Cosmetic procedures for the face. Spa facials What spa facials are there

On a human face, every joy or adversity leaves its mark. What do the faces of modern men and women express - the inhabitants of noisy megacities? Anxiety, care and sadness. Negative emotions provoke the appearance of early wrinkles, poor ecology spoils the complexion, fatigue leaves traces in the form of dark circles under the eyes. Spa treatments for the face help to get rid of all these unpleasant manifestations - specially designed programs, the action of which is aimed at restoring the health of the facial skin. The basic element of spa programs for the face is healing, perfectly clean and mineral-enriched water - the basis of the foundations of life on our planet. The properties of water are enhanced by special ingredients and techniques: extracts from medicinal herbs, spices and fruits, massage.

Objectives of facial spa treatments:

  • - Purification. Scrubs penetrate deep into the pores and remove impurities, healing substances gently remove the keratinized layer of the skin and free the epidermis from dead cells.
  • - Getting rid of wrinkles, sagging and bags under the eyes. Wrinkles occur due to lack of moisture in the epidermis. Spa treatments make up for this deficiency and eliminate minor defects.
  • - Rejuvenation. After facial treatments, the skin looks fresh, rested, young and healthy.
  • - Launching the recovery program. Precise techniques affect the body's internal reserves and trigger self-healing mechanisms. Thus, spa procedures have a prolonged effect.
  • - Nutrition. During the procedure, nutrients penetrate into the cells of the epidermis and nourish them from the inside.

Why spa facials should be done regularly

Regularly visiting a beauty salon, a woman or a man saves himself from the expenses associated with expensive cosmetic care. Spa Facials are much cheaper than other cosmetic anti-aging programs, and even more so they are cheaper than plastic surgery. Spa techniques are so effective that a person eventually ceases to need additional care. Healing herbs and minerals rejuvenate the body from the inside, without interfering with the processes occurring inside the human skin, which means that they simply cannot harm.


Spa procedure gives double pleasure: from water procedures and massage. Light, fluttering touches of the massage therapist's fingers, relaxing music, the aroma of flowers or herbs - these are the main psycho-emotional components of the spa. Is it possible to compare this pleasure with the feeling that a person has at the moment when he crosses the threshold of a “classic” beauty parlor? A spa is relaxation in a pleasant, comfortable environment, and an appointment with a beautician is, in essence, an appointment with a doctor.

No contraindications

Spa procedures have one more plus: only natural ingredients are used for cleansing, nourishing and rejuvenating. The natural origin of healing agents is a guarantee of the safety of the spa visitor. Can turmeric, violet petals, honey, aloe or tamarind harm? These programs have practically no contraindications. Spa treatments for the face are a sea of ​​​​use and pleasure "in one bottle".


The ingredients and methods used in our programs act on the body gently, without violence. They work at the natural level, just as they "work" to create beauty. Fresh air, sea water, sun, aromas of flowers. Spa masters do not interfere with the little-studied mechanisms of cell interaction and do not try to resist nature. Spa treatments set the human body on a wave of self-healing, working "behind the scenes" of consciousness. A person simply experiences pleasure, enjoys the process and does not notice how he becomes younger, not only externally, but also internally. The result is obvious: people who regularly visit spa salons look much younger and more cheerful than their peers. They radiate energy drawn from pure sources, donated by nature itself. Spa procedure is a real embodiment of the fairy tale about living water. Healing water gives beauty and health, restores youth and takes nothing in return.

A visit to the SPA will help not only to tidy up your appearance, but also to relax, unwind, and support your immune system. After all, in the salon they do procedures for every taste for the face, body, hair, as well as complex manipulations. There is only one problem - the choice from the many services that are available.

Read in this article

What are the treatments at the spa?

All manipulations available in the SPA can be divided into several groups:

  • Hair care. Includes measures to improve the condition of the scalp with peeling, moisturizing, nourishing masks. You can also restore the structure of the hair, restore their elasticity, smoothness, density with the help of hot wrapping, applying oils. The spa has products to stimulate the growth of curls, protection after staining.
  • Facial care. In the salon, multi-stage procedures are carried out in order to deep cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin, reducing age-related manifestations. For this, various cosmetics, hardware techniques, several types, masks are used.
  • Body care. Treatments can be separate for arms and legs. This different types manicure, pedicure, body wraps. There are also manipulations for the whole body. You can come for peeling, wraps with cosmetics, baths with various additives, massages.
  • Comprehensive care. Includes several manipulations at once, which not only improve appearance but also heal. These are the same baths, wraps, massages, masks, irrigations, smoothly replacing and complementing each other. They can be accompanied by aromatherapy, the use of healing mud, sea ​​water. This also includes different types of baths.

