How to bleach a white silk blouse. How to bleach a white blouse if it has turned gray. How to get rid of dullness

White clothes have always been popular in use, because this color is refreshing, gives elegance to both men and women. At any age, a white blouse will suit every person. It can be worn on a date, to the office, to school for vacation and for a business meeting. In any case, it will give you style and self-confidence. It is for these reasons that most stylish people love to have a white wardrobe. But in this case, you will definitely meet with one big problem which will need to be dealt with. You will have to find the answer to the question of how to whiten a blouse at home, especially if they have turned gray due to any reason. First of all, it is necessary to understand why such consequences occur, and what entails them. And then look for a way out of the situation.

Reasons why a light blouse loses its whiteness

A blouse will never turn gray if it is used correctly and not harmed by various negative factors. But in order to know what exactly harms white clothes, you need to take an interest in this and carefully study this topic. In this article, we will try to deal with several issues related to the whiteness of blouses, blouses and shirts. Before thinking about how to remove yellowness, you need to find the reasons for its appearance. Most common cause is the improper use and washing of clothing. If the washing mode is chosen incorrectly, a white blouse can permanently change its appearance, so you need to be as careful as possible with this.

Another reason may be the use of cheap perfumes, deodorants. From the poor-quality composition of the product, yellow spots may form. The quality of water, air and ecology also has a rather strong influence. We may not notice the state of our environment, but even if the tissue feels it on itself, then you should think about the state of your lungs too.

However, the reasons are different, and in order to move on to solving the issue, first find out what caused the problem for you. This will also affect the way the bleaching process works.

How to prevent discoloration of clothes?

In order not to often have to wonder how to whiten a white blouse at home, you should create precautions that will significantly reduce the frequency of an unpleasant transition from white to gray or yellow.

To prevent the negative impact of water on the fabric, you need to put a high-quality filter on the water supply. Dark rooms without filtration and free air access also carry Negative influence, from which white blouses become yellowed or grayed. For white things, the use of special washing powders is mandatory, because others usually will not work or harm the fabric. After washing dark clothes, never throw light ones, first you need to rinse the machine from color by running the wash without clothes, with bleach. This will wash any remaining paint and dirt off the car. It is mandatory to comply with all recommendations provided for clothing from manufacturers. Wash light clothes separately, dark clothes separately, and use bleaches no more than 1 time in 3-4 washes, because their aggressive components negatively affect the structure of fabrics.

How and how to whiten a blouse if it has turned gray?

And so, we figured out all the reasons, let's move on to the main thing, how to bleach a white blouse at home, if it has turned gray and lost its original beauty. Since many housewives use various methods, then from experience a lot of methods have already been accumulated that are effective. We will name a few of the main ones from the list so that you have a choice of which one to adopt for yourself.


Modern chemical agents show themselves to be the most effective and economical in the matter of whitening. It is modern ones that have appeared on the market quite recently and their composition during manufacture is controlled by young experienced specialists. Which make sure that chemicals do not harm tissues. In general, they are called oxygen bleaches, they do not contain chlorine components, and therefore they are especially careful about materials. Their action is possible only in warm water, since the main component of bleaching is oxygen. These funds can be found in every chemical store, simply by indicating the names "Persol" or "Vanish".

In second place, you can put chlorine-containing products. Despite the fact that the effect of "Whiteness", "Chlorin" and "ACE" can also bring high-quality, but their components after several uses can critically spoil your fabric structure. No wonder these tools are called aggressive. So be careful with their use. Our mothers and grandmothers did not have anything to bleach things, so they were forced to use chlorine, but now we can choose.

And the third point in achieving the goal, how to whiten a jacket, you can use optical means. Their only drawback is that they only help to lighten the thing, but do not fight stains in any way, therefore, if you are interested in the question of how to whiten a blouse if it is gray, then these products can help you, but you will have to look for stains other means. Their names are very different different countries, in Russia - whitefors, in Poland - heliophores, in Germany - hostaluxes, in Great Britain - blancophores. But if you want to buy this remedy, then you should remember all the names, because sellers travel a lot around the world, and they may know different names so that you can explain what you need.

