Recalculation of pension for years of service. Do they give pension points for serving in the army. Where to apply to get a pension supplement

Registration of benefits for honors students of the Soviet army in retirement By order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR No. 67, it is said that for good service, success in military training and discipline, persons (ordinary soldiers, foremen, sergeants, etc.) can be awarded badges, the list of which is enshrined in this normative act. The title "Excellent worker of the Soviet army" is included in this list and, today, its possession provides the owner with the right to issue pension benefits. However, it is worth noting that such a sign in itself does not provide for any benefits for citizens, however, this fact is one of the main conditions for obtaining the title of "Veteran of Labour", which, in turn, serves as the basis for obtaining benefits of a different nature. . Among them are the following types.

  1. State.

Further, Soviet and transitional experience is converted into estimated pension capital. Calculation labor pension As can be seen from the above paragraph.
3 art. 30, the ratio between the average monthly salary in the Soviet and transitional periods and the salary in


RF is regarded by a coefficient not exceeding 1.2. At the same time, an increased coefficient is provided for citizens who worked or served in special conditions. For persons who worked in the conditions of the Far North, the coefficient is set at a rate of 1.4, but not more than 1.9.


The gradation is based on the figure set by the local coefficient. Work experience in the Far North or in regions equivalent to Far North, calculated on the basis of one year and a half.

A military ID is required to apply for an additional payment. How much does one pension point cost? For a year of service, a man will receive 1.8 points, for two years of military service, 3.6 points will be credited to his account. Anyone can apply for an allowance to the Pension Fund, but it is worth noting that the service can be calculated both by points and by days.

Many retirees believe they will receive a tangible addition to their pension benefits, but this is not always the case. A citizen can even lose in money. This is explained by the fact that until 2015, military service was equated to the accumulation of seniority.
But each pensioner has the right to refuse recalculation if the resulting amount does not suit him. To date, for the convenience of citizens, the offices of the Pension Fund have compiled lists of those persons who will benefit from recalculation. All data is stored in the personal files of pensioners.

Do they give pension points for serving in the army

To do this, you should apply (with an application and a certain package of documents) to the bodies authorized by law. To assign benefits, it is necessary to provide the following list of documents to the local social security authorities:

  • passport;
  • insurance certificate;
  • labor veteran's certificate;
  • an extract on the composition of the family (on persons who live with pensioners in the same housing area);
  • a written application for the appointment of benefits (a sample is issued by the social security authorities).

It is worth noting that this list is not exhaustive.

Local authorities may require additional documentation.


Besides, pension reform stipulates that with regard to total amount wages will be applied a single rate of social insurance. Another important point– increase in work experience for employees public sector and the state apparatus.

Mandatory funded pension is preserved only if the citizen himself expresses a corresponding desire. If there is none, it is cancelled. In addition, the government plans to increase the indexation of pension payments, however, due to objective reasons, it is still premature to talk about any specific figures here.
Innovations are unlikely to please those who worked in production with harmful conditions– it is likely that they will be canceled the opportunity to retire early. The greatest changes currently concern working pensioners. In particular.

Who benefits from the recalculation of a pension for military service on conscription?

Male pensioners who are assigned insurance pension due to old age or disability until 01.01.2015, may increase the amount of their pension in connection with the provisions of the current pension legislation about non-insurance periods of activity of citizens. In accordance with the law "On Insurance Pensions", the length of service, along with periods of work, includes the period of military service.

Including conscription military service, provided that it was preceded or followed by periods of work and (or) other activities (regardless of the duration of such periods) that were performed on the territory of Russia and for these periods paid insurance premiums in the FIU. In addition, when determining the total pension points employee, for each calendar year conscription service is taken into account at 1.8 pension points (pension coefficients).

social factor

This category of citizens can count on an increase in payments only if their monthly salary does not exceed 18 thousand rubles. Citizens with a high income, it is currently beneficial to increase their own seniority. As a result, this will then positively affect the size of their pension payment. Moreover, parliamentarians are discussing the possibility of a complete abolition of pensions for working citizens. However, so far this is just talk. The issue is too painful for Russian society as a whole, and therefore in this case, for the time being, we can only talk about proposals. There is no consensus on this issue today.

