Material for the parents' corner in December. Consultation on the topic: A selection of consultations for parents

How to improve your child's speech yourself.

Let's talk a little about what is very useful for the baby. A few simple ones

1) Lick your top lip!

2) Click your tongue! - like a horse clattering its hooves;

3) Open your mouth wider and reach your upper teeth with your tongue!

Games that use small finger movements are very useful:

Games that use small finger movements are very useful. brain area,

which is responsible for speech and another zone that is responsible for small hand movements --

are nearby and mutually influence each other, therefore, by developing fine motor skills (that is, small movements) of the fingers, you simultaneously develop the child’s speech!

Be picky about what movies, games, books, toys you buy

Don’t neglect your child’s questions; try to better explain to him what interests him.

Invite him to retell to you: what they read about in classes in kindergarten, in class at school. After reading a fairy tale, a story, or watching a movie, ask to retell it. This is very useful for the development of not only speech, but also memory, attention, and intelligence.

And - be picky about what movies, games, books, toys you buy

baby! Not only how educated and intelligent he will be depends on this, but also

how much he will really be a person - serious and responsible, kind and decent.

My main advice is to read books to your child as much as possible! Remember! Only books and games develop speech; a computer is useless in developing speech, it only develops reaction.

Prepared by a speech therapist teacher

MBDOU No. 18 "Rainbow" Tikhoretsk

Novikova E.V.

Consultation for parents:

“When your child needs a speech therapist.”

The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his

thoughts, the wider his capabilities in understanding the environment

reality, more meaningful and full-fledged relationship with

peers and adults. However, parents often face a problem

underdevelopment of the child's speech. In this regard, many questions arise.

We provide answers to the most relevant ones.

When is it necessary to seek help from a speech therapist?

With normal speech development, children are fluent by the age of five.

use extended phrasal speech, complex sentences, have

sufficient vocabulary, word formation skills and

inflections. By this time, the correct

sound pronunciation, the ability to isolate and find the place of a given sound in

word. If by the age of five the child has insufficiently formed

speech, you definitely need to apply for speech therapy assistance. Although

It should be noted that it is better to eliminate speech deficiencies as much as possible

What speech disorders can a child be diagnosed with?

specialized group?

Currently, in order to differentiate education for children with

various speech disorders in preschool institutions

The following specialized groups are completed:

1) for children with phonemic underdevelopment (with sufficient

2) for children with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment;

3) for children with general speech underdevelopment;

4) for children who stutter.

What is characteristic of these speech disorders?

Phonetic underdevelopment involves impaired pronunciation

individual sounds, one or more groups of sounds during normal

physical hearing. With phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech

not only sound pronunciation is impaired, but significant

difficulties in perceiving sounds, replacing some sounds with others (more

simple), one and the same sound can serve as a substitute for two

or even three sounds, sometimes these children have some vocabulary -

grammatical immaturity.

Children with general speech underdevelopment always have a violation

sound pronunciation, underdevelopment of phonemic hearing, pronounced

lag in the formation of vocabulary and grammatical structure.

General underdevelopment of speech can manifest itself to varying degrees (stands out

three levels).

Stuttering is one of the most severe speech disorders. Externally

stuttering manifests itself in involuntary stops, forced repetitions of individual sounds and syllables during utterance, which is caused by

muscle spasms of the speech organs.

What are the causes of speech impairment?

Among the causes of speech disorders are the following:

 insufficient development of the speech apparatus;

 pedagogical neglect;

 various influences both in prenatal period

(toxicoses, infections, intoxication of mothers), and during

childbirth (birth trauma, suffocation), as well as in the first years of life

child (disease of the central nervous system, brain injury).

Speech therapy classes started early are included in active

activity of various brain systems and thereby accelerate them

maturation and contribute to the most complete compensation of certain

speech disorders.

Prepared by a speech therapist teacher

MBDOU No. 18 "Rainbow" Tikhoretsk

Novikova E.V.

Consultation for parents middle group

“Your child is 4–5 years old.”

Now the child’s horizons expand not only in the course of practical observations and experimentation, which dominated the younger preschool age, but also through the story.

Spend enough time on educational conversations with your children. Start reading to them not only fiction, but also educational literature.

Thanks to your stories, watching educational TV shows, and videos, the child breaks away from the world “here and now.” He is actively interested in animals that he has only seen on TV or in pictures, listens to stories about the ocean and the desert, about other countries and the people who live in them, etc. Children also enjoy listening to stories from their parents or other people.

A four-year-old child often asks the question: “Why?” He becomes interested in the internal connections of phenomena and, above all, cause-and-effect relationships. Of course, only the most obvious and simple examples of such dependencies are currently accessible to his understanding.

When answering a child’s question, do not indulge in lengthy or overly scientific explanations. Try to formulate your idea as concisely as possible. Sometimes it is enough to simply talk about the connection between one phenomenon and another. For example, when asked where lightning came from, it is enough to answer: “The clouds collided with each other,” without introducing the concept static electricity. But the explanation must always be scientifically correct and contain reliable information. Children try to build their own first conclusions. For example, a four-year-old child stands on the sofa and alternately throws a cube, a ball, or a teddy bear onto the floor. Then he jumps off the sofa and asks the question: “So is it all going to fall down if you let him go?”

Listen carefully to all the arguments and do not rush to make your own adjustments to them. At this age, what is important is not the correctness of the conclusion, but the child’s very desire to reason and think. Show respect for his intellectual work. Jokes and a mocking critical tone when discussing a child's thoughts are unacceptable.

Some children have quiet speech “for themselves” - the so-called “mumbling” in the course of activity, clearly expressed in younger age, is still preserved. She helps the baby organize and plan his activities. Children should not be prohibited from quietly speaking out their actions during work.

Along with an interest in the real causal connections of phenomena, a four-year-old child acquires the ability to perceive and imagine, based on verbal descriptions, various worlds - for example, the princess’s castle, the princess and the prince herself, events, wizards, etc. Playing in an everyday situation - going to the store, visiting the doctor, preparing dinner for the family - reproduces the child's experience and engages his memory and reproductive, reproducing imagination, while playing in a magical plot requires active work productive, creative imagination. These two types of games do not replace each other.

Read and tell fairy tales to children. Do not rush to show illustrations (especially of low artistic quality). Let everyone imagine Little Red Riding Hood in their own way. Let the children's imagination work.

Fairy tales provide standard ideas about good and evil. Such ideas become the basis for the child’s ability to evaluate his own actions. In fairy tales, good and bad heroes should be clearly distinguished.

Children of this age love to dress up and dress up. Provide them with as many different clothes as possible, gloves, fans, beads, bracelets and other items that can be used to play " Magic world"Some children enjoy imagining themselves as pop artists, pretending to sing with a microphone and dance.

