Preventive work with the schoolchildren's family. Organization of preventive work with the families of students of MBOU "Tigilskaya Sosh" who are in a socially dangerous situation

The effectiveness of preventive and corrective work with dysfunctional families and minors who find themselves in a difficult life situation, in interdepartmental interaction with social structures

The concept of "efficiency" in Latin means the ratio between the result achieved and the resources used. Therefore, speaking about the effectiveness of preventive and corrective work with dysfunctional families and minors who find themselves in a difficult life situation, we must answer two main questions: “Achieving what final result is the goal of the activity?”, “Are we doing enough to achieve results?” .

In order to answer the first question, it is necessary to indicate what concepts of “ill-being” and “difficult life situation” we are guided by in our work. Since there are no clear definitions of data in the scientific pedagogical literature social phenomena, based on the synthesis of approaches of various authors, we derive definitions that most fully reflect their essence:

1. A dysfunctional family is a family that has a low social status for various purposes of life; a family in which the basic family functions are devalued or ignored, there are hidden or obvious defects in upbringing, as a result of which “difficult children” appear. Thus, the main feature of a dysfunctional family is its negative, destructive, desocializing influence on the formation of a child, which leads to behavioral deviations.

2. A difficult life situation is a situation that means the experiences of a person who finds himself in a situation that seriously affects his well-being, life safety and from which he is not always able to get out on his own.

Thus, the purpose of carrying out preventive and corrective work with dysfunctional families and minors who find themselves in a difficult life situation is the early identification, prevention and elimination of factors that negatively affect family well-being and the child's condition.Let's highlight the most significant of them, as a result of which children may experience a difficult life situation:

1. poor material living conditions of the family;

2. family conflicts, unfavorable psychological atmosphere in the family;

3. domestic abuse;

4. alcoholism and drug addiction in the family;

5. failure to fulfill the duties of caring for children and their upbringing.

Now let's move on to the second question of the report and consider the measures taken and their result,

In order to eliminate the first group of factors “poor material conditions”, the following work is being carried out:

The social worker, together with the inspector of the PDN and, if necessary, the employees of the local administration, conducts surveys of the housing department of families. In the period from 09/01/2016 to the present, as a social pedagogue, I have conducted more than 80 family visits at home, which is 11% more than in 2016 (72 visits).

Free hot meals were organized, which are received by 63 children from low-income families, which is 29% of the total number of school students, including 26 children in difficult life situations.

Dysfunctional families and minors who are in a difficult life situation are provided with financial assistance throughout the year. in kind(clothes, shoes);

For New Year's matinees attracted charitable assistance from individual entrepreneurs in the form of gifts and cash in the total amount of 8,000 rubles.

The next area of ​​activity is work with the second group of factors “intra-family conflicts, unfavorable psychological atmosphere in the family”, which is preventive in nature. focused primarily on prevention and early detection. The main method of work is conducting individual conversations with students and their parents, conducting thematic class hours and parent meetings, holding joint school-wide events for children and parents. Individual work conducted as needed, group work is carried out monthly according to approved plans educational work.

Cases of ill-treatment in the family are isolated and work with them is of an individual nature, but is always carried out in interdepartmental interaction with various social structures. In the 2016-2017 academic year, one case of child abuse was recorded by 6th grade student Andrey Zverinsky. The child's mother, leading an associative lifestyle, left Andrei in the care of his stepfather, who treated him cruelly. After a series of examinations and work with his family, the boy was sent to the regional state institution of social services "Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors". While Andrei was at the Center, work was carried out with his mother. Currently, the child has been returned to the care of the mother and lives with her.

Preventive work is also carried out in order to prevent ill-treatment: classroom hours are held for parents, during which they are introduced to the measures of responsibility established by current legislation; decades of legal knowledge are held for children, introducing them to their rights, as well as explaining to the child where and how he can turn in cases of abuse.

“Alcoholism and drug addiction in the family” are factors that require more intervention by medical and social services, pedagogical impact very rarely gives a positive result. At the same time, the Polishchuk family with many children demonstrates a positive trend. Parents abused alcohol, did not fully cope with parental responsibilities. For two years now, I have visited the family every month as a social pedagogue, conversations are being held with parents, and now cases of alcohol abuse have ceased to be systematic.

The main task in working with this category is to keep the family under control, in order to prevent a difficult life situation, as well as causing physical and mental harm to the child, if necessary, promptly notify the Leninsky Ministry of Internal Affairs and guardianship authorities about the current situation in the family.

The last selected group of factors "failure to fulfill the obligations of caring for children and their upbringing" is the most common. All methods of working with parents are used: visits, conversations, administrative influences, motivation, censure, counseling, etc. In this case, the work carried out with children plays a special role in order to prevent the development of deviant behavior, which can be expressed in various forms: drug use and alcohol, committing illegal acts, refusing to master the curriculum, etc. The school assumes the role of not only an educational institution, but also seeks to fill the gaps in the upbringing of the child and the organization of his leisure time, which are created by failure to fulfill parental obligations. Many forms of deviant behavior are caused by the lack of organized leisure and employment of the child.

In MKOU secondary school in the village of Bidzhan, 100% employment of children from dysfunctional families and minors in difficult life situations is ensured by involving them in the work of circles, sections, extracurricular activities throughout the year and autumn, winter, spring holidays. During the summer holidays, all children in this category under the age of 14 attend a summer school day camp.

The most important indicator of the effectiveness of the work being carried out is such an indicator as "the number of students registered with PDN". In 2014, 2 students were registered with PDN, in 2015 - 2 students, in 2016 - there are no children registered with PTI.

An equally significant indicator of the effectiveness of work with families and children is the indicator “the number of absences from school without a good reason”. According to the results of the first half of 2016-2017 school year 26 days were missed without a valid reason (9 students), while the same indicator for the 2015-2016 academic year was 54 days. Thus, the number of school absences without a valid reason decreased by 2 times.

One of the activities in planning work is to improve the system of interdepartmental interaction in order to involve social services not only at the stage of identifying children in a difficult life situation, but also the closest interaction at the stage of corrective and preventive work. This is possible with the involvement of healthcare professionals, PDN, guardianship to conduct joint events within the framework of various thematic decades.

The family is the most important environment for the formation of personality and a key link in preventive work, but not all parents, for a number of reasons, are enlightened in psychological and pedagogical issues, they cannot competently work with a child and achieve a positive result in education. Psychologists act as assistants for them, social educators, class leaders. The article presents the main aspects of the work of a school psychologist in the prevention of child smoking in the family, his role in the formation of a school-wide environment without tobacco, describes such methods of work as the educational activities of the parental staff of the school, its importance in educational process, psychological and pedagogical analysis of families. The features of work on the prevention of children's tobacco smoking in various families special situations, psychological counseling and support for families faced with the problem of children's smoking, psychocorrectional and psychotherapeutic work with families at risk.

Key words: family, psychology, prevention, therapy, child smoking, social design, education, family at risk.

The family is a microsociety where the socialization of children is carried out, thanks to the efforts of all its functions - educational, recreational (physical, material, moral, psychological support, organization of leisure), commutative (communication and through it - socialization), regulatory, femetsitologic (feeling of happiness in the family ).

It was the family that was, is and will always be the most important environment for the formation of personality and
a key element in preventive work. Unfortunately, many families
reasons are unenlightened in psychological and pedagogical issues, cannot
competently work with the child and achieve a positive result in education.
Often, specialists come to their aid - a school psychologist, a social pedagogue,
a class teacher, a specialist in a psychological center who can offer
program of systematic purposeful work on the formation of a healthy


To date, the prevention of smoking is extremely relevant in the work of a school psychologist and is presented very widely - class hours, parent-teacher meetings, meetings with doctors, mass events, etc.

Before starting complex preventive work with a child or a children's team, a psychologist works with parents.

The school psychologist faces a set of tasks of preventive work in the family:

. Educational activities of the parental staff of the school on the issues of a healthy lifestyle, the creation of an information field, the formation of the need for self-education among parents;

. Psychological and pedagogical analysis of families;

. Psychological counseling and support for families faced with the problem of children's smoking;

Psychocorrectional and psychotherapeutic work with families at risk.

Educational activities of the parental staff of the school on healthy lifestyles, the creation of an information field

This method of work is the main type of preventive activity of the entire teaching staff of the school, especially psychologists and social pedagogues.

The educational activities of parents include systematic classroom or school-wide parent meetings, which discuss the age and psycho-physiological characteristics of children, ways to communicate effectively with them, give specific recommendations for maintaining and maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the family. A psychologist or social educator, carrying out educational activities, can use thematic stands, provide informative and relevant information in electronic form, maintain his own section on the school website, and answer questions on-line.

