Working with orphans and children left without parental care. Principles of social work with orphans Prospects for social work with orphans

The main areas of social work with orphans and children left without parental care are social prevention, social rehabilitation and social adaptation. However, it is the latter in work with this category of children, due to the specifics of their psycho-emotional development and the characteristics of education in state care institutions, that is the fundamental technology. It is with its help that the solution of a whole range of problems that pupils and graduates of boarding schools face.

Due to the existence of various directions in the study of adaptation processes, there are many definitions that characterize various aspects of this phenomenon. However, many scientists agree that of all types of adaptation, social adaptation occupies a decisive place.

According to the dictionary-reference book on social work edited by E.I. Single, social adaptation is the process of adapting an individual to the conditions of the social environment; type of interaction of an individual or a social group with the social environment. According to I.G. Zainyshev, social adaptation is not only a human condition, but also a process during which the social organism acquires balance and resistance to the influence and impact of the social environment. He believes that social adaptation acquires exceptional relevance in critical periods of human life.

V.A. Petrovsky insists that social adaptation to the environment in the form of a person fulfilling the norms, requirements and expectations of society guarantees the "fullness" of the subject as a member of society. Moreover, considering the process social adaptation, he also means the processes of "self-adaptation" of the personality: self-regulation, submission to higher interests, etc. Thus, the individual defends himself before the world in those of his manifestations that have already been and are in him and are gradually being revealed.

Experts note the main types of social adaptation of a person through adaptation to existing circumstances by growing into the environment or changing oneself (in this case, a person’s activity is directed towards a better and more complete adaptation to the environment at the expense of his own reserves and personal resources) and self-elimination, leaving the environment if it is impossible to accept the values ​​of the environment as one's own and failed to change and conquer the world(in this case, a person may lose a sense of his own value or the value of what surrounds him).

The process of social adaptation is traditionally considered at three levels:

1) society (macro environment) - adaptation of the individual and various strata of society to various changes in the socio-economic, political, ideological and cultural relations of society. These include the adaptation of new residents of a boarding school to life outside the home, the adaptation of a graduate of a state care institution to independent life;

2) social group (microenvironment) - adaptation of a person or, conversely, a discrepancy between the interests of a person and a social group (institutions, organizations, educational groups, changed relations between the teacher of a residential institution and a pupil, etc.);

3) the individual himself - this is the desire of the individual to achieve harmony, a balanced internal position, the correspondence of self-esteem to the level of claims.

Scientists distinguish the following types of adaptation:

1) physiological - involves the construction of a new system of conditioned reflex connections, the breaking of the old and the formation of a new life stereotype, a set of response adaptive reactions of a mobilization and protective-adaptive nature to environmental conditions, as well as to a change in the physiological state;

2) pedagogical - this is an adaptation to the system of education, training and upbringing, which form a system of value orientations;

3) economic - the process of assimilation of new socio-economic norms and principles of economic relations of individuals, subjects;

4) managerial - the process of personal self-government, which is expressed in a demanding, self-critical attitude of a person to himself, to his thoughts and actions;

5) psychological - such a relationship between the environment and the individual, which leads to the optimal ratio of the goals and values ​​of the individual and the group; this type of adaptation involves the search activity of the individual, her awareness of her social status and social role behavior. The immediate social environment of a person can be various social groups - family, educational or production team, friends, etc. For many children in our country, a boarding school becomes such a social environment.

6) labor (professional) is the adaptation of an individual to a new type of professional activity, labor collective, working conditions, characteristics of a particular specialty, the acquisition of labor skills.

All these types of adaptation are interconnected and necessary for the complete social adaptation of a person.

In the content of social work with orphans and children left without parental care, social adaptation occupies a significant place. The team of educators in such institutions is faced with the task of not only helping the child adapt to a new environment for him, but also organizing the life of the pupils in such a way that, after leaving orphanage, they felt socially protected and psychologically prepared for independent adult life. In the formation of a personality, the formation of a life position, a lot depends on the extent and how exactly a pupil of a boarding school prepares for integration in society. To socially adapt a pupil of a boarding school is to give him a concept of his social roles in society, i.e. help to learn a set of norms that determine how people should behave in a given social situation.

However, life shows that graduates of boarding schools often leave them unprepared for independent living and face a whole range of problems. This happens despite the fact that for the purpose of their social adaptation, specialized hostels, social hotels and centers for patronage and social support of former pupils of state care institutions are being created.

Residents and graduates of boarding schools face many difficulties throughout their lives. They are caused both by the psycho-emotional traumas they experienced, by early socio-pedagogical neglect, by the specifics of the education systems in boarding schools, and by other factors. For example, E.V. Sakvarelidze identifies such factors that influence the formation of the personality of the pupil and graduate of the boarding school and the process of their social adaptation:

Lack of permanent emotional attachments;

Lack and poor quality of communication with adults;

Inability to be alone with oneself due to overcrowding of institutions;

The monotony of life (i.e. the absence of emergency situations requiring a quick response and extraordinary actions);

Isolation from real life, its laws, requirements;

Low material and technical support of institutions;

Insufficient, poor-quality nutrition of pupils;

Incompetence of staff in boarding schools, rudeness, child abuse, antisocial behavior of educators (for example, theft, alcoholism, pedophilia).

All these factors underlie a number of difficulties with which

faced by both pupils and graduates of boarding schools.

An analysis of the data of domestic researchers, literary sources and documentary materials allows us to identify the following problems that are relevant for this social group:

Weak social ties due to insufficiently developed ability to communicate and build relationships with others;

Instability of family relations due to the lack of positive experience of family life in childhood;

Stereotypes of perception of pupils and graduates of boarding schools in society;

Difficulties in getting them the education they want;

Difficulties with professional identification and employment;

The problem with the provision of legally guaranteed housing;

Lack of skills to conduct independent household activities;

Low level of knowledge about their rights and benefits, inability to defend them in human rights organizations. Let's consider these problems in more detail.

Researchers dealing with the problems of social adaptation of pupils and graduates of boarding schools note that orphans and children left without parental care are a problem group not only in psychological terms. Under normal conditions, as a rule, the family gives the child the adaptive potential: social status, upbringing, health, etc. The initial "capital" of the inmates of boarding schools often becomes the lack of empathic communication in the family, cruel treatment, status reckoning to the social "bottom".

A child who is brought up in a family has several circles of communication: family, kindergarten(school), various clubs and sports sections, close and distant relatives, personal friends and friends of parents, neighbors, yard, etc. Residents of boarding schools have much fewer social circles, and all of them can be defined by one territory and the same persons.

Meanwhile, according to practitioners who study this problem, the institutions of out-of-school education and leisure are an important means of their social adaptation, their softer entry into society. S.Sh. Kiseleva emphasizes that in a residential institution it is especially important to help the child understand his inclinations and inclinations, which can subsequently develop to a professional level. The system of out-of-school additional education with its various activities in hobby groups and associations, according to I.I. Shevchenko, plays a unique role in the adaptation of children to modern living conditions, in the development of everyday norms of behavior, the formation of worthy relationships with others.

I.B. Nazarov. In 1999-2000 she conducted a study with the participation of graduates of boarding schools, experts (they are representatives of the education system, non-governmental organizations, various faiths) and pupils, boarding schools, shelters, orphanages. And I came to the conclusion that the existing system of working with children in public institutions depends on many factors of a socio-psychological, objective and subjective nature and does not always contribute to successful adaptation of the individual. Thus, her findings indicate that a child in a state institution does not have a feeling of a permanent home: some children had to change up to six settlements, including the place of birth and education after graduation, four or five children's institutions. Thus, home connections in orphans and children left without parental care are destroyed several times:

1) proper domestic ties and separation from relatives;

2) domestic connections, when the child begins to consider the children's institution as home, and the caregivers and children as relatives.

At the same time, M.V. Osorina. Perhaps it is the phenomenon of public property that later causes the graduates of state care institutions to be unable not only to manage the funds allocated for its maintenance until the age of 23, but also to “retain” housing provided in accordance with the law. One of the conditions for successful social adaptation of boarding school students is their preparedness for marriage and family life. According to the results of surveys conducted by the Research Institute of Childhood, a significant proportion of graduates of public care institutions are divorced. Among the reasons for this is the inability to establish family relationships, the lack of comfortable housing, material support and the absence of a stereotype of maternal behavior. So, about 75% of graduates of boarding schools abandon their children. According to the statistics of the Moscow charitable center "Complicity in Fate", which helps former orphans to arrange their lives, earlier motherhood was the lot of half of orphans; 2/3 of the wards of this center are single mothers. Moreover, it turns out that they are in a hurry to give birth, not only because of their infantilism, but also in search of a way out of loneliness.

It should be noted that failure marital relations graduates of boarding schools is not only a consequence of social maladaptation, violation of gender-role identification, lack of positive experience in family life, but also a problem of public opinion. It is extremely important how others perceive a person, therefore collective attitudes and stereotypes regarding graduates of boarding schools are of no small importance for their successful adaptation: if the social environment negatively perceives this group, then successful adaptation is unlikely to take place.

The specific organization of their school education also leaves its mark on the process of social adaptation of pupils of boarding schools. Due to mental and psychological characteristics, many of them study in correctional classes or are assigned to special schools for children with intellectual disabilities. However, even in ordinary schools, pupils of boarding schools often cause a negative attitude among teachers. True, there are examples when close cooperation is established between school teachers and educators in boarding schools, which contributes to solving the problems of deprivation of children, overcoming their learning lag, and raising the level of intellectual development and abilities.

However, the majority of boarding schools, as shown by numerous studies, with rare exceptions, provide their pupils with the opportunity to study only up to grade 9, trying to enroll them in vocational schools and citing such “arguments”: “For our genetically retarded people, elementary education is enough.” Of course, this is easier than working on expanding the potential of the child.

The problem of vocational guidance and post-school education is also acute for pupils and graduates of boarding schools. According to E.V. Sekvarelidze, every year 80-95% of children from state care institutions expect to be sent to vocational schools, to work, and only a few dream of continuing their education in grades 10-11, and even more so of receiving secondary specialized and higher education. Moreover, older residents of boarding schools do not see any sense in this, referring to the lack of material support for further education and the prospects for obtaining housing. Hence the orientation of pupils of state care institutions towards working professions.

At the same time, residents of boarding schools are often limited both in their freedom to choose an educational institution and in the possibility of enrolling in it, despite the existing benefits. In the entire Perm region, for example, only 3-5 graduates of boarding schools enter universities every year.

There are several reasons for this:

1) firstly, they are often prevented from entering universities by the insufficient level of education received;

2) secondly, today they do not want to admit children from orphanages not only to universities and technical schools, but also to vocational schools, since for educational institutions this turns into certain obligations (providing benefits, places in a hostel, social and pedagogical support, etc. .d.);

3) thirdly, the problem is not only to enter educational institutions, but also to adapt and stay in them.

In some cases, restrictions on obtaining the desired specialty, and then work, are related to the housing problem. Graduates of boarding schools at the end of school, in the vast majority of cases, can choose only those educational institutions, and then only the place of work where they provide housing, where they will definitely provide registration. But today, many organizations do not have hostels. It is also difficult to take advantage of the quotas that are provided for graduates of boarding schools for employment.

As a rule, graduates of state care institutions are not competitive in the labor market, and the professions they have acquired are unclaimed. Those non-governmental organizations that are ready to help them are not numerous. At the same time, in some institutions they do not pay due attention to the development of labor skills among pupils. As a result, being only consumers of state guarantees, children go into independent life absolutely unprepared for work. Thus, of all the graduates who left Russian boarding schools in 2003, almost 30% studied and 40% worked. 35% of former orphans did not study or work.

The housing issue remains no less urgent for pupils and graduates of boarding schools. There are not isolated cases when failed parents sell apartments without the knowledge of their children who are being raised in state care institutions. As a result, the latter gain early experience in the fight for housing and registration, entering into conflicts with would-be parents, turning to the judiciary, commissions on housing issues. Some, not solving the problem with housing, become homeless. According to statistics, every year a fifth of the graduates of boarding schools fall into the number of persons without a fixed place of residence, every tenth, not finding his "place in the sun" commits suicide.

Despite the provisions of Art. 8 of the Federal Law "On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care" (1996), the right of orphans and children left without parental care to provide them with housing, this issue is very difficult to solve.

Due to the lack of their own housing, some graduates of residential institutions who have not communicated with their parents for a long time have to return to them and live under the same roof. Sometimes it turns out that they come to the same thing that the state once protected them from: if parents continue to lead an asocial lifestyle, then they themselves often take the same path. Here we can talk about negative adaptation, as in cases where graduates of boarding schools prefer to become homeless, join a gang, but not return to their parents.

Negatively affects the social adaptation of pupils and graduates of boarding schools and "information hunger". Often, children are not told not only about which educational institutions they can enroll in, but also they are not provided with elementary information about their legal rights provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The fact that, leaving the boarding school, they should be assigned a living space, that they should be given graduation cash allowance and their personal money (pensions, alimony accumulated over the years in the institution), future graduates of boarding schools sometimes do not even suspect.

As already mentioned, few graduates of boarding schools receive a high level of education, a prestigious job. Given the socio-economic instability in the country, many of them went through the liquidation of enterprises and lost social guarantees. At the same time, many did not have and do not have important adaptation resources: material (housing, a profession in demand, savings) and psychological (adequate education, support for relatives). Those. their potential to improve or maintain their former status is lower than that of other citizens.

Thus, from the foregoing, it follows that in working with pupils and graduates of residential institutions, special attention should be paid to developing their adaptive skills that help them most painlessly integrate into society, which can be:

Labor adaptation of graduates of boarding schools;

Individual support programs for this category of the population.

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in the discipline "Social Policy"

on the topic: Social work with children left behind

without parental care

group Yu-13k, course 3 Yanbirdina Tatyana Vadimovna

specialty № 400201

Law and organization of social


Head Lebedeva Natalya Fridrikhovna




1.2 Orphans and children left without parental care as an object of social work




children orphan adaptation social


Children left without parental care are persons under the age of 18 who were left without the care of a single parent or both parents due to the deprivation of their parental rights, restriction of their parental rights, recognition of their parents as missing, incapacitated (limitedly capable), declaring them deceased, establishment by the court of the fact of loss of parental care by a person, serving a sentence by parents in institutions executing a sentence of deprivation of liberty, being in places of detention suspected and accused of committing crimes, evading parents from raising their children or from protecting their rights and interests, refusal of parents to take their children from educational organizations, medical organizations, organizations providing social services, as well as if the only parent or both parents are unknown, in other cases of recognizing children left without parental care in the manner prescribed by law.

Orphans - persons under the age of 18 whose both or only parent have died; Federal Law No. 159-FZ of December 21, 1996 "On Additional Guarantees for social support orphans and children left without parental care" (as amended on 11/28/2015)

In recent years, the activities of authorities at all levels, aimed at ensuring the right of the child to live and be brought up in a family, have noticeably intensified. Despite the ongoing instability of socio-economic and political life, there is a tendency to reduce the number of orphans and children left without parental care, identified during the year. Statistics say that since 2006, and every subsequent year, children left without parental care are only getting smaller. (Appendix 1) At the moment, there are 50,000 children in the state database of children left without parental care, which is 17% less compared to the previous year.

