Social package. Driving a pensioner. What is the age limit for a driver?

Drivers are one of the categories of workers who are subject to special requirements. The specifics of working on a vehicle, which is a source of increased danger, special modes of work, rest leave their mark on the approach to organizing remuneration for their work. In this article, we tried to summarize the available information about the features of payment for the driver's staff of the organization.

1. General Provisions

Regulations on the payment of drivers are developed at enterprises or organizations in order to organize the procedure and conditions for remuneration of drivers, their material incentives (bonuses) and incentives. The provision should not violate the norms and standards approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation. For more information about the general principles of developing the Regulations, you can read in my article.

The regulation should be developed according to the specifics of transport production, taking into account the system of organization and work schedule of the driver's personnel, the complexity and nature of the implementation of transport tasks.

This document extends its legal force to persons (drivers) exercising their labor activity on the basis of drawing up an employment contract with the enterprise.

2. Driver categories

Here we will not talk about the categories indicated in the driver's license. A wide variety of automotive equipment and areas of its use impose special requirements on the organization of both work and remuneration of employees of motor transport departments. Based on these features, several categories of specialists in driving and operating vehicles can be distinguished:

1. passenger vehicle (vehicle capacity does not exceed 5 seats).

2. minibuses (vehicle capacity from 5 to 18 seats).

3. buses (vehicle capacity over 18 seats).

4. specially equipped vehicle (special equipment).

5. freight transport (carrying capacity of the vehicle does not exceed 3 tons).

6. freight transport (vehicle carrying capacity from 3 tons to 12 tons), including:

  • freight transport, carrying out international transportation, including:

7. freight transport (carrying capacity of the vehicle is more than 12 tons):

  • freight transport operating within a radius of 50 km;
  • freight transport operating within a radius of more than 50 km;
  • freight transport, producing international transportation.

3. Remuneration of drivers

Remuneration of drivers - money paid to drivers for the high-quality and timely performance of their duties in accordance with the legislative framework of the Russian Federation, labor agreements, regulations on remuneration for drivers, as well as additional regulatory documents of the enterprise that regulate relations between the employee and the employer.

The remuneration of labor consists directly of the salary accrued according to time or piece rates, as well as additional allowances for class and / or working conditions, incentive payments and bonuses.

Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Salary (employee's wages) - remuneration for work depending on the qualifications of the employee, the complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of the work performed, as well as compensation payments(surcharges and allowances of a compensatory nature, including for work in conditions that deviate from normal, work in special climatic conditions and in territories subjected to radioactive contamination, and other compensation payments) and incentive payments (additional payments and allowances of a stimulating nature, bonuses and other incentive payments)

The remuneration of labor depends on the following factors:

  • driver category;
  • class of the driver;
  • working conditions (conditions of driving style, level of difficulty in driving a vehicle, etc.);
  • availability of processing (overfulfillment of planned indicators: hours of operation, passenger capacity, tonnage, ton-kilometers, etc.);
  • work schedule (daytime, nighttime).
  1. Time (hourly) rate. This calculation system is used for specialists whose duties do not include the passage of long distances, but require certain skills and craftsmanship. Basically, hourly pay is accrued to drivers:
  • certain special equipment;
  • passenger transport (passenger vehicles, minibuses, buses), if their work combines expectations (for example, waiting time for a manager or clients, waiting time for loading);
  • cargo vehicle in the case of transportation over short distances of a small weight of cargo.
  1. Piece rate for the distance travelled. This payment system can be used for drivers of passenger cars or minibuses, performing long-distance or international transportation.
  2. Piece rates for passenger traffic. This payment system is relevant for drivers of buses or minibuses.
  3. Piece rate for tonnage transported or ton-kilometers produced. Piecework earnings are beneficial for specialists who drive trucks and transport bulky goods over long distances (for example, the salary of international workers, which is one of the highest among drivers).

I think that everyone knows that wages cannot be less than those established in the Russian Federation the minimum wage.

4. Time wage

The use of a time-based calculation system is relevant in the following cases:

  • provided that piecework earnings are not beneficial for the employee and may “underestimate” his actual performance, which will significantly affect the final remuneration;
  • if the transport work cannot be normalized;
  • when the transport work performed cannot be objectively taken into account.

This type of payment requires the organization of correct and timely timesheets of the actual time worked by each employee.

Time wages are calculated as follows:

The remuneration of drivers when the vehicle is under repair or during vehicle downtime, not due to the driver himself, is made at his hourly rate without premiums for class and others.

!!!Attention: added to site material for paying drivers for repairs.

5. Piecework pay

Piecework earnings are due to the production of vehicles, which depends on the performance of the driver. Piecework payment is calculated, according to piecework rates, according to the following criteria:

  • for the distance traveled (km),
  • passenger volume (V p),
  • tons (t),
  • ton-kilometers (tkm).