In the current year, working citizens of pensions, most likely, will not be deprived. Meanwhile, in the future, according to experts, this option may well be implemented.

How is the recalculation of pensions for men for service in the Soviet army

If we carry out the same calculations for Ivan, we can see that the amount of his increase in pension will be half as much due to the decrease in the average wage coefficient, since it was two times lower than the national average. That is, the coefficient of his average wage will be 0.5 percent.

Accordingly, the number of points for the Soviet and transitional periods will be halved, and the increase in pension will be about 5,000 rubles. Ivan can compensate for the lack of points by increasing the length of service.

Since Ivan served 3 years in the Navy, he can increase his pension by adding 1.8 × 3 = 5.4 points to it. In general calculations, this will add an additional 150 rubles a month to his pension.

Whether this is a lot or a little, only Ivan can judge. With a small amount of his pension, an increase of about 2,000 rubles a year can play a very significant role.

Allowances, benefits, subsidies

In 2018, the price of one point increased to 81 rubles, and the fixed payment amounted to 4983 rubles. That is, the numbers change constantly and only PFR employees know about the changes reliably. Rules for crediting the work experience of the USSR When calculating the amount of pension payments to citizens who have work experience in the USSR, the estimated amount of pension capital will be multiplied by one percent for each year of work documented until the collapse of the USSR. In addition, data on the amount of salary for 5 years are taken sequentially, at the choice of a citizen. The totality of these calculations will establish overall size pension payment. Calculation of length of service The period from the date of the end of the existence of the USSR to 2001 is traditionally considered a transition period, and therefore difficult to calculate pension payments.
Therefore, a pensioner can safely ask the pension fund to calculate his pension with the accrual of points for the period of service. Who is entitled to a pension supplement for service in the Soviet army Is it worth it to independently calculate the increase Content of the material

  • 1 Is it worth it to calculate the increase yourself
  • 2 Rules for crediting the work experience of the USSR
  • 3 Service in the armed forces of the USSR
    • 3.1 Simplified comparative pension calculation model
    • 3.2 Video - Supplement to pension who served in the Soviet army
  • 4 You risk nothing
  • 5 Where to go

From the moment it was introduced point system calculation of pensions, the question arose whether it is worth converting the time of military service into points and whether this will bring material benefits to pensioners. Soviet and modern Russian system pensions varied greatly.

I’m trying to remove the experience in the calculator 45-90 to 91g - 2 years = 13, and where the experience in a special column asks for 4, not 2, and then below where the alignment is on the shelves Insurance experience accrued for other periods (years): - 4.00, the pension is reflected by almost 30 rubles higher than the accrued one according to the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat he set, in addition to the length of service up to 91g and the clean column. Maybe he forgot, what is the k45-90 charged for?

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k45-90 - “underloaded”. The length of service before 1991 should include only the number of full years of experience, for example, 13.0000 instead of 13.12345. Otherwise, the calculation result will be somewhat incorrect (insignificant and insignificant). k45-90 by and large is intended only for an approximate calculation of pensions (+/- 1%).

social factor

Good hour to everyone! ”I heard from an old woman, there are rumors among the people that early in the morning, here and there KU-KU ...” I’m interested in the question, in what cases, and to whom the length of service is taken into account, like a day for TWO! ??? With regards to persons who have served only military service, especially before the age of 91 or later until 2002.

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Article 10 Right to work the presence of citizens in military service by conscription (including officers called up for military service in accordance with the decree of the President Russian Federation) - one day of military service for two days of work. That is, the conscription service should be taken into account as a day in two.

Who benefits from the recalculation of a pension for military service on conscription?

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"You can't hatch one egg twice!" — [Kozma Prutkov]

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Why are you soaring .... Open page 2 of the Military ID - everyone clearly says when he was called up and when he left the service ... On these dates, personnel officers made an entry in the work book ... Here the PF should take into account this service life, since they should take the record as a basis in the Labor Book entered according to the laws of the time when this entry was made ... .. In short, you will receive or have already received 1.8 points for the year of military service, i.e. 3.6 points for 2 years.

