Modern forms of work with children, with difficult adolescents, etc. Forms of work with children and adolescents in a cultural institution Forms of work with adolescents

Powerful shifts are taking place in all areas of a teenager’s life, it is no coincidence that this age is called “transitional” from childhood to maturity, but the path to maturity for a teenager is just beginning, it is rich in many dramatic experiences, difficulties and crises. At this time, stable forms of behavior, character traits and ways of emotional response are formed and formed, which in the future largely determine the life of an adult, his physical and psychological health, social and personal maturity.

As L.F. Ann notes, the main tasks of the development of a teenager are:

Formation of a new level of thinking, logical memory, sustainable attention;

Formation of a wide range of abilities and interests, determination of a range of sustainable interests;

Formation of interest in another person as a person;

Development of interest in oneself, the desire to understand one's abilities, actions, the formation of primary skills of introspection;

Development and strengthening of a sense of adulthood, the formation of adequate forms of asserting independence, personal autonomy;

Development of self-esteem, internal criteria for self-esteem;

Development of forms and skills of personal communication in a group of peers, ways of mutual understanding;

Development of moral qualities, forms of sympathy and empathy for other people;

Formation of ideas about the ongoing changes associated with growth and puberty.

In connection with the foregoing, the main areas of work with adolescents are distinguished:

1. Formation of interest in yourself. Development of self-esteem.

2. Development of a sense of adulthood.

3. Development of educational motivation.

4. Development of interests.

5. Development of communication.

6. Development of will, imagination.

The problem of socialization of adolescents is relevant today. The main task is to create a child " social situation development", communication environment, field of activity, adapt adolescents to modern conditions of life, educate a patriotic citizen, form a sense of collectivism and the ability to live and work in a team, nurture initiative, independence, professional orientation, develop creative abilities, organize interesting and fruitful leisure.

After all, the teenage period is characterized by the manifestation of talents, the search for oneself, one's inner "I" and the formation of each one's own ideas about the world around him, the freedom to choose the form of education, and independence.

The main direction in working with teenagers is to give them the opportunity to express themselves in business, to promote the realization of their potential.

In any case, to educate a teenager, a very friendly children's team is needed, in which the personal successes of each are inseparable from common interests, recognition and personal freedom - from merits and deeds in the name of the team, the right of leadership - from the ability to obey. The team should become for the child an arena not only for business manifestation, but also for the satisfaction of interests, desires, friendship, love.

Mukhina V. S. emphasizes that the basis for the formation of new psychological and personal qualities is communication in the course of various activities - educational, industrial, creative pursuits And so on.

As I. S. Kon notes, adolescence is characterized by the focus of the search on one's own personality, self-examination and introspection. A teenager tries to speak out, even to himself (diaries). In this regard, one of the forms of work with adolescents is various activities (classroom hours, psychology lessons, round tables, olympiads, quizzes, etc.) myself.

Leisure activities are a unique means of adolescent socialization. Leisure (entertainment) is a voluntary activity based on personal interests, claims of children, their satisfaction. Leisure activities contain huge resources of socialization, which a social pedagogue needs to know, be able to apply them in accordance with the emerging socio-pedagogical problem. In leisure activities, an attitude towards oneself, towards others, towards society is formed.

Approximate forms of leisure communication: "lights", tea parties, birthdays, evenings of relaxation, surprises, meetings of friends, evenings of laughter, a program "with all my heart", evenings of entertainment; discos, cafes, "gatherings"; a series of meetings with interesting people, senior-junior programs, etc.

Among the psychological and pedagogical forms and methods of working with adolescents, a number of the most effective are distinguished. So they are:

A business game is a method of simulating situations that simulate professional or other activities through a game in which various subjects participate, endowed with different information, role functions and acting according to specified rules.

Psychological counseling is a special activity to provide assistance in problem situations. The essence of counseling is a special organization of the communication process that helps a person to update his reserve and resource capabilities, ensuring a successful search for ways out of a problem situation. Counseling focuses on the situation and personal resources; unlike training and advice, it is not based on information and recommendations, but on assistance in making a responsible decision on its own. At the same time, psychological counseling is a border area between them, using the possibilities of both therapy and education. Methodological approaches to counseling are different, but in any case, the consultant does not work with the facts of objective life, but with the facts of experiences.

The method of conversation is one of the methods of pedagogy and psychology, which involves obtaining information about the subject being studied on the basis of verbal communication both from the person being studied, members of the group, group being studied, and from the people around them. In the latter case, the conversation acts as an element of the method of generalization of independent characteristics.

Method of group thematic discussion.

Often the discussion takes on a sharp character (when the stated problem concerns the life principles and personal experiences of the participants), and the parties do not reach unanimity. But such a discussion can encourage a person to think, change or revise their attitudes. In adolescents, these disputes are more heated than in adults, but they are also easier to change. In order for the dispute not to go beyond the training, the facilitator needs to summarize the arguments of all parties and discuss the similarities and differences in positions.

Role play method. In role-playing games, participants are given the opportunity to:

¨ show the existing stereotypes of response in certain situations;

¨ develop and use new behavioral strategies;

¨ work out, survive, your inner fears and problems.

Role-playing games are small scenes of a planned or arbitrary nature, reflecting models of life situations.

Role playing games are of two types.

1) At the stage of updating the problem.

2) At the stage of developing skills.

A role-playing game is a good development of options for behavior in those situations in which the participants of the seminar may find themselves. For example, it's a good idea to try out a situation where a group of friends are persuading a teenager to try a drug (this exercise is described below). The game will allow you to acquire the skills to make responsible and safe decisions in life. In a role-playing game, the participant plays the role of some character, not their own. This helps a person to experiment freely and not be afraid that his behavior will be stupid.

Undoubtedly, these methods of working with adolescents can be implemented as independent ones. But recently, such a form of work with adolescents as socio-psychological training, which can combine the above listed forms and methods of work, has become increasingly relevant. And in this case, the listed methods become techniques during the training.

“Forms of mass work with children and adolescents in the library Forms of mass work with children and adolescents have always developed in accordance with ...”

Forms of mass work

with children and teenagers

in library

Forms of mass work with children and adolescents are always

developed in accordance with sociocultural

conditions. So, in the years 1914-1930 were popular

magazines. The years 1950-1970 were marked by an abundance

readers' conferences, oral journals,

literary evenings, days of information. In 1970-1986

years, days were added to the above forms

specialists, lecture halls, interest clubs. The end of the 20th century recorded a variety of forms of mass work:

debates, interest clubs, literary evenings, book premieres, educational games, literary and musical compositions.

The beginning of the XXI century has made its own adjustments:

traditional forms have been revised, many innovative forms of work have appeared. These are brain-rings, flash mobs, quests, informins, literary drawing rooms, etc.

The dictionary-reference book includes both traditional, historically established forms of events, as well as promising, innovative ones that only appear in connection with the development of the information needs of society.

The purpose of this methodological manual is to introduce new forms of work and recall traditional library forms of work, thereby ensuring a variety of activities in libraries.

It is only necessary to remember that the chosen form must clearly correspond to the content, structure of the event and the target reader group.

The manual will assist in planning the activities of the library.

When compiling the reference dictionary, the following were used:

database teaching materials TsGDB im. Gaidar, professional periodicals, Internet resources.

The reference dictionary “Forms of mass work with children in the library” compiled by Gorskaya Ya.V. was taken as a basis.

Action - (from Latin action) a complex event, the duration of which depends on the tasks set, focused on achieving some goal (charitable, protest, in support of reading, popularization of the library ...).

The Assembly is a kind of literary evening, stylized as the era of the eighteenth century. In Russia, the assembly was planted by Peter I. At the assemblies, people danced, played chess, drank coffee and, unlike the salons of the 19th century, practically did not have smart conversations. In library conditions, creative performances are possible, both for readers and librarians.

Brain attack (brainstorming) is an intellectual game that requires participants to offer ideas (options) of extraordinary solutions to a certain tasks. This is an effective method of collective discussion, a creative search for a solution to a problem, which is carried out through the free expression of the opinions of the participants. Each participant orally submits his proposal to the common box of possible forms and methods of conducting the case, on the basis of which its final form arises.

Structure: defining the problem, expressing ideas, selecting ideas, developing solutions. Such games are an effective method of collective discussion.

An auction is a kind of quiz.

Intellectual entertainment. According to the Dictionary of Foreign Words, an auction is a sale at public auction, in which the goods or property being sold are acquired by the person who offered the highest price for them. The auction "sells" a question or a prize and can "buy" it. First, the “goods” are considered, then the payment is announced, and the first installments are accepted.

"Purchase" is made by presenting any talents, knowledge requested by the "seller". In fact, this is an open competition for the best knowledge of the issue under consideration, the topic - the one whose correct answer to the proposed question will be the last and most complete wins.

You can use a system of tokens awarded for each answer. Then the winners in the auction will be those who collect the most tokens.

A book auction can also be held in this way:

each participant presents one previously read book so that those present have a desire to read it. The one with the most votes will win.

Attributes of the game: pulpit, hammer, bell, gong.

By ringing the bell, the presenter (auctioneer) starts the auction and each new task. By hitting the hammer on the table, each correct answer is fixed, by hitting the gong - the end of the draw.

Intellectual auction - an intellectual competition where you can "sell" and "buy" spiritual value materialized in a book, reproduction, plate, photograph, slide. "Purchase" is made by presenting any knowledge requested by the "seller".

Literary auction - a literary game where the rules of real auctions are copied. In "trade"

connoisseurs of literary works enter. The most well-read get the opportunity to "buy" the book. To conduct the game, it is necessary to prepare books for "sale", as well as questions that will be asked to answer the auction participants. For example; list the titles of books where a number is found in the titles (color, name, animal name, etc.). "Things" can also be put up for auction literary heroes.

The ball is a specially organized entertainment, the central place in which is occupied by a dance program with games and listening to musical compositions. In the library, it is possible as a form of a story about the life of the first quarter of the 19th century. It will require from the organizers costumes and dances, music in the style of the era, games appropriate for balls.

A benefit performance is a complex event organized in honor of a specific person (reader, writer, librarian, etc.), combining various forms and methods.

In the "Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius"

the concept of "benefit performance" is defined as "a theatrical performance in honor of one of the actors." In pre-revolutionary Russia, this was the name of the performance, the collection of money from which went in favor of the beneficiary actor. The actor who received the right to a benefit performance chose the play himself and played any role in it. Now this tradition is being revived in the theater, however, with a slightly modified version of the benefit performance. This is a television program or performance dedicated to a popular actor, where the main person is the beneficiary himself: he plays his favorite roles, friends, theater critics, and the audience talk about him. This idea is the basis of a library benefit intended for teenage readers.

A benefit performance can be held in the form of an interview and a portrait evening, where famous people (writers, artists, politicians, etc.) and little-known but interesting people - collectors, travelers, mothers of many children, etc. can become beneficiaries.

Benefit performance of the librarian - an evening-portrait of a librarian - a multifaceted creative personality, a modern business person who successfully combines career, family, hobbies.

Helps to raise the prestige of the library profession. The event is based on a literary scenario that tells about the milestones of the library biography, professional successes and achievements. The host is in charge of the benefit performance. For a more complete description of the beneficiary, you can give the floor to colleagues, readers.

A humorous questionnaire, which was used to interview the beneficiary and her colleagues during the preparation, will create an atmosphere of fun.

It is appropriate to perform favorite songs and poems of the beneficiary. A benefit performance should have an appropriate visual design: a photo opening day, posters, congratulations, wall newspapers, etc. Such evenings can be used for career guidance for high school students.

A writer's benefit performance is a theatrical performance based on the work of a writer or poet, prepared by readers in collaboration with a librarian.

It is organized by readers-actors with the involvement of real authors or their understudies.

The main objective of the benefit performance is to give children an idea of ​​the writer's work, show the versatility of his talent, generate interest in the works of the beneficiary and arouse the need to re-read them, develop reading analysis skills that contribute to deepening the perception of a literary work.

At the preparatory stage, a book exposition is developed, texts of individual and group conversations with readers are thought out, advertising of the upcoming benefit performance, readers-actors are selected - performers of the roles of the presenter, writer, critic ... In the process of preparing for the benefit performance, two groups of readers are distinguished - readers-actors - active participants in the benefit performance and readers-spectators, who are also included in the actions according to the scenario and, competing, perform various creative tasks.

Without their participation, the benefit performance will not take place. Preparatory work is being done with both groups of readers. These are conversations about books read (it is necessary to strive to read as many works of the beneficiary as possible), and consultations about competitions for the best drawing, reader feedback, dramatization, crafts, the results of which will be summed up at the main event, and the production of souvenirs (book bookmarks, medals, etc.) to encourage peers.

In the process of preparing for the benefit performance, an approximate scenario of the theatrical performance is developed, which may include:

a story about the writer in the form of an interview with the presenter and the beneficiary, memories of friends, illustrators, critics, the author's story about himself, a story about the author using video recordings;

staging the most interesting passages from the works of the author, their expressive reading, demonstration of video materials, use of elements of puppet theater, pantomime;

the use of a variety of games: a ball of literary heroes, a literary auction “Which of the heroes of the works belongs to these things?”, contests “Guess the hero (illustrator)”, etc .;

decoration and musical accompaniment in the style and spirit of the author's works;

summing up the results of previously announced competitions;

preparation of gifts for the writer from readers, friends, book heroes: stories, poems, telegrams, the most read book, thing or object that best characterizes a literary hero;

reader encouragement.

The Benefit will fulfill its tasks if, during the preparation, the organizers adhere to the pedagogical principles of cooperation and intensify the cognitive and creative activities of adolescents.

Reader Benefit - a performance in honor of one of the readers, the purpose of which is to honor active readers, as well as to advertise the library fund and services.

The beneficiary reader must meet certain requirements: to be a comprehensively developed, bright personality, whose potential will enable librarians to “promote” her, to reveal her diverse interests, talents, and abilities.

In preparation for the benefit performance, the hero, with the help of a librarian, organizes an exhibition of books he has read or books that reflect his reading preferences:

“Let's look into the reader's form”, “My favorite books”. For the beneficiary, an exhibition-surprise, an exhibition-gift can be arranged, where books reflecting his hobbies and hobbies are presented. The organizers of the holiday think over the greeting of the beneficiary.

During the event, the beneficiary tells when, where and why his passion for the topic (genre) began, shares his methodology for choosing books, and evaluates what he has read. Peer readers and leaders of children's reading act as "opponents".

Opponents get acquainted with the reading circle of the hero in advance, prepare questions.

Reader benefit is one of the most active forms of communication with readers, individual work with each, as well as effective remedy propaganda of the best readers, increasing their prestige in the eyes of their peers.

Similar events, ie. with elements of honoring, are "Benefit performance of the reading family", "Anniversary of the reader". At the benefit performance, an "Honorary Library Card" may be awarded.

Conversation is “mutual conversation, sociable speech between people, their verbal communication, the exchange of feelings and thoughts in words” (V. Dahl).

In library practice, a conversation is a story (message) of a librarian on a specific topic. It is actively used in individual work with readers, where it is considered the main form.

Types of conversations: interview when signing up for a library, information and recommendation conversation, conversation about a book read.

The conversation should raise questions, arouse the children's desire to find answers and maintain interest in the topic.

They are mainly used in work with preschoolers and children of primary school age. It is recommended to include game elements in the conversation, the purpose of which is to introduce creative tasks of a game nature into the cognitive narrative.

Conversation about read books - a conversation with the reader when returning the book. The librarian thinks through the questions in advance. The first question should encourage the child to show his attitude to the book or to remember the places he liked most in it.

To start a conversation with a younger reader, for example, questions such as:

“What did you like about the book? When were you most worried and worried?

In a conversation with older children, one should avoid leading questions that can alienate the reader and cause unwillingness to conduct a conversation. The question may suggest the title of the book: "Do you think the title of the book is a good one?".

If it is possible to compare the characters of the book you read, the following question is possible: “Which of the characters in the book did you like best and why?” Sometimes a question about the attitude of the author to his characters helps to start a conversation. If the librarian is not sure that the reader will enter into a conversation about what he has read, he, without waiting for the reader's response, shares his impressions about the book himself, thereby causing the reader to have a conversation. During the dialogue, the librarian finds out what the reader has learned from the book, how he evaluates it, whether he used the acquired knowledge in practice, why the reader was not satisfied with the recommended book, etc.

Conversation about read books (group) - a conversation with a group of readers about the read work.

It is held after the children have read (listened to) a work that greatly excited them, causing conflicting opinions. The main focus of the librarian's questions is penetration into the inner world of the characters: why does the character act in this way?

Why did he have this idea? Tact requires a discussion of the moral issues posed in the book. If possible, it is necessary to give everyone a chance to speak, to answer all the questions that the children have, to clarify the incomprehensible, not to scold for the so-called “wrong”

answers. A conversation about a popular science or science fiction book gives the librarian the opportunity to determine the degree of accessibility of cognitive material to readers, to highlight points that require special explanations. During the conversation, the librarian uses a variety of techniques: attracting feedback from other readers, book reviews, commented reading of passages, tips, illustrations for the text, and much more.

The main condition for the effectiveness of a conversation about what has been read is the quality of the content and the wording of questions that should aim readers to compare new knowledge with previously acquired knowledge, with life itself, to identify cause-and-effect relationships.

A conversation when registering for a library is an oral communication during which the librarian introduces the reader to the library, its collection and reference and bibliographic apparatus, the rules for using the library and the range of services provided. The story is supplemented by questions aimed at identifying the interests of the reader and the level of his erudition, what libraries the reader uses, and the presence of a personal book collection. The information obtained during this conversation, the librarian enters into the section of the reader's form "Notes of the librarian".

Recommendation conversation - a short story about one or more books that the librarian recommends to choose for reading. At the same time, the librarian relies on the range of books previously read by the reader, the reader's interests and needs, and draws the reader's attention to the possibility of satisfying certain interests in the process of reading. It is advisable to focus the reader's attention on individual elements of the book, on information about the author, artist, author of the preface or afterword, place of publication of the book, genre, presentation features, etc. Along with the story about the book, the librarian introduces the reader to pre-selected excerpts or illustrations from the book .

It exists both orally and in writing:

media publications, radio and TV broadcasts.

Bibliographic review - see bibliographic review Biblioquest - see quest Library lesson - see library lesson Information exchange is a specially organized entertainment that promotes the development of readers' information and bibliographic erudition, imitating the work of the exchange. (Exchange - a place for the wholesale sale of goods by samples, where brokers (brokers) help sell or purchase goods).

Library "goods" - information about the source (book, magazine, newspaper, etc.). "Brokers" themselves look for a product, study it and advertise (sell). The role of brokers is performed by readers.

They maintain "bank books" where they enter orders-tasks to prepare for exchange trading:

find an interesting book on a certain topic, find the most entertaining episode in it, prepare a short story about the book. The librarian reviews the records, corrects them, and helps with advice.

Exchange trading - days of information - can be dedicated to the region, folklore, science

etc. The exhibitions include literature on the profile of "brokerage houses".

Librarians, teachers or senior readers preside over the auctions.

“Bidding” is a competition of oral reviews about what has been read.

The head of the "brokerage office" opens the auction with a story about the nature of the "goods", then some of the "brokers" come up with their proposals.

With a special brokerage signal - a raised hand - you can give a sign:

“I take information” or “refuse information”.

Blitz game (blitz poll) is an express quiz on various topics, when participants are not given time to think. Questions are prepared in advance. They are set by the leader of the event. A striking example of a blitz game is the TV show "The Smartest".

Brain-ring is a kind of intellectual game that develops the creative and cognitive abilities of participants. The rules of the game are similar to the rules adopted in the television version of the game. It contributes to the acquisition of experience in collective thinking, develops speed of reaction, allows you to check the knowledge and erudition of this group of children.

Booktrailer - (in English - "Book Trailer:"

A booktrailer is a short video that tells in free art form about some interesting book. The video includes the brightest and most recognizable moments of the book, visualizes its content. When creating a booktrailer, videos, illustrations, photographs, book spreads are used.

The main task of the book trailer is to tell about the book, to interest, intrigue the reader, i.e. It turns out that the book trailer is a modern way of promoting books in libraries.

Memory Watch is a series of patriotic events. This form of work is designed to promote the development of a respectful attitude towards the heroic past of their compatriots. It includes meetings with veterans, contests of patriotic poems and songs, group screenings and discussions of films, and reader conferences. The cycle of events is completed by a literary and musical composition or a holiday.

Webinar (from English webinar, abbreviated from web-based seminar) - an online seminar, literally - a seminar using the Internet.