Guardianship and guardianship authorities identify children left without parental care, keep records of such children and, based on the specific circumstances of the loss of parental care, select forms of placement for children left without care, and also exercise subsequent control over the conditions of their maintenance, upbringing and education. The activities of legal entities and individuals other than guardianship and guardianship authorities to identify and arrange for children left without parental care are not allowed. The bodies of guardianship and guardianship are the executive authorities of the subject Russian Federation. The issues of organization and activities of the executive authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation for the implementation of guardianship and guardianship of children left without parental care are determined by the laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation, this Code, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that in Russia the problem of helping children left without parental care is particularly acute. Their number is quite large and it is necessary to work with them. These children need help adjusting to the outside world. If you leave them to themselves, do not deal with them, then they will begin to solve their problems on their own, and they may not be very good at it.

The purpose of the thesis is to study the social services for orphans and children left without parental care.

In this thesis, the following tasks are set:

1) Reveal the theoretical aspects of social services for orphans and children left without parental care;

2) Determine the situation of orphans and measures to support them;

3) To study the legal framework governing social services for orphans and children left without parental care.

The subject of the study is the main directions and methods of social service for orphans and children left without parental care.

The object of the study is the social service for orphans and children left without parental care.


The category of children left without parental care includes children whose parents: have died, have been deprived of parental rights, have limited parental rights, have been declared missing, are incapacitated (with limited capacity), are serving sentences in correctional colonies, are accused of committing crimes and are under guards, evade the upbringing of children, refuse to take children from medical, social institutions where the child is temporarily placed.

According to the Federal Law of December 21, 1996 N 159-FZ "On additional guarantees for the social support of orphans and children left without parental care" (as amended on November 28, 2015), guardianship and guardianship is a form of placement of such children for maintenance, education, education, protection of their rights and interests. Guardianship is established over children under the age of 14, guardianship is established over this category of children aged 14 to 18 years.

The period when the fundamental qualities of the individual are laid, providing psychological stability, positive moral orientations towards people, vitality and purposefulness. These spiritual qualities of a person are not formed spontaneously, they are formed in the conditions of parental love, when the family creates in the child the need to be recognized, the ability to empathize and enjoy other people, to be responsible for themselves and others.

A child who has lost his parents is a special, truly tragic world. The need to have a father and mother is one of the strongest needs of a child.

The spread of the phenomenon of social orphanhood in our country is due to special social conditions and processes in society that characterize the development of Russia throughout the 20th century and are associated with three destructive wars (World War I, Civil War, Great Patriotic War), the terror of the 20-30s, as well as the consequences of perestroika in the late 80s - early 90s.

It is rather difficult to name the reasons for the appearance of children left without parental care, since this is a multifaceted problem that scientists from various fields of science (physicians, psychologists, sociologists, teachers, and many others) are dealing with and which has not yet been fully explored. There are at least three reasons for this phenomenon.

The first is that parents (most often the mother) voluntarily abandon their minor child, and more often this is observed in infancy: abandonment of a newborn in a maternity hospital, abandoned newborns. From a legal point of view, the abandonment of a child is a legal act, which is officially confirmed by a special legal document. Within three months, the parents (mother) can change their mind and the child can be returned to the family.

The second reason is related to the forced removal of a child from the family, when parents are deprived of parental rights in order to protect the interests of the child. Basically, it happens with dysfunctional families in which parents suffer from alcoholism, lead an antisocial lifestyle, are incapacitated, etc. Depriving parents of parental rights is also a legal act that is carried out by a court decision and is formalized by a special legal document.

And the third reason is related to the death of parents. This may also include children lost due to any natural or social disasters that force the country's population to chaotic migration.

Based on the foregoing, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1) the category of children left without parental care includes children whose parents: died, deprived of parental rights, limited in parental rights, recognized as missing, incapacitated (limitedly capable), serving sentences in correctional colonies, accused of committing crimes and are in custody, evade the upbringing of children, refuse to take children from medical, social institutions where the child is temporarily placed;

2) children left without parental care have a lot of problems, both social and psychological;

3) children left without parental care require great attention from the state.

1.2 Children left without parental care as an object of social work

Childhood is a period when the fundamental qualities of a person are laid down, providing psychological stability, moral orientation, vitality and purposefulness. These spiritual qualities of a person do not develop spontaneously, but are formed in conditions of expressed parental love, when the family creates in the child the need to be devoted, the ability to empathize and enjoy other people, to be responsible for oneself and others, and the desire to learn oneself.

In order for the child to feel comfortable emotionally, it is necessary social conditions that determine his life, his physical health, the nature of his communication with people around him, his personal success. Unfortunately, in almost all institutions where orphans are brought up, the environment, as a rule, is orphan, shelter, barracks. Therefore, in order to improve emotional state child, it is necessary to carry out various kinds of psychological work with him.

It's no secret that the majority of orphans are not orphans, but children with parents, most often deprived of parental rights. This means that from the point of view of somatic and mental health, taking into account severe heredity, development, and difficult living conditions at an early age, children born and raised in such families constitute a “risk group”. But the specifics of the socio-psychological development of children in residential institutions is not determined by the criterion of "norm and pathology". Studies conducted in many countries of the world indicate that outside the family, the development of the child goes along a special path and he develops specific traits of character, behavior, personality, about which it is often impossible to say whether they are good or bad, they are just different.

Providing assistance to children, for various reasons, left without parental care, is the most important direction of the social policy of the state. The content of social work with this category of children is determined by the priorities of state policy.

At present, we have to admit that, in addition to all mental development, children brought up without parental care differ from their peers growing up in a family. The rate of development of the former is slowed down. Their development and health have a kind of qualitative negative features that differ at all stages of childhood - from infancy to adolescence and further. Peculiarities reveal themselves in different ways and to different degrees at each age stage. But all of them are fraught with serious consequences for the formation of the personality of a growing person. Studies show that the deprivation of children of maternal care, followed by mental deprivation in orphanages, has a catastrophic effect on their social, mental and physical health.

Most abandoned children lack the personal attention and emotional stimulation they need to develop. Observing severe damage to personality, self-consciousness and intellectual development in such children, scientists suggested that emotional deprivation makes the “moment of rejection” itself especially relevant. This traumatic complex persists in the child for life. Children isolated from birth to six months remain forever less talkative than their family peers. Isolation of the child from the mother for 1 to 3 years usually results in grave consequences for intelligence and personality functions that cannot be corrected. Separation from the mother, starting from the second year of life, also leads to sad consequences that cannot be rehabilitated, although they intellectual development can normalize.

The social policy of the state should be carried out in two directions: the prevention of social orphanhood (effective family policy, assistance to single mothers, sexual education, etc.) and the development of a system of social protection and education of children left without parental care.

Children experience, as a rule, moral trauma in connection with the loss of their parents. They lack communication with adults, with close relatives. In order to compensate for this shortcoming, orphans join the "street life", where they acquire negative connections. As a result of this communication, they form a socially negative type of personality. The state of health is deteriorating, there is a lag in development and education.

It should be noted that in children left without parental care, who are brought up in orphanages, the process of socialization is undergoing very serious changes. In the works of Russian and foreign psychologists, it is shown that in the conditions of a children's institution of a boarding type, a completely different type of personality of the child is formed, in contrast to the conditions of family education. They are pedagogically neglected, their psyche is disturbed, and the diagnoses of "autism", "mental retardation" are not so rare. Changes occur in any case and do not depend on the reasons why the child enters Orphanage: an accident that claimed the lives of parents; refusal of parents to raise their child; removal of a child from the family for social reasons - in these cases, the child becomes a social orphan.

Thus, the problem of socio-psychological assistance to orphans and children left without parents requires the combined efforts of social workers, psychologists and teachers in developing individual methods of working with each child who finds himself in an orphanage, shelter, social hotel, after boarding school.

1.3 Social work with children left without parental care

In social work at the present stage, a system of methods has developed, the classifications of which depend on the features underlying them (degree of generality, scope, content and nature of activity, etc.). An analysis of the practical activities of the bodies of social protection of the population makes it possible to distinguish three main groups of methods of social work: socio-economic, organizational and administrative, and psychological and pedagogical.

The group of socio-economic methods combines all those methods and techniques by which social work specialists influence the material, national, family and other social interests and needs of clients. These methods are used in the form of natural and financial aid; establishing benefits and lump-sum allowances and compensations; moral encouragement, sanctions, etc.

A distinctive feature of organizational and administrative methods is their direct impact. This group of methods includes regulation, regulation and instruction. Regulation is a rather rigid method of organizational methodology, which consists in the development and implementation of various provisions that are mandatory for execution (orders, instructions, states, etc.). Rationing and instructing are less rigid ways of organizational influence. The essence of rationing is in the definition and establishment of standards in human activity. Instruction in social work usually takes the form of consulting, informational and methodological assistance to the client, aimed at protecting him. civil rights and freedom.

The organizational and administrative methods of social work also include the selection and placement of personnel, the method of requirements, criticism and self-criticism, control and verification of performance.

Psychological and pedagogical methods have become widespread in the practice of social work. Human consciousness is the highest regulator of his behavior and actions. Persuasion as the main method of development spiritual world personality, is realized in the practice of social work in various forms (clarification, advice, recommendation, positive example or experience, etc.). In this case, the social worker is required to have the ability and ability to influence not only the individual, but also the microenvironment surrounding him. For this, socio-psychological methods of influence are used (sociological research, observation, suggestion, information, humanization of working and living conditions, empowerment of the individual to manifest creative possibilities, etc.).

Pupils of primary school age are characterized by pronounced motives that are directly related to their daily activities in the orphanage: the implementation of the regime of living in the orphanage, the rules of conduct in the orphanage and at school, while in family children of this age group, the motives of their activities and communication are significantly richer and more varied. Such limitation and poverty of the motivational sphere are associated with the living conditions of children in the orphanage and their insufficiently complete communication with adults. This is especially evident in various conflict situations: situations of prohibition, clash of interests between an adult and a child, a child and a group of pupils, accusations from peers, misunderstanding of the child by adults and peers, and others. At the same time, the behavior of the pupil may differ in aggressiveness, inability and unwillingness to admit his guilt. That is, in conflict situations, the child exhibits defensive, far from constructive forms of behavior. Thus, the scientists discovered the specificity of the development of the intellectual, need and behavioral spheres of the personality of the children from the orphanage. In adolescence, these reasons cause certain difficulties in the approval of a teenager among peers, in the development of his own "I". To the intellectual, behavioral, motivational characteristics of orphanage pupils are added problems related to the health of the child. In fact, there are almost no healthy children in orphanages, children have chronic diseases, and there are often disabled people among them. In addition, many children have intellectual insufficiency - mental retardation of the child, as well as mental retardation. Orphanage inmates are characterized by such phenomena as substance abuse, drug addiction, disinhibition of sexual desires, etc. Along with these medical, psychological and pedagogical problems, the orphanage has many social problems: personal - obtaining personal documents (passports, birth certificates, death certificates of parents, etc.); material (receiving pensions, allowances, alimony), getting housing (most of the children do not have their own housing and registration), employment of graduates and their further professional education. Let us consider the socio-pedagogical activity of a social teacher in an orphanage.

The purpose of social and pedagogical activity is the socialization of children from the orphanage. This goal can be achieved by doing various tasks. Table 1 shows the tasks, functions of activities, methods and forms of organization of socio-pedagogical activities. The most typical functions that a social teacher performs in an orphanage are highlighted. The work of a social pedagogue takes place in close contact with other specialists working in the orphanage. The activity of a social pedagogue begins with determining the social status of the child. By studying documents, conversations, testing, the social pedagogue recognizes the child, highlights the problems that he has to solve. The social pedagogue collects information about the state of the physical and mental state of the child.

The complex educational process in the orphanage requires educators to understand not only its current, current tasks, but also to reveal the development trends of both the child and the team in which he is. One of the main tasks in this case is the formation of humane relations, which are expressed in disinterested moral assistance to all who need it; in respect for another person, in sensitivity, emotionality, responsiveness to someone else's grief and someone else's joy, to the experience of another; V caring attitude to the dignity of the human person. The problems of adaptation of a child who has ended up in an orphanage, the rehabilitation of children with deviant behavior, the integration of pupils into society are important in the work of a social teacher. Rehabilitation of the child takes place with the help of doctors, psychologists, teachers, social educators and other specialists of the orphanage. Medical rehabilitation involves the implementation of a complex of recreational and therapeutic measures.

Psychological rehabilitation is associated with conducting classes to relieve anxiety, anxiety, tension of the child in the orphanage.

Pedagogical rehabilitation involves the conduct of additional classes according to the program of a general education school, as well as correctional classes.

Social adaptation presupposes the successful mastering of social roles by pupils in the system of social relations. Social adaptation occurs through the formation and development of housekeeping skills, self-service, labor skills and abilities. Together with psychologists, a social pedagogue deals with the problems of professional self-determination of graduates (talks about professions, excursions to enterprises, talks about the system of obtaining vocational education, etc.); their development of various social roles of a person in society (patriot, member of society, family member, consumer, professional, etc.), familiarization with the structure and functions of the family; formation of adaptive mechanisms that allow a graduate to adapt to life after leaving the orphanage (for example, conducting conversations on the topic “How to prepare for entrance exams?”, “How to use different types transport?”, “How to fill out documents for utility bills?” and so on.). The social pedagogue uses business games, exercises, trainings, rewards, punishments, conversations, etc. to solve these problems. Another important task that the social pedagogue performs in the orphanage is to represent the interests of the child in human rights and administrative bodies. Realizing this intermediary function, the social pedagogue protects and defends the rights of the pupil, indicated both in international acts and in our domestic federal and regional legislative acts. So, a social pedagogue deals with the housing problems of the child, his employment and the continuation of his further education. These general provisions the activities of a social pedagogue are specified depending on the type of orphanage, the age category of children, their medical, social, psychological and pedagogical problems.

Table 1


2.1 Preventive methods used in the practice of social work

In the practice of social work, it is necessary to take into account the object of influence, i.e. realize differentiated approach to the choice of methods of activity depending on the categories of the population.

For example, in a psychological service in residential institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, the work of a specialist has a number of areas:

1) psychological examination of children upon admission to a children's institution of a boarding school type and upon transfer from one child institution to another, as well as at each new age stage (when entering school, moving from elementary school to secondary school, at the end of school) in order to create a program individual work with each child for his optimal adaptation to education and training at a new stage;

2) work to prevent psychological overload and nervous breakdowns in children associated with the special conditions of their lives;

3) organization of pedagogical consultations for the purpose of psychological analysis of the behavior and development of pupils, the most complete disclosure of the individual characteristics of their personality;

4) work to create a favorable psychological climate in a children's residential institution, optimize the form of communication in the teaching staff, improve the standards of communication between teachers and children;

5) the development of communication skills in the professional activities of teachers, the implementation of measures to prevent and relieve psychological overload of members of the teaching staff;

6) work on the adaptation of pupils to a wide social environment outside the orphanage or boarding school;

7) optimization of the relationship between pupils and members of their families if such relationships persist.

An important aspect of social work is counseling. Counseling methods are primarily aimed at communicating with a healthy person. The main goal of psychological counseling as a method of prevention is to help the individual in conditions of psychological discomfort, to teach a positive attitude towards the world.

Counseling in the field of preventive work with children has the following tasks:

1) informing teachers about age and individual characteristics the subject under study;

2) timely detection of primary psychosomatic deviations in subjects and their referral to appropriate consultations;

3) prevention of secondary deviations in the field of development and recommendations on mental hygiene and psycho-prevention;

5) carrying out corrective work in special groups in consultation with children.

As practice shows, the system of social work has not yet become an area of ​​professional activity in which preventive methods of influencing clients are widely used. The reasons largely lie in the fact that objective factors (economy, politics, social sphere, etc.) and subjective factors (level of knowledge, personnel) do not always contribute to the development of a system of preventive measures. However, knowledge of social technology in many ways increases the effectiveness of social work.

