are many children, and employees preschool physically unable to devote all their time to the baby during the day;
  • bo a greater degree of selfvalue. Want it or not A you have to take care of yourself, eat with a spoon on your own, ask to go to the toilet or relieve yourself as it should be without outside help, try to dress, etc.

This is why parents shouldn't takeget to the exit to the kindergarten easilydeliberately. This is a very crucial moment, which you need to approach with all seriousness and prepare your child as much as possible. Thus, you will save him from unnecessary emotional upheavals, save yourself from problems and make the work of educators and nannies easier.

There are three periods of getting used to the garden:

  • spicy;
  • moderately sharp;
  • stabilizing.
It is logical to assume that the first two periods for a child are especially difficult.He is constantly in an excited state, spends a lot of energy, trying to get used to the new daily routine, the rules of behavior in the group.

Very often, children protest, become capricious, whiny, do not obey.Rare kid with pleasures And eat stays in the garden first days of visiting, eats well, sleeps and is generally cheerful and cheerful.

Stabilizing period "puts everything in its place." His ending marks a successfulAt the end of adaptation, the baby has completely joined the team and feels quite comfortable in the garden.

Duration adaptation period in kindergarten it is also strictly individual for each specific baby: someone is ready to stay with a caregiver in a week for a full day , and someone for a month or two constantly cries for mom.

Optimal age and basic skills

The period of integration into the team and the new way of life of the child depends very much on his character and on his skills that he managed to get. That is why in Russia in many regions there are no longer nurseries, children are admitted to kindergarten from the age of three, and maternity leave also lasts until the baby reaches the age of three.

Three years is the period when children are already ready to “let go” of their mother, strive for independence, communicate with peers, possess elementary self-care skills, and, of course,are breastfeeding,do not depend on mother's breast (!).If you often hear from your little one: “I myself”, then be sure that he has already outgrown the so-called “crisis of three years”and ready to be more independent.

So, adaptation will be easier if:

  • The child is about three years old or a little more. Younger children still require constant attention from their mother and are largely dependent on her physically and emotionally.Long separations from a loved one are perceived by the child as a betrayal (my mother left me in kindergarten) and very painfully "beat" the child's psyche and trust in adults. This is especially evident in those children whose motherswere constantly with them, did not leave the baby with grandmothers, did not go away on business for a long time;
  • The child is socialized and willingly communicates with peers and adults. Active sociable kids join the team faster and often become the "soul of life".companies." It will be somewhat more difficult for shy and withdrawn children, they will take longer to get used to the new kindergarten friends and educator;
  • The baby has strong immunity and no chronic diseases. Many parents know that children in the garden often get sick, even if before that they boasted excellent health and had a temperature in exceptional cases.Preschool institutions are a public place, children themselves are susceptible to various kind of viruses and bacteria (immunity is in its infancy), plus stress- all this is the cause of frequent illnesses of the baby. This is a normal and temporary situation. After successful adaptation, the baby will be more resistant to infections, especially if you temper it;
  • The kid is developed over the years. Delay general development, as well as signs of giftedness - the cause of a severe course period adaptation of the child in kindergarten;
  • The teacher has found an approach to your child . In many ways, how a preschool child will get used to a new team depends on the teacher.You can have a super-equipped and modern garden, but if the group leader is incompetent and has little idea of ​​​​his job responsibilities, then you will not find any advantages of visiting this preschool educational institution, believe me.

An important factor is the extent to which the child is able to self-serviceto live, which proves once again p e property visiting preschools aged three years and older. Little "clumsies" "It is difficult in the garden, the teacher cannot give and At home, such an incompetent baby has enough time to satisfy his needs.

Therefore, you must make sure (and, if necessary, teach) that the baby knows how to:

  • take a spoon and eat;
  • drink from a glass;
  • ask to use the toilet or cope on their own;
  • ask and explain to adults what he wants (or if something is wrong);
  • to undress (take off your panties, shorts, take off your shoes) and ondo some things(put on a jacket, hat, pantsand, fasten the Velcro on the sandals kah, etc.).

How to prepare your child for kindergarten

It is important to understand two simple things:adaptation of the child in kindergarten And should be gradualstepped. There should be no rush, the child should get used to it gradually, without hurrying.
  • Already from the age of two, you can begin to explain to the baby what kindergarten Why is it important for kids to go there? Well, if there is an older kindergarten child, you can put him as an example. Talk about all the benefits in an extremely positive way, reassure your child that the garden is fun and interesting. But you also need to know the measure, do not promise him what is there no and will not so as not to destroy all children's ideas in the future.
  • Strengthen the child's self-service skills, encourage him to put on mittens, put on slippers, brush his teeth on his own and without the help of adults. Many children are quite able to wield cutlery, but consciously do not do this in the presence of their mother or father (grandparents), forcing them to feed. If possible, stop this, but do not scold or punish the child for such “weaknesses”.

During the adaptation period, when visiting a preschool, many parents notice that their child began to talk worse, stopped eating on his own, sometimes even stopped urinating in a potty, doing it in pants. This is due to the stressful situation for the child (you should not punish the baby for such incidents, but only to understand and show all your love and care), and the fact that the child can take an example from other children. They may be younger, not be able to do something, and the kid thereby imitates them, tries to “join the team”. This is a temporary phenomenon, with time everything will fall into place.
  • If you live near a garden, you can come and play outside with other children. Conduct a short tour, show interesting playgrounds on the territory, tell us what is inside the building.
  • It will be great if your baby has a good appetite and does not refuse any offered food. But in practice, such unique children are a rare case. Many three-year-olds are selective in food and prefer something more beautiful, sweet, or immaculately eat a narrow set of dishes and products. Try to teachtake the child to the garden menu in advance.
  • Hug with Find out who a caregiver is, what their role is, and how they can help a child if there is a problem.
  • Play with your child in "kindergarten"! About s children at this age are quite capable of coming up with their own game scenario and entertain yourself role play. you can join, and, together with your son's or daughter's favorite toys, organize your own nursery group. This perfectly shows the example of the daily routine in the garden, the role of the educator and nanny.
  • Share your experience of visiting preschools as a child, tell us what you liked there the most, show your childhood photos or videos.
  • Try to socialize your child by attending clubs or children's clubs, playing on common natural playgrounds, Just visiting familieswith kids. Communication skills are important at such a young age!
  • Gradually accustom your baby to independence and to the fact that you may not be around. Experts advise that after the first birthday of the child, the mother should leave at least for a short time on her own business (for example, once a week). It's good for both. Mom has personal time, the baby gets used to the company of other people.