Webinar - an online seminar, lecture, presentation, course, organized using web technologies in live broadcast mode. During the webinar, each participant is at their own computer, regardless of the geography of the location, and the connection between them is maintained via the Internet through a downloadable application installed on each participant's computer, or through a web application.

The main feature of webinars is interactivity, the ability to demonstrate, give, receive and discuss information. Webinar technology can be used for internal corporate meetings and business meetings, partner conferences and presentations. Currently, the most common use of webinar technology is online learning (online seminars, courses and trainings), as a kind of distance education.

Evening - an evening meeting, a friendly meeting for the purpose of entertainment. Evenings can be literary, musical, song, dance, poetry, etc. Organized most often for high school students.

Purpose: to unite participants, to introduce them to art.

Library Evening is a complex event that combines educational and entertaining elements, interpersonal communication participants. Refers to a form of book recommendation.

The theme of the evening is covered by various means, including music, artistic word, visual arts, film-photo-documents. Two lines are intertwined in the library evening: cognitive and entertaining, emotional. To activate the audience, you can use the elements of the competition, encouraging readers for the correct answers.

The forms of thematic library evenings can be varied: literary and literary and musical evenings, literary and musical drawing rooms, film evenings, poetry evenings, etc.

The evenings are characterized by a cozy atmosphere, trusting, friendly relations, the desire to emphasize the informal nature of communication.

Library evenings can be different in terms of the scale of attracting readers - from those with a large audience to those of a chamber character.

The evening of questions and answers is a complex event of topical issues (socio-political events, achievements of science, literature and art, medicine, ethical issues, etc.). Interest in this form of work is based on the need to get answers to burning questions.


The choice of topic is determined by local conditions, the need to draw the attention of readers to certain issues, as well as a good knowledge of the interests and needs of readers. You can conduct a survey to identify issues that interest readers, find out who they would like to meet and ask their questions.

Determination of the composition of participants. These can be government officials, specialists of various professions (environmentalists, teachers, military, scientists ...), who have extensive information in their field of activity.

Collection of questions from readers. An announcement about the Q&A evening is posted in the library with the names of the invitees. A "mailbox" is placed nearby, where readers are invited to omit questions and additionally name the names of those whom they would like to see at the evening.

Promotion of literature on the theme of the evening. The library arranges book exhibitions, conducts reviews, talks (individual and group), organizes advertising.

Work with invited experts. The librarian gives each of them questions from readers in advance so that they can thoroughly prepare, selects literature, information on the problem.

Leader selection. They should be a specialist who is well versed in the topic, who knows the status and degree of responsibility of each of the invitees.

Audience layout. In addition to traditional book exhibitions, various materials reflecting the stated theme, photographic documents, diagrams, etc. can be exhibited in the auditorium.

Holding an event. It begins with the justification of the topic, the problem and the introduction of the invitees. Readers are invited to show maximum activity in the discussion of this topic, problem. During the evening, the invitees answer readers' questions, both pre-assigned and spontaneous. In custody the presenter draws conclusions, together with readers develops recommendations, suggestions.

Traditional is a review of literature and an offer to get acquainted with the exhibition.

Such an option is also possible. During the preparation of the evening, the librarian himself draws up questions and acquaints readers with them (places them on book exhibitions, posters, announces orally).

The evening opens with a moderator who introduces the topic, the nature of the questions, informs about the order of answers, introduces consultants, asks questions, preliminarily systematizing them in a certain order.

He also sums up the statements on each issue, makes corrections if necessary, and recommends literature that will help to understand the topic. When the questions are exhausted, the results are summed up.

Literary evening (matinee) is one of the most common events held by libraries. Most often it takes the form of a literary and musical evening. The attraction of a literary evening is its mobility. It can be dedicated to any topic or significant date, using a variety of forms and attributes. The success of the evening depends entirely on the librarians themselves, on their professionalism, aesthetic taste, and ability to accurately determine the reader's address.

The evening (matinee) is based on a literary scenario. A literary and musical composition, a performance by a writer, art critic, historian, actor can fit into the outline of the event. It is desirable that each new passage or quote be pronounced by a different reader - the difference in voice timbres creates an additional positive effect on the perception of meaning.

The evening can be stylized (living room, salon, ball, parade, etc.). The poetics of the author, the type and type of publication, the genre of the book, the style of the era, the traditions of the country will prompt the form.

Evening (matinee) is a form of work that requires the librarian to have certain directorial skills and high costs:

temporary, emotional, intellectual, sometimes material. Evenings should not be many. Evening (matinee), as a rule, is the result of work on a topic, program, but it is possible as an exciting start, immediately immersing the reader in new material, a new topic.

Guests (actors, writers, veterans…) play a big role at the immersion evening, and the readers-participants play a big role at the final evening.

A literary evening and a literary matinee are essentially the same form of work, they differ only in the age of the audience. It is the age that determines the authors, and the authors

- the range of works and the problems posed in them that are available to this particular audience: matinee - for preschoolers and children in grades 1-5, evening - for students in grades 6.

Evening of communication in an impromptu cafe - see below.

Literary Cafe.

Evening-portrait is a complex event dedicated to a specific person. Allows through the book to focus on the personality of a person, his work, fate, contributes to the development and consolidation of cognitive interests in the subject of his activity.

The library specificity of the portrait evening is to create a holistic image of a person and his time based on the use of printed sources and visual materials. The reason for such evenings may be the publication of a new book or the anniversary of the writer, the increased public interest in a particular person. The hero of the evening can be a local old-timer, honored doctor, writer, craftsman, hero countryman.

An evening of artistic reading is a specially organized program of performances in an informal chamber setting. Readers one on one with the audience, without makeup, scenery, props, lighting effects, perform compositions based on famous works, read poems or stories.

A quiz is an intellectual game consisting of questions and answers on topics from various fields of knowledge in order to expand the educational horizons of readers.

Varieties: thematic, literary, musical, test, plot, theatrical, audio quizzes (using audio recordings of musical, literary works, sounds of nature or their fragments), art quizzes (using illustrations and reproductions of paintings or their fragments), video quiz (with showing fragments from cartoons and film adaptations of works of art).

The librarian prepares questions in advance, taking into account the age of the children and their level of knowledge. The number of questions is determined in advance, they must be specific and related to one topic. The winner of the quiz is the reader who gives the most correct answers.

Preparation for the quiz - preliminary work with the proposed literature, organization of a book exhibition, review at the book exhibition, pre-posted questions.

Quiz-test is an intellectual game consisting of questions and several answers to choose from.

A story quiz is an intellectual game built on the basis of an entertaining story, in which questions are woven.

The plot can be anything:

space travel, sea regatta, fabulous, building, fantastic, etc.

Sunday in the library is a complex event addressed to families with children, designed to usefully organize cultural leisure. It is universal in nature, implies a free choice of topic, free communication, unlimited age limits. On such a day, parents and children can spend some time in the library separately from each other.

Meeting with an interesting person is a specially organized dialogue of readers with an outstanding personality (writer, public figure, representative of the profession, traveler, hero, etc.).

By the arrival of the guest, it is necessary to decorate the hall where the meeting will take place, think over the musical accompaniment, prepare flowers and a souvenir for the guest.

Newspaper live - a performance, the script of which is written, invented and staged in compliance with the genres of journalism: editorial, feuilleton, reportage, essay, interview, questionnaire, cartoon, literary parody, funny mixture, information, announcements, advertising, etc.

The newspaper can be political, satirical, critical, environmental, funny, mischievous. The newspaper can touch upon international events, talk about news in the country, region, city. The main thing is that an idea is put forward that the newspaper will defend, phenomena against which it will oppose. The newspaper may have permanent headings: "The Globe of the Earth", "Power", "Arguments and Facts", "Ask - we answer", "Congratulations", "It's interesting", "Obvious and incredible", etc.

Live Newspaper can use the traditions of radio and television, the genres of the living word - a fairy tale, a fable, a riddle, an epic, a ditty, couplets.

The participants of the newspaper (7-10 people) first discuss the program of the issue, come up with its composition, their own costumes (caps from the newspaper, attributes, posters, carved letters that form the name of the newspaper, etc.). Appropriate musical accompaniment.

The poetic room is a complex event designed as a poetic meeting in the atmosphere of folk life. It is appropriate to talk about folk poetry, jokes, ditties, epics, lullabies. The hostess of the evening can be a folk storyteller or button accordion, Arina Rodionovna, and others. Heroes of the folk epic - heroes, merchants, etc. come to visit them. The interior design corresponds to the folklore nature of the meeting.

The living room is a complex event, designed as a thematic meeting in a chamber setting, accompanied by quiet and melodic music. A form of work originating in noble Russia from the middle of the 18th century.

There are poetic, musical, theatrical living rooms.

They gather in the living room to socialize. The gathering of guests is accompanied by music, quite quiet, melodic, soft rhythms. The owners of the living room help everyone to sit comfortably. The host announces which poets, composers, artists, singers will be presented at this evening. The presentation of guests can be witty, playful, serious, cheerful.

In the living room, they not only read poetry, perform some works, but also express an opinion, argue, reason, and tell funny stories from the life of authors. Guests sing, play, dance The theme of the living room determines the topics of conversations, musical or poetic fragments, multimedia presentations, slide shows.

The living room is most often completed by a game or a theater impromptu. The theme of the performances depends on the living room. If poetic, then from the history of writing a poem, play, etc., from the life of the author. The theatrical living room can be costumed, scenes from performances, elements of a theatrical skit are appropriate. See also salon.

In the living room, you need to take care of the interior, beautiful design walls, comfortable, free movement of guests, costumes of the "hostess" or "master", tea drinking hygiene.

Loud Readings - Reading aloud a small volume of works to certain reading groups.

Loud readings are the most accessible, but somewhat forgotten, form of work with younger students. Reading aloud contributes to the creation of figurative representations in children, affects emotional sphere perception, helps to interest the child, make him want to continue reading on his own, teaches him to carefully listen to the text. After reading, you can offer to draw pictures, because. children love to draw.

Given the stronger impact of visual images on the child, you can supplement reading aloud with excerpts from cartoons. Useful cycles of loud readings, which are held regularly, on certain days and hours.

When choosing this form of working with a book, it is very important to comply with certain requirements:

read clearly, distinctly, not very loudly, but not very quietly, observe pauses in the text. At the same time, it should be expressive reading, emotionally colored, able to keep the child's attention, because. monotonous, monotonous reading of the text or reading with hesitation will not be listened to even by adults, no matter how interesting its content is;

choose a work for reading that causes strong emotional experiences in children, the desire to reflect on what they have read;

the duration of reading, taking into account the age of young listeners, should be 25-30 minutes;

if reading aloud is accompanied by video clips, then it is advisable to show them at the end of the lesson, since visual images have a stronger emotional impact on schoolchildren and after them it is very difficult to calm the audience;

you can talk with children immediately after reading in those cases when they have questions for the librarian, there are remarks or a desire to speak out about what they heard.

Loud, collective expressive reading can become a book recommendation, arouse interest in a topic, problem, person; it can serve as a stepping stone in cultivating literary taste.

Loud readings are effective in serving poorly reading, blind and visually impaired children, as well as those for whom Russian is not their native language.

Organizers of readings need to remember that "readings" are not an easy opportunity to fill the children's free time, but an effective form of work that requires thoughtful preliminary preparation.

Bibliography Day is a complex form of work to improve the information and bibliographic culture of readers.

The goal is to draw readers' attention to bibliographic sources of literature search based on the use of advisory manuals and reference and bibliographic apparatus.

Bibliography days can be universal and thematic. The most effective are Bibliography Days, which are held not for the mass reader, but for a homogeneous group of readers.

Includes viewing exhibition, library tours, reviews at book exhibitions, library lessons, consultations at catalogs, shelving with reference books. By the Day of Bibliography, bibliographic memos, digests, booklets, memos, bookmarks with reminders of the types of records when working with a book are issued.

The effectiveness of Bibliography Days is determined by how much literature was recommended to readers and how much was taken; how many readers that day were covered by the event; how many individual consultations were given on the use of SBA; what new knowledge gave them this day. Through the questionnaire, you can find out the opinion of readers, their attitude to holding such events, collect their suggestions and wishes.

The effectiveness of Bibliography Days will be higher if they are held systematically (once a month or once every two months).

Information Day is a complex event that provides information to users about current receipts in the library for a certain period (month, quarter, etc.) or on current issues and topics.

Includes: organization of book exhibitions, open viewing of literature located in thematic sections, reviews, consultations and recommendatory conversations with library staff. Participants receive information about new works of art, book winners, literature on school subjects. A good information addition can be: a bulletin of new acquisitions to the fund, bookmarks in some publications, lists of references.

Information Days may be directed to children's reading leaders or arranged for child readers. Information day can be general or specialized. For example, only for subject teachers, class teachers, organizers of extracurricular activities, parents.

Principles of organization: systematic, striving for the widest possible acquaintance with new literature receipts, completeness of presentation.

The frequency of Information Days depends on the library's capabilities, but at least once a year.

The duration of the event is from one to three days. The librarian notifies readers in advance about the Day of Information.

Specialist (Profession) Day is a comprehensive event for broadly informing readers about print and electronic publications on a specific specialty (profession) or on cross-sectoral topics of interest to specialists in several professions.

Includes: open viewings and thematic expositions in the specialty (books, periodicals and electronic publications), bibliographic reviews, consultations and meetings with prominent representatives of the professions, lectures, speeches, excursions, a broad discussion of professional problems, disputes, video viewings.

Depending on the duration, they differ:

Specialist Week, Specialist Decade. It is important to ensure that the necessary sources or their copies are distributed during the event or immediately after it.

Thematic day is a specially organized set of events of a certain theme lasting one day. Characteristics: a wide readership, a variety of forms and methods.

Dialogue with the century is an educational game during which children have an impromptu dialogue with representatives of different centuries. The image of the last century presents a work of art of any kind and genre, most often a pictorial portrait (reproduction, slides, photograph).

The portrait is exhibited on the screen, or installed in the center of the hall. The dialogue with the great is based on the facts provided to readers in the story about personality traits, views, achievements. Children are invited to ask the person a question. You can facilitate the beginning of the conversation by offering all participants a common opening phrase: “If I met with ... I would tell him ...” “I would like to ask ...”, “I would talk with ... about. . ”, “We and ..., probably, would ...". And then - look closely at the face of the hero and hear the answer.

Of course, in response to throw a replica from our century and - again wait for a subsequent answer. The psychological conditions of the "dialogue with the century" are trusting relationships created by the musical background.

Disco-lecture - an oral story, accompanied by a video sequence (slide show, video fragments) and specially selected music, accompanied by a conversation, debate, an exhibition, disco lectures are a convenient form of popularizing books.

Disco - "disc" in French "record".

Disco is one of the forms of organization of leisure for children and youth. Varieties: lecture (disco lecture), dance, theatrical and journalistic, thematic.

The organization of a disco requires a well-equipped music library, the necessary equipment, appropriate equipment and hall decoration.

Theatrical and journalistic disco - a small performance, a meeting with interesting people or another event, the basis of which is a sounding audio recording.

A discussion is a specially organized exchange of views on a controversial issue (problem) in order to obtain an information product in the form of a solution.

When preparing a discussion, it is necessary to clearly formulate a task that reveals the essence of the problem and possible ways to solve it. If necessary, the participants in the upcoming discussion should familiarize themselves with additional literature, pre-selected and proposed by the librarian.

At the beginning of the event, the host justifies the choice of topic, clarifies the terms of the discussion, highlights the key points of the problem under discussion. The main point of the event is the direct dispute of the participants.

Having completed the discussion, it is necessary to summarize its results.

Structure: definition of the topic, introduction of the participants, explanation of the terms of the discussion, speech by the main participants no more than 20 minutes, invitation to the discussion of other people, summing up and a brief analysis of the statements. It is necessary to observe the rules and agenda, the limits of decency during the debate.

Varieties: round table, expert group meeting, planning meeting, meeting, team meeting, forum, symposium, debate, court session.

A dispute is an oral scientific dispute that takes place in front of an audience between people who have different points of view on any issue or problem.

The reason for the dispute can be a read book, an article from a periodical, a movie or a performance. However, a dispute is not a discussion of a book or an article, but of those topical, scientific, moral, ethical, economic and political issues that this work touches on. A book or article serves as a starting point for a serious conversation about life, problems, a basis for clarifying, deepening views, a source of arguments, etc. Having determined the topic of the dispute, it is important to formulate it in a sharply problematic way. At the preparatory stage, the librarian draws up a colorful poster indicating the topic of the dispute and a list of questions for it; book exhibition, bibliography.

Reviews, consultations, group discussions are held for the participants of the upcoming dispute; it is important to teach young readers the culture of argument. Speaking at a dispute requires the ability to clearly define one's own position, to give convincing arguments in its defense, and to formulate a conclusion.

The relaxed atmosphere of the dispute matters.

The leader must quickly navigate, choose the main thing from the statements, draw a conclusion.

Approximate topics of disputes: “What is courage and heroism?”, “In life there is always a place for exploits. Is it always?”, “I have such a character”, “Is it true that a dream is the sail of life?”, “Know how to cherish love”, “About the beauty of a person”, etc.

Christmas tree - traditional children's holiday dedicated to the meeting of the New Year and Christmas. A variety of a matinee with obligatory elements is a bag with gifts, the appeal “Christmas tree, burn!”, Participation in the intrigue “The Snow Maiden has disappeared”. The traditional characters of such a holiday are Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, and fairy-tale characters.

It can be quite literary and library. At the heart of the scenario of any New Year's holiday is the struggle between evil and good forces, which literary heroes can be. The tasks that participants perform during the matinee, helping goodies out of trouble, finding out the way, can also be quite library-like. aim holiday should be drawing attention to the book and the library.

Live newspaper - see live newspaper Oral magazine - see oral magazine

Project protection is a form of group activity for children, a performance during which participants or groups demonstrate any projects.

For example:

"Library of the Future", "Library of My Dreams", "Our School in 50 Years", "My Grandchildren's School Yard".

The roles of participants in the interaction: presenter, dreamer-speaker, critic-opponent, spectator-communicator, ally, propagandist, demonstrator... The defense of projects is necessarily preceded by preparation for presentation - inventing, developing and designing a project.

The announcement of the upcoming competition should be bright, colorful, fun, so that everyone wants to create a dream project.

The defense of the project is usually structured as follows: the author reveals the essence of the project to the commission, “journalists”, and the audience, substantiates its significance and stages of implementation, and answers questions. When defending, the author of the project can use various schemes, questionnaires, graphs and other visualizations. In conclusion, the commission makes a resolution on the effectiveness of this project and its implementation.

It is better to evaluate projects according to different criteria (nominations): “for the most daring project”, “for an elegant project”, “for the most beautiful project” ... The game is a competition, a competition according to pre-agreed and defined rules. The game is perhaps the only type of activity aimed at developing not individual abilities, but the ability to be creative as a whole. At the same time, the child is included in the system of social relations, the assimilation and development of norms of behavior and human community.

Games are possible in working with readers of all age groups.

Varieties: didactic, role-playing, simulation, business, intellectual, entertaining, etc. A number of forms of mass work are saturated with game elements. These are quizzes, literary journeys, competitions for the attentive and well-read, literary auctions, a parade of literary heroes, literary riddles, etc. Entertaining play forms are not identical to entertainment.

Game forms are effective when they are carried out in the system. They may be a follow-up to a literature review, or they may be part of a series of events focusing on a single topic.

The method of conducting assumes that the library announces the theme of the game in advance. Books recommended for preparation are shown at a book fair and offered in a literature review.

Having determined the theme of the game, the librarian prepares questions and tasks. Questions of a playful nature should be combined with questions that allow the librarian to assess how readers perceive the artistic skill of the author, how children imagine literary images and descriptions.

The preparation time should be short, approximately 10-15 days, depending on the volume of the intended material.

The design of the library space includes:

book exhibition drawings, crafts, maps, diagrams, reviews, messages from the guys.

The bibliographic game is a specially organized entertainment that promotes the development of information and bibliographic erudition of readers.

Bibliographic games encourage children to turn to reference literature, bibliographic aids, and help them acquire the skills of independent work with a book.

An intellectual game is a game where success is achieved due to the mental abilities of a person, his intellect: “What? Where? When? ”, KVN and others. The game gives children the opportunity to express themselves and their knowledge, contributes to the acquisition of experience in collective thinking, develops speed of reaction, allows you to test your wit and erudition. Its advantages are that it takes place in an informal setting and involves competition.

Literary game - the presentation of material about the work of a writer or a literary work in the form of a game, determined by certain rules and contributing to the development of readers' literary erudition.

