Quilling templates for children 6 7 years old. Quilling for children. Tips and lessons. Quilling for young children: simple applications



CHILDREN 5 – 7 years old

"Magic Quilling"

(2 years of study)

Compiled by:

Nikitina Nadezhda Fedorovna, teacher of the highest category, MBDOU No. 18 “Firefly”


    Explanatory note.

    The purpose and objectives of the program.

    Principles. Methods and techniques.

    Educational and thematic plan.

    Methodological support.

    Planned result.


    Application to the program:


Explanatory note.

Currently, many children have insufficient development of fine motor skills. A study of the level of development of fine differentiated movements of the fingers and hands in children shows that for many they are not sufficiently targeted. Particularly poorly developed are the complex coordinated movements of the leading hand, i.e., poor ability to hold a pen or pencil as a working tool.

In my group, working with children with general speech underdevelopment, I noted that children who come to speech therapy groups rarely have confident coordination of finger movements. As a rule, they have motor clumsiness, imprecision of movements, difficulties in mastering the motor program and switching. And this is natural.

It has been scientifically established that the level of speech development of children is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers.

Therefore, I believe that the development of children's fine motor skills preschool age– this is one of the current problems, because weakness in the movement of fingers and hands, awkwardness is one of the reasons that makes it difficult to master the simplest skills and self-care skills necessary for life. In addition, the mechanical development of the hand is in close connection with the development of speech and thinking of the child, as proven by scientists and my personal observations from practice. The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for school education. Typically, a child with a high level of development of fine motor skills is able to reason logically: he has sufficiently developed memory and attention, and coherent speech.

Having analyzed the author's developments, various materials, as well as the best experience with children accumulated at the present stage by domestic and foreign teaching practitioners, I became interestedsuch a paper processing technique as paper filigree - “quilling”. Quilling is a simple and very beautiful type of craft that does not require large expenses.The techniques used in this technique are very simple and easy for children to understand. The technique is time-efficient, not expensive in material terms, highly artistic, relevant and colorful for a modern interior. The corrugated cardboard quilling technique involves rolling and modeling strips of cardboard several millimeters wide, and thenusing the resulting forms, create a variety of compositions.Quilling is a fascinating creativity for children and adults with spectacular results. Medical specialists believe that these activities allow you to more fully use mental resources, harmoniously developing both hemispheres of the brain. In addition, they develop fine motor skills, eye, concentration, attentiveness, imagination, helps develop artistic taste. Creative lessons shape correct social behavior in children. In the process of this activity, children develop communication skills: friendliness, perseverance, accuracy, mutual assistance and cooperation with peers.

In practice, these tasks are implemented by me through the program additional education children "Magic quilling". The proposed program has an artistic and aesthetic orientation, which is an important direction in development and education. Being the most accessible for children, applied creativity has the necessary emotionality, attractiveness, and effectiveness. The program involves the development of children's artistic taste and creative abilities, and offers the child's development in a variety of directions: design thinking, artistic and aesthetic taste, imaginative and spatial thinking. All this is necessary for a modern person to realize himself as a harmoniously developed personality. By creating his own world from paper, the child prepares to become the creator of a good world. We, teachers, see this as the main need of today.

The educational objectives formulated in the program give an idea of ​​what skills, abilities and knowledge the child should master by the end of school year, what topics he covers, how many hours are allocated to mastering a particular topic. The long-term plan reveals in more detail the assigned tasks as a result of which the child develops knowledge and skills in artistic creativity.

The Magic Quilling program is intended for childrensenior preschool age – 5-7 years , and is designed for2 years of study.

Direct educational activities to solve the problems of additional education for children under the “Magic Quilling” program are carried out in the afternoon2 times per week (Monday, Wednesday), 8 times a month.

Duration directly educational activities on the implementation of the program of additional education for children -

1 academic hour lasting no more than 25-30 minutes in accordance with SanPiN

Service provision form - subgroup.

GCD structure can be flexible and change depending on goals and objectives, but includes 3 parts: introductory, main and final.

Introductory part – creating an emotional mood in children and explaining new material.

Main or practical part creative work children; I provide advice and provide individual work as needed.

Very importantfinal part – it analyzes the results of children’s artistic creativity

Purpose of the program - teach various techniques for working with corrugated cardboard and techniques for making products, prepare students for professional self-determination, and stimulate children’s creative activity.

Program objectives:

1. Educational:

Develop attention, memory, logical and spatial imagination.

Develop artistic taste, Creative skills and fantasies of children.

To develop in children the ability to work with their hands, to accustom them to precise finger movements, to improve fine motor skills of their hands, and to develop their eye.

Develop spatial imagination.

2. Educational:

Introduce children to the basic concepts and basic forms of quilling.

Teach various techniques for working with corrugated cardboard.

Develop the ability to follow oral instructions.

Reinforce basic geometric concepts with children: circle, square, triangle, angle, side, vertex, etc.

Enrich your child’s vocabulary with special terms.

Create compositions with products made using the quilling technique.

3. Educational:

Cultivate an interest in the art of quilling.

Develop skills of mutual assistance and cooperation with peers.

Contribute to the creation game situations, expand children's communication abilities.

Improve work skills, develop a work culture, teach accuracy, the ability to use materials carefully and economically, and keep things in order. workplace.

When developing the program, I took into account the followingprinciples :

accessibility (simplicity, age-appropriate and individual characteristics);

visibility (illustrativeness, presence didactic materials). “The more organs of our senses take part in the perception of any impression or group of impressions, the more firmly these impressions fit into our mechanical, nervous memory, are more accurately preserved by it and are more easily remembered,” (K.D. Ushinsky);

democracy and humanism (interaction between teacher and student in society, realization of one’s own creative needs);

scientific character (validity, presence of methodological basis and theoretical basis).

from simple to complex" (having learned basic work skills, the child applies his knowledge in performing creative work).

In my work I use variousmethods and techniques :


verbal (oral presentation, conversation, story, etc.)

visual (display of multimedia materials, illustrations, observation, demonstration (performance) by a teacher, work based on a model, etc.)

practical (performing work according to instruction cards, diagrams, etc.)