This area of ​​preventive work has become the basis of the comprehensive program for the prevention of children's smoking "Responsible Parents", where work with the family begins with a conversation on the problem in the form of parent meetings from the 1st to the 11th grade, then a psychological and pedagogical analysis of families is carried out and further preventive measures are carried out. Job .

Psychological and pedagogical analysis of families

It is with this that the psychologist begins work with parents. In the course of the psychological and pedagogical analysis, the level of development of the family in the material and cultural sphere is studied, the values ​​and guidelines are singled out, with the help of which the upbringing and development of the child is carried out, a conclusion is made about the psychological, pedagogical and social viability of family members. Psychologist watching the species family relations, highlights the status roles and place of the child. And the most important task at this stage is to determine in what emotional and moral atmosphere the child is.

Psychological counseling and support for families facing a problem

Children's smoking.

With such a request from parents, it is important to collect as much information as possible about the fact of smoking. It is not necessary to conduct in-depth work if the child tried a cigarette once out of curiosity, in this situation it is necessary to explain that children are affected environment; you need to find out from the child where he observed smoking people and who they are, for what purpose he smoked, who offered him the first cigarette. Further, parents will be able to independently talk about the dangers and consequences of smoking, using visual material and information that can be obtained in the psychologist's office.

Comprehensive long-term work should be carried out if the child smokes systematically and he develops physiological and behavioral changes - drowsiness, excitability, excessive appetite or lack of it, a characteristic smell from clothes, hands and hair, etc. Depending on the situation and orientation, help is allocated several of its models: pedagogical, diagnostic, medical, psychological (psychotherapeutic), social. Health care should be provided in specialized health care facilities.

Psychological counseling takes place in an individual or group form and contains the following steps.

1. Establishing contact and joining the consultant to clients.

2. Gathering information about the client's problem.

3. Discussion of the psychotherapeutic contract.

4. Study of the request.

5. Actually consultation.

6. Checking the worked models and fixing the result.

7. Support and targeted consulting.

The work uses the widest range of methods and techniques - group and family
psychotherapy, structured interview, work with metaphor, fairy tale therapy, art -
therapy, gestalt therapy, trainings, body-oriented therapy,
psychomodelling, social design and others, depending on the specific

Psychocorrectional and psychotherapeutic work with families at risk

Family trouble is a complex of reasons of a different nature, associated with a violation of the educational function of the family, causing deformation of the child's personality and leading to deviant behavior. Families at risk include:

. Destructive family - autonomy and separation of individual family members, lack of reciprocity in emotional contacts, chronic marital or parent-child conflict; Incomplete family;

. Rigid, pseudo-solidary family - unconditional dominance of one of

Family members, strict regulation family life, overwhelming type


. Broken family - one of the parents lives separately, but maintains contacts

With the former family and continues to perform any functions in it, while

There is a strong emotional dependence on him.

It is in these families that children are most susceptible to early tobacco use, even

Starting from 6-7 years old, looking at the negative example of parents. Therefore, the main tasks

Psychologist in this situation - to provide early diagnosis and protect the child from antisocial influences. The complex of work with families at risk includes screening (observation), diagnosis and correction of family behavior.

In case of urgent need, a school psychologist can include employees of guardianship authorities, medical workers, a specialist in the department for juvenile affairs and the protection of their rights.

The main method of work is family counseling, during which the psychologist helps to correct and model such behavior in which the child will develop in a healthy emotional atmosphere. Parents are explained in detail the current situation, the possible consequences of not eliminating the problem, and work is being done to prevent the "cold mother" or "cold father" syndrome. The most effective forms of work are joint art - therapeutic activities (bibliotherapy, fairy tale therapy, mask therapy, drama therapy, work with clay, sand therapy, music therapy, color therapy, photo and video therapy, origami, game therapy, isotherapy, artsintezterapiya) and social design (my house, me and the environment, our family, etc.). The psychologist works only with the use of those methods that do not cause aggression and feelings of inferiority in a particular family. In the process of joint play activity, the child and the adult experience a therapeutic effect, and the psychologist develops and consolidates it. It is necessary to provide constant supervision and support to such families, to inspire trust and create an information need in the field of prevention. Work to support such families is carried out until the child graduates from school.

Thus, the main task of the school in matters of prevention is to arouse in parents the need for self-education and preventive activities within the family. The main methods of work are joint activities of a child and an adult, therapy, trainings. It is important that the psychologist create a trusting and emotionally rich atmosphere, be a helper for children and parents, be close at a difficult moment and be able to provide a school-wide preventive environment protected from tobacco smoke.


1. ANtonov A. AND., Medkov IN. M. Sociology of the family. M., 1996.

2. Ovcharova R. IN. Reference book of the school psychologist. 2nd ed., revised. M., 1996.

3. Schneider L. B. Family psychology: Tutorial for universities. 2nd ed. M., 2006.

4. Schneider L. B. Family and origins of deviant behavior of children and adolescents. Deviant behavior of children and adolescents. SPb., 2005.

5. Deviant behavior of adolescents as a problem of social work // Divitsina N. F. Social work with disadvantaged children and adolescents. Lecture notes. Rostov n/a, 2005.

6. Responsible parents / Teaching aid for teachers high school. / Ed. 1st. M., 2007.

7. Family in psychological counseling: Experience and problems of psychological counseling / Ed. A. A. Bodaleva, V. V. Stolin. M., 1989.

Social and Psychological Aspects of Preventive Work with Families

Rogozina E.D.

Psychologist, Head of the Educational Resource Center.

Family is the most important environment of personality formation and a key part in prevention work, but for various reasons not all parents are educated in the psychological and pedagogical issues, not all can competently work with their child and achieve positive results in upbringing. Psychologists, social educators, homeroom teachers become their assistants. The article presents the main aspects of the school psychologist’s work in preventing child smoking in the family and his/her role in the formation of general non-tobacco school environment. Educational activities for the parents, their importance in the educational process and method of psychological and pedagogical analysis of families are presented. The specifics of working with prevention of child tobacco use in different family situations, in psychological counseling and support for families that have faced the problem of child smoking and psycho-correctional and psycho-therapeutic work with families at risk are described.

Keywords: family, psychology, prevention, therapy, child smoking, social engineering, education, risk group family.

1. Antonov A. I., Medkov V. M. Sociologiya sem "i. M., 1996.

2. Ovcharova R. V. Spravochnaya kniga shkol "nogo psychologa. - 2nd izd, dorab. M., 1996.

3. Shneider L.B. Semeinaya psychologiya: Uchebnoe posobie dlya vuzov. 2nd ed. M., 2006.

4. Shneider L. B. Sem "ya i istoki deviantnogo povedeniya detei i podrostkov. Deviantnoe povedenie detei i podrostkov. 2005.

5. Deviantnoe povedenie podrostkov kak problema social "noi raboty // Divicina N. F. Social" naya rabota s neblagopoluchnymi det "mi i podrostkami. Konspekt lekcii. Rostov n / D, 2005.

6. Answers roditeli / Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie dlya uchitelei srednei shkoly / izd. pervoe. M., 2007.

7. Sem "ya v psihologicheskoi konsul" tacii: Opyt i problemy psihologicheskogo konsul "tirovaniya / Pod red. A. A. Bodaleva, V. V. Stolina. M., 1989.

Bliznyuk Claudia Ivanovna,

social teacher

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school No. 6"

p. Zelenoborsky

Murmansk region

Prevention of family troubles on the example of MBOU secondary school No. 6 (experience of the socio-psychological service)


Introduction 3

    Domestic violence as a socio-psychological

problem 5

    Diagnosis of family trouble and its methods

leveling 10 3. Conclusion 20

4. References 22


The modern Russian family is currently experiencing a spiritual crisis. The loss of former ideals has formed a kind of spiritual vacuum, and in any society with the loss of spirituality or a decrease in its level, the number of dysfunctional families and children left without parental care increases. The reason for this situation, many domestic scientists and teachers consider the deterioration of socio-political and economic conditions in the country. In our opinion, to this should be added the loss of the traditions of religious education, which has absorbed the thousand-year experience of Russian Orthodox culture.

Domestic violence, unfortunately, still remains a problem, and alas, not the only one: the child is also faced with stress at school, and violence continues ...