Literary games are possible in working with readers of all age groups.

Varieties: role-playing (transformation of the reader into a literary hero) and intellectual (they are based on the process of "unraveling" the book, its author and characters).

Literary games include traveling through fairy tales and stations, literary balls and matinees, brain rings, KVNs, auctions, bingo, press conferences, games based on scenarios of famous TV games and many others.

Such forms as literary riddles are popular (guessing works and the author from an excerpt from a book, from a book illustration, from a portrait of a writer);

quizzes (entertaining questions on the content of the book, developing memory, sharpness in children).

Scenario game plan: competitions, quizzes, mobile and musical pauses in a certain sequence.

Literary game based on the case method. The case technology (or case study) method originated in the early 20th century at the Business School of Harvard University in the USA. Its main feature is the study of precedents by students, i.e. business situations.

Listeners are given a description of a real or simulated as a real situation. The given case from practice is discussed in the class in small groups and the optimal solution to the problem is developed.

After analyzing many unimagined problems, students learn to solve them, and if in their future activities they find themselves in a similar situation, it will not confuse them.

In library practice, this form of work will help to arouse in children and adolescents an interest in a literary work that is not yet familiar to them.

The class is divided into teams of 6-7 people. Students get acquainted with the work, its author, the main characters. The situation in which the characters are currently located is very briefly described, then an excerpt from the book containing some kind of intrigue is read out. Before reaching the end of the episode, the host stops reading and invites the teams to find their own version of the outcome.

You can use hints: keywords from the text, suggestive; drawings and illustrations for books. Tips can be given visually on the screen, if necessary, use music or sound.

The issues raised in the game, depending on the content of the book, can be "everyday", and philosophical, and moral and ethical, and comic.

Teams are given three minutes to discuss, after which the captain of each team gives an answer. If the correct answers were given, the host offers to read the book and check which team was right. If there were no correct answers, we can say that the reasoning was interesting, but the characters acted in a completely different way. And how they did it and what came of it - the book will tell! The author's denouement of the episode in any case remains unknown to the students.

Necessary equipment: multimedia screen, music center, tables and chairs for group work.

A game-journey is a form of mass work, most often carried out with the aim of deeply acquainting readers with the culture, economy, science of their own or other countries. One of the ways to combine interest in the region with the literature about it.

The purpose of the game-journey is to stimulate cognitive activity, to promote the expansion of horizons, to make the content unusual, to draw the attention of children to what they do not notice.

This form is used in work with readers of primary and secondary school age. There are a route game, a game to overcome stages, a game by stations, a relay race game.

The theme of travel games can be different, but both in the name of the game and in the wording of the game task there should be “calling words” that arouse the interest of children and their vigorous activity.

A travel game is a game with the indispensable attributes of a traveler: a map, a compass, a route, a guide, cities (islands, seas, oceans) of a real or fantasy country.

An obligatory element is the procedure for purposeful movement of a group of participants according to a certain scheme, indicated in the route sheet. The features of the game of travel include the "transformation" of a group of readers into a crew of travelers, where everyone has their own role;

development of a travel route and its design in the form of a colorful map, where stops with interesting names are indicated; the choice of transport with which the journey is made (bus, car, rocket, “magic wand”, “flying carpet”, etc.). At the stops, the main actions of the plot take place, which are realized through the use of various forms, methods, techniques, and activities. Passed stops on the map can be marked with flags or other signs.

A situational role-playing game is a means of modeling relationships and practical situations. Each participant, in accordance with the goals and objectives of the game, prepares a role and plays it at the event, interacting with other participants playing other roles. Such games can be used to consolidate legal knowledge among adolescents.

Participants in the activity perform the functions of players, organizers, the function of spectators is not provided for this form.

Role-playing games include a reader's conference in the form of a literary court, a reader's press conference.

The classic version of this form:

familiarization of participants with the rules of the game, the general legend and individual introductory, directly the game interaction itself, the exchange of impressions after the game.

The game "At the mirror" is a value-oriented activity, the essence of which is to put a teenager in front of himself, providing an opportunity to look at himself as something unique, different from everyone else, as a bearer of human properties and qualities, the owner of an independent inner world. At the mirror (around the mirror) groups are seated, or each member of the group sits in front of a separate mirror. Before each participant lies a fan of colored cards, on the back of which incomplete phrases are written. Turning over the cards one by one, the participants, looking at their image in the mirror, complete the phrase to themselves, mentally, or out loud. Examples of the text of the cards: “I see in front of me ...”, “I discover in myself ...”, “I am interested in this person because ...”, “I would not mind talking to him because ...” .

The mirror informs about the extent to which the external appearance corresponds to the internal content of our personality, age, situation, subject of communication, qualities, ideology.

Turning to the mirror, we immediately correct facial expressions, gestures, plasticity, bringing them into line with the current moment. The mirror helps us to bring our "I" beyond ourselves, to see our personality from the outside, presenting it as an object of consideration and observation.

Name day is a complex event, a variation of a birthday, when birthday people are congratulated - children, parents, children's writers, books, etc. (Children's Book Week). On this day, entertainment and games are organized.

Gifts can be in the form of musical and poetic greetings, small concert numbers. The logical conclusion of the name day is a tea party with a sweet treat.

Informina is a specially organized intellectual competition among high school students or students. Teams compete in erudition, ingenuity and the ability to work with electronic resources and the reference apparatus of the library, which includes catalogs, file cabinets, encyclopedias, dictionaries, bibliographic aids, etc.

Informina is held as the final lesson of the course (cycle of classes) on the formation of information culture among students in grades 9-11. The venue for the Informina can be either a library room or an ordinary classroom.

Informina can be held according to the KVN type and include the following competitions:

"Team business card" (all team members participate). Task: linking the names of teams with the general purpose of Informina, reflecting such terms as “book”, “document”, computer science, “library”, “bibliography”, “modern information technologies”, “computers”, “Internet” in team emblems

"Warm-up" (all team members participate). Task:

identification of the general erudition of the team: each team must answer 10 questions in the "question and answer" mode.

"Cryptogram" (all team members participate).

Objective: to test the ability to use the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library (specific catalogs and card files, reference and encyclopedic publications) when searching for information.

complete the cryptogram.

“A familiar stranger (ka) or ...” (both groups of fans participate). Task: to reveal the level of knowledge of fiction. The content of the competition: according to the characteristics (description of a literary hero), name his name and work, where he is a character.

"Typification of literature" (team captains participate). Task: testing knowledge of literature typology, as well as the ability to determine the type of a particular publication.

Captains simultaneously receive a set of literature, which includes one sample of the following types of documents: reference, educational, mass-political, artistic, scientific (author's abstract), scientific article, scientific book. It looks like a non-periodical, periodical, unpublished edition.

"Persona Grata" (all team members participate).

Task: to reveal the knowledge of Russian classics and the ability to use the alphabetical catalog of the library. Teams simultaneously receive a task in an envelope. The content of the competition: according to the proposed description, you need to name the hero of one of the works of Russian classics, and then find this work in the library. You can use the alphabetical catalog or the bookshelf itself.

"Fan Competition" (fans of the teams participate). Task: to identify the general erudition of the participants, the possibility of manifestation of creativity. The content of the competition: you need to complete the phrase. Each group of fans receives a task consisting of the beginning of a proverb, saying, aphorism. At its conclusion, an existing original or its own version of the ending can be given.

"Eternal miracle - a book" (all team members participate). Task: to identify the level of erudition of team members and their ideas about literature. The teams take turns answering the questions. The content of the competition: an auction of books is held, in the title of which there is one or another number, a proper name. The host calls the number, color ... The winner is the one who gives the last name.

Informina unites all those who are not indifferent to the world of books and helps to become better acquainted with the structure of the library, its catalogs and various departments.

In addition, there is a lively dialogue between visitors and employees, which further determines their fruitful cooperation.

Carnival (Masquerade) is a beautiful costume festival with processions, street masquerade, which is based on a literary scenario. In such holidays, mass character is implied.

Important condition:

all participants must be in costume, otherwise the holiday loses its meaning. At the carnival, each participant must somehow prove himself: take part in a tournament, a game, a competition, a parade of masks ... In the library, you can hold a carnival of literary heroes or a carnival of literary works, where each literary work is spectacularly presented.

Literary cafe - see Literary cafe Debatable swing - a dialogue-discussion built on the imitation of a swinging swing: two partners alternately swing the bored swing with pushes, the stronger the push, the higher the take-off of the swing.

Partners are two groups of children, located opposite each other. Everything that surrounds and occupies children, what happens to them during the holidays, books, animals, parents, lessons, music, as well as foul language, fights, etc. can be the subject of discussion on the “discussion swing”. Situational issues, problematic topics, conflict collisions can be discussed. The discussion seesaw may have pre-announced rules of conduct: the rule of one vote, the rule of pluralism, the rule of delicacy, etc. After a question for discussion is proposed, the participants from each group take turns expressing their opinions. Encouraging, correcting, directing, reinforcing the statements of children, the librarian maintains the course and rhythm of the discussion swing until it seems to him that the strength of the children has been exhausted. At the end of the discussion, its results are summed up.

KVN (club of the cheerful and well-read) is an educational and entertaining team game-competition in which several teams of the same age take part. KVN is not carried out with younger readers, because the forms of collective and independent work are still difficult for them, there is a danger that many of the guys will just sit and worry quietly.

It consists of a number of competitions that allow you to train both individual reading skills and their entire complex.

KVN requires a lot of preparatory work:

Selection of teams, familiarizing them with the topic and conditions of the game.

Assistance to teams in practicing performances (amateur performance numbers, greetings…).

Preparing fans (slogans, choral remarks during the game, making details of the external design of the stage, team costumes, etc.).

Preparation of the "material part" of each competition

- production of game attributes, preparation of paper, cardboard, pencils, glue, needles, scissors, threads, etc. - everything you may need during the game.

Soundtrack preparation: musical screensavers for the beginning and end of the game, musical accompaniment of individual competitions.

Preparation of the host and a group of assistants (3-4 people), whose task is to prepare the attributes during the game, their timely demonstration on the stage, cleaning the materials from the game tables after each competition, calling the players to the stage, etc.

Organization of the work of the jury of 5-7 people, selection of the chairman, preparation of cards indicating competitions for scoring ... Structure of KVN: introduction of teams, greeting teams, warm-up (blitz poll, quiz), competitions (literary, intellectual, tasks for ingenuity), competition captains, competition for the best homework.

The results of competitions and performances are evaluated by the jury.

Quest in translation from English is a long purposeful search, which can be associated with adventures or a game; also serves to designate one of the varieties of computer games. It is a storytelling computer game in which the player-controlled character progresses through the story and interacts with the game world through the use of objects, communication with other characters, and solving logic puzzles.

Biblioquest - active form mass work, which contains a model for the development of information activity skills, as well as the formation of a positive emotional attitude to the reading process. Purpose: to consolidate and test the level of assimilation of basic reading knowledge, skills and abilities of readers from primary school age to high school students. Quests can be team and designed for unorganized readers.

Main rules/conditions of the quest:

The presence of a certain plot of the game;


The ultimate goal, which can be reached by overcoming obstacles.

Plot options for the game:

The specific character of the book;

specific book;

A cross-cutting topic on which tasks are selected.

Biblioquest is a game built along the chain:

solve one task - you get the next. And so on, until you reach the finish line. Players, solving encrypted places, develop erudition, learn to think in a team, train to apply strategy and tactics in action. All quests are based on interactive exhibition-installations that the library staff work with.

At the beginning of the game, teams (participants) are given travel sheets (“travel letters”, “treasure map”, “record book for all sorts of sciences” ... depending on the topic of the game).

Types of tasks in the library quest:

Finding a book in the public domain

Definition of a concept or definition of a word by its meaning,

Searching for the meaning of a word in a dictionary,

Clarification of bibliographic data,

Searching for specific information in a book,

practical task,

Exhibition work.

At the end of the journey, there is always some kind of surprise-reward (a photo studio where you can take pictures in the costumes of literary heroes, diplomas, free time for accessing the Internet, computer games, watching a movie ...).

Literary and musical composition is a complex event dedicated to a certain topic or person, accompanied by exhibition expositions and musical, visual design.

The script usually consists of entertaining information arranged in a certain order, poetic and musical fragments. If possible, use a computer projection. Interior design should be simple and strict: a coffee table, a few chairs and banquettes.

Competition (competitive program) is a personal or team competition in any kind of human activity in order to identify the best participants, performers, best work, etc. The competition can be an independent form of work: literary, poetic, folklore, musical, ecological or an integral part of a complex event, holiday, game.

A variety of competitive programs: a tournament, a fight, a duel, a review, a battle, a defense… The main issues that need to be addressed in the course of preparation are: definition of participants (individual participants, teams); selection of tasks (from 1 to 12) with varying degrees of difficulty; creation of a collegial body from 3 to 7 people (jury, academic council, council of the wisest, etc.);

definition of evaluation criteria; choice of leader; preparation of awards for winners (diplomas, diplomas, prizes, gifts, medals); props selection; decoration of the premises; musical arrangement; invitation of fans, spectators, etc.

In all competitive programs, a certain organization algorithm is found, i.e.

certain sequence of actions:

When to preview

Who to invite as leaders

How to furnish a room

Where to seat the jury

Where to put the exhibits

How to organize an opening ceremony,

What kind of music to choose

What will the participants be wearing?

Where the jury will discuss the results,

Who will present the prizes

How will the rewarding ritual take place, etc.

Compliance with this algorithm is a guarantee of the success of the competitive program.

In the library, you can hold competitions: lies (composing unusual stories), "Burime" (come up with a poem for given rhymes), pantomimes for famous proverbs, sayings, fairy tales, competitions of drawings, crafts, applications based on famous fairy tales, stories, etc.

The Baron Munchausen competition is an individual or team competition in order to identify the best inventors. Whose story will be the most interesting, funny, he will turn out to be the best liar, the best inventor and the most cheerful person. The competition should be announced one or two days before it takes place.

Topics can be: “My journey to the South Pole on white cats”, “Without a gun to the Moon for mushrooms”, “What I saw at the bottom of the Martian Trench”, “My meetings with Robinson Crusoe”, “How I caught the Loch Ness Monster”, "My hacienda on Mars", etc. Participants of the competition can demonstrate photographs, photo collages, drawings, drawings, projects; attract "witnesses" - friends, parents.

The Forest Reporting Contest is an impromptu environmental competition game that challenges readers to take on the role of a journalistic team working on environmental issues. Participants of the competition need to prepare a "report from the scene" for the news broadcast. To cope with the task, you need to know the secrets of the reporter's business. First, find an interesting topic for reporting: harvesting a new crop of cones for the winter; ant housewarming in the area of ​​a birch stump; a rock concert of city magpies over spruce thickets... Secondly, to determine the genre of reportage - an informational message, a journalistic investigation, an interview with a "celebrity", a game plot using combined shooting. Thirdly, for the success of the report, compose a bright and original text using special terms and characteristic journalistic expressions.

The competition can be held in the form of the "Time" program

or any other TV show.

The host sets the microphones, "turns on"

callsigns of the selected TV show and ... begins a cheerful communication with the audience of viewers, an entertaining review of forest, field and river events. In the process of communicating with the audience, he gives the floor to each journalistic team in turn: “Our correspondents are reporting ...”, “News from the scene”, etc. After each report, he thanks its creators. At the end of the entire program, the presenter introduces the weather forecast for tomorrow and says goodbye to the audience.

The results of the competition are summed up by a competent jury.

Consultation is the librarian's advice to the reader on any issue related to the choice of literature.

Consultations for readers are usually carried out at catalogs, at shelves with reference publications in order to explain the rules for describing printed works, the structure of the catalog, methods for using auxiliary indexes to publications or searching for the necessary information in encyclopedias, dictionaries. The consultation is accompanied by practical exercises, during which readers independently search for the information they need.

Consultations can be individual and group. The goals of the librarian: to help understand the requests, suggest a rational way to independently search for the necessary literature. The librarian seeks to deepen the reading of the reader, to engender in him the idea of ​​the possibilities and prospects of self-education, to introduce the best fiction and scientific literature into the circle of reading.

The conference is a specially organized collective discussion of topical, debatable problems, accompanied by multimedia presentations and poster presentations.

The goal is to form a collective opinion. It takes place in the form of meetings, lessons-conferences (scientific, reader, final).

There are scientific, scientific-practical, reader's, final conferences.

Conferences are held among today's youth and high school students.

Any kind of conference requires careful preparation: determining the topic and timing, notifying participants, formulating debatable issues, developing a program, lists of references for preparation, etc. The visual design of the conference is an extended exhibition-view.

The scientific and practical conference is a specially organized collective discussion of professional problems. Participants' reports characterize scientific analysis and concrete practical experience.

Reader's conference - a specially organized public discussion of works of fiction or special literature, contributing to the development critical thinking, analytical comprehension of the material, communication of readers.

The reader's conference refers to active methods of work that involve the participation of readers, mainly high school students. The whole process of holding a conference depends not only on their presence, but also on the desire to express their point of view, hear feedback from other readers, argue, defending their opinion, or agree with the opinion of opponents.

The conference can be held on one literary work, a number of works united by one theme (thematic), on the work of individual authors, the main thing is that the work is somewhat controversial, so that there is something to discuss.

Varieties of the reader's conference:

- "literary court" in the form of a role-playing game;

Reader-spectator room, where the film and the work on the basis of which it was created are discussed at the same time;

Correspondence reader's conference (held not in real opinion, but through the media, mainly through newspapers);

The stages of preparation for the conference include:

choice of book, topic: the problematic nature of the work, the ambiguous assessment of critics and readers, relevance are taken into account; the position of a librarian is to promote the best literature. A successful choice of a work determines the success of the conference;

definition of the reader's purpose: it is desirable that it be homogeneous: participants feel more relaxed, more willing to express their opinion;

"public relations", the decision of whom to involve in its implementation: writers, literary critics, teachers of literature, schools and specific classes, media representatives ...;

promotion of the work, literature about it and the author's work: reviews, literary criticism about the author's creative path, materials about his biography and works are selected. Book exhibitions, recommendation posters are arranged, literature is given out, reference and bibliographic and consulting assistance is provided, the more readers read the work, the more successful the conference will be;

development of questions for the reader's conference, which should help organize the entire course of the discussion, help highlight the most important aspects of the work. One of the most complex intellectual stages of preparation, requiring special literary knowledge, a creative approach. Effective Method- posing a question, problem; emphasize the position of the author;

coverage of the artistic features of the work;

preparing the audience for the event. It is important to create an atmosphere of relaxed communication, where there is no specific leader and respondent, but there is a dialogue, communication on an equal footing. The design of the event is of great importance: book exhibitions, illustrations, photographs, portraits of the author, reproductions corresponding to the theme, musical arrangement, etc.

fixing the reader's conference. In modern conditions, an audio or video recording of an event is being made, which makes it possible to better analyze it and preserve the history of the library.

Despite the decline in interest in readers' conferences, libraries must still master and develop this form of activity, because this is one of the main methods of promoting the book.

The event begins with a brief speech by the presenter, which characterizes the theme of the work, its meaning, the main range of questions that it would be desirable to get answers to. The facilitator leads the event, asks leading questions, gives examples, offers to give explanations, makes sure that the event does not go beyond the proposed topic and does not turn into a pointless conversation. In the final speech, the presenter sums up, evaluates some of the performances.

Round table - a society, conference or meeting within a larger event (congress, symposium, conference). In the modern sense, the expression "round table" has been used since the 20th century as the name of one of the ways to organize the discussion of a certain issue.

A specially organized exchange of views, the obligatory elements of which are: topical issues of discussion; participation in it of a limited group of competent and creatively thinking specialists who have their own views, experience, personal attitude to the issue under discussion in order to formulate a constructive program of specific actions as a result of the discussion.

A kind of professional meeting, collective intellectual work to find social value and personal meaning of the phenomena of life.

problems of ecology, law, education, etc. Issues for discussion are announced long (a week) before the round table. The librarian agrees with some readers that they will take upon themselves the discussion of any issue, recommends looking at books, dictionaries, newspapers, magazines, remembering movies, performances, poems, paintings, songs on the theme of the “table”. The "Round Table" is equipped with portraits of philosophers (or figures), their sayings. A fragment of a piece of music will help create the necessary psychological state.

The participants in the conversation are arranged in a circle, imitating a round table, where all participants in the conversation are equal. The participation of adults is mandatory, but everything should be done to exclude the moment of teaching, instruction. An effective technique for stimulating children's activity is the division of all participants into two groups: one puts forward judgments, the other opposes the proposed solutions.

