Formation of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents - a document. Fundamentals of the formation of a healthy lifestyle for adolescents Teaching a teenager the principles of a healthy lifestyle





Final qualifying work

Features of the formation of a healthy lifestyle of adolescents (on the example of gymnasium No. 14 in Ulan-Ude)

Dylgyrova Svetlana Vladimirovna

Scientific director

PhD, Associate Professor Antonova N.S.


1Psychophysical features of adolescence.

1.2Factors influencing the formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents.

Chapter 2. Formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents: technologies for solving the problem.

1 Analysis of the current state of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents.

2 Technologies for solving the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle in adolescents.





Relevance of the research topic. The problem of health and the formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents is not only extremely important, but also one of the key for our entire country.

Today, in Russia as a whole, the problem of the deterioration of the health status of not only the elderly and hereditarily ill, but also such a population group as adolescents is progressing.

Adolescents are a special contingent in the composition of the population, whose health status is a "barometer" of social well-being and the level of medical care of the previous period of childhood, as well as a harbinger of changes in the population's health in subsequent years.

The relevance of this problem is evidenced by numerous statistical data. Let's take a look at some of them. According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, about 80% of children studying in schools have chronic diseases; according to the forecast by 2015 chronic morbidity can reach 95%; according to the results of the All-Russian medical examination of children in the Republic of Buryatia in 2006, only one third of children (32%) are considered healthy, the rest have not only functional health abnormalities, but two or more diseases. The incidence rate of adolescents increased by 29%. In the structure of morbidity, 31% are diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the endocrine system, eating disorders and metabolic disorders are in second place, and diseases of the digestive system are in third place. The prevalence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system increased by 2-3 times, the prevalence of diseases of the cardiovascular system increased by 1.6 times, diseases of the eye and its adnexa increased by 1.2 times. The situation is exacerbated by the growth among young people of "self-destructive behavior", softly called "bad habits": tobacco smoking, alcohol and drug use. Thus, according to sociological surveys in Russia, 27% of young people smoke, 75% drink alcohol. The main reason for alcohol consumption is the presence of a group of friends in 60%.

Therefore, the issue of preserving and strengthening the health of the younger generation becomes especially acute.

To understand the importance of the problem under discussion, it is necessary to take into account that, according to the definition of the World Health Organization, the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, “health” is not only the absence of diseases and physical defects, but a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being. Health is a normal state, meaning its optimal self-regulation, the coordinated interaction of its organs and the balance between its functions and the external environment.

Among the many factors affecting the health of young people, along with heredity, it is important to note the role of "controlled factors": environment, sanitary and hygienic conditions of residence and study of school youth. It should be taken into account the fact that human health is only 10% dependent on medicine, 10% on heredity, 20% on the impact of the external environment, and 60% on the lifestyle of the person himself. This is especially true for adolescents, since it is during this age period that, due to physiological, functional and psychological characteristics, health disorders are more often of a functional nature, they are still reversible and amenable to correction. But due to these same features, adolescents are overly influenced by the environment, under the influence of which the formation of behavioral attitudes, habits, on which their health depends, mainly takes place. All of the above determines the relevance of this study.

The degree of development of the problem. This study is based on the analysis of a wide range of scientific literature devoted to the definition of the categories "health" and "healthy lifestyle".

The phenomenon of health, due to its universality, is the subject of research by physicians, sociologists, philosophers, and educators.

The emphasis on various aspects of the concept of "health", on its versatility is put by such authors as G.S. Tumanyan, G.S. Nikiforova, G.I. Rumyantsev. From the standpoint of a systematic approach, the multicomponent nature of health is reflected in the work of G.P. Malakhova, A.A. Novik and others.

An attempt to give a comprehensive definition of the concept of "health" and "healthy lifestyle" was made by V.A. Minyaev, N.I. Vishnyakov.

The versatility of the problem of a healthy lifestyle, presented in the works of philosophers, educators, sociologists, indicates the absence of a single holistic approach to understanding a healthy lifestyle. The most common is the biomedical approach, as evidenced by a large number of publications by Korobkin Z.V., A.G. Shchedrina and others.

Unfortunately, in the specific work of medicine and education to preserve and improve the health of adolescents, there is disunity and a lack of understanding of their own tasks within the framework of a common problem for them.

Medicine, more than ever, needs the help of pedagogy, since all the main "risk factors" (including smoking, alcohol and drug use) have a behavioral basis (L.B. Schneider, N.A. Sirota, etc.). Behavior is always associated with motivation, which is developed precisely by the upbringing of a person. The works of L.M. are devoted to the problems of motivation. Semenyuk, I.A. Rudakova, O.S. Sitnikova and others.

However, in general, the problem of motivation and preservation of health, the formation of a value attitude towards health remains insufficiently studied in modern scientific literature. This is especially true of adolescents, as the most vulnerable group of the population. At present, there is no single approach to solving the problem of the formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents, but there are isolated studies in different areas of the science of pedagogy, valeology, and medicine.

The object of the study is adolescents who are at the stage of forming a healthy lifestyle.

The subject of the study is the features of the formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents.

The purpose of the study is to study the problem of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents.

Setting this goal involves solving the following research problems:

  • consider the psychophysical characteristics of adolescence;
  • to consider the factors influencing the formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents;
  • - to analyze the current state of formation of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents;
  • to study modern technologies for solving the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle.

The hypothesis of the study is that traditional methods of prevention, mainly in the form of lectures and conversations, have lost their effectiveness among adolescents. Due to the psychophysical characteristics of adolescents, it is necessary to use entertainment and informational approaches: competitions, olympiads, trainings, sports events, exhibitions, etc.

The scientific novelty of the thesis is that the author conducted a study of the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle, summarized the available material on this problem, described the role of healthy lifestyle prevention and studied the factors affecting the health of adolescents.

Practical significance. The materials and conclusions of this work can be used by specialists in educational work and teachers in general education institutions.

Approbation of work. The main provisions and materials of this work were presented at the school-wide parent meeting in gymnasium No. 14 in Ulan-Ude.

The structure of the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, four paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of references, an appendix.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of a healthy lifestyle

1Psychophysical features of adolescence

The identification of adolescence as a special age stage in the development of a person occurred in the second half of the 19th century. in industrialized countries. Since then, adolescence, the problems of adolescents have become the focus of attention of many scientists: psychologists, doctors, educators, culturologists, sociologists.

The rapid physiological and endocrine changes that occur at this age at first relegated the actual psychological processes to the background in the eyes of scientists. Therefore, even new features in behavior, in relations with others, in the content of the “image-I” were associated mainly with biological factors.

However, even the first ethnopsychological studies have greatly changed the idea of ​​adolescence. They showed that the duration of the childhood period significantly depends on culture, and the higher the socio-cultural level, the longer the period of childhood. Adolescence and adolescence are, as scientists emphasized, of particular importance, as they are transitional from childhood to adulthood. Therefore, the more pronounced the difference in role behavior, work, rights and obligations of an adult and a child, the more emotionally saturated the transitional age becomes, the more clearly the negative features of the adolescent crisis come through.

M. Mead paid special attention to the issues of adolescence. For example different cultures showed that the characteristics of puberty, the formation of the structure of self-consciousness, the dynamics of the adolescent crisis depend primarily on cultural traditions of this people, the peculiarities of raising and educating children, the dominant style of communication in the family. Studies have also shown that in most primitive cultures there are ceremonies that "introduce" adolescents into adulthood. Such rites were called initiation. Being, in fact, one of the earliest institutions of socialization, initiation formalized the transition to a new status role, showing everyone, and the child himself, first of all, his new social position. It was this external, visible to all transition that removed many of the problems of growing up, the uncertainty of the position of adolescents, causing conflicts and difficulties in the formation of their self-awareness.

Difficulties associated with mental development in adolescence, are largely due to the fact that significant psychological changes are not accompanied by external transformations in the status, material or social situation of children, and therefore are not always recognized by adults in a timely manner. The peculiarities of adolescent behavior, their desire to create their own “culture” (clothes, jargon, etc.), to have closer contacts with peers, and not with adults, are explained by their marginal position - no longer children, but not yet adults. High emotional excitability increases the sensitivity of adolescents to the negative reactions of adults, to their own failure, external unattractiveness, often fictional, and partly associated with rapid growth and maturation. This makes their self-esteem especially unstable, situational, and increases the likelihood of deviations in behavior and communication.

Describing the features of adolescence, L.S. Vygotsky noted that many of the problems that arise at this stage stem from the mismatch of the three points of maturation, since puberty begins and ends earlier than the end of the child’s general organic development and before the child reaches the final stage of his “sociocultural formation”.

The difficulties that Vygotsky wrote about are due to the fact that the psychophysical characteristics of adolescence stimulate psychological changes, they are also associated with the conditions of his life. The origins of emotional instability also lie not only in physiological changes, but also in social conditions. The formation of a new image of the physical "I" occurs gradually, this process plays an important role, since the new image of the body occupies an important place in self-consciousness, the teenager often evaluates it, and most often he is dissatisfied with it. This can become the basis for many deviations in the formation of personal identity and integrity, reduce self-esteem, especially its emotional component - attitude towards oneself. In such cases, the attentive and competent attitude of adults, explaining the variability to the child appearance during the transitional period, can significantly optimize the process of formation of somatic identity and the image of the physical "I".

Of great importance at this age is the formation of gender identity, which involves the individual's awareness of his gender, the assimilation of the relevant norms and style of behavior. In adolescence, the stereotypes of "masculine" and "femininity" are especially sharply polarized, compliance with these stereotypes becomes the main criterion by which a teenager evaluates his appearance, behavior, character traits.

Speaking about cognitive mental processes, it should be noted that in adolescence, their formation as conscious and voluntary, i.e. higher, cultural forms of knowledge. Perception at this time is characterized by selectivity and focus, attention - stability. The very process of perception, preservation and generalization of the material becomes a single whole, while instant conclusions are already present at the stage of perception, helping to weed out unnecessary information, not to translate it into long-term memory.

Development formally - logical thinking It manifests itself in the fact that a teenager can abstract from visual material and build his reasoning in a verbal, or ideal, plan. In his latest works, J. Piaget noted the fact that adolescents use new mental qualities in those areas that are most significant and interesting for them.

The fact that socialization is especially intensive during adolescence proves the great importance for adolescents of communication, especially communication with peers, which, according to most researchers, is the leading activity at this age. For a teenager, not only contacts are important, but also recognition by peers. The frustrated need to be significant in one's reference group can cause serious deviations in socialization and personal growth. Orientation to the norms of the group and the desire to comply with them increase conformity, which, according to many psychologists, is highest at the age of 12-13. Since the process of socialization is associated with the ascent not only to the world of adults, but also to the world of adolescent values, the group of peers becomes the leader for the formation of sociocultural identity. Communication with peers is especially significant during periods of drastic social changes, with the emergence of new social ideals, attitudes and values, when, as M. Mead wrote, adults often learn from children. Therefore, it is very important for a teenager to find his reference group, i.e. the group whose values ​​are significant for the child and whose opinion about his personal qualities is extremely valuable for him. The desire to meet these standards, to gain respect and a high status in this group is one of the leading motives for the adolescent's activity, which fills the process of socialization with specific content.