The use of a piece-rate payment system for drivers is relevant in the following cases:

  • when the use of this time-based payment is not relevant and not appropriate for the contractor;
  • in the case when it is necessary to evaluate all the subtleties of working conditions and the complexity of the production of vehicles.
  • when you need to encourage performers to increase labor productivity: the more you do, the more you earn.

This type of remuneration is beneficial for vehicle management specialists who perform labor-intensive and result-oriented transport work in a relatively optimal period of time. Piecework wages are divided into:

  • collective (used when transport production is continuous or long enough, which requires shift rotation of workers in order to organize the necessary rest for drivers). The collective piecework payment is distributed among the drivers, according to specific gravity their personal output or labor participation rate.
  • individual - the most commonly used type of piecework calculation. It is used when labor protection standards do not require a driver change (usually a work shift does not exceed 12 hours).

Individual control of the vehicle is more acceptable, since the driver is fully responsible for the volume of production, which is reflected in his salary, as well as for the condition of the vehicle individually. Teamwork provides for competition, which can cause discontent among the driver's staff.

Piecework wages are approved by the employer and comply with the standards of the collective agreement, labor agreement or contract.

This type of earnings requires the organization of a reliable accounting of the actual indicators of the production of vehicles.

Drivers' wages are calculated as follows:

Production can be calculated in:

  1. Distance traveled - kilometers. It is typical for the operation of passenger vehicles that carry passengers over long distances, when the transport operates without downtime. Production unit: km;
  2. Passenger turnover - transport production is calculated in the volume of passengers transported over a certain distance. Production unit: V p or V p *km = V pkm
  3. Tonnage - the production of the vehicle is calculated in tons transported. Output measurement unit: t.
  4. Ton kilometers. The most common type of production, calculated in the volume of cargo transported over a certain distance. Production unit: t*km = tkm.

Tariffs and coefficients are developed by the department of labor and wages (or an authorized specialist), and cannot violate the lower limit of the standards approved by the legislative framework of the Russian Federation.

6. Rewarding drivers

A well-developed bonus system is an excellent labor motivation for employees and is being developed in order to improve various indicators of the financial and economic activities of a transport enterprise (subdivision).

The absence of bonuses can be a worthy punishment (as well as an example for others) in case of employee’s production omissions and non-compliance with the job description by the driver.

Indicators, conditions and amounts of bonuses should be developed in the regulation on remuneration, as an integral part of the collective agreement.

Employee bonuses may depend on:

  • high-quality and timely completion of tasks specified in the waybills;
  • absence of complaints from the consignor and/or consignee;
  • compliance of the car mileage with the norms of distances;
  • fulfillment or overfulfillment of the monthly production plan.;
  • the level of quality of work in a team;
  • growth in the production of a vehicle (growth in the productivity of the driver himself);
  • vehicle control within suburban and intercity routes:
  • observance of the traffic schedule specified in the waybill;
  • high level of passenger service;
  • keeping the vehicle in a technically sound condition;
  • expedient and careful use of the vehicle;
  • economy of fuels and lubricants and RTI (depends on the manner and nature of driving);
  • combining professions, for example, for forwarding drivers;
  • expanding the car service area (increasing the volume of transport production);
  • performance of the duties of a temporarily absent employee.

The premium may be in the form of a fixed amount (ZP=OT+P) or be in the form of an interest rate (ZP \u003d FROM * K p) , Where

ZP - driver's salary

FROM - wages (time-based, piecework or combined)

P - fixed premium amount

K p - premium coefficient.

If the bonus coefficient is approved in the collective agreement and is a great lever for labor motivation, then the fixed amount of the bonus can vary each reporting period and depends on the decision of the head of the enterprise (division).

7. Payment for categories, classiness.

The category of the driver depends on the vehicle on which he works and the specifics of the operation of this vehicle. The category awarded directly affects the amount of wages, since the tariff rate for a certain type of transport service is developed according to the corresponding category.

The class of drivers (upgrade or downgrade) is determined at the enterprise by the qualification commission, which conducts the appropriate certification. The decision to assign a class rating is approved by an order for the enterprise, and a corresponding entry is also made in the work book of the employee by an authorized person.

The law of the Russian Federation does not provide for rules regarding the extension of the class rating for drivers, which was assigned to them at their previous place of work. The decision to retain class is made by the manager at the new place of work. Most often on new job I'll have to re-affirm my class.

The class of drivers has three levels:

  • III class - a driver who begins his work experience;
  • Class II - a driver who has a driver's license to drive vehicles "B", "C", "E" and / or "D" categories, as well as at least three years of uninterrupted driving (Class III) work experience at this enterprise;
  • I class - a driver who has a driver's license to drive vehicles "B", "C", "D", "E" categories, as well as at least two years of continuous work experience as a driver of class II at this enterprise.

The premium for classiness is approved by the head of the enterprise in the form of a fixed coefficient. Basically, for class II vehicle management specialists, the size of the premium for class is 10%, and for class I - 25% of the tariff rate for the time actually worked by the driver on the flight. The figures are approximate, subject to change by the decision of the administration of the organization.