Emotional reactions at this age become more stable and balanced. The child does not get tired so quickly and sharply, and becomes more mentally resilient (which is also associated with increasing physical endurance). In general, the four-year-old is a cheerful person who is mostly in a good mood.

The peer becomes interesting as a play partner. A child suffers if no one wants to play with him. The formation of the social status of each child is largely determined by what grades teachers give him. For example, children do not want to play with a girl who is constantly scolded for eating slowly, although this circumstance has nothing to do with her capabilities as a play partner.

Negative assessments can only be given to the child’s actions, and not to the child himself, and only “face to face,” and not in front of everyone.

Children play in small groups of two to five people. Sometimes these groups become permanent in composition. This is how the first friends appear - those with whom the child best establishes mutual understanding.

The participation of an adult in children's games is useful if the following conditions are met:

Children themselves invite an adult to the game or voluntarily agree to his participation

The plot and course of the game, as well as the role that the adult will play, are determined by the children themselves.

The nature of the role is also determined by the children: “You will be a daughter. You don’t want to eat soup. And I will scold you!” It is unacceptable to dictate to children how and what they should play, to impose your own plots on them. The developmental potential of the game lies precisely in the fact that it is the only independent activity organized by children. In their role-playing games, children love to build a house. Give them the opportunity to create houses, shelters, and “caves” using furniture and fabrics.

Four year olds love travel and adventure. Take them for walks outside the yard and familiar playground. In the warm season, you can organize small hikes and picnics. Expand your child’s experience through feasible excursions. Take him to see buildings of unusual architecture, monuments and beautiful corners of nature. If possible, go out to a river or pond and observe the life of its inhabitants. Expand children's understanding of adult work. Conduct “excursions” to a construction site, a store, a hairdresser, a savings bank, a post office, etc.

After four and a half years, many begin to take an active interest in letters and numbers. Do not artificially slow down the child’s development process, but you should not set the task of teaching him to read as soon as possible. Reading activities should be consistent with the pace of memorization and the degree of interest of the baby in such activities.

The success of the educational process in kindergarten directly depends on the degree of coordination between teachers and parents. In this connection, the exchange of information and experience, the search for interesting ways to organize work with children, as well as awareness of the results of the educational activities of children are very important. All these aspects of cooperation are reflected in the corner for parents. And the teacher’s task is to formalize it methodically, competently and aesthetically.

Goals of creating a corner for parents

A stand or shelf, as well as tablets and mats, which are located in the reception area and are intended to familiarize parents with the life of the group where their child is being raised, are called a corner for parents. The purposes of its creation are:

  • awakening the family’s interest in the life of the group and the garden (materials on planned excursions, creative projects etc.);
  • demonstration of the results of work on the training, development and upbringing of children (photos, photo collages, drawings by children, crafts, including those made with parents, etc.);
  • familiarity with regulatory documents relating to parenthood (information about the rights of the child, a list of rights and responsibilities of parents, charter preschool etc.).

The corner for parents should be neat and meaningful

Material supply form

In order for the corner to fulfill its purpose as much as possible, its design should be varied, but not redundant. Based on the methodological experience of generations of educators, we can conclude that for a beautiful and meaningful parent corner it is enough to choose one of the following items:

  • 1–2 stands;
  • 3–4 tablets (the size is selected according to the dimensions of the corner);
  • 1 table or shelf for the exhibition of children's works (they are conveniently placed in the mat);
  • posters or images of silhouettes of toys, fairy-tale characters.

Children's drawings, bright pictures, photographs of children during activities and walks - this is only part of the design of a corner for parents, the content of which can be divided into two groups of materials: permanent and temporary. The first include:

  • annually updated age characteristics of children;
  • a list of age-appropriate skills and abilities (rewritten every year);
  • daily routine for the current academic year;
  • menu;
  • rules “Every parent should know this”;
  • information about the program under which the preschool child care institution operates;
  • telephone numbers of the teacher, assistant teacher, social service, ambulance, helpline;
  • information from specialists (their names, office hours, phone numbers);
  • training tips fine motor skills, logic, memory, speaking;
  • notes on disease prevention (organized, for example, in a folder);
  • table with data on weighing and measuring the height of babies;
  • letters of gratitude for parents (for helping the group, kindergarten, etc.).

It’s convenient when a place is allocated in the parent’s corner for a lost and found area for children’s lost things.

Temporary materials require the following information:

  • list of birthday people for the month;
  • health sheet with information for a specific day;
  • list of activities for the whole week (with topics, tasks and brief description content);
  • information about the results of the children’s work (exhibition of works, results of psychological and pedagogical tests, etc.);
  • a list of topics that need to be repeated with children (for example, learn a riddle, poem, proverb);
  • a list of activities for a period of the academic period (usually a month);
  • news from the life of kindergarten;
  • information about upcoming competitions (for example, “Summer vacation for my family”, “Weekend with dad”, etc.)

Where to place

It is best if the corner is located near the window. Any well-lit area of ​​the room will also work.

In many kindergartens, information for parents is placed above the lockers.


As with everyone educational materials, there are several requirements for the parents’ corner:

  • the names of the headings are highlighted in bright, for example, red;
  • the text must be divided into paragraphs;
  • availability of constant and updated information;
  • The main principle of presenting material is lapidary.

This is interesting. Lapidary - extremely short, condensed.

Regarding the issue of information content, the relevance of the information is important. And the task is not only to match the material to a given moment in the life of the group, such as: a report on events, a work plan for the week or a menu, but to create a selection useful recommendations for parents of a specific age group. So, the parents of the children first junior group It will be useful to read about the daily routine in kindergarten, so that at home, relatives can build a similar rhythm to facilitate the baby’s adaptation to the new living conditions in the group. But for moms and dads of preschoolers preparatory group For example, it is very important to learn in advance about tests for first graders, as well as about the work that is done in kindergarten to prepare children for their first tests.

If the sheets of information are not protected by a frame covering, the information will not stay on the stand for long

Design example

There can be many options for creating a corner. It all depends on the creativity of the teacher and the capabilities of the kindergarten’s material and technical base. In other words, using available materials to realize creative ideas, you can design a corner for parents in a unique author’s style. Let's consider the most accessible form in terms of materials, simple in execution and easy to use in the form of train carriages.


  • ceiling tiles;
  • narrow plinth for the ceiling;
  • cardboard (thick);
  • colored self-adhesive;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors and paper knife;
  • colored paper;
  • A4 size plastic pockets.

To create a corner for parents with your own hands, you will need quite affordable materials.