Best Options

Spa treatments should be selected individually, taking into account contraindications. But their huge number will help everyone find their own. Among the manipulations there are those that will suit very many.

For face

To make the skin of the face fresher and more beautiful, regardless of its type and age, the owner will help:

  • Oxygen therapy. This is the use of cosmetic preparations based on O2. Serums, masks, eye creams and face creams are used. The procedure will rid the skin of bacteria and toxins, soften, even out the relief, make the color radiant, healthy, and wrinkles less noticeable.
  • Vitaminization. Cosmetics are selected in accordance with the existing problems and the age of the visitor. Formulas with vitamin C are suitable for young people. For problematic skin, you need a combination ascorbic acid and retinol. With age, concentrates, serums, and other products with vitamin E will be more useful.
  • clay masks. The type of the main component is selected according to the needs of the skin. But usually clay contains a lot of minerals. The procedure deeply cleanses the skin, eliminating dead skin cells, saturates essential trace elements, tightens and smoothes.
  • Alginate masks. They also come in different types: for dry, aging skin, problematic, age-related, dehydrated. Masks with alginates give rest to the facial muscles, moisturize with high quality, relieving fatigue, making wrinkles less noticeable.
  • Massages. In the spa, you can make many types of them using oils, talcum powder or special devices (ivory sticks, semi-precious stones, spoons, hot shells). Facial massage will get rid of edema and toxins, help to better absorb nutrients, increase blood supply to the skin, restore its tone, and relieve wrinkles. With the help of some of its types, you can tighten the facial muscles, return the old oval.
  • Peeling. During the procedure, using natural substances, it is possible to deeply cleanse the skin and accelerate the process of cell renewal. Peeling also evens out the relief of the epidermis, eliminates age spots.

For body

The body needs just as much care as the face. At the spa, try:

  • Peeling. The composition of the product used during the procedure may include sea salt, algae, honey, coffee, essential oils, citrus extracts, medicinal herbs. Peeling will free the skin from impurities, improve blood circulation in it, and tighten it. The best result happens after salt and seaweed procedures.
  • Wraps. The most popular type of procedure is performed using chocolate. It contains a lot of vitamins and microelements, helps to break down and remove excess fat, stimulates intercellular metabolism, renewing the skin. Chocolate moisturizes and nourishes it well. And its aroma favorably affects the brain and nervous system, contributing to the production of hormones of joy.

Wraps with mineralized compounds, mud, silk and pearl are also effective.

  • Baths. Sea salt, minerals, extracts of medicinal plants are added to the water for them. But for relaxation, recovery, improvement of skin condition, rejuvenation, milk baths are best suited. In this case, essential oils are used (coconut, macadamia, grapefruit, lavender, etc.). Milk baths are indicated for flabby, dehydrated skin, beriberi, stress.
  • Massage. Among its many species, Thai can be called a favorite. When it affects the muscles, blood vessels, skin, joints. Therefore, the effect is to improve blood circulation and work. internal organs, getting rid of edema, relieving stress and fatigue, general renewal of the body. The skin after Thai massage is smoothed, scars and stretch marks look less noticeable.

For hands and feet

Spa treatments for limbs are not only traditional manicures and pedicures. Well-groomed hands, slender light legs, feet will remain so for a long time, thanks to:

  • . It can be done cold or hot. In any case, this procedure is multi-stage, includes cleansing, skin scrubbing, steaming. Paraffin therapy relaxes muscles, relieves fatigue and joint pain, makes the surface of hands and feet silky.
  • Massage. The procedure can be performed on the hands and feet. Massage of the brushes is done using aromatic oils. It relieves dryness, fatigue, moisturizes the skin. For legs do lymphatic drainage massage, which will remove excess fluid, restore blood circulation, relieve pain, and make you forget about rapid fatigue.
  • Skin pedicure. The treatment consists of a sea salt bath, foot scrub, essential oil massage, compress and nail treatment. Legs after it will be not only well-groomed, but also rested.