Most kindergartens have so-called short-stay groups, which are formed from future kindergarten students.The purpose of these groups is to introduce the child togarden, learn to communicate with other children and be part of a team. Children come for a couple of hours, play, communicate, often mothers are also allowed to be present.Already at the beginning of the next school year they are transferred to the younger group, and they get used to it better than those who came to the garden "from the street."

Parenting Mistakes

It is impossible to bypass this point! Many try to do "as best", but it turns out "as always". Without knowing it, mothers and fathers (and often together with grandparents) cross out everythingits inappropriate behavior.

Important information for parentshow NOT to do it:

  • "to scare the garden" for disobedience. Never say that you will leave the child in the garden if he does not obey. You can't be scared at allchildren with something or anyone! So and e further manipulation can lead to serious problems, and then you will look for “where the legs grow from” and why the baby is panicky afraid of something or does something wrong;
  • immediately leave the child for the whole day in the garden. It is not right! The kid is not used to it yet! Discuss with the teacher the timing of the transfer of the baby for a full day , the teacher will definitely tell you when your child is ready to spend in the group from morning to evening. That's whymake sure that the baby goes through the adaptation before you go to work.
As a result: you can’t keep the child at home until the last, and then take him away for the whole day on the first working day. If you think that the longer the baby stays in his native walls (finally, so to speak), then the better for him, then you are deeply mistaken;
  • if the child is sick, do not drag him to the garden! Whatever you want, you'll have to take sick leave or ask relatives for help;
  • ask yourself: are you ready to “let go” of the child, to give him more independenceAnd? Some parents (mums, chamost of all), feel remorse that they leave the child alone in kindergarten, regret and go on about it if the baby moaning and does not want to go, abuse long andemotional breakups in the morning. You need to understand that such behavior of the parent only strengthens the negative attitude towards the kindergarten in the baby and completely kills the desire to go there with joy.


In many respects, the course of the adaptation period in the garden of your child depends on your wisdom and competent tactics, dear parents.The timing of this period is strictly individual, the baby can get used to a week or two, or maybe about six months.

Rare kids collide with the so-called maladjustment. In this case, you need a consultation with a psychologist or just time. Try sending your child to kindergarten in a year. Perhaps during this time he will grow up, acquire new skills and more easily cope with such a task.

In any case, good luck to youand good luck with kindergarten!

Your baby has arrived kindergarten. A new life began for him - a new environment, a new environment, new people. Word " Adaptation means to adapt to new conditions for the child. adaptive period is a serious test for a child of 2-3 years of age. How to help the baby during the period adaptation? These problems are solved in kindergarten all together: nurse, methodologist, psychologist, educators, junior educators and parents. The most important task is to create an emotionally favorable atmosphere in the group, protecting nervous system children from stress and overload. Each baby gets used to it in its own way, for someone adaptation passes in a mild form for three to four weeks, for someone in an average form for up to two months, for someone it is severe adaptation up to six months. Therefore, I would like to offer you a few recommendations dear parents:

1 Try to be patient with yourself and your child. Listen to the advice and requests of educators, a medical worker.

2 Teach your child at home all the necessary skills self-service: wash, dry hands, dress and undress; eat independently, using a spoon while eating; ask for a potty.

3 Clothes in a group for a given age shorts, trousers without fasteners and straps, cotton socks should be comfortable, it will be easier for the child to dress on their own.

4 Cut down on adult TV, and pay more attention to your baby read: fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes, sing children's songs. Manifest with your baby creative activity (draw, sculpt).A child will develop perseverance.

5 Expand the "social horizon" of the child, let him get used to communicate with peers on children's playgrounds, go to visit comrades, stay overnight with my grandmother, walk around the city. With this experience, the child will not be afraid to communicate with peers and adults.

6 It is necessary to form a positive attitude in the child, a desire to go to kindergarten. Baby needs emotional support parents: often tell the child that you love him, hug him, pick him up. Remember, the calmer and emotionally positive parents will refer to such an important event as a visit by a child kindergarten, the less painful the process will be adaptation. Do not be stingy with praise, tell the kid how good you are, good, brave.

7 On the first day, it is better to come for a walk, because on a walk (in Game) it is easier for a child to find friends, to get acquainted with a teacher.

8 V children's garden, you can take your favorite toy, mother's handkerchief, book, it will be easier for the child to be in a group, communication with the home.

9 Plan your time so that in the first month of visiting your child children's garden, you had the opportunity not to leave it there for the whole day. First weeks of visit children's kindergarten should be limited to two hours, later you can leave the baby until lunch, at the end of the month (If teacher recommends) bring the baby for the whole day.

10 The child must come to kindergarten healthy. For the prevention of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, it is necessary to take vitamins, lubricate the nasal passages with oxolin ointment.

Good luck to you!

