What to do with problem skin. Facial skin problem, reasons for what to do. So, the main characteristics of problem skin

Often you can hear from women that they are the owners of problem skin, but this is not always true. The skin of the face should be constantly looked after, only then cosmetic defects will not appear on it. Let's figure out when you need to be especially delicate about your appearance.

Signs of skin problems

Problem skin can be absolutely any type. It becomes such when signs such as:

  • rashes (acne, pimples, blackheads, abscesses, wen, black dots and others);
  • scars and scars that do not heal for a long time, fester;
  • small spider veins or mesh;
  • new dark spots(a large number of them are more than 50%);
  • scaly foci;
  • eczema and other formations.

Any of these signs are not normal. The only exceptions are freckles, which cannot be attributed to age spots or unusual formations. They appear on the faces of girls every year in the spring, and usually disappear or become paler in winter.

Most often, problematic skin is associated with various inflammatory processes. Any rashes must be treated so that they do not become chronic. To cleanse the skin of the face, it is very important to find out the causes of the appearance of inflammatory foci.

The main causes of dermatological problems

Problematic skin is the result of one of the following factors:

  • heredity;
  • lifestyle;
  • wrong choice of cosmetics;
  • non-compliance with the rules of facial care.

It is important to accurately determine the reasons that led to changes in the condition of your face. After all, only thanks to this it will be possible to prescribe an effective treatment. Dermatologists and cosmetologists often consider the following to be the main reasons:

  1. Hormonal changes in the body. They can be completely natural for the female body, for example, occurring during puberty, on certain days of the monthly cycle, during menopause or pregnancy. At the same time, hormonal disruptions occur, such as increased production of testosterone or estrogen. Treatment in this case is prescribed by an endocrinologist, and first of all it is aimed at stabilizing the hormonal background, and removing cosmetic defects in this case occurs practically without the intervention of a woman.
  2. Frequent irritations nervous system: depression, stress, psychosis, tantrums and others. Any malfunctions in the functioning of the body's systems are reflected by the skin of the face like a litmus test.
  3. Long-term use of drugs, especially antibiotics and oral contraceptives, leads to impaired sebum production. These drugs need to be replaced by others or completely canceled.
  4. Any bad habits lead to problems with the skin of the face. Before carrying out targeted treatment to eliminate cosmetic defects, it is necessary to completely stop abusing alcohol, tobacco and other addictions.
  5. Improper nutrition also leads to problems with appearance. Often, cosmetologists and dermatologists advise to adjust the diet and make up a diet.
  6. Mistakes in facial skin care most often lead to inflammation. Do not use cosmetics with an expired shelf life, poor quality and leave decorative products overnight.

However, circumstances do not always depend on lifestyle. Problematic skin also occurs in those who often overcool or overheat. For example, girls who spend time outdoors for a long time in winter in any frost fall into the risk group. At the same time, a passion for a bath or a solarium can lead to a change in metabolic processes in the layers of the epidermis. In these cases, special face creams will help, preventing the harmful effects on the skin of low or high temperatures as well as ultraviolet radiation.

Caring procedures

Any, even the most neglected skin diseases, can be cured if, in addition to special procedures, daily attention is paid to one's appearance.

  1. Do not apply excess decorative cosmetics, but if possible, spend as much time without it as possible.
  2. Change your diet. Enrich your diet with vegetables and fruits, but avoid eating red fruits and juices. Drink mineral water, remove marinades, fried and spicy dishes, pickles from your menu.
  3. Do not squeeze pimples and blackheads. This will lead to the formation of ugly scars, an increase in foci of inflammation, and in advanced cases, to blood poisoning.
  4. Wash your face morning and evening with a special gel for problem skin. At the same time, pay attention to the water, it should be warm. Problematic skin requires a delicate attitude, so after washing it should be gently blotted with a soft towel.
  5. Cleanse pores weekly with steam baths, which are good to do on herbal decoctions, for example, with chamomile, calendula or St. John's wort. Additionally, use scrubs with the most gentle principle of action. Without cleansing procedures, the skin of the face will never become perfectly even.
  6. Do not use foundation and powder, as these products clog the pores of the face.

