Bright tattoos for girls. Fashion tattoos for girls: trends and photo ideas. tattoo infinity sign

Wrist tattoos for girls have been insanely popular lately. Beautiful ornaments, inscriptions, bracelets, floral motifs and images of fauna - what could be more beautiful and attractive? And if such a tattoo flaunts on female hand- it's doubly sexy and spicy! It is extremely difficult to overestimate the magnificence of this part of the girl's body: since ancient times, it has been sung by artists, poets and musicians. In the 18-19 century, her “thinness” was a sign of belonging to blue blood, and the owners of such forms were the object of persistent attention of men. So why don't we go back to the origins of this tradition and point out to society our magnificent wrists? And an assistant in this matter will be ... spectacular tattoos!

A bit of history

The decoration of the girl's wrists has rich history. This "ritual" has long been part of the culture of many peoples. Women from ancient tribes often made various charm bracelets from stones that their elders considered sacred. During the active search for new territories and opportunities, these decorations were the subject of exchange between the indigenous people and Europeans. Then they became almost a monetary meter, they could be given in exchange for spices, gold and precious stones. The desire to constantly adorn oneself is alive in modern ladies to this day. Only now, in addition to the usual eye jewelry and jewelry more and more often you can see tattoos.

At the beginning of the formation of this trend, ornaments imitating the sophisticated weave of bracelets were popular, while images of mighty and strong animals were welcomed in male art. The application technique was simple and primitive - only one color was used, midtones and tones did not stand out, and no one bothered at all with the contour.

Now the development of technological progress and creativity pushed contemporary masters for continuous improvement of methods. Bright colors, semantic load, storyline - a real masterpiece can now flaunt on a girl's wrist. 3D technologies are also being actively introduced, thanks to which the effect of volume and fullness is created.


A few decades ago, drawings on the body were a kind of symbol, now they are a way of self-expression. All feelings and emotions, hidden desires and secret thoughts - all this can be splashed out in a small ornament. Girls generally tend to believe in a mystical beginning, materialization and other unrealistically cosmic moments from the point of view of strict science. All of us, dear charmers, are simply sure that if a thought is written down and immortalized somewhere, it will definitely turn into something tangible. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that a wrist tattoo can become not only a stylish decoration, but also the basis of your principles, views, goals and desires.

Advice! Before signing up for a salon, weigh all the pros and cons, think carefully about all the nuances and make the only right decision. It is very important to understand the reasons for your impulse to get a tattoo - maybe it's just a banal influence of fashion on your mind. And by the way, do not forget to consult with your lover - such a change in your appearance should be agreed in order to avoid quarrels and scandals.

I must say that there are countless ideas for self-expression.

  • Today's craftsmen can offer you ornaments in the form of bracelets, natural motifs, catchy phrases in Latin, English, Arabic, French and even in the form of Japanese or Chinese characters.

  • In the catalog provided in the salon you will find images of insects, animals, birds and marine life.

  • Lovers of everything beautiful and sublime will definitely like the drawings denoting notes, strings, guitars and other musical instruments.

  • For beginners and experienced tourists, pictures with the names of countries and airplanes (a symbol of love of freedom) are suitable.

  • Birds, butterflies, stars - here you need to pay attention not only to a beautiful picture, but also to the hidden meaning that lies in almost every sign.

  • People seeking to create a family can afford inscriptions like "Family", "Love", the names of children or their dates of birth in the form of a barcode.

As you understand, this is not a complete list of what can be applied to your body, so you should not be limited in choosing only these items. Now we will try to fully reveal the topic of current and popular tattoos, which are considered an absolute trend this year.

When every detail matters

Forms, colors, the presence of contours, hidden meaning, decoration or expression of one's own life position - only you will have to rack your brains over all these questions. We can only tell you about the latest trends in this direction, which is exactly what we will do now.

  • Bracelets

A timeless classic with decades of history. Such ornaments always look quite realistic, unless, of course, an experienced craftsman had a hand in creating such a masterpiece, able to clearly express the idea and do everything without defects.

In terms of meaning, they are always different. It depends on the pattern you choose. It is worth noting that in different Internet sources there may be completely opposite statements about this, so before deciding on a particular ornament, consult your master.