That is, if the pension payment is 10,000 rubles, and according to the length of service, including service in the SA, it decreases to 9,000 rubles, then it will not be reduced. The pension authorities will simply choose the best option for the pensioner. Where to go Confirmation of military service in the SA is a military ID.

It is he who confirms the term of service, and it should be submitted to the pension fund at the place of residence of the pensioner. You should also submit to the PF an application of the established form for recalculation. Application for recalculation of pension The recalculation will be carried out within five days.

If the pension authorities establish that service in the SA will lead to an increase in pension payments, then a corresponding order will be issued, and from the beginning of the month following the application to the Pension Fund, the pensioner will begin to receive an increased pension.

Drag files here

Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of August 22, 1956 N 1173; a different interpretation of these provisions would be contrary to their constitutional and legal meaning, identified Constitutional Court Russian Federation in this Definition. In short, people worked in hazardous jobs and when they wanted to retire they were refused because these professions used to be harmful and now they are not. The CC replied that in these cases the legislation of that time could be applied. on this decision and on the laws that took place when he served. That is, to make the conscription service count from bell to bell by applying the old legislation, referring to the decision of the Constitutional Court and double referring to the law on status, I think that this is quite possible.

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As far as I remember, I marked the date exactly then.

Do they give pension points for serving in the army

In 2018, the price of one point increased to 81 rubles, and the fixed payment amounted to 4983 rubles. That is, the numbers change constantly and only PFR employees know about the changes reliably. Rules for crediting the work experience of the USSR When calculating the amount of pension payments to citizens who have work experience in the USSR, the estimated amount of pension capital will be multiplied by one percent for each year of work documented until the collapse of the USSR.
In addition, data on the amount of salary for 5 years are taken sequentially, at the choice of a citizen. The aggregate of these calculations will determine the total amount of the pension payment. Calculation of seniority The period from the date of the termination of the existence of the USSR and until 2001
traditionally considered transitional, and therefore difficult to calculate pension payments.

Military experience of military service. How should it be taken into account in the PFR


Male pensioners who were assigned an old-age or disability insurance pension before 01/01/2015 may increase their pension in connection with the provisions of the current pension legislation on non-insurance periods of citizens' activities. In accordance with the law "On Insurance Pensions", the length of service, along with periods of work, includes the period of military service. Including conscription military service, provided that it was preceded or followed by periods of work and (or) other activities (regardless of the duration of such periods) that were performed on the territory of Russia and insurance premiums were paid to the Pension Fund for these periods.

In addition, when determining the total amount of an employee's pension points, for each calendar year of conscription service, 1.8 pension points (pension coefficients) are taken into account.

How to get an increase in pension for military service?

Only the only thing - the rank of private was awarded not when he left the military registration and enlistment office, but when he arrived at the unit. And then the oath was taken. I forgot. For 40 years, the military man did not pick up.

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for conscription service in accordance with paragraph 12 of article 15 400 fz, a coefficient of 1.8 is charged for each year of service. I turned to the PFR directorate with a request to help in calculating this coefficient, because the local pf forgave me these coefficients. the letter was returned to the regional pension fund and from there came the answer, according to which “when calculating the amount of IPKS, coefficients for non-insurance periods are taken into account only if they are not taken into account when calculating the size of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension.” at the same time, the pf refers to part 10 of article 15,400 fz. the issue price is about 300 rubles per month. in the answer pf, I was alarmed by the incorrect presentation by the fund of the provisions of part 10 of article 15 of the 400th fz.

The calculation method for the second option is expressed in offsetting the time of military service in the SA according to the “two day” type. Under this option, points will also be awarded, but in a fixed form, namely 1.8 points for each year of service. Thus:

  • conscripts navy will be able to claim points for three years of service - 1.8 × 3 = 5.4 points for the entire service life;
  • those whose service life was 2 years - 3.6 points for the entire service life.

It is on this point that the fears of those who claim that a pensioner may lose money if he decides to demand a recalculation of his pension in connection with his service in the SA are based.

Socially significant periods of life for which accrued pension points To understand the groundlessness of these fears, you just need to know the very system of converting Soviet experience into points. This does not require calculations with epsilons.