Treatment with cosmetic masks

If you have found the causes of foci of formations on the skin, then in parallel with its elimination, it is worth using face masks with anti-inflammatory action. Problematic skin tends to be almost always irritated. The soothing effect of masks will help make the treatment more effective, as well as speed up recovery. Top Reviews got recipes:

  1. A mixture of a teaspoon of lemon pulp and one egg white.
  2. Based on one of the natural fruit juices: pomegranate, lemon, cranberry, currant. To do this, mix a tablespoon of live baker's yeast and freshly squeezed juice. The mask should be moderately liquid.
  3. A tablespoon of yeast can be mixed with kefir - you get an excellent mask that will relieve irritation and also reduce rashes.
  4. Dairy products must be consumed not only in food. But also lay on the face. A tablespoon of cottage cheese and three of the same spoons of kefir is one of the most simple ways get rid of skin redness.
  5. White and blue clay, which is now affordable price sold in any department of cosmetics in powder form. It can be diluted to a gruel state with fresh lemon juice or mineral water.

- a definition used in relation to skin prone to excessive dryness or greasiness, the appearance of acne, vascular defects, pigmentation and other cosmetic imperfections. Signs of problem skin are an unhealthy color, areas of redness, an uneven bumpy surface, enlarged pores, acne, comedones, etc. Adolescents and people suffering from diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems often experience similar phenomena. To solve certain skin problems, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, a comprehensive medical examination, eliminate identified endogenous disorders, organize proper care behind the skin.

General information

Skin, the state of which is not distinguished by freshness and health, on which there are acne, vascular or pigment spots, scars, scars, is called problematic. Skin problems like this can happen to anyone. Even perfect skin undergoes changes with age caused by hormonal changes in the body. Stress and other adverse factors can affect the condition of the skin and cause a number of these cosmetic defects. By its type, problem skin can be oily, dry, combination, and by chronological age - young, mature or fading. Problematic skin is the most common complaint that brings a person to the office of a dermatocosmetologist.

External manifestations of problem skin

Depending on age, general condition and health of the body, skin type and many other reasons, skin problems can be temporary and quickly passing, or they can cause serious distress. If the skin of the face consists of areas of dry, normal and oily, it is called combined. This type of skin is especially common in women. The central or T-zone of the face (forehead, nose, chin) is covered with oily skin. Around the eyes, on the cheeks and on the neck - the skin is normal or dry. Oily skin and dry sensitive skin are the most problematic types.

Oily skin is most often found in brunettes and young girls and women. Unlike other types, oily skin does not threaten the appearance of premature wrinkles. But she has others serious problems. Oily skin is characterized by greasy luster, large pores, a yellowish olive color, and poor circulation. Oily skin is fraught with acne and oily seborrhea, especially during puberty as a result of hormonal changes in the body.

Dry skin lacks natural protection in the form of sebum, which in this type is produced in insufficient quantities. That's why dry skin looks like this - dry and flaky. Dry skin is susceptible to external factors: adverse climatic and weather conditions, mechanical influences (rough clothing or contact with a man's beard). The result of such exposure is skin irritation, redness and rash. Dry skin does not tolerate bad water; after washing, there is discomfort and a feeling of tightness of the skin. Dry skin is very "choosy" in relation to cosmetics, certain components that make up their composition can provoke undesirable consequences.

Problematic skin is not a disease. Previously, there was an opinion that problematic skin rashes are caused by malnutrition and lack of hygiene. It is now generally accepted that skin problems are based on psychological factors, such as stress, and improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. Signs of problem skin include: increased activity of the sebaceous glands, the presence of dry and oily areas of the skin, enlarged pores in the form of craters. As a result of accumulation in the pores and hair follicles fats, exfoliated dead cells and exposure to pathogenic bacteria, rashes appear on the skin, especially painful in the back, face and chest.

Problem skin can serve as a signal of diseases of the digestive system and malfunctions of the endocrine system. Some skin problems are the result of a hereditary predisposition, such as the formation of age spots.

Hormonal changes in the body, not only at a young age, but also at the time of aging, can provoke a number of skin problems. Skin aging is caused by a slowdown in collagen synthesis. The skin becomes less elastic and firm. Age features dry skin further aggravate the problems associated with damage to the skin barrier and increased dryness. In addition, the secretion of the sebaceous glands decreases, intracellular processes slow down, and the level of hyaluronic acid decreases.