2. Methods based on the level of children’s activity:

explanatory and illustrative – children perceive and assimilate ready-made information

reproductive – preschoolers reproduce acquired knowledge and mastered methods of activity

partial-search – children’s participation in a collective search, solving the problem together with the teacher

Research – independent creative work of children.






1-2.Introduction to technology -


Introduce children to a new type of processing of colored paper and corrugated cardboard - quilling; with the history of this technique. Show completed work and necessary equipment.

3.Introduction to the elements of quilling, preparing a place for classes.

Teach children the elements of the quilling technique, twisting the shapes “disc”, “oval”, “petal”, “drop”, and gluing them onto the background. Development of fantasy.

Continue to consolidate your knowledge of the rules of working with the quilling technique. Develop the ability to prepare your place for class.

4.Introduction to the elements of quilling and safety precautions in the classroom.

Continue to introduce the elements of quilling, twisting the zebra shape, making a dome, and a cone.

Introduce safety precautions in class.

5-6. Cherries on a branch

Strengthen the curling of the “disc”, “petal”, the ability to perform applique, create a composition, and carefully work with glue.

7. Sunflower.

Strengthen the ability to twist the zebra element. Continue to develop the skill of cutting along the contour with scissors. Fix the rules for using scissors.

8-1. Rowan branch.

Strengthen the skill of twisting a “disc”, “petal” and making a “dome”, making from these elements

rowan branches. Continue to teach children to think through the composition and work carefully with glue.


2-3.Bunch of grapes.

Secure the oval twist. Learn to form a dome from small “ovals”. Continue to strengthen the skill of cutting along the contour. Improve skills in working with glue, scissors, and brushes.

4-5.Fish in the aquarium.

Introduce the element “spiral”. Strengthen the skill of making a “petal” or “oval”.

Develop imagination and creativity in creating compositions from quilling details.

6-9.Butterfly on a flower.

Strengthen the skills of twisting a “disc”, “petal”;

Learn to create a butterfly and a flower from these elements;

Develop imagination and the ability to think through composition. Continue to teach carefully, perform the application.


1-2. Cactus.

Strengthen the skills of twisting the “disc” and “oval”.

Learn how to make a flowerpot by forming it from a “disk”.

Continue to learn how to carefully glue the elements and place them on the base.


Strengthen the ability to twist a “disc” or “petal”;

Learn to form the body of a chicken of the desired shape from a disk, create a voluminous work.

Cultivate perseverance.

5-6. Bunny.

Teach children to wind a large disk, tightly placing strips of cardboard on top of each other.

Learn to make a bunny's head from familiar quilling elements, observing proportions. Supplement the work with elements (eyes, mouth, etc.).

7-9. Kitty.

Continue to learn how to wind a “disk” of several strips, placing them tightly on top of each other so that the work does not fall apart. Learn to form triangular ears from a disk.

Strengthen the skill of working with glue.


1-2. Dog.

(fridge magnet).

Strengthen the ability to wind a disk from several strips of cardboard, laying it tightly so that the work does not fall apart; screw on the oval. Fix the element with glue. Form the dog’s body parts of the desired shape from these elements.

Create a composition from familiar elements.

3-5. Snowman.

Continue to strengthen the ability to wind a “disk” of several tapes, placing them tightly so that the work does not fall apart. Twist “ovals” from one or two strips, forming the legs of a snowman from them, and a carrot from a “petal”. Supplement the work with elements (broom, buttons, eyes, hat, etc.).

6-8.Christmas tree.

Strengthen the skill of twisting the “eye” and “disk” elements. Learn to glue branches for a Christmas tree from separate elements and glue them onto the trunk, observing the order - large branches from the bottom, smaller ones towards the top.


Strengthen the ability to wind the “disc”, “oval”.

Introduce the formation of a “dome” from an “oval”. To instill in children a desire to create voluminous work, develop mutual assistance, and cooperation with peers.


3-5. Kolobok.

Continue to strengthen the skill of twisting quilling elements, a “disc” of several strips, tightly placing them on top of each other, fix the “disc” with glue. Complement the work with various elements (eyes, mouth, nose, hair). Cultivate accuracy in work.

6-1. Tumbler.

Continue to teach children how to wind a large “disc” from several ribbons, continue to learn to form a dome from a large “disc”. combine them in one work. Decorate the work with additional elements (eyes, mouth, nose, buttons, etc.)


2-4. Ship.

Strengthen the ability to twist a large “oval” from several ribbons and form a boat out of it.

Think through and complement the composition with elements (waves, mast, sail, etc.).


Remember all the elements from which flowers can be made. Make a three-dimensional composition “Bouquet in a Vase” from them. Develop accuracy. To cultivate love for the person closest to you, the desire to give a beautiful bouquet.


2-4. Owl.

Strengthen the skill of creating a composition from quilling elements, observing the parameters. Develop the ability to twist an “oval” from several ribbons. Supplement the work with elements (wings, feathers, eyes, beak).

5-8. Casket.

Strengthen skills in working with scissors, the ability to cut corrugated cardboard of certain sizes, and carefully cover a box for small items.

Cultivate the desire to do work beautifully, with imagination, in order to please loved ones with a gift.

Develop the skill of cleaning the workplace.


1-3. Photo frame.

Strengthen the ability to twist a “disc”, “oval”, “petal”, and form them into elements for decorating a frame. Develop the skill of using glue and scissors carefully.

4-6. Car.

Continue to learn how to make toys from corrugated cardboard using various quilling elements. Strengthen the ability to twist a “disc”. Develop skills in working with scissors, glue, and the ability to do work carefully.

7-8. Easter Egg.

Strengthen the ability to twist a “disk” and form a “dome” out of it. Glue an egg from two domes, decorate it with quilling elements at the request of the children. Develop children's imagination and the ability to think through a composition in advance.



Reminisce with the children about the Victory Day holiday, talk about the heroes who won a peaceful life for us. Make a three-dimensional tank with your children using quilling elements - “disc”, “oval”.


Talk with children about spring flowers. Teach children how to twist fringed flowers, complementing them with other quilling elements to make a bouquet of dandelions. Foster a desire to help other children.

6-7. Blooming meadow.


Remember all the elements from which flowers can be made. Invite children to independently invent and make their own flower, from which they can create a collective collage. Develop imagination and creativity. To instill in children a desire to create teamwork, develop mutual assistance, and cooperation with peers.