2.2 Practical activities of a teacher in the social adaptation of children left without parental care

Preparing pupils for independent living and their successful adaptation? the main task of the orphanage. Long-term practice of working in boarding schools shows that when entering the big world, a graduate does not know how to apply different strategies of behavior with different people, in different situations. The current social relations have exacerbated the urgency of the problem, because the socio-cultural requirements for young people who start an independent life outside the walls of the orphanage have changed. Children brought up in boarding schools experience great difficulties when they find themselves face to face with an independent life. Most graduates of residential institutions cannot successfully adapt to life.

For successful social adaptation of children left without parental care in a boarding school for their full inclusion in society, it is necessary to increase the level of social competence, which will help the pupil to better navigate the world around him. And the pupil will be able to competently accept this knowledge in life only if he has at least once encountered similar situations in practice, even in a playful way. The use of design technology in the activities of a social worker is one of the most appropriate and effective means that will ensure successful social adaptation of this category of children.

The goal of the teacher is to prepare graduates of orphanages and people left without parental care for an independent life, and teachers also face such tasks as:

1) Increasing the level of social adaptation (development of communication culture skills, formation of the need for communication, intimate and personal relationships).

2) Information support for orphans and children left without parental care, starting their own labor activity on issues of professional self-determination, employment, problems of the youth labor market, taking into account inclinations, interests and abilities.

3) Inclusion in adaptation process interactive technologies (simulation games: role-playing, didactic, attestation, reflexive) that allow graduates of orphanages and children left without parental care to “live through” various situations in a playful way, design the methods of action of the proposed models before meeting them in real life .

The work is carried out in group and individual forms, using the following methods: training, testing, professional diagnostics, interview, observation.

Directions in work with graduates:

Direction of work

Formation of the self-concept

My "I" as the inner world.

Is "I" in harmony with myself? The interaction of my "I" with the outside world. Life position.

Legal Orientation

List of documents required by the graduate.

Valeological orientation

Factors that threaten human health. Alcohol and its impact on health. Addiction. Tobacco smoking. Influence of the state of health on the choice of profession and family formation.

Social orientation

rational human needs. The need for housing. Features of human behavior in various life situations.

Professional and labor orientation

Benefits for graduates of orphanages and children left without parental care. Apparatus employed. Unemployment.

Family Orientation

The role of the family in human life. Love.

Financial and economic orientation

Budget. Saving. Basic economic concepts.

The presence of such knowledge among graduates from among orphans and children left without parental care will allow us to speak about a certain level of social stability, which can be considered as a socio-psychological result of the process of post-boarding adaptation.

The conducted classes of the teacher with children will allow to form the skills necessary for the further successful independent life of orphans and persons from among them:

1) Ability to manage your emotional state.

2) Mastering by adolescents the skills of self-knowledge and self-acceptance.

3) Development of skills of communicative culture.

To achieve this goal, the teacher organizes various plot-role-playing and didactic games, conducts psychological trainings using questionnaires and testing, conversations, gives various reminders for review. During these classes, skills are taught that contribute to the successful interaction of adolescents in various social situations related to housing rights; motivating teenagers to receive information; Development of the ability to argue and constructively participate in the discussion; obtaining information about whether the teenager made the right professional choice; familiarization with the basic rules of job search; diagnostics of the level of formation of ideas about the future family; teaching teenagers how to right choice and substantiate it; Determining the level of formation of social skills in a teenager, assessing which social skills are the simplest for him and which are the most difficult, etc.

The practical activity of a social worker in the process of social design can be carried out within the framework of one of two technologies: individual (empirical) design and standard (applied) design.

Social design is the process of creating a prototype, prototype of social objects, social qualities, social processes and relationships. Unlike the design of such objects, when changing which the subjective factor is not taken into account, this factor should be taken into account when designing social objects. Its consideration largely determines the specifics of social design. At the same time, the following parameters should be laid down in the foundations of social design, that is, it must be remembered that:

1) The social object is contradictory; the social object has a multi-vector development (several ways of development); it is impossible to describe a social object with a finite number of terms of any social theory (fundamental non-formalizability); a social object is influenced by many objective factors; There are many subjective factors that affect the social object, for example, a researcher can assess the maturity of the development of a social object in different ways.

2) Social design makes it possible to assess the validity of the forecast, to develop a scientifically based plan for social development. The design also takes into account the possibility of an unsuccessful experiment to test ideas, the so-called negative result. Upon receipt, a thorough analysis of the reasons is necessary, which caused the discrepancy in solving the tasks. The process of social design is also called "social construction"

Design stages? a system of techniques, methods, rules, procedures, operations for creating a social project. The most generally accepted is the following scheme of social design: clarification of the problem (problem situation) ? social order? social passport? project goals? project objectives? exploratory forecast? normative forecast verification and adjustment? model? construct? project.

1. Clarification of the problem. Subject problem situation (organizational, social) ? a certain social contradiction that requires the organization of targeted actions to eliminate it or choose one of the possible alternatives to social development.

2. Social order. The order acts as a certain social setting for the development of specific measures for the realization of the material and spiritual needs of people, the resolution of contradictions, and the search for a compromise. The social order is formed on the realization of the need to solve the social problem that has arisen, without which further effective functioning and development of the community, and successful advancement, are impossible.

3. Certification of the object? obtaining accurate data about a system, process or phenomena, describing their states, functioning and development. Passport? this is a summary document that displays the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the system that affect the functioning and development, and analyzes the structure of the elements. The social passport should contain basic information about changes in the social structure, conditions, protection and wages, housing, cultural and living conditions, etc.


3.1 Forms of placement of children left without parental care

The guardianship and guardianship authorities are responsible for identifying, recording and choosing forms of placement for children left without parental care, as well as for monitoring the conditions of their maintenance, upbringing and education. They are obliged, within three days from the date of receipt of the notification, to conduct an examination of the child's living conditions and ensure his protection and accommodation.

Children left without parental care are subject to be transferred to a family for upbringing, and in the absence of such an opportunity, to appropriate institutions for orphans or children left without parental care. Legislation, therefore, gives priority to family forms arrangement of children as the most appropriate for the needs of the child and creating optimal conditions for his upbringing and development.

Adoption (adoption) of a child is a state act, in connection with which between adopted children and their offspring, as well as adoptive parents and their relatives, the same rights and obligations arise that exist between parents and children under the law. Adopted children lose their personal non-property and property rights and obligations towards their parents (relatives).

Adoption is carried out by the court at the request of persons wishing to adopt a child, with the obligatory participation of guardianship and guardianship authorities. Adoptive parents may be adults capable of both sexes, except for persons who, according to Art. 127 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation "Family Code of the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 1995 N 223-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2015), do not have the right to adopt (deprived of parental rights, removed from the duties of a guardian for health reasons, etc. ). The age difference between the adopter and the adopted child must be at least 16 years, however, for reasons recognized by the court as valid, it may be reduced.

For the adoption of a child who has reached the age of 10, his consent is required, except in cases specifically provided for by law. The procedural issues of adoption are regulated in detail in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the rules for the transfer of children for adoption (adoption) and monitoring the conditions of their life and upbringing in the families of adoptive parents on the territory of the Russian Federation and the Rules for registering children who are citizens of the Russian Federation with consular institutions of the Russian Federation Federation and adopted by foreign citizens or stateless persons" dated March 29, 2000 N 275 (as amended on June 2, 2016). The law guarantees the secrecy of the adoption of a child. Disclosing the secret of adoption is a criminal offense. Illegal adoption is also a criminal offense.

Practice shows that, as a rule, children under the age of 12 are adopted. Older children remain in institutions until graduation. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of adoptions by foreign citizens.

When starting work on adoption, the social worker should receive full information on the following issues:

1) whether the child is psychologically and socially ready for adoption;

2) whether he is legally adopted;

3) whether the consent of the natural parents (when necessary) and the child for adoption is given consciously and without pressure from anyone;

4) in the case of international adoption, whether the receiving country has given permission for the entry of the child;

5) whether there is an adoption monitoring system that allows you to support the child and the foster family.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the preparation of adoptive parents:

1) carefully study the psychological, social, physical and economic condition, as well as the cultural level of those wishing to adopt a child and their immediate environment;

2) one should definitely know whether the adoption plan meets their desires and whether their marital and marital status is conducive to such an undertaking;

3) help adoptive parents focus more on the needs of the child than on their own.

In addition, one should take into account the fact that the transfer of an orphaned child to a new family involves adaptation period, the duration of which depends on the individual characteristics of the child and his adoptive parents (age, state of health, characterological characteristics); from the readiness of the child to changes in life, and parents - to the characteristics of children. And, finally, it is necessary to think over in advance the decision of the fate of the child in the event of a possible unsuccessful adoption.

Guardianship (trusteeship) - a form of placement of orphans and children left without parental care, for the purpose of their maintenance, upbringing and education, as well as for the protection of their rights and interests. Guardianship is established over children under the age of 14; guardianship - over children aged 14 to 18 years. Guardians are representatives of the wards and make all necessary transactions on their behalf and in their interests. Trustees give their consent to the conclusion of those transactions that citizens under guardianship are not entitled to make on their own.

Obligations for guardianship (trusteeship) are performed free of charge. For the maintenance of the child, the guardian (custodian) is paid monthly funds in the amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The guardian is obliged to bring up the child, to take care of his health. He has the right to demand in court the return of the child from any persons, including close relatives, if they hold him illegally. However, he does not have the right to prevent the child from communicating with his relatives and friends.

The law provides for the protection of children from possible abuse by guardians, in particular, it establishes a limitation of their powers and independence in the disposal of the property of the ward. The state must exercise constant supervision over the living conditions of the ward, over the fulfillment by the guardian of his duties, and provide assistance to the guardians.

A foster family is a form of placement of orphans and children left without parental care, on the basis of an agreement between the guardianship and guardianship authorities and foster parents on the transfer of a child for upbringing to spouses or individual citizens who wish to take children into upbringing in a family for a period established by the agreement . According to the Regulations on the foster family

With changes and additions from: August 18, 2008, in such a family there should be no more than 8 children. Foster parents act as educators and receive payment for their work. Between them and adopted children there are no alimony, inheritance and other legal relations similar to the relationship between parents and children.

The state and local self-government bodies allocate funds for the maintenance of each adopted child and provide appropriate benefits established by law. The guardianship and guardianship authorities are obliged to provide the foster family with the necessary assistance, contribute to the creation of normal conditions for the life and upbringing of children, and also have the right to monitor the implementation of the tasks assigned to them. foster parents responsibility for the maintenance, upbringing and education of children.

The transfer of a child to a foster family over the age of 10 requires his consent. It is prohibited, as in adoption, to separate siblings, unless the separation is permissible in the interests of the child.

Institutions for orphans and children left without parental care include:

1) educational institutions in which orphans and children left without parental care are kept;

2) social service institutions for the population (orphanages for disabled children with mental retardation and physical disabilities, social rehabilitation centers for helping children left without parental care, social shelters);

3) health care institutions (children's homes) and other institutions created in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Children under the age of 3 are placed in the children's home. Upon reaching the age of 3, orphans are transferred to orphanages for children of preschool and school age, specialized boarding schools for children with physical and mental disabilities, closed boarding schools for children and adolescents. In Russia, every fifth orphanage is an institution for mentally retarded and physically handicapped children.

Despite the fact that noticeable positive changes are taking place in this area, the problem of shaping the personality of a child in a boarding school remains very acute and relevant. Deprivation of maternal care leads to a delay in the development of the child and may be manifested by symptoms of mental and physical illness. The constant change of the microsocial environment (orphanage - preschool orphanage - orphanage for children of school age) causes significant damage to the child's psyche, worsens his health. Children brought up in boarding schools, for the most part, lag behind their peers in psychophysical development.

The domestic system of education in orphanages is based on the fact that children live and study in the same place. This isolation of orphanages increases the dependence of children on the institution and does not contribute to the formation of independent living skills. Quite often, graduates of boarding schools do not have basic household skills: cook food, buy something, organize their free time, etc. Therefore, to improve the work of orphanages, it is necessary:

1) bring them in line with the standards for a certain number of children;

2) create a social and emotional environment close to the family;

3) to organize small family-type groups, where educators and children live, as it were, independent “families”;

4) show attention to the psycho-emotional needs of the child;

5) to limit as much as possible the transfer of children from one orphanage to another by age;

6) not to separate brothers and sisters in different institutions;

7) strengthen ties between children and their parents;

8) to develop in children the skills of household and social skills necessary in the future independent life.

It is equally important to solve the issues of accommodation and employment of future graduates.

Orphanhood is a permanent social problem. Therefore, the social policy of the state should be carried out in two directions: the prevention of social orphanhood (effective family policy, assistance to single mothers, sexual education, etc.) and the development of a system of social protection and education of children left without parental care.

3.2 Protecting the rights of children left without parental care

The protection of the rights of orphans and children left without parental care is entrusted to the guardianship and guardianship bodies, which are local self-government bodies.

In accordance with the requirements of international law, a child who is temporarily or permanently deprived of his family environment or can no longer remain in such an environment is entitled to special protection and assistance provided by the state.

In the Russian Federation, the task of national importance is to create conditions for the full-fledged physical, intellectual, spiritual, moral and social development of orphans and children left without parental care, preparing them for an independent life in modern society. To this end, a comprehensive implementation of measures is envisaged, both at the federal level and at the level of subjects of the federation, aimed at the formation and implementation of state policy in relation to children left without parental care, and ensuring their social security, vocational training, employment and full integration into society.

According to paragraph 2 of article 121 of the Family Code and paragraph 1 of article 34 of the Civil Code, bodies of guardianship and guardianship are bodies, local self-government - elected and other bodies empowered to resolve issues of local importance and not included in the system of state authorities. However, according to Art. 132 of the Constitution and Art. 6 of the Law “On the General Principles of Organizing Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation” Federal Law No. 131-FZ of 06.10.2003 “On the General Principles of Organizing Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation” (as amended on 06/02/2016), local governments may be endowed by law with separate state powers with the transfer of material and financial resources necessary for their implementation. Such state powers include the functions of guardianship and guardianship.

The Family Code (clause 1, article 121) establishes that the activities of legal entities and individuals other than guardianship and guardianship authorities to identify and arrange children left without parental care are not allowed. This prohibition also applies to intermediary activities for the transfer of children for adoption, guardianship (guardianship) or family upbringing (we are talking about the search, identification and selection of children).

Timely identification and registration of children who have lost parental care for one reason or another is a necessary prerequisite for providing them with appropriate assistance. In accordance with Article 122 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the resolution of these issues falls within the competence of the guardianship and guardianship authorities at the actual location of the children.

Measures state support orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among them under the age of 23, are provided for by the Federal Law "On additional guarantees for the social support of orphans and children left without parental care" of December 21, 1996 N 159 -FZ (as amended on November 28, 2015) . This Law regulates relations arising in connection with the provision and provision by state authorities of additional guarantees for the social protection of the rights of orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among them under the age of 23 years. It contains an important norm according to which additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care, provided in accordance with the current legislation, are provided and protected by the state.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On additional guarantees for social support for orphans and children left without parental care" dated December 21, 1996 N 159-FZ (as amended on November 28, 2015), the following guarantees are provided and provided by state authorities:


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The protection of the rights of orphans and children left without parental care is entrusted to the guardianship and guardianship bodies, which are local self-government bodies. Their activities are regulated by the following documents:

· UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989);

the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

· Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 34, 35, 39);

· Family Code of the Russian Federation (art. 121 - 125, etc.);

· Housing Code of the RSFSR (Art. 53, 60, 62);

· the federal law of the Russian Federation of December 4, 1996 “Principles, content and measures of state support for orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among them under the age of 23”;

other legal acts.