Folk methods

Also, don't forget to use the old ones. folk methods used by our grandmothers. Of course, once the fabrics were more natural, and now most of the synthetics. And this has its advantages and disadvantages, synthetic clothing can't boil high temperatures harm her. Therefore, for synthetics, chemical agents give a bleaching effect, and for things made from natural fabrics, you can use the boiling method or others.

Also, experts often use the tools that every housewife has at home. These include: hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate, laundry soap and toothpaste, baking soda, ammonia, salt, boric acid and vinegar. You may have come across these products in the list of bleaches and disinfectants when looking for answers to other questions around the house.

To prepare solutions you will need:

How to bleach a blouse if it is dyed?

This question is of interest to many people, because there have been so many such unpleasant situations when, through our own negligence, we throw white clothes into the washing machine to the rest, and after washing we understand that now it is pink, blue, orange, green, or any other color except white. This, probably, everyone experienced, and therefore it is worth asking, and perhaps it will still be possible to return the white blouse to its whiteness. A lot of people have done it, so we encourage you to try it too.

To begin with, let's pay attention to the fact that whitening should be started immediately after the incident. First you need to rinse the product in water with potassium permanganate, then to rinse in the water you need to add salt, soda, citric acid or a little ammonia. If the color has taken place to a strong extent, then the blouse will have to go through a full bleaching process, and if the jacket has not changed color much, then perhaps these measures will be enough.

How to whiten a white shirt from yellowness?

Over time, it happens that your snow-white shirt, which has always pleased you with its appearance, turned yellow. And it happens to us so painfully, and so sorry to part with our favorite things. Therefore, in order to extend their life, it is worth trying to take some measures, just not to send things to the past. The way out of such situations will be the tips that we described above. There are many listed effective methods, which will also help in the case when the blouse has turned yellow from old age.

For yellowed clothes, you can use bleaching only on sleeves, collars and underarm areas, this will be an advantage in the case when these areas are in particular need of attention. For such cases, you also need to look at the structure of the fabric, and carefully select the approved method for bleaching in order to get a beautiful result and not cause even more harm.

How to bleach a silk blouse at home?

Particular attention in washing should be given to the care of silk fabric. After all, although silks are different, all of them are united by the delicacy and subtlety of the fabric structure. And delicate fabrics should never be subjected to aggressive bleaches. Washing of these fabrics is carried out in water not higher than 30 degrees Celsius hand wash or machine in delicate mode. It is forbidden to twist the silk fabric, it should dry on its own on a towel or on a dryer, but only not in direct sunlight, as this may cause it to lose its color.

You can bleach a silk blouse with light bleaches such as lemon juice or sea ​​salt with hydrogen peroxide. You can prepare the solution at home, dilute 5-8 tablespoons of salt in the right amount of water, add a little peroxide if desired and soak the clothes for 3-5 hours. Then wash in the usual way and rinse at least 3 times, 2 times in warm water and 1 time in cool. The method of bleaching with lemon is similar, you need to squeeze the juice from 2-3 lemons, stir with 1.5 liters. water and washed clothes soak overnight. After that, rinse. And most importantly, be careful.

Has your favorite blouse lost its snow-white appearance, and you have already decided to hide it in the far corner of your wardrobe? Take your time, I will tell you about effective ways to whiten things, and you will forget that they can turn gray or an unpleasant yellow tint will appear.

Types of fabric and features of their bleaching

  • Slim blouses. To bleach a chiffon or a silky white blouse, forget about chlorine-containing substances - they will destroy the fabric. Delicate items are best cleaned with optical brighteners, which not only eliminate plaque, but also do not cause an allergic reaction.
  • Synthetic products. A synthetic blouse or shirt can be cleaned with any bleach. It is important to observe one condition - the water temperature during washing should not be higher than 40 degrees.
  • Natural fabrics . It is not difficult to bleach a white blouse based on cotton or linen - they tolerate boiling, hot water, and even bleach well.

We return the snow-white look to the blouse

Despite the fact that the range of modern household chemicals allows you to choose perfect option for any material, I would like to focus on proven recipes:

  • firstly, they are much safer than any chemical product;
  • secondly, the price of such methods will be significantly lower than purchased funds.