8. The structure of the regulation on wages.

The structure of the position of wages may have, for example, the following form:

1. General Provisions:

  • introduction with references to the main publications (legislative base) of the provision;
  • a general definition of the applicable wage system and its main components;
  • definition and description of the properties of the settlement system used for certain categories of workers.

2. Conditions and procedure for remuneration:

  • basic conditions of material reward.
  • the procedure for establishing and the size of the minimum tariff rates in accordance with driver categories and personal work skills;
  • the procedure, conditions and amounts of increasing coefficients to the minimum tariffs based on the class, mode of operation, etc..
  • Conditions, procedure and amount of payments to drivers compensating for certain working conditions.

3. Conditions, procedure and amount of bonus payments that stimulate the work of performers in the context of their categories:

  • according to the results of the work of employees (for the reporting period);
  • for the quality and service of the transport works;
  • for high-quality and timely execution of especially important and urgent assignments;
  • for intensive performance and conscientious attitude to work.

4. Additional points on remuneration, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise.

5. Final (final) provisions.

9. Conclusion

The regulation on the payment of drivers is developed by the department of labor and wages (OTiZ) of the enterprise (or an authorized specialist).

This provision regulates the legal relationship between the employer and the driver, and is also a motivating factor not only for the contractor, but also for the manager himself, as a consumer of high-quality transport services in order to generate revenue and reduce the risk of incurring additional costs due to poor-quality transport services (additional repairs, fines, etc.).

The document "Regulations on the remuneration of drivers" has legal force from the moment it is approved by the head of the enterprise and is valid indefinitely.

More recently, the Moscow authorities supported a proposal to evacuate motor vehicles with a "disabled person" sign, which is illegally placed on the windshield.

In particular, according to the head of the Moscow Department of Transport Maxim Liksutov, such cars can be evacuated.

Soon in Russia there may be a serious punishment for those who illegally use the privileges of people with limited mobility. The amount of the fine for motorists who put their vehicles in places for people with disabilities is from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles.

Currently, in Moscow, 10% of parking spaces are allocated for the disabled. Recently, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Social Development Leonid Pechatnikov proposed to evacuate cars illegally parked in parking lots for the disabled.

The issue of punishment for the illegal placement of the “disabled person” sticker is also being resolved.

Moscow Deputy Mayor for Social Development Leonid Pechatnikov made a proposal to evacuate cars parked illegally in parking lots for the disabled. Lawyers identify several difficulties in this situation:

  • Check the legality of the sticker when the driver is present in the car. Then - yes, every disabled person has a supporting document with him. This is a certificate by looking at which the inspector can make sure that the sticker is legal.
  • In the case of parking a “disabled” car, it is almost impossible to prove legality or illegality. Imagine: there is a car with a sticker in a place intended for the disabled. There is no driver. Don't wait a few hours. And what, then he will be fined, simply because of the suspicion that he theoretically can be disabled and not be? But this is nonsense. People will endlessly appeal against fines. As for the creation of a single base, this is also not easy. A person who has a disability needs to confirm it every few years. And if it is removed from the register (this happens), how quickly will it be removed from the database? Therefore, now the proposal raises rather a lot of questions.”

It should be noted that citizens who arrogantly pretend to be disabled enjoy the advantage of disabled people.

The effect of these signs that are violated by "pseudo-disabled people": 3.2 “Movement prohibited”, 3.3 “Mechanical movement”, 3.28-3.30 “Parking prohibited”, 3.29 “Parking prohibited on odd”, 3.30 “Parking prohibited on even” does not apply to vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II or carrying such disabled people.

Many people with disabilities drive under these signs without fear. Especially the sign 3.2 "Movement is prohibited", and others mentioned above.

So, drivers with disabilities must necessarily install the “Disabled” identification mark on their cars - optionally on the front or rear window. This applies primarily to disabled people of groups I and II or those who carry them.

And now let's look at the signs listed above, what they mean and what they free from.

traffic rules Russian Federation for disabled drivers of groups I and II or carrying them, the traffic signs “Movement is prohibited”, “Movement of motor vehicles is prohibited”, “Parking is prohibited”, “Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month” and “Parking is prohibited on even days of the month” are not valid . There are also signs additional information- Disabled. Please note: in the description of the sign 8.17 only vehicles with the identification sign “disabled” are indicated, there is not a word about the disabled themselves. This means that the violation of the requirements of this sign consists precisely in parking a vehicle without an identification mark. The Basic Regulations on the admission of vehicles to operation and the obligations of officials to ensure road safety states that such an identification sign is installed at will, "Except for the disabled" and the corresponding markings. The sign "Disabled" under the sign "Parking place" says that its effect applies only to motorized wheelchairs and cars with the identification mark "Disabled". The sign "Except for the disabled" indicates that the validity of any sign does not apply to motorized wheelchairs and cars driven by people with disabilities. Only candidates for drivers should know the following: taking exams from citizens with disabilities, who are allowed to drive vehicles for medical reasons, is carried out on special cars with additional designs. Provides them educational institution. Currently, the Russian State traffic inspectorate is preparing a number of regulatory legal acts that amend the Federal Law "On Road Safety", the Rules for Passing Qualification Examinations and Issuing Driver's Licenses in order to optimize the procedure for allowing disabled people to drive a car, as well as significantly simplify the procedures for obtaining services in the traffic police.