  • Ribbons, bows and other similar "favors" will speak of your creativity, romanticism and sensitivity.

  • Swiss wrist watch - a sign of understanding the transience of time.
  • Natural motives- a symbol of nature and naturalness.
  • Featherdistinguishing feature creators and creators.

  • High mountains- an ambiguous and meaningful bracelet. Some consider them a sign of freedom and the height of the human spirit, others - power and greatness.
  • tree branches, wrapping a hand, speak of perseverance and a masculine, strong-willed character characteristic of a fragile woman.

  • Semantic inscriptions

This method of application never goes out of fashion, although individuality is very important in this matter. On the wrist, you can put the date of your first date with your beloved man, wedding day, the birth of a child, names, thematic words that act as your life motto. Also, with the help of such inscriptions, you can not only express your own "I", but also motivate for certain actions. For example, if there is not enough purposefulness or perseverance, or, conversely, the reliability of people. Choose phrases according to your mood and life credo, which will serve as a source of inspiration and cause additional motivation.

  • Symbols and signs

This technique is surrounded by a halo of mystery, because it is full of hidden meaning, which you don’t always want to talk about. Such tattoos are made, rather, for your beloved. These can be hieroglyphs, strict combinations of geometric shapes, mysterious patterns. It is extremely difficult for a stranger to determine at first glance what load all these signs carry. And if you decide to make such a tattoo, be prepared for numerous questions.

  • #My

A few years ago, this hashtag began to be actively promoted by a well-known TV presenter, who at that time was happy and loved. The story of her marriage, unfortunately, had a tragic ending, but the tattoo remained on the skin of the star, most likely forever.

We did not write this phrase by chance. It is she who most vividly and voluminously, in our opinion, characterizes images for two. If you are in a romantic mood right now, your eyes are burning, and the butterflies in your stomach still can’t calm down, a great (not banal!) Way to express your mutual feelings will be a joint trip to the salon. Such an ultra original date will not only add even more passion and fulfillment to your relationship, but will also give a lot of positive impressions.

Before you cross the threshold of the workshop, think together about what your relationship might represent. Maybe you are united by creativity, the presence of opposing views on life, passion, kindness, respect or hope for a joint future. Dandelion looks very impressive, the seeds of which scatter from one hand to another. Images of wings are also in great demand, which, by the way, can be stuffed on the wrists of girlfriends who are passionately adored by each other, who are connected by years of warm and tender friendship.

  • birdies

In order to emphasize cheerfulness and optimism, you can “stuff” images of hummingbirds. They are considered a symbol of happiness and love. Paired doves should always remind you of the loyalty and devotion of your soul mate. But no matter what bird you choose, wings will always be a symbol of freedom, sky, air and flight of thought.

Seagulls will clearly express your passion for the sea and the beach. These representatives of the fauna constantly circle over the expanses of water and have the opportunity to fly wherever they want and bask as much as they like in the gentle waves of the warm ocean.

Advice! If a wrist tattoo is your first introduction to the world of art, it is better to give preference to small stars, they do not take up much space, and if necessary, they can be easily hidden under a bracelet or watch. They symbolize success, good luck and the desire to achieve everything that is so necessary in the life of every person.

  • Infinity

The inverted figure eight is a sign of simplicity and genius. Many the best minds this planet spent a lot of time unraveling the mystery of this symbol. This was the impetus for the formation of its popularity. He seems to scream with all his appearance that it is impossible to comprehend the world - there will always be something that you have not yet seen or heard. Also, infinity can serve as an expression of your love for your own baby or spouse - it is boundless like the universe, sublime and unquestioning.

Benefits of hand drawings

Well, we have listed the main trends in tattoo art, but you should not get hung up on these options. There is still a huge number of both decoration techniques and its subjects. And if you are just standing at a crossroads and thinking whether to do something or not, in the end we are ready to provide you with a few parting arguments in favor of a wrist tattoo:

  • Stylized ornaments and inscriptions attract the attention of others
  • Drawings have deep meanings.
  • If you choose some cute little animals, stars, hearts or flowers, this will serve as an additional source of your femininity and coquetry.
  • If desired, "painting" can be hidden under a watch, bracelet or long sleeve.
  • With the help of a tattoo, it is easy to hide scars, pigmentation or burns.