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After the parents have collected the child for kindergarten (have made the necessary vaccinations, issued a medical card and bought slippers for the group), the most difficult moment comes. A child's adaptation to kindergarten can go almost unnoticed, or it can become a difficult and exhausting period for the baby and his mom and dad. How to make sure that the child easily joins the team and begins to visit the institution with pleasure? There are several ways to help parents smooth out the child's getting used to the garden, teach him to enjoy visiting the children's team.

The issue of psychological adaptation of a child in kindergarten is even more important than shopping and preparing for it.

Physical and psychological components

A child who is just starting to attend a children's team is stressed. He needs to get used to the dramatically changed external circumstances. This is a team of children, a new room, regime and rules. In addition, he needs to get up early every day and part with his mother. The baby needs some time to get used to new circumstances and adapt the nervous and other body systems to them.

Conventionally, the child's addiction to the children's team is divided into two components - physical and psychological. Physical includes getting used to:

  • new daily routine;
  • other food;
  • constant contact with peers;
  • walking in a new place.

The psychological component includes the need to obey the teacher, separation from the mother, new requirements. In addition, the child receives less attention from adults, he has minimal independence - some decisions have to be made on his own.

How easily will the baby adjust to kindergarten and how long will the adjustment period take? It depends on many factors, to a greater extent - on the nature and mental maturity of the crumbs. There are three types of adaptation - easy, medium and heavy.

If the child is open and cheerful, easily makes contact with others, his adaptation will be quite easy.

Easy adaptation

It is typical for healthy children with high psychological stability. They feel at ease in a month, or even earlier. The entire period of adaptation, the health of the baby is in order, he does not show changes in behavior. There are several signs that are characteristic of easy addiction:

  • the baby remains in the garden without tears and calmly says goodbye to his mother until the evening;
  • enters the group without fear;
  • in the evening he talks about the events of his day;
  • easily communicates with the teacher, is not afraid of him;
  • communicate with children;
  • plays with toys that are in the group;
  • does not show mood swings.

Average adaptation

For children who get used to kindergarten more difficult, this period is characterized by frequent illnesses. At the same time, they are emotionally relatively stable. From the outside, it seems that the baby does not experience difficulties in communication, but he gets sick regularly. Such a nuisance is due to the fact that viruses and bacteria from other children constantly enter the body of a beginner. For permanent members of the team, these bacteria are not dangerous, since the kids have already developed immunity to them. According to pediatricians, adaptation of moderate severity lasts one to two months. Its characteristic features in crumbs:

  • it is not easy to say goodbye to her mother, crying for a while after her departure;
  • quickly switches to interesting toy, especially if the caregiver is trying to distract the baby;
  • plays well with peers after a short wariness;
  • does not always want to communicate with the teacher;
  • tries to follow the regimen and takes comments calmly;
  • can sometimes become a rule breaker, but is more of a compromise.

If it is difficult for a baby to part with his mother, we can talk about the average degree of adaptation.

Severe type of adaptation

These children hardly get used to the kindergarten, it is most difficult for them to feel like "their own" in any children's team. As a rule, such babies not only often get sick during the entire period of adaptation, but are also in a depressed emotional state. Without the help of adults, these children may not adapt to new conditions at all. Often they need to consult a child psychologist and a neurologist. Signs of severe adaptation:

  • the baby does not want to communicate with peers at all, does not respond to the teacher;
  • refuses to enter the group, cries and is not distracted by Interesting games or classes;
  • all day he waits for his mother, talks about her, constantly runs out to the locker room, because he is afraid to miss his parents;
  • does not want to play, does not take toys, is closed and aggressive;
  • if the teacher makes a remark or praises the child, he gets scared, hides, cries.

Adaptation through disease: a medical aspect

Dear reader!

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Pediatricians note that those children who are characterized by a mild form of adaptation may demonstrate a slight decrease in appetite. At the same time, they will begin to eat their usual portion already on the tenth day of visiting the kindergarten. The emotional background, activity, sociability and speech apparatus return to normal within 2-3 weeks of visiting the institution. Usually such children almost do not get sick during the adaptation period.

Children who are more difficult to adapt to new conditions are slower to bounce back. Sleep and appetite in a child who falls into the category of children of moderate adaptation are restored only after a month. Experts note a decrease in the activity of the baby, deterioration in speech, which are especially noticeable at the onset of the disease.

The stress associated with going to kindergarten can cause poor appetite

A severe type of addiction is a change in physiological parameters that precedes frequent diseases. Dr. Komarovsky advises immediately to prepare for the fact that the baby will get sick regularly at first. After recovery, such a child can get sick again, the cycle will be repeated for six months to a year. Then the baby will become stronger, his immunity will adapt to difficult conditions and diseases will no longer overcome the preschooler. In addition, there is a change in the behavior of the crumbs and his emotional mood.

Age matters

The age at which a child begins attending kindergarten matters. The smallest children from two to three years old are more difficult to make contact with their peers, they are more focused on communication with the teacher. At this age, it is very desirable that the group has a good teacher who can win over the baby to himself. To facilitate getting used to a new environment, it is necessary that:

  • the child knew how to use a spoon, drink from a cup;
  • ask for a potty (we recommend reading:) (albeit with "accidents" - they are inevitable);
  • wanted to go to the garden.

If the baby is sent to a children's institution at the age of 4-5 years, it is worth remembering that in this age interval communication with peers is more important for him. Successful adaptation depends on the skills of a preschooler:

  • organize games with peers;
  • listen to adults, respond correctly to comments;
  • avoid conflicts, ideally - to compromise.

The recommendations of experts are unequivocal: you need to try to prepare the baby for a new status in advance, explain to him that kindergarten is a milestone on the path of his growing up. At this time, you need to talk more often with your daughter or son, remind him that he is loved at home. It is also important not to avoid physical contact - hug the baby, read to him before bedtime. In the evening, try to talk daily with the baby, ask about how the day went, what interesting or unusual happened to him.

