What are the benefits for pensioners? Rules for receiving additional payments to pensions in the Moscow region. Allowances and cash payments

Muscovites and residents of other Russian regions differ not only in salaries. There are significant differences in the amount of pensions.

How much exactly does the average metropolitan pensioner receive, and what are last news about pension benefits in general - read below in the material Reconomica .

The average pension of a Muscovite in 2017

IN Russian capital Not only are wages and prices high, but Moscow pensioners also receive more than pensioners in other cities.

For 2017, Moscow pensioners on average receive:

    Pensioners by age - 12,400.

    Social allowance - 7500.

    Participants of the Second World War - 28,300.

    Disabled due to military injury - 30,000.

Wherein minimum pension in Moscow in 2017 from January 1 is 14,500 rubles, taking into account the city allowance, more about it below.

The minimum pension in Moscow and the city social standard 2017

The minimum pension in Moscow is less than 3 five thousandth bills.

At the same time, there is a minimum bar in Moscow, below which a Moscow pensioner should not receive (city social standard). Its size is 14,500 rubles. If the pension does not reach this mark, a supplement is charged from the city budget to the pensioner.

That's quite a lot. Eg, . Thus, a Muscovite receives in retirement 40% of the money for which a Russian has to work (to be even more honest, a third of the country works for about that kind of money and works full time).

old age pension without seniority in Moscow for 2017 is11 561 rubles. The 3,000 rubles missing from the GSS will be paid to you by social security. If this amount is still not enough, you can.

ABOUT No amounts are relevant, provided that the citizen has lived in the capital for more than 10 years.

Disability pension payments - what is the difference between groups 1, 2, 3?

Citizens with disabilities have 3 options for calculating pensions:

    Labor- for people with disabilities who have seniority.

    Social- Paid to disabled people who do not have work experience.

    State- paid to citizens who became disabled during public service.

The insurance (labor) allowance is the sum of the base size (for each disability group - its own) and the "ordinary" pension, calculated according to the formula "volume of accumulated funds / survival rate). Also, when calculating, regional coefficients, allowances for accommodation on Far North, the presence of dependents and length of service (if more than 20 years - the calculation is performed at an increased rate).

Social pensions are fixed and determined by the state. Here are the sizes of pensions depending on the disability group:

    1 group - 11,903 rubles.

    Group 2 - 9919 rubles.

    Group 3 - 4959 rubles.

survivor's pension

In the event of the death of a citizen on whom the rest of the family members are financially dependent, they are entitled to an allowance paid by the state. It could be:

    Insurance pension - if a citizen has worked at least 1 day for which taxes were deducted to the FIU.

    State - if the citizen was a soldier, astronaut, or suffered as a result of a man-made or radiation disaster.

    Social - if a citizen has not officially worked a single day.

Benefit payable up to the specified age:

    Child, sister, brother and grandson of the deceased - up to the age of 18.

    Child, sister, brother and grandson of the deceased - up to the age of 23, if they are full-time students. Please note that when receiving a survivor's pension, it is officially impossible!

    All life - if the recipient is disabled (and the disability was issued before the age of 18).

    All life - spouses, parents, grandparents - starting from the age of 55 for women and 60 for men.

    If the recipient is caring for a brother, sister or grandson of the breadwinner - until they reach the age of 14.

The amount of the survivor's pension in 2017 (in rubles):

    Insurance - depends on the length of service of the breadwinner. The amount of the pension calculated according to the standard formula + a fixed payment is accrued (in 2017 - 2402.56 rubles). If the allowance is issued for children left without both parents, the payment is doubled.

    State - depends on the type of activity of the breadwinner. In the event of the death of a serviceman due to a military injury - 11,068.53 rubles. When a serviceman dies due to illness - 7551.38 rubles.If the breadwinner served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and died as a result of a military injury - 10,117 rubles; as a result of illness - 7633 rubles.

    Social - is 5034 rubles.

Latest news: when to wait for indexing?

Traditionally, pension benefits were indexed every year, increasing by about the amount of inflation (figures were announced by Rosstat). Naturally, in reality this value is not sufficient to cover the real rise in prices. And this is especially clearly felt during the crisis - when prices for everything are growing rapidly, and indexation - on the contrary, is slowed down due to the deplorable state of the budget.