Studying the process of communication between adolescents and peers, the American researcher D. Maccoby noted its high importance for all parties. mental development. He emphasized that the influence of peers on the values ​​and attitudes of adolescents is often stronger than the influence of parents, schools, religious organizations or any other social structures. This is due to the fact that peers experiencing similar problems help each other maintain self-confidence, realize and accept the changes that occur both in physical appearance and in spiritual growth.

E. Erickson also noted that the cohesion of adolescent groups, the same manner of dressing, the uniformity of body movements and facial expressions, so often observed in these groups, actually serve as a defense against a confusing, indefinite identity. Imitation of each other in clothes, behavior gives adolescents, who are not yet fully aware of what they are, a feeling of some confidence, stability and security. In addition, their own fashion, their own hair style, etc. emphasize the distance between teenagers and adults. According to Erickson, belonging to a peer group allows adolescents to experience the influence of various new ideological systems - political, social, economic and religious.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the level of development, the value orientations of the group to which the teenager belongs, in order to understand what the teenager can give her and what the group can give him. Particularly important in this regard is the analysis of values ​​and the content of the activities of informal, spontaneous adolescent groups. Spending most of the time in such groups, drawing the most valuable information for themselves from communication in them, following the patterns, adolescents form the direction of their behavior, which can be both prosocial and asocial. Deviance, deviant behavior, which can be diagnosed with a high degree of certainty already at this age, is associated with the failure of children in prosocial forms of activity - study, communication with close adults and teachers. Naturally, all these difficulties do not appear in adolescence, but much earlier, but at this time they become stable, not situational. Those negative traits in behavior and personality turn into character traits of a teenager and are very difficult to correct.

No less significant for mental development is the communication of adolescents with adults, in particular with parents, however, most conflicts are concentrated in this area. Their main reason associated with the inconsistency of the position and inner world of a teenager. On the one hand, he needs the love and care of his parents, their advice, on the other hand, he has a strong desire to be independent, equal in rights with his parents and other adults. Therefore, adolescents are characterized by an ambivalent attitude towards adults: the desire for emancipation and, at the same time, dependence on their opinions. Parents, in turn, are not always ready to realize the fact that the child is becoming an adult, and to adequately rebuild relationships with him. Often, parents see only the negative manifestations of adolescence, do not understand the problems and experiences of children, so younger teenagers often complain that their parents control them, "like little ones."

Several factors influence the attitude of adolescents and parents. This is, first of all, the style of upbringing adopted in the family, and the peculiarities of the emotional relations of family members with a teenager. Naturally, an attentive attitude, interest and the creation of emotional comfort and trust are optimal for communicating with children of any age, especially in adolescence. Lack of control can cause problems with academic performance, in relationships with teachers, especially in anxious, not very confident and gifted children. In this case, informal peer groups, sometimes companies with an asocial orientation, can replace both parents and teachers. But the “leaving” of the child from the family is possible even under the most strict control, if the parents completely disregard the new experiences of the child, with his new friends, frustrating one of the main new formations of this age - a sense of adulthood, awareness of oneself as an independent and unique person.

It is important to remember about the individual characteristics of children, manifested in their reaction to overprotection or alienation of an adult. Impulsive, demonstrative children with high self-esteem react very painfully to the authoritarianism of adults. In this case, even inattention to adolescents can do less harm than excessive control. On the contrary, for rigid, insecure adolescents, the absence of control is most unfavorable, while overprotection is not accepted by them as painfully as demonstrative children, and does not lead to such negative consequences. It is also natural that the presence in the family of persons with antisocial behavior (those suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction, etc.) can cause serious deviations and misconduct among adolescents. However, studies have shown that there is no direct connection between the asociality of the family and the behavior of a teenager.

Considering the importance of communication with adults and peers in adolescence for the development of a child, most researchers note that adolescents tend to accept parental values, norms, and views in those areas where these values ​​and norms are sufficiently stable, as well as in cases where they have long-term consequences, and focus on peers when it comes to rather changeable patterns and norms that directly affect everyday life. Under conditions of rapid change social situation in society, adults are in a state of some disorientation, they are not always adapted to new social norms, attitudes and values, so adolescents cannot fully focus on parental stereotypes in social sphere.

Communication affects not only the process of socialization, but also the formation of the personality of adolescents. In this area, perhaps the most significant changes occur at this age. Around the age of 15 comes important point V personal development a teenager, associated with the formation of a differentiated and conscious "I-concept" as a system of internally consistent ideas about oneself. The formation of the “I-concept” is the result of reflection, self-knowledge, which was mentioned above, as well as the appearance of the image of the “other”, which is most often the same age. Identification with peers is a certain stage in the formation of the “image-I” of a teenager. As a result of the research, it was revealed that at first, the so-called “We-image” is formed in a teenager, which serves as a prerequisite for the formation of a qualitatively new “image-I” of a teenager. The main characteristic of the "We-image" of a teenager is his inclusion in a peer group.

Investigating the formation of the "I-concept", psychologists came to the conclusion that during adolescence it changes significantly, becoming more differentiated and individualized. Thanks to reflection, a teenager begins to realize himself in different roles that require a variety of abilities and personality traits, so the self-image becomes more clear and structured. At the same time, a teenager is aware of both the general that connects him with his peers, and those individual qualities that distinguish him from others, make him special and unique. It is essential that the qualities on the basis of which the teenager judges himself are initially purely external, rather behavioral - marks, status place in the group, appearance. Gradually, such characteristics as intelligence, sense of humor, anxiety or self-confidence, emotionality, etc. become the most important in the structure of the “I-concept”.

Such aspects of the “I-concept” as “I-real” and “I-ideal” are also being formed. Ideas about their abilities, their appearance, their personal qualities form the "I-real". "I-ideal" includes ideas about how a person would like to be. This structure is a collective image of those people (both real and virtual, literary heroes) that a teenager wants to be like. Too big a gap between ideal ideas and real possibilities can lead to a teenager's self-doubt, which is expressed in resentment, aggressiveness, etc. On the contrary, when perfect image seems achievable, the teenager adequately assesses his capabilities and builds a certain system of actions to achieve the model. The discrepancy between the real and the ideal "I" also affects the emotional component of the "I-concept", as the teenager ceases to like himself, rejects himself. It is bad that, as a rule, not some specific feature is rejected (which could have a positive impact on personal growth), but the image of oneself as a whole. Such emotional rejection does not lead to development, but to anxiety, inadequacy of self-esteem, defensive aggression.

The correlation between the various aspects of the "I-concept" also affects the adolescent's self-esteem. Almost all researchers note such a feature of adolescence as instability, situational self-esteem, which can vary from inadequately high to inadequately low. This is largely due to the labile structure of the hierarchy of motives, as well as the content of the "I-ideal". The desire to meet the ideals that a teenager chooses for himself, the frustration of significant motives reduce self-esteem. Actualization of new motivation, praise, success, naturally, increase it. The alternation of successes and failures, typical for this age, is due to the fact that a rapid change in interests and patterns of behavior does not allow the formation of sustainable activities, without which real achievements are impossible. Therefore, it is in cases where motivation is stable and there are permanent interests that self-esteem is more stable.

Describing adolescence, many domestic psychologists wrote that one of the central neoplasms of this period is a sense of adulthood, which is expressed in the desire for independence, self-reliance, in asserting one's personal dignity. By the beginning of the transitional age, there is a desire to take a different, more "adult" position, expressed by such behavior, which cannot always be realized in school life. The frustration of motives associated with a new image of oneself and new role relationships gives rise to negative components of the crisis of adolescence: negativism, aggression, conflicts with adults, which can be avoided if others understand the ambiguity of the child's position and recognize his rights. Many authors note the change in the time perspective that occurs during this age period, its expansion towards the distant future. At the same time, a life path plan is gradually built up, with which the hierarchy of motives, the formed personality traits are associated.

1.2 Factors affecting the formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents

At all times, among all the peoples of the world, the enduring value of a person and society has been and is physical and mental health. Even in ancient times, it was understood by doctors and philosophers as the main condition for the free activity of man, his perfection. Even then, methods of treating and protecting diseases were revealed and consolidated, which amounted to traditional medicine and hygiene, directly fit into the life of people, being corrected and improved under the influence of the nature of work, habits, beliefs, thoughts, emotions on human health.

The concept of "way of life" allows us to characterize the social life of society in its personal dimension, as it is perceived at the level of individuals, individual representatives of various classes and social groups. In this case, the cognitive meaning of the study of lifestyle is to move from a general sociological vision of reality to its specific sociological analysis, to study it at the level of people's personal being.

Lifestyle as a philosophical category reflects the socially stable, socially typical at the level of personal behavior and existence of a person, explores how the social turns into individual characteristics of a person, the real properties of his personal being. At the same time, the way of life determines not just the psychological characteristics of a person that distinguish him from other people, but the properties and traits that are formed in him by society. The study of the way of life of individuals, on the one hand, provides information about the system of relations in society, and on the other hand, it testifies about the people themselves, about how and by what they live, makes it possible to analyze examples and forms of life activity.

According to the World Health Organization: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease." With a healthy lifestyle, the reserves of the body are preserved or expanded. Lifestyle is a system of relationships with oneself and with environmental factors. A healthy lifestyle is a concept of human life aimed at improving and maintaining health through appropriate nutrition, physical fitness, morale and the rejection of bad habits.

A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite for the development of various aspects of human life, the achievement of active longevity and the full implementation of social functions.

The relevance of a healthy lifestyle is caused by an increase and a change in the nature of stresses on the human body due to the complication of social life, an increase in man-made, environmental, psychological, political and military risks that provoke negative changes in health status.

The elements of a healthy lifestyle are:

education from early childhood healthy habits and skills;

environment: safe and favorable for living, knowledge about the impact of surrounding objects on health;

nutrition: moderate, corresponding to the physiological characteristics of a particular person, awareness of the quality of the products used;

movement: physical active life, including special physical exercise(for example, gymnastics) taking into account age and physiological characteristics;

body hygiene: compliance with the rules of personal and public hygiene, first aid skills;


The physiological state of a person is greatly influenced by his psycho-emotional state, which, in turn, depends on his mental attitudes. Therefore, some authors also highlight the following additional aspects of a healthy lifestyle:

emotional well-being: mental hygiene, the ability to cope with one's own emotions, difficult situations;

intellectual well-being: the ability of a person to learn and use new information for optimal action;

spiritual well-being: the ability to set really, meaningful, constructive life goals and strive towards them with optimism.