Competitiveness captivates readers, increases their attention to the content of the conversation and the form of expression of thoughts. This requires the figure of the leader, who will control the course of the discussion, remind about the ethical rules of the conversation. A round table can be considered successful if readers disagree with the desire to continue the discussion.

A lecture is a public speech-monologue demonstrating a set of views on an issue. As a rule, this is followed by answers to questions from the audience.

Ruler (solemn ceremony) - a ritual performance involving the formation of participants in ranks on some site in order to communicate information, honor the best, etc.

When conducting a line, certain conditions must be met:

Leader of the line (is in the spotlight);

Speakers (with monologues or performances come into the spotlight);


Execution of ritual actions: raising the flag, singing the anthem, carrying out the banner, roll call, rewarding, oath, oath, ritual greetings, laying flowers. The ritual must necessarily be in the center of attention or available for observation by all participants.

Literary game - see literary game Literary and musical composition - see literary and musical composition.

Literary cafe - the form obliges! Literary cafe is essentially a literary evening by candlelight. On the impromptu stage there are two tables and microphones for the presenters. Tables are placed in the hall, candles are burning on them.

Cups of coffee would be logical on the tables, but will high school students be able to feel natural at the table, and even drink coffee (juice, tea, non-alcoholic cocktails), and not be distracted, look after the lady without disturbing the hosts ... The idea of ​​​​a literary cafe is brilliant , pedagogically necessary, literary justified, and if you know your high school readers well - go for it!

Literary Evening - see Literary Evening Literary Court - see Literary Court Literary Hour - see Literary Hour Literary Lotto - a specially organized competition in the knowledge of literature according to the rules of the traditional lotto. Lotto is played by two teams with an equal number of players. The representative of the team selects a card with the task from a pre-prepared set, reads it out loud. Tasks on cards - texts from literary works of different authors. According to the style of narration and content, the players must determine where these lines come from and who their author is. If the answer, according to the jury, is correct, then the player will shade one cell of his playing field. The team that will shade earlier (more) the cells of its field wins.

Marathon is a cycle of mass events united by a common theme. The sports name justifies overcoming a certain route from start to finish, the presence of "obstacles", a competitive nature.

Intellectual questions and creative tasks, various competitions make up the program of the library marathon, which can last several days. A large number of readers take part in the marathon. See also: travel game.

Masquerade - see carnival.

A master class is a practical lesson during which the "teacher" passes on his experience, skill and ability to do any work in the best way to the students by means of a commented demonstration of work methods.

Free microphone (open rostrum) – value-oriented activity of children in a situation of dialogue on a given topical topic, based on the principles of democracy and pluralism of opinions. Passing each other an impromptu microphone (going to the podium), readers freely express their point of view, ask sharp questions. Readers' speeches should be short, non-banal, related to real life. In general, 7-10 messages are enough.

A rally is a meeting to discuss any significant issues, involving the demonstration of views in the form of oral monologues by individual speakers.

Brain attack - see brain attack Bibliographic review - a public oral narration about documents, which summarizes their content and bibliographic data.

It is widely used in libraries of various types as a form of literature propaganda.

There are reviews: a review of new arrivals, thematic, informational, advisory, personal, dedicated to the life and work of a certain figure.

The librarian needs to remember that a review is a coherent and coherent story. Therefore, it is important to find common ground between individual documents, the logic of transition in information or recommendations.

The review, as a rule, consists of three parts: introductory, main and final. In the introductory part of the review, a description of the topic is given, its significance and relevance, the principle of selecting literature, its grouping in the structure of the review, and the reader's purpose are explained.

In the main part - a story about the works themselves. Information is provided about each of them: the author's surname, imprint, the presence of a reference apparatus, an annotation revealing the content of the work, reviews of the work, if any.

In the final part, everything said is summed up, publications that are similar in content to the topic of the review can be additionally named, as well as bibliographic aids on the same subject are offered.

General methodological requirements for the review:

the artistic value of the selected books, entertaining and accessible presentation, the desire to activate the listeners, to arouse in them the desire to read the recommended books on their own.

The review is an independent form of work, but often it is held at a book exhibition, precedes or completes a literary evening, discussion of a book, literary games.

A book discussion is a free discussion that explores different points of view about a particular book. The relevance of the topic, the problems raised, the form of presentation of the material, the artistic and content advantages and disadvantages of the work, etc. are discussed. This is a kind of collective reflection, in which readers participate voluntarily, with varying degrees of activity and initiative.

Discussion contributes to the activation of reader activity, the formation of literary taste, the development of critical thinking, the development of skills for independent work on a book, and the ability to defend one's point of view.

Stages of preparing a discussion: choosing a book, drafting questions that will be the core of the discussion, preparing readers.

The choice of book for discussion is important. For discussion, as a rule, works of art that have aroused wide interest among readers are submitted.

When choosing a work, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of readers, their interests, needs, level of preparation.

The next step in preparing the discussion is developing questions. Questions should activate the imagination of readers, cause a desire to reflect. To make the discussion lively, questions with a clear answer should be avoided. They make up 6-8 main questions (blocks), up to 25 optional, additional ones. At the beginning of the discussion, light questions are asked that precede the main conversation, drawing into the discussion: “Are you familiar with the works of this author?”, “Which of his books did you find particularly interesting?”, “In what mood did you read it?”.

The nature of the questions can vary.

In terms of content, questions are distinguished not only that help to reveal the plot (“Where and when does the action take place”), deepen the understanding of the content of the book, form the reader’s ability to analyze what has been read (“Which title is more consistent with the content of the book?”), But also questions that encourage readers to express their personal attitude to the book, characters, questions that help to identify the relationship between the problems of real life and the problems of literary characters (“Which episode seems to you the main one?”).

The older the readers, the more often questions are raised that require a comparative description of the heroes of different works, highlighting the common in their behavior, choosing the right solution in the situation that has arisen.

Preparation of readers for discussion consists in the fact that in a short period of time (10-12 days) all participants read the book so that they have a need to discuss it.

To do this, it is necessary to provide a sufficient number of copies of the work. You can maintain interest in the book with the help of an exhibition of books by the author or a given topic, posters advertising the book, heroes, contradictory statements, reviews, bookmarks, individual invitations. Big role play individual consultations for everyone preparing for the discussion.

The discussion involves readers of the same age group from 9 to 16 people (optimally 20). In terms of time, the discussion is held until interest subsides (from 40 minutes to 1 hour 20 minutes).

The leader usually adheres to a pre-designed program, but this does not mean that he should not deviate from it. A number of additional questions may arise during the discussion. The presenter must not only listen very carefully to the speakers, but also follow the audience in order to pick up someone's remark in time, collide different opinions, notice and correctly use the reaction of readers. The facilitator may ask someone to speak, ask questions, but this should not be in the nature of an official call and “pulling out” an answer. This would be contrary to the very nature of free and voluntary conversation. You should not inform the guys in advance about your attitude to the work. Concluding the discussion, the librarian may dwell on the trends in the writer's work, continued in his new works.

Forms of discussion - reader's conference, dispute, discussion, literary court, "round table".

Parade - ritual movement of participants in order to demonstrate the beauty of costumes, formation, etc.

A variation of the parade is a carnival procession.

Cognitive hour is a complex event of a cognitive nature that meets educational goals. The universal and open nature of this library form allows you to include an informational message, a slide show, a bibliographic review, a mini-quiz, game moments, watching a video film, listening to audio recordings in the script. The thematic diversity of the cognitive hour (ecology, technology, history, etc.) allows the designation of the form according to the theme (ecological hour, historical hour, art hour, etc.). See also: an evening of entertaining science, an evening of natural science, technical and agricultural literature, an hour of interesting messages.

Initiation is a specially organized ritual that assigns the status of a Reader, a Knight of the Book, a Defender of Nature, etc.

The solemnity of the moment is enhanced by the utterance of an oath, the presentation of a commemorative sign (medals, memos, certificates, etc.).

Gatherings (parties, mounds) - this form of communication originates from the past, when both old and young gathered at the village mound on a free evening. Those who came were engaged in needlework: embroidery, knitting, demonstrated home-made Russian sundresses, kokoshniks, Russian skirts with decorations. One of the central figures of the gatherings was the accordion player, without whom the gatherings rarely did. At the gatherings, both a song, and a cheerful story, and an entertaining story sounded, outdoor games, competitions, and literary competitions were acceptable. One of the obligatory attributes at the gatherings was Russian tea with crackers, dryers, cheesecakes, pies.

Gatherings in the library are the introduction of children to the springs of spirituality with the inclusion of all children in the search and comprehension of the origins of folk wisdom, reflected in folk tales and legends, songs, ditties, jokes. At gatherings, costumed heroes of fairy tales can hold competitions for the knowledge of Russian riddles, proverbs, sayings, carols, folk songs, arrange competitions for the speed of "patter" rhymes.

At gatherings, you can hold quizzes about Russian nature, folk signs, contests of readers, dancers.

You can organize an exhibition of Russian towels, national costumes, household items, drawings on birch bark, on wooden boards. For communication to be fruitful at gatherings, there must be a leader, a ringleader (there used to be a host and hostess).

A holiday is a mass event dedicated to a significant date or event of a national, traditional, school-wide (class), literary nature. The theme of the holiday should be interesting, personally significant for each participant, and correspond to the age of the children.

The holiday dedicated to the solemn date includes: a solemn part (congratulations, greetings, summing up), an entertaining concert, a performance, solo performances, games, parodies, attractions.

The holiday begins with a prologue - an introductory part that sets up children for a certain emotional perception. This is the epigraph to everything that is happening. It can be verbal (bright performance by the presenter), ritual (ruler, hoisting the flag), musical (orchestral performance, fanfare), technical or with other effects (launching balls, birds, light garlands). tie

- an episode that sets the plot of the holiday in motion - is implemented using various actions and techniques:

receiving a telegram, meeting with your favorite fairy-tale hero, etc. The development of the action is the main part of the holiday, in which episode follows episode, event after event, adding more and more colors to the celebration.

It is realized through the word, activity, demonstration. The final

- the final part of the holiday. This is the brightest, most colorful, emotional moment, crowning the common celebration. The ending should be short and clear, may include rewarding all distinguished participants, revealing surprises, secrets, a common song, etc.

Musical arrangement of the holiday. These are musical signals at the beginning, background music, orchestral "beat", music that accompanies poetic scenarios ... Music evokes an associative range in a person, helps to recreate the necessary visual images, prepares for a meeting with the participants of the celebration, leads to the perception of a certain thought.

There can be no spectators at the festival. All those present are its participants.

A family holiday is a complex event, a specially organized entertainment in which families with children participate. The holiday program consists of talks and reviews, literary and musical composition, competitions, games and entertainment, quizzes and role-playing games, watching videos. The holiday ends with a tea party, distribution of prizes and gifts.

Workshop - a set of practical tasks and exercises that contribute to the assimilation of the studied theoretical material.

Theatrical performance is a stage variety-theatrical action, united by a single author's idea, in which, during the installation process, different kinds and genres of literature and art. It can be dedicated to historical and political dates, social events, the work of a poet, artist, famous figure, etc.

The main features of a theatrical performance are spectacularity, synthetic character, ideological and artistic integrity, and expressiveness. In contrast to the literary and musical composition, where the main expressive means are the word and music, it is a kaleidoscope of colors, colors, music. The most different types arts, technical and scenic means.

Theatrical performance is a bright, catchy, spectacular action. It is dominated by a dynamic game beginning, while there is no contact between the artists and the audience in most cases. The division into stage and hall is clearly visible here.

The term “premier” is of French origin and means “first”, which corresponds to the informational nature of the event. Recently, the “premier” has been called “presentation”: from the word “present”, which means “gift”.

Such a phrase is more consistent with the objectives of advertising.

If the premiere means something strict, solemn, then the presentation is closer to the holiday, the show. Librarians combine these two features and arrange a holiday, a gift, for both the author and readers.

His story is supplemented by those who contributed to the appearance of the book:

artists, representatives of the publishing house, editors, reviewers, prototypes of literary heroes, witnesses, countrymen, participants in the events described in the work.

An organic addition is poetry, songs, dramatizations, multimedia presentations related to the plot or biography of the author. In conclusion, the author signs books, gives autographs. Often, the presentation of a book is accompanied by its sale or donation.

A press conference is a role-playing game imitating a meeting of a certain "delegation" with "press representatives", "correspondents" of various newspapers and magazines, "journalists" of radio broadcasting, television and "photojournalists".

The purpose of the press conference: the exchange of knowledge, the development of the right attitude to the historical and current events in the public life of the country, city, district, school.

The librarian can set the theme of the press conference, the status of "delegation".

As a rule, a certain topic is chosen for this game, affecting young people. These can be problems of employment, drug addiction and AIDS, ecology, law and order, youth leisure, etc.

Participants are divided into two teams that compete with each other - a press team and a team of specialists. Roles are assigned to each team. Each team is assigned a consultant. It is desirable to attract experts on a specific problem.

The media team allocates roles according to certain television channels (First, NTV, Gubernia…) and periodicals (Komsomolskaya Pravda, Arguments and Facts, TOZ…). The task of the players of this team is to prepare questions in line with the concept, position, person representing this channel. To do this, participants study their channel, look through newspapers, listen, watch, try to make the questions sound in the appropriate style. In addition, they study the literature on the subject of the press conference.

A team of specialists distributes roles by industry, specialty, and profession. For example, if the press conference is dedicated to environmental protection, then the team should include biologists, chemists, doctors, representatives of the sanitary and epidemiological station, the administration of the locality, etc.

Each of them examines problems from their own perspective and must anticipate what questions might be asked and prepare for them in advance.

The library, in turn, great job to search for the necessary information, organizes exhibitions, conducts reviews, offers players literature on the subject of the press conference, literature on journalism, which examines the state of the modern press, consults and performs information on this topic.

A jury is formed from teachers and librarians.

Criteria for evaluating questions and answers are thought out in advance, specific prizes are prepared for nominations - for the most witty answer, the best question, etc. As a result, the jury announces the winners and awards them.

Journey is a route game for overcoming stages.

When preparing a trip, it is necessary to style the road or travel with mandatory stops: stations, edges, islands. See travel game.

Narrative - oral speech, retelling the content of the work close to the text. Preparing for the story, the librarian must become well acquainted with the content of the work, re-read it several times, highlight the main idea, have a good idea of ​​the characters, their appearance, speech, remember certain places verbatim. As a rule, small works are used: fairy tales, stories, essays. The narrator freely communicates with the audience, monitors its perception.

Bibliographic roulette is a specially organized entertainment that promotes the development of information and bibliographic erudition of readers, imitating the game of roulette at random. Two teams (4-5 people each) compete in the game. The rest of the readers are spectators-fans. The action centers around the roulette wheel. The librarian lays out envelopes with prepared tasks (search for information, answering a question, selection of literary sources, etc.), as well as signs indicating an “advertising break”. Players discuss the search algorithm aloud, they can use reference and educational literature, a catalog and a card file. The game is judged by a jury. The host sets the roulette wheel in motion - the game begins. If necessary, the librarian entertains the audience with interesting questions and unpretentious contests on the topic. During commercial breaks, introduces readers to a new bibliographic manual, encyclopedia, magazine. The winner is the team whose players have successfully completed the tasks, reasonably and correctly answered the questions.

The salon is a complex event designed as a thematic meeting in the atmosphere of a literary salon, accompanied by a creative part: an impromptu theater, "live pictures", concert numbers.

The salons of noble Russia, the Silver Age, can serve as a historical example, where serious disputes and secular entertainment were combined, literary novelties were read, romances were performed, music sounded, political and cultural events were discussed.

The main feature of the salons is free communication.

A performance is a performance that involves a demonstration by the performers for the audience of a holistic theatrical action. In the theatrical script (play) itself, the development of the plot is laid down: the plot, the ascent, the climax, the denouement.

Round table (Philosophical table) - see round table.

Literary Court - "a type of literary game, a discussion of highly conflicting works of fiction, organized in the form of a theatrical performance." (Terminological dictionary, p. 77).

Literary Court is a role-playing game that imitates a court session, the subject of discussion of which is a literary work, its characters. Roles are distributed between readers - participants in the literary court. They are determined by the peculiarities of legal proceedings, which presuppose the obligatory presence of the main participants in the process: a judge, a defense counsel (lawyer), a prosecutor, court assessors, a court secretary. Sometimes public prosecutors and public defenders are added to them. Based on the plot and plot of the work, the victim, the accused, witnesses, etc. are determined. The defendant can be any literary hero.

The novel by V. Kaverin "Two Captains" describes the literary trial of Eugene Onegin.

The book theater is a specially organized theatrical performance based on works of art, the purpose of which is to raise the prestige of books and reading among children and adolescents through playful theatrical forms of work.

Interest in reading, even when it falls in the context of the widespread development of electronic technologies by society, can rise through spectacular forms of work, because they have their own dynamics and have specific features of a positive impact on each reader. The theater of the book can represent heroes and characters, plots and scenes of literary works.

Fragments of the theater of the book are acceptable within the framework of the assembly, living room, benefit performance, evening, cafe, salon, oral magazine, etc.

Participants in the theater of the book are, most often, a permanent creative group of readers (members of a club, circle, etc.). Cm.

also a theatrical performance.

A talk show is a specially organized exchange of opinions, a dispute, a discussion of an issue in which invited experts and spectators take part (from the English talk - to speak, talk and show - show, demonstration). Conducting a talk show requires: the presence of an actual or actually formulated problem that determines the topic of the conversation (questions and answers);

the presence of participants (hosts, talk show characters, spectators, experts); design of the venue (artistic and musical); determining the rules of discussion (time and methods of organizing communication, expressed in the existing scenario); material and technical support necessary for its implementation. During the talk show, it is important to ensure lively and emotional communication of all program participants so that adults and teenagers can see each other as people with their own history, life events, interests and hobbies. The form requires special regulation of the emotional state of the participants, since the main task of the talk show host is to evoke a response from the viewer to the topic under discussion.

Library Tournament is a specially organized entertainment-competition.

In the Middle Ages, tournaments took place between knights in honor of beautiful ladies. The library tournament is a competition that provides for the participants in the intellectual battle to perform practical tasks and provide answers to the questions posed, a battle between “knights”, where nobility, intelligence, and resourcefulness win. The actions of the competitors are evaluated by the collegiate body. This form combines the features of a quiz and a competition, and therefore the scheme of conduct can be as follows - alternation of questions and practical tasks.

The library lesson is a cognitive lesson, the purpose of which is the formation of the foundations of library, bibliographic and informational knowledge among schoolchildren.

Library lessons allow you to give knowledge about the book, library, bibliography in a particular system. Basically, this form of work is used in work with students.

The main task of library lessons is to familiarize students with scientific, artistic, reference and encyclopedic literature, develop the skills of independent work with it, develop the need for systematic reading, give an idea of ​​​​modern information technologies, teach how to work with information of all kinds, including with the help of computer technologies, to strengthen interest in the knowledge of the world around.

During the lesson, various methodological techniques are used: reviews, excursions, messages, demonstrations of electronic resources, workshops under the supervision of a consulting librarian, independent work.

Game and theatrical situations are acceptable. The lesson will be more effective in a computer class, where each user is provided with a personal computer.

It is desirable to implement a program - a cycle of information culture lessons, compiled in accordance with age characteristics, level of preparation, etc.

A lesson in courage is an educational lesson on a patriotic theme. The main goal: to show the courage of the defenders of the Fatherland and the cruelty of war, the development of a sense of patriotism in children. The event includes reading poetry, excerpts from documentaries and fiction, listening to songs of the war years, meeting with veterans, participants in military events, watching documentaries, sound effects.

Scenario basis: military-historical events, artistic and documentary works. As a rule, it includes a meeting with an interesting person - a witness (participant) of the events.

A lesson in memory is an educational lesson on a patriotic theme, dedicated to the tragic events of the war years, the exploits of the defenders of the Fatherland with the name of specific names. May be accompanied by the laying of flowers at memorials.

The lesson of Orthodox culture is an educational lesson on religious topics, where readers get acquainted with the history of religion, holidays, customs, iconography, etc. The librarian's message is accompanied by sacred music and a historical digression. It is possible to invite a clergyman.

A lesson in creativity is an educational activity that helps to reveal the unique creative abilities of each child. Children learn to compose fairy tales, poems, stories, draw or make something.

An oral journal is “a form of oral propaganda of literature, similar in content and structure to printed journals” (Terminological Journal, p. 154). A complex event that imitates a magazine (periodicity, regular headings) and is a series of short speeches (pages). Oral journals are dedicated topical issues modernity, certain topics, significant dates, the work of writers, novelties of literature.

