When do you plan to raise your pension in a year. New rules for indexing pensions. How and when pension payments are indexed

The other day Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation Maxim Topilin officially announced: “In 2017, insurance pensions for non-working pensioners will be indexed in accordance with the actual inflation for 2016. Rosstat will determine the value in January next year. Now the draft budget of the Pension Fund of Russia for 2017 includes expenses based on inflation for 2016 in the amount of 5.8%.

As of October 3, 2016, inflation, according to the calculations of Rosstat, is 4.1%, which means that by the end of the year it will just reach the projected 5.8%. Of course, the figure for pensioners is not too optimistic. If now the average insurance pension in old age is 13,100 rubles, which means that the increase on February 1, 2017 will be only 760 rubles. Let's note that the minister speaks only about non-working pensioners. Does this mean that the workers will again be left without an increase? With this question, "AiF" turned to the experts.

RANEPA Vice-Rector Alexander Safonov:

- Exactly. The practice of abolishing indexation for working pensioners, begun this year, will continue in the future. Of the 42 million pensioners, more than 15 million people work. By canceling the indexation of pensions, the state has a very good economy.

Working pensioners will have only one chance to increase their pension: on August 1 of each year, the PFR recalculates them from the contributions that the employer continues to make for them. But if earlier the principle “earned a lot - received a lot” worked, then since 2015 everything has changed dramatically. New law on insurance pensions, which introduced point system, infringed on the rights of working pensioners: now on August 1 they can earn no more than 3 pension points. In 2016, a point costs 74 rubles. 27 kopecks, so the maximum increase was only 222 rubles. 81 kop. (74.27 rubles × 3).

Now they are discussing a proposal to remove this increase as well. One of the deputies of the State Duma suggested giving working pensioners a choice: refuse to recalculate pensions on August 1 in exchange for future benefits. The government supported the initiative. If this autumn the new composition of the State Duma passes a law and at least half of the pensioners refuse to recalculate, in 2017 the Pension Fund will save up to 12 billion rubles. But will pensioners themselves agree to this?

Doctor of Law, Professor of the Moscow Law University. Kutafina Elvira Tuchkova:

- Budget savings will be short-term, and even then only if working pensioners begin to massively refuse to recalculate, which I personally doubt very much. Those who receive up to 18-20 thousand rubles. per month (and there are most of them in our country), it makes no sense to write a letter of resignation: pensions are now increased by a maximum of 3 pension points, and they won’t earn more anyway. For the rest, the benefit is also doubtful.

What does the government offer? Refuse to recalculate in exchange for the fact that after the end of work, not 3, but all points legally earned for the year will be taken into account. I think that in their right mind and sober memory, none of the pensioners will buy into such promises. Even if the pension will increase annually by a ridiculous 222 rubles. (and in next year recalculation should be a little more), for the year you can get 2664 rubles. If you plan to work for another 3 years, it will be almost 8 thousand rubles, 5 years - more than 13 thousand rubles. Will it be possible at least to return this money in case of refusal? This is a very big question...

Personally, as a working pensioner, on whom the government once again wants to save money, I say a categorical “no!” I will not refuse to recalculate. It is better now to have a tit in the hand in the form of 222 rubles than the promised pie in the sky. I am aware of the unstable economic situation in the country and understand how often the rules of the game change. What will happen in 3-5 years? What other new pension rules for this period for us will come up with? Unknown. People are tired of pension reforms and do not believe them. Look how many times we have been deceived in recent years alone. Since 2015, the new law "On insurance pensions ..." prescribed indexation according to the level of inflation. This norm was immediately canceled, and workers were generally deprived of indexation. Until 2015, all current contributions to the PFR were taken into account for working pensioners, then they were limited to 3 points, and now they are trying to abolish them altogether, offering people a choice ... Moreover, now the idea is constantly popping up not to pay pensions to working people at all. What kind of faith in promises can we talk about in such chaos in pension system? While there is no stability and certainty, my advice to all pensioners: it is better to take the money now, while they give it.