8. Exhibition of children's works

for children kindergarten.

"Our masterpieces."



Lesson topic

Purpose of the lesson


1-3. Bear.

Strengthen the ability to wind a “disc”, “oval”, create from elements volumetric craft, follow the parameters, select colors. Develop creative imagination.

Cultivate perseverance, the desire to complete work to the end, and mutual assistance.

4-5. Tea pair.

Continue to strengthen the ability to twist a “disk” and form it into a cup and saucer with a flat bottom. Coat elements to be fixed with glue Think over the design. Develop your imagination.

6-8. Turtle.

Strengthen the ability to twist a “disk” and form a “dome” out of it. To fix the elements, coat the elements with PVA glue.

Develop creative imagination.


9-2. Piglet.

Strengthen the skill of twisting a “disc”, forming a “dome” from it, and gluing the body of a pig from two “domes”. Glue the legs and patch from “discs”. Develop the skill of making three-dimensional toys.

3-5. Elephant.

Strengthen the ability to twist a “disk” and form a “dome” and “cone” from it. Strengthen the skill of gluing a body from two domes, add legs and a trunk from “cones”, carefully gluing them to the body.


To consolidate the ability to create toys using the quilling technique, using the “cone” and “dome” elements, forming them from “discs”.



Continue to develop the skill of making three-dimensional toys from various quilling elements. Strengthen the ability to form a “cone” from a “disk”. Develop imagination and creativity in making toys.

3-5. Little mouse.

Strengthen the ability to form a “dome” and “cone”, creating a three-dimensional toy from them. Carefully coat the elements inside with glue for fixation. Develop your imagination, complementing it with other elements, selecting colors.

6-1. Nyusha.

Strengthen the ability to make toys using elements of volumetric quilling - “dome” and “cone” from a “disc”. Add elements: eyes, nose, tail, etc.

Foster a desire to make an interesting toy and give it to kids


2. Snowflakes.

Teach children to open a twisted disk as much as possible, form a petal out of it, and glue a snowflake out of six such petals.

Develop imagination, the ability to see beauty.

Cultivate accuracy when working with glue


Continue to teach children to do voluminous toys.

Form a “dome” and a slightly curved “cone” (cap) from the disk. Add details: eyes, carrots, pens, etc.

5-8. Father Frost.

We strengthen the skill of twisting “discs” from several tapes, “ovals”, the ability to form a dome from a large “disc”, and fix the shape with PVA glue. Teach children to form a “cone” from a “disc”, also securing the inner surface with PVA glue.

Learn to create three-dimensional crafts.


1-3. Sovunya.

Continue teaching children how to make their favorite cartoon characters using the quilling technique.

Teach children to form a beak from a drop and glue a body from two “domes”. To complement

elements: wings from a “drop”, legs from a “petal”.


Strengthen the ability to make toys using elements of volumetric quilling - “dome” and “cone” from a “disc”. Form ears from an oval. Add elements corresponding to the hero.

Continue to teach safety rules when working with scissors.



Strengthen the ability to form a “dome” and “cone” from a “disk”, a “dome” from an “oval”, bending on one side. Use small “cones” as hedgehog pins. Glue the legs together from “petals”.

Continue to cultivate neatness in work and the ability to keep the workplace in order.


Strengthen the skill of making three-dimensional toys.

Teach how to form a wing and tail from an oval.

Continue to cultivate neatness in your work, keep your workplace in order, and put it in order after work.

7-1.Basket with flowers.

To consolidate the ability to create a composition from “drops”, “eyes”, “disc” and “oval” using quilling elements various colors. Develop your imagination, think through the composition. Bring up

The desire to please my mother with my gift.


2-4.Kar Karych.

Continue creating your favorite cartoon characters. Strengthen the ability to make three-dimensional toys, glue a ball from two domes, wings from a petal, carefully coat each dome inside with glue; form a beak from a drop.

5-7. Kopatych.

Continue to strengthen the ability to glue a ball from two “domes” formed from a “disk”.

Strengthen the ability to form arms from an oval, and legs from an “oval” curved on one side. Coat all convex elements with glue.

8-1. Barash.

Strengthen the ability to twist a “disc” from several strips, placing them tightly on top of each other, forming a “dome” out of them, coating the inside with glue to fix it, gluing the ball.

Supplement the craft with elements - hands from a “drop”, horns from a “cone”. Develop your imagination.



Remind children about Cosmonautics Day. Strengthen the ability to form a “cone” from a “disk”; fix it well with glue; add various elements at the request of the children. Develop imagination.

4-6. Pin.

Continue to create your favorite cartoon characters with your children and develop their imagination.

Strengthen the ability to glue a ball from “domes” and complement it with “droplet” wings, “petal” legs and other elements.

7-9. Losyash.

Continue creating your favorite cartoon characters. Strengthen the ability to make three-dimensional toys, glue a ball from two domes, carefully coat each dome inside with glue;


1-3 . Duckling.

Strengthen the ability to form a curved “cone”

from the “disk”, fixing it well with glue, it is good to glue three-dimensional parts together. Make legs from “petals”. Develop the skill of keeping the workplace in order.


Continue teaching children how to make toys using the quilling technique. Strengthen the ability to glue together three-dimensional parts of the “dome” well.

forming the body of a parrot. Make wings from

“drop” elements. Decorate with additional elements.


with daisies.


Introduce children to another way of making fringed flowers - winding from strips folded in half and cut into narrow ribbons. Foster a desire to work collectively and help each other.

Exhibition of children's works

Methodological support

    Direct educational activities to solve the problems of additional education for children are carried out in a regularly ventilated, well-lit room, where there are workplaces for children, illustrations with samples, cabinets for storing samples, crafts, exhibition works and materials for work. One of the most important requirements is compliance with child safety rules, sanitary hygiene standards in premises and workplaces, and fire safety rules. I constantly introduce students to safety rules when working with piercing and cutting tools.

    To carry out direct educational activities, you need multi-colored strips of corrugated cardboard of the same width, PVA glue, white and colored cardboard.

Tools : twist stick, scissors, simple pencils, ruler, glue brushes, napkins, oilcloth.

    Didactic material:

    Usage teaching aids and books.