How to carry out a skin pedicure in a spa, see this video:

For hair

To keep the curls healthy, it is useful to do:

  • Wrap. Healing mixtures are applied to the hair, which are selected based on their condition and problems. The head is covered with a film and a heated towel. During exposure, the composition restores the structure of the hair, they become thicker, elasticity returns to them.
  • Mineralization. The procedure is suitable for dry, nutrient-deprived hair. The composition is applied to them along the entire length. It envelops, nourishes and restores, eliminates the section. After the procedure, they look healthy, easy to fit.
  • Lamination. The hair is covered in three stages with agents that together form a protective film on the surface. As a result, they become smooth, heavy, silky, less susceptible to negative external influences.

What do they do with complex programs

Spa salons, in addition to individual procedures, offer sets of wellness and care activities:

  • Thalassotherapy. During successive manipulations, sea salt, mud, water, algae are used. During the exposure, the visitor of the salon has time to take a bath, make a wrap, masks, applications, water massage.
  • hydrotherapy. This is a series of water procedures. It includes different types of showers, including those with essential oils, medicinal plants,. An obligatory part of it is pearl baths with sea salt, herbal extracts.
  • Balneotherapy. Represents baths, wraps, irrigation, hydromassage using chloride, iodine-bromine, sulfide waters, as well as radon and carbon dioxide.
  • Steaming. The procedure is carried out using a Finnish, Turkish or Russian bath. It is complemented by the use of aromatic oils, scrubs, peelings, various types of massage.
  • SPA capsule. This is an apparatus in which several procedures can be obtained at once during a session: steaming, massage, aromatherapy, different types of shower, exposure to light, wrapping and others. The visitor simply lies down in the capsule, and the specialist sets the program.

How to conduct thalassotherapy in the spa, see this video:

How to choose a salon

To get really high-quality face and body care, you need to go to a good spa. You can recognize this by several signs:

  • it has conditions for complex manipulations, that is, a massage room, baths, baths, a steam room;
  • specialists have the appropriate education, confirmed by diplomas of massage therapists, cosmetologists, trichologists;
  • procedures are carried out under sterile conditions, there is disposable underwear;
  • the range of services is quite extensive, and the prices do not differ much from those in the price lists of similar establishments;
  • the visitor is not escorted out immediately after the SPA, but is given the opportunity to relax in a specially designated room.

Many salons, in addition to well-known procedures, offer something of their own, have a “zest”. Others use only well-known and well-received care manipulations. But once you get used to the traditional spa, you should not be afraid to try something new, so that going to the salon becomes a real holiday.

Useful video

For SPA treatments for face and body, see this video:

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The face is our business card, you can’t hide it under clothes, the face speaks of our mental and emotional state, our experience and age, our well-being, the state of health and the changes taking place in our body.

Beautiful skin is a sign of health.

Our skin requires certain care, thanks to which we can avoid problems that arise at certain periods of life. How to take care of your skin depends on your skin type, age, health condition and environmental conditions. Read the basic principles of facial care Here.

The main areas of skin care: cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition we work through in our beauty treatments.

Correction and coloring of eyebrows and eyelashes

Coloring eyelashes and eyebrows is a quick and completely safe procedure that will allow you to forget about makeup for a long time. Eyebrow coloring in the Moscow salon, as well as eyelash coloring in the salon, takes very little time, and the result lasts up to 4 weeks. For coloring, a special professional paint is used, designed specifically for eyebrows and eyelashes. This perfect option for those who are tired of applying makeup every day, as well as those who go on vacation or want to no longer worry about smearing or dripping eye makeup.

Eyebrow correction services in Moscow are also very popular. Eyebrow correction in the salon is inexpensive, but it will allow you to complete your image, create perfect shape eyebrows, which you can then maintain at home. The eyebrow correction service is completely free of charge. helpful tips eyebrow care and maintenance of their graceful shape.

SPA treatments for the face

This is a specially designed set of cosmetic procedures that are designed to improve the condition of the skin of the face, shape its oval and rejuvenate. In addition, spa treatments deeply saturate the skin, allowing it to recover, especially if it is too dry or damaged. SPA facial treatments are aimed at minimizing all side effects from environment. SPA includes several stages, ranging from gentle deep cleansing to saturation with useful vitamins.

They include complete professional care for the skin of the face, which will allow:

  • cleanse the face of dead skin cells;
  • narrow pores;
  • achieve a rejuvenating effect;
  • get rid of age spots;
  • even out the tone of the face;
  • cleanse the skin of the accumulation of fat and dirt;
  • reduce skin inflammation.