We found out who benefits from the recalculation of a pension for military service on conscription

For the modern system, the general level of low Soviet wages is absolutely unprofitable. In addition to points, many factors influence pension payments - the average size wages in relation to the citizen and the national average, working conditions, personal coefficient, the monetary equivalent of a point for the period of retirement, a fixed payment, etc. It is for these reasons that the independent calculation of pension payments is very difficult, and, without special knowledge, it is almost impossible to perform calculations on your own.

To understand this, just look at the text of Article 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Insurance Pensions". The formula for the value of the individual pension coefficient for the periods that took place before January 1, 2015 For example, in 2017 the price of a pension point was determined by 78 rubles, and the amount of a fixed payment was 4,000 rubles.

If you wish, then in accordance with paragraph 8 of article 13 of the Federal Law 400, you can use, when accounting for seniority or other activities, those rules of law that were in force at the time of their acquisition. When I served, they counted from the day of the call to the exclusion from the lists. What I have done. So it's up to you. Sincerely.

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I'm trying to correct your conjectures that the title of "private" - "sailor" is assigned only after being sworn in.5.

The military rank of private is assigned: a) to a citizen who does not have a military rank, called up for military service - upon departure from the military commissariat to the place of military service; (as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 02.01.2015 N 3)

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Yes - it turns out almost like this - I looked at the marks in my military man.

Since 2015, an updated law regarding insurance pensions has been in force. According to him, the pension is recalculated for men for service in the Soviet army. Insurance periods are currently counted in points. Non-insurance periods are now counted not in labor, but in insurance experience. Now it is not enough for pensioners who are entitled to a pension supplement for military service to live to a certain age. They must accumulate a certain number of points.

Even an excellent student of the Soviet army may be denied a pension for the above reason. Points are calculated from the amount of pension contributions, length of service. Accordingly, the more deductions there were, and the higher the experience, the more points will be accumulated. An additional payment is made to those citizens whose work experience is more than 9 years. The minimum number of points to be accumulated must be 11.4.

Difficulty pension fund consists in the fact that the period of work of citizens before 1991 fell on Soviet time. There were no computers yet; it becomes problematic to calculate the length of service. When retiring, socially significant time periods should also be taken into account:

  • Service in the army;
  • Care for children.

For them, the pension must be recalculated. For the year, the recalculation for men will be 1.8 points. Those who served 2 years are awarded 3.6 points. Anyone who wants to apply for a pension can receive an additional payment. But it is important to consider that the service can be calculated both by points and by days. The recalculation is performed automatically, after a person contacts the FIU.

Many people think that they will get a good bonus, but this is not always the case. In addition, a promotion to those who applied for it can turn sideways. It happens that a citizen loses money. If the consultant says so, it is better to refuse the recalculation. To receive supplements for men who served in the army, 5 days are allotted for consideration of the application. Reimbursement in the form of compensation is issued to the pensioner the next month after applying.

How does the service affect the amount of the pension? It has already been noted that 1.8 points are required for the year of military service. At the end of the service life, the coefficients earned are added together. The amount received should be multiplied by the pension coefficient for the year. Now it is equal to about 78 rubles. The recalculation for men who served also implies an increase in the exact payment. It is equal to about 4,800 rubles.

Features of the formation of the allowance

When calculating accruals for service, the allowance is charged to military personnel in different ways. According to the law, citizens who worked in the FSB, the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and also in other units are considered military personnel. In this case, the payment to retirees who have served is calculated not on the basis of age, but on the length of service - it must exceed 20 years. If a person took part in hostilities, he will go for three years. To recalculate, you need documents about the service confirming this. 3 years under special conditions are calculated as 4 years. An army surcharge can be received by the widow of a military pensioner after his death.

You can learn about a single allowance from special pension offices. The FIU informs them by phone calls if the number of citizens is in the database. Those who served in the Soviet army can come to the fund on their own. They have the right to apply for recalculation through the public services portal, in the pension fund, at the office of the MFC. Benefits for excellent students of the Soviet army are issued in full. Supporting documents for military recalculation are not required, information is stored in pension files.

Anyone can apply for an urgent increase. All you have to do is come and apply. Then a recalculation will be made for the years of being in the army.