    Visual aids for crafts and products made by the teacher himself.

    Creative works, stands, etc.

Expected Result:

By the end of the school year, preschoolers:

    learn various techniques for working with corrugated cardboard; get acquainted with the art of paper rolling;

    will know basic geometric concepts and basic quilling shapes;

    learn to follow verbal instructions, read product diagrams; create quilling products using instruction cards and diagrams;

    will create compositions with products made using the quilling technique;

    will develop attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination; fine motor skills of hands and eye; artistic taste, creativity and imagination.

    master work culture skills;

    improve their communication skills and acquire teamwork skills.

In many ways, the result of a child’s work depends on his interest, so it is important to intensify the preschooler’s attention and motivate him to activity with the help of additional incentives. Such incentives could be:

Game motivations (travels, transformations, meetings with heroes, etc.),

In addition, it is advisable to vividly and emotionally explain to the children the methods of action and show depiction techniques.

Safety regulations.

Scissors cut perfectly

But they also inject quite a lot

Don't just take them, -

They are very sharp.

Be careful with glue

Just don't forget one thing.

Don't use a lot of glue

Wipe off the excess with a rag.

To twist our parts,

We called the toothpick.

We need her for business

Don't poke your neighbor in the eye!

Diagnostic table

Last name, first name of the child

Workplace organization

Quilling Basics

Ability to use tools

Knowledge of basic forms and symbols

Mastery of a variety of techniques

There are many ways to please yourself and your loved ones by making crafts with your own hands. One of them is to make a picture using the quilling technique, as experienced needlewomen advise. Of course, to master the basic techniques of this applied art, it will take a lot of time and a fair amount of perseverance. But the result will exceed all expectations! With patience, you will understand how to work with quilling and be able to create beautiful compositions.

Quilling - the art of paper rolling

Quilling is the art of paper rolling, that is, making flat or three-dimensional compositions from long and narrow strips of paper twisted into spirals. The finished spirals are given different shapes. This is how modules are obtained from which works are created - paintings, postcards, albums, frames, figurines, etc. The art of paper rolling arose at the end of the 14th century in Western Europe. It is believed that quilling was invented by monks. By trimming the gilded edges of the books, they wound them onto the tips of bird feathers (hence the name, since quill in English means “bird feather”) and thus created an imitation of a golden miniature.

In the 15th - 16th centuries, paper rolling was considered an art; in the 19th century, it was considered a ladies' pastime (and almost the only handicraft worthy of noble ladies). In the 20th century, interest in the quilling technique faded, and only at the end of the century the art of paper rolling again entered the lives of creative lovers.

The Korean school of quilling techniques differs from the European one. European works, as a rule, consist of a small number of parts; they are laconic, reminiscent of mosaics, and decorate postcards and frames. Eastern masters create complex works that are more like masterpieces of jewelry. The finest volumetric “lace” is woven from hundreds of small parts.

Another manufacturing technique that deserves special attention is contour quilling. Works using this technique are also created from long narrow strips that are placed on the edge. Due to the use of the same material, this technique of working with paper is also called quilling, but due to the fact that the stripes are placed on the edge, the pattern is contoured. The products look more vibrant and realistic. And “mixed” works look especially good, where both quilling techniques are used - regular and contour.

Quilling technique for beginners: what tools and materials are needed for work

Before you start quilling, you need to know what you need for the job. Next, you will learn what tools and materials beginners need for the quilling technique.

Paper. Quilling uses long paper strips, which come in widths of 3 mm, 5 mm, 7 mm, 10 mm and 1.5 cm. You can cut the desired strips yourself with scissors. There are also special desktop machines for cutting paper into strips for quilling. But it is necessary to take into account that the quilling strips are the same color on all sides, i.e. not only on the wide side, but also on the edge side, while ordinary colored paper, if cut, often gives a white edge color.

The strips come in different densities, metallized, with glitter, etc. Which stripes to choose depends solely on your imagination and the future painting.

Stripes can be purchased in one color or with transitional tones in one set. There are sets different colors. As a rule, the length of all strips is about 30 cm (length of AA sheet). If necessary, you can make the strips shorter by cutting them, or longer by gluing several strips together.

Pen. Typically, this tool is simply called a “quilling tool.” It comes in metal and wood, double-sided, single, only with a fork and a ball. What is it?

In essence, it is a handle, at the end of it there is a fork, into the slot of which a strip of paper is inserted and twisted. The fork comes in different heights: 3 mm, 5 mm, 10 mm, 1.5 cm, i.e. corresponds to the same parameters as paper. It is best to have several tools in stock, for example, 5 mm will work for 3 mm and 5 mm, and 1.5 cm will work for 10 mm and 1.5 cm. These can be two different tools or one tool with two tips.

You can even make do with improvised means - use a toothpick, a needle or a match. You can make the tool yourself: take a needle with a large eye, bite off the small tip of the eye (you get a fork), and stick the needle itself into a cork or wooden handle.

Diameter template. When talking about quilling tools and materials, we must not forget about templates. This is a regular ruler with circles of different diameters. It is convenient to use it to create elements of the same size: having twisted the desired spiral, you place it in a circle of the required diameter, and measure all the rest along the same circle.

As a rule, in our stores they sell rulers only with circles, but if you want to delve deeper into this type of creativity, I recommend that you look at foreign websites for rulers, which will contain templates of all geometric shapes.

Tweezers. There are tweezers with different noses, the most popular is with an angled nose, i.e., with the nose pointing down. But you can also use stationery tweezers (if you don’t have one, you can take tweezers from a manicure set). Tweezers are used not only to lay out the finished modules during assembly, but also to firmly press the tip of the paper strip against the spiral when gluing.

Glue. PVA is best, but a good glue stick, craft glue, or clear glue will also work. The most important thing is to apply very little glue so that the paper does not deform.

What additional tools are needed for quilling? Every year, a new collection of tools is added to improve the quality of your work while reducing costs. There are various templates for making flowers, snowflakes and other objects, a machine for creating corrugated strips, a quilling coach (a tool for making even spirals), “combs” for creating looped quilling, etc. Quilling paintings consist of small parts called “modules”. Modules come in different forms. They are always created according to the same principle: first the roll is twisted, after which it “unfolds” slightly, and the tip is sealed. Such a part is called a “spiral”, and modules are created from the spiral by applying different pressure on it.