3 stages of getting used to the garden

Psychologists conditionally divided a child's addiction to kindergarten into three periods: acute, moderately acute and compensated. All these levels are inevitable, jumping over the "step" will not work.

The acute phase is the very first, it is the most noticeable. The duration of this stage is 2-3 weeks, but can be up to 2 months. It is characterized by the maximum degree of tension - all systems and organs work in full force, the nervous system of a small person is in constant arousal. Usually the baby during this period of time is whiny, nervous, often naughty.

There is a decrease in appetite, restless sleep, a manifestation of aggression in communication with relatives. If during the acute stage a medical examination of the child is carried out, other changes will be noticeable. The heart rate may increase or decrease, blood pressure readings, respiratory rate, blood formula will change. Many new microorganisms will be found on the mucous membranes of the child.

Further, the acute stage smoothly flows into a moderately acute one. Physicians also call it the phase of unstable adaptation. That is, the baby is already beginning to gradually adapt to new conditions, but it is too early to talk about stability. All his systems calm down and begin to work harmoniously. The first thing that homemade people can notice is an improvement in appetite, which returns to normal within two weeks. A little later, sleep will become calmer, anxiety will go away, the emotional background will normalize. If a child during the acute stage began to speak worse, skip letters, swallow words, in this phase he returns to his comfortable state and after a couple of months restores his conversational skill.

When the medium-acute phase passes, the next one begins - compensated, it is the final one. In the compensated period, the child completely returns to its original state. All physiological and mental reactions of his body are restored, the baby becomes calm, balanced and acquires new skills.

Until the baby gets used to kindergarten, mom and dad should support their child in every possible way. The addiction lasts at least one to two months, during which time it is important not to aggravate the child's condition, but to relieve stress as much as possible. For the baby, parents are the main support, it is they who must support him, do everything in their power to make the child feel comfortable in the team as soon as possible. How to adapt a child to kindergarten, what can parents do for this?

Prepare ahead of time

  • Preparing a son or daughter for a visit children's institution follows in advance. First you need to talk to him / her, tell what a kindergarten is, what you can do there, how to play. Be sure to warn the baby that you need to adhere to the regimen.
  • Sometimes leave the child with a grandmother, a nanny or one of the relatives. Let him get used to the fact that mom and dad can leave, this situation is quite ordinary.
  • To create conditions at home that are close to the regime of a children's institution. Let the baby get out of bed at a time that he will have to wake up in the future. You can find out the daily routine in the garden and try to adapt to its regimen. Breakfast, naps and walks are required. It is important that the baby goes to bed no later than 21.00 - so it will be easier for him to wake up early. This can significantly reduce the levels of physical and emotional stress of the most acute period of adaptation, even reduce it by half.

Weekend naps - required condition for successful adaptation. Gradually, the child returns to normal, begins to eat well and fall asleep peacefully.
  • A great way to set the baby on the right wave is to introduce him to the caregiver. If you manage to talk with the teacher in advance, the child will perceive the teacher as an already familiar adult. Then the new environment will become a little more comfortable.

While visiting the garden

  • Try to develop the crumbs of communication skills and joint play with peers. To do this, bring the baby to the playground more often, invite neighbors' children home.
  • Practice doing simple rules- teach how to hold a spoon, drink from a cup, dress yourself. It is also important that the baby knows how to use the potty, otherwise in the group he will regularly walk in wet underwear. Educators do not always have time to change the child's clothes on time.
  • Teach your son or daughter positive thinking, to tell that many children like kindergarten. You can play at home, taking on the role of a tutor. Let the youngest member of the family participate in the game - so he learns to follow the rules.
  • You can allow the baby to take a toy with him. This method has a double meaning: a familiar little thing will remind you of home, and will also help build relationships with peers who will certainly want to play with a new car or doll.
  • Try to instill calm and confidence in your son or daughter with your own behavior. Psychologists have long proven that the baby adopts the mood of the mother, feeling the slightest emotional fluctuations. Let the baby feel that his parents know: the kindergarten is a good place for him, he will certainly like it here.

Favorite toy in the kindergarten soothes the baby, makes him more self-confident

First day in the children's team

The first day is extremely important. It is he who will become the first step in the difficult path of adaptation to the garden. It is very important to properly build your actions and raise the level positive attitude for the entire period of attending kindergarten:

  • You need to understand that it is better not to leave the baby in the group until the evening for the first 4-5 days. Half a day will be enough. During this time, the child will look around, get first impressions and get to know other children. It's better to take him home before daytime sleep. Some experts advise bringing the baby only for a walk in order to limit the impact of negative factors on him as much as possible. And only after a few days try to leave him in the group.
  • It is advisable to talk with the teacher, ask him to be more tactful with the newcomer, to talk about what the baby likes and what not. It also makes sense to tell the teacher what words are best to encourage the child, how to pacify him in case of too active games.
  • It is important that the baby is completely healthy. The first day is full of impressions, and feeling unwell will be an additional burden on the nervous system.
  • It is worth supporting the baby on his first “working” day - distracting him, spending time with him talking or calmly playing. You can watch a video together: good cartoons or a feature film. To reduce the load on the nervous system, you should refuse to travel to visit, the circus or another place where the child will receive a lot of impressions.
  • A good incentive to attend kindergarten will be new toy. You can buy a doll together or a soft bear, which he will choose himself. Then explain to him that this toy will go to the garden with him so that he will have more fun there. In the evening, you can ask the child how his toy friend is doing, what he did, if he was sad.

The first five days of kindergarten

The first day is very important for a child, but the first week is the most revealing and difficult. During this period, the child can be especially excitable - to throw tantrums for any reason, to be capricious, not to obey. Sometimes parents give up and there is a desire to severely punish the baby. Let's say right away - it's better not to punish the child, but to talk with him and try to go through a difficult time together.