  1. We cut out rectangles of the required size from the ceiling tiles (it all depends on the size of the corner, as well as on the dimensions of the train and the number of cars in it).
  2. Glue the blanks onto cardboard.
  3. Cover with self-adhesive tape.
  4. We place the ceiling plinth on the edges. It can also be used to imitate frames for sheets of information (instead of plastic pockets).
  5. Using a stapler or glue, we attach plastic pockets to the cars.

    Cutting out a locomotive is quite a troublesome task, because it must be proportional to the rest of the cars

  6. We cut out flowers from colored paper, which we use to tie the trailers together.
  7. We print the information on A4 sheets and place it in pockets.

    You can decorate the corner with paper clouds located above the train

Scheme of work analysis and design of a corner for parents

The indicators by which the effectiveness of visual collaboration with parents is assessed are determined by the methodological council of the preschool child care facility taking into account the specifics of the educational direction of the kindergarten (for example, the organization of the educational process for children with visual impairments). The website of the Educational Resources Database (ERB) provides a sample by which you can evaluate the compliance of the content and form of visual work with the family with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (Federal State Educational Standard).

Table: plan for pedagogical analysis of the parent corner

Indicators Points

Kindergarten- this is not just an institution where parents send their children for a while. This is the place where the baby spends a significant part of his life, where he learns new things and learns a lot. But it is necessary to work in kindergartens not only with children. A separate and very significant area is the communication of educators with the parents of the baby. Consultations for parents in preschool educational institutions - this will be discussed further.

Children and games

There are a huge number of topics for conversations with parents. So, you can talk about anything. But it is important to talk about how ready the child is for role-playing games with peers, how he joins the play group and whether he knows how to behave in society with other kids. Consultations for parents in preschool educational institutions in this section can be conducted on the following topics:

  1. Selection of toys for children.
  2. About role-playing games and their meaning.
  3. Development and learning in the game.
  4. The role of toys in a child's life.
  5. Why you need to play with your child.

Here the teacher can advise on how to choose the right toys for a child and which ones are harmful. It is also important today to talk about the role of electronic gadgets in a child’s life. After all, they are closely integrated into the life of a modern child.

The child and the learning process

Consultations for parents in preschool educational institutions may also concern the educational process. After all, children in kindergarten learn and receive more and more new knowledge every day. What topics are important to pay attention to in this section:

  1. We instill a love of books and reading.
  2. How to develop your child's creativity.
  3. Principles of familiarization with the surrounding world.
  4. Left-handed child: special or the same as everyone else.
  5. Preparation for school.

Educators need to convey to parents the fact that children should learn not only in kindergarten. You don't have to study at the table and in front of books. So, you need to explore the world by playing on the street or even just by talking. Any conversation between parents and baby should be information-rich and useful. After all, during the kindergarten age, the baby absorbs maximum information and receives all its thorough knowledge.

Psychological characteristics of children

Considering various topics of consultations for parents, preschool educational institutions, or rather the workers themselves, including a psychologist, should talk with parents about psychological characteristics children. Here you need to focus on the fact that all children are different, and in one team there can be children from the most different families, including disadvantaged ones. Approximate topics for conversation:

  1. Aggressive kids.
  2. The process of a child’s adaptation to kindergarten.
  3. Stubbornness and whims.
  4. The influence of parents on the formation of the baby’s attitudes and the child’s way of life.
  5. Does a child need frames?
  6. How to raise a good person.

Communication with the outside world

Consultations for parents in preschool educational institutions should be useful. Teachers should not forget about this. So, you can conduct a set of conversations that will tell moms and dads how to properly teach their child to relate to nature and the environment. A huge number of different problems arise here:

  1. If there is an animal in the house.
  2. What is nature and its role in human life.
  3. We keep the environment clean.
  4. Let's help our smaller friends.
  5. Caring for nature is a human priority.

It is very important to instill in a little person the right attitude towards nature. These topics are especially relevant today, when environment is increasingly suffering from the development of technological progress and direct human actions.

About individual counseling

Individual consultations at preschool educational institutions are important. After all, it often happens that the teacher cannot certain topics talk to all parents openly. In this case, individual counseling should be used. Most often this concerns those parents who have problem children or children with special needs. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the educator must clearly know the line when the consultation should no longer be public, but strictly individual.

Consulting for educators

According to the standards of the Federal State Educational Standard Preschool educational institution consultation for educators it is also a very important event. So, educators themselves also need counseling. Psychologists, lawyers, and teachers can talk to them on a variety of topics. The role of such conversations should not be underestimated, because there are many situations that no teacher can cope with without help. That's what this kind of counseling is for.



MADOU Kindergarten No. 14 “Umka”

Card file of consultations for parents

Compiled by: Ramazanova R. G.S.

Consultation for parents on traffic rules on the topic: “Everyone should know the traffic rules!”

Dear parents, how to teach your child to behave correctly on the road?
It would seem that this is very easy, you just need to introduce him to the basic requirements of the Traffic Rules and there will be no problems. It's actually very difficult. After all, we, adults, violate these same notorious Rules every day in front of our children, and do not think about the irreparable imprint we leave on the child’s mind and soul. Know that by breaking traffic rules once, you have condemned your child to the opportunity to do so all the time. When a child gets into a traffic accident, parents look everywhere for the culprit. It turns out that everyone is to blame: the driver, the kindergarten, the traffic police.
Why didn’t they teach you, show you, or save you? But it turns out that, first of all, you, the parents, are to blame, because with your unseemly act you brought the child to tragedy. If you are truly interested in your child learning safe behavior on the road, you need to reinforce the rules of the road with children through play. Let dad remember his childhood and play “Chauffeurs” with the child, believe me, this will help better than any instructions, such as: “Be careful on the road.” The child does not understand the content of this slogan; he needs an example. Teach your child to cross the street only in the designated place and do not run across a red traffic light yourself, and without reacting to drivers’ statements, do not cross the street where you want. When taking your child to kindergarten, talk about how to behave correctly on the road. And be sure to hold his hand when approaching the roadway.
Children are emotional and unpredictable, and what they can do near the roadway is a mystery to us adults.
Children must also learn the rules: the road is for the driver, and the sidewalk is for pedestrians. Explain to your child that the driver is not his enemy, but also not a magician, so that he can stop the vehicle in a matter of minutes. If there is no sidewalk, the child is allowed to walk along the side of the road, towards moving traffic, so that the driver sees him and is able to react in time. Good luck to you and good health to your children.

Consultation for parents of preschool educational institution "Hardening of preschoolers."