Various elements of quilling: technique for performing basic modules for creating compositions

Various elements are used to work in the quilling technique.

Tight spiral - twist the ribbon and glue the tip without removing the spiral from the needle so that the ribbon does not unwind.

Donut - Before making this one of the basic elements of quilling, twist a tight spiral, slightly loosen and untwist the inner part so that an empty space is created.

Donut with a spiral - twist a tight spiral, slightly loosen so that there is more paper at the edges, but do not unravel completely.

Tight oval - take a pen or pencil, wrap a strip of paper around it and glue the tip. As a result, you will end up with a bagel with a large hole. Then press lightly with your fingers on both sides, giving the module an oval shape. Free spiral - twist the tape, loosen it a little to the desired volume and glue the tip.

A drop is one of the basic elements of quilling. Make a loose spiral and compress it on one side, giving it a teardrop shape.

Petal - make a drop quilling module and lightly pinch the rounded tip. You can make pinches on at different levels, due to this changing the shape of the petal. Curved Drop (Paisley) - There are two ways to make this module. The first is to make a drop, and then bend it in the desired direction. The second, and more accurate, way is to bend and create a drop at the same time. Then the paper will fold evenly and neatly.

Eye - make a loose spiral, then pinch on both sides at the same time, trying to maintain symmetry.

Curved petal - make a free spiral, press lightly, giving the workpiece an oval shape, then pinch and bend first on one side, then on the other. When making this element using the quilling technique, do not forget that you need to bend it in different directions - one side down, the other up.

Bird's foot - make a loose spiral, squeeze the triangle. Fold two corners towards the third and press firmly.

Flower (or circle with a notch) - make a free spiral and, holding the workpiece with your fingers, press it on one side with a pen or pencil.

Lily of the valley - make a “flower” module and curl the ends outward using an awl or the base of a quilling tool.

How to make basic geometric elements using quilling technique

Square - make an “eye” module, place it between the thumb and forefinger so that the corners are clearly under the fingertips. Now squeeze the module and release. You have four equally spaced corners and can form a square.

Triangle - Make a loose spiral and squeeze it in three places to make a triangle.

Semicircle - make a loose spiral, lightly press it with your fingers, giving it a slight oval shape. Now pinch the “sharp” parts of the oval and lower it down slightly.

Arrow 1 - make an “eye” module, then secure one corner between two fingers, and press the other corner so that you get a sharp triangle. Release and you will see that you have formed four corners that resemble an arrow.

Arrow 2 - make a loose spiral, compress it into a triangle. Press the two corners together to create an arrow.

Star - pinch five times at an equal distance.

Open quilling elements are those used to create a composition that do not need to be glued together, i.e. close. They are created by twisting the tape in one direction or the other.

Below you will learn about step by step technique quilling when performing various applications.

How to make a “Lavender” craft using the quilling technique: step-by-step work

The most common form of quilling is floral motifs of varying complexity. The following is a description of creating a simple version using the quilling technique, which will allow you to understand all the basics of creating, constructing and combining elements.

To make the “Lavender” applique using the quilling technique you will need:

  • paper base
  • strips for quilling division and lilac (you can take 2 lilac colors - one for flowers and the other for a bow)
  • template line
  • PVA glue
  • quill tool
  • glue brush

First, we twist spirals from one strip, unravel them equally using a ruler with a template, glue the tail and lightly squeeze it, turning it into an oval. Such modules must be made at the rate of 9 pieces per flower.

Making the stems. To do this, glue 2-3 green strips so that they are better visible, spread glue on the edge and place the strip with glue on the paper. Do not glue the bottom of the strip yet.

Assemble the finished parts.

Now we make leaves. To do this, twist a spiral of 2 strips and give it a “Curved Petal” shape.

Let's move on to creating the bow. First, let's make the ribbons. They are made in the same way as leaves, i.e. have a “Curved Petal” shape. It is enough to take 1 lilac spiral.

Now, when working with paper using the quilling technique, we make the bow itself. We twist a spiral from two strips, unravel it and squeeze it so that we get a shape similar to a heart.

We add new modules to the already glued ones.

To finish creating the bow, cut small strips of the same color as the bow itself and simply glue them between the stem and the bow. Arrange the ends of the stems as you like and secure them with glue.

Below we describe step by step how to make a picture “Owl” using the quilling technique.

How to make a picture “Owl” using the quilling technique: step-by-step description

Creating such work is technically just as easy, but requires more time, because... There are much more details.

You can prepare a sketch in advance, you can improvise, letting your imagination run wild when drawing the details of this cute owl.

To create the “Owl” composition using the quilling technique you will need:

  • base paper of at least A4 size
  • quilling stripes: burgundy, dark blue, black, two types of gray, as well as a little white, beige and green for the eyes
  • PBA glue
  • quilling tool
  • tassel
  • template line

Let's start with the eyes. To do this, take half a black stripe, half a white stripe, one whole green stripe, one brown stripe and half a dark blue stripe. Twist everything into a tight spiral.

Using two burgundy stripes and one blue, twist the spiral, unravel it, glue the tip and make a crescent module. Two such parts need to be prepared.

Using 1 blue and 1 black stripe, make a curved petal module. You also need two of these parts.

Using 1 burgundy and half a blue stripe, make a teardrop module.

We assemble the modules to form the face of an owl.

We make two small triangles each from one black stripe.

We substitute them to the formed face.

We make many “petal 2” modules from burgundy stripes. One strip is enough to create a module.

We substitute ready-made modules, forming the body of an owl.

Now we create many spirals using gray, blue, black colors.

Since these are future feathers, they need to be made in different sizes - from larger to smaller.

The large feather will consist of one whole gray, one whole blue and one whole black stripe.

We assemble wings from ready-made modules. If you used two types of gray stripes, alternate them with each other.

We use the same principle to make the inner feathers. They can be any color and size.

We decorate the spaces between the feathers with small tight spirals.

Making the tail. To do this you need to make feathers different lengths- from larger to smaller.

To make the tail beautiful and different from the wings, we will decorate the feathers with tight spirals.

Glue a tight spiral to the finished feather and cover the entire part with an additional dark blue or black stripe.