For a number of decades, the problem of domestic violence not only has not been the subject of comprehensive research. But it was also viewed through the prism of public opinion. Meanwhile, according to statistics, women and children suffer the most from various forms of violence. These are colossal, devastating dramas, often taking lives. Every year in Russia, seventeen thousand young children become victims of crime. At the same time, every second of the dead children is killed by parents or persons replacing them. Children, the elderly, women and the disabled make up more than a third of all those affected by family and domestic relations. [4, p.3]

Violence against children in families has taken alarming proportions in Russia. According to unofficial statistics, between 50,000 and 60,000 children run away from home each year to escape the abuse and arbitrariness of their parents. At present, according to various sources, there are between 3 and 5 million homeless children in Russia. Social orphans, that is, those with parents, are 95% of abandoned children. Every year, 2 million children under the age of 14 are physically abused, one in ten die from beatings, and 2,000 commit suicide. And this happens not only in the so-called dysfunctional marginal families, but in families where there are both parents, where the family has sufficient material support. The conducted studies do not confirm the relationship between the level of wealth, education, family composition and domestic violence.

However, it only seems that the “door” to intra-family relations is closed; the only question is how to find the "key".

The main tasks of teachers in this direction are to promote unity, family rallying, establishing relationships between parents and children, creating comfortable conditions for the child in the family, as well as a comprehensive systematic study of the family, the characteristics and conditions of family upbringing of the child. [4, p.3]

1. Domestic violence as a socio-psychological problem

Modern secular and Orthodox pedagogy presents three points of view on the concept of family . The first considers the family as the primary unit of society, as an institution of socialization (A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky). The second - the point of view of Orthodox pedagogy - considers the family as a small Church, in which the hierarchy established by the law of God is observed (S.S. Kulomzina, L.I. Surova, Father Alexy (Uminsky). And the third is making attempts to combine these two positions on the basis of the Christian worldview (K.D. Ushinsky, N.I. Pirogov, V.V. Zenkovsky, T.I. Vlasova, I.A. Pankova, V.I. Slobodchikov, I.A. Solovtsova), coordinating the achievements modern pedagogy with the teaching and life of the Orthodox Church.

The penetration of violence into family life leads to the destruction of the individual, leads to the deconstruction of the moral, spiritual foundations of family education, to an increase in child neglect, homelessness, the involvement of minors in criminal activities, and to an increase in the number of mentally unhealthy children. Under such conditions, it is necessary preventive measures against domestic violence, which are becoming an important task of state social work bodies, police departments, schools, preschool institutions, teachers and parents.

In many countries, domestic violence is seen as a serious social problem and is the focus of various academic and practice-oriented disciplines. This problem is also very relevant for Russia, which is in a protracted and painful period from one political and socio-economic structure to another. As the history of civilization shows, global changes in society are always accompanied by bitterness.

The loss of previous social guidelines and the conflict of life values, uncertainty about the future, instability of the socio-economic situation, declining living standards, as well as the need to make non-standard decisions (which in itself is an uncomfortable, and often stressful factor) contribute to the growth and more intense manifestation of aggressiveness and cruelty.

In this regard, from a psychological point of view, modern violence is seen as a kind of neurotic protest of the individual against various kinds of stress factors and conditions of social life that put pressure on her and the conditions of social life, to which it is difficult for her to adapt.

Most often, children, women, the elderly and the disabled are subject to violent actions by family members. Men in the family are more likely to experience psychological abuse.

Families in which relationships are built on violence are at risk, since children who grow up in such a dysfunctional environment subsequently become either victims or themselves subject their loved ones to violence. According to statistics, 95% of people held in colonies experienced or witnessed violence in childhood.

Domestic violence violates such human rights as the right of everyone to equal protection before the law and non-discrimination on the basis of sex, age, marital or social status; the right not to be ill-treated; the right to life and physical integrity; the right to high standards of physical and mental health.

The village of Zelenoborsky is located 60 kilometers from the city of Kandalaksha - this is both good and bad. Our once prosperous village suddenly turned into an economically unstable one. State farm "Knyazhegubsky", DoZ, Lespromkhoz, RMZ disappeared from the economic space of the settlement for more than 10 years. There were very rich and very poor. Both have the same conditions for housekeeping, but most have already developed social pessimism.

This is one of the reasons for the social instability of the village, the decline in moral principles in the family, among the youth and adolescents.

In the last two years alone, the number of dysfunctional families has doubled in the village. The psychological climate is also deteriorating in stable families.

A sharp increase in stressful situations affects children. Lack of care in families, psychological deprivation, physical and psychological violence pushes children to rash acts and escapes. It is family trouble that is the prerequisite for various deformations of the process of socialization of the child's personality, which ultimately manifests itself in neglect or homelessness of minors. Most of those who work with children have come to the conclusion that it is easier to do everything possible so that the child does not end up “on the street” than to return him “off the street” to normal life. For several years, the teachers of the school, the teaching staff of Zelenoborsky orphanage struggle with the upbringing of children who have arrived from the Tikhvin boarding school, who have acquired stable personality deformations due to abuse in their former families. The socio-psychological approach considers domestic violence as a product of socialization, a reproduction of that model of behavior, that life experience that a person received in a family up to 5-6 years. Many pupils of the orphanage, unfortunately, will never be able to build the right model for raising their future children (because until the age of 7-11 they were brought up on violence).

Today we are talking about prevention, but in the past few decades, domestic violence has been recognized as a serious and widespread problem that gives rise to many other social and individual problems. In particular, an understanding was formed that it is not enough just to punish the perpetrators, it is also necessary to rehabilitate the victim of violence and work with the person who committed the violence in order to avoid a repetition of the situation. The highest priority task is to work with the family, to inform and educate the family. In time to draw the attention of parents, where their child spends time, to prevent future juvenile delinquency.

The method of territory mapping has been introduced in the educational institution. Using the mapping method, the socio-psychological service of the school helps all families interested in raising their children. The places where low-income families live, families of “social risk”, single parent families, large families are identified, the places of “Pyatak” are identified, where the accumulation of minors who are prone to delinquency or run away from home due to various conflicts is concentrated.

According to these maps, the most disadvantaged areas of the districts of the village are marked. Also indicated are those stores in which cases of sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products to minors were recorded.

It is impossible not to admit that today there are no complete and realistic statistics on the scale and frequency of cases of domestic violence either in the country or in a separate locality for obvious reasons: the closeness of the family as a system (unwillingness to wash dirty linen in public); the interdependence of victims and perpetrators; lack of family access for social workers; lack of information from medical institutions and law enforcement agencies, which does not allow us to draw conclusions about the size of this phenomenon.

Features of the behavior of parents or persons replacing them, allowing to suspect physical abuse of children in the family:

    Contradictory, confusing explanations of the causes of injuries in a child.

    Late medical attention.

    Blaming the child's own injuries.

    Lack of concern for the fate of the child.

    Inattention, lack of affection and emotional support in dealing with the child.

    Stories about how they were punished in childhood.

2. Diagnosis of family troubles and ways to level it

A social teacher at school, working with parents, solves problems in a timely manner, acting as a consultant-informer (explaining the possible consequences of actions, commenting on the legal framework, giving psychological and pedagogical recommendations, addresses of specialists, etc.).

1. Based on many years of work in an educational institution, an algorithm for identifying and eliminating family troubles was developed, which consists of 4 components:

— regulatory framework

- sources of information about family problems

teamwork with the organs of the prevention system

- measures of influence: work with a dysfunctional family.

Legal Framework

There are three levels of laws governing the rights of the child.

Level 1 - international:

    Declaration of the Rights of the Child

    Convention on the Rights of the Child

Level 2 - laws of the Russian Federation:

    Constitution of the Russian Federation

    Family Code of the Russian Federation

    Administrative Code of the Russian Federation

    Federal Law "On Education"

    Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation"

    Federal Law No. 120 “On the basics of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency”, etc.

Level 3 - regional:

    Laws of the Murmansk region

    Program "Children of the Kola Arctic"

(4 subprograms: “Prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency”, “ healthy generation”, “Orphans”, “Children and creativity”)

As well as school local acts, documents:

    documents of social and pedagogical patronage (acts, a notebook for registering family visits);

    documents of the Crime Prevention Council;

    materials of psychodiagnostics;

    results of joint raids;

    complaints and statements of citizens;

    information about offenses from the PD;

    information from KDN and RFP

    database of children in difficult life situations

    preventive cases (for students and families of IPU)

Sources of information

about family troubles are:

    class teachers report on the psychological state and appearance of the child, his mood

    school and additional education teachers

    school paramedic (if bruises, abrasions are found during examinations of students, immediately inform the social teacher or deputy director for VR)

    PDN inspector reports facts of child abuse

    KDN and ZP specialists

    residents of the village (personal appeals, by phone)


    neighbors (there are cases when neighbors come to school or report by phone about frequent scandals, screams in the family of our student. Each specific case is analyzed: we talk with parents, depending on the situation and with the child. Sometimes we involve a PDN inspector)



The work is being built in close cooperation with the authorities of the crime prevention system:

    PDN - joint raids during which we visit families, discos, places where teenagers spend their free time

    KDN and ZP

    department of children's rights

    health care institutions - hospital specialists conduct conversations, lectures

    public employment service

    administration of the urban settlement Zelenoborsky

    department social support population

    additional education institutions

    Ministry of Emergency Situations - regularly held talks on "How to behave in water bodies", "Individual life-saving equipment", introduces fire extinguishing equipment, etc.