Do not be afraid to experiment, because there are many obvious advantages in them!

Now tattoos are done on any part of the body. They can carry information about some life-changing event, or simply consist of beautiful Latin letters, thereby emphasizing the girl's originality and style. Very often, women stuff them on their hands, choose different sizes and images. Both black and white paints and colored paints are used for drawing.

Women's tattoos are quite beautiful, almost always have some special meaning that a person wants to emphasize, individualizing his appearance. Modern female tattoos often combined various flowers, trees and other romantic symbols.

Delicate and feminine

Popular arm tattoos for girls


Undoubtedly, a female tattoo. It is a symbol of beauty, tenderness and femininity that any woman has. Depicted with different shades- yellow, red or pink. Draw both single large flowers and small inflorescences.

Branch of delicate orchids Composition with orchids


A fairly common flower tattoo. Found among signs different cultures, while each of them has a certain value. Often it is a symbol of impeccable beauty and great love. All the flowers in the world bow before the grace of the rose. portrayed large sizes, can be red, blue, and also black and white pattern.

Roses in monochrome
Ornament with roses
Color tattoo on the theme of roses


A symbol borrowed from Buddhism. Women choose it because of its extraordinary beauty. Embodies harmony with oneself, peace and solitude. Often depicted in small sizes in black and white.

tender lotus


Popular tattoo among women and men. The star is an ancient symbol, meaning inspiration and vitality.. It is believed that this symbol attracts good luck and can change fate. You can make such a tattoo anywhere on the arm.

Star tattoo

Beautiful arm tattoos for girls

If a girl cannot decide on a picture or sketch of a tattoo, thanks to which she wants to express her thoughts on her hand, it is better to familiarize yourself with the most beautiful options. Perhaps one will be to your liking.

Original unique tattoo - a reflection of the life position of the hostess

Interesting fact! The drawing is not always done as a talisman, in some cases it is stuffed to maintain a fashionable image.

Among the beautiful sketches are


Symbolizes growth and development. Any tree has its own meaning, but if we talk about the general image, it means moving forward and agreement. It may be depicted already mature or just growing.

tree tattoo


This is a female symbol, it is respected and revered by men. Such a tattoo is popular in France, it is a sign of unity and power. Modern girls consider this flower vulnerable and rebellious, because it grows in water, quickly dies without a root.

lily tattoo


A sign of lightness, simplicity and tenderness. Often this image is chosen because of the unearthly beauty. Butterfly combines all color shades and motifs. Butterflies are considered a symbol of speed and true life. because they live for a short time. They can be done in color or black and white.

Colorful composition with butterfly motifs fluttering butterflies
monochrome butterfly


People have always sought to decorate their body. Therefore, a pattern appeared in the form of an ornament. It can have a wide variety of variations, depicted on any part of the hand. Actual looks in the form of a large pattern on the shoulder or forearm.

Ornament on the shoulder Ornament on the wrist Ornament on the upper arm


Combines all the unusual drawings that do not have a specific meaning. Often depicted in open areas as they are interesting and creative. They can be large and small sizes.

Lace is so feminine

Note! A tattoo on the arm for girls is done for life, so the choice of drawing should be taken very seriously so that in the future the image does not cause negative emotions.

Colored tattoos for girls on the arm (photo)

Every day, colored tattoos on the arm for girls are gaining more and more popularity. Japan is considered the birthplace of such tattoos. In the 18th century, they were applied to the body of a woman using natural dyes, which were extracted from plants. Most often, they painted pictures of nature, holidays and everyday life.

In the 19-20 century, colored tattoos began to be applied in Europe. At first, such images had oriental symbols. After a short time, they began to depict flowers, fish and tigers. To create used artificial dyes obtained synthetically. They were durable and did not fade for a long time.

Colored tattoos on the arm for girls

The main advantage of a colored tattoo is beauty. It is a drawing made using different colors, attracts attention. In addition, the tattoo can look like a living image.

Recently, girls often put paintings on their hands. For such a tattoo, it is necessary to use multi-colored paints to convey all the brightness of nature.