5 recipes to get rid of gray plaque

The recipes proposed in this section will help you easily restore the snow-white look of your favorite blouse with your own hands without much effort. Choose the method that suits you best:

Illustration Instruction
Recipe 1. Hydrogen peroxide

Using hydrogen peroxide, you can restore any kind of fabric - synthetics are no exception.

Pour a teaspoon of peroxide into 2 liters of warm water (about 30-40 ° C) and mix the solution thoroughly. Soak the product for 20 minutes, periodically turning it over. Then just wash it as usual.

Recipe 2. Potassium permanganate and washing powder

Dilute a few crystals of potassium permanganate in hot water until a pale pink solution forms. Add some washing powder to the water and soak the blouse in the liquid.

At the same time, be sure to close the container with a lid. Wait until the water has cooled down, then rinse the product.

Recipe 3. Boric acid

Another answer to the question "how to whiten synthetics at home?". Dissolve 2 tablespoons of acid in 4 liters of hot water. Soak the blouse in the solution for 2 hours, then rinse it well.

Recipe 4. Salt

An option that is suitable for any kind of matter. Dilute 2 tablespoons of salt in a liter of water and soak the product in the solution for about 20 minutes. Then you just have to rinse the blouse.

Recipe 5. Toothpaste, vinegar, salt and baking powder

Squeeze a tube of undyed pasta into a deep container, add half a cup of baking powder and a quarter cup of salt. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, then add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to them. The resulting paste will start to sizzle, add some water to it.

Dip the whites into the container and wait a couple of hours, then wash the blouses in the machine in the usual way.

This recipe is suitable if you do not know how to bleach a guipure blouse or linen and cotton item.

4 recipes for removing yellowness

Unpleasant yellow spots have formed on your favorite shirt or blouse, and you do not know what to do? One of these methods will help you:

Illustration Instructions for action

Recipe 1. Ammonia

Dip a cotton garment in a solution of ammonia (4 tablespoons of alcohol per 5 liters of water). Leave the thing to soak for 3 hours, and then rinse.

Recipe 2. Laundry soap

Wet the blouse with warm water, then thoroughly lather it with 72% soap until a persistent foam appears. Leave the product to soak for 3 hours, then just wash it.

Recipe 3. Baking soda

Pour half a glass of soda into the container of the washing machine along with the powder. Turn on the appropriate wash cycle and dry the product.

Recipe 4. Powdered milk

Dilute a glass of milk powder in warm water and mix thoroughly. Soak the blouse in the resulting solution, then wash.

Recipe for restoring a painted item

How to bleach gray or yellowed things, you now know. But what if the white shirt is dyed?

  • Soak the blouse in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Then add a little salt, soda, ammonia and citric acid to the rinse water.
  • Soak your shirt in the solution for an hour.
  • Rinse the product in clean water.

After such manipulations, the dyed item will turn white again, and you will remember that you should not wash it at the same time as colored items. You will find even more effective recipes and tips in the video in this article.


I told you how to bleach a shirt with harmless folk recipes that won't harm delicate fabrics. In the comments, you can always ask me a clarifying question, share your ways of whitening things there.

How to bleach a white sweater?
Almost everyone has a sweater that has lost its whiteness. It’s a pity to throw it away, let’s try to bleach it, because every housewife should be able to bleach any thing, even sweaters.

Wool sweaters very often turn yellow, as rust settles in fluffy fibers, especially if washed with low-quality powder and use bad water. Therefore, we will figure out how to return the whiteness and original beauty to your favorite white sweater.