Within the framework of the presidential program "Children of Russia" there is a targeted program "Orphans", aimed at creating favorable conditions for preparing children who have lost parental care for an independent life in the modern socio-economic environment. It reflects the various forms of placement of orphaned children, the improvement of their medical care, the development of the personnel and material base of orphanages, and the improvement of the socio-economic provision of orphans brought up in them.

The guardianship and guardianship authorities are responsible for identifying, recording and choosing forms of placement for children left without parental care, as well as for monitoring the conditions of their maintenance, upbringing and education. They are obliged, within three days from the date of receipt of the notification, to conduct an examination of the child's living conditions and ensure his protection and accommodation.

Children left without parental care are subject to be transferred to a family for upbringing, and in the absence of such an opportunity, to appropriate institutions for orphans or children left without parental care. Legislation, therefore, gives priority to family forms of placement of children as the most appropriate for the needs of the child and creating optimal conditions for his upbringing and development.

Adoption (adoption) of a child

Adoption (adoption) of a child - This is a state act, in connection with which between adopted children and their offspring, as well as adoptive parents and their relatives, the same rights and obligations arise that exist between parents and children under the law. Adopted children lose their personal non-property and property rights and obligations towards their parents (relatives).

Adoption is carried out by the court at the request of persons wishing to adopt a child, with the obligatory participation of guardianship and guardianship authorities. Adoptive parents may be adults capable of both sexes, except for persons who, according to Art. 127 of the RF IC, do not have the right to adopt (deprived of parental rights, removed from the duties of a guardian for health reasons, etc.). The age difference between the adopter and the adopted child must be at least 16 years, however, for reasons recognized by the court as valid, it may be reduced.

For the adoption of a child who has reached the age of 10, his consent is required, except in cases specifically provided for by law. Procedural issues of adoption are regulated in detail in the "Regulations on the procedure for the transfer of children", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on September 15, 1995. The law guarantees the secrecy of the adoption of a child. Divulging the secret of adoption is a criminal offence. Illegal adoption is also a criminal offense.

Practice shows that, as a rule, children under the age of 12 are adopted. Older children remain in institutions until graduation. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of adoptions by foreign citizens.

When starting work on adoption, the social worker should receive full information on the following issues:

Is the child psychologically and socially ready for adoption?

Whether he is legally adopted;

whether the consent of the natural parents (when necessary) and the child for adoption is given consciously and without pressure from anyone;

· in the case of international adoption, whether the receiving country has given permission for the child to enter;

• whether there is an adoption monitoring system that allows you to support the child and the adoptive family.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the preparation of adoptive parents:

· carefully study the psychological, social, physical and economic condition, as well as the cultural level of those wishing to adopt a child and their immediate environment;

· you should definitely know whether the adoption plan meets their desires and whether their marital and marital status is conducive to such an undertaking;

Helping adoptive parents focus more on the needs of the child than on their own.

In addition, one should take into account the fact that the transfer of an orphaned child to a new family involves an adaptation period, the duration of which depends on the individual characteristics of the child and his adopters (age, health status, character traits); from the readiness of the child to changes in life, and parents - to the characteristics of children. And, finally, it is necessary to think over in advance the decision of the fate of the child in the event of a possible unsuccessful adoption.

Guardianship (guardianship)

Guardianship (guardianship) - a form of placement of orphans and children left without parental care, for the purpose of their maintenance, upbringing and education, as well as for the protection of their rights and interests.

Guardianship is established over children under the age of 14; guardianship - over children aged 14 to 18 years. Guardians are representatives of the wards and make all necessary transactions on their behalf and in their interests. Trustees give their consent to the conclusion of those transactions that citizens under guardianship are not entitled to make on their own.

Obligations for guardianship (trusteeship) are performed free of charge. For the maintenance of the child, the guardian (custodian) is paid monthly funds in the amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The guardian is obliged to bring up the child, to take care of his health. He has the right to demand in court the return of the child from any persons, including close relatives, if they hold him illegally. However, he does not have the right to prevent the child from communicating with his relatives and friends.

The law provides for the protection of children from possible abuse by guardians, in particular, it establishes a limitation of their powers and independence in the disposal of the property of the ward. The state must exercise constant supervision over the living conditions of the ward, over the fulfillment by the guardian of his duties, and provide assistance to the guardians.

foster family

foster family - this is a form of placement of orphans and children left without parental care, on the basis of an agreement between the guardianship and guardianship authorities and foster parents on the transfer of a child for upbringing to spouses or individual citizens who wish to take children into upbringing in a family for a period established by the agreement. According to the Regulations on the foster family, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in 1996, such a family should have no more than 8 children. Foster parents act as educators and receive payment for their work. Between them and adopted children there are no alimony, inheritance and other legal relations similar to the relationship between parents and children.

The state and local self-government bodies allocate funds for the maintenance of each adopted child and provide appropriate benefits established by law. The guardianship and guardianship authorities are obliged to provide the foster family with the necessary assistance, to contribute to the creation of normal conditions for the life and upbringing of children, and also have the right to monitor the fulfillment of the duties assigned to foster parents for the maintenance, upbringing and education of children.

The transfer of a child to a foster family over the age of 10 requires his consent. It is prohibited, as in adoption, to separate siblings, unless the separation is permissible in the interests of the child.

Institutions for orphans and children left without parental care

Institutions for orphans and children left without parental care include:

· educational institutions in which orphans and children left without parental care are kept;

· Institutions of social services for the population (orphanages for disabled children with mental retardation and physical disabilities, social rehabilitation centers for children left without parental care, social shelters);

· healthcare institutions (children's homes) and other institutions created in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Children under the age of 3 are placed in the children's home. Upon reaching the age of 3, orphans are transferred to orphanages for children of preschool and school age, specialized boarding schools for children with physical and mental disabilities, closed boarding schools for children and adolescents. In Russia, every fifth orphanage is an institution for mentally retarded and physically handicapped children.

Despite the fact that noticeable positive changes are taking place in this area, the problem of shaping the personality of a child in a boarding school remains very acute and relevant. Deprivation of maternal care leads to a delay in the development of the child and may be manifested by symptoms of mental and physical illness. The constant change of the microsocial environment (orphanage - preschool orphanage - orphanage for children of school age) causes significant damage to the child's psyche, worsens his health. Children brought up in boarding schools, for the most part, lag behind their peers in psychophysical development.

The domestic system of education in orphanages is based on the fact that children live and study in the same place. This isolation of orphanages increases the dependence of children on the institution and does not contribute to the formation of independent living skills. Quite often, graduates of boarding schools do not have basic household skills: cook food, buy something, organize their free time, etc. Therefore, to improve the work of orphanages, it is necessary:

bring them into line with the standards for a certain number of children;

create a social and emotional environment close to the family;

organize small family-type groups where educators and children live, as it were, independent “families”;

Show attention to the psycho-emotional needs of the child;

limit the transition of children from one orphanage to another by age;

not to separate brothers and sisters in different institutions;

Strengthen ties between children and their parents;

To develop in children the skills of household and social skills necessary in the future independent life.

It is equally important to solve the issues of accommodation and employment of future graduates.

Orphanhood is a permanent social problem. Therefore, the social policy of the state should be carried out in two directions: the prevention of social orphanhood (effective family policy, assistance to single mothers, sexual education, etc.) and the development of a system of social protection and education of children left without parental care.

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Social Work

IPSSO GOU VPO MGPU Dmitry Aleksandrovich Dontsov;

Senior Lecturer, Department of General Psychology, NOU VPO MPSI

Margarita Valerievna Dontsova.

Social work with orphans

and with children left without parental care
Orphanhood as a problem of Russian society

Providing assistance to children left without parental care for various reasons (“physical” orphans and social orphans) is the most important direction of the state’s social policy. Orphanhood as a social phenomenon exists as long as human society, being, unfortunately, an integral element of civilization.

It should be noted that there are two main types of orphanhood (children left without parental care): orphanhood ordinary (arising as a result of the death of the child's parents for one reason or another) and social orphanhood (arising when children are deprived of parental care due to the unwillingness or inability of parents to exercise parental responsibilities, because of which the parents abandon the child or are “eliminated” from his upbringing). Until today, the world has been dominated by orphanhood for many centuries. However, since the middle of the 20th century, social orphanhood has become rampant, and an increase in the number of children left without care with living parents is observed in many countries of the world, including developed ones. As for Russia, in our country this problem is especially acute: social orphans make up the vast majority of children left without parental care (about 95%!).

As reasons And sources of orphanhood there have always been and are objective factors that are so common for our vast country. These are: natural disasters, accidents, catastrophes, accidents, terrorist attacks, illnesses and premature death of parents. The situation is aggravated by the progressive tendency towards the destruction of the moral foundations of the family, lack of spirituality, and the loss of vital human values. The number of disadvantaged children continues to increase due to the deprivation of parents of their parental rights due to drunkenness, immoral lifestyle, mothers' refusal to support and raise their children; an increase in the number of single mothers, underage mothers and other reasons causing social orphanhood.

In recent years, there has been a sharp increase socio-economic reasons, causing the growth of orphanhood and social orphanhood. In those regions where many enterprises have ceased to exist (violation of the correlation of productive forces and production relations), mass unemployment, hunger, and drunkenness are observed. In these places, the number of newborn children has decreased, the number of families without children has increased; the number of illegitimate births, unwanted children, incomplete families has increased; the probability of the death of the parents of many children has increased (terrible disasters in the mining regions); there has been a sharp increase in the number of families deprived of basic living conditions due to forced migration, unemployment, non-payment and / or late payments wages, social benefits, pensions; the number of families in a pre-crisis state has increased; significantly increased the number of children affected by abuse, various forms of violence by parents. On average, from 2 to 4 thousand children are annually identified in each region, who for various reasons have lost parental care, social orphans appear again and again.

In domestic legislation, the categories “orphans” and “children left without parental care” are distinguished. Orphans include those children whose both parents have died or whose only parent has died. The number of children left without parental care includes those who were left without the care of both parents or a single parent in connection with the deprivation of their parental rights, the recognition of their parents as missing or incapacitated (with limited capacity), who are in medical institutions serving sentences in places of deprivation freedom, being in places of detention, suspected or accused of committing crimes, parents evading the upbringing of children or protecting their rights and interests, the refusal of parents to take their children from educational, medical institutions, institutions of social protection of the population and other similar institutions and in other similar cases. The legislation of our country does not highlight any fundamental differences between these categories of children (orphans and social orphans) in terms of general principles, content and measures of their state social support.

Most of today's orphans are social orphans. There are fewer and fewer children of chronic alcoholics, patients with hereditary diseases, and the like among the inmates of orphanages. The parents of these children are quite healthy mentally and physically, but they have become socially deprived individuals, that is, people who, due to certain unfavorable socio-psychological and socio-economic factors, are in a state of apathy, indifference to themselves and to the world around them, who have lost their sense of self-esteem, responsibility, sympathy for others who are embittered at the whole world, including, unfortunately, at their children.

Due to the imperfection of the social accounting system, the high dynamics of growth in the number of children who have lost parental care, it is hardly possible to name the exact number of orphans and children left without parental care in our country. According to various sources, it ranges from 1 to 3 million people. It is in Russia in recent years that another kind of orphanhood has become more and more pronounced. - hidden social orphanhood . The fall in the standard of living, the increase in the number of dysfunctional families has led to the fact that children are often forced out into the street, resulting in an unprecedented increase in neglect and homelessness since the end of World War II.

The social situation of orphans and social orphans is very difficult. They did not have the opportunity to fully master the social role of a family member. A significant part of the children in stationary social centers are social orphans. Of the pupils of various social stationary children's institutions, approximately every second child has parents deprived of parental rights. According to various social centers, there are 6-8% of children in whom both parents have died. If we rank the reasons for the admission of children to different social centers, institutions, then the following sad picture emerges: 1st place - deprivation of parents of parental rights; 2nd place - systematic avoidance of parents from raising children; 3rd place - stay of parents in places of detention; 4th place - the inability of the guardian to cope with his duties; 5th place - the death of both parents.

A very important reason the emergence and growth in the number of orphans and children left without parental care is the destruction of the state infrastructure of socialization and public education of children, which occurs along with the lack of formation of a new effective structure (system) of socialization and organization of children's leisure in the conditions of market relations.

The number has significantly decreased, fees have increased, and the availability of children's children for many, many families has decreased. preschool institutions, educational institutions, houses children's creativity, children's sanatoriums, cultural centers, sports facilities, museums, family recreation and leisure facilities, children's summer recreation facilities, music and art schools. The pioneer organization and the Komsomol, numerous free school circles and sections, and free circles located in the homes of the pioneers (now the houses of children's creativity) ceased to exist. The abolition of compulsory complete secondary general education and the commercialization of professional secondary specialized education played a negative role. The number of children who never studied (children who did not attend school at all) is increasing.

Another significant reason the growth in the number of orphans and children left without parental care - the crisis of the institution of the family: increasing poverty, deteriorating living conditions and destruction moral values and educational potential of families. Also, as a result of an increase in mortality at young ages, as a result of mass divorces and out-of-wedlock births, the number of single-parent families with little opportunity (primarily economic) for the maintenance and upbringing of children is increasing.

The socialization of children is often adversely affected by the media, which openly and covertly promote sexual permissiveness, pornography, violence, crime, cruelty, drug addiction, drunkenness, smoking, dissolute and senseless spending of time. The repertoire of children's theaters and cinemas, as well as the policy of book publishing for children, have changed. The worst examples of foreign morality and culture are often cultivated in the children's and youth environment.

A new system of commercial and criminal exploitation of child neglect has been formed. Children's drug addiction and alcoholism are growing, children are involved in criminal communities. Children and adolescents can freely purchase alcohol and drugs at discos, educational institutions, including schools. Ultimately, we have to conclude that today almost all Russian children, including children from well-to-do families, are affected by the negative impact.

Those legislative and public initiatives that are being taken today to correct the above-described unfavorable conditions for the socialization of children, unfortunately, are not adequately effective.

The number of orphans and children left without parental care is growing every year. This suggests that child orphanhood is one of the most acute social problems in modern Russia.

Causes of social and psychological problems of orphans

and children left without parental care.

The position of children in society serves as a social indicator of the moral and ethical health of society.

Employees of social rehabilitation centers record an increase in the social maladaptation of children, which is caused, on the one hand, by the distancing of the school from the social, pedagogical, psychological problems of dysfunctional families and problems of difficult children, and on the other hand, is caused by shortcomings in preventive (prophylactic) social practice, in particular , - untimely identification of socially disadvantaged families. The majority of children from dysfunctional families do not have an emotional personal belonging to the family, to the school, as the main institutions of socialization, which is a consequence of the social deformation of the main factors in the development of the child. 2 Social maladjustment in cases of this kind appears in four main forms: learning disorders, behavioral disorders, contact disorders, and in a mixed form, which includes a combination of the above signs.

Social maladjustment (in a pronounced form) in childhood leads to the formation of people who are poorly educated, do not have labor skills, do not have a moral orientation to create a full-fledged family, do not have the psychological readiness to be good parents and so on. Significantly socially deprived, maladjusted children, growing up, easily cross the boundaries of almost any moral, ethical and legal norms, becoming a social threat to the whole society.