Colored tattoos must be chosen, knowing their meaning. Every shade matters:

White(purity and purity of thoughts, symbolizes goodness, happiness as opposed to evil, however, according to eastern symbolism, it can mean death, so it should be used with caution in tattoos).

Black(has two meanings, on the one hand - evil, lust, on the other - good, applying black to a tattoo can mean that a person wants to increase vitality and direct it in a positive direction).

Red(wisdom, energy boost and source of vitality).

Yellow(it means light and heat, however, it has the opposite meaning - betrayal and betrayal, in Eastern mythology the snake is depicted with a yellow tint, here it symbolizes wealth and power).

Brown(in Europe, a symbol of infertility and humility, but in the East it means a rich harvest and disobedience).

Green and blue(source of internal energy, success, prosperity, luck, all earthly blessings).

Gold(leadership in everything and prosperity).

Purple(thirst for power, perseverance, purposefulness).

Style and beauty

A colored tattoo on the arm for girls has no design restrictions. You can perform in any style, decorate various parts of the hand. It all depends on the taste and capabilities of the girl.

Tattoo "crown" on the arm for girls

The crown has been a sign of power since the Middle Ages. Always distinguished representatives of the royal family. It means divinity, it was believed that power is given from above.

Crown tattoos are rare. Basically, such an image is filled with purposeful and powerful people. Maybe a person who has achieved great authority among others.

crown tattoo

The crown is depicted in different styles:

  • bright;
  • serious;
  • funny;
  • cartoon.

It is the crown on the hand that allows you to determine the character of the girl, which shows what type she belongs to: a romantic princess or a queen who towers over other women.

Tattoos for girls on the arm: inscriptions in various languages

IN modern world There are two types of tattoo inscriptions on the hands of girls:

  • traditional black;
  • phrases in white (they look like scars, but they are relevant and interesting).

Tattoo in the form of inscriptions is the easiest way to make beautiful drawing on the girl's hand. Phrases can mean an attitude to a life position, to people around them, or they can simply be expressions and set phrases in any language. Modern women of fashion for inscriptions can use hieroglyphs.

Tattoo inscriptions can be located on the arms or palms

Popular options:

  • expressions in Latin that do not require translation;
  • sayings in Arabic about love relationships;
  • their initials or a loved one;
  • phrases related to a particular religion;
  • commemorative phrases with dates.

Tattoo on the inside of the shoulder

Inscriptions on the hand are made on the shoulder, forearm or wrist. Perform in the form of wide and thick letters, or thin and curved characters.

Tattoo inscription on the outer part of the wrist

Tattoo bracelet on the arm for girls

The tattoo bracelet is small in size, so it does not catch the eye. Such an image is perfect for those girls who follow a strict dress code, as it will be invisible from under the blouse.

Tattoo bracelets. Ideas for inspiration

A tattoo depicting a bracelet imitates beautiful decoration, most often hides a certain meaning. The most popular options are:

  • Unusual patterns connecting figures, symbols of different cultures and graphic signs in a chain.
  • Imitation of jewelry from natural materials(beads, baubles, chains, necklaces).
  • Image of bracelets made of steel and metal, barbed wire.
  • Neat ribbons and lace.
  • Inscriptions (often filled with beautiful phrases about love and the meaning of life).
  • A copy of scars, cuts and other damage.

A tattoo bracelet on the hand for girls allows you to express your inner world, show your individuality. Great for jewelry lovers.

Sleeve tattoo for girls

A tattoo in the form of a sleeve immediately attracts attention. It looks bold and informal, as it often presents a drawing of large sizes. This version of a tattoo in the form of a light pattern is extremely rare.

Women who decide on this type of image paint a variety of landscapes, paintings with meaning. Most often, a tattoo sleeve is made in color, since a variety of colors convey all the originality and elegance of the sketch.

Sleeve tattoo in monochrome

Masters distinguish three options for the sleeve:

  • full (performed from the shoulder to the wrist);
  • half (the image is performed to the elbow or from the elbow);
  • quarter (to the middle of the forearm).