The magazine is published according to all the rules: a bright cover with a title, presentation of the main material on several pages. The name should be short, memorable, bright, attractive to the audience.

Preparing a specific issue includes writing a script, selecting illustrative material, inviting guests, etc. The volume of the oral journal is no more than 3-4 "pages".

They can be varied in the way the material is presented: children's oral reports, speeches by writers, scientists, veterans of war and labor, dramatizations from books, showing fragments of films, listening to musical works. During "reading" the procedure of "turning" pages is obligatory.

Matinee - see evening Literary Festival - a specially organized performance that demonstrates creative achievements and abilities. As a rule, the performances of the festival participants are united by a common theme, motto, etc.

(fairy tale festival, festival of folk art, poetry festival, festival of humor). The festival has a competitive basis (performances are encouraged with diplomas, titles, souvenirs), but does not have a pronounced competitive nature. The time frame of the festival is from one to several days. Among the actors of the festival: presenters, honored guests, government officials. The festival is a large mass event that involves a large audience.

Flash mob (from English flash mob - "instant crowd", "crowd flash" - a pre-planned short-term (up to 5 minutes) mass action. A large group of people (mobbers) suddenly appears in a public place, performs predetermined actions according to the scenario, then simultaneously quickly disperse in different directions, as if nothing had happened. The event has the effect of surprise and is aimed at causing surprise and interest among random passers-by. The goal is to draw attention to a specific topic, problem ... Mobbers perform a deliberate collective action without losing at the same time, their individuality, and can go beyond the ordinary, relax, doing minor “nonsense”, take a person out of his closed world in order to make new acquaintances, unite with others and just enjoy what is happening.

Varieties: polit-mob, socio-mob, art mob.

In library activities, they are used to attract public attention to the library, reading problems. For example: participants in a flash mob suddenly appear in a certain crowded place in the city, open the books they brought with them at the same time and read aloud for several minutes, then just as suddenly disperse at the same time.

Happing is a simultaneous interdependent action of schoolchildren, groups without spectators. For example, carnival, dramatization, general role-playing game.

An hour of interesting messages is a specially organized exchange of informative messages of a cognitive nature. At the preparatory stage, readers collect interesting facts on a given topic (ecology, technology, history, art, etc.), the librarian recommends books and publications, Internet resources.

Literary Hour is a complex event dedicated to fiction, designed to acquaint readers in detail with a specific author and works, genre and characters. The universal and open nature of this library form allows you to include musical and game moments in the script, as well as watching a video film and listening to audio recordings. See also: literary evening, portrait evening, literary hour.

Cognitive Hour - see Cognitive Hour Reflection Hour - a specially organized exchange of opinions.

The participants of this event do not argue, but reflect on a particular issue, for example, on the topics:

"good", "evil", "love", give an understanding of these concepts.

The librarian takes part in their reflections, recommends reading books on the topic of conversation.

An hour of creativity - acquaintance with the work of an artist or musician, with any genre of art, followed by a creative task for children.

Silent reading hour is a specially organized reading.

In peace and quiet, everyone reads a book of their choice.

Folklore hour - staging of a national holiday, literary hour, literary and musical composition. Visual (costumes, interior, exhibitions) and musical arrangement (songs, dances, melodies) play an important role.

The crossword championship is a competition where the participant who solves the crossword puzzle faster than his rivals wins.

The librarian selects 2-3 sets of identical crossword puzzles, sets the time and place.

Participants are given envelopes in which 2-3 crossword puzzles are enclosed. The competition is on time and accuracy of answers.

The person who solved the crossword puzzle puts it in an envelope, signs his last name on it and puts the time of delivery.

Use of reference books is allowed. For fans, quizzes and entertainment competitions can be organized. The championship is judged by a jury.

Reader's conference - see reader's conference.

Reading out loud - see reading out loud Readings - a series of evenings about the life and work of one outstanding person. For example: "Lomonosov Readings", "Pushkin Readings", "Chekhov Readings", etc.

Problematic reading cycles are also possible:

"Pedagogical readings", "Environmental readings", etc.

This is a complex form, including the organization of book exhibitions, recommendatory reviews of literature, individual consultations for readers, recommendatory talks, loud readings, oral journals and conversations about reading, both individual and collective.

The program of "readings" is developed for a year, the sequence of all stages of work is determined.

Conducted with older teenagers.

A shock lesson is an event on an acute problem - drug addiction, AIDS. The basis of the shock lesson: letters, revelations, confessions of young drug addicts. The material is not deliberately edited. The content and vocabulary of the revelations are fully preserved. Well, if there is a video on the topic of the lesson. The structure of the lesson also includes official data on the state of the fight against drug addiction in the country and the city.

Excursion - an exit, a trip, a specially organized collective visit or movement of participants in order to demonstrate to them any exposition, as a rule, of a cultural and educational or educational and demonstration nature. The subject matter is varied. Required preliminary preparation from the organisers.

The main purpose of library tours is to familiarize users with library and bibliographic services. The excursion begins with the acquaintance of readers with the library as a whole, with its SBA, as well as with all departments of the library, focusing on the functions of each department. It is important to have a tour plan, the guide's text and the exact route. A feature of excursions is visibility. They allow demonstrating the SBA, showing the significance of its individual parts, the role of various bibliographic and factual sources in the search for documents and facts using examples chosen at the request of the tourists.

Game moments, theatricalization are acceptable. Excursions around the library are conducted both for individual readers and for reading groups.

Relay - a joint activity of a group of participants, performed in a sequence determined by the plot, scenario, rules. Cm.


game-journey, marathon.

Fair (folk festival) - a joint entertainment deployed on a specific site, involving the involvement of participants in various attractions. The fair is inherent in: free movement of participants throughout the space where the sites are located

- attractions. For participation in "attractions" tokens are issued that can be exchanged for something tasty or healthy;

usually "attractions" are specific competitions that do not require special skills, a long time to complete the task; the final may take place in the form of an auction-sale, where participants will be able to use tokens, purchasing memorable prizes and souvenirs.

The algorithm of the fair:

General gathering (line, carnival procession), where the rules of the game are explained,

Free movement of participants in space,

Free choice of attraction and participation in it,

Final collection with and without auction.

Examples of some forms of mass work

Assembly Cause - time, fun - an hour: the scenario of the Petrovsky Assembly / L. N. Muravyova, T. V. Rudishina // Read, study, play. - 2001. - No. 7. - P. 8 - 11.

Petrovsky Assembly / L. N. Muravyova, T. V.

Rudishina // Library. - 1996. - No. 12. - P. 23 Removed from the century with a star crown ... : youth library assembly // Golovko S. I. Library activity: principles of renewal: scientific and methodological manual. - Moscow: Liberia-Bibinform, 2008. - S. 98 - 111.

Auction Dorohova, N. G. Twelve chairs: an auction game / N.

G. Dorohova, N.A. Mokhoseva // Read, study, play. - 1998. - No. 8. - S. 87-89.

Zinovieva, E. I. Auction "Life Values" / E. I.

Zinoviev // Class teacher. - 2013. - No. 4. - P. 107 Muravyov's ball, L. N. Griboyedov's ball: an evening for high school students / L. N. Muravyova, T. V. Rudishina // Library. - 1996. - No. 11. - P. 85 - 91 Muravyova, L. N. "And the shine, and the noise, and the voice of the ball ..." / L.

N. Muravieva, T. V. Rudishina // Reading, learning, playing. - 1998. - No. 6. - P.156-159.

Library Ball "Keepers of the Wisdom of Ages" // Golovko S. I. Library activity: principles of renewal: scientific and methodological manual. - M. : Liberia Bibinform, 2008. - S. 112 - 118.

Benefit Example Scenario benefit performance dedicated to Yu.

Sotnik // Oparina N. P. Literary games in the children's library: an educational method. allowance. - M. : Liberia Bibinform, 2007. - S. 85 - 89.

Scenario of a benefit performance dedicated to Yury Sotnik // Oparina N.P. Game forms and methods in the work of children's libraries: teaching aid/ N. P. Oparina - Moscow: Litera, 2010. - P. 105-107. (Series "Modern Library". Issue 76) Drawing room Muravyov, L. N. "Ostrovsky - Columbus Zamoskvorechye": a meeting in the theater drawing room / L.N.

Rudishina, T.V. "The Paths I've Paved..."

literary drawing room / T.V. Rudishina, L.N. Muravyova // We read, study, play. - 1999. - No. 6. - S. 53-64.

“This eternal word is mother!”: Literary and musical drawing room / S.I. Grichanykh, G.V. Chulina // Class teacher. - 2009. - No. 3. - P. 3-7.

“And my soul whispers eternal things to you ...”: literary and musical living room / G. V. Klimenko, G. I. Tyutyunina // Class teacher. - 2009. - No. 3. - S. 13-19.

Elka Portyankina, V.G. Journey to Skazkograd / V. G.

Portyankina // Read, study, play. - 1996. - No. 2. - P.114-117.

Khripach, N. A. Books, thank you for being you:

literary holiday for younger children / N.A.

Khripach // Read, study, play. - 1996. - No. 2. - P. 118 - 124.

Literary game based on the case method.

Pantyukhova, T. V. Weeks of children's and youth books:

marathon of techniques and genres: options for ready-made scenarios / T.V. Pantyukhova - Moscow .: Liberia-Bibinform, 2012. - P.56 - 61. (series "Librarian and Time. XXI Century". Issue.

Journey game

Burgomistrova, N.M. Literary cruise:

journey through the sea of ​​books by Lev Kassil for students of secondary school age / N. M. Burgomistrova, L. A.

Aleinikova // Read, study, play. - 2000. - No. 3. - P.21

Name day Sorokin, I. V. Name day Mukha-Tsokotukha / I. V.

Sorokin // Read, study, play. - 1998. - No. 7. - P.8 - 10.

Competition (intellectual) Streltsov, N. B. Intellectual competition"Erudite"

for students in grades 7-8 / N. B. Streltsova // Class teacher. - 2009. - No. 3. - P. 110 - 116.

Donkevich, E. A. Connoisseurs-polyglots: an intellectual game / E. A. Donkevich // Last call. - 2010. - No. 11. - P. 8 - 10.

Literary and musical composition Sokolova, I. Kind faces of the twentieth century: literary and musical composition / I. Sokolova // Library at school. - 2006. - No. 15 (August 1-15). – P.40 – 41.

The script can be used during the premiere of a book, review, literary and musical evening.

Literary Cafe

Patritskikh, I. Love is a magical land:

literary cafe for readers of senior school age / I. Patritskikh // Read, study, play. - 1997. - Issue. 3. - S. 113 - 115.

Oral journal Buyacheva, O. Flowers in literature and art: an oral journal for readers of senior school age / O.

Buyacheva // Read, study, play. - 1997. - Issue. 3. - p. 77

Dorozhkina, N.I. The sad fate of mother Elisabeth: an oral history magazine for high school students. / N.I.

Dorozhkina // Read, study, play. - 2013. - No. 3. - P. 38

Aganina, A. A. The fair is noisy, beckons with goods:

folklore holiday / A. A. Aganina, V. D. Adintsova, E.

Yu. Dubrovina, A. I. Ostroumova // Read, study, play.

- 2007. - No. 4. - S. 79 - 82.

refers to the federal component of the cycle of general professional disciplines in the State ... "a serious political event. Mutual attacks of candidates, of course, an invariable part ... "discoveries made in European cultures, in particular, in Russian. Persons..."

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"LKB" 3. 2008 Literary-artistic and socio-political journal MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND INFORMATION Founders: KBR COMMUNICATION UNION OF WRITERS OF KBR Editor-in-chief KHASAN THAZEPLOV Editorial Board: Public Council: Ruslan Atskanov Boris Zumakulov Anatoly Bitsuev (Chairman of the Council) Eldar Gurtue ..."

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Effective prevention of possible offenses involves early detection of prognostically significant features of the behavior and personality of children. These, in addition to those mentioned above, should also include the rejection of the child by peers, which becomes noticeable already from elementary school. Diagnosis of rejection, as you know, is quite simply carried out with the help of sociometry. It is useful to conduct it for the early possible identification of the so-called "outcasts" and the organization of special work with them and with the class. Psychologists who have studied the causes of rejection have shown that most often in elementary school, peers do not like and reject those children who "annoy them with their very appearance," as well as "stupid," "dirty," know-it-alls, and braggarts. In middle school, the most unpopular teenagers are those who behave independently in relation to the peer group, its values ​​​​and norms, those who have "needles out", who themselves repel everyone, selfish and aggressive, and also, as in elementary school, " smartest." The school psychologist, taking into account these points, must, of course, identify the deep psychological reasons for the isolation and rejection of each child. The training of communication in corrective work with such children and their inclusion in the peer group has proven itself well.

Let's say a few words about the problem of academic performance in this context. Many difficult-to-educate schoolchildren are distinguished by poor academic performance. It is usually explained bad behavior, implying that if this behavior is corrected, then academic performance will also increase. In many cases this is true. However, in some cases, such an explanation does not allow one to discern some defects in intellectual development, which are sometimes of organic origin, which is the true source of poor progress and, as a result, difficult education. The psychologist can differentiate these cases using, say, the Wechsler test or some other intelligence test.

Often the poor progress of difficult-to-educate children is the result not so much of defects in their intellectual development as of the underdevelopment of their cognitive interests, cognitive needs. Unable to assert themselves in the field of learning, the main area of ​​school life, poor students often find it as compensatory, replacing all sorts of deviant forms of behavior. Typical compensatory forms of behavior are the behavior of a "class jester", the behavior of a "Luddite" who tears up notebooks of excellent students, breaks desks and other school furniture, and the behavior of a brawler.

“The unfavorable position of these (underachieving. - Auth.) Children among their peers,” it was said at the IV Symposium of Child Psychiatrists of the Socialist Countries, “evokes in them a number of compensatory reactions, more often of an infantile nature. Low estimating themselves in intelligence, they often give themselves the highest grades on strength, beauty and height.In an effort to ensure their success by any means, they concentrate their activities around younger children, which makes it even more difficult for them to adapt to school conditions and, by complicating their position in the classroom, in turn contributes to a further decrease in self-esteem and the level of claims. This situation is the main cause of pathological reactions and neurotic states that occur in them at an older age. " And, we add, it can be a harbinger of delinquency.

4. Forms and methods of educational work

The methods of re-education are directly dependent on the nature of pedagogical neglect, the level of upbringing of the teenager as a whole, the educational opportunities of the school and family, the specific behavior of the educated person, his lifestyle and environment.

The methods of re-education, in the final analysis, are always connected with the methods of education. For example, the method of persuasion is always a natural extension of the method of persuasion; encouragement and punishment are applied both in education and in re-education. And the “explosion” method, although it is a specific method of re-education, cannot exist in isolation from such general methods of education as social assignment, example, play, work.

In the experience of the modern school, forms of work are currently taking shape that have a particularly effective influence on the re-education of adolescents. A characteristic feature of these new forms of work with adolescents is the accustoming to practical activity, the skillful combination of word and action.

The organization of students' activities on the basis of their interests is one of the areas of re-education that has become widespread in recent years.

Pedagogy has always defended the idea of ​​the relationship between the methods of education and re-education, condemned the practice of "solitary means" (the term of A. S. Makarenko), that is, the isolated application of any one method.

In their totality, the methods of re-education are designed to take into account the content and sustainability of difficult education; optimally use the means of re-education (the word of the teacher, the example of adults, the activities of the students themselves, traditions, regime, etc.); to coordinate various educational influences in solving specific educational tasks; to activate the pupil himself to fight against his negative qualities, bad habits.

Each method performs a specific leading function.

Persuasion - is designed to destroy the system of justifying motives for wrong behavior and initiate the formation of socially valuable ones. Relearning is designed to change life experience, the formation of healthy socially valuable needs and habits. "Explosion" destroys the negative stereotype of behavior. (Under the "explosion" A. S. Makarenko understood the instantaneous destruction of the negative qualities of those who are difficult to educate in the process of emotional stormy experiences.)

The "reconstruction" of the character makes certain adjustments to the spiritual world of the child, preserving everything valuable in it, eliminating the negative.

Switching serves the task of changing direction and reorienting the pupil from imitating the bad to following the positive example.

Reward and punishment encourage positive behavior and discourage negative behavior.

The process of re-education is a relationship between general methods of education, specifically refracted (persuasion, retraining, encouragement, punishment, etc.), and special ones, inherent only in re-education (“explosion”, switching, “reconstruction”).

Each method of re-education, under certain conditions, enters into a relationship with the corresponding methods of education: persuasion is effective when the teacher works to form beliefs, criteria for evaluating himself and others, moral attitudes in the public opinion of the team; retraining is organically connected with accustoming to activity, "reconstruction" of character - with criticism and self-criticism in the team. The leading condition for the effectiveness of specific methods of re-education is education in a team and mutual education, as well as self-education.

The general requirement for the methods of re-education is their application through the collective. A close-knit children's team provides the educator with the involvement of peers who are authoritative for a difficult teenager in the implementation of a particular method. In this case, the requirements of the teacher act in unity with the requirements of the comrades, the punishment is perceived as a condemnation of the comrades, the encouragement is perceived as the approval of the actions by the team, the control of the teacher develops into the control of the team. This approach increases the impact of any method and creates conditions for the transition of re-education into self-re-education.

The effectiveness of re-education methods largely depends on the perception and processing by adolescents of those educational measures that are used by adults and peers. And in this regard, the upbringing, in difficult people, of a sense of responsibility for oneself, for one's behavior, is of decisive importance. Until personal responsibility for one's actions and deeds is developed, it is difficult to count on the effectiveness of general methods of education.


The leading methods of re-education are persuasion, re-education and "explosion" - the destruction of the negative.

Persuasion acts as an independent method of re-education and at the same time as a condition for the effectiveness of other methods. Therefore, it is given special importance. Persuasion is simultaneously aimed at changing consciousness, life experience and moral feelings. As a result of the impact on his consciousness, a person develops a feeling of dissatisfaction, disgust for the bad in himself. By activating moral feelings, the teacher helps the pupil to realize the causes of emotional dissatisfaction and change the way of life - the pupil's understanding of his behavior with a portion of moral requirements. The feeling of joy from moral deeds and dissatisfaction from immoral deeds contribute to the formation of socially valuable life experience. In the children's environment, sometimes an incorrect attitude is established towards the moral requirements of adults, that is, what we call anti-ideals (it is not normal to study excellently, only "crazy", "know-it-alls", "favorites" study conscientiously). Therefore, the deuces of a smart and capable student do not affect his position in the team; to behave irreproachably means to be a good boy.

A normal student must have comments from teachers, otherwise he will not be respected;

To deceive a teacher is a sign of intelligence and resourcefulness, it is not a sin to play a comrade, even to cheat;

To neglect the rules of behavior at school, to be the “object” of constant criticism of teachers, according to many difficult teenagers, only a person with a strong character can.

Persuasion is accomplished quickly if a teenager can be included in a team (sports, educational, labor), where his wrong views turn out to be incompatible with general moral principles.

It is necessary to strengthen pedagogical control over the behavior of those students who are trying to defend their wrong beliefs. The class teacher, teachers should prevent negative actions and actions that reflect wrong beliefs. If this can be achieved, they are destroyed under the influence of healthy public opinion.

The lack of control allows the difficult to continue acting immorally. In this case, instead of exposed motives for wrong behavior, the teenager creates new ones, keeping his wrong beliefs.

Verbal educational influences do not give a positive result if they are not supported by new practical experience of the difficult to educate, real actions and actions of others. It is also necessary to exclude contradictions between the words and actions of teachers from the education system (they threaten, but do not punish, they promise, but do not fulfill, they teach one thing, but they themselves act differently). Double morality in the immediate social environment only reinforces the wrong attitudes and ideas.

Adolescents, like adults, find it hard to let go of established beliefs. Therefore, in the process of persuasion, breakdowns and mistakes in behavior, activities and communication are inevitable.

The restructuring of wrong beliefs requires a long effort of educators. The general condition for its effectiveness is the creation in the zone of the immediate social environment of such an atmosphere that the difficult person feels remorse, grief from his behavior.

The method of persuasion is effective if it comes from a person who is authoritative for a teenager. It is easier for such a teacher to destroy the wrong views and attitudes of the pupil. Initially, it is necessary to shake up wrong beliefs, and then completely rebuild them.