To give the owl a more complete look, make two banana-shaped modules and one complex module with a triangular edge.

To do this, use the instructions for creating a semicircle and pinch one side to create a corner.

We substitute the finished modules for our owl. “Bananas” will frame the wings, another detail will complete the bird’s head. The picture is ready.

The next section of the article describes how to make the “Delicate Flowers” ​​quilling craft.

How to make a composition “Flowers” ​​from paper using the quilling technique

To make a “Flowers” ​​craft from paper using the quilling technique, you will need:

  • A4 size base paper
  • quilling paper yellow, cream, pink, green in several shades
  • template line
  • PVA glue
  • glue sealant or hot gun
  • quilling tool

We will do this work with elements of contour quilling - two hearts in the center will be made using this technique.

To do this, take 10 strips Pink colour and glue them together, gluing each subsequent strip slightly lower than the previous one.

Then we twist the resulting strip and release it.

Glue the edge of the resulting curl. From two such parts we form a heart.

Let's move on to creating flowers. Flowers are created from individual petals. From two cream and two yellow stripes, twist a spiral and unravel it.

Then squeeze the piece slightly and wrap it around something round, like a pencil. Pinch the edges and pinch the center to create a sharper petal shape.

Glue the ends of the petal together and secure with a clothespin.

For each flower you need to make 6 such petals.

Now we will make simple small flowers. Tight spirals will be the center of the flower.

Spirals of two stripes will become the core of large flowers, and spirals of one strip will become the core of small flowers.

After making the right amount of details for the flowers, also make a lot of paisley modules to create greenery around the flowers.

Now we begin collecting the work. First we glue the hearts.

In order to make the flowers more voluminous, it is necessary to secure the petals at an angle.

To do this, you need to use a glue gun or glue sealant.

This glue not only sticks the petal to the base paper, but also creates a cushion that lifts the petal.

Step by step we glue the flowers.

Then we frame them with green modules.

To create volume, glue some modules on top of each other.

Use tight strands to further decorate your work.

The next section of the article will be devoted to how to make a “Firebird” product step by step using the quilling technique.

How to use the quilling technique: the “Firebird” product

It is better to create more complex works with a prepared sketch. Draw what you want. There is no need to draw every module and all the colors; it is enough to determine the general color scheme and those modules that are important for conveying your idea. Here's another idea using the quilling technique.

For the “Firebird” product using the quilling technique you will need:

  • base paper no less than A3
  • quilling paper
  • quilling tool
  • PVA glue
  • needles or comb for quilling

We will create not only single-color contour modules, but also rainbow ones. To do this, several strips of different colors are glued together. We can mix as many colors as we want, in any order. It can be a smooth transition from yellow to red, then when twisted, this gradient will go from the center outward. Or it can be contrasting colors, then one color will frame the other.

We twist loose spirals of different sizes and colors.

Then we give them necessary forms: drops, paisley, semicircles, petals, arrows, tight spirals.

It is better to assemble some elements separately.

Now we will make beautiful curved lines, the same method is used in contour quilling. Choose the colors you want to make a curl from and glue the strips on top of each other at the tip. The more stripes, the more “lush” curl you will get.

Then twist into a spiral, but not tightly, so that the strips do not touch when wrapping.

Remove the spiral from the tool and loosen it slightly.

Now we glue the strips one by one, from bottom to top, each time slightly loosening the tension of the strip to create space.

In this way we create the number of curls we need in different sizes, colors and shapes.

There is a technique in quilling called “quilling with a comb.” The name speaks for itself - the elements here are created by twisting paper different ways onto the combs of a flat comb. We will not go deep into this method, we will only master the simplest way to create a module using this technique, and for this we do not necessarily need a comb! After all, we are making a fairly large object; in our case, there is no point in winding strips around a comb. Using needles and foam, we will create our own “comb” on a large scale.

Glue together several strips. Carefully wrap the resulting long strip around the needles, making sure to pinch at the base. This is necessary not only for convenience, but also in order to create correct form. If you don't pinch, the strip will start to loosen the tension and you won't get the shape.

Having completely wound the strip, glue the tip, and also drip a drop of glue at the base so that all rows stick.

Using this technique, we create the required number of elements of different colors and sizes. Please note that the arrangement of the needles can be changed each time, or you can leave it the same.

Having made the main part of the elements, we assemble our bird, but do not glue it.

Some details can be emphasized favorably by combining them with each other: for example, so that the bird’s body does not merge with the wing and tail, it can be covered with a contrasting stripe.

Now the assembled parts can be glued. Strive to glue the parts tightly together, then the picture will look more openwork, and the background will be barely noticeable.

To fill the resulting voids, it is not necessary to manufacture new modules. It will be enough to make tight spirals of different colors and sizes. They will not only fill the space, but also visually enrich and complicate the design.

After assembling and gluing the bird, you can think about what will surround it.

But don’t overdo it, our bird itself turned out to be very bright, rich in elements, so it will be enough to make a small green twig and a small bud.

Below we describe how to make a “Vase” craft from paper using the quilling technique.

DIY “Vase” craft using quilling technique

Creating figures from quilling modules is, on the one hand, a very easy task, but on the other, it is extremely difficult.

But the whole difficulty lies only in fastening the parts and their correct fixation.

To make a “Vase” craft with your own hands using the quilling technique, you will need:

  • quilling paper of any colors
  • PVA glue
  • adhesive sealant
  • quilling tool

First we create the bottom of the vase. To do this, we twist a large tight spiral and paste it with small tight spirals.

We cover the glued spirals with yellow stripes.

If the vase is straight and does not expand upward, then it is enough to evenly glue the finished modules tier by tier.

If you need to give it a bending shape, use adhesive sealant.

Drop it onto the edge of the module using the same principle as in the master class on creating delicate flowers, and fix it in the desired position.

While the sealant is drying to prevent the modules from slipping, place something that will hold the parts in place.

Make as many tiers as you like.

In this case, you can use modules of different shapes.

Quilling is a great activity for kids, so this master class will tell you how to make paper beautiful picture. But first, a few simple schemes:

Flower using quilling technique for children

This application is suitable for children 3 - 4 years old. It is perfect for even the most beginners.