SPA programs for the face developed for each individual skin type, include a full set of necessary procedures and useful substances for each skin type, individual selection of preparations. If you use SPA programs, and not separate procedures, be sure to take a break between them so that the skin has time to relax and absorb all the beneficial substances. SPA procedures help get rid of signs of fatigue on the face, drive away fine wrinkles from the face, cleanse the skin and saturate its useful substances.

In addition, there are complex SPA programs that are not intended for a separate part of the body, but pursue a specific goal. For example, there are professional SPA programs for cleansing and toning the skin, a rejuvenating procedure that will preserve youth and beauty, SPA procedures for getting rid of cellulite and excess weight or just spa programs that are meant to be enjoyed.

Make-up removal — 300 rubles
Eyebrow correction — 300 rubles
Eyebrow coloring — 300 rubles
Eyelash coloring — 300 rubles

Treatments for oily and combination skin

Atraumatic cleaning (Israeli cosmetics Holyland) — complex, including peeling fruit acids, warming lotion, mechanical removal of comedones and anti-inflammatory mask.

Duration 1-1.5 hours - 3000 rubles

Express care "Skin Radiance"

Gentle cleansing of the skin, improves skin color.Includes make-up remover, cleansing peeling mask based on plant enzymes, cream.

Duration 25 min — 1200 rubles

"Marine health" (based on French cosmetics Algologie)

Spa treatment cleanses pores, relieves inflammation, improves complexion.Includes make-up remover, deep cleansing, revitalizing serum, anti-inflammatory mask, mattifying cream

Duration 1 hour – 2500 rubles

Procedures for dry and dehydrated skin.

Express care "Power of the Sea" (based on French cosmetics Algologie)

Express care for dehydrated skin. Includes make-up removal, moisturizing and nourishing the skin with a collagen sheet or alginate mask, cream

Duration 30 min — 1600 rub

"Intensive Hydration" (based on French cosmetics Algologie)

The facial spa treatment has a soothing, moisturizing and firming effect. Includes make-up remover, deep skin cleansing, nourishing serum, alginate mask, cream.

Duration 1 hour - 2500 rub

Procedures for sensitive skin.

Express care "Ambulance" (based on French cosmetics Algologie)

Express care for skin with signs of irritation, soothes and regenerates the skin. Includes make-up remover, soothing mask, revitalizing cream.

Duration 25 min — 1200 rub

"Absolute Comfort" (based on French cosmetics Algologie)

Spa program to restore the barrier properties of the skin, reduces redness, soothes and nourishes the skin, suitable for skin with signs of rosacea. Includes make-up remover, mild peeling, oil for sensitive skin, soothing mask, regenerating cream.

Duration 1 hour - 2500 rub

*For correction age-related changes it is recommended to add to the care programs chemical peels and injection techniques.

Many girls think that in order to look beautiful and well-groomed, it is necessary not to leave expensive spas. All spa treatments can be done at home with the same excellent effect. The result will be persistent and visible, just like after professional procedures. Constantly exposed to negative influences, the skin of the face becomes dry and flabby, loses its elasticity and youth. You can fix this by regularly performing simple procedures at home.

What is the highlight of spa treatments?

Spa procedures for the face is a cosmetology complex that includes actions aimed at protecting the skin of the face from external harmful factors and bad habits. Everyone knows that smoking, excessive drinking, malnutrition immediately affect the condition of the skin. It is spa treatments that will help restore elasticity and freshness to your face. Their great advantage is versatility, since they have practically no contraindications. Only if you have a problem with acne or other inflammatory processes, you should stop using the spa.

Facial beauty treatments

Spa procedures always include 3 main stages: deep skin cleansing, peeling and moisturizing. Facial cleansing can be different: vacuum, ultrasonic, gas-liquid and mechanical. An experienced cosmetologist will select the ideal option for each client. The most popular is the combined method, which includes both a mechanical and a less traumatic method. All this is explained by the fact that the skin on the face is very often more than one type. In most cases, there are different zones on the face that are inherent in oily or, conversely, dry skin. Deep facial cleansing is done to make the skin more receptive to spa treatments.

In order to steam and cleanse the skin of the face as much as possible, it is absolutely not necessary to go to specialized salons. You can do this without leaving your home. Steam baths for the face are considered the best cleanser. They deeply cleanse the skin, accelerate blood circulation, and stimulate a better metabolism. Under the influence of hot steam, the pores expand, the skin softens. Sweating increases, due to which unnecessary metabolic products are removed from the body.