All children passing through social rehabilitation centers have a difficult medical status, which is often due to their social neglect. It is horrifying that even in the prenatal period of development, most of these children, as it turns out, were exposed to stress factors that had an extremely negative impact on their physical and psychological health: an unfavorable course of pregnancy associated with the abuse of the future mother by smoking and alcohol or even drugs, improper diet and sleep of the expectant mother, an unhealthy lifestyle of the expectant mother, which leads to impaired fetal development. A medical examination of such children in social rehabilitation centers shows that almost all of them have somatic diseases, which in most of them are of a neglected or chronic nature, prenatal period, from the neonatal period or from the period of infancy.

Mental disorders of varying degrees are found in most socially disadvantaged children. Manifestations of mental disorders vary greatly at different age stages of development of these children. For preschoolers and junior schoolchildren more pronounced ZPR. 3 Adolescents are dominated by residual effects of early organic brain damage, which are expressed in a variety of psychopathic behavioral disorders.

The majority of children admitted to hospitals of social centers have emotional disorders of varying severity, they are characterized by neurotic reactions, neurosis-like states, and the like. These children have pronounced fears, anxiety, sleep disturbance, isolation, aggressiveness, low self-esteem, and a violation of trust in people around them.

Due to unfavorable life circumstances, children with a disturbed psyche, who are personally developing in conditions of negative SSR, 4 children, whose life only consists of difficult situations, have not accustomed (methodologically not accustomed) to learning activities and mental work. However, the psychological diagnosis of socially disadvantaged children, socio-psychological and psychological-pedagogical work with them show that in most cases, for example, socially deprived adolescents are characterized not by a violation of the functions of the intellect itself, but, as a rule, by the unformed prerequisites for its development. Most often, such adolescents reveal the lack of formation of cognitive activity, motivation to gain knowledge, interest in acquiring new experience, as mental intellectual parameters. It is these cognitive aspects of the psyche that do not develop in a child, a teenager in those socially difficult, difficult living conditions and situations in which he was before entering the social center.

The degree of deformation of the child's social development can be different. Here pedagogical neglect and its deeper degree (form) - social neglect stand out.

For children pedagogically neglected First of all, manifestations of deviations of a behavioral nature are characteristic - foul language, impudent antics, a negative attitude towards educational activities, personal resistance to the requirements of teachers and educators. One of the most significant defects in the social development of these children is the almost complete absence or very low level of real, attractive life prospects for them. 5

The reasons for the pedagogical neglect of children can be the insufficiency (unsystematic) of family education, difficult living conditions, the lack of uniform requirements for the child on the part of adults, poor organization of the educational process, the negative influence of the street, neglect. With pedagogical neglect, there is a delay in the development of children not only in the mental sense and in cognitive interests, but also in the formation of a sense of duty, responsibility and other moral social components. In particular, the significant spoiledness of children, permissiveness, which has become a habit of the child, also lead to pedagogical neglect, which socially prosperous children are also subject to (this is especially true for children from very wealthy families).

At the epicenter of causes social neglect children - a family that carries out physical, sexual (and, accordingly, mental) violence against children. Such a family has a direct desocializing, maladjusting effect on the child. Hence - the main sign of social neglect - a deep deformation and / or destruction of the child's social ties with the most important institutions of socialization for him: family and school.

Adolescents with antisocial behavior have distorted ideas about reality. Unfavorable living conditions cause them to have emotional disorders and neurosis-like states: some of them are depressed, inhibited, while others, on the contrary, are excitable, hyperactive. The lack of interested attention (empathy) to a child, a teenager from adults (primarily parents) deforms his ideas about himself, forms an inadequate level of claims and inadequate self-esteem in him. Cruelty in the family forms in children and adolescents distrust of adults, a sense of social danger, provokes the emergence of difficulties in communication, and the like.

Long-term dissatisfaction of both the basic (physical) and higher (aesthetic, cognitive) needs of a child, adolescent in the family, at school, in the immediate social environment, negatively affects his individual psychological and social status. ZPR is observed in approximately 40% of children who are pupils of various social centers. ZPR in the considered contingent of children is especially characterized by the following symptoms: a decrease in cognitive activity, an inability to identify essential features, a "childish" concreteness of thinking, an insufficient ability to generalize, an underdevelopment of abstract-logical thinking, a limited range of interests in everyday life, a meager supply of knowledge, a weakness in voluntary regulation of activity .

Thus, orphans and children left without parental care have an extremely difficult psychosocial situation, caused both by their innate properties of the nervous system and personality traits, complicated by neurological phenomena, and by their negative life experience, pedagogical and social neglect.

Placement of orphans and children left without parental care in foster families and family-type institutions

Family placement of orphans and children left without parental care is a priority form of social placement for such children. Russian social legislation provides for the following types of family placement for orphans and children left without parental care: adoption, guardianship and guardianship, placement of a child in a foster family, as well as in family-type orphanages.

According to statistics, the majority of children left without parental care during 2004 were placed under guardianship (guardianship) or for adoption. Their number in 2004 was 77.8 thousand, or 60.8% of the total number of children left without parental care. In recent years, both the number of children transferred to foster families of citizens has been growing (by 4.8% compared to 2002, by 15.1% since 2001), as well as their share among children who have lost parental care (2002 - 60.3%, 2001 - 59.4%).

Adoption. Adoption (adoption) is one of the priority forms of social arrangement of orphans and children left without parental care. Adoption is a state legal act, in connection with which the same rights and obligations arise between the adopter and the adopted child and all their relatives, which under the law exist between biological parents and children and other relatives. In the overwhelming majority of cases, children of early ages are adopted, while the adoption of minors of older children, and even more so of adolescence and youth, is extremely rare, which is an urgent problem for the implementation of social work in this direction.

Adoption as a legal act is carried out by the court at the request of a person or persons wishing to adopt a child, with the obligatory participation of guardianship and guardianship authorities. Adoptive parents can be persons of both sexes, adults, capable, in addition, their age must exceed the age of the adoptees by at least 16 years.

Issues on adoption (adoption) were approved by the Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 1995 and March 29, 2002. Last ruling is called: "On the approval of the rules for the transfer of children for adoption (adoption) and control over the conditions of their life and upbringing in the families of adoptive parents on the territory of the Russian Federation." The law also guarantees the secrecy of adoption, the disclosure of which is a criminal offense (Article 155 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, the law prohibits during adoption and / or adoption to separate relatives (both completely and half-blooded and half-blooded) of 6 brothers and sisters, except when separation is permissible in the interests of the child (which in each case is specifically stipulated).

Custody and guardianship. Guardianship and guardianship is the most common form of family placement for orphans and children left without parental care. Guardianship and guardianship are carried out for the maintenance, upbringing and education of such children, as well as for the protection of their natural rights and interests. Most often, direct relatives of orphaned children become guardians and trustees. According to the law, the guardian must raise the child, take care of his health, about his education and so on. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, guardianship is established over children under 14 years old, guardianship is carried out over minors from 14 to 18 years old.

In order to ensure the timely protection of the rights of all underage orphans, the guardianship and guardianship authorities identify children left without parental care and children whose parents do not provide adequate conditions for their development. Then, the social guardianship and guardianship authorities transfer these children to be raised in families (by way of adoption or guardianship) or to specialized children's institutions. The guardianship and guardianship authorities, within three days from the date of receipt of the so-called alarm message about a child in need of social protection, are obliged to conduct an examination of the child's living conditions and ensure his protection and accommodation. They are also responsible for the registration and selection of the above forms of placement of children.

According to the legislation, guardianship and trusteeship obligations are performed by guardians and trustees free of charge, but the state pays small amounts of money monthly for the maintenance of the child, the procedure and amount of which are established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The state, through social guardianship and guardianship bodies, constantly monitors the living conditions of the ward, over how the guardian fulfills his obligations. The law provides for the protection of a ward child from all sorts of possible abuses of guardians, significantly limits their powers and independence in disposing of the property of the ward.

Placement of the child in a foster family. This form of social organization of orphans and children left without parental care is relatively new for modern practice in Russia. The essence of this form of social arrangement of children is to draw up an agreement between the social guardianship and guardianship authorities and foster parents (foster family) on the transfer of the child (children) for upbringing for the period established by this agreement. According to the regulation on the foster family, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation back in 1996, there should be no more than 8 children in a foster family. Foster parents perform the functions of educators for foster children and receive payment from the state for their educational work. The state and local authorities allocate funds for the maintenance of each adopted child and provide such families with appropriate benefits established by Russian law.

The guardianship and guardianship authorities are obliged to provide the foster family with the necessary assistance, to contribute to the creation of normal conditions for the life and upbringing of children. These bodies also have the right and must exercise control over the fulfillment of the duties assigned to foster parents for the maintenance, upbringing and education of children.

In recent years, it has become widespread new form family placement of orphans and children left without parental care - transfer of children to family-type orphanages. A family-type orphanage is a special socio-psychological form of a family, where children of different ages are selected, that is, children of several ages live together. So, a relatively small number of children live with so-called permanent adults who know, understand and respect each child well. They do not serve children as staff and do not teach them special skills and abilities as full-time teachers, but live a common life with them and organize this life together. At the same time, everyone (parents and children) have family relationships that they need so much. Parents, at the same time, receive special psychological, pedagogical and medical training, and subsequently wages from the state as educators of children.

One of the promising forms of family education of orphans and children left without parental care are foster families (families of foster care). These families perform (and successfully) only part of the functions of full-fledged families, because in these cases the children do not permanently live with foster care. This form of family education is used in the city of Moscow, in the Perm, Vladimir, Kaliningrad and Rostov regions, as well as in the Republic of Karelia. For the first time, an experimental model of raising children in such families was introduced in the orphanage No. 19 of the Central Administrative District of Moscow.

Thus, it can be stated that among the various types of family arrangements for orphans and children left without parental care, the most effective are those socio-psychological forms that are closest to the normal conditions of an ordinary family. To determine which of the considered types of family arrangement is preferable for this particular child is necessary in each case, but rather difficult. This general complexity is made up of objective socio-economic factors and subjective factors - the nature and needs of people who take responsibility for the life and upbringing of orphans, the aspirations and real desire of these people to help, the conditions that they can create for living and raising their foster children. or adopted children.

Activities of state institutions for social services

orphans and children left without parental care

Guaranteeing benefits in various areas of public life (culture, sports, healthcare, education), the state system of social services, education and training of orphans and children left without parental care, experienced various difficulties throughout the entire period of its existence. The last years of the development of this system also cannot be considered prosperous. Children's state social institutions, as well as many families with foster children, are forced to look for ways to survive. The state, in understanding the significance and necessity of social children's institutions, the importance and significance of various forms social education children, is constantly improving legislation, is looking for ways to support orphans, children left without parental care, ways to support orphanages and educational institutions for such children. The objective complexity of collecting the relevant documents and the specifics of the work carried out in social institutions for the selection of guardians, foster or foster parents determines the duration this process. However, a number of authors note a trend towards a reduction in the number of children in state social service institutions.

Increasing importance in the work to prevent and overcome the current socio-economic situation in the area under consideration, along with traditional educational institutions, is currently acquiring new type children's educational institution - center of psychological-pedagogical and medical-social helping children. The creation and development of this new type of educational institution is caused by an increase in the number of families and the number of children at risk. This trend is also associated with the formation of a humane attitude of society and school towards children in general, with the transition of the public education system from authoritarian, prohibitive pedagogy to pedagogy of cooperation, to humane pedagogy (Amonashvili Sh.A. and others). The role of the state system of comprehensive individual support for the development of the child's personality, which is now being formed in children's health care, as part of the social protection of children and in the education (training) of children in general and the studied contingent of children in particular, is also great here.

Those state institutions in which orphans and children left without parental care are placed are differentiated in terms of content (“activity”). Children aged "0" to 3 years old are placed in children's homes. These are medical and social institutions. Currently, there are 272 orphanages in Russia, in which more than 20 thousand children are being brought up.

Children over 3 years of age are transferred to orphanages for children of preschool and school age. These include educational institutions, social service institutions: orphanages for disabled children, children with mental retardation and physical disabilities, social rehabilitation centers, social shelters for children. The basis of the activities of such institutions is the prevention and prevention of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social problems associated with the formation of a growing person.

Over 400 centers for psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance to children and adolescents have been created in the education system of the Russian Federation, where special attention is paid to the problem of social work with orphans and children left without parental care. The positive results of the activities of these centers became possible due to the creation of a rehabilitation and educational system based on the principles of humanistic pedagogy (practically developed, among other things, within the framework of the laboratory of humanistic pedagogy, headed by Sh.A. Amonashvili, at Moscow State Pedagogical University).

In a fairly short period of time, a network of such “combined” psychological, medical and social institutions (centers) has been created in most subjects of the Russian Federation. If in 1993 there were only 4 social shelters in the Russian Federation, now there are already 911 of them. In 2003 3.6 million minors underwent social rehabilitation in institutions for social services for families and children, but the need for such institutions has been satisfied in the Russian Federation by only 25%. At the present time, the observed trend continues. .

These institutions in their activities are guided by the program for the prevention of neglect and the prevention of delinquency among minors, which is built on the basis of the relevant Federal Law. These institutions are intended for temporary residence and social rehabilitation of children, adolescents and young men aged 3 to 18 who are left without parental care and in need of emergency social assistance. The main purpose of such institutions is the correction, rehabilitation, restoration of lost social ties, relationships and functions, as well as their formation, taking into account the age and psychosocial characteristics of the personality of a child, adolescent, youth.

Based on the general “activity” tasks, sectors, departments, branches .

Working departments of social rehabilitation institutions

(sectors, departments of psychological, medical and social centers)

Reception department. The specialists of this department conduct the initial reception of children in order to determine the nature of the complaints of parents or teachers, a preliminary assessment of the child's condition and decide on the need for further examination in this Center. The level of mental development of the child is also determined, the correspondence of this level to the age-related psychosocial norm, the degree of formation of the main mental functions of the child (teenager) is revealed, and possible deviations of mental development are diagnosed.

Social and legal department . This department practically guards the legal rights and interests of minors, restores the necessary documents, gives families legal advice, and finds ways to further the life of the pupils.

Department for the implementation of social rehabilitation programs. In the course of the activities of this department, there is a phased implementation of individual programs for the social rehabilitation of minors, ensuring that they have lost contacts with their families, social and psychological work is carried out “within the family”, recovery interpersonal relationships minors, restoration of their social status in the team, and so on.

Department of Labor Rehabilitation of Adolescents . As part of the professional activities carried out by this department, work is carried out on the professional orientation of adolescents and young men, aimed at developing their understanding of the meaning and content of professional activities in various fields, at instilling in them skills and abilities in a number of professions that can also be used in everyday life. level, in the family. 7

day department (day stay department) . Children and adolescents in this department study in a rehabilitation institution, receive food, psychological, social and material assistance, and participate in cultural events.

Department of psychological rehabilitation. This department organizes activities for psychological diagnosis and correction of disorders in children experiencing difficulties in school adaptation; assists teachers and parents in choosing appropriate methods of teaching and upbringing. Specialists-psychologists carry out diagnostics of higher mental functions, cognitive activity, personal sphere of a child, teenager.

Department of Pedagogical Rehabilitation . This department carries out significant socio-pedagogical work with children and adolescents, aimed at their socio-psychological development. As part of the work of this department, various consultations are held with teachers, educators and parents of the child (meaning social orphans who have parents who are not deprived of parental rights). Thanks to the social teachers of PMS centers, the pupils of such centers develop the skills and abilities of effective communication, which contributes not only to their social adaptation, but also to building a positive image of the future for these children.