So, in order to make such an application with your child, you need to:

  • Colored cardboard;
  • Quilling strips;
  • Glue;
  • Brush;
  • Quilling needle.

Description of work

Roll one strip of paper into a roll.

Glue the free end.

In this way, make the required number of petals, as well as the core of the flower.

Make leaves for the flower in the same way, but compress one side of the roll to make a drop-shaped figure.

Glue a stem from a strip of green paper to a sheet of cardboard. Glue all the flower elements to this stem. The flower is ready.

Clearing of flowers

A very simple application for children 4 - 5 years old.

What is necessary

  • Cardboard;
  • Colored paper;
  • Glue;
  • colored pencils or markers;
  • Scissors.

Description of work

Prepare strips for quilling. Screw the strip onto a pencil, remove it and straighten it a little, and glue the edge to the spiral.

Make the required number of spirals.

In this composition for flowers you need 3 slightly straightened pink spirals, 3 slightly yellow bigger size, 3 yellow dense and 2 blue straightened.

For the petals: twist 5 spirals from green stripes, straighten them a little and flatten them on one side. The stem can be drawn.

For butterflies: 2 blue and 2 pink, the body can also be drawn.

You can get creative with color and add elements.

This is how the composition turned out.

Tulips in quilling style for children

The following application is suitable for children 6 - 7 years old.

  • What is necessary
  • Quilling strips;
  • Paper;
  • Pencil;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Beads.

Description of work

Screw one pink strip onto the pencil.

Bend as shown in the photo:

To make the buds of different sizes, you need to make them from strips of different lengths. To do this, glue several strips together.

Make spirals from green strips and flatten them on both sides to give them a leaf shape.

Glue the two strips not completely to each other, and curl the remaining ends a little. This will be the stem.

Now you need to assemble the first row of the composition.

Then the second row.

And the third row.

Decorate the work with beads.

Quilling is a very amazing technique with which you can create both fragile patterns and voluminous and unusual crafts. Quilling is very useful for preschool children, as it develops perseverance, imagination, patience and, very importantly, fine motor skills.

Dandelion with children's hands

Now you can make a dandelion craft using the quilling technique for children.

What is necessary

  • Double-sided paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Cocktail straws;
  • Awl;
  • Glue;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Ruler.

Description of work

Cut the paper into strips 0.5 cm wide.

Using an awl, twist the strips into very tight rolls. Glue the ends together.

Make cones from the rolls.

To do this, press a toothpick into the center until you get a cone. It is important that all cones are the same length.

Now you need to collect the flower. To do this, glue the cones together to form a sphere shape, but not completely. You need to leave a hole for the stem.

For the stem you need to cover the tube with green paper. Cut a green strip 5 cm wide with a fringe and, stepping back a couple of centimeters from the beginning of the tube, glue it.

Insert the stem into the sphere and that’s it, the dandelion is ready.

Using the quilling technique, crafts for children are unusual and very beautiful. Therefore, both girls and boys love to make such crafts.

Video lessons

Currently, many children have insufficient development of fine motor skills. A study of the level of development of fine differentiated movements of the fingers and hands in children shows that for many they are not sufficiently targeted. Particularly poorly developed are the complex coordinated movements of the leading hand, i.e., poor ability to hold a pen or pencil as a working tool.

The development of fine motor skills in preschool children is one of the pressing problems, because weakness in the movement of fingers and hands, awkwardness is one of the reasons that makes it difficult to master the simplest skills necessary for life and self-care skills. In addition, the mechanical development of the hand is in close connection with the development of speech and thinking of the child, as proven by scientists. The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for school education. Typically, a child with a high level of development of fine motor skills is able to reason logically: he has sufficiently developed memory and attention, and coherent speech.

The quilling technique is amazing, with its help you can create various masterpieces that resemble a “thin lace web”; in one or two minutes, from a rainbow of strips of paper you can create two-three-dimensional shapes of a square, oval, star, cone, hemisphere. Then these volumetric forms, sometimes called modules, connecting and flowing into each other, create a cascade of figures, leaves of flowers, obeying the endless imagination of the master artist.

Children really like this original and unusual type of handicraft, the essence of which is to twist and model, using a small tool (toothpick), paper strips several millimeters wide and using the resulting forms to create a variety of compositions.

It is noteworthy that both boys and girls enjoy quilling. That is why these classes allow me to unite performers of different sexes in joint artistic and creative activities.

Quilling classes are not only the development of motor skills, imagination, attention, thinking, aesthetics, etc., but also tremendous opportunities to realize your creative potential.

The purpose of my work: to teach children a new paper processing technique - quilling, in their free time.

I think that children’s learning will be more effective if:

  • Systematic and consistent work with children, gradually increasing the complexity of the level of work.
  • Collaboration between kindergarten and family to master quilling.

As a result, I set the following tasks:

  • Introduce children to a new type of design - quilling, teach them how to make basic shapes (tight spiral, loose spiral, drop, arrow) and create various compositions from them. (from simple to more complex).
  • Through quilling classes, increase the level of development of motor skills, thinking, attention, memory, and creativity.
  • In the process of work, cultivate perseverance, accuracy in execution, aesthetics, and interest.

To practice this type of paper rolling, very little material is required:

Picture 1

  • Sheets of colored double-sided paper (A4 format), from which are cut into strips 5 mm wide.
  • Wooden toothpicks (the tip is cut off and a small incision is made)
  • PVA glue,
  • Additional material: cardboard, colored paper, pencils, etc.

Quilling technique.

1. To make an element (mold), insert the strip into the hole and wrap it tightly around a toothpick.

Figure 2

Figure 3

2. Carefully remove the roll from the toothpick and unroll it between your fingers to the desired diameter (children do this by eye).

Figure 4

3. Glue the outer end of the strip and let the glue dry.

Figure 5

Workpieces can be given a variety of shapes by performing compressions and indentations.

Figure 6

Each lesson has its own educational character, but in the process of all work there is a development of the eye, attention, memory, thinking, motor skills, and creativity; the will, perseverance, accuracy in performing work, interest, and aesthetics are cultivated.

Staged lessons on topics have been developed for senior and preparatory groups.

Stage I. Goal: to teach children to twist the “free spiral” element (shape) and stick it on the base.