    Traffic police - conversations, introduces the rules of the road

Effective measures of influence

for a dysfunctional family

The most effective measures to influence a dysfunctional family are:

    Individual conversations, consultations

    Invitation to the Crime Prevention Council

    Invitation to the meeting of the CDN and the RFP

    deprivation parental rights- as a last resort

    Influence through the media

    Promotion of a healthy lifestyle - it has become a tradition at school to hold joint family holidays

    Promotion of family values

    Administrative fines

    Permanent patronage

    Joint activities of children and parents

    Interaction of all services in early detection and individual approach to solve the problems of each family.


Areas of work

Forms of work

Diagnosis of family trouble

    observations of teachers;

    questioning children and parents;

    compilation of a data bank of students in a difficult life situation (children with disabilities, under guardianship and guardianship, without guardianship, who do not have Russian citizenship, who are on different forms of registration, children of parents of disabled people, from large, low-income families, with one mother, with one dad);



    analysis of documents (personal files of students, medical records);

    analysis of products of children's creativity;

    drawing up social class passports;

    drawing up a social passport of the school;

    resolutions of the CDN and ZP;

    information from PDN;

    appeal of parents (legal representatives, relatives, neighbors);

    visiting families of first-graders, fifth-graders, tenth-graders (according to the results of the visit, examination certificates are drawn up, if necessary, petitions to various authorities)

Individual assistance dysfunctional family

    advice on overcoming difficult life situations (individual conversations);

    consultations of specialists: deputy directors, speech therapist, social pedagogue, teacher-psychologist, subject teachers;

    family therapy, psychotherapy;

    individual social patronage of families.

Group work with parents from dysfunctional families

    sports groups (basketball, football - dads work out with their sons in the school gym, at the stadium);

    training groups (“I am a message”, “Fathers and sons”, “Pocket money: pros and cons”, etc.;


    family evenings "Let there always be a mother", "With all my heart", "Parents' house - the beginning of the beginnings";

    sports holidays “Mom, dad, I am a sports family”, “Dad is good, son is a daredevil” and many others. others

Prevention of family trouble

    Parent general education: parent meetings, conferences, parent meetings, information on the school website

    Acquaintance with psychological and pedagogical literature: exhibitions in the school library, at parent meetings, in personal conversations

    Generalization, enrichment and understanding of successful educational experience parents

    At MO class teachers

    Conversations for teenagers

    Employment for the work of parents who are on the IPU

    Health summer camp at the school

    Production teams at the school

    Registration in the KDN and ZP, intra-school registration

    Individual assistance to the child in studies: additional classes, consultations.

Social help for disadvantaged families

    Free food was provided to 231 students 49%: 3 - disabled children, 6 - children of disabled parents, 1 - registered with a phthisiatrician, 69 - m / o, 152 - in a difficult life situation;

    As part of the interdepartmental operation "School", school supplies were allocated to 20 students;

    allocation of material assistance to graduates from low-income families

    assistance is provided in the preparation targeted assistance, rent subsidies, child benefits;

    for the purpose of social protection we place children in the center social assistance family and children, orphanage

    Interchangeable information stands “Your Rights”, “Regulatory Framework for the Protection of Childhood Rights”, “Attention Pandemic Influenza”, “Be Careful at Life Stops” are in operation.

    New Year's gifts from the Red Cross

    Free lunches in canteen No. 1 along the line of the Red Cross

    career guidance work (elective courses "I choose a profession", "From self-improvement to self-realization", the annual information stand "Entrant", an exhibition of educational services

    foster family institute

    young family institute

    charity actions ("Christmas present")

2. Study of families

I would like to dwell in more detail on two forms of studying the family. This is work with families of first-graders and drawing up a social passport.

2.1. Families of first graders

One of effective methods An early detection of family troubles is a survey of the living conditions of families of first-graders together with the class teacher in September. The educational institution has developed a local act regulating the activities of the class teacher in the issue of mandatory visits to the families of students at the beginning of the school year.

At the beginning of the school year, the social teacher conducts a reconciliation of families registered with the KDN and ZP, focuses on what you need to know about a dysfunctional family:

1 . Material and living conditions.

2. Emotional and moral climate.

3. The regime of the day of the child in the family.

4. Methods and techniques for influencing adults on children

5. Family leisure.

6. Level of pedagogical culture of parents.

2.2. social passport

In September social class passports are drawn up. We have developed an improved form of a social passport, which includes the following columns:

Total students, boys, girls

Number of complete families

Students under guardianship and guardianship

Living with relatives without care

Orphanage students

Students living in families with socially dangerous behavior

(families registered in the CDN and ZP, intra-school registration)

Students who are individually registered in the KDN and ZP, PDN, intra-school registration

— students from large families

Students living with one mother

- students living with one father

Disabled children

Children, parents of disabled people

Trainers who do not have Russian citizenship

Information about parents (education, place of work).

Only after thoroughly studying the family, it is possible to draw up such a social passport: class teachers talk with students, parents, visit families, and conduct surveys.

On the basis of class passports, a social passport of the school is compiled.

3. Analysis of the socio-economic situation of families for 2010-2014

The number of complete families is slowly decreasing, while the number of students raised by one mother is increasing.

The number of children with disabilities in the school has decreased, but the number of students under guardianship and guardianship is increasing - 28.

To date, 12 families in a socially dangerous situation are registered with the KDN and ZP.

These families are regularly visited according to the plan once every two months, but there are situations when they are visited more often. A preventive file has been opened for each family, in which the work carried out with the family is noted.

At the same time, I would like to note that a social pedagogue should not take on the functions of raising and caring for children in these families, replacing parents, as this gives rise to a passive dependent position of family members.

indicator negative impact dysfunctional families per child are also delinquent among teenagers. To date, registered in the CDN and ZP, PDN consists 3 students.

The main behavioral disorders at school among teenagers are:

    absenteeism without a valid reason


    inadequate responses to comments from adults

    conflicts with teachers, with parents

    frequent use of informal language

    fussiness or hyperactivity

Crime prevention work is carried out in three areas:

    work with students

    work on legal education among students and parents,

    work with teachers.

5. Methodical work.

Great methodological assistance to the socio-psychological service of the educational institution is provided by training regional seminars organized by the department of childhood in Kandalaksha:

    "Working with dysfunctional families" - the forms and methods of work were revealed

    "Family group conferences" - the main idea, family problems should be solved by family members themselves, specialists only offer their help.

    "Selection of candidates for host parents: motivation and selection criteria".

    Seminar-training "Development of educational competence" - (conducted by psychologist-trainer Robert Tuikin).

    Training under the program "Pride".

    "Learning - I learn!" — formation of a healthy lifestyle and prevention of HIV and drug addiction.

Methods are used in individual interviews, consultations with parents. At the MO class teachers we discuss new forms of work with parents: for example, mini-meetings of parents (5-6 people each), consultations via the Internet.

On their basis, parent meetings have been developed in an educational institution:

    "Motives for Bad Behavior"

    "The role of the family in the development of a healthy personality",

    "Violence in the family: forms, types, consequences",

    “Education: duty or vocation”, etc.,

This algorithm for identifying and eliminating family troubles is quite general in nature, it serves only as a canvas for the activities of a social pedagogue. Each school, family, surrounding society has its own characteristics, its own problems, which means that social educators have a field for creativity, to enrich these recommendations.


Talking about family troubles is both simple and difficult at the same time, because its forms are quite diverse, as are the varieties of family unions. If, with obvious family problems (such as alcohol addiction of family members, family conflicts, violence and child abuse), neither educators nor the public have any doubts that such families cannot successfully cope with their basic functions, first of all with educational tasks, have a desocializing effect on children, then its hidden forms do not cause much anxiety and concern. Outwardly respectable families with hidden troubles demonstrate a double morality, which children quickly assimilate and make the law of their lives. [5, p.3]

If we talk about the causes of family trouble, then here, too, not everything is simple, as it might seem at first glance. Abrupt changes in the economy, politics social sphere in Russia negatively affected not only the material side of the family, but also the relationship between its members, and, above all, between parents and children.