With the onset of January 1, 2015, a law regulating old-age pension accruals came into force on the territory of the Russian Federation. So, its meaning was to introduce a new supplement to the pension for service in the Soviet army to pensioners. In other words, this legislative act provides for accounting not for insurance periods, but for periods of great social significance when calculating the amount of pension accruals.

In other words, retired citizens, who can rightly be called soldiers of the Soviet army, can apply for a recalculation of their pension. However, this is precisely the dual essence of the innovation: the recalculation of a pension does not always lead to an increase. In this article, we will review all important information on the subject of interest to us.

It should be said that even a citizen whose merits to the Soviet army are officially recognized, falling into the category of pensioners, may be denied an allowance when applying to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This happens for the following reason: according to the legislative act issued in our country on January 1, 2015, in order to receive an old-age pension, a particular person must:

  • accumulate the so-called pension points in the required amount - 11.4 points;
  • to gain the relevant work experience - 9 full years.

If everything is clear with the general work experience, then citizens sometimes have questions regarding the determination of the amount of points due to them.

So, the calculation of the number of points available in your account at the current time is made using the following two values:

  • the amount of pension accruals you have made;
  • full work experience of a citizen.

Unfortunately, this system of counting and scoring as a whole today operates in the actual experimental mode, since to conduct an adequate calculation of the length of service modern pensioners not so easy. Indeed, before the not-so-distant 1991, there was not a single computer base or a common paper archive in the country that kept records of such things.

In addition, earlier accounting for the insurance category did not include coverage of the following socially significant phenomena:

  • military service carried out in the army of the Soviet Union;
  • leave taken to care for a child.

Note: precisely in view of the above circumstances (not taking into account such significant phenomena as service in the army of the USSR and leave for a child), residents modern Russia have the opportunity to recalculate pension accruals.

What documents are needed to recalculate the pension for military service

In order to receive the due recalculation, and possibly increase their pension by some, sometimes very pleasant amount, citizens of the Russian Federation must prove that they have the right to carry out this procedure in relation to them.

Evidence in this case will be specific documents confirming:

  • the identity of the citizen;
  • the reality of the declared fact about military service during the Soviet Union.

In other words, before going to the pension fund branch, it would be best for you to prepare the following papers:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • a military card with a mark on the service incurred in Soviet times.

It would be best if you prepare not only the original documents, but also their copies. This is necessary so that the Pension Fund specialist can take the required papers for processing, and at the same time do not leave you completely without documents.

The originals must also be taken with you to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, so that the employees working there who manage your case can verify the authenticity of the copies provided to them for verification.

An increase in pensions for those who served in the army

Now that we know what is at stake in the situation with the recalculation of pension accruals for the army employees of the Soviet Union, let's talk about this. As we remember, the more points a citizen gets, the greater, respectively, his pension supplement will be. That is why, I would like to understand by how many points the pensioner's current score account can be increased if the procedure is carried out for him redefinition the size of the payment due to the fact that he was at one time a member of the Soviet army. Let's take a look at the following list.

  1. Provided that a man served in the Soviet army for one year, he will be awarded 1.8 pension points.
  2. If a citizen did military service in the Soviet army for a period of two years, then 3.6 points will be credited to his account, respectively.

Every citizen of the Russian Federation who:

  • can prove belonging to our country (has citizenship);
  • has grounds for requiring a recount, that is, he actually served in the Soviet army.

We want to draw your attention to another important fact: despite the fact that in Russia there is a place for military service by the female population, that is, many citizens of our country were and are liable for military service, only male pensioners can receive this allowance. This division is due to the fact that, in general, the female population of Russia and the Soviet Union is not obliged and was not obliged to perform military service at the state level. Women become members of the armed forces only when they are trained in educational institutions relevant direction.

Recalculation of pension and its reduction

As we already mentioned at the beginning of the article, unfortunately, the recalculation of a pension on the basis that a citizen requiring an allowance served in the army does not always lead to an increase in the amount of payments. It happens that its value, on the contrary, decreases, which, of course, leads to an even greater misunderstanding of the system for calculating charges, and deep resentment of the former Soviet military personnel.