Ornaments, flowers, religious themes - all this can be in one tattoo

Women's sleeves are an interweaving of images of flowers, fruits, silhouettes, hieroglyphs, sweets, dolls, cartoon characters and logos of certain brands. Applying this version of the tattoo requires a minimum of 6 visits to the salon. The final result will be visible in about six months.

Colored tattoo sleeve

Small arm tattoos for girls

For girls who do not dare to fill large tattoos, small images on the arm are an excellent option. They are compact and not conspicuous, you can hide under clothes.

A small bird tattoo can easily hide under the sleeves of clothes

Such a tattoo allows a girl to express her individuality, talk about character traits, and express her life position. You can perform it in the form of a talisman that will protect its owner from misfortune and trouble.

Small tattoos come in certain styles:

  • Realistic (clear image with small details).
  • New shool (girls with a mischievous character who are in no hurry to grow up are chosen, the tattoo is applied in the form of cartoon characters, fairy-tale magical characters, most often multi-colored).
  • Old shool (performed very often in the form of a talisman against the evil eye and troubles, has a marine theme, the interior of the image is made with bright colors).
  • Symbols and inscriptions.
  • Ethnic (drawing in the form of symbols and signs that have a deep meaning in a particular ethnic culture).

Weaving pattern of small flowers

Despite the variety of tattoos for girls, the most common on the arm:

  • anchor (a symbol of good luck, denotes calmness and reliability);
  • birds (performed by creative natures, they speak of the freedom-loving nature of the fair sex);
  • bow (does not make any sense, they are made for beauty);
  • butterfly (sign means prosperity and well-being);
  • cat (belongs to the sexiest tattoos, symbolizes the grace and sharp mind of its owner, as well as its mystery and independence).

A bow is one of the popular types of small tattoos.

For a small tattoo, it is best to contact only a professional.. It is an experienced master who will be able to convey all the beauty of a small drawing on his hand, if necessary, add bright colors.

Tattoos on the fingers for girls

Tattoos on the fingers can look modest or immediately catch the eye. Very often performed as a stylish and modern decoration. Beautiful pictures look unusual and neat.

Tattoos on boys can be funny

One of the first popular tattoos was the inscription on ring finger by singer Rihanna. Fashionable representatives of the fair sex picked up the idea, they began to depict on their fingers not only phrases, but also beautiful images:

  • Cross (a universal image, a Latin cross is often found, it personifies Christianity and Orthodoxy).
  • Tattoo rings (depicted on any finger, imitate a real jewelry, can be made in the form of a small neat ring, or a massive ring with the addition of certain elements in the form of a heart, bow or crown).
  • Brass knuckles (only brave girls perform, such an image cannot be hidden).
  • Captions and phrases.
  • Animals and birds.
  • Abstract symbols (you can use several combined symbols that carry a common hidden meaning).

Tattoo on the wrist, passing to the fingers

Important to remember! The fingers are the most prominent place in the girl. The choice of a tattoo must be taken seriously. It is better to initially make a temporary image, if you like it, then transfer it to a permanent one.

Tattoo on the arm for girls on the wrist

The wrist is the most delicate part of every girl's body. regardless of her body type. Therefore, the tattoo in this place should be neat and small. However, such a tattoo is considered the most painful type, since the skin in this area is quite thin.

Variant of a gentle tattoo on the wrist
  • phrases or weaving around the wrist;
  • a certain number of small elements without clear detail;
  • flower patterns;
  • pair tattoo with the other hand;
  • random pattern from the wrist to the inside of the elbow.

Often on the wrist of girls there are pigeons, butterflies, a dolphin, stars, cats and different types colors.

Tattoo on the arm for girls: panther and other animals

On the hand of the fair sex often you can see the tattoo in the form of images of various animals:

Panther. It belongs to a separate category of cat tattoos, but it cannot be confused with a cat. She is stronger and more majestic. Panther does not know how to regret and is not afraid of anything. But despite this, she is caring and gentle with her family. Most girls prefer to portray her with a grin.

Lizard. A similar type of tattoo for girls is common in the countries of Oceania and Indonesia. Often a chameleon is depicted on the hand. The lizard is the keeper of secrets, it is safe for a person, but makes him be on the alert.