As a result, tension in communication between parents and children has increased, the level of anxiety has sharply increased already in primary school. On the one hand, parents do not have enough time to perform the educational function in the required amount due to the additional workload. On the other hand, many parents do not have the knowledge to solve a particular problem, often unexpectedly arising in family relationships.

But there are us, teachers and educators of educational institutions, who must be attentive to each child. Feel his inner world. Do not forget to see the problems of a small person behind daily worries, albeit capricious and sometimes unbearable, but so defenseless, waiting for our help and understanding.


    Alexandrova O.V. The program of interaction between the school and the family "Unity and harmony" // The work of a social teacher in the school and microdistrict. - 2012. - No. 1. - p.96-107

    Assistance to children affected by domestic violence: legal aspects, training sessions, recommendations / ed.- comp. Ya.K. Nelyubov. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009

    Psychological workshop and training: prevention of violence in the family and school / ed. L.V. Prikul. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009

    Cooperation between teachers and families: organization of the work system /ed.-comp. ON THE. Alymova, N.A. Belibikhin. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008

    Tseluiko V.M. Psychology of a dysfunctional family: a book for teachers and parents / V.M. Tseluiko. - M .: Publishing house VLADOS-PRESS, 2006

In the context of this topic, the concept of a "dysfunctional family", or a family at risk, is used for the general name of families that do not satisfactorily perform the main functions - socialization and upbringing of children, as well as families with conflict relationships.

The main causes of violation of seminal functions are: drunkenness of one or both parents; failure by parents to fulfill their duties of raising and supervising children, scandals and fights of parents in front of children; their antisocial behavior; one of the parents is serving a prison sentence; etc.

Families with direct or indirect desocializing influence on their children deserve special attention.

Families with direct desocializing influence demonstrate antisocial behavior and antisocial orientations, thus acting as institutions of desocialization. Obviously, children from such families need measures of social and legal protection, which can most reliably be provided by employees of inspections for minors, district police officers, and representatives of law enforcement agencies. In relation to such families, it is unlawful to use the ideology of “social services”, the actions of the subjects of prevention should be “outstripping”, ensuring both the protection of family members and the protection of society from its negative impact.

Families with an indirect desocializing influence experience difficulties of a socio-psychological and psychological-pedagogical nature, expressed in violations of marital and parent-child relationship, these are the so-called conflict and pedagogically insolvent families, which are more often due to psychological reasons lose their influence on children.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 120, which regulates the prevention of family and child ill-being in the Russian Federation, prevention is divided into primary, secondary and tertiary.

primary prevention, covers all families, especially young ones or those in situations of normal developmental crises and includes:

Correction of violations of parent-child relationships that cause a decrease in the emotional well-being of the child and deviations in his optimal mental development in infancy, early and preschool age;

Teaching young spouses the basics of competent relationships in the family, ways to resolve conflicts that arise, etc.;

Teaching young parents the basics of caring for a child at various stages of its development, the rules of family education, building relationships in the family.

Secondary prevention applies to families with early signs of family trouble:

Early intervention and correction of clinical and biological disorders in a child (if any);

Correction of family relationships, physical and emotional ties, assistance in defining clear family roles;

Information and advisory assistance to individuals and families based on requests from individual family members, etc.

Tertiary prevention is carried out in relation to families and adolescents who find themselves in a socially dangerous situation, criminal-immoral, alcoholic families and families where cruel treatment of children and individual family members is revealed. The essence of this prevention is to protect the most vulnerable family members (usually children) from the corrupting influence of a dysfunctional family environment. It may consist in the temporary removal of children from the family or raising the issue of deprivation of parental rights, the punishment of parents who do not fulfill parental duties, show rigidity, etc.

Conceptually, among them, one can single out, first of all, information approach. It is based on a widely held notion that deviations from social norms in people's behavior occur because they do not know them. Such a point of view in itself predetermines the direction of preventive actions and the choice of means, forms and methods for their implementation, namely: informing people about the regulatory requirements imposed on them by the state and society, about the principles and norms of building family life and raising children, the active use of for these purposes, the media.

Social preventive approach can be generally effective only when preventive measures are of a national nature. Let's take for example such social problems as employment of the population, forced migration and refugee, the impoverishment of a significant part of the country's population, specific issues of social security and others that can only be resolved at the state level.

Among the main areas of prevention of deviant behavior, violations of family life, in addition to those already considered, a special place is occupied by biomedical approach. Its essence lies in the prevention of possible deviations from social norms by purposeful measures of a therapeutic and prophylactic nature in relation to persons suffering from various mental anomalies, i.e. pathology at the biological level. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that this method does not exclude, but only complements the previous approaches, since in this case we are talking about the prevention of not biological abnormalities, but social ones, although often associated with a mental state young man, which is confirmed by special studies.

social control expressed in the desire of others (usually the majority) to prevent deviant behavior, punish deviants or "return them to society." Methods of social control include the identification, isolation, isolation, rehabilitation of deviations in life or behavior. Historically, the first reaction of society is to suppress, intimidate, and destroy violators of the order. When society was fed up with torture, gallows, bonfires, etc., doubts began to creep in about the effectiveness of punishment, repression, which led to the idea of ​​the priority of preventing crimes and other antisocial phenomena (C. Beccaria, C. Montesquieu, etc.). The idea of ​​preventing socially undesirable phenomena was a significant step forward compared to the concept of revenge.

The general model of preventive work with families at risk includes the following steps:

    identification of dysfunctional families;

    studying and diagnosing their problems;

    development of plans and programs of work with the family;

    implementation of the developed program;

    family monitoring, providing support and accompaniment in overcoming life's difficulties.

Let's consider these stages in more detail.

In recent years, there has been an increase in dysfunctional families in the country, in which children are left to the mercy of fate. Preventive work with the family is an important component of activities in a general education institution.

The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that the family in modern conditions does not always get out of difficult situations. life situations. She needs outside help. This assistance can be provided by a social worker.

The volume of solved problems related to dysfunctional families and troubled teenagers, largely depends on the social, legal, educational and other institutions surrounding the family and the social educator working with her.

Therefore, these institutions should do their best to support the family, as well as be directly involved in the work of a social pedagogue with families at risk.

The social educator encounters various dysfunctional families. These are families where the child lives in constant quarrels parents where parents are alcoholics or drug addicts, chronically ill or disabled. Modern conditions have added the unemployment of parents.

Our country is undergoing dramatic changes in economic, political and social life.

Today it can be foreseen that these changes will lead to the emergence of new social problems which will primarily affect the upbringing, development, social formation of children and adolescents.

Real life, analysis of statistical data, demographic forecasts allows us to state the growing trouble in the sphere of childhood: unfavorable trends in demographic processes, an increase in child mortality, deterioration in children's health, their nutrition, everyday life and leisure, an increase in child neglect, crime and social orphanhood, child alcoholism and drug addiction, child abuse.

Over the past decade, the number of children who fled from their parents, from educational institutions, missing, has tripled, many of them became victims of crime.

According to prosecutorial oversight, the main reason for the intensification of this dangerous trend is the lack of proper family and social education, the cruel treatment of adults and peers, which provoked minors to flee and, often, pushed them to suicide.

The lack of humanity and mercy in society affects, first of all, children, as the least protected part of the population. Their problems and experiences were given less attention in the family.

It must be admitted that in modern Russia there is a social bottom. However, not everything is determined by material well-being. Big role here plays the loss of value orientations. Entire segments of the population fall to the social bottom: the disabled, single mothers, refugees, the unemployed, those with many children.

The family as a whole is currently experiencing a crisis, but the value norms and rules, love, care, sympathy, responsibility are cultivated in the family.

Working with a problem family is one of the priority areas in the activities of a social pedagogue.


We mean trouble towards the child. To talk about a child in a dysfunctional family means to talk about:

What are the children with their psychological and psychopathological characteristics, prone to overreaction to family troubles.

How does family trouble affect a child who is prone to an aggravated response to all sorts of unfavorable facts.

How a child can disturb the peace of the family, causes irritation, anger, impatience in parents to turn the family into a dysfunctional one, and the latter, in turn, can further aggravate the mental state of the child

What should teachers do, at least in general terms, to help the child, because it is not his fault that he lives in dysfunctional family conditions.

Article 1 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1999 No. 120-FZ
"On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency" gives the concept of a family in a socially dangerous situation - this is a family with children in a socially dangerous situation, as well as a family where parents or other legal representatives of minors do not fulfill their duties of raising them , training and (or) content and (or) negatively influence their behavior or abuse them.