In the first week, the child is in the acute phase of getting used to the garden. In addition, sometimes a kid in a new team restrains himself, keeps his emotions under lock and key. But at home, in his usual surroundings, he throws out everything that has accumulated during the time spent in the garden. During this period of time, you need to increase the level of goodwill.

It is not necessary to scold the baby in the first days of being in kindergarten - it is better to talk frankly with him

How to help?

  • If the mother has a suspicion that the baby is uncomfortable in the group, you can try to find out the reason. Psychologists recommend playing a game called “kindergarten” with your son or daughter. Let his favorite toy go to the garden, and his mother will become a teacher. In the process of dialogue, you can find out what worries the baby. Maybe one of the children offends him? Or is the teacher punishing for no reason? With the help of such a distribution of roles, it is possible to correct the behavior of the child, to put in him ways of solving problems.
  • In the morning, taking the baby to the group, you need to try to make him let his mother go. At the same time, the moment of parting should not be prolonged so as not to cause unnecessary emotions. The main thing is to give the baby clear information about when he will be taken home, then strictly fulfill the promise. Next time, he will be sure that his mother will come for him early if he asks her about it.
  • Weekends should closely repeat the daily routine in kindergarten.
  • It is important to dress your child properly. If the group is not cold, it is enough to wear sweatpants and a T-shirt. If it is the off-season and the heating is not working, you can put something on the baby with long sleeve and also add a vest.
  • It happens that the son is so attached to his mother that he hardly lets her go. In this case, you can go for a little trick - let the father or grandmother take the son to the group.
  • Do not take a break from visiting the garden without a good reason. So you can nullify all the efforts of the child and parents, and also show the baby that you don’t have to go to the garden.
  • If the child cries, does not want to let his mother go, you need to cheer him up, promise to play with him at home. You can’t scold for tears, although whims should not be encouraged.

On weekends, it is better to make a daily routine so that it coincides with the kindergarten way.

Reminder for parents: 5 mistakes to avoid

We told you how to behave with the baby so that his getting used to the kindergarten goes smoothly and painlessly. However, some parents still tend to make mistakes - this memo is for them. In this article, we will take a closer look at the most common misconceptions and give tips on how to avoid them:

  1. You can not compare the child with his friends or classmates, citing their behavior or actions as an example. This rule is always valid, but at the time of adaptation it is especially true. It is better to remind the baby from time to time that he is good, that he is loved at home.
  2. You should not deceive the baby, hoping that he will forget the promise. He will remember that his mother promised to return for him in half an hour, and his father took him home only in the evening. The kid will feel that he has been betrayed and will especially experience deception.
  3. In no case should you punish the baby by threatening him with a garden. This path is a dead end, it will teach the child to dislike the garden even more.
  4. Sometimes parents promise that they will buy a toy or sweets for a visit to the garden. This is also not true, since the child will serve his term, thinking only about the hotel. In addition, over time, this will turn into a system, mom and dad will have to pamper the baby every day.
  5. All mothers know that you should not take a sick child to the kindergarten. Sometimes a small runny nose does not prevent the baby from feeling good in the company of peers, especially if the mother cannot take sick leave. However, during adaptation, it is better to avoid such a situation so that physical ailment does not aggravate the emotional depression of the crumbs.

Surviving the period of adaptation to kindergarten is not easy, but it is quite possible. Parents should not give up, but act prudently and judiciously. The main task is to inspire the child that mom and dad love him and will always support him. Do not forget to remind the kid about this, then he will grow up as a self-sufficient person, it will always be easy to find friends and easily be able to build his own family.

Adaptation of the child to kindergarten

The question of placing a child in kindergarten when he grows up becomes very important for every family. However, adults need to know how to help the baby go through the adaptation period, which consists in a smooth transition from a family home atmosphere to the conditions of a preschool institution.

Kindergarten - new period in the life of a child. For the baby, this is, first of all, the first experience of collective communication. Not all children accept a new environment, strangers immediately and without problems. Most of them react to kindergarten by crying. Some easily enter the group, but cry in the evenings at home, others agree to go to kindergarten in the morning, and before entering the group they begin to act up and cry. How older child the faster he is able to adapt.

There are certain reasons that cause tears in a child:

- Anxiety related to change of scenery(a child under 3 years old still needs increased attention). At the same time, from the familiar, calm home atmosphere, where the mother is nearby and can come to the rescue at any moment, he moves to an unfamiliar space (he meets, albeit benevolent, but strangers), and the regime (it can be difficult for a child to accept the norms and rules of life of a group into which he fell). In kindergarten, they are taught a certain discipline, but at home it was not so important. In addition, the personal daily routine of the child is violated, this can provoke tantrums and unwillingness to go to preschool).

- Excess of impressions. In preschool, the baby experiences many new positive and negative experiences, he can overwork and, as a result, be nervous, cry, be capricious.

- Lack of self-care skills. This greatly complicates the child's stay in kindergarten.

- Psychological unpreparedness of the child for kindergarten. This problem is the most difficult and may be associated with individual characteristics of development. Most often this happens when the child lacks emotional communication with his mother.

- Negative first impression of attending kindergarten. It can be decisive for the child's continued stay in preschool.

- Personal rejection of adults in contact with your baby. Such a phenomenon should not be regarded as mandatory, but it is possible.

Ways to reduce your child's stress .

Simple actions can reduce anxiety and positively affect the child's adaptation to new living conditions. So, it is recommended to accustom the child to kindergarten gradually. Parents should prepare themselves and the baby in advance for the first day of visiting a preschool. It is necessary to create in advance at home for the child a day regimen (sleep, games and eating), corresponding to the preschool regimen.

- On weekends, you should adhere to the daily routine adopted in the preschool educational institution, repeat all the activities that the baby has already learned. sticking to this council all regime moments in the group will not cause your child to react to protest, which in turn will have a positive effect on his behavior.