Medical rehabilitation department. The specialists of this department carry out diagnostics of the functional state of the physical and mental health of children, carry out medical prevention and correction of neurotic, asthenic and other painful conditions of children. The work of this department also includes the education of children and
their parents (in the case of social orphans) healthy lifestyle life. Children's psychoneurologist, psychotherapist, narcologist, massage therapist work in this department.

If necessary (for example, in extreme cases), then special professional working groups are created in the described rehabilitation and PMS centers in order to strengthen psychosocial work with children at social risk groups, in particular, orphans and children left without parental care .

The main working (service) functions of social rehabilitation centers and PMS centers for minors

  1. Protective function aimed at ensuring the safety of children's lives, their safety from external threats, and legal protection. The protective function provides for the implementation of a comprehensive counteraction to the destruction of the physical, mental and moral health of children.

  2. preventive function. In cooperation with other medical and social institutions and organizations, in cooperation with the system preschool education and school education, conducted active work according to the so-called early detection of dysfunctional families, timely assistance is provided in resolving intra-family conflicts. At the same time, all interested persons (guardians, adoptive parents, employees of the children's room of the police, and so on) are given socio-psychological, socio-pedagogical, psychological-pedagogical and medical-social recommendations on the "combined" improvement of the conditions of family education of minors. Work is also underway to prevent child homelessness.

  3. Rehabilitation function is aimed at restoring the social status of the child (teenager), strengthening his ties with the main institutions of socialization, social and pedagogical support for the efforts of families who are ready to overcome their functional insolvency, support for adoptive parents, guardians, and more.

  4. correction function. On the basis of complex diagnostics, a system of developing measures of medical, social and psychological and pedagogical work with children is determined and implemented, focused on correcting their mental personal development, to restore the lost and to form a new experience for children and adolescents. This function also involves the revival and development of the most important forms of child and adolescent life - games, knowledge, work and communication. In the correctional work of the institutions under consideration, methods are used to compensate for defects in the mental development of children. Psychocorrective work is carried out with children both individually and in groups by various specialists of the relevant department (teacher, psychologist, special psychologist, defectologist, game therapist, and so on).

  5. health function. When a child enters a social rehabilitation or PMS center, he is provided with the necessary medical care in cooperation with various medical institutions (children's clinics, hospitals, sanatoriums, and so on). At the same time, medical and social work is being carried out to restore and strengthen the adaptive capabilities of the body, various diseases are prevented, and current medical care is being provided.
Along with positive development trends and tangible results of the work of social rehabilitation and PMS centers, there are also problems that need to be addressed. A particularly urgent problem at present is the development and approval of the regulatory framework for the activities of such centers. The information support system for these centers and institutions also needs to be qualitatively improved. The current labor standards for many categories of employees of such centers, due to the prescription of the terms for their adoption, do not always correspond to the complexity of the work of employees in a new type of social rehabilitation institution, taking into account the specifics of the contingent of maladjusted children left without parental care and orphans.

Thus, institutions for social services for orphans and children left without parental care, at the present stage, provide the minimum necessary level of social rehabilitation and social services to all children who have fallen into the scope of their activities. However, regardless of the level and quality of work of these institutions, they are not able to replace the loss of a real, “true” family for a child. That is why in our society today the problem of the social "family" arrangement of orphans and children left without parental care is once again acute.


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  7. Dementieva I.F. Social orphanhood: genesis and prevention. - M .: "Thought", 2000.

  8. Zubkova T.S., Timoshina N.V. Organization and content of work on social protection of women, children and families. - M .: "Academy", 2003.

  9. Ivashchenko G.M. General principles for organizing rehabilitation work in social rehabilitation centers for minors. - M .: "Prospect", 2000.

  10. Klyuchnikov S.V. Social adaptation of children left without parental care. - Veliky Novgorod: "Meaning", 2002.

  11. Leontiev A.N. Needs, motives and emotions. - M .: "Enlightenment", 1971.

  12. Lisina L.I. mental development orphanage pupils. - M .: "Enlightenment", 2000.

  13. Maslov N.F. The book of the social teacher. - Eagle: "Science", 1994.

  14. Guidelines for planning social rehabilitation educational work with minors in a social rehabilitation center (with a shelter) for minors. - Kemerovo: "Alpha +", 2001.

  15. Fundamentals of social work. Textbook. Ed. 3rd, corrected and supplemented. Ed. P.D. Pavlenka. - M .: "INFRA-M", 2006.

  16. Romanova E.S. 99 popular professions. Psychological analysis and professiograms. Ed. 2nd. - St. Petersburg: "Peter", 2003.

  17. Romanova E.S. Psychodiagnostics. Tutorial. - St. Petersburg: "Peter", 2005.

  18. Rybinsky E. M. Management of the system of social protection of childhood. Socio-legal problems. - M .: "Progress", 2004.

  19. Sokolova M.A. Legal aspects of social work with children left without parental care. Textbook for students. higher textbook establishments. - M.: "MGUS", 2006.

  20. Social shelter for children and adolescents: content and organization of activities. Ed. G.M. Ivashchenko. - M .: "Mir", 1997.

1 WWII - Great Patriotic War.

2 As L.S. Vygotsky: “In orphans, the social situation development". (Collected works. Vol. 3, p. 296. M.: "Pedagogy", 1983).

3 ZPR - mental retardation.

4 SSR - the situation of social development (term L.S. Vygotsky).

5 These children are not formed, according to A.N. Leontiev, socially valuable motives (according to the book Leontiev A.N. Needs, motives and emotions. M., Enlightenment, 1971).

6 Children (brothers and sisters) are meant: a) from one mother and one father, b) from one mother, c) from one father.

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………… 2

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of social work

with orphans ………………………………………………………… 5

1.1. Traditions of social assistance to children - orphans in the history of Russia ... 5

1.2. Orphanhood in modern Russian society ……………..……. . eleven

1.3. Basic forms of social organization

orphans …………………………………………………………………… 17


in foster families ……………………………………………………. ….. 24

2.1. Regulatory - legal basis for the creation and operation

foster families …………………………………………………………….. 24

2.2. Social work with orphans in foster families ………... 28

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………… 33

List of used literature .................................................... 36


Today, the world has entered the 21st century, but the problem of orphans that has long existed in society not only does not disappear with the development of civilization, but becomes even more acute and relevant, so the number of orphans is not decreasing, but is constantly growing. In modern society, these are not only children whose parents have died, but also the so-called social orphans - children left without the care of living parents.

After the Great Patriotic War, there were 680 thousand orphans in the country. Wars that produce orphans ended more than 60 years ago, and the number of children deprived of parental care is steadily growing every year and is an impressive figure for peacetime. According to the Ministry of Education, in 2008 there were 742,000 registered orphans and children left without parental care in Russia.

Lack of maternal care, support of relatives, family communication negatively affects children's social, mental and physical health.

Social work to protect the rights and interests of orphans and children left without parental care, as well as all studies devoted to its problems, have always been very relevant in Russia.

The social service system faces the difficult task of alleviating orphaned children from the problems caused by the absence of parents. Therefore, in social work with orphans, special attention is paid to finding opportunities to create living conditions for children that are close to family ones. The importance of this aspect of social assistance to orphans determined the choice of the topic of this work.

Research topic: social work with orphans in foster families.

Literature review: The problems of orphans were studied by such authors as Gordeeva M., Dementieva I., Dzugaeva A., Zaretsky V.K., Oslon V.N.; Social work with orphans was studied by Brutman V.I., Oliferenko L.Ya., Kholostova E.I., Gusarova G., Ivanova N.P., Lozovskaya E.G.

Many problems of orphans are due to the lack of individual approach and attention that an orphan child experiences even when good conditions his stay in an orphanage. Individual approach and attention are called upon to provide children with foster families, which, as social system created in our country relatively recently, therefore, they need both scientific research and social assistance, social work with them.

Research controversy: in sufficient knowledge of the problems of social work with orphans, and at the same time, in the existence of unexplored areas in the field of social work with orphans in foster families.

Research problem: the need to explore opportunities to improve social work with orphans in foster families

Object of study: social work with orphans.

Subject of study: features of social work with orphans in foster families.

Purpose of the study: identify the possibilities of social work to create conditions for the successful socialization of orphans in a foster family.

Research objectives:

1. Consider the traditions of social assistance to orphans in the history of Russia.

2. Analyze orphanhood as a phenomenon modern society.

3. Describe the main forms of social work with orphans.

4. To study the legal framework for the creation and operation of foster families.

5. Consider social work to create conditions for the successful socialization of orphans in foster families.

Research methods: theoretical - analysis of scientific literature on the problem under study, comparison, generalization.

Work structure: introduction, 2 chapters, conclusion, bibliography.

Chapter 1 reveals the theoretical foundations of social work with orphans.

Chapter 2 discusses the foster family as a form of social work with orphans.

In conclusion, the main conclusions of the study are given.

The work also has a list of used literature, consisting of 36 sources.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of social work with orphans

1.1 Traditions of social assistance to orphans in the history of Russia

Already in the ancient Slavic communities, we can find communal-tribal forms of help and support, “associated with the pagan tribal space, which is the “line” - mutual responsibility. In the pagan era, through it, the tradition of caring for the weak and infirm - the elderly, children, women was laid.

The institution of child orphanhood can be named as the main institutions that provided support to children, actually saving their lives. (In those days, both children and the elderly were called orphans, referring them to one social group). This institution grew out of domestic slavery, when children were sold in famine years in order to keep them and themselves alive. At the same time, the institution of primacy developed, when the family accepted an orphan who ran the household, honored new parents and was obliged to bury them. Thus, the solution to the problem of orphanhood through a foster family arose very early and is one of the oldest forms of social care.

Another form of support for the orphan was community, worldly assistance, when the child moved from house to house for feeding.

An orphan could be assigned "public" parents who took him to feed him.

In the system of public “assistance”, one can single out orphan and widow assistance, when this group of the disadvantaged “was supplied at the expense of society with bread, firewood, torches”.

Thus, in ancient times Slavic history forms of help and support are emerging, which will later become the basis for the Christian model of help and support for needy children.

Sharin V. writes that the paradigm of help and support in the period from the 9th to the first half of the 17th century changes significantly. This time is characterized by three main trends: the monastic system of assistance, the state system of protection and the first secular tendencies of charity.

The initial tendencies of aid during this time period were related to princely protection and guardianship. Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich, who assumed the throne in 1016, established an orphan school. Charity for the poor, suffering, orphans was one of the main concerns of Vladimir Monomakh.

In Russia, among the monasteries and large churches, there were none that did not contain hospitals, almshouses or shelters in which orphans were kept. In the XIV-XVI centuries, the church became the main subject of social assistance to children. Mercy, of course, was based on religious dogmas, primarily about love for one's neighbor as for oneself. "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy."

During this period, the institution of childhood was not yet formed, society did not perceive children as a value. But still there are examples of providing support specifically to orphans dating back to that time. Help comes not so much from the church, but from ordinary laity, the parish. Therefore, it is customary to single out a special institution of parochial assistance to orphans of that time - skudelnitsy. “Skudelnitsa is a common grave in which people who died during epidemics, froze in winter, etc. were buried. At skudelnits, gatehouses were built, where abandoned children were brought. They were cared for and educated by skudelniks - elders and old women, who were specially selected and performed the role of a watchman and educator. Orphans were kept in skudelnitsa at the expense of alms from the population of the surrounding villages and villages. People brought clothes, shoes, food, toys. Skudelnitsy were original orphanages.

From the beginning of the 17th century, state forms of charity were born, the first social institutions were opened. The history of childhood charity in Rus' is associated with the decree of Tsar Fedor Alekseevich, which spoke of the need to teach children to read and write and crafts.

But most of all history knows the name of the great reformer - Peter I, who during his reign created a state system of charity for the needy, singled out the categories of the needy, introduced preventive measures to combat social vices, regulated private charity, and legalized his innovations.

According to E.G. Lozovskaya, for the first time under Peter I, childhood and orphanhood become an object of state care. “Orphans appeared as a result of natural disasters, wars. But, first of all, “illegally adopted children” became orphans. The Orthodox Church was intolerant of extramarital affairs and children, who were called "disgraceful children." In 1682, poor, homeless children stand out from the total number of beggars. Thus, the state, on the one hand, recognizes that children have become poor through no fault of their own, and, on the other hand, believes that children deserve special care. On the one hand, society condemned rootlessness, parentlessness, and on the other hand, it felt its responsibility for solving the problem. Young abandoned children were provided by the state, and funds were provided in the treasury for the maintenance of children and people serving them. If the children who grew up, trained in crafts, lost their health, mental or physical, then they could return to shelters as if they were their own home.

Under Catherine the Great, educational homes for illegitimate children were opened.

Under Paul I, at the state level, they began to take care not only of orphans who were placed in peasant families, but also of deaf and dumb children. In the same period, public organizations began to be created, and private charity flourished. In 1842, a council of trustees began to work under the leadership of Princess N.S. Trubetskoy. Initially, the activity of the council was focused on organizing free time for poor children who are left without parental supervision during the day. Later, under the council, departments for orphans began to open.

Sharin V. writes that until the beginning of the 20th century, the care of orphans developed within the framework of secular charity. Imperial societies collected donations from private individuals and transferred them to the upbringing of orphans. Empress Maria Feodorovna paid special attention to Orphanages, where infant mortality was horrendous. She improved the conditions for raising children by increasing the area occupied by the Orphanage of St. Petersburg. The Empress opened new educational and charitable institutions. By 1802, women's educational institutions named after St. Catherine were opened in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In 1807, the Pavlovsk Military Orphan Institute was founded, in 1817 - the Kharkov Institute of Noble Maidens. Moreover, the authorities were instructed to take care not only of the employment of graduates, mainly as governesses, to sort out their disagreements with the families where they would live, to take care of their extradition in marriage, and also to intercede on the affairs of pupils after their release from the institution. Emperor Nicholas I established orphan institutions. He reorganized education in the Orphanages of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Illegitimate children and orphans received such a good education that there were more and more cases when parents threw their children into these Orphanages, hoping that they would have a happy future. "A notable feature of this period is the emergence of professional assistance and the emergence of professional specialists in the field of public charity".

Immediately after the October Revolution, private charity was banned. Orphanhood in its various manifestations was fought by state forces. For example, the Commission for the Improvement of the Life of Children under the All-Russian Central Executive Committee was created in 1921. In 1928, the practice of adopting children into families took a new turn. The All-Russian Central Executive Committee adopted a resolution "On the transfer of children from orphanages and other underage orphans to workers in cities and workers' settlements." The general trend of that time was to give children a working profession as soon as possible and release them "into life."

By the mid-1930s, with the final approval of the totalitarian regime in the country, all diversity various kinds children's institutions practically disappeared and were replaced by a system of orphanages-boarding schools, which lasted until the 90s.

The total number of orphanages in the post-war years gradually decreased. In the mid-60s, the government decided to convert most of the orphanages into boarding schools, as they had a large capacity. Orphanages have lost their original originality.

In 1988, a resolution "On the creation of family-type orphanages" was adopted.

In the early 90s, projects and programs dedicated to orphans began to be developed in Russia. One of the most notable programs of the 1990s is the federal program "Children of Russia".

During the implementation of the Program, measures were taken to strengthen the material and technical base and improve the work of institutions for childhood and obstetric care of the healthcare system, institutions for orphans, institutions for social services for families and children.