The loosening process, which requires a lot of time and effort of the teacher, includes a number of techniques:

Encourage a teenager to compare himself with another, to get to know a person of interest to him who is guided by opposing views (for example, a difficult one does not want to study, and his friend reads a lot, studies and works on a computer, cannot sit idle, enjoys work etc.);

Show where in the future his wrong views and attitudes can lead him (for example, tell about a person who suffered from the same shortcomings and, ultimately, ruined his talent, his life, lost the most precious thing - freedom, honor, conscience);

To bring to a paradox the logic of reasoning of a teenager who defends his convictions (for example, what will happen if everyone takes the same position);

To create conditions for the pupil for self-disclosure, that is, to provide the opportunity to express all the arguments in defense of their views, and then refute each argument.

It is very important, destroying wrong beliefs, to keep some correct, but falsely interpreted arguments, evidence and say: “Here you are right. But this is what follows from here, and not what you propose. Recognition of partial rightness makes it easier for a teenager to reject a belief that is generally wrong.

And one more requirement for persuasion: its connection with the methods of relearning or "explosion" and consolidation in the experience of positive behavior. New socially valuable experience should confirm those counterarguments that the collective of comrades or teachers used in persuading.

Activities based on correct moral convictions should bring satisfaction and strengthen the authority of the pupil in the eyes of peers and adults.

In this case, the teenager becomes an active fighter against those wrong beliefs that he himself was guided by until recently.


Eliminating negative habits, correcting unhealthy needs and weaning from wrong actions in adolescents is done using the method of relearning. It is carried out in unity and interconnection with persuasion.

Relearning consists of two parts - unlearning and habituation. When applying this method, it should be remembered that the correction of the personality is always carried out by replacing or compensating for the eliminated negative - positive, i.e. instead of bad habits, healthy ones are formed, instead of wrong actions - rational, moral ones. The first part of the retraining method is weaning, which is carried out by methods of prohibition, control, and verification of the fulfillment of instructions and requires simultaneous, coordinated pedagogical actions:

Preventing the manifestation of bad habits, needs, wrong behavior and at the same time creating favorable conditions for the manifestation of moral habits, healthy needs and right actions and deeds.

Formation in the public opinion of the team and each pupil of an intolerant attitude towards negative behavior, unhealthy needs and habits.

The struggle of educators and the children's team with manifestations of bad habits and needs, as well as the elimination of the causes, circumstances that provoke wrong actions, deeds. The relapse of the negative is always associated with unfavorable circumstances in the zone of the immediate social environment;

Intensifying the efforts of the team and the pupil himself in the process of overcoming the negative and, on this basis, the implementation of the relationship of education in the team and self-education.

When retraining, it is important to avoid the following mistakes:

impose their will and opinion as the only correct one;

constantly point out the same shortcomings of the child. This causes anger and can lead to the opposite result - to a nervous breakdown.

It is also impossible to demand an instant rejection of a bad habit or vice: a relapse is possible. Learning must end with learning. In general, retraining relies on persuasion and reinforces its results. These two methods are the main, leading, practically they can solve any problem of re-education.

Explosion method.

A specific method of re-education developed by A. S. Makarenko is the “explosion”.

The "explosion" method is carried out in natural conditions, in a real environment. It has a strong effect on the well-being of the individual, exacerbates positive and negative experiences, therefore it is rarely used, as a last resort, so as not to unnerve the team, not to turn the life of children into a "nervous fever".

It is not the inner world of the individual as a whole that “explodes”, but her damaged relations with society and the team. "Explosion" involves bringing to the limit the conflict of the individual with the team; at the same time, the alternative is clearly stated: to change in order to become a respected member of the collective, or to leave it in order to become the object of contempt of comrades. The method of "explosion" is also characterized by the nakedness of the true relations of the pupil. A kind of "detonation" of all the contradictions in the team, an avalanche of feelings, in which anger, indignation, contempt, shock are intertwined. And which falls on the psyche of a difficult teenager, unbalances him, makes him defenseless, confused, vulnerable, sweeps away the self-defense of the negative.

With an “explosion”, a teenager experiences a “catastrophe within himself,” said A. S. Makarenko, he has no time to think, weigh, calculate, cheat, try to preserve his negative “I”. Stunned by a storm of feelings, he falls into a stressful state, the negative stereotype is destroyed, the links between the individual elements of difficult education are destroyed. It is then that favorable conditions arise for the effective impact of other methods of re-education.

A. S. Makarenko wrote: “This method continues and expands further throughout my system.”

The "explosion" method is extraordinarily effective when it occurs in a strong children's team, in favorable educational conditions with skillful pedagogical guidance, when the behavior of a difficult child is so vicious that the negative clearly prevails in it.

However, it should be remembered that such a destruction of the personality is uneconomical and unreasonable where positive qualities predominate in the child, where extremes can be dispensed with. When implementing the "explosion" method, the following methods of influencing difficult children are used:

forcing negative experiences to the limit (on this basis, there is dissatisfaction with oneself, one's life);

bringing to absurdity the negative line of behavior of a teenager, when his own shortcomings give him great trouble;

clash of the ideal of a difficult person with the ideal of a real person, so that the pupil is convinced of the fallacy of his views;

the creation of such conditions under which there is a collision of the positive and negative qualities of the pupil, his irreconcilable internal struggle begins.

The choice of techniques and their combination are determined by three factors: the level of upbringing of the child, the level of development of the primary children's team and its educational capabilities.

The "explosion" method is successful only where it is applied in connection with other methods of re-education, when it completes the former and at the same time begins a new stage in the formation of character. The inner world of the individual finds himself in such a pedagogically organized environment in which negative qualities are brought up that are inapplicable, and with every attempt to manifest them, the pupil encounters a resolute rebuff from those around him.

As a result, dissatisfaction with oneself arises, which persists until the teenager gets rid of negative habits and qualities. Success in activities that form a craving for a new way of life, he experiences unusually vividly, discovers new feelings and a new understanding of happiness. This is the basis of the active position of a fighter with his own shortcomings and negative qualities.

The "explosion" method usually ends with self-re-education. If it is carried out on a negative basis (punishment, discussion of the conflict), then it should be continued by other methods of education and re-education.

It should be taken into account that the “explosion” method performs only one function of re-education: it destroys the links between negative qualities, loosens the structure of difficult education, but does not eliminate the shortcomings themselves.

Therefore, the method of "explosion" should be followed by persuasion, retraining and education of positive qualities.

"Reconstruction" of character.

In re-education, a holistic change of personality is far from always necessary. It is important to correct individual negative elements of the character, preserving it healthy foundation. This method can be called "reconstruction".

It is characterized by the following features: spiritual world the personality retains the fund of its positive qualities, from which those main elements are singled out that should first of all be developed, further improved; qualities that a person falsely understands as positive are modified in such a way that a healthy principle appears and develops in them (for example, instead of a painful pride, a healthy one is formed, instead of self-confidence - self-confidence, instead of criticism - criticism and self-criticism).

Negative qualities that need to be eliminated become the object of criticism of comrades, authoritative adults. With their help, persuasion is carried out, an intolerant attitude towards their shortcomings is formed in the difficult.

In the whole way of life of the pupil, his positive qualities are fully manifested and applied, and at the same time, conditions are created under which the shortcomings and negative qualities become inapplicable.

In the method of "reconstruction" of character, the main direction is the intensification of the development of a leading positive quality, for example, love for a mother, respect for adults, fidelity in friendship, a steady interest in any business, occupation, sport, art.

"Reconstruction" begins with the study of the pupil and a clear definition of the prospects for his positive development. At the same time, it is necessary to foresee which quality to make leading and intensively develop in order to ensure the holistic formation of positive qualities, their connection with each other.

Then the positive qualities are updated, which long time did not exercise due to unfavorable conditions. They are restored and associated with a leading positive quality.

The next stage of "reconstruction" of character is the accumulation of socially valuable life experience, which contributes to the rapid development of positive qualities. Such a way of life of the pupil is provided under the following conditions: the constant participation of the student in socially useful activities; condemnation of any manifestations of the negative on the part of educators and peers; self-education of the student; having positive examples.

At each stage of the "reconstruction" of the character, the teacher, with the active assistance of public opinion, encourages the student to self-analyze his successes, set the next tasks in the development of his strengths and abilities.

In general, the method of "reconstruction" of character is more complex and lengthy than persuasion or "explosion". As a rule, it is combined with methods of re-education and education. "Reconstruction" is carried out partly on the basis of the method of "explosion" and accustoming.

The character is modified at the junction of persuasion and interesting activities. Self-correction occurs on the basis of promising lines and a healthy lifestyle in the team. With the method of "reconstruction" of character, it is necessary to ensure the following conditions: the unity of pedagogical requirements, a healthy lifestyle, an optimistic atmosphere in the team that arises as a result of the success of the pupil, constant achievements, progress in activities, in relationships, in behavior.


The essence of the switching method lies in the fact that the zone of activity of a difficult teenager is transferred to a socially significant area of ​​activity using the existing positive qualities. An example of the switching method is AS Makarenko's experience in organizing life in a colony. His pupils, in the recent past, thieves and hooligans, were involved in the fight against local bandits who robbed passing peasants. The colonists guarded warehouses and gardens, whereas previously they preferred to "cleanse" them.

First of all, the social motivation of activity changes: sometimes a new one is added to the former one, sometimes a completely opposite system of motives is put forward, excluding the former one.

The most effective motivation is based on the principle of contrast: in the colony named after A. M. Gorky, former thieves were trusted to receive food and money. At the same time, respect for the personality of the colonist, his increased status in the team, responsibility to his comrades, his colonist authority were constantly emphasized. With such motivation, a radical restructuring of the motives of activity and behavior occurs.

The new motivation, as it were, cemented and held together the entire positive fund of the personality, organized it for a new cause, directed activity into a new channel of socially significant life. Social motives of behavior created such a spiritual atmosphere when it was impossible to return to the previous behavior.

In the switching method, age-related features are of particular importance.

In fact, many adolescents are characterized by independence, sociability, the desire for leadership, self-assertion, and the need for self-expression. Any activity in which these age-related needs and aspirations are manifested and satisfied can serve as the main content of social activity that facilitates the restructuring of behavioral motives, changing specific actions and deeds.

Finally, switching is possible only in a healthy children's team, which is able to support the individual influence of the educator on difficult adolescents, to involve groups of children with certain moral gaps in socially valuable activities, in a system of responsible addictions.

So, the main directions of switching are the transfer of skills and abilities from the sphere of asocial to the sphere of socially useful activity, switching from a negative example to a positive one, involving adolescents in the implementation of the traditions of the team, in which their habits and needs are improved, socialized.

The switching method requires regular legal education as a leading condition for its effectiveness.

Many teenagers have no idea from what age, for what crimes they can be punished; what is prohibited by law; what types of edged weapons exist, which of them is a crime in itself, etc.

Encouragement and punishment.

The same function is performed by encouragement. Encouragement and punishment helps a teenager to understand what is good, what is bad, what is possible, they activate positive actions and forbid, limit wrong ones.

Among the incentives for re-education, it is necessary to include not only such generally accepted incentives as gratitude, awarding a commendable diploma, a valuable gift, etc. For a child who does not know affection in the family, a kind smile, a heartfelt word, joy for his successes.

Among the pedagogical requirements for incentives in re-education, the following should be included:

Rewards must be individualized.

Encouragement should come from the team or from the person who enjoys authority with this teenager.

It is necessary to encourage only those actions and deeds of the student that really demanded from him the will and diligence.

It is unacceptable for the same achievements to encourage a difficult child with less rewards than his peers.

Encouragement should help a teenager understand his positive qualities, believe in himself, arouse a desire to become better.

Self improvement

In school practice in re-education, self-improvement is successfully used in the form of weekly tasks: “Step forward”. What will I do next week? What will I get? What difficulty will I overcome? What bad thing will I fight with?

One of the forms of self-improvement is tasks to oneself. They become an important motivating force for re-education in the event that their implementation is controlled by the children's team. Tasks for oneself in any field must necessarily be associated with moral self-education, with the formation of character.

When using self-improvement in re-education, the teacher should pay special attention to the unity of psychological and practical training in working on oneself, that is, the teenager must want and be able to deal with shortcomings. Self-improvement impresses teenagers because of their desire to be adults, in connection with the peculiarities of their age (the desire to do everything on their own, to develop self-awareness, independence, the growth of personal activity, painful pride, etc.). Difficult teenagers like self-improvement also because it corresponds to their desire to show themselves, makes up for the denial of pedagogical influences at the expense of their own efforts, when he himself becomes the educator for the teenager.

5. Practical part (work with "difficult" teenagers 8B class MOU secondary school No. 37)

The school usually has information about difficult children, primarily those who are registered with the juvenile affairs inspectorate, and often the school administration expects the psychologist to solve the problem of these children as a priority. Currently, most of these requests concern children who are suspected of substance abuse, adolescents prone to drug addiction and alcoholism, leading early sexual life(the latter is especially worrisome in relation to girls) participating in informal anti- and anti-social associations. There are also many inquiries regarding children seen in theft, hooligan actions.

The author of this work conducted research in the MOU secondary school No. 37, Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The psychologist of this school compiled a list of difficult-to-educate teenagers of the seventh - ninth grades (request of class teachers). The age of students is 13 - 16 years. From this list, I chose four students - three boys and one girl. All of them are students of the 8th grade. These teenagers have organized an informal group, they keep together, they have been repeatedly seen in hooligan actions (from minor acts to vandalism - in relation to the obelisk, in memory of the heroes of the Second World War). The boys repeatedly smoked in the toilet, ignored the comments of teachers, were noticed in extorting money from other students, disrupted lessons, and clashed with teachers.

Turned to a psychologist classroom teacher 8B class Shmakova Svetlana Kirillovna with a request to develop a plan for corrective measures for the behavior of "difficult" adolescents.

Work plan:

Collect data about adolescents (information about the family, living and learning conditions, information about health) - a conversation with the class teacher, studying academic performance, working with the class journal, filling out an observation map by the class teacher about each teenager. The study of the pedagogical environment, the environment of the child's environment, followed by the neutralization or elimination of harmful influences and the strengthening of the positive effects of the environment.

Individual conversations with teenagers. Conducting a sociometric test in the classroom to determine the status of adolescents in the group. Conducting a methodology for studying the accentuation of a teenager's personality (PDO), a test questionnaire to determine the level of self-esteem. Analysis of the positive and negative properties of the character of a teenager, the study of his needs, deviations in behavior.

Processing of received data.

The data obtained from the diagnostic work can be presented in the form of a summary table:

deviant behavior difficult teenager

Data collection

Full name of students

Yangolenko A.S.

Nazarenko A.M.

Cherkasov P.D.

Minaeva A.M.

He lives with his grandmother, sometimes meets with his father.

Lives with mother and older sister (10 years older)

The parents are divorced. He lives with his mother, then with his father

Lives with mother, stepfather and younger brother (age 2)


Registered with a phthisiatrician

academic performance

Fails in all subjects

Fails in core subjects. Good grades in physical education, labor,

Fails in all subjects.

Fails in all subjects


Rejected by the class

Accepted by the class, leader among the "difficult"

Not rejected, not a leader

Not rejected, not a leader

hysteroid type

Hyperthymic type

Unstable type

Conformal type

Self-esteem test questionnaire

High level of self-esteem

High level of self-esteem

Average level of self-esteem

Average level of self-esteem

Brief description of personality

A pronounced need to attract attention. In communication in a group, strive for the role of a leader or an exceptional position; in the role of a leader, he is not strong enough to lead the group. Brightness and expressiveness of emotions in the absence of their depth, drawing and posturing in experiences, deceit and fantasizing in communication because of the desire to embellish one's personality.

The need for active work and self-confidence. Striving for independence and leadership in relationships with peers. The need for appreciation from others. Low adaptability to discipline and tight control. A frivolous attitude to the rules and the law, the opposition of others causes outbursts of anger. Strong reaction to guardianship from adults. Inaccuracy in fulfilling promises, promiscuity in choosing acquaintances, quick forbearance in conflicts. Contacts with an antisocial environment, a tendency to drink alcohol.

Increased craving for entertainment, pleasure, idleness, aversion to any activity. Indifference to the future, unwillingness to take any social position. craving for antisocial groups, inability to take an independent position in the group, subordination to more active and active peers. Cowardice, the desire to avoid or delay punishment in any way. Prefers group forms of offense.

Excessive subordination to the opinions of others, dependence and lack of independence, willingness to obey the majority, lack of initiative. In a group, it is unable to resist the influence of the immediate environment, uncritical perception and development of both good and bad habits and actions of others. Sexual attraction is realized in an antisocial environment, early sexual experience. Behavioral disorders - pliability, lack of personal initiative, uncritical assessment of the actions of others, antisociality.

Stimulation of interest in learning (to notice and emphasize success in learning), the formation of positive motives in learning (satisfying the cognitive interests of difficult adolescents). Pay special attention to achieving success in learning, to some extent satisfy the vanity of a teenager. To this end, regularly study the class magazine, teenagers' assessments. Announcement of positive results at class hours, at parent-teacher meetings.

Carry out individual work with weak students in the classroom. Conduct regular extracurricular activities. An important place belongs to individual consultations (according to the schedule), group classes.

To prepare for work the educational asset of the public in the microdistrict of the school (heads of sections and circles). Recommend teenagers to attend additional classes and regularly monitor their progress. Strengthen the management of teenagers' free time.

Coordinate educational work at school and at the place of residence with the activities of special organizations for working with difficult children (with the department for juvenile affairs in the police).

Conducting regular conversations with parents (grandmother) on setting the goals of education in the family and methods for their implementation. The discussion of the results. Work in three directions: correcting mistakes made in the family and school education, the establishment of the most reasonable hygienic regime in school and family, in which work and rest alternate, overload of educational activities is not allowed, a thorough medical examination of the child and his treatment.

Changing the habitual behavior of a teenager by involving him in new activities.

Carrying out extra-curricular activities in various medical and pedagogical areas (educational and preventive work). For example, on the topic "Health Day" together with the medical worker of the school, teachers of life safety and physical education. Conducting psychological trainings using game therapy to improve the microclimate in the group, to increase the cohesion of the class team. Pay special attention to the interaction of difficult teenagers with the rest of the class (carried out together with a psychologist).

Involvement of teenagers in various activities social assistance(for example, single pensioners), or patronage groups to combat hooliganism. Put difficult teenagers at the head of the event, make them responsible for the performance of work, trust the performance of responsible tasks.

Cherkasov P.D.: give tasks in which they can be used Creative skills student, raise self-esteem, emphasize the individuality of the student (individual encouragement, open praise in the whole class and at parent meetings)

Minaeva A.M.: stimulate activity and initiative (for example, ask for opinions when organizing classroom, extracurricular and school-wide events)

Recommendations for an informal group consisting of four "difficult" teenagers: involve students in educational activities not only individually, but also as a group. For example, design a wall newspaper dedicated to WWII veterans.


Preventive work with difficult-to-educate adolescents should be carried out in close contact with teachers and educators. Studies have shown that difficult children during the lesson receive not only significantly more comments than the average of all other students, but these comments are of a fundamentally different nature: firstly, they, as a rule, do not refer to a single misconduct or mistake, but they immediately carry a negative assessment of the child's personality: secondly, the teacher often connects the whole class to this assessment of his, thereby strengthening it. It is significant that the teachers themselves, for the most part, do not notice this. The psychologist should draw the attention of the teacher to this circumstance and, if necessary, teach him correct forms behavior towards a "difficult" child. In general, it can be said that working with students who are difficult to educate is often the most difficult moment in the work of a teacher, and many teachers, especially young ones, need the help of a psychologist. Currently the most effective form teacher training on such issues is considered to be the work of teachers in the so-called Balint groups, in which the psychological development of professional (in this case, pedagogical) skills is carried out.


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Bazhenov V. G. Education of pedagogically neglected teenagers. - Kyiv, 1986.

Bandura A., Walters R. Teenage aggression. M., 2000.

Vygotsky L. S. Diagnostics of development and pedological clinic of difficult childhood//Sobr. cit.- M., 1983.- T. 5.

Grishchenko L. A., Almazov B. N. Psychology of deviant behavior and tasks of pedagogical rehabilitation of difficult students. - Sverdlovsk, 1987.

Individual work with difficult-to-educate students: Methodological recommendations. - Kyiv, 1981.

Mukhina V.S. Child psychology. - M., 1999.

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Course work

Forms and methods of educational work with difficult adolescents



3. Psychocorrective work with difficult-to-educate adolescents

4. Forms and methods of educational work

5. Practical part (work with "difficult" teenagers 8B class MOU secondary school No. 37)




The destabilization of the economy, the decline in production, the decline in the standard of living in the country, the destruction of the old system of values ​​and stereotypes that regulated the relationship of the individual with society - all this is painfully experienced by the population of Russia, reflecting on its social well-being.