- It is advisable to put the child to bed early at home, stay with him longer before going to bed, talk about the kindergarten, considering all the positive aspects.

- In the first days, you should not leave the baby in kindergarten for more than two hours. The residence time should be increased gradually. After 2-3 weeks (this period is individual for each child), taking into account the desire of the baby and the recommendations of the teacher, you can leave him for the whole day in the kindergarten.

- If the baby is crying, you should take him in your arms, calm him down - he probably lacks his mother's touches, which recently were much more. But be careful - you should not "feel" yourself, because children intuitively feel what mood their parents have. By doing this, you yourself can harm your baby.

- Every time after coming from kindergarten, you need to ask the child about how the day went, what impressions he got (if your baby can explain himself to you). It is imperative to focus the attention of the child on positive aspects, since parents with such short remarks are able to form a positive attitude towards the preschool institution.

Typical mistakes of parents

Parents often face difficulties when sending their child to preschool. Let's look at common mistakes and how to prevent them.

First of all, this psychological unpreparedness of parents for a negative reaction of the child to a preschool institution. Parents are frightened by the tearfulness of the child, confused, because at home he willingly agreed to go to kindergarten. It must be remembered that for the baby - this is the first experience, he could not imagine in advance complete picture that tearfulness is a normal state of a preschooler during the period of adaptation to kindergarten. With the patient attitude of adults, it can pass by itself.

A common mistake parents make is blaming and punishing a child for crying. This is not a way out. From the elders, only patience and help are required. All the baby needs is to adapt to new conditions. Kindergarten teachers should be ready to help parents during this difficult period for the family.

At first, when the child is just starting to go to kindergarten, you should also not plan important things, it is better to postpone going to work. Parents should know that a child can get used to kindergarten for 2-3 months.

Another parenting mistake being in a state of anxiety. Concern about public opinion, internal discomfort, excitement that they are not good enough in the role of "mom" and "dad". First of all, you need to calm down, children instantly feel when their parents are worried, this state is transmitted to them. It is very important for parents to understand that the child is adapting to new living conditions. It is worth avoiding talking about the baby's tears with other family members in his presence. It seems that the son or daughter is still very young and does not understand adult conversations. But children at a subtle spiritual level feel their mother's concern, and this further increases children's anxiety.

Reduced attention to the child is also a typical mistake of parents. Satisfied with the work of the preschool educational institution, some mothers sigh with relief and no longer have as much attention as they used to pay to the baby. We recommend, on the contrary, to spend as much time as possible with the child during this period of his life. By this, mom shows that there is nothing to be afraid of, because she is still there.

When a baby begins to talk cheerfully about the kindergarten, read poetry, retell the events that happened during the day, this is a sure sign that he has mastered it. It is difficult to say how long the adaptation period will last, because all children go through it differently. But getting used to a preschool institution is also a test for parents, an indicator of how ready they are to support a child, help him, and overcome difficulties.

to kindergarten.

1) Every day, leave time to talk with your child about what kindergarten is, why it is needed and why mom wants to take him there (it’s interesting there, other children walk and play there, mom needs to take care of family affairs).

2) Plan your walks to the territory of the kindergarten in advance. Pay your child's attention to the beauty of the territory of the kindergarten. Focus the child's attention on the fact that soon he will be able to walk and play here with all the children and the teacher.

3) Proudly tell your friends in the presence of the baby that he has already grown up and is preparing to go to kindergarten.

4) Even before the first visit, tell the baby about the daily routine in kindergarten, what the children are doing there and who the educators are. This will help the baby to more easily accept the novelty in his life.

5) Tell him that in kindergarten he will be able to make new friends. Teach him approximate phrases, words with which he can address his new friends. Read poems or children's stories about kindergarten, show pictures.

6) Be sure to talk to him about the role of the educator. Many children mistakenly believe that their mother abandoned them and gave them to someone else's aunt. Teach your child how to address the caregiver, how to properly express their needs.

7) Play a game "kindergarten" with your child at home. Create a couple of typical situations that may arise in a children's group. Suggest a few options for the baby that will help him respond to them. By doing this, you will already lay the foundations for communication and the entry of the baby into a new team - first for children, then for school, and then for adults.

8) Maintain relationships with the caregiver and other parents. Be interested in who your baby is friends with, welcome and encourage friendship. Participate in the life of the baby, rejoice in his success and creativity. This is a good foundation for a strong parent-child relationship.

9) Solve conflict situations, misunderstandings with educators without aggression and not in the presence of the child. Do not criticize the kindergarten, do not be indignant at the shortcomings of the work of a preschool institution with a child.

What do you need to know about your child?

Sometimes we think that we have a very good child. We wonder why teachers are often dissatisfied with him, why no one is friends with him. And we draw a saving conclusion: teachers are unfair, and children are stupid, ill-mannered. And we make a fatal mistake. To avoid this, and also to build correctly family pedagogy, you need to know the age psychological characteristics of your children. Then you will be able to compare the possibilities and achievements of your child with the requirements of age, prepare children for them, take into account the peculiarities and difficulties of each age period, its sensitivity (the most favorable and optimal periods) for the development of some aspects, qualities and personality traits.

Often you can hear such a phrase from parents: “I know what my child needs!”. Such parents build the life of the child according to their own model, and then are surprised that this life did not work out.

The trouble is that such a stereotype of relations between generations has developed in our country for a long time and is firmly entrenched in the minds. Parents fully consider themselves the masters of the future life of the child. Very often they program the system of views, the profession of their children, thereby suppressing their personality and the opportunity to more fully realize their abilities! As soon as the child declares himself as a person, a problem arises. Why? Because many parents are not able to say to themselves: This is my child, but he has his own values, it is my duty to help realize them. Parents see their task in something else: I will make his life such that he is happy!