In fact, this is the reason for such an ambiguous calculation of payments: a citizen can even lose money, and all because before the onset of 2015, the passage of compulsory military service was considered from the point of view of pension accruals as accumulated seniority.

It turns out that not all citizens will benefit from the recalculation. However, we have two good news for you:

  • if, as a result of the recalculation, the amount of the pension does not suit you, you have the right to refuse it;
  • in the offices of the Pension Fund of our country, you can familiarize yourself with ready-made lists of those persons who will benefit from recalculation.

The cost of one point

As soon as you request a recalculation, the specialists of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will determine how many points you are supposed to receive for the years you have served. Once the number of points is determined, they:

  • summed up with the units already on your account;
  • are multiplied by a specialized coefficient that is relevant directly for the current calendar year.

So, today, in 2018, the price of one point accrued to you, taking into account the mandatory indexation carried out every year, will be 78 Russian rubles 58 kopecks.

Now let's see how exactly your updated pension is calculated.

  1. The total number of points earned (already earned + accrued for military service) is multiplied by the amount indicated above, and thus one part of the pension payment is calculated.
  2. The previously calculated part of the pension payment is subsequently added to another accrual, which is fixed. Its value is 4 thousand 800 Russian rubles. Combining the amount received first and established at the state level fixed payment, you get the final amount of your pension.

Where to apply to get a pension supplement

As we said above, such a state organization as the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is responsible for recalculating the amount of the pension payment. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that in order to recalculate the pension, you can contact several points of work with citizens. Which, we will consider in the following table.

Table 1. Where can I turn?

Local branch of the Pension FundMultifunctional CenterPortal "Public Services"
To receive the supplement, you must contact the branch of the pension fund that belongs to your place of residence. Appeal to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of other cities will be meaningless. At the same time, the place of residence is not the actual location, but the address at which you received official registration (indicated in the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation).The MFC is an organization that acts as an intermediary between citizens and government agencies. It is organized on the principle of "one window". In other words, you can bring all the documents to the MFC, and its employees will directly take care of the paperwork, deliver the documents, and get the result for you.Portal "Gosuslugi" is an electronic government service that also acts as an intermediary. In rare cases, it is possible to receive public services through it completely remotely, but most often only a part of the tasks is performed remotely, but at the same time a solid one. This way of communicating with government agencies, including the Pension Fund, will save you the need to waste time:
  • in queues;
  • trips from point "A" to point "B", etc.
  • After you determine the most appropriate way to communicate with the Pension Fund and send an application, you will need to wait for the verdict on it for about five days (sometimes less, but not more) from the moment your application is accepted for consideration directly responding authority.

    The verdict on your request for an allowance will be announced to you five days (or earlier) after the application is received directly by the reviewing authority.

    Remember, before contacting the organization, you will need to prepare everything Required documents listed in the sections above. With their help, you will confirm the legitimacy of your claims related to the calculation of your pension supplement.

    Summing up

    Today, Russian male pensioners have a real opportunity to get a nice bonus to pension accruals, due to the fact that back in the days of the Soviet Union they served in the army. This circumstance was not previously taken into account in the insurance part of the pension, however, it is now taken into account when forming the payment, as socially significant.

    The payoff can be both small and large. However, veterans should also remember that, as a result of the recalculation of payments, on the contrary, they may decrease in size. But you should not worry, because each of them will be able to refuse such a recalculation, returning the previous size of the pension.

    Video - Pension supplement for those who served in the army in Soviet times

    In the life of any person there comes a period when he begins to think about the future of pension provision. Behind last years V pension system changes and reforms were made. These transformations also affected the principle of calculating future pension accruals.

    How is the pension calculated?

    Several periods are taken into account for calculating pensions:

    • until 1991;
    • 1991-2001;
    • 2002-2014;
    • from 2015 to present.

    Since January 1, 2015, a scoring system has been introduced, so it’s worth looking into this issue in more detail.

    accrual principle pension provision will now be significantly different from how it was done before. Now it’s not enough to live up to the necessary retirement age, a pensioner needs to have a certain number of pension points. As a result of this innovation, some pensioners were denied a pension, due to a lack of points.