The social crisis processes taking place in modern society negatively affect the psychology of people, giving rise to anxiety and tension, anger, cruelty and violence. The difficult economic situation of the country has led our society to serious difficulties and internal conflicts, to a significant increase in the prevalence and variety of forms of immoral acts, crime and other types of deviant behavior. Statistics show an increase in deviant behavior among people of various social and demographic groups. It was especially difficult for teenagers during this period. An alarming symptom is the increase in the number of minors with deviant behavior, manifested in antisocial actions (alcoholism, drug addiction, disorderly conduct, hooliganism, vandalism, etc.). Increased demonstrative and defiant behavior towards adults. Cruelty and aggressiveness began to appear in extreme forms. Crime among young people has sharply increased. More and more new types of deviant behavior appear: teenagers participate in paramilitary formations of political organizations of extremists, in racketeering, collaborate with the mafia, engage in prostitution and pimping. Compared to the recent past, the number of serious crimes has increased, everyday consciousness records an increase in conflicts and facts of aggressive behavior of people. We are witnessing a change in the entire social structure of society, intensive processes of stratification of the population along property lines, in relation to various forms of ownership. On the basis of social contradictions, intergroup and interpersonal conflicts arise.

The growth of aggressive tendencies among adolescents reflects one of the most acute social problems our society, where in recent years youth crime has increased dramatically, especially juvenile crime. At the same time, the fact of an increase in the number of crimes against a person that entails serious bodily harm is alarming. Cases of violent group fights among teenagers have become more frequent.

The professional interest of psychologists in various types and levels of changes in the personality of minors and their characterological features is very high and stable for many years. This is evidenced by the direction and number of works devoted to the problem of deviant behavior. Our country has already accumulated considerable experience in the correction and prevention of deviant behavior. In recent years, a number of studies have been carried out by psychologists and educators on the study, diagnosis and prevention of pedagogical neglect and delinquency in adolescents. The works of Abramova G.S., Alemaskin M.A., Antonyan Yu.M., Belicheva S.A., Bekhterev V.M. are devoted to this. Glotochkina A.D., Dubrovina I.V., Znakov V.V., Ivanova E.Ya., Igosheva K.E., Isaeva D.D., Isaeva D.N., Kovaleva A.G., Kona I .S., Kondrashenko V.T., Lichko A.E., Minkovsky G.M., Nevsky I.A., Pirozhkova V.F., Platonova K.K., Potanin G.M., Feldshtein D.I. . and etc.

However, the analysis of these works shows that the existing practice of prevention does not fully solve the problem of preventing deviant behavior in adolescents. In the prevention of deviant behavior of adolescents, there are a number of urgent tasks that need to be addressed.

The deviant behavior of children and adolescents has a complex multifactorial nature, its study requires, firstly, the implementation of a systematic approach that reveals the hierarchy and relationship of adverse factors, secondly, the use of a comparative analysis that compares the conditions for favorable social development with the process of sociopathogenesis, and thirdly , the implementation of an interdisciplinary approach that does not allow one to become isolated within the framework of one specialization, but, on the contrary, involves the use of the achievements of such branches of psychology as developmental, social, pedagogical, and medical.

The problem of deviations in behavior is one of the central psychological and pedagogical problems. After all, if there were no difficulties in educating the younger generation, then society's need for developmental and pedagogical psychology, pedagogy and private methods would simply disappear.

Adolescence is one of the most difficult periods of human development. Despite the relative short duration (from 14 to 18 years), it practically largely determines the entire future life of the individual. Exactly at adolescence predominantly there is a formation of character and other foundations of personality. These circumstances: the transition from a childhood tutored by adults to independence, a change from the usual school education to other types of social activities, as well as a rapid hormonal restructuring of the body, make the teenager especially vulnerable and susceptible to negative environmental influences. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the desire inherent in adolescents to free themselves from the care and control of relatives, teachers and other educators. Often this desire leads to a denial of the spiritual values ​​and standards of life in general of the older generation. On the other hand, defects in the educational work with adolescents are becoming more and more obvious. Particularly significant in this regard are the wrong relationships in the family, the increased level of divorces.

Among the various, interrelated factors that determine the manifestation of deviant behavior, one can distinguish such as:

An individual factor acting at the level of psychobiological prerequisites for antisocial behavior that makes it difficult social adaptation individual;

Psychological and pedagogical factor, manifested in defects in school and family education;

A socio-psychological factor that reveals the unfavorable features of the interaction of a minor with his immediate environment in the family, on the street, in the educational team;

The personal factor, which, first of all, manifests itself in the active-selective attitude of the individual to the preferred environment of communication, to the norms and values ​​of his environment, to pedagogical influences family, school, community, as well as in personal value orientations and personal ability to self-regulate their behavior;

A social factor determined by the social and socio-economic conditions of the existence of society.

Revealing negative influences difficult, first of all, because they do not act in isolation, but represent the interaction of a wide variety of factors that act with different negative contributions to the development of deviant behavior: human development is conditioned by the interaction of many factors: heredity, environment (social, biogenic, abiogenic), upbringing (or rather many types of directed influence on the formation of personality), a person's own practical activity.

It can be seen that at the age of 12-13 years, behavior is directly related to situational factors, neglect and uncriticality in relation to the behavior of the microsociety.

The origins of academic failure and abnormal behavior lie in pedagogical and social neglect, various deviations in the state of physical and mental health. This relationship was noticed in the last century, but it is relevant as an explanation of modern realities. For the most part, deviations in behavior are not due to congenital mental and physiological defects, but were the consequences of improper upbringing both in the family and at school.

Thus, from the foregoing, the relevance of this term paper. At the present historical stage, the problem of the emergence and increase in the number of "difficult" adolescents arises, which must be solved by the teaching staff, including a psychologist, social pedagogue, class teacher, and teachers. There is a need to study the forms and methods of working with difficult adolescents and to isolate the most effective of them.

The object of study of this course work is the learning process, the subject of study: the processes of education, self-education and re-education.

The purpose of the study: the theoretical foundations of the process of education and self-education and their development at the present stage.

Research objectives:

To analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of education, self-education and re-education.

To study the causes of deviant behavior and research conducted by different authors in this field.

To study the methods and forms of educational work with difficult teenagers.

Carry out diagnostic work with "difficult" teenagers in grades 7-9 of the MOU secondary school No. 37, analyze the causes of deviant behavior, draw up individual recommendations for educating "difficult" teenagers for class teachers.

The structure of the course work. The first part examines the causes of deviant behavior of adolescents, as well as the work carried out by various authors to study the causes of "difficulty in education". The second part deals with the diagnosis of educational difficulties. The third and fourth paragraphs reflect the problems of psychocorrection in relation to "difficult" adolescents and a description of the methods and forms of work with them. The fifth part of the course work outlines the essence of the work carried out in the MOU secondary school No. 37, as well as the results and conclusions.

The materials of this course work can be used in the work of a school psychologist in the development of psycho-prophylactic and correctional programs for working with difficult teenagers, as well as social teachers and class teachers.

1. Causes of deviant behavior of adolescents. Research on the problem of "difficult teenagers"

At the end of XIX and beginning of XX century. biological and psychological interpretations of the causes of deviation were widespread. The Italian physician Cesare Lombroso believed that there was a direct link between criminal behavior and the biological characteristics of a person. He argued that the "criminal type" is the result of degradation to earlier stages of human evolution. This type can be identified by such characteristic features as a protruding lower jaw, a sparse beard and decreased sensitivity to pain. Lombroso's theory became widespread, and some thinkers became his followers - they also established a connection between deviant behavior and certain physical traits of people.

William H. Sheldon (1940), a famous American psychologist and physician, emphasized the importance of body structure. He believed that people have a certain body structure means the presence of characteristic personality traits. Endomorph (a person of moderate fullness with a soft and somewhat rounded body) is characterized by sociability, the ability to get along with people and self-indulgence. The mesomorph (whose body is distinguished by strength and harmony) shows a tendency to restlessness, he is active and not too sensitive. And finally, the ectomorph, which is distinguished by the subtlety and fragility of the body, is prone to introspection, endowed with increased sensitivity and nervousness.

Based on a study of the behavior of two hundred young men in a rehabilitation center, Sheldon concluded that mesomorphs are most prone to deviation, although they by no means always become criminals.

Although such biological theories were popular at the beginning of the 20th century, other concepts gradually supplanted them. Supporters of the psychological interpretation associated deviation with psychological traits(instability of the psyche, violation of psychological balance, etc.). Evidence has been obtained that some mental disorders, especially schizophrenia, may be due to a genetic predisposition. In addition, some biological features can affect the psyche of the individual. For example, if a boy is teased for his small stature, his response may be directed against society and expressed in deviant behavior. But in such cases, biological factors only indirectly contribute to the deviation, combined with social or psychological ones. Therefore, any biological analysis of deviation must take into account a complex set of many factors.

A detailed sociological explanation of deviation was first given by E. Durkheim. He proposes a theory of anomaly that reveals the significance of social and cultural factors. According to Durkheim, the main cause of deviation is an anomaly, literally - "lack of regulation", "abnormality". In fact, an anomaly is a state of disorganization of society, when values, norms, social ties are either absent or become unstable and contradictory. Everything that violates stability leads to heterogeneity, instability of social ties, destruction of the collective consciousness (crisis, mixing of social groups, migration, etc.), generates violations of public order, disorganizes people, and as a result, various types of deviations appear.

E. Durkheim considers deviation as natural as conformism. Moreover, the deviation from the norms carries not only a negative, but also a positive beginning. Deviation confirms the role of norms, values, gives a more complete picture of the diversity of norms. The reaction of society, social groups to deviant behavior clarifies the boundaries of social norms, strengthens and ensures social unity. And, finally, deviation contributes to social change, reveals an alternative to the existing state of affairs, leads to the improvement of social norms.

The anomaly theory is further developed by R. Merton. He considers the main cause of deviation to be the gap between the goals of society and the socially approved means of achieving these goals. In accordance with this, he identifies types of behavior, which, from his point of view, are at the same time types of adaptation to society. Merton illustrates this with the attitude of Americans towards the goal of getting rich.

The well-known social anthropologist J. Linton introduced the concepts of modal and normative personality. As a result of similar processes of socialization (and practically every society and state spends a lot of effort on education, upbringing and maintaining the cultural standards of life of its young and mature citizens), people do not behave at all like “incubators”, although they may fall into similar circumstances and look like at first glance, similar.

A normative personality is the one whose features best express a given culture, it is, as it were, the ideal of the personality of a given culture.

The modal personality is statistically the most common type of deviant variation. And the more unstable a society becomes (for example, during transitional, transitive periods of systemic transformations), the relatively more people become whose social type does not coincide with the normative personality. And, conversely, in stable societies, the cultural pressure on the individual is such that a person in his views, behavior and fantasies is less and less separated from the imposed "ideal" stereotype. He knows well how he should be, and society usually encourages obedient and understanding people: they are the basis of social stability, therefore their reward for "exemplary behavior" is also stable.

According to cultural explanations, deviation arises as a result of conflicts between cultural norms. In society, there are separate groups whose norms differ from the norms of the rest of society. This is due to the fact that the interests of the group do not correspond to the norms of the majority. For example, in subcultures such as street gangs or prisoner groups, the police are more likely to be associated with a punitive or corrupt organization than with a law enforcement service and the protection of private property. A member of such a group internalizes its norms and thus becomes a non-conformist from the point of view of the wider society.

Miller (1958) argued that there is a pronounced subculture of the lower stratum of society, one of the manifestations of which is gang crime. This subculture places great value on such qualities as willingness to take risks, endurance, the pursuit of thrills and "luck". Since gang members are guided by these values ​​in their lives, other people, primarily middle class people, begin to treat them as deviants.

Howard Becker, in his book The Outsiders (1963), rejected many psychological and sociological explanations for Deviance because they are based on the "medical model" that a person exhibiting deviant behavior is considered "sick" in some sense. Such approaches do not take into account the political aspect of deviation. Becker believed that deviation is actually due to the ability of influential groups in society (meaning legislators, judges, doctors, etc.) to impose certain standards of behavior on others.

In domestic pedagogy, the problem of difficult adolescents was considered by A.S. Makarenko and V.A. Sukhomlinsky. A. S. Makarenko made extensive use of the new principles for the activities of institutions for street children and juvenile delinquents put forward by the Soviet government, the idea of ​​subordinating the activities of these institutions to the general goals and principles of education, and the leading role of education in re-education. The old form of education A.S. Makarenko saw the team

V.A. Sukhomlinsky paid great attention to difficult children. For many years he searched for the reasons for the appearance of such children, he looked for ways of an individual approach to them, and revealed the characteristic features of their behavior. the reasons for the appearance of difficulties in the upbringing and education of children are mostly rooted in the conditions of the child's life in the family, in vicious education, in which conditions are not created for the development of the mind and feelings.

Considering the features of the child's soul - sensitivity, vulnerability, impressionability,

Sukhomlinsky emphasizes the detrimental effect on the tender childish soul of a child of rudeness, indifference of adults, harshness in treatment, causing fear, timidity, and inertia. Sukhomlinsky sees the ways of an individual approach to such children in the pedagogical ethics of the educational process. It is necessary to establish humane relations with students in the family and at school, to sensitively guide a young, not experienced pet.

The school psychologist often has to deal with children who are significantly different (with a minus sign) from other children. The request to the psychologist to "somehow influence" this or that "difficult" student is one of the most frequent requests from teachers and parents. At the same time, a variety of schoolchildren fall into the category of “difficult”: poor, undisciplined, children with various kinds of nervous and mental disorders, adolescents registered with commissions on juvenile affairs, and finally, simply children from so-called dysfunctional families. This makes the problem of choosing adequate methods of psychological and pedagogical work with "difficult" students very difficult.

At present, psychology does not have a unified understanding of a "difficult" child, a unified approach to diagnosing and correcting his behavior and personal development. Each of the existing approaches has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of one or the other in practical work depends on many circumstances: the nature of the psychologist's professional training, his theoretical preferences, methodological equipment, and finally, the characteristics of a particular case.

The work of a psychologist as a response to a request. The psychologist responds to a certain social request of the teacher in relation to this or that "difficult" student. In this case, the diagnosis "difficult" has already been made to the student by teachers, employees of inspections for minors, and doctors. The task of the psychologist is to diagnose the causes of difficulties and find appropriate methods of correction.

There are two fundamentally different attitudes to the request and, accordingly, two different work strategies.

The first possible strategy is a non-specific response to the request. It can be implemented in two ways.

First, in response to a request (but regardless of its content), a battery of psychodiagnostic methods is used in the form of a certain standard set. In one form or another, this method is used by many practical psychologists, since it allows, along with visible difficulties, to highlight some hidden defects in the child's personal development. The main goal of such diagnostic work is to create a general picture of the level mental development student and from this position, verification, and possibly re-interpretation of the request. The results of such a multifaceted and detailed diagnosis make it possible to outline ways for corrective and developmental work with difficult child both for the psychologist himself and for parents and teachers. The described method, along with its obvious advantages, has certain disadvantages. First of all, it is very cumbersome and time-consuming, so its implementation is not always possible. Moreover, fatigue and time costs here are problems not only of a psychologist, but also of a “difficult” student who also gets tired, refuses to take part in the examination, and if he does not refuse, then often even imperceptibly switches to a purely formal performance of tasks. Practice shows that verbal methods cause particular difficulties. In addition, no matter how complete the battery of tests used by the psychologist, it will always be insufficient for a holistic characterization of the personality.

Secondly, a type of psychological work, which was introduced into the everyday life of psychological science and practice by the famous American psychologist C. Rogers, acts as a way of non-specific response to a request. From his point of view, for working with a "difficult", or, in his terminology, problem child, the content of the request, as well as understanding the causes of difficulties, is not of decisive importance. It is important to create conditions that would contribute to the development of the child's personality as a whole and would force him to abandon his existing negative forms of behavior, attitudes, and create new ones.

The opposite strategy of non-specific response to a request involves the selection of diagnostic procedures in strict accordance with the request received. For example, when complaining about poor academic performance, the development of cognitive processes is first analyzed, and only if such a diagnosis does not reveal the causes of poor academic performance, other parameters are considered. In accordance with the results of the diagnosis, corrective work is also built, often carried out in the form of training. So, with a weak development of memory, its special training is considered appropriate, with insufficient development of arbitrariness, special programs for its formation are introduced, with a violation of social behavior, the formation of appropriate social skills, etc.

Of course, there are also various kinds of intermediate options, including elements of both strategies.

What these strategies have in common is that they are focused on the individual analysis of each case. In its most developed form, such an analysis presupposes not just a "sectional" fixation of "lag zones", "defect structure", etc., but a genetic analysis of the dynamics of the formation of a holistic personality, in the context of which the place and significance of the defect is determined. A detailed methodology of this approach is presented in the work of L. S. Vygotsky "Diagnostics and pedological clinic of difficult childhood."

Here is the key point of his reasoning: "... the central problem of etiological analysis is the discovery of the mechanism of symptom formation: how it developed, with the help of what mechanism arose and was established, how this symptom is causally determined. The path of research describes here, as it were, a circle that begins with the establishment of symptoms, further bends from these symptoms to the process underlying them, at their basis, and leads us to a diagnosis, then he must again lead us from diagnosis to symptom, but already revealing the causal motivation and origin of these symptoms If our diagnosis is correct, then it must prove its truth by revealing the mechanisms of symptom formation, it must make clear to us the external picture of the manifestations in which a given developmental process reveals itself. its structure and dynamics, then the etiological analysis should reveal to us the mechanism of that dynamic the linkage of syndromes in which this complex structure and dynamics of the personality is found. ... To raise the etiological analysis of development to a truly scientific height means, first of all, to look for the causes of the phenomena of interest to us in the process of development, revealing its internal logic, self-movement" (vol. 5, p. 320).

Working with "difficult" children in response to a request does not exhaust the possible approaches to this problem. Quite common is this approach, in which the psychologist does not focus on requests, but identifies different categories of "difficult" children according to their own criteria. Let's give some examples.

Thus, the English psychologists Hewitt and Jenkins distinguish two large categories of "difficult" children: 1) children with the so-called "socialized forms" of antisocial behavior, who are not characterized by emotional disorders and who easily adapt to social norms within those antisocial groups of friends or relatives, to which they belong; 2) children with unsocialized antisocial aggressive behavior who, as a rule, are in very bad relationships with other children and with their family and have significant emotional disorders, manifested in negativism, aggressiveness, insolence and vindictiveness.

P. Scott, clarifying this classification, showed that the category of socialized difficult adolescents consists of two groups of children: children who have not mastered any system of norms of behavior, and children who have mastered antisocial norms. Each of the selected groups of difficult children requires a special approach. Let us note at the same time that socialized difficult adolescents practically do not need psychological work, but require active pedagogical, educational influence, while representatives of the second category are sensitive primarily to the actual psychological correction.

In the work of practical psychologists in our country, an approach to "difficult" adolescents based on the identification of different categories of so-called "accentuations of character" has proven itself well. Operationally, this selection is carried out using the Pathocharacterological Diagnostic Questionnaire (PDO), developed by A. E. Lichko at the Leningrad Psychoneurological Research Institute. V. M. Bekhtereva. The questionnaire allows you to identify 11 types of character accentuations:

G - hyperthymic, C - cycloid, L - labile (emotionally labile), A - asthenoneurotic, C - sensitive, P - psychasthenic, W - schizoid, E - epileptoid, I - hysteroid, H - unstable, K - conformal.

In addition, the PDO provides for the possibility of obtaining additional indicators: D - an indicator of the dissimulation of the actual attitude to the problems under consideration and the desire not to disclose the features of one's character; T is an indicator of frankness; B - an indicator of character traits inherent in organic psychopathy; E - the degree of reflection of the reaction of emancipation in self-esteem; d is an indicator of the psychological tendency to delinquency. A special scale of the questionnaire is aimed at identifying a psychological tendency to alcoholism. The questionnaire can be used when examining adolescents and young men aged 13-21 years.

The typology proposed by A. E. Lichko and his collaborators, pursuing classification as the only goal, makes it possible to outline the ways of corrective work depending on the type of accentuation. The starting point for this approach is the clinical and psychiatric interpretation of deviant behavior, which is based on the idea of ​​fairly stable character traits of the subject, which are useful, in fact, to take for granted. A. E. Lichko defines character accentuations as "extreme variants of the norm, in which individual character traits are excessively strengthened, as a result of which selective vulnerability is found in relation to a certain kind of psychogenic influences with good and even increased resistance to others."