Since the beginning of “perestroika”, Russia has been gradually returning to the global educational space. being studied Foreign experience charity, upbringing and education of children, translated literature is published, and there is an active exchange of specialists. “In modern conditions, a model of social work is being formed that reflects the features of social processes in modern Russia and uses the experience and traditions of organizing social activities in the field of charity and social security” .

Since 1996, social support has been provided for orphans and children left without parental care. It is regulated by the main law for this area No. 159 “On additional guarantees for social support for orphans and children left without parental care”. This law clearly defines the concepts of orphans and children left without parental care.

This law outlines the circle of institutions that are engaged in the upbringing and care of orphans and children left without parental care: educational institutions, institutions of social services for the population (orphanages, in particular), institutions of the healthcare system (orphanages for very young children) . These institutions, along with the foster family, are also an expression of the forms of placement of children under guardianship and guardianship. The law approves the provision of children at the expense of the state. It does not cost a penny for children personally and their relatives. Even after becoming adults, children have the right to be in full state support while getting an education. Children are provided with free treatment, travel, additional guarantees of the rights to property and housing, additional guarantees of the right to work.

Thus, from a consideration of the traditions of social assistance to orphans in the history of Russia, it is clear that already in ancient Rus' there were traditions of a humane, compassionate attitude towards the weak and disadvantaged people, and especially to orphans, as the most defenseless and vulnerable among them. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the care of orphans developed mainly within the framework of religious charity, which was joined by secular state forms in the 17th century, and in the Soviet period, charity became a purely state affair.

During its centuries-old history, the forms of social assistance to orphans have changed. But at all times in Russia, social support for orphans was seen as an important task facing society, they were among the first to receive assistance. Moreover, this assistance has traditionally been comprehensive. It was not only aimed at giving children shelter and food, but also included their education, mastering the craft, which allowed them to gain independence in "adult" life.

1.2 Orphanhood in contemporary Russian society

Orphanhood as a social phenomenon exists as long as human society. At all times, wars, epidemics, natural disasters, accidents, diseases have led to the untimely death of the parents of small children, as a result of which these children became orphans. Another type of orphanhood has long existed, when children are deprived of parental care due to their unwillingness or inability to fulfill their parental duties: parents either abandon the child or are removed from his upbringing.

The child who lost his parents - it is a special, truly tragic world. The need to have a family, father and mother - one of his strongest needs. The parental home and family are the guarantors of stability and reliability in a changing world, and their absence is experienced by a person, especially in childhood, very hard.

At present, two concepts are widely used in everyday speech and in theoretical studies: an orphan and a social orphan.

Orphans are persons under the age of 18 whose both or only parent have died.

A social orphan is a child who has biological parents, but for some reason they do not raise him and do not take care of him, due to the deprivation of their parental rights or the recognition of their parents as incapacitated, missing. In this case, the state takes care of the children. .

Orphans, whether or not they lived in parental family or do not remember it, are forced, due to age or other circumstances, to change their place of residence. For example, children from an orphanage may move to an orphanage. The child can be taken by guardians, adoptive parents, and then “returned” back. The life of a child without parents is very different from the life of peers whose parents take care of them. A child in a state institution does not have the feeling of a permanent home. Such moves leave a psychological trauma for life.

The existing system of work with children in state institutions depends on many factors of a socio-psychological, objective and subjective nature and does not always contribute to successful adaptation of the individual. It has already become a sign of the times when the leaders or teachers of orphanages or boarding schools are tried in connection with the use of physical punishments from verbal abuse to deprivation of food, beatings, placement in a psychiatric hospital, transfer from an ordinary orphanage to a correctional one.

In children's institutions, they receive injuries, including from beatings of educators and older children, as well as industrial ones. Here, on the one hand, diseases are treated, but on the other hand, they do not cure and provoke. All this can affect the further physical development of the child and his mental capacity. If the term “hospitalism” is successfully found for early childhood spent in a state institution, then the graduates themselves characterize it as an army, a prison, hard labor. The starting positions of orphans are determined by the level of mental and physical health, as well as upbringing and education, including those received in a state institution.

According to the author Gordeeva M, in modern Russia the problem of orphans is of great urgency and relevance, since the number of orphans is not decreasing, but is constantly growing. Complex and ambiguous processes are taking place in today's Russian society. The state and society take care of the development and education of orphans, but they do not always fully cope with this task.

The main reasons for the increase in the number of orphans with living parents are the decline in the social prestige of the family, its material and housing difficulties, interethnic conflicts, an increase in extramarital births, and a high percentage of parents leading an asocial lifestyle.

In modern conditions of social instability, many families have not been able to adapt and form protective "anti-crisis" mechanisms. The educational potential has decreased, the moral and psychological climate in the family sphere and society as a whole has worsened. Alienation of parents from children, growing family deformation processes, destruction of moral and ethical standards, social ties, aggravation of the crime situation, deterioration in the health of the child population, insufficient funding social sphere- all this has led to a decrease in the level of protection of children and adolescents.

Currently, there continues to be a steady upward trend in the number of orphans and children left without parental care. If in 1994 there were 496.3 thousand such children, then as of January 1, 2008 there were 742 thousand children. At the same time, only about 10% of the total number of children deprived of parental care became orphans as a result of the death or disability of their parents, the rest are social orphans.

One of the main reasons for the growth in the number of social orphans is that the number of parents leading an antisocial lifestyle is increasing every year. Only in 2008, 32.6 thousand parents were deprived of parental rights, more than 168.8 thousand parents were brought to administrative responsibility and registered with the police, 9 thousand criminal cases were initiated against this category of parents. The Government of the Russian Federation does not take measures to increase the responsibility of parents and persons replacing them for the proper maintenance and upbringing of children.

The high level of social orphanhood is caused by long-term trends in the destruction of the family institution, the consequences of the socio-economic crisis of the 1990s, which led to an increase in family problems, as well as the insufficient effectiveness of the current system for protecting children's rights.

Families experience such socio-economic difficulties as: (loss of work by older family members, low incomes, large families, etc.) health problems (disability of family members, substance abuse, etc.). In addition, psychological factors (unfavorable marital relations, disturbed parent-child relationships, poor parenting skills, etc.) also influence the attitude of parents towards children.

Many families experiencing an early stage of crisis development have intra-family and personal resources to overcome it. A necessary condition for their implementation is the timely receipt of targeted social assistance from outside, using the potential of the family to rehabilitate its ability to raise children and care for them.

When providing social assistance to a family, early detection of family problems is very important, it allows minimizing the costs and efforts of specialists necessary to restore the family and ensure the observance of the rights of the child. The organization of work with families at an early stage of the crisis allows children to keep their birth families and reduce the number of deprivations of parental rights.

Family G believes that more often the discovery of family troubles, facts of violation of the rights of the child occurs at a late stage of the crisis in the family, which reduces the effectiveness of individual preventive work. Assistance to families and children is often built as a set of separate services, it is often uncoordinated and not built as a single rehabilitation process. Modern technologies of preventive work to prevent family crises are insufficiently distributed and used.

Assistance to families and children at risk for social orphanhood is carried out by various departments separately, according to different criteria and grounds, and due to the lack of effective interaction does not represent a single set of measures. Activities for the rehabilitation of children and families, social patronage of families in difficult life situations do not have sufficient regulatory support. There are no standards for working with dysfunctional families with underage children, and the provision of the necessary social services to these families is not guaranteed. The system of inclusion of children at risk of social orphanhood in the system of additional education and leisure activities is not sufficiently developed. The system of post-boarding adaptation of graduates of institutions for orphans and children left without parental care is just beginning to develop. There is no system of professional training and advanced training of personnel to provide qualified assistance in the field of prevention of social orphanhood.

The measures taken in recent years in the Russian Federation to develop the legislative framework in the field of child protection, guardianship and guardianship have created the necessary conditions for the formation in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of a system for the prevention of social orphanhood as an integral part of measures to protect the rights of children. In particular, federal laws No. 258 of December 29, 2006 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with Improving the Separation of Powers”; No. 48-FZ of April 24, 2008 “On guardianship and guardianship”, No. 49-FZ of April 24, 2008 “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law “On guardianship and guardianship”, increased the status of guardianship and guardianship bodies responsible for the implementation of activities to protect the rights of children. Ensuring guarantees of the child's right to live and be brought up in a family, which is enshrined in the main international documents on the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children (in particular, in the Convention on the Rights of the Child), as well as in Russian legislation, has taken a special place in the organization of work on guardianship and guardianship regarding minors. In connection with the above, it is relevant to adopt, on the basis of a program-targeted approach, a set of measures to improve the existing system of protection of children's rights in the region in order to solve the problems of preventing social orphanhood.

Thus, having considered orphanhood as a social phenomenon of modern society, we can conclude that at present the main efforts in this area are directed only to the identification and placement of children who have already lost parental care.

Orphans, children left without parental care and who have not received a positive experience of family life cannot create a healthy full-fledged family. Being brought up in state institutions, the educational systems of which are far from perfect, they often repeat the fate of their parents, losing parental rights, thereby expanding the field of social orphanhood.

A child left without proper parental control should not attract the attention of social services or internal affairs bodies not when his life in the family becomes dangerous, and his behavior is characterized by illegal actions or serious crimes. Such a child should be in the field of view of social workers (services) a few years earlier.

1.3 The main forms of the social structure of children -orphans.

The protection of the rights of orphans and children left without parental care is entrusted to the guardianship and guardianship bodies, which are local self-government bodies.

The guardianship and guardianship authorities are responsible for identifying, recording and choosing forms of placement for children left without parental care for any reason, as well as for monitoring the conditions of their maintenance, upbringing and education. They are obliged, within three days from the date of receipt of the notification, to conduct an examination of the child's living conditions and ensure his protection and accommodation.

Children left without parental care can be transferred for upbringing to a family (for adoption / adoption, under guardianship / guardianship or to a foster family), and in the absence of such an opportunity, to the appropriate institutions for orphans and children left without parental care. Legislation, therefore, gives priority to family forms of placement of children as the most appropriate for the needs of the child and creating optimal conditions for his upbringing and development.

Adoption (adoption) of a child is a state act, in connection with which the same rights and obligations arise between adoptive parents and adopted children, which, by law, exist between parents and children. Adopted children lose their personal non-property and property rights and obligations in relation to their biological parents (relatives). Adoption is carried out by the court at the request of persons (persons) wishing to adopt a child, with the obligatory participation of guardianship and guardianship authorities. Adoptive parents may be adults capable of both sexes, except for persons who, according to Art. 127 of the UK, do not have the right to adopt (deprived of parental rights, suspended from the duties of a guardian for health reasons).

According to Kholostova E.I, when starting work on adoption, a social worker should receive full information on the following issues - whether the child is psychologically and socially ready for adoption; is adopted; whether he is legal; whether the birth parents and the child himself gave consent to the adoption knowingly and without pressure from anyone; if there is a question of international adoption, whether the receiving country has given permission for the entry of the child; whether there is an adoption monitoring system that allows you to support the child and the adoptive family.

Ivanova N.P. writes that during adoption, much attention is paid to the personality of the adopters and their preparation, that is, the psychological, social, physical and economic state, as well as the cultural level of those who wish to adopt a child and their immediate environment, are carefully studied; it is revealed whether the adoption plan meets their desires and whether their marital and family status contributes to such an undertaking, whether the adoptive parents can focus primarily on the needs of the child.

Guardianship (guardianship) - the form of placement of orphans and children left without parental care for the purpose of their maintenance, upbringing and education, as well as for the protection of their rights and interests; guardianship is established over children under the age of 14; guardianship - over children aged 14 to 18 Guardians are representatives of the wards and make all necessary transactions on their behalf and in their interests. Trustees give their consent to the conclusion of those transactions that citizens under guardianship are not entitled to make on their own (Articles 32, 33 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Obligations for guardianship (trusteeship) are performed free of charge. For the maintenance of the child, the guardian (custodian) is paid monthly funds in the manner and amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation. In some cases of loss of parental care (illness, prolonged absence), a guardian can be appointed in parallel with them, come to the family, take the child to him. The guardian is obliged to bring up the child, to take care of his health. He has the right to demand in court the return of the child from any persons, including close relatives, if they hold him illegally. However, he does not have the right to prevent the child from communicating with his relatives and friends.

Usually, close relatives of the ward become guardians. The state must exercise constant supervision over the living conditions of the ward, over the fulfillment by the guardian of his duties, and provide assistance to the guardians.

Foster family (family-type orphanage) - an ordinary family that has adopted 5 or more children. Such families accept, first of all, children from orphanages and orphanages. At the same time, children acquire a second family, citizens who want to raise orphans get a job that is counted in the length of service, salary, and also benefits in accordance with social standards and norms for children from orphanages. Most family-type orphanages are provided with housing, transport, land for the organization of subsidiary and farm enterprises.

Guardianship and guardianship authorities are obliged to provide the foster family with the necessary assistance, contribute to the creation of normal conditions for the life and upbringing of children, and also have the right to monitor the fulfillment of the duties assigned to foster parents for the maintenance, upbringing and education of children.

Children's villages "SOS - Kinderdorf". The upbringing of children is carried out here in a group - ("family") of 5 - 8 children, led by a single woman ("mother"). Each family has a house, a common household (“hearth”). In the family, kinship and affection between children are cultivated. Two-story cottages, which are occupied by families, are very comfortable and well equipped. They have everything necessary not only for life, but for the development of children. Such conditions in themselves have a strong rehabilitative effect. Children go to school and kindergarten located in the village. After school, in their free time from preparing for lessons, they are happy to help with housework and in the kitchen.

The life of each family in the children's village and the situation in the house are entirely determined by the desire of the "mother" and the children, their interests and hobbies. A family is like a family, friendly, with many children, only without a dad. There is still debate: is it good for children to live only with their mother? Undoubtedly, one thing is very important for children that there is always a person next to them who takes responsibility for them and seeks to help them. In the village "SOS - Kinderdorf" the family, maternal care, home, and, most importantly, a natural normal children's life are returned to children, allowing each of them to be calm for the future. Unfortunately, an ordinary orphanage cannot fully provide this.

Orphanages in Russia are defined as " medical institutions created to nurture and provide medical care children deprived of parental care, as well as children with physical and mental disabilities".

There are two types of children's homes - general and specialized. General-type houses accept children up to 3 years old, and specialized houses (which can be located both in a separate building and occupy part of a general-type house) accept children with various disabilities up to 4 years old.

Children are admitted to orphanages on two main occasions. First, there are children abandoned by parents, mostly unmarried adolescent mothers who are unwilling or unable to leave a child. In most cases, this takes place in the maternity hospital and is often suggested by the maternity hospital staff. More than half of the children in orphanages have been abandoned or abandoned by their parents. Second, parents may decide to place their child in a children's home for diagnosis and treatment, usually when the child has a severe congenital or other illness.

From the orphanage, children are either returned to their parents, or transferred for adoption, placed under guardianship or in a foster family, or transferred to an orphanage or boarding school when they reach 3 years of age.

Orphanages and boarding schools are intended for children aged 3 to 18 who are left without parental care. They can also serve as temporary accommodation - for a period of up to 1 year - for children from single-parent families, children of the unemployed, refugees, displaced persons, as well as children whose parents were victims of natural disasters and do not have a fixed place of residence. Siblings are not separated. Admission of children is carried out by decision of the relevant local guardianship and guardianship authority.

Orphanages, unlike other institutions for children left without parental care: they do not provide children with education (children regularly attend nearby schools), which ensures at least minimal communication of orphanage children with the outside world and are smaller than other similar institutions.