Deer. It is considered one of the most difficult tattoos, since drawing a deer is quite difficult. It is considered a symbol of travel and wanderings. Brings joy to people. Associated with feelings of love and peace.

Fox. Drawing can be found only in the most powerful and self-confident women, as it is considered a sign of temptation and deceit. It can be depicted sleeping, jumping or hunting. Refers to purely female tattoos.

funny foxes

Snake. The snake is considered a symbol of deceit, causes a feeling of fear in people. Generally considered a nasty and dangerous animal. Despite this, she is always respected. The snake can bite and kill very quickly, it has a cold mind and cold blood.

Tattoo on the arm for girls: easy drawings

Some girls prefer to apply simple tattoos on their bodies:

Heart. A simple and romantic symbol that will always be relevant. Symbolizes love and harmony. Perfectly conveys the emotions, feelings and state of mind of the girl.

Clover. Symbolizes goodness and peace. It can be depicted as individual petals, or it can be made as a small flower. Some images are supplemented with leaves.

geometric symbols. Sometimes girls put tattoos on their hands that do not make any sense. A striking example of such images are geometric figures. They are depicted in small sizes, intertwined with each other.

A tattoo on the arm for girls with white ink is feminine, stylish, modern

Recently, it is very fashionable to apply a tattoo on the arm for girls. The main thing is to decide which image to choose, since many drawings have a hidden meaning. Thanks to the tattoo, you can express your character and position in life.

This video clip contains charming options for small tattoos on the arm for girls:

This video features 50 interesting options tattoo on the wrist for girls:

More and more people decorate their bodies with tattoos, and at the same time, the question arises more and more often: what kind of tattoo to get and where? This is especially true for the beautiful half of humanity, because even beautiful tattoo ings for girls can be both a decoration and a problem. How not to make a mistake with the choice?

There are a few basic rules that are useful for every girl to know. Do not make the first tattoo in a conspicuous place. In the end, this drawing is created primarily for you, and not for others. In addition, keep in mind that a tattoo is forever, and situations in life are different. Some girls are forced to hide their underwear - for example, to comply with the dress code at work or in order not to spoil the evening look.

It is better to choose large tattoos, especially for those who do them for the first time. A large drawing catches the eye and spices up, says that you are not chasing fashion and do not strive to demonstrate the excess.

Before making a final decision, you need to make sure that you put your body in the hands of professionals. What matters is sterility, equipping the salon with good equipment and, of course, artistry. All this can be found out by visiting the salon and viewing the work already completed.

Now the main question arises: how can a girl decorate her body? and have long become bad manners, but for some reason the fashion for a variety of things does not go away. For example, the phrase “together forever” written in Gothic font will look just awful, it’s better to be banal.

You should not perpetuate the names of specific people on your skin, as it looks like a brand, and you should not get carried away with hieroglyphs. Few people know, but writing a hieroglyph is not so easy: every dash in them is of great importance. There were cases when incorrect execution turned hieroglyphs with the highest meaning into swear words. Are you ready to take that risk?

The second most popular version of modern tattoos among girls is a photo. Extreme caution must be exercised here, because even on paper, not every person is able to convey the similarity. In addition, as in the case of the name, think three times - will this person throughout your life have the same meaning for you as it does now?

Remember: a tattoo is not jewelry. It will stay with you forever and can either reflect your inner world and decorate your body, or turn into a problem. You should not make a decision right away: think, talk to specialists, look at photos of the work, imagine, in the end, how you will look with a tattoo in one or another outfit. This is the only way to make the right choice.

Just recently, wandering through the streets of a night city, my attention was attracted by a girl whose exposed parts of her body were covered with a large number of tattoos.

My imagination completed the picture, and an image of a naked stranger appeared in my head, on which there were small and large tattoos, colorful and monophonic, symbolic and incomprehensible.

The thought did not leave me: is a tattoo for girls beautiful? Or female tattoos are not the most The best way for self-expression, but rather the mutilation of femininity, natural beauty, impeccability, which was given to a woman from above.

After reviewing many different body designs, and reading more than one article about the symbolism of tattoos for girls, it turned out that tattoos for girls today are quite popular among fragile creatures no less than among representatives of the powerful.