Self-medication can bring irreparable harm to the beauty and health of the skin. Only a specialist is able to establish the true cause of the disease and prescribe an individual treatment in accordance with the type of skin. A timely appeal to a cosmetologist or dermatologist will help eliminate skin problems and restore lost freshness and smoothness.

Treatment methods for problem skin

The task of a specialist cosmetologist is to identify the individual causes of skin problems and, together with you, choose a method for eliminating them using procedures that are suitable specifically for your case. There are a variety of modern techniques that are aimed at eliminating, correcting and slowing down the negative processes associated with age-related changes skin and other adverse factors.

A good positive effect is given by procedures using biogel or botox. To smooth wrinkles, mesotherapy is successfully used - the introduction of special medicinal or homeopathic preparations by means of injections into the skin layers lying after the epidermis (mesoderm). This method is very effective in treating other problems caused by aging or hormonal disruptions. Aesthetic medicine and dermatology have adopted it in the fight against cellulite, obesity, peeling. With the help of peeling, the skin is freed from a layer of dead cells, giving freedom to the formation and growth of young cells. For tightening aging skin, with teenage acne, for correcting fresh stretch marks and other manifestations of problem skin, indispensable cosmetic procedure is a facelift.

Modern hardware cosmetology widely uses ultrasonic methods of exposure to problem skin. As a result of phonophoresis (a combination of ultrasound and special agents), metabolic processes in skin cells are activated and lymphatic drainage is enhanced. Cryodestruction (cryosurgery) and cryotherapy are treatments with dry cold air. These methods are successfully used in cosmetology and dermatology for the treatment of problem skin.

Removal of keratomas, dark spots, warts, scars, tattoos by cryodestruction - local cooling to low temperatures - attracts with low trauma and gives good results. Cryotherapy (cryomassage) consists in a short-term exposure to low temperatures on problem areas of the skin, resulting in a sharp narrowing of blood vessels, and then their expansion. At the same time, reserve capillaries “awake”, blood flow to the place of exposure to cold is stimulated, and metabolic processes are activated. Cryotherapy is used to strengthen hair roots and smooth wrinkles.

Phytohormonal therapy is a new method in the treatment of problem skin. This method is aimed at eliminating hormonal imbalance - one of the main factors that cause skin problems.

Any person who has problematic facial skin wants to get rid of this “ailment” as soon as possible. This can be combated by providing treatment and thorough care for problematic facial skin.

The trouble is that if the skin of the face is problematic, it is practically impossible to hide the flaws. After all, all the bumps, redness, acne, and peeling can not always be masked with the help of decorative cosmetics.

Problem skin of the face - what to do in this case? The main thing is not to panic, but to proceed with its treatment. With the right approach to the issue of caring for your skin, you can get rid of almost any problem.

Unfortunately, the skin, which is not distinguished by its smoothness and dullness, cannot add beauty to a woman, and you cannot hide your face under clothes at such moments. Just do not despair ahead of time, because all this can be corrected. There are some rules to deal with skin problems. Performing them, caring for problematic facial skin will give positive results.

Daily care of areas of problem skin involves the timely removal of accumulated dirt and oily secretions. For problematic skin, enlarged pores are characteristic, which can become inflamed due to clogging with sebum and dirt. Cheeks, forehead, and also the nose are those areas on the face that are most often exposed to inflammatory processes.

Having problematic skin, you can often observe an unpleasant oily sheen on your face, feel a film that prevents the skin from breathing normally. Unfortunately, ordinary washing will not get rid of this. A hot water in this case, it can only do harm.

At the initial stage of the fight against problems of the skin of the face, it is necessary to pay due attention to competent cleansing. Every morning should be accompanied by washing the face with the use of neutral preparations to cleanse it. Be sure to use the product specifically for problem skin. You can use a soft brush for the cleaning procedure, on which the product will be applied. Movements must be performed carefully so as not to damage the delicate skin on the face. The most acceptable water temperature for washing is thirty-six and five. That is, the temperature should be close to body temperature.