The theory of a healthy lifestyle, due to the coverage of various aspects, forms and manifestations of life, is complex, interdisciplinary in nature. Consequently, the initial idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle can be obtained only by relying on the entire data system of various related knowledge about it, that is, by implementing the principles of an integrated approach.

An attempt to give a comprehensive definition of the concept under consideration was made by A.D. Stepanov and A.M. Izutkin. In their opinion, a healthy lifestyle is typical and essential for a given socio-economic formation types, types, ways of human life, strengthening the adaptive capabilities of the body, contributing to the full performance of social functions and the achievement of active longevity.

V.A. Eremenko. Among the many natural prerequisites for such harmonization, the following stand out as the most significant: the age of the individual, his constitutional features, features of the nervous system, inclinations, abilities, etc.

In the process of personality socialization, these signs acquire special integrative properties that reflect the degree of harmonization of a person with the conditions of his life activity or show various deviations, primarily in the state of health, as a result of a discrepancy between the direction of the personality's activity and the conditions of the activity itself.

Since the pinnacle of human interaction with the external environment is the laws of human society, the mechanisms of integral determination of his life activity should be sought in social activities, for example, in labor as in a specific, inherent only to man, form of exchange of matter and energy between them and nature. The health and illness of a person, as a state of his integral life activity, turn out to be reflections of social life and obey its laws. The socially oriented point of view leads to the conclusion that "the state of health and disease are the property of human life and are shaped by the social nature of man."

Thus, a healthy lifestyle should be understood as a holistic way of people's life aimed at the harmonious unity of physiological, mental and labor functions. It determines the possibility of a full, unlimited participation of a person in various types of social life.

Most diseases in humans are caused by a specific, "social" way of life. A peculiar area of ​​human pathology, which has social entity constitute neuropsychiatric diseases.

Attempts to investigate the problem of health and a healthy lifestyle in our country are made repeatedly and have not been fully studied. But let us single out that a healthy lifestyle is a concrete manifestation of the unity of general, special and single (social, biological, mental) properties inherent in an individual, taking into account the environmental and social environment surrounding him.

Factors influencing the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

A way of life is a system of relationships between a person and himself and with environmental factors. A healthy lifestyle is the basis of disease prevention, it implements the most valuable type of prevention - the primary prevention of diseases, preventing their occurrence, expanding the range of human adaptive capabilities.

Summarizing the many interpretations of this concept, we can formulate the following definition: “Healthy lifestyle” is a hygienic behavior based on scientifically based sanitary and hygienic standards aimed at maintaining and strengthening health, ensuring a high level of working capacity, and achieving active longevity. This is the formulation of this concept, fixed in the International Terminological Dictionary of Health Education.

Numerous studies show that a healthy lifestyle is a universal, widely available, not requiring significant material costs, a way to optimize the physiological systems of the body, maintain health at a high level, prolong an active life and is the main determinant of health.

A healthy lifestyle is based on everyday elements, the most significant of which include:

1.Motor mode, including all possible types of motor activity (physical education, walking, physical labor, walking, exercise);

2.Hardening of the body (sun, water, air);

.Balanced diet;

.Occupational and leisure hygiene;

.Personal and public hygiene;

.Harmonization of psycho-emotional relationships in the team;

.Environmental protection (at home, during leisure, etc.).

Being constantly exposed to the influence of the environment, a person is exposed to adverse factors. WHO names more than 200 factors as such, the main of which include:

1)low physical activity;

2)irrational nutrition;

)bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs;


)sleep disturbance;

)risky sexual behavior.

A number of factors that cause diseases are created by the person himself and are the result of an incorrect work regime, life and rest, bad habits and traditions.

Consider the factors that most significantly affect the health of adolescents.

Leisure and healthy lifestyle

From sociological studies, it became known that non-working time is traditionally divided into two parts: the performance of various kinds of physiological functions to ensure the life of the body (nutrition, sleep, self-care), as well as related activities (housekeeping and satisfaction of needs due to social position of individuals).

Adolescents have specific characteristics, many of which are obvious and determined by the social tasks they solve. Firstly, at this age the body acquires maturity, which is understood as the social ability to work in social production without return restrictions. Secondly, there is a choice of profession, that is, the definition of one's place in the system of social division of labor. Thirdly, young people are characterized by the accelerated formation of the process of fundamental needs and their consolidation, the development of a moral model of behavior. Often, young people solve all these tasks almost simultaneously, which gives their lifestyle a special dynamism and intensity.

Therefore, it is especially important to form an appropriate structure of needs and values ​​among young people, they cover physical activity and sports, rational nutrition, overcoming bad habits, mental and spiritual preparation for family life. Therefore, the organization of free time should contribute to the identification and development of people's abilities in the process of life. The harmony of development and the completeness of the identification of abilities, their organic unity is an important characteristic of a healthy lifestyle. As part of a healthy lifestyle, leisure should provide adolescents with the restoration of expended energy after work or learning activities, identification of existing inclinations and abilities, their development and harmonization.

Physical culture and sports, motor mode.

Muscular activity is an indispensable condition for the performance of the motor and vegetative functions of the human body at all stages of its development. The importance of muscle activity in human biology and physiology is so great that it is quite rightly regarded as the dominant feature of life.

Physical culture and sports effectively solve the problems of consistently improving the health and developing the physical abilities of the body of children and youth, maintaining skills in adulthood, and preventing adverse age-related changes in old age. Proving the benefits of physical culture and sports in our time is like proving the need for air or food. The need for this issue is due to the fact that a small part of the population is engaged in physical culture.

Today physical inactivity (low physical activity) is the problem of the century. One of the important reasons for the emergence and development of most diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the musculoskeletal system, the nervous and endocrine systems, which lead to premature disability and death of tens and hundreds of thousands of people under 50 years of age. Currently, reduced physical activity in a large percentage of cases is observed among adolescents, due to the introduction of television, video equipment, and computers into life.

Physical culture and sports in the minds of young people are not associated with health, academic success, high performance, which is why they are not of a mass nature, but are only a necessity for the implementation of the curriculum.

Physical culture and sports are called upon to become a primary and everyday means of healing, strengthening the physical and mental health of all population groups, a means of increasing vitality from the very first days of a person’s life, acting as an integral element of his general culture. In this capacity, physical culture can and should become the main medicine of a modern person, allowing him to maintain the amount of health that will provide him with a full-fledged creative life for many years.

Rational nutrition and healthy lifestyle.

Food culture plays a significant role in shaping a healthy lifestyle in adolescents. Rational nutrition is a physiologically complete food intake by people, taking into account their gender, age, nature of work and other factors. The need for strict adherence to the recommended norms of balanced nutrition by adolescents is determined by the fact that it is at this age that the foundations of those diseases that are associated with malnutrition are laid. Nutrition should satisfy all the needs of the body, ensure the activity of all its systems and organs.

The problem of nutrition of children depends on the social status of the parents. So schoolchildren are quite closely included in the sphere of family and domestic relations and their nutrition is practically established. But even among schoolchildren, not everyone eats regularly. The percentage of such adolescents among high school students is especially significant - 31%. The reason for irregular meals is a heavy study load, and lack of time, due to which it is simply impossible to maintain a daily routine.

Many young people do not have the necessary knowledge about rational nutrition and do not seek to acquire it. organism young man quickly adapts to both large overloads and underloads of its systems and organs, and an illusion is created that no qualitative changes occur during malnutrition. This is one of the reasons for the increase in the prevalence of overweight.

Obesity is becoming a serious problem, as mortality from diseases of the cardiovascular system in obesity is observed 1.5 times more often than in people with normal body weight. The immunobiological properties of his body, physical and mental activity, working capacity and labor productivity, health indicators, life expectancy depend on how well a person eats.

It is not enough to convince young people of the need for rational nutrition, they should be explained to them the basic principles of rational nutrition.

Hygiene of work and rest.

The share of work and study accounts for approximately 1/3 of the total time of a person's active life. If we consider a healthy lifestyle as a versatile life activity that ensures the preservation and strengthening of human health and performance, and the creation of the opportunity to fully and actively engage in study, work and social activities, then it should be recognized that an important component of the formation of a healthy lifestyle is the rational organization of study and work, corresponding to the physiological capabilities of a particular organism.

In any age period, the work regime is based on the laws of physiology, according to which labor processes must alternate with rest. The organization of labor should contribute to maximum productivity with minimal expenditure of physical and neuropsychic forces of a person, that is, with little preservation of his health.

It is important that from childhood a person gets used to organizing activities in accordance with their physical capabilities and alternate labor activity with easy. Changing activities prevents the accumulation of fatigue, increases efficiency and maintains health. This applies to a greater extent to high school students and students. In connection with large educational overloads, preparation for classes is carried out at the expense of free time and night sleep. For young people, insufficient night sleep is especially dangerous, which provokes irritability, internal discomfort, inadequate reactions, and also contributes to the emergence of various diseases, primarily the nervous system.

Work, study should bring joy, help a young person to realize his physical and spiritual potential.

Bad habits and a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle is not compatible with bad habits, because the use of alcohol, other intoxicating and narcotic substances, tobacco smoking impede the strengthening of any aspect of a healthy lifestyle. Bad habits are among important factors the risk of many diseases, significantly affects the health of young people and the population as a whole.

Even the episodic use of alcohol and cigarettes in adolescence carries a great threat associated with the formation of drunkenness, alcoholism, and addiction to smoking in the future. Even more dangerous in this regard is the use of various addictive substances, since drug addiction and substance abuse develops rapidly in young people. These diseases have now turned into an epidemic, claiming tens and hundreds of thousands of human lives, crippling millions of destinies. Moreover, there is a tendency not only to a rapid increase in cases of drug addiction, but also to its “rejuvenation” and an increase in severe narcological conditions. Taking into account the age category of drug addicts from 13 to 35 years, it follows that virtually the entire younger generation is under threat.

Risk groups are persons without a fixed place of residence, children under 14 years old, adolescents from 15-17 years old and young people from 18 to 30 (35) years old. The current situation is characterized by the fact that a special group is made up of children from wealthy and prosperous families. The risk group also includes socially disadvantaged children, i. children of drinking and non-working parents.

The problem of overcoming bad habits is especially relevant, since until recently there has been a tendency to increase the frequency of alcohol consumption and smoking among young people. Thus, the prevalence of alcohol consumption among adolescents aged 15-17 ranges from 73% to 88% in boys and from 79% to 92% in girls. Particular attention is drawn to the high level of injuries in young people (under 30).

Tobacco smoking is also a huge health hazard. The number of young people who smoke is very high, young people begin to smoke at an ever younger age. The reasons for the formation of addiction to smoking in adolescence are diverse, but the most common are such as curiosity, the influence of friends, the example of adults. It is worth noting that most smokers are more or less aware of the consequences of smoking, but so far few of them are aware of the dangers of passive smoking. Passive smoking contributes to the occurrence of diseases in non-smokers, characteristic of smokers.

A person's health largely depends on himself. All socio-economic transformation, improvement efforts medical care will practically be nullified if young people have the wrong attitude to their health.