In accordance with this, the strategy of psycho-corrective work is based on the fact that for each type of accentuation, the most traumatic psychogenic effects are singled out. The adolescent is included in various situations that imply this kind of impact. Analyzing this direction of psycho-corrective work with accentuated adolescents, E. G. Eidemiller and V. V. Yustitsky single out three main goals. First, it is necessary to teach a teenager to recognize situations that are difficult for him. So, with hyperthymic accentuation, these are situations that require the teenager to restrain the manifestations of his energy, with labile - a situation of emotional rejection by significant persons, with hysteroid - lack of attention to him as a person, etc. Secondly, to form in a teenager the ability objectify these difficult situations for him, see them as if from the outside, teach the teenager to analyze such situations, productively use the experience of his own mistakes. Thirdly, to expand the range of possible ways of behavior of a teenager in difficult situations for him; the authors rightly note that the standard, stereotyped behavior is the main thing that catches the eye when unbearable demands are made on a person.

Adolescents are offered a difficult situation for several types of accentuators: “You are getting ready for the evening, ironing your trousers, getting ready to have a snack. There is absolutely no desire to drink. At this time, a friend comes to you. He has a bottle in his pocket. He will persuade you, using all the arguments."

The role of "buddy" is played by a psychotherapist. He offers "for the mood" to drink. When a teenager refuses, he is "surprised" and starts persuading. The strongest arguments: "Don't be a girl", "Don't make a problem out of nothing", "Don't be afraid", "Don't delay us", "Be a friend", "Last time you drank for some reason", "Do me a favor, but I'm in a bad mood."

After several teenagers have been in the role of the main character, the results of the game are summarized. On a board or a large sheet of paper, all the arguments of the "friend" are written out, it is discussed which of them turned out to be the most sensitive and for whom.

From our point of view, the method of psycho-correctional work proposed by E. G. Eidemiller and V. V. Yustitsky can be used both in specially organized group psychotherapy and by inclusion in a real life context, when a difficult situation is “snatched out” by a psychologist from an ordinary the lives of schoolchildren and is analyzed right there, "in hot pursuit", with live participants in the events. Some researchers believe that the latter is one of the most effective types work with difficult, poorly socialized students. A well-known drawback of the proposed version of psycho-correction, which is pointed out by E. G. Eidemiller and V. V. Yustitsky, is that it is effective only when the teenager himself wants to change his behavior.

Another way of working with an accented teenager is to create optimal external conditions for him, depending on the type of his accentuation. For example, representatives of the schizoid type often do not make sense to involve in active collective activity, involve in crowded social events. It may be useful for him to connect to a certain type of intellectual or physical work that requires in-depth individual studies (include in the work of a mathematical circle, in games and compiling programs for a computer, etc.).

The PDO technique has proven itself well in medical psychology, in clinical work with adolescents. However, when using it in the practical work of a school psychologist in a public school, sufficient caution should be exercised. In particular, it is impossible to identify "difficult" adolescents and "accentuated" adolescents. This can be confirmed by the data of G. L. Isurina et al., which show that in a public school among “difficult” adolescents, accentuated ones are no more common than among the rest. From this follows the conclusion that psychopathological features of character are not a factor that directly determines the difficulties manifested in school.

School maladjustment. Observation map by D. Stott. In psychology, attempts have been made to isolate specific school difficulties. Often they are referred to as school maladaptation. From the point of view of D. Stott, one of the researchers of this problem, the task of identifying the types of "difficult" children is unproductive. More effective, from his point of view, is the way of carefully recording various forms of behavior that indicate a child's poor adaptation to school. Let us dwell in more detail on the Stott method. Adaptation of this method for use in Russia was carried out by psychologists of the Leningrad Research Institute of Psychoneurology. V. M. Bekhtereva. Stott's methodology, aimed at identifying the nature of a child's maladaptation to school, is based on fixing the forms of maladjusted behavior based on the results of long-term observation of the child. The technique was called "Observation Maps" (OH). It is important to note that the psychologist can both conduct such observation himself, and use the experience of observation, the knowledge of the child by the teacher. Reliance on the experience of teachers, educators, class teachers - people who have been constantly communicating with children for a long time, observing them in a variety of situations, is extremely important in the work of a psychologist. Usually, the teacher uses the wealth of this experience intuitively, and transferring it to another (for example, a new teacher or a school psychologist) turns out to be a rather difficult task. Stott's observation map facilitates this possibility.

According to Stott, the observer must be provided with ready-made samples in order to avoid arbitrariness in the observation and the method of recording its results and to obtain observational materials that would be sufficiently unambiguous, understandable and not contain any ready-made conclusions. Therefore, the following requirements were observed in the preparation of the KN:

Identification of unambiguous, relatively elementary fragments of the child's behavior;

The grouping of these fragments into certain syndromes, i.e. their classification;

Determining the relationship between these fragments.

In accordance with the original design, these fragments of behavior are not selected speculatively, but are taken from life. The CI includes 198 fragments of fixed forms of behavior, the presence or absence of which in a child must be judged by an observer who fills out the card. These fragments are grouped into 16 syndromes.

In the registration form, those numbers are crossed out that correspond to the forms of behavior (fragments) that are most characteristic of this child. A central vertical bar separates more severe disorders (on the right) from less severe ones (on the left). In the form, the numbers of symptoms do not always go in order, their location depends on the significance of a particular symptom (fragment of behavior) for the qualification of the syndrome. For example, in syndrome D, symptoms 9 and 10 are to the left, and symptom 8 is to the right of the vertical bar. This means that symptom 8 indicates a more serious violation in relation to syndrome D. When counting, the symptom located to the left of the vertical line is evaluated by one point, to the right - by two. The sum of points for each syndrome and the total "disadaptation coefficient" are calculated based on the sum of points for all syndromes.

A large number of crossed out fragments of the child's behavior (in comparison with other children) makes it possible to draw a conclusion about serious violations in the development of his personality and behavior, as well as to determine those syndromes that primarily distinguish these violations.

At the beginning of the description of each of the symptom complexes, their abbreviated designation (ND, D, U, etc.) and a short key are given, which, in the course of practical use, it is advisable not to include in the text of the methodology, but to have it separately, using only during processing.

On the registration form, those fragments of behavior that are characteristic of this child are emphasized. The KN is filled in by a teacher or educator, generally a person who knows the child well. However, the interpretation of the data and the diagnosis of school maladjustment require special psychological preparation, and therefore must be carried out by the school psychologist himself. It should be noted that the teacher's subjective view of the child may not coincide with the diagnosis made by the psychologist on the basis of the CT completed by this teacher. The experience of using CI shows that usually the teacher's idea and the psychologist's diagnosis do not contradict each other, but the use of CI allows you to remove excessive subjectivism, evaluativeness. pedagogical characteristics and gives a more detailed, objective picture of the characteristics of personality development and behavior.

Other methods of studying maladaptation. The use of a set of symptoms that reflect individual forms of behavior to determine the degree and nature of educational difficulties is also found in the works of other authors. Thus, in the work of Schürer and Smekal, the following "symptoms of diffusibility" are given, formulated as research questions:

How do you take care of your appearance?

How does he keep his things in order? (Folding clothes, etc.).

Performs his duties without being reminded?

Rebuke, resist, threaten? To whom?

What causes obstinacy?

Annoying siblings or other children? How?

Are there frequent conflicts - quarrels or fights? With whom?

Jealous of someone? How?

Envy someone? Takes other people's toys, etc.?

Commanding someone? Strives to dominate?

Refusing to obey someone?

Making up false stories about yourself?

Does he deny his wrongdoing?

Lying? When and how?

Is he trying to fool someone? Who and how?

Spoils excessively his things - toys, clothes?

Ruin other people's things?

Commits theft - what?

How does he use stolen items?

Wandering? Under what circumstances?

Skipping (not going to school)? Under what circumstances?

Does it attract any attention?

Does he have any sexual bad habits or deeds?

Avoids difficult assignments - under what circumstances?

Is it easy to back off after a setback?

Often, shifting the blame, refers to something?

Complains or blames others for his own failure?

Does he have a sense of duty?

Able to develop efforts and steadfastly carry them out?

Does he have any other behavioral defects?

Schurer and Smekal do not provide any formalized algorithm for working on the above issues. At the same time, taking into account the general approach to the study of difficult children implemented by these authors, its closeness to the Stott approach described in detail above, it is possible to recommend forms of work with isolated symptoms of indifference, similar to those outlined above in the analysis of CI. The differences are, firstly, that in this case, individual symptoms are not combined into symptom complexes (syndromes), and, secondly, that they characterize a relatively narrow category of "difficult" children, namely those who cause difficulties for teachers and educators due to their indiscipline, who do not comply with social norms, are poorly socialized.

An observer's evaluation of a child's behavior is not the only method of studying difficult children. Methods based on self-assessment are also actively used in this area. One of these methods is the fairly well-known Bell questionnaire, aimed at identifying the degree of children's inability in different areas of life (in the family, at school, in relation to society and to oneself, etc.). The Bell Questionnaire can be used with children of all school ages. It consists of 200 questions to which the child must answer, underlining the answers "yes" or "no" on a special form. As far as we can judge from the sources known to us, the Bell questionnaire was not used in domestic psychology. However, the All-Union Translation Center has detailed guidelines for its application.

3. Psychocorrective work with difficult-to-educate teenagers.

One of the groups of "difficult" children are schoolchildren, who are sometimes called difficult to educate, sometimes socially maladapted, or pedagogically neglected, sometimes children with deviant or pre-criminal behavior. In all these cases, we are talking about such children, whose behavior goes far beyond the boundaries of the social norm and who do not respond well and, moreover, as a rule, actively resist educational influences from teachers and parents. Such students constitute a "risk group" in terms of their possibility of committing offenses.

Identification of the causes of deviant behavior. First of all, the task of the school psychologist is to identify the causes of deviant behavior in each specific case. In the course of solving this diagnostic problem, it is necessary first of all to single out those cases of anti- and asocial behavior that are of a pathopsychological nature. Studies show that many types of mental illness manifest themselves at school age precisely in hooliganism, various deviant forms of behavior. Such cases, which outwardly manifest themselves as difficult to educate, essentially belong to the field of medicine.

Traditionally, the causes of difficult education and illegal behavior are sought by finding out the characteristics of the family environment, the work of the school, the influence of the "street", informal groups. Without denying the importance of analyzing these factors, we emphasize that for a school psychologist, psychological diagnosis proper should be of paramount importance. So, for example, it is important for him not only to determine and record the participation of a teenager in some informal association, but to find out what needs he satisfies in this case: does he want to assert himself or feel secure in a group, realize the motivation of friendly communication or satisfy the need for alcohol, drugs . It is extremely important to trace the path that led the teenager to this group, and the psychological aspect is also important here. It is also necessary to find out the subjective attitude of a teenager to himself, his behavior, and his environment. The significance of the latter is indicated, in particular, by the data of the American psychologist C. Rogers, who showed that among the factors influencing the prediction of the future behavior of juvenile delinquents (the psychological atmosphere in the family, school conditions, the degree of influence of acquaintances, physical development, heredity, etc.), the most significant factor is self-knowledge - the clarity and realism of awareness of oneself and one's environment.

Psychocorrectional work with difficult-to-educate children and adolescents. The literature describes the general principles and some specific methods of psychocorrectional, psychotherapeutic work with children and adolescents who are difficult to educate. It should be noted that it is very difficult to master certain methods of such work only from literary sources, since this requires active practical training. Nevertheless, we dare to cite as an example the program of psycho-correctional and educational work proposed by the German researcher Kluge for schoolchildren who are characterized as difficult to educate.

The advantage of this program is that it highlights the main structural components of the training, which is designed for a fairly long period of time and includes both the actual psychological and pedagogical correction. This program is aimed at the most "difficult" students of the mainstream school, who, according to the characteristics of their social behavior, are in the "risk group". The selected components, on the one hand, are quite general, and on the other hand, they do not act as rigidly set and can be modified and specified depending on the age of the children and the conditions for implementing the program.

We emphasize once again that the professional work of a psychologist with difficult-to-raise children should not and cannot replace the actual pedagogical work with them (this, in particular, can be seen from the above program). And not only because a psychologist, in principle, is not a better educator than a teacher. But because in the approach to a child or adolescent who is difficult to educate, each of them acts by his own means and realizes his task: the teacher sets a system of social values, moral ideals, determines the direction, meaningful "promising lines" (A.S. Makarenko) of personal development; the psychologist ensures the formation and optimal functioning of the corresponding psychological mechanisms. The confusion of these tasks, the substitution of one for the other (often encountered in the practice of the work of a school psychologist) turn out to be ineffective for educating "difficult" students and create conditions for the emergence of a sense of professional inferiority in both the teacher and the psychologist, for professional conflicts between them.

Correctional program for difficult-to-educate schoolchildren


Not ready for the learning process, no willingness to cooperate within the framework of a joint program, demonstration of dissocial behavior in pedagogical situations: no consent to the teacher's suggestions, bypassing learning tasks, refusing any contact with teachers, ignoring the need to help others

Required: special pedagogical expectations

To instill readiness for learning in individual group activities; instill social ability for group activity in school and pedagogical situations

Educational program

Study preparation phase:

reducing the requirements for the student until they correspond to his current level; monitoring the development of projects, assistance or preparation of means of work (plans, drawings, etc.). Change of pedagogical attitude from "teaching-oriented" to "student-oriented", initiation and promotion of individual work, development of interests. Allowing a student to attend classes only two hours a day, complete tasks in the amount of only one task per day

Graduality (smallest steps), pedagogical rhythm, attention to handmade, orientation on the student's self-activity

Individual work with a student


Verbal information, work card, games and books

Addressed to the student



Preparatory group phase:

creation of friendly contacts, communication of students about their own experience and knowledge, restrictions on the vulgar style of conversation, special forms of encouragement for everyone, organization of free time in the class, organization of assistance to each member of the group at any time


Separate pedagogical activities, finding your own space for group activities, leisure activities, etc.

Recognize, exercise, repeat positive elements of behavior

Mostly friendly.

Psychoprophylaxis of anti- and asocial behavior. In solving their own problems, the school psychologist and teacher must, of course, work in close contact. One of the forms of such interaction is the counseling of the teacher by the psychologist. And in some cases, it is the consulting work that becomes the leading one. Such a shift in emphasis occurs when the main causes and manifestations of educational difficulties are associated with the school and when the main character in re-education should be precisely the teacher, correctly oriented psychologist. In those cases when, in essence, the student has already moved away from school and his main life is going on "on the street", with a group of delinquent adolescents who are also not connected with the school, most often there is no point in relying on the teaching staff or an individual teacher, but the psychologist himself should work with a teenager. In some cases, it can be useful to work in contact with the juvenile inspectorate and other bodies for the early prevention of delinquency. The school psychologist may act as a consultant or partner to such services, either on his own initiative or at their request. In extreme cases - when initiating legal proceedings against a teenager or involving a student as a witness - a school psychologist can (at the request of the court) also act as an expert.

In the work of a psychologist with children included in the "risk group", the prevention of possible offenses is of great importance. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to those features of behavior that may precede offenses.

The offense is usually preceded by absenteeism. Their early detection and correct work on their elimination can be one of the most valuable methods of prevention. There are many varieties of absenteeism, and attempts to classify them are known in the literature. In this regard, the separation of absenteeism as a form of deviant behavior, which can result in an illegal act, and absenteeism, indicating the neuroticism of the child and being a symptom of "school phobia" (school neurosis), deserves attention.

Another group that poses a danger from the point of view of the possibility of committing an offense are overgrown, "inhabitants of Kamchatka", students (grades VII-X), who do not study at all, but only impatiently await their "liberation". Such guys either did not understand that in school you can learn something really useful, or they despaired of learning anything. Preventive work with this group of boys and girls requires going beyond school problems, it must be carried out in a wider social context, be oriented to real life. Perhaps the most effective work of a school psychologist with such students may be career guidance and professional counseling, as well as individual or group discussion of purely personal problems (love, future family, etc.).

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Growing up in a social environment with a low culture and an unfavorable criminogenic situation: the child’s housing is located in a “bad” area; the social environment of the child - peers are not interested in anything useful, they are not engaged in anything, and they themselves are often “difficult”.

Working with difficult teenagers is often perceived by us as something overwhelming, ungrateful, obligatory, but doomed to failure. And often it turns out that it develops according to the following scenarios:

The teacher takes on the task of “correcting the truant” with the understanding that there is something more behind the absenteeism. Initially, it is not a motive that is formed, but an attitude: “... I am obliged to do this, but if he, a truant, does not need classes at school and his family does not need it either, then I will not succeed ...”. Very often, by the way, this or a similar attitude is formed in most people when they are going to do something. That is, they anticipate failure, they program themselves for failure, rightly believing that the task is not easy.

At the next stage, the teacher walks around, calls, addresses, invites, talks, edifies, and in the end making sure that they still continue to “wave their hands”.

Thus, based on my own experience of working with such children, I can say that, following these tips, you can very effectively apply the following forms of work with difficult adolescents, combining them with class hours or gaming workshops:

A discussion club where real, often occurring at school, negative events are discussed. Everything happens, of course, in a detached way, i.e. real characters are replaced by fictional ones, the place and time of action are slightly changed.

The tasks of the teacher are to:

Organization of the discussion of the situation. It is necessary to arouse interest in the topic, situation, problem under discussion.

Leading the discussion process by guiding it with questions.

Finish the discussion process and move on to another topic at the culminating - hot point of the discussion, when there are a lot of opinions, they are actively expressed, a variety of opinions were voiced - this is done so that at the end of the lesson, mental activity continues - comprehension, the experience gained during group work.

Discussion requirements and rules:

The facilitator, as it were, is on the sidelines of what is happening, in the position of an observer and analyst, only occasionally intervening to revive the discussion with a new question - revealing a new side of the situation (this right of the facilitator is stipulated at the beginning, otherwise they simply will not be heard ...). An analogue of this behavior is throwing firewood on a fire.

The host's questions should not be provocative and evaluative, such as: "Does it seem to me that Vova said it right?" or “Who is right in this situation?”. It is always a mistake to find out the right side in the conflict.

It is categorically impossible to evaluate the work of the participants in the discussion, their activity or correctness, even if they allow complete external indifference, or vice versa (intervention is appropriate in cases of a brawl brewing) allow themselves erroneous (from the point of view of the leader) statements.

This form of study is suitable for the classroom. Pupils starting from the 7th grade will cope with participation in the discussion club. In addition to problems, absolutely any other topics of interest to adolescents can be raised for discussion, because often a lack of awareness and attempts to independently find the missing knowledge can lead to an unpleasant experience.

Conversation-game "Incomplete sentence", "What would happen if ...?", "Because ..." - an analogue of a discussion club for junior schoolchildren. Here, students can be offered a conversation in the form of a game of “Incomplete Sentences”, where, in fact, the psychological technique of the same name turns into an exciting game and an unobtrusive diagnostic tool for the class teacher, who, based on the answers of students, can understand the degree of internal aggression of children and its causes, which are most interesting their themes, etc..

Proposals can be prepared by the class teacher himself, or with the help of a school psychologist. The list of proposals must meet the following requirements:

The first group: fantastic sentences (depending on the general theme, setting up a cheerful or business note) For example: “From the first of April, schools have been allowed ....” (cheerful note) or "from the first of September in all schools in Russia ..." (business); “Scientists have developed a new breed of cats and dogs that….” (funny) or “The students of our lyceum invented….” (business)

The second group: sentences are real, problematic, partially describing typical situations: "Roma was in a hurry, but still ..." or "Petya ran down the stairs and ...." or “Anna woke up in a bad mood and decided….” or “Sveta didn’t prepare her homework and….” or “Fedya turned to his desk mate and….”

The rules for conducting a game-conversation are similar to the rules of a discussion club, but detachment comes to the fore here, i.e. sentences continue not in the first person (“I woke up in a bad mood….” or “I don’t want to go to school….”), but all manipulations are necessarily performed with fictional characters. It is desirable that the names occurring in the sentences do not coincide with the names of the students.

The principles of organizing games-conversations "What would happen if ...?" and "Because" are the same as described above. For the host of such events, the same requirements apply:

  • do not evaluate students' statements;
  • Do not provoke or suggest answers;
  • Do not summarize statements heard during the game.

In conclusion, we can say that the main thing in working with difficult teenagers, in my opinion, is the presence of an appropriate interest. You need to program yourself for success. The motives can be: the desire to gain new experience in resolving problem situations, since in such cases there are no repetitions; the desire to grow professionally by finding new forms of work with children in this category; the desire to understand and help the little man, whom most of those around him perceive as nothing more than a scarecrow, and this motive should come first.