Regardless of what skin problems you have, it is not recommended to wash your face more than twice a day, as the amount of fat produced by the sebaceous glands increases with each cleansing of the skin. Therefore, frequent cleansing can only worsen the situation.

It is also worth avoiding aggressive effects on the skin. For example, after the skin has been cleaned and washed, you do not need to rub yourself dry with a towel. It will be enough just to lightly attach it to the surface of the face to absorb liquid from its surface. Apply any products for problematic facial skin should be after the skin dries. Not earlier than ten minutes after washing.

Many are mistaken in that they consider squeezing out blackheads and pimples as a cleansing procedure or a phenomenon with which you can get rid of them forever. In fact, it is better to refuse this altogether, since the constant disposal of acne in this way only injures already unhealthy skin. As a result, it will be possible to earn an infection to problem skin as a bonus. In such a situation, it is better to contact professional cosmetologists who will perform deep cleaning without negative consequences.

For self-care, you can use masks for problematic facial skin, which you can also make yourself. To get the effectiveness of the masks and the desired effect, you should adhere to the following tips:

Before applying the mask to the skin, it must first be thoroughly cleansed of impurities. To do this, you can simply wash with soap or wipe your face with a tonic;

When applying the product to the skin, do not put a lot of effort. Movements should be of a massaging type and light enough so as not to stretch and injure the skin once again;

Each application of the mask must be done after a while. There must be a delay between procedures. Usually a mask is made no more than twice a week and applied to the skin for no more than fifteen minutes;

Rinse off the product with lukewarm water, after which the skin should be treated with a tonic.

When a person has problematic facial skin, mask treatment can be performed at home. Thanks to this method, you can easily ensure the normalization of dry or oily skin, get rid of red spots and various rashes.

A good mask that maximizes the improvement of metabolic processes is cucumber. Its preparation may take a couple of minutes, but the effect will not keep you waiting. Fresh cucumber rubbed on a fine grater. The resulting porridge-like mixture is mixed with the protein of one egg. Such a mask is applied to the face and you need to walk with it for up to twenty minutes. Wash off as usual with warm water.

Many masks are prepared with the addition of honey. For example, the most traditional mask consists of onion juice and honey. All components are taken one tablespoon at a time and mixed until smooth. The resulting mixture is applied only to those parts of the face in which problems are noted. After fifteen minutes, the mask is removed. It is allowed to use this procedure after one day.

If purchased funds are used for medical procedures, then it is necessary to choose the right remedy so that it does not provoke new problems. You need to select a remedy based on an individual problem - dry skin, oiliness, acne, acne, etc.

For those people whose skin, on the contrary, is overdried or prone to dryness, a different approach is needed to combat this phenomenon. It is noted that with dry skin, wrinkles form much faster than with oily skin. Naturally, because the skin is experiencing a water deficit, which leads to a loss of its elasticity and firmness. Frequent peeling appears, as a result of which the skin coarsens.

For dry skin, it is very important to restore the water balance. In this case, lipid-based creams are used, which will strengthen the skin and prevent excessive moisture loss. good option there will be products that basically contain oatmeal, hyaluronic acid or silk proteins.

Dry skin, as well as oily skin, should be washed only with warm water. To remove makeup, it is better to use a special milk that will not overdry and also dry skin. An absolute contraindication for dry skin is any product that contains alcohol in its composition.

Instead of soap when washing, you can use oatmeal, which is pre-ground. If you compare them with soap, then they will not have a tightening effect on the skin. In addition, peeling will become less visible. After such washing, you can wipe your face with an apple slice.

Skin problems can also be dealt with from within. To do this, you need to follow some rules when eating food. So, in order to strengthen the vascular walls, you need to eat more seafood, fish, lemon and spinach. Want to get rid of acne? Then the diet should contain less yeast bread, semi-finished products, chocolate and confectionery, as well as spicy and smoked foods. Fresh and stewed vegetables, chicken, dairy products are welcome on the menu.