Dear colleagues, everyone knows sometimes how difficult it is to arouse interest among the parents of our students in the activities of preschool educational institutions. To do this, we carefully update the information in the parent corners. I invite you to get acquainted with one of my works on consulting parents on the topic “Hardening preschool children”.
Hardening of preschool children
If you want to see your child physically strong and healthy, harden him.
To do this, you can widely use natural factors - air, sun, water.
Accustom your child to fresh air, cold water from an early age, and develop his ability to overcome difficulties.
It must be remembered that you will receive a positive effect from hardening only if it is carried out systematically, without interruptions, in compliance with all the doctor’s requirements and taking into account the individual characteristics of your child.
You need to know that a long break in hardening (more than 2-3 weeks) again increases the body’s sensitivity to cooling. Therefore, after a child’s illness, it is necessary to continue hardening procedures with more high temperatures than those achieved before the disease.
To get a positive effect, you must:
1.Take into account age, health status, individual characteristics child, his mood.
2. Gradually carry out hardening procedures, changing their types, depending on the season and weather.
3.Gradually increase the strength of the influence of the natural factor.
There are 3 main ways to harden children:
1. Air hardening.
2. Hardening with water.
3. Sun hardening.
And of course, you shouldn’t forget about morning exercises and exercises after sleep.
Morning exercises and exercises after sleep are carried out in the warm season with one-sided ventilation.
in cold weather (winter) - with the windows closed, but immediately after the room has been ventilated; in summer - outdoors.

Air hardening of children
The first requirement for hardening is the creation of normal hygienic living conditions for the child. To keep the air in the room clean, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning daily and constantly ventilate the room, the air temperature in which should be about 22 degrees.
Gradually teach children to be indoors, first with one-way ventilation, and then with corner ventilation. Through ventilation is carried out in the absence of the child, allowing the temperature to drop to 15-17 degrees and stopping it 20-30 minutes before the child returns (the time required to restore normal temperature). Daytime sleep in the open air is very useful: on the veranda or in the garden, in a well-ventilated area, regardless of the time of year. In the middle climatic zone, daytime sleep in the open air is carried out even in frost, but in the absence of wind.
Thanks to walks and properly organized daytime sleep, even in winter the child is at fresh air 4-5 hours.
In summer, in warm weather, a child should be taught to walk barefoot.
Children receive air baths when changing linen after a night and nap during independent dressing and undressing. During these 6-8 minutes the child is completely or partially naked. In addition, he receives air baths while wearing lightweight clothes (pants, a T-shirt, slippers) during daily morning exercises, which are introduced into the daily routine of children from the beginning of the third year of life.
If children are already accustomed to cool air, then for the entire time they are awake they are left in lightweight clothing (socks, short sleeves) not only in summer, but also in winter.
Hardening children with water
They start with extremely weak effects on a limited part of the skin (local rubbing, dousing), then move on to general rubbing of the entire body. For local exposure, they start with water at 30 degrees, every 1-2 days it is reduced by 1-2 degrees until it reaches 18-16 degrees. For the general effect, the initial water temperature is 35-34 degrees, every 3-4 days it is reduced by 1-2 degrees and brought to 24-22 degrees.
When washing children over two years old, they wash their face, neck, top part chest and arms to the elbow. In summer, you can wash your children with cool tap water.
Rubbing. The effect of rubbing is much stronger than washing. Wiping is carried out with a mitten made of soft fabric or the end of a towel moistened with water at the desired temperature. The limbs are wiped, lightly massaging the skin in the direction from the fingers to the shoulder. General rubbing is carried out in the following sequence: first wipe the upper limbs, then the chest, stomach and back.
Pouring. You need to start with a local douche. The legs are poured from a ladle (capacity 0.5 l), water is poured onto the lower third of the legs and feet. Be sure to follow the rule: pour cool water only on warm feet. The actual dousing lasts 20-30 seconds, followed by rubbing.
General dousing has a stronger effect. It is better to douse the child from a jug with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters so as to immediately pour over the entire surface of the body.
Playing with water can also be used as a hardening procedure. It is important to maintain the appropriate water temperature (28 degrees). While watching the children, you can gradually reduce the water temperature to room temperature, without, however, allowing the phenomenon of cooling.
In the warm season, after preliminary hardening with air, playing with water and dousing can be done under open air, while protecting the child from the wind.

Tempering children with the sun
Sun hardening is carried out during a walk during children’s normal activities.
Sometimes sun hardening is approached incorrectly, requiring children to lie still. Children should not be placed on mats for sunbathing and turned after a certain time: it is difficult for healthy children to lie still.
Children must wear a light-colored hat. The walk begins with light-air baths in the shade of trees.
Children must wear a light-colored hat. The walk begins with light-air baths in the shade of trees. Then, for 5-10 minutes, the children’s play is moved under straight lines.
the rays of the sun and again into the shade. This is repeated 2-3 times during the walk. It is necessary to prevent the onset of overheating, therefore, when a slight reddening of the child’s face appears, they take the child into the shade, engage in quiet play, and give him a few sips of water to drink. As tanning develops, sunbathing becomes longer.
We wish you not to get sick and attend kindergarten!

is your child ready for school?