In 2016, indexation for pensioners was not carried out in full. As compensation at the beginning of this year, pensioners received 5,000 rubles in the form of a one-time payment.

In 2017, it is planned to return to the previous format - that is, to a percentage increase in pension benefits. The first stage of indexation has already been completed: on February 1, insurance pensions were increased by 5.4%, and on April 1 - by another 0.38%. This affected only non-working pensioners.

For those who are still working, this indexing did not work. But still, an increase is planned: the pension for working pensioners will be recalculated from August 1, 2017 (in the form of an additional payment for seniority).

Will there be a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles to pensioners this year?

In January Russian pensioners received compensation for insufficient pension indexation in 2016. They were given a one-time cash payment - 5,000 rubles each. Funds have already been transferred, back in January.

Information about additional payments at the moment (end of June) - no.

Tell the children: how their future pension is formed and what determines it

Do you know exactly how pensions are formed in Russia?

In the Russian Federation, there is a system for calculating pensions, called a solidary one. Under this scheme, the funds transferred to the Pension Fund by working citizens are spent on payments to those who have already retired.

Let's clarify a little: 22% is deducted from the employee's salary, of which 16% goes to the insurance pension. The remaining 6% is called the solidarity tariff. It is spent on the payment of a fixed part of the allowance, as well as on social benefits.

Now there are two types of pensions in the country:

    Insurance - guaranteed by the state, is formed from the deductions of other citizens from their salaries.

    Accumulative - is formed by deductions from a citizen to a non-state pension fund or a management company. NPFs and UKs can be unprofitable, or they can even go bankrupt. True, since 2013 a law has been in force that guarantees the payment of savings in the event of a loss. In addition funded pension(unlike insurance) is inherited.

Starting from 2015, insurance pension consists of two parts - a fixed rate and the insurance pension itself, which is calculated in points. Herself pension calculation formula looks like that:

SP \u003d (IPK x SPC x K) + (K x FV), Where:

    SP - insurance pension;

    IPC - pension points;

    SPK - the cost of 1 point;

    K - coefficients accrued upon retirement after the age threshold;

    PV - fixed payment.

PV is a constant value, which is annually reviewed by the state. For 2017, it is 4805.11 rubles.

Now about that what determines the size of the pension. 3 main factors are taken into account:

    Work experience.

    Salary (naturally, only the official one).

    The amount of insurance premiums.

You can check the amount of insurance premiums accrued by your employer online. You can find out information about yourself through the State Services Portal. It is recommended to periodically (at least once every 1-2 years) check the data that the FIU has - so that in case of an error it can not be corrected immediately. Inaccuracies, by the way, are often found among those who often change their place of work or place of residence.

In addition to the "normal" work experience, points are also given for:

    Child care (up to the age of 1.5 years).

    Army service.

    Care for the disabled or the elderly.

Naturally, all this data must also be documented and submitted to the Pension Fund.

What is the survival rate? Sounds scary!

The survival rate (or shift factor) is one of the variables used in the pension calculation formula. If you do not go into "dry" economic terms, then this is the average life of a pensioner after retirement, multiplied by 12. That is, it shows (according to calculations based on statistical data) how many times a citizen will receive a pension.

This value changes every year. Eg:

When calculating pension benefits, life expectancy is used to determine the amount. For this everything pension savings are divided by the period of survival, from which it turns out the average size monthly payments. And the higher the survival rate, the less pension a citizen will receive per month.

What has changed during the pension reform? Last news

IN last years the state is actively reforming the Pension Fund and the rules for calculating and processing pension benefits. This year is no exception.

From the latest important news at the moment:

    The moratorium on increasing pensions for working pensioners was extended for 2017.

    We extended the “freeze” of contributions that were transferred to pension savings (according to OPS).

The amount of the city allowance is calculated as follows: the city social standard minus the amount transferred to the pensioner on a monthly basis.

In 2019, this material support is due only if the amount of monthly income does not reach the value of the minimum pension provision.

Legislative aspect of the issue

The basis for calculating the allowance to residents of Moscow and the region is the regional Law No. 36/2006-OZ, dated March 23, 2006

The document contains information about certain categories of citizens of the capital and the surrounding area in need of social support.