In conclusion, we can say that among teenagers there is a misconception that diseases come in old age, when an active life is already behind. The role of young people in maintaining and strengthening their own health is minimal today. A completely unfounded confidence is being formed that health is guaranteed by itself at a young age, that any exorbitant loads, gross violations of nutrition, daily routine, insufficient physical activity, stress and other risk factors are “on the shoulder” of a young body, that it will cope with all the to his share of trials

Chapter 2. Formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents: technologies for solving the problem

1 Analysis of the current state of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents

One of the most important indicators of a healthy lifestyle of a teenager is the presence of bad habits, that is, the use of psychoactive substances: alcohol, tobacco, drugs. The problem of the spread of bad habits among adolescents is relevant not only for Buryatia, but for the whole of Russia as a whole. It is known that the use of psychoactive substances is inexorably growing among adolescents aged 15-17, ranging from 71% to 84% in boys and from 75% to 88% in girls. The ongoing preventive measures draw the attention of each person to their health, to a healthy lifestyle.

A person's health is 60% dependent on his lifestyle (nutrition, working conditions, material and living conditions, the presence or absence of bad habits, etc.). And so the formation of a healthy lifestyle should begin from an early age. The basis of our health is formed in adolescence, when our body undergoes all kinds of changes, and the best should be laid in the foundation.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle that promotes human health is carried out at three levels:

Social: propaganda in the media, information and educational work;

Infrastructural: specific conditions in the main areas of life (availability of free time, material resources), preventive (sports) institutions, environmental control;

Personal: the system of human value orientations.

The school plays an important role in shaping a healthy lifestyle, as teenagers spend most of their free time within its walls. The school gives a lot of knowledge about various spheres of human life, as well as about a healthy lifestyle, conducting preventive classes with students.

Prevention is a set of state, public, socio-medical, organizational and educational measures aimed at preventing, eliminating or neutralizing the main causes and conditions that cause various kinds of social deviations in human behavior.

Prevention (ancient Greek prophylaktikos - protective) is a complex of various kinds of measures aimed at preventing a phenomenon and / or eliminating risk factors.

Preventive measures are the most important component of the healthcare system, aimed at the formation of medical and social activity among the population and motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

Allocate public, including a system of measures to protect the health of collectives and individual prevention, providing for the observance of the rules of personal hygiene at home and at work.

Individual prevention - includes measures for the prevention of diseases, the preservation and promotion of health, which are carried out by the person himself, and practically comes down to observing the norms of a healthy lifestyle: to personal hygiene, hygiene of marriage and family relations hygiene of clothing, footwear, rational nutrition and drinking regimen, hygienic education of the younger generation, a rational regime of work and rest, active physical education, etc.

Public prevention - includes a system of social, economic, legislative, educational, sanitary-technical, sanitary-hygienic, anti-epidemic and medical measures systematically carried out by state institutions and public organizations in order to ensure the comprehensive development of the physical and spiritual forces of citizens, eliminate factors harmful to population health.

Depending on the state of health, the presence of risk factors for the disease or severe pathology, three types of prevention can be considered.

Primary prevention - a system of measures to prevent the occurrence and impact of risk factors for the development of diseases (vaccination, a rational regime of work and rest, rational high-quality nutrition, physical activity, environmental protection, etc.). A number of primary prevention activities can be carried out nationwide.

Secondary prevention is a set of measures aimed at eliminating pronounced risk factors that, under certain conditions (stress, weakened immunity, excessive stress on any other functional systems of the body) can lead to the onset, exacerbation and relapse of the disease. The most effective method of secondary prevention is prophylactic medical examination as a complex method of early detection of diseases, dynamic monitoring, targeted treatment, rational consistent recovery.

Some experts propose the term tertiary prevention as a set of measures for the rehabilitation of patients who have lost the opportunity to fully function. Tertiary prevention aims at social (formation of confidence in one's own social suitability), labor (the possibility of restoring work skills), psychological (restoration of behavioral activity) and medical (restoration of the functions of organs and body systems) rehabilitation.

Traditional methods of preventive schooling no longer meet the needs of students. In order to find suitable methods of preventive lessons, I conducted a study among high school students (15-17 years old). The study involved 117 students of gymnasium No. 14 in Ulan-Ude.

So, let's analyze a number of questions and results on them, which are reflected in tables No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4

Let's consider and analyze the issue of students' perception of a healthy lifestyle in table No. 1.

Table #1

№QuestionAnswer optionsAnswers of respondents (%) 1. What is a healthy lifestyle in your opinion? (multiple answers are possible) "go in for sports"; "absence of bad habits"; “full spiritual life”;100 100 1002. Do you know about the impact of a healthy lifestyle on human activity? “yes” “no” 100 03. Do you lead a healthy lifestyle? “yes” “no” 29 714. If not, why ?“don’t want” “no free time” 11 89

From the results given in Table 1, it can be seen that students have a complete understanding of a healthy lifestyle and its impact on all spheres of human life. But, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to lead an active lifestyle. The reason, as most noted, is the lack of free time.

Table number 2

No. Question Answer options Respondents' answers (%) 1. Have you tried alcohol? "yes" "no"82 182. If you have tried alcohol, under what circumstances? "in the company of friends" "out of curiosity" "accidentally"60 26 143. Have you tried smoking? “yes” “no”84 164. If “yes”, what prompted you to do so? “influenced by friends” “feeling grown up” “curiosity”54 14 325. » 0 100

According to students' answers, unfortunately, more than 80% have already tried alcohol and smoke. This usually happened "in the company of friends" and (or) "under their influence." The predominance of the answers “in the company of friends”, “the influence of friends” indicates that adolescents are overly influenced by the environment. It follows from this that it is necessary to conduct preventive classes in small groups, where the attention of students will be concentrated, and as often as possible to remind them of the dangerous consequences of bad habits. There is also the fact of drinking alcohol and cigarettes “out of curiosity”. It should be noted that at this age there is a knowledge of everything, they are looking for new sensations, they want to feel more mature. However, since positive side It is worth noting the fact that not one of the surveyed schoolchildren tried to use drugs.

The next issues we consider will be about the prevention of a healthy lifestyle. Let's analyze the answers of the students of table No. 3.

Table #3

No. Question Answer options Answers of respondents (%) 1. Do you have classes on the formation of a healthy lifestyle at your school? “yes” “no” 100 02. How often are classes held? “often” “rarely” “sometimes” 0 64 363. In what form are preventive classes usually held? (multiple answers are possible) “lectures, conversations” “exhibitions” watching video files”35 24 414. Are you interested in healthy lifestyle promotion classes? “interesting” “boring”23 77

Based on the students' answers, the following conclusion can be drawn: classes are rarely held and usually in the traditional form (lectures, conversations and watching documentaries about the dangers of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs), which does not arouse due interest on the part of students (77% of respondents answered "boring") . From this it follows that it is necessary to add new methods and forms of classes with adolescents to the program for the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

In the last questions, we will analyze the opinions of adolescents about reforming preventive classes at school. Consider table number 4.

Table No. 4

Question Answer options Respondents’ answers (%) prevention of bad habits you would like to add? (multiple answers possible) “sporting events” “conferences” “trainings” 35 25 40

As can be seen from the students' answers, they show great interest in a healthy lifestyle. Pupils wish to actively participate both in organizing and conducting classes to promote a healthy lifestyle: find relevant information on the proposed topic of discussion, develop plans for sports events (for example, “Health Day”), conduct trainings, create a “control” group that will oversee the progress of the work. And the role of the teacher will be that he will observe, direct and, of course, evaluate the work of students.

Analyzing the obtained results, we can say that our hypothesis is confirmed. Thus, we came to the conclusion that due to the peculiarities of adolescence, it is necessary to supplement the traditional program for the formation of a healthy lifestyle with interesting and exciting methods, as well as to use entertainment and informational approaches and provide more opportunities for students to organize and conduct preventive classes.

2 Technologies for the formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents

Promotion of a healthy lifestyle is extremely relevant today. In case of unfavorable trends in the state of public health, to influence the reduction of morbidity, mortality, improvement of the epidemiological situation, etc. is possible only with a well-established system of preventive measures and close relationship with the population, the development of a responsible attitude towards one's own health and the health of one's family.

The use of alcohol and drugs brings enormous material, social and moral damage to society, social institutions, and almost all citizens.

Adolescents are the most vulnerable group in this respect. Dependence on alcohol, tobacco, drugs is often caused by the lack of comprehensive information and understanding of the problems related to addictions, and the lack of appropriate services hinders the receipt of professional help.

The family, school, youth public organizations are poorly involved in the system of providing assistance to people with addictions, since they themselves experience a lack of information on the prevention of addictions.

Meanwhile, preventive work can be successful only if its concept and methodology are correctly chosen.

Prevention experts generally agree that the most effective prevention approach is one that incorporates a variety of strategies. There is no need to look for the only, most effective approach(for example, large-scale campaigns in the media - media or educational programs in secondary schools). In addition, we must refrain from thinking that "information about drugs will lead to positive changes in the behavior of young people."

Due to the fact that until now experts have not come to a consensus on which preventive strategies are most effective, consider a combination of the following strategies:

preventive strategies, the main goal of which is to change the attitude of young people to drugs (this may include reducing the dose, changing the norms of behavior, explaining that it is useless to expect benefits from drugs, solutions to their problems, etc.);

preventive strategies aimed at developing mechanisms and skills to resist addictions;

preventive strategies that aim to change attitudes towards drugs and behavior in society as a whole;

prevention strategies targeting all forms of addiction, including alcohol and tobacco;

preventive strategies specifically tailored to the specifics of the addiction problem in a particular environment.

Recently, preventive strategies have begun to be introduced, the purpose of which is to increase the ability to quickly restore physical and mental strength and improve the effect of protective factors (especially in young people at high risk). It seems to us that such an approach, focused on risk factors, is the most successful.

It should be noted that personal and public awareness of the dangers of drugs for the human body, both physically and mentally, is very important for the prevention of addictions.

Well-designed prevention programs can increase protective factors in young people. This can be achieved by teaching parents how to properly build relationships in the family, as well as by regulating the norms of behavior. Research has also shown that parents should take a more active role in their children's lives: talk to them about alcohol, tobacco and drugs, observe their children's affairs, get to know their friends, and understand children's problems.

Research shows that most children are very vulnerable during the transition periods in their lives, i.e. when they move from one stage of development to another. The first transition period for them is when they leave their family's "safe harbor" and enter a school where they make new friends. When the kids finish primary school and move into middle and high school, they face new social challenges. At this time, they must learn to get along with large peer groups ("pi-groups"). It was then that many of them first try alcohol, cigarettes, drugs. Prevention programs focus on the child's relationship with pi groups. The purpose of these programs is to help develop good social behavior, form good relationships in pi groups, and teach children to say no to bad habits.