The following cannot apply to disabled people:

  • deprivation of the right to drive (with the exception of cases of driving while intoxicated, refusing to undergo an examination or leaving the scene of an accident);
  • administrative arrest for disabled people of groups I and II.

All other requirements and traffic rules and the Code of Administrative Offenses apply to people with disabilities in full.

Do people with disabilities have the right to free provision vehicles?

Federal Law No. 122-FZ of 22.08.2004 removed from Law No. 181-FZ of 24.11.1995 “On the Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” the provision granting disabled people the right to receive specialized vehicles free of charge.

As we can see, the laws prescribe significant benefits for disabled people, as well as for persons transporting disabled people.

Traffic police officers have only one opportunity to determine whether the owner of the car is a person who has the ability to park his car under prohibition signs in the absence of the driver, this is sign 8.17 in front and behind the car.

Thus, if the driver of the vehicle is a disabled person of group I or II, but did not set sign 8.17, then the traffic police officer issues a fine and sends the car to the impound justifiably.

What does the law tell us about installing these signs on a car.

We open the “Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety”, “approved by the Government Decree of October 23, 1993 No. 1090 ON RULES OF THE ROAD, and read in paragraph 8 the following:

At the request of the driver, identification marks can be installed:

"Doctor" - in the form of a square of blue color(side 140 mm) with an inscribed white circle (diameter 125 mm) on which a red cross is applied (height 90 mm, stroke width 25 mm) - in front and behind cars driven by medical drivers;

"Disabled person" - in the form of a yellow square with a side of 150 mm and an image of a symbol road sign 8.17 black - in front and behind motor vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II, carrying such disabled people or disabled children.

As you know, "Disabled" stickers are sold freely in all automotive stores. What limits drivers to deceive the inspector by installing such a sign on their car?

The answer is simple - nothing.

The list of documents that the driver is required to present to the traffic police inspector is prescribed in 2.1.1 of the traffic rules, but there are no documents confirming the presence of a disability. This obvious "hole" in the law makes it possible to receive obvious advantages over other drivers.

Many drivers refer to the fact that this sign can be installed not only by disabled people, but also by persons transporting disabled people. However, this also most often will not work if the traffic police officer suspects fraud on the part of the driver. If you are not currently transporting a person with a disability of group I or II and do not expect him to arrive any minute, you will most likely be issued a fine. If there are objections on your part, the court will sort it out.

Thus, the presence of an obvious "hole" in the law does not always work in practice. A decent driver will never use the misfortune of a particular category of citizens. The attitude towards violators of this kind both on the part of the traffic police, and on the part of the judiciary, and on the part of other road users will always be unambiguous.

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Ludmila 29.11.2018 15:25
Now personalized signs of a disabled person are issued, on which everything is indicated: full name, group, and by what valid. So, whoever sticks a sign of a disabled person.

Michael 22.08.2018 20:15
The article was written by an ignoramus. There are legal errors.

Anastasia 16.03.2017 21:12
Hello. And what kind of disabled people of groups 1 and 2 and disabled children (carrying them) can stick a “Disabled” sign on their glass and use benefits? After all, there are people with disabilities not only in the musculoskeletal system, but also various others (general disease, neurology, gastrointestinal tract, cancer, psychiatry, etc., etc.).

Sergey 15.02.2017 15:12
I don't have a right leg above the knee. Tyukyu is getting a prosthesis. They gave me the 3rd group indefinitely. Did I break my stump? Is it THIRD to walk on crutches without a prosthesis?

Vladimir 28.10.2016 17:51
I still have a question. How to be a disabled person of the 3rd group who has permission for free parking and the sign cannot be used. The car can be towed and then prove that you are disabled.

Drivers of buses, trolleybuses and trams employed on regular urban routes can retire earlier if a number of important conditions are met.

According to the NHS Research Service. The most popular profession that Novosibirsk residents were looking for in May of this year was the profession of a driver, including in public transport. It is worth noting that some representatives of this profession have the right to early appointment of an old-age insurance pension. This category includes drivers of buses, trolleybuses, trams employed on regular city routes.

The listed citizens can retire earlier than the generally established retirement age: men at 55, and women at 50. But for the emergence of the right to early retirement a number of important conditions must be met. First of all, they need, like all citizens, to “recruit” at least 30 pension coefficients(subject to transitional provisions).
The second condition for the appointment of a "preferential" pension is the duration of the insurance period in the relevant jobs. So a man in general insurance experience at the age of 25 must have worked as, for example, a bus driver on a city route, for at least 20 years. For women, the total insurance experience must be 20 years, and at least 15 years in the relevant types of work.