    Points are awarded from a combination of seniority and pension contributions made during labor activity. The higher the salary and the longer the length of service, the more points will be awarded.

    For 2017, to apply for a pension, you must have 9 years of work experience. The number of points required is 11.4. This figure will increase annually and by 2025 the required number of points will reach 30.

    When accounting, the period worked until 1991 is taken into account. This period of work was in Soviet times. At this time, pension records were kept without the use of computer technology, so confirming your seniority is daunting task. Pension contributions received for each working period will be converted into points. There are also such periods of life that did not fall under the insurance record, but were socially significant for society. These are the periods:

    • childcare for women;
    • military service for men.

    It can be proved that there was such a period in a person's labor activity. If a pensioner served in the army, he will be recalculated for the pension accrued for the Soviet period. They will accrue pension points for military service. For each year of service, 1.8 points are awarded, and since they served in Soviet times on conscription for 2 years, it means they should add 3.6 points.

    How to make a recalculation

    But until 2015, the army period was equated to seniority. Therefore, it is worth considering whether such a recalculation will be beneficial for the pensioner. It is possible that leaving the pension unchanged would be a better solution. Calculation due surcharge is made in the pension fund on a case-by-case basis. The branches of the pension fund already have lists of pensioners who will benefit from such a recalculation. All data is in the personal file of each pensioner.

    To perform a recalculation, you must:

    1. Contact the branch of the pension fund at the place of residence.
    2. You can also contact the MFC or use the state portal. services.
    3. Submit an application for recalculation and wait for a decision on this issue.

    Within 5 days, after the registration of the application, this issue must be resolved.

    How much is a point

    Conscripts serving on conscription in the current period, when applying for a pension, will receive it, taking into account the points earned. Future pensioners, in this regard, do not need to provide any certificates. While serving in the army, a soldier does not have the opportunity to make contributions to the pension insurance fund. Although military personnel have income in the form of monetary allowance, the pension for those liable for military service is formed according to a different principle and in a different fund. In order to retire, a soldier must serve at least 20 years.

    A conscript soldier is serving for the benefit of the state, so this period will also be taken into account by accruing pension points and equating this period with seniority. In 2017, the cost of 1 point is 78 rubles 58 kopecks. But every year the cost will be indexed. Therefore, by the time of the retirement of today's conscripts, it is difficult to predict what additional payment to the pension, for military service, will be in the end.

    However, it will be possible to prove that the service took place with the help of a military ID. To do this, it will be enough to present this document so that the period of service is taken into account and the allowance is calculated. If military service was the reason for the interruption of civilian labor activity, then according to the documents this break will not occur. The time of passing the army service will be equated to the main experience, so the experience will not be interrupted.

    military pension

    As for the provision of pensions for retired servicemen, the situation here is as follows. Many military retirees continue to work actively after completing their military careers. Until recently, they could claim only one type of pension, military or civil, but now they have adopted a law on the right to two pensions for such categories of citizens. Subject to certain conditions, they may qualify for additional support from the state.
    To do this, you need to reach the required age. At the moment it is:

    • For men - 60 years.
    • For women - 55 years.

    Also, the minimum length of service and the number of required pension points are taken into account on a par with the civilian population. A military pensioner can earn points just like any other citizen. For this, it is systematically necessary to make insurance contributions from the official salary to the pension fund.

    There is no need for additional explanations that for the remaining period of time, until the second pension is issued, it is necessary to give preference to working with an official salary, not to resort to gray forms of calculation. But get higher salary at an advanced age, without sufficient experience, it is rather problematic, but there are enough such military pensioners, and many manage to earn an increase in the basic military pension.

    In addition, there are preferential categories citizens who can be assigned an early pension. Such persons include workers of the North. Also, if there was work in difficult working conditions, this will be taken into account. In addition, it must be borne in mind that when calculating the pension for military pensioners, a constant part is not provided. For civil pensioners it is obligatory paid. Each year, its size changes in accordance with changes in the cost of living.

    The result can be summarized as follows, passing military service, every day will be counted when assigning pensions. Therefore, you can safely go to the draft service and not worry about the lost seniority.