In pursuit of self-expression, the young and seductive choose tattoos for girls to their liking, asserting themselves, improving themselves, and sometimes simply creating for themselves a mysterious amulet that can never be lost in fact never in a lifetime.

Right now we offer you an interesting digression into the trends and trends of tattoos for girls 2020-2021, which will interest those who are ready for outrageous and extreme manifestations of individuality and originality through tattooing for girls.

Fashionable tattoos for girls 2020-2021: exclusive ideas, new tattoos for girls, underwear trends

If you are ready for such an extreme step as a tattoo for girls, then most likely you are a unique, creative and charismatic person.

Fashionable tattoos for girls 2020-2021, which we have collected in a collection of examples, will allow you to find original variations, both for beginner lovers of body art, and will satisfy the needs of already avid fans of body painting.

We tried to present beautiful and stylish tattoos for small girls, add paired tattoos and symbolic tattoos to the selection, and also show on which parts of the body the masters most often perform tattoos for girls.

As it turned out, today this art is so developed that beautiful tattoos for girls are made very professionally and with high quality, which cannot but rejoice.

For those who want to get a tattoo for girls, but doubts still do not allow them to take such a desperate step, we recommend trying beautiful temporary henna tattoos for girls in the mahendi style, which came to us from ancient civilizations, in particular from India.

Such tattoos for girls will decorate your body with delicate and sophisticated patterns, symbols, curls, monograms, but after a certain time they will disappear. Permanent tattoos stay with us for life.

Tattoos for girls 2020-2021: just beautiful or deep and symbolic?

Each tattoo for girls contains not just aesthetic beauty, but also a certain meaning, which, as a rule, is very important for its owner.

Women's tattoos are so diverse that most likely only professionals know about their true meaning. And sometimes even they are unable to realize the depth of the meaning of a particular symbol.

The most symbolic are tattoos for girls in the form of inscriptions. Made in an unusual, thin, or openwork, intricate font, tattoos for girls in the form of inscriptions in Latin, Hebrew, or in another language may contain metaphors, sayings, quotes, spells, prayers, names, phrases, etc.

Often, both men and women choose just such wearable drawings, because they are small, can be completely invisible and carry a deep meaning, they can be done on any part of the body. Hieroglyphs, like other small tattoos, look very feminine and mysterious.

Of course, one should not forget about such a category of tattoos for girls as the signs that exist in our lives, the images of animals and birds, insects, incredibly beautiful tattoos in the form of floral ornaments.

All of these ideas are tattoo trends 2020-2021. They are deeply symbolic, because every animal, bird, sign has certain qualities, a designation, symbolizing features, personal traits of character and personality.

So, for example, a tattoo for girls in the form of an image of a wolf will symbolize fearlessness, independence, freedom, an unshakable spirit, purity, etc.

Flowers on the girl's body symbolize beauty, mystery, tenderness and creative spark.

Each tattoo for girls is symbolic and, first of all, has the meaning that the owner herself puts into it.

Great Tattoo Ideas for Girls 2020-2021: Best Examples, Location Options

When it comes to getting a tattoo, it can be quite difficult to decide where to place it, because the tattoo should be in harmony with your body, with your personality and your lifestyle.

Fashionable tattoos for girls 2020-2021 can be small and large, colorful and bright, or delicate and plain.

Colorful tattoos for girls can be made in the form of a 3D drawing, which is now very fashionable among fans of this skill.

Small tattoos with the appearance of a kitten, elephant, butterfly, dog, panther, wolf, owl, phoenix, etc. can become your tatem, a talisman, therefore, only you determine exactly where this beauty will be.

Many wish that the tattoo was not conspicuous, and was available for viewing only to the closest people.

Such girls make a tattoo near the intimate organs, a tattoo on the coccyx, buttocks. Recently, tattoos for girls on the chest, or near the chest, have come into fashion.

The procedure is very painful, but such tattoos attract attention, which is very popular with extreme people.

It is more traditional to place the tattoo on the leg (top, bottom), arm, ankle, fingers, back, shoulder, in the lower abdomen.

Small or paired tattoos for girls will look lovely in color and monotone.

As for large drawings, here you need to think about all the points, because a large tattoo will remain on your body forever, so its place, the ability to hide the drawing if necessary, color solution and so on. - all this should be considered when choosing.