The basis for granting the right to pension benefits drivers of buses, trolleybuses or trams are required to work full-time only on regular urban passenger routes. For bus drivers, the period of work is included in the required special experience when employed in bus regular urban passenger transportation. This fact must be documented. As supporting documents, orders on the appointment of a driver of regular urban passenger routes, waybills, personal accounts, statements on wages, collective agreements and other documents containing the necessary information.

Regular urban passenger traffic includes transportation on a regular route that runs within the city limits, the traffic schedule on such a route is approved and agreed with local authorities in the interests of all city residents. On such routes, transportation is carried out with a certain frequency according to the schedule with the boarding and disembarkation of passengers at the stops provided for by the route. The bus must pass all intermediate checkpoints on the route according to the schedule.

Urban passenger bus transportation includes regular transportation that is carried out by a motor vehicle designed for the carriage of passengers with more than 8 seats (in addition to the driver).

Work on urban regular passenger routes can be organized with a semi-express, express or regular traffic mode or a combination of these modes during the day.

Such drivers enjoy the right to pension benefits subject to documentary confirmation of the requirements for regular urban passenger bus routes.

Drivers working on suburban, intercity, specialized routes, as well as drivers performing custom transportation of passengers on routes that are not regular city routes, or drivers of departmental transport transporting company employees are not entitled to pension benefits.

If a bus driver during working hours, along with work on regular city passenger routes, combines work on suburban routes or carries out custom transportation on routes that are not classified as regular city routes, then the issue of his right to an early appointment of a pension is decided depending on what percentage working time is the work that gives the right to this pension. If it is documented that employment on regular urban passenger routes is at least 80% of working time, then in this case they can be considered employed in jobs that give the right to early pension provision.

With the summarized accounting of working hours, working hours, confirming the employment of bus drivers on regular urban passenger routes, are determined based on the results of the month. Monthly working time includes the total time of work on the line on a regular city route, the time for preparatory and final work, pre-trip and post-trip medical examinations, elimination of operational malfunctions of the bus when working on the route, scheduled maintenance.

In addition, the periods of work of drivers on regular urban passenger routes after January 1, 2013 are counted as a special length of service, taking into account which the right to early appointment of an old-age pension is determined, only if the employer pays insurance premiums at additional rates. After a special assessment of working conditions at the workplace, periods of work will be subject to offset in the special length of service only if, according to the results of a special assessment, a harmful class of working conditions is established at the driver’s workplace.

In the Novosibirsk Region, there are 686 recipients of early pensions from among drivers employed on regular urban passenger routes.

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Driver's pension

My husband has worked as a driver of the first category all his life. Retired. Last year I got a job in the same organization, but already in the 4th category in an UAZ. From December to February, he worked at the URAL-water carrier and in the calculations he was given the 5th category. Since March, he again switched to UAZ, and the category was again lowered. Question: Are there any violations here? And in addition. in the agreement he is listed as a worker of the first category - is he working on a bicycle? Explain to me, please, where are the violations?

The category of his work clearly does not correspond to the duties performed. They could not arbitrarily change the category and terms of payment, regulated by the tariff scale and the terms of the contract. This is allowed by agreement of the parties. According to Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a change in the terms of an employment contract determined by the parties, including transfer to another job, is allowed only by agreement of the parties to the employment contract, with the exception of cases provided for by this Code. An agreement to change the terms of an employment contract determined by the parties is concluded in writing. If the category has been changed, then this is a reason for a complaint to the State Labor Inspectorate, because. there are violations in this. He also has the right to resolve the dispute in the manner prescribed by Articles 391-392 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in a pre-trial procedure, as well as file statement of claim to the district court to resolve the dispute by the court.

Hello. Probably you meant the driver of the first class and not the category, but these are completely different things. If so, then there is no violation in your situation. The tariff and qualification characteristics for the position of "Car Driver" were approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 10, 1992 N 31 "On approval of tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide professions of workers." In accordance with this regulation, the profession of a driver is charged from the 4th to the 6th category, depending on the type and carrying capacity of the controlled vehicle, as well as the range of work performed on them.