It is necessary to do baths once a week, depending on the type of skin. Until the age of 30, the skin is considered normal, oily, etc. After 35 years, in the absence of obvious signs of one or another type of skin (excessive oiliness or dryness), care should be directed to aging skin. Before doing steam baths, you need to remove all makeup. The face must be perfectly clean. After this procedure, a cream or mask can be applied to the face.

Avoid baths if you have problem skin, acne, pimples. If you suffer from bronchial asthma, then this procedure may worsen the situation. Also, if you have unstable pressure, then it is better to use another method of deep cleansing your face. Steam baths are especially useful in summer, when such a large amount of dust flies in the air that the sebaceous and sweat glands work more intensively. It is this procedure that will relieve stress and remove any pollution from the face.

In order to do this procedure at home, you need to prepare the following things: 2 towels, a basin, essential oils, herbal decoctions, masks and creams for further care. It is best to do baths in loose clothes, and the hair should be pinned up, and best of all hidden in a special cap. Any jewelry from the neck and head must be removed, poured hot water or herbal decoction in a container, tilt your head and cover yourself with a terry towel on top. Do not lean too close to the container, as you can burn the mucous membrane of the eye. After the procedure, blot your face with a linen towel, but do not rub it. After a steam bath, lie down on your back for 15 minutes. Then you can proceed to peeling, masks and other procedures.

For achievement best results It is recommended to use steam baths depending on the type of facial skin. All of them are based on herbal infusions. The only difference is in the ingredients themselves. We bring to your attention several options for herbal decoctions for dry skin:

Option number 1

In 700 ml of water, add 15 g of bay leaf, chamomile, dandelion. Mix well and boil for 20 minutes. Take this bath should be 5 minutes.

Option number 2

In 800 ml of water, add 60 g of rose petals. The broth should be infused for 10 minutes, after which you can take a bath for 5 minutes.

Option number 3

Prepare 800 ml of water, 10 g of dill, mint and linden greens. The mixture must be boiled for 20 minutes, and take a bath for 5 minutes.

Baths for oily skin

This procedure is most useful for this type of skin. Its duration is from 20 to 25 minutes. Then you need to rinse your face with cool water with lemon juice (a couple of drops per 1 liter of water). Rest after the procedure is 25 minutes. Then you can start using face masks.

Option number 1

You will need 900 ml of water, 10 g each of lemon balm, lemon peel, rosemary, rose and verbena. Boil herbal decoction for 25 minutes. Then take a bath for 20 minutes.

Option number 2

In 900 ml of water, add 10 g of sage, coltsfoot and horsetail. Boiling time - 15 minutes, and the procedure itself - 20 minutes.

Steam baths for normal skin

For this type of skin, the procedure is applied once every 2 weeks for 10-15 minutes.

Option number 1

It will take 800 ml of water, 10 g of cloves, lavender, chamomile, geranium. Boil this mixture for 15 minutes. The procedure time is 10 minutes.

Option number 2

20 g of hop cones pour 900 ml of water, put on fire and wait for the boil. Then apply the bath for 15 minutes.

Steam baths for aging skin

It is enough to do this procedure once a month for 3-5 minutes.

Option number 1

In 800 ml of water, add 10 g of bay leaf, mint, nettle, ginger and fennel. Boil for 20 minutes, take a bath for 5 minutes.

Option number 2

It will take 10 g of cinnamon, fennel, ginger, cloves, eucalyptus and 800 ml of water. Boiling time - 20 minutes, procedures - 5 minutes.

Face massage

Before this procedure, professionals recommend applying a mixture to the face. essential oils or avocado pulp. Facial massage is recommended to be done very gently with light in a circular motion because the skin is very delicate. For greater relaxation, you can massage the décolleté and shoulders. After the procedure, you should rest a bit so that the beneficial enzymes of the oils are better absorbed into the skin. After 10 minutes, wash your face with warm water.

Moisturizing face masks

Masks, as well as herbal decoction for baths, are selected depending on the type of skin.

Oily skin remedy

Prepare 2 tbsp. strawberries, 1 tbsp. blackcurrant, 4 tbsp. oatmeal. Mix all ingredients and apply evenly on face. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes with warm water. Use nutritious cream after the procedure.