Prices in stores are rising, and the alarming word inflation is often heard on TV screens. All this makes pensioners anxiously think about the future and look forward to reports of the next pension indexation.

The result of the economic crisis and the fall in world oil prices was only one indexation of pensions in 2016. In return, the second pensioners received in January 2017 one-time payment in the amount of five thousand rubles.

Indexing planning

In 2017, a return to the previous procedure for calculating pension payments is planned. Size labor pensions will increase with inflation. The recalculation of social pensions will take into account the percentage of change living wage.

Preparations for this began at the stage of budgeting. Its expenditure part includes expenses on the basis that insurance pensions will increase by 5.8%, social pensions will grow by 2.6%.

insurance pensions

The first increase took place in February 2017. Then payments to citizens receiving labor pensions increased. The calculation of the indexation coefficient was made on the basis of the obtained data on the inflation rate for the previous year. According to statistics for 2016, consumer price growth amounted to 5.4%.

Therefore, in January of this year, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to increase the amount of insurance pensions by 5.4%. The fixed payment on the basis of which pension accruals are calculated has changed. Its amount was 4805.11 rubles. Since February 2017, the size of the individual coefficient of a pensioner has increased to 78.28 rubles.

In addition to insurance pensions, citizens entitled to monthly cash payments will receive a bonus.
The increase in pension payments affected 30 million people, budget expenditures amounted to 230 billion rubles. 14 billion rubles will be spent additionally in April 2017 to increase pensions by 0.4%. In general, for the year, the size of labor pensions of citizens should increase by 5.8%.

Social pensions

From April 1, 2017, social pensions of citizens are subject to indexation.Initially, information appeared in the press about an increase in their amount by 0.38%. But later it was decided to set the amount of indexation based on changes in the pensioner's subsistence minimum. It has increased in Last year by 1.5% from 7965 rubles to 8081 rubles. In accordance with it, the growth of social pensions will be 1.5%.

The average pension increase will be 130 rubles, and the payment itself will grow to an average of 8,774 rubles.The pensions of military personnel, war veterans, disabled children, and persons receiving survivor benefits will be indexed.4.9 billion rubles will be spent from the budget to increase social pensions.

Pensions of working pensioners

Increasing the amount of pension payments to working pensioners has been suspended since 2016. Such measures led to savings of 400 billion rubles, which is a significant amount for the budget in a crisis.

The increase in payments is suspended only for the duration of the work of the pensioner. In the event of his dismissal from work, the amount pension accruals will be recalculated taking into account all missed indexations. Even if a pensioner wants to work again after a certain period of time, the size of his pension will not decrease. Payments will be made in the amount accrued after the dismissal.

In addition to pensioners who continue to work at their enterprises, the recalculation of pensions will not affect citizens engaged in other activities. These include lawyers, doctors, tutors, freelancers who receive income and are registered with a pension fund. The increase in pensions has also been suspended for persons who legally rent apartments.

Citizens who worked in 2016 should expect an increase from August 1, 2017. This is not connected with the indexation of payments to the inflation rate, nor with a change in the subsistence minimum. The annual adjustment of payments to working pensioners occurs in connection with the receipt of additional insurance premiums from employers.

An increase in pension expects every pensioner in 2017. different categories citizens will receive it at different times and in different amounts. Thus, the state seeks to fulfill its obligations and returns to the usual.

From January 1, 2020, an increase in the old-age insurance pension is planned. To whom and by what percentage will payments be increased? Read the latest news about the increase for working and non-working pensioners.

On this page, correspondents of the site 10Banks have collected the most recent indexation data to date different types pensions paid in Russia:

⋅ Deposits for pensioners in

All about the increase in pensions in 2020

There are many questions about the upcoming indexation among working and non-working pensioners today.