To whom and under what conditions is paid

Additional payments to pensioners living in the capital began to arrive at the end of 2017, and since January 2018, the capital's social pension standard has increased by 21% and amounted to 17 500 rubles, it remains the same in 2019. This is a record amount for the regions and is explained by the possibilities of budgetary city funds.

The pension supplement now covers a fairly large category of citizens - about 1.5 million people.

A prerequisite is living in Moscow for at least 10 years, taking into account the fact that income is below the established living wage. The difference will be paid from local funding sources.

For pensioners registered in the Moscow region, things are not so rosy. Despite the territorial proximity to the center, the consumer basket, according to experts, in 2018 amounted to 9527 rubles, which is only 13 rubles. more than the previous period. Where experts get such data from is unknown, because according to the most conservative calculations, this figure should be at least 3000-3500 thousand more.

To increase the revenue item of pensioners of the Moscow region in the federal budget of the state, an order 5% inflation indexed funds. So, it is not necessary to count on a significant increase yet.

As for military pensioners, regardless of their place of registration - in the capital or its suburbs - the average benefit amounted to 25 500 rubles. This category of citizens will not be able to receive additional accruals, since their pension is an order of magnitude higher than the subsistence minimum, which is taken as the basis for receiving additional payments from regional funds.

The amount of surcharges

Moscow is one of the ten most expensive capitals in the world. Accordingly, the subsistence minimum should be set an order of magnitude higher. If the retirement pension is less than this indicator, the person will be credited additional social benefit.

For example, a pensioner is a native of Moscow. He receives 17,500 rubles a month. The amount of regional financial assistance will be:

17,550 (pension amount) - 9,527 (consumer basket) = 8,023 rubles.

Registration procedure

Every pensioner living in Moscow and receiving a small pension should know that no registration for a regional allowance is required, since it is calculated automatically in state institutions.

True, you need to take care of the correct and timely assignment to one or another category of pensioners.

This is where you might need documentation:

  • passport or other official paper confirming individual information;
  • certificate of official registration in Moscow (if the place of registration is not indicated in the passport);
  • a document indicating that the citizen has ceased to perform official duties (a work book with information that a pension has been assigned to a person).

There are also several special situations, each of which requires the provision of a different document: a medical and social examination (a person with disabilities), paper proving the identity of the child, a certificate of the fact and reason for the change of surname, a certificate of loss of a breadwinner, etc.

The Pension Fund is generally given 10 days to consider the submitted package of documents, sometimes 30 days. The subsequent receipt of an answer will either be good news for the pensioner and the appointment of a regional allowance, or sad and filing a claim.

About the rules for calculating surcharges for pension provision residents of the Belgorod region, see the following video:

Russian pensioners have heard more than once that they may be issued a federal social supplement for pensions in 2019, but, as often happens, few people know the details about its size, about the categories of recipients, about the rules for calculating and submitting documents. Full instructions for receiving additional payments by citizens retirement age entitled to it is given in our article.

Who is entitled to the federal social supplement for pensions in 2019

The federal social surcharge in 2019 is an additional payment from the government, accrued to non-working citizens of retirement age, if their monthly income is less than the regional subsistence level approved for pensioners.

Like any other payments, the federal social supplement for pensions in 2019 is assigned on certain conditions:

  1. Citizens who have retired should not continue to work for hire. The pension should be the only source of financial resources. Employed pensioners are entitled to other benefits, read about it in the article ⇒.
  2. Pensioners must stay in Russia on a permanent basis. Moving abroad makes it impossible to receive additional payments.
  3. Only low-income citizens of retirement age can apply for the supplement - the federal social supplement in 2019 is designed to compensate for the fact that the pensioner's income does not reach the regional subsistence level for pensioners.

It turns out that the allowance is assigned:

  • pensioners-recipients of social pension payment;
  • invalids of the III group;
  • pensioners who have pension payments on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner (including those who belong to law enforcement agencies).

The amount of the living wage for a pensioner

The subsistence minimum varies from year to year, based on the amount of mandatory monthly payments and the consumer basket. The federal PM indicator is reviewed only once a year, while the regional PM can be approved until November next year.

Many people wonder what is included in the consumer basket. It contains exclusively necessary products and services, without which you cannot live, while their set is minimal, no frills are provided:

  • a minimum set of food items such as potatoes, bread, porridge, pasta, dairy products, eggs, sugar, salt, vegetables and fruits;
  • services and goods of a non-food nature (their total cost will be calculated as a percentage of a set of food products).