Such preventive programs are aimed at developing the skills of correct social behavior of young people, they are taught to think, feel, make decisions, solve problems, interact and communicate with peers.

Prevention programs are also aimed at strengthening the interaction of students with the school. They help students understand their individuality and significance, reduce the likelihood of missing lessons.

Most of the preventive programs in schools include support for good relationships in pi groups and behavior modification for bad habits.

Studies have shown that when children are well aware of the negative effects of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs (physical, mental, social), they try to avoid them and refuse to consume them.

When implementing prevention programs, it is necessary to work closely with various civil, cultural, sports and government organizations, using them to form a negative attitude towards drugs in adolescents. Young people need to be helped to actively spend their free time in order to eliminate the boredom and monotony that often lead to the initiation of drug use. The activities of these organizations will lead to the improvement of society as a whole.

Providing information about negative consequences drug use (and other psychoactive substances) is a very important element of any prevention program.

In addition, when young people are supported in their schooling, they improve academic performance and actively participate in extra-curricular life, which in turn helps them form strong social bonds with peers, school and society at large.

To achieve the goals and objectives of prevention programs in the field of addictions, various methods and technologies of communication can be used. Generally speaking, a distinction is made between educational programs that use group methods and programs that are implemented using the media.

Educational programs using group methods of work involve a wide variety of technologies:

the educational process (for example, studying the effect of drugs on the brain in biology classes);

lectures (for example, for parents - "Drinking among young people");

discussions in small groups (for example: "What to do if there is a drug addict in the family?");

training (for practitioners - "How to identify addiction at an early stage");

role play (eg how to communicate with students);

large-scale discussion of the topic, for example: "Authorities and society as a whole about prevention programs";

exhibitions (exhibition of educational materials: memos, booklets, posters, videos);

symposiums, scientific conferences on various issues of addiction prevention.

Media-assisted learning, for example, includes:

media campaigns at the national, regional and local levels; television and radio programs (in the form of anti-advertising);

television and radio programs: cycles, serials providing information about drugs, addiction prevention, drug addiction treatment;

interviews with drug addicts and former drug addicts, with narcologists;

issue of special magazines for young people (information, interviews, preventive educational materials);

publication of educational materials on addiction prevention (such materials can, for example, be thrown into mailboxes);

production of posters, leaflets, booklets, leaflets, stickers, labels, etc., distributed among the population on the streets, markets, railway stations, bus stations, etc.;

production of audio or video materials (audio cassettes, video films);

the building of information services operating as "hotlines".

The choice of the most appropriate methods of work and technologies to a large extent depends on the goals of a particular prevention program or educational action, the target group to which the prevention program is addressed, the available funds and other resources.

Exist different kinds group methods and different methods and technologies:

whose main task is to convey knowledge, information (lectures, lessons, conversations, etc.);

aimed at changing attitudes (discussions, role-playing games);

the purpose of which is to teach social skills (trainings, modeling);

the purpose of which is to exchange views on a particular problem (posters, exhibitions).

Most The best way to show how group methods work is to describe school-based prevention programs.

Why are prevention programs easiest to implement in schools?

in schools, prevention programs can reach almost all students;

the school is an organizational structure that provides a close relationship with parents and the public;

schools, despite many social and cultural differences, exist in all countries of the world;

over the past 30 years, the majority of prevention programs have been implemented on the basis of schools;

most of the methods and technologies used in school-based prevention programs can be applied to other populations (in most cases only minor changes are required);

most often, the first experience of using drugs, cigarettes and alcohol occurs at the age of 14-18 years, i.e. V school years.

information model. For a long time, the most popular form of prevention work was the provision of health and drug information. The choice of this form was based on the assertion that fact-based information about psychoactive substances, their biological, social and psychological consequences for the body gives a good preventive result, knowledge of specific facts leads to the rejection of bad habits.

Model of emotional education. This model was developed in the 1970s and is the type of addiction education program where the information is only sad. Such preventive-educational models are based on the assertion that the main causes of addictions include undeveloped self-esteem in young people, the inability to find rational decision their problems, the inability to express their feelings. Thus, the main goal of a preventive program should be to increase a young person's self-esteem, to develop the ability to find the right solution to problems. This model is based on the assertion that if a young person is able to solve their internal psychological problems, then the risk of drug use will become much less.

Model of social influence. Its main idea is that behavior is the result of positive or negative influences. The social environment (parents, peers), as well as the media, can often show examples of adequate and inappropriate behavior. Prevention programs developed on the basis of the principles of social influence include several elements: training aimed at resistance to influence (peers, media), role-playing games, analysis of advertising in the media, etc.

The most promising approach in preventive work is a skills-based approach. While there are some conceptual similarities between this and the emotional model, the skill-based model focuses more on the development of skills that can be grouped as: learning, thinking, feeling, decision-making, relationships, actions. . The model provides for an increase in the positive influence of the "pi-group", the use of role playing in "pi-groups", "pi-learning" (improving the understanding of such values ​​as respect, self-discipline).

Such a model can be used both for preventive programs and for programs that promote health and a healthy lifestyle.

Thus, one of the most important approaches in the field of prevention should be noted changes in the social environment of children and adolescents, the formation of a sustainable interest among young people in a healthy lifestyle, and the formation of public opinion.

Having studied and considered technologies for solving this problem, I propose more effective form work with teenagers - social - psychological training.

Based on the technology for solving this problem, I propose a new, more effective method of working with adolescents - socially preventive training.

One of the main medical and social factors that shape the health of the population is behavior, style or way of life. Human behavior often creates risk factors, determines the likelihood of his disease. The main causes of death today, including dangerous diseases, one way or another, are associated with the choice of a behavior model that is carried out in the daily life of a particular person. We know that if healthy lifestyle choices are made, many of the risk factor diseases that are major killers can be stopped or significantly reduced. Nevertheless, we know for sure that the patterns of behavior of the individual, the collective, and the population as a whole in relation to their health are under the strongest formative influence of the family, social groups, and the social environment.

What is training? This psychological impact, based on active methods of group work, is a form of specially organized communication, during which the issues of personality development, the formation of communication skills, the provision of psychological support and assistance are resolved. The training allows you to remove stereotypes and solve the personal problems of the participants, there is a change in the internal attitudes of the participants, their knowledge expands, and the experience of a positive attitude towards themselves and other people is manifested. In a training group, a person feels accepted and actively accepts others, he enjoys the full trust of the group and is not afraid to trust others. A member of the group can actively experiment with different styles of communication, learn and practice completely different skills and abilities that were not previously characteristic of him, while feeling psychological comfort and security.

Any training, no matter what tasks it pursues, almost always begins with the development of rules for the existence of the group and with acquaintance. Existence rules can be defined in different ways. It is possible, by offering options, to start a joint selection of the most acceptable ones. You can start writing them yourself. It all depends on what the group wants from the class.

In a concise form, as a rule, after a little discussion, this "code of laws" can take the following form:

Punctuality Law.

Raised hand rule: speak in turn, when one speaks, the others listen and raise their hand before taking the floor.

Unjudged: different points of view are accepted, no one evaluates each other.

Confidentiality: what happens in the class remains between the participants.

The right to a personal opinion.


The right to say no.

An important condition is to maintain the unity of the group. For this, conditions are created in which communication itself would be valuable for everyone (a trusting tone, positive emotions, a lot of game moments, then the topic and its discussion become significant, and if the value of such interaction is preserved, then as a result, there is an initiation to the values ​​of a higher order, the carrier of which is the leader). Through an ongoing process of self-awareness, participants are empowered to make informed choices about alternatives to drugs and alcohol.

In order for the group to work productively, the leader must adhere to the following rules:

support the self-esteem of participants and create a favorable group atmosphere based on trust and acceptance;

ensure the safety of self-disclosure explore the process of interaction in the group and ensure the formation of meaning (awareness of what is happening).

To achieve these goals it is necessary:

give everyone the opportunity to speak;

be aware of your own feelings and talk about your experiences;

respect the uniqueness of each participant and their experiences;

listen to what the person is saying and be aware of how it affects you.

Thus, prevention will be more effective if the following principles are observed:

Awareness of the essence of bad habits will be formed in parallel with a negative personal attitude to psychoactive substances, the ability to communicate with others, cope with conflicts, manage emotions and feelings.

The information will take into account gender and age characteristics.

Targeted training for children should be provided well in advance of the age at which substance abuse becomes a reality. According to foreign experts, preventive work with children should begin as early as 4-5 years of age.

The principle of forbidden information must be respected. The use of information that can provoke children's interest in psychoactive substances (for example, information about their specific properties, narcotic drugs, methods of their use and preparation) is completely excluded.

In the fight against bad habits, the child, his parents, friends, teachers, specialists should be united.

The purpose of our work is to show the value of health as an important condition for a happy and fulfilling life, to raise the level of knowledge, to popularize a healthy lifestyle among adolescents, and to form a moral culture among young people. This form of presenting information will be most interesting for young people, as it requires them to directly participate in the training, it is aimed not only at the awareness of bad habits, but also at the psychological and emotional development of the participants' personality.

But this socio-psychological training is one of the many methods of working with young people. In general, work can be more efficient if the following recommendations are followed:

the model of preventive work at school should be built in the form of a volunteer movement. The principle of equality and opportunity allows you to find support in each other;

it is necessary that preventive work be carried out not for young people, but together in cooperation with them;

it is necessary to organize an educational environment in schools, when a variety of material about a healthy lifestyle, about the effect of psychoactive substances on the human body will be available for children and adolescents;

to teach children and adolescents to manage their emotions and resolve emerging conflicts without violence;

to instill skills that allow you to resist negative phenomena. Therefore, if these recommendations are followed and socio-psychological trainings are carried out to solve the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle, we can say that the effectiveness of preventive work will be guaranteed.


For children, adolescents, and youth, health is a fundamental and driving force that is influenced by each person's beliefs, biological characteristics, living conditions, culture, lifestyle choices, and the social, spiritual, economic and physical environment.

A healthy lifestyle should be understood as a holistic way of people's life activities aimed at the harmonious unity of physiological, mental and labor functions. A healthy lifestyle is based on many factors of human life: family, work, leisure.

How successfully it is possible to form and consolidate in the mind the skills of a healthy lifestyle at a young age depends on the subsequent real lifestyle that prevents or contributes to the disclosure of the potential of the individual.

One of the most important indicators of a healthy lifestyle of a teenager is the presence of bad habits, that is, the use of psychoactive substances: alcohol, tobacco, drugs. Bad habits are among the important risk factors for various diseases, and significantly affect the health of adolescents and the population as a whole.

People's attitudes towards their own health, as well as determining the level of prevalence of bad habits, are of great importance. Understanding the causes of adolescent substance use and how adolescents are introduced to harmful substances is of paramount importance for planning and implementing preventive work, as well as the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

The study of technologies in the field of prevention should take its rightful place. With their help, it will be possible to identify shortcomings, determine the right way to eliminate them, better use the available reserves, assess the conditions that contribute to improving the efficiency of healthcare and the formation of a positive opinion among the population of a healthy lifestyle.