After making sure that the child lives in difficult conditions, you need to:

  • Explain to parents that because of their conflicts with each other, the child suffers, that the child should not be a bargaining chip in the difficult game of adults.

  • If it is not possible to reason with parents who create a psychologically traumatic environment for their child that can disfigure his soul, it is necessary to isolate the child from such parents.

  • If a student has already developed mental anomalies on the basis of family conversations, he should be consulted.
Everyone is well aware of the consequences of living and growing up in a dysfunctional family:

      • - child neglect and homelessness

      • - run away from home

      • - sexual promiscuity

      • - offenses

      • - alcoholism

      • - addiction and substance abuse.
The work with such children should be differentiated.

There are three family groups:

1. Families with an irresponsible attitude to the upbringing of children, where the situation is complicated by the immoral behavior and lifestyle of the parents.

2. Families with a low pedagogical culture of parents, where mistakes are made in the choice of means, methods and forms of work with children, where parents cannot establish the correct style and tone of relationships with children.

3. Families in which neglected children are allowed for various reasons: discord in the family, long business trips, parents being busy with work or social activities.

As the main methods that allow you to quickly obtain reliable data about the child and his situation, I propose to use: "Questionnaire for a teenager at risk" and "Methodology for studying the personality of a socially maladjusted teenager and his immediate environment." The "Questionnaire for teenagers" gives us the opportunity to identify children of the "risk group", the second questionnaire, which is filled out by adolescents of the target group, leads us to the reasons for their troubles, which lie in the personality of the child and his immediate environment (family, school, peers). In addition, it allows you to identify protective factors that are positive for a teenager (favorite activities, people he trusts, his vision of a way out of this situation).

After making sure that the child lives in difficult conditions, the teacher must:

  • Explain to parents that because of their conflicts with each other, the child suffers, that the child should not be a bargaining chip in the complex game of adults who compete, not cooperate with each other.

  • If it is not possible to reason with parents who create a psycho-traumatic environment for their child, capable of disfiguring his soul, you need to isolate the child from such parents sometime, place him in a boarding school, in a sanatorium, advise him to transfer many options to other relatives for a while, and in each specific case the best of them will be purely individual.

  • If a student has already developed mental anomalies, on the basis of family conversations, he should be consulted by a child psychiatrist who comes to school for preventive examinations. And then he decides what to do.
Defects in upbringing are the first, most important indicator of a dysfunctional family; neither material, nor everyday, nor prestigious indicators characterize the degree of well-being or trouble in the family - only attitudes towards the child.

Everyone is well aware of the consequences of living and growing up in a dysfunctional family.

  • child neglect and homelessness.

  • run away from home.

  • sexual promiscuity.

  • offenses and criminal activity.

  • alcoholism.
Drug addiction and substance abuse.

The work with such children should be differentiated. For the convenience of this work, three groups of families can be distinguished:

Families with an irresponsible attitude to raising children, where the situation is complicated by the immoral behavior and lifestyle of parents.

Families with a low pedagogical culture of parents, where mistakes are made in the choice of means, methods and forms of work with children, where parents cannot establish the correct style and tone of relationships with children.

Families in which children are allowed to be neglected for various reasons, discord in the family, parents are busy with personal experiences, long business trips, parents are busy with work or social activities.


1 . What good can I say about a teenager? (for the purpose of psychological location of parents, attracting them to allies).

2. What worries me about him? (the same thing that is the subject of calling parents to school, coming to their home, discussing at a parent meeting).

3. What, in our general opinion, are the reasons for this negative phenomenon, fact? (this causes frankness, which means it will reveal the true reasons)

4. What measures should be taken by the school as well? (development of a common strategy and tactics of education and re-education)

5. What general requirements, general principles of transition to a child should be followed in order for the measures to be effective? (in this situation, parents frankly take the side of the teacher and actively help him).

The task of the entire teaching staff working with adolescents. Brought up in adverse environmental conditions, which they themselves are not yet able to change. To form the internal stability of the individual, a critical perception of negative factors.


  • Children should grow up and be brought up in an atmosphere of goodwill, love and happiness.

  • Parents must understand and accept their child as he is, and contribute to development.

  • Educational influences should be built taking into account age, gender, individual characteristics.

  • The diagnostic unity of sincere, deep respect for the individual and high demands on it should be the basis of the system of family education.

  • The personality of the parents themselves is an ideal model for children to imitate.

  • Education should be based on the positive in a growing person.

  • All activities organized in the family for the development of the child should be built on the game.

  • Optimism and major are the basis of the style and tone of communication with children in the family.
From the history of Russia...

In the first third of the 20th century in Russia, the family was a strong, reliable and effective school for raising children, in which both parents, grandparents, were engaged in upbringing. After the October Revolution, everything changed: the woman was liberated, the private property, family education is replaced by a public one (kindergarten, nursery, boarding school, etc.), parents stopped raising their children as heirs. Many women have developed a negative attitude towards motherhood.

By the 1980s, the situation was aggravated by economic, civil and social processes that led to drunkenness, drug addiction, theft, prostitution, cruelty and violence against women, children, the elderly and the elderly. The emotional and spiritual intimacy between parents and children was broken, a certain part of fathers and mothers stopped educating, relying on educational institutions. As a result, in many families children grow up with distorted ideas about the meaning of human life, decency, human values, with a lack of respect and the habit of honest work.

The decrease in the level of positive parenthood and the inhumane attitude towards native children in the late 20th and early 21st centuries is due to a variety of objective and subjective factors:

Low income.

Genetic and spiritual degradation of generic feelings (blood ties);

The number of fathers and mothers who abuse alcohol and drugs has increased, the number of suicides has increased, all this leads to an increase in families at risk for children and society. It is in such families that divorce occurs, children become orphans (33,000 orphans and children left without care, of which 86% social orphans with living parents), there is a complete degradation of family members;

The presence of fathers and mothers serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty, who cannot give anything to their children, either morally or materially;

Unpreparedness of boys and girls for future family life;

Changes in the basic functions of the family: reproductive - a tendency to the youth type, educational - difficulties and difficulties in raising children, establishing contacts with them, moral and normative - deterioration in relations between parents and children, violence and cruelty in the treatment of wife, children, the elderly, alienation children from parents and vice versa, regulatory - weakening control over the life of children, ignoring healthy lifestyles, weakening parental attention to personality formation, alcohol and drug abuse, an increase in suicides among children.

Under dysfunctional, we tend to accept such a family in which the structure is broken, the basic family functions are depreciated or ignored, there are obvious or hidden defects in upbringing, as a result of which “difficult” children appear.

Given the dominant factors, dysfunctional families can be divided into two large groups, each of which includes several varieties.

first group make up families with a clear (open) form of trouble: these are the so-called conflict, problem families, asocial, immoral-criminal and families with a lack of educational resources (in particular, incomplete families).

second group represent outwardly respectable families, whose lifestyle does not cause concern and criticism from the public, however, the values ​​and behavior of parents in them sharply diverge from universal moral values, which cannot affect the moral character of children brought up in such families. Distinctive feature of these families is that the relationship of their members at the external, social level makes a favorable impression, and the consequences of improper upbringing are invisible at first glance, which sometimes misleads others. Nevertheless, they have a destructive effect on the personal formation of children.

The main activities of the class teacher in working with students and their parents.

The main task of the class teacher (shared with parents) is to create conditions for the free development of the physical and spiritual strengths of students, guided by the interests of children and their age needs, to protect them from all adverse factors that interfere with this.

The class teacher should be aware of the problems of the physical and mental health of students and do everything possible so that both parents and students are not afraid to talk about their problems.

First place in the work of the teacher are taken out students' physical health problems, since it is the quality of the child's health that determines academic success and the level of his development.

To ensure the normal physical health of schoolchildren, the class teacher works in the following areas:

1. Involving children under the Health program.

2. Involvement of teachers in this activity physical education, parents.

3. Preparation and holding of class events aimed at students' awareness of the intrinsic value of health.

4. Informing parents about the specifics physical development, bringing issues of maintaining physical health to parent-teacher meetings, involving medical specialists in educational work with parents and the students themselves.

The second direction of activity of the class teacher is communication.

Communication - it is an influence that determines the maximum development of the child's personality, it is primarily an aesthetic impact aimed at the formation of universally recognized values. Three personal formations contribute to the success of the work of a class teacher: interest in life, interest in a person, interest in culture.

Solving the problem of communication leads children to an understanding of universal human values, they should become the norm for students.

1. The highest value is human life. Nobody has the right to encroach on it.

Interest in life is an indispensable condition for working with children, a condition for the effectiveness of education.