Dry skin remedy

Take 1 tbsp. cream, 20 drops of propolis and 1 tbsp. cucumber juice. Mix all the ingredients with a blender and apply the mask on your face for 20 minutes. After this time, wash your face with warm water and apply your favorite cream.

Remedy for normal skin

You will need 1 chicken egg and 50 ml of freshly squeezed apple juice. Beat all the ingredients with a mixer and apply the composition evenly on the face. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

Combination skin remedy

Prepare 1 yolk, 30 ml olive oil, 40 ml lemon juice, 50 g carrots. Mix all ingredients with a blender until smooth. Apply the cream on your face. The mask application time is 20 minutes.

Toning face mask

You will need 20 ml of lemon juice, 50 g of potatoes, 1 tsp. salt, 1 yolk. Using a blender, mix all ingredients well. Apply the mask on your face for 20 minutes. Toning masks will be a salvation after a hard day's work, when the skin is tired and has lost its freshness.

The following masks are applied exclusively in beauty salons and spas.

Modeling face mask

This type of mask is used to nourish the skin, tighten the face, achieve a matte color. The consistency of the mask resembles a powder. It is applied to the face for 20 minutes and washed off with cotton pads. 3 times a week is the ideal frequency of application of the modeling mask.

Collagen face masks

They are used to speed up metabolism, smooth wrinkles and rejuvenate. Collagen makes the skin firmer and more elastic. You can make such masks only after 20 years. Since natural collagen is used, the cost of such masks is quite high. Do not abuse the use of such a mask. Enough 1 time per month.

After the first well-executed spa treatments, you will see the results. The face will regain the lost freshness and elasticity. After several procedures, the skin will be well smoothed out, it will be velvety and beautiful.

Photos: Best-coupons, Spa-sense, Turist, Borobo, Deliriouslie, Therat, Fourseasons, Ieven, Yaroslavl, Supersadovod

At any age, facial skin care is not superfluous. But if at a young age it is enough to clean and moisturize the skin of the face in a timely manner, then after 30 years these methods are not enough. In this case, spa facials come to the rescue, which can be done both at home and in the salon. First of all, skin care should include facial treatments such as:

  • cleansing;
  • recovery;
  • nutrition.

To cleanse the face, ordinary cosmetics (tonics, gels, lotions) or special salon methods - cleaning, peeling - can be suitable.

As restorative procedures, massages, hardware effects or injection methods of rejuvenation are used.

Face masks, specially selected creams and vitamin formulations will help moisturize and saturate the skin with useful substances.

spa treatments

This is a whole complex - from simple courtship to complex hardware methods. Basic spa treatments include:

  • Oxygen cosmetics. This includes compresses, masks, wraps with oxygen preparations that visibly soften the skin and make the complexion gorgeous.
  • Scrubs. Increase blood flow, deeply cleanse, smooth the skin, reduce pigmentation. Made on the basis sea ​​salt and plant oils.
  • Clay. Clay masks saturate the skin with useful substances, have an exfoliating effect, narrow pores.
  • Aromatherapy. It is based on the use of essential oils in their pure form or as part of masks and creams. As a result, the skin is softened and saturated with nutrients.
  • Vitaminization. Perfectly tightens the skin and improves its light ascorbic acid.
  • Massages. Tone up the skin, give it a fresher look, smooth fine wrinkles.

Usually spa treatments for the face are aimed at eliminating defects and signs of age-related changes.

For those who do not know where to start skin care, many salons provide a free trial procedure or consultation with a beautician.

Hardware procedures for the face

Usually, cosmetic procedures for the face are aimed at a long-term result, so you have to repeat the course every month, or even every week. Therefore, modern cosmetology offers more effective facial skin care procedures using special devices:

  • chemical peeling;
  • microcurrent therapy;
  • ultrasonic cleaning method;
  • laser procedures.

Hardware procedures for the face are aimed at deep impact and affect not only the outer layer of the skin, but work "from the inside". All these methods are effective in each specific case. Depending on the age and characteristics of the skin, the specialist selects different cosmetic procedures for the face or a whole range of procedures.

Procedures in the salon for the face after 35 years

most popular and efficient procedures for the face in the salon after 35 years - this is ultrasonic rejuvenation, microcurrents, radiolifting, elos and photorejuvenation. These methods rejuvenate the face with the help of various beams - laser, warm or radio frequency.