In general, the work was done successfully, the assumptions were confirmed, the tasks were solved and the goal was achieved.

Best result could be obtained if a one-time parallel survey of three categories of the population of adolescents, their parents and teachers were carried out. This could accurately indicate the existing trends in the state of the population's attitude to the problem of a healthy lifestyle.

It is necessary to develop a health promotion program and the formation of a healthy lifestyle, where the main idea is to work with healthy children, adolescents, youth in order to develop in them the value of health, knowledge and habits of a healthy lifestyle.

A change in the approach to preventive work is needed. This requires:

to build a positive concept of "health" as not only the absence of diseases, but also a special quality of life, possible if there are values ​​and habits of a healthy lifestyle, an appropriate organization of living space and time.

creation of new technologies that form children's values, habits and abilities for a healthy lifestyle.

for the successful implementation of the strategy for preserving and strengthening the health of young people, it is necessary to reorient the policy of state authorities to the prevention of morbidity and asocial behavior of young people, to focus in this work on the use of various forms of involving adolescents in the formation of health, and by involving them in physical culture and sports activities.

creation of a regulatory framework that ensures the development of the personality of a young person and guarantees him the possibility of realizing the need for spiritual and physical development.

The media should play a decisive role in shaping a healthy lifestyle. We are talking about the creation of a massive information and propaganda campaign, using a wide range of different means and carried out in different directions. This includes the formation of a prestigious image of a sports lifestyle and information about the dangers of smoking, alcohol abuse, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, specific recommendations on the use of certain means of physical culture, advertising of sports goods, video materials about the benefits active rest and physical education.

The situation can only be changed by a purposeful state policy to form an active life position among young people, aimed at realizing the need to maintain and strengthen their health, cultivating the skills of a culture of health and a healthy lifestyle.

It is extremely important that not only government agencies, but also the media and the public get involved in solving this problem.

psychophysical teenager healthy image

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Hello! Please take part in a small study, the results of which will be used in scientific interests. Please answer honestly, seriously and personally.

What's your gender: __________________

Your age: ______ years.

1.What is a healthy lifestyle in your opinion? (multiple answers possible)

a) go in for sports;

b) no bad habits;

c) live a full spiritual life;

Do you know about the impact of healthy lifestyle on human activity?

Do you lead a healthy lifestyle?

Why not"?

a) I don't want to b) I don't have free time

5. Have you tried alcoholic drinks?

If you have tried alcoholic beverages, under what circumstances?

a) in the company of friends;

b) out of curiosity;

c) by accident.

Have you tried smoking?

If yes, what prompted you to do so?

a) the influence of friends;

b) feel like an adult;

c) curiosity;

Have you tried drugs?

Do you have health education classes at your school?

How often are classes held?

c) sometimes;

In what form are preventive exercises usually carried out? (multiple answers possible)

a) lectures and talks;

b) exhibitions;

c) watching video materials;

Are you interested in healthy lifestyle promotion classes?

a) interesting

b) boring

Are you involved in organizing preventive activities at school (class)?

Would you like to take part in the training?

What methods, forms of prevention of bad habits would you like to add? (multiple answers possible)

a) sporting events

b) "conferences"

Submit an application indicating the topic right now to find out about the possibility of obtaining a consultation.


Health is given to a person from birth, but in order to preserve it for life, it is necessary to take care of strengthening it from early childhood until old age. If in early childhood the health of the child depends mainly on the lifestyle of the family, then in adolescence, the influence of the environment increases.

It is necessary to remember from childhood that a healthy lifestyle is the most practical and least expensive way to prevent diseases, it requires a person to work and consolidate good habits, and an idle lifestyle leads to a deterioration in health.

Physical activity is one of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle. All girls dream of having a beautiful slim figure, and all boys dream of being strong and strong. All this can be achieved with regular physical education involving all muscle groups (walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, skiing, rowing, team games).

The normal posture of the child and the shape of the foot are associated with the state of the muscles, which are formed during systematic physical exercises and constant monitoring of their posture by the children themselves and their parents.

Dosed physical activity is useful for everyone. Even children who have some contraindications should not be completely exempted from physical activity, because. it is possible to use the complexes of therapeutic gymnastics.

Compliance with the daily routine is a prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle for a child. The daily routine is a well-thought-out schedule of work, rest, and nutrition.

The main type of rest, of course, is sleep. The student needs to sleep for at least 8-9 hours in favorable conditions - a warm blanket, cool air, a calm environment.

Stay on fresh air daily for 1.5 - 2.5 hours in combination with physical activity, physical labor, sports is one of the components of a rational daily regimen.

Hardening is useful at any age. A hardened person resists cold and heat, humidity. Air baths, walking barefoot, visiting the bath have a hardening effect. The strongest hardening effect is provided by water procedures - wiping, dousing, showers, baths, rubbing with snow and winter swimming. When hardening, it is important to follow the following principles: gradualness, systematic, individual approach, a variety of hardening effects.

During the period of physiological changes for adolescents, a balanced and rational diet is especially important. Rapid growth and build-up of lean body mass requires uniform nutrition throughout the day. Long breaks, hasty food, "snacks" on the go are the cause of violations of the gastrointestinal tract.

Wholemeal bread, cereals, sour-milk products, lean meats, chicken and fish, fruits, raw vegetables and greens are very useful for eating teenagers. It is necessary to reduce the content of animal fats and "fast" carbohydrates in the diet - sugar, sweets, confectionery, potatoes. It is necessary to give preference to marmalade, marshmallows, honey, chocolate in a small amount.

It is necessary to ensure that schoolchildren receive hot lunches, do not eat dry food, do not get carried away with burgers and chips. During the day, they drank about 2 liters of liquid, preferably clean water.

A good psychological climate in the family, good mutual understanding of a teenager with adults, parents and friends are of great importance for health promotion, which helps young people to overcome stressful situations and difficult moments in life with the least loss to health.

Maintaining clean skin, caring for nails are also elements of a healthy lifestyle. It is important to teach your child to wash their hands before eating, after going to the toilet, working in the garden, walking down the street. Taking care of your body is especially important for teenagers. During puberty, they themselves notice that they began to sweat more, they feel a strong smell from their legs and armpits. From those who neglect personal hygiene, an unpleasant smell is felt at a distance. After taking a shower, you need to change your underwear. Feet are washed daily at night.

In adolescence, hair care is also important. Healthy, shiny and obedient hair can become a real decoration, so you need to learn how to properly care for them.

Regular oral care will help preserve teeth and prevent many diseases of the internal organs. In order to keep your teeth healthy until adulthood, you need dental care and visits to the dentist 1-2 times a year. A sparkling row of white and healthy teeth truly adorns a person. Brushing your teeth should not be taken lightly. You need to use an individual toothbrush, which needs to be changed 1 time in 3-4 months. Rinse your mouth after every meal. After the appearance of bad breath, you should seek the advice of a doctor.

Hygiene of linen and clothes is very important. It is desirable that the clothing be loose and that an air gap is preserved under it. An important place in personal hygiene is occupied by the cleanliness of underwear and clothing, the daily change of socks or tights, especially with excessive sweating. Each family member is recommended to have a separate bed, separate towels, change bed linen once a week. At night, it is recommended to wear a nightgown or pajamas.

In the foreground in the formation of a healthy lifestyle are love for the child and a positive attitude towards life. The more parents and others love the child, the more harmonious and happier he will grow up. Just do not forget that love is not permissiveness, but attention, respect, healthy criticism. It is easier to raise a healthy person in an atmosphere of love and friendship.

Lesson-training "Time to be healthy" for students in grades 7-9

Titova Victoria Viktorovna, social teacher of the Zaporozhye secondary school of I-III levels No. 12 of the Zaporozhye city council of the Zaporozhye region

Material Description: I offer you a lesson-training "Time to be healthy!". This material will be useful class teachers, social educators, subject teachers. The training lesson is aimed at expanding the knowledge of adolescents about health and a healthy lifestyle; showing the importance of health for each student and for society as a whole; formation of a value attitude to one's own health; development of responsible behavior of adolescents.

Subject: Time to be healthy!

Goals: to increase the knowledge of adolescents about health and a healthy lifestyle; show the importance of health for each student and for society as a whole; to promote the formation of a value attitude towards one's own health; develop responsible behavior in adolescents.

Equipment: badges of two colors; ball; posters “Rules of work”, “River of expectations”, “Health Express”, “Wall of bad habits”; stickers: in the form of boats, bricks; sheets A-4, drawing paper, markers, colored pencils (for each group).

The target audience: (training participants): students of grades 7-9.

Course of the training

Before the start of the training, participants are invited to choose badges of the color they like and take a seat at the appropriate table. Thus, two working groups are formed, at the green and yellow tables.


I am glad to welcome you to the training lesson, which will allow us to expand our knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle “Time to be healthy!”.
It is not known who, when, but someone said the words that are passed down to us and which we pass on to our descendants: “Try every day, for every business, to find some positive start, because from the mood with which you enter the day , or your successes, and possibly failures, depend on some business.

Exercise "Three words about yourself"
To tune in to a friendly relationship, I suggest starting with an acquaintance. We all have the right to a name, so let's say what we would like to be called today, and also describe ourselves in three words. The name does not count as a word.

It is proposed to pass information in a circle, from the first (coach) to the last participant. Participants then write this name on their badge next to the official one. When the last member has given their name, the groups are given another task.

Exercise "Wish for today's lesson"
I wish you to start the training with a good mood and get pleasure from it and good results. Let's start our work by saying wishes to each other for today's lesson. The wish should be short. You throw the ball to the person to whom you address the wish and at the same time say it. The one to whom the ball was thrown, in turn, throws it to the next one, expressing his wishes for today's lesson. We will be careful to ensure that everyone has the ball, and we will try not to miss anyone.

Exercise “River of Expectations”
Going to today's lesson, everyone asked himself the question: "What do I expect from the training?" Indicate, please, on the boats, the expectations from our event. Sound them out, please.

Participants voice their expectations and place them on the “River of Expectations” poster, attaching hopes to the shore

Exercise “Adopting Group Rules”
Before proceeding to further work, I suggest that you accept certain rules by which we will work during our meeting:
1.Communication based on trust.
2. Communication on the principle of “here” and “now” (talk about what worries you right now).
3. “I-statements” (I think, I think).
4. Sincerity of communication (there is no desire to speak frankly, it is better to keep silent).
5. Active participation in what is happening (actively listening, watching, talking; we do not close ourselves, we are always in a group, attentive to others).
6. Tolerance to each other (respect, tact, patience, compassion, sociability, equality, courtesy, intelligence).
7. Work “from” and “to”.
Do you agree with these rules? I propose to accept them as a whole.


Exercise “Associations”
What is health? Each of you at the mention of health have their own associations. I suggest that each team write down three associations on sticky notes.
And so, health for you is ...