With age, the skin becomes flabby. This factor is also very important when you choose a tattoo, because the drawing will look terrible on loose skin.

The most beautiful tattoos for girls 2020-2021: tattoo photos for inspiration

So we come to the most interesting - photo ideas. You can talk about tattoos for girls endlessly, but we'd rather show you super stylish tattoos, seeing which you will not remain indifferent to this beauty.

Previously, women's tattoos were considered the height of extravagance, and sometimes obscenity. Therefore, not every girl dared to step over the threshold of a tattoo parlor. At the same time, the drawings were made in such a way that they could always be hidden under clothing. Today, the choice of a tattoo depends only on personal preferences, the nature of the woman, the way of thinking and lifestyle.

Some stuff expressive gothic, others pretentious baroque, full sleeves or barely perceptible miniatures. Someone is closer to harsh brutal art with northern symbols, knots and axes, and someone draws fluttering butterflies. Everything here is a matter of taste. However, no matter how diverse women's addictions are, there are still certain patterns united under the general name "women's tattoos".


Women's sleeves look no less expressive than men's. True, to create them, it is worth abandoning the roaring lions and dragons, focusing on more tender subjects.

Don't like unicorns and butterflies? You can choose anime folk motives, patterns of various tribes, scenes from the cinema or fashionable steampunk. When choosing a sketch, it is better to give preference to smooth lines that will be in perfect harmony with the curves of the female body. No need to be afraid to experiment with styles, sometimes it gives unpredictable results.

Small female tattoos look perfect above the ankle or on outside feet. The latter can be decorated with a pair of tattoos. Sketch options are unlimited. Most often, girls choose foxes, bouquets, cats. The contours of the world map or fruits in 3D look original.


Women's tattoos on the back are distinguished by soft forms and a rich palette of colors. Their main task is to make the silhouette sophisticated and attractive. Girls with magnificent forms such tattoos help to visually stretch the figure, due to which it seems much slimmer.

It is best to choose long vertical sketches for half the back. These can be peacocks with lowered tails, birds rising into the sky, lianas, etc. Tattoos that go beyond the waist line down, go to the side or shoulder look spectacular.

A tattoo of a relatively small size can be placed on the shoulder blade or side. But, regardless of the sketch, dark colors should be avoided. If you really want to make a monochrome tattoo, it is better to leave it in the form of contours.


This is not the most favorable site, however, some brave ladies endure painful sessions with dignity. The peculiarity of the female figure does not allow making a complete picture here, so the tattoo on the chest is limited to small delicate sketches. “Necklaces” in floral, Indian or Egyptian themes look good.

You can fill a tattoo on the front of the female torso above and below the chest. Miniatures that wrap around the chest from the side look unusual. But this is a rather painful procedure, and the tattoo itself will be in a blind spot.

Intimate zone

In addition to the chest, tattoos from the category “not for the general public” are very often applied to the bikini area. Women's intimate tattoos are particularly piquant. Among the most popular sketches: flames, bees, cherries, bananas, cats, bunnies, butterflies, ladybugs. Sometimes there are skulls, Gorgon jellyfish or screws.

The size of intimate tattoos is determined by the willingness of the owner to endure pain. It can be a minimalist picture no more than 2 cm or a full-scale creation, spread over the bosom and lower abdomen or buttocks. When choosing a style of performance, it is better to refuse children, which will increase the feeling of discomfort.

Universal tattoo

Women's tattoo inscriptions are made in different fonts: gothic, handwritten, voluminous. It can be hieroglyphs, Arabic script or text in one of the European languages. According to the frequency of use, the inscriptions are the most popular, and according to the places of their application - universal.

Short slogans hit on the wrist, neck, chest, ankle. Small texts or quatrains are placed on the side, back or buttocks.

The inscriptions do not carry a special semantic load, except for the one that is embedded in the phrase. Depending on the style of application, they look refined, delicate, elegant or assertive and rough with bold lines, chopped edges. You can choose an inscription for any character. This perfect option for those who find it difficult to choose their first drawing. As a result, it can be entered into a larger composition, surrounded by thematic images.