Of course, you immediately want to use stain removers, but leave them in the background. Let's start with these ways:
Regular powder that contains whitening ingredients. Use for washing white sweater the program is the longest at a temperature of 40 ° C, but at the same time add a little more powder than you usually pour. The result may not be immediately, at least three or four washings must pass.
Sweaters that are worn all the time develop pimples that give a grayish or yellowish tint. Therefore, the purpose of washing is to remove and untangle the wool fibers and bleach them a little. Therefore, liquid powder for woolen fabrics will help to cope with this task. If used regularly, you can achieve the desired result.
If the powders do not help, then try oxygen bleach. Use strictly according to the instructions. After bleaching, be sure to rinse the sweater in the conditioner.
Soap the sweater laundry soap, which says 72%, and leave for a few hours. After the time has elapsed, rinse the item well in running water, and then rinse in fabric softener to soften the wool.
Hydrogen peroxide also has a good whitening effect. We take two liters of water, into which we add 6 tablespoons of peroxide, mix the composition well. Put the sweater in the product and leave it overnight. After bleaching, the sweater is washed. If you do not like the result, you can repeat the procedure again.
If all of the above methods did not help restore the whiteness of the sweater, then this recipe will help. It will take 3 liters of water, to which add 3 tablespoons of table salt, a spoonful of powder, 2 tablespoons of ammonia and one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. Please note that the water is approximately 40°C. Place a sweater in the prepared solution and leave for 3 hours. Rinse after time. To avoid pilling, put the sweater in the freezer for an hour.
How to bleach white things: effective home methods
When spring comes, many girls wear beautiful white clothes to give their image lightness, femininity and elegance. These clothes look great in the warm season, cheer up and add self-confidence. You can walk in the park and feel comfortable even in the summer heat, as the white color reflects the hot sun rays and prevents them from heating the body.

But, unfortunately, all snow-white fabrics become gray or yellowish after washing. That is why the question "How to whiten white things?" does not lose its relevance.

Today we will talk about how to return things to their original dazzling whiteness without damaging the fabric. You will also learn how to properly wash white clothes so that they retain their color after washing.

Simple and effective methods to help whiten whites

Hydrogen peroxide. This method will help you quickly cope with the problem in question. Just dilute 3% peroxide in water (one teaspoon per two liters of water), dip gray clothes into the resulting solution and leave for fifteen to twenty minutes. Stir the clothes every five minutes to get even bleaching. For greater efficiency, a small amount of soda can be added to the solution.

Potassium permanganate. You can return the dazzling whiteness to grayed wardrobe items using ordinary potassium permanganate. Dial a ten-liter container of hot water, add a little potassium permanganate and washing powder (200 grams). After adding potassium permanganate, the water should turn slightly pink. Dip the washed items into the resulting solution and cover the container with polyethylene. When the water has completely cooled, rinse your clothes thoroughly.

Ammonia. And this method is more suitable for those who want to restore the original beauty of linen or cotton clothes. Add a small amount of alcohol to the water (5-7 tablespoons per 10 liters of water), dip your clothes into the solution and leave for 2-3 hours.
Peroxide, salt, powder and alcohol. To bleach the product natural cotton or wool, you need to collect a ten-liter container of warm water (40 ° C) and add 1 tbsp. l ammonia, 3 tbsp. l peroxide, a handful of table salt and a small amount of washing powder. After that, lower the grayed things into the solution for twenty minutes, then rinse them in cold water.

Laundry soap. A very old way that can help solve the problem in question. It is necessary to generously rub clothes with laundry soap (use soap where 72% is written), soak it in water for 2-3 hours and wash it in the usual way. For cotton products, use only warm water (40-50°C).

What to do if the white tulle has become gray and ugly
You can solve this simple problem with ammonia and peroxide. Just take a ten-liter container of hot water and add 1 tbsp. l ammonia and 2 tbsp. l hydrogen peroxide. Immerse the tulle in the resulting solution and leave for half an hour. After that, wash it in the usual way. Note that this method can also be used to whiten guipure.

An easy way to get white socks and t-shirts back
Fill a basin with water, add 2 tbsp. l of boric acid, soak grayed things in this solution and leave for 2 hours. After this time, take out the clothes and wash them in the usual way. We can use this method only because socks and T-shirts are usually made of durable materials that are resistant to decay and decay.

How to wash white clothes so that they do not lose their color
In order not to return to the question “How to bleach white things?” Every month, you should remember a few rules:

Never wash white clothes together with other colors.
Always wash white linen and cotton items separately from wool and synthetics. Otherwise, all things will take on a gray tint.
Wash linen and cotton fabrics at 60°C. For greater effectiveness, add a little salt (2 tablespoons) to the water.
At machine washable use bleach powder to keep the white color, or in the compartment for prewash add a small amount of liquid bleach.