The contents of the consumer basket can be reviewed once every 5 years.

It should be borne in mind that the amount of the living wage is different for some social groups population: children, pensioners, able-bodied citizens.

How is the federal social supplement to the pension calculated?

The amount of the social pension supplement is the difference between the size of the regional subsistence minimum and the actual amount of the pensioner's monthly income. total amount The pensioner's income will consist of the following funds received by him:

  • directly to the pension itself;
  • social security;
  • state species social support provided in the form of cash bonuses (excluding lump sum payment, read more about it in the article ⇒);
  • monthly cash payment, which is due to those pensioners who have issued a refusal to set social. services to replace their value with money. Read also the article ⇒.

If all the above payments in total do not reach the regional subsistence level, the pensioner has the right to apply for an additional payment.

How is the Federal Social Supplement for Pension Formed?

Consider what to do if it turns out that you are entitled to a supplement to your pension. Keep in mind that if we are talking about a social supplement accrued to a child's survivor's pension, there is no need to contact the authorized bodies - the supplement will be calculated automatically.

Where to apply for a pension supplement

The calculation of the due amount of the federal social supplement, as well as its appointment, are authorized to be carried out by the regional offices of the Russian Pension Fund at the place of registration of the applicants. Therefore, in order to apply for an additional payment, you need to submit an application with prepared documents to the Pension Fund.

Required documents for applying for a pension supplement

To receive a federal supplement to pension payments, you will need to prepare the following documents:


Where to get

Form issued on the spot
Passport of the Russian Federation (original and photocopy)

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Information about the composition of the family

Housing department, passport office
Pension certificate (original, photocopy)


Employment record without valid employment records

From last job

Certificate of compulsory pension insurance


Certificate of accrual of payments to the military category of citizens

An organization authorized to calculate military pensions
Power of attorney certified by a notary (if a pensioner applies to the FIU through a proxy)

Notarial office

Documentary confirmation of the legality of the representation of interests by the guardian, trustee

Guardianship authorities

Deadlines for calculating pension supplements

The first accrual of payments should be expected in the next month after the month in which the documents for the calculation of the surcharge were submitted. For example, after submitting an application in January, financial accruals should be expected in February.

Example No. 1 of calculating the federal social supplement for pensions

Retired Vasily Petrovich left the company where he worked and retired. At the moment, the subsistence minimum for the region is set at 5225 rubles. Vasily Petrovich's monthly pension payment is 4533 rubles. He has no other income.

The pension turned out to be less than the PM, and therefore it is necessary to calculate the difference between the two values:

5225 - 4533 = 692 rubles - this will be his federal social supplement to his pension in 2019.

Example No. 2 of calculating the federal social supplement for pensions

At the time of calculation, the living wage in the region where the pensioner lives is 5225 rubles. Pensioner Lidia Vasilievna is a recipient of a social pension in the amount of 2980 rubles 52 kopecks. She also has a III disability group, in connection with which she is awarded monthly compensation, equal to 1534 rubles 85 kopecks. Moreover, Lidia Vasilievna received approval for the payment of a subsidy to pay for housing and communal services in the amount of 483 rubles 3 kopecks. The pensioner does not work and has no other income.

Lidia Vasilievna monthly receives:

2980.52 + 1534.85 + 483.03 = 4998 rubles 40 kopecks.

The difference in the amount of Lidia Vasilievna's income and the value of PM is:

5225 - 4998.40 \u003d 226 rubles 60 kopecks - this will be a federal social supplement for a pension in 2017 for a pensioner.

Legislative acts on the topic

Common Mistakes

Error: The legal representative of a child who has lost a breadwinner submits documents to the Pension Fund for registration of a federal social supplement to his pension.

Moscow has the highest rates in terms of the standard of living of the population, including high pension payments. But, despite this, most pensioners receive additional payments to pension contributions from the federal and local budgets. This material will discuss what increases are due to older people in Moscow.

Who is entitled to surcharges?

In accordance with Decree No. 1005-PP dated November 27, 2007, may qualify for surcharges the following categories of pensioners:

  • Non-working citizens of retirement age;
  • Disabled persons of all categories;
  • Participants of the Great Patriotic War (Great Patriotic War);
  • Citizens holding public office;
  • Employees of the registry office of Moscow;
  • Working pensioners in positions and areas such as:
    • duty at the entrance;
    • cloakroom attendants in public institutions;
  • Persons over 80 years of age.