Indexation of the insurance pension from January 1, 2020

Since January 1, Russia has been increasing the old-age insurance pension. In past years, there was a simple and understandable rule for everyone: payments were indexed to the level of inflation over the past year. This was considered fair, because it was assumed that the pension increases exactly as much as the prices in stores rise. Of course, everyone understood that the increase in the cost of goods on the shelves constantly outstripped the increase in pensions. But this fork was not critical, pensioners, if poor, then slowly. That is why the existing state of affairs suited the officials.

But then, as you remember, leapfrog began. Inflation has skyrocketed like a real Olympic champion, and pensions are far behind her. The old people were promised additional indexation, then they were given 5,000 rubles each, but prices kept rising, and pensioners could hardly make ends meet.

Finally, justifying the rise retirement age, Putin said that pensions in Russia will now be indexed at a level greater than the rate of inflation. He even named a number: we will be able to annually increase the old-age pension for non-working pensioners by an average of 1 thousand rubles».

We will not comment on the president's words. How much the pension actually grew this year, each of its recipients knows for himself.

See deposits for pensioners in TOP-10 banks.

How many percent will increase the old-age pension in 2020

But that was just the necessary backstory. And now let's get back to the plans for indexing old-age insurance pensions from January 1, 2020. What to expect? But what.

Insurance pensions will be indexed in January 2020 by 6.6 percent. This was announced by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova.

How to increase the insurance pension



At the same time, inflation at the end of 2019 is projected at 3.8%, that is, it is planned to increase pensions one and a half times higher than inflation. Price pension point in 2020 will increase from 87.24 rubles. up to 93 rubles. This is information from explanatory note to the draft budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

How much will the pension increase in rubles

How much will the insurance pension increase from January 2020

Today, rub.

in 2020, rub.

Increase, rub.

State pensions, including social pensions, traditionally increase from April 1. As we remember, social pensions were previously indexed as follows:

  • 2017 - by 1.5%,
  • 2018 - by 2.9%,
  • 2019 - by 2.0%.

How much will our government fork out this time?

Putin did not say anything about social pensions. But apparently he did.

According to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova, social pensions in 2020 will be indexed by 7 percent.

In ruble terms, the increase will look like this: If this year the average size social pension in Russia is 9.3 thousand rubles, then in 2020 it should increase to 9.9 thousand.

Note again that these are only plans. How far they are destined to come true, we will find out in April 2020.

Increase in the pension of working pensioners in August 2020

As we remember, starting from 2016, the insurance pensions of working pensioners in Russia are not indexed. In January 2020, they also do not have to wait for an increase.

What do working pensioners need to do to index their pensions? The answer is known: stop working.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation assures that after they stop labor activity, the amount of the insurance pension and the fixed payment to it will be recalculated taking into account all indexations that have taken place during their work.

Well, for those who do not want to quit yet, it remains to wait for August 2020. It is in the last month of summer that all working pensioners are waiting for the traditional unclaimed recalculation of pensions based on the results of last year.

The increase in pension as a result of recalculation is individual in nature and depends on the amount of insurance premiums that the employer paid to the Pension Fund for a working pensioner in 2019. Traditionally, it is no more than 3 pension points, that is, no more than 262 rubles.

Who is entitled to a social supplement to a pension?

If non-working pensioners have a total amount of material support less than the pensioner's subsistence minimum (PMP) in the region of residence, then they are given a social supplement. Thus, the pension is increased to the size of the subsistence minimum.

However, it must be taken into account that when calculating total amount material security, not only the pension is taken into account, but also other measures social support. It could be a payment allowance. utilities, travel to public transport and others.

You can find out the size of the living wage for a pensioner in your region on the website of the Pension Fund -

In 2020 indexation will again be held under the new rules

By the way, in 2019, the procedure for indexing pensions for those who have it below the subsistence level has changed. As you remember, in the spring they even made a recalculation. Now, in 2020, indexing should immediately go through according to the new rules.

As it was before

Previously, the indexation value (I) was added to the pension (P), and then they were pulled up by the Social Surcharge (SD) to the Pensioner's Subsistence Minimum (PMP).

The following formula worked: P+I+SD=PMP.