Parents proceed from the fact that a child, even an adult, does not have the main thing - life experience, but parents have it, and they can help their son or daughter avoid mistakes. There is such a judgment when parents do not have confidence that the child will choose the right path. As a rule, with such an attitude, parents realize their ideas and their plans in children and do it unconsciously.

Psychologists, studying the motives and goals that parents set in their upbringing system, found out that the following motive prevailed: “Let my child realize what I failed to accomplish!”. And when a son or daughter's life fails, parents look for the guilty in an educational institution, on the street, among friends, but do not think that they themselves are to blame.

To educate a person


1. Accept the child as he is, so that under any circumstances he is sure of the invariability of your love for him.

2. Strive to understand what he thinks, what he wants, why he behaves this way and not otherwise.

3. To inspire the child that he can do anything, if he only believes in himself and will work.

4. Understand that in any misconduct of the child, you should blame yourself first of all.

5. Do not try to "sculpt" your child, but live a common life with him: see him as a person, and not an object of education.

6. Remember more often what you were like at your child's age.

7. Remember that it is not your words that bring up, but your personal example.


1. Count on the fact that your child will be the best and most capable. He is neither better nor worse, he is different, special.

2. Treat the child like a savings bank, in which parents profitably invest their love and care, and then receive it back with interest.

3. Expect gratitude from the child for the fact that you gave birth to him and fed him: he did not ask you about this.

4. Use the child as a means to achieve even the most noble, but their own goals.

5. Count on the fact that your child will inherit your interests and outlook on life (alas, they are not genetically incorporated).

6. Treat the child as an inferior person, whom parents can mold at their own discretion.

7. To shift the responsibility for education to the teachers of grandparents.

How to answer

for children's questions?

1. Treat children's questions with respect, don't dismiss them.

2. Listen carefully to the child's question, try to understand what interested the child in the subject, the phenomenon that he is asking about.

3. give short and easy-to-understand answers for a preschooler, avoid complex words, book turns of speech.

4. The answer should enrich the child with new knowledge, encourage further reflection and observation.

5. Encourage the child's independent mental activity by answering his questions to the counter: "What do you think?"

6. In response to the child's question, try to involve him in observing the life around him, re-read the book, consider illustrative material with you.

7. When answering a child's question, act on his feelings. Cultivate in him sensitivity, tact to the people around him.

8. If the answer to the question is not available to the understanding of the child, do not be afraid to say to him: “While you are still small. Go to school, learn to read, learn a lot and be able to answer your own question.

Kindergarten is the place where the child spends most of his preschool time. Kindergarten is the first social institution in which the baby has to be, interact with other children. It is in it that children learn to communicate with each other, build friendships, share toys, etc. Every kid who enters kindergarten will not pass a difficult process of adaptation.

Adaptation is the process of getting used to the baby group, caregivers, other children. Often the requirements that apply to a child during admission to a children's educational institution are quite high. The child needs time for the addiction to go smoothly and painlessly, without leaving rough marks on the psyche. Adaptation of a child is a complex psychological process that can be accompanied by various negative manifestations. Parents and educators should be tactful and friendly. During this period, it is important to help the baby, support him in every possible way and calm him down.

Features of the child's adaptation to kindergarten

Kindergarten at first seems to the little man an unpleasant place in the world. Firstly, the child is separated from his mother - the closest and dearest creature. Secondly, he must enter his first collective in his life and take his individual place there. Both of these are very difficult to do. Adult support at this stage is extremely important, because without such help, the baby will either withdraw into himself or begin to show aggression. What advice should parents and caregivers take into account?

Changing the routine of the day

Being in the family circle, the child lives in a certain rhythm and mode. When he enters kindergarten, his life changes rapidly. There is a change in the regime of the day, to which it is not so easy to adapt. It can be difficult for a baby to get used to when to eat, when to sleep or wake up. At home, all these actions were performed at completely different hours. In order to make the adaptation to kindergarten easier, it is recommended to follow the same schedule at home. An orderly lifestyle will help the child quickly get used to the new environment.

getting used to the group

It should be taken into account that it is not always easy for a child to get used to the atmosphere of the group itself. He may not like something in the outer space. Not all children always develop good relationships right away. Children, especially at a young age, still do not know how to make friends, take into account and accept someone else's point of view. It is necessary to teach them to express their emotions correctly, to show their best qualities of character (and every kid has them). Sometimes when picking up a child from kindergarten in the evening, parents note that he has become nervous and irritable. This is due to the fact that during the day there were some intra-group conflicts. They may not have been expressed or resolved in a timely manner.

Child health

When sending a child to a kindergarten, parents need to be prepared for the fact that his health may noticeably decrease in the near future. This phenomenon has become the main feature of adaptation. The immune system of the child begins to rapidly rebuild. The disease is a protective reaction of the little man. His body learns to adapt to changing conditions. At home, he was in an isolated environment, where, whenever possible, purity, love and attention always reign. Kindergarten carries unfamiliar smells, sounds and vivid impressions. The child learns to communicate with other children, instantly becomes infected from a suddenly ill classmate. Usually, when entering a kindergarten, the child begins to get sick steadily once every two weeks or even more often.

Opportunity to express yourself

Each child has their own individual characteristics. If you want to see your child successful in the future, then give him the opportunity to express his personality. To grow happy person, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for it in reality. The process of adaptation to kindergarten is sometimes accompanied by conflict situations. In them, the child learns to defend his point of view, to express his own feelings. Don't interfere with this. No need to try to turn a child into a robot that must justify the expectations placed on him by adults. Your son or daughter in the team must have the opportunity to somehow prove themselves. Make him feel important, significant, accepted, and loved. Only then will the baby attend kindergarten with pleasure, without throwing loud tantrums to his parents in the morning.