There is only one year left until school. You have a lot to do if you want your child to successfully cope with the first grade program and maintain his health. Parents of future first-graders must understand that school is a very serious, turning point for the child.
A child who is accustomed to playing and moving a lot is forced long time spend at the desk. The time for rest and walking is sharply reduced, and emotional stress increases. A first-grader needs to get used to a new team, to the teacher’s requirements, to the need to work diligently and purposefully. For seven-year-old children, and even more so six-year-olds, this is a lot of work. In order for a child to overcome all difficulties, a certain maturity of all body systems is required. And at the heart of this is health. A sick, weakened, easily tired child will face great difficulties at school. Preserving the health of their child is the main task and responsibility of parents. It’s easy to undermine it, but it’s very difficult to restore it and get rid of various violations. It is necessary to protect the child's health. To take care means to firmly know how to organize your child’s daily routine, work and rest, how to teach him to work diligently, how to properly harden him and much more.
The first thing to do when preparing a child for school is to objectively assess his health. What does it look like healthy child? Active, cheerful, in a good mood. He has a wonderful appetite and sleeps soundly, he wakes up easily, can concentrate quickly and work attentively for twenty minutes without being distracted. He does not sniffle, does not breathe with his mouth open, does not complain of malaise or abdominal pain, he does not have chronic diseases or constant colds. How many such healthy children come to school? Alas, only 20 - 25%. For others, school workloads can become challenging, difficult, and sometimes overwhelming.
It is important not to forget that a child’s health, and therefore his school success, is established in early childhood. However, it is rare for a mother to remember various disorders in the child’s development and not at all connect the emerging school difficulties with such trifles as her own health, the course of pregnancy and childbirth. Even less often do parents see the connection between the child’s health and the family climate, the relationship between parents and children. It has long been proven that the health of the child largely depends on the emotional and psychological state of the mother during pregnancy.
With admission to kindergarten, a chain of viral infectious diseases begins. Constant ARVI, flu, tonsillitis, bronchitis - all this is very serious. Frequent illnesses significantly reduce the functionality of the child’s body and create a background for the occurrence of other, often chronic, diseases.
Most often, children come to school with bad teeth. Diseased teeth are various inflammatory foci in the body, and rheumatism, and kidney disease.
The next thing to talk about is posture. Children with poor posture usually suffer from poor vision, diseases of the respiratory system, nervous system, and digestion. They experience increased fatigue and poor health.
A special group consists of children with mental health disorders. They most often have various problems at school, they stand out already in kindergarten, causing a lot of trouble for parents and teachers, they are too lively, reminiscent of a perpetuum mobile model. It is impossible to keep them in one place, force them to listen carefully, or diligently do something. They are whiny, irritable, fussy, and pugnacious. Parents and educators are exhausted, demanding obedience, but, seeing that everything is in vain, they are forced to admit their own powerlessness.
Or, on the contrary, shy to the point of timidity, indecisive, timid. Such children, not yet starting to complete the task, give up, making excuses that it is very difficult, there is noise around them, and they have a headache. As a result, the child scatters everything and pushes the task aside. Very often, these children sleep poorly, are afraid of the dark, they have tics, bedwetting, and various bad habits (biting nails, coughing, twirling hair on their fingers, etc.).
Very often, parents do not always correctly understand and evaluate the child’s behavior, considering these behavioral features to be spoilage or character, passing shortcomings of preschool age, sometimes succumbing to feelings of irritation, showing their impatience and intolerance. Of course, such children often irritate teachers and even loving parents. Frequent shouting and the desire to insist on one’s own way at all costs do not help in such cases, but only provoke a deterioration in the child’s condition. Before punishing, blaming him, or strictly demanding obedience, it is necessary to figure out whether his behavior is connected with a health problem and whether the help of a doctor is required. In such cases, it is recommended to show the child to a child psychiatrist.
Among children entering first grade, such disorders occur in 20–25% of children. An incorrect pedagogical approach, lack of timely correction and treatment most often lead to a deterioration in the child’s health and an increase in neurotic manifestations. Of course, the child always needs to be explained what he did wrong and what needs to be corrected. But do this patiently, tactfully, without insulting or humiliating his dignity. Don't put off visiting your doctor. Only timely measures will help your child overcome all the difficulties that await him at the beginning of his studies.
Before school, it is necessary to develop endurance, organization, accuracy, and willpower in the child. A clearly organized routine and daily routine will help you with this. Six-year-old children must wash themselves, brush their teeth, comb their hair, dress and put on shoes, use a handkerchief, and use the toilet independently, without reminders or supervision from adults.
Long before school, the child needs to be accustomed to the daily routine, especially on Saturdays and Sundays.
The transition from preschool childhood to school education is a qualitative leap in the development of a child. It is determined not simply by the fact of enrollment in school or age, but by the maturation of the physiological systems of the body, the formation of certain qualities of the psyche and personality. Not all children who cross the school threshold are psychologically schoolchildren.
Readiness for school depends on a large number of different factors:
- educational level of parents, family composition,
- methods of education,
- the state of the child’s health, the characteristics of its development, starting from the prenatal period.
Readiness for school can be roughly represented in the form of several components:
1. The readiness of the body, or school maturity, is considered by hygienists as the level of morphological and functional development.
For a healthy child, the loads and new daily routine will not be overly burdensome.
2. Formation of mental functions:
- perceptions,
- thinking,
- memory,
- speeches.
The main criteria for readiness are:
- arbitrariness of cognitive activity,
- ability to generalize,
- expanded speech and the use of complex sentences,
- the development of the emotional-volitional sphere is of great importance:
the child’s ability to subordinate motives and control his behavior.
If the readiness of mental processes is considered as a tool for mastering new knowledge, skills, abilities, then the mental development of the child can be called the basis for the successful mastery of educational tasks.
3. Mental development of the child:
- a certain amount of information about the surrounding world - about objects and their properties,
- phenomena of living and inanimate nature,
- various aspects of social life,
- moral standards of behavior.
4. The readiness of an individual to study at school includes the child’s desire to become a schoolchild, to do serious work, and to study.
The appearance of such a desire towards the end of preschool age is connected, as psychologists have shown, with the fact that the child begins to realize his position as a preschooler as not corresponding to his increased capabilities, and ceases to be satisfied with the way of introducing him to the life of adults that the game gives him.
5. An important aspect of readiness is the formation of personality qualities that help the child to enter the class team, find his place in it, and get involved in common activities.
Lacking such qualities, a child works in class only when the teacher addresses him directly.
A psychological and pedagogical examination of readiness for school should identify:
1. The child’s orientation in the environment, his stock of knowledge.
2. Attitude towards school.
3. Level of development of thinking and speech.
4. Level of development of figurative ideas.
5. Level of development of general and fine motor skills.
Test your child's knowledge:
1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
3. State the names and patronymics of your parents.
4. What is the name of the city where you live?
5. Name your pets. Name the wild animals.
6. At what time of year do leaves appear on trees?
7. Do you want to go to school?
8. How is summer different from winter?
With an insufficient supply of knowledge, it is very important to stimulate the child’s interest in the environment, to fix his attention on what he sees during walks and excursions.
We need to teach him to talk about his impressions. It is useful to ask additional questions, trying to get a more detailed and expanded story.
Read children's books to your children more often, watch cartoons and children's movies. Discuss what you read and saw.
Level of mental and speech development The child will be determined by tests:
- Pencils are in disarray on the table. The teacher says to the child: “Collect the pencils, put them in a box, put the box on the shelf.” After completing the task, ask: “Where are the pencils now?”, “Where did you get them?”
- Changing nouns by number:
Pencil - pencils, chair - chairs, etc.
- Compiling a story based on a series of pictures:
The child is given four pictures depicting the sequence
events. The adult asks to put the pictures in the right order and
explain why he put them this way and not otherwise.
It is very important to instill in a child faith in his own abilities, to prevent
the occurrence of low self-esteem. To do this, you need to praise your child more often.
and show how to correct mistakes.
To check the level of development of figurative ideas, we use
- collecting cut pictures from four parts,
- drawing a person - a man or a woman.