Education from these positions is aimed at the formation of the ability to be happy, which is based on the acceptance of life as a gift of nature.

2. Understanding and perception of a person as a person who has the right to understanding, who is able to improve, who has individual values ​​(family, close people, hobbies).

The class teacher should perceive children as carriers of an individual inner world and therefore be easy to communicate, kind in assessment, calm and unfussy in organizing the case.

3. Cultural values ​​of the world, their significance in the development and formation of a person, the formation of an understanding of their necessity and importance of life.

What universal values ​​can help in the educational process - in introducing the child into the context of modern culture? Their main role is to become a regulator of the norms of communication between people, criteria for evaluating human actions.

The task of the teacher is to help students understand that without accepting the cultural values ​​of the world, without mastering them, they will not be able to take place in adult life.

The third area of ​​activity of the class teacher - This is the cognitive sphere of a child's life. Protecting students in this area means explaining to all subject teachers the individual characteristics of a student. At the same time, the class teacher protects not the student, but the person in him, approaching each child from an “optimistic” position (A.S. Makarenko).

To solve this problem, you need to pay attention to:

To develop, together with the family, a unified tactic in the development of the student's learning skills, his cognitive activity, his future professional definition;

On the implementation of activities that expand the horizons and cognitive interests of the student, stimulate curiosity, research thinking;

To conduct psychological and pedagogical consultations that develop programs for correcting the general educational skills of individual students and the entire class;

To organize classroom hours to improve students' learning skills and abilities, self-development.

The fourth area of ​​activity of the class teacher is family, in which the student grows, is formed, is brought up. The class teacher must remember that by educating a student, he primarily affects the educational potential of the family. The object of professional attention is not the family itself and not the parents of the child, but family education. It is within this framework that his interaction with his parents is considered.

The teacher needs to know what is the scope of the material existence of the child, what is the way of his life, what are the traditions and customs of the family. The following is needed here:

1. The study of the family atmosphere surrounding the student, his relationship with family members.

2. Psychological and pedagogical education of parents through a system of parent meetings, consultations, conversations.

3. Organization and joint spending of free time of children and parents.

4. Protection of the interests and rights of the child in the so-called difficult families.

Thus, the class teacher implements the function of parental education (information about the educational concept of the school, the pedagogical position of the class teacher, about the methods of education, about the goals and objectives personal development schoolchildren for a given period, about the course of the child’s spiritual development, about the peculiarities of the student’s school activities, about the relationship in the group, about the identified abilities in current affairs, etc.) and adjusting family education - exactly the groan that is related to the child (art to love children), the mode of life and activities of the child, which also ensures the correction of the personality of the parents.

Forms of interaction between the teacher and parents of students.

IN practical work with the parents of students, the class teacher uses collective and individual forms of interaction. Moreover, in both cases, both traditional and non-traditional forms of work are implemented.

Traditional forms of work with parents.

1. Parent meetings.

2. All-school and public conferences.

3. Individual consultations of the teacher.

1. Parent meeting should educate parents, and not state the mistakes and failures of children in their studies.

2. The theme of the meetings should take into account age features children.

3. The meeting should be both theoretical and practical: case studies, trainings, discussions, etc.

4. The meeting should not engage in discussion and condemnation of the personality of students.

parent conferences.

They are of great importance in the system of educational work of the school. Parents' conferences should discuss the pressing problems of society, of which children will become active members.

Problems of conflicts between fathers and children and ways out of them, drugs, sexual education in the family - these are the topics of parent conferences. Parental conferences should be prepared very carefully, with the obligatory participation of a psychologist, social pedagogue, who work at the school.

Their task is to conduct sociological and psychological research on the problem of the conference and their analysis, as well as to familiarize the students of the conference with the results of the research. Parents themselves are active participants in the conference. They are preparing an analysis of the problem from the standpoint of their own experience.

A distinctive feature of the conference is that it makes certain decisions or outlines activities on the intended problem.

Individual consultations.

This is one of the most important forms of interaction between the class teacher and the family. It is especially necessary when the teacher is gaining a class. In order to overcome the anxiety of parents, the fear of talking about their child, it is necessary to conduct individual consultations-interviews with parents.

In preparation for the consultation, it is necessary to determine a number of questions, the answers to which will help the planning of educational work with the class.

Individual counseling should be exploratory in nature and help create good contact between parent and teacher. The teacher should give parents the opportunity to tell him everything that they would like to introduce the teacher to in an informal setting, and find out what is necessary for their professional work with the child:

1. Features of the child's health.

2. His hobbies, interests.

3. Preferences in communication in the family.

4. Behavioral reactions.

5. Features of character.

6. Motivation for learning.

7. moral values families.

During an individual consultation, you can use the "My child" questionnaire, which is filled out together with the parent:

1. When he was born, then ...

2. The most interesting thing in the first years of his life was ...

3. The following can be said about health ...

4. His attitude towards school was…etc.


Conversation in the educational arsenal of the class teacher is of great importance. The conversation is best used to prevent conflict situations between individual teachers and the family. It is necessary to use a conversation in working with parents in order to establish a trusting atmosphere, to identify difficult points of contact in conflict situations. The results of the conversation should not become public if one of the participants in the conversation does not want it. In a conversation, the class teacher should listen and hear more, and not get carried away with edifying advice.

Visiting a student at home.

One of the forms of interaction between the class teacher and the family is visiting the student at home. The teacher should warn about the proposed visit, indicating the purpose and day. Visits are only possible with parental permission. A teacher's visit to a family should leave a good impression on the family. To do this, you need to talk about abstract topics, ask about traditions, customs, joint affairs in the family, and only then discuss the reason for the arrival of the teacher in the family.

Non-traditional forms of work with parents.

1. Thematic consultations.

2. Parental readings.

3. Parental evenings.

Thematic consultations.

In each class there are students and families who are experiencing the same problem, experiencing identical personal and educational difficulties. Sometimes these problems are so confidential that they can be solved only in the circle of those people whom this problem unites, and understanding of the problem and each other is aimed at its joint solution.

In order for the thematic consultation to take place, parents must be convinced that this problem concerns them and requires an urgent solution. Parents are invited to participate in the thematic consultation with the help of special invitations. The thematic consultation should involve specialists who can help find the best solution to the problem. This is a social educator, psychologist, sexologist, law enforcement representative, etc. During the thematic consultation, parents receive recommendations on issues that concern them.

Approximate topics of consultations for parents.

1. The child does not want to study. How to help him?

2. Bad memory of the child. How to develop it?

3. The only child in the family. Ways to overcome difficulties in education.

4. Punishment of children. What should they be?

5. Anxiety in children. What can it lead to?

6. shy child. Ways to overcome.

7. Rudeness and misunderstanding in the family.

8. Talented child in the family.

9. Children's friends - friends at home or enemies?

10. Three generations under one roof. Communication problems.

Parent Readings.

This is a very interesting form of work with parents, which makes it possible not only to listen to teachers' lectures, but also to study the literature on the problem and participate in its discussion. Parental readings can be organized as follows: at the first meeting at the beginning of the school year, parents determine the issues of pedagogy and psychology that concern them most. The teacher collects information and analyzes it. With the help of the school librarian and other specialists, books are determined with the help of which you can get an answer to the question posed. Parents read books and then use recommended literature in parent readings. A feature of parental readings is that, when analyzing the book, parents should state their own understanding of the issue and change their approaches to solving it after reading this book.

Parenting Evenings.

This is a form of work that perfectly unites the parent team.

Parent evenings are held in the classroom 2-3 times a year without the presence of children (it is possible with children).

The theme of parenting evenings can be very different. Most importantly, they must teach to listen and hear each other, themselves.

Approximate topics of parental evenings: “The first books of the child”, “Friends of my child”, “Holidays of our family”, “Songs that we sang and our children sing”, etc.

Methods for studying the student's family.

observation. The teacher observes parents during family visits, class meetings, collective affairs. Observation of children can provide additional material for characterizing the family. For example, the teacher noticed that the student eschews collective affairs, does not go to events with the guys, and refuses public assignments. Such student behavior will alert the teacher and force him to get to know the family. You can use the included observation method, when the facts obtained by the teacher are supplemented by information obtained by the asset of parents or teachers of other classes.

Conversation. This method will help the teacher clarify certain provisions, find out the circumstances that explain or justify the child's behavior. The conversation helps to penetrate deep into the phenomenon, to expose the basis of the act, to find out its motives.

A collective conversation at a class meeting when solving pedagogical problems helps the teacher to find out the opinion of parents on certain issues of education.