Participants list association words recorded on stickers

According to the Constitution of the World Health Organization, health is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. I suggest you watch the video "Health and its types."

Participants watch and discuss the video "Health and its types"

So guys, we have looked at the three main aspects of health that form the basis of a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise “Health Express”
So, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. You have learned what is physical health, mental health, social health.
You have leaflets with words-associations. Attach them, please, to the car, what health, in your opinion, means this word.

Participants attach leaflets with association words to a poster depicting a steam locomotive with three cars: car 1 - social health, car 2 - mental health, car 3 - physical health

Exercise “Model of a healthy and unhealthy person”
How is a healthy person different from an unhealthy one? (Participant responses) Choose words to characterize a healthy person: handsome, dexterous, stately, strong, round-shouldered, pale, slender, clumsy, strong, ruddy, fat, fit. Let's try to portray a healthy person and not a healthy one and explain why this person was portrayed in this way.

Participants in groups create models of a healthy and unhealthy person

What kind of person, healthy or unhealthy, do you think feels comfortable? What does it depend on? (Participant responses) A person who leads a healthy lifestyle feels much better.

Exercise “Chamomile of a healthy lifestyle”
What is a healthy lifestyle? (Participant responses)
A healthy lifestyle is a conscious, active attitude towards one's own health, the accumulation of certain positive or the neutralization of negative factors, external and internal. I propose to grow chamomile, the petals of which will be components of a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise "Wall of Bad Habits"
What prevents us from leading a healthy lifestyle? (Participant responses) At every step, a person faces dangers: smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, which from innocent entertainment can turn into a habit. But what is a habit? (Participant responses)
A habit is a behavior, a way of acting that has become normal, permanent. Let's think about what bad habits can undermine a person's health. You have stickers-bricks, write down these habits on them.

Participants write bad habits on sticky notes and post them on the wall of bad habits between healthy and unhealthy person models.

A wall of bad habits stands in the way of a person, and it depends only on him whether he will bypass it or not. And then his state of health. Indeed, according to scientists, a lot of factors affect human health: heredity (20%), health status (10%), environment (20%) and lifestyle (50%).


Exercise "Your health is in your hands"
Two people lived in one village smart person, one was kind and fair, and he was respected, they went to him for advice and conflict resolution, the other was cunning, angry and prudent, people, despite his intelligence, did not go to him for help. The evil old man decided to prove to everyone the imperfection of the good sage in this way: he caught a butterfly, gathered the inhabitants, called the sage and asked what he was holding in his hands. The good old man answered - a butterfly. “Is she alive or dead?” was the next question. And the elder answered: “Now everything depends only on you: if you want, open your palms, and she will fly alive, but if you want, squeeze, and she will die. All in your hands!"
The moral is this: your life and your health is in your hands. Teachers, doctors, parents can influence, help with information, but the decision is up to you. And I hope it is correct. I just want you to understand how great it is to be free and healthy. Everyone is responsible for himself, remembering that he has only one health and body and there will be no other. You are already at the age when you are able to think about how to live today in order to have a chance to see tomorrow.
Take the butterflies in your hands - this is your health. Tear off the butterfly's wing. It's a pity. And this is our health.
Who tore the wing: you see that if you glue it and glue a crack on it, so will your health, if it does not apply to it, carefully it will not be the same. Health, not to return for any money.

Exercise “River of Expectations”
We have conducted a wonderful training on a healthy lifestyle with you. I suggest you return to the River of Expectations. Can you please tell me if your expectations were met? (Participant responses)

Participants share their thoughts, if their expectations are met, they move the boats to the shore of fulfilled hopes

I hope today's lesson was useful for you, you were able to learn something from it and do it for yourself right choice choosing a healthy lifestyle. Thank you for your active work!

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GBOU SPO "Volgograd Medical College"

ABSTRACTBy"Healthy Man and his Environment"

ON THE TOPIC OF: « Healthy lifestyle of teenagers»

I've done the work:

Student of group F-12(5) Imranov A.S.

Work checked: Teacher

Khalyapina Zh.N.

Volgograd 2014


1. Formation and foundations of a healthy lifestyle

2. Healthy lifestyle culture

3. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle

4. Prevention of a healthy lifestyle




Currently, the desire for a healthy lifestyle is gaining more and more popularity. A healthy lifestyle is actively promoted both in fashionable media and in the daily life of every person. For adults who are used to living without regard to the norms of a healthy lifestyle, there is a chance to choose either their health and longevity, or obesity and old age full of diseases. Speaking about the younger generation, it should be noted that in recent years, despite the active promotion of a healthy lifestyle, not everyone follows its norms. All this led to the choice of the theme of the essay "Healthy lifestyle".

The relevance of the topic of the essay is due to the fact that at present, despite the optimistic, but having little in common with reality statistics, both the incidence rate among young people and the death rate are growing rapidly. That is why it is necessary to introduce a culture of a healthy lifestyle, starting with preschool age. Only active work with preschoolers, schoolchildren and their parents will make it possible to raise a healthy generation capable of living in a rapidly changing world.

The subject of research in the abstract is a healthy lifestyle as such. healthy culture bad habit

The object of research of the abstract is social relations that arise in the process of education, formation, promotion of a healthy lifestyle in modern Russian society.

Abstract tasks:

1. to study the features of the formation of a healthy lifestyle;

2. highlight the foundations of a healthy lifestyle culture;

3. identify methods, problems and prospects for promoting a healthy lifestyle;

4. Consider the prevention of a healthy lifestyle.

The abstract consists of an introduction, four sections, a conclusion and a list of references.

1. Formation and foundations of a healthy lifestyle

Before talking about the formation of a healthy lifestyle and its foundations, let's consider the concept of "healthy lifestyle" (HLS) in our essay. There are many clear, vague or simply incomprehensible definitions of this term. However, this essay formulated a unique definition: A healthy lifestyle is a system of life values ​​aimed at leading an active lifestyle, eating right and thereby preventing diseases and increasing the body's natural resistance.

The very concept of a healthy lifestyle includes the following:

Optimum mode of work and rest

Motor activity and hardening

Balanced diet

Rejection of bad habits

medical activity

Compliance with the rules of mental hygiene

Personal and public hygiene

Hygiene of family and marriage

Sex education and sex education.

Currently, much attention is paid to the education of a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren and preschoolers. Everyone should know the basics of healthy lifestyle.

Health is an important element of a healthy lifestyle. In modern science, the following factors have been identified that influence it:

From a person, from a lifestyle (50%)

From hereditary factors (20%)

From ecology (20%)

From the work of healthcare institutions (10%)

As can be seen from the results of scientific research, the main factor in maintaining health is lifestyle, namely "healthy lifestyle".

So, what is the basis of healthy lifestyle. First of all, every person should love and respect himself. This is what encourages people to lead a healthy lifestyle.

An important component of a healthy lifestyle is a moderate and balanced diet. What we eat is directly related to how we feel. The abuse of fast food and alcohol leads to a deterioration in appearance, a weakening of the protective functions of the body and early aging of the body.

Equally important for the correct formation of a healthy lifestyle is the observance of the daily routine. Lack of sleep reduces immunity, affects the level of vital activity and leads to a deterioration in overall well-being.

An important component of a healthy lifestyle can also be called physical activity. Each organism needs sufficient physical activity, hardening, rubbing, washing with cold water, as well as personal hygiene.

In the process of forming a healthy lifestyle, mental hygiene is important. It is she who requires a person to be able to manage their emotions, to be able to restrain them.

In addition to all of the above, for every person who promotes a healthy lifestyle, you need to give up bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol, especially drugs.

It is very important for a healthy lifestyle safe behavior at home, on the street and at school. It will prevent injury and poisoning. Unfortunately, not everyone understands their responsibility for maintaining health.

In the modern world, in most developed countries, the state encourages responsibility in relation to one's health. In a number of European countries, additional payments are provided for workers who have given up smoking, as well as those who monitor the constancy of their weight and regularly engage in physical education. The money spent quickly pays off, as sick leave is reduced, and relations between people in the team are improved. A conscious and responsible attitude to one's health should become the norm of life and behavior of every person.

The formation of a lifestyle that promotes human health is carried out at three levels, presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Levels of formation of a healthy lifestyle

Having carefully studied Figure 1, we can say with confidence that the formation of a healthy standard of living is a complex process that operates at several levels of human development and being.

The basics of a healthy lifestyle are necessary for the full development of each person. It is they who allow you to work fruitfully both for the benefit of yourself and your family, and society as a whole.

2. Healthy lifestyle culture

Currently, many teachers are talking about increasing the role of healthy lifestyle in the system of education of schoolchildren and preschoolers. However, educational programs provide an insufficient number of hours for subjects related to a healthy lifestyle, which reduces the ability of teachers to develop a healthy lifestyle culture.

Currently, science has the following interpretation of a healthy lifestyle culture: it is a culture of human life aimed at disease prevention and health promotion.

The culture of a healthy lifestyle is based on a system of important principles, the education of which helps to form a healthy lifestyle for students. All these principles are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Principles of formation of a healthy lifestyle culture among students.

Principles of a Healthy Lifestyle Culture

Principle characteristic

The principle of natural conformity

This principle includes consideration of age and individual characteristics students based on the study of their needs and interests and the organization in this regard of their health-saving activities.

The principle of formation of students' value attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle

Following this principle of a healthy lifestyle culture ensures the formation of a system of values, motives and attitudes of students towards a healthy lifestyle.

principle of nationality

The principle of the national culture of a healthy lifestyle involves taking into account the national culture, traditions and native language in the process of educating a healthy lifestyle.

The principle of cultural conformity

This principle denotes the process of inclusion in culture through specially oriented and organized health-oriented creative activity.

The principle of focusing on the self-development of health culture

This principle is based on the recognition of the student as the subject of the process of health-creative activity.

The principle of health-creative activity

This principle of a healthy lifestyle culture is based on the active personal position of students in the formation and observance of a healthy lifestyle.

The principle of integration of educational influence

This principle implies the active interaction of all subjects pedagogical process aimed at ensuring the physical and mental health of each child, within the framework of educating a culture of a healthy lifestyle.

The principle of social responsibility of society for the realization of a person in creativity, the acquisition of knowledge, satisfaction in communication.

This principle is important in the process of forming a student's healthy lifestyle culture. It is expressed in the creation of conditions for the development of gifted children, children who are physically weak, with behavioral problems, orphans, children with disabilities, migrant children, children suffering from abuse and in need of care.

Having considered the above principles, it should be noted that most of them have a wide scope and do not directly relate to the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture among students. However, their totality can be considered a methodological basis for the implementation of the task of organizing the educational process and the life of students, ensuring the preservation and strengthening of their health, full education and development.

3. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle

The development of the desire for a healthy lifestyle among young people must be stimulated through educational influence and propaganda.