Ultrasonic rejuvenation method or altera lifting

The most popular among all known hardware procedures. It explains it careful attitude to the skin, because its main effect falls on the subcutaneous muscles. Thanks to ultrasonic waves, you can tighten the skin around the lips and eyes, make the face oval clearer.

Hardware procedures effectively deal with a specific problem

Facial rejuvenation through microcurrent therapy

Allows not only to restore the natural tone of the skin, but also to saturate it with vitamins and minerals. Due to the active influence of electrical impulses, muscle fibers contract, and enzymes and proteins are produced that are responsible for cell regeneration processes. In addition, microcurrents are good for skin problems such as:

  • age-related changes;
  • pigmentation;
  • acne
  • consequences of acne;
  • swelling;
  • decrease in tone.

Hardware facial rejuvenation allows you to achieve a lasting result


It is carried out thanks to the waves of the radio frequency range, which penetrate the collagen layer and give it part of the thermal energy. The cells, subjected to heat shock, cause the collagen layer to contract, forming new connective tissue fibers. This explains the velvety texture of the skin and the tone of the face oval after a radiolifting session. The procedure is painless and usually does not side effects.


It is an impact with powerful streams of high-frequency rays. Due to which the production of collagen and elastin increases, disappear dark spots, vascular network, wrinkles are smoothed out. The procedure is painless and usually well tolerated, so it is recommended for anyone who wants to maintain the beauty of the skin of the face after 30 or as a fight against external skin defects.

Laser rejuvenation

The best methods for facial skin care after 35 today, according to cosmetologists, are laser.

Typically, the following laser facial procedures are performed in the salon:

  • peeling;
  • removal of hair and age spots;
  • lifting;
  • perforation;
  • biorevitalization.

The laser allows you to solve a wide range of skin care tasks.

Facial skin peeling with a laser is a deep cleaning with the help of various auxiliary means. Depending on the nozzles used and additional cosmetics, there are several types of skin cleansing:

  • carbon (through a special carbon mask);
  • fractional (thermal effect on individual sections);
  • carboxylic (impact on the deep subcutaneous layer);
  • erbium (surface effect on the skin);
  • hot (warming up the upper layer of the skin).

Each of these types differs in impact, the end result and the apparatus with which the session is performed. The most effective and expensive peeling procedure is carried out using a carboxylic laser.

Laser biorevitalization is a procedure of non-injection rejuvenation. A special gel with hyaluronic acid is applied to problem areas and, under the influence of laser radiation, acid particles penetrate into cells and begin their recovery.

Laser lifting facial skin is performed by a special apparatus, the rays of which are aimed at removing the old epithelium and restoring damaged cells. The effect of this procedure is noticeable after 3 sessions carried out with a month break.

laser perforation face is to use a special laser attachment, which turns one beam into thousands of small beams. Under the influence of such radiation, the mechanisms of cell regeneration and renewal are launched in the skin, blood flow increases, and collagen is produced. As a result, after one session, the result is noticeable: defects disappear, wrinkles are removed, spots and scars disappear.

Facial laser treatments - fast, effective, painless

All types of laser skin care are the most effective and are aimed at eliminating a whole list of problems:

  • enlarged pores;
  • wrinkles;
  • dark circles;
  • dark spots;
  • fuzzy oval of the face;
  • vascular network;
  • scars, scars.

However, laser facials are not for everyone. Before going to the salon, you should familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications for laser cosmetology sessions:

  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • visiting the solarium;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases in the acute stage;
  • skin wounds;
  • blood diseases;
  • neoplasms.

Other methods of facial rejuvenation

In addition to the listed methods for facial skin care, more radical salon techniques are very popular, most effective after 35 years.

For these purposes, invasive methods of rejuvenation with the help of injections and facelifts are most often used.

As preparations for injections in the salon use hyaluronic acid, Botox, as well as various vitamin and oxygen cocktails, procedures with nitrogen.

Injections work well where other methods fail.

Facelift, or facelift, is carried out if available deep wrinkles or significant loss of skin tone. The meaning of a facelift is:

  • elimination of visible defects;
  • formation of a new contour;
  • strengthening the muscles of the face.

Despite the stunning result, injections and braces are extreme measures and have the greatest number of contraindications and side effects, so they are used only when indicated.

All presented salon techniques for facial skin care after 30-35 years work well for the body. The main thing is not to overdo it and follow the recommendations and deadlines set by the beautician. Do not also forget about healthy way life. Quitting smoking, alcohol, coffee and sweets will help keep your face young and fresh for a long time.