Some Helpful Tips
Finally, we want to give you some tips:

In no case do not try to restore the snow-white beauty of artificial things with the help of bleach. It is better to take a suitable container, make a soapy solution, add a small amount of ammonia (5 tbsp. L per 10 liters of water) and 2 tbsp. l hydrogen peroxide. Dip the product in the liquid and leave for 30 minutes. After this time things will turn white.
It is known that woolen things during washing leave pile on other linen. How to deal with it? To do this, it is enough to put the woolen clothes in the freezer before washing and leave it for 60 minutes. Thus, we can solve this problem.
Did yellow or pink fabric get into the washing machine along with white clothes and stain all the clothes? This problem will help to cope with special napkins, which are sold in stores for affordable price. They absorb faded paint from clothes well and return the “real” color to things. It is enough just to repeat the wash with a napkin.
It is better to dry washed white linen under the rays of sunlight. If you have such an opportunity, be sure to use it.
As you can see, it is not difficult to return snow-white beauty to things. By using the tips and methods in this publication, your white clothes will delight you with its appearance for a long time to come.

Snow-white things always look very festive. Even the most simple clothes this color brings freshness to the image. Some people avoid light-colored outfits due to the rapid loss of their former attractiveness. Not everyone knows that when proper care the jacket can remain attractive for a very long time.

Probably, every person who has a white sweater thought about how to wash the thing and keep it looking elegant. To remove stains and bleach clothes, it is not necessary to use dry cleaning services. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the information that will allow you to effectively clean things at home.

Bleach for jackets

Manufacturers of household chemicals offer a wide range of funds. In order to effectively clean and not damage the thing, it is necessary to choose the right temperature and substance for a particular type of fabric.

Have an aggressive effect. They are actively used for cleaning dense types of fabric. Bleaches with chlorine are not suitable for silk and chiffon.

The product consists of sodium hypochlorite and a small amount of substances that tint the fabric.

Clothes after washing are able to reflect light and create the illusion of whiteness. Frequent use of this type leads to premature wear of the fabric. Should not be used in washing machines.


Suitable for gentle whitening. Unlike chlorine-containing ones, they do not damage the structure of the fabric and do not deform the product.

High quality processing can be achieved using a liquid agent. Powder ones also work well, but the result is less effective.


They do not affect fabrics, the principle of bleaching lies in the optical film that covers the clothes and gives the necessary whiteness.

Important. Before buying bleach, pay attention to the production date and carefully read the instructions. The bleaching procedure must be carried out strictly according to her advice, then the jacket will delight you with its snow-whiteness for a long time.

Folk remedies for whitening

There are cases when it is necessary to return the whiteness of the jacket in the shortest possible time, and there are no special tools at hand.

Then you can use folk ways. Every home has everything you need.

Laundry soap

Soap whitening is one of the oldest methods. Our grandmothers also used this method. Wet the clothes, then rub them thoroughly. Leave the jacket to soak for several hours or boil with the addition of washing powder over low heat for 30 minutes. After that, the thing is rinsed in cold water.

An unpleasant odor is the main disadvantage of this method.


Before bleaching, the jacket must be washed. Then, in a small amount of water, stir 1 tablespoon of peroxide and ammonia. Clothes are soaked in the resulting liquid. Then the thing is thoroughly rinsed and hung out to dry in the open air until the ammonia is completely weathered.

Hydrogen peroxide

A jacket made of natural fibers is bleached at a temperature not lower than 70 ° C, and an acrylic jacket is not more than 40 ° C. 1 bottle of hydrogen peroxide is added to 2 liters of water. In order to remove yellowness, you can add 1 tablespoon of soda. The clothes in the resulting solution are soaked for 30 minutes, and then washed as usual.

Boric acid

We take 2 liters of hot water and add 2 tablespoons of liquid or 15 grams of powdered boric acid. The substance not only perfectly cleanses, but also disinfects.

soda and vinegar

An aggressive method that is used in extreme cases, when all methods have already been tried. Baking soda and vinegar can get rid of old stains.

Potassium permanganate

We take a few crystals of the substance and add it to the water. Stir until a light pink color appears and soak things for a couple of hours in hot water.