The average amount of surcharges is 4500 - 12000 rubles. More than 2 million Moscow pensioners receive the bonus.

Conditions for the appointment of an increase in Moscow

To receive a surcharge, the pensioner must fulfill several conditions, namely:

  1. Living in Moscow for over 10 years- the pensioner must have a permanent residence permit in the capital.
    In addition, this period of time includes the period of residence in the territory annexed to Moscow. Also, if a citizen was registered on the territory of the new Moscow, and then left, this period is also taken into account when calculating preferential rates.

  1. The presence of pension payments below the subsistence level– in 2017, the minimum pension criteria were increased to almost 12,000 rubles. Consequently, all pensioners, including working citizens, have the right to recalculate pension payments.

How can a pensioner receive a supplement?

If a citizen fits all of the above points, then it's time to formalize all the benefits due to the Pension Fund of Russia (Pension Fund of Russia). To do this, the pensioner must prepare the following package of documents:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • pension certificate or certificate;
  • document confirming residence in Moscow;
  • employment history;
  • certificate from the ITU Bureau (for disabled people);
  • a document confirming social benefits (for example, a certificate of loss of a breadwinner).

The term for consideration of documentation is 2 weeks. With a positive decision, the increase is assigned from the first day of the next month. In case of a negative decision, the pensioner receives a notification explaining the reasons for the refusal. Old man entitled to appeal the refusal pension fund.

The increase in pension payments to a citizen over 80 years old is made automatically.

What benefits are provided for pensioners?

Moscow pensioners are entitled to claim the following increases:

  • Supplement to the subsistence level(hereinafter PM) - currently PM is almost 12,000 rubles, to be more precise, then - 11,561 rubles. All Moscow pensioners should not receive a pension below the established rate.
  • Increase in pension upon reaching the age of 80- this increase is automatically calculated from the date of birth of all categories of pensioners, except for disabled people of the first category (already have increased pension).
  • Compensation 50% when paying utility bills- given to the poor non-working pensioners.
  • Indexing- in the current year, the recalculation of pension payments falls on the following dates: February 1 - an increase in the insurance pension for non-working pensioners by 5.4%; April 1 - indexing social payments preliminary by 2.6%.
  • Monetization of benefits- every citizen has the right to transfer pension benefits in cash equivalent.

In addition to the basic surcharges, a Moscow pensioner has the right to claim other benefits, for example:

  1. Targeted assistance - provision of basic necessities, for example:
    • Food;
    • hygiene products;
    • cloth;
    • medicinal medicines.
  2. Transport tax reduction(for one type of transport).
  3. Free pass on public transport.
  4. Preferential vouchers to the sanatorium complex.
  5. Medical service out of turn.
  6. Manufacturing free dentures.
  7. Compensation payments for using your home phone.
  8. Discounts on the purchase of medicinal drugs with a prescription from a doctor.

Children of war and surcharges

Citizens who were born between 1928-1945 years, are eligible to receive the status "children of war".

However, there is no such concept in the legislation. But, despite this fact, more than 20 regions allocate additional benefits for this category of pensioners.

Unfortunately, Moscow is not included in this list of regions, so the “children of war” can only claim related benefits, which are indicated in the previous chapter.
Some legislators propose to equate this category of persons with “home front workers” so that “children of war” can receive federal benefits on the basis of legislation. However, this bill has not yet been formally approved.

Gain indexation

In 2017, the recalculation of pension payments will be made at least twice - in February and April. Thus, the February indexation increased pension payments by 5.4%. And in April, it is planned to increase pension contributions (only increase social pensions) by about 2.6%.

In addition, the pension of citizens, which was increased due to the additional payments provided, will be increased by the prescribed percentage of indexation. Consequently, indicators of both basic pension payments and pension supplements citizen.

Muscovites raised their pensions? Watch the video.

The Moscow standard of living cannot be compared with other regions. But due to high prices, Moscow pensioners are not able to provide themselves with a decent standard of living, despite additional increases. Therefore, the authorities are striving to steadily increase pension payments through the introduction of various increases, which are discussed in our article.