When choosing a store or pharmacy cosmetics, you need to familiarize yourself with the constituent elements of the funds. For problematic skin, it is better not to use cosmetics containing fruit acids and alcohol. It would be better to buy a series of special cosmetics designed for sensitive skin, as it cleanses the skin more gently, helps to moisturize and soothe it. If there are problems with the skin of the face, it is better to refrain from the frequent use of decorative cosmetics, which contributes to blockage of skin pores.

Regular treatment procedures and competent care for problem skin, as well as its individual areas, will provide a significant improvement in just a few two to three months.

If you want to have beautiful colour face, but you have oily problematic facial skin, do not rely only on yourself, pay attention to the appropriate cosmetics and procedures. The fat our body secretes helps keep our skin healthy, but too much of it is not good. Excess oil can lead to unsightly hyperpigmentation of the skin, acne and other problems. Fortunately, today there are many ways to help reduce fat, in any case, so doctors and cosmetologists say.

Why does the skin become oily?

Increased fat content of the dermis is manifested in adolescence. Prior to this, in children, skin types are practically not divided into types. So, the increased secretion of sebum is obviously related to hormones. Indeed, the sex hormone progesterone provokes the activation of fat secretion. That is why the maximum greasiness is observed before the age of 30, after this milestone, in 90% of people, skin problems disappear simultaneously with the leveling of hormonal levels.

If you belong to those 10% of people who have abnormally high fat content after 25-30 years, you just need to consult an endocrinologist. It is possible that your problem is not just a natural feature, but the result of a hormonal imbalance. And the most ideal care in this case will be powerless.

What does proper care mean?

Proper care allows you to get rid of the main troubles that problematic skin on the face creates for a person. Let's list them, these troubles:

  • Enlarged pores.
  • Oily sheen.
  • Clogged pores, acne, pimples.
  • Difficulties with the selection of cosmetics.
  • Makeup products do not adhere well to skin with excess oil.

Dermatologists believe that in the most efficient way to keep greasy skin in order is its morning and evening cleansing, and you should always apply a gentle detergent, because strongly alkaline soap can provoke the production of even more fat. Cleansing the skin with washcloths or sponges further enhances the secretion of sebum, so daily care and cleaning should take place without aids, only hands, water and mild soap. But you can't do without additional care products. Let's list these resources.

Drying drug additives

If regular washes do not reduce oiliness, you can try products that contain acid: benzoyl peroxide, glycolic, salicylic or beta-hydroxy acids. Many products containing these acids are sold in stores as cosmetics designed for oily skin and acne. They are ideal for people suffering from acne, just as they are great for those people whose problem is just oily dermis, without blackheads and pimples. Some of these drying ingredients can be irritating, so it's best to buy a small sample to see how your skin reacts to it.

Mattifying tonics

Dermatologists are not entirely unanimous in their opinion whether tonics really reduce sebum production. Many doctors believe that tonics containing a large amount of astringents are irritating, and thus provoke an increased secretion of sebum. But there are also experts who recommend tonics, though for use only on the most greasy areas - on the forehead, in the chin area and on the nose. And do not recommend tonics in dry areas. This advice must be remembered and applied in all care regimens. It is a myth that some people have purely dry skin, while others have purely oily skin. The vast majority of people have combination skin. That is, in some places it is oily, and in some it is dry.

Wet wipes with alcohol and acid

Medicated wipes impregnated with a solution containing salicylate or glycolic acid, or other similar ingredients, are an excellent option for daily care of problem skin. You can always keep them in your purse and use literally as you go to freshen up and remove excess fat.

Blotting paper

Cosmetic blotting paper is a great way to remove excess oil because it doesn't irritate or dry out. Many people like this remedy because it is convenient and easy to use and is recommended by dermatologists. It is enough to apply a blotter on oily areas on the forehead, nose and chin area. The face does not need to be rubbed, just lightly press the paper and hold for 15-20 seconds. Some blotting papers contain a powdery coating that further reduces the gloss.

Healing clay masks

Application clay masks Helps draw out sebum and shrink pores. But dermatologists advise using these products only occasionally. Pull clays - for exceptional occasions, it can be a wedding, a dinner party, a birthday or a big presentation.