Interview. It is used by the teacher when it is necessary to study the opinions of several parents on one or more issues at the same time. For example, when preparing a conference of parents on the daily routine, the teacher needs to know how much time it takes on average to teach junior schoolchildren to independent control over the distribution of time for the main activities. To this end, the teacher interviews parents from various families who require their children to strictly follow the daily routine.

Questioning. This research method allows the teacher to simultaneously obtain mass information. Analyzing the questionnaires, summarizing them, the teacher can draw a conclusion about how the issue of raising children in families is solved, compare the data obtained from previous years, and see the development trend.

But the survey may not give detailed results, since parents do not always give the true answer in the questionnaire. Sometimes these answers require clarification, then the teacher simultaneously gives a questionnaire to fill out for parents and children.

Works. The teacher uses this method of study when he wants to receive detailed, ambiguous answers to individual questions. For example, at one of the class meetings, you can ask the parents to write an essay in certain topic. (“How I would like to see my child after graduation”, “How we relax on the weekends”, etc.).

Method of generalization of independent characteristics. The method is used by the teacher when it is necessary to obtain the most complete knowledge about the family, the level of its spiritual development. To do this, the teacher talks with parents, with roommates, with representatives of public organizations, with members parent committee class. The generalized information will help the teacher to more thoroughly assess the level of spiritual development of the family and its influence on the upbringing of the student. But this method must be used very tactfully.

Diary of observations. To identify trends in the development of individual qualities of the child's personality, you can agree with parents on keeping a diary of observations of the child. Parents keep this diary for a long time, when meeting with the teacher they discuss the results of observations, outline new prospects and specific tasks for the near future.

So, the varied work of the teacher with the student's family requires the teacher to have certain skills and abilities:

Use the knowledge gained in a pedagogical educational institution in practical work with parents;

It is good to see the perspective of the development of each child and help the family to outline the ways of its realization;

Establish good relationships with the student's family, be able to maintain business contacts with parents, taking into account their age and individual differences;

Taking into account the specific living conditions of each family, help parents choose the right ways and means to achieve their goals;

Plan work with parents of students, draw up a plan based on the level of upbringing of students in their class;

To see parents as their assistants, to be able to mobilize them to help the teacher at school;

Success in the work of a teacher with a student's family will be when relations with parents are built on a high respect for the interests of the family, parental authority, on every possible assistance to the family in its spiritual enrichment and, thus, in its cultural and moral influence on children.

ra. The characteristics of such dysfunctional families can be supplemented with the following manifestations: distrust, suspicion, denial of everything, impulsiveness, impatience, constant need for something, agitation, quick excitability, lack of knowledge and skills, impracticality, failure, a state of anger with fits of cruelty, violence, infliction family harm.

The behavior of parents in such families resembles the behavior of young children who cannot find contact with adults. Often parents in such a family are people who are unsettled in life, who are in deep depression.

This state of adults makes it impossible for the family to form caring relationships between family members and emotional support. The lack of emotional support for children from parents has profound consequences, which are expressed, in particular, in a decrease in self-confidence in children and adolescents.

The lack of material resources often affects the nutrition of the family, which reduces the resistance of children to diseases, leads to a weakening of their body, exhaustion, etc. Social and psychological detachment turns into an apathetic attitude to life, family passivity, self-destruction of the family personality. A dysfunctional family loses all faith in self-change and continues its forward movement towards complete collapse.

It is possible to conditionally divide dysfunctional families into three groups:

1. Preventive - families in which problems have an insignificant manifestation and are at the initial stage of trouble.

2. Families in which social and other contradictions aggravate the relationship of family members with each other and the environment to a critical level.

3. Families that have lost any life perspective, inert in relation to their fate and the fate of their children.

The following classification of dysfunctional families is also possible: by number of parents- full, incomplete, guardian, adoptive, family of adoptive parents; by number of children- small, large, childless; for material well-being– low-income, medium-income, well-off; on parenting issues- a family of alcoholics, drug addicts, unemployed, criminogenic, deprived of parental rights, socially maladaptive. Families stand out pedagogically untenable; most often they are found when they have children of adolescence.

The identification of a family in need of assistance and rehabilitation should take place as early as possible. For 10 years of living in a dysfunctional family, the child has time to gain a huge experience of antisocial behavior, to break down psychologically, to establish himself in such a variant of life self-determination, which is contrary to the norms of society.

A child from a dysfunctional family reveals himself by his appearance, clothing, manner of communication, a set of obscene expressions, mental imbalance, which is expressed in inadequate reactions, isolation, aggressiveness, anger, lack of interest in any kind of education. child's behavior and appearance not only talk about his problems, but also cry for help. But instead of helping, the environment of the child often reacts to him with rejection, rupture of relations, suppression or oppression of him. The child is faced with a lack of understanding of others, rejection and, as a result, finds himself even more isolated.

The age of the child may be different, but the problems of such children are approximately the same. Attention should be focused on the problem of a particular child and ways to overcome it, and not on the age factor, which should also be taken into account, but not be the main one.

While working with such a family, the teacher first encounters primary reactions of opposition. This may be denial, accusation, the desire to stigmatize someone, the impulsiveness of parents, children, provocation, avoidance of meetings, rejection of help.

It is often difficult to determine the results of working with a family. Each category of dysfunctional families has its own results in moving to the level at which it could do without outside help.

Indicators for assessing the functioning of the family.

Her standard of living has been brought to average levels (parents are trying to lead a normal life, got a job, take care of children, etc.).

Contacts of the family with the environment have been restored, the child attends school.

Decreased alcohol consumption.

Other family-specific issues have been resolved.

Improvement of living conditions - a very important positive thing has become cleaner in the apartment - it is easier to build relationships, the door has become locked with a key - it is safer for children and adults, etc.

It would be naive to believe that the implementation of correctional and rehabilitation activities can be carried out by only one class teacher. In providing assistance to a dysfunctional family, it is necessary to unite organizations of the city, district, village. Therefore, the issue of interagency cooperation between various institutions directly or indirectly related to helping a dysfunctional family is so acute. These are the Department of Education, the Department of Health, the Department of Internal Affairs, the Department of Social Protection of the Population, the KDN, the Inspectorate for Juvenile Affairs, the Employment Center, the Youth Policy Committee, socio-psychological and rehabilitation centers, narcological and neuropsychiatric dispensaries, etc. Their specialists: teachers, social pedagogues, psychologists, doctors, inspectors, teachers of additional education and other workers will be able to provide assistance and support to a dysfunctional family only when a clear agreement is established between them about who, what kind of assistance and when. Specialists should draw up a general plan for comprehensive support for a dysfunctional family, so as not to duplicate each other, but to complement and provide specific assistance.

Memo for class teachers when interacting with dysfunctional families.

1. Never take parenting action in a bad mood.

2. Clearly define for yourself what you want from the family, what the family thinks about this, try to convince them that your goals are, first of all, their goals.

3. Do not give final ready-made recipes and recommendations. Do not teach parents, but show possible ways to overcome difficulties, analyze correct and false decisions leading to the goal.

4. The class teacher is obliged to encourage success, to notice even the smallest successes.

5. If there are errors, incorrect actions, point them out. Evaluate and pause for the family to take in what they have heard.

6. Let the family know that you sympathize with her, believe in her, despite the oversights of the parents.


Working with disadvantaged families class teacher necessary:

1. Identification of dysfunctional families as a means of preventing social orphanhood (knowledge of the living conditions of the child, the presence of an act of material examination).

2. Increasing the pedagogical culture of all categories of parents:

Organization of pedagogical education. Persuasion of parents that family education is not morality, lectures or physical punishment, but the whole way of life of parents (primarily healthy), way of thinking, actions of the parents themselves, constant communication with children from the standpoint of humanity.

Involving parents as active educators ( family holidays at school, extracurricular extracurricular activities, participation in school management).

3. To avoid violence, cruelty, aggressive behavior in relation to their children to form the legal culture of parents.

4. Carrying out control and correctional work with parents (questionnaires, testing, analysis of the level of upbringing, education of children, individual conversations, etc.).

5. Take into account the peculiarities of upbringing in each individual family, based on positive experience, increase the priority of the family and family traditions for all subjects educational activities: children, parents, teachers.

6. Eliminate the feeling of guilt of parents for their failure (a separate plan for working with problem groups of parents).


1. Sultanova T.A. Working with disadvantaged families. Toolkit-Ufa; 2005 10-11s; 25-40s.

2. Ivantsova A. About working with problem families. Education of schoolchildren - 2000 - No. 10 - p.18.

3. Kasatkina N.A. forms of interaction between teachers and parents in elementary school. - Volgograd; 2005. 6-21s;