Care tips for white sweatshirts

  • In order to keep the original appearance of the clothes, it is necessary follow the instructions on the product label I.
  • Before washing, things are sorted. natural materials can not be combined with synthetic. Light sweaters are washed separately from black and colored items. Otherwise, the color will not be as white.
  • Dirty clothes should not be left in the laundry basket for a long time. Old stains are harder to remove, it is likely that the product will acquire a gray or yellowish tint after washing.
  • In order for the jacket to be snow-white, you do not need to use bleach every time. The constant use of these substances leads to a violation of the tissue structure. Bleach is recommended no more than every 3-4 washes.

A white blouse is a symbol of purity and celebration. It suits everyone and allows you to look solemn - both in the office or school, and on a date or in the theater. Any white thing goes well with other wardrobe items. A white blouse makes a woman romantic, fragile and weightless. But to our great regret, time is merciless to all white things, and when worn, they lose their original solemn appearance, become gray and faded. Today we will tell you how to bleach a white blouse if it is gray, and at the same time not ruin the material.

How to prevent discoloration of clothes?

In order not to think about how to bleach white shirt from yellowness or a blouse, you must treat them carefully. But here, not everything depends on us, because poor-quality water, ecology, cheap perfumes, and deodorants have a bad effect on white things. Yes, and frequent washing or an incorrectly selected washing mode makes white things unsuitable for wear.

To reduce the likelihood of negative factors affecting appearance products, follow these guidelines:

  • Put on the water supply to protect yourself and things from negative impurities.
  • Do not store white items for a long time in a dark room without access fresh air. Read the instructions for .
  • Be sure to follow all manufacturer's recommendations on the product label. Our will help you with this.
  • For white clothes, use a special washing powder. And in order not to miscalculate with a quality tool and not overpay, use ours.
  • If you washed blacks and colors before whites, first run the machine without laundry and bleach to remove the dye left from the clothes.
  • Wash whites separately from the rest of your wardrobe.
  • Soak whites in cold water before washing to preserve color.
  • Do not use bleach for every wash, as it has a bad effect on the structure of the fabric. Add bleach no more than once every 3-4 washes.

How to whiten a blouse if it has turned gray?

Modern household chemicals offer a wide range of products that help restore products to their original cleanliness and whiteness. Modern whitening products are much better than their predecessors, as they are gentler and more accurate on the material. Of course, such powders do not give an instant effect, but after a few washes, the blouse takes on a snow-white appearance.

All factory-made bleaches can be divided into the following types:

  1. Chlorine containing products. These products include:, "Chlorin", "ACE" and others. These are harsh chemicals that quick effect, but they must be used with great care, since under their action the fibers of the tissue are gradually destroyed.
  2. oxygen bleaches. The category of these funds includes: "Persol", and other products that do not contain chlorine. The active component of the composition of such bleaches is oxygen. The products act on the fabric in warm water, so they can also be used for white blouses with colored inserts.
  3. Optical brighteners. Such products do not fight stains on the product, but thanks to special particles, they visually make things lighter. Manufacturers call such funds differently: in Russia - "Belophores", in Poland - "Heliophores", in Germany - "Hostalux", in the UK - "Blancophores". All optical brighteners work in the same way.

Whitening things is a rather complicated process and must be approached responsibly, as the incorrect use of active ingredients can ruin your favorite thing. Before bleaching a white blouse or shirt, if it is gray, determine the type of fabric of the product.

Important! Remember that the bleaching method is only suitable for strong and natural fabrics. Things made of synthetics are best taken to dry cleaning or use only delicate ways to combat yellowness.

Here are some tips for using bleach for different fabrics.

Features of whitening different fabrics

  • For thin blouses made of silk or chiffon, do not use chlorine-containing products. The fibers of delicate fabrics break down very quickly under the influence of chlorine. For these materials, optical brighteners are suitable, which, moreover, do not cause skin irritation and allergies, unlike chlorine.
  • Synthetic blouses can tolerate any bleach, but with one condition - the water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.
  • Natural fabrics such as cotton and linen tolerate all bleaches, including chlorine. But you don't need to get carried away with such means. Natural fabrics can be bleached by boiling and washed in hot water.