Desire to be seen

Another feature of adaptation is the need to be noticed in the group. If this does not happen, the child can openly provoke a quarrel, go into conflict and even fight. Some educators are faced with foul language from their little pupils and grab their heads. In any case, it must be remembered that such behavior is dictated by the desire to be noticed, accepted by the team. All these negative manifestations may well be part of the child's adaptation, getting used to a new place.

Longing for mom

The child, finding himself in kindergarten, experiences severe anxiety and fear. These emotions are caused not just by a change in the usual environment, but by longing for the closest person - mom. Even adults sometimes find it difficult to find mutual language with colleagues in a new team. The child is afraid to be alone in an unfamiliar place. All the actions of the teacher and other children cause him fear, to which he reacts with distrust, hysteria, and additional whims. Until the baby realizes that nothing bad will happen to him in kindergarten, he will continue to cry. Crying here is a way to get attention. One should take into account such a feature of adaptation as a pronounced longing for the mother. The child must feel and know that his parents will definitely take him home, and not leave him “with someone else's aunt” forever.

The degree of adaptation of the child in kindergarten

Depending on the conditions of the kindergarten, the child's addiction is easier or harder. Three main degrees of adaptation should be noted, which indicate a different psychological state of the baby, the characteristics of his nervous system.

Light degree

An easy degree of adaptation is characterized by the rapid adaptation of the child to a new social environment. The child literally in a week begins to freely navigate in space, to know all those present in person, establishes friendly relations with classmates. Mild is less common than moderate and severe. With this approach, children get tired less, show less aggression and isolation. In most cases, with a mild degree of addiction, the child gets sick less often and misses intra-group classes, freely comes into contact with peers.

Average degree

The average degree of adaptation is characterized by a fairly long addiction. For a long time, the child cannot understand why his mother took him to this institution and why he does not come for him for so long. A kid of two or three years old does not understand the meaning of being in a state building at all. He sees many children around him, but does not realize that for each of them the parents return in the evening. If you observe the reaction of the baby, it will become clear that he thinks that his mother is leaving him forever. Every time he experiences separation from her, it's like the last time. For a child who has not reached even three years of age, separation from his mother is the greatest tragedy. He does not know how to behave in an unfamiliar environment, does not know what is happening to him, cannot control his own feelings.

Severe degree

With a severe degree of adaptation, the child cannot enter the children's team for a long time. In the morning farewell to his mother, he reacts with a stormy cry, turning into hysterics. Such a kid is often sick, refuses to attend kindergarten, does not follow the rules of behavior, strives to disrupt the caregiver's regime moments, distracts and attracts the attention of other children. A severe degree of addiction is characterized, as a rule, by sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, and stool disorder is sometimes observed. The child becomes nervous, uncontrollable and at the same time helpless. By his behavior, he demands participation, tries to attract the attention of those who are nearby. Unfortunately, not every adult is able to understand this and make the right decision.

Time of adaptation of the child in kindergarten

Many parents are interested in a completely logical question: how much time does a child need to successfully undergo adaptation? It should be noted that this process is not easy, depending on many factors. Here one should not rush and in every possible way adjust the child, force him to adapt to the established order. Adaptation to kindergarten takes place individually for each child. The adaptation time depends solely on the following significant points.

Child health

The more physically developed and hardy the baby, the easier it will be for him to adapt to the constantly changing conditions in kindergarten. The health of the child is paramount here. Otherwise, the baby will get sick very often, which will negatively affect his internal state: he can become nervous and irritable.


There is a rather controversial point here. There is an opinion that the process of adaptation to kindergarten is influenced by the age of the child. But here experts disagree. Some say that what younger child, the easier it is for him to survive separation from his mother and other family members. Others argue that older children adapt better to kindergarten due to the development of some consciousness. Not accustomed to attending a kindergarten from one and a half to two years old, it becomes difficult for a child to fully adapt at three to four years.


Much in the process of adaptation to kindergarten depends on individual features personality. It is harder for a modest and quiet child to survive separation than for a sociable and lively one. Of course, an accommodating baby is convenient for the teacher: he does not climb anywhere, does not cause any trouble. However, having failed to throw out their emotions in kindergarten, the child accumulates them in himself, which cannot positively affect both health and adaptation in general.

If you decide to send your child to kindergarten, then follow the advice of a psychologist below. In this way, you will help your child go through the process of adaptation in kindergarten in the most favorable way. Many parents get lost in elementary situations due to lack of necessary experience and do not know how best to proceed. The advice of a psychologist will help to cope with this difficult task.

Don't leave it for long

In the early days, you should limit the hours of stay to two or three. Otherwise, the baby will not be able to properly adapt to the environment and will long time cry. Just imagine how much stress it is for him to be separated from his family and stay in unfamiliar walls for a long time! It's time for anyone to get confused, let alone a little man who has just begun to live.

Getting to know the group

Introduce your favorite child to kindergarten in advance. Let the child gradually get used to the teachers, the children, the environment. Then the process of adaptation to kindergarten will be much easier. For starters, you can come to the group just to get to know each other, to see what conditions the children are in. This will benefit both you as a parent and your child. The kid will no longer be scared when you bring him there next time.

home conversations

They will help to partially overcome the internal conflict arising from the fact that the child does not understand why he should stay in kindergarten, while a loving and caring mother leaves him. Be sure to explain that you will take him back home in the evening. It will be even better if the parents not only silently take their child to kindergarten, but also tell in a nutshell what kind of place this is and what it is intended for. Talking at home can be extremely helpful, especially if you suspect that the adjustment process will be difficult for your baby.

Thus, the adaptation of a child to kindergarten is a complex and multi-level process. The task facing parents at the moment is to help him cope with emerging fears, overcome anxiety.