Moisturizing cosmetics

People with oily skin often stay away from moisturizers, but this is a very bad idea. Even excessively greasy dermis should be sufficiently moisturized, only in this way it can look healthy and beautiful. To avoid oily sheen, you just need to choose a moisturizer special cream for oily skin without oil. But in areas of different fat content, respectively, you need to use various moisturizing cosmetics.

Oil-free sunscreen cosmetics

Traditional sunscreen is a problem for people with oily skin. Because it is oily and is applied in a rather thick layer and can clog enlarged pores. However, UV protection of the face is absolutely necessary and very important. Sunscreen gels are less likely than lotion creams to make oily skin look even more oily. There are a number of new, oil-free ingredients.

Some of the latest beauty products, incl. powders offer sufficient protection from the sun and prevent damage to the dermis from it. With such cosmetics, you can refuse purely sunscreens.

Adapt your skin to changing weather

Oily skin can change its behavior from season to season, as well as week to week, even every day it can change. Fat production under the influence of hormones, mood, even the weather, can vary significantly. For example, some people have oily skin problems only in the summer when they sweat a lot. It is important that you yourself be aware of how your skin changes in a given period. Then you will be able to adjust the care mode properly. If the skin on the face constantly turns red, then this is.

In the summer, for example, you may need a daily cleanser with either glycolic or beta-hydroxy acid, and in the winter, such products will have to be shelved. This is important, as excessive use of these products can cause irritation and overdrying of the skin.

Talk to your dermatologist

If store-bought cosmetics are clearly not enough to keep your skin looking flawless, talk to your dermatologist or cosmetologist. Chemical peel or a laser can reduce the greasiness of the skin. Creams that contain tretinoin, adapalene, or tazarotene can also help reduce oiliness and shrink pores. But since these products can cause serious irritation, they are best used exclusively on oily areas, and only occasionally, when it is really important. And only on the recommendation of a doctor.

It is always worth remembering that fat production is a normal function. healthy skin. People with naturally oily skin tend to have fewer problems, wrinkles appear much later and are less noticeable, and their skin looks healthy. To keep it that way, you just need to know how to properly care for problem skin. The main thing is not to overdo it with drying. Remove excess fat when you need to look your best, but be careful not to disrupt your skin's natural anti-aging mechanism!

About the author: Ekaterina Nosova

Certified specialist in the field of reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. Extensive experience, a leading specialist in Moscow in the field of thread lifting, blepharoplasty and breast arthroplasty, has performed more than 11,000 operations. More about me in the Doctors-Authors section.

Problematic facial skin, at first glance, is a typical cosmetic flaw. Acne, oily sheen, enlarged pores, friability - all these signs really make the appearance of their owner somewhat unattractive, and even unhealthy. The problem is that, in addition to aesthetic value, problematic skin on the face can have diagnostic value for physicians, since in some cases it is a sign of disorders within the body. Most of the doctors to whom patients come, be sure to pay attention to the condition of their skin, especially on the face, to whether they have peeling, redness, acne, dark circles under the eyes - these signs can indicate problems with the kidneys, digestive organs , endocrine system.

What does the concept of “problem skin” include, how does it manifest itself?

The term “problem facial skin” refers to a set of features that distinguish it from healthy, with normal appearance, skin. Objectively speaking, almost every person on Earth has any problems with the condition of the skin, they can manifest themselves in a variety of ways.

In addition to the fact that facial skin problems differ in external diversity, they can be caused by hundreds of different factors, each of which requires specific treatment. It is not for nothing that among doctors it is believed that the skin is a mirror of human health.

What types of problems can occur on the face? The most common are acne and rashes, especially acne annoys adolescents during adolescence. At the same time, acne occupies a “territory” not only on the face - very often they affect the back, chest, neck, shoulders, giving a person a lot of unpleasant moments. In addition, problematic skins have enlarged pores, oily sheen if the skin is oily, or, conversely, peeling spots if it is dry, and if improper care is determined for it, they have hyperpigmentation, an unnatural shade of the entire skin, itching, redness, allergic reactions, post-acne, scars, warts, capillary problems.

The listed problems are divided into three groups, according to the types of skin to which they are more characteristic. For example, redness and flaking are more common in people with dry skin types, enlarged pores are more characteristic of oily skin. The combined type on the face is represented by a combination of areas more prone to oiliness and dryness, and may have disorders characteristic of the first two types.