Important! There are many ways to bleach products, but in any case, it is necessary to start bleaching only after pre-washing.

To do it right, use our selection of rules for each material from the article.

How to whiten a blouse at home if it has turned gray?

Modern people are accustomed to the fact that they have at their disposal a lot of industrial powders and whitening products. But all these products have one significant drawback - the price. And if you consider how many white things are among the products of our wardrobe, then putting them in order can cost us a tidy sum. We propose to revise the available improvised means that will help whiten a shirt at home.

Home remedies for dirt and yellowness:

  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Potassium permanganate.
  • Laundry soap.
  • Toothpaste.
  • Soda ash, baking soda.
  • Ammonia.
  • Salt.
  • Boric acid.
  • Vinegar.

All of these ways to use home remedies to whiten shirts, blouses, tights, T-shirts, and everything in your household are easy.

Method number 1. Hydrogen peroxide + soda ash

A 3% hydrogen peroxide solution is suitable for various fabrics, and synthetics are no exception. Use peroxide like this:

  1. Prepare 2 liters of warm water (if the fabric is delicate, then 30-40 degrees, and cotton can withstand temperatures of 70 degrees).
  2. Pour in 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Mix the solution thoroughly.
  4. Add 1 teaspoon of soda ash if the fabric turns yellow. By the way, in a separate publication, we talked in detail about how and how to use it.
  5. Soak things.
  6. Leave the clothes on for 20 minutes (with hot water for 10 minutes).
  7. Periodically “shuffle” things to bleach a white blouse, if it has turned gray, evenly.
  8. Wash in the usual way.

Important! Hydrogen peroxide can be replaced with hydroperite tablets, which are sold in pharmacies. Mix 9 tablets per 10 liters of water. Then soak the products in the solution as described above.

Method number 2. ammonia + hydrogen peroxide:

  1. In 5 liters of hot water, dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia.
  2. Soak the washed blouse in the solution for 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse the item thoroughly to get rid of the ammonia smell.
  4. Dry clothes outdoors.

Method number 3. Potassium permanganate

If at home you have crystals of potassium permanganate, then:

  1. Dissolve the crystals hot water. The solution should be pale pink.
  2. Pour in the washing powder.
  3. Soak the laundry and close the container with a lid.
  4. Wait until everything cools down to room temperature.
  5. Rinse things.

Method number 4. Boric acid

Boric acid is sold in pharmacies, but is rarely used. Use boric acid to whiten your blouse at home if it is grey, as follows:

  1. For 4 liters of hot water, add 2 tbsp. spoons of acid.
  2. Soak things.
  3. Leave the clothes on for 2 hours.
  4. Rinse thoroughly.

Method number 5. Laundry soap

Important! Boiling is only suitable for cotton fabrics. Products are boiled only inside enameled dishes for half an hour, stirring regularly with wooden tongs or a spatula.

Method number 6. Baking soda

This is one of the most simple ways: when washing, add to the powder 2 tbsp. spoons of funds. If the situation is depressing, then soak the product in a soda solution before washing. In this case, use ½ pack of 3-4 liters.

Method number 7. A mixture of various improvised ingredients

If the situation with the color of clothes has not yet gone too far, then:

  1. Prepare the following mixture: 4 tbsp. spoons of salt, 4 tbsp. spoons of hydrogen peroxide, 1 tbsp. dilute a spoonful of ammonia in a bowl of water.
  2. Add some washing powder.
  3. Soak the washed clothes in the prepared solution for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse items and dry.

Method number 8. Salt

Synthetic blouses are well whitened with ordinary salt:

  1. Stir salt in warm water (2 tablespoons of the product per 1 liter of water).
  2. Soak the blouse in the solution for 20 minutes.
  3. Rinse thoroughly.

Important! In this case, it is better to take not a large, but a small iodized one - it gives a more effective result.

Method number 9. Toothpaste + salt + vinegar

For the whitening procedure, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Toothpaste - 1 tube. Use a paste without dyes and crystals.
  • Salt (¼ cup).
  • Baking powder for dough (½ cup).
  • Vinegar 9% (2 teaspoons).