Ivashchenko G.M., writes that in orphanages the composition of children is heterogeneous in age, gender, mental and physical development reasons that brought them to this institution. But they all - children with a destroyed system of social ties, with a wide range of personality deformations, with distorted personal attitudes, with a low level of social normativity, with primitive needs and interests. They have gained the sad experience of vagrancy, introduced to alcohol, drugs and early sexual intercourse.

Among them there are victims of physical, mental, sexual violence. The mental health of these children is shattered. Therefore, shelters are conceived and created as multifunctional institutions designed to provide a disadvantaged child not only with shelter, food, warmth, but also relieve the acuteness of mental stress caused by abuse, protect his rights, legitimate interests, help his social revival, if possible, restore or compensate for children's absence. family life experience.

Thus, having described the forms of placement of orphans, we can conclude that, despite the variety of existing forms of placement and education of orphans and children left without parental care, the number of such children is constantly growing. A large proportion of orphans are brought up in conditions that are far from family, and this is one of the reasons for the difficulties in adapting young people to an independent life after graduating from an educational institution. In addition, most orphans face problems in finding employment, housing, and starting a family.

Having considered in the first chapter the theoretical foundations of social work with orphans, we can draw the following conclusions.

Orphans in our country have always received a lot of attention. Moreover, it was traditional not only to give the child food and shelter, but also to teach him a trade, to contribute to his further arrangement in life.

Orphanhood is a serious problem of modern Russian society. The increasing number of orphans is growing mainly due to the increase in the number of social orphans. One of the main reasons for this is the instability of the modern family. At present, there is a general weakening of family ties, a decline in the social prestige of the family, which adversely affects children.

The state takes care of the orphans. A legislative base has been developed, a network of children's institutions for orphans has been created. However, it has not yet been possible to solve all the problems. There are homeless children, the stay of orphans in orphanages also has negative consequences.

It is necessary to strengthen the activity of society in helping orphans, to strengthen social work with them. Need to activate

Preventive work with families at risk, preventing the emergence of new orphans, as well as providing social assistance and support to the orphans themselves.

Chapter 2. Social work on socialization orphans

in foster families

2.1 Regulatory framework for the creation and operation of foster families

Foster family - a form of placement of orphans and children left without parental care, on the basis of an agreement on the transfer of a child (children) to be raised in a family between the guardianship and guardianship authority and foster parents (spouses or individual citizens who wish to take children to be raised in a family) ) .

Citizens (spouses or individual citizens) who wish to take on the upbringing of a child (children) left without parental care are called adoptive parents; a child (children) transferred for upbringing to a foster family is called an adopted child, and such a family is called a foster family.

A child (children) left without parental care is transferred for upbringing in a foster family:


Children whose parents are unknown;

Children whose parents have been deprived of parental rights, have limited parental rights, have been declared legally incompetent, missing, convicted;

Children whose parents, for health reasons, cannot personally carry out their upbringing and maintenance;

Children left without parental care, located in various institutions: educational, medical and preventive, social protection and other similar institutions.

Adoptive parents (parents) may be adults of both sexes, with the exception of:

Persons recognized by the court as incapable or partially capable;

Persons deprived by court of parental rights or limited by court in parental rights;

Suspended from the duties of a guardian (custodian) for improper performance of the duties assigned to him by law;

Former adoptive parents, if the adoption is canceled due to their fault;

Persons with diseases in the presence of which it is impossible to take the child (children) to a foster family.

The adoptive parents of a child have the right and obligation to:

Raise a child under guardianship (guardianship);

Take care of his health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development;

The right to independently determine the ways of raising a child, taking into account the opinion of the child and the recommendations of the guardianship and guardianship authority, as well as subject to the requirements stipulated by the Family Code.

They are the legal representatives of the adopted child protect his rights and interests, including in court, without special powers. Their rights cannot be exercised in conflict with the interests of the child (children).

Foster parents have the right to place their children in educational institutions on a general basis.

The total number of children in a foster family, including relatives and adopted children, should not exceed, as a rule, 8 people.

A foster family is formed on the basis of an agreement on the transfer of a child (children) to it for upbringing. An agreement on the transfer of a child (children) is concluded between the body of guardianship and guardianship and adoptive parents in the prescribed form. The placement of children in a foster family does not entail the emergence between foster parents and foster children of alimony and inheritance legal relations arising from the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Persons wishing to take a child (children) for upbringing in a foster family submit an application to the guardianship and guardianship authority at their place of residence with a request to give an opinion on the possibility of being foster parents. The following documents are attached to the application:

A certificate from the place of work indicating the position and salary or a copy of the income declaration certified in the prescribed manner;

Characteristics from the place of work;


A document confirming the availability of housing for a person (persons) who wants to take a child (children) to be raised in a foster family (a copy of the financial and personal account from the place of residence and an extract from the house book (by apartment) book for tenants of residential premises in the state and municipal housing stock or a document confirming the ownership of the dwelling);

Copy of marriage certificate (if married);

Medical certificate of a medical institution on the state of health of a person (persons) wishing to take a child to be raised in a foster family. A person applying for an opinion on the possibility of being a foster parent must present a passport, and in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, another substitute document. In order to prepare a conclusion on the possibility of being foster parents, the guardianship and guardianship authority draws up an act based on the results of a survey of the living conditions of persons (persons) who wish to take the child (children) for upbringing in a foster family (under guardianship or guardianship).

On the basis of an application and an act of examining the living conditions of persons (persons) wishing to take a child (children) for upbringing in a foster family, the guardianship and guardianship authority within 20 days from the date of submission of the application with all necessary documents prepares a conclusion on the possibility of becoming foster parents.

Of course, when preparing a conclusion, the guardianship and guardianship authority takes into account the personal qualities of people who want to take a child into the family, their ability to fulfill the duties of raising children, and relationships with other family members living with them.

In cases where a person (persons) expresses a desire to raise a child with poor health, a sick child, a child with developmental disabilities, a disabled child, then it is necessary that the adoptive parents have necessary conditions for this.

When transferring a child to a foster family, the body of guardianship and guardianship is guided by the interests of the child. The transfer of a child to a foster family who has reached the age of 10 years is carried out only with his consent.

Kurbatova V.I., writes that the foster family is an independent form of family education of orphans and children left without parental care. Its basis, as practice shows, is made up of spouses who wished to take other people's children into the family for upbringing. As a rule, these are people who care about each other and about their loved ones, who are aware of their responsibility for the fate of other people's children. They understand the complexity and responsibility of their role as adoptive parents. Relationships between adoptive parents, as well as between adoptive parents and adopted children in the future can become a model of the adopted child's family. Because of this, the selection of adoptive parents is very important.

Several children can be transferred to a foster family at once. It can be both brothers and sisters, and strangers to each other children who become relatives in a foster family. Living in a family, children develop and learn faster. The existing shortcomings in their development disappear faster. They learn to care for each other and help each other.

Thus, adoptive parents can create “their own” home and normal living conditions for the child. In a foster family, the child receives the usual family upbringing and maintenance. The child lives in such a family, as a rule, until the age of majority. The foster family makes it possible to bring the upbringing of orphans and children left without parental care as close as possible to real life. It develops children's coping skills life situations, psychological protection and correct behavior under stress, as well as a moral and ethical attitude to create their own stable family, which is especially important for the subsequent independent life of orphans. For adoptive parents, the upbringing of orphans is not only a profession, but also the fulfillment of a moral duty.

The purpose of the foster family is to create such conditions that adopted child was in a relationship with his adoptive parents as long as possible, kept in touch with them even after coming of age, and thus found a replacement for the blood family he had lost.

2.2. Social work with orphans in foster families

In all countries of the world the paramount sphere practical activities professional specialists is working with children and families. The problems of family and childhood that social workers have to solve are diverse.

Working with children is one of the most complex, conflicting, controversial areas of activity of a social worker. It is a constant balancing act between the law (who has the right to decide the fate of a child?) and professional ethics (the value of individual rights). In most countries of the world, the rights of the child are protected by law, there are also international acts and declarations on the rights of children, but not everywhere and not always legal and natural persons and even government agencies comply with them. Therefore, starting from 70 - In the 1990s, in the international practice of social work, such a direction of activity as the protection of the rights of the child was firmly established. The emergence of this area of ​​social work was preceded by such confirmed facts as homelessness of children with living parents, abuse of children in stationary children's institutions and foster families, unjustified reduction in educational and educational programs for orphans.

The well-being of the child depends, first of all, on the well-being of the family. Social services offer a full range of services of professional social workers to the foster family: family counseling, therapy, dispensary and outpatient services for children, preventive care, housekeeping services, counseling on nutrition and rational housekeeping, financial assistance to foster families.

The main directions are: social work, social assistance, social support, social supervision and social patronage.

Social help foster family is social service and support for family members who find themselves in a difficult life situation, providing them with a range of social services and implementing their social adaptation and rehabilitation.

The most important task of the system of social services for families and children is

ensuring the implementation of social rights and guarantees of the family, solving emerging problems through the provision of social and legal, social and medical, social and domestic, social and pedagogical services and consultations.

Based on this, the social worker is called upon to perform the following functions:

Diagnostic (studying the characteristics of the family, identifying its potentials);

Security and protection (legal support for the family, ensuring its social guarantees, creating conditions for the realization of its rights and freedoms);

Organizational and communicative (organization of communication, initiation of joint activities, joint leisure, creativity);

Social-psychological-pedagogical (psychological-pedagogical education of family members, emergency psychological assistance, preventive support and patronage);

Prognostic (modeling of situations and development of certain targeted assistance programs);

Coordinating (establishing and maintaining links, uniting the efforts of the departments of family and childhood assistance, social assistance to the population, departments of family troubles of the internal affairs bodies, social teachers educational institutions, rehabilitation centers and services).

Social services for families and children are carried out by an extensive

a multi-level system consisting of governing bodies and institutions

state and municipal sectors, institutions of social

services created by public, charitable, religious and other organizations.

In recent years, there has been noticeable progress in the development of new types of services, the creation of new institutions, home-based forms of service, etc.

To a significant extent, this was facilitated by the work on the implementation federal laws“On the fundamentals of social services for the population of the Russian Federation”, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the presidential program “Children of Russia” of August 18, 1994, resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the provision of free social services and paid social services by state social services” of June 24, 1996.

Currently, several models of social services for families and children have developed and are operating in the Russian Federation. Using the criterion of state support and funding, they can be classified as follows: state social services; mixed services; commercial services operating independently or with charitable foundations, religious and public organizations.

The prevailing model of public service is territorial centers of social assistance to families and children. Unlike other social service institutions, these centers, which have a variety of activities and provide a wide range of social services, can solve family problems on their own, provide assistance in overcoming difficult life situations in various areas of life. This ability of the center is very important and essential, since the Russian family today is faced with many problems that cannot be solved by the functioning social institutions existing within a given territory. The Government of the Russian Federation approves the list of public services annually; it is mandatory for regional

authorities and can be expanded through the financial capacity of local authorities. This list includes the main social services provided to families and children: social services, material and in-kind assistance; social and legal services; social rehabilitation services; psychological services; pedagogical services; social and medical services;

All this once again confirms the complexity and significance of the problems and tasks that the system of social services for families and children solves. The features of the system are also quite obvious: a large range and scale of social services, the provision of which requires great professionalism and tact in the relationship between social workers and families, children who are the least protected, who also have various diseases and differ in antisocial behavior.

The main task of the service workers is to help the foster family by using the methods of socio-psychological, socio-pedagogical, socio-economic and other methods of social work.

So, social work as a public institution is a necessary integral part of the social structure of modern society, no matter at what level of socio-economic development it is.

Summing up, I would like to note that social work with a foster family is aimed at solving everyday problems, strengthening and developing positive relationships, restoring internal resources, stabilizing the achieved positive results and focusing on the realization of socializing potential.


The study of studies on the problems of orphans in our society allowed us to come to the following conclusions.

There is an undeniable pattern in the history of Russia: the more developed society is, the more it cares about those who cannot provide for themselves, support and educate. The institution of orphanhood has been known since the time of the ancient Slavs, when childhood was not a value, and severe punishment for infanticide was not provided. It originated as a way to save the lives of children. In different historical times, the guardianship and guardianship of children was carried out by society, the state and the church.

Despite the variety of existing forms of social organization and education of orphans and children left without parental care, the number of such children is constantly growing. A large proportion of orphans are brought up in orphanages, shelters, and boarding schools. Such conditions are far from family ones, and this is one of the reasons for the problems of young people's adaptation to an independent life after coming of age. In addition, most orphans face problems in finding employment, housing, and starting a family.

The presence of various forms of placement of children left without parental care is confirmed by the need for new approaches and organization of the activities of guardianship and guardianship authorities, which allow the creation of authorized organizations, the main tasks of which will be the early identification of children's problems, the organization of social protection of children in their birth families, as well as social work , as well as with children, and with their families, the selection and preparation of families wishing to become foster parents, educators, guardians or adoptive parents.

Unfortunately, in most cases the right of a child to live and be brought up in a family is not considered in the space of the birth family. The focus is not on understanding the ways of preserving the family, not on the approach to solving the problem of preventing orphanhood and rehabilitation of dysfunctional families, not on creating the necessary infrastructure for this, but on the forms and methods of removing a child from a dysfunctional family and placing him under guardianship or in an orphanage. Therefore, the main task of the guardianship authorities is to isolate the child from parents, social work with parents who lead an asocial lifestyle and are not involved in raising him, and placing him in a state institution or a substitute family. In this case, the interest of the child himself is least of all taken into account. Losing the right to have a family, the child is automatically deprived of the opportunity to exercise his other rights to the extent necessary for the best development. It is necessary to radically change the state social policy in the interests of children on fundamentally new grounds.

State bodies of guardianship and guardianship should have opportunities for individual preventive work with the family at the very first manifestations of its trouble. The activities of the guardianship authorities begin only in the event of a problem that the family cannot cope with on its own, when the inspector is faced with the need to decide on the appropriateness and legality of intervention in the life of the family, based on their own ideas about family well-being.

At present, the main document regulating the socialization of orphans is the Federal Law "On additional guarantees for the social support of orphans and children left without parental care."

Living arrangements for orphans in foster families - this is a promising way to solve the problem of orphanhood, realizing the right of every child to have a family. The foster family makes it possible to bring the upbringing of orphans and children left without parental care as close as possible to real life. It forms in children the skills to overcome difficult life situations, psychological protection and correct behavior under stress, as well as a moral and ethical attitude to create their own stable family, which is the content of their socialization.

At the same time, families with foster children need social patronage, which means providing them with targeted assistance, accompaniment and support by social work specialists.

To carry out such multifaceted work to solve the problems of orphanhood, it is necessary to strengthen civic responsibility for the fate of orphans, train competent specialists for relevant services, and create an effective institution of a professional substitute family. It is also necessary to create an effective system of assistance to the family, which should be carried out in two strategic directions. First, there is a need for activities to prevent social orphanhood. This requires the organization of systematic, comprehensive social work both with dysfunctional families at an early stage of the family crisis, and work aimed at strengthening the institution of the family, restoring its social prestige, which will help ensure conditions for observing the rights of the child. Secondly, it is necessary to actively work with the orphans themselves, to assist them in socialization and in compensation for the consequences of orphanhood, the creation of new services focused on solving the problem of orphanhood, such as: services for the integration of graduates of orphanages and boarding schools into society, services that provide for the integration of children with special needs into society.

Solving these problems requires the participation of all levels of public administration, public organizations, as well as various professionals and citizens of Russia.

The purpose and tasks set in the work were fulfilled.

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