Sometimes it turned out that the real amount of payments did not increase, but remained at a minimum level.

As it is now

Now, first determine the amount of social surcharge (SD). Then the pension is indexed (P+I). Therefore, they add a surcharge (SD), the amount of which remains unchanged.


Let's say the pension (P) is 7800 rubles.

The cost of living for a pensioner (PMP) in the region is 8,846 rubles.

Let's calculate what the Social Surcharge (SD) should be in order to raise the pension (P) to the subsistence level (PMP): SD = PMP - P = 8,846 rubles. - 7800 rubles. =1046 rub.

Now we will index the pension, for example, by 6.6%, as it will be from January 2020. We get P x 1.066 = 7800 x 1.066 = 8314.8 rubles.

And now let's add to the indexed SD pension in the amount of 1046 rubles. We get 8314.8 rubles. + 1046 rub. = 9360.8 rubles.

It turns out that after the January indexation, the pensioner will already receive 9,360.8 rubles.

Who is entitled to an increased fixed payment for a pension

A fixed payment is a certain amount that is paid to all pensioners, except for the military. Its size is almost the same for everyone, regardless of length of service, salary and everything that is taken into account when calculating pensions. This is a kind of analogue of the basic part of the pension.

Many, perhaps, do not even know what is in their composition. pension benefit Includes fixed payout. But in fact, they receive in their hands an amount that consists of an insurance pension + a fixed payment. All the same, everyone together calls it an insurance pension.

The amount of the fixed payment is set by the state and indexed annually along with the pension. For example, from January 1, 2020, it will also be increased by 6.6%, as a result, its size will increase from 5334.19 rubles. up to 5,686.25 rubles.

A fixed payment to an insurance pension will become interesting only when you have the opportunity to receive it in an increased amount. And this:

  • Citizens who have reached the age of 80, or disabled people of group I;
  • Citizens who are dependent on disabled family members;
  • Citizens living in areas Far North and similar areas, etc.

From January 2019, a 25% increase in fixed payment to the insurance pension is also provided for 30 years of work experience in agriculture. In addition to seniority, there are a number of conditions, so check with your Pension Fund branch for more details.

What amount of pension is considered "worthy"

Correspondents " Russian newspaper”calculated that in 2020 the average insurance pension in Russia will reach the level of 15.4 thousand rubles, and for non-working pensioners - 16.4 thousand. Is it a lot or a little? Of course not. And what size of pension can be considered "worthy"? This question was addressed to the residents of the country by employees of the job search service Superjob.

They conducted a small survey and found out that the majority of respondents consider a pension of 40,000 rubles to be “worthy”. At the same time, residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg called a pension of 43.9 thousand rubles “worthy”. and 42.2 thousand rubles, respectively. And the lowest pension expectations are among survey participants from Kirov, Naberezhnye Chelny and Yaroslavl (34.9 thousand rubles, 34.7 thousand rubles and 34.5 thousand rubles).

And what amount of pension do you consider "worthy"?


Correspondents of the site site have compiled a preliminary calendar of pension increases for 2020.

Pension indexation calendar for 2020

  • From January 1, 2020 - indexation of the insurance old-age pension for NON-working pensioners by 6.6%.
  • From April 1, 2020 - increase in social pension by 7.0%.
  • In August 2020, the recalculation of pensions for working pensioners, depending on their salary for 2019.

Follow breaking news about raising pensions in 2020 together with the site site!

The payment of increased pensions for January 2020 will be made from the end of December 2019. Those who receive payments through Sberbank and other banks will be able to start spending them already on New Year's holidays!

And what about pensioners who have the dates for issuing pensions these days? First of all, don't worry! Due payments, and taking into account the indexation of 2020, you will receive on time or even earlier.

The corresponding decision was made on December 20 at a meeting of the Board of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR).

When will the increased pensions for January 2020 be paid?

In particular, the following information is posted on the official website of the PFR.