Development of verbal and logical memory in children 5-7 years old

Lyanguzova Olga Zhanovna
Target: formation of pedagogical competence of parents.
Description: material for parents of children of senior preschool age, as well as teachers of preschool institutions.
- broaden the horizons of parents;
- develop parents’ interest in using various forms of organizing joint activities with children;

Memory is mental process, which provides a person with the ability to accumulate, retain and reproduce knowledge and skills.
Short-term memory is a storehouse for small pieces of information. If it is not of great importance, then it is quickly forgotten. Thanks to short-term memory, we build thought processes.
Long-term memory - storage important information(everything you know about the world). Experts say that it is limitless, and the wider a person’s horizons, the easier it is for him to remember new data.
There are several types of memory, depending on how easier it is for a person to perceive information: motor, auditory, visual, verbal, logical.
Very often, types of memory appear in certain combinations:
Visual-motor skills are necessary to perform work according to the model: copying from the board, working in a notebook;
Verbal - motor - work according to verbal instructions indicating the order of tasks, writing from dictation;
Verbal - logical memory - allows you to remember the sequence of words, actions in stories, your thoughts in the process, and then reproduce them. This type of memory plays a major role in children’s assimilation of knowledge during the learning process.
Since involuntary memorization (memorization without a goal) predominates in preschool children, you need to remember:
- it is better to preserve the material that surprised the child and interested him;
- material presented in a competitive form or game is well remembered;
- the goal must be emotionally significant for the child - upon achieving it, the child must receive praise from an adult or his surprise.
By the age of seven, voluntary memory begins to form (that is, the child begins to remember consciously), this is due to physiology.
Good to know:
- learning similar material erases the previous one, therefore, before starting to study a new one, it is necessary to change the type of activity or take a “break”;
- For better memorization- it’s better to study at night;
- for better memorization, various questions are asked, such as: “What is being said about this?”
The development of memory in preschool age is of great importance, primarily for successful learning at school and the ability to master the curriculum. Since play plays a leading role in preschool age, it is worthwhile to work on memory development with its help. Thanks to it, we will be able to stimulate children's activity, increase the volume of verbal and logical memory, and also make the learning process more emotional and exciting. It is the interest in what is offered to the child that allows for memorization.
We offer you several games for the development of verbal and logical memory
An adult writes down pairs of words on a piece of paper (you can start with 5 pairs) related to each other in meaning (fork - spoon, oak - tree). After which you need to read them to the child 3 times: with intonation, slowly. After a short period of time, the adult calls the child the first word from the pair, and he, in turn, calls the second word from the pair. This is how short-term memory is formed. To develop long-term memory, you should perform the same exercise, but after a longer period of time (for example, 30 minutes)

“I play with words and remember them”
1. I will name the words, and you remember: giraffe, bed, cat, dog, chair (gradually increasing to 10 words). Repeat!
2. What groups can these words be divided into? (The more he names, the better the child thinks. But, we are gradually leading to the idea of ​​2 groups of words) Now remember only the animals, and then name the furniture.
3. Repeat all the words again.

"Mixed Up"
The adult puts 5-6 toys in front of the child and says: “There was a line to get on the steamer: first was the elephant, then the Katya doll, followed by a pink pig, a bear, and then a kitten. Soon the ice cream man came and everyone ran to him. And when they returned, they could not remember who was behind whom. Help toys find their place"

"Remember - repeat"
The adult pronounces several numbers (from 3 to 10, gradually becoming more difficult) and asks the child to repeat. The same can be done with the names of birds, animals, months, days of the week, words with an automated sound (bear, Shishka, Hat, UShi, Shawl), etc. It is important that the child follows the proposed sequence.

We invite the child to compare 2 objects (fly and butterfly, tree and bush, wolf and dog), and tell how they are similar and how they are different. A 6-7 year old child should identify the main features of objects.

"I'll start, you continue"
The game begins with the phrase: “I’ll start, you continue. Say the words quickly!” After which the child is offered words from a group of related words (pets, furniture, toys, etc.): cow, horse... this series must be continued and named as many words from this group as possible.

"4 extra"
In the proposed series of pictures, where 3 pictures can be combined into a group based on a common characteristic, and 4 is extra, the child finds the “extra” one and explains his choice. An extra rooster because a pig, a cow and a horse are domestic animals, and a rooster is a bird.


Target: prevention of accidents with children
Tasks: Develop the ability of adults to instill in a child an attentive attitude and careful behavior on the street; careful attention to everyday situations while walking in the fresh air.

Stranger and Danger
If the family has Small child, I want to give him all the best, protect him from all bad influences outside world. One of these problems is strangers. Other people's uncles and aunts with bad intentions can lie in wait for children at any age. Unfortunately, we too often see on TV and read in newspapers advertisements about missing children and other unpleasant cases, the culprits of which are strangers. What is the best way to explain to a child that strangers are dangerous? Here are some tips for different ages.
Child 2-4 years old and strangers
At this age, babies are very sociable and are ready to talk and go with any person who simply smiles at them. Therefore, it is worth prohibiting the child from talking, much less going somewhere with a stranger. Check whether the child has learned these rules, ask adults with whom he is not familiar to talk to him. Decide who will pick up the child from kindergarten and prohibit him from leaving with other people, even if the teacher lets him go.
Child 5-7 years old
At this age, the child himself can distinguish what is good and what is bad, where the truth is and where the lie is. But, of course, not at the adult level. In this case, try to explain to him that you should not talk to strangers using an example. It could even be cartoons. For example, “The Three Little Pigs”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”. At this age, children not only walk on the street at a distance with an adult, but are also often left at home alone, which plays into the hands of house thieves. Tell your child stories from your life more often, read to him a chronicle of incidents. Teach your son or daughter to at least keep a distance when having a casual conversation with a stranger - at least two meters, so that if something happens the child can simply run away.
We must remember
Rules of four "NO's"
DO NOT talk to strangers or let them into your house!
DO NOT enter the elevator or entrance hall with strangers!
DO NOT get into cars with strangers!
DO NOT go outside far from adults
In what situations should you always answer “no”?
If you are offered a visit or a ride home, even if it’s from a neighbor.
If a stranger came to pick you up at school or kindergarten, and your parents did not warn you.
If an unfamiliar person comes in the absence of your parents, let him into the apartment or go somewhere with him.
If new person treats you with something.
Personal safety rules at home and on the street:
1. You cannot open the door to a stranger, even if he is in the uniform of a doctor, policeman, or postman.
2. You should not talk to strangers on the street, especially if they offer you something (a ride in a car, a ride home, a trip for candy, a movie, etc.).
3. If a stranger tries to open the door, you need to call the police and give your address, knock on your neighbors' wall or call them.
4. You should not let people into the house who say that they came at the request of their parents. Parents must report this.

Workshop for parents of preschool children “Development of fine motor skills of hands”

Target : formation of parents’ ideas about the role of fine motor skills in the development of the child.