Figure 7

Lesson topic:


Figure 8


Figure 9


Figure 10

“Mushroom fly agaric”

Figure 11


Figure 12


Figure 13


Figure 14


Figure 15

“New Year tree”

Figure 16, 17

Stage II. Goal: to teach children to twist and make an element (shape) - a droplet.

Figure 18

Lesson topic:


Figure 19

“Autumn, birch”

Figure 20

“First leaves”

Figure 21


Figure 22


Figure 23


Figure 24

"New Year card"

Figure 25

Stage III. Goal: to teach children to twist and make an element (shape) - “eye”, “triangle”.

Figure 26

Lesson topic:

“Palm Tree”, “Turtle”

Figure 27

Stage IV. Goal: to teach children to twist and make an element (shape) - a “curl”.

Lesson topic:

"Christmas tree decoration"

Figure 28

"Aquarium with fish"

Figure 29

V stage. Goal: to teach children to twist and make an element (shape) - “arrow”.

Figure 30

Lesson topic:


Figure 31

"Flowers in a vase"

Figure 32


Figure 33

“Lilies of the valley”

Figure 34

Stage VI Goal: to learn how to assemble the received elements into a three-dimensional composition, objects.

Lesson topic:


Figure 35


Figure 36

“Butterfly on a flower”

Figure 37

“Hat for a doll” (team work)

Figure 38

“Vase for sweets” (team work)

Figure 39

It can also be said that the proposed type of activity has a significant impact on personal development. Working in the quilling technique contributed to the formation in my children of such personality traits as perseverance, the ability to complete a task started (consistency and perseverance in achieving a goal, requiring targeted volitional efforts), perseverance and accuracy. The ability to work with hands under the control of consciousness, coordination of hand and eye movements (visual-motor coordination, meaningful motor skills) develops.

A lot of work was done with parents: a master class was held on this topic, consultations were placed in the corner for parents: “Motor skills and its role in the development of a child”, “Developing interest in working with paper”, “Paper crafts (quilling)” . The joint work of parents and children in making crafts satisfies the child’s need for active activity, the desire to complete the work, and gives the real embodiment of thoughts and imagination. In addition, in our preschool institution Exhibitions are periodically organized where parents and children have the opportunity to demonstrate their skills, abilities, and creative imagination.


1. Belkina, V. N. Development and training. For educators and parents [Text]: a manual for parents and educators / V.N. Belkina. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1998. – 256 p.
2. Jenkins, D. Patterns and motifs from paper tapes. – I.: Content, 2010. – 48 p.
3. Zhukova, O. Drawing with threads [Text] / O. Zhukova, N. Yurchenko // Preschool education. 2009. - No. 8. – P. 68 - 73.
4. Zaitseva, A. The art of quilling. – I.: Eksmo – Press, 2009. – 64 p.
5. Savina, O. Isothread technique in kindergarten [Text] / O. Savina // Preschool education. 2010. - No. 3. – P. 68 - 72.
6. Sinitsina, E. Smart fingers [Text]: a manual for parents and educators / E. Sinitsina. – Moscow, 1998.
7. Stupak, E. Corrugated cardboard. – I.: Iris – Press, 2009. – 32 p.
8. Tikhomirova L. F. Development of children’s cognitive abilities [Text]: a manual for parents and teachers / L. F. Tikhomirova. – Ekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2003. – 40 p.
9. Helen, W. Popular quilling. - I.: Niola - press, 2008. - 104 p.
10. Ciotti, D. Original crafts from paper. – I.: World of Books, 2008. – 96 p.

Quilling for children preparatory group kindergarten. Master class with step-by-step photos

Master class with step by step photos"Kitten in a sunny meadow." The work was done using the quilling technique.

Author: Balashova Victoria Viktorovna
Target: teach children to do work using unconventional techniques for working with paper, in particular quilling; develop creative thinking.
Tasks: Develop a desire to practice different types artistic creativity
develop an interest in working with paper,
improve the skills of careful work and perseverance, developing fine motor skills in children.
Application: The material is designed for children 6-7 years old, teachers and parents, interior design of kindergarten premises, crafts for an exhibition. The material presents the collective work of children and the teacher using the quilling technique.
My kitten in the clearing
Just a sight for sore eyes!
Wool is like velvet
The tail is a pipe...
How good-looking!

Step-by-step work process

Quilling, also known as paper rolling, is the art of making flat or three-dimensional compositions from long and narrow strips of paper twisted into spirals.
1. For our work we will need cardboard measuring 26*21, a set of colored strips for quilling, a special “Slingshot” tool, a brush, PVA glue, a set of colored paper.

2.On A4 size cardboard we do the basis of the work using colored paper.

3. Take a brown strip 75 cm long and make a free round outline from it.

4. Lightly pinch the edges on the sides to create a muzzle

5. From two rolls we will make ears - triangles

6.Then we glue the ears to the muzzle

7.Make a few turns of the brown strip and bend it into the shape of a front paw. Let's make the second part.

8.Twist two loose rolls and place them in a contour - a trapezoid. We assembled the body.

9. We make two loops - droplets and two small rolls with one flat side. These are the kitten's hind legs.

10. We bend the long loop - the tail slightly and glue the ends together. We have a kitten.

11.Now let’s move on to making flowers. From stripes yellow color Let's make rolls for chamomile petals by squeezing the roll on one side, we get the shape of a droplet and a small red roll - this is the middle of the flower. By twisting several green rolls and squeezing them into a drop shape, we get leaves.

11.Using green stripes and curls we will make improvised stems.

12.From colored paper orange and purple flowers, cut out small butterflies to decorate the clearing.

13.Now we have an important job - we need to place all the parts on a piece of cardboard and glue them with PVA glue. Our cat ended up in a sunny meadow.
Joy - if the sun is shining,
If there is a month in the sky.
How much joy there is in the world
Do not measure and do not count.
Only the joyful ones hear
The song of the wind from above,
How quietly the grass breathes,
How flowers ring in the meadows.
Only the one who loves deeply
Believes in a bright dream
It won't spoil it, it won't ruin it
There is beauty in this world.

14. The result of our activities. The craft can be framed and used to decorate corners in a group, or it can be made and given as a gift. I will be very glad if my master class is useful to someone. I wish you all creative success.