There are no violations, the fact is that he is paid a salary at the rate that is available in the organization, ACCORDING TO THE VEHICLE HE SERVICES, Professional and qualification requirements for employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, carrying out transportation by road and urban ground electric transport (approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of September 28, 2015 N 287) As amended and supplemented by: March 2, 2017 1. Professional and qualification requirements for employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs , carrying out transportation by road and urban ground electric transport (hereinafter referred to as the Requirements, employees), are developed in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 20 of the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ "On Road Safety" * (1) and paragraph 5.2.10 (3) of the Regulations on the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2004 N 395 * (2). 2. These Requirements establish the required level of knowledge, skills, professional education, length of service (experience) in the specialty of employees. The required level of knowledge and skills of employees is achieved through training in organizations that carry out educational activities according to the relevant educational programs. By order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76, paragraph 3 was amended See the text of the paragraph in the previous edition 3. These Requirements apply to the following professions and positions of employees: driver of a vehicle of categories "B", "BE" (including the driver of a passenger car Taxi); driver of a vehicle of categories "C", "C 1", "CE", "C 1E" (hereinafter referred to as the truck driver); driver of a vehicle of categories "D", "D1", "DE", "D1E" (hereinafter referred to as the bus driver); a driver of a vehicle of category "Tb" (hereinafter referred to as a trolleybus driver); the driver of a vehicle of category "Tm" (hereinafter referred to as the driver of the tram); the driver of a vehicle transporting dangerous goods;

Violations can be if the employer does everything unilaterally. If the husband himself signs additional agreements to the employment contract, then there are no violations (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This means that he simply agrees with everything.

Is it true that a school bus driver retires early?

Is it true that a school bus driver retires early? No.

Hello. No. In accordance with Art. 27 of the Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, men have the right to a pension upon reaching the age of 55, and women at the age of 50 if they have worked for at least 20 years as drivers of buses, trolleybuses, trams only on regular urban passenger routes.

Please tell me if an ambulance driver can retire early on seniority? Experience 41 years.

Hello. Unfortunately, the Law does not provide for early insurance pension old age for ambulance drivers.

The driver swore at me when he showed me a penny. Udst., then did not stop at the bus stop, having rolled 200 m after my already very loud demand, he stopped. Then he abruptly left, the bus door slammed shut already on the way. I barely had time to jump to the side, otherwise he would have knocked me down.

You can go to the consumer protection committee, then to the court. Evidence for the court - Article 56 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

Is the position of a fuel truck driver a profession for early retirement?

Hello, dear visitor of the site, only if there is a relevant entry in the labor record. Good luck and all the best, with respect lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

Paragraph 2 of Art. 27 of the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" provides that the lists of relevant works, industries, professions, positions, specialties and institutions, taking into account which a labor pension is assigned, provided for in paragraph 1 of Art. 27 of the Law, the rules for calculating periods of work and assigning labor pensions, if necessary, are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 18, 2002 No. 537 "On the lists of jobs, professions and positions, taking into account which an old-age labor pension is early assigned in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal Law" On labor pensions in the Russian Federation "" in case of early appointment labor pension in old age, lists of industries, jobs, professions and positions (with additions and amendments to them) approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR and the Government of the Russian Federation are applied. In List No. 2 of industries, workshops and positions, work in which gives the right to state pension on preferential terms and in preferential amounts, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of August 22, 1956 No. 1173 (with subsequent additions), there are no positions of a fuel truck driver, a tanker.

Should retire at 50 (I work as a tram driver). Now I'm 48, am I pre-retired? Why did the negative answer come from the pension fund?

Hello. To answer your question, you need to study the answer from the FIU. You can send it by mail. But all this can be done within the framework of a paid consultation.

Policeman-driver, Preferential pension is like?

This is ... Preferential pension for long service, for getting injured while performing a service dog There are other benefits. Why do you intend to revise the amount of the pension specifically?

The husband works as a logging truck driver, then what length of service does he need to work out in order to retire?

Art. 30 of the Federal Law No. 400 - Federal Law 7) to men upon reaching the age of 55 years and women upon reaching the age of 50 years, if they have worked, respectively, for at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years as workers, foremen (including senior ones) directly at logging sites and timber rafting, including maintenance of mechanisms and equipment, and have insurance experience of at least 25 years and 20 years, respectively;

Is it possible for a trolleybus driver to retire earlier. Does it include a decree? I have 13 years of experience including maternity leave. When can I retire.

The right to early appointment of an insurance old-age pension is available to men upon reaching the age of 55 and women upon reaching the age of 50 if they have worked as drivers of buses, trolleybuses, trams on regular urban passenger routes for at least 20 years and 15 years, respectively, and have insurance experience of at least 25 years and 20 years, respectively. Article 30 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ "On Insurance Pensions". Leave for the care of a child up to 3 years, which began after 10/06/1992, is not counted in the special length of service for the early assignment of a pension.

This year I am going on a preferential pension (at the age of 55), I worked for 32 years as a trolleybus driver. Awarded with the badge "For trouble-free work of the 3rd degree" dated 09/26/2016, i.е. before the revision of the federal law of 30.09.2016. Is it possible to get the title of "Veteran of Labor". St. Petersburg, Valery.

Good afternoon I see no obstacles, especially if the sign was issued by the federal ministry. In any case, contact the MFC.

I have been working as a driver for many years, until retirement for 10 years, after passing a medical examination, the narcologist does not sign the conclusion, he said the rights can be handed over, how to be.