Progress of the workshop:

Good afternoon, dear parents!
Today I invited you to a workshop on the development of fine motor skills in children. To begin with, I would like to ask you why it is necessary to develop it?
Parents' answers:
Nowadays, you hear about the development of fine motor skills all the time, but this question has always been in demand. I suggest you familiarize yourself with several statements that I will present on the poster:
“The child’s mind is at the tips of his fingers” (V.A. Sukhomlinsky).
“The hand is the instrument of all instruments” (Aristotle).
“The hand is the outermost human brain” (I. Kant);
“Children’s talents are at their fingertips” (M. Montessori)
Do you agree with these statements?
Parents' answers:
The development of hands is closely related to the development of speech and thinking.
The level of development of fine motor skills of the hands serves as one of the indicators intellectual development.
A child who has a high level of development is able to reason logically, his attention and memory, and coherent speech are quite well developed.
Finger games and exercises– a unique tool for speech development. Psychomotor processes in speech development directly depend on the development of fine motor skills. Learning texts using “finger” gymnastics stimulates the development of thinking, attention, and imagination. The child remembers poetic texts better, his speech becomes more accurate and expressive.
Every day with children we use finger exercises and hand massage.
And now I want to play with you a little.
Exercise “Spin, pencil” (use a ribbed pencil)
I roll the pencil in my hands.
I'm twisting between my fingers
I will certainly teach every finger to be obedient.
Exercises with a hedgehog ball
I roll the ball in circles
I drive him back and forth.
I will stroke their palm,
It's like I'm sweeping up crumbs.
And I'll squeeze it a little,
How a cat squeezes its paw.
I'll press the ball with each finger
And I'll start with the other hand.
Now, I propose to give you my opinion. What new did you learn today? Have you drawn any conclusions for yourself?
Try to work with your child at home as much as possible. Use every free minute for this. Good luck to you!

Consultation for parents of the senior preparatory group of kindergarten

Article – About the benefits of reading books to preschoolers aged 5-7 years.
Target articles - the formation of interest and love for fiction.

Many parents wonder what to read to children at a given age. There are a lot of opinions on this matter.
The task of an adult is to reveal to the child the extraordinary that a book carries within itself, the pleasure that immersion in reading brings. In order to attract a child to a book, an adult must love literature himself, enjoy it as art, understand complexity, and be able to convey his feelings and experiences to children.
At preschool age, children become acquainted with Russian and world folklore in all its diversity of genres - from lullabies, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, teasers, riddles, proverbs to fairy tales and epics, with Russian and foreign classics. With works by V. A. Zhukovsky, A. S. Pushkin, P. G. Ershov, C. Perrault, the Brothers Grimm, H. K. Andersen, S. Ya. Marshak, K. I. Chukovsky, and many others.
It is no secret that modern children read little, preferring books to watching television programs, videos, and computer films. This sad reality should make parents think and try to somehow improve the situation.
Adults should pay attention to the child’s age, level of intellectual development, interest in what they read and, in this regard, select books to read. You should not strive to read everything: you should think not about quantity, but about the benefits of what you read and perceive.
Children need to read as many books as possible. It is very important that he loves this activity. The book may be of interest to both boys and girls, the main thing is to find an option that the child will like.
Scientists have found that a child who is systematically read to accumulates a rich vocabulary.
By reading with his mother, the child actively develops imagination and memory.
It is reading that performs not only a cognitive, aesthetic, but also an educational function. Therefore, parents need to read books to their children from early childhood.
It is very important to draw children’s attention to the figurative language of fairy tales, stories, and poems, attracting preschoolers to repeat the individual words, expressions, and songs of the characters that they remember.
By mastering the content of a fairy tale, children learn to convey the words of different characters and repeat intonations. This lays the foundation for further independent development of intonation expressiveness at an older age.
From the age of 5, a new stage in the literary development of a child begins. Magical Russians are becoming children's favorites folk tales with their wonderful fiction, fantastic nature, developed plot action, full of conflicts, obstacles, dramatic situations, various motives (treachery, miraculous help, opposition to evil and good forces, and much more), with bright strong characters of the heroes. Russian folk tales (“Morozko”, “Sivkaburka”, “The Frog Princess”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, and others). Open up space for the child’s feelings and thoughts about complex world, where good and evil forces collide in an irreconcilable struggle, where children are confirmed in the indispensable, inevitable victory of good over evil, are surprised by miracles and secrets and try to reveal and comprehend them. At an older age, a child acquires the ability to understand text without the help of illustrations. Children are already able to understand events in the book that were not present in their own experience. The child develops the ability to perceive a literary work in the unity of content and form, comprehend the verbal image, and treat it as an author’s device. There also arises the ability not only to notice an expressive, bright word, but also to realize its role in the text.
While reading, a feeling of emotional closeness may arise between an adult and a child; try not to destroy this magical feeling.
When reading to your child, do not be distracted by phone calls, household chores, or conversations with other family members, then this process will bring pleasure to both you and your child.
How to read.
- In a quiet environment. Remove toys that may distract your child and turn off the computer and TV.
- Recite expressively and emotionally, carefully pronouncing all sounds. Speak lower, higher, faster and slower - in general, conscientiously entertain the baby.
- Show the baby pictures: it’s good if you have different variants images of the same creatures.
- Demonstrate to your child the actions described in poems and nursery rhymes. Fight for the horned goat, stomp for the clubfooted bear and growl for the tiger.
- As soon as the baby gets tired of the book, stop reading and put it aside for a day.

Recommended literature for children 5-7 years old:
Russian folk tales:Zayushkina's hut. A man and a bear. A fox and a crane. Boasting hare. Tails. Fox and jug. Crane and heron. Fox with a rolling pin. Cat and fox. The wolf and the seven Young goats. Cockerel - Golden comb. Masha and the Bear. Brave ram. Fox-sister and gray wolf. A tale about a ruff. Winter quarters. Polkan and the bear. Fox and goat.
Author's tales:S.T. Aksakov “The Scarlet Flower”, P.P. Bazhov “Silver Hoof”, fairy tales by A.S. Pushkina, A.N. Tolstoy “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, Nosov “The Adventures of Dunno”. Poems by A. Barto, B. Zakhoder, S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky, V. Zhukovsky.
Works about nature:Mamin-Sibiryak “Gray Neck”, A. Nekrasov “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”.
Works by foreign authors:Mark Twain “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, Y. Olesha “Three Fat Men” R. Tolkien “The Hobbit or There and Back Again”.