Causes of skin problems

In what cases can “troubles” appear on the skin of the face, and is medical assistance required?

Improper care is such care, as a result of which the skin does not look normal and healthy, and they have any kind of problems, inflammation or rashes. This category, of course, is completely subjective, and a person has the opportunity to choose suitable care products for himself only by trial and error. It is not always possible to predict with certainty exactly how the epidermis will react to this or that cosmetics and procedures. As a result of improperly selected care measures, a person may experience:

  • acne;
  • comedones;
  • rashes of any nature;
  • scars and post-acne;
  • early wrinkles;
  • dryness, dehydration;
  • redness and peeling.

The scheme of proper skin care involves performing twice a day - in the morning and in the evening - a bundle of three simple actions: cleansing, toning, as well as nourishing and moisturizing. Be sure to use gels, foams or special therapeutic soap for washing, after which the skin is wiped with a tonic, lotion or a special tonic emulsion. Skin nutrition consists of applying a day or night moisturizer (depending on the time of day), serums, fluids or pharmacy ointments, if a dermatologist has prescribed special therapeutic care. Periodically, the procedure for exfoliating dead upper skin cells through the use of a scrub is allowed. For deeper nutrition, as well as reducing redness and narrowing of pores, you can sometimes apply masks to your face that are suitable for the type of skin. Ready-made masks can be purchased at specialized cosmetic stores (for example, DNC and Cettua care masks), or at a pharmacy. Some prefer homemade masks to purchased ones, and prepare them on their own, with clay, essential oils, vitamins, and herbal ingredients. In addition to cleansing, exfoliating and nourishing, the skin needs protection from environment primarily from the harmful effects of the sun. For the face, be sure to choose a day cream with a sunscreen effect, or Foundation with SPF from 25 to 50. If the skin is prone to comedones, appropriate non-comedogenic care creams are selected for it.

Digestive health

Facial skin really reflects all problems internal organs. If the processes of digestion and assimilation of nutrients are disturbed, her condition will certainly signal this. Diseases and abnormalities in the work of the digestive organs can occur due to many reasons:

Wrong lifestyle in general, bad habits, unhealthy diet lead to the fact that a person can develop a whole “bouquet” of problems with the gastrointestinal tract (and these diseases often exist in the body in a complex way) - gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastroduodenitis. Because of this, the main function of the intestine is disturbed - excretory, toxins accumulate in it, which inevitably affect the general state of health. Naturally, in addition to these problems, we must not forget that digestion begins in the oral cavity, and its poor condition, with caries, bleeding gums and bacterial damage, also partly causes problems with the skin of the face.

Drinking alcohol and smoking

Ethyl alcohol, which forms the basis of any alcoholic beverage, is a poison for the body. It has a particularly destructive effect on the brain, liver and pancreas - it simply destroys their cells. For the pancreas, ethanol is an irritating factor that causes it to be especially intensively produced for its breakdown and excretion. Accordingly, a person develops disorders in the work of the digestive organs, diseases appear - cirrhosis of the liver, gastritis and stomach ulcers, ulcerative lesions of the intestine, pancreatitis.

About how harmful smoking is for a person, comes literally from every iron. Poisoning by inhaled cigarette smoke is the cause of the development of cancer, heart attacks, strokes, and diseases of almost all internal organs. Naturally, as part of the excretory system of the body, the skin also suffers, and in addition to it, hair, nails, teeth. The skin of a smoker has a yellowish tint, a grayish color on the face under the eyes, they age faster, are very susceptible to the formation of wrinkles, and are characterized by flabbiness and dullness. Hair becomes duller and more brittle than it was before the addiction. Nails and teeth noticeably turn yellow, acquire a fetid odor.

The use of certain groups of medicines

The drugs that exist today can be divided into natural and synthetic, and the latter usually have a narrowly targeted effect, and a long list of contraindications and side effects. Due to their intake, the digestive organs can suffer - the liver, kidneys, intestines, which take the first blow in removing the decay products of synthetic elements. Further, the skin is included in the processes of removing excess medicines - various kinds of rashes, peeling and redness, and allergic reactions appear.

Hormonal pathologies

The deterioration of skin health during the onset of hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function) is pronounced - the skin becomes dry and pale, the face has an edematous appearance.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease associated with insufficient production or lack of production of the hormone insulin. In diabetes, a person also has dry skin, pustular rashes, and itching may disturb.

Due to long-term use of glucocorticosteroid drugs, a person may develop hypercorticism. At the same time, the skin becomes dry, thin, and acquire a bluish tint.

Adolescence is a time when a global hormonal restructuring occurs in the body, the work of the sebaceous glands intensifies, which causes a large number of acne, blackheads, pustules. In addition to special care, for the treatment of problematic skin in a teenager, you need to turn to in order to influence the problem from the inside.

Nervous pathologies and disorders

The skin is one of the human sense organs, they contain a huge number of tactile receptors. Naturally, any nervous stresses and upheavals experienced by a person inevitably affect their condition.

Often, in response to severe stress, a person may develop itching, hives, various rashes, exacerbations of eczema, and neurodermatitis. Doctors in such cases advise using essential oils and resorting to aromatherapy, for example, in case of depression, geranium, patchouli, pepper oils have a positive effect on the body. Tea tree oil, geranium oil help relieve irritability and improve sleep, and ylang-ylang oil is used for insomnia.

Sleep deprivation and its disorders

Night time is the period when the human body needs to rest. Sleep, the most useful for the beauty and health of the skin, is considered sleep until 12 o'clock at night. How many people today go to bed at 10-11 pm, given that some people only get home from work at 8-9 pm? The skin reacts to lack of sleep and its incorrect regimen accordingly - with a grayish tint, bags and bruises under the eyes, flabbiness, swelling.

It is at night, in sleep, that all regeneration processes take place, so it is very important not only to go to bed on time and sleep for a sufficient amount of time, but also to apply night cream or special serums to the skin.

Environmental factor

It is known that excess sunlight causes premature aging skin. Similarly, a person is affected by polluted air, dirty or chlorinated, radioactive elements and various chemical emissions into the air. The only way to partially protect yourself from such influence is to select protective cosmetics for the skin.

Heredity and skin health

The hereditary factor is not only the transmission at the gene level of a tendency to a particular disease, but also the laying of a lifestyle, food culture and attitude towards one's health. It often happens that people in the same family suffer from the same chronic diseases and skin problems - this is not surprising, because they jointly lead the same wrong lifestyle, eat wrong. If one person in a family smokes, the rest inevitably become passive smokers, and their health is constantly harmed.

Treatment of facial skin problems: what to do, which doctor to contact

First of all, if you have acne, comedones, redness and inflammation on your face, you need to contact a dermatologist. This narrow specialist examines the patient, asks him about all the symptoms that cause concern, directs him to take specific tests, prescribes and develops an individual treatment regimen.

A very important component of caring for problem skin is proper nutrition, with enough vitamins and minerals, quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, normalizing sleep and rest, a sufficient amount of time spent on fresh air, hiking, sports.

For care and make-up, it is necessary to choose the most sparing cosmetics suitable for the type of skin. For the duration of the treatment of problematic skin, it is generally better to refuse decorative cosmetics.

To date, the cosmetology industry offers many procedures designed to restore a healthy and attractive appearance to the skin - moisturizing lifting, ozone therapy, mesotherapy, beauty injections, cryosurgery of neoplasms, laser resurfacing, cryotherapy.

It should be noted that and folk recipes For home care behind the skin of the face are somewhat popular, although they lose professional tools and procedures in efficiency. So, for example, for acne, you can use a decoction of mint leaves in the form of a tonic, as well as infusions and decoctions, strings,. To relieve inflammation and care sensitive skin use a decoction of the juice of the leaves - it has antiseptic and antibacterial, soothing properties.

For home peels, scrubs and masks, aloe juice, eggs, mint, lemon, essential oils, various grades of clay, oatmeal.

A person's face is the first thing that people around pay attention to, his “calling card”. Maintaining his skin in a healthy and aesthetically attractive state is not an easy task, but doctors, cosmetologists and a huge number of medical procedures, products and recipes give hope for acquiring healthy and beautiful skin even in difficult cases.