“At the end of December, the Pension Fund advances the payment of pensions, benefits and monthly cash payments for January 2020. Starting from December 25, PFR branches will begin transferring funds to the Russian Post, from December 27 - to credit institutions, including Sberbank.

The PFRF message also states that “for some pensioners receiving payments through the bank, the transfer of funds for January 2020 will begin on December 30. For pensioners receiving payments through the Russian Post, delivery will be organized according to the standard schedule starting from January 3, 2020.

What does it mean?

And the fact that for pensioners who receive payments through banks, and in the first days of the month, the January pension will come to the cards no later than December 31, 2019. The rest are on schedule.

For pensioners who receive payments through the Russian Post, January payments will begin on January 3, 2020.

When the pension for January 2020 is brought to you, you can find out at the local branch of the Pension Fund of Russia.

And some departments made a fuss and posted this information themselves.

Here, for example, is what the PFR Department for Moscow and the Moscow Region reports on this matter.

January 2020 pension payment schedule in Moscow

The branch of the Pension Fund of Russia for Moscow and the Moscow Region informs that in connection with public holidays in January 2020, the payment of pensions and other social benefits for January 2020 will be carried out according to the following schedule:

Department of the Federal Postal Service of Moscow - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Post of Russia":

The rest of the days - according to the established schedule;

AFPS of the Moscow Region - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post and alternative home delivery services for pensions:

LLC "Mercy":

Financial and credit institutions:

Pension payment schedule for January 2020 in St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg, there is a different schedule for the January pension.

The PFR branch for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region reports that in December 2019 there will be no early payment of the January pension. Payments of pensions, UDV and other social payments will be made in accordance with the schedule in January 2020.

Payments in the post offices of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region will begin on January 3. On this day, pensions will be available to those who receive payments on the 3rd-4th, on January 6 - to those on the 5th-6th, etc. Unreceived pension according to the schedule can be received until January 22, 2020.

Sberbank will begin making payments in the Leningrad Region on January 17, and in St. Petersburg on January 20. Other credit institutions will begin payments from January 16.

When January pension they will deliver it to you, you can find out at the local branch of the Pension Fund of Russia or the bank through which you receive payments.

How much higher will the pension be for January 2020


From January 1, 2020, maternity capital will also increase

If the owner of the certificate did not use the maternity capital in full, the balance of funds will also be indexed by 3%.

Directions of use maternity capital so far remain the same: improving the living conditions of the family, educating and maintaining children in educational institutions, increasing the mother's pension, purchasing goods and services for social adaptation and integration into society of children with disabilities, receiving a monthly payment.

The federal budget for 2017 provided for the indexation of the pension provision of Russians in the full amount established by law - to the level of actual inflation of the past 2016. Thus, all types of insurance pensions ( , and ) February 1 indexed by 5.4%.

As established in the Federal Law on the PFR budget for the current year, such a measure will continue to operate not only for the current, but also for 2018 and 2019. Thus, in February 2017, more than 31.4 million will receive an increased (indexed) amount of pensions, and working citizens - without indexation on February 1.

At the same time, working citizens will receive payment, taking into account all previously carried out indexations, only after completion of employment.

For working pensioners in 2017, the pension can only be increased due to the recalculation on August 1.

How will military pensions change?

This is a separate type of pension provision, regulated by law No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993, assigned to military personnel under certain conditions. In accordance with it, the indexation of military pensions can take place in two cases:

  • with a centralized increase in the salaries of military personnel;
  • with an increase in the percentage of monetary allowance (DD), taken into account at .

Existing salaries have not been increased for more than five years and, most likely, this is not expected this year. However, on February 1, the value of the DD provided for by Article 43 of the above law increased by 4% relative to the previous value and is 72,23% (72.23/69.45 = 1.04) - this is the amount that will be indexed pension provision military pensioners.

Indexation of social payments from February (UDV, NSO, burial allowance)

Together with the increase in insurance and military pensions, by 5.4% were indexed and social payments produced pension fund RF: monthly cash payment(simultaneously with the cost of a set of social services), pensioner's burial allowance.