Used Books.
1. Gurovich M. M. Child and book. - Childhood-press, 2004. 2. Vygotsky L. S. Imagination and creativity in childhood. - St. Petersburg, 1997.
3. Kudryavtsev V. Child’s imagination: nature and development: Psychological Journal.-2001.
4. Sinitsyna E. I. Clever fairy tales. / E. I. Sinitsyna - M.: List, 1999.

Natalia Dippel
Parents Corner

Question: What are modern requirements to the design and content of parent corners

Equipping a parent's corner in the 1st junior group.

4. Grid of classes.

5. Health corner

7. Study with us.

8. Rules for parents

9. What did we do today?

11 Advertisements



The most illuminated wall.

Located at parental eye level The content of materials must correspond to the direction of the kindergarten, the annual plan, goals and objectives 1 ml. gr., reflect the content of work with children in accordance with the requirements of the “Education Program in Kindergarten”.

The material must be:





O. N. Urbanskaya

Moscow 1977

G. N. Panteleev

Moscow 1982

3. “Kindergarten and family”

T. A. Markova

Moscow 1986

A. K. Bondarenko

Equipping a parent's corner in the 2nd junior group.

1. Characteristics of the age of children

2. Level of skills (what a child of a given age should be able to do)

3. Daily routine for kindergarten and family

4. Grid of classes.

5. Anthropometric data

7. Study with us.

8. Rules for parents

9. What did we do today?

11. Announcements



Shelf or table for displaying children's work, mat

Silhouettes of fairy-tale heroes, toys

The most illuminated wall.

Located at parental eye level The content of materials must correspond to the direction of the kindergarten, the annual plan, goals and objectives 2 ml. gr., reflect the content of work with children in accordance with the requirements of the “Education Program in Kindergarten”.

The material must be:





character All text material must be typed on a computer in 14 font or drawing font.

The design should have no more than two colors

O. N. Urbanskaya

Moscow 1977

2. “Design of premises of preschool institutions”

G. N. Panteleev

Moscow 1982

3. “Kindergarten and family”

T. A. Markova

Moscow 1986

4. “Head of a preschool institution”

A. K. Bondarenko

Equipping a parent's corner in the middle group.

1. Characteristics of the age of children

2. Level of skills (what a child of a given age should be able to do)

3. Daily routine for kindergarten and family

4. Grid of classes.

5. Anthropometric data

7. Study with us.

8. Rules for parents

9. What did we do today?

11. Announcements



Shelf or table for displaying children's work, mat

Silhouettes of fairy-tale heroes, toys

The most hallowed wall.

Located at parental eye level. The content of materials must correspond to the direction of the kindergarten’s work, the annual plan, and the goals and objectives of the secondary school. groups, reflect the content of work with children in accordance with the requirements of the “Education Program in Kindergarten”.

The material must be:





All text material must be typed on a computer in 14 font or drawing font.

The design should have no more than two colors

1. “To the educator about working with the family”

O. N. Urbanskaya

Moscow 1977

2. “Design of premises of preschool institutions”

G. N. Panteleev

Moscow 1982

3. “Kindergarten and family”

T. A. Markova

Moscow 1986

4. “Head of a preschool institution”

A. K. Bondarenko

Equipping a parent's corner in the senior group. Contents Equipment Accommodation Pedagogical requirements Aesthetic requirements National color Recommended literature

1. Characteristics of the age of children

2. Level of skills (what a child should be able to do at 5 years old)

3. Daily routine for d/s and family

4. Grid of classes.

5. Anthropometric data

6. Menu for every day

7. Repeat with us.

8. Rules for parents

9. What did we do today?

10. We speak Kazakh

12. Announcements



Shelf or table for displaying children's work, mat

Silhouettes of literary heroes

The most illuminated wall.

Located at parental eye level. The content of materials must correspond to the direction of the kindergarten’s work, the annual plan, and the goals and objectives of the elder. groups., reflect the content of work with children in accordance with the requirements of the “Education Program in Kindergarten”.

The material must be:





character All text material must be typed on a computer in 14 font or drawing font.

The design should have no more than two colors

O. N. Urbanskaya

Moscow 1977

2. “Design of premises of preschool institutions”

G. N. Panteleev

Moscow 1982

3. “Kindergarten and family”

T. A. Markova

Moscow 1986

4. “Head of a preschool institution”

A. K. Bondarenko

Equipping a parent's corner in the preparatory group. Contents Equipment Accommodation Pedagogical requirements Aesthetic requirements National color Recommended literature

1. Characteristics of the age of children

2. Level of skills (what a child should be able to do at 6 years old)

3. Daily routine for d/s, family

4. Grid of classes.

5. Anthropometric data.

6. Menu for every day.

7. We speak Kazakh

(reinforcement of learned words in Kazakh language classes)

8. Rules for parents

9. What did we do today?

10. Repeat with children.

12. Announcements



Shelf or table for displaying children's work, mat

Silhouettes of literary heroes

The most illuminated wall.

Located at parental eye level. The content of materials must correspond to the direction of the kindergarten’s work, the annual plan, and the goals and objectives of the preparatory school. groups., reflect the content of work with children in accordance with the requirements of the “Education Program in Kindergarten”.

The material must be:





The design should have no more than two colors

1. “To the educator about working with the family”

O. N. Urbanskaya

Moscow 1977

2. “Design of premises of preschool institutions”

G. N. Panteleev

Moscow 1982

3. “Kindergarten and family”

T. A. Markova

Moscow 1986

4. “Head of a preschool institution”

A. K. Bondarenko

Note: 1.

Information material 1;2;3;4; - changes once a year.

2. Anthropometric data (standard and survey result) changes 2 times a year (September, May).

4. Sections 6;7;9 - changes daily.

5. Section 12 – drawn up as necessary.

The section “What we did today” indicates the type of lesson, topic, and program tasks. Briefly talks about the day's activities, demonstrates children's work,

The “Advice and Recommendations” section provides only advice and recommendations to parents. It is advisable to relate the content of the recommendations to the topics of the teachers’ council, parent meetings, current topics, program material, which is currently given to the children in the group.

In the “Repeat with us” section, parents are invited to repeat with their children at home: works of art, poems, songs...

In the “Speaking Kazakh” section, parents are invited to consolidate the words their children have learned in Kazakh language classes

Can be used additionally:

The issue of “Family Newspaper” highlights the experience family education. Parents themselves write about upbringing in the family. When designing a family newspaper, you need to remember that its goal is not only to interest parents with the abundance and variety of photographs, but also to convey to parents the content and significance of a particular issue of education.

In the section “Are you asking? We answer!” teachers post current issues social life, issues of theory and practice of raising children

The “We express our gratitude” section reflects the good deeds of parents who have provided different types help kindergarten, group(all possible assistance in repairing toys, purchasing books, participating in community cleanups). Here the administration thanks parents for their help