Hello Nikolay! In your situation, you need to understand: what is the reason for the narcologist's refusal? What motivates? After all, the conclusion of a narcologist and a psychiatrist is mandatory!

Are there early retirement benefits for a school bus driver?

I don’t understand what kind of benefit you are talking about, you are the driver and that’s it.

Will retirement change due to pension reform? I work as a shuttle bus driver for urban transportation, in areas extreme north.

Pension legislation RF changes from time to time. How it may change in the future is still unknown. Actual changes today you can independently monitor online on the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

My husband is a heavy truck driver, I heard that they can retire 5 years earlier, is this true?

Hello. Unfortunately no.

No, that's not true, unfortunately for your husband, and fortunately for the pension fund.

Is there a preferential pension for a tanker driver in rural areas? What is the law number?

Good afternoon Nikolai, a tanker driver is not entitled to a preferential pension.

Does the profession of an all-terrain vehicle driver belong to a harmful profession and what time to retire from it if you work in the area is equated to the regions of the far north in the seismic survey party.

Dear Alexander, in order for the profession of an all-terrain vehicle driver to be a harmful profession, it is necessary to conduct a special assessment of working conditions at the enterprise, based on the results of which harmful factors are determined.

How many years do you have to work as a bus driver to retire at 60?

Good afternoon Upon reaching the age of 55, men and women at the age of 50 acquire the right to receive a pension if they have worked as drivers of buses, trolleybuses, trams on regular urban passenger routes for at least 20 and 15 years and have an insurance record of at least 25 and 20 years - respectively for men and women. An early pension is granted to such workers if they constantly carry out transportation on regular city routes throughout the full working day. This type of transportation includes regular routes passing within the boundaries of the city (another settlement), performed by vehicles with an engine designed to carry passengers with more than 8 seats (in addition to the driver). at certain intervals along established routes with boarding and disembarking of passengers at the stops provided for by the route. In this case, the bus must leave on schedule, pass through all intermediate checkpoints in a timely manner and arrive at the final point on schedule, taking into account permissible deviations. This information may be contained in a document such as a route passport. The passport for the route contains all the information that indicates that the route belongs to a regular city (within the city) or to a route that is not related to it, for example, a suburban route. Work on urban regular passenger routes can be organized with semi-express, express, regular traffic or a combination of these modes during the day. At the same time, such drivers will enjoy the right to preferential pension provision only if they provide documentary evidence of permanent and full employment (at least 80% of working time) on regular urban passenger routes.

I retired at the age of 50 (tram driver). The other day I turned 55. I work. Will my pension be recalculated?

In connection with reaching this age - no, the old-age pension has already been assigned, just ahead of schedule. The pension itself was reviewed annually, in connection with a change in the size of the actually received contributions for each year worked, automatically, in August.

My husband has been retired since 2001, retired from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, now works as a bus driver, does he have the right not to pay pension, insurance premiums, or is he obliged to pay them, but at the same time he will be entitled to a second pension?

He - according to the text, has the right not to pay, since labor relations - the legislation does not oblige such an employee to pay contributions to the Pension Fund. Those contributions that the employer pays are not for the employee, it is simply the basis for calculating the size - the amount of the employee's remuneration.

20 11 2018 I am 50 years old, I am retiring (25 years of work as a trolley bus driver) to calculate the pension, they take 2000-2002. at that time I was in maternity leave Can I insist that the years from 1993 to 2000 be taken for calculating the pension?

Good afternoon Galina, to calculate the amount of the pension, 2000-2001 is taken according to the information that is available in pension fund, but if the wage coefficient is less than the maximum 1.2, then you have the right to take any five consecutive years until 01/01/2002 (Article 30 of the Federal Law No. 173-FZ).

I have been a professional driver since 1975, now retired, it's time to replace my driver's license, when passing a medical certificate, they said that I need to undergo an electrocardiography of the head, that they gave out those categories that were in the rights, but the fact is that I have a pension of 9 thousand, and it costs 1870 rubles, the replacement of rights already costs half, pensions, I didn’t bypass it, they gave me a certificate with categories “C” and “B”, so now they will give out rights with these categories as I understand it, but if I accumulate money and get around this, then what to get a category again studying or what? because I think that this is not legal, just pulling money.

This is a requirement of the new legislation. In Art. 4 of the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2015 No. 344-n explains in which cases the driver is sent for a medical examination and how a certificate is obtained in the form established by law. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 1604, a medical certificate cannot be issued if there are serious deviations in the physical and mental state of the subject: chronic endocrine diseases; serious eye diseases; limb pathology; regular seizures/loss of consciousness; delayed physical or mental development; mental illness dangerous to society; alcoholism; drug addict; heart disease. According to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2015 No. 344-n, an EEG must be passed by any road user who intends to obtain a driver's license of categories C, CE, D, DE, Tm, Tb, as well as subcategories C 1, C1E, D1, D1E . If you think your rights have been violated, go to court.