Important! When performing the bleaching procedure, be sure to follow the dosage and do not keep things in the solution for a long time, as aggressive substances will irreparably damage the fabric.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Squeeze a tube of toothpaste into a container.
  2. Add baking powder, salt.
  3. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  4. Add vinegar and stir again.
  5. The mixture will start to sizzle, add a small amount of water and stir.
  6. Dip white things in a bowl.
  7. Leave the clothes on for 2 hours.
  8. Wring out things, leave to dry.
  9. After the clothes are dry, wash in the washing machine as usual.

Important! If there are yellow stains on the blouse, then add a teaspoon of soda ash to the mixture. Bleach a blouse at a temperature of 30-40 degrees, wash at the same temperature.

How to bleach a blouse if it is dyed?

To avoid staining white items, never wash them together with colored items. But if by negligence this happened, then use the following tips:

  • Rinse the soiled blouse in a solution of potassium permanganate or soak in it.
  • Add to the rinse water: salt, soda, citric acid or ammonia.
  • If the staining is very noticeable, then bleach the product.
  • Dilute hydrogen peroxide in water.
  • Soak the blouse in the solution for an hour.
  • Rinse the product.

Important! If the thing has faded thoroughly and you can’t restore the purity of the color, use our selection of ideas from the post.

How to whiten a white shirt from yellowness?

After frequent washing, a white shirt loses its respectable appearance and acquires a cream or yellowish tint. To correct the situation, use improvised means:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. Dilute 3% hydrogen peroxide in 2 liters of warm water. Stir the ingredients thoroughly, soak the shirt for half an hour. You can soak the collar and sleeves separately, as they get the most dirty. For better whitening, add a little soda to the solution.
  2. Ammonia. Soak a white cotton shirt in a solution of ammonia (4 tablespoons of ammonia for 5 liters of warm water). Leave the product in the solution for 3 hours, and then rinse.
  3. Oxygen bleach. Pour standard oxygen bleach into hot water. Soak your shirt overnight. In the morning, wash the item in the usual way in a typewriter or by hand.
  4. Laundry soap. Wet shirt with warm water and lather with laundry soap (72%). Pay special attention to the cuffs and collar. Leave the product for 3 hours. After the time has passed, wash the shirt in the usual way.
  5. White. Add 2 tablespoons of bleach to warm water. Soak the product in the solution for 20 minutes, stir occasionally. Rinse the shirt in plenty of cold water.

Important! When working with “Whiteness”, be sure to protect your hands with rubber gloves so that irritation and damage to the skin of the hands does not occur. Remove all extraneous things, as if whiteness accidentally gets on them, a faded spot may remain.

  1. Baking soda. Half a glass of soda must be poured into the compartment along with washing powder. This method takes a minimum of time, and the result is amazing.
  2. Powdered milk. Pour a glass of powdered milk into warm water. Mix thoroughly. Soak the shirt in the solution and wash. This method is often used if you want to get a snow-white collar.

How to bleach a silk blouse at home?

A silk white blouse requires special care. This delicate material does not tolerate aggressive washing and bleaching methods. Here are some tips for caring for a silk blouse:

  • Wash silk items at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees by hand or in washing machine in the delicate wash mode.
  • Silk blouses should not be rubbed during washing and twisted during spinning.
  • After bleaching silk items, first rinse in warm water, and then again in cool water.
  • Dry the products in the unfolded form on a towel.
  • Make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on silk items during drying.

If you do not want to use ready-made industrial bleach, then use the following recipes to bleach a silk blouse.

Recipe #1:

  1. Dilute 5-8 tablespoons of salt (preferably sea salt) in the required amount of water.
  2. Soak the blouse in the saline solution for 2-3 hours.
  3. If desired, add a little hydrogen peroxide to the solution.

Recipe #2

Another option on how to bleach a white blouse if it is gray is lemon juice. It will help to refresh the product as a whole and give the desired color:

  1. Take two or three lemons and squeeze the juice into a container of water (1-1.5 liters).
  2. Soak your blouse in lemon water overnight.
  3. Rinse thoroughly in the morning.

Important! The acid in this citrus is quite caustic, it can break down not only gray deposits from dust and frequent washing, but also yellow stains from grease, sweat, etc.