Healthy lifestyle promotion is a system of developmental activities aimed at revealing the essence and benefits of a healthy lifestyle within the framework of modern trends in the development of society.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle should start with the family. It is impossible to raise a healthy child with a craving for a healthy lifestyle if the parents drink, smoke and eat everything.

Often, parents have little idea of ​​how it is necessary to introduce a child to a healthy lifestyle. It is important to remember that the main task of parents is not only to protect the child's body from harmful influences, but also to create conditions that help increase the body's defenses and its performance.

The upbringing of a healthy lifestyle begins with accustoming to the correct organization of the daily regimen, which optimally combines the periods of wakefulness and sleep of children during the day, satisfies their needs for food, activities, rest, physical activity. The daily routine disciplines children, contributes to the formation of many useful skills, accustoms them to a certain rhythm.

A child cannot be forcibly forced to engage in physical education, as well as to observe the rules of hygiene, because the child quickly loses interest in this.

When a child enters school, it is important to consider not only his intellectual development, but also its level physical development. At the same time, the formation of a healthy lifestyle is one of the primary tasks of raising a child.

Education of a healthy lifestyle among young people is a very hard work that requires active promotion not only in universities and colleges, but also in public places such as cinemas, restaurants and clubs.

Today's youth, despite the trends towards healthy eating and fitness, do not realize the real consequences of such bad habits as irregular sleep, smoking and the use of recreational drugs. There is such an attitude: While you are young, everything is possible. This should be actively combated through adequate promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

The main forms of promoting a healthy lifestyle are shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. - Forms of promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

At the end of the paragraph on the promotion of healthy lifestyles, it should be emphasized that the main factors determining the state of health of the population are an adequate system of measures to work not only with children and adolescents, but also with adult citizens of our country.

When promoting a healthy lifestyle, methods of oral, printed, visual and combined propaganda are used. At present, it has been reliably established that the method of oral propaganda is the most effective. Besides, big role plays the promotion of a healthy lifestyle in the cinema and on the pages of fashion publications.

4. Prevention of a healthy lifestyle

Currently, a very important role is played by the prevention of a healthy lifestyle. It is important to remember that the main component of a healthy lifestyle is organizing the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and educating young people to be healthy and useful members of modern society.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle among young people should be based on taking care of their health. Education of a healthy lifestyle largely depends on adequate prevention in preschool institutions, schools and universities.

The main components of the prevention of a healthy lifestyle are presented in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Basics of healthy lifestyle prevention

Healthy lifestyle prevention should be organized in kindergartens, schools, universities and colleges. The prevention of a healthy lifestyle includes a system of measures to combat bad habits and promote hygiene of personal health.

From early childhood, prevention of a healthy lifestyle is necessary, both in the family and in kindergartens. Hardening plays a very important role. Currently, hardening is a scientifically substantiated system of special training of the body's thermoregulatory processes, which includes procedures aimed at increasing the body's resistance to hypothermia or overheating.

It is an erroneous opinion that hardening, as an element of healthy lifestyle prevention, is contraindicated for weakened children. Only acute febrile illnesses are a contraindication to hardening.

It is important to remember that hardening must be carried out correctly, in accordance with the developed methods. Features are shown in Figure 4.

Figure 5 - Rules for hardening preschoolers

Work on the prevention of a healthy lifestyle in modern schools and higher educational institutions can be carried out with the involvement of local doctors, narcologists, heads of outpatient clinics, therapists, dentists, athletes, police officers, librarians.

Figure 6. Forms of healthy lifestyle prevention in schools and universities

Prevention of a healthy lifestyle includes the promotion of quitting smoking, alcohol and drugs. In addition, it is important to remember that self-improvement is part of the prevention of a healthy lifestyle. A person must realize the role of a healthy lifestyle and its cultural value, only in this case any prevention becomes effective. The foundations of a healthy lifestyle should be cultivated through regular and adequate prevention in kindergartens, schools and higher educational institutions. If a person has not had a craving for a healthy lifestyle since childhood, it becomes much more difficult to step on the path of self-improvement.


It is important to remember that health is an invaluable asset not only for each person, but for the whole society. That is why the prevention of a healthy lifestyle is no less important than propaganda.

In conclusion, the abstract should be emphasized that a healthy lifestyle is an important component of a full life in a rapidly changing world. A healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle based on the principles of morality, rationally organized, active, labor, tempering and, at the same time, protecting from the adverse effects of the environment, allowing you to maintain moral, mental and physical health until old age.

The global task of society and the state is the introduction of educational standards as many aspects of a healthy lifestyle as possible. First of all, it is necessary to work adequately with families in order to combat smoking and alcoholism. From childhood, a child should value his health and follow the norms of a healthy lifestyle. Thanks to a healthy lifestyle, each person has great opportunities to strengthen and maintain their health, to maintain their ability to work, and physical activity.


1. Elena Voronova Healthy lifestyle in modern school. Programs, events, games - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2014

2. Gumenyuk E. I., N. A. Slisenko Be healthy! Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children - M .: Childhood - press, 2011

3. Nazarova E. N., Zhilov Yu. D. Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle - M .: Academy, 2013

4. Morozov Mikhail Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle - M .: VEGA, 2014

5. Poltavtseva N.V. We introduce preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle - M .: Sphere, 2012

6. Physical culture and a healthy lifestyle of a student. / Ed. Vilensky M.Ya. - M.: Knorus, 2013.

7. Physical culture. Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle. / Ed. Yu.P. Kobyakov. - Rostov: Phoenix, 2014.

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    Definition of lifestyle as a certain type of life activity of an individual, its medical and biological meaning. Components of a healthy lifestyle, evaluation of its effectiveness according to a number of biosocial criteria. Types and meaning of adaptive physical culture.

    test, added 04/17/2015

    The concept and basic components of a healthy lifestyle, its theorists and propagandists. Emotional, intellectual, spiritual and social well-being as aspects of a healthy lifestyle. Forming a lifestyle that promotes health.

    presentation, added 01/27/2011

    The essence of a healthy lifestyle. Bad habits of the younger generation. Healthy lifestyle in the eyes of young people. Its main components. Activities aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle. Analysis of the state of health of modern youth.

    abstract, added 08/18/2014

    Problems of health and healthy lifestyle in Russia: history and current state. Specificity of PR-activities in health care for the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Analysis of the formation of a healthy lifestyle on the example of the activities of the State Health Institution "RCDC MH UR".

    thesis, added 08/04/2008

    Administrative measures on the part of the state to spread a healthy lifestyle in Russia. National project "Health". Combating socially significant diseases, introducing methods of prevention, early diagnosis and adequate treatment.

    scientific work, added 03/09/2015

    Formation of a healthy lifestyle. Four zones of physical education. Fitness as a regulator of health. Treatment of drug addiction, alcoholism and gambling. Basic skills in managing life energy and moving it with inner vision. Smoking is the way to short life.

    term paper, added 05/30/2009

    Social hygiene and healthcare organization as a science. Healthy lifestyle as a socio-philosophical problem. Promotion of healthy lifestyles. Combining the physical, mental and social components of the human personality structure.

    abstract, added 04/12/2016

    The concept of a healthy lifestyle and factors affecting health and well-being. Development of preventive measures for infectious and non-communicable diseases. The role of the nurse of the children's polyclinic in the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children and adolescents.

    thesis, added 03/13/2019

    The principles of a healthy lifestyle in conjunction with physical culture, allowing you to most effectively unlock the potential of the body and significantly increase its capabilities. Features of motivation for physical culture and a healthy lifestyle.

Let's try to figure out why such a healthy model of behavior is better, the components and benefits of its implementation. Let's also take a look at environmental factors that can interfere with the natural development of a person.
A healthy lifestyle is essential for teenagers
A healthy lifestyle of a teenager includes a number of various social and domestic moments. These can easily include the solution of medical problems, the presence of certain necessary housing conditions, material well-being, the rational use of free time, a conscious decision to give up bad habits, physical activity, control over the problem of drug abuse, the presence of successful interpersonal relationships. In general, this list can be continued further, but we will focus only on a few important aspects that, one way or another, concern every parent.
This includes daily activities for:
- hardening by air, sun, water;
- hygiene;
- ensuring motor activity;
- the presence of rational nutrition;
- creating a harmonious psycho-emotional state;
- implementation of the principles of environmental protection.
It is quite easy to place natural and full development if there are the following unfavorable factors in the life of a teenager:
- insufficient amount of physical activity;
- ill-conceived baby food with excess salt and fat;
- stress;
- the presence of bad habits;
- Inadequate, disturbed sleep.
However, there are many more environmental factors that have a harmful effect on humans. By the way, WHO allocates about two hundred.

Leisure and physical activity: the benefits and necessity of developing your body
The formation of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents is inextricably linked with the presence of a good rest. The tasks that young men and women solve during this period, related to study, the choice of a future profession, as well as the formation of a mature organism, require dynamism and intensity from a person. Leisure must be directed to replenishing the spent forces, as well as to identifying and developing existing abilities.
It is extremely difficult to overestimate the formation of a healthy lifestyle by means of physical culture. Movement in general is one of the most important signs of life. For adolescents, the presence of physical activity means increased efficiency and, of course, health promotion. The sad moment is that a rather small percentage of the population is purposefully engaged in physical education.
As a result, physical inactivity (lack of movement) is the cause of various diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory system, musculoskeletal system and other organs of the human body.
Scientists have conducted interesting studies that have shown that with a lack of physical activity, mental activity is sharply reduced. Already on the next day of the experiment, work efficiency reaches only 50%, nervous tension sharply increases, irritability grows, concentration of attention decreases, and the time to complete tasks increases. In general, the result is not the most rosy. That is why at least a small, but regular exercise is so necessary!
The influence of physical activity on thought processes
Importance physical activity turns out to be extremely important for our mental activity. This happens because our brain uses only 10% of nerve cells in the process of mental activity. All the rest regulate the work of our body.
The importance of good nutrition for well-being and academic success
Proper nutrition for teenagers is important from many points of view. It is during this period of life that a variety of diseases are actively laid, which are associated with malnutrition. And this, by the way, includes not only diseases of the stomach, intestines, but also of the nervous, endocrine and other systems, since the processes of removing harmful substances are disrupted. A growing organism quickly enough adapts to overloads and nutritional deficiencies, this can create the illusion that everything is fine. Here lies the prerequisite for the appearance of overweight or underweight.
Irregular nutrition in schoolchildren occurs due to the heavy workload of the educational process, lack of time. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that insufficient levels of trace elements come with food. Proper nutrition is the basis of full-fledged mental and physical activity, health, performance, life expectancy.
A healthy lifestyle for teenagers is not just words. It helps a person not only feel full, but also is a kind of choice of life position. Boys and girls, already almost adults, decide for themselves what is good and what they want to avoid. If parents believe that they can control every step of their child, then they are deeply mistaken. That is why it is important that the principles of a healthy lifestyle are a conscious choice of the teenager himself, then these rules take root, are used and benefit.