I have been working on a loader for more than 20 years, the article says about women drivers special. Technicians, but we are not getting a preferential pension. WHY? applied to the pension fund, even sued and nothing. Explanation "we are not machinists". I applied to the Supreme Court and wrote to Moscow and came to the conclusion that the name of the profession should be changed. How to do it? And is it necessary?

Hello Galina Ivanovna, in order to answer your question, you need to study your documents and, on their basis, already advise ...

A mining truck driver is eligible for preferential retirement. Experience 5 years.

Hello, With this length of service, you are not entitled to preferential retirement. Specify the details in the pension fund at the place of residence. I wish you good luck and all the best!

My husband works at the state farm as a driver, he is 54 years old, tell me in what year he will retire.

My husband works at the state farm as a driver, he is 54 years old, tell me in what year he will retire. After 11 years.

Does a female forklift driver have the right to retire early?

If you have relevant work experience for early exit on retire. And so, until they passed the law, at the age of 55. It all depends on your experience, if it's not enough, get social pension Just.

My husband worked for 25 years as a tanker driver, in agriculture, is he entitled to a preferential pension?

No, the text of the question does not indicate any of the circumstances that could serve as the basis for the appointment of an early insurance pension.

Who is due now preferential exit on retire? I work as a driver in the conditions of the far north and on the first grid (quarry depth over 150 meters). There used to be benefits, but what about now?

It is in this part that they are not going to change anything at the moment, everything remains as before - if you worked according to the specified grid, the experience will go on it. To change - they are going to the retirement age, and not the conditions of early pensions.

About early retirement for drivers in detail June 05, 2015 Drivers of buses, trolleybuses and trams employed on regular city routes can retire earlier if a number of important conditions are met. According to the NHS Research Service. The most popular profession that Novosibirsk residents were looking for in May of this year was the profession of a driver, including in public transport. It is worth noting that some representatives of this profession have the right to early appointment of an old-age insurance pension. This category includes drivers of buses, trolleybuses, trams employed on regular city routes. The listed citizens can retire earlier than the generally established retirement age: men at 55, and women at 50. But for the emergence of the right to early retirement, a number of important conditions must be met. First of all, they need, like all citizens, to “collect” at least 30 pension coefficients throughout their working life (taking into account transitional provisions). The second condition for the appointment of a "preferential" pension is the duration of the insurance period in the relevant jobs. So a man with a total insurance experience of 25 years must work as, for example, a bus driver on a city route, for at least 20 years. For women, the total insurance experience must be 20 years, and at least 15 years in the relevant types of work. The basis for granting the right to pension benefits to drivers of buses, trolleybuses or trams is full-time work only on regular urban passenger routes. For bus drivers, the period of work is included in the required special experience when employed in bus regular urban passenger transportation. This fact must be documented. As supporting documents, orders for the appointment of a driver of regular urban passenger routes, waybills, personal accounts, payroll statements, collective agreements and other documents containing the necessary information are considered. Regular urban passenger traffic includes transportation on a regular route that runs within the city limits, the traffic schedule on such a route is approved and agreed with local authorities in the interests of all city residents. On such routes, transportation is carried out with a certain frequency according to the schedule with the boarding and disembarkation of passengers at the stops provided for by the route. The bus must pass all intermediate checkpoints on the route according to the schedule. Urban passenger bus transportation includes regular transportation that is carried out by a motor vehicle designed to carry passengers, with more than 8 seats (in addition to the driver). during the day specified modes. Such drivers enjoy the right to pension benefits subject to documentary confirmation of the requirements for regular urban passenger bus routes. Drivers working on suburban, intercity, specialized routes, as well as drivers performing custom transportation of passengers on routes that are not regular city routes, or drivers of departmental transport transporting company employees are not entitled to pension benefits. If a bus driver during working hours, along with work on regular city passenger routes, combines work on suburban routes or carries out custom transportation on routes that are not classified as regular city routes, then the issue of his right to an early appointment of a pension is decided depending on what percentage working time is the work that gives the right to this pension. If it is documented that employment on regular urban passenger routes is at least 80% of working time, then in this case they can be considered employed in jobs that give the right to early retirement. With the summarized accounting of working hours, working hours, confirming the employment of bus drivers on regular urban passenger routes, are determined based on the results of the month. Monthly working time includes the total time of work on the line on a regular city route, the time for preparatory and final work, pre-trip and post-trip medical examinations, elimination of operational malfunctions of the bus when working on the route, scheduled maintenance. In addition, the periods of work of drivers on regular urban passenger routes after January 1, 2013 are counted as a special length of service, taking into account which the right to early appointment of an old-age pension is determined, only if the employer pays insurance premiums at additional rates. After a special assessment of working conditions at the workplace, periods of work will be subject to offset in the special length of service only if, according to the results of a special assessment, a harmful class of working conditions is established at the driver’s workplace.