Interesting New Year's scenes for high school students. Funny and funny scenes for high school students for the new year. Short scene: "Tangerines"

All sorts of miracles happen on New Year's Eve. No wonder this time is called magical, amazing. In preparation for school new year holiday creativity is important. It is important that the scenario of the holiday is modern, interesting and fun. This scenario has everything you need for an unforgettable pastime on the New Year's, school light. Time spent 40-50 minutes. Designed for high school students only.

Baba Yaga, Stylist, Snow Maiden, Father Frost, Kikimora, Goblin, Blonde, Leading, Leading.

On the stage scenery of Baba Yaga's hut. The leader and leader appear.

The New Year is rushing towards us, rushing,
Soon a miracle will happen
Magic time is coming soon
It's time to make a wish!
It's time to prepare congratulations
And light fires everywhere
Wear bright clothes
Have a great holiday ahead!

Right, right, get ready
Get ready, try
Soon the tree will light up
The holiday is knocking at the door!

Dear friends, we are glad to see you today at our holiday. As you know, the New Year is a time of change and magic.

Change is always good. Everyone strives for them, and even fairy-tale heroes.

Here you are talking about now?

Didn't you hear? Baba Yaga has now decided to change her appearance. Everyone around here already knows, and only you do not know.

You're lying! It can't be!

Maybe, maybe! We bet, on desire, that by the end of the evening, Baba Yaga will become a beauty!

Ah, we argue! Get ready, I'll make a wish for you! I'll just look for an idea on the Internet and think of it!

Come on, I'll help you find it! And at the same time I will make sure that the desire is decent!

(The hosts leave. Baba Yaga appears on the stage, all in rags, with a mirror in her hands)

Baba Yaga:
Soon, soon the New Year
The whole country was waiting for him
Soon, soon he will come
Even I got excited!
I need to pick a dress
Makeup, hairdo,
I need to clean up the house
And make salads!
Can dye your hair
Or maybe curl them
Can I fix my eyebrows
And curl your eyelashes!
What to do, I don't know
I haven't painted in a long time
I'll conjure a stylist
In idea! Decided!

(Makes a symbolic gesture with his hands, the Stylist appears in the hall. Enters, buried in a magazine)

Stylist :
Now, now my princess, I'll show you the latest! You will fall with delight! Here, look dear, what a color, what a wow! (looks up).Oh, where am I? What actually happened? My baby, where are you? What bad taste around, horror, what!

Baba Yaga:
Well, why immediately horror? Yes, slightly untidy.

Stylist :
What bad manners! What a dress, what hair, what a look!

(Sounds the chorus of the song "Well, why are you so terrible")

Baba Yaga:
Yes, I am a beauty! Wow, really a pro, appreciated my most fashion dress. Like?

Stylist :
Like? Yes, you can scare children in it on Halloween!

Baba Yaga:
So, what do you think I'm doing?

Stylist :
What about hair? And those nails! And anyway, where is my Bead? She's not finished yet!

Baba Yaga:
In general, the barber, stop lamenting! Come on, make me beautiful! Run!

Stylist :
Wow, how rude. What if I refuse?

Baba Yaga:
I'll eat you or turn you into a toad!

Stylist :
But, I have everything on record!

Baba Yaga:
Oh, enough already! Turn me into a beauty!

Stylist :
Okay, I've convinced you! Say what you want?

Baba Yaga:
I want, I want, I want, well, I don’t know, to be nice!

(The stylist pulls out two photos from his pocket, one of a girl with hair and makeup, the other of a horror monster)

Stylist :
Alas, it is impossible to explain what "cute" is, you have to see it for yourself. It's not too late to refuse, then there will be no going back. Choose this picture (shows an option with a monster), I can’t help, choose this picture (shows make-up) you will be in a fairy tale. Remember, darling, I'm only offering you perfection!

Baba Yaga:
What is there to choose? Paint me! New Year is coming soon!

(The stylist begins supposedly putting Baba Yaga in order. Goblin and Kikimora appear on the stage)

Hey old, we're here to drink tea with grebes. Put the kettle on! So I don't understand what's going on here?

Did you suddenly think of this?

Baba Yaga:
Get off you! I decided to be beautiful and find myself a groom. And that I'm all alone, yes alone? Yes, and I want to meet the New Year as a human being, transformed so to speak!

Leshun, did you hear? She got married! Oh, I can't! Ha, ha, ha, ha!

The bride is old!

Stylist :
And here, you laugh in vain! You, dear, need to refresh your skin, put your hair in order, in general, a complete upgrade! But you dear, a manicure, a new dress and makeup would not hurt, otherwise you look terrible!

I am the mistress of the swamps
I know how to scare
And I'm beautiful, I'm irresistible
I go to the salon every year!

And I'm beautiful from birth,
I'm beautiful, no doubt
So brutal, strong
And fashionable myself I will give advice!

Stylist :
Are you on the waiting list?

(Kikimora and Leshy unanimously “Yes.” The stylist takes out a tablet)

Stylist :
Taks, can I accept you in 2019, and then, only early in the morning, record?

Are you kidding me? Now come on! I also want to celebrate the New Year beautiful!

And I!

Stylist :
OK then. Only you guess a couple of riddles, and then I will decide who will be the first and who will come in 2019!

(Several riddles are read, or instead of them, you can hold some one in which the audience can also take part. The stylist chooses the winner. Heels are heard. The Blonde appears with curlers on her head, with a phone in her hands and in a hairdresser's robe)

Blonde :
My bead! I didn't understand! What's the matter? Where are you all lost? Why do I have to look for you by GPS?

Stylist :
Well, my bubochka, they promised to eat me here.

Blonde :
So what! Would eat, then come back and finish! It's a few hours before the New Year, and I still have to remember where I need to go.

Lady, in line, here, by the way, everyone wants to be beautiful!

Blonde :
Fi what, not perfect.

Baba Yaga:
Hey, don't interfere with the maestro's work! And then I'll turn everyone into toads!

Blonde :
Oh, I don't mind, green is on trend, I'll be trendy!

You will be croaking, not fashionable!

(A knock is heard. A disheveled Snow Maiden with Santa Claus flies into the hut)

Snow Maiden :
Through the wind, through the snow they made their way,
And my braids are a little disheveled,
Lightly and drip makeup,
I need to be beautiful urgently, now!
I'm in an hour to lead round dances,
Songs to sing, dance and joke,
Come on, stylist, bring beauty to me,
And then I can deprive the gift!

Blonde :
Fi what! By the way, there's a queue! So let's get in line like everyone else!

Snow Maiden :
By the way, I am the granddaughter of Santa Claus!

Blonde :
And Che, and my dad is the President, but who boasts!

Father Frost :
Waiting for care, kids,
It's time for us to go
Be good, I beg
Comb her hair!

Baba Yaga:
Look, how dull, they said the same in line! I actually rented it first!

Father Frost :
Yaga, are you thinking of spoiling the holiday again?

Baba Yaga:
And do not spoil anything, I just want to be beautiful and get married! Maybe I want to be kind, but you all interfere!

Snow Maiden :
Here, be good! Let me pass! I have a tree, children!

Baba Yaga:
And I have happiness on the line!

Father Frost :
Well, be a man, Yaga! I have already prepared New Year's greetings! I want to get home as soon as possible, I have a fur coat there, Olivier, aspic! And the granddaughter will have a cake!

Blonde :
Oh, I parked, I parked, I don’t remember where I parked!

(Everyone begins to argue animatedly, gesticulate. The curtain falls. The presenters appear)

presenter (rubbing hands):
Ready to fulfill my New Year's, honestly won caprice?

Are you ready to play mine if you lose?

But this was funny. Where am I and where will I lose?

Leading (allegedly conjuring):
Now, immediately, appear before us,
Beauty, well-groomed such,
The one that the soul of evil was reptiles,
The one that was called the Bone Leg!

(The curtain rises. A girl is standing on the stage in beautiful dress with makeup and hair)

Who let a stranger into the hall? Girl, clear the stage, we have an important argument here!

Yes, you stand! What did you throw? Girl, who are you?

Young woman:
My name is Yagulechka, my Stylist came up with a name for me, and chose a dress too.

Invented? What was your name before?

Young woman:
Baba Yaga, but that's in the past. I am now kind, beautiful!

You must be evil and scary!

Young woman:
Why was I angry and scary before, but because I didn’t have a Stylist!

I command you, loser, to fulfill my cherished desire!

(A wish is made corresponding to the topic. The host can also appoint fun competition from the site of congratulations. In the meantime, the Host performs, other heroes appear on the stage, dressed in beautiful outfits)

The New Year is already upon us
Soon everything will happen to us
It is only worth wishing
And accept your gift!

(After that, everyone sings together the song of the Disco Accident “The New Year is rushing towards us”)

The evening is drawing to a close
The holiday is knocking at our door,
I want to pay tribute to him
Let the fires burn everywhere!

I offer us friends
Light a beautiful Christmas tree!
Friendly, come on, one, two, three,
Christmas tree, come on, burn!

Teenagers are also children, and they also love New Year's celebrations and holidays. Our script for the New Year's holiday for grades 7-8 was created specifically for young people aged 14-15 years old, and will help the organizers to make New Year's holidays fun, modern and interesting for children. The program was developed taking into account the characteristics of the age and interest of spectators and participants, so the script is based on contests, games, dances, and of course, humor.


  • Father Frost;
  • Lead 1 (Year 2020);
  • Lead 2 (Year 2021);
  • Snow Maiden;
  • The Snow Queen;
  • Baba Yaga;
  • Robbers.

And now ... a modern New Year's scenario!

Q1: Good evening, hello friends!

We are glad to welcome everyone to this festive hall, which is filled with sincere smiles and New Year's mood - today we are seeing off a good and positive 2017, the symbol of which I will be at the holiday!

Q2: But do not be sad - after all, very soon a young and promising year, like me, 2021 will enter our homes.

V1: Well, we'll see if it's promising or not... But the year 2017 was really productive - new sports victories, new teachers who are just starting their teaching career, but high school students have already managed to like it. And the most pleasant thing in 2017 is the new girls who graced the already beautiful half of the high school.

V2: So, of course, everything that concerns girls - knocks you out of rhythm. Don't get distracted from the topic. We are serious guys. You are the symbol of the past year, and I am the symbol of the future. Therefore, our task today is to make our holiday as positive and fun as possible.

Q1: Well, if so, how are we going to amuse people?

B2: As always, we will invite guests, well, Santa Claus. We will meet loudly, receive gifts, and go home.

Q1: Yes, something is boring. Come on, let's invite unusual guests.

Q2: Unusual? Cool, come on.

В1: So, to your applause, dear friends, we meet the guests!

(A phonogram sounds, the Snow Queen comes out, Baba Yaga (dressed in modern costumes) with robbers, they dance a modern dance.)

Let's go! We got talking!
Holidays need to be delayed.
We've been here before
So let's hang out!

THE SNOW QUEEN: Build everyone! The Snow Queen is young, slender, beautiful, harsh and capricious. I can't stand happy Holidays- I love a snowstorm, ice. To fear the cold, and tremble with fear.

Oh, the most powerful, the best subjects are before you!
Baba Yaga is a folklore element.
They curse me, hag, and scold me.
I do evil in one moment,
Let them know about it right away.

ROBBER 1: Hello, old wrecked woman, and you, queen of the cold. Oh, and we hurried to the party, oh, and we got cold on the road!

ROBBER 2: Yes, and now - they finally arrived to spoil the holiday of youth!

YAGA: Your coldness! But we do not only know how to celebrate - for a whole year we taught high school students the skill of rudeness and vulgarity, arranged a glass-breaking championship, an olympiad in the knowledge of bad words, and competitions in the number of parent calls to school.

Sn.K .: Oh-oh, excellent students right! So, shut up, everyone shut up! Think let's go! How can we disrupt the holiday here, and so that no one dares to interfere!

Rogue 1: Stop! We didn't agree! I don't work for free. What will be our salary? I'm interested in the fee, and don't be stingy - I know you're a rich aunt!

Sn.K: Don't worry. I will cry. And for starters, let's warm up. I'll play you hip-hop, it'll be like exercise.

(Members of the dance group come out, perform a hip-hop dance or any other dance.)

V1: Listen, gentlemen, maybe we can somehow agree with you so that you both have fun and we don’t feel sad?

Sn.K.: And what can you offer us, human beings?

Q2: A lot of things - the limits of youth talents are endless. Life at the school is in full swing. Meet young talents!

(An artistic number is performed: circus or vocal)

(includes Snow Maiden)

SNOW MAIDEN: Oh, I see, I came on time. Fun in full swing. I wonder if they are waiting for me here?

SK: And we, by the way, are fine here without you. You see, they came or flew in, they wanted to celebrate.

Robber 1: I don't like snowflakes. And even more princesses. So, one or two, the hall was freed from its person, quickly!

ROBERT 2: Oh, well done, well said!

ROBBER 1: Whatever they say, I'll do it, the main thing is to get paid.

SN: And I'm not going to leave - I've been waiting for a whole year for the moment to demonstrate my new outfit and a new ensemble of creative snowflakes - meet!

(First, the melody of the song “Watch” by Valeria sounds. The Snow Maiden sings.)

Here, I'm coming to you for a holiday,
There will be many surprises
Again the hall is filled with miracles
And we will be with you.
I believe that in our fairy tale there will be magic again.
Again, high school students will come to the Christmas tree,
On the dance floor they will light up, and then they will sing,
And the school alarm clock will say tick-tock again -
New Year is on the threshold, all the people have fun.

(The melody stops. Rhythmic music turns on. An ensemble of “snowflakes” runs out - guys dressed in white skirts and T-shirts, crowns on their heads. They dance a fragment of modern dance. At the end, they approach the robbers, throw them over their shoulders and take them out of the hall)

Sn.K: Hey, we didn't agree on that. You, harm, kind should be!

SN: That's right. But the modern Snow Maiden must be able to stand up for herself!

YAGA: Forgive us, Snow Maiden! We want to stay on holiday. And return the robbers, they are kind!

Q1: Listen, let's get together mode problem.

Q2: How is it?

В1: And to make it fun and cool for everyone - let's play a game!

SN: Okay, sorry everyone. Bring in the robbers!

(“Snowflakes” bring in the robbers.)

Sn: Tell me, why should I forgive you?

Sn.K .: Because we also love the holiday. Also, my kids are very talented! Like the coach, that is me!

SN: If so, demonstrate!

(Artistic number "Parkour from the robbers" (or acrobatics))

Sn: Wow, great! I'll have to leave you!

YAGA (offended): And I was also preparing - I came up with my own game. So, we invite the smart and brave to participate!

Competition "Dancing with balls"

(Pairs are formed - 5; each pair is given balloon, which couples need to hold without hands between their foreheads, then between their backs and dance to the music; the pair that holds the ball the longest wins. Rogues also take part in the game)

SN: Well done guys.

ROBBER 1: I didn't think it would be so much fun to play.

ROBERT 2: That's because the game is a dance game.

S.K .: I didn’t understand, guys, so you gave up?

Trickster: But what about S.K.'s money?

ROBBER 1: We were thinking, there are a lot of beautiful girls why do we need money? We'd better stay here, hang out together!

S.K .: Well, if so, then I will prove that I can spend the holidays. The competition "Kings of the dance floor" is announced!

YAGA: It's the one with my broom! Come on, we invite you to the competition!

Competition "Kings of the dance floor"

(Participants are assigned to the teams of the Snow Queen and the Snow Maiden. The Sn team invites 5 girls, and the S.K. team invites 6 guys; pairs are formed, one guy dances with a broom; a musical composition sounds, stops, the task is to change partners. Someone one "as a partner" gets a broom. The one who danced with a broom three times is eliminated.)

SNOW MAIDEN: Well done, friends! And you, the Snow Queen, came up with a really cool entertainment.

Sn.K.: The holiday is in full swing. A new year is already on the threshold. But Santa Claus couldn't come. A whole hall is waiting for him - he wants a real carnival.

Hurry up, knock on the window.
We have been waiting for you for a long time.
Hey grandpa old prankster
You come to us for a holiday!

Sn: Well, old woman, you give. Who calls Grandpa like that? Haven't you read fairy tales?

B1: All together, together, you need to call Grandfather.

Q2: We are celebrating the New Year 2021, D.M. calling!

(Together they call D.M. Call signs sound, D.M. “leaves” on a cool wooden deer, consisting of a head and a stick - a saddle)

D.M .: Take me, deer, according to my luck, lead me, deer, according to my command. Oh, wait, the GPS-navigator showed that the holiday will take place here. Then, welcome to all, youth!

Sn.: Hello, Grandpa. Where have you been for so long?

D.M.: Well, where, where? In a hardware store. Here, I bought a brand new acoustics for my laptop.

Sn.K: What is it and why?

D.M.: We, modern D.M. we keep up with the times. Everyone thinks I'm old, but I'm not. For a whole year I taught modern dances - hip-hop, tin-tonic, break-dance, and today I brought a whole ensemble of my friends to you for the holiday.

New Year is coming to us, friends
Christmas tree and gifts, and, of course - me
I will sing songs, we will dance.
Light up the whole evening on the dance floor!

(Artistic number - "Break dance from Santa Claus", performed by guys dressed in appropriate costumes.)

Sn .: Cool, grandpa, I didn’t expect from you!

D.M: Attention everyone! A Christmas surprise awaits you. The contest "Miss Crystal Slipper" is announced.

Competition for girls “Crystal Slipper”

SN: Today there are many beautiful girls in the hall, dressed in beautiful, with, and waiting for beautiful princes. Girls will compete in the Miss Crystal Slipper tournament and only one will be able to win this crystal slipper.

(S. and D.M. choose 7-8 participants from the girls present.)

SN: And the members of the jury will be the Snow Queen, Santa Claus., Snow Maiden

Z: The first nomination is called “La Solca”. Participants need to perform a song under karaoke.

(The competition is underway, the jury gives points.)

Z: The next stage is “Nimble Fingers”.

(Participants are brought small containers in which peas and beans are mixed, and two empty small containers. The task is to separate the peas from the beans as soon as possible.)

Z: The next stage is "High-Speed".

(As you know, in a fairy tale, Cinderella had to leave the ball while the clock was striking. Therefore, the task for the participants in a chicken step (foot to foot) is to overcome as much distance as possible in the allotted time.)

Z: The fourth competition is “Find your prince”.

(Participants are given boxes with "puzzles" - cut photographs of famous film actors, from which they should make a picture.)

Z: Our participants successfully completed all the tasks. But there was only one winner. Let's applaud her!

D.M.: And the Snow Maiden and I present the Crystal Slipper to the winner, and prizes for memory to all participants!

Sn: And now it's time to hold the MISTER PRINCE tournament. The jury is our members of the "Crystal Slipper".

(Rogues, Naughty pick a few guys to participate.)

Competition for boys “Mr. Prince”

Sn: The first task is for dexterity. But before that, tell me, what traditional outfit did Russian girls wear? That's right, sundress. Now you have to put on a sundress and a scarf for speed.

(A chair is placed in front of each participant, on which they put a sundress and a scarf.)

SN: The second stage is dance.

(Children dressed in sundresses should dance to a cheerful Russian tune.)

Sn.: The third round is New Year's.

(Participants become in a circle. One of them is given a staff of D.M., the participants must pass it to each other to the music. The music is over. The one who has the staff left is out.)

A .: We ask the jury to determine the winner and name Mr. Prince 2019.

(The awards ceremony for participants and the winner is underway).

Friends, everyone is happy and cheerful today. May the next year be just as active. I wish your age to be happy.

Sn: We wish you to meet new friends who will always support and help!

S.K.: I sincerely want your hearts to never be embraced by cold and ice!

YAGA: Let your thoughts be the brightest and most positive! Pranks and jokes will be fun!

SN: May everyone be happy - princes with princesses, girls with boys.

Festive, cheerful, kind New Year.
This children's holiday childish troubles!
And to meet the evening with dignity,
I want to wish everyone -
Have fun without problems!

Let sorrow take away
Coming new year!
Luck in the lessons and good luck,
Everything will be so, and not otherwise!

D.M: And now - high school students, go ahead: I order everyone to smile, dance and do not be shy!

SN: Grandfather read his decree for everyone - I think it’s not a sin for us to dance now!

Q1: Exactly, our party is not over, the fun is just beginning!

Q2: Everyone Have a good mood, we invite you to the New Year's final dance!

(The holiday continues with artistic performances and ends with a New Year's disco).

We hope that students in grades 7-8 will like this New Year's scenario. We tried to make it not “just a matinee”, but really interesting, fun and exciting. A artistic directors using our developments will spend less time preparing the holiday.

Happy New Year to you, dear teachers and children!

Scenario New Year's performance for high school students "Winter's Tale" Characters: Host Host Santa Claus Santa Claus Snegurochka The hall is decorated for New Year's Eve: garlands, a Christmas tree, snowflakes, etc. Two hosts appear on the stage in clothes corresponding to this holiday: evening dress. Leading. Hello dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to today's celebration. Leading. Outside the window, winter is the time of the most short days and the longest nights. But we love this time of year. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the “coniferous” joyful mood of happiness, change, and hope that this beloved holiday brings with it. Leading. It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, the most cherished desires come true, the most incredible miracles are possible. Today, the “Order Table” will work all evening, where you can congratulate your classmates, teachers and just friends on the upcoming New Year.” We are waiting for applications. The light goes out. Suddenly, strange laughter is heard into the microphone: Baba Yaga's voice. Well, did you want to celebrate the holiday, guys? And the holiday won't work. This is our holiday. We've been waiting for it for so long. And now we are not going to give it to you. Why are you quiet, doves. Didn't they recognize me? And this is me, your beloved ButterflyYaga. Okay, I'll show myself, so as not to suffer. The light turns on. Baba Yaga enters the assembly hall and sings a song. The melody is arbitrary, more is said than sung. Performed with an old woman's accent. Oh, whose is this? From behind a hill along the stream Goes, jumps, from chock to chock, Oh, this Butterfly, Baba Yagurochka. Oh, chia is chia, in a braid there is a scarlet ribbon, And it’s not a princess, and it’s not a snow maiden, Oh, this Butterfly, Baba Yagurochka. 1 Oh, whose is this, who is the best, All white herself, well, like a chicken, Oh, this Butterfly, Baba Yagurochka. Throughout the song, he approaches the audience, dances and, with the last words, rises to the stage. Baba Yaga. Good evening dear boys and girls! Well, are we celebrating? Well, celebrate, celebrate, just don't bother us. Today we have a big meeting of "good wizards" (laughs). And you have nothing to do with him. Leading. Listen, Yagurochka, in my opinion, it was you who interfered with us, not we. Baba Yaga. Well hello to you. We prevented them. No, you heard it. Hey, devilry, come here, flock, run and go up to the stage. Let's celebrate. Serpent Gorynych, Goblin, Kikimora enter the hall to cheerful music. While walking, laughing, dancing. They rise to the stage. Baba Yaga. Well hello my dears. How glad I am to see you. You have already heard that we are now going to celebrate the holiday. They say that this is a holiday of goodness and light. No, you heard it. The evil spirit laughs. Serpent. Yagurochka, what's the actual problem? Let me burn them all together now with my blue flame, and there is no problem. Baba Yaga. Well, uncouth bastard. A new century has already come, and he will “burn”, “sleep”. It's time to move forward. Come up with something new. And I don't want any fire at all. Tired. I want one thing: that the new millennium belongs to us! And point. Why only people? Therefore, dear, vacate the premises. Kikimora and Goblin (laugh). Dadada, vacate the premises! Leading. Well, no, dear evil spirit. Let's have your scheduled meeting elsewhere. For example, in the Koshcheev castle. By the way, where is this walking museum piece? Something he is not visible among you. Serpent. None of your business. Not yet evening. Leading. I propose to spend a small New Year's Eve competitive program . Whoever wins, he and 2 rules the ball. Agreed? And so that our guests do not get bored, we organize our evening in such a way that there are dances, competitions, and much more interesting things. Do you agree? Evil spirits (after conferring). And you will not deceive? Leading. We won't cheat. Only you can cheat. Devilry. Nonono! No need! Leading. Well, go down to the hall and have fun with the guests, and when the competition program begins, we will immediately invite you. In the meantime, dear friends, welcome to the first dance block. The first dance block (10 minutes 2 songs). Leaders take the stage. Leading. The year begins with a blue twilight, An old Christmas tree tale, Flickering and sparkling candles, Hidden hope: of course, it will be good. And prickly frost, and a scattering of stellar paths. Leading. And the snow is still flying, showering powders. And over every tree in the forest a star lit up. The year begins - well, of course, it will be good, And with happiness it will make friends with you forever! More than once today and in the coming days, words of congratulations from friends, acquaintances, even passers-by, to all people from TV screens will sound. Leading. We wish you only one thing: let all these wishes and congratulations for the new year improve your mood and instill hope, warmth and faith in your hearts that this coming year of the Snake will really be good. We really miss Santa Claus - let's remember a little childhood and call him to us. Let's just do it in an organized way. This part of the hall will stomp your feet. (Grade 11) Leader. This part of the audience will clap their hands (Grade 8), and this part of the hall will get the most difficult thing: laugh (Grade 9). I think it is impossible not to hear such a stunning greeting, and our Santa Claus will appear here any minute. Evil spirits are on the scene. Devilry. We didn't agree on that. The fact that this forest robber will appear here now does not suit us in the least. Leading. Rogue? They made me laugh. The robber is your friend - Soloveychiksoloveychik. By the way, he doesn't either. Do they have problems with Koshchei? Kikimora. Your Grandfather brought such a cold in the forest, piled up snowdrifts - you can’t get through, you can’t drive. He knows that 3 women live in the forest. We that, specifically, to get here, had to get a sled? In general, he does not need mulberry. Leading. No, friends. Without Santa Claus there can be no New Year. So you'll have to deal with it. In the meantime, the first competition. Well, Yaga, take your wards, will we fight in the first competition? Leading. And I invite everyone to stand by the Christmas tree. So we play the simplest new year game- "New Year's Terms". Passing the ball in turn, you will name words that are related to the New Year. Who can not say the word leaves the circle. The chain should not be interrupted, that is, there is no time to think for this, too, a punishment, you will have to leave the circle. Are the rules clear? Competition No. 1 Game "New Year's terms" Christmas tree, balls, snow, etc. The presenters come out. Leading. Now let's call Santa Claus. Remember how we will do it? We stomp, we clap, we laugh. So, we started. Spectators perform actions. A soundtrack from the film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession" ("A Tale Suddenly... In Silence..."). Santa Claus and Santa Claus enter. Everyone applauds. Father Frost and Santa rise to the stage. Father Frost. Hello dear friends! I am glad that I finally got to your paradise, and my American colleague came to congratulate you with me. Happy New Year to you! Year of the Snake! The face of generations is changing, And everyone has their share. Twelve animal creations Consider us the run of being. With faith we are ready to bow, To any living animal, So that we have earthly happiness According to the lunar calendar. Let in next year we will be wise, fair and cheerful, there will be more kind words and good health with a margin. And now my American colleague will say a few words. Santa Claus. Dear friends! You are very little different from us. Every year you wish each other the same thing and - what is most amazing - believe that it will definitely come true. And when the year passes in the same way as the previous one, without any special achievements, you, with the same optimism in the new year, wish each other the same again and more. This amazes us. You are incorrigible in your optimism, and this quality cannot but delight. Happy New Year to you and really health to you, wealth: spiritual and material, and the fulfillment of all your desires in the new year. 4 All evil spirits enter the scene. Baba Yaga. No, well, look at them. Are we here to listen to all this nonsense? Kikimora. Yes. We have no other business. Let's get your contests here. We need power, and they are playing in sentimentality. Leading. Will have to wait. We have another musical break. Dance break - the best songs of the outgoing year. (1 song) Host (during the dance program). Dear friends! I think you feel great on our New Year's dance floor. Imagine that now millions of people are dancing with you, embraced by the pre-New Year atmosphere, the whole world is absorbed in pleasant chores, filled with music and colorful lights. 1 song After a dance break, Leshy and Kikimora appear on the stage. Goblin. So, I saw you flirt with a man-cub. Kikimora. And what not? We're on holiday! Goblin. It compromises us, don't you understand. Look, princess! I'll tell dad, he will quickly beat your cupids on the side. Kikimora (offended). Well, talk. I will still dance with them. They sing to the tune from The Bremen Town Musicians. Goblin. Ah, Kikimora, well, you are stupid! Why are you headless! Stop giggling - I'm not kidding at all! Kikimora. I will do what I want! Goblin. The whole school is moaning from you. Throw you, my dear, your disgrace, Or else I'll yell at you! Kikimora. I will do what I want! Goblin. Here, my dear, what do cupids mean! So that I don't see troubadours in the forest, 5 Otherwise I'll personally drown everyone! Kikimora. I will run away from the forest! Goblin. Stop arguing. Here Baba Yaga will appear, she will arrange a beating for you. Shout into place, green. Kikimora joins the evil spirits. Leaders appear on the stage. Leading. Father Frost! Where did you lose your granddaughter? Santa Claus (climbing the stage): Yes, I didn’t lose her - this honest company took care of it. Thanks to them, she remained outside the Old Year. And to save her, unfortunately, my magical power is not enough for me. We still need noble hearts. That is why I turn to you, dear friends. Help, Snow Maiden. And what is a holiday without it? The applicant is located, and he is called to the stage. Immediately, Baba Yaga and the Serpent Gorynych enter the stage. Baba Yaga. There is a very simple way to free your beauty. Give us the reins of government in the New Millennium and take your Snow Maiden. We don't need her for free. She's nothing but trouble. Father Frost. No, dear. Everything will be fair. What condition did you set? If we complete your tasks, then you give a hint on how to free the Snow Maiden. Do you remember? Baba Yaga. I do remember. Father Frost. Everything is very simple. And you don't have to be smart. Give me your assignments. Baba Yaga. So, the first task: Who is the most charming and attractive? Laughs. Answer. (You, Yagurochka, are the most charming and attractive.) Baba Yaga (breaking up). Right. Well, I always knew that, so it's not an assignment. I was just joking. And now the first task. (confer) Contest No. 2: Three teams of 6 people are called. While the music is playing, you are dancing merrily, as soon as the music stops, the members of each team must form a letter, which I will name. Music! Competition number 3: Blindfold get up from a chair. Following the leader's commands (4 steps forward, 4 to the right, 4 to the left, etc.), return to the chair and sit on it. 6 Baba Yaga. (to the winner of the contest) All right. If you arrange these signs of the zodiac correctly one after another, a song will sound, and all those present will correctly stand up to their sign, then the door from the Old Year will open, and you will be able to pick up the girl. The guy arranges the signs of the zodiac. ARIES, TAURUS, GEMINI, CANCER, LEO, VIRGO, LIBRA, SCORPIO, SAGITTARIUS, CAPRICORN, AQUARIUS, PISCES. Music sounds. The phonogram of the opening of a creaking door is heard. The guy goes backstage and takes the Snow Maiden out of there. Snow Maiden. Hello dear friends! The evil spirit mimics her words and whispers about something on the sidelines. Snow Maiden. Again blizzards and frosts, Again a snow blizzard. Only unless you freeze, Kohl such a rigmarole! In large cities and villages On Christmas trees the lights are burning, In every hall, in every school The holiday pleases the children. What a holiday, people? It's called the New Year! Father Frost. Make your deepest wish. With youthful joy in the eyes of the New Year comes on the threshold. In the blue flying snowfall, With the free wind of distances and roads. Dear friends, let's have fun. After all, today we celebrate the best holiday on earth. The holiday with which we pin all our hopes... Santa Claus (rising up onto the stage). Our happiness and good luck. Snow Maiden. In it we see the meaning of our life and believe in it to the depths of our souls. All. Happy New Year! Music! Father Frost. Dear friends! Let's spend the Old Year with a cheerful dance. Competition No. 4 "Snake" Calls two participants to the stage. 7 Santa Claus. Dear friends! You must each make your own snake. And after the end of the music, we will see who will have it longer, he will receive our first New Year's prize. Phonogram. Participants descend into the hall and make up two snakes to the music. After that, in each snake, they ask evil spirits to count the number of people and give the prize to the winner. The dance program continues (20 minutes). During it, Father Frost, Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and evil spirits are photographed with the guests. Then the presenters reappear on the stage. Leading. Competition No. 5 "Changeling" Dear friends, and now we offer you a small competition. We will read you the titles of literary works: novels, fairy tales. Only one "but" ... This is a contest of "shifters". For example: Blue scarf (Little Red Riding Hood). Got the principle? The one who first calls the answer - comes to us on stage. So, we started. Square (Kolobok). Mouse in sandals (Puss in Boots). Garbage Continent (Treasure Island). Nailed down by the calm (Gone with the wind). Happiness from stupidity (Woe from Wit). Homebody Mouse (Traveler Frog). Dog kennel (Cat's house). Sun Prince (Snow Queen). Leading. Here are our winners. Now we will raffle off a prize among them. I give each of you one piece of paper. Whoever throws the piece of paper the farthest wins a prize. Note to the facilitator: the larger the arm swing, the closer the leaf will fall. Then the holiday goes as follows: a disco alternates with contests and quizzes. Musical break (2 songs) Competition No. 6 "From the Snow Maiden" Competition: "Take the prize." A package with a prize is placed on the chair. Around the chair are the participants of the competition. Santa Claus reads the poem "One, two, three." Those who tried to grab the prize out of time are eliminated from the competition. I'll tell you a story a dozen and a half times. As soon as I say the word "three" Take the prize immediately! Once we caught a pike. Gutted it, and inside the small fishes we counted 8 And not one, but two whole. A seasoned boy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion, Look, don't be cunning at the start, And wait for the team one, two, seven. When you want to memorize verses, Don't memorize them until late at night, And repeat them to yourself One, two, or better Five! Recently I had to wait three hours for a vocal train. But why didn't you take the prize, friends, Who had the opportunity to take it? Musical break (1 song) Competition No. 7 “Live Christmas tree The dancers form their own dance mini-circles, and in each circle they choose a “Christmas tree”. Santa Claus must go through all the circles and choose the most beautiful, elegant and dancing Christmas tree. ." Musical break (1 song) Performance with guests “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” Competition No. 8 Santa Claus and Snow Maiden: And now you will see a real performance with very talented actors in the lead roles. But for this I need your help. Need 10 helpers. Come here. So well done, great. Here you will be our actors. Now you yourself and everyone who is here will see what wonderful artists you are. Roles are distributed (or simply assigned and remembered or cards are distributed): Christmas tree, snowstorm, frost, snowball, bunny, wolf, snake, horse, firewood, little man. Santa Claus: The plot of our production is very simple. You probably already guessed that this is my favorite song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." Our artists need to get into the image of their heroes and portray all their actions as best as possible. The best actor will receive a prize. So, artists, are you ready? Viewers, please applause. Artists, take a bow. Started! Next, the words of the song are recited, and the actors depict all the events. The last verse everyone sings loudly and clap their hands. Applause. : "Turnip" in a new way. Competition No. 9 Allow me to introduce the artists (represents the artists, they must say their line with expression). Turnip (pleased). Here I am. Grandfather (sick). Oh, how my back grabbed. 9 Grandmother (grouchy). Always interrupted from work. Granddaughter (model). I'm ready. Bug (bandit). Stop! I will shoot! Cat (lazy). A little, just me! Mouse (laughing). Hahaha! I will read a fairy tale, as soon as you hear your name, immediately say your line and participate in the fairy tale. All clear? Musical break (1 song) Competition No. 10 “Musical chair” Santa Claus with girls (6 people) Snow Maiden with young people (6 people) Musical break (1 song) Competition No. 11 “Mask, mask, I know you! It is not for nothing that you are all wearing masks today, and during our evening you have probably already guessed who is hiding under the mask. Now I will show a photo, and whoever finds this person will receive a prize from Santa Claus. We started ... In the final, all the artists go on stage. Father Frost. Every song has a chorus, every encounter has an ending. Santa Claus. And now it's time for us to say goodbye, but a year will pass and a new holiday A cheerful one will enter our house again. Snow Maiden. Dear friends! Thank you for being with us all this time. Happy New Year. Peace, hopes, great ideas and great paths. Hours go by, days go by - Such is the law of nature. We hasten to congratulate you, friends, Now we are happy New Year. Evil spirits, one of you can also turn to our guests, say something, wish. Baba Yaga. Serpent, you are the smartest. You fly around the world, you know everything. Speak. Just don't hit the dirt in the face. Snow Maiden. Not a face in the dirt, but a face in the dirt. Baba Yaga. Don't study science. Serpent (addressing the audience). Dear comrades! Friends! Ladies and Gentlemen! Ladies and gentlemen! Workers and collective farmers! 10 Signors, senoritas and signorinas! Boys and girls! Workers of fields and farms! Soldiers, sailors and foremen! Corporal! Postilions and porters! Swiss and Swiss! Penzyaks and penzyachki! Pashkovites and Pashkovites! Archbishops and Popes! Mothers and sisters! Retirees and students! My good citizens! I have nothing to tell you! Father Frost. Well, what kind of disgrace is this, Yagurochka? I will never let you party again. Baba Yaga. And we will not ask, we will come ourselves. Well, well, well. We want to give you guys one piece of advice: If you came to the Christmas tree, demand your gift right away. Goblin. And see that Santa Claus does not heal any candy, Kikimora. And do not think without looking back Bring home leftovers. Serpent. As dad and mom jump in - All gifts will be taken away! Father Frost. No, well, you can't really say Happy New Year to people. Devilry. Competition No. 12 "Lottery ticket" No. 1. Georgian tea accidentally dropped out on your ticket. (Tea). No. 2. So that your face and your hands are clean, A piece of fragrant soap fell out on your ticket. (Soap). No. 3. Dimensionless vessel for various volumes of liquid. (Ball). No. 4. To keep your teeth from hurting, brush them at least once a week. (Toothbrush). No. 5. They wanted to win a flashlight, but they got just a ball. (Ball) No. 6. Must be happy in abundance. From the lottery you now: You have a wonderful postcard I got it as a souvenir from us. (Postcard). No. 7. Get an air balloon, Fly into space to the stars. (Ball). No. 8. A rather rare surprise for you - 11 Two paper napkins. (Two paper napkins). No. 9. Get it, hurry up: You have a notebook: write poetry. (Notebook). No. 10. You look great: Both clothes and hair. And as a reward, it was not in vain that your win fell - a comb. (Comb). No. 11. Read about all the news in the world in the newspaper. (Newspaper with a crossword). No. 12. You got the candy, Come visit us. (Candy). No. 13. "Hurrah!" - shout to the whole world, You have a souvenir machine. (Machine). No. 14. There is no typewriter - We offer this item. (Pen). No. 15. In life, you have to hope for the best. Glue, take it if something does not stick. (Glue). No. 16. To write beautifully to you, Hurry to get a pen. (Pen). No. 17. This piece will correct the mistake, This eraser is called an elastic band. (Eraser). No. 18. This is not a cup, this is not a watering can. This is the line everyone needs. (Ruler). No. 19. Always sharpen your pencil And get a sharpener. (Sharpener). No. 20. Japanese camera. (Mirror). No. 21. Preparation for the development of the jaws. (Gum). No. 22. This subject will come in handy for you. (Pen). OK. CONGRATULATIONS! (evil spirits left) Snow Maiden. Another thing. Santa Claus. 12 I look at you and rejoice. You know how to have fun. And the evil spirit you have is wonderful. Not like ours: vampires and Halloween. Snow Maiden: Happy New Year, with new happiness! We should meet more often! Santa Claus Gentlemen need a tailcoat, Ladies are good and so! Snow Maiden: Only a plus in hair bows, And diamonds on the neck! Santa Claus: We wish everyone bright fairy tales, Carnival bright masks! Snow Maiden Gold and silver, And good luck, and kindness! Santa Claus: It's time to go on a long journey! It was a pleasure to have you! But there are other tasks! Father Frost and Snow Maiden: Happy New Year! Goodbye! 13

Short description

Organization of extracurricular activities of students.


Scenario New Year's Eve for high school students Responsible for conducting: students of grade 10 and class teacher Sentsov M.N. Year 10 students are traditionally responsible for holding New Year's Eve at our school. The peculiarity of organizing and holding this New Year's Eve was the number of students in the class. Since there are only 5 people in the class, the idea of ​​traveling around the world, in my opinion, was the most successful. Students in grades 8, 9 and 11 were given the task to represent the countries of the world, and my artists received 2, and some even 3 roles. Despite all the difficulties of preparation, the New Year's holiday turned out to be noisy and cheerful. Sounds like magic music Leading. One day the day and the hour come Everyone is waiting with hope for their arrival, And the miracle happens again And this is a miracle - the New Year! Leading. There are many wonderful holidays. Everyone comes in their turn. But in the world the most good holiday, The best holiday is the New Year. He comes on a snowy road Having swirled snowflakes round dance. The beauty of the mysterious and strict Fills the heart of the New Year. Leading. He gives us faith in a good case, On the first day and in a new turn, Helps to get better To all people in the world New Year Louder laughter and more joyful hugs. And flies from all earthly latitudes The fight of the clock, We are all brothers to each other. On the planet holiday - New Year. ******* Leading. Good evening, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to today's celebration. Leading. Dear guests, we have gathered today to celebrate the New Year together, and in order to remember this meeting for a long time, we will meet it in an unusual way. Leading. Outside, winter is the time of the shortest days and longest nights. But we love this time of year. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the joyful mood of happiness, change, and hope that this beloved holiday brings with it. Leading. It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, the most cherished desires come true, the most incredible miracles are possible. Don't believe? I am sure that you can be convinced of this if you become a participant in our New Year's holiday. Leading. And today we have a unique opportunity to travel to different countries of the world and find out what traditions of celebrating the New Year exist at different latitudes of the globe. Leading. Well, you and I have to go on a journey around the New Year's planet and celebrate the New Year together with other peoples! ******** Leading. I'm glad to see you today Lots of friendly guys here. Hello Nastya, Misha, Sasha, Serezha, Grisha, Masha... In a word, do not count everyone. Well, who is here for the first time - Let's meet now. Stop, don't move away Friendly all of you tell me What is your name. The children are screaming their names. Bad, repeat again Friendly all of you tell me What is your name. One, two, three - say your name! The children are screaming their names. Thank you, now I know all of you, and my name is... Gypsies enter to gypsy music, make a circle near the Christmas tree Gypsy. We are gypsies, cheerful people, We roam the world in wagons, Let's make a fire in a clean field, We will sing and dance our songs. A gypsy star beckons us, We can't sit still Even at night the guitar rings And in a dream we will dream of a road. Gypsy. To whom to tell fortunes, to predict fate. Hey, beauty, gild the pen, I'll tell the whole truth ... (Guessing) You are a good person - smart and beautiful. You just got sad, everything is not nice for you, you want something unusual ... I know the cure for any sadness, sadness! Gypsy. Which? Gypsy. Road! Gypsy. And really, why don't you go on the road with us? We have a new chaise, frisky horses, we will go all over the world, but let's see how it is in different countries ah New Year's Eve. Gypsy. First we will go to our gypsy homeland. After all, we gypsies come from India, a beautiful, mysterious country. From there, from India, our ability to sing, dance, guess. Let's hit the road! Sounds like Indian music Speech about India Sounds like Indian music Gypsy. Which interesting country: there are palm trees, and elephants, and people are so cheerful, smart. Gypsy. Oh, something made me sick from the heat and noise. Let's go further! Gypsy. And I know a quiet, calm country with strict rules and centuries-old traditions. Gypsy. And what is this country? Gypsy. This is Scotland! Scottish music sounds Speech about Scotland Scottish music sounds Gypsy. Where are we going next, gypsies? Gypsy. And I know a riddle about one country. The capital of which European state was called Serdika, since it was located almost in the center! (Bulgaria) Bulgarian music sounds Speech about Bulgaria Bulgarian music sounds
Terrible music sounds
Gypsy. Bulgaria is also a country of scary tales and ghosts. Don't believe? Gypsy. Oh wow, where did we get to? Gypsy. We have entered the domain of the Nightmare Wolf. He is very dangerous! Wolf. What? Who is dangerous - me? Yes, I am the kindest and most cheerful wolf in the world! Let's play something like football, shall we? Gypsy. Can you play football without a ball? Wolf. Yes, uh... Gypsy. Yes, it's very simple. Now we will split into two teams. You will be the captain in one, and I will be the captain in the other. (The hall is conditionally divided into two teams.) Gypsy. And who will I be? Gypsy. And you will be the judge. Gypsy. So, attention! As soon as I raise my right hand up, the Wolf team shouts in chorus: “Goal!” When I rise left hand, the other team shouts “Miss!”. See, don't get confused. And if I raise two hands up, then both teams shout “Hurrah” and clap their hands. So... let's start! Sounds like a football match The gypsy raises her right, then her left hand. The game ends with both hands raised. Gypsy. Draw! Both teams are awarded the title of champion. Wolf. It turns out that playing without the ball is more interesting! I'll go play with someone else! Gypsy. And our journey around the world continues. Forward! To Europe! To a wonderful country where they love songs, dances, the sun! You can hear the sound of breaking glass and dishes, the crackle of fireworks Gypsy. What's happening? It must be an earthquake. Gypsy. Do not worry! Nothing bad is happening. It's just the Italians celebrating the New Year. Italian music sounds Speech about Italy Italian music sounds Gypsy. Can I now order a route for further travel? Gypsy. And where are we going? Gypsy. To the homeland of the main Santa Claus in Finland, more precisely in the historical region of Finland - Lapland! Finnish music sounds Speech about Finland Finnish music sounds Gypsy. What a fabulous country Lapland is the birthplace of the main Santa Claus! Gypsy. Do you love fairy tales? Then I propose to go to Iran - to the homeland of Scheherazade and the fairy tales "Thousand and One Nights"! Iranian music sounds Speech about Iran Iranian music sounds Sounds like fabulous music
Gypsy. It seems that we are in some kind of fairy-tale land. Gypsy. Yes indeed. This is the land of the Unpredictable Dwarfs. Gypsy. How so? Gypsy. The gnomes here are unpredictable and they always confuse everything. Until we unravel them, we can't get out of here. Gnomes. Don't get out! Don't get out! (together) Dwarf. Let's play an interesting confusion game. Dwarf. To our questions, you must answer “Yes!” in unison! or not!" Dwarf. Santa Claus is known to everyone, right? (Yes) Dwarf. He comes at seven sharp, right? (No) Dwarf. Santa Claus is a good old man, right? (Yes) Dwarf. He wears a hat and galoshes, right? (No) Dwarf. Santa Claus is coming soon, right? (Yes) Dwarf. He will bring gifts, right? (Yes) Dwarf. The trunk is good for our Christmas tree, right? (Yes) Dwarf. It was cut down from a double-barreled shotgun, right? (No) Dwarf. What grows on the tree? Cones, right? (Yes) Dwarf. Tomatoes and gingerbread, right? (No) Dwarf. The view is beautiful near our Christmas tree, right? (Yes) Dwarf. There are red needles everywhere, right? (No) Dwarf. Santa Claus is afraid of the cold, right? (No) Dwarf. He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right? (Yes) Gypsy. You failed to confuse us! Show me the way now! A piercing whistle is heard Gypsy. What is this? Gypsy. We ended up in Hungary, where on New Year's Eve the inhabitants whistle away evil spirits from their homes. Hungarian music sounds Speech about Hungary Hungarian music sounds Gypsy. Is it time for us to go home? Gypsy. No. We haven't been to Japan yet. But it is the Japanese who are the first on the planet to celebrate the New Year. Gypsy. We are going to Japan - the Land of the Rising Sun. To gypsy music they make a circle near the Christmas tree Gypsy. This is the country! Not a country, but a solid exotic! Everything is so amazing and amazing! Japanese music sounds Speech about Japan Japanese music sounds Gypsy. We had a nice stay in Japan, and now it's time to go home - to Russia! Gypsy. What an interesting and wonderful journey. But nothing can be done, we must return! Being a guest is good, but being at home is better! Gypsy music sounds Gypsy. There are also many in Russia new year traditions and entertainment! Gypsy. In the New Year in Russia, they always waited for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. The sound of bells is heard Gypsy. Someone rides and rings bells? Isn't Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden? Let's call them together. Everyone calls Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden Sounds like magic music Father Frost. Hello dear friends! Happy New Year to all of you! I flew on the wings of the wind Many thousands of kilometers. Over frozen seas Over the fields, over the forests, I was in a hurry, guys to you, To my little friends. Let's sing and have fun Whirling in joyful dance Because at the gate The New Year is upon us. Snow Maiden. Hello guys Grandpa and I traveled around the world The sliding roads of winter. There are no happier children in the world than ours, Today we made sure of it! Father Frost. I was driving past with the Snow Maiden, I heard your voices and decided to come in, congratulate you on the holiday and have fun. You are good, have fun! And each of you, probably, has his own cherished desire? Think of it, and now I will knock with a staff, and in the New Year it will certainly come true. (After a short pause, he taps his staff.) Snow Maiden. Father Frost! Look what an elegant Christmas tree is! Make her even prettier! Father Frost. To do this, you need to say the magic words together: “One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!” Sounds like magic music , all in unison say the words, Christmas tree lit up with colorful lights Leading. Santa Claus, and Santa Claus! Where are you from? Father Frost. Oh, and you asked me a difficult question. I don't know it myself, and no one knows. Some people think that I was born in northern Finland, in Lapland. Others claim that I am Russian, from the city of Veliky Ustyug, in the Vologda region. Leading. And you, Snow Maiden, also know nothing about your homeland? Snow Maiden. How so - I do not know! I know very well. I'm from Russia. Because in many countries people believe in Santa Claus, they just call him differently - Santa Claus, Per Noel, Northern Santa. But his granddaughter, the Snow Maiden, that is, me, is known only in Russia. Father Frost. In Rus', only during the reign of Emperor Peter 1, a tradition appeared to celebrate the New Year - January 1. Peter 1 ordered to put a Christmas tree in the houses, decorate it with gingerbread, apples, multi-colored ribbons and beads. On this day in Russia, in cities and villages, they arranged funny Games and round dances. Snow Maiden. According to popular belief, how you celebrate the New Year is how you will live it. So let's have fun together, let's play, so that the coming year is kind and joyful. Several mobile competitions are held "Snowball game". Teams of girls and boys line up opposite each other, 5-6 people each. Each team receives "Snowballs" - wads of white paper, 2 snowballs for each team member. The task is to throw snowballs into your basket (bucket), placed 2-3 meters from the team. The game "Burst the ball". Two young men are invited to the stage. They stand with their right shoulders to each other and lay both hands behind their backs. A balloon of the same size is tied to their left feet. The task of the participant is to burst the opponent's ball, while maintaining his own. Hand pushing is prohibited. Pantomime game. In this game, it is proposed to first memorize the text: Santa Claus is coming, coming to us, Santa Claus is coming to us. And we know that Santa Claus Brings us gifts. After the text has been repeated, it is proposed to replace words with movements and gestures. The first words that are replaced are the word "we". Instead of these words, everyone points to themselves. With each new performance, there are fewer words, and more gestures. Instead of the words "Santa Claus", everyone points to the door, the word "goes" is replaced by walking on the spot, the word "know" - touch the forehead with the index finger, the word "gifts" - gesture depicting a large bag. At the last performance, all words disappear, except for prepositions and the verb "will bring." Sounds like magic music Father Frost. Well, well done! Have a merry New Year! Snow Maiden. Now it's time to say goodbye. It is a pity that the holiday ended so quickly. Father Frost. But, we hope that you will manage to keep the mood of fun, joy, expectation of something unusual for the whole year. We do not say goodbye to you, we say: "See you again!" (together) Leading. Everything happens in life Happiness happens, trouble happens ... All is well that ends well. We must always believe in the good. The old year is gone forever. He brought us a lot of new things. Run away to last year. To make the future closer. New Year is coming to a close With new, cheerful speeches. The old year is leaving just in time, And he warmly says goodbye to us. The song "The Last Hour of December" is performed (+ Chimes) Blue evening, winter wind Lanterns dissolved in stardust The arrow will freeze after completing the turn. And the new year will come Ringing at midnight fill the world Let old year forgive us and understand everything Stays with us until January This hour, the last hour The last hour of December, freeze for a moment Let love and peace fly over the seas And all our hopes May it come true one day In the last hour of December In the last hour of December (The musical arrangement of the holiday can be obtained by writing a letter to: [email protected])

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New Year's Eve Scenario for High School Students.doc

Scenario New Year's Eve for high school students

Responsible for conducting: students of grade 10 and

class teacher Sentsov M.N.

Year 10 students are traditionally responsible for holding New Year's Eve at our school. The peculiarity of organizing and holding this New Year's Eve was the number of students in the class. Since there are only 5 people in the class, the idea of ​​traveling around the world, in my opinion, was the most successful. Students in grades 8, 9 and 11 were given the task to represent the countries of the world, and my artists received 2, and some even 3 roles. Despite all the difficulties of preparation, the New Year's holiday turned out to be noisy and cheerful.

Sounds like magic music

Leading. One day the day and the hour come

Everyone is waiting with hope for their arrival,

And the miracle happens again

And this is a miracle - the New Year!

Leading. There are many wonderful holidays.

Everyone comes in their turn.

But the best holiday in the world

The best holiday is the New Year.

He comes on a snowy road

Having swirled snowflakes round dance.

The beauty of the mysterious and strict

Fills the heart of the New Year.

Leading. He gives us faith in a good case,

On the first day and in a new turn,

Helps to get better

To all people in the world New Year

Louder laughter and more joyful hugs.

And flies from all earthly latitudes

The fight of the clock, We are all brothers to each other.

On the planet holiday - New Year.


Leading. Good evening, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to today's celebration.

Leading. Dear guests, we have gathered today to celebrate the New Year together, and in order to remember this meeting for a long time, we will meet it in an unusual way.

Leading. Outside, winter is the time of the shortest days and longest nights. But we love this time of year. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the joyful mood of happiness, change, and hope that this beloved holiday brings with it.

Leading. It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, the most cherished desires come true, the most incredible miracles are possible. Don't believe? I am sure that you can be convinced of this if you become a participant in our New Year's holiday.

Leading. And today we have a unique opportunity to travel to different countries of the world and find out what traditions of celebrating the New Year exist at different latitudes of the globe.

Leading. Well, you and I have to go on a journey around the New Year's planet and celebrate the New Year together with other peoples!


Leading. I'm glad to see you today

Lots of friendly guys here.

Hello Nastya, Misha, Sasha,

Serezha, Grisha, Masha...

In a word, do not count everyone.

Well, who is here for the first time -

Let's meet now.

Stop, don't move away

Friendly all of you tell me

What is your name.

The children are screaming their names.

Bad, repeat again

Friendly all of you tell me

What is your name.

One, two, three - say your name!

The children are screaming their names.

Thank you, now I know all of you, and my name is...

Gypsies enter to gypsy music, make a circle near the Christmas tree

Gypsy. We are gypsies, cheerful people,

We roam the world in wagons,

Let's make a fire in a clean field,

We will sing and dance our songs.

A gypsy star beckons us,

We can't sit still

Even at night the guitar rings

And in a dream we will dream of a road.

Gypsy. To whom to tell fortunes, to predict fate. Hey, beauty, gild the pen, I'll tell the whole truth ... (Guessing) You are a good person - smart and beautiful. You just got sad, everything is not nice for you, you want something unusual ... I know the cure for any sadness, sadness!

Gypsy. Which?

Gypsy. Road!

Gypsy. And really, why don't you go on the road with us? We have a new chaise, frisky horses, we will go all over the world and see how the New Year is celebrated in different countries.

Gypsy. First we will go to our gypsy homeland. After all, we gypsies come from India, a beautiful, mysterious country. From there, from India, our ability to sing, dance, guess. Let's hit the road!

Sounds like Indian music

Speech about India

Sounds like Indian music

Gypsy. What an interesting country: there are palm trees, and elephants, and people are so cheerful, smart.

Gypsy. Oh, something made me sick from the heat and noise. Let's go further!

Gypsy. And I know a quiet, calm country with strict rules and centuries-old traditions.

Gypsy. And what is this country?

Gypsy. This is Scotland!

Scottish music sounds

Speech about Scotland

Scottish music sounds

Gypsy. And I know a riddle about one country. The capital of which European state was called Serdika, since it was located almost in the center! (Bulgaria)

Bulgarian music sounds

Speech about Bulgaria

Bulgarian music sounds

Terrible music sounds

Gypsy. Bulgaria is also a country of scary tales and ghosts. Don't believe?

Gypsy. Oh wow, where did we get to?

Gypsy. We have entered the domain of the Nightmare Wolf. He is very dangerous!

Wolf. What? Who is dangerous - me? Yes, I am the kindest and most cheerful wolf in the world! Let's play something like football, shall we?

Gypsy. Can you play football without a ball?

Wolf. Yes, uh...

Gypsy. Yes, it's very simple. Now we will split into two teams. You will be the captain in one, and I will be the captain in the other. (The hall is conditionally divided into two teams.)

Gypsy. And who will I be?

Gypsy. And you will be the judge.

Gypsy. So, attention! As soon as I raise my right hand up, the Wolf team shouts in chorus: “Goal!” When I raise my left hand, the other team shouts "Pass!". See, don't get confused. And if I raise two hands up, then both teams shout “Hurrah” and clap their hands. So... let's start!

Sounds like a football match

The gypsy raises her right, then her left hand.

The game ends with both hands raised.

Gypsy. Draw! Both teams are awarded the title of champion.

Wolf. It turns out that playing without the ball is more interesting! I'll go play with someone else!

Gypsy. And our journey around the world continues. Forward! To Europe! To a wonderful country where they love songs, dances, the sun!

You can hear the sound of breaking glass and dishes, the crackle of fireworks

Gypsy. What's happening? It must be an earthquake.

Gypsy. Do not worry! Nothing bad is happening. It's just the Italians celebrating the New Year.

Italian music sounds

Speech about Italy

Italian music sounds

Gypsy. Can I now order a route for further travel?

Gypsy. And where are we going?

Gypsy. To the homeland of the main Santa Claus in Finland, more precisely in the historical region of Finland - Lapland!

Finnish music sounds

Speech about Finland

Finnish music sounds

Gypsy. What a fabulous country Lapland is the birthplace of the main Santa Claus!

Gypsy. Do you love fairy tales? Then I propose to go to Iran - to the homeland of Scheherazade and the fairy tales "Thousand and One Nights"!

Iranian music sounds

Speech about Iran

Iranian music sounds

Sounds like fabulous music

Gypsy. It seems that we are in some kind of fairy-tale land.

Gypsy. Yes indeed. This is the land of the Unpredictable Dwarfs.

Gypsy. How so?

Gypsy. The gnomes here are unpredictable and they always confuse everything. Until we unravel them, we can't get out of here.

Gnomes. Don't get out! Don't get out! (together)

Dwarf. Let's play an interesting confusion game.

Dwarf. You must answer our questions in chorus "Yes!" or not!"

Dwarf. Santa Claus is known to everyone, right? (Yes)

Dwarf. He comes at seven sharp, right? (No)

Dwarf. Santa Claus is a good old man, right? (Yes)

Dwarf. He wears a hat and galoshes, right? (No)

Dwarf. Santa Claus is coming soon, right? (Yes)

Dwarf. He will bring gifts, right? (Yes)

Dwarf. The trunk is good for our Christmas tree, right? (Yes)

Dwarf. It was cut down from a double-barreled shotgun, right? (No)

Dwarf. What grows on the tree? Cones, right? (Yes)

Dwarf. Tomatoes and gingerbread, right? (No)

Dwarf. The view is beautiful near our Christmas tree, right? (Yes)

Dwarf. There are red needles everywhere, right? (No)

Dwarf. Santa Claus is afraid of the cold, right? (No)

Dwarf. He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right? (Yes)

Gypsy. You failed to confuse us! Show me the way now!

A piercing whistle is heard

Gypsy. What is this?

Gypsy. We ended up in Hungary, where on New Year's Eve the inhabitants whistle away evil spirits from their homes.

Hungarian music sounds

Speech about Hungary

Hungarian music sounds

Gypsy. Is it time for us to go home?

Gypsy. No. We haven't been to Japan yet. But it is the Japanese who are the first on the planet to celebrate the New Year.

Gypsy. We are going to Japan - the Land of the Rising Sun.

To gypsy music they make a circle near the Christmas tree

Gypsy. This is the country! Not a country, but a solid exotic! Everything is so amazing and amazing!

Japanese music sounds

Speech about Japan

Japanese music sounds

Gypsy. We had a nice stay in Japan, and now it's time to go home - to Russia!

Gypsy. What an interesting and wonderful journey. But nothing can be done, we must return! Being a guest is good, but being at home is better!

Gypsy music sounds

Gypsy. Russia also has a lot of New Year traditions and entertainment!

Gypsy. In the New Year in Russia, they always waited for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

The sound of bells is heard

Gypsy. Someone rides and rings bells? Isn't Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden? Let's call them together.

Everyone calls Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden

Sounds like magic music

Father Frost. Hello dear friends! Happy New Year to all of you!

I flew on the wings of the wind

Many thousands of kilometers.

Over frozen seas

Over the fields, over the forests,

I was in a hurry, guys to you,

To my little friends.

Let's sing and have fun

Whirling in joyful dance

Because at the gate

The New Year is upon us.

Snow Maiden. Hello guys

Grandpa and I traveled around the world

The sliding roads of winter.

There are no happier children in the world than ours,

Today we made sure of it!

Father Frost. I was driving past with the Snow Maiden, I heard your voices and decided to come in, congratulate you on the holiday and have fun. You are good, have fun! And each of you, probably, has his own cherished desire? Think of it, and now I will knock with a staff, and in the New Year it will certainly come true. (After a short pause, he taps his staff.)

Snow Maiden. Father Frost! Look what an elegant Christmas tree is! Make her even prettier!

Father Frost. To do this, you need to say the magic words together: “One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!”

Sounds like magic music, all in unison say the words,

Christmas tree lit up with colorful lights

Leading. Santa Claus, and Santa Claus! Where are you from?

Father Frost. Oh, and you asked me a difficult question. I don't know it myself, and no one knows. Some people think that I was born in northern Finland, in Lapland. Others claim that I am Russian, from the city of Veliky Ustyug, in the Vologda region.

Leading. And you, Snow Maiden, also know nothing about your homeland?

Snow Maiden. How so - I do not know! I know very well. I'm from Russia. Because in many countries people believe in Santa Claus, they just call him differently - Santa Claus, Per Noel, Northern Santa. But his granddaughter, the Snow Maiden, that is, me, is known only in Russia.

Father Frost. In Rus', only during the reign of Emperor Peter 1, a tradition appeared to celebrate the New Year - January 1. Peter 1 ordered to put a Christmas tree in the houses, decorate it with gingerbread, apples, multi-colored ribbons and beads. On this day in Russia, merry games and round dances were arranged in cities and villages.

Snow Maiden. According to popular belief, how you celebrate the New Year is how you will live it. So let's have fun together, let's play, so that the coming year is kind and joyful.

Several mobile competitions are held

"Snowball game". Teams of girls and boys line up opposite each other, 5-6 people each. Each team receives "Snowballs" - wads of white paper, 2 snowballs for each team member. The task is to throw snowballs into your basket (bucket), placed 2-3 meters from the team.

The game "Burst the ball". Two young men are invited to the stage. They stand with their right shoulders to each other and lay both hands behind their backs. A balloon of the same size is tied to their left feet. The task of the participant is to burst the opponent's ball, while maintaining his own. Hand pushing is prohibited.

Pantomime game. In this game, it is proposed to first memorize the text:

Santa Claus is coming, coming to us,

Santa Claus is coming to us.

And we know that Santa Claus

Brings us gifts.

After the text has been repeated, it is proposed to replace words with movements and gestures. The first words that are replaced are the word "we". Instead of these words, everyone points to themselves. With each new performance, there are fewer words, and more gestures. Instead of the words "Santa Claus", everyone points to the door, the word "goes" is replaced by walking on the spot, the word "know" - touch the forehead with the index finger, the word "gifts" -

gesture depicting a large bag. At the last performance, all words disappear, except for prepositions and the verb "will bring."

Sounds like magic music

Father Frost. Well, well done! Have a merry New Year!

Snow Maiden. Now it's time to say goodbye. It is a pity that the holiday ended so quickly.

Father Frost. But, we hope that you will manage to keep the mood of fun, joy, expectation of something unusual for the whole year. We do not say goodbye to you, we say: "See you again!" (together)

Leading. Everything happens in life

Happiness happens, trouble happens ...

All is well that ends well.

We must always believe in the good.

The old year is gone forever.

He brought us a lot of new things.

Run away to last year.

To make the future closer.

New Year is coming to a close

With new, cheerful speeches.

The old year is leaving just in time,

And he warmly says goodbye to us.

The song "The Last Hour of December" is performed(+ Chimes)

Blue evening, winter wind

Lanterns dissolved in stardust

The arrow will freeze after completing the turn.

And the new year will come

Ringing at midnight fill the world

May the old year forgive us and understand everything

We recommend preparing a holiday for your friends by high school students themselves - the preparation process will surely unite the team, leave unforgettable memories. Leading the holiday - a girl and a guy high school students. So, we offer you a scenario for the New Year 2020 at a school for high school students, funny.

If it does not suit you, you can change it a little or make your own.

HOST: Hello, dear high school colleagues, our dear teachers and long-awaited guests!

HOST: The New Year is already knocking on the doors of all of us, on the pages of social networks, on billboards and shop windows of the streets. Indeed, this holiday has long been considered the most long-awaited, most beloved, everyone is looking forward to it with impatience and hope for a miracle - naive and always young adults, not childishly serious kids, and, of course, we, high school students, because this is the last New Year's Eve at home school.

HOST: But we will not be sad, because there is an opportunity for everyone to make a cherished wish together and believe that it will certainly come true next year!

HOST: The New Year 2020 will certainly bring warmth and harmony to every family.

HOST: Health is like the greatest treasure.

LEADING: Good luck - to be lucky all year in everything.

LEADING: Love - so that the heart is filled with tenderness and mercy.

HOST: A huge bundle of gifts and New Year's wishes!

HOST: We gathered here for a walk, it's time to start the holiday!

BABA YAGA: Yes, it's me! Did you really think to do without Baba Yaga? Well, well, I understand that no one loves me.

LEADING: well, why, dear, to love you? For always spoiling all New Year's holidays?

HOST: Or because you were scared all your childhood: “Don’t paint your eyes, you will look like Baba Yaga!”

LEADING: Yes, you, dear granny, are far from the ideal of a good New Year's grandmother, both externally and intellectually!

BABA YAGA: Oh, right? Also for me, intellectuals showed up, Internet kids, but what do you know without your Wikipedia? Can you do without Yandex maps? And here I am, an illiterate woman, I have been flying on a mortar without a navigator for two hundred years, and a lot
I can tell!

LEADING: What do you know that high school students do not know?

Intellectual New Year contest

BABA YAGA: Okay guys. Now I will ask you New Year's questions, and you will prove to everyone that you really are the pride of the country and have a solid package of knowledge.

Question one

BABA YAGA: On the first of January, the New Year is celebrated together with our country of the country ...
(the answer is the countries of Europe and America)

Question two

BABA YAGA: If you ask children from different countries what year is coming, everyone will answer differently. So, what year will be celebrated in Russia?
(answer - 2020)

Question three

BABA YAGA: What year will be celebrated in Syria?

Question four

BABA YAGA: And what year did you celebrate in Israel?
(the answer is the jubilee year 5776)

BABA YAGA: Okay, we did the job. An aesthetic question. Everyone knows who Santa Claus is. How, in your opinion, did Dutch artists portray Santa Claus at the beginning of the nineteenth century?

(answer - slim and thin)

BABA YAGA: An artist of which country "attached" a beard to Santa Claus, and when was it?
(the answer is in 1860 the American Thomas Knight)

BABA YAGA: Who created the image of the modern Santa Claus?
(answer - Englishman Tenniel)

HOST: Granny, listen, do you really know a lot about the New Year holiday!

BABA YAGA: yes, I’ve been living in the world for a long time, I’ve seen a lot, heard a lot, and I don’t complain about operational memory!

LEADING: yes, I would have such a memory - I would have learned all the exams by heart.

BABA YAGA: Teach, my dear, because teaching is the meaning of the future!

LEADING: (to Baba Yaga) Wait, old lady... Let's stop talking about science, lessons, let's remember about the New Year 2020.
This is the most beloved holiday, magical, mysterious, amazing, unique ... It awakens in people the best feelings, love for everything beautiful, kind

HOST: Yeah, and the rejection of everything insidious, evil.

BABA YAGA: evil and unpleasant - this is about me, but how much can you say! It's time to invite Santa Claus to look at him. Have you grown old? Old junk!

HOST: Santa Claus? I think we all need to call him together - it seems like this happens at all children's matinees?

LEADING: So, let's go together: “Santa Claus, come quickly! Make the children happy with the holiday, it will be more fun with us!

(Then according to the script New Year's fairy tale For high school students, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden enter with a song. Light)

Ded Moroz: Respect to you, dear high school students! Don't forget what to call me. And even all together, as in childhood, they called! Well, well done, pleased the old man!

SNOW MAIDEN: Yes, that's right, grandfather. Look, the guys have become quite adults, very soon they will go into an independent life, an adult. But, nevertheless, like little ones, they are waiting for Santa Claus, New Year 2020, and a new miracle.

Santa Claus: I know for sure, granddaughter, that the new year 2020 will bring the fulfillment of desires to all of us. And for high school students - all this is very important. Ahead - final exams, entrance tests, therefore, believe in a dream, and it will definitely come true!

FATHER FROST (notices Baba Yaga): I can't believe my eyes! And you, the old one, are here?!

BABA YAGA: Do not be surprised, dear. I decided on the eve of the New Year to change my image and become a reporter. How nice to communicate with smart and well-mannered youth.

Santa Claus: Okay. Stay. I see that the granddaughter wants to say something ...

SNOW MAIDEN: Grandpa, there are so many people here who want to have fun! I wonder what they know about you, about the New Year's holiday?

HOST: And now the guys will sing you beautiful New Year's songs, admire!

The next in the scenario of the New Year's holiday for high school students is the musical number "New Year's Potpourri"

SNOW MAIDEN: Great, but what do our guys know, and you, Granny, about Santa Claus? (Everyone takes part in the quiz)

Intellect game "Santa Claus"

1. Is there a Santa Claus in the world?
2. Where does he live?
3. Who is he friends with?
4. What is he like: kind, demanding, or evil? Justify your answer.
5. What is his favorite food?
6. What color is the fur coat? Why exactly this?
7. What does Santa Claus drive?
8. Why does he need a stick?
9. Where does he get gifts?
10. Where does he leave them?
11. What does he do in summer?
12. How old is he?
13. Is he related to Santa Claus?
14. Does he have brothers?
(Snow Maiden awards the winner)

FATHER FROST: Yes, it's me, that fabulous grandfather,
Whom the whole world knows
I travel all year with gifts, I welcome happiness and success. I have friends everywhere, so I always rush to them, I want to have time to visit every house.

SNOW MAIDEN: Now, it's time to please your school, give away fabulous gifts, and, of course, congratulate you on the New Year 2020!

BABA YAGA: Here, he came to us! The merry grandfather and his Snegurulya! And everyone will receive gifts, or just the right ones, white and fluffy?

SNOW MAIDEN: Well, why, everyone will get it, and even you, Granny-Yagulya. We heard that you also shine with intellect - therefore, receive a gift from us.

FATHER FROST: We give you wireless access to the Internet for the whole year! Enlighten me, I'm not sorry!

BABA YAGA: I'm delighted! Grandfather, you are a real advanced Frostbite! Respect to you too! Well, get a return gift from me too!

Continuation of the script for the New Year's Eve for high school students - the musical number "Break dance in the style of "Grandmothers Ezhki rule"

HOST: Cool dance, Granny. And you, I look - nothing!

BABA YAGA: Well, you said - granny, granny, but it turned out - a cool New Year's woman!

LEADING: So, with the grandfather - sorted out, let's move on to the granddaughter.

SNOW MAIDEN: Yes, I am the best of the granddaughters of the legendary Santa Claus. Everyone is waiting for me. Through the rivers, through the mountains

We enter every house, handing New Year's gifts to everyone.

FATHER FROST: And even to cheerful thugs and naughty ones!

SNOW MAIDEN: Grandpa, what are you?! What words are you saying? They were waiting for a meeting with you, and you were "thugs" and "naughty" to them.

Santa Claus: don't worry, it's a joke. Well, how not to joke with such cheerful schoolchildren. May I greet them again? You are the best, dearest, wisest young people! (To the Snow Maiden) How are you, Snow Maiden?

SNOW MAIDEN: That's the best, grandfather. Do you know what the high school students present at the celebration are most looking forward to? And they are waiting for the festive lights to shine with bright colors on this wonderful Christmas tree.

Santa Claus: No questions! Shine, tree, it's clear!
Play with stars!
Let the holiday begin in time
Add joy to all of us!

Herringbone glows

Then by New Year's scenario for high school students for 2020, the musical number "New Year" sounds

SNOW MAIDEN: We must hurry to other schools. The children have already received their gifts. Classroom teachers helped us with this. You don't have to be sad. Grandfather Frost, you urgently need to read all the letters of the guys that you have not had time to read yet. The snowman just brought them, let's go and read them!

(Everyone leaves, “terrible” music sounds, the Snow Queen enters the hall)

THE SNOW QUEEN (included important): Wow, what a heat! I asked for frost, and they have Africa! Now you have to use artificial ice.

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS (appears immediately after the Snow Queen). Finally got there. I just found your village. No one road sign, no pointer. None of the gadgets show the navigator. What are you? Hiding, or guests are not welcome? A? I can not hear! (After the guys answer, he looks for Baba Yaga with his eyes) Granny! My beauty, where are you?!

BABA YAGA: (runs out to him) My handsome, in the end, waited for you!

SNOW QUEEN: Enough with the nonsense! We're not here for that!

BABA YAGA: Well, my dears! I believe our time has come. How long can you live like this! Nobody loves us! I even decided to change my image and became a reporter... However, the attitude towards me has not changed...

KOSHCHEI IMMORTAL: And no one is afraid of us!

SNOW QUEEN: Both children and adults neglect us!

BABA YAGA: How they do not understand that other times have come. Now on the Internet you can find the answer to any question. I need to see... I grabbed a tablet... Wait a minute... (Looks closely, a smile appears on his face).
The Snow Queen and Koschey the Immortal (at the same time).

Well? Speak faster!

BABA YAGA: Rejoice! Bad news not for us, but for those who are gathered here. Listen everyone! Here is what is written here: "Many people today do not like to read. They threw books into old bookcases. Children are like little old people who sit in front of TV screens all the time. They don't care who wins: good or evil. Children now prefer the computer and computer games, but a fairy tale... They forgot the fairy tale. So, the country of Childhood will definitely experience a catastrophe!" (According to the scenario of the New Year's performance for high school students for 2020, Baba Yaga, Koschey, the Snow Queen clap their hands for joy)

CINDERELLA (runs in): Stop immediately! Nothing bad will happen to the country of the School! The seniors will fix the situation! (Addresses those present in the hall) Is it true?

(They listen to the answers of high school students. A boy runs up to Cinderella and passes a note. She reads and leaves.)

CINDERELLA: Everything is clear, we urgently need to call Grandfather Frost!


BABA YAGA: (To Snow Queen and Koshchei). And I can't agree with you. I'm the image, you hear - IMAGE changed! It's time for change!
(appears in a princess outfit, with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden). You see, my life has also changed. Whoever reads books knows about them.

CINDERELLA: As for the country of Childhood, its fate depends on you! Everyone has their own way, their own road ... The other cannot use it.

Santa Claus: Choose! Children with good heart and a sincere soul will always be lucky! And don't hesitate!

SNOW QUEEN: Surprisingly, I feel some pleasant warmth... The ice has melted. So, there will be changes!


Ded Moroz: May the New Year be in every school
Bring a lot of good
Full of sun, full of laughter
All for joy and pleasure.

SNOW MAIDEN: From the bottom of my heart, accept the wishes:
Everyone should live in health -
Both big and small!

SNOW QUEEN: May your dreams come true
In the new year 2020,
Let fate smile on you
At every step!

Music sounds, the main characters of the holiday invite everyone to the New Year's dance program.

And for preschoolers and first graders, we offer to hold a performance on.

Happy and merry New Year!

  • "Unusual New Year's story - 2020" (scenario of the New Year's holiday for children 5-6 years old)
  • Scenario for the new year for the preparatory group "New Year's trip to the country of Fairy Tale"
  • Modern scenario of the autumn ball for high school students
  • Graduation script option for elementary school: unusual and fun
  • Autumn ball for high school students: script with competitions
  • What scenario according to fairy tales to use for the New Year


07.12.2015 / 17:56


Well ...... normal, but somehow for the lower grades (if you didn’t read the questions)

16.12.2015 / 19:20


new year to the year


- I heard that it's coming
It's like the Year of the Monkey.

- Monkey? Who is she?
Something I don't know about her.

- That overseas princess
From some forest
Where it's always hot and summer.

- That would be to get into this place!

I would not refuse, brothers,
Lie in the sun there.

- What is her face like?

- Well, probably not bad.

- Doesn't she eat animals?
Should have known sooner.

- Stop, stop! You, Kos
Run quickly for Lisa.
This is her friend for sure
Let it be still in absentia.

- Yes, Lisa is full of passions
Be friends with those in power.

- No, it's not enough for her,
She registered as a sister

- That's it - that's it!
Well, you compose a painter!
Monkey and Fox
Can there be sisters?
They are completely different
It's clear to everyone!

I told the whole truth
Didn't write anything.
That's what Lisa told me.

- That might be fine.
Fox loves fables:
That she is the goat's sister,
That is a big gray ram
She got a friend.
And now the Monkey
Let her be a stranger.

- So, this monkey
Even from another planet?

No, she's from Africa.

- Where is the bright moon?

- Yes, and the sun shines brightly,
That's why it's always hot there.

- Oh, it's cold here.
The monkey will freeze!
Wind clouds with snow drives.

- Santa Claus will not touch her!

- Yes, it won't. Not otherwise.
He appointed her himself.

- I've got a fur coat for her.

- You are with us, Mishunya, class!

- I knitted hats.
I just didn't know the size.
I knitted twenty-five.

- There will be something for her to try on.
You are our young man!

- I've got some boots for her.

- It's great, friends,
Only I don't know
What kind of Nora is she?

I heard it's not bad.
Playful, like, here.

So it's going to be a fun year.
There runs the Fox-cheater,
Having become a relative deftly.
We'll ask her right now.

- Hey everyone! Yo mine!
That you stood up like donkeys
Set the tables!
New Year is coming, friends
I will be his symbol!
What are you staring at, dude? (Wolf)

Are you Foxy? That's it!

- What did you think, friends?
Year of the fox, the fox is me!

- No, let's not cheat!
We know that Monkey
Will rule for a whole year.

- Oh, what stupid people!
Who is the monkey?

- Who?

- Yes, stupid chicken!
Crooked bastard.
She has protruding ears
She has a tail like a snake.
And the Fox, that is, I -
Forest beauty!

- Yes, we know you, Lisa.
You are beautiful, no doubt
Give us a true answer
Is the monkey so obnoxious?

- Her gums are open
She has a big mouth
She takes everything in her hands.

- What does he take?

- Whatever.
I took this out myself.
Might even take a gun
Even shoot! (STRESS ON THE LETTER e)

- Yo mine!

- She's also stupid.
Well, why do you, I don't know
As many as three hundred sixty five
Days foolish trust!

- Santa Claus appointed her.
It will be so, and not otherwise!
He's already taking her
To give her a year.
We managed to set the tables,
And they wanted to know about her
Thought you were friends.

- Oh, I was joking!
Yes, we are good friends.
She has such ears!
The fur all over her sparkles.
We are cousins.
She is so smart.
I don't even know
Who is smarter, she or I.
It's for you to judge, friends.
She is small in stature.
She has such a face!
The eyes are like embers.
And fluffy cheeks.
In the paws can take anything.
Wears a trendy coat.

- Don't lie to us, it's hot there.

- Is it in the afternoon or in the morning
The sun is shining very bright
And then, of course, it's hot,
She is in a sarafan.
Well, when the moon rises
Here is a scarf, coat and hat,
And also a bag in the paws.
She is such a fashionista!
I don't know another one.

(Hear bells and the creak of sleigh runners)

Oh, and here comes Santa Claus
We brought our smart girl!

- Greetings to all, friends!
I didn't come alone.

- Hello! Glad to see everyone.
In the midst of this snowfall
In the midst of a storm and a blizzard
I see you are having fun!

- Yes, and we are all very happy
To see you here next to us.
You after all to us from afar?

- Are you cold?

- Yeah, a little.

- Here's your coat!

Here are your hats!

- These are boots on the paws.

- Thanks to all! I see live
you can here.

- Let's be friends.

- Friendship forever I'm glad.
I brought you as a reward
The joy of sunshine
The tenderness of fabulous nights.
I brought you playfulness
And a little playfulness
Wisdom for all years.
Be happy always!

(Suddenly BABA YAGA appears)

- Wisdom for all years!
Wisdom is not food!

- Grandmother-hedgehog, as always
You grumble, grumble everything ...

- Yes!
And why should I not grumble,
I won't be silent anymore
I'll say it straight to your eyes
You know I'm stubborn
You know I'm true
Look at this marvel (points to the Monkey)
Golozhopa, but in power!
I don't like it, passion,
When stupidity flourishes.
Monkey who here knows?
She is a stranger to everyone around.
And everyone around knows me.
I, go, two hundred years already
Lived in the same place.
They wrote about me
I am a fairy tale character.
I have to lead this year
I want to rule the planet!

- Well, you sing,
Grandmother-hedgehog, well, so what,
Maybe it's your turn
Let the people judge us.

- How can I understand?
Should we choose a symbol?
Then exactly the symbol I am,
Will you support, friends?

- No, Fox, you wait,
Here the layout is completely different.
You have to decide, friends
Grandma-hedgehog or me.
What I bring to you, I said.

- Only this is not enough for us.
We do not need games, dances,
The warmth of the sun, fairy tale nights.
Wisdom for all years
It's just nonsense!

- Your turn, Yaga. Well,
Tell us what will you bring?
Tell us without lying. (raises his staff over Baba Yaga)

- I'll make noise and uproar!
In a year I will bring misfortune!

- My God! What passions!

- We misfortune? What for?

- Everyone will have more fun!

- From misfortunes more fun?

- Well, lively at least.
Passions will immediately flare up.

- Oh, why bother?

- I'll bring you trouble!
I'll start a fire in the forest!

- Well, have mercy, but why?

- Everyone will have more fun!
And I'll arrange a pestilence,
This is necessary at times.
I'm using my power!

Maybe she's drunk?

- No, friends, she is not drunk,
Both Yaga and Monkey
All were truthfully stated.
You yourself took it all away
My staff shone over her,
He didn't lie.

- That's something I say is not the case.
I didn't mean to say that.

You wanted to lie
We do need to know the truth.

- Oh, you are harmful!

- Yes, I know it myself.
That's why I'm Granny-hedgehog.
I'm a little mean.

We're sorry, we don't need you.

- Well, let me, I'm even glad.
And then it would bring trouble,
And all around is so cute.

- Well, it's time and honor for us to know
It's time to hand over the year.

- Oh, sorry, this is too much,
Give the year to the monkey!
She has such a face!

- What?

- You look like me.
Same fur, same eyes!
Just all a different color.

- You know, Little Foxy,
I have protruding ears
I hear everything for miles.
Do you understand this?

- Oh, of course, sister,
I know you are a master
Do all. You are good.
You have a pure soul.

- I see you are cunning, Chanterelle.
Only you are not my sister.
Who you are is what you will be
We'll get along somehow.

- All right, everything is like in a fairy tale!
I wish everyone happiness, affection,
Friendship, joy, luck,
Good mood to all!
And everyone